TV Nudist Part 3 Wedding Bell Blues
- 4 years ago
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Betts the Bitch struck at noon.
Renee and I had not been making love all morning. I fixed her breakfast and she had to leave to get ready for graduation. I wondered what her mom thought about her staying out all night. I thought I'd be nice and make bread for Betts and her girlfriend from college that was coming with her. Turned out it was three girlfriends and Doreen arrived about an hour later.
"Brian, we need your room this week," Betts announced to me. "There's too many of us to sleep in my room."
"You're just going to take over my room? No asking or anything? Why should I give you my room?"
"Because I need it. I'm getting married Saturday and my bridesmaids are staying with me this week. Just get the stuff out of it you need so we can spread out." I realized I was a good two inches taller than Betts now. I didn't exactly tower over her, but when I stood up, she had to look up at me. If I started a big row over this, I was sure Mom would come down on Betts' side, just because it was a special occasion. But I wasn't willing to roll over and play dead.
"Okay, Betts. I can sleep in your room this week. You know how I love your satin sheets." She looked at me with her mouth working like a fish. Apparently her college friends knew a little about her temperament and there were a couple oohs and a whistle.
"How do you know how he loves your satin sheets, Betts?" One asked. They were all laughing.
"You sleep in the guest room!" she shouted at me.
"Uh-uh. Even trade or no deal."
"But..." Betts could see a losing battle when it was in front of her, but she was going to try to burn me anyway. "All right, but if you leave cum stains all over them like the last time, you wash them yourself." Oh shit! I was turning red.
"How about if I stay in there, too," one of the girls said. I hadn't been introduced to any of them. She was cute, but not that cute. "You know. Just to protect the sheets." They were all laughing.
"Back off, girl," Doreen said. "Brian is my date for the week and if anyone guards the sheets, it will be me."
"I am?"
"Doreen! Isn't it bad enough you corrupted your own brother without corrupting mine, too?" I fled. I got my clothes and underwear out of the attic and moved my things to protect them at the end of the room. I stripped my bed, too. I figured Princess Betts would sleep in my bed while her minions slept on the floor. I'd opened a window this morning, but the room still smelled a little sexy. I ran downstairs to Betts' room to toss my things in and ran into Anna bringing her stuff out.
"Enough chaos for you?" Anna laughed. "My goodness, those girls leave mine in the dust!"
"We can both be thankful for that," I said. "I'll be ready in fifteen minutes. This might be the only shower I get this week."
"Take your time. Samantha called and they aren't ready yet either. Is there still any bread left?"
"Depends on whether the locusts left any. Didn't some biblical guy live on honey and locusts? This time the locusts are living on bread and honey." I dashed into the bathroom and locked the door just in time. I heard footsteps coming down from the attic and barely had the water on when there was pounding on the door.
"Hurry up! We're going out and need to get ready."
"Oh thank you, Anna! I couldn't have stood another minute in that house. Will you take me back to Kokomo with you tonight? I'll bake bread every day."
"I'm so glad you made that offer, Brian. It makes offering to take you back to Kokomo so much easier."
"Only not tonight. You'll have to get your sister married off first."
"But that's the hard part!" I let what she was saying sink in. "Anna? Are you really offering to let me come to visit in Kokomo?"
"The ASPCA is probably going to run me in for child abuse. Yes."
"The ASPCA prevents cruelty to animals."
"You haven't lived with Jennifer and Courtney. Yet."
"Yes? Yet?" I was getting thoroughly confused. I'd love to go down to Kokomo for a few days to hang out with Courtney and Jennifer. It didn't seem likely that we were going to get to the dude ranch this year. Things were just too crazy.
"Brian, official word will come tomorrow after you finish your interview with Bill and Crystal. Assuming you pass the interview, which I'm sure you will, they are ready to offer you a summer internship at their restaurant. Since you are not sixteen yet, they can't offer you a regular job, but they can give you a summer study opportunity and a small stipend. Of course, you'll have to pay for your lodging, but I'm willing to exchange your room and board for fresh bread and an occasional good meal that I don't have to cook."
