Stuttering Jeremy -4 free porn video

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‘I want to see you naked,’ he whispers, just as I’m about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He’s even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely.

With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my white panties, he traces my pussy lips with his tongue. The material is pretty wet already from my aroused pussy and he can probably taste me right through my panties.

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhh!’ I sigh as he licks my pussy lips and uses his tongue to push the thin material between them. He continues licking my covered pussy as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of my panties and slowly rolls them down. God! He’s amazing! I’ve never felt anything like this. I’m pushing my pussy against his mouth as he rolls my panties past his tongue and I feel the warm licking directly against my bare pussy lips.

‘Ohhhhhh! Fuuuuuuccck!’ I moan loudly as his tongue penetrates my pussy and grazes my clit. Jeremy has my panties around my upper thighs and his tongue buried in my hot pussy. He can’t get the panties any lower unless I close my legs and that’s the last thing I want to do. I grab handfuls of his hair as I buck my pussy against his talented mouth.

‘Don’t stop!’ I yell as he pulls his face back from my burning snatch.

‘Sorry,’ he says, leaning back and stripping my panties off. ‘I had to get rid of these,’ he smiiles, before diving back into my pussy.

‘Ohhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhh!’ I exclaim, entwining my fingers in his hair and bucking my ass off the bed as he sucks my clit into his mouth and pumps two fingers into my enflamed pussy.

‘Oh God!’ I moan. ‘Don’t stop! That’s exactly it, Jeremy,’ I yell. ‘Don’t … fucking … stop!’ I’m out of control, thrashing around on the bed, thrusting my pussy against his face as my orgasm approaches its peak. His tongue feels so fucking good. My pussy is sending electric pulses throughout my body. I’ve got his head in my hands and I’m literally fucking his face.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! AaaaaarrrgggghhhhHHHHH!’ I explode in a thunderous pleasure rush, flooding his face with my lava-like cream as my body convulses in jerky spasms. I feel his tongue lapping at my juices as my body shivers through several more orgasmic waves of pleasure.

‘Oh fuck!’ I breath, collapsing back on the bed as Jeremy licks my upper thighs and around my pussy mound. My tits rise and fall with my heavy breathing as I gasp for air.

I’ve barely recovered when Jeremy pushes my thighs up and spreads them wider apart. I feel his tongue licking along the tiny corridor between my pussy and my ass. I pull my knees up giving him easier access and mentally willing him to lick my asshole. He doesn’t disappoint!

‘Ohhhhhh!’ I moan encouragingly as Jeremy moistens my crinkled rear opening with his tongue. Pulling my knees against my tits, I rock back and forth as he licks from my asshole to my pussy. He grazes my clit with his tongue before moving back down and licking my puckered asshole again. It feels so good, I want his mouth in both places at once.

‘Ohhhhh! God!’ I moan louder as his tongue journeys up to my pussy again barely making contact with my sensitive clit.

‘I think she likes it,’ he smiles as he lowers his mouth and reams my back opening with his wet tongue.

‘I love it!’ I tell him as he lingers at my asshole, spreading my cheeks apart with his thumbs and pushing his tongue into the narrow opening. I’ve never had a cock back there but I love having my asshole teased with a finger or a tongue. Like he’s reading my mind, he replaces his tongue with a finger while licking his way up to my clit.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhhhh!’ I yell as he sucks my clit into his mouth and pushes what feels like his thumb into my soggy pussy. With his finger in my ass and his thumb in my pussy, he rocks his hand back and forth while sucking on my clit. Where did he learn this shit? Another orgasm is building in seconds.

‘Oh yeah! Play with my tits!’ I pant as he starts mauling my tits with his other hand. He grabs my nipples, pinching and twisting while he continues to finger fuck both openings and suck on my clit. Incredibly pleasurable sensations are pulsating through my body. My orgasm is building and I’m at his mercy. I can’t move! He’s doing everything!

‘Oh God! … Oh Fuck! … Oh Jeremy!’ he picks up the rhythm of his finger fucking and flicks his tongue across my clit. ‘Ohhhhhmmmyyyygod!’ I scream as the damn bursts and I flood his hand with my juices. Extracting his finger from my ass before pulling his thumb from my pussy, he starts lapping at my gushing stream of juice. I shiver through several more orgasmic waves and then fall back panting as I dissolve into the bed.

I’m barely conscious of his tongue at my naval as he plants kisses all over my body. When he gets to my face he hesitates until I pull him close and shove my tongue in his mouth, tasting my poignant flavor. I want to devour him as I lick my flavor from the inside of his cheeks and suck his tongue into my mouth.

I feel him slide his hand between us and then he’s inside me, his hard cock filling my torrid pussy. Oh fuck!

‘The condom?’ I whisper breathlessly, momentarily breaking our kiss.

‘It’s on,’ he says as he starts rhythmically pumping in and out and I plunge my tongue back into his mouth, wondering when he had time to do that.

His rigid cock is massaging my sensitive pussy walls with each thrust, stoking the embers of my prior orgasms and building a fire so hot that my whole body feels like it’s melting.

‘Oh God! Aunt Sara,’ he says, pulling his mouth from mine. ‘You feel so fucking good!’ he pants as he slams his cock into my liquefied hole. I stare into his gorgeous brown eyes, unexpectedly conscious of how tightly my arms and legs are wrapped around him and how frantically he’s pounding into me. My pleasure is almost constant as tiny electrical pulses surge through my body on each downward stroke of his cock.

‘I’m cumming!’ he announces, his face contorted into a painful grimace as he approaches his long awaited release. I rock with him, my pussy drenching his sheathed cock as it jerks uncontrollably inside of me. Instead of exploding, my orgasm seems to ooze out of me and I continue shivering and spasming long after he’s collapsed on my chest.

