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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it.

Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began.

Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly reinforced. I made a list of suggestions and put them in my wallet so I wouldn’t forget to apply them. At the top of the list was to reinforce the keyword which would drop her into a receptive mode. The word was ‘domino’ and it had to be accompanied by a hand placed firmly on her left shoulder. The first weekend after her hypnosis session, I tried it.

We were standing in the kitchen after dinner. The clean-up was just about finished when I placed my hand on her left shoulder and said, ‘Domino.’ She immediately relaxed and her head slumped to the left.

‘Can you hear me?’ I asked.

‘Yes,’ she mumbled softly.

‘Good. Now stretch your right hand out to the right and hold it there,’ I instructed. Her arm rose and stretched out to the right side of her body.

‘Fine,’ I said, placing my hand on her arm. ‘You can relax it now,’ and I pushed down. Her arm relaxed against the side of her body, and I was certain she was in the suggestive mode.

‘All right. In a few minutes I’m going to let you wake up,’ I told her. ‘I want you to remember that when I say the word ‘Domino’ and place my hand on your left shoulder, you’ll return to this state. Do you understand?’

‘Yes,’ she said softly. I decided to test the level of her suggestively.

‘After I wake you up, you will hear me say the word ‘extraordinary’. When I do, you will go to the bedroom, pull out the porn tape, load it into the video and start to play it.’ My wife has never been a fan of the porno tapes we bought a few years back. If she would do this, I knew her level of suggestion would be excellent and we’d be ready for other greater challenges.

‘When it starts playing, you are to come and get me and tell me you want to fuck,’ I continued. ‘You will say, ‘Come with me. I want to fuck.’ Do you understand?’

‘Yes,’ she mumbled.

‘Good. Now, I’m going to count backwards from ten. At five you will begin to wake up. By three you will feel fully refreshed. At the count of one, you will be fully awake. You will not remember these suggestions, but will carry them out.’ It’s a lot like programming a computer, I thought. You’ve got to tell them everything. I began counting.

‘Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, you’re beginning to wake up. Four, three. You feel fully refreshed, two, one. Fully awake.’ Then I kissed her on the cheek.

‘Well,’ I said. ‘That about does it.’ I handed her a paper towel to dry her hands. She thought I was talking about the clean up. ‘How do you feel?’ I asked.

‘Good,’ she said. ‘A little strange, but good.’

‘What do you mean strange?’ I asked.

‘I don’t know. It’s hard to describe.’

‘But, overall, you feel good?’ I asked.


‘Nothing extraordinary?’

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me. Then she walked out of the kitchen and headed toward the bedroom. In a minute or so she returned.

‘Come with me,’ she said. ‘I want to fuck.’

I followed her to the bedroom and found that, as programmed, the porn flick was running on the video.

She had three crashing orgasms before I came inside her, the video playing in the background all the while.

‘So,’ I asked her as we lay side by side afterwards, ‘What was that all about?’

‘I don’t know,’ she answered. ‘I just got this incredible urge to get laid? Did you like it?’

‘Why, of course,’ I answered. ‘You can come ask me to fuck any time you want.’

Three days later I put my hand on her should and said the magic word, ‘Domino.’ Karen slumped slightly and I knew she was in a suggestive mode.

In the spare room hung a picture of some sailboats. We normally kept the spare room door closed. The picture was visible from the doorway if it was open.’

‘Karen,’ I said, easily, ‘can you hear me?’

‘Yes,’ she mumbled.

‘I want you to walk with me to the spare bedroom. You can walk. But you will not awaken. Do you understand?’ I asked.

‘I understand.’

‘Come with me, then,’ I directed. We walked to the spare bedroom and I opened the door.

‘Do you see the picture with the sailboats?’ I asked her?

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘Good,’ I began. ‘Whenever you see that picture, you will get an overwhelming urge to get laid. Do you understand this instruction?’

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘All right,’ I commanded. ‘When you wake up, you won’t remember this instruction, but if you see the picture, the urge to get laid will arise in you. Now walk with me back to the living room and sit where you were sitting before.’

She walked back into the living room and sat on the sofa. I gently led her out of her trance state. She awoke and looked at me strangely.

‘I must have dozed off,’ she said.

‘Um hmmm,’ I agreed.

