Gaia's ChampionChapter 18 free porn video

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The men stood there, dumbstruck that the group had discovered them. Before anyone could say anything or act, they reached into their coats, drew sidearms and opened fire. Acting on instinct, Jason tapped into his magic before moving his arms in a quick sequence. Immediately, a shield of emerald magic went up, with Jason holding his arms out, keeping the barrier in place.

The men emptied their clips, but not one shot punched through his shield. Every bullet flattened to moment it hit the magical barrier, like bugs on a windshield. The moment their guns clicked empty, Jason dropped his shield and moved his hands to bring up an offensive spell.

Sheena was already ahead of him by this point, as she unleashed a wind breath spell. The moment Jason’s shield dropped is when she used it, knocking the men over like bowling pins. As they fell to the ground, Xaera charged in, snarling at the men who tried to burn such knowledge. The men scrambled to their feet much faster than anyone believed possible and were running hard.

Xaera was hot on their heels, and they didn’t dare try to bring their weapons to bear. Almost instantly, the one in the lead halted at a four-way junction. They were cut off by Eva, who had circled around to box them in. Amy and Darren did the same from the other way, while the fairy women flitted in the final direction. The three men were surrounded and had no means of escape.

With their weapons empty, the men raised their fists and charged Xaera, figuring her for an easy target. They received a rude awakening as one of them swung hard at Xaera, his fist connecting with her jaw. A sickening crunch sounded, and the man screamed in pain, clutching his mangled hand.

With a scoff, Xaera stepped forward and backhanded the wounded man, sending him sailing through the air. He flew past the other two and landed hard on his back. The other men stared at their friend, then back at Xaera, confused and afraid.

“What the fuck are you?” one of the men queried.

“Much more than either of you can handle,” Xaera grinned as her hands were wreathed in her Troll magic.

Their eyes bugged out of their heads, and they stared at the rest of the people there, knowing full well they were out of their league. The two men made to help their friend up and they stared at the people surrounding them, wondering what they would do next.

“If you’re going to kill us, then just get it over with already!” the hurt man groused.

“We won’t hurt you. What we are going to do is get some answers out of you, starting with why you are here and why you’re trying to destroy all that ancient knowledge,” Jason began.

“Ask all you like. You’re not getting any answers out of us. Flasks!” the leader called out.

All three men reached for flasks they kept on their hips and drank from them. Everyone there moved to stop them, but they moved too quickly, swallowing the contents of their flasks. Almost instantly, the three of them began foaming at the mouth, choking on their spit, before falling over dead.

“Gaia, damn it!!” Jason groused.

“They drank poison??” Phalmina cried out, appalled that any living being would value their lives so cheaply.

“Not just any poison. Cyanide. The moment you have it in your mouth, you’re gone. It acts fast and in high enough doses, any aid that could be rendered is useless,” Jason explained.

“How could you tell it was cyanide?” Sheena wondered.

“Use your senses and tell me what you think,” he stated. Sheena did as he suggested and not only saw what it did to the men, but also could smell its stench.

“Yup. It’s cyanide all right. Who the hell are these guys?” the ebon skinned woman asked.

“That’s a damn good question! Let’s find out,” Jason said as she squatted down in front of these men.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Sheena blurted out.

“Searching these assholes. They’re corpses, and they couldn’t care less right now. They shot at us and would have killed us if it wasn’t for our magic. They knew about the archive of knowledge we stole and were trying to keep it from us. We need to know who they are,” Jason stated as he was rifling through one of the men’s pockets.

“Jason has a point. We should search them,” Amy agreed.

“Fine, but I’m not touching them!” Sheena told them, grossed out by the corpses.

“Didn’t say you had to. Just help us piece together who they were,” Jason asked.

“I can do that,” Sheena replied.

Darren kneeled by the third one, searching his pockets, while also looking the man over, trying to get a sense of who he was. Darren then noticed something as he was searching the man’s inner coat pockets. The corpse’s shirt had moved, and he noticed a mark, like a tattoo beneath the fabric. Intrigued, Darren pulled at the fabric, saw the tattoo, and paled at what he found.

“Darren? Sweetie, are you OK?” Daelina asked, flitting to her lover.

“No, I’m not,” he replied hoarsely.

“What is it?” she wondered.

“We’re in deep shit. I mean real fucking deep!” he grated, his eyes wide with fear.

“Darren, what is it?” Amy asked, never having seen her brother look so terrified.

“Pull on that man’s shirt and tell me what you see,” he told her. Amy did as he asked and found a tattoo on the man’s chest.

“A scorpion?” she asked.

“Yes. The sigil of the Praetorians,” he whispered.

“Praetorians?!? Those evil fucks are real???” Sheena breathed.

“Who are the Praetorians?” Jason asked.

“During the times of the Roman Empire, they were Caesar’s most loyal and trusted bodyguards. They were the best soldiers the Empire offered, afforded the best training, the best equipment. Eventually, they became a political force of their own. They weren’t just soldiers though, but also served as spies and secret police for the Caesars of Rome,” Karla replied, after checking her smartphone.

“Sounds like they were the Gestapo of that ancient Empire,” Eva remarked.