"You're serious? Anna!" I tried to hug her, but we were driving down Highway 20 toward Samantha's house. All I could get hold of was one arm.
"Down, boy. I'll accept your hugs and slobber as soon as we get parked. You'd better figure out how you are going to decide who gets to sit in front and who in back on the way to the school." We pulled into Samantha's drive and I ran around the car to hug Anna. This would be so cool. I went up to the door and the three girls came bursting out.
"We thought you'd never get finished with Mom and come to the door," Jennifer said as she hugged me. We'd just seen each other yesterday.
"Samantha said you had a rule about always picking up your dates at the door, though," Courtney said, giving me a big hug. "So we had to wait. It's soooo sweet." Samantha came out last and was far more direct.
"May I kiss you, boyfriend?" she asked. I granted her wish and Anna finally tapped me on the shoulder to get us moving.
"Wow! What was that about?" I asked.
"Oh, these junior brats are going back to Kokomo after the graduation ceremony, so I agreed to let them ride in the back seat with you. I just wanted to get a little contact of my own," Samantha said. I was seriously thinking about contact with Samantha.
Graduation was more enjoyable than last year. All our dating group was together in the stands to cheer Elaine and Renee. Of course, we made just as big a deal out of Lamar, Birdman, and Geoff. We restrained ourselves from booing Chad. I felt a lot closer to all these grads than I had to Doreen and Betts when they graduated last year. We'd been through a lot together in the past couple years. We went through the reception line and both Renee and Elaine laid a toe-curling kiss on every one of their boyfriends and girlfriends. I wasn't sure how that was going to go over with a couple of our group, but everyone gave their explicit permission for the deep kiss. Donna, Rhonda, and Cassie all came out of it a little glazed. Rhonda was giggling, Cassie was beet red, and Donna was just looking around to see if anyone had seen. She didn't hesitate when Renee was done to get right up close to Elaine, though. I think Geoff was a little overwhelmed, too. Rose came up to me as some of the others were still collecting their kisses. I saw a couple of our girls lay a good one on Lamar, too.
"Um ... do you remember when my sixteenth birthday is going to be?" she asked. She was sounding kind of dreamy.
"I sure do. December 21."
"Is that a long time from now?"
"Six months. Would you like me to celebrate with you again this year?" We'd had a really nice time on her fifteenth birthday. Low key and just as loving as it could be.
"Oh. That would be nice, I suppose. I was just wondering if Elaine would like company that night in Indianapolis." I snorted and Jennifer gave me a look like I was mocking her. I held up both hands and just shook my head as I tried not to howl.
"She sure can kiss, can't she?" I finally got out.
"Oh, yeah. Not that I'm interested in girls, of course," Rose added. "At least, not any more interested than I was." Rose and I had already double-teamed Sugar. "I blame it all on you."
"If everything goes right, I should have my driver's license by then. Maybe I could ... uh ... chauffeur."
"And voyeur?"
"No. I was hoping to participate." Rose hugged me and asked me for a kiss which I happily supplied. We didn't make a spectacle of ourselves, but it was a really sweet kiss.
"Will you call me this summer?"
"I'll call, but we might not be able to do anything. I might have an out-of-town job. Please don't say anything to anyone. I'll know for sure tomorrow night and I'll call everyone. If I can pry the phone away from Betts. I might have to go to Geoff's and use his phone."
"'Bye, everybody!" Jennifer called. She and Courtney waved from the car and Anna drove off. I was trying to remember how I was supposed to get home.
"Brian? Can you come over and play this week sometime? Like tomorrow?" Liz asked me batting her eyelashes as if she was Whitney. I could see Whitney over her shoulder fluttering her eyelashes in mockery.
"I don't know, Liz. Things are so crazy with this wedding. I might be hiding in the hayloft."
"I could come play with you there." That was a great idea, but knowing Betts and her bridesmaids, they'd probably commandeer that, too. I laughed. "Actually, we were thinking that maybe this was a good week for you to visit all your girlfriends and boyfriends. That would give you lots of places to escape to."
"Hmm. Now that you put it that way, I'd love to visit you, Liz. When?"
