- 2 years ago
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Nina looked at herself in the mirror and liked what she saw, in fact she liked it very much indeed; she knew she was gorgeous, of course, but sometimes she even surprised herself at how stunning she looked. Maybe it was the fucking from that young second lieutenant that I got last night she thought to herself. He was very good, one of the better ones wonder what his name was? These musings on last nights fun left Nina feeling not a little aroused, not for some more sex, which was generally OK, but to inflict a little damage and pain on some one, now that would be fun. She looked down at the girl licking her boots, but thought no, too easy really she looked at herself again in the mirror and immediately had her plan unwarranted anger one of her favourites. She leapt from her chair shouting ?Who the fuck dressed me this morning? It was the new girl, your ladyship? answered the boot-licker. ?Get the bitch in here immediately she cried, Shes got some explaining to do.
The boot-licker quickly crawled from the room to fetch the poor girl she knew what was going on even if the poor new girl did not. The two girls returned to Nina's dressing room, the boot-licker immediately returning to her duty whilst the other girl prostrated herself on the floor beside Nina in the accepted position. Did you have the honour of dressing me this morning, you piece of shit? Yes, mylady, came the reply. And can you see something wrong maybe, something that should never ever happen to any one as beautiful as me? The girl was permitted to raise her head and look at her mistress but could see nothing amiss as usual she looked every bit the glamorous, beautiful young woman she was, adorned with expensive jewellery, the tightest clothes imaginable, extremely high heels, perfectly coiffured and made-up to the nines. When the poor girl tearfully admitted that she could see no fault in the perfect way her mistress looked, Nina exploded with unrighteous indignation: The collar of my shirt is not up, you fucking moron, do you understand, the collars of my shirts and blouses are always to be up you are responsible for completely ruining my appearance.
Nina was enjoying this - the sheer unreasonableness of her anger was making her wet with excitement. The poor girl was sobbing uncontrollably, fearful of what was to happen next, when the boot-licker spoke up Your ladyship, please forgive me for not licking your boots for a moment, but it?s really my fault, you see, I didnt tell her about the collar rule, she didnt know, its my fault really. I wasnt able to brief her fully after the last girl died. The last girl died? Nina enquired casually, Yes your ladyship, the boot-licker continued, She never recovered from the whipping you gave her the previous night.
Nina continued to look at herself in the mirror, enjoying & smiling cruely on what she was hearing, and looking forward to what was coming next. Well I couldn?t give a fuck whose fault it is as long as some one gets punished for it, so you two
can decide who gets the beating. Go on, hurry up, I havent got much time, I have to go out soon. The two girls look at
each other terrified: Oh, mistress, please no, it will never ever happen again, we promise? said the new girl. You are
right it will never happen again, replied Nina, no one is likely to forget one of my punishment sessions, are they? Quickly, before I get bored, decide which one now or you will both get the beating of your lives, hear me? Let it be me said the boot-licker, Fine, replied Nina without a moments hesitation, fetch me a collection of whips and canes, then you can get undressed and bend over that stool. You she said, pointing at the new girl, you may have the honour of licking my boots while I beat this disobedient piece of shit. Nina took a few moments to admire herself in the mirror again whilst all this activity was going on: What fun she thought, what a lovely start to the day
Nina strutted over to the whipping stool she never walked in the conventional sense, only strutted, it was something she had perfected, hands always on hips, nose in the air, a look of utter disdain on her face. The girl was hunched over the stool with her arse in the air waiting for her punishment; behind the stool there was a full-length mirror so that Nina could admire herself and her whipping action she did have loads of videos of her whipping and caning people, but live viewing was more fun. She bent over the table where a selection of whips, canes and crops had been left for her by her hapless victim she took a smooth cane in her hand and gently stroked her ever-moistening crotch with it: I think this will do nicely . for a start! she brought the cane down close to, but not on, the poor girl, Sorry, dear, she simpered, just getting my range, A few more fear-inducing near-misses followed, and then the real thing, a massive blow with her cane across the poor girls buttocks that made both her and the new boot-licker scream. Whats the matter? she asked the boot-licker, did the jangle of the diamond bracelets on my caning hand disturb you? Oh, Im sorry, I know, diamond bracelets are sometimes so noisy, aren?t they? Do you find that? I d - dont know, your ladyship, stammered the boot-licker, not knowing whether a rest from boot-licking might invite her own beating, I dont own any jewellery. Dont own any jewellery? Really? So what do you wear when you go out? What does your husband spend all his money on? Nina knew full well the absurdity of such questions, but humiliation and the flaunting of her own untold wealth in front of these impoverished wretches was almost as good as a punishment session. I dont go out, cant afford to, responded the girl, and I dont have a husband. Hardly a surprise, smirked Nina, ugly looking bitch, and with that the second of her blows rained down on the poor victim, then another, and another, in quick succession now, the girl screaming in pain, the new bootlicker sobbing her heart out, licking her own tears from her mistresss boots, until she could stand it no more Please, your ladyship, please stop beating her, it was all my fault, please stop. Keep begging me, bitch, and I might consider stopping after only 100 strokes. You, she shouted at her victim, we will start again and keep counting cause i am not.
And so it continued to the count of 100 when the girl fell lifelessly to the floor her back & ass was all blody mess; Nina discarded her blood driping cane with orders for the blood to be wiped clean from it; she spun on her heels to leave the room, pausing only to look at herself one more time in the mirror. Before finally leaving the room, she turned to consider the tableau of the near lifeless girl and the new boot-licker desperately trying to tend the girl?s wounds; Nina turned back to the mirror and, in a stage whisper loud enough for both girls to hear, announced: Actually, I think I might leave the collar down today, looks quite nice really
The Generals Wife. (Part 2)
Ninas husband, the General, was just finishing his breakfast when she got downstairs; he knew she was approaching, of course, by the click of her heels resonating throughout their marble-floored mansion. He looked up and, as usual, was awestruck by her immense beauty he never tired of gazing at her. She walked over to where he was sitting and allowed him to push his face into the tight leather of her crotch letting him fondle her was a small price to pay for being married to one of the rulers of their country. He was some 40 years older than her and was seldom able to satisfy his huge lust for her any more she was happy to oblige him with the occasional blow-job or tit wank, but otherwise he was quite happy just looking at her and being permitted to fondle and grope her occasionally. In exchange, she got all the riches and power that one supremely evil bitch could ever want, not forgetting the particular power of life or death over the countrys 25 million or so impoverished peasants. Also, in a country that was corrupt beyond measure, the 6 Generals who ruled it were the most corrupt and no one more so than Ninas husband, gleefully aided and abetted by Nina herself they were systematically robbing the country of all its wealth, and werent finished yet.
What are you doing today? the General asked. Prison visiting Nina replied, whilst pushing his face even closer into her crotch, theres some new inmates at the womens prison that I need to check on. The General wasnt at all sure what these visits entailed, but he could guess that it wasnt the prisoners welfare that Nina was looking into. He knew a little of her fondness for cruelty, but mainly turned a blind eye to it, as he did with her occasional sexual indiscretions, either with men or women. I'll see you tonight, then, she called as she left the room, maybe I'll give you a tit wank if I've had a nice day.
