Neil and Sean
- 3 years ago
- 31
- 0
In the village where I lived there was a guy named Sean who totally mesmerized me. He was always referred to as ‘Shabby Sean,’ and he lived a very rustic existence in a trailer outside the village, with his sixty-year-old girlfriend. I thought that Sean was in his early forties when we first met, but only found out later that he was actually thirty-eight years old. Interestingly, I never met the woman whom he lived with. She was on a state pension and was the sister one of the locals I occasionally encountered. Sean also received a monthly subsidy; the reason for this always remained a mystery to me. Other than that, he was an odd-jobber and did any menial work that was offered to him.
I often encountered him in our local store whilst he bought provisions, and despite my earlier misgivings about his grubby looks, Sean oozed an animalistic sensuality. As time passed, my imagination began to work overtime and I became convinced that he not only had a huge dick but that he would also be an unbelievable fuck. Endowed men always permeate self-assuredness and in my opinion, Sean was a top member of that society. Sean had a stress-free gait and his relaxed demeanour always intrigued me.
As I frequently watched him ambling passed my home, I always ruminated on his sexual prowess. I also fantasized about his skanky hands, with the longest fingers that I had ever seen on a man, manipulating my head while skull-fucking me senseless. I became totally obsessed with him as I imagined him ‘molesting’ my throat. Countless masturbation sessions were spent dreaming about him, as I visualized countless sexual scenarios that played out in my mind.
One afternoon, Sean was about to pass by my home as I stood on my veranda. Normally, he would simply give me a friendly wave, but on this occasion, he approached me and began chatting. As I had always suspected, Sean was not the brightest star in the firmament, but I couldn’t care less. His goofiness made him even more appealing to me. I never before encountered him for a prolonged period and now doing so, I was rather taken aback by how good-looking he actually was. Of course, with his long hair and unkempt beard, he looked like a dishevelled hippy, and his indifference to personal hygiene also did not enhance his guise. But to me, he was one sexy man!
“Would the sexiest guy in the village like a cup of coffee?” I brazenly offered, hoping my suggestion would bear fruit.
“Sure,” he answered, with a bewildered frown. I felt quite sure that an invitation of this sort had never been extended to him in the village before.
I was very pleased when his expression took on a mischievous grin as he entered my home. In no time, I presented him with a cup of white coffee with three spoons of sugar. As we stood in the kitchen he looked at me in a strange, almost salacious way, before asking, “So… Why do you think I’m sexy?”
Everyone in the village knew I was gay and so I decided to go for broke. “It’s just the way you carry yourself. You’re easy-going and appear to be totally comfortable in your own skin. I find that very sexy,” I replied, with trepidation.
A gratified horny look overcame Sean’s face, and it was almost as if he was revelling in my lust. To further encourage my horniness, he kept rearranging his crotch in an absentminded fashion. It was as if Sean’s eyes were taunting me, possibly punishing me for my earlier candour. The tension between us was palpable and how I managed to refrain from sexually ‘assaulting’ him, I will never know. Flustered, I offered him a seat in the lounge.
After we sat down Sean related his life story to me. He was the second son of a couple who only had two boys. His elder brother was twelve years older than him and took after their brainy dad. Sean apparently took after their ditsy mother. To cut a long story short; his dad had died many years before and his brother, who no longer spoke to him, was a successful businessman. His mom was in an old aged home, paid for by his brother. Sean had been a dipsomaniac prior to living in the area ten years before and had never been able to hold down a proper job. That’s why he seldom touched alcohol nowadays.
Sean left shortly after our chat but thereafter popped in at least once a week. His conversation was never very stimulating but my visual feasting more than made up for his shortcomings. On every visit, I always had to endure his mischievous provocations, which alternated between crotch groping and impish innuendos. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that Mother Nature was about to do an about turn and deliver him into my clutches, but for some unfathomable reason, I was really aroused by his taunting visits.
As time passed, I heard that his girlfriend’s health was fast deteriorating. She had cancer and finally passed away a few months later. I did not see Sean during the last month of her life, but the people at the store kept me up to date on her condition. Attending the funeral of someone I had never met was strange to me, but I reassured myself that funerals weren’t about the deceased, but about the people who are left behind. At the funeral, I was also very surprised by Sean’s appearance, because he had really cleaned up rather well. Not only had his hair been trimmed, but so had his beard. Dare I say it; he looked very respectable.
