Stuttering Jeremy -2 free porn video

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"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded.

"Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara."

"I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex.

"This will really be something" my sister says quietly. "Training a young virgin from scratch. I almost envy you," she smiles.

The next week, Jeremy makes a little progress early in the week and on Wednesday I compliment him.

"You're doing well, young nephew," I say. "We'll make a Jedi Knight out of you yet," I tell him, playfully.

"I've already got the l-l-light saber," he jokes, glancing at the bulge in his pants.

"How are things with Megan?" I ask.

"G-g-great!" he answers, shaking his head. "I'm sorry Aunt Sara. I'm not stuttering around Megan at all anymore but your t-t-t-tits are extremely distracting. Were you serious ab-b-bout l-l-letting me t-t-t-touch them?" he asks, sheepishly. This is the most he's stuttered all week.

"Well..." I had forgotten about that impulsive offer I made. "How about this?" I pause, carefully considering what I should say. "When we can talk for thirty minutes without you stuttering, you can feel my tits," I tell him, trying to make it reasonable. In actuality my tits are aching to be fondled by someone other than me. My nipples stay rock hard the entire time he's here. I never knew I was such an exhibitionist but it really turns me on to have my young nephew staring at my half-naked body.

"D-d-d-deal!" he cries and continues to stutter occasionally throughout the rest of our Wednesday session.

Thursday afternoon, he surprises me by bringing a kitchen timer from his house.

"I'm going to set this for thirty minutes," he smiles. "And every time I stutter I'm going to reset it." He pushes the buttons and puts it on the table in front of him. "Today's the day, Aunt Sara, so be prepared!" he smiles. My pussy screams out to the rest of my body that it's ready, too. I just smile at my nephew as he starts talking.

After twenty minutes, he slips and stutters. I almost want to tell him to forget it and just grab my tits but I let him reset the timer and we continue our discussion. We talk about his classes, his plans for college and, of course, Megan. It seems that he might be getting up the courage to ask her out.

"Where would you take her?" I ask curiously, glancing at the timer. Only two minutes to go, yes! I don't know who's more excited, him or me.

"I don't know, a movie maybe," he shrugs. "What do you think?" He takes a deep breath and watches the timer move to twenty-nine minutes.

"A movie is nice," I answer. "And you don't have to talk very much," I laugh.

"That's a plus," he says, deliberately enunciating each syllable. "I think that all I have to do is ask her. I'm pretty sure she's wondering why I haven't already done it," he says. He's speaking slowly enough that by the time he's done the timer buzzes.

"YES!" he pumps his fist in the air and just stares at my chest. "Um ... I've n-n-n-never done this before," he says, looking at me anxiously. "That doesn't count, does it?"

"No, that doesn't count," I say quietly. "Let's go over to the couch," I say, taking his hand and leading the way. "Why don't you just caress them and I'll tell you what feels good, okay?" I ask, feeling like a schoolgirl myself.

Jesus! What am I doing? My eighteen-year-old, virgin nephew is about to feel my tits and I can hardly wait! My pussy is soaking wet with anticipation. I don't expect him to do it very well but the idea of him touching me is so fucking erotic!

"Like this?" he asks, lifting my left breast with his hand and running his thumb over my taut nipple.

"Yeah!" I sigh. "Just like that. Do the other one, too," I tell him. We're sitting on the couch, turned towards each other with our knees touching and he has one tit in each hand. Neither of us says anything for several minutes.

"They're so soft," he whispers as he continues squeezing each one, kneading them with his fingers. God, it feels so good, my nipples want more attention.

"You can suck on them," I whisper, pulling his head towards my left tit.

"R-r-r-really?" he stutters, looking me in the eye. I just nod and pull him to my chest.

"Suck on it and nibble very gently with your teeth," I instruct him and ... fuck! He's a fast learner. "Ohhhhh! Yeah!" I moan, pushing his head to my other nipple. My pussy is oozing juice and dampening my bikini bottom. I want to grab his hard cock, bulging out the front of his jeans, and ride him while he sucks on my nipples but I restrain myself. This is my nephew after all and I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering. Yeah, right!

"Ohhhhhhhh!" I whisper. "That feels so good, Jeremy," I want more than my nipples sucked! Reluctantly, I push his head back but he keeps his hands on my tits, caressing them. Lifting his chin with my fingers, I look into his soft brown eyes and I can't help myself. I raise his face, and lightly brush my lips across his.

"You're a fast learner, young Jeremy," I say, kissing his lips again before running my tongue across them. His eyes are wide open as he parts his lips and I suck his upper lip into my mouth. I stop short of pushing my tongue into his mouth.

"Enough for today," I say, leaning back and trying to catch my breath. My tits swell in his hands as I suck air deep into my lungs. I cover his hands with mine, pressing his palms firmly against my hard nipples. Closing my fingers around his hands, I slowly pull them away from my tits, wishing I didn't have to.

"Thank you, Aunt Sara," he whispers as he leans forward and kisses me quickly on the mouth. I just nod as he gathers up his books and his timer.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says as he heads for the door. It's only after he's gone that I realize he didn't stutter.

"You let him touch your tits?" Jenny asks in amazement. "That's awesome! What are you going to do next?" she asks as she takes a bite of her quesadilla. I've accepted that my sister is going to push me to help Jeremy learn about sex.

"I don't know," I answer. I've been contemplating that since yesterday afternoon. "I think he's ready to date now." Jenny smiles at me across the table.

"Why don't you role play his date?" she says, clearly enamored with her brainstorm. "You be ... what's her name?"

"Megan," I answer.

"You be Megan and let him try to get to first base with you," she says, holding her hands out palms up in a gesture of 'why not'. "You can be fully dressed and help him learn how to initiate some heavy petting," she smiles at me as she finishes her lunch. I'm sure she's expecting some resistance from me but I like her idea.

