Stuttering Jeremy free porn video

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‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon.

‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that are bulging at the moment. I guess that answers the question!

‘Your mother thinks your gay,’ I tell him matter-of-factly as his eyes roam from my tits down to the tiny triangle of material disappearing between my legs.

‘G-G-Gay?’ he looks at me incredulously. ‘W-w-w-why w-w-would she think th-th-that?’ he stutters some more and sits up, trying to hide his erection. Damn! He’s pretty good size for an eighteen year old. I can’t believe this is the same little boy I used to baby-sit. He’s certainly not little now. Swinging his legs over the side of the chaise lounge he looks like he’s trying to decide if he should risk standing up and exposing himself even more.

‘Well,’ I tell him, ignoring the stuttering which I haven’t heard him do since he was about twelve. ‘You’re an incredibly smart, good looking guy who never dates and your mom never hears you talk about girls. You’re about to graduate, prom is coming up and you don’t even have a date.’ I sit down beside him and his eyes drop to my chest again. ‘You’re obviously not gay,’ I laugh. ‘So tell auntie what the problem is,’ I say, putting my arm around his bare shoulder.

‘I c-c-can’t,’ he says, slipping out from under my arm and moving away from me.

‘Why not?’ I ask, trying to sound non-threatening.

‘Bec-c-c-cause of th-th-this!’ he says as he stands up. I’m not sure if he means the stuttering or the tent his cock is making of his swimsuit. ‘Every t-t-t-time this happens,’ he says, glancing down at the front of his swimsuit. ‘I st-t-t-tutter!’ he says angrily. ‘How c-c-can I ask anyone out?’ he asks, turning away from me, embarrassed.

‘Did I do that?’ I ask teasingly, knowing full well the affect my body has on men. I workout regularly and, in this skimpy bikini, every toned muscle in my body is on display. I only came out here to convince myself that my nephew isn’t gay. The bulge in his swimsuit is exactly what I was expecting but I didn’t expect the stuttering or my own reaction to his erection. My pussy is telegraphing distress signals to my brain and I’m doing my best to ignore them. Forget it, he’s my nephew, I telegraph back.

‘Yes!’ he yells.’ When you’re d-d-d-dressed l-l-like th-th-that!’ he stammers, pointing to my tits.

‘Tell you what,’ I say, moving closer to him. ‘I’ll go get dressed, you do whatever you need to do to take care of that and we’ll meet upstairs, okay?’ I smile. ‘Maybe I can help.’

‘W-w-what c-c-can you d-d-do?’ he stutters, his face completely crimson, probably from my reference to him taking care of his hard-on.

‘Well … I’m not just your aunt,’ I laugh. ‘I’m also a registered nurse with a degree in psychology. Maybe I can help you overcome your … um … issues.’ I smile. ‘I’ll meet you upstairs in half an hour.’ I take one last look at the large bulge in his swimsuit before turning to go. When I said his bulge was exactly what I was expecting, I lied. I wasn’t expecting it to be that large or so enticing. I might need that half hour myself.

As I walk up the stairs to my apartment, I see Jeremy almost running into his house. A couple of months ago I moved into the apartment over my s****r’s garage. It’s a comfortable apartment over a three-car detached garage that sits on the back of the property next to the pool. It’s inexpensive and I get along well with my s****r and her husband, John.

Stripping off my swimsuit, I stand in front of the full-length mirror, turning left and right, admiring the body that I work so hard to maintain. ‘Hey!’ I say to my reflection. ‘You look good!’ I laugh at my boastfulness but I am proud of myself. When I think about turning 30 next year, it makes me wonder how long I can maintain it.

Hefting my breasts, I look at my large areolas and tweak my thick nipples with my fingertips. No wonder Jeremy had such a reaction, my nipples are fully erect and would have been clearly visible through my white bikini top. Touching my nipples reminds me that Jeremy wasn’t the only one with a reaction. I let my fingers glide over my flat stomach and brush across the strip of blonde hair, about two inches wide which runs neatly down towards my pussy.

‘Ahhhhhhh!’ I involuntarily moan, surprised by how sensitive I am when my fingers touch my pussy lips. Now that I’m touching myself, I realize how turned on I was by my nephew’s large bulge. Checking the clock, I move over to my bed. I still have about twenty minutes before he gets here.

Lying back and spreading my legs, I imagine Jeremy, up in his room, stroking his hard-on as he thinks about my tits. I wonder if he’s on his bed or in the bathroom. Don’t young boys always jack off in the bathroom? Sliding two fingers inside my wet pussy, I wonder if he’s as large as his daddy. God it’s been so long since I’ve thought about that night. I close my eyes and pump my fingers in and out as I recall every detail.

It was about 10 years ago, while I was in college, when my s****r called and said that her flight was cancelled and she was stuck out of town overnight. John has his monthly business club meeting, she said and wouldn’t be home until nearly midnight. Could I possibly pick up Jeremy from school and baby-sit until John gets home? Sure, no problem s*s. I’d been babysitting my nephew since I was 13 (he was three at the time). He’s always been a great k** and never gave me any problems. Well, no more than any intellectually gifted c***d.

Jeremy quickly finished his homework, we ate dinner and then played games until it was his bedtime. I watched TV until I was sure he was asl**p and then went to check out my b*****r-in-law’s porn collection. I had found them when I was nosing around in their closet a couple of years ago and they’ve provided me with many enjoyable evenings after I put Jeremy to bed. Now, I always look to see if he’s gotten any new videos

He had one new video and it was about a babysitter, how appropriate! I’ve had a crush on my s****r’s husband since they first got married, even though I was only ten at the time. I flirt with him shamelessly but he’s as devoted as any husband can be. I popped the video into the VCR and sat back on the couch.