At the funeral, I ascertained that his girlfriend had left everything to Sean. Astonishingly, she had also left him far more money than anyone had anticipated.
A week after Sean’s girlfriend passed away he popped in to see me late one Friday afternoon. I was surprised by this because he had formerly only ever visited in the mornings. A further shock for me was when I asked him what he would like to drink, and he asked for a beer. I was slightly ill at ease because of this but figured that as he was an adult, it really wasn’t any on my business. After a further three beers, Sean appeared to be noticeably comfortable in my lounge. With dinnertime upon us, I offered him a plate of food, which he gladly accepted.
By nine and after another four beers, Sean was becoming slightly pissed.
“You may use my spare room tonight if you like,” I suggested.
After accepting my invitation he gave me a naughty grin, before provocatively inquiring, “Will you help me undress?”
Not long after, Sean was on the bed only wearing his underpants. Sadly, as his head hit the pillow he was gone to the world. Sean had a slim, sinewy body, with a light dusting of hair in all the appropriate places. He was a very sexy man and the fragrant masculine odour emanating from him, further enhanced his appeal. Above all, the well-stuffed pouch at the front of his underpants left me in no doubt that my imaginings had been well-grounded.
As I stood looking at him for a short while I laughed at myself inwardly. You’re a stupid wishful thinker, I reflected. After turning off the lights in his room, I made my way to my own bedroom. Sleep did not come easily, as I once more pleasured myself while fantasizing about him.
Late the following Friday, it appeared that a die had been cast when Sean arrived at my home with a shopping bag containing beers. Summer was fast approaching and we were wearing t-shirts, shorts, and sandals. I again invited him to stay for dinner and once more he graciously accepted. Sean’s consumption of beer, fortunately, was far more restrained on this occasion. As we ate he profusely apologized for the previous week.
Afterward, we retired to the lounge and sipped our drinks. His demeanour then became rather serious before he spoke. “I have fucked-up plenty in my life,” he informed me, before continuing, “The one thing I can say for myself, however, was that I was never a cheat.” Letting this information sink in, he then persisted, “Once in a relationship, I never fucked around.”
After a brief silence, I replied, “That’s very admirable.”
“My life with Vera wasn’t perfect, but she was very good to me. When everyone had given up on me she kept me on the straight and narrow,” he concluded.
Again, there was a long silence. Then, with an intense stare, Sean asked, “I’ve always sensed that you’re attracted to me. Am I right, Wilfred?”
A docile “Yes,” was all I could manage.
“You’re an educated writer. Why would you find a grungy, dumb-fuck like me appealing?” He asked, somewhat suspiciously.
I looked at him for a long while as my mind assembled a thought process. Fuck it, I thought, Time to place my cards on the table.
“You are handsome, sexy, funny, down to earth, and more of a man than anyone I have ever met. Sean, I have never been more turned-on by anyone else in my entire life,” I confessed.
The radiance of his smile was awesome. Slowly, Sean began to push his shorts down his legs, prior to kicking them to one side. Next, sitting up slightly he pulled his t-shirt over his head before sitting back with his hands behind his head. With his legs wide apart, Sean’s eyes summoned me with blazing lust. To enhance this horny invitation, the tip of his tongue circled his open mouth.
The magnificent sight before me almost blew my mind. As I had imagined, his cock was not only very substantial but one of the most beautiful dicks I had ever seen. Although Sean’s knob wasn’t particularly thick, the length was very impressive. The pale skin of his knob was smooth and unblemished, with the only variation of colour, a pale pink cock-head that cheekily peeped out of a three-quarter long foreskin. His ample low hanging balls formed the perfect cushion for his downturned dick to nestle upon.
“Why don’t you take your clothes off,” he suggested.
After stripping, I stood looking at him like an acolyte awaiting further instructions.
“Vera would never suck my knob. I hope you aren’t going to disappoint me, Wilfred,” he said, with a horny grin.