"Actually," I say. "That's not a bad idea," In fact, I love it. I want him touching my tits some more and my pussy is anxious for some attention, too. This could be the perfect excuse.

"Then it's all decided." Jenny says, signaling the waiter for our bill. "I'll expect a full report," she smiles. "Just the idea makes me horny. I wonder if John will be up for some role playing tonight," she smiles and I wonder, not for the first time, about my sister's interest in her son's sex life.

"So what do you think?" I ask Jeremy. We're sitting on the couch and I've just explained the role-play idea to him. I'm fully dressed, including a conservative bra and panty set, wearing a white button up blouse and a pleaded skirt.

"That's a great idea!" he says without stuttering. "We're going out tomorrow night," he says, grinning from ear to ear.

"You asked her!" I say excitedly.

"Yes, and she didn't even hesitate!" he says proudly. "I owe it all to you Aunt Sara!"

"Okay, then we better get some serious practice done today," I say, settling back on the couch next to him. "Let's pretend that we've had a great time at the movies and we're either in the car or at her house without her parents around, okay?"

"Great," he says, putting his arm around me. "I had a great time, Megan..." he stops and grimaces. "I can't do this, can I just call you Sara?" he asks.

"Sure, I think that'll make it easier for both of us but try to stay in character and act like it's our first date," I answer, feeling as nervous as if we really are on our first date.

"Now, here's what you need to do," I tell him, wanting him to be different than all the guys I dated in high school. "Most guys just start grabbing for a handful of tit or running their hands up a girls dress. They also start telling her how much they love her," he's nodding as I continue. "You're going to be different. You are going to be a great kisser, getting Megan very worked up before you try anything, okay?"

"Okay, that sounds right," he says. "I know I'm inexperienced but I've read a lot of books," he says hopefully.

"Well, here's the best advice I can give you," I tell him, looking him in the eyes, those captivating brown eyes. "When you sense that she might be ready for more, you ask her."

"What? Like, can I feel your tits?" he asks.

"No," I answer. "Like this." I lean real close to him and whisper. "I care about you too much, not do this right," I say as I place my hand on his thigh and start moving it up his leg. "Tell me if I'm going to fast."

"Wow!" he exhales. "That sounds perfect," he says. "You're not asking if it's alright, you're assuming it is going to be at some point, just whether you're moving too fast," I told you he was smart.

"Okay, let's try it," I say, sitting back so he can kiss me. Scooting closer, he wraps one arm around my neck and puts the other one on my waist. Leaning towards me he brushes his lips against mine and then pulls me tighter for a more passionate kiss. Before I know it his tongue is in my mouth and we're really kissing! I automatically respond to his intensity, pushing my tongue into his mouth and pulling him into a tight embrace. My nipples are hardening against his chest and my pussy is signaling its interest in being involved, too.

Like the good pupil he is, Jeremy continues the kiss, moving his tongue around and exploring the inside of my mouth. When he finally breaks the kiss, I suck in air, panting while my heart thumps in my chest. Damn! My body is responding to him just kissing me!

"I care about you Sara," he says, looking me directly in the eyes while he unbuttons my blouse. "I want this to be perfect for us," he's got the top three buttons undone. "Tell me if I'm going to fast," he says, raising his eyebrows. I shake my head no, not trusting myself to speak. He has my blouse undone and is working on the front clasp of my bra, while continuing to devour me with his eyes.

"Mmmmmm," I moan as he releases my bra, allowing my tits to swing excitedly from their bindings. With one hand he caresses my right tit while he pulls my head back towards him and continues kissing me. This k** is one fast learner! Deftly caressing both tits, he's got my nipples rock hard while he gently sucks my tongue into his warm mouth. Oh God! I actually feel like a fucking high school girl on a date. And I want him to touch my pussy! It feels wet as hell.

Breaking the kiss, he smiles at me while he moves his face down to my chest. Squeezing my left tit, he sucks the taut nipple into his mouth and flicks his tongue across it.

"Oh yeah!" I sigh, cradling his head in my arm as he suckles on my breast. First one and then the other, he bites, kisses, nibbles and teases my tits until my nipples are as hard as I can ever remember them being. I'm bouncing my thighs together trying to scratch the itch growing between my legs.

While continuing to suck on my fully aroused nipples, I feel his hand slide up the inside of my thigh. Yes! Now we're getting to it! About halfway to my panty-covered pussy his hand stops and he pulls his mouth from my tit.

"We still okay?" he asks. "I'm not going too fast am I, Sara?" he asks, breathing pretty hard himself.

"No!" It comes out more forceful than I intend. "No, it feels nice, Jeremy," I say more quietly. He smiles as his hand continues its torturously slow journey. I have my head back against the couch and my eyes closed as my nephew sucks my tits and moves his hand within millimeters of my damp panties. When his fingers brush the damp material, I let out an audible sigh and spread my legs a little wider.

"That's good," I whisper. "You're doing great, Jeremy," I encourage him as he strokes my pussy lips through my cotton panties. "Try slipping your fingers in through the leg band of my panties," I instruct him as I spread my legs wider. I want to reach over and grab his hard cock through his jeans but I stay passively in character.

"Really?" he asks excitedly as his fingers fumble around with the tight leg band.

"Yes, see if you can pull my panties to the side and slip a couple of fingers in my pussy," I say as I pull his mouth back to my aroused nipples. With a little maneuvering, he gets my panties pulled over and I feel the cool air against my wet pussy. Scooting my ass forward on the couch, I try to give him a better angle to probe my juicy opening.

"Oh fuck!" I cry out as he parts my slippery lips and pushes two fingers into my anxious pussy.

"Pump them in and out a little as you bite my nipples," I pant. "Mmmm! Not so hard, they're very sensitive," I admonish him when he gets a little carried away with my tits.