Nina chose the gold-plated Rolls for her drive to the prison and settled comfortably into the mink-lined seats while one of her boot-lickers knelt at her feet to commence licking; the women?s prison was located in one of the poorer parts of the capital, thereby allowing Nina to drive through the teeming masses in her unbelievably ostentatious limo. She told the driver to go particularly slowly so she could look through her one-way glass at the pitifully envious looks cast in her direction by all these masses of people. She ordered her boot-licker to continuing to lick her boots as she was enjoying the ride so much. Too soon they arrived at the prison, Nina marching to the special office that was reserved for her visits. It is an honour and privilege to welcome Nina quickly interrupted the Chief Wardresss welcome, Bring the new girls in, I havent go all day, she commanded. The wardress went to collect the girls: Dont forget, she told them, you must do everything and anything Her Ladyship says, and do it immediately, whatever she commands you, and, for goodness sake, do it quickly if you know whats good for you
The girls were ushered into Nina?s office they had never seen such opulence in their miserable lives, and there, perched crossed-legged on her desk facing them was, indisputably, the most powerful person in the country. The girls prostrated themselves immediately on the floor and waited. Nina left her perch and walked over their prostrate bodies with the huge heels of her boots digging deep in their flesh lingering on each girl ? the cries of pain were like a symphony to Nina. She then returned to her perch, all the while flicking her crop against her shiny leather knee-high boots. She motioned to the wardress who responded immediately to her cue: Kiss and lick her ladyships boots. ordered the Wardress. None of the girls moved Now, screamed Nina, ...or you?ll get your first taste of my lash. The girls scurried over to Nina and begankissing and licking her boots. There were six girls so it was not easy for them all to get close enough to the cherished boots; one girl in particular was just behind the others and hadnt yet been able to apply her tongue or lips as required. Nina noticed this immediately: Whats your problem, fuck-girl, Nina shouted to her, dont you want to lick my boots? Or maybe you think I?m not worth worshipping? Oh no, your ladyship, the poor girl replied, its just that I couldnt get close enough, I was trying to , Obviously not trying hard enough, screamed Nina, now showing how angry she was at such lack of respect. She jumped down off the desk, kicking the other girls aside, raised her crop over teh girl lashed her hard, but then realising how much she had just enjoyed kicking the other girls, decided to punish this one with a good kicking So, with almost immeasurable glee, Nina began to lay into the girl with almighty kicks to her flanks mainly, but also to her bottom and legs. She kicked her over into a corner of the room where the helpless, trapped girl was then subjected to a 20 minute kicking which ended up with her lying lifeless on the floor. Now look whats happened, Nina screamed, my boots are filthy. Get to work cleaning and polishing them immediately.
Nina stood with her legs apart in the middle of the room whilst the remaining prisoners got to work polishing and cleaning; (boot polish was always readily available in any of Nina?s offices, houses etc.); each of the prisoners receiving the occasional thrash with the crop in case they were beginning to slack. This continued for several hours and only stopped when the smile on Nina?s face began to hurt her. She kicked them aside: Mouth brushes, she shouted at the Wardess, who knew immediately what was required. The previous Wardress had lost her job (and her life) simply for not having available something that Nina required on a whim, and she was trying to ensure that this was not going to happen to her, (although she knew that ultimately she would fail to keep Nina happy and would probably pay for it with her life as well). Mouth brushes were a favourite contraption of Ninas little nail brushes which fitted into a person?s mouth and were kept in place via a piece of elastic tied round the head. Nina took up a position on one of the fur-lined couches in the room whilst each girl, in turn, was ordered to complete the polishing of Ninas boots with her mouth brush and with her hands clasped behind her back. Now this was very difficult to achieve, especially from a kneeling position, and more especially with Nina ordering them to apply more pressure to the boot. How do you expect my boots to be beautiful and shiny if you don?t press hard, you morons. And quicker, faster, get those heads bobbing up and down, up and down I want to see some effort! Try harder, you lazy bitches the one who does worst will be taken out and shot. This seemed to satisfy Nina who now lay back on her sumptuous couch watching the girls polishing her boots with their very lives at stake. Five girls weeping, a good kicking just finished, a nice shooting to follow, and all in the presence of the Wardress who would immediately spread the word of the further cruelties which Nina had visited upon her poor victims. The sobbing girls got to work in the knowledge that for one of them their last hours on earth would be spent with a nailbrush in their mouth cleaning the boots of one of the wickedest women who ever lived. Altogether an excellent day, thought Nina, she just might give the General a tit wank as promised.
The general's wife part 3
Nina had already decided which of the girls would be shot way before the final boot polishing had even started, but she liked the idea that they thought they were genuinely ?polishing for their lives.?
When the last girl had completed about 20 minutes of polishing with her mouth brush, Nina commanded them all to kneel before and look her straight in the eye while she announced the ?results.? Pointing to three of the girls she said that they could go --- immediately the relieved girls swarmed around Nina genuinely embracing and kissing her boots in gratitude ? the taste of the boot polish was like nectar for them. ?Wait in the corridor for me for my parting gift,? barked Nina with the cruellest of smiles. The other two girls now knelt before Nina in anguished anticipation of what was going to happen next --- Nina pointed at the kicked one and, after a suitable two minute pause, told her she was also ?free? whilst the other one was to be taken out and shot. Again the kicked one immediately fell upon Nina?s boots kissing them with gratitude while the other one started sobbing uncontrollably. Suddenly Nina sprang up from her couch: ?Oh silly me,? she said, almost simpering, ??I got it wrong! I meant the other way round! You?re the one to be shot,? she said pointing at the kicked one. ?How silly of me ? I must have too much on my mind. So sorry.? Now it was the turn of the other girl to lick Nina?s boots in gratitude whilst the kicked one bemoaned her fate, not taking her eyes off Nina who was almost laughing with glee at the unbelievably cruel ?trick? she had just played on the girls. ?Get the guards to take her out and shoot her, and be quick about it. I?m not going to stay for long so start the show, she was immediately taken out where nina can see her from sitting on her fur-lined couche she was shot in her head from close causing her head to explode & brain to splater around making nina hot & wet.
Nina strutted from the room feeling very pleased with herself and immediately commanded the three girls outside to lie down on their backs. ?You? she shouted to the wardress, ?Zip!? The wardress didn?t move, not understanding the one-word order. ?Can?t you understand me, you moron, I said zip, undo the zip on my leather trousers.? The wardress bent down to find the zip which wasn?t really visible on the highly polished tight soft black leather trousers that Nina was wearing. ?On your knees, you imbecile, on your knees and unzip me.? Now the wardress was able to see the concealed zip that stretched from the waist at the back to the waist at the front of Nina?s beautiful leather trousers; gingerly the wardress undid the zip taking enormous care not to scratch Nina?s skin in the slightest way. The zip was now undone, exposing Nina?s beautiful panty-free arse and pussy. She straddled the first girl, bent a little and then proceeded to piss all over her face; once this was finished she straddled the second girl and proceeded to shit all over her. Nina was enjoying this ? it made a dull task like going to the toilet so much more enjoyable, particularly if you could do it all over some hapless creature. Once she was finished she commanded the third girl to clean her up. ?Yes, your ladyship, I?ll just go and get some paper.? ?Not with paper, you ignorant peasant,? Nina screamed, ??clean me off with your tongue. Hurry up, and I want every last bit of shit licked out of my beautiful crack or you?ll be facing the firing squad as well.? The petrified girl got to licking Nina?s arse whilst the other girls and the wardress looked on in utter amazement at such callous disregard for other human beings. Nina was thoroughly enjoying herself of course and congratulating herself on this new little wheeze. ?I think I?ll enlist a whole group of girls that I can shit on in future,? she said to herself, ??can?t think why I haven?t done this before.? After a while the girl announced that she had finished: ?I?ll get one of my boot-lickers to inspect my arse when I get home, and if there?s anything still left there you will experience the longest and most painful death imaginable. Understand?? The poor girl nodded while Nina strutted away, delighted to hear the sounds of the girl now being violently sick in the corridor. Nina stretched out her leather-gloved hand for the wardress to kiss; Nina?s hand was covered in more jewellery that the wardress even knew existed. ?Thank you again, your lady ship,? replied the wardress. ?Thank you for everything.?
Nina marched off to her waiting car Nina sunk back into her mink-lined seat whilst her boot-licker got to work; although she had wreaked death and destruction in her pursuit of enjoyment over the last few hours, Nina?s lust for pain was almost insatiable today. She dug the heel of the boot which wasn?t being licked hard into the back of her licker. Harder and harder the huge heel went in: ?Don?t you dare stop licking my boots, you bitch,? Nina snarled at her, ?I don?t care how painful this is, you will not, under any circumstances, remove your tongue from my boots.?
