Indiscretions Ch. 02 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX: Indiscretions

Chapter two

‘I think we’ve got things pretty well under control for now, Mitch,’ Melissa Singleton told Mitch Hathaway, the man her husband, Tom, hired after their teenage son and Donna, a girl who also worked on the farm, left to go to college.

Mitch was a rugged, handsome, friendly man of about thirty, with a head full of curly brown hair. He was also a hard worker. Melissa’s husband was away, delivering a horse, and Melissa and Mitch had been left to take care of things on the farm until Tom got back the next day.

Mitch looked at his employer’s wife. Melissa Singleton was a damn good-looking woman. She was about ten years older than he was, but didn’t look it. She was tall, had a wild mass of curly light-brown hair, and looked like she was in excellent physical condition. She had on a sweatshirt and snug-fitting jeans. Since they’d been working hard, Melissa was sweating and her sweatshirt was clinging to her upper body in interesting ways.

‘If you want to take off, you can, Mitch,’ Melissa said. ‘I’m beat, I’m going to try to watch TV, but I’ll probably fall asleep.’

‘You sure you don’t want me to hang around?’ Mitch asked. ‘What with Mr. Singleton being gone and all, I wouldn’t mind. I could sleep in the bunk room in the barn.’

‘It’s sweet of you to offer, Mitch,’ Melissa said, ‘but you don’t have to. Jennifer and Alex are staying in the big house tonight. They’re leaving for Europe in the morning.’

Jennifer was Jennifer McIntyre Martin, who owned the farm. Alex was her husband, head of the detective division of the Jamestown Police Department.

‘Must be nice,’ Mitch said. ‘I’d love to go to Europe and see what it’s like.’

‘I suppose it is,’ Melissa said.

‘Well, if you’re sure you’ll be OK,’ Mitch said, ‘I’m gonna take off.’

‘See you tomorrow, Mitch,’ Melissa said. She turned and started for the manager’s house.

Mitch watched her walk away from him for a while, then he sighed, climbed into his truck, and headed for town.

‘Why the hell do I get myself all hot and bothered thinking about Melissa?’ Mitch thought as he drove along, listening to the sounds of country music coming from his pickup’s radio. ‘She’s as happily married as a person can get. I ought to find someone who isn’t!’ He laughed. ‘Isn’t married or isn’t happy, doesn’t really matter, does it?’

By the time he got to town, he was hungry, so he stopped at a little diner he often visited. The diner’s prices were reasonable and the food was excellent. He parked in the parking lot, went inside, and took a seat on one of the stools at the counter. It was late afternoon, between the lunch and dinner rush hours, so the diner was almost empty.

‘What would you like?’ the lady behind the counter asked.

Mitch studied her. She was about his age and fairly attractive. She was short, but had a very good shape, a fact not hidden by the snug jeans she was wearing. Her frosted brown hair was cut very short.

‘I’ll have a cheeseburger with bacon, fries, and a cola,’ Mitch said.

‘Coming right up,’ the woman replied. She got a hamburger patty out of a cooler, put it on the grille, and dropped some fries into the deep fryer.

‘Traveling through?’ she asked Mitch while the food cooked.

‘Actually, no, I just moved to town a few weeks ago,’ he replied. ‘I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before. I eat here a lot. Food here’s really good.’

‘Thank you for saying so,’ the woman said. ‘My husband and I run this place. I’ve been away for a few weeks. My sister was sick and I went to take care of her. Do you work around here?’

‘I’m a farm hand and horse wrangler on the McIntyre Farm,’ Mitch said.

‘No kidding?’ the woman said. She turned and flipped the hamburger, put a slice of cheese on it, and lifted the fry basket out of the fat and hung it on a rack to drain. Then she put the hamburger roll on the grille to toast. She turned back to Mitch. ‘We, my husband and I, we have a place outside of town,’ she said. ‘I’ve been thinking about getting a horse or two. I’m just not sure what we’d need to do to our place if we got some horses.’

‘You have a farm?’ Mitch asked.

‘Not really,’ she replied, flushing a little. ‘We have a lot of property, though, so we could build a barn, I guess.’

‘If you need some advice, maybe I could help,’ Mitch said. He noticed the rosy color on her face and wondered. ‘I’ve worked with horses all my life. I could probably tell you what you need, and probably where to get it. Any time you want, just give me a call.’