"Sorry," he says, leaning away from my tits and looking at my face as he finger fucks my pussy.

"That feels great!" I tell him. "Now use your thumb to find my clit," I instruct him as I buck my ass off the couch to match the rhythm of his fingers.

"It's a little higher," I tell him as I feel his thumb probing around. "Ohhhhh! That's it. No, where you just had it! Yeah! Oh fuck! Gently! You barely have to touch it," I whisper.

"There? Is that it?" he asks. "Like this?" he asks, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth against my engorged clit.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah!" I moan. "That's it. Keep doing that!" I'm almost bouncing off the couch as my nephew finger fucks my pussy and strokes my clit with his thumb.

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuucccccck!" I scream as the intensity starts to peak and I flood his hand with my juices. I pull his mouth tightly against my tit, almost smothering him. Grabbing his arm to keep it in place, I frantically hump my pussy against his hand.

"Agghhhhh! Jeremy! Oh Fuck!" I'm out of control. This wasn't supposed to happen. We're just role-playing.

"I'm cummmming!" I scream as my pussy convulses around his fingers and I clamp my thighs closed, trapping his hand between them. I pull his face up and shove my tongue halfway down his throat as my body continues to tremble through the aftershocks of my orgasm.

I eventually spread my legs, releasing his hand as I break the kiss.

"You learn fast," I breathe as he brings his pussy-soaked fingers to his nose and takes a whiff.

"I've got the best teacher," he responds as he puts his fingers in his mouth and sucks my juice off of them. We lock eyes and I smile at him as he tastes me.

"Do you like it?" I ask as I straighten my panties but leave my blouse open.

"Yeah," he says slowly as he continues to lick his fingers. "It's like ... um ... nothing I've ever tasted. It's like a natural aphrodisiac," he says. "Just the smell and the taste are arousing," he comments and I notice that he's not stuttering at all.

"I think it's that way by design," I laugh. Watching him lick my juice from his fingers is getting me hot again. "Lesson over for today," I say, standing up and pulling him up with me. Before I can step away, he pulls me into an embrace and kisses me. My bare tits rub against his t-shirt as he pushes his tongue in my mouth. I recognize my taste on his tongue and can feel his erection pushing against my aroused pussy.

"Down boy," I say, breaking the kiss. "You need to go take care of that," I smile, squeezing his hard cock through his pants. Fuck! What am I doing? I've never touched him before. Whatever possessed me to do it now?

"Yeah. I guess I do," he says, staring at my tits. "Thank you, Aunt Sara," he says as he gathers his books.

"Come over tomorrow before your date," I tell him. "For some last minute advice," I add.

"I will," he answers just before he closes the door.

Damn! What have I started? I really wanted him to fuck me! My own nephew! What's gotten into me lately? I can't believe I grabbed his cock! God, I wanted to suck it raw! I wanted his mouth feasting on my juices and his cock skewering my pussy!

Going into my bedroom, I drop my blouse and bra on a chair and unzip my skirt. Stepping out of it, I pull down my soaking wet panties. God! My pussy is drenched! Lying on the bed, I spread my legs and smear my juices all over my sensitive lips. Ahhhhhh! It feels good but not as good as Jeremy touching me. As I slip two fingers inside and rub my clit with my other hand, I wonder what Freud would say about my relationship with my nephew. Or what he would think of my sister encouraging it!

Am I just using Jeremy as a surrogate for his father? Am I trying to get back at John for ignoring me after that one night? God, I was so naive thinking John would continue seeing me after Jenny got back in town. After fucking ourselves sore that night and falling asleep in each other's arms, John woke up with the biggest case of remorse in history. His face was full of guilt as he apologized for taking advantage of me and vowed it would never happen again. I was crushed. I tried to console him and take all the blame but before we could talk it out Jeremy was up and wanting breakfast. We never talked of it again.

"Ahhhhhhrrrrgggghhhh!" My orgasm rolls through my body like a wave crashing to shore. Maybe because Jeremy already got me off with his fingers my orgasm doesn't have its normal intensity or abruptness. Or maybe I'm just distracted with regrets of what could have been.

Saturday evening I'm ready for Jeremy when he stops by before his date. I've thought about it all day and decided that the best help I can give him is to make sure he doesn't show up at Megan's house with a big erection. At least I've convinced myself that this is for him. Of course it is.

"Hi Aunt Sara," he says, stepping into my apartment and closing the door.

"Hey Jeremy!" I greet him with a kiss. "You look great!" I say, admiring his oxford style shirt and his cargo pants. "All ready for your date?" I ask, noticing his bulge as I lead him over to the couch. I'm wearing a red spaghetti-strap tank top and a pair of white shorts. My nipples are apparent through the thin material of the tank top.

"Yeah, I guess so," he says. "I think I'm as ready as I can be." I'm proud of him for not stuttering.

"Well, I've got one more idea to make sure you're ready," I smile at him as I slide off the couch and kneel between his legs. "I think I should deflate this for you so you can concentrate on Megan without being distracted," I tell him as I unbutton his pants and pull his zipper down.

"Aunt S-S-Sara!" Jeremy exclaims as he lifts his ass off the couch so I can pull his pants down. "J-J-Jesus! I've n-n-never..." His voice trails off as I wrap my hand around his hard cock and stroke it up and down.

God! It's beautiful! I want to just stare at it and admire it. I love the shape of the head and the slant from the bottom to the top. I lick all around it, nibbling on the underside where the head comes together just under the opening. He's almost as big as his father but I push that from my brain as I open my mouth and guide him in.