The girl in the video was made up to look young, wearing pigtails and cotton panties but she still looked like she was in her mid twenties. The storyline was lame but when the guy started eating her pussy, I couldn’t help but rub mine while imagining what that would feel like if John did it to me. I’d had a few boyfriends but they were really inept at getting me off, only worrying about themselves and whether I would swallow their cum.

I was so caught up in pleasuring myself that I never heard him drive up or the back door open. Before I knew it, he was standing in the entranceway to the living room, staring at me. My shorts and panties were around one ankle, my blouse was wide open and I had two fingers shoved deep inside my pussy.

Shit! I was scrambling to pull my shorts up and close my blouse, when something in the way he was looking at me with his lustful eyes made me stop. God, he was so handsome. John stands 6’4′ with a trim muscular body. I watched him swallow hard while his deep brown eyes were staring right at my drenched pussy.

‘Damn, Sara,’ he breathes as I watch his adam’s apple move with his swallowing.

‘Yeah,’ I sigh, leaning back and making no further effort to cover myself. My pussy is on fire, willing him to do more than stare at it. My eyes lock on his as I ease my legs open, imagining that he can see the steam rising from my overheated pussy. Fuck! What am I doing? This is my s****r’s husband?

‘Jeremy’s asl**p, I take it?’ he asks, his eyes never leaving my fur-lined pussy lips. My blonde hair was natural and untrimmed back then.

‘Uh huh,’ I nod as I notice for the first time the huge bulge in his slacks. Damn! It’s like we’re acting out the fucking babysitting video!

‘Jenny won’t be home until tomorrow,’ he says quietly, to himself as much as to me.

‘I know,’ I whisper, knowing this is wrong but unable to stop myself. I kick my shorts aside and slip my blouse off my shoulders.

‘Damn, Sara!’ he says again, taking a step towards me. ‘You can never say a word to your s****r about this, ever!’ he says as he pulls his shirt off and kneels on the floor between my outstretched legs.

‘I won’t,’ I sigh as his hands touch my inner thighs and his face moves towards its target. ‘Ever!’ I moan as his tongue touches my wet pussy lips. ‘Ohhhhhh God!’ I grab his hair and pull him into my enflamed pussy.

‘Aaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!’ I groan as my juices flood my pussy and run down my hand. Relaxing my legs, I leave my fingers in my pussy but pull my other hand away from my clit. Jesus! Just thinking about how John ate my pussy that one night, ten years ago is enough to make me explode. Ten years later, I still remember the way his tongue snaked its way into my pussy and his lips wrapped around my clit.

Shit! Jeremy will be here in about five minutes.

Thankfully, he’s a few minutes late and I’m cleaned up and dressed when he knocks on the door. Glancing at his non-bulging crotch, I wonder how well it went for him. Stop it! He’s your fucking nephew! Now start acting like a decent aunt and help with his problem. First step is to find out what it is.

‘You want a coke or something?’ I ask as he follows me into the apartment. I intentionally put on a baggy sweatshirt over loose fitting jeans so I won’t cause any serious reaction from my nephew.

‘Sure, that’d be great, Aunt Sara,’ he says, taking a seat on the couch. ‘I’m sorry about earlier,’ he adds without a hint of stutter.

‘So tell me about this problem,’ I say, handing him his coke and sitting next to him on the couch.

‘Well,’ he says. ‘There’s not much to tell.’ He’s looking at the floor and almost mumbling. ‘I’m just a big zero with girls,’ he says. ‘When I meet someone I’m attracted to, my libido overreacts and all I can do is stand there stuttering, with an obvious bulge in my pants.’ He shrugs.

‘What do you do?’ I ask, seriously curious about his answer.

‘Well…’ he looks at me sheepishly. ‘I go to the boys bathroom a lot.’ He looks at me to see if I get his meaning. I do.

‘How much is a lot?’ I ask, not sure why it matters but I really want to know.

‘Five or six times a day,’ he says, not looking at me. Damn! This k** jacks off five or six times a day. What a waste of good cock. Down girl … stay focused.

‘Does that help?’ I ask. ‘I mean, can you then go back and talk to the girl?’

‘No!’ he says, pounding his fist on his thigh. ‘Then I just, you know, get hard again and the stuttering starts all over.’ He buries his face in his hands. ‘I’m hopeless!’ Hopeless my ass! Not if he recovers that quickly!

‘You are not hopeless!’ I reassure him. ‘In fact, once we solve this stuttering thing, you’re going to make some girl very happy, getting it up five or six times a day!’ I smile. ‘Is there someone at school that you’re attracted to?’ I ask while digesting what he’s just told me.

‘Yeah,’ he laughs. ‘There’s a girl in my calculus class but every time I try to talk to her…’ His voice trails off.

‘I get the picture,’ I answer, glancing at his crotch as I feel the moisture building in my pussy. ‘That must be frustrating.’ I’m starting to formulate a solution but I want to keep him talking.

‘What’s really frustrating is that I think she likes me, too!’ he exclaims. ‘Aunt Sara, you know that I tested like in the 120th percentile for my age, I can do calculus problems in my head but I can’t talk to a fucking girl without stuttering!’ He stands up and paces around the room. ‘I don’t see how you can help me. I’ve read everything I could find on the subject but nothing seems to work.’ He plops back down on the couch. ‘I’ve never even kissed a girl,’ he says under his breath.

‘Hey!’ I punch his arm. ‘Cheer up! Aunt Sara’s on the case. You’re going to be dazzling this girl in no time. What’s her name?’

‘Megan,’ he says, looking at me. ‘Are you sure? Do you think you can actually help me?’ The way he’s looking at me with those big brown eyes, he looks just like his father. My heart starts fluttering and I take a deep breath.

‘No guarantees,’ I answer, trying to control my breathing. ‘But I’m going to give it my best shot. We’ll start tomorrow right after school. Bring your homework up here and I’ll have a plan ready for us,’ I tell him, hoping I’m doing the right thing. ‘But right now, I’ve got to get ready for work.’ I work the night shift at the local hospital.