And so it continued on the journey home when, all of a sudden, Nina commanded the chauffeur to stop. ?Whose house is that?? she asked, pointing to a very cute old-world style house just set back off the road. ?I don?t know,? he replied. ?Well get out and fucking find out, you stupid arse? she shouted at him. ?Shall I park the car first?? he asked, ?? we?re holding up all the traffic in the middle of the road here.? ?Park the car? Don?t be so fucking ridiculous, you moron,? Nina barked at him, ??the car stays exactly where it suits me for as long as it suits me. Now go and do what I?ve told you.? A few minutes later he returned to the car. ?It belongs to an old couple who?ve lived there since way before the army took over the country.? ?Fine?, smiled Nina maliciously, ?? tell them I?ll be back tomorrow to take it over. Tell them they must be out first thing in the morning ? they?re not to take any personal possessions other than a few items of clothing. I?ll be sending a guard to make sure they leave everything as it is. But tell them also that I want to see them before they go ? I want to wish them well,? she laughed to herself. ?Wish them well, huh yes, --- well beaten, I think.? ?Oh yes, ?she called to the chauffeur as he trudged away to speak to the old couple, ?..tell them, of course, that if they disobey me they?ll be shot. Off you go, hurry up.?
Nina sat back and watched the chauffeur telling the couple the bad news ? they fell to their knees weeping and wailing; Nina could hear them asking the chauffeur where they were expected to go and how would they live. Then they rushed over to the car, and again, on their knees, with their hands clasped, begged this woman whom they had heard of but never seen, not to do this to them. Nina took plenty of time to look at the pitiful couple and to give them her sweetest and most evil smile before telling the chauffeur to drive off; as they sped away Nina was delighted to see mud from the speeding car?s wheels splashing all over the pathetic couple as they knelt there in the street, bewildered and hopeless.
Nina rubbed her crotch in anticipation of another fun day tomorrow, whilst a few cracks of her crop on the back of her boot-licker just settled her in nicely for the rest of the journey home.
The General?s Wife (Part 4)
Nina was up early the following morning ? well, early by her standards, not the rest of the world, particularly those who had to work for a living. As usual Nina was at her dressing table being attended to by her make-up artist and hairdresser ? at her feet a boot-licker plus another girl in attendance for errands and arbitrary punishment. Nina clicked her bejewelled fingers at the errand girl: ?I?m going to visit my new house this morning ? I want the country?s best architect to meet me there in about an hour, and he?d better not be late?. The girl was too terrified to ask the address herself, but guessed that the chauffeur would know it. After a few minutes the girl returned, 'what took so long' shouted nina with slap of Nina?s hand across the girl?s face was so fast and furious that every one in the room gasped. A sharp kick in the groin was then delivered by the spur on one of Nina?s boots. ?The sheer nerve of it?, Nina thought ? she was seething; ?Quick, get me my whip or else I might do some real damage?. She pointed at the errand girl: ?You, bend over that chair. Quickly, I need to whip you now?. The poor girl took off her top and bent over the chair, ready for her beating. Nina snapped her fingers and was immediately handed a small single tail whip by one of her maids: ?What?s this? No whip marks on her back? A virgin? How exciting ? I haven?t done a virgin for ages!? Nina licked her lips with excitement as she proceeded to lay into the girl with mighty swipes of the lash. When it was over carried on doing nina make-up it would be at least four hours until Nina was ready to go out. Make-up, hair, selecting the day?s outfit boots and jewellery including accessories such as whips and canes, all took a long time, particularly as it was usually interrupted with the occasional punishment for some poor girl.
Four hours later Nina arrived at the house; the architect had been waiting patiently waiting all that time, Nina walked right past him without any acknowledgment whatsoever; her guards were already there, having had their orders to secure the house and its occupants. Nina walked into the lounge where the old couple were quietly sitting in armchairs. ?What the fuck?s going on here?? she asked the Captain who immediately fell on to his knees in front of her. ?I?m sorry, m?lady?, he said, ?I told them they had to be kneeling on your arrival but they simply refused?. Nina smiled and tapped her boots with her crop; she was wearing what she referred to as her ringmaster?s outfit ? the tightest white jodhpurs you?d ever seen, encased in crotch-high red leather lace-up boots with sky-high metal heels, a matching tight red leather halter-style waistcoat, very fitted to narrow her waist and thrust out her boobs, under the halter a white silk/satin blouse with billowy sleeves caught in at the wrist by red leather cuffs, plus, of course, masses of jewellery ? mainly rubies and diamonds to match the red leather. She looked sensational; the soldiers couldn?t keep their eyes off her.
?So, you?re not prepared to kneel before me?, she said to the old man, strutting over to him and caressing his face gently with her crop. ?No, indeed I?m not. We kneel for no one except our beloved late king and queen whom your army overthrew.? replied the old woman ?I see?, said Nina smiling, ?? but surely an old gentleman like yourself should at least stand up when a lady enters the room. Isn?t that right?? ?Yes, you?re right, I?m sorry?, he said as he slowly rose from his chair. As soon as he was on his feet a nod from Nina?s head and he was held firmly by a guard, although not much force was necessary as he was so frail. Once this was done, Nina brushed herself against him and released his dick from his trousers with her gloved hand. In no time at all, he had a reasonable erection for an elderly gentleman. ?Not bad?, Nina purred, ?I think you quite like me really.? The man?s protests were lost, ?I?m sure you?d just love to fuck me?? Now the old lady got up but was quickly and easily retrained by a guard. ?What?s the matter,.dearie, jealous of your big boy wanting to give me a good seeing-to? continuing to caress the old man?s dick right in front of her. ?Bring her over here and get her to kneel down in front of me 'start licking my boots' shouted nina pitrefied old lady stats licking her boots at once ?Good, good, that?s the way, old lady, and started wankin old mans dick furiously ; soon the old man shot his load which, with Nina?s help, splashed out all over her boots toes. which made Nina laugh all the more. ?Lick it all, hard, you bitch?, she shouted at the old woman.
Nina marched round the room --- all the furniture, ornaments, paintings etc were still in place. Nina picked up a little glass ornament which was on the mantelpiece. ?What?s this?? she asked the couple. ?It?s an old family heirloom, only sentimental value, worth nothing really,? said the old lady just before Nina let it fall from her hands and smash into pieces on the marble floor. She pointed to the mantelpiece: ?Are these all old heirlooms with a sentimental value??, she asked. The old couple said nothing, but the way they looked at each other was enough for Nina. With her crop she cleared the entire mantelpiece of ornaments which all went crashing to the ground. The old couple were in despair. Nina then found some old photos on a table --- she clicked her fingers: ?Throw them all in the fire --- now!? she shrieked. This was done in front of the now hysterical couple. ?Get me down that painting?, she ordered the guards. It was clearly a lovely painting of the old couple and their family, painted in better times. ?Very nice?, she said, ?? but I think it needs a little improvement right ?. there?, she pointing to a spot before putting her jewelled fist right through it. ?Oh dear, look what I?ve done?, she said with ill-concealed glee. ?How clumsy I am!?
Her smile quickly changed: ?Ok, I want you to wreck this room. Everything is to be destroyed in front of this old bitch, then she's to be taken out to my car. If she make any fuss, shoot her, Oh, and you old man come with me & by the way?, she turned to the old lady before leaving the room, ?.. when we meet again, ??make sure you kneel down in front of me ? A quick slash across her face with her crop and she was gone with the old man.