"Ohhhhhh! Aunt Sara! Ohhhhhhh! Fuck!" Jeremy moans as I suck his cock into my mouth and slide my lips down the length of his shaft. It's been a while and I savor the feeling of his swollen cock sliding in and out of my mouth, imagining what it would feel like in my horny pussy. Cupping his balls with my hand, I stroke them with my fingers as I bob my head up and down and attack his hard cock with my tongue. He doesn't last long and I feel his balls constrict just before he shoots a large load of cum into my mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuucccck!" he cries as he grabs my hair and thrusts his cock into my warm mouth, spewing his salty seed onto my welcoming tongue. I suck him dry, swallowing every drop of his delicious cum and when I'm done he's still hard.

"You're still hard!" I say, letting his cock plop from my mouth.

"Yeah!" he says. "That happens a lot ... I mean when I ... you know ... jack off," he smiles sheepishly. "I usually have to do it twice." Oh my god! I want this k** fucking me right now! My pussy responds as if it's wondering why he can't.

"No k**ding?" I ask incredulously. "You always cum twice?" I'm still stroking his hard cock with my hand as he just nods. Well, what can I do? I wrap my lips back around his cock and start pumping it into my mouth. Flicking my tongue along the underside of his long shaft, I remove my hand and slide my lips all the way to the base of his wonderful cock. Fuck! I can't believe I'm deep-throating my virgin nephew's cock!

"Jesus, Aunt Sara!" he moans. "That feels so fucking great!" he says, pushing his cockhead into my throat. "I've never felt anything like it!" he sighs as he feverishly fucks my mouth, bucking his ass off the couch and holding onto my head with his hands.

He lasts a little longer this time but I really work his cock with my tongue and he explodes with more cum than I would have expected, given that it's his second time. I suck and swallow as he jerkily deposits more of his thick sauce into my mouth. This time, when I release his cock, it's soft and limp.

"Better?" I ask as I sit back on my heels and admire his magnificent tool. Even in its deflated state it's a marvel to behold.

"Wonderful!" he says. "Never in my wildest dreams, did I think it would feel like that!" he says. "You're amazing, Aunt Sara!" He's leaning back and making no attempt to pull his pants up.

My pussy is on fire and I want his tongue in it but he's got a date. Fuck! Why do I suddenly find myself jealous of Megan? This is crazy! He's my nephew! Yeah, is that why you just sucked his cum down your throat? Get a grip, Sara!

"Time to go," I tell him, standing up and motioning for him to do the same. He stands up, pulls his underwear and cargo pants up. After fastening his pants and zipping them up, he pulls me into an embrace, crushing my tits against his chest. My pussy is oozing juice, dampening my panties.

"I don't know what I can ever do to repay you for that," he says. I can think of several things but I don't tell him that.

"Just come by after your date and let me know how it went," I say as I kiss him lightly on the lips. "Maybe, I'll help you recover," I tease him as I rub up against his body.

"I can't wait," he says, squeezing my ass cheeks and sending shivers through my pussy.

"Just remember it's a first date," I tell him. "Don't try to go too fast. A kiss goodnight is a good start." I'm looking him in the eyes to make sure he understands.

"I know," he says. "Don't worry, I'm not going to attack her," he smiles. "I'll see you around midnight if you're sure you want me to come up."

"I'm sure," I answer, anxious to hear how his first date goes and wanting to taste his cock again. "Now go!" I tell him, pushing him towards the door.

After he leaves, I lean against the door and catch my breath. Fuck! Sucking Jeremy's cock has gotten me really worked up. I push myself off the door and start thinking about which dildo I'm going to use to relief my tension when there is a knock at the door. I pull it open assuming it'll be Jeremy.

"Did you forget... ?" I stop mid-sentence. It's not Jeremy, it's John standing in my doorway.

"Hey," he says. "I saw Jeremy leaving and thought I'd stop up and see how you're doing," he smiles sheepishly. He hasn't come up to my apartment in the two months I've been living over his garage. In fact, this is the first time I've been alone with him in ten years. "Jenny is spending the night at your mother's house," he says. "They're going to some garden show tomorrow morning." Why is he telling me this?

"Come on in," I stammer, stepping back from the door. Now I know how Jeremy feels when he stutters. My heart is pounding in my chest and my pussy, already excited from my session with Jeremy, is churning up the juice. I watch my brother-in-law walk into my apartment, wearing a black t-shirt and gray sweat shorts.

"I really appreciate what you're doing for Jeremy," he says quietly, standing in the middle of the room. "He's actually on a date, borrowed the car and everything!" he says excitedly. I know that Jenny hasn't told John about my after school lessons with Jeremy.

"Do you want a beer?" I ask, because I don't know what else to say. As I walk towards the refrigerator, I wonder what he thinks I've been doing for Jeremy, or why he made a point of telling me Jenny is away for the night. God! I've waited for this moment, hoped for it but never thought it would actually arrive or that I would have the taste of his son's cum in my mouth when it did.

"Sounds good," he says, startling me by his proximity. I didn't hear him follow me into the kitchen. Grabbing two beers from the fridge, I hand him one and open the other one, taking a long swallow. I swish the beer around in my mouth, hoping it will remove any remnants of Jeremy's cum before he kisses me. If ... he kisses me.

"So, how did you get Jeremy to overcome his shyness?" he asks, his eyes focusing on my hard nipples, emphatically embossed on the front of my tank top.

"Finally put my psychology degree to use," I answer, not to mention the tits you're staring at. I look at my beer bottle, tearing at the corners of the label as my eyes take in the bulge forming in his shorts. My juices are gushing into my panties as I lean back against the countertop, stretching the thin material of my tank top across my erect nipples. I'd be surprised if he couldn't smell the lustful aroma emanating from between my legs.

"Well," he says, clearing his throat as he shifts his gaze from my tits to my face. "Whatever you're doing, it's working," he says awkwardly.

I take the beer from his hand and set it on the counter. Stepping close to him, I look up into his eyes.