‘Okay,’ he says, standing up. ‘Thanks, Aunt Sara. You’re the best,’ he says, giving me a big hug.

‘See you tomorrow.’ I spend my entire shift at the hospital thinking about Jeremy’s problem. During my break, I talk to our resident speech ther****t about how to overcome stuttering problems. By the time my shift is over, I’ve got a strategy for Jeremy that just might work but I figure I better run it by my s****r. I e-mail her from the hospital computer and arrange to meet her for breakfast when I get off.

‘Well, the good news is, he’s not gay,’ I tell my s****r over coffee in the hospital coffee shop. My shift just ended and Jenny came by after dropping Jeremy off at school.

‘Thank heaven,’ she says with a sigh of relief. ‘Not that we wouldn’t have been supportive but it’s a cruel world out there when you’re different,’ she smiles. ‘You said that was the good news, does that mean there’s bad news?’ I tell her about Jeremy’s stuttering problem as delicately as I can but she just cuts to the chase.

‘So whenever he has a hard-on, he can’t talk?’ she laughs. ‘How is he different than other men?’ she laughs louder. I laugh with her but try to explain the extent of Jeremy’s problem.

‘There’s an approach that utilizes total immersion to overcome these kinds of disorders,’ I tell her, trying to sound as clinical as possible.

‘Total immersion?’ she asks.

‘Yes,’ I take a breath and give her the one-two punch. ‘If we can help desensitize him to the stimulus that causes the erection, then the stuttering should stop,’ I explain.

‘Desensitize him to girls?’ she laughs. ‘Is that possible or even desirable?’ she asks. I’m starting to realize that all the laughing is nerves. I try to set her at ease while I explain.

‘Not girls,’ I correct her. ‘Scantily clad girls. He didn’t have a problem when I wasn’t in my bikini.’

‘So what, take him to the beach?’ she asks, raising her eyebrows. ‘I don’t understand how this works, Sara.’

‘What I propose is that I act as the stimulus,’ I tell her cautiously. ‘I will invite Jeremy to do his homework at my apartment everyday after school. I will wear my bikini while I help him with his homework. According to the speech ther****t, if he concentrates on something completely unrelated to the stimulus he will eventually get desensitized and stop stuttering.’

‘Do you think it will work?’ Jenny asks, apparently unconcerned that I’ll be exposing most of my body to my teenage nephew.

‘We can only try,’ I shrug.

‘Thank you, Sara.’ Jenny says. ‘I suppose this is more than you bargained for when you volunteered to find out if Jeremy was gay,’ she says, looking at her watch. I don’t dare tell her how much I’m looking forward to helping my nephew or how wet I got looking at the bulge in his pants.

‘No need to thank me,’ I tell her, meaning it differently than she thinks. ‘You need to get to work and I need to go home and get some sl**p.’ We hug briefly in the parking lot before heading to our individual cars.

I’m awake and showered by the time Jeremy knocks on my door after school. Once again I’m in my baggy sweatshirt and loose fitting jeans but this time I have a surprise for him.

‘Hi Aunt Sara,’ Jeremy says, setting his backpack on one of the kitchen chairs. ‘Did you still want to get together today?’ he asks.

‘Yes!’ I say, maybe a little too enthusiastically. ‘I’ve got your program all mapped out, I just need to discuss it with you,’ I tell him. ‘Have a seat,’ I say, pulling out the chair to the right of his.

‘I did some research and I think we can conquer this arousal based stuttering problem of yours,’ I smile at his anxiousness. ‘Are you familiar with the concept of behavior modification?’ I ask.

‘B.F. Skinner?’ he asks and I nod. ‘Sure, we learned about him last summer during that course I took at the university.’ Sometimes I forget I’m dealing with a genius level IQ. Okay, here goes. I take a deep breath.

‘Okay, so you’re familiar with cause and effect and stimulus and response?’ I ask.

‘Sure but Aunt Sara, we already know what the cause and effect is … I don’t see…’ I cut him off before he can continue.

‘Wait,’ I assert, and he just sighs. ‘There has been some success with a process called Total Immersion Therapy,’ I suddenly realize what the acronym is but I decide not to share this with Jeremy. Of course, he’s too fast for me.

‘TIT?’ he laughs. ‘You’re putting me on.’ At least he’s smiling.

‘I just realized that myself,’ I smile and get back to the strategy. ‘Anyway, the idea is to build up your tolerance to the stimuli so it doesn’t trigger the response.’ ‘Okaaaaaay,’ he drags it out, emphasizing his disbelief. ‘Which stimuli are we talking about here?’ he asks skeptically.

‘The sexual stimulus that causes your erection. Without the erection the stuttering should stop,’ I tell him as matter-of-factly as I can with my heart beating fast inside my chest. Why am I finding this so hard? Maybe because he looks just like his daddy and I’m talking about building up his sexual resistance!

‘How do we do that?’ he asks, seriously curious.

‘Like this,’ I say, pulling my sweatshirt over my head and revealing the same bikini top I was wearing yesterday. ‘You’re going to come up here everyday after school, until you can be around me in my bikini and not stutter,’ I announce proudly as I pull my jeans down and kick them off.

‘Aunt S-S-Sara!’ Jeremy stutters. ‘I c-c-can’t!’ He moves his hand under the table, obviously adjusting himself.

‘Yes you c-c-can!’ I laugh, mimicking him and hoping he doesn’t take offense. He doesn’t.

‘Your girlfriend is in your calculus class, right. So get out your calculus book and start explaining to me what you’re currently studying.’ He’s just staring at my tits, which are now swelling over the top of my tiny bikini as I take a deep breath.

‘You’re k-k-k**ding?’ he stammers as beads of sweat form on his forehead.