“Hitler pulled the idea of the Gestapo from the Praetorians of Rome. History states they had been disbanded by Constantine the Great. After their dissolution, the ideals of the Praetorians were lost to history,” Karla said, mystified by these men.

“If these guys are Praetorians...” Luke began, his mind whirling.

“Then the Sons of Caesar must know that we’ve taken their archives,” Jason replied, filling in the blanks.

“There must be information in there that they don’t want found,” Eva stated.

“A conclusion I just came to myself. We’re going to have to find a place to move these books to,” Sheena said.

“What do we do about them?” Karla asked.

“I got this. Ema, mind giving me a hand?” Phalmina asked.

“Sure,” Emalia replied. The two fairies waved their hands and in seconds, they brought forth Gaia’s magic. A few seconds more, the runes they sought appeared and grafted themselves onto the men. The moment the runes were on, the men shrunk down to where they were the size of tabletop miniatures.

“Well, that certainly solves a few issues, but we should check on the archive,” Jason stated as he led the way back to the storage unit. Everyone but the two fairies followed along in his wake, hoping that it was still there. The moment they got back, they saw nothing had changed. The gas cans were still there, as were all the books that they now possessed.

“Hey Darren, you ok? You look a little spooked,” Jason asked.

“I am. I’ve only ever heard stories of the fabled enforcers of the Sons. They are supposed to be the best of us, the most devout. Those whose loyalty is never in question,” Darren replied.

“You think they’ll be likely to send more then?” Karla wondered.

“It’s not likely, it’s a certainty. The Praetorians never leave a job undone. If any Praetorian fails their mission, it is then assigned to another group until the job is done,” Darren breathed.

“Or until they’re all dead. Either way, we have one hell of a conundrum on our hands. Where we could potentially store the books that is safe,” Karla stated.

“Well, my apartment is out. Way too small and it’s a little cramped anyway,” Jason told everyone.

“What about your place, Liz?” Amy suggested.

“Terrible idea. Praetorians will be able to walk through the barrier you have up,” Darren replied, shooting the idea down.

“How do you know?” Daelina asked.

“When I was learning from my father, when he first told me about the Praetorians, I asked what made them so feared. He told me because they are trained to fight, with no assistance from magic. Magic, while a powerful tool, could also be a form of weakness, if they relied on it too much. So, Praetorians are trained to fight and hunt down anyone without magic,” Darren explained.

“That might explain why we couldn’t sense anything on them, other than the fact that they’re just regular humans,” Eva mused.

“Yes. Because of them being so ordinary, they can blend into a crowd and be gone in seconds. But that’s not the scariest part,” Darren stated.

“What’s the scariest part?” Amy wondered, almost afraid that she even asked.

“Praetorians, after they’re trained to become the men they are, reintegrate into society. They are never called up unless needed, and they could be anyone. A good friend, a co-worker, a deacon in your church, anyone in the world,” Darren told them.

“Fuck! We can’t wait to move this archive. It needs to be moved ASAP!” Jason groused.

“But where do we move it to?” Sheena asked, wracking her brain for ideas.

“It would have to be someplace remote, one where we could see these bastards coming. A place we could enchant to keep everyone out, unless they possess a Rune of Passage. But where...” Jason started, before his eyes lit up with an idea and he smiled.

“Where are you thinking?” Sheena asked, seeing that an idea had come to him.

“That property that Carlotta had us investigate!”

“What?!? Are you crazy? It would be suicide to place anything there!” Sheena yipped.

“Exactly! Whatever attacked us might not be so picky with whom they attack. Those little fuckers didn’t follow us to the house. If they did, odds are they didn’t make it past the empowered wards you set,” Jason told her.

“Hmm. That’s ... something to consider,” Sheena replied, mulling over the idea.

“What are we considering?” Phalmina asked, flitting up Jason’s shoulder. He filled her in on his idea on where they could move the archive to. The fairy woman didn’t like the idea much either, but admitted that it had its merits.

“I’m not suggesting something half assed you know. It would take the combined efforts of everyone to empower this place. You even said it yourself, Sheena. That powerful magic protects it,” Jason told her.

“True. OK, let’s just say for one second I agree to this craziness. When did you want to get shit done?” she wondered.

“Right now! The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can start looking into both this dark power we encountered and the Praetorians,” Jason told her.

“Agreed. Lucas, find us a truck to move everything out of here,” Karla ordered. “I’ll go up front and close the account on the storage units.”

“I’ll go with him,” Amy offered.

“Stay safe, you two,” Jason told them.

“You guys too!” Luke said before they left.

“What do we do now?” Eva asked.

“We wait and observe. Ladies, would you mind taking a look around the storage and the surrounding properties? I want to be sure we’re not being watched,” Jason stated to the fairies.

“Good idea. You be careful! If anything happens to you...” Phalmina started before she leaned in and kissed him. Daelina did the same thing with Darren before they shrunk back down to fairy size and took off.

“Got any sugar for me, babe?” Sheena asked with a cute pout.

“Always! Come here, you!” Jason growled playfully. Sheena squeaked happily as his powerful arms encircled her, drawing her in for a kiss. The woman moaned into the kiss and returned the passion with some of her own.