‘Ah…well,’ the woman hesitated, then she turned quickly to the grille. She picked up a spatula, put his burger on the bun, put the sandwich on a plate, and then dumped the fries next to it. She turned and set the plate on the counter in front of Mitch. After that, she walked down behind the counter, drew his cola, and placed that in front of him, too.

‘I…I wouldn’t want to impose on you, you know,’ she said.

‘It wouldn’t be an imposition,’ Mitch said. ‘I think it would kind of be fun to design a place from scratch.’

‘Uh…well, ah, my husband, you know, ah, he comes in about six and takes over until we close at midnight,’ she said. ‘If you, you know, wanted to come out say, oh, maybe six-thirty or so today, if you’re sure I wouldn’t be imposing on…’

‘No problem,’ Mitch said. ‘I was just going to go home and zoo out in front of the TV anyhow. Might as well do something productive, right?’ He took a bite of his burger. ‘Where do you live?’

She told him, then turned to wait on another customer. When she returned to put another hamburger on the grille, she smiled at Mitch and looked a little flustered. He didn’t say anything, just smiled back at her. When he finished his meal he got up, paid his check, told her he’d see her at six-thirty, and left.

‘I can’t believe this!’ Mitch thought when he got in his pickup. It looked like he was going to have better luck with women in Jamestown than he thought. The attractive woman in the diner had invited him to her house. And she’d done it in such a way that it was clear her husband wouldn’t be home. She said she wanted help deciding how she and her husband could set their place up to raise a few horses. ‘Yeah, right!’ Mitch thought. He turned onto the road she’d indicated, and headed for her house.

Back at the diner, Bonnie Markham, the woman Mitch had talked to, was having second thoughts about what she’d done. How could she have asked a strange man to come to her house to help her decide how to set it up for horses when she’d never even considered buying a horse?

What had she done such a stupid thing? Sure, she and her husband Bill were having problems, but was that reason enough to do what she’d done?

Just then, her husband walked in the front door of the diner. ‘Hi, babe!’ he said.

‘Hi, Bill,’ Bonnie replied. She finished making up the order she was working on and placed it in front of the customer.

Bill walked over to Cindy, the attractive blonde waitress who was working the evening shift. ‘Hi, sweetie, I guess it’s you and me tonight, huh?’ he said.

Cindy, who wasn’t married, but had a child at home, giggled and laughed. ‘Yeah, honey, I guess it is,’ she replied.

Bonnie bit her lip. ‘I can’t remember the last time Bill flirted with me,’ she thought bitterly.

Bonnie had given Mitch good directions. He found her home with no trouble. Located on a side road, it sat at the end of a long, tree-lined driveway. No chance of any neighbors noticing a strange vehicle. The closest house was a half-mile or more away.

Mitch pulled into the driveway and parked in front of a two-car garage attached to a white clapboard two-story house. He was pretty sure the woman who lived here wasn’t interested in talking about horses, but he wasn’t concerned. Whatever her problem was, he’d be happy
to service it. Or her.

Bonnie was, at that minute, driving home slowly. She still found it hard to believe she’d invited a strange man to her house when her husband wasn’t at home.

‘What, exactly, were you thinking when you invited him?’ she asked herself. ‘Maybe he won’t show up,’ she mused hopefully.

‘Maybe he will, then what?’ an inner voice countered. ‘You saw him admiring your ass, you know what he wants.’

She shook her head. ‘If he’s there, I’ll just ask him to leave,’ she thought.

‘Before or after you let him fuck you?’ the inner voice retorted.

Bonnie turned into her driveway and suddenly found it hard to breathe. A pickup truck was sitting front of the garage! She pulled up next to the truck and saw Mitch, who smiled and waved, sitting in it. She shut off the engine and sat in her car, her mind spinning. What was she going to do? Why had she put herself in this position?

Mitch got out of his truck, walked around to the woman’s car and stood by the driver’s door, waiting for the woman to get out. It was obvious she was nervous.

Finally, Bonnie opened the door and stepped out, looking at the man nervously. ‘Ah…look…I…’ she stammered. ‘I…I’m sorry I…’

Mitch stepped closer to her. ‘You aren’t really planning to get horses, are you?’ he asked. He could see how skittish she looked and figured the longer he waited, the less chance he had of getting what he wanted. Knowing there were risks involved, he took action.

‘Ah…no, um, I…I’m…’ Bonnie stammered. She never finished what she intended to say because her words were stifled by the man’s warm lips covering hers. His strong arms went around her and he pulled her against him.