‘I’ve never been more serious,’ I say, leaning over to grab his backpack from the floor. Oops! Big mistake! The damn thing is heavy as hell! As I struggle to lift it, the triangles of my bikini top slide to the side revealing more of my tits to my awestruck nephew. When he reaches down to help me, his arm brushes against my barely covered nipple awakening it with his touch. By the time we get the backpack on the table my hardening nipples are visible through my top.

‘I-I-I’m s-s-s-sorry, Aunt S-S-Sara!’ he says but his eyes never leave my chest. I’m surprised at how arousing it is to have him looking at me like this.

‘No, it’s my fault. What the hell have you got in there, bricks?’ I ask, trying to change the subject for him and for me.

‘J-J-Just my b-b-books,’ he says but he’s not looking at my face.

‘Come on, Jeremy,’ I say, unzipping the backpack. ‘Where’s the calculus book?’ According to the speech ther****t, if I can get him talking about something he’s comfortable with, that has nothing to do with the stimulus, he should stop stuttering.

‘Th-th-this is c-c-crazy!’ he says, pulling out his book.

‘Just humor me, okay?’ I ask, opening the book. ‘What page are you on?’

‘P-p-page one t-t-twenty t-t-t-two,’ he answers, still staring, wide-eyed at my bikini clad body. I open the book to the right page and read something about Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives.

‘Okay, good!’ I say, more confident than I feel as the tingling dampness in my pussy starts to distract me. ‘Explain this to me,’ I say as I squeeze my legs together and try to ignore my own arousal.

He reluctantly pulls his eyes from my tits and focuses on the textbook. Hesitantly at first, and with a considerable amount of stuttering, he starts to explain derivatives to me. I have no fucking clue what he’s talking about but I nod and ask a few questions until he’s focused on calculus problems and not on my body. He doesn’t notice that he’s stopped stuttering as he patiently explains complex calculus concepts to a mathematical retard.

‘Ohmygod!’ he exclaims, stopping mid-sentence. ‘It worked!’ he says, smiling from ear to ear. ‘Aunt Sara, you’re a g-g-genius.’ At this point his eyes have again found the swell of my breasts and my protruding nipples, which haven’t receded at all despite the jargon laden discord I’ve been subjected to for the last half hour.

‘As long as you’re focused on calculus and not on my tits you don’t stutter,’ I tell him. ‘We’re making progress.’

‘D-d-d-do you th-th-think, if I t-t-talk to M-M-Megan ab-b-bout c-c-calculus…’ I cut him off.

‘I think it’s premature to say for certain but I think it’s worth a try,’ I assure him. ‘I think if we do this everyday after school it won’t take long for you to become immune to seeing me like this.’

‘M-m-m-maybe,’ he smiles, shaking his head. We continue for another hour before I have to get ready for work.

Jeremy comes back after school each day explaining more calculus concepts to me and by Thursday we’re able to have non-calculus discussions without him stuttering.

‘So, have you talked to Megan yet?’ I ask him when he’s finished explaining his homework to me, something about implicit differentiation.

‘Just a little,’ he answers, smiling. ‘I asked her a couple of questions about homework and she was anxious to answer them for me. She’s really smart!’ he says and I can see he is completely enamored by her.

‘How about the stuttering?’ I ask, trying not to embarrass him by asking about his erection.

‘Just a little but she didn’t even seem to notice,’ he’s smiling as he packs up his books. ‘See you tomorrow, Aunt Sara,’ he kisses my cheek and leaves me standing in my kitchen in my skimpy bikini. I’m proud of the progress he’s made but conflicted about the lack of interest he’s showing in my body. Don’t be stupid! This is what is supposed to happen!

‘So he’s been starring at your tits all week!’ Jenny says a little too loudly. It’s Friday afternoon and we’re having lunch at an outdoor cafe near her office. I’ve just told her about the progress I’m making with Jeremy.

‘Shhh! Lower your voice,’ I laugh. ‘Yes, it’s been kind of weird but it seems to be working.’

‘Oh Sara!’ she says devilishly. ‘You poor thing. Prancing around half-naked for a young man who has perpetual erections from starring at your tits?’ she smiles as she takes a bite of her salad. ‘It’s arousing, isn’t it?’ she asks, raising her eyebrows at me. ‘If he’s as big as his dad it must be very arousing!’ she laughs. Jenny has always been blunt when talking about sex and makes frequent reference to John’s size. She doesn’t realize that I have first hand knowledge.

‘He’s my nephew!’ I assert but her description is pretty accurate and I’ve been fingering my pussy everyday after he leaves.

‘Nephew or not, he’s a man with a hard-on caused by looking at your body,’ she says. ‘How can you not be aroused?’ she smiles but touches my hand in a serious way. ‘I’m sorry you don’t have someone like John who knows how to keep a woman’s juices flowing. He has no doubt about what to do with that mass of manhood between his legs,’ she says, planting the visual image of John as he fucked me on the couch ten years ago. My pussy reacts like it does every time I think of my b*****r-in-law.

‘So, is he cured?’ she asks, taking a bite of her salad. It takes me a second to realize we’re talking about Jeremy again.

‘I’m not sure,’ I tell her honestly. ‘I’m going to discuss it with him today when he comes over.’

‘Whatever you can do for him, Sara, I will be eternally grateful,’ she says, looking directly into my eyes so I don’t miss her meaning. I swallow hard, not sure what I’m supposed to say.

‘He must be like a blank slate muses as much to herself as to me. ‘For God’s sake, Sara, he’s like every woman’s fantasy, isn’t he?’ she asks, suddenly realizing the possibilities. ‘Think of the things you could teach him!’

‘I’m only helping him overcome his stuttering, Jenny,’ I answer, not sure if I’m trying to convince her or myself.

‘Well, keep me posted on how that progresses,’ she smiles as if she’s reading my mind. I can’t believe my s****r is suggesting what I think she’s suggesting but apparently I have her approval to take this to another level with her son.