"Tomorrow afternoon. Eat lunch first. I'm not going to feed you."
"Ready?" Samantha asked.
"As much as I'll ever be, I suppose," I answered. "With luck I'll be sound asleep before Betts and her horde of harpies descends."
"Just think, though. You'll have all your girlfriends catering to your every need this week."
"I will?"
"You'll see. 'Operation Protect Brian from the Harpies, '" Sam laughed.
She walked me to my door and we stepped inside the breezeway so we weren't in direct view of her dad sitting in the car.
"May I kiss you, Samantha?" I asked.
"That's why we came inside. Please, Brian. I haven't been kissed or touched in a long time. Will you kiss me and just gently touch my breasts?" I was only too happy to comply. "When I'm sixteen, I want you to finally lick my bare smooth pussy."
"I've dreamt about that," I sighed. "You have the sexiest legs ... and so on ... in the world."
"And so on? Is that your pet name for my Jill? You can call her by name. She's Jill. As in, when I get home I'm going to Jill off thinking about you. 'Night, Brian."
Betts and her girlfriends must have gotten in late because I was sound asleep when I woke up to someone kissing my forehead and then my cheeks. I thought it was Samantha at first and wondered how she'd managed to get into my bedroom. Then my eyes shot open and I sat up, almost knocking Doreen off the bed.
"Doreen? What are you doing in here?"
"Shh. May I slip into bed with you so we can talk quietly?"
"I'm not wearing anything!"
"I promise not to touch. I mean, with my skin. I've got pajamas on. Is that why you like Betts' satin sheets?"
"These are just some old flannel sheets. I've never slept in Betts' satin sheets."
"Please let me lie down with you. I promise I just want to talk ... and be held." I lifted the sheet and she snuggled in beside me with her back to me. She pulled my arm around her and while I could feel her breasts beneath my wrist, it wasn't a sexual thing. Apparently she really did want to just cuddle and talk. "It's hard to believe I've been out of high school a whole year now," she sighed. "It seems like yesterday that Betts and I were clowning around and seeing each other every day. It was hard enough when she went to Purdue and I stayed here. We saw each other a couple times a month. But now ... I know you don't get along with your sister, Brian, but she's my best friend and she's getting married and moving to Seattle. I'll never see her." Doreen pulled my hand to her cheek and rubbed her tears against it. She was really hurting and it was the first time I really let it sink in that Betts was moving all the way across the country. How many times had I wished she'd move out and go away? Now it was really happening. I hugged Doreen.
"Brian? I meant what I said earlier," she whispered after we'd cried ourselves out. "I want you to be my date for this week. Every event. If there's trouble with transportation, I'll drive you. I don't want to be alone with any of them."
"What's wrong, Doreen? That doesn't sound like you."
"Don't get me wrong. Allen is a good guy and treats Betts like the princess she is. But the frat brothers he has with him. We were all out this afternoon and it's like they consider the bridesmaids their free lays for the week. At least Allen was nice enough to include you as one of the groomsmen. That way, even though we won't walk down the aisle at the same time, there's an excuse for me to partner with you the rest of the time. His best man is creepy."
"I can't believe they'd behave like that. I don't know if I can go everywhere they will want to go, though. I'm only fifteen."
"That's perfect. I can't go to a bar with them because my date can't go."
"Uh ... Doreen. I hate to mention it, but you know there's rules, right?"
"Yeah. Doug showed me the agreement, including the new amendments. That's why I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for you to wake up instead of just crawling in with you. Naked."
"Thank you. I don't know that I could have handled that."
"So I agree to all the terms of the dating agreement."
"Okay. I guess this works to my advantage, too. Betts is four years older than me, but Allen is seven years older and so are the rest of his buddies. This way I'll have someone to pal around with." We just stayed snuggled up in spoons with Doreen in front of me and she pulled my hand down so it was touching her breast. I had a predictable response.
"You know, I have a more friendly relationship with my brother than you have with Betts," Doreen whispered. "We've always been able to just crawl into bed with each other when something was bothering us."
"You've never ... uh ... never mind. I don't want to know."