On the previous three occasions that I had seen Sean, he had appeared to be a lot cleaner than before. I would come to know that Vera had been extremely tight-fisted and always moaned about him wasting gas when he wished to shower. With her gone, his hygiene regimen had changed substantially. Nevertheless, I was pleased that he hadn’t become a total hygiene bunny and had still retained some his earthy essence.
After kneeling before him my chest heaved as I imbibed the magnificence of his masculinity. The funk of his crotch was heavenly. As I lifted his dick and retracted his short foreskin, a musky smell caressed my nostrils. When his coarse hands cupped my head, however, my fantasy transcended the veracity of my nightly aspirations. I was finally about to experience the reality of my covetous imaginations.
With a look of horny expectancy, he said, “Open wide and relax your throat.” With that, he began to steer his long knob into my mouth.
Sean’s groans were heavenly as he manipulated my head and maneuvered his hips rhythmically. Under his control, the ceaseless infiltration of my throat got underway. Caressing my head like a precious orb Sean’s knob slithered deeper and deeper, culminating total infiltration.
With my saliva glands in working overtime, Sean commenced his verbal rumblings. “Fuck yeah, fuck yeah… Pig out on my fucking dick,” he intoned.
I was doing exactly what I had fantasized about, from the first time I had seen him and for once the reality eclipsed the imaginary. I let him skull-fuck me to his heart’s content, praying that my worship would never end. Endlessly, our conjoining ambled on as I matched his grunting with my contently groaning.
After an eternity of bliss, he announced, “I’ve got a motherlode of cum for you, Wilfred, and I want to shoot it straight down your throat.”
My insistent head, however, indicated my eager acceptance. As his rough hands firmly took hold of my head, he barked, “Start swallowing,” as he began to roar and spew simultaneously.
A waterfall of spunk cascaded down my throat, and how I did not choke, I will never know. After loosening his grip on my head and lifting it, I savoured the delicious residue of his cream on my tongue. Sean’s coarse hand then wiped the drool from my lips, before he inserted his three middle fingers into my mouth.
“That was fucking awesome, Wilfred,” he said, as his fingers danced in my mouth.
After a short while, as I was about to arise he said, “No, stay where you are, I want more.”
Obediently, I again lifted his dick and once more encased it into the warmth of my mouth. As our next session got underway, it was clear that the intensity of my throat thrusting was going to be a lot more animated. Clamping my head with his hands, he embedded his knob fully down my throat. Then, as he sensed I needed air, he allowed me to lift my head to breathe, before again repeating the process. On and on and on our union sauntered forward and I instinctively knew that in future, my throat would belong to his shlong. I could not have been happier!
At one point as I lifted for air, I pleaded, “Please cum in my mouth this time, I want to taste your spunk properly.”
“Sure,” he said, before once more ramming his knob into my throat. As his momentum began to reach fever pitch, he stood up and commenced tugging his dick furiously. My eager mouth awaited the treat it was about to receive. Shortly, the jizz began to spurt, coating my tongue with his delicious cream.
Remaining on my knees I gave his crotch a full service. Sighing with pleasure, Sean’s hands caressed my head as I voraciously sucked on his nuts. When I finally looked up at him he said, “There’s something else that Vera would never allow me to do.”
I did not let him elaborate on his statement, but simply pushed his body backward into a seated position once more. Next, I got up and straddled his legs with my arse resting on his knob. As I rubbed my hole on his knob, I said, “Well, I’m not Vera.”
Reaching behind me, I took hold of his dick and placed his cock-head on my manhole. Wriggling my backside I began to feel his knob slide into me. Once all in, my hips began to stir rhythmically as I lustfully approved the piercing. Our eyes were locked in a horny embrace as I wondered if Sean would allow me to kiss him. I moved my torso forward very slowly until our lips were touching. As I began to worry that this may not be his scene, I felt his tongue begin to prod at my mouth. Shortly, we commenced an intense oral clinching.
“Hold your arse still, let me spear you,” he mumbled before our tongues once more jostled.
With his arms outstretched on the backrest, I clamped my hands onto his upper arms to anchor myself. Sean now commenced his upward thumping, solidly spearing into me.
After a short while, I told Sean to lift his left arm and place his hand behind his head. Next, my face dove straight into his left armpit, before my tongue greedily lapped at his funky sweat.
“Jesus… Fuck… Fuck yeah,” he stammered, over and over.
I went totally ballistic as my mouth moved up and down savouring his delicious man-stink. Later, when my head moved across his chest, no further instruction was required as his right armpit was presented to me. The second helping of stench was as delectable as the first, and as I again feasted Sean continued to growl with delight.
When I finished with his right pit Sean had a maniacal look on his face. He pulled me off him, and as he got to his feet he barked that I should kneel on the seat of the couch. Next, Sean reinserted his knob into me and gripping my hips tightly, commenced hammering my butt like a man gone berserk. The grasp of his strong rough hands was so intense, that I knew I would have bruises afterward. I, however, could wait to see these manifestations of pleasure, later. I was so overstimulated at this point, that I scarcely had to touch my dick before my balls exploded onto the seat of the couch. Sean was not far behind and shortly I felt his body begin to shudder. With a roar, Sean finally unloaded in my backside.
As I got off the sofa I submissively knelt before him and cleaned his crotch once more. While doing so, Sean leaned over and scooped my spunk off the couch, which he then fed it to me.
Having earned a break I fetched us two beers, which we sipped sitting across from each another. We didn’t speak and let our eyes did all the talking. My mind was in a euphoric state as I thought about all that had transpired. I also had a strong feeling that I would be seeing a great deal of Sean, going forward.
A while later I invited Sean to lie across the sofa and to place his feet up over the armrest. He gave me a horny smile and complied. I moved toward him and knelt where his feet were hanging over the side. First taking hold of his right foot I began to lick the sole of this foot. By the time I reached the toes, with my tongue snaking in and out between them, Sean writhed and uttered a combination of guttural giggles, and grunting groans. He also had no trouble with erections and was rock hard once more. Not long after, the second foot followed.
When I completed my task, Sean again sat properly on the sofa and demanded another blow job. Summarily, my next skull-fucking got underway. Again, my head was manipulated to his need as my throat received another awesome massage. Respectfully, Sean once more allowed me to savour the full taste of his scrumptious jizz.
When we were done, he looked at me and said, “You are making it very difficult for me to return to my trailer.”
“Then don’t,” I answered. After a pause, I added, “Move in with me.”
With a disbelieving look, he asked, “Are you sure that you could put up with me?”
“Won’t know until we try,” I replied.
Sean sat quietly for a while, before he asked, “When would you like me to move in?”
“Tomorrow,” I answered, succinctly. I sat watching him seriously contemplating my suggestion for a short while, before adding, “Of course, you should know that I am very tight-fisted, so I’ll only allow you to shower once a week.”
“Fuck, Wilfred, with your cleaning service, I’ll never need to shower again,” he uttered laughing before I joined in.
Introduction: Read the first paragraph and the themes to get a feel for what the story is about. This is a fictional story that takes place during my freshman year of high school. It is one of the several stories that Im working on and plan on posting. It involves sexual relations between me and another male classmate. If this isnt your thing dont read it. I appreciate your comments and votes. Thanks and hopefully youll enjoy the story. Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it...
Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it becomes increasingly more difficult when you are a horny bisexual. If its not bad enough trying not to stare at all the good looking girls, you also have to avoid getting caught checking out the guys you like in the locker room during P.E. There was one guy named Sean that was in two of my classes that I knew had to be gay. He actually went to my middle school but only during my 8th grade year. Sean was a strange kid because he was...
"Seven!!" I yelled, laughing and waving as I climbed onto my bus. I sat down in my usual seat and put in my headphones. I was looking forward to going over to Ashley's house tonight. It had been a particularly stressful week with school and I really needed some fun. And as an added bonus, Ashley had a brother two years older than us that was super hot! Sean was always really nice and I never thought of him sexually until I accidentally walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower....
Before I met Sean, I'd never considered sex with another male. The social mores of my childhood had infected me with a virulent strain of denial that reason failed to cure. The lashing taunts of my schooldays still cut to the quick: "You fucking-puffter", the ultimate shaming.I had just turned twenty and needed perspective. After two years with Milly, I had become someone I hardly recognised. I enrolled on a psychology course in the search for even the hint of an answer. I was hoping for...