“Could you two ... tone it down a bit? Please?” Eva breathed, fanning herself with her hand.

“Sorry about that Eva! Forgot there were other people around,” Jason chuckled.

“It’s all right,” the woman replied, cooling off slightly.

“How do you make it work?” Darren wondered.

“Make what work?” Jason replied.

“You, Phalmina and Sheena. How does such a ... relationship work?” the former Son of Caesar asked.

“It is a bit of a balancing act, I’ll admit. Some of it is being able to suppress the green-eyed monster of jealousy,” Sheena admitted.

“The biggest thing about such relationships like ours is communication. Always talk to each other, rather than going around, assuming shit,” Jason responded. “Always make sure you know what’s what, before you go around thinking certain things of people.”

“Yeah. Honesty is needed if any relationship, regardless of it being a monogamous one or not,” Sheena told him.

“Hmm. That is ... interesting,” Darren said, more to himself than to anyone else.

“We probably should get everything packed up, if we’re going to be ready to move everything now,” Eva reminded them.

Nodding in agreement, the remaining people got to work. They packed up what books were out of their boxes, papers and parchments, too. They got everything packed up and ready to move at a moment’s notice. Everything was set on the ground and the packed in boxes were loosened. Luke walked on up not even half an hour later with Karla in tow.

“So, we got two trucks, as I remember all of this was too much for just one moving truck,” Luke told them.

“All right. Let’s get everything moved and packed. We have no idea how long it will be before the Praetorians send another team, so let’s not wait to find out!” Sheena said, clapping her hands.

They all exploded in movement, with everyone grabbing a box. Hurrying outside, they hopped into the trucks, which Luke had parked and opened before meeting them inside. The fairies zipped on down, having finished their recon, enlarging out of sight of the cameras at the facility.

“Anything?” Jason wondered as he carried two boxes of books like they were nothing.

“Nothing. At least, nothing that any of us would have spotted. We sensed no malicious magic, and no one has been watching the storage,” Phalmina reported.

“Lina and I found the vehicle they used. The engine was still running, so we got Darren to come over and take a look at it,” Emalia stated.

“All right. Everyone else, keep packing. Fairies, with me!” Jason ordered and was off before anyone could argue.

Jason raced around the building, following the fairies trail. They led him to a small nook where the car in question was parked. Darren was already in the driver’s seat, looking over whatever paperwork he could find. Jason jogged over to him, wondering if the man had found anything of use.

“You find anything?” Jason asked.

“No. Just that the car is a rental right out of the airport. With those men missing, people will want to know what happened to them and the car,” Darren groused.

“We handled that,” Daelina told him, flitting to stand on her love’s shoulder.

“How did you do that?” Jason asked.

“Used our magic to create a deep hole nearby and dropped them into it,” Emalia piped up.

“Won’t the spell wear off and they’ll get big again?” Darren asked, having learned some basics of magic from Daelina.

“It won’t matter. By the time the magic wears off, they will be ... ripe. They won’t be anything more than rotted meat, feeding plants and trees with their bodies. We also dropped them deep enough to where the earth won’t have them break out when the ground freezes and thaws,” Phalmina chuckled darkly.

“Damn! That’s some mafia level shit right there!” Jason commented.

“Well, watching TV is good for something,” Daelina replied with a smile. “Both good and bad.”

“Remind me to never have a fairy angry at me,” Darren gulped.

“Smart boy.”

“OK, so we need to get this damn car out of here, without making it look like these guys just vanished,” Jason said, pondering. “I’ve got it!”

Snapping his fingers, Jason ran around the corner and headed back to the group that was packing up. Darren and the fairies joined him as he reached the group and explained his idea. Everyone was a little skeptical, but figured it was their best shot at avoiding detection.

“You sure that it will work?” Karla asked.

“It works for me, when I have to disguise myself as a human,” Xaera stated, her dusky skin making her look just as imposing as her blue skin did.

“It’s also the best way for us to keep those Praetorians off our backs, at least for a little while,” Darren agreed.

“So, we’ll be driving those trucks out?” Karla asked.

“Yeah. Just until we can get out of here and ditch the car, babe,” Luke informed her.

“OK. Help us pack up and we’ll meet you at Xaera’s,” Sheena told the men.

They did as they were asked and helped with moving and packing the boxes. Karla had already settled up the account for the storage unit. The company was sad to see them go, but understood that they now had a space they ‘owned’ to store their items. Between the lot of them, it took less than half an hour to pack up both trucks.

“OK Sheena, bring your car around and we’ll get this done,” Jason told her.

“On it, hon,” Sheena stated as she took off to fetch her wheels.

Jason, Darren, Luke and the fairy women headed back to where the Praetorians had parked their car. They had placed it in a blind spot where the vehicle couldn’t be seen, so no one watching the cameras could see where it was. The fairy women worked their magic on the men, fixing them with their magical disguises. It wasn’t a complex spell and by the time Sheena arrived; they were done.

“Can’t say that I approve of the look,” Sheena grouched, staring at the trio of brown-haired white men.

“It’s not like it’s a permanent thing, though. It will wear off in a few hours and we’ll have ditched this car long before then,” the man with blue eyes said in Jason’s voice.