‘No calculus today,’ I say, leading Jeremy over to the couch. I’m in my usual attire, a skimpy bikini. This one is light yellow accentuating my tan. ‘Tell me about Megan,’ I say as we sit on the couch.

‘Megan’s great, Aunt Sara,’ he says, without a hint of stutter. ‘I talk to her everyday. I’ve been focusing on calculus but today she asked me what kind of music I liked and we talked about favorite bands and I never stuttered once!’ he says proudly.

‘That’s awesome, Jeremy!’ I exclaim but I’m sitting there with my tits barely covered almost wishing for some reaction from him. Would it hurt for him to show some bulge in his pants or to stutter just a little, anything to feed my ego?

‘What’s wrong?’ Jeremy asks. ‘Looking me in the eyes. Those big brown eyes. Damn, did I mention that he looks like his father?

‘Nothing,’ I laugh. ‘Just distracted a little today, sorry. So do you think you’ll ask her out?’ I ask, acting like the concerned aunt that I am.

‘I don’t know,’ he says thoughtfully. ‘I’m not sure if I’ll be able to handle that kind of situation without, you know…’ he says.

‘Well, we’re not done with your therapy,’ I tell him, wondering where I’m going with this. Haven’t we accomplished what we wanted? ‘Next week we’ll take it to the next level of stimuli,’ I say mysteriously.

‘What do you mean?’ he asks.

‘You’ll find out on Monday,’ I answer, after I figure it out this weekend.

I’m ready and waiting for him Monday afternoon when school lets out. All weekend I vacillated about what I had been contemplating when I told him we were taking it to the next level. I thought about consulting Jenny but decided against it. I have to admit, I’m more than a little nervous when he knocks on the door.

‘Hey,’ he says, setting down his backpack and taking a seat on the couch. ‘You’ve had me wondering all weekend,’ he says without a hint of stutter. I sit down next to him wearing the flower-print bikini that started all this.

‘Well, I’ve been thinking,’ I tell him. ‘If you’re going to start dating Megan, you could find yourself in some situations where your stuttering may come back.’ I pause.

‘I’ve thought of that,’ he says quietly. ‘But I’m not sure what we can do about it. At some point, doesn’t she just have to accept me as I am?’ he asks, hoping I’ll reassure him.

‘Of course but it wouldn’t hurt if you had the deck stacked in your favor when that happens,’ I answer. ‘So the next level of Total Immersion Therapy…’

‘TIT!’ he smiles.

‘Exactly!’ I say, reaching behind my neck and untying the top string of my bikini. ‘The next level of TIT…’ Lowering the top, I watch his beautiful brown eyes bulge as I slowly bare my breasts to him. ‘If you can conquer this stimuli.’ I continue lowering the top a little more and showing him my rose-colored areolas and thick nipples. ‘You’re ready for anything,’ I exclaim as I remove the top completely, freeing my large globes for his inspection.

I sit motionless as he gawks at my tits. My nipples seem to have a mind of their own, hardening like they’re reaching out towards him. My God! It feels so erotic to be exposed like this to my nephew.

‘Aunt S-S-Sara!’ he stammers. My eyes focus on the bulge in the front of his jeans. Why am I so pleased with his reaction? I’m supposed to be helping him! My pussy is twitching and dampening the material stretched across it.

‘I think we should go back to the calculus book for this phase,’ I say, standing up and walking over to the table, my bare tits swaying enticingly with each step.

‘I-I-I d-d-don’t think I’ll c-c-c-conquer this one,’ he stutters as he gets up off the couch. The huge tent in the front of his jeans distracts me as I imagine it filling up my fiery pussy. Stop! Stay focused! This is about his stuttering!

‘Yes you can!’ I tell him, forcing myself to look in his eyes. Did I mention his beautiful brown eyes? ‘A week ago you couldn’t even talk to a girl and look what happened.’

‘B-b-b-but … d-d-damn, Aunt S-S-Sara, they’re so b-b-b-beautiful,’ he says, his eyes never leaving my tits and my nipples continuing to show their appreciation.

‘Thank you,’ I answer. ‘Maybe as a reward for conquering this I’ll let you touch them.’ Where the fuck did that come from? I can’t let my nephew touch my tits! No but it’s okay to let him look at them, huh? Whatever. I’m going to have to cut this session short so I can take care of the fiery itch in my pussy before I go to work. Damn!

‘Let’s just try it for a little while today,’ I say, smiling. ‘Then you can go take care of that,’ I nod towards his lap, ‘while I get ready for work.’ He just nods, apparently not trusting himself to speak. He opens the calculus book and stutters his way through half of his homework problems before we call it a day.

As soon as he leaves, I pull off my soaked bikini bottom and grab my favorite vibrator from my underwear drawer. In college, I did a little nude modeling for the art department and it never once turned me on. I was professional and detached but maybe it was because I didn’t know any of the art students. Exposing myself to my nephew has gotten me so fucking hot that I can’t wait to touch myself.

Stretching out on the bed, I set the vibrator next to me as I move my hands to my tits. With my hard nipples against my palms, I squeeze and knead the soft flesh, sending electric charges to my aroused pussy. Keeping one hand on my tits, I reach down between my legs and lightly caress my slick pussy lips.

‘Ahhhhhhhhh!’ I’ve wanted to do that all afternoon. I close my eyes and imagine Jeremy’s tongue licking around my inner labia, teasing and tantalizing my enflamed pussy. As I part my lips and slip one finger inside, Jeremy’s face morphs into his father’s and I’m back on his couch ten years ago with John eating my anxious pussy.

‘Oh fuck, John!’ I whisper, not wanting to wake up Jeremy. ‘That feels so fucking good!’ he knows exactly where to lick, flicking his tongue against my clit and then pushing it back into my sopping hole. I’m holding onto his hair and bucking my hips off the couch as my orgasm hits me with the f***e of a tsunami!