‘My God, Jeremy!’ I whisper. ‘You are incredible!’ I proclaim. ‘Licking me through my panties and then with your finger in my ass. Where did all that come from?’ I ask as I stroke his damp hair and kiss his forehead.

‘The panties were an accident,’ he says. ‘I impulsively started licking through the wet material and then I couldn’t figure out what to do with them,’ he smiles sheepishly. ‘The ass part, I read in a book,’ he admits. ‘Was it okay to do that without asking?’ he now asks.

‘It was more than okay, which I think you already figured out,’ I say. ‘I came harder than I’ve ever cum, Jeremy,’ I tell him honestly. ‘You were wonderful.’

‘I didn’t know what to do about kissing you after I’d had my tongue inside your pussy,’ he admits. ‘Should I kiss Megan after I eat her?’ he asks.

‘Definitely,’ I tell him. ‘I find it incredibly erotic but Megan will tell you if she feels differently. Just assume it’s okay unless she tells you otherwise,’ I smile. His cock is still inside my pussy and I savor the feeling as my body slowly stops quivering.

‘Ready for me to change the condom?’ he asks, leaning up and looking at me expectantly.

‘Oh God, Jeremy. I don’t know how much more I can take,’ I laugh as his brown eyes seem to plead with me. ‘Go change the condom,’ I tell him, playfully slapping his ass. ‘I did tell you to eat twice and fuck twice, didn’t I?’

‘Yes you did!’ he says exuberantly as he slides his spent cock from my soggy pussy and heads into the bathroom. I lie back, blissfully aware of a pleasant tingling sensation throughout my entire body. I drift into an erotic dreamlike state which is interrupted too soon when I feel Jeremy climb back up on the bed.

Once again demonstrating an expertise beyond his age and experience, he doesn’t plunge right into me. Kneeling between my legs, he leans forward, planting soft kisses all over my torso. Gradually moving his lips towards my breasts, he gently lies on top of me with his stomach pressing against the swamp that used to be my pussy.

As Jeremy starts licking around the sides of my breasts, I’m shocked at how good it feels. I’m surprised my tits haven’t melted away like the lower half of my body. I moan softly and run my fingers through his hair as he circles my breasts with his tongue, spending extra time licking the crevice between them. When he finally approaches my nipples, they are fully erect and anxious to be sucked. He teases a while longer, licking the areolas and running his tongue across the taut nipples before he sucks one into his mouth.

‘Mmmmmm,’ I murmur my appreciation as he sucks and nibbles my sensitive nipple. He alternates between my tits, stimulating the nipples until they start sending erotic pulses to my pussy. By the time he kisses my neck, I’m rocking my hips back and forth against his stomach. God! My pussy is ready to be fucked again!

Lifting himself up on his elbows, he looks down at my face with a twinkle in his eyes and glides his fully recovered cock into my saturated tunnel. In one slow, steady movement he burrows into me until his pelvic bone pushes against my mound. With my hand behind his head, I pull his lips to mine as he starts slowly rocking back and forth, grinding against my pussy.

My body seems to materialize from nowhere, wrapping itself around him as my pussy envelops his cock in a tight embrace. Damn! I didn’t think I could get any more aroused but his cock filling my pussy as his pelvis grinds against my clit is pushing me to new heights.

‘You … are … doing … everything … right!’ I breathe, kissing his warm lips between each word. My pussy is alive! It hasn’t melted away but it is on fire again! I buck against him as I grab his ass cheeks and urge him on.

‘Harder!’ I pant. ‘Fuck me harder, Jeremy!’ I pull him into me as I thrust up to meet him.

‘Faster! Harder!’ I scream as he jackhammers his cock into my smoldering pussy. He’s breathing hard and I don’t think he’s going to get me where I’m going. Not like this. I drop my legs down next to his, grab him around the shoulders and push up with one foot, flipping us over so I’m on top. It worked! I didn’t lose him. Sitting up, I settle onto his hard cock and smile down at him.

‘My turn to do all the work,’ I tell him as his smile stretches across his entire face. ‘You play with these,’ I say, lifting my tits and giving them a squeeze. He immediately complies, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh as I start rocking back and forth on his glorious cock!

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhh!’ I moan as I pick up the rhythm, frantically bouncing up and down on him. I’m in control now and I’m giving my pussy a real thrashing.

‘Ohhh! Fuck! Aunt Sara!’ Jeremy wails as my pussy slams down around his swollen cock. He’s pinching my nipples and trying to keep my tits from bouncing off my chest as I ride him like a bucking bronco!

I momentarily flash on John’s face and how he looked the first time I rode his cock. It was the first time I rode any cock. I lost my virginity to him and now his son has lost his virginity to me. Seems like we’ve come full circle. Jeremy has his hands on my hips, thrusting into me just like his daddy did.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuccccccck!’ I scream as my orgasm thunders through my body, releasing a flood of juices onto Jeremy’s hard cock. He keeps bouncing me on his cock as shivers of pleasure pulsate from my quivering pussy.

‘Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhh!’ Jeremy thrusts into me one final time, pulling me down on top of him as his cock erupts in jerky spasms inside my satiated pussy. My mouth finds his and I push my tongue between his lips as my hard nipples dig into his chest. With his arms around my back, he holds me against him until our orgasms subside.

‘Damn, Aunt Sara!’ Jeremy breaks the silence. ‘I never thought it would be like this!’ he says. ‘It’s a hundred times better than any fantasy I’ve ever imagined.’

‘You are going to take Megan places she’s never even imagined,’ I reply, kissing him lightly on the mouth. He’s certainly taken me farther than I ever thought he would.

‘I hope so,’ he says quietly. ‘Aunt Sara?’ he says hesitantly.

‘What is it, Jeremy?’ I ask, leaning up to look him in the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes!

‘Um … am I still going to be able to … um?’ He’s not stuttering but he’s sure having trouble getting the words out. ‘I mean … are we still … um … you know, going to be able to keep doing this?’ he asks, looking at me hopefully.

‘Well…’ I start, uncertain about what’s the right answer. ‘This was your graduation, Jeremy. You’ve successfully graduated from the Aunt Sara School of Sex!’ I exclaim, trying to lighten the mood.

‘ASSS!’ he laughs. I hadn’t even considered the acronym. ‘So TIT and ASSS!’ he laughs and his smile spreads across his entire face. I laugh with him and our bodies shake the bed.

‘You better take care of the condom,’ I tell him as I ease my soggy pussy off his limp cock and roll onto the bed beside him. He scoots to the other side of the bed and gets up.

I ponder his question while he’s in the bathroom. Is this going to continue? Now that we’ve fucked, will Jenny encourage a continuing sexual relationship? I start thinking about other things I could teach him, other positions we could explore. And where does John fit into this whole thing now that he knows what’s going on? I’ve yet to come to a conclusion when Jeremy returns to the bedroom.

‘I know you just needed some time to think about it,’ he says, crawling up on the bed next to me. God! He is smart beyond his years! ‘I know what we’re doing is probably wrong,’ he adds, brushing hair from my eyes and running his hand over my bare shoulder. ‘But we’re consenting adults, Aunt Sara. We should be able to do whatever we want,’ he says as his hand moves down to my chest and caresses my breast.

‘Let’s see how things go with Megan tomorrow night,’ I tell him, wondering if he’ll still want to be with me after he’s had sex with someone his own age. ‘If you still want to continue this, I suppose we could develop some sort of alumni program,’ I tease.

‘I love you, Aunt Sara!’ he says, laughing. ‘No matter what happens tomorrow night, I’d love to be part of your alumni program,’ he says, kissing me.

We lie there naked on my bed, talking for another hour or so working out all the details regarding his date with Megan. I promise clean sheets and towels while he decides to leave the condoms in the nightstand drawer.

God! It feels so natural being here with him. I don’t want him to leave. It’s after eleven when I reluctantly send him home and fall into a wonderfully blissful, post-coital sl**p.

Friday night, I leave my apartment unlocked and walk up the sidewalk to the main house. I’m excited for Jeremy and surprisingly looking forward to spending the evening with my big s****r. When we were growing up she always took care of me. Being ten years older than I am, she frequently babysat me when our parents were out. I’ve always looked up to her and she’s always been there for me.

When I walk into her kitchen, I can’t help but laugh because we are wearing identical outfits, white shorts and red halter-tops. She has a pitcher of margaritas ready and is preparing taco meat.

‘Well, I guess we know what the uniform of the day is,’ I laugh as she hands me my drink. It’s a large margarita glass with the rim salted.

‘Hi Sara,’ she says, smiling at our choice of clothing. ‘Do you mind grating the cheese while I finish with the meat?’ I take a sip of the margarita and it’s delicious.

‘No problem,’ I tell her, going to the fridge and getting the cheddar cheese. ‘This is good!’ I compliment her on the margarita.

‘It’s a new recipe that John got from someone at work,’ she smiles. ‘Too bad he’s not here to enjoy it,’ she laughs.

‘More for us!’ I declare, taking a big gulp and breathing a sigh of relief that John isn’t here. I don’t think I’m ready to deal with him yet.

We’re on our second pitcher of margaritas and just finishing dinner when Jenny first mentions Jeremy.

‘I wonder if they’re at your house yet,’ she says, using a tortilla to wipe up the salsa and cheese left on her plate.

‘I think he was picking her up at seven so I imagine they’ve been there a little while,’ I answer, getting up from the table and rinsing my plate in the sink.

By the time we clear the table, fill the dish washer and move into the living room, Jenny has mentioned Jeremy several more times.

‘So what do you think they’re doing, now?’ she asks for the third time in half an hour. We’re on our third pitcher of margaritas and I’m getting pretty buzzed but I wonder about her fixation on her son’s date.

‘For the third time, I don’t know what they’re doing!’ I snap at her. ‘I told you what happened Thursday night and I’m guessing that if Megan is willing, he’s following the same sequence.’

‘Well aren’t we touchy,’ she smiles. ‘Anyone would think you’re jealous.’ We talked earlier about my experience with her son on Thursday night. She was very interested in how good the sex was and asked several questions about how his cock felt inside of me. I assured her that he could hold his own with the best of them.

‘Oh, please!’ I answer but she’s closer to the mark than I want to admit.

‘We should have put a camera in your bedroom!’ she says as we’re sitting in the living room flipping TV channels, her wide eyes reflecting the amount of alcohol she’s consumed.

‘A camera?’ I ask. ‘What are you talking about?’ I laugh but she’s serious. ‘What would we do, just tell them to ignore the video camera sitting here on a tripod?’ I ask, finishing my umpteenth margarita.

‘No,’ she says, seriously. ‘We could put a wireless camera on the dresser and they’d never even notice it,’ she says, matter-of-factly. ‘We’ll do it next time,’ she declares. ‘You can invite them to use your apartment again next week’. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. She wants to video her son having sex with his girlfriend. And I thought I was perverted!

‘Where are we going to get a camera like that?’ I ask, trying to dissuade her through simple logistics. She looks at me for a minute before responding.

‘Come with me,’ she says quietly, getting off the couch and leading the way into her bedroom. I follow her, wondering what she’s going to show me. She walks over to her dresser and picks up a small plastic ball with a tiny opening on the side.

‘Look at this,’ she says, handing it to me. ‘Do you think they would notice one of these sitting on your dresser?’ she asks, mischievously. I look at the object in my hand.

‘This is a camera?’ I ask.

‘Yes!’ she says excitedly. ‘And it’s wireless!’ she exclaims. ‘We could watch it from John’s computer’ she is serious about watching Jeremy and Megan fuck! And she’s treating me like a co-conspirator! I’m speechless until another thought enters my alcohol-clouded brain.

‘Jenny,’ I say slowly, not sure I want to know the answer to my question. ‘Why do you have one of these cameras on your dresser?’ I ask. She just smiles at me and picks up the remote to the plasma big screen TV, mounted on the wall opposite the bed.

‘John and I like to role play, you know, to spice up the sex a little,’ she says, smiling at me as she clicks the remote to turn on the TV. ‘A few months ago, John got the idea to video our role plays so we can watch them later,’ she says, stepping over to the laptop computer that sits on a desk in the corner.

‘I searched the Internet, and in less than a week, I surprised him with a couple of these cameras. There’s another one over there,’ she says, pointing to the dresser on the opposite wall. Moving the mouse around, she clicks on files until the computer desktop shows up on the TV screen. ‘I even learned how to use a video editing program,’ she smiles. ‘John thinks it’s magic but then he can barely check his e-mail.’

‘You’ve filmed yourself … um’ Jenny cuts me off before I finish.

‘Yes! Can you believe it?’ she asks, excitedly. ‘This is our most recent video,’ she says as she clicks on a file. ‘The screen is angled so the best viewing is from the bed,’ she says, motioning me to join her on the king-size bed. ‘It’s about time you got to see for yourself what I’ve been telling you about ‘big’ John,’ she smiles wickedly as we scoot back, leaning against pillows propped up on the headboard.

I’m dumbfounded and don’t know what to say. I just follow my s****r’s lead and get comfortable on the bed next to her as we watch the file load.

‘Jenny!’ I say, turning toward her, shocked by the image on the big TV. ‘I don’t want to watch this!’ I tell her, getting ready to bolt from the room.

‘Wait!’ she says, grabbing my arm. ‘Just watch it for a minute. Trust me, Sara,’ she says, using that big s****r voice which she knows I won’t disobey. I sit back, keeping my eyes on Jenny instead of the TV. She presses the remote to adjust the volume and my eyes drift back to the big screen when I hear her moaning.

In the video, Jenny is lying naked on the same bed we’re on now. Her legs are spread and she’s masturbating with a pink dildo. I try not to watch but the image is captivating. I’ve seen porn stars masturbating on professional videos but watching my own s****r masturbating on a homemade video is completely different. Why is she showing me this?

I know my s****r prides herself on keeping in shape but I’ve never seen her naked. Her body looks even better than I expected. I’d always admired her long shapely legs and her flat stomach but her breasts look like they belong to a woman at least ten years younger. They’re a little larger than mine with big areolas and thick nipples. Her tan lines reflect the conservative swimsuit she usually wears and her breasts are strikingly pale compared to the deep tan of her legs and stomach.

As my eyes travel the length of her body, I can’t help but focus on the intersection of her smooth thighs where her hand is pumping the dildo in and out of her glistening pussy. She’s completely shaved! I don’t know why I’m so surprised. My thoughts are interrupted when the video abruptly switches to another angle, presumably from the other camera, shooting over Jenny’s body from the top and showing the open door into the hall.

‘This is the good part.’ Jenny says. ‘I edited the footage from the two cameras, making one video,’ she explains as the video shows John in the doorway, fully dressed

‘What the fuck!’ he says as Jenny scrambles to cover herself.

‘J-J-John,’ she stutters, making me think of Jeremy. ‘What are you doing home?’ she asks, scooting to the edge of the bed and tossing the dildo in the corner.

‘Never mind me,’ he yells as he advances into the room. ‘What the fuck are you doing?’

‘Well… ,’ she says, looking at him sheepishly. ‘Being bad, I guess,’ she says coyly.

‘You’re damn right!’ he answers, pulling her up from the bed to stand next to him. ‘You know what happens to bad girls, don’t you?’ he asks. I glance at Jenny on the bed next to me and she has one hand between her thighs, rubbing the crotch of her shorts as she stares at the TV. I have to admit that it is weirdly erotic watching my fully dressed b*****r-in-law reprimanding my naked s****r. I feel my pussy tingle as my eyes focus back on the TV screen.

‘They get spanked.’ Jenny says quietly.

‘Yes they do.’ John says, matter-of-factly as he sits on the edge of the bed and pulls Jenny across his lap. Ohmygod! I’ve heard about this but I’d have never believed that John and my s****r…

‘I told you this was good, didn’t I?’ Jenny says, looking at me as she continues rubbing her crotch. ‘I’m getting hot all over again, just watching it,’ she says as she hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and lifts her ass off the bed so she can pull them down. ‘Do you mind?’ she asks, kicking her shorts off the foot of the bed, and spreading her legs apart, revealing light blue bikini panties.

‘Uh … no. Not at all,’ I answer as she strokes her pussy through her panties.

‘You can get comfortable, too,’ she says. ‘This isn’t even the best part yet.’ I just look back at the video without moving. John has been caressing Jenny’s bare ass and telling her what happens to bad girls. My s****r has a surprisingly firm looking ass with tan lines cutting across just above the top of her crack and wrapping around the bottom of her cheeks. I watch John raise his hand but I still flinch when the loud slap echoes through the speakers.

I glance at Jenny and she has her hand inside her panties, working her pussy with her fingers. Maybe it’s the alcohol, I can’t really explain it but I’m getting very turned on. I shift nervously on the bed, squeezing my thighs together as my eyes dart back and forth between John spanking my s****r and watching her masturbating next to me.

Slap! Slap! Slap! John lands his palm against Jenny’s round ass cheeks in rapid succession and I watch as they turn a light shade of pink.

‘Take your shorts off.’ My s****r says, almost panting. ‘You know you want to, Sara!’ she cries, glancing over at me. I guess I’m squirming around more than I realized. I hesitate for a minute and then strip off my shorts and spread my legs apart like my s****r.

‘You are such a slut!’ John says and I jerk my head up, expecting to see him standing in the doorway. But, it’s just the video. He has slowed his attack and is now caressing Jenny’s pink ass between slaps. His hand dips between her legs, rubbing her pussy. ‘You really like this, don’t you, slut!’ he yells, pushing two fingers into her pussy as she squirms on his lap.

‘YES!!’ Both Jennys answer in unison. The one sitting next to me appears to be getting ready to cum. Her body has slid down to where she’s nearly off the pillows and she now has both hands inside her panties. It looks like she’s pumping her fingers in and out, mimicking what John is doing in the video. Her other hand is probably rubbing her clit.

This is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. I’m mesmerized, watching my s****r masturbate to a video of her husband spanking her. It’s like seeing a train wreck, I don’t want to look but I can’t tear my eyes away!

‘Oh fuck!’ The real Jenny is breathing hard, bucking her ass off the bed and working frantically on her pussy.

‘Aaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhh!’ she moans, squeezing her legs together as she pulls her knees up and lets her orgasm wash over her.

‘I needed that,’ she laughs, pulling her hands from her panties and stretching her legs out on the bed. ‘You’ve never been spanked like that, have you Sara?’ she asks, looking over at my dazed expression. ‘Bet you’d like to find out what it’s like, wouldn’t you?’ she asks, her eyes focused on the damp spot in the crotch of my panties.

She’s right! I’ve been imagining myself stretched across John’s lap, his hand caressing my warm, freshly spanked ass. Before I can answer, she’s moving across the bed and pulling her halter-top off. Neither of us is wearing a bra and I watch my s****r’s tits swing freely from side to side as she pushes me across the bed.

‘This won’t be as good as John’s spankings but I think you’ll get the idea,’ she says, pulling me off the bed with her until we’re standing face to face.

‘You’ve been bad, haven’t you?’ she says as she unties my halter-top and lets it fall to the floor. She hefts my breasts with her hands and gives me an appreciative smile. I stare blankly at her, a dazed expression on my face.

‘I said, you’ve been bad!’ she yells, dropping my breasts and letting them slam against my chest. The vibration sends tingles through my nipples and down to my pussy. I barely nod as she sits down on the edge of the bed.

‘You know what happens to bad girls, don’t you?’ she asks, taking my arm and pulling me down across her lap. I don’t answer. This isn’t happening. My arm brushes against her tits. My pussy is on fire as I lie across my s****r’s bare thighs.

‘You’ve fucked my son!’ she yells, while pulling my panties down just below the curve of my round ass cheeks. God! This is wrong! Her hand feels so good on my ass, squeezing and caressing my cheeks.

‘You’ve lusted after my husband!’ she yells, and I jerk my head around to look at her. Oh no! She knows about John.

‘Just roll with it, honey,’ she smiles. ‘I’m just getting into character,’ she says, and I turn back, surprised that the video is still playing.

John has his shirt off and is unfastening his pants while Jenny is on all fours on the bed with her bright pink ass cheeks pushed out towards him.

Slap! Fuck! That hurt! Jenny has brought her hand down hard on my right ass cheek. Slap! The second one hits my left ass cheek as I watch John’s hard cock spring out of his pants.

‘This is what happens to bad girls who can’t control their sexual urges!’ Jenny says as she administers three quick smacks to my bare ass. Fuck! I’ve never done anything like this! My pussy is gushing juice as I watch John align his cock with my s****r’s wet pussy. By the time he drives it home, I’m humping Jenny’s thigh and wishing she’d touch my pussy.

‘You like this, don’t you, slut!’ she asks, mimicking the video as she slides her fingers between my legs. I raise my ass and spread my thighs, welcoming her probing fingers. But she doesn’t touch my pussy.

‘You want me to get you off, don’t you?’ Jenny asks menacingly.

‘Yes!’ I answer, raising my ass higher. She runs her palm over my tender ass cheeks, lightly caressing my skin.

‘Because you’re a slut!’ Slap! Oh fuck!

‘Yes!’ I answer, collapsing back onto her thighs. Slap! She’s alternating between my ass cheeks.

‘Say it!’ she commands as I watch John pound into her on the video. Her ass cheeks are bright pink and he’s holding her hips as his thick cock glides in and out of her pussy.

‘I’m a slut!’ I answer. Slap! My cheeks must be getting as pink as Jenny’s are in the video.

‘You fucked my son!’ Slap! ‘Say it!’ she commands as her palm stays against my burning ass cheek.

‘I fucked your son,’ I say as she slides her fingers down between my ass cheeks. Please touch me this time! I silently beg, while raising my ass up and offering myself to her.

‘You lusted after my husband!’ she says, as her fingers get closer to my pussy. ‘Say it!’

‘I lusted after your husband,’ I repeat dutifully. If she only knew! I spread my legs and try to make contact with her fingers as I glance at the TV. John has pulled Jenny tightly against him and is jerking wildly against her ass, obviously shooting his cum into her.

‘And now you want your big s****r to get you off!’ she says as her fingers graze my outer labia and send shivers through my body.

‘Oh God! Yes!’ I yell, pushing back against her fingers but she pulls them away. Slap! Goddamn! I’ve never experienced anything like this. My pussy is on fire, my ass is burning and I just want my s****r to shove her fingers inside me.

‘You are such a slut!’ she says disgustedly, pulling me off of her lap and flopping me onto my back on the bed. No! I need to cum! Don’t stop!

‘Jenny,’ I breathe. ‘Please…’ But before I can finish, I feel her pulling my panties the rest of the way off and pushing my thighs apart.

‘Don’t worry sweetie,’ she says, kneeling between my widespread legs. ‘Big s****r is going to take care of you,’ she whispers as she lowers her face to my anxious pussy. What? No! My s****r is going to eat my pussy? This is insane! First, she begs me to fuck her son and then shows me video of her and her husband. Now she’s going to eat my pussy? It’s like a bad dream! Oh Fuck! Or maybe a good dream!

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!’ I moan as her tongue touches my swollen lips and she licks up towards my clit. I lie back as Jenny expertly explores my enflamed pussy. Staring at the blank, blue TV screen, I wonder when the video ended.

‘Mmmmmmm!’ I murmur as Jenny slips her tongue between my pussy lips, invading my fiery hole. I grab her hair with my hands and buck my pussy against her face. This is incredible! What was I doing teaching Jeremy anything? I’m a fucking amateur compared to my s****r!

‘Ohhhhhh! Fuucck!’ I scream as my clit becomes the focus of her attention. My s****r is gently flicking her tongue across it, while using her fingers to probe my slick opening. Oh God! I’m thrashing around on the bed, my orgasm building to an unprecedented level. The stinging of my ass cheeks only seems to enhance the intensity of my pleasure.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhh! God! Jenny! Don’t stop!’ I plead as Jenny sucks my clit into her mouth and vigorously finger fucks my slippery pussy. The sensation is indescribable, it feels like nothing I’ve ever felt before. John and Jeremy both have both eaten my pussy to explosive orgasms but Jenny puts her son and husband to shame.

‘Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!’ I’m holding her head and bucking my pussy against her mouth as my orgasm reaches its crest. ‘I’m cumming!’ I moan. ‘I’m fucking cuuuummmmmming!’ My pussy explodes, gushing juice all over Jenny’s face. I jerk spastically several times before collapsing back on the bed completely exhausted.

‘I’ve wanted to do that for so long.’ Jenny smiles as she wipes pussy juice off her chin. ‘You are more delicious than I ever imagined,’ she says, pulling herself up on the bed and lying beside me. I look at her through a filter of alcohol and post-orgasmic bliss. What’s she talking about?

‘You’re beautiful, s*s,’ she says, wrapping her arm around me just under my breasts and snuggling close.

‘When you’ve caught your breath, maybe…’ My cell phone ring interrupts her and I slide out of her embrace to answer it. I find my shorts and retrieve my phone from the front pocket.

‘A text message from Jeremy,’ I tell Jenny as she’s flips over on her back and pulls her panties off. Oh, God! What’s she expecting? I can’t do this! I pull my eyes from her bald pussy to read the message.

‘The text message just says, ‘Thank You!’ repeated four times,’ I tell her. ‘I guess the evening was a success!’ I add, not looking up from my phone. It doesn’t matter, I can see her in my peripheral vision, lying naked on her back, her large breasts rising and falling with her breathing. What am I going to do? I didn’t think about reciprocating but it’s only fair after the incredible orgasm she gave me. I rack my foggy brain for some way to escape. Then it hits me.

‘I bet he waited to text me until after he dropped Megan off,’ I say, looking over at Jenny’s expectant expression. ‘That could mean he’ll be home any minute,’ I say, thinking I could actually be right. ‘I better go or we better at least get dressed,’ I say, looking around for my panties and halter-top.

‘I’m sorry the evening ended so early.’ Jenny says, not moving from the bed. ‘You seemed to be enjoying yourself,’ she smiles and drops her eyes to my wet pussy as I lift my leg to put on my panties.

‘I was,’ I say. ‘I mean, I did! It was … I’m at a loss for words, Jenny,’ I tell her honestly.

‘I know, sweetie,’ she says, sliding off the bed and walking over to me as I pull my panties up.

‘It was a new experience,’ she adds as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight embrace. Ohmygod! I’ve never had another woman’s body against mine. I can feel her nipples mashing into my breasts as her hands caress my back.

‘You’ve had a lot of new experiences lately,’ she smiles as she runs her hands down to cup my ass cheeks. ‘I’m glad I’ve been a part of them,’ she says, moving her lips towards mine. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I can’t kiss my s****r like this! But I can’t turn my head, that would be rude! Maybe she’s just going to give me a quick peck. That would be okay.

‘Just relax, Sara,’ Jenny says, using her ‘big s****r will protect you’ voice. I hadn’t realized how much I’d stiffened in her arms. I rest my hands on her shoulders, and relax a little until she leans in and parts my lips with her tongue. Now what? Fuck! I close my eyes and eventually start returning her kiss, sucking my juices off of her tongue. What else can I do? And it’s not unpleasant, at all!

‘It would have been a lot better if John had been here to do the spanking, don’t you think?’ she asks, breaking the kiss and leaning back to look in my eyes. Her tits are now barely brushing mine which is actually more arousing than having them mashed together.

‘What?’ I ask, unable to mask my shock at her implication. Does she know about John and I? Is this her way of telling me? My head is spinning.

‘Shhh,’ she holds me as she smooths my hair. ‘I’m just saying that you’d have been more comfortable with a man,’ she smiles. ‘Isn’t that right?’ I breathe a sigh of relief. She doesn’t know. But then what is this about? Is she offering to have John spank me? Or fuck me?

‘Yes,’ I answer quietly. ‘But John… ,’ I don’t finish. I don’t know what to say. I wonder if John knows about this.

‘You’d better go,’ she says, kissing me again as she squeezes my sore ass cheeks. ‘We’ll talk more tomorrow,’ her voice is barely audible as she turns back towards the bed. I watch her crawl onto the bed, stretch out on her back and close her eyes.

I stare at my s****r’s naked body as I tie my halter-top and pull on my shorts. I wonder what I would have done if Jeremy hadn’t called. Would I have reciprocated? Could I have eaten my s****r’s pussy? Her body is not unappealing. Her thick nipples were made for sucking and her porcelain smooth pussy mound is wickedly erotic. I’ve never pleasured a woman before but I taught Jeremy how to use his tongue on me. I know what great oral sex feels like and I’ve tasted my own juices. Jenny’s wouldn’t taste so different, I’m sure.

Fuck! Her eyes are open and she’s smiling at me like she can read my thoughts. Has she seen me exploring her body with her eyes? Fuck! This is your brain on margaritas and sex! I need to get out of here.

‘Do you want the bedroom door closed?’ I ask as I turn away from the bed.

‘Yes,’ she says, sl**pily. ‘We wouldn’t want Jeremy to find his mother passed out naked on the bed,’ she says dreamily. ‘Or would we?’ I jerk my head around but her eyes are already closed. I watch the rise and fall of her breasts for a minute and then pull the door closed.

As soon as I’m back in my apartment, I strip off my clothes and start the shower. As I wait for the water to warm up, I turn to look at my ass in the mirror. A bright red spot on the fleshy part of each cheek brings back the events of the evening. I cup one cheek, placing the palm of my hand lightly against the sore area. It’s hot to the touch and my pussy tingles at the lingering memory of my s****r’s hand.

The shower is ready and I step into it. As the water cascades over my body, I will my muscles to relax. With soap on my hands, I leisurely let them roam my body. I am such a slut! Every member of my s****r’s f****y has had their way with me. First John, then Jeremy and now Jenny. What am I their play toy? The idea fogs my brain. Wait a minute! No way! It can’t be!

Turning off the water, I make a half-hearted attempt to dry myself and then throw the towel on the floor. Since I’m in the bathroom anyway, I check the wastebasket first. Two used condoms wrapped in toilet paper. Walking naked into the bedroom, I pull back the blanket and check the sheets. They look like they’ve been used and the damp spot in the middle smells like sex, or at least pussy. Okay. My imagination just got away from me for a minute. There is a girlfriend.

The ringing of the phone interrupts my thoughts. It’s Jeremy. I flip it open and say hello.

‘Hi Aunt Sara,’ Jeremy says excitedly. ‘I’m almost home and wondered if you were back.’

‘I’m back,’ I say guarding my words. I still can’t get the suspicion out of my head.

‘Shall I come by and tell you about my date?’ he asks, which should sound perfectly normal but I wonder.

Same as stuttering Jeremy -4 Videos

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Our Buddy Jeremy

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Michael asked Nicole. “Of course I do; I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want to at least try it," Nicole replied. Michael and Nicole are a couple in their early twenties, and had been together for just over a year. Michael was tall, worked hard on keeping his body in shape, with dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Nicole was tall as well, about four inches shorter than Michael, who stood six feet, two inches tall. Nicole worked hard on her body as well, but...

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stuttering Jeremy 2

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stuttering Jeremy 2

"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded."Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara.""I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex."This...

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"I want to see you naked," he whispers, just as I'm about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He's even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely.With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...

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stuttering Jeremy 5

"By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well," I laugh, warming up to my nephew's enthusiasm."Oh God! Aunt Sara," he says. "It was better than pretty well," he exclaims. "I'm pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?" I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don't want him to see my red ass cheeks."Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight," I tell him honestly. "I'm pretty out of it and just want to sleep. How about we talk tomorrow?""Sure,"...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 27 Nuclear Radiation

"Wendy? Where's your plane?" David asked. "Um ... at the lake, I think," Wendy responded. "Why?" "Let's go see." David suggested. "I can call." She said. "I'd rather we went to see for ourselves." David replied. "Has anything been like it was when you bought the valley?" "What do you mean?" "All this." He swept the Wal-Mart, Costco complex that was along the highway. "Was it here ten years ago?" "Ah ... I see. No. Durango was a sleepy little town shedding...

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Galactic Chaos

Prologue Somewhere on the planet Gomu, located in the outer arm of Milky Way “That no one expects it, that no one would dare do this” shouted Mathias “is our best advantage!” Gaya smiled at his innocence and remarked “is our only advantage.” Gaya once again marveled at the audacious scheme. She knew, once they took the first step, there was no going back. Neurons of Markus Hayne had traveled exceptional distance back and forth to come up with this master plan. Markus Hayne, under whose...

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Begin AgainChapter 8

Begin Again: 8. "This was your watch, Andrea?" said Seven. "Why didn't you turn it in when you got your new one?" asked Four. "Lemmesee," Andrea pretended to ponder. She cradled her right elbow with her left hand, rubbed her chin with her right hand, moved up and rubbed her nose between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand and humphed, hemmed and hummed, stuck one finger in the air in front of her face, gestured with it as she made her points, and said, "I was with Tim. You...

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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 17

Reena k hubby k jane k baad day 2 …. Reena ne aur maine khana kha liya.Hum dono bed pr lete huye tv dekh rahe the.Reena ne apna phone apni sister ko milaya. Reena-kaisi ho urvi? Urvashi-main to ekdum theek hun …. Tum aur jija kaise ho …. Reena-manoj to 20 din k tour pr gya hai …. Hum dono hain …. Urvashi-ohhh its amazing..Yaar..Maze h didi tumhare to …. Reena-wo to hai …. Aur ghar mein sab theek hai kya …. Urvashi-sab theek hain..Mummy aur papa to uncle k yahan shadi mein gaye hain …. Main...

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The White Apron Did It 3

THE WHITE APRON DID IT! By Monica Graz PART 9 Lita looked again at her brand-new passport and the photo attached to it. She was more concerned than usually. Was she going a bit too far this time? Her crossdressing and submissive tendencies were all declared loudly at her passport photo. All she could see was a young plain looking woman dressed in a light blue dress with a white collar, the unmistakable symbol of a maid's uniform. She looked at the passport name again,...