“Besides Sheena, it’s a hell of a way for us to lead the Praetorians on a wild goose chase,” the man with brown eyes agreed, speaking in Luke’s voice.

“Here’s hoping that it keeps them occupied for a while,” Sheena agreed. She then got into her car and drove off, leading the trucks, driven by Elizabeth and Eva, out of the facility.

The three men jumped into the car, fired it off and were off. Jason took the identity of the man that called out the commands, so he drove, making everything look as normal as possible. They left the storage a few minutes after the others had, making it look like they were there on other business. The fairies rode in the car with them, staying fairy sized so as not to tip anyone off, as they prayed to Gaia that this worked.

Donald Mannheim sat in a diner in Los Angeles, enjoying himself a slice of pecan pie. He sipped on his coffee, which he liked black and bitter. It contrasted with the sweetness of the pie, making it taste all the sweeter. He sighed as he took another bite and reached into his coat pocket. He glanced at his flip phone, checking the time and cursing inwardly.

The team that had been sent to clean up the mess that the Sons had left behind hadn’t reported in yet. It had only been several minutes since they were supposed to be done, so Don let it slide for now. He supposed they had probably gone out to get themselves a little something, to celebrate a job done. At least, that was his hope, as he had trained this group personally.

Daniel, Bryce and William were the finest group of Praetorians that had ever been produced. Mainly because he, the finest and oldest Praetorian in history, had been their mentor. He trained them to be solid in a fight, to work together and to have a level of squad cohesion that most military groups would envy.

The man finished his pie and coffee, leaving a generous tip for the waitress, before he walked out. Donald then got into his car and drove, heading to his apartment. The drive was uneventful, as uneventful as driving in LA could be, with all the traffic and congestion everywhere. He pulled up to his building, parking out front, when his phone rang.

“Yes?” he replied, having waited for this call.

“Legatus, we have a problem,” the man on the other end replied.

“What kind of problem?” he queried, anger rising up within him. No one ever referred to him by his honorific, unless it was a special occasion, or there was a serious problem.

“Mission failed. There has been no contact from any of the operatives we’ve sent to deny the Gaians any aid,” the operator on the other end told him.

“What happened?” he demanded, wanting to know what had become of the men he’d trained.

“Unknown. We’ve tried to tap into the tapes used by the facility we sent them to attack, but with no success. Must be a CCTV system with no outside access,” the operator informed him.

Donald growled like a feral animal, angry that his team, a team he had trained, had failed in their mission. Whatever the reason, he would get to the bottom of it, no matter what stood against him. He had personally trained these men, and he’d be damned if they died on what was supposed to be a routine run.

“Legatus, are you still there, sir?” the operator called out.

“Yes, I’m here,” he said into the phone, having taken a moment to calm himself.

“What are your orders?”

“Assemble my old team. I will handle this ... personally,” Donald replied.

“Sir?” the operator questioned, as this was highly irregular.

“Did I stutter? Were my words not clear?” the older man asked, his voice carrying the weight of a threat.

“No, sir! I will contact and assemble your men! Shall I book you a flight?” the operator apologized.

“Please do! First class. I’m sure that the council won’t begrudge me spending their money,” he laughed, keeping his voice on edge.

“None, sir. I will call back in thirty minutes with the details of your flight,” the operator responded before killing the line.

Donald grunted, closing the flip phone and walking inside to put together a travel bag. Whoever the young pup was, he had enough sense to not question the Legatus of the Praetorians. That had been a title that few men in their entire lifetime of service had ever achieved. He had been one of those few, having survived dozens, if not hundreds, of secret missions for the Sons of Caesar.

Though the Praetorians served the Sons, they also had their own mandates. Such things were always shrouded in mystery, except to him, the Legatus, or ‘General’ as the translation went. At the moment, he had the Praetorians obeying the Sons in what they wanted done. It was tedious in some ways, but necessary if the Praetorians would survive.

Donald shifted his thoughts away from what he wanted and focused on the task at hand. He had finished packing up his things, enough for a couple of weeks, and sat on his bed, waiting for his call. He hadn’t remembered walking into his apartment, but figured that since he got the call, he went on autopilot. It was one of those little things that he found annoying, as he often questioned where the time went.

“Yes?” he replied, picking up the phone when it rang.

“I have booked you on the twelve thirty flight to Seattle, where you and your team will meet. The local chapter of the Sons will meet you there, to tell you of your mission,” the operator told him.

“Very good. Fide, honoris, obsequium,” Donald told him, uttering the Praetorians’ motto.

“Fide, honoris, obsequium,” the operator replied, before the line went dead. Donald then walked out of his apartment and hailed a taxi, before giving instructions to head to LAX. He sat there in the cab, contemplating how things had transpired.

He knew that the best of the Praetorians had been sent to deal with what the Gaians had taken from them. That they’d failed was a testament to what exactly they were up against. He realized these Gaians would not go down easily if they’d caused his protégé to fail.

Sitting in the vehicle as the cityscape passed him by, he never thought he’d get a chance to face down proper Gaians. Sure, he’d had to come out of retirement for it, but if he was being honest with himself, he was looking forward to this. In his entire career as a Praetorian, he’d never taken down anyone who had magic, despite being trained to do so. He’d never had a genuine challenge in his entire life, and now he had one.