‘Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh! Fuuuuuucck!’ I yell, unable to control myself. My s****r’s husband laps up my freely flowing juices and then stands up, kicking off his shoes as he unzips his pants. My eyes are focused on the large bulge in the front of his jockey shorts as I await my prize. He pulls the elastic out over the end of his hard cock and it springs out at me as he peels his underwear off. Fuck! It’s huge! It’s long and thick and pointing right at me. Reaching for it, I wrap my fingers around its girth and pull it towards my wide-open mouth.

‘I won’t last a minute if you do that Sara,’ he says, pulling back. ‘And I really want to fuck you,’ he breathes.

‘I can stay all night, John,’ I whisper, grabbing his cock again. ‘Let’s take a minute this way and then we’ll be able to fuck longer.’ Without waiting for an answer, I wrap my lips around his cock and swirl my tongue around his cockhead.

‘Oh God, Sara!’ he moans as I glide my lips halfway down his cock, flicking my tongue against the underside of it. Cupping his heavy balls in my hand, I roll my fingers across them, inviting their release.

With his hand on the back of my head, he fucks his cock in and out of my mouth, slamming it against the opening to my throat. I haven’t yet learned how to deep throat and I almost gag on his thick shaft. Pulling my mouth back a little, I wrap my hand around his saliva-coated cock and pump it in and out of my mouth. True to his word, his urgent build-up comes fast, flooding my mouth with huge spurts of cum that I try my best to swallow. The poignant taste of salty semen glides easily down my throat but there’s too much for me and it oozes out around his cock and runs down my chin.

I pull my mouth off, gasping for air as I fall back against the couch. Damn! I just sucked off my s****r’s husband! And he wants to fuck me! My pussy is burning with desire!

‘Fuck!’ John says, plopping down on the couch next to me. ‘That was intense,’ he says, smiling at me. I quickly catch my breath and slide down off the couch, kissing his bare thigh as I kneel between his legs.

‘Let’s see how quickly I can get you ready again, John,’ I say, wrapping my hand around his cum-coated cock. ‘I’m more than ready for you.’

‘Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfffffffuuuuuuuuccccccck!’ My orgasm explodes around my plastic blue vibrator and I fumble with the knob, trying to turn it off as I shiver through the pleasant aftershocks. Relaxing back on my bed, my clit throbbing and my pussy leaking juice, I check the clock and I’m glad I sent Jeremy home when I did.

Fuck! I’ve got to start dating! This thing with my nephew has me horny as hell. And what’s with his father creeping back into my fantasies? I wonder how far I’m willing to let this thing go.

Jeremy keeps coming over after school but we make very little progress the first week. He’s still stuttering and I’m still vibrating as soon as he leaves. And John is still dominating my fantasies! I can’t believe how vivid my memory is after ten years.

The confusion I feel about exposing myself to my nephew is further complicated because it gets me so fucking hot. As soon as Jeremy leaves, I’m ripping at the ties on the side of my bikini bottom and plunging my fingers into my wet pussy. And all I do is keep reminiscing about that one night ten years ago with my b*****r-in-law.

After licking up and down the sides of his cock and cleaning up the cum overspill, he was already semi-erect. I smiled at him as I fed his cock into my warm mouth.

‘Oh fuck!’ he throws his head back on the couch and thrusts his cock into my mouth. I wrap my lips around him just below his cockhead again, swirling my tongue over the tip. Squeezing his hard cock, I suck until he’s bucking off the couch and calling my name.

‘Ohhhhhhh! Sara! Ohhh! God!’ John moans as I release his cock and it stands straight up in his lap. With one knee on either side of him, I kneel on the couch, straddling his thighs. We lock eyes as I rise up on my knees and position my dripping pussy over his massive cock. Reaching between my legs, I rub his cockhead against my slick lips, lubricating him for the big event.

I’m scared, excited and thrilled. It’s my fantasy come true! My s****r’s husband will take my virginity. Yes, it’s my first time! I’m sure John doesn’t know that and I’m not going to tell him. Leaning forward, I kiss him lightly on his lips as I spread my thighs as wide as I can. Easing down onto his cock, I feel my pussy stretching out to accommodate his girth.

‘Ohhh! Fuck! Sara!’ John moans, putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me down onto him.

‘Wait!’ I breathe in his ear. ‘Take it slowly, John,’ I warn him. ‘You’re kind of big.’ I’m so scared but it’s the thrill of my life. I don’t ever want to regret it.

‘Okay. Sorry, Sara,’ he says, easing his ass back down onto the couch. ‘You just feel so incredible, so hot and tight,’ he says, moving his hands from my shoulders to my head. Holding my face, he kisses my cheeks, my nose, and my lips before slipping his tongue into my mouth.

Turning and twisting, pushing down then easing up, I glide myself down onto his hard cock, until it hurts. Oh fuck! This is it. I can’t let him see my face. Pushing my tongue into his mouth, I raise my hips up until just the tip of his cock is inside my pussy. Bracing myself for the worst, I slam down onto his hard cock burying it completely inside of me in one excruciating plunge.

‘Arrrrrggghghhhh!’ I yell as the pain shots through my loins and I suck in a big gulp of air.

‘Sara?’ John says, jerking his head back to look at me. ‘Oh God, Sara!’ The shock on his face is painful to see. ‘You weren’t … ohmygod! … Oh fuck!’ he’s pushing me away.

‘No!’ I hiss, pushing myself back down on him. ‘It’s done! It’s what I wanted … what I’ve wanted for a long time!’ I can taste my tears running into my mouth. ‘Don’t spoil it, John,’ I plead. ‘Please don’t spoil it.’ I settle onto his cock and pull him tightly against me, mashing my tits against his chest. ‘Just hold me a minute,’ I beg.

‘Sara,’ he whispers as he brushes damp hair from my forehead. Running his hands over my shoulders and down my back, he pulls me against him. Gradually, I start a slow rocking motion with my hips.

‘You should have told me,’ he says.