She stood up and went to the kitchen to load the dishwasher. Several minutes later she walked back toward our bedroom. She stopped at the open door of the spare room and looked at the picture. Then she turned and returned to the living room where I sat in my recliner.

‘Come with me,’ she said, urgently. ‘Come on. Now!’ Her manner was rushed and imperious. I arose from the recliner and began to follow her to the bedroom. As she walked she started stripping off her clothing. By the time we arrived in the bedroom she was naked. She turned and grabbed me. Her lips crushed against mine in a passionate kiss. Her tongue drove between my lips as she struggled with the buttons on my shirt.

‘What’s this?’ I asked, innocently as I was able.

‘I’ve got to get laid, baby. Do me now!’ she commanded.

I was pleased to comply.

After an energetic session of sex, I arose and closed the door to the spare room. It just wouldn’t do to have her bouncing out of bed and back into it ten minutes later. I doubted I could keep up with that pace.

Three days later, after judiciously manipulating that spare room door, we lay in bed following a particularly vigorous rendezvous, she lay on the bed looking at the ceiling.

‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me,’ she said.

‘Is there something wrong?’ I asked.

‘I’ve just never been so horny as I have the last few days,’ she confessed.

‘Do you hear me complaining?’

‘No, but it’s so unlike me,’ Karen said.

‘Well, whatever it is, I like it,’ I reassured her.

‘You don’t think I’m awful, wanting to get laid all the time?’ she asked.

‘I don’t think you’re awful. I told you, Karen. I’m not complaining.’

I knew I should have stopped there. I mean, just by controlling the opening and closing of the door, I had my wife on my sexual schedule. Most couples I know have differing schedule. The husband usually wants it more than the wife. Sometime it’s the other way round. Rarely do both have the same arousal pattern. I’d achieved that through the aid of the hypnosis and opening the spare bedroom door at the right time.

But, no. I couldn’t leave it there. I had to push it.

It was a Thursday night. We were sitting on the sofa. I’d finished reading the paper and Karen was watching QVC. I put my hand on her shoulder and said, ‘Domino.’ She looked at me a second, then closed her eyes and slumped.

I reinforced all the earlier suggestions, then launched into the next element of my plan.

‘Do you know Eric?’ I asked her. Eric was a buddy of mine from college. He was considere
d quite the stud. He was a lacrosse player, who had maintained his ruggedly blond good looks.

‘Yes,’ my wife answered softly.

‘Eric is a good looking fellow, isn’t he?’ I asked.

‘Yes,’ she murmured again.

‘The next time you see Eric, you will be overcome by and overwhelming need to have sex with him. Do you understand?’

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘You may look to me for confirmation, Karen. When I give you the thumbs up signal, you will approach Eric and tell him you want him,’ I instructed.

‘Yes,’ she mumbled.

‘You will not remember these instructions, but will carry them out,’ I ordered her. ‘Now, I’m going to begin counting backwards from ten. When I reach one, I will clap my hands. You will awake, refreshed, and you will not remember that you have been asleep. Ten, nine, eight… ‘

‘Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight?’ I asked Eric the next morning. ‘I’m going to stop at the grocery and pick up a rack of ribs. I’ll have Karen whip up a salad. We’ll eat, drink a few beers and have a couple of laughs. Besides, Karen is dying to see you.’

‘Yeah, right,’ Eric said with a sneer. ‘The last time Karen saw me her exact words were, ‘You’re an arrogant, egotistical shit, Eric.’ I’m sure she’s dying to see me.’

‘No, I’m serious. We were talking about you just last night,’ I reassured him. ‘I think you’ll be surprised at her response to you.’

Karen bitched a little when I arrived home at around 5:30 and told her Eric was coming.

‘I’m a mess,’ she said. ‘I haven’t even taken a shower, yet.’

‘You’ve got an hour and a half,’ I told her. ‘Go take your shower and I’ll start the grill. We can just have a salad with the ribs.’

She went off without any additional comment.

When Eric arrived a few minutes early, she met him at the door. I watched from the kitchen, just off the entry hall to see what would happen.

‘Eric!’ she said, in a delighted tone. ‘You don’t know how happy I am to see you.’ She tilted her face up to him and kissed him squarely on the lips. I knew my suggestion had taken hold of her when her hand slid behind his neck, pulling him to her in the middle of their kiss. When they broke, finally, Eric was astounded.

‘Karen,’ he said in amazement. ‘I’m really surprised at your warm welcome.’