Despite her misgivings, Bonnie felt her insides burst into flame as the man’s strong, hard body pressed against hers and his tongue slid between her lips. With a groan, she wrapped her arms around him, pushed against him, and began lashing his tongue with hers. She felt as if she were melting.

When the kiss ended, Bonnie stepped back, panting, and looked at the man. He wasn’t bad-looking, and seemed a decent sort. Still, she couldn’t let him…

‘There is a problem you want me to help you with, isn’t there?’ Mitch asked the flushed, breathless woman.

‘Uh…yes…I mean, no,’ Bonnie replied, hugging herself. Now was the time to tell him to leave, before things got out of hand.

‘I think I know what it is, and I’d love to help you with it,’ Mitch said. Smiling, he moved toward her and reached for her again.

‘Uh…no, ah…’ Bonnie stammered. Her protest was halted when his arms went around her and pulled her to him and his lips once more covered hers. She felt his hands grip her bottom and press her against him.

Having the man’s hands on her bottom felt so good it almost made Bonnie faint. She loved having her bottom touched and her husband touched her there in what seemed like ages. She was becoming more aroused than she’d been in a long, long time!

She felt the man’s hardness pressing against her belly and, for a second, heard warning alarms sounding in her mind again. She had to stop this now, before she lost control and wound up doing something she’d regret!

Despite the frantic alarms, her arms slid around his neck and pulled him to her, while her tongue slid between his lips.

While Mitch’s lips were mashed against the woman’s and his tongue was lashing in her mouth, he slid his hands between them, opened her jeans, and pushed them and the cotton panties she wore down over her legs. He was surprised when the woman offered no resistance. She continued to clutch him, kept kissing him, and groaned into his mouth.

Bonnie couldn’t believe he’d taken her pants down! And that she had permitted him to do it in front of her house, in broad daylight! Her mind screamed for her to stop him, but she couldn’t. Her body was on fire and all she seemed able to do was hang on to him and lash her tongue in his mouth while he did awful, wonderful things to her.

She felt his hands go to her bare bottom and lift her, then her flesh contacted the smooth, warm, metal of the hood of her car.

After he placed the woman on her car, Mitch opened his pants, fished out his cock, then he pulled her to him, thrusting it up and into her sodden opening. He heard her gasp and felt her shudder when he slid into her.

He was fucking her! Bonnie was stunned. Before she realized what the man had in mind, or could make a move to stop him, he had her naked from the waist down, sitting on the hood of her car, and was fucking her! She didn’t know his name, but what she did know–as she moaned and gasped and shook–was that he was making her feel better than she’d felt in ages!

‘Oh!!! Oh!!! Oh!!! Oh!!! Oh!!! Oh!!!’ she whimpered as the man’s cock jabbed into her furiously. Why didn’t Bill ever do something like this? Why did he…her capacity for lucid thought was swept away by the powerful sensations evoked by the stranger’s plunging cock.

‘Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!! Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!’ Bonnie groaned as she came. She clutched the stranger, quaking. Then she felt his hot cream spurting into her, bathing her with fire. ‘Mmmmmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!! Mmmmmmmmmppphhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ Her moans continued as the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced swept through her.

‘Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ Mitch groaned when his passion unleashed.

Bonnie heard the man’s groan of pleasure. His thrusting hips slid her back and forth on the smooth metal surface of the car and his fingers dug into her bottom.

When he finished, Mitch held the limp woman in his arms as his cock softened and slid from her. Screwing her on her car had been incredible, but he didn’t want to stop at just this once.

Bonnie was so spent she couldn’t move. She leaned against the stranger, her naked bottom on the car, her legs on either side of his, their juices seeping onto the waxed metal surface of the hood. Her head was lying on his shoulder and her arms were still draped around his neck. She’d never been fucked better! Finally, she lifted her head and looked at him.

‘My name’s Mitch Hathaway,’ he said, smiling.

‘I…I’m Bonnie…Bonnie Markham,’ she said weakly. She wasn’t sure what was happening to her, or why. She’d just allowed a stranger to fuck her on the hood of her car, in front of her house, and it had been wonderful!

Mitch lifted Bonnie off the car and lowered her to her feet. He bent and picked up her jeans and purse. ‘Why don’t we go inside?’ he suggested.

‘Ah…I…I guess so,’ Bonnie replied. Feeling terribly exposed, she walked ahead of him, toward the door of the house. She wished she’d put her jeans back on. She felt shameless walking half-naked in front of a man she’d met just hours earlier.