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Rheas ProtegeChapter 9

"You must be Neil," the teenage girl asked as she strode towards a group of three young men idling walking down the promenade. Neil's face erupted into a smile and he licked his lips, looking at Emily out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, the man and the legend," he told her as he glanced down towards his trousers. "And you're Emily." Emily tugged her blouse down and gulped, looking at him as his smile broadened. "Yeah, you know me?" "I know your sister," he replied and held his...

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My own best lover Part 1

I like most guys was my own first sex partner. Some of my fondest memories are of me touching myself in the bath tub, secretly letting the warm water gush lick my junk and taint. I didn't know why it felt so good but I just knew it did and I was hooked.Years later I would realize that I could touch myself in the privacy of my own bed room, alone at night with my imagination.I can't remember the first time I ever made myself cum but I do remember bringing myself to the brink of almost cumming...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 22 Ek Raat Ke Do Chaandni

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Umeed karta hoon ki mere readers aur unke gharwalo ko koi bhi aapatti na aaya ho. Sabhi ghar mein hi rahe aur bina matlab bahar bheed mein na ghume. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 padle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id . PART 22: Ek...

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A Bitch Gets Bred

This story is about me as well as my ‘now’ ex-wife discovering a new sexual experience beyond what we had ever planned for. My ex-wife Kandi and I had been married for over 2 years. I was 21 when we met and Kandi was 26. The sexual experience with the age difference was a huge turn on for me. Kandi had two children from a previous relationship, although you would have never known by her figure or her hot super tight pussy – thanks to C sections. She had smaller breast like...

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Some of you may have read about my wife’s earlier experience of getting some extra marital pleasure whist on a break in Toronto. Well it took time but we had our second experience in Italy this June. Just to recap …. Shes early 40’s sexy, slim and 32D boobs. Mum of 2 and married 20yrs.We were spending a week in Taormina on the island of Sicily and enjoying the rest in the nice hot sunshine. Whilst I had no plans to look for a way to repeat our Canadian experience it was certainly in the back of...

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Super 8 1

My name is Janet, I like my name, its part of who I am. I could not have imagined writing this story just a few years ago. But now that it has all happened, in hind sight, I would have started having sex with my son when he was 12 . Ok maybe not 12, that's too young, but I was ready then, and I bet he thought he was. Starting when your lover is ready is a good thing, trust me on that. See here is how it is, or was, whatever. I am a mom, a good mom, overall. At least I was, then I decided...

3 years ago
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Me And My Fuck Buddy

it was all when i was in the 7th grade i used to come home and masturbate while i was in the shower when nobody was home (i used the hand held shower hose and ran it over my clit). so one day my ex botfriend who was my boyfriend at the time came over and asked me who was home and i said nobody and he said have you fucked before and i lied and said nope baby do you want to be my first he said hell yeah i want my big cock in your pussy right now so he shut the door removed my bra and started...

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Little Tieup Games Part Two

I found myself in a strange but happy situation with the 'game' that I played with one of my good friends and his wife. Things were simple, I wanted to be tied up. I really didn't have a need for sex because I was happy and faithful in my marriage. Andrew and Amy had found out about my fetish and offered a safe place for me to get my 'fix' as Andrew so commonly put it. They would contact me with a time that they had made themselves available to play. Their kids were out somewhere else and I had...

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The teacher 1

"We have a lot of work to do if you're going to finish this project by Friday," Miss Haller said while reviewing Dani's notes, "drop by my apartment this evening around seven, I think with a little concentrated effort we can get most of this organized and ready to be typed!!!" Dani nodded in agreement with her teacher, and after writing down Miss Haller's address, she headed off to her next class!!! Later that evening Dani scanned the array of doorbells by the front entrance of Miss Haller's...

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Mom And Uncle Check Each Other8217s Bush In Village Field

Hello readers! My name is Rahul and I am 23 years old from Hyderabad, Telangana. My family consists of mom, dad, myself, and my younger brother. We belong to a normal middle-class family. Let me introduce my family to you a little bit in detail here. My dad (Shankar) is 50 years old and he is a Government employee, my brother is in 10th standard whereas I have completed my B.E. course. Now I will introduce to you, my mom. Her name is Saroja, she is 44 years old with fair skin, black hair, big...

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My Wifes Lovers

My Wife's Loversby One Wounded Dragon©I had told my wife of my panty fetish long before our marriage. I explained that I was heterosexual, but had worn panties most of my life. I'm normally very masculine, but when I was very young, my mother had dressed me in panties. I find them soft and very sexy, a daring secret I enjoy. My favorites were the silky feminine styles, usually soft pinks and lace. She hesitated and I feared I'd lost her. Then, she asked me what my favorite fantasy was and I...

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Unexpected Threesome

How lucky am I? That was the thought going through my head while stroking the particularly smooth and fit thighs of a long time friend while kissing my wife. Not one and the same person I would like to emphasize. I often say that my wife is not only the person I love more than anybody else but also my best friend. A key I believe to our great relationship for the past ten years. A relationship that has survived for so long because of a true commitment and real trust.  Many weeks away on...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 24 Cauldron Dance

The cheers died and the priestesses gathered beside Rebecca and Wayne. “We should take care of our criminal priest,” Judith said to Rebecca. “His presence in the circle is disharmonizing at best.” Rebecca turned her attention back to The Barber behind the altar stone where he was still held. “And what shall we do with him?” she asked as he was brought forward. “Geld him and send him ball-less into the night like Saturn sent Uranus and was himself deposed,” said the Priestess of...

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Smoking Blues

Smoking Blues by Brenda @2019 "Hey Bren," called my assistant Sarah. The home office called while you were out smoking. You Better call Mr. C back. He didn't sound happy!" "Okay, thanks dear. I will call him back straight away," I replied as I headed to my office. As I was opening my door Sarah continued. "You know, you really have been taking a lot of smoke breaks lately. We are all concerned about your health. You are the first boss we have had here that knows how to treat people...

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