‘Oh, don’t be so thin-skinned,’ she told him, her hand resting on his chest. ‘Let’s let by-gones be by-gones. We’ll start all over tonight, okay?’ she said, coyly.

‘Sure,’ Eric said. ‘We’ll start all over.’

‘Good,’ my wife told him. ‘Now, are you ready to try that kiss again?’ She pressed her body against him and kissed him passionately. This time, Eric responded.

‘You look good enough to eat,’ she told him when their lips parted. ‘You suppose Danny would let us forgo the ribs?’

Eric laughed uneasily. ‘Probably not,’ he said. He held out a bottle of wine he’d brought. ‘Look,’ he told her. ‘A peace offering.’

‘Oh, thank you,’ she said, wrapping her arm around his and leading him into the den. ‘You just have a seat here and I’ll get Danny to open it for us.’

When she came into the kitchen I was busy slicing tomatoes for the salad.

‘Eric’s here,’ she told me.

‘Good,’ I replied. ‘You sound strange,’ I added.

‘Mmmm,’ she murmured. ‘I’m feeling really sexy and turned on,’ she continued.

‘Are you,’ I answered, in more of a statement than a question. ‘Does is feel good?’

‘Mmm-hmmm,’ she affirmed. ‘He brought us some wine. You open it and I’ll get the glasses.’

I rinsed my hands, dried them, then dug in the grab-bag drawer for the corkscrew. I found it, tapped the wine bottle and popped the cork.

‘Should we let it breathe?’ I asked her.

‘It can breath in the glasses,’ she said. ‘Pour. I want some now.’

I poured. She drank half of her glass in two swallows.

‘Is it good?’ I asked.

‘It’s fine. Top me off. I’ll take the other one to Eric.’

I topped off her glass and filled a second for Eric. ‘Don’t I get any?’ I wanted to know.

‘One of us should probably stay sober. You’re tonight’s designated driver,’ she declared.

‘When will the ribs be done?’ she asked me.

‘About ten minutes. Then give me another five or so to slice ’em up.’

‘Okay. I’ll be in the den with Eric. Call me if you need me.’

She was hot to trot. There was no doubt. She left the kitchen and delivered Eric his wine. I watched through the half-open door as she instructed him to sit with her on the sofa. When Eric was settled, Karen knelt down on the cushions next to him, facing him. She placed her wine glass on the sofa table behind the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck.

‘Dinner won’t be ready for another twenty minutes or so,’ she told Eric. ‘That will give us time to get reacquainted.

‘You know, Eric,’ she continued, ‘I just hate that we’ve been so distant from one another for so long. You’re a good looking guy, you know.’

‘Well, thanks,’ my friend said. ‘I think you’re pretty terrific looking yourself.’

‘Then you won’t mind if we spend some quality time together, will you?’ she cooed.

‘Well, uh, no,’ Eric stammered. ‘I mean, that is, uh, what about Danny?’

‘Oh, he’s cooking,’ she told him.

‘No, I mean, you know,’ he stammered. ‘You don’t think he’ll mind?’

‘Oh, no. Why, we were just talking about you yesterday. He said I ought to get to know you better.’ She took his chin in her hand and pulled his face toward hers. ‘So, I thought we’d do a little exploring.’ She kissed him again. I could see from the door that she was tonguing his lips, pressing for access to his mouth. Eric didn’t offer much resistance.

Twenty minutes later when I carried the trays in with the ribs and salad, Karen had her hand under Eric’s shirt. She turned her head as I came in but didn’t remove her hand.

‘Did you know Eric played lacrosse, Danny?’ she asked me.

‘I did,’ I answered.

‘He’s very strong. His chest is nicely developed. But, his skin is smooth,’ Karen said.

‘Really?’ I responded. ‘That’s nice.’

‘He’s going to take his shirt off later and show me his pecs,’ she said, caressing them under his shirt. ‘You don’t mind, do you, Danny?’

‘Not at all,’ I answered, ‘if that’s what you want.’

‘I do,’ she told me. ‘I want to see them and touch them.’

‘Uh, say, old buddy,’ Eric said. ‘Maybe I need to refill my wine glass. You want to point me to the bottle?’

‘Here,’ I told him. ‘Just give me your glass. Don’t bother yourself.’

‘No,’ he said, breaking loose from Karen’s grasp and standing up. ‘I’ve got to use the john, anyway.’