Nina left the room with the sound of her crying ringing in her ears; she clicked her fingers for the architect to be brought to her. ?You are to completely refurbish this house to my specification. I have taken it over mainly for the basement which is to be converted into private dungeons. Most of the cells are to be small of course, but there are also to be punishment cages which will not allow a person to stand up or stretch out fully; in all cages and cells there is to be an aperture at ground level to facilitate boot-licking. In the centre of the dungeon there will be numerous vertical and horizontal whipping posts, fire place to hot iron for branding prisnors, plus cold hard flat tables, with a series of pullies above which will be used for tethering and hoisting prisnors. Along the walls, of course, will be manacles and racks for whips and canes, --- which reminds me that I?ll also need a rack for stretching people. I also want a comprehensive high quality CCTV system which will allow me to view the prisoners? suffering from whatever room in the house I?m in at the time.?
?The other specific requirement is a chapel where people will come to worship me. It is to be, in every respect, with gold everywhere and stained-glass windows, plus huge paintings of me in different outfits and poses. The centrepiece will be an altar and throne for me which will be situated at the top of a steep row of steps ? not so steep that I can?t walk down comfortably in 8 inch heels,(I will usually be carried up), but sufficiently steep so as to ensure major injury to any one who I kick down. Seats will not be required for worshippers as they will remain either kneeling or prostrate on the floor when I am in attendance and being worshipped. Also, at the top of the altar where a crucifix would ordinarily be, I want a massive sculpture in the shape of a whip --- there will also be smaller versions of the sign of the whip dotted round the chapel. Also there will be numerous life size statues of me which will allow people to worship me when I am not in attendance.?
?The rest of the rooms in the house will, of course, be furnished and decorated to the highest standards. Floor coverings will all be marble except my bedroom which will have a wall-to-wall mink carpet & huge luxurious softest finest calf leather claded bed. All walls will be adorned with photos or paintings of me, plus full-length mirrors, of course; you can obtain photos of me from the femdomart forum where there are, of course, literally hundreds of postings of me.?
?How long will it take you to complete the work? You do, of course, have my authority to employ whoever you want and as many workers as you need, even if it means taking them off other jobs ? you will pay no regard to any protests from other employers; needless to say you will all work 24 hours a day for 7 days a week. It doesn?t matter how much noise and disruption to others you cause as my requirements are, naturally, far more important. So how long will it take??
?Well, it?s a huge undertaking, your ladyship?, answered the exceedingly nervous architect, ?? but we should be able to get it totally finished in about 6 months?. ?Good, I?ll expect it finished within one month then. If it?s not totally finished to my satisfaction in a month, then I will arrange for your children plus the childrens of ten of your workers to be tortured to death.
As you know, I will have no hesitation in doing this, in fact, I will rather enjoy it and may well participate in the torture myself; if it?s still not finished within another month, then, of course, other family members of you yourself and ten of your men will similarly be tortured to death. OK??
The architect stood there motionless and was only stirred to activity by the slash of Nina?s crop against his face. ?Don?t just stand there, you imbecile, get started?, she shrieked at him. The architect scrambled away, promising to deliver on time, hardly hearing Nina chuckling to herself, and already looking forward to the first torturing as she knew full well that 1 month to complete the works was a total impossibility.
all this time old man was standing beside her & she was caressing his dick with her hands to make his hardon go on. as she left the house she order old man walking besides her ?You will ride back with me in my car ? you will arouse me with your tongue and hands, then you will fuck me. Nina then strutted towards the waiting car as sexily as she could, her magnificent arse swaying from buttock to buttock, encased in her tight white jodhpurs and teetering on her heels ? she looked magnificent. old lady has also came out & kneeled in front of her crying for mercy she smiled cruely at her & settled her self on mink lined seat of her limo besides the old man 'secure her wrist with long rope & tie other end of rope to the back of my limo' order nina to one of the soldier 'hearing that she starts to cry more loudly begging for her mercy but only to get cold responce from nina kissing old man sitting beside her in limo 'now only you can help yourself by running along with my limo no matter how fast it goes, or you will be dragged along on road shredding painfuly skin & flesh off your body, he he he he, ooops by the way i will make sure that this ride be as painful as possible for you as well as comfortable & enjoyable for me, to begin with your husband will pleasure me sexually through out the ride while you be dragged all along the road painfuly he he he he, bye & enjoy the ride' with that she rolled up the window & order the chauffer to drive the limo inetialy it moved slowly old lady starts to run along with it but soon as limo catches speed & she start to loose her strenth was dragged along screaming horibbely in extreme pain as rough road starts to shred her skin & flesh
Nina loved being fucked in a luxurious car, particularly if some poor life is suffering painfuly dragged behind the limo nina looked behind from back glass to see old lady dragging along, her body was badly shredded covered in blood most of the skin has gone by now along with her muffeled screams nina can hear in sound proof limo she smile cruelly getting all hot & wet sitting on luxurious mink lined seat. The old man got to work on her ? licking her pussy, arse and tits, taking care not to get in the way of Nina?s boot-licker who was still on duty of course and embarrassingly witnessing Nina?s exuberant love-making. Nina orders. ?You ? stick it up my pussy, up my arse, now, hurry up, I want to cum again now?. despite of his being old she was getting suitable serviced As they drove up to her mansion the orgy was still going on with Nina having one orgasm after the other; she was screaming: ?Harder, you fucker, harder, faster, more, more ? make me feel good you fucker More, more, I want more.?
Finally Nina was satisfied: ?Chair?, she barked at the chauffeur who was holding the door for her and lying on the floor outside the car waiting to be used as Nina?s step. The chauffeur knew that ?chair? meant Nina wanted a sedan chair carried on shoulders for her to be taken into the house on --- she was too tired now to walk. She immediately hoisted into her chair by four footmen whom she ordered to carry her to back of her limo where she saw from up there comfortabely sitting on her sedan chair totaly mutilated body of old lady as entier skin & most of the flesh was missing exposing bones, even most bones were also shredded & a long drag line of blood from body was there on road as far as she can see . this makes her rub her crotch & moan in ecstacy rolling her tounge on her lips, she lazily ordered footmen to carry her to her chambers.
The Generals Wife. (Part 5)
Nina was furious, and not even the early-morning pussy-licking she was getting from one of her servants was making her feel any better. In fact, she?d already taken it out on the poor wretch by giving her a good face-slapping for not looking at her with enough ?awe and admiration?, but, even so, her mood hadn?t lightened. The reason for her immense displeasure was the news that her architect had, in fact, finished work on her new house in the required time which meant that Nina was not going to be able to enjoy the pleasure of selecting 10 of the workers? children for punishment, and then proceeding to torture them to death, if she so wanted (and she probably did). Of course, Nina could still arrange to have them punished anyway, but she did so much enjoy coming up with excuses for her mistreatment of people, no matter how arbitrary and random those excuses might be.
The pussy-licker brought Nina to her third shuddering orgasm when she was told to stop as Nina had had enough; the girl knelt by Nina?s bed waiting for her next orders which never, in fact came --- what did come was a kick in the head from Nina as she got out of bed: ?Get out of my way, you fucking moron,? she screamed at her, whilst strutting off to her bathroom where, after pissing into one of her servants mouth, she would be bathed, worshipped and finally dressed. As she was lying in her bath, attended to by six servants, Nina wondered how she might turn the architect?s triumph into a bit of fun for herself she remembered him telling her that two workers had died on site, through simple exhaustion . She couldn?t remember which, and, of course, she didn?t really care either way. She gave orders for the immediate families of the two men to be brought to her without delay.