BisexualThe next time I met Sean was in the gym on an upper deck of the ship - a day at sea. Arthur was running outside on the very top deck - not a gym person - and Betty managed to stay shapely without exercising at all. Although we'd all managed to tell our life stories, minus many secrets, at the dinner table, Sean and I managed to strike up a conversation while we used the two treadmills and later, the stationary bikes. My gym clothes show off my figure pretty well. Sean is no slouch either -...
I wouldn’t call myself a BBW, more of a BW. I’m a big woman but I would never call myself beautiful. I’ve never had a problem accepting my weight; I just got on with it, but it seemed a little more difficult for other people to deal with. At school I was always the ‘fat one’ and even as I got older when all of my friends were meeting boys I was always left out. Nobody was ever interested in the big girl. People weren’t interested in looking past my size. Nobody cared that I was funny or...
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The story you are about to read is true. I met Angel on the Internet through one of the swinger personal sites. The first part of our story begins with our e-mails to each other that began hot and finished hotter. Part 2 was our Friday night adventure together. Part 3 was our first threesome on Saturday. Part 4 was our Sunday's hot fun with 3 black US service men. Part 5, which you are about to read, was our first visit to a swinger’s club on Monday evening. This has been co-written by Angel...
Standing at the door, Brayden knew once he rang the doorbell there was no going back. He stood there contemplating what would be waiting for him on the other side. Lexi, a gorgeous blonde in her early 20s, had invited him here tonight but given their last meeting and the all-out sexual romp that it was had left him wanting but intimidated. After all, this was a bachelorette party for her friend, and Brayden was surely part of the night's entertainment. Having been asked to dress for the...
Group SexIt was several days later that Gwen finally heard from Andre. Her dreams had been vivid since her encounter with P.J. and Brad and she had actually orgasmed in her sleep on more than one occasion. “Are you alone?” asked the now familiar voice on the phone. “Yes, Daniel is at school and Robert is at work.” “I hope you found your adventure satisfying.” “Oh my! Satisfying is not the word for it. I simply can’t describe...” “Then don’t try. It was one of many such experiences which await...
I was hitchhiking home from school and got picked up by a friendly, middle aged man. As he chatted away, he kept reaching over and grabbing my leg, patting it or rubbing it. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I felt my cock tingling when he did it. ‘Listen,’ he said, ‘if you’ve got some time, I’m a photographer, and I’d love to take you to my place for a little while, and shoot some pictures of you. I’ll gladly pay you for your time.’ I wasn’t quite sure what he had in mind, but I was...
For a long time I have always wanted to see my wife, Anne, fuck other men, or more to the point, be fucked by other men, used like a slut etc. It had to be whilst I watched or took part as I didn’t get off on her doing it whilst I wasn’t there.Unfortunately she didn’t want to do it. The main reason was that she didn’t really buy into the idea of having more than one man at a time, but she wasn’t comfortable with her body anyway. I believed she said she wasn’t comfortable with the way she looked...
9 - Laboratory One It was so much fun experimenting with the chastity belt that suddenly it seemed the two weeks was up and Adam was due for his first appointment. On the morning of that day Adam started to express doubts. On being grilled by Judy it seemed that he was still very shy being dressed as a girl in public. He was painfully aware of just how boyish he looked, despite the clothes, the make-up, the hair style. Normally Judy would have travelled by public transport for their...
“OK Aunt May, I’m heading off to the Bugle.” Sticking her head out of the washroom doorway May smiled and called back. “Alright Peter, you have a safe trip.” May Parker looked at herself in the mirror again, tracing a finger through her grey hair all while shifting her chin back and forth to see the lines and crow’s feet over her face. Time wasn’t kind to her, not even in her 60’s and she already looked ‘elderly’. Looking over to the bottle she ordered last week she remembered the commercial on...
100% Fiction 5 minutes after Miss Way had driven off Matt climbed into his car and drove to her house thinking about her huge tits. When he arrivred he tried the door but it was already unlocked. He went inside and saw a not that read: "Upstairs first door" Matt went upstairs. He opened the first door and immediately saw Miss Way naked on a double bed. Matt then tore of his clitches and climbed into Miss Way's bed. He stuffed his cock into Way's tight pussy and began to fuck hard. Miss Way...