"Here we are again," I whisper as we stand toe to toe.

"Yeah. I guess we are," he answers, nervously.

"Jenny's out of town. I'm sort of babysitting Jeremy again," I say. "You didn't come up here just to ask about Jeremy, did you?" I ask as I run my hands up his chest and entwine my fingers behind his neck.

"No, I guess I didn't," he says, tentatively placing his hands on my hips. "Sara, I love your sister," he's almost whispering as he pulls my body tightly against his.

"I know," I nod.

"But I've thought about that night every day for the past ten years. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind," he says. My heart beats faster as he starts a slow rhythmic grind, pushing himself against my pussy mound.

"Me either, John," I sigh, pressing my lips to his. Then we're all a tangle of buttons and snaps as he pulls my top up and I unbutton his shirt. We break the kiss long enough for him to pull my top over my head. I'm frantically working at the buttons on his shorts while he already has mine around my knees. He's sucking my nipple into his mouth as he pushes my shorts lower and I step out of them.

"Ohhh! John!" I moan as he slips his hand into the front of my panties. I finally get his shorts unfastened and pull his underwear down far enough to release his hard cock. Wrapping my fingers around it, I stroke up and down the entire length.

"Damn, Sara," he says, staring at me quizzically as his fingers encounter my saturated pussy. "You're really wet!" he says as he pulls away from me, kicking his shorts off and sliding my panties down to my ankles. Kneeling on the floor in front of me as I step out of my wet panties, he rubs his face against my trimmed mound before flicking his tongue into my dripping hole.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I cry as my legs buckle under me. John grabs me around the waist and lifts me onto the countertop. Leaning back against the cupboards, I spread my legs as he lowers his face to my anxious pussy. Pushing my thighs apart with his hands, he licks all the way from my asshole to my engorged clit, sending incredible sensations through my whole body.

"Ohhhhh! Fuck!" I scream as I grab his head and hold his mouth against my wanton pussy. "Eat me, you bastard!" I hiss at him. "I've waited ten fucking years for you to come back for more, now make it worthwhile!" I chastise him and encourage him at the same time. I've wanted him for so fucking long but now I'm mad at him for coming back! My feelings right now are so conflicted that I just ignore them and focus on the pleasure his tongue is giving me.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Yeah!" I moan as his tongue finds my clit and licks it repeatedly. "Suck it, John!" I breathe. "Suck my clit." He complies, slipping two fingers into my fiery pussy as he wraps his lips around my pleasure button. Ohmygod! I'm in heaven. It's been so fucking long!

"Yeessssssss! Fucking yes!" I yell, pulling his hair as I bash my pussy against his mouth. "Keep doing that! Exactly that!" I pant as my orgasm builds to its peak. "Oh fuck! Oh John! Oh fuck!" I'm rocking my ass on the counter, pulling him into my pussy!

"I'm cummmmming!" I yell as he sucks my knob while flicking his tongue against it, pushing me over the edge. I explode in a flood of juices that he hungrily laps up and I squeeze my legs together crushing his ears with my thighs. Shaking and shivering, I jerk spasmodically from the orgasmic aftershocks and finally relax my thighs. John gasps for air and then continues licking the juices dripping from my quivering pussy.

John picks me up and turns us around, setting my bare ass cheeks on the edge of the kitchen table. The table is lower than the counter and my pussy is now level with his hard cock. I fleetingly think about sucking him off first but he spreads my legs and plunges his cock into my drenched pussy before I complete the thought. Lying back, I pull my knees up as he slides my ass towards him, positioning me at the edge of the table. Jackhammering his thick cock into my highly aroused cunt, he grabs my thighs to keep me from sliding away.

This not how I envisioned it for the past ten years, lying on my kitchen table while he pounds into me. I momentarily wonder how Jeremy's doing on his date as my orgasm builds from the depths of his dad's intense penetration. I finally have John inside me again, and thoughts of his son distract me from my pleasure! John's relentless pounding quickly brings me back.

"Ohhhhhh! Fuck! John!" I pant each word on the forward thrust of his cock. "So ... fucking ... good!" I moan as I grab the edge of the table and try to buck my ass up to match his feverish rhythm. Leaning forward, he grabs my tits, mauling them in his hands and the pleasure is almost unbearable. He continues to slam his cock into my enflamed pussy and I'm almost there ... I can feel it building ... so close! Slap! Slap! Slap! Flesh against flesh. His upper thighs smack my ass cheeks as his cock drills my pussy.

"Arrrgggghhhhh! Fuuuuuuuccccck!" I scream as my orgasm rips through my body, releasing the floodgates inside my pussy and soaking John's fervently pounding cock. He thrusts deep inside me and I'm sure I feel his cum shooting into me as his body jerks against my widespread thighs. We convulse against each other, shakily riding out the waves of pleasure before he collapses on my chest and pushes his tongue into my mouth. Kissing him passionately, I wrap my legs around his waist, keeping him locked inside my spasming pussy.

"Whew!" he gasps, breaking the kiss to take a deep breath. "You're even better than I remembered, Sara," he says, kissing my neck.

"What took you so long, John?" I breathe, not really expecting an answer.

"I don't know," he sighs. "Guilt ... fear ... who knows?" he says, looking at me with those deep brown eyes. "I guess I was afraid that once we got started, we'd never stop. You'd be an addiction that I couldn't or wouldn't break. I was afraid it would ruin both of our lives," he whispers.

"What's changed?" I ask, seriously wondering why all of a sudden, it's okay.

"You living here," he says. "It's a lot easier to ignore you when you're not around," he smiles. "Maybe I'm jealous of all the time you're spending with Jeremy. I don't know," he says, standing up and releasing my legs from around his back. "Should I have stayed away?" he asks.