"And I wouldn't tell you," Doreen answered. "But I know about how guys respond to girls. I've got more experience than Betts, but I haven't done half of what she thinks I have. She uses her virginity like a club to keep Allen in line. He isn't going to get her cherry until their wedding night. And I bet they'll have baby number one exactly nine months from this Saturday."
"I sure hope he knows what he's in for."
"He does. He absolutely dotes on her. He'd do anything for her even if she wasn't holding out on him. But ... I was never that way. I didn't sleep with every boy I dated like everybody believed. But I did have a couple boyfriends I was with and had sex with. It was really good, too. I don't regret any of it, even when I think of Betts and her intact cherry. Well, what I'm getting at is that I know what condition you're in." She flexed her ass cheeks and squeezed my cock between them. Then she started rubbing up and down against me. Her ass felt great, even through her pajama bottoms. "If you need relief, you can go ahead. I didn't come into your bed to get you frustrated." She turned the palm of my hand against her breast and encouraged me to squeeze while she rubbed against me. "Go ahead. I don't mind."
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Straight SexNobody could sit still on Saturday. Even Theresa and Larry were buzzing when they came out to see their horses. Donna had her crew cooking from right after we finished forms. I'd never been so thankful that we'd put in a separate twenty-eight cubic foot freezer. She was filling it with everything we would need to eat for the next week while she was with Heaven. Everyone else from all casa were cleaning, mowing, policing the grounds, and trimming bushes. The new gate and entryway to the...
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I slept in the hayloft every night that week. No Joanne. I guess it was a good thing. Wednesday night Mom poked her head up in the hayloft. I was reading. "Why are you sleeping in the barn, silly boy?" "Oh," I said, thinking fast. "It's kind of a celebration of the end of school. I liked it Sunday night and just decided I'd spend a few nights out here before the weather got too hot." "You aren't doing anything dangerous out here, are you? No drugs or cigarettes?" "No, Mom. Has...
Dawn and I had a whispered conversation in which I reluctantly agreed to her idea. My head was reluctant. The rest of my body was pretty excited. She got all ten of the dormitory girls and took us all upstairs. As soon as we got the door shut, I had naked teens all over me. There was a lot of touching and squeezing. In a second, though I heard smacks and 'ow's as the girls quickly dispersed. Dawn was whacking bare butts and sending each of the girls to their beds. I had to laugh. She was...
Things settled down by Sunday night. Nicki and Donna had to return to Brown and Oberlin, so I spent some special time with each of them early and told them how much I loved them. The Mishawaka kids all left, as well, and I got deep promising kisses from Lexi and Judy. "I'm beginning to understand," Lexi said. "Thank you for loving us, Brian." I wasn't surprised to crawl into bed that night and have Whitney tug at me to go down to the master bedroom for some private time together....
The first thing I noticed when I walked out to the car to go to my first class on Monday morning was that Rhonda and Samantha were going with me. I was taking Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 330. It included a lecture, a discussion, and a second lecture on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday, the entire three hours was taken up by the lab. That meant four days a week, 9:30-12:30. Then for good measure, they threw in one final 9:30 lecture on Friday before we were free for the weekend....
What just happened to me? I was sitting on the floor with two cute girls curled up on either side of me, savoring the kisses and wishing this night would never end. All of a sudden I'm standing by the stairs dancing from foot to foot like I have to pee and wishing everyone would hurry up and leave so I can go home. I hoped it wasn't too obvious. I looked at each person as he or she made their way to the stairs and could honestly say 'I love you' about every one of them. But Joanne was...
I never thought about how normal life could become. It’s not that nothing happened in our lives, but that we all kept doing stuff like it was just the normal thing to do. Courtney did a lot of traveling out to California over the next few months. The company that bought her software still wanted her to have input on how they developed it for the consumer market. Jennifer traveled with her, of course, and I found that our businesses were all functioning with more and more non-clan members in...