EroticThe wind howled throughout the island as it was accompanied by descending torrents of rain that lashed mercilessly against the sodden ground. As the storm raged above, a shadow could be seen through a small stained glass window as the candle flickered wildly. Sister Alison was knelt down in front of the altar as she finished her evening prayers. Upon uttering her final words she stood up and began to diligently extinguish the candles. Sister Alison wandered toward the door before grabbing her...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] Still sizzling hamburgers, along with the fixings, appeared on the table in front of us. Instead of usually letting the ladies go first; I put two patties on my plate and put some cheese and some bacon on it, topping it with the top bun. I asked someone to throw me a bag of chips. I got three and three sets of smiles. We all consumed the food quite rapidly. Only a few bags of chips were...
Aften Opal is looking sexy in her fishnet bodysuit that is hugging her tight little body well. There is no hiding that gorgeous figure and Everly Haze just wants to get those panties off so she can get her face wet in that pussy! Aften loves how Everly handles her pussy with her fingers and tongue… she is about to cum. There is no holding back! Aften gets those beautiful tits of Everly’s in her face and brings out one of her toys letting it slide right in Everly’s wet pussy!...
xmoviesforyouIn the dance hall, the lights are dim amber as you are walking back to your seat after a few fast dances. This scene is so familiar to me now, yet it never gets old. I've got it bad for you, yet you don't have a clue. As I sit at the rail, I order up a Courvoisier cognac to give me strength, and watch your every move intensely. Your eyes are so deep and sparkling with the joy of the dance. How I wish they sparkled for me! Your hair is so soft, yet hangs so straight, like long, pin-straight...
Love StoriesIt was 1980 and she was 19 years old. It was during the time when “Urban Cowboy” was all the rage. Bars were popping up with Cowboy themes (mechanical bulls, Western Dancing, etc). Where my wife went to college, these bars were just the local bars of the town. This caused there to be new found mingling of the students and the townies. My wife and her friends started hanging out at one of the local bars. The 35 year old bartender took a liking to these coeds and would often set them up...
August and once again I was stuck in Athens. Work hard from morning until late afternoon. My parents had left for the village and now I was alone at home. All friends on vacation. So tonight I would just take her out. Crawling on the back balcony to get some air to have more quiet. The time had passed and somehow I fell asleep… .. I do not know for how long when I woke up listening to small choked struggles. I got up wanting to see where they were coming from. The rear balcony was almost...
Black Book Diary Entry Christine is the wife of my dentist, been going there since forever. She used to be a model and you can tell that she once was by how beautiful she still is now. No one would disbelieve that truth about her. They’d just have to look at her. She fell in love with ‘The Doctor’, which is how she always refers to her husband as, never calling him by his name, Robert or Bob or Rob. She never calls him anything but Doctor, whenever they are in public. I always wondered if she...
Jessica, in her bed with a fever, rolls over, then falls onto the floor. The crash wakes Ellen, who runs into her room. As she helps Jessica off the floor and onto her bed, she asks: "Are you all right?" "I dunno, my thigh hurts," Jessica moans. "Let me look." Jessica pulls up her long nightshirt to reveal a black and blue mark on her right thigh. Ellen looks at it then says, "It look's okay." Jessica moans, and Ellen feels her forehead. "You've got a fever, let me go get a...
That afternoon... “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being called here by my nephew? In front of my daughter, no less,” Manfred Schultz asked with a rather wary tone of voice. He hadn’t seen me in literal years, of course. Daddy’s lawyer, that is. Daddy Troy. Simon, Sr. He would naturally be on edge. Why wouldn’t he be? Especially when he knew how rich and powerful I was now. He wasn’t sure what to expect of me. “Well, for starters, Simon Says to get me some legal paperwork to help me...
The Summer fling with the babysitter Part 1Im the average guy who gets his weekly fuck on Saturday nights and maybe a good blow job on his birthday . I work a busy job and travel quite abit . Life is great and marriage is enjoyable but it would be great to get some excitement into the bedroom once in awhile . I have had my share of thrills wth women and I can jeck off like anyone else watching porn in a hotel room on the pay per view . But this all changed last summer when a new family moved...