"No," I shake my head. "I'm glad you're finally here but I understand the addiction issue," I smile as I sit up and scoot off the table. Pulling him into an embrace, I nibble his lip, just like I did Jeremy's and then push my tongue back into his mouth. His hands cup my ass cheeks, deja vu as he grinds his spent cock against my pussy mound. We explore each other's mouths for a long time as we continue rubbing our bodies together. I love the feel of his chest against my tits and I slide them back and forth, teasing my sensitive nipples with his chest hair.

When I feel his cock stirring again, I kiss my way down his body and kneel in front of him. Looking directly into his brown eyes, I slowly feed his semi-erect cock into my warm mouth.

"Oh fuck!" he moans. "I need to sit down for this, Sara," he says, pulling back from me.

"Come on," I say, playfully tugging at his cock. "Let's go into my bedroom," I lead him by his cock, both of us laughing as we fall onto my bed. I roll him onto his back and kneel between his legs.

"Is this better?" I ask as I suck his rapidly recovering cock into my mouth.

"Yes, thank you," he smiles as he watches me deep throat his thick shaft. "Oh fuck! You are amazing!" he groans, pushing his cock all the way until my lips touch his pubic hair. I pull back slowly, flicking my tongue all along the sensitive underside.

"Ohhhhh! Yeah!" he grabs my hair and bucks his hips off the bed. I'm bobbing my head up and down as he fucks my mouth. What a different blowjob than the one I gave Jeremy earlier! I was setting the pace and deciding how deep Jeremy would go while John has taken charge, ramming his entire length into my mouth. God! Submitting to his demanding cock is so fucking arousing, my pussy is creaming like crazy as my mouth devours him.

"Jesus! Sara! Oh fuck! I'm cumming already!" he cries as I feel his balls constrict and I slide my lips back along his shaft. "Daaammnnnnnn!" he screams as his cock erupts inside my mouth and I swallow several large spurts of cum before he's finally drained. He settles back on the bed as I continue to gently suck on his spent cock.

My pussy is ready for him again, and I work my tongue all around his cockhead and tease his balls with my fingers until I feel him start to stiffen again.

"I don't know, Sara," he whispers. "Two is usually my limit." I ignore him and continue to nibble, lick and tease his cock and his balls. I've waited ten years for this and I'm not about to let him get away without fucking me again. My persistence pays off and I'm soon sliding my lips up and down his very rigid shaft.

"Did I tell you how amazing you are?" he asks. I just smile as I straddle his hips and lower myself onto his erect pole. My cunt lips stretch around his thick cock and my juices lubricate my descent until he disappears completely inside of me. I love this position! I feel so full and so totally in control!

Leaning forward, I drag my taut nipples across his chest and lightly kiss his lips before I start rocking back and forth. God! His cock feels so good massaging the inside of my fiery pussy. We start a slow, sensuous dance, barely moving as I grind my clit against his pelvic bone and his cock churns the juices inside my steamy pussy.

"Fuck, Sara!" John breathes as I sit up and start moving my hips in a circular motion while slowly pistoning up and down on his thick cock. "God! You're incredible!" he grabs my tits, pressing his palms against my hard nipples as he kneads the flesh around them. His touch ignites my sensitive skin, sending more pleasure signals surging through my pussy.

"Oh! John!" I moan his name as I bounce on his cock and ride him exactly like I did ten years ago. It's like no time has passed and I'm slamming my pussy down, fucking him like there's no tomorrow. For us, maybe there isn't!

Increasingly intense bursts of pleasure soar through my body as my pussy oozes juice all around his hard shaft. I'm out of control and I don't care. He's mauling my tits and calling my name as the most intense orgasm I've ever had, builds to an mind-blowing crescendo!

"Fuuuuuuuucck!" I scream as my pussy explodes around his swollen cock, triggering his final thrusts and his own eruption. We ride out our mutual pleasure until my body melts down onto his. Our only movements are my pussy quivering around his spasming cock and our labored breathing heaving our chests together.

God! This is what I've been missing. This is what every guy I've dated for the past ten years has been measured against. I began to wonder if I was just idealizing the whole episode. After all, I was young and inexperienced at the time. But no, my sister's husband is far better than my teenage memory.

I don't even know I've fallen asleep until I'm awakened by a knock on the door. I'm lying on top of John with his cock still buried in my pussy. The clock on my nightstand says it's twelve-fifteen. Fuck! It's probably Jeremy at the door. I try to disengage myself from John without waking him but his eyes spring open as his cock plops out of me.

"What's up?" he asks, sleepily.

"Shhh!" I say. "Go back to sleep," I tell him as I move off the bed. "Jeremy is here. Don't make a sound," I tell him. He stares at me before he answers.

"What's he doing here?" he asks.

"I told him to come up and tell me how his date went," I say as I pull on my robe and tie it around my waist. "I'll get rid of him in a few minutes," I tell him as we hear another soft knock on the door.

I pull the bedroom door closed and run my fingers through my tangled hair. I hope Jeremy will just think I was sleeping.

"Hey," I say opening the door with a big smile on my face. "How did it go?" I ask as he comes bursting into my apartment.

"It was so fucking great!" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and twirling me around. "You won't believe it!" he says, setting me back on the ground and hugging me. "I owe it all to you Aunt Sara!" he says.

"So tell me," I say, glancing at the bedroom door as I lead him over to the couch. Just before he sits down I notice the bulge in his pants and it's as large as I've ever seen it.

"We went to the movie and when I asked her what she wanted to do afterwards, she invited me back to her house." He's talking fast, without a hint of stuttering. "I met her parents and then we went downstairs to play video games. Her basement is tricked out with a complete entertainment center; plasma TV, Playstation 3 and even a Wii!" he pauses and takes a breath.

"So, she sets up Guitar Hero III but lets it play in demo mode," he smiles as he continues his story.