Mitch watched Bonnie’s delightful bottom move as she walked in front of him. She was one of the finest pieces of ass he’d ever encountered!

When she was inside the house, Bonnie, unsure what to do or where to go, stopped, turned, and looked at Mitch, questions in her eyes.

‘Where’s your bedroom?’ Mitch asked. He sensed he had to remain in control and not give her too much time to think about what was happening.

Bonnie nodded toward the hallway behind her. ‘It’s…ah…it’s down there,’ she said.

Mitch scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the hallway. Her bottom was warm and slick with the juices of their outdoor coupling. Her head fell against his shoulder, her hair tickled his cheek. There was a faint smell of hamburgers and grease about her.

Bonnie trembled as the man who’d introduced himself as Mitch carried her toward the bedroom she’d shared with no one but her husband Bill until then. She had a hard time comprehending what had taken place since she’d arrived home and was desperately trying to get herself under
control. This was so wrong!

Mitch laid her gently on the bed, sat down next to her, and began unbuttoning her red sleeveless blouse. Bonnie watched him, her eyes wide, but made no attempt to stop him. When the blouse was undone, he slid his hands under her and unhooked her bra, then he removed the two garments.

Mitch studied Bonnie for a second. She was flushed, her chest was heaving and there was puzzlement in her eyes. She had a nice shape, with small breasts that sagged into themselves, but her nipples, which were beginning to emerge from her areolas, were large and thick. Her body was firm, her legs strong and well-formed. Her middle was covered by a luxuriant mass of curly brown hair which showed traces of gray. Mitch bent and sucked one of her nipples between his lips.

Bonnie groaned and arched against him. She couldn’t get her thoughts together. He’d taken her clothes off!! She had to stop him! He was staring at her, his eyes hot, surveying her body! She couldn’t allow this to go on! It was wrong! But then he began sucking one of her nipples, bliss rocketed through her and she knew she was lost. She’d do anything he wanted! Anything!

Mitch’s hands and lips moved over Bonnie, exploring, teasing, evoking continuing moans of bliss. Her head rolled from side to side on the pillow and her hips were rocking gently. He loved the way she was responding to his touch! This was one hot woman!

‘Yesssssss!!!!!’ Bonnie cried when Mitch’s hand slid between her legs he started toying with her clit. She couldn’t believe she was this hot again! This never happened when she and her husband made love. Of course, Bill never kept making love to her after he’d come, but…

‘Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ she groaned. Mitch was kissing her belly! It had been so long since Bill had done that. Mitch’s tongue was sliding through her pubic mat now, and her body was shivering with exhilaration.

Mitch continued to minister to Bonnie’s quivering physique. His hands slid up and down her shapely legs while his mouth moved across her gently rounded belly, into the dark mass of her pubic hair. He felt tremors go through her, heard her moans of joy, and continued. His tongue found the swollen bud of her clit and flicked it from side to side.

‘Oh! Oh!! Oh!!!! Oh!!!!! Oh!!!!! Oh!!!!!!’ Bonnie whimpered while Mitch’s tongue lashed delight into her. Her hips bucked in time with his tongue and her hands clutched and began to squeeze her breasts. She couldn’t believe this was happening! Or that it felt this wonderful!

Mitch slid his hand between Bonnie’s legs and shoved two fingers into her quivering vagina. She groaned and squeezed her legs together, trapping his hand in her middle. Still, his tongue drove down, lashing her clitoris.

Bonnie couldn’t stand it! The sensations were too much! If he kept this up, she was going to… ‘Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ she sobbed, her hips rising off the bed, her body straining, quivering, her insides fluttering.

Mitch felt the onset of Bonnie’s second orgasm and increased the intensity of his activities. Her body stiffened, then exploded into frantic action as cries of abandon issued from her. He caressed and kissed her until she lay still, her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling steadily.

Mitch wasn’t finished. His cock was rock-hard once more. He rolled on top of Bonnie, between her legs.

Bonnie, dazed, felt the man’s body move on top of hers, then she felt his cock slap against her soft belly. No! Oh, God! He was going to make love to her again! She couldn’t! She just couldn’t! She started to open her mouth, but before she could utter a word of protest, the head of his massive pole slid between her dripping labia and began to enter her. ‘Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Bonnie moaned as she was filled with swollen cock once more.

Mitch stroked into Bonnie using a leisurely pace, watching subtle alterations, brought on by growing need, take place in her. Her face flushed, her eyes softened, her features began to go slack as he slid his cock in and out.

