The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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Now I come to the last chapter of my narrative. After the war I continued on, not as much affected since I had the long view and fully expected a long life ahead of me. I was still physically a man of my thirties, hale and hearty, attractive to the women, whom I continued to love, though the 1950's were a time of sexual retrenchment in America. Then, sometime in the 1970's, an entertaining decade as the sexual revolution was in full swing, I noticed a change. I began to age at a normal rate. I was panicked at first, but over time, reconciled myself to the inevitable. I had lived much longer than most men and could be thankful for that. It was then that something pressing came to me, I needed an heir.
That was why I married and produced a son. You are that son. I have told no one else any of this, and they would not believe it anyway. I grow old now, the ring has given me my term on Earth, and I grow tired and ready to pass on its power. Perhaps you have noticed how happy your mother is in our marriage. Yes, I have used the ring. She does not nag and she is content even with my foibles. It is a small price to pay for happiness, to tell her simply to be happy.
I have pondered long on my term of time. If he told the truth, I have been shorted 200 years by the reckoning of my ancestor who gifted me. I have, I believe, solved that riddle. Because of my upbringing I did not use the ring for long periods of my life, thinking that I was somehow taking advantage of women, when really all I was doing was releasing their real desires from the insane rules of our society which has so corrupted our view of the simple sex act. Therefore, the power of it did not flow into me and keep me vital. The ring must be used to pass the power into you. Remember the words of the man who passed it to me, "It gives longevity in the use of its function." I wish I had understood those words three hundred years ago. Listen, use it wisely and discreetly, but use it!
I must tell you something else about the ring. From the manuscript you will have gathered that it does not affect your seed. You must therefore take such precautions as seem fit. In this modern age when people can die from sex, one thing I can tell you. I have frequented in my time women from the streets of Paris, Whitechapel, New York, Boston, and the list would get too long if I continued. I have never been cursed with any disease from these women. Therefore, I must conclude either I possess a natural immunity to all such disease, unlikely, or that the ring does grant such immunity in the power it passes. You must decide what precautions you will take, but that has been my experience.
The power of the ring has natural limits. As you may remember from my narrative, it has no power over the male mind. I have tried many times to change a man's mind using the ring and each time the ring has remained inert on my finger. Do not get yourself in some situation depending on its power when men might be present. I have also found that it is an accurate measure of a woman's maturity. I have tried its power on girls only to find it remained inert. It isn't until a girl becomes a woman that it will affect her. And last, you can always tell a real woman. I have had occasion to use the ring in an environment where men tried to behave as women, dressing, talking, even believing there were men by mistake. The ring can tell, they are men, and its worth is nil.
Most importantly, I hope to save you from many of the doubts that tormented me for much of the time I held this unique power. Those doubts I think cost me dearly. I did not always use the power I possessed because of these doubts. I grew to manhood in an era when man had cast his view of woman in a mold of his own design and it had little to do with a real woman. Woman was put on a pedestal, and cast down as a temptress, all in the same breath. This paradox took me long to resolve.
I found out that woman does not belong on a pedestal any more than a man does. Nor does she deserve castigation as the root of all man's evils, the primal Eve of man's fall. In point of fact, woman is very much like man, with good and bad all muddled up. I spent many years knowing that taking a woman sexually was abusing her. Woman was of a sort higher than her sex.
What rubbish. Do not deny the pleasure to yourself or to her because of such ideas. Listen, why is it that a married woman should never accept an offer of drinks alone with a man? We know how pure women are and how unlikely they are to cheat, correct? What then is the danger... because it isn't proper? Nothing is proper in itself. It becomes such through experience. So why would society admonish married women to not be alone with a man not her husband?
This ban, so strong in our society, only makes sense if the likelihood of its breach is equally strong! This is what I have come to know over the years. Women are just as prone to surrendering to their desires as men, if they have the chance. Husbands have learned this, and society, which really is the collective learnings of many over time, has made rules to keep women from men so that they cannot act on their desires, desires as fervent as any man's. All those years I spent in not using the power to protect their innocence, I was in ignorance of their true passions. Woman is equally desirous; the ring simply rips aside the social veneer and allows her real desires to emerge.
One thing that has come to astonish me, and in truth I must say that I once felt a similar feeling, but I can only claim it was my Christian upbringing interfering with God's natural plan, is when I hear a man say he has tired of the chase, of the variety of women and wants only one. How can that be? Would I want to eat Hamburger Helper every meal? And quality isn't the thing either. I would tire of the same First Class Bordeaux if that was all I was allowed to sip. It is like saying you don't want to hear one new symphony by Mozart, you don't want to play one new nocturne by Chopin, you don't want to see one new sculpture by Michelangelo. Each woman is like a piece of rare art, and experiencing her is experiencing the rareness of her art.
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That evening, my Christian conscience intruded deeply into my thoughts. In short, I was filled with misgivings over my behavior that day. I had slaked the lustful hunger and in so doing, my mind was no longer filled by it. Other thoughts and feelings tumbled into the void left by the sated lust, and those thoughts were often accusatory of my vile behavior. As well, I remembered the warnings about using the power of the ring. Had I been discreet? Was I using it properly? Would this somehow...
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"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded."Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara.""I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex."This...
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"Hey! How's my favorite nephew?" I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon."Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that...
"By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well," I laugh, warming up to my nephew's enthusiasm."Oh God! Aunt Sara," he says. "It was better than pretty well," he exclaims. "I'm pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?" I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don't want him to see my red ass cheeks."Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight," I tell him honestly. "I'm pretty out of it and just want to sleep. How about we talk tomorrow?""Sure,"...