Nina was at her dressing table getting ready when she was advised that the two families had arrived. After about four hours of preparation she was now ready to face the day, and rose majestically from her dressing table stool. This was the cue for all her dressing servants to prostrate themselves before her, each one in turn telling Nina how wonderful she looked. She did, indeed, look fantastic --- for today?s fun she had chosen tight beige-coloured leather jeans tucked into shiny brown over-knee boots with massive heels, a tight cream satin shirt held in place by a matching brown corset; the softest brown leather gloves stretching up past her elbows, showing off her ruby and diamond rings to perfection, plus, of course, necklaces, earrings, bracelets etc, and her new diamond encrusted spurs on her boots. In one hand she held a brown leather flogger, and in the other a dog lead, attached to which was one of this morning?s boot-lickers. It was indeed the girl she had been hoping to see this morning: ?How tight is that dog-collar of yours?? Nina asked as she started to lead her out of the room on her way to meet the two families. ?It doesn?t look very tight too me, and it doesn?t also look as wide and as stiff as it should be.? Nina raised her flogger in the air: ?Get this girl a better collar now or some one is going to suffer!? she screamed. Two of the girls immediately ran off, knowing exactly where Nina?s supply of particularly restraining dog collars were kept. They rushed back with it and were told to put it on the girl. ?So you thought you could get away with wearing an ordinary dog collar did you, you stupid bitch? Think you could fool me, did you?? Nina looked on in satisfaction as the collar was fastened round the girl?s neck. It was a collar designed for particular discomfort for the wearer --- in fact, Nina had designed it herself. It was very deep so that it cut into the wearer?s neck, was of a particularly stiff and unyielding leather material, had an inside lining made of a sort of sandpaper which rubbed against the wearer?s bare neck, and it could, of course, be fastened as tight as Nina wanted --- which was usually very tight indeed. All this made the boot-licker?s job doubly hard and difficult, particularly as most boot-licking shifts lasted for about four hours at a time. ?Fasten it much tighter than that, I want her almost choking, the bitch.? At last it was fastened to Nina?s satisfaction, and the cries of pain from the girl as Nina marched off briskly to her appointment did a great deal to lighten Nina?s mood following her earlier disappointment.
Nina paused at every mirror on the corridor towards the stairs to admire herself and to give the girl an opportunity to get to work locking her boots; Nina screamed at her to lick harder and faster, which she knew was doubly difficult because of the constraints on her breathing made by the collar. Nina walked slowly downstairs continuing to admire herself in the mirror which was held in front of her by another servant who backed down the stairs ahead of her. Once downstairs she quickened her pace, making it quite hard for the boot-licker to keep up; once she knew the two families could see her she turned on the boot-licker with her raised flogger: ?Why can?t you keep up, you stupid fucker, you?re slowing me down and making these poor people wait for me.? She brought the flogger down on the poor girls back, ripping through her flimsy maid?s outfit, and after several more blows the girl was almost naked.
Nina marched on past the two families towards her ?receiving? room, the poor boot-licker now almost being pulled along in Nina?s wake so difficult was it now for her to breathe. Nina hardly looked at the two families waiting for her, but did enough to notice one old woman, and a small family comprising a mother and two teenage children, a boy and a girl. As she strutted past them the old woman called out Nina?s name --- all the waiting servants couldn?t believe it, no one addressed Nina before she spoke to them, and Nina certainly wasn?t used to anyone addressing her like this. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned toward the old woman with a look of absolute menace in her beautiful face. ?Nina, don?t you recognise me?? asked the old woman, ??we used to live next door to your family in the village where you grew up ? you were best friends with my daughter, you ??, before she could say another word Nina had dropped her flogger to the floor and clasped the woman?s scrawny neck with her gloved hand. Nina certainly didn?t want any one hearing about her humble beginnings, and was not pleased to be recognised by anyone from the days before she had become the richest, cruellest and most powerful person in the land. Fixing her eyes on the old woman?s contorted face, Nina?s hand choked the life out of the woman, her smile becoming broader and broader as the woman gasped her last breaths. As the woman slumped to the floor, Nina held out her hand for her flogger which was duly replaced by one of the servants.
She strutted past the second family who, as Nina had hoped, were now gripped with fear at what they had witnessed --- the flogging of a servant and the casual killing of an old woman. Nina was now hot with anticipation for what was to come, but calmed herself as she seated herself in her throne before ordering the family to be brought in. After several minutes the people were ushered in --- what they now saw only caused them more fear. Nina was seated in her throne on the floor in front of her two more girls, each licking a boot, The family were told to kneel before Nina who continued to enjoy their fear and the pleasure she was receiving from her army of attendants. After a while Nina spoke: ?You are the fortunate family whose husband has had the honour of giving his life in the service of such a beautiful and wonderful woman. You may each now thank me for giving you and him this honour --- you will each offer your eternal gratitude to me for the honour. You,? she pointed to the mother, ??you go first, and if I?m not satisfied with the sincerity of your gratitude, you will, of course, be punished. Crawl toward me and speak directly to my boots --- none of you stinking peasants are worthy to address my face.? Fearing for her life, the mother did as she was told: ?Thank you so much for the death of my husband in your service. All we want is to ensure your happiness and if my husband?s death has helped, then we are truly happy.? Nina liked this very much, ?Very good, Now you.? She pointed to the girl about 19; Nina couldn?t believe her luck when the girl screamed out that she would never say those things, that she was ashamed of her mother, and prayed that Nina would suffer for her cruelty. Nina stood up and calmly walked toward the girl with a cruel smile on her face --- she said nothing, but on reaching the girl kicked her as hard as she could in the stomach. As the girl doubled over in pain, her brother and mother were restrained by guards, leaving Nina free to dig her spurs repeatedly into the girl?s back and sides. ?Put her on the cross, she then ordered, ?? and hurry up about it, this girl is going to suffer pain that you couldn?t dream of and I want it to start now!?
The girl was tied to the cross with electrodes attached to her nipples; the brother and mother were ordered to watch: ?If I catch either of you looking away you will both receive the same punishment. Turn on the power.? The transformer attached to the electrodes was turned on and Nina strutted over to the giant lever which drove the current. As she reached the lever, she stopped and move the lever to give the girl electric shocks.? The mother fell to her knees at Nina?s feet, begging Nina not to hurt her child. Nina was loving it, listening to the woman begging, watching her feverishly licking her boots
And so it began, the suffering of the girl, the humiliation and pain of the mother, the sheer joy of Nina --- and this was only the start!
The Generals? Wife Part 6
After about 4 hours of the most devastating torture, Nina was just about satisfied --- satisfied that the girl had been properly punished, satisfied that she had derived as much pleasure from the girl?s suffering as she could, and satisfied that her lust for cruelty would again be told throughout the land, thereby ensuring her continued reputation as the most feared and brutal woman alive. A combination of whips, crops and canes, plus some electro-torture was just about enough to keep Nina amused for 4 hours; she administered the corporal punishment herself, always more fun than just watching, which she also enjoyed, particularly if she was being fucked at the same time --- but she often while administer the electro stuff she liked to get close to the victim so she could get a good view of the pain in their eyes.
She ordered the girl to be released from the meat hook from which she had been suspended upside down for the last hour of the session; she allowed the girl?s sobbing mother and brother to try to comfort the girl who was barely alive while Nina thought about how best to finish what had really been a most enjoyable day. She didn?t take long to decide --- she strutted over to where the boy lay trying to comfort his sister: ?And now you may fuck me.? She said to him, quite matter-of-factly, ?? it will be a nice end to the day.? She looked at the bewildered young man: ?you want to fuck me, don?t you?? she asked, knowing full well that no man on earth would pass up this chance, irrespective of what this beautiful woman had just done to his family. The mother simply could not understand what was going on: ?you want to have sex with my son after he?s seen what you?ve done to his sister? Are you mad?? a deliciously cruel smile passed over Nina?s lips: ?Let?s ask him, shall we?? she stood over the boy, her legs apart, one hand caressing her boobs, the other stroking her pussy, her tongue licking her open mouth. ?Would you like to fuck me, then?? she asked. ?Oh, god, yes,? he replied, crawling over to her . ?Good, that?s settled, then,? Nina triumphed, ??prepare him & bring him to the fuck-room in half an hour while I prepare myself. I can?t let you fuck me while I?m still wearing my punishment outfit, now can I?? she enquired of the bemused boy, ?? and bring the woman to torture area of fuck room so she can watch us having fun & we can watch her torture having fun & sex? Nina looked down on the near-hysterical woman, chuckled lightly to herself and then turned away on her tottering heels followed by a retinue of servants.
After half an hour the boy after cleaned, bathed & properly dressed led to the room that had been purposely designed for fucking. What he saw almost took his breath away --- a lowly lit room with huge paintings on every wall of Nina being fucked in every possible position. The room?s carpet was made of genuine mink, wall-to-wall, whilst the ceiling was covered with mirrors. In the centre of the room, a vast four poster bed, covered in black satin sheets, and sprawled in the middle of it, Nina in one of her fucking outfits --- black suspenders, bra, panties, corset and stockings, in suitable combinations of lace and leather, plus, of course, over the knee black leather high-heeled boots, and over the entire ensemble, a black see-through negligee with ermine trim. One gloved hand was in her panties whilst the other held a small riding crop. ?Take over from my hand with your tongue, fuck-boy, I want to come now!? she roared, ?? and start whipping the the bitch she order her servent. The old lady was hanged by chained wrists in small adjoined room called torture room separated by a full glass wall so nina while having fun at fuck room can watch any poor life tortured in there to her liking for added pleasure & that poor person can also watch ninas fun filled moments in lap of luxury & comforts at fuck room while going through hell of pain, Nina interrupted her moans of pleasure with a little laugh seeing old woman whipped through glass wall & hearing her muffeled scream , before telling the boy that she was now ready to be fucked. So, without any preamble, the boy entered her and started to fuck her as best as a novice could. after long pleasuerable time shouting & moaning in ecstacy she looked through glass wall the old woman still whipped by servents hanging lifeless on chains her entire body was a bloody mess with no skin on it bringing nina to a shuddering orgasm. Now fully satisfied, she left the room with a smile of total contentment ? plus anticipation ? for tomorrow was the day of the official opening of her new house with its Chapel of Nina-Worship, as she had decided it should be called. Today was going to be like a walk in the park compared to what she had planned for tomorrow.
The General?s Wife (Part 7)
The General was late back, but knew Nina would be pleased to hear his news --- another country had been conquered, thereby paving the way for more official plundering of the nation?s wealth plus a massive new retinue of peasants for Nina to enjoy in the way that only she could.
He realised that he?d missed Nina. He went straight to her room where he knew he was expected --- he couldn?t wait to see her, it was always a thrill to see what outfit she had adorned herself in, both for his pleasure, and, of course, her own. Of course, she didn?t let him down --- she was sprawled on her bed in a tight black long fishtail skirt in shiny latex, a matching corset top which thrust her boobs out almost to spillage point, long leather gloves, leather boots with massive heels plus, of course, the usual mass of jewellery. Each boot was being licked by a girl while Nina stroked her pussy the best she could bearing in mind how tight her skirt was. As the General approached she kicked the girls viciously away and in no time at all had the General?s very erect dick in her mouth. There followed some gentle stroking with her gloved hand after which he was allowed to rub his now huge phallus over her latex-clad body, particularly her arse while she bent over to stretch the latex to its utmost. Despite trying to enjoy it for as long as he could, the General soon came over Nina?s delicious latex arse.
now lying next to Nina on the satin sheets of her huge bed while she gently stroked his dick, only interrupting his pleasure to lash out occasionally with her crop at the young servant girl kneeling by her side. 'so who did your chappel opening ceremony go' asked general, ?Oh, it was wonderful, absolutely perfect, ?she said. ?? of course, I?d had the whole ceremony planned before with one of your Captain?s who knew that if it didn?t go well he?d have the pleasure of watching me torture his family to death .. and I have to say he didn?t let me down ? much as I wanted him to.
I looked fantastic, of course, a full-length white leather catsuit, trimmed with ermine, and over it a really tight red leather corset that pushed my arse and tits out really beautifully. I had these beautiful red leather crotch-highs with huge heels, and when I walked I felt as good as I looked. I could have just whipped the entire crowd there and then, but that would have spoiled the fun, really. So ? I walk in the chapel dedicated to worshipping me ? there?s two blocks of people, separated by an aisle leading to my altar. All the worshippers are standing and as I pass, slowly, past each row, that line of people have to face me and bow, keeping their noses to the ground. So ? this isn?t easy for some of the older people, so each time I walk past a new row I check to see if every one?s bowing properly ? some old people aren?t, so I scream at them ?Why aren?t you worshipping me properly, you fuckers? ? I slowly walk over to where they?re kneeling and raise my short-handled crop over their head. Of course, the old woman or man, whoever it is, looks up at me and begs me not to hit them ?. I wait with my arm raised above them ? my other hand?s resting on my hip and I?m so excited that my tits are almost heaving themselves out of the top of my catsuit ? I wait and wait and then ?. slap ? the crop comes down against the old bitch?s back ?. again and again ?. Of course, no one dares stop me ? oh, it?s just so great ? the pleading way they look at me ? the way I make them wait and the ferocity of my lashing ? just fantastic.
Anyway, so I walk along each line in turn, picking on one person at a time to punish for not respecting me enough until I turn back to a row I?ve just passed because out of the corner of my eye I saw this young man look up at me. ?What the fuck are you doing? Did I give you permission to raise your head?? ?I?m so sorry, your ladyship, ?he stammered, ?? it?s just that you?re so beautiful I wanted another closer look at you.? I knew the way my leather arse moved on my heels as I strutted along was pretty irresistible to men. ?Come here,? I ordered him, ?? on your knees, crawl, don?t you dare stand up until I tell you to.? He crawled toward where I was standing: I had my legs apart, one hand caressing my tits and one on my pussy ? ?get your dick out and toss yourself off ? and don?t dare take your eyes off me.? So he tossed himself off in front of all those people, probably including some of his family, hopefully his wife. When he finished I called for a dog lead which I fastened round his neck: ?You will now be my little doggy, following me around all the time. You?ll have plenty of time and opportunity to look at me now, won?t you? Until I want a new doggy, and I have you put down, ? you?ll just have to wait until that moment comes... it may be today ? may be tomorrow, or next month ? who knows?, next year? ? in the meantime you?ll spend your life as a dog ? you won?t speak, you?ll bark, you?ll eat scraps, and you?ll sleep curled up in a tiny kennel at my feet.? Well, you should have seen his face ? I finished my speech with a couple of lashes across his back just to make sure he wasn?t too comfortable. You won?t see him because I?ve already had him ?put down? ? I had him put on a spit roast when we got back here and I watched him burn to death. The smell was awful but it was really good fun.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, once I?d walked through the whole congregation to the front of the aisle, dispensing pain and punishment along the way, I now had to be carried up the very steep steps to my throne. I laid myself out comfortabely on this very heavy chaise longue whilst 8 men from the congregation were told to carry it up --- you can imagine how heavy it was and how difficult it was for them to carry it up the stairs. They all knew full well what their fate would be if they dropped me, but, much to my dismay, they got me there in one piece, and were so exhausted that most of them collapsed before I was able to give them a good beating --- which I did anyway, of course.
So now I?m sitting on my throne --- I?ve got two girls licking each of my boots, and another underneath my throne which has an opening in the seat, licking my arse. Next, one by one, the congregation have to crawl up the steps, lick and kiss my boots and then turn round to allow me to kick them down the stairs. Oh it?s just great to watch them tumbling down, banging their heads ? some of the older ones didn?t get up when they finally reached the bottom... I guess they?re dead or something ? like I give a fuck! Also, it?s great to watch them licking my boots The men, of course, love it, except that I?m beating them with a strap while they lick boots out, but the women just hate it ? I love to see their faces ? I make them do it for ages ? particularly the ones who look most ashamed or disgusted.