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Through the lots, wandering, but with a purpose, toward the smell of food, my pal and I navigated through scraggly scrub trees. There was nearly a breeze, but it wasn't much worth noticing, but I noticed. The paper plates, wet with barbeque sauce, weren't disturbed in the least. Just as I was busy noticing that insignificant breeze, my senses took quite a shock. My jaw dropped and my heart thumped, twice. Breath was scarce, which made speaking difficult. " Hey," I managed. "Good GOD, will you...

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Your first woman

You pour me another glass of wine, the night air is cooling but the water in the hot tub is keeping us from getting chilled. The party has moved inside but there are still three of us left. You sit snuggled up beside me, legs intertwined under the water. You have one leg over mine and the other spread out to the side, exposing your pussy without being too obvious about it. S sits across from us, we are talking quietly, enjoying the sounds of the night. I had turned off the lights earlier so we...

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I was sitting at beach with my wife's younger sister.Her name is Janna.She is 43 years old.My wife was at home and she was cooking.She told me that she could come one hour later.So,me and Janna went to the beach together.It was about 01:00 am.There was nobody at the beach.We were sitting on a beach towel.There were bushes behind us.Janna had a long and black beach dress.And she was wearing a white bikini with flower design.There was a long slash of her dress.Janna has short blonde hair ,almost...

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If you had told Michaela a month ago that she would be going to a occultist, she would have laughed at your face. If you had told her that she needed the occultist's help, she would have thrown a book at you. But Michaela was very different a month ago, and that is just the situation she found herself in. Michaela was a fairly typical American 16 year old. She went to high school, played soccer, and had very little clique of friends. She hadn't recently felt like she fit in with her...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 5

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.The morning came way too fast for those staying in the West mansion. The group that went scouting for Trina and Robbie the night before had returned empty handed in the early hours of the morning, collapsing in the beds.Tori knew she should probably be in bed with Nate, and just appreciating him, but after the gravity of the situation had fully reached...

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I am sitting at my desk as you walk by first thing in the morning. You reach out and grasp me firmly by the hair and pull my head back, placing your lips on mine. Your touch sending electric sexual pulses through my body. You lean in and tell me that you want me NOW. You firmly grip my arms and lead me into the bedroom, as you take and rip my clothes from me. You head drops as you take my nipple into your mouth. As I moan out and I grip your head, as run my nails down your back. You take and...

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Birth of a Sissy

Birth of a Sissy Debra Darling Sam had prepared for the session with Mistress Anne exactly as she had ordered. He had never met her, except on the internet and this was to be his first session with her. Sam had some experience with B&D but not a lot. He wanted a total immersion experience and this contact seemed to be what he was seeking. He had flown into San Francisco from his home in Omaha and checked into a nameless small motel near the airport. From there he had taken a...

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Orally Pleased

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! Orally Pleased I seem to always wake up before my boyfriend and today of course is no different. I turn to face him and watch him sleep; he looks so peaceful and innocent. I can’t help but look at his face and his half covered body as he sleeps. He is so handsome and his features are strong but when he’s sleeping he looks so different but still hot as ever. I run a finger over his arm and down over his torso ever so lightly. He stirs, moving to lie on...

Oral Sex
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Cara 07182019

“I’M FUCKING JAKE FOR YOU HONEY”, declares 19-year-old college athlete Kara Danvers as she rides Jake’s cock in modified cowgirl. We don’t hear this very often, ok never, when we ask girl’s why they are here to fuck on camera for the first time. “I’m just fucking other people to make him happy”, Kara says nonchalantly with a little smile, as Jake probes our little filly for more enlightenments about her and (lets call him Alex’s...

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Julie in OwlLight

Julie in Owl-Light: A Letter Not Mailed You’d been in Florence for three days, shopping and sight-seeing, and this was your last night in the city. Your hotel was ‘La Rosetta’, an exquisite three-star pensione on Via Cavour, about five minutes’ walk from the centre of activity. My photographic assignment had also just finished, so I called and invited you to dinner. You agreed, and close to 8pm we met outside ‘La Casa Bella’, a small, family-run restaurant that overlooked the River Arno. I’d...

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Entering The Lifestyle Part II

If you haven’t read part one yet please do so now, as it shows how this amazing day began. Feel free to comment on anything I have written thus far, as all feedback is greatly appreciated. Now, just sit back, put one finger on the arrow key, place your other fingers wherever you wish, and have a good time!!                 This was like something out of a porn movie. I sit back against the headboard, gripping her hair, as this beautiful sex goddess is trying to take my whole cock in her...