I didn't leave for the ranch until Sunday. After Heaven left, I called my local casa hearthmates. Cassie and Josh were excited about having started classes this week and were already flooded with homework. Mary was on her way to go back-to-school shopping with her mom. Nicki pulled into my drive ten minutes after I called her. I'd just put clean sheets on my bed and had a load of dirty sheets and towels in the washing machine. Nicki rushed me when she came in the door and kissed me...
"Does this mean I've drunk the Kool-Aid?" Roz asked as I tied a black belt around her white gi. Leonard had done a great job whipping this up for her. It had silk panels sewn in the front of the jacket for modesty since the general fabric, like all our summer gis, was a very thin and open weave. It also had a light liner in the upper part of the trousers. When Rose took her to our third floor bedroom to dress, she'd instructed Roz on wearing the pajamas without underwear. Roz had been...
I ran downstairs Saturday afternoon to answer the door. Mom and Dad were out and Brenda and I had been studying in my room after our very successful taping session. Yes, I mean studying. It had been harder lately to have Saturday study sessions with taping the show in the morning and trying to make the afternoon special for my dates. At least I felt like I was spending a little time with each of the girls who were important to me now. I still wasn't sure about this thing with Brenda. She...
Joanne "Heaven" Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 19-year-old model; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven—now that is the name she is known by internationally. Though seldom in the story directly, her influence continues. —The clan— Brian Frost: Senior; not quite eighteen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his...
This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...
Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...
I survived my midterms without too much trauma. I'd been studying hard and regularly. I was caught up in all my classes. Studying for midterms really just seemed like review. It was a lot easier than last year. So, Monday night, I baked a cake and went to see my Casa del Agua hearthmates and my cónyuge Doreen. The cake was for Sandy's twenty-first birthday. I was happy to celebrate, but, of course, my real purpose was to have time with Doreen and the baby inside. She dragged me to the...
Joanne had never been on birth control. She couldn’t risk the changes in her body if she’d taken the pills and eventually after she and I were together, she’d never seen a reason to get an IUD. I always used a condom if we made love and that had been a rare occurrence. But that left her vulnerable. She sat staring at the picture of her vagina with Conrad’s semen running out of it. If the last unfortunate event, being pregnant with his child, occurred, she didn’t have the mental fortitude to...
Whitney was in transit the first week of October. That meant that she had seven days to get from Fort Leonard Wood to her permanent duty station. Her path led through Bloomington, of course, but only for a few days. Then she would catch a plane in Indianapolis. “Where are you going?” I asked when she got home. “Stuttgart, ” she said. She looked into my eyes. It dawned on me what she was saying. “Stuttgart? As in Germany?” I squeaked. She nodded. “What does permanent duty station mean? Like...
"Cameras." "Rolling." "Action in three..." Rhonda counted down two and one on her fingers. Elaine entered from the curtains on our left and we applauded politely. This was it. We were doing our first recording as if it were a live performance in front of twelve volunteers from the clan as a studio audience. I was the only male. "Thank you. Hello! I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." She turned toward the left. All three cameras were live and Rhonda...
Monday the day belonged to Liz. She left her teens behind. After we'd had a birthday celebration with the casa, I took her to my room and made love to her. For the next several hours, every time she woke up, I gave her another orgasm. When I was exhausted, I called Doug and he took over. By Tuesday morning, Liz was staggering and had a glassy look in her eyes. It took two of us to do it, but I think we out-sexed her. I intended to spend the day getting things ready for Joanne's imminent...
I woke up Thursday at 4:30. I'd slept dreamlessly after Sly left. Or was Sly's visit simply the only dream I remembered? Was it a dream? There was a niggling voice in the back of my mind saying, 'Love and be loved.' I sat up in bed, stretching the core muscles that had been torn, cut, and stitched. The tendons pulled against my pelvis, but I could tolerate the pain. It was getting less each day. I swung my feet over the bed so I could go to the bathroom and kicked the two beautiful...
My casa did not let me dwell over 'losing' Donna. It was a transition that we needed to go through. I was sure it was not the only transition we'd see. And I had little time to waste on deep introspection. I loved Donna. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see her lying in my arms after prom with her breast daringly exposed, knowing I wouldn't touch her sexually because I'd promised. That memory still gave me an erection. But did I see her as eventually becoming my cónyuge? Bearing my...