‘You wouldn’t have done it,’ I smile, sitting up straight and rocking a little faster on his glorious cock! ‘Would you?’ I ask as he fondles my tits and I look into his beautiful brown eyes.

‘No, I guess I wouldn’t have,’ he says, pinching my nipples and thrusting into me. And we’re actually fucking! The pain has subsided and the pleasure is incredible! I’m bouncing on my b*****r-in-laws massive cock and he’s twisting and pulling my hard nipples.

‘Ohhhhh! God! John!’ I moan as I the rhythm of our fucking increases and I’m riding him like he’s the wildest stallion in the world and I have to tame him. But he’ll never be tamed! I don’t want him tamed and I’m sure Jenny doesn’t either! A wild stallion for the two of us to share, I fantasize!

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Johhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnn!’ My orgasm explodes, sending electrifying pulses throughout my body. He’s still thrusting into me and I just keep riding him as my quivering pussy pulsates around his erupting cock. His hands are on my hips forcing me up and down as he uses my body to milk every bit of cum from his cock. Finally, he releases me and I collapse on his chest, gasping for air.

‘Damn, Sara!’ he sighs into my ear as he wraps his arms around my body and squeezes my ass cheeks. ‘Damn!’ I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

‘You’re like his Pygmalion!’ Jenny says over lunch on Friday, referring of course to her son not her husband. ‘You’re at the ‘rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’ part of the process,’ she takes another bite of her salad. ‘Except yours are bare tits in your apartment and I bet the only rain is oozing out between your legs,’ she laughs at me for blushing, taking obvious delight at my embarrassment. My Fair Lady is one of our favorite movies and we’ve watched it together dozens of times.

‘The difference between a flower girl and a lady, isn’t how she behaves, it’s how she’s treated,’ I quote one of our favorite lines from the movie.

‘The difference between a stuttering nephew and a stud isn’t whether he stutters but whether he knows what to do with his hard-on,’ she laughs. I can’t believe my s****r is talking about her son this way. Of course, she’s not the one displaying her tits for him.

‘Seriously, he’s making progress with Megan,’ I say, taking a sip of my iced tea and ignoring her teasing. ‘I think he might actually ask her out.’

‘You can’t let him out there without any training.’ Jenny says between bites. ‘Do you remember your first time?’ she asks but doesn’t let me answer. ‘Mine was with Billy Stewart in the backseat of his dad’s car. I was so fucking hot and ready for the big O, and then he grunts a couple of times and collapses on my chest. I thought what the fuck!’ she laughs bitterly. ‘Please don’t let that happen to Jeremy after all he’s been through,’ she says and I don’t tell her my first time was completely different than hers.

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A happy family of INDIA

My father hid his ill deed of second marriage from us and community for 10 years but when rumors started to rise, he had to accept this publicly which almost took his job as a mullah at the mosque but somehow he saved himself. My family was in rage after the entire truth hit us but later, when she told us that she was also tricked by our father who told her that he is a Hindu and he is a businessman who travels a lot, it was when every thing changed and we accepted them and its about 4 Yr...

2 years ago
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SecretsChapter 21

“I can’t raise Nikki on either the police radio or her cell phone,” said Sheila as Linda walked through the door of the office. “Where is she?” “She found a similar murder to ours in some old records. A Marjorie Timmings. Widow. Her daughter was killed about twelve years ago. Owns a farm out past route 57. Nikki went out there to interview her.” “How long ago?” asked Linda. “Almost three hours. She should have been back by now - at least have called in.” “Okay, get the timings woman on...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Violet I Prefer To Be Nice Sweet Submissive

Today it’s Violet and she’s here to fuck and suck some more cock on camera and Rick over at said we just have to shoot this girl so that’s what we did. It’s also a very special day because Tyler’s going to get to fuck and pound this little girl’s asshole and it is spectacularly cute by the way and it sure-as-fuck got a thorough workout. That spectacularly cute pussy also got a thorough workout today and we want to bring this girl back for more because her sexual...

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my internet love

hand and guided her watching her magnificant breasts bounce slighlty as she walked next to him she looked turned and stopped looking into his eyes he was her hero she loved him from the moment he had talked to her on a chat site on line. They never intended to have a physical relationship but after talking on the phone for 8 months after her first private messaging him she was head over heals and could not wait any longer to meet him so they organised to meet and have a few drinks as...

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There were days when life really sucked and this was fast turning into one of them. It wasn't bad enough that she'd missed a turn somewhere and managed to get completely lost; oh no. While she was trying to figure out where the heck she was, she had the good luck to have a dog run onto the road and, in her efforts to avoid it, she managed to put the car in a ditch and bog it to the axles. She looked up and down the road, trying to remember how far behind her the last house had been. A very...

1 year ago
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Imagine Having Sex with any Woman Ch 01

How would you like to have hot sex with any living woman or man? If you could have hot sex with any living woman or man in the world, who would you choose? Suspend your sense of disbelief for a moment to imagine that this statement is true. You can have hot sex with any woman or any man. Before you read any further, read that sentence again. You can have hot sex with any women or any man. Think about what you just read and digest that sentence before continuing. You can have hot sex with any...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Cherie Deville Abella Danger 08292017

Sometimes, there isn’t a storyline. Or a plot. Or dialogue. When you have three of the best performers in the game, all you need is a hard slap across the tit, another firm slap across the face, and some hot, girl-on-girl action, in order to get the scene rolling. From there, it’s non-stop action until the Bull unloads. Enter Abella Danger and Cherie DeVille. They love to fuck each other. On camera or off…it really doesn’t matter. These two slutty whores love rough sex:...

3 years ago
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Chaci 8211 My Sex Goddess

By : Viv1093 Hello friends I have been reading ISS since 1 year and somehow got courage to write my own experience, this is my first time so please cooperate and if you like my story them mail me at Since childhood I was a very shy type of person so didn’t managed to have much friends but my life completely changed after my Chacha’s marriage my new chachi was very good looking and sexy vo mera sath bahut hi jaldi mix up hogayi and hum dono ma bahut achi friendship hogayi thi chacha pura din...