Group Sex
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 21

“Do you remember the time when the kids caught having sex in the middle of the living room?” “Of course, I do. It was probably the most embarrassing event of my life.” “But probably the best sex session you have ever had.” Kari hated to admit it, but she agreed. “I’m just happy we didn’t scar the children for life when they saw us.” “I didn’t think we would.” It was mid afternoon when Kari and Kevin walked into the kitchen. They had been out shopping for groceries. After getting...

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Pink Leather Bag

This story was written in one draft with no editing for a special friend of mine. She liked it a lot so I decided to post it here too.I saw it when I walked into her bedroom, the pink leather bag sitting on her nightstand. I didn't know what was in it, only that she promised I would enjoy what was inside.She tells me to remove all my clothing, and she strips down to her underwear. I am told to lay on the bed and I see her reach into her bag. She pulls out a pair of pink handcuff, the first of...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 5

I will readily admit that our first night in the same bed was not a perfect night in the terms of continuous sleep. But that is not to mean that it was in any way unpleasant. I woke several times to the feel of a knee or an elbow or an arm or a leg, and as I achieved consciousness, I realized that those parts belonged to my little bit of perfection, and I rearranged myself and her and went back to sleep. We hit another one of those milestones and hurdles in a couple's evolution when the...

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The Train Encounter

Hello Everyone, This is my first story so would appreciate your feedbacks. Any feedback or suggestion can be shared on This is a very simple story wherein I met a lady on a train, had a good time with her there and this lead us to a relationship we still share. About me, at the time of the story, I was 23 and I am about 6 feet with broad shoulders and a decent physique. I also boast of a decent enough dick and tricks to satisfy anyone and unlike my esteemed writers here won’t go in the...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 23

She gazed down at the three of them sleeping on the bed, their positions betraying their earlier activities. The tall, bosomy blonde had her rump and back spooned in against the man's belly and chest. He had his arm wrapped possessively around her waist. The blonde, in turn, had one arm over another, slightly shorter streaked-blond girl with short cropped hair. 'This must be the potential Phoenix Tanya wants me to evaluate, ' Lisa thought, casually brushing her mind against the dreaming...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 12

Steve I was laying on my back, with Gio on my left shoulder and Juanita on my right. I could see the clock on the other side of the room showing that it was right at six AM. We were up later than usual last night. Even after coming to bed, my ladies were more active than usual, but what is normal for these women? Poor Gio, I could tell she wanted to be loved, but all she received was a lot of kisses and hugs. Our baby is more important than sex. The other girls are being almost overly...

2 years ago
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She didnt know that I knew Part 6

“So” she asked with a smile, “seems like that’s a YES for next week?” I was still panting and tried to find an appropriate response. Obviously, I demonstrated my acceptance of her having sex… and having sex in OUR bed, yet the idea of actually witnessing her fucking another guy…. It both concerned me and, well,… excited me at the same time. I started to reply with some sort of stall-tactic when my wife spoke again:“I love you SO much,” she said with a genuine loving tone in her voice. “I love...

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ROOM TO LET part 2

[This is the continuation of my earlier story which readers might find it helpful to read first; all names are fictitious]For the next few days after being tied up and ****d in the marital bed by her lodger, Julia was in a state of bewilderment and mixed emotions. The event in question was a ‘first’ for her in several ways: it was the first time during her marriage that someone other than her husband Jim had had sex with her; it was the first time she had been subjected to any v******e during...

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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 11

It took Joni a moment to respond, “Their big plan was to get rid of me by sending me to an alternate universe or something. But they messed up and sent me to the wrong one.” “So this may seem like a silly question, but how did you get back from that alternate so fast? And why don’t you seem phased by that?” asked Jillian. Joni shrugged and said, “It was a lot longer for me than it was for you. I’d say for me; it was about twelve hours. Lucky that I ran into two smart college guys. They may...

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My second time with an older man

If you read my first story about meeting an older man, you'll know I lived in a remote area where it was difficult to find gay or bi men.I eventually left home to study and ended up living in a fairly big city.I didn't have a regular girlfriend at that time but I didn't go too long without sex with a female.Although I loved having sex with women I still found myself watching older gay and bi men in porn videos, that is something I still do these days.I signed up for a few different dating...