“There we go! Back to the handsome face we all know and love!” Phalmina giggled as she finished working her magic.

Sheena had made a pit stop at the park, as was agreed upon, so she could pick up the men after they’d ditched the Praetorian’s car. It was weird, staring at Jason while he wore an unfamiliar man’s face. Now that he was back to what he should look like, Sheena was smiling again.

“Agreed!” Sheena gushed as she hugged Jason.

“What’s that for?” Jason asked his love.

“Just happy to have you back!” Sheena sighed as she clasped him.

“More hugs and kisses, after we get this stuff moved,” Emalia reminded her as she flitted by her ear.

Sheena grunted, but agreed they had to get a move on. They had a limited window to get these books and texts out of the city, before the Sons or Praetorians closed in on them. She hopped into her car, while Jason and Luke walked to the trucks and took over for driving. A few minutes later, they were off, heading out of the city for the rural property.

Karla had called ahead to her auntie once Luke had ensured that her line was secure. After a brief explanation, Carlotta agreed that the property was the best place to move the texts they had taken from the Sons. If they had discovered a small little storage unit that Karla had rented under an alias, then all of her holdings were being watched.

She was also grateful because she’d erred on the side of caution and had Jason, Sheena, and Phalmina investigate the property. Word of those creatures attacking them was enough to give the woman pause about developing the property. She had told Karla to tell everyone else to take all the time they needed to look into the land. Since it was way out in the sticks, there was little reason for her to work on it just yet.

The fairy women flew overhead, keeping a vigil over their friends. The wraith hadn’t been seen for a few weeks, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t out there. It could just be biding its time, waiting for a chance to go after their friends and lovers. There was no way these ladies would let that happen, not if they had a say about it.

It took a little more than an hour and a pit stop at a drive thru before they arrived. The vehicles pulled into the rough gravel road and the fae followed them, the feeling of serenity washing over them. Everyone felt the sensation, even Luke and Karla, who possessed zero magic to speak of. They hopped out of the vehicles, feeling weird, but in a good way.

“What was that? That was...” Luke just growled and purred, which had Karla in a fit of giggles.

“I felt it too! It was...” Karla gushed before she made a similar sound. “It was ... almost...”

“Orgasmic?” Sheena asked with a knowing smirk on her face.

“Yeah!” Amy replied, shivering and shaking pleasantly.

“That’s the enchantment on this place, which keeps everyone safe. I don’t know who put it here in the first place, but I am glad they did!” Sheena stated, smiling.

“As am I! It saved our bacon from being fried!” Jason sighed.

“Bacon?” the fairies asked quizzically.

“A human turn of phrase, girls,” Eva explained. The fairies then understood what Jason meant and facepalmed themselves cutely.

“Anyway, this place is well protected and once we’re done empowering this place, no one will get through unless we want them to,” Sheena told them all.

“Which is why I thought it the perfect place for this archive,” Jason chuckled as he headed to the rear of one of the trucks.

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, everyone, let’s get these boxes unloaded,” Sheena told the group.

As one, everyone hopped to work with removing everything from the moving trucks. The fairies, under Phalmina’s direction, used their magic to work on a room inside. After sweeping and dusting a sitting room, which took no time at all, they pulled upon Gaia’s magic to craft organic and ornate looking bookshelves. They drew from the wood inside the walls to sprout outwards and grow, much like trees forming the shelves they needed.

“Now THAT is beyond cool!” Luke enthused as he watched the fairies work.

“Hey! Stop staring and keeping moving those boxes in here!” Karla groused as she puffed under the constant work.

Luke moved his ass and kept working, and in no time at all, the boxes were unloaded. The trucks were pristine, with not a single scrap of paper left behind. The fairies were still working on the walls, coaxing the wood within them to obey their commands. It was slow going, but more than half the room was outfitted with bookshelves now.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

1 year ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

1 year ago
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Best Friends get to know each other better

Anna and Jane were friends from a young age, they grew from girls into women and watch each other as they grew. Until they hit university did anna blow janes world apart!After a stressful day of lecturs they were supposed to have met up, Jane was at their spot but anna was not.Jane immediately went to Anna's dorm to hear a faint moaning, a faint wet sound, none the less she stormed in, "Anna!?!" to her shock jane saw anna with a double sided didlo fucking her self.Jane was embarresed and didn't...

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My friends dad 10

Jeanette and I both had stunned looks on our faces, was he really suggesting that we should have sex? "Well what do you mean dad? That we should try it?" Jeanette asked. "I'm just saying, for some straight ladies I know, it's a bucket list item to be with another woman, I mean back me up here Christina," John replied. "Well I guess you have a point. I mean it's on mine I guess, but she's engaged to you now. Would you really want her to have sex with Jeanette?"...

4 years ago
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My Little Brother

I am now twenty-four year old and I live alone with my younger brother Andrew, who had turned nineteen recently. Our parents died three years ago and since then, my brother came to live with me in my small condo. I pay for everything since I've got a good load of work. I'm a film editor, so I can work from home on most of my contracts. Andy doesn't work and never has, in fact he doesn't do much these days since he just dropped out of school... He looks very boyish. He's small, he can't grow...