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The feeling of being in Jeremy’s arms was…in a word….intoxicating. I loved having his arms around me becuase it made me feel safe and secure. Jeremy was always so sweet and adoarbale about everything. He had this way of writing poetry that just made my heart melt no matter what it said. He was so cute when he read it too becuase he was always so shy about letting me see it. I’m really into singing and dancing and performing so I’m usually in a lot of shows. I came home one day, exhaused,...
“Well come on then!” she said pulling him to the bedroom.”W-w-w-what?!” he stuttered “Now?!” Cathy replied “Yes now!”Jeremy just followed meekly behind her.”Strip completely and lay on the bed on your back with your arms above you and your legs spread so you’re touching all four posts!” She commanded forcefully. He did as he was told and Cathy had him tied tight to the four poster bed in just a few minutes. She used the rope she kept in her closet just in case Jeremy changed his mind and let...
It is a good thing that Jeremy had completed the presentation he was preparing for the board of deacons, because when Angie came walking toward him with a clean shaven pussy, wearing nothing but a pair of high heel shoes, he knew what he was going to be doing for the next hour. He turned and started to fondle her tits, however, she said ‘I just came to see your presentation.’ Reluctantly he started the presentation, which was projecting on a six foot screen. She stood behind him watching the...
My name is Katie Ann, I am 18 and a Senior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school. I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends and I wasn’t really interested in guys until my boyfriend came into my life. His name is Jeremy, he’s 19 and he is a senior in high school, he’s got pretty blue eyes, 5’9 and about 170 lbs with a nice 6 pack, very strong and nice body. It all started on February 13th when we were...
First TimeAs a 16 year old boy I was interested in two things, being a soldier and sex. Luckily I would have both in one night. It was a warm July night, my friends and I had gotten together to play some airsoft. We had spent all day preparing for the night, charging the batteries to our guns, getting BBs, and got dress in our black clothes to blend into the night. As my three friends and I were gearing up to play, two kids form down the street ran up to us with there guns wanting to join us. The two...
Jeremy had never had his clothes ripped off by three women. Here he was, on his honeymoon, in the bedroom of a pastor with his wife, the pastor’s wife and a good friend. He watched as they undressed and joined him on the bed. ‘What will Pastor George say when he returns from the dropping Sandi off at the hotel and finds us all in his bed?’ Jeremy asked Louise. ‘He will not be home until after breakfast tomorrow,’ Louise replied as she started to stroke his cock. During the next couple of...
It finally got dark, and Clay and Josh were full of nervous energy. They didn't know a lot about what they would see at this party, but the way the couple had described it to Clay, it should at the very least be a hot bunch of speedo wearing guys. At the best, a wild orgy of guys into speedos, who are fit, and have no limits. Josh and Clay decided to wear their tight University shirt and footy shorts over their speedos on the way to the party. From the 3 pairs Paul had given each of them they...
I hadn't spoken to Jeremy for over a year because I knew he was very busy with school. Oh, we would wave to each other whenever I saw him on his way home, but other than that, we didn't have a chance to speak. One afternoon, I answered a knock at my door, and, lo and behold, there he was! "Hey Jeremy," I exclaimed, "It's been a long time! How have you been?" "Fine," he answered. "I just wanted to drop by and say 'hello'." "Well, come on in." He walked past me and I was...
“Yes Jeremy,” she said sounding kind of horse, “do you need something?” “Actually that’s exactly what I’ve come to ask you,” I said, still not sure what Jenny had expected to happen when I confronted my mom about her flashing her naked body at me. “How do you mean,” she said. “Over the last little while you seem to have gone out of your way to either expose yourself, or to catch me naked, so a friend of mine suggested that I ask you if you needed something, so here I am trying to...
OK, before I start I want to make one thing clear – I am a big Ron Jeremy fan. I think he is a true artist and a great ambassador for the adult entertainment industry. He has also enjoyed a career most of us only dream of – fucking some of the most beautiful and talented women in porn, Traci Lords and Ginger Lyn spring to mind. Ron ‘The Hedgehog’ Jeremy walked into his LA apartment, threw his keys on the kitchen bench and reached into the fridge for a beer. He was exhausted having been on set...
Samantha Introduction With every breath I feel my muscles ache from pain and bliss.? I think to myself ?how did I get into this??? I am attached to the wall standing.? I can feel the sweat drip off my face and onto my pecks.? The stench of sex filled the air.? Wishing I could touch myself, but I am not allowed, nor able.? The light is dim, only lit by the candles.? I look over and there she sits, smiling.? She is wearing nothing but long leather boots.? Her brown eyes pierce my soul.?...
There was a young woman in a sundress standing outside. She didn't have a clipboard or a sample and demonstration kit. There was a purse slung over her shoulder, and what looked like a DVD case in her hand. I couldn't imagine who she was. She wasn't dressed like the weirdos that go door-to-door selling religion, and she didn't really look like a hatchet murderer, either. In a way, she looked familiar, and she was very cute, but she looked tired and unhappy. I opened the...
Previously the great Lord Ragan had been caught in a terrible snowstorm whilst trying to cross wasteland known as The Badlands. He became separated from his two lieutenants, and he and his bodyguard Simmons had hopelessly continued together on foot after their horses died. Just at the moment, Ragan thought all was lost; they had spotted a tiny hamlet and were dragged in by the inhabitants.The hamlet was owned and ruled by a minor Lord, Lord Godfrey, a rather frail, blind old man. However,...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi