The Great Shift Jeremy
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Jeremy had never had his clothes ripped off by three women. Here he was, on his honeymoon, in the bedroom of a pastor with his wife, the pastor’s wife and a good friend. He watched as they undressed and joined him on the bed.
‘What will Pastor George say when he returns from the dropping Sandi off at the hotel and finds us all in his bed?’ Jeremy asked Louise.
‘He will not be home until after breakfast tomorrow,’ Louise replied as she started to stroke his cock. During the next couple of hours he did prove up to the task of satisfying all three women.
As Pastor George and Sandi entered the penthouse suite a man named James greeted them and told Sandi the hot tub was prepared and ready. Pastor George followed her into the master bedroom where she began shedding her clothes.
‘There is nothing like a session in the hot tub to relax you at the end of a long day,’ Sandi said as she turned and started removing Pastor George’s clothes. When they were both nude, with their clothes laying in the middle of the bedroom floor, she led him to the hot tub. As soon as they were seated in the tub, James, who had greeted them appeared with two glasses of wine. A woman named Maria followed him with shrimp cocktail for two.
‘Do you treat all the pastors this well in the churches were you perform? Pastor George asked Sandi as he held his glass of wine in one hand and a beautiful breast in the other.
‘Always,,’ she responded. ‘The pastor, his or her spouse or both. Louise will be here with me tomorrow night. That will probably mean that you will have to attend to Angie’s needs tomorrow night unless you make it a foursome with Barbara and Jeremy.
Pastor George was suddenly feeling a little lightheaded and he didn’t think it was the wine. He was trying to imagine his wife sitting together with Sandi and him together with Angie. They ate the shrimp cocktail and sipped on the wine while the jets of the hot tubs relaxed their body. Well, at least most of their bodies. His hand was massaging a breast causing a nipple to be hard and her hand was certainly making his cock anything but relaxed.
‘Have you ever had sex in a hot tub?’ Sandi asked.
‘I didn’t even know it was possible,’ he replied. As she turned to straddle him he found it very possible and he found himself wondering how many of his parishioners had hot tubs. One of his parishioners had a swimming pool and hot tub business. He was one of the big spenders identified from the strip joint. His mind snapped back to what was happening now as Sandi covered his lips with her own.
When they were again sitting next to each other, James appeared to ask Pastor George how he liked his steak cooked. Pastor George was beginning to see how the other half lived and thought he could get used to it.
Maria fixed them a great breakfast the following morning, and as Pastor George left, Sandi said she would see him later for rehearsal. He wasn’t sure if she meant singing or sex.
The female officer who had stopped who had stopped by his car last night was just getting off duty as she saw Pastor George’s car leaving the motel. She decided to have a little fun. She followed him until they were in the area that he had stopped last night, to avoid an accident while he was getting a blow job from Sandi.
Following his car to the same area, she pulled behind him and hit the sirens and her lights. Pastor George couldn’t imagine what he had done wrong.
Pastor George rolled down the window as the officer approached his car. He was very surprised when she ordered him to get out of the car. When he asked what he had done wrong, she repeated her order for him get out of the car. He realized she was serious and got out of the car and was told to walk to the rear of the car, place his hands on the trunk and spread his legs.
She started a normal frisk of his body, which suddenly became more than a normal pat down. She had her hand in his crotch gripping his cock. He made the mistake of starting to stand up and she slammed him back down against the hood. She then reached through his legs to pull down his zipper. Pulling his cock from his pants, she began stroking it.
‘I just wanted to see what kind of weapon had created all that white stuff around your lady friends mouth,’ she said . As she saw a car approaching she said ‘You can stand up and put that thing back in pants. As he turned around, she said ‘I really had you going didn’t I Reverend?
‘You know who I am? Pastor George asked.
‘Sure, my mother sings in your choir.’ Writing her name and address on a piece of paper, she said, ‘My day off is Wednesday. I will expect you for lunch around noon.’ Without saying another word, she turned and walked to her cruiser, giving her hips a little extra action. As she got in the car, she said, ‘You know, dad travels a lot. Mom could probably use a little extra counseling.’ Laughing she got in the car and drove away.
As he returned to his car, he remembered Mrs. Parks talking about her daughter who was a police officer. Mr. Parks was in sales, and traveled all week and was home on weekends. He looked at the piece of paper, and read the name Shannon P. Davis. As he drove home, he was thinking how he and Louise made love once a week and now, he was sexually involved multiple times a day.
He turned on the radio to hear some news and was surprised to hear Sandi’s voice promoting her appearance at his church and giving the phone number to call for tickets to the concert. She ended her commercial by saying ‘Pastor George’s message will change your life.’
As he turned into the church he saw a telephone company truck. He walked into the parsonage and all the women plus Jeremy said ‘Did you have a good evening’? Before he could answer they all said ‘Pastor George’s message will change your life’ in unison. All of the women from the strip joint huddled around him wanting their life changed.
‘Ok, enough picking on Pastor George.’ Barbara said, ‘We have a lot of work to do to get ready for the concert. The paint had been delivered and the work release team arrived to do the painting. A bank of phones was being set up to take orders for concert tickets. It seemed everyone had their assignment except Pastor George. Suddenly Pastor George realized Louise wasn’t in the group and was told she had gone to the gym for a workout.
‘That is strange,’ thought Pastor George, ‘he had never known Louise to be interested in exercise. He did not know that at the moment one of his deacons had his wife bent over an exercise table giving her favorite muscles a workout.
The day that Jeremy had gone to the electronics store, he had made a list of all the components it would take to make the sanctuary as sound perfect as a recording studio. The list detailed everything including new sound board, speakers, strategically located microphones, portable microphones and the components to project on a large screen in the fellowship hall. He also included the necessary to transmit to TV or Radio stations.
During the week of undercover work at the strip joint, he had captured many shots of Mr. Jenks, owner of the electronics store. He had a real preference for Wa Lee from Japan and Margaret Smite from Africa.
He prepared the purchase order with all the components listed as well as a diagram of how it was to be installed in the church. It was thousands of dollars. The one thing that he had made sure of was that everything on the list was in stock.
Barbara, Wa Lee and Margaret took the Laptop and a printer to the electronics and asked to meet with Mr. Jenks. When Mr. Jenks appeared, he pretended not to recognize Margaret and Wa Lee.
Bringing the purchase order up on the screen, Barbara verified the availability and price of each item and that they could be delivered that afternoon. Jeremy had said he would prefer to do the installation himself.
‘We are authorized to offer you 50 % of the total price of the
order and a tax statement for the other 50% for your contribution,’ Barbara said as she handed the printout to Mr. Jenks.
Mr. Jenks laughed and said that he could not afford that larger donation to the church.
Barbara said ‘We have changed our offer to 25 % of the total she said as she brought up a video of Margaret doing a lap dance on Mr. Jenks and constantly having to fight of his hands.
As he looked at Margaret, he said ‘You were just baiting me on that night.’
Bringing up the next video of Mr. Jenks getting totally out of control with Wa Lee and having to be subdued by the bouncers, Barbara said, ‘You lose, we will expect delivery this afternoon as a total gift to the church.’
As he started to say ‘This is blackmail,’ Barbara brought up a preformed email with three addresses. The two videos were set to be sent as attachments.
‘Do you recognize these addresses? She asked.
As he looked at them, he said ‘The equipment will be there this afternoon.’
The email addresses were his wife, his daughter and his mother.
As the women were walking back to the car, Margaret and Wa Lee, couldn’t believe they could wield that much power.
‘Pastor Sarah and Angie convinced me that I would never again have to be taken advantage of and those who had wronged me in the past would have to pay the price.’
Barbara prepared a press release telling of the generosity of Mr. Jenks and praised him for the gift to the church. She outlined how the equipment would get its debut at the concert of Sandi Blake. She shared what a good upstanding Christian he is and urged all Born Again Christians to take their business to Mr. Jenks’ store. Within two weeks Mr. Jenks’ business had doubled. Within two months it had doubled again. He made a cash contribution to the church equal to the cost of the equipment.
As Pastor George was driving to his luncheon date with officer Davis he found himself wondering what she looked like under that uniform. He remembered her hair be pulled back in a pony tail and a rather good sized chest. Her mother was the lead soprano and he enjoyed watching rehearsal because she usually wore a jersey top with a maximum lift bra which caused her chest to dominate your view as she was hitting the high notes.
When he knocked on the door, to his surprise, Mrs. Parks opened the door. She was wearing skin tight jeans and a jersey top with no bra.
‘Come in Reverend, Shannon is just finishing our lunch.’ Mrs. Parks said as she closed the door.
Shannon came from the kitchen and said, ‘I hope you don’t mind that I invited my mother. She and I are like best friends, we share everything. Shannon was wearing a white blouse open to the belt with cut off, skin tight jeans. Every time she turned, you could almost see the nipple.
‘How did you enjoy spending the night in the penthouse?’ Mrs. Parks asked Pastor George.
He responded, ‘It is nice to see how the other half live.’
After they finished lunch, Shannon suggested they take a swim.
‘I didn’t bring a bathing suit.’ Pastor George said.
Mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled as they started to get undressed.. Once they were naked they walked out the side door to the pool as though Pastor George was not even sitting there. He decided to strip and join them.
Once they were in the water, Mrs. Parks came over and told Pastor George to feel her breast. ‘I notice you watching them as I rehearse.’ Moving her hand down and taking hold of his cock, she looked at Shannon and said ‘You weren’t kidding.’ They all swam a few laps, then Shannon got a call on her cell phone.
‘Damn!’ she said ‘The have a disturbance downtown and I have to go to work. But before I go, I need some of that nourishment I saw you feeding your lady friend. Leading him to the lounge she knelt beside him and started an aggressive attach on his cock with her mouth and had his balls going crazy with his hand. It was long before her power lunch was delivered and she swallowed every drop.
‘I think I will start coming to church Mom. Have fun you two.’ With that she was off to get dressed. She looked out her bedroom window, toward the pool, and saw the good pastor’s face buried between her mother legs and was sorry she had to leave.
A few minutes later, Mrs. Parks said, ‘Let me show you something interesting inside.’ As they arrived in the Den, Mrs. Parks turned on the TV and put in a homemade video. The video was a porno movie that she and Shannon had made with several men. As he watched he realized that they had both shared every man in his church choir. The second video was of Shannon and her mother with a variety of police officers. Shannon wasn’t kidding when she said they shared everything.
Taking Pastor George’s hand she led him to the bedroom. ‘Sometimes I am like it just the old fashioned way’ she said Pastor George as she laid on her back and guided his cock to her pussy. The videos had gotten him excited and because he had recently dumped a load in Shannon’s mouth, he was amazed at his staying power. When he finally exploded within her, Mrs. Parks said, ‘No one has ever brought me to that many orgasms. Shannon will really be sorry she had to go to work when she heard what a real stud the pastor was.
As the pastor was headed for home, he heard the familiar siren and pulled over. Shannon walked to the side of the car and said, ‘I have alerted all the female officers about that weapon you carry. You can expect to be stopped frequently for a routine traffic check. Keep next Wednesday open. From what mom tells me, I need to shut off my cell phone.’ She got a page on her radio and had to go.
As Pastor George drove to the church, he wondered how he could have been so unaware of the sex happening within his church and community. Maybe he needed to re-read the story of Adam and Eve. As he pulled in the driveway of the church he saw the women saying goodbye to the work release team. When he looked at the church he couldn’t believe they had finished over half of the outside in one day. They had also landscaped and trimmed the shrubbery.
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All the credit goes to NiteWriter for this one. And Man is it hot I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone by next week. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviews was going to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and...
I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modelingjob. Iwas surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractivegirlto model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications Ireceived. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone bynextweek. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviewswasgoing to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and all the informationthegirls wrote. There was one girl who wrote some...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Chapter 8: Barbara’s First Porn Film Chapter 7 can be found in the Extreme section of the site. This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The day finally arrived. Today was the day Barbara would be in her first porno movie. She was up early to dress and put on make-up and had to be at the studio by nine AM. She...
Chapter 9: The Adult Book Store This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara took a leisurely drive towards home, daydreaming about how much fun she had doing her first movie. But still, she wasn’t satisfied, at least not sexually. Over the past few weeks her appetite for the bizarre sexual gratification had...
Chapter 16: The Bachelor Party (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning: This chapter of the Barbara series involves more sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls. These parts include graphic depiction of group anal & oral sex, fisting, excessive participation in watersports, scat sex, and bestiality. If...
Barbara Blaine was tired of having the same argument with her husband over and over. After twenty years his printing business was failing and for the first time since their first year of marriage twenty years ago, she was going to go get a job. When Barbara had married her husband at age 27 she had a new MBA from a midsize Midwestern University. After helping her husband with a business for the first few years, she had stayed home to raise the family. Now the kids were in college and her...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Chapter 4 – Barbara’s Porn Interview This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The next day I was in my photo studio reviewing many of my pictures from the night before. Barbara was truly amazing last night. Only a couple days ago she was here being photographed and agreed to entertain at the frat party. I couldn’t...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
About two days before, her friend Lena had told her about this underground place she had went to once in the red light district. It was called The Gauntlet. Lena’s explanation was that it was a place where a woman could get some quick money but she had to ‘run a gauntlet’ to get to it. There were specific rules and the prize money wasn’t guaranteed. Everything depended on how you played and what moves you made next. Barbara hesitation had its merits. Never mind that it involved her...
This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara sat at home daydreaming about the last few days. She had changed allot since a week ago. All she thought about was cocks and cum. She remembered the feel of them sliding down her throat and erupting with sperm while buried in her. And how much she enjoyed her mouth...
Chapter 13: Slut For Sale (pt1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning : This chapter of the Barbara series involves the total sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls including forced anal & oral sex, fisting, forced participation in watersports, bondage and infliction of pain. If any of these graphic...
Chapter 5: The Kidnapping This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara was really excited about being in a pornographic movie. She liked having sex with different guys and enjoyed having a cock just about anywhere. It seemed like a good time to purchase a new wardrobe, now that she was going to star in some...
This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara sat back on the floor to catch her breath after the black pounding that just took place. Two more guys were unable to wait any longer after the show they had just seen. While Barbara rested on her elbows with head back, they just shot their loads over her face...
Chapter 12: The Pool Hall Gangbang (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara had cum just about everywhere on her. Her cunt was seeping with sperm, her asshole was flooded with jizz and her face and hair were sticky and slimy from all of it. She knelt there in the middle of the floor. She was like a...
Chapter 6: The Prison Farm (part1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * When Barbara awoke she looked out the front window to see where she was. The van was parked at what looked like a farm. There was a barn off in the distance and from the van Barbara could see plenty of open fields, some planted and some...
Chapter 11 The Pool Hall Gangbang (pt1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The cab driver’s name was Randy as Barbara found out as they sped off into the city talking to each other while driving through the downtown area. Randy knew exactly where to go to get Barbara more of what she wanted. There weren’t...
Barbara by Unknown The soft warmth of her lover's breathing fell across Barbara's face. The aroma was a pleasant mixture of his own musky breath and the scent of her lipstick still smudged in a crimson slash across his open mouth. She stirred from a peaceful sleep to find him pressed firmly against her back, his strong legs encircling her slender body, his hand laying gently on her lower belly. She smiled as she tried to move without disturbing him; she concluded that would be...
Chapter 14: Slut For Sale (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning : This chapter of the Barbara series involves the total sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls including forced anal & oral sex, fisting, forced participation in watersports, bondage and infliction of pain. If any of these graphic...
This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * I was in my photo studio early the next morning when I heard the knock on the door. It was Barbara. She sure was early today. ‘ I was wondering if I got the modeling job and to see what else you had in mind for me like you said last night.’ she asked. I told her the job was...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Barbara continued to masturbate the waiter, squeezing every last drop of cum from his slowly deflating cock onto her cleavage. The strings of cum slowly dribbled in between her large orbs, and started to soak her Lycra top. She then wiped the strands of saliva mixed with pre-cum from her lips. "Have you guys finished yet?" asked the Scout Leader. "Yeah, that was great." replied the waiter as Barbara stood up, and started to zip up her ski jacket. She noticed that the Scout Leader was...
Barbara also put a small bag together which she put a small pair of shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of old sneakers into. Before she would enter The Gauntlet again, she would hide this bag somewhere outside the building, this way she would have some clothes and wouldn’t have to dig a trash bag out of any dumpsters. The clock quickly got to 5:00pm and Barbara left her apartment and took a bus to the red-light district arriving there at about 25 minutes before six o’clock. She went to the alley...
The red headed girl had never expected that she could be such a slut but then again, nobody had pushed her as much as her master had. It was odd that she was in love with someone she had never met before and she was dying to see what he looked like. She was required to put in her butt plug and head to the beach, wearing a bikini. The text even pointed the spot out where she had to lay down. Nervous, the woman headed down to the spot that was pointed out for her. She felt the butt plug with...
Chapter 15: The Bachelor Party (pt1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning: The next 3 chapters of the Barbara series involve more sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls. These parts include graphic depiction of group anal & oral sex, fisting, excessive participation in watersports, scat sex, and...
Barbara is a blonde beauty bloom, barely eighteen, barely two houses from me, we live in a small-town suburbBarbara is brooding, she seeks some immediate tutoring to make sure she shall pass her exams, & much moreBarbara is a smart seductress, when we meet in the street she reads my eyes: her crush on me seems mutual!Barbara is a smart synthesist when she combines both urgent needs: proposes Peter to tutor in all his strengthsBarbara is blooming ever since she meets Peter, soon tutoring her...
Barbara had spent the past five days performing sexual acts in a strange game that her friend Lena had told her about. The Gauntlet was the name of it and she only had two more days, which meant two more tries to win the $1000 prize. Her body was so sore and drained from the sex she had already performed. She also was starting to enjoy the constant fucking as well, which was screwing up her mind because she didn’t want to be such a slut but all this sex was turning her into one. It was...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Something happened the other day that made me end up cumming so hard, I found profile of a ssbbw with huge breasts and a huge ass and I sent a friend request and she accepted, and I sent her a message saying that her huge breasts made me cum hard, and I told from just the little I could see if her face and the from how big her breasts and ass were, she reminded me of a teacher I used to be in love with in high school, in a language arts class where I was made to sit in the front row because I...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Mark intentionally didn't call Barbara the next day. She got antsy and called him around 8PM. He claimed he was busy and hadn't gotten the time. She was slightly miffed. Mark begged off and said he'd call tomorrow. Barbara was confused. Was this just a one night stand? He had been so tender and loving. She began to get depressed. Another asshole. Shit. The next morning Mark called. Barbara's heart skipped a beat, she was really excited about Mark and seeing him again. “We need...
Barbara. Several years ago I was a middle manager in a large company and, like most ambitious people, working my butt off for every promotion I could get. Everything was going quite well until Barbara came on the scene. One day she just appeared, transferred in from a subsidiary, and I saw her walking across the road. Have you ever known Lust-At-First-Sight? I instantly absorbed her red hair framing an imperious face, her lips in a luscious red half-smile that informed the world...
I am writing this story at the request of a reader of my previous submissions, Pastor Thomas’ Last Friday, parts I and II. My reader wanted a love story concerning a priest. Pastor Thomas was a total degenerate who deserved all the punishment he got. But he was just a figment of my perverted imagination. In real life, I have had a couple of friends who are Catholic priests. I admire these two for their hard work, sacrifice and dedication to their calling, even though I do not share their...
After her second divorce, Barbara moved into a high rise condominium building in New Orleans. It offered security and amenities like a swimming pool, workout room and community room. Barbara particularly liked the social events like the Sunday pot luck dinner. She enjoyed the camaraderie and social interaction. Most of the people that attended were paired up either by marriage or commitment. But there were always a couple of singles in attendance. Barbara had maintained her curvy...
If this is your first visit to one of my stories, you may want to read Barbara and Jeremy 1-5 prior to reading this story. I also invite you to read the Pastor Sarah which was the forerunner to the Barbara and Jeremy story. Barbara and Jeremy were spending their honeymoon in a very unique and rewarding way. Following their marriage, they decided to see if they could help another church grow the way Pastor Sarah’s church had grown. When they arrived in Hawaii, they researched the various...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Barbara Hennessey was a married woman aged sixty-eight and she was randy.Her marital sex life had come to an end about ten years previously when her husband Peter completely lost interest in love making and they had had seperate bedrooms for the last six years.At first Barbara was not too bothered but in recent times, although she had never completely given up sexual thoughts, she was thinking more and more about sex.She had joined an online sex site on which she read sex stories and very...
MatureChapter 1: Model Turns Slut This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received. The...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
Barbara was a very ambitious career woman in the police force. As a university graduate she was fast tracked into her current role as a detective inspector in CID within a short space ofl time bypassing the lower ranks including uniformed officers. Because of this, she felt she needed to put a bit more work effort simply to earn the respect of colleagues where some were of the opinion she shouldn't be there due to her career jump. Eventually she gained the respect & trust of those...
The party at Sandi Blake’s penthouse had been fun for all. The men enjoyed being outnumbered 6 to 1. The hot tub game had gotten everyone in the mood to stretch a little further than normal. Sandi had invited Angie to stay with her for the night. Jeremy was driving the van, dropping each of the women off at her house. When they arrived back at the parsonage it was after midnight, but everyone was still ready for sex. As they sat having a glass of wine, Pastor George talked about how much...