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A Sexual Movement Part 1

The Warm UpKisses placed lightly at first on your lips, cheeks, eyes, ears and neck.Caresses (you are clothed) fingers run through your hair, brushing down your neck, across both breasts, tickling your mouth lips, stroking your shoulders, back and arms. When Warmed UpKisses prolong in length and urgency, your mouth opens wider letting the kisses become deeper with tongues being forced against one another. Teeth nip and bite lips, tongues are sucked then lick lips, eyelids and neck and...

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Dannys Cleavage part 3 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 3 of 6 In which Danny's mother confronts him over wearing her bras and buys him bras of his own, he starts wearing a bra outside of the house, his Mom provides him some "ointment" to use on his chest, he notices some slight changes in his nipples, and begins dating Cindy Haworth. Things were OK for a couple of months and then - disaster! Mom came into my bedroom one night when I was studying. Well, she really just stood in the doorway and I could tell from the...

1 year ago
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The Bitch

So, this is it, I thought to myself. I had not told my wife of this plan, of course. It was not something that I cared to share with her. Then again, I didn't share much at all with her anymore, except for our last names. She had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with my "kinky stuff". That included spanking her, tying her up, and generally having my way with her. She was much more conservative than I turned out to be. This wasn't my first time being unfaithful to her. I simply...

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Blacked JAV was the very first thing I pulled up on my laptop this morning. It’s a Monday, and I figured, what better way to start my week than with a little interracial action starring some little Asians getting filled up with big BBC? It’s hot as hell watching white girls take on black monster cock, but the girls here might be a little tinier and a bit tighter. Oh, and don’t even get me started on those sexy noises the JAV idols make as they’re getting banged. I may not understand every word...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolWednesday part 2

Back at Stetsen, Derek marshaled his forces. "Guys. Guys. Can I have your attention please. I need some help." We all looked up, and gathered as he beckoned: Meredith and I; Zach and Christa; Sajel; and even Jane, for whatever reason. Maybe she and Sajel had shared a 5th-period class. (I was close; it's Christa who's in AP Chemistry with Jane in 5th period.) We sat in the customary ring: Derek at the head, with Sajel at the next station around; directly across from Derek, Zach leaned...

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ExxxtraSmall Allie Nicole Tiny Bounce And Bang

Tiny blondie Allie Nicole is a total sweetheart, which is why she always gets the dick she needs whenever she wants it. Today, she gets our hung stud to service her. She shows off her plump ass before getting on her knees to deepthroat his massive rod. Then, she mounts the lucky guy, going for a bouncy ride that has both of them on the verge of orgasm right away. She cums hard on his dick as she grinds on him, and he pounds her pussy passionately. Allies eyes roll in the back of her head as she...

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Thirumana Functional Usar Seithen

Oru naal nanum en nanbanum iravil receptionirku sendru iruthom, en vayathu 25, peyar Muthu, en nanban peyar Naveern vayathu 26. Iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal, naveen niraiya pengalai kaamam seithu irukiraan. Avan oru pennai eppadi usar seithan, ena velam seithaan enbathai anaithaiyum solli konde irupaan. Aanal naan ithu naal varai entha pennaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, athanaal eppozhuthum yar kidaipaargal eppozhuthu ookalam endru yosithu konde irupen. Niraiya pengalin suuthai paathu avargalai...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 631

COMBAT SHUTTLE: function dictates design. Basically, an armed and armored box with powerful auxiliary boosters to subsidize the already over-sized impulse drives and teamed with powerful shields to hold off weapon fire and to withstand the screaming passage through atmosphere on the way to ground. It is designed to get twenty troops and their equipment on the ground in one piece, even through heavy enemy fire – and to do it in a hurry. There is some necessary streamlining, but most is left to...

2 years ago
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Experience With A Gorgeous Lady In Jaipur

Hi to all ISS readers, thanks for clicking on my story. A 33 year old guy here from jaipur, sharing his experience to u all, I hope u are going to make me aware how u feel about it specially ladies feel free to talk to me. It begins 1 year back I was there for some shopping at shoppers stop with my friend we enjoyed shopping and having eye-tonic. I was trying some outfits in the trial rooms(they are in a row and 4-5 in numbers and these are in a separate area), I put on that stuff and came out,...

3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 19

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter NineteenCumsocket stared up at me from the floorboard of the truck, her long black hair fell in front of her eyes as she knelt there. She was dressed in a thin, almost sheer, cotton sun dress with tall heels strapped to her ankles. I’d loved the way she’d staggered out of the house on the heels,...

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Helping My Sister

She came into my room one day to ask me to help her. "Blake, I need to ask a favor of you." "Sure sis, what do you need?" Luckily for me, I was sitting at my desk. Otherwise, she would have seen the erection I got while talking to her. "I am doing really badly in one class, and I need help to study for the mid-term. If I fail the class I will have to take summer school before I can graduate. I desparately need you to help me." "Sure Lora, I can help you study." She ran up to me...