We had a family meeting Sunday night. Jennifer, Courtney, Anna, Mom, Dad, and Betts. Addison held Maddie while we talked around the dinner table. "We didn't mean to be so rude last night, Elizabeth Ann," Mom said. It was her 'listen up' name for Betts, but she said it kindly. "We get so carried away when Anna arrives that we forget our manners. We were going to talk to you and tell you. There just never seemed to be the right time." "How long?" Betts asked. "A couple years. Well,...
I was relieved when I heard Liz's motorcycle roar into the ranch on Tuesday evening. I ran outside and had her in my arms as soon as she got off the bike. She was hot and sweaty from riding in her leathers in the ninety degree heat. I had a solution for that and after a quick greeting with the rest of the casa, I led her straight to the shower. "Brown is very cool, Brian. I can see why Nicolette loves it there. We went out to the ocean and down to the seaport. We booked into a motel for...
Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Bluesby kinkston (On a secluded estate an hour's drive north of New York City lies a highly exclusive retreat known to its wealthy and decadent members simply as the Enclave. Here rock stars, investment bankers, potentates and plutocrats come to dominate and be dominated in privacy and safety, assisted by an elite staff of expert dominatrixes. Also in residence is a select stable of submissive...
I recently had the opportunity to attend a rather unique wedding. This was at a grassy outdoor venue overlooking a green valley. The wedding began as most weddings with the bridesmaids, attired in pastel colored gowns, entering down the aisle to stand to the left of the aisle at the altar. The Groom, Best Man, and Groomsmen were waiting on the right side of the altar. The maid-of-honor, also wearing a pastel gown, entered and stood at the left of the altar. The music began and the bride,...
We all agreed to take the weekend off. Rhonda was reluctant, but Rose explained that it was important that the younger clan members who would be working for her much of the summer needed to see that she felt they were important. It made sense. Only those of us who graduated from St. Joe Valley and were in Casa del Fuego, Casa del Agua, and Casa de la Tierra were going up to Mishawaka. Fuego and Agua had hearthmates graduating and Brenda had the pool. Brenda, Carl, and Louise took off on...
Anyways I live with my mum and stepdad.My stepdad has a son, Liam who is 17, but this story is'nt about them.. its about the 17 yr old boy that lives next door to me, Jacob, he is tall he has longish brown hair and has a hot,fit body and face.. I sometimes stare at him from my bedroom window at his 6 pack when he's around his pool,and play myself over him because he just gets me all hot and bothered and I use my vibrater so I orgasm. Luckily he is my stepbrothers friend. So lets get on...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn’t fail to notice that when C’s(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
‘What the fuck, Kevin?’ I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in ‘Black Swan’. Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, ‘How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!’ ‘You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don’t want your naked ass all over my futon! Can’t you go 1 night without jacking...
It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...
From my last story, you might imagine I had some explaining to do to my husband. After more than 20 years together I had betrayed our vows by giving a blowjob to a total stranger. I had to tell my husband and I did. I loosened him up with some wine and porn and told him my story... similar to what I ended up writing. My husband was upset but also intrigued. He wanted details and I gave them to him. We had great sex that night and he called me a slut. He's never done that but inside I really...
For 10 years now I've been living nextdoor to a older Scottish women miss Trainer. She isthe most sexy beautiful super hot mature women I ever saw. She lives together with her husband an older Dutch man, mr Mulder. I can remember the first day I've met them and they invited me in for a beer.Miss Trainer was wearing (as always) an black tighties and a white shirt without bra. When I sat on their couch and she brought me my beer she bend over and showed me her awsome hot sexy saggy old Scottish...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn't fail to notice that when C's(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
"What the fuck, Kevin?" I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in "Black Swan".Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, "How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!""You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don't want your naked ass all over my futon! Can't you go 1 night without jacking...
The Boy NextDoorMy name is Jack Duncan. I am 45 and a professional photographer. My wife Debbie is 32 with wavy, natural blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds. Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes, Debbie has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs. With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an attractive woman. My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I am highly aroused watching her flirt with other...