Sleeping in the open had one drawback. The nocturnal exercise was impossible, and all Ann and I could do was talk and cuddle. It was still nice, and we got more sleep than usual. I noticed Claude and Nance talked almost as far into the night as we did. The next day was more of the same, but at a slower pace. As a result, we were able to talk with the guardsmen while we rode, and learned a little bit more about Orlinth. It seemed like a nice place, and was improving yearly. They credited much...
Thank you guys for your feedback and sorry for the delay of this sequel as I was trying to narrate this as sophisticated as possible which will make you more horny than the earlier part. I hope this part will let you cum inside your pants. Enjoy :) ;) The day to fuck her is not far, I thought. I would make a move now, I decided. I started talking to her more, and use to chat on WhatsApp. One day, I sent her a non veg joke(by mistakenly). It was about 7:45pm. She replied it with smileys, and...
IncestGood, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, regardless of the Kingdom, each one needed one thing. People. As such, it came down to the rulers of said kingdoms to implement reasons for its people to stay - whether it was something to keep people from questioning the immoral nature of their dark overlord or something to keep them from running from the kingdom filled with qrtifacys evil cults desired. Every kingdom needs people. Sometimes this meant adding a new law, sometimes it meant taking an old law and...
FetishA group of us from the fire station decided to take a boys trip. No girlfriends or wives. We decided to go to Acapulco for a week. Boarding the plane early in the morning on a Monday there was 20 of us–we got pretty rowdy with all the drinks involved. Lucky for us the plane was half full and most of the passengers sat toward the front, while we all sat in the back. There were two flight attendants taking care of our area. As soon as they found out we were firemen we received first class...
Abbie Maley is minding her own business when her stepbro Johnny Hill plops his sweaty self right next to her on the couch. She picks a fight saying she is actually a better fighter than he will ever be. He believes she is 100% WRONG! The only thing she’s better at is sucking cock! Now they’re really fighting. She shoves her pussy in his face, and says the only thing HE is good at is eating his stepsister’s pussy! And he actually starts eating. Much to his surprise, he really...
xmoviesforyouEnishi: Though I bear you no ill-will, for the sake of my Earthly Justice I must take you victim here. (Kaoru assumes a fighting stance.) Enishi: You can try to string this out, but Battousai isn't coming. When he tried to fight, the outcome was clear. If you come quietly this will all be over soon. Kaoru: I know I can't beat you, but I'm not going to just roll over and die. Kenshin told me that no matter how hard, he'd fight to the end to protect the present. So he'll be here as soon...
My name is Madhu; I’m 20 years old and studying engineering in Hyderabad. I come from a village about 250 km from here and my family is into agriculture. I stay in a hostel away from home. After my third year studies, I went to my village for my summer vacation. My family consists of three elder brothers all of who are married. My parents are no more. My eldest brother is Ramesh and he is 30 years old. His wife is Madhavi, a very attractive 26 year old. She was about 5’4″ tall, fair complexion,...
IncestMy name is Karen, I'm a 38 year old mother with 2 children, Larissa, and Jeremy, I am married and have been for 11 years. I love my family very much and to say the least, I don't know how I ever became alright with the events that took place in the past 2 years. It was a Wednesday morning , my son Jeremy was eating breakfast, as I was getting ready for the work day and Larissa had a lunch shift at the local Cafe she had been working at so she was getting ready in the shower. My husband as...
Incest“Hey there,” Sam grinned as I set her down on my bed. I had been threatened, sulked at, and promised fabulous riches into carrying her one full pace from my computer chair to my bed. I had one arm under her knees, one arm behind her shoulder blades. She hung on, cinching her grip incrementally tighter. Her hands were as tight as they could be behind my neck. She didn’t seem scared that I would drop her. She just wanted to pull herself against me. Alex pulled the blankets further down. I was...
I led a very busy and active work life and found it very difficult to keep up with the daily chores around my apartment. So I decided to hire someone to come in and clean for a couple of hours a day. I did the usual phonebook walk, looking for potential candidates. I even checked out the Internet, found a promising company and arranged for them to come over for an interview that evening. There was a knock on the door. “Just a minute!” I yelled from the kitchen, as the kettle just finished...