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Bike Rider In Pune

One day I was returning from my college….. oh sorry! let me introduce myself to you all. Hi… I am karan 21 year old guy with very attractive looks. My height is 6” and 78 weights. I am fair and have a gouty.I am born Punjabi good looking guy. Now let’s begin the story! Main pune k wadia colge me third year me padhta hun. Ek din colge se lote same maine walk karne ka socha kyo k colge se mere Room pass hi tha, aur mausam bhi bhot acha tha. Maine us din apni favorite shirt pehni thi. Achanak jab...

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Driving Home for ChristmasChapter 9

We had a great New Year party down at the Black Lion. Molly was there with her husband Derek. I was there with Bonnie, she loved a party. Normally Bonnie was a babe magnet but New Year seemed to be a time for couples. Still there were plenty of friends there. New Year's Day was recovery day, apart from taking Bonnie out I did nothing much. The same went for the 2nd. It was about 6 PM when the knock came on the door. Bonnie raced to the door and bounded out as soon as I opened it. That's...

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The Power of a Mistress

First person story of a Master's description of a brief moment in time with his Alpha Slave, Jan, who is PERFECT.   There are two house guests, Master Brad, and his slave, Emma, Who Master Brad brought over so that he may witness Jan in action.  Poor Emma.    Master Brad is here to see Jan in action.  He is a *Friend of a friend* in the bondage circle I am a part of, both physically and metaphorically speaking.    My close friend has seen Jan in action several times when she is truly at her...

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Milfed Casca Akashova Massage table Milf

Casca is on the couch in her bikini, trying to rub her clit when her wealthy husband rudely interrupts. He bought her a massage with Robby to compensate for his philandering. She is annoyed by his transparency, but she also takes the opportunity to have a little fun. She flirtatiously touches Robby as he tries to set up. When he asks what areas of the body she wants him to focus on, she undoes her bikini and unleashes her giant, fake tits. He oils up her body. She takes his hands and moves them...

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Starting Over Chapter 42

Prologue This is the fourth chapter about the sexual rebirth of Jack a senior citizen who learns it’s OK to enjoy sex again after the tragic loss of his bride and lover of 50 plus years. In this chapter, I’ve tried to spend a little more time developing characters and describing their surroundings. I’ve divided the chapter into sections. Those of you who are looking for the hard core sex, may want to skip directly to the “The VIP Room” section. Thanks to the 40s Couple, Deb and Allen...

4 years ago
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Modern Love Story 2

“It’s simple really. When you think about it, all three of us want the same thing. So, make the most of the opportunity. If you want to fuck him, or if he wants to fuck you, then do it. It doesn’t matter whatever else you’re doing.” “Whatever else I’m doing?” Her incomprehension was obvious. “Well, not literally, Kelly! I don’t mean if you’re shopping in Sainsbury’s or whatever the Majorcan equivalent is! I mean when...

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I Beat Up My Own Tits and Fuck My Slut Ass to Get

It’s been almost six weeks since we last saw each other. It was also the last time I’ve been fucked and it seemed like forever. My hormones are raging and I’m super horny for you. You always say you’re horny for me and I never really knew what it meant until now- all I want is for you to grab me, throw me down, rip off my clothes, and have your way with me. I dream of your hands around neck, choking me til I gasp for air then pushing my head down and forcing your fat cock in my mouth and down...

1 year ago
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Fucking On A Train

We were on the train coming back from London, having been to the capital to see a show. Christina was in a state of high arousal for most of the day and, on the journey with a mostly deserted train, she decided to play with herself - for our mutual benefit.She moved both hands slowly down her belly. With her fingertips, she teased at the waist of her shorts as if debating pushing them inside, then drew back up, hooking under the hem of her vest. If one fluid movement, she pulled the material...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

4 years ago
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Amour Propre

Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself? Like your nose maybe, or the color of your hair. Be a little taller, of have bigger breasts. I did. I saved for it, the way other girls saved for college, or a car, or even a pony. I saved for self-improvement and I'd look through magazines like Vogue, rich with tall wisps of supermodel beauty, and I'd try to imagine myself like that. All pale and blonde with puffy lips and big tits, with big hard nipples ... But it never worked. It...

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Annies Education Ch 08

No sooner had my head hit the pillow that night then I was dead asleep and in the middle of yet another erotic dream. I was shackled to a wall, my arms and legs spread. Naked, I was exposed for all the world to see and the cold stone on my ass felt good in contrast with the heat from the torches on the wall. I was nervous, but not scared. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve being chained to the wall, but I accepted it, almost anticipated it. I heard cell doors open and Alex stepped in....

1 year ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 12

A couple of months later we heard from both of the girls who had needed to get pregnant. The second one I was with was pregnant. However, miss deep throat was not. Two months after that we got word that miss deep throat and her mother had received their conditional green cards. The girl's "father" emailed me about having miss deep throat 'visit her relatives' in Gensan for a month. It sounded a bit extreme to me and I gently said so to him. He said he would think about it. Then I got a...

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Thanks Mrs Banks

My first year of Boarding School had been far tougher that had anticipated and now that I was home for the summer I wanted nothing more than rest and recreation. You know the song, Wild Horses By the Stones. 'You Can't Always Get What You Want,' well it must be true, at least for me. At breakfast on my first day of 'R&R' my mom tells me she has volunteered me to help out our neighbor Mrs. Banks with some chores around her house."Ever since Ron Banks ran off with that young bimbo secretary...