Anyway, one more bit of fun before the grand finale to the ceremony --- synchronised screaming. I order 8 men into little cubicles at the side of the room, they sit down and have electrodes fitted to their nipples, dick and balls --- the electrodes are fitted to a small generator and when I shout 25 the soldier turns it on to 25% power. They all scream in agony --- at the same time, it sounds wonderful ? then I shout 50 and he doubles the power, and the screaming doubles, and then 75 ? at 75%, well you can imagine the pain and the screaming, then finally I shout 100 and he puts it on full power. I just let it run on full power for ages and sit back to enjoy the screaming which is now synchronised because they just don?t stop --- plus, their faces, oh God, you should just see how they writhe in agony --- it?s just fabulous, I wish you could have been there. Anyway, after that it?s the girls turn which is even better because they know what to expect now ? I make them wait a long time between 75 and 100 just to build up the fear, but when I go to 100 --- well, the noise is amazing, 8 women screaming in agony. Of course, while this is all going on I?ve got wild orgasm caressing my pussy, but no one can hear me screaming with pleasure because of the noise the girls are making. It was just great.
Anyway, the best is still to come --- I give the nod to the Captain who seizes 2 children aged around 9 yrs on my orders, and takes them under the stage where they stand on a platform which allows their heads to stick out through two opening just below my throne where my feet are. They?re told to lick my boots which, of course, they start to do --- I can see they?re quite happy to be licking my boots like a candy But little do they know what?s in store. A click of my fingers and the Captain flicks a switch which reveals tramlines or kind of grids leading from where their heads are to the sides of the stage. At each side of the stage there now emerges a circular saw which slowly, ever so slowly, starts moving to where their heads are firmly locked into their boot-licking openings. They, and the entire congregation, can see what is going to happen --- the saws are going to eventually reach the children?s heads and behead them. The fear in the childrens eyes is fantastic, they look at me, screaming, imploring me to stop it, the look of pure terror on their innocent faces still excites me which i am not going to forget for a long time to come & must confesse that torturing these innocent children to death is far more fun & pleasure then to torture any one else , the people are also screaming but are kept in order by the soldiers, the saws are whining like high speed dentist drills as they get closer and closer to their targets. It?s so slow so I can enjoy every second --- this is just so great, wait till you see the DVD, and I just look so horny watching it? I?m either sitting there watching it, or getting some one to fuck me as I enjoy the spectacle. Regrettably it has to come to an end as the saws finally (it took ages, I?m pleased to say) reach their targets and slice off the childrens heads to screams and crying from the congregation it exploded my pussy as their heads rolled around my boots & i kicked them like a ball rolling down the stairs .
Well, as you can imagine, I?m pretty exhausted by now ?. So I?m straight off home to wait for you. But anyway, enough of me ? how was your day??
Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...
Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...
My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...
First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...
Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...
14 – Dutiful WifeyAfter my day’s adventures, I really felt that I should pay attention to my husband, Liam. I did love him even though I misbehaved from time to time. I wasn’t in the mood, mentally or physically, for sex, but I was going to play the role of a “good wifey”.I greeted my dear husband at the door when he got home from work with his favorite cocktail. Wearing his favorite sheer pink baby doll nightie and some low heels with fluffy pop-poms on the toes, he was favorably impressed, to...
So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...
100% fiction! Hi to all sex story readers this is jagdish from chennai.This is my second story but happened first in my life.Last story i didnt got any good repiles so please readers comment or mail me in my mail id jagdish_collegeboy [at] rediffmail [dot] com after reading my sex stories. i am 24yrs old guy from chennai and i m very interested in fucking girls and aunties but i didnt get any chance till 3 months back.Maximun my friends have there fucking many years back but i was virgin.I...
IncestIntroduction: Jen becomes a hotwife My wife Jen was turning 30 soon and I wanted to do something special for her. It had been a big few months for us and we had grown so close as a couple, closer than we had been in all our 11 years together. I had finally been able to tell her about my fantasy of seeing her with another guy and to my surprise she told me that she was intrigued and would consider it but needed to process that other men would find her sexy and want to be with her. I knew that...
This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...
Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...
Well we had only been married a short time and Lisa was almost two moths pregnant but a wild animal in bed willing to try most anything so we were screwing everyplace and she was curious about my past experiences and was a little pissed that I had been with more girls than she had with boys but she pestered me for details so I began to make up things and one thing I had heard about was exotic massages and that really turned her on so we went on the web and started looking over sites and found...
We had friends over and everyone had to much to drink and had left except for Josh our black neighbor my wife Peggy was sitting there in a stupor and I was pretty wasted myself. He finally asked if I needed help getting her to bed and I thanked him so he lifted her off the chair and like a dead person she hung there in his arms as I made my way upstairs to our bedroom the whole house seamed to be swaying as I made my way down the hall and I collapsed into the chair beside her makeup table as he...
It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...
Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...
I never imagined myself being married to a career-focused man. Since I was sixteen, I needed to be fucked almost on an hourly basis. Then, I met Daniel, my surprising knight in shining armor. In the heyday of our passion, we’d fuck maybe three times a month. Not much has changed, but I found a way to sate my needs.A year after we married, I started stripping at a high-profile club two towns over. Six times a week, I dance and strip up and down a dick-like pole. On more than one occasion, I’ve...
CheatingWhen I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by my ponytail and yanked me around to face him. “So my little slut are you ready to be mine?” He said more forcefully than I have ever heard him speak. My breath caught in my throat when with his free hand he reached over and squeezed my breast hard. Instantly I felt the nipples of my DD cup breast stand at attention. He realized this and with his...
I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...
Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...
This particular story is about an older lady named Teresa Roberts. Teresa was having problems with her internet cutting in and out so she placed a trouble call for a tech to come out to her house and this is where I come in. As soon as I saw her, there was something about her that struck me the right way. She wasn’t incredibly hot and she didn’t have the tightest body in the world but there was something about her that made me want to fuck her. Teresa is only about 5’2” tall with...
We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...
The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...
Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...
My wife Neha and I, are happily married and like each other. We have a regular sex life and hence nothing unusual may be expected. We went once to Alibag, which is a beach resort near mumbai. The hotel Tropicana has large houses and we rented out one room for two nights. When we were having dinner we had another couple come a join us. Neha is hot and bossy. She runs her own IT consultancy and knows how to do it. She likes to dress in tight clothes and had one of those tight fitting dresses in...
Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...
Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...
Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...
I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...
Introduction: Another in the ongoing saga of my cum loving slutwife Anne Marie. This took place about five years ago. Enjoy! A little background: My wife Anne Marie is 57, 135lbs. We have been together for over 12 years, and she is 35 years old, but she could easily pass for 10 years younger. She has great legs and her ass is smokin. Her breasts are a size 34B, perfectly shaped. She never wears a bra, so when her nipples get hard they can easily be seen through most tops that she wears. We had...
Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...
Introduction: A fantasy of a wife comes true As I came from work I was tired but highly aroused by the text I had received from my husband in the early afternoon. All it said was Get ready for a hard night. Remember you are not to say a word I was almost swimming in my panties for the rest of the day thinking about what may happen when I got home. When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by...
My husband Mark has been sharing me with other men and women for over thirty years, and in that time I've engaged in virtually every sexual activity there is that doesn't involve pain or humiliation. That includes public flashing, couple swapping, threesomes, foursomes, oral only gangbangs, full gangbangs, bukkake, public sex, anal, double penetration, all kinds of sexual games and toys, and more. But it all started very innocently, and this is the story of that fateful night.Tim had been...
Wife LoversSo after months of chats and planning the date arrived. I was packed with all the required items and dresses as I was told. Knowing I am not a crosscrosser but have a fetish for women's panties, Laura had told me to wear my red satin and lace panties and my plastic rock cage. A picture was texted to get clearly showing the numbered lock tab, they had better match she said,so she would know if I strayed. I reminded myself to thank her for allowing me to wear the plastic one not the metal. There...
My wife Becky and I are a fun couple who both enjoy all forms of sex play. We have an open marriage which means that, although we are married, we do occasionally play with others. It's strictly sex and fun with no emotional commitments, and we both have to discuss and agree before either of us goes with someone else. But it has worked out well for us. We have been playing around with others for the last four or five years. I love to watch her with other men and women, and she loves to be...