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Freya Gets Naughty

Sat back in a poolside chair, Freya let her long wavy, brown hair fall around shoulders. She reached for the SPF and squeezed a dollop onto her finely manicured hand. She started slowly over her toned arms, rubbing the lotion into her sun-kissed skin. She wore a light peach and turquoise blended bikini that only just seemed to cover her perfectly round boobs. The colour made her aquamarine eyes pop.At nineteen-years-old she was quite a beautiful young woman. She was also an athletic swimmer...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 17 Girl Talk

They played poker for a while, then the party broke up into little knots. Crash and Warren commandeered the boombox, programming an old-school party mix of Beatles and Motown. Some of the other guys joined them as they discussed sports. Sophia joined Mo, Ally, Tina, Kate, Cheryl, Siobhan, and Christine around the picnic table. "All right, Sophia, spill the beans," Mo demanded. "Have you and Warren really slept together?" "Yes." "I could never see Warren taking a girl to bed,"...

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Footslave Of Nri Lady 8211 Part I

By: Raaj It’s all about Mistress and Slave sex story seekars stay away. Hello friend’s how are you all? I am back after long time Note: This story not about sex but it is about the foot fetish so jo sex ki story ki ummed rakhte hai wo ise na padhe taki apko pasand na aye to muje galat feedback nahi mile okey thanks mera naam jay hai me 22 saal ka hoon South Gujarat se hoon engineering karta hoon ab me sidha point par ata hoon ek din mere mail pe ek NRI lady (Himani) e mail aya out of country...

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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

Wife Lovers
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Not Quite Sex

Watching you sleep: one of my secret, guilty pleasures. You are so beautiful there, lying naked, innocent, unafraid of the world around you. I wish that I did not have to disturb you, that I could let you lay like this forever, but I know I can’t. Or rather I won’t, for there are other desires greater and more powerful and no matter how I fight it, I always give in. I move closer to you and wrap my arm around your middle. I whisper you name as I kiss your shoulder up to your neck because I know...

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tribute to my wife

It’s just gone 11.30pm and I’m on the last train of the night to Edinburgh, drawing out of Glasgow Queen St station. It’s a miserable night, typical for Glasgow. Heavy rain, strong winds and near-freezing temperatures. I’ve sat myself down in the first class compartment and thankfully I’ve got it all to myself. I’m just returning from a few beers and laughs with some old college buddies so a quiet 50 minutes on the train won’t do me any harm. My cock’s still alive, your appearance on the...

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A Question of Balance

Copyright© 2005 by Alfie Higgins We were married young; too young. That's it in a nutshell, I guess. She got knocked up. I always thought it was just bad luck. But I don't know, now I'm kinda wondering if she didn't set me up. She's capable of it. I sure learned that over time. We were twenty; we were pregnant; we got married. That's what you did back then, no questions asked. I should have asked some questions, I know that now. But we loved each other. I always figured we'd be married...

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Jessicas Number Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica a 17 year old girl has just recived her NFC State Meat Lottery Notice and must begin preperations to turn her meat over to her states monthly Girl-Meat Barbeque. Jessicas Number Story: #5 Copyright 2004 Written: December 15 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 – Jessicas Number The day started like any other, Jessica,...

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Goldilocks the sexy version

It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...

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Sex Encounter With Married Lady

Hi, all. I am Akhil and a regular reader of ISS. Well I have been following stories on Indian sex stories for quite a long time and I feel as a user of the site, I should share my story as well. I apologize for any mistakes in advance. Enjoy the feel of the story and overlook grammatical/spelling mistakes. :) to tell about me in brief, I am an average guy, well earning, unmarried and I like to have physical intimacy with married ladies more, I feel they are more experienced and good in bed....

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Bhabhi Ko Chod Ke Ma Banaya

Hi mera naam Sameer ha. Main U. P. Kanpur ka rahne wala hu. Meri hight 5.4 inch, age 24. Meri id:  Agr aap dosto ko ye story psand aye to mujhe mail kijiye. Main ek mobile shop me job krta hun, main apne uncul ke yaha rahta hun, mere uncle aur unki wife aur do bachche, meri aunty aur uncal mera bahut khayal rakhte hain. Wo bahut achchhe hain. Ab main story pe ata hun, mere ghar se do ghr ke age ek aurat rahti thi unka maan Mohini hai. Unka fegure 36, 30, 34 lagbhag aisa hi hai maine napa nhi...