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Arizona Secret Society Chapter 3

ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 3 As a man, shopping is both annoying, but function based. We need a suit, or a pair of shoes, so we get just that and go home, no need for anything else. Women, on the other hand, go shopping for one item, and come back with 10, its hardwired into them. As a man, I never understood why women felt the need to shop like they did, but in the body of one, I found out exactly why. Walking with Connie, Anna and Monique, one of the newest wives to...

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Choosing a king size bed

After moving to Savannah, my sweet Ana asked me we needed some new furniture for our new house.She wanted to purchase a comfortable new bed and she said she would fuck my brains out as soon as we could lay there…The same day we went to the mall and Ana stopped at a furniture store for a big King size bed and a couch.I went to the hardware store picking up paint when she called me, saying she had found the right bed.She hurried me to come and see it; because the store would close in fifteen...

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Love After the Business Trip

The candles, placed strategically throughout the house, were all lit just waiting for her arrival. Their tiny orange flames dimly brightened the whole house. Their sweet scent of lilac and lavender burned and wafted aroma filling each room the way she loved. It would be the first thing she smelled when she entered. It definitely set the mood for the evening.Her favorite meal of roasted rosemary lamb shank drizzled with scallion gravy and sided with creamed red potatoes and chives warmed in the...

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Cursing the public morals committee president

Aiko Kimura, or as most of her classmates know her: the public morals committee president with a stick up her butt is a calm, collected but most importantly; a prude. She's held her position with an iron fist for the past two years, and has resumed her duties for her final year in high school. This means that both her and all her peers are 18 to 19 years old. Ms Kimura's chances of ever finding a teenage boyfriend, or even a crush are running thin, not that she cares for it. In fact, Aiko...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 59 Jan 1946 Occupation Begins

Unlike President Obama, I would say that I support the long-standing bipartisan post-war belief that American global strength and leadership secures our national-security interests, and it also promotes order and stability in the world. And it gives us immense influence in the world and deters our adversaries and reassures our allies. Tom Cotton I would have to say that at the very beginning of occupation of Germany by the allies the only country that had planned it to last forever was the...

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Hinjwadi Se Bedroom Tak

Hello all ISS lovers and readers. I am a big fan of iss site and longtime reader. After reading good stories in iss, I want to describe my first experience with you people. Now let’s come to the story and please allow me to describe the story in our national language Hindi. Mera naam krishnkant (kk) h, mai pune ka rhne wala hu, meri age 26 h aur ek mnc me job krta hu. Mai thoda bold type ka ldka , baat 6 month phle ki h mai wakd me rhta hu aur roj hinjwadi office jata hu, apni byke se , ek din...

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GirlsWay Angela White Whitney Wright My Hero

Angela White bursts through the front door of a house exuding nothing but raw power. She makes sure that the coast is clear, then leads a worried Whitney Wright, who is handcuffed to a briefcase, into the house. They make their way upstairs to a bedroom and Angela confidently assures Whitney that everything’s going to be fine since they’re in a safehouse now. However, almost as soon as the words leave her mouth, she spots movement outside. It’s time for her to take care of...

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Godly Powers

You sit idly in your room. Thinking to yourself what it would be like if you weren't just your average Joe. Your name is John Doe. 6 foot 1 inch tall, average build, decent sized dick but no girlfriend... Yet. You continue sitting there, procrastinating from the study for your high schools final exams lost in thought. All of a sudden you begin to get a massive headache followed by a blinding flash of light. EHM! IS... IS IT ON?? OH SHIT... HELLO YOUNG ONE, TERRIBLY SORRY ABOUT THAT... I HAVE...

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It has been said that there are three steps to happiness - step 1 find out who we are, step 2 - accept who we are and step 3 - be who we are. For many of us, this is straightforward but for some, the changes needed to complete each step are far reaching and life changing. It's then that we need Destiny to do her job. Destiny is a funny thing. For most of the time, we don't even notice her. It's as if she's sitting in the background, quietly minding her own business until she...

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SandcastlesChapter 3

I was still awake when Sally gently lifted the covers and slid her naked body underneath. It was our first 'normal' night in over a week, with both of us in bed at the same time. Janey was sleeping comfortably now, and with her maternal link, Sally would be awake at the first sign of trouble. I had observed this 'link' in action on numerous occasions and, while it seemed to be abnormally strong, I didn't think of it as odd or unusual. At first, Sally stayed completely on the far side of...

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LENEs LOVE 2 Sex video 6 private p


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GotMylf Tiffany Rousso Hot Tits And A Tight MILF Slit

A banging hot blonde like Tiffany Rousso needs no introduction. Once you see her incredible tits pop out at you, they are hard to forget. Today, she gets them nice and wet in the shower while she waits for our hung stud to show up and give her the business. When he finally whips out his cock, Tiffany is ready for some hard penetration. Her face contorts in pleasure as he fingers her muff. Then, she turns around and moans as he pounds her from behind, stuffing her love glove with thick man meat....


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