"You didn't really want to play video games did you?" she asked as she pulled me down next to her on the couch and wrapped her arms around my neck. I just shook my head as her lips met mine and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. We were kissing for a long time, when I pulled back and started unbuttoning her blouse. I glanced at the stairs, wondering if her parents will check on us.

Same as stuttering Jeremy -2 Videos

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Our Buddy Jeremy

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Michael asked Nicole. “Of course I do; I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want to at least try it," Nicole replied. Michael and Nicole are a couple in their early twenties, and had been together for just over a year. Michael was tall, worked hard on keeping his body in shape, with dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Nicole was tall as well, about four inches shorter than Michael, who stood six feet, two inches tall. Nicole worked hard on her body as well, but...

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Michael and Nicole Jeremy

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The Harvest of Jeremy

Anne still looked very good in a leotard, even at 62 years old. She stretched her leg and leaned against a bar at the side of the dance studio. A young man entered the front door of the studio, but Anne paid him little attention. She had not seen him at the studio before, but he looked familiar. Anne had given up dancing professionally years ago, but she still came to the studio several times a month. She was still healthy and fit and still loved to dance. "Once a ballerina-always a...

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The Infection Vector Chapter 1 Jeremy

I have crossed between the poles To me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave And there is in fact more earth than sea Genesis (The Cinema Show) Granada Road, Southsea May 28, 1979 Another night. Another cheap hotel. Tomorrow, another day on the road. Putting out fires, that's all they were doing. It never...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 21 Jeremy

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Me and Jeremy

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stuttering Jeremy 2

‘I don’t know Jenny,’ I say. ‘We’re talking borderline i****t here. I’m just helping him overcome his stuttering,’ I insist but she’s not dissuaded. ‘Seriously, Sara, you can’t send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm … you’ve got to help get him ready,’ she says. ‘Who else can do it?’ she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. ‘Please, Sara.’ ‘I’ll do what I can,’ I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex. ‘This...

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A Day In The Life Of Ron Jeremy

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A Mistress For Jeremy

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stuttering Jeremy 3

‘They won’t come down here,’ she said, reading my thoughts. ‘I’m over eighteen and they trust me,’ she smiled seductively. ‘I don’t want to mess up on our first date,’ I told her. ‘So if I’m going to fast…’ Before I could get the rest of the words out she shook her head and helped me undo the rest of the buttons. She pulled her blouse open and I started massaging her tits through her bra as we started kissing again. I fumbled a little with the front clasp of her bra but she helped me without...

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stuttering Jeremy 3

"They won't come down here," she said, reading my thoughts. "I'm over eighteen and they trust me," she smiled seductively."I don't want to mess up on our first date," I told her. "So if I'm going to fast..." Before I could get the rest of the words out she shook her head and helped me undo the rest of the buttons. She pulled her blouse open and I started massaging her tits through her bra as we started kissing again. I fumbled a little with the front clasp of her bra but she helped me without...

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Ron Jeremy

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Account of Courtney Jeremy

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stuttering Jeremy 4

‘I want to see you naked,’ he whispers, just as I’m about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He’s even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely. With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...

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stuttering Jeremy 4

"I want to see you naked," he whispers, just as I'm about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He's even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely.With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...

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stuttering Jeremy 5

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stuttering Jeremy 5

"By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well," I laugh, warming up to my nephew's enthusiasm."Oh God! Aunt Sara," he says. "It was better than pretty well," he exclaims. "I'm pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?" I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don't want him to see my red ass cheeks."Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight," I tell him honestly. "I'm pretty out of it and just want to sleep. How about we talk tomorrow?""Sure,"...

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EvilAngel Tina Kay Passionate 69 And Anal Gaping

Aroused brunette Tina Kay fingers herself and licks up her delicious pussy juice. She sucks David Perry’s big cock, letting it slide down her throat. David shoves his boner into her sensitive cunt. He pulls his thick meat from her vag and stuffs it up her tight asshole, expanding her sphincter with every stroke. Tina gobbles his balls, and they share passionate 69. David gives her a rim job, and she masturbates while his meat pummels her rectum. See butthole gaping and an ass-to-mouth...

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FamilyStrokes Selena Love Lolly Dames 4th Of July Wiener

Selena Love and her stepmom Lolly Dames are ready to celebrate 4th of July, but Lolly wants to make sure that Selena follows her diet and keeps practicing for her dance recital. When stepbrother Johnny arrives at the party, he starts grilling some hotdogs, and sneakily gives some to Selena who starts sucking on his wiener as a way to say thank you! Once their stepmom leaves to see some fireworks with their neighbors, Selena and Johnny go to the bedroom and finish what they started… Nothing like...

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Pee On Her! Fuck yeah! Let's piss on some bitches! In today’s ever-expanding, technologically-apt society, the porn industry constantly experiences and ever-growing demand for more and more creative pornography. So far, technology has been able to not only give us porn on demand, allowing us as a society to sexually please ourselves with arousing visual stimuli whenever we want, but it’s also given us a bunch of different ways to consume pornography. Today there are thousands of live cam...

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The Meeting FChapter 2 Sex Object

Marilyn kept worrying about how to get the MYF to be seen -- at least by themselves -- as a body of responsible church members. She tried to express her worries to Colin Saturday night after the movie. “You worry too much,” he said, “and at the wrong times. You’re their president. Tell them what to do. If they don’t do it, it’s their fault. After all, you have it on your bio for college admissions. They might check that you held the post, but I bet I could put down that I held it and not get...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 38 First Day of Winter

December 5, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have Kristin Cicilioni for you,” Kimmy said, showing a very pretty dark-haired woman into my office. “Thanks, Kimmy. Good afternoon, Ms. Cicilioni.” I extended my hand and we shook. “Good afternoon! You can call me Kristin.” “And you can call me Steve. Are you OK with Japanese style chairs?” “I’ve been doing yoga for eight years, so I’m pretty sure I can sit down and get up again!” “Tea?” Kimmy asked. “For me, yes. Kristin?” “7-Up or...

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Great Time With My Best Friend Divya

Hi guys, this is the first writing of erotic literature in my life. Hope you will have some good time by reading this real incident. Let me tell about myself. This is Bala from Chennai. I have completed my graduation and got a job here itself. I am a normal looking guy and talkative (making fun always). This happened exactly one year before. I and my best friend Divya were friends from the very first day of my job. We were a gang of 6 people. But 4 peoples got better jobs and they went their...

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Who Me a Wizard V111

I had my head down on my hands and was thinking what do we do next. No thoughts along that line...all the girls running around naked was too distracting. We had moved about five miles from battle ground at least there was no more stench. We had eaten and doctored our wounds and every one had their tents set up and most were already out for the night. I stretched out on the bed in my shorts. I lay my arm across my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I was having such a wonderful dream....

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Sub cunt 2 on Omegle

Stranger: f 34 belgiumYou: i'm edwardYou: and you are/Stranger: KarenYou: hello karenYou: are you submissive?Stranger: yesYou: any limits or taboos/Stranger: noYou: **** or worse? can i hurt you?Stranger: yes you canStranger: just no visible marksYou: pity, i'd like to leave lots of marks in fantasyYou: what do you look like karen?Stranger: in fantasy everything is possibleYou: yesStranger: very sexyYou: very sexy indeedYou: any more pictures?Stranger: yesStranger:...

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Not The Man I Never Was

Not the Man I Never Was Rated: X By Dawna Tompson April 2006 It's not easy breaking difficult news to a loved one far away Dear Snuggles, I think our relationship has hit a snag and I'm not sure how to explain it. I want to make this easy on you. I still care deeply for you and don't want to see you hurt in any way. I've never held any resentment toward you for any of the things you've ever said or done to me. So let me see if I can explain what's happened, and let you...

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186 Days

186 DaysByJackpot All the usual disclaimers. You must be over 18 to read this. This story ispure fantasy. You have been warned. This is for adults only!   There was blood starting to form like baby geysers everywhere. The needlespricked and pricked and pricked. An eerie sense of pain spread everywhere.Colors and swirls of red began to pool together in circles in some areas. Shewas placed spread eagle. They had placed one needle after another and anotherinto her abdomen. Her brother was across...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVI - The headmistress of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, has called a press conference in order to dispel the explosion of rumors regarding the brutal attack on Jezebel. "There have been non-stop inquiries and quite frankly, if we don't proactively respond, the papers will just print all the rumors, which will get your sister in the paper, endlessly speculate about the chastity,...

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The Keeper of My Brothers Wife

He walked into the bar and looked around. As his eyes became accustomed to the low level of the lighting and he was able to see into some of the darker recesses of the place he saw her. She was sitting at a table in the back corner and she wasn't alone. But then he hadn't really expected her to be. The guy sitting next to her had his arm draped across her shoulders and his right hand was caressing her right breast. He kept his eyes on the two of them as he stepped to the bar and ordered a...

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Falling Down Climbing UpChapter 2

About one year after dumping my cheating wife I had got a new neighbor, a single woman with a girl in the same age as my daughter. The girls became friends within a short time and for practical reasons regarding the girls I invited in her mother for a coffee break. She was a very easygoing and gorgeous, a newly divorced lawyer. We almost immediately got some kind of friendly relations and that was why I after a while got warm feelings for her and suggested a date. She said a kind "No...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 49 It Fits Perfectly

November 20, 1981, McKinley, Ohio I got up from the couch and walked over to where Nancy was standing. She took my hand and led me to her bedroom where she shut and locked the door. She stood in front of me, and I held out my arms. She stepped forward and melted against me, sighing deeply as she put her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and held her. “I’ve wanted this for months,” she whispered. I moved one of my hands to lift Nancy’s chin so we could kiss. Our lips...

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Chapter 13. ‘Miss Butt-Slut.’ Angel’s Wand Raid. Blen meets the President. Typhoon Cimaron. Bombs? Stag Night Party. Miss Butt-Slut and the Masters of Uranus. In mid-evening, there was an alarm. Near the top of Fields Ave, there had been a raid. Angel’s Wand was sealed off by police, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Mama quickly enforced strict adherence to the guidelines. Customers finished their drinks and walked up the street to watch, as did Daddy Don. Mama hurried to the back to...

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Out of Place Artefacts

I was an assistant office messenger for a urban newspaper. My work life was reliable and relaxed. Then, one day, I was sent to the djungle with a group of journalists who wanted to explore the rumours about an ancient civilisation in the primeval forest, which a section of the Eurocentric scientists had called the Rumpus culture.

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My Fantasy

Captured and Tastefully Displayed I am wandering in a park setting near my apartment one early fall morning with nobody around and enjoying the sounds of nature (birds chirping and dried leaves blowing in the wind). Suddenly from all directions, three hooded individuals (I think 2 men and a woman) come rushing out at me wielding clubs and threatening to use them on me. While two of them hold me, one of them quickly cuffs my hands behind my back and then heavily gags my mouth (first with a ball...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 16 A Visit to Chicago

June 1981, Chicago, Illinois I pulled up in front of the InterContinental Hotel on North Michigan Avenue in Chicago, and reluctantly handed the keys to my Trans Am to the valet. Stephanie and I grabbed our bags, and I went to check in. I handed over my new BankAmericard, which I’d received in the mail the previous week, and after they took an imprint, they handed it back along with two-room keys. I declined the assistance of the bellman and my sister and I took the elevator up to the 12th...

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