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Third Party

“Come and get your treat John” Janice shouted to her husband who had been waiting in the adjoining bedroom. He entered the room to the site of his wife’s spread legs; and her bald pussy dripping cum. The cum had been planted in her by the huge black cock; which one of her hands was now squeezing. It belonged to Jacob her huge and powerful black lover. “I sure do love those panties” he was referring to the ones John now had to wear before he was allowed to lick her cunt dry. Only a...

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My Wife Gets Me a Cock to Suck

It was my 39th birthday and I was coming home from the office. I wasn't really looking forward to a birthday party, but I was hoping for some birthday sex. My wife, Sheila, was an amazing woman and we had a great sex life. Lately she had been talking a lot about fantasies and things that got us both hot. She had opened up to me and told me about her fantasy of seeing me give a blowjob. I was fairly shocked when she said it, but she was blowing me at the time, so it was tough to act offended....

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Cyber Chick

Cyber Chick Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson One When I was fifteen years old, I was delighted to receive a computer for Christmas. We were not a well off family, so when I opened the boxes and saw what my parents had gotten me, I appreciated the great sacrifice that it had taken for them to be able to put enough away to get me this kind of present. They had always let me know that they thought that I was the brightest kid in the family, the last in the line of five kids....

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When I Was Sixteen

“Baby girl?” Dad asked. He also knocked at the door to my bedroom. It was about ten o’clock and a school night. I was sixteen, not very tired, and had just turned out my light. I turned it back on.“How’s mom?” I asked back.“She’s fine. She’s asleep now.” Mom had a bad cold and took a fair amount of medication for it.I remember I was wearing my red zippered Minnie Mouse pajamas. My hair was longer then, but I looked pretty good, all things considered. I mean, I didn’t think I looked that great,...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 2

I was at the house. The garage door was wide open, and all my lawn service equipment was out in the driveway. It was quite a collection. I had an assembly line going. At the base of the driveway two of my workers were cleaning the stuff as best they could. I was then handed the item. I ran it a bit, to make sure it worked. Then I siphoned out the gas if there was a lot left. I did not store my equipment with gas left in it. Unleaded gasoline, even with stabilizer added, is a conglomeration...

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Skipper Chapter Six

Skipper Chapter 6. Thursday dawned bright but chilly. October is always an unpredictable month. One can sometimes enjoy a late warm 'Indian Summer' but alternatively one can catch an early frost. This morning was frosty. I studied the sky through my hotel window as Sissy arrived with a tray of breakfasts. I protested at her unnecessary effort. "There's no need to have done that. I was just coming down." "Don't worry. You're the only resident here. It's midweek in...

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Lisa Ryan Naked in SchoolChapter 2

The rest of the day was pretty much the same ol' same ol'. Except that I was naked, and I got a BJ at the beginning of each class. That was kewl. The girls had it down ... one at the front of the room. No pushing, no big line. Gloria "Stems" Stemkowski was different. Seems she learned a new trick since I nailed her after the game with Austin North Central. She took me to the root and just stayed there, working me over with her tongue. And then she swallowed. HOLY SHIT. I never had that...

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Coping with Retirement part 1 I Build It and a Girl Comes

For over forty years I’d had the same rhythm to my life: five days a week going to work, followed by the weekend; then the next five days at work, and so on and so on. Now suddenly there was the weekend, and then nothing. I’d read about the different ways retirement can affect people, but I hadn’t taken it too seriously. I suppose I was surprised it had arrived, even though it was so utterly predictable. Old age had crept up on me. It was inevitable that I’d be sixty-five one...

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New Beginnings Part One Small Town Big Problems

Adrian Grody sat watching the night sky in his patrol car. He was a few minutes away from ending his shift. Adrian hated his job as a security guard at the mall, but someone had to do it. He took one more drive around the building. He wanted to make sure the teens he had spotted earlier smoking weed and hanging out had left as he had asked them.When he pulled around, he saw one lone sports car left behind. One of them had stayed behind it would seem. Adrian took a deep sigh and drove over. The...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 79

By the time I awoke from my exhausted sleep, it was mid-day. I was alone in the bed, the toys had been cleared away and Lena was gone, but she'd thoughtfully covered me with the duvet. For an instant, I felt a moment of panic, 'where was she?' Then I noticed a note on the pillow, it read ' Making us something to eat. Didn't want to wake you, you looked so beautiful and peaceful. I love you. Lena XXX' I held the note and felt a wonderful sense of warmth and affection for her. I clambered...

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