Wife LoversMy (now ex) wife Kate and I had been married for 16 years when we separated. We had two c***dren, aged 13 and 15 when it happened, and who stayed with their mum while I moved out to a nearby rental property.Me and Kate had always had quite an active and often quite kinky sex life; we had dabbled with the usual bedroom fetishes, as well as cuckolding, swinging and chastity (for me). None of this was the reason for our split I might add.To be honest, I was the unwilling party in the split and...
To my husband: I love being a naughty slut for othersI'm at the skate park surrounded by the group of guys. We were down in the pit of the park and couldn't been seen by passersby. There are six or seven I'm not sure. They are all naked and leering at me. I look down and find myself with just garters, stockings, and high heels. Jason is the clear leader and is standing there. His thick cock is right in front of me. He helps me down to my knees and I lean in to kiss his cock. My hands cup his...
She wakes up to another morning with a wet pussy, throbbing clit and no one to fuck. She and her husband have been apart, due to his work, for most of the last six weeks. She’s a very sexual, sensual woman who enjoys great sex and is missing it a lot. She loves sucking cock, having her pussy eaten, and she loves to be fucked in any direction. Oh how she’d love to be able to fuck her man this morning! It’s been a long six weeks! She finds herself watching a lot more porn than usual and...
Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...
For several years I had fantasized about my wife Trixie being part of a threesome. I finally set it up on New Years Eve and Day (2015/2016). I posted a personal ad on a swinger's web site asking for a single male to be part of the experience. A military man named Jim replied to the ad and we set up to meet him at New Years Party at the Hotel . We weren't sure if we were ready to go through with this and told him so, but we wanted to be ready if Trixie got turned on. Trixie is 50 years old but...
ChristycuckI had been trolling the porn sites for a while. Xgerbal was one of my favorites. I'd search for people nearby and usually find some guy showing of pics of his wife. One occasion turned out to be quite eventful. I came across a fellow who had some hot pics posted up that I believed to be his wife. She seemed older, in her 50s, but still had a tight body and some nice fake titties. I struck up a conversation one evening when he was online and he told me some of his fantasies. Most of...
It had been a few months since my wife Kristi had any sexual fun with guys around Indianapolis so I was checking out craigslist just looking around in the MM4F section. I came across an ad with two black guys looking for a white girl for fun and they wanted to host. I thought that was perfect because we didn’t have to get a room or deal with finding a sitter. I told her about the guys and showed her the pic of both there hung cocks and that was all it took to get her excited. Since her Ex /...
This is another fantasy story involving another Xhamster user, this time it's hotwifepol. Her link here: was spending another lazy afternoon browsing Xhamster and I was trying to find something to jerk off too when I found her picture. She was gorgeous and I was mesmerised by her beautiful eyes and enchanting smile. She was so beautiful so I sent her a friend request. To my surprise she quickly accepted and I was very happy but I thought that she...
Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Parking lot He's leaning against the driver's door of her car when she gets off work. His western boots, well-worn faded jeans and white tank top don't do much to hide his form. She knows what's underneath and it's like Superman's kryptonite for her. He sees her coming and holds his arms out, elbows at his side and smiles. "How's my babygirl?" he says a little too loudly. "Forget it, Ted."...
Hello there, my name is George and a few years ago I was living in another city and for a while I had my own small apartment in a suburban district. It was a leafy suburb of Edinburgh and I had a part-time research assignment at a local engineering college, which was only for three days a week, so it meant I had a lot of free time.Where I was living was on the second floor of a small apartment building and almost directly opposite across the road was another similar apartment block. From my...
Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...
I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...
Wife LoversWhere do I begin with this? I really want to blame Bob for this entirely and it is certain and beyond any doubt, that he needs to carry some of the responsibility for this. After all, it really was his idea. Not that I am exactly free from sin, I have let my eyes and my thoughts wander about many times. I will admit to the occasional masturbation act using fantasies of men, other than my husband of twenty plus years. And yes,there were a few tiny incidents over the years at parties...
Once upon a time there was a lonely housewife called pussy trapped in the house with nothing to all day. Her husband worked away and when he did get home he was not interested in poppy because he was to tired from work or banging his filthy assistant. Pussy one day noticed her neighbour on a hot summer day. Usually she does not look twice but today he looks so hot with a rock hard chest and jet black hair doing the gardening. Pussy was starring at his body liking what she saw she could feel a...
Hello, sex story readers, Thank you all readers for your valuable emails and suggestions. I have been asked many times by readers whether my stories are real or imagination, let me tell again, my all stories are my real experiences and I enjoy it a lot. Let me tell about myself, I am decent, good looking, disease free, educated guy from Mumbai. I am 23 and like to enjoy with couples and women and I like to explore all types of kinks and fetishes. You can connect with me on or kik –...
Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts, he was reluctant to have her wear it at first. But Dawn, who had a shapely but very petite 102-pound body, seemed to be very comfortable and confident in the tight, low-cut dress.In fact, seeing his wife in the dress stirred some reoccurring fantasies in Brad as they shared a bottle of...
I’m naked except for a collar around my neck and a large ball gag shoved in my mouth when Mistress Lexi leads me into the room. The room is large and it’s completely empty except for Hung Master, Mistress Becky and two other men that I have never seen before. I’m led to the center of the room and Hung Master presses a button on a remote in his hand and I hear a buzzing noise. Looking up I see a spreader bar being lowered down from a cable. Once it gets low enough, my wrists are cuffed to either...
This story starts on Valentine's Day 3 years ago. A bunch of our friends had got together to hang out, drink etc. Sometime during the party someone initiated taking some clothes off. Surprisingly, 2 of girls there were fine with this (this isn’t something that had ever happened before in my group of friends). The 2 girls got topless for us, and one of them was one of our friend’s wife. He was drunk and openly encouraged her, so no one felt bad when she took off her top, even if the first...
By : Raj_khanna28 I am Raj, a happily married man of 32 years age having one child and have a very strong sex drive. After reading so many stories on ISS, I felt that I should share my sexperience which I had long ago, at the age of 26. That time I was in Mumbai, staying with my uncle at Andheri, for getting a certificate in A/c and Refrigeration through a institute from Dadar, After passing out of a diploma course. Now, I will come to the point. I met a gentleman of age 37 yrs called...
Transwife A Diatribe By Maryanne Peters This is not a happy story. I like a happy stories, but this is not one of those. It started happily enough, from a point. Transgirl wrestles with her problem, transgirl comes out, transgirl cause family commotion, transgirl becomes accepted by family (all except one), transgirl transitions, transgirl becomes accepted at work (all except one), transgirl saves money, transgirl gets her dream anatomy, transgirl meets guy, transgirl falls in...
Friends ths is my 5th story . Nw i wil lyk to tel u that i liv far 4m my house so i hav a flat on rent .So lets tel u abt the fuck queen my neibors wife ya she is 28-22-32 very beautiful n white her name nisha . So nw the story begins. 1 day at 7.O0 i was siting on the terace cot . She came ther n she was soakng the cloths whch she washd n her child came near me n was seeing wat i was doing . Then she came near me hold her child n saw me then smild n went .Then next day her child was nt knwing...
I step out of the shower, my body is bright red. I must have been in there for almost forty-five minutes. Scrubbing away the combination of Rebecca and my juices. I always take very hot showers, my dick is soft and my balls loose, saggy, drained. This is the most I have fucked in one day since my High School days.After I dry myself off I walk to the bedroom, my phone is flashing blue. I open the home screen and see a message from Rebecca. A video link is in our messages, my dick twitches. I...
Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...
Norma Adams never wanted to cheat, and certainly never would have cheated with her husband’s father, who everyone called Gramps Adams, but the man gave her no choice. Rape might be the correct definition of what happened, but uncontested rape in Adams eyes is simply fucking, and a wife can’t charge her husband’s father or even tell anyone. Aside from being a determined rapist, actually a forcer-of-sex, Harvey was a dear sweet man with so much goodness and such a fine...