2 years ago
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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 6

"You're lucky you weren't beat up worse, kid," Officer McConnell said, shaking his head. "You're probably right," I agreed solemnly. Dr. Payton looked down at her notepad. "Mark ... I think I can understand why Sharon would do what you describe. It's a slightly unusual self-destructive behavior, but that's what we often see happen with people that are coping with the loss of a loved one. "It's called 'survivor's guilt.' They wonder why they deserve to still be alive when...

3 years ago
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Innocent Collector

by Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘Paul, it’s Dale.’ ‘Talk fast because you’re signal is breaking up.’ There was a pause and then Dale said, ‘That should be better, I was in a bad spot.’ ‘That is better, what’s up?’ ‘Tina asked me to call and see if you were available to join us for dinner Friday night.’ ‘I am available in fact.’ ‘Invite a friend if you’d like, but that’s up to you.’ ‘I’ll call Renee.’ ‘That would be great, we’ve not seen her in a long time. How’s the writing going?’ ...

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Seducing Jennifer Pt 34

Native American rituals and legends described here are not accurate representations of past or present culture. ***** Mary Louise was the first to awaken, sitting bolt upright, gasping for breath. ‘Goodness!’ she moaned. ‘I think I just—’ I opened my eyes in time to see her lift her skirt and look down at her panties. She touched herself briefly and pulled her skirt back down. It was too dark to see, even with the occasional passing headlights of other cars, but I suspected that she was...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 7

We returned home and unpacked. We then washed and dressed. We pulled up at Louis just before seven in our new finery. Dad parked and our men handed us out. We were stopping traffic. One man even walked into a car! As we reached the door, Mitch and Dora walked up from the other end of the lot where there had also been a disturbance. I now understood why. Dora was wearing a rose colored mini dress with soft black prints of flowers on it. The top was a halter and had to have built-in bra...

4 years ago
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Party Time

Drinking parties... there's more to them than just having a good time, isn't there? A party can be a tribal place, where outside rules and boundaries are thrown off in favor of whatever the partygoers dictate. Traditional authority and consequence is completely unwelcome. With the right people and emotions fueling the fervor, conspiracy to evil among multiple people - even people that are mostly strangers - can arise faster than any place outside a riot or disaster zone. A person can feel...

1 year ago
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GF Birthday Surprise You know Im Straight

It took a long time for Steve to wake up. He slowly came out of a dirty dream, unusually thick-headed and groggy. Two things immediately grabbed his attention. Firstly he was tied down. This was new. The ropes looped around his ankles and wrists, his legs spread apart and his arms above his head. There was no way he could get up.Steve may have panicked but for the second thing he noticed. Stacey his girlfriend had her hand on his lubed up dick and was slowly stroking him. This would explain the...

4 years ago
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Midnight Sex Buddy

I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent and kids and head out to see some sites. Being that our kids are aged six and eight, we thought it would be a good time to see how they would be without the TV and computer. We headed out early Saturday morning with the car packed. For the first hour the kids did well. Even with three stops...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette Party

I was ready to go out with the girls, but I just had to see ‘HER’ before that! So, I got dressed, the usual low neck tight salwar, no bra of course. Thought I would wear the jeans, but decided against it, as taking it off can be quite a hassle. I texted her letting her know that I’ll be in the same place. Went out of the house. While walking towards the auto-stand, Najeeb, Bunty, Arijeet, all friends of my younger brother came upto me. “Shunlam tor biye, sotti?”(is it true you’re getting...

2 years ago
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new city and women looking for a husband

New job in new city gives chance for new friends it seems. Thats what my father told me when I told of transfer. I lived with an officer until I found my new home. Would come home on the weekends. On patrol my partner introduced me to the city story owners. Kay at the dress shops offered me her home and just sleep with her. I found out she had a husband who might not agree with this. I would eventually fuck Kay on her back room desk. Pat's little restaurant for dinner and Pat told “I am in...

4 years ago
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Thunder in the Desert

Alex pulled himself another agonizing inch up the steep wall of the gully. Just a couple more feet and he would be safe, but every breath felt like a knife plunging into his side where his rib had been broken. The rest of him was in no better shape, either. His left eye was swollen shut, and the flap of skin hanging from the cheek beneath it left bone exposed. There was hardly an inch of his body that wasn't deeply bruised and gouged by the chains with which the motorcycle gang had beaten...

1 year ago
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Julie Ch 05

Again Julie found herself grateful to be back at work on Monday. The weekend wasn’t as bad as the one before. The sex Friday night seemed to be enough for Gary, so Julie didn’t need to choose between making excuses or faking another orgasm. But being around Gary was difficult now. Lies, after all, take a toll on a person who isn’t accustomed to telling them. Julie found herself putting a lot of energy into mundane tasks around the house just to avoid having time to sit and think about how...

3 years ago
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Steve and KemonChapter 6

Restless, I wake up several times during the night, not accustomed to sleeping with someone beside me. She is spooned up next to my back when I awaken in the morning. "I need to wash," I say as I pull on my clothes, my shoes, and my belt. She follows me to the stream and watches me as I wash my face with a bar of travel soap and brush my teeth. "My mate Steve, strange things do. My mate Steve live many mountains far?" Sarbun asks. "I do come from far away, very far away, indeed," I...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 75

At the front of the house, Frederik took care of Sandra's bike and loaded it in the back of his car. He was glad that he had a station wagon, because it made it easier to put Sandra's bike away in it. Sandra smiled when she noticed Frederik holding the passenger's car door open for her, he was trying to be a real gentleman it seemed. After Frederik had joined her in the car, they drove off towards Sandra's soccer club. "So, are you excited to see me play?" Sandra asked. "I sure...

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