‘Down the hall. First door to your left,’ Karen directed. ‘If you need any help, just holler.’

Eric smiled lamely and walked awkwardly toward the bathroom.

‘I do believe you’ve given him a boner,’ I told Karen.

‘You think so? God, I’m so horny,’ she said. ‘You’re not going to be mad at me, are you?’

‘Of course I’m not going to be mad at you, Karen. I love you, remember?’

When Eric came out of the bathroom he made a bee-line for the kitchen.

‘Look, buddy,’ he started, ‘I don’t know what’s with Karen, but she’s been all over me like a sheet.’

‘Is that a bad thing?’ I asked.

‘You mean you don’t mind that your wife is throwing herself at me?’ he sounded amazed.

‘It’s all part of the plan, my friend. You relax and have a good time,’ I told him. ‘Just let her take the lead. And, whatever happens, happens. You know what I mean?’

‘If you say so. Just remember,’ he said, ‘this wasn’t my idea.’

‘I know, good buddy,’ I smiled. ‘It was mine.’

‘You’re a sick fucker, you know that?’ he jibed at me.

‘Yeah, I know. Ain’t it neat?’ I answered. ‘Come on. Let’s go dig into those ribs an
d get nasty.’

Eric refilled his wine glass and followed me out to the den.

The trays with the remains of our dinner were scattered on the coffee table. Karen had made a big deal out of licking the barbecue sauce off of Eric’s face. She had curled up beside him again, kneeling on the cushions. Her right hand played with his short blond hair, while her left rested easily on his thigh.

‘Well,’ I said, rising from my chair. ‘Let me clear these things away. Then we can watch a movie or something.’

‘I vote for ‘or something’,’ Karen said.

‘All right,’ I agreed. ‘Just let me get these trays out of here. I’ll be right back.’

I picked up the three trays and carried them to the kitchen. I swiped the remains into the compactor and loaded the three plates and silverware into the dishwasher. I rinsed my hands, dried them, stacked the trays and returned to the den.

As I sat back down in the easy chair I heard Karen say, ‘Don’t be such a chicken, Eric. I really want to.’

‘What do you want to,’ I asked her.

‘I want him to take his shirt off so I can see his pecs,’ she said.

‘Karen,’ Eric protested.

‘Oh, come on, Eric,’ she said. ‘Here, look.’ She grabbed the lower end of her midi-tank and pulled upward. ‘I’ll take mine off if you’ll take yours off.’ She swept the shirt over her head and tossed her brown hair. Her full breasts were in view of my buddy.

‘Damn, Karen!’ Eric said.

‘Look,’ she urged him. ‘Danny doesn’t mind, do you, Danny?’

‘Nope,’ I said, noticing the stirring in my own pants.

‘Come on, Eric,’ Karen said. ‘Take off your shirt.’

Eric unbuttoned the two buttons on his green golf shirt, then tugged it over his head.

‘Ooooo!’ Karen exclaimed. She put both hands on his chest and began to move them around. ‘Oh, that feels so good!’ she said. Then she leaned over and sucked one of his nipples into her mouth and nibbled at it.

‘Ow!’ Eric said. ‘Gently, baby. There’s meat attached to that!’

Karen tongued and sucked at Eric’s nipple for a couple of minutes. Then she straightened up and looked him in the eyes.

‘Your turn,’ she said. She took her left breast in her hand and held it up to him. Eric, to his credit, did not hesitate a second. He was down on that breast in a trice. Karen began humming a little tune, that shifted into a tiny moan, which grew into a stronger groan.

‘Oh, Eric,’ she cried. ‘You’re making me cum!’ With that, she tugged his right hand away from her breast and forced it between her legs.

‘Rub me there,’ she ordered, her hips starting to hump against his hand. Her own hand covered his as she pressed it into the crease between her legs, dry humping him through her shorts.

‘Oh, gawd!’ she wailed, humping faster and faster on his hand while he tongued and nibbled at her breast with greater speed and intensity.

As her orgasm subsided, she released his hand and wrapped her arms around his head. ‘Gently, now,’ she directed. ‘It’s very, very sensitive.’

By this time my own member was throbbing and hard as a rock.

‘Hey, Karen,’ I called softly from my chair. ‘Is Eric’s dick as hard as mine is?’

She released his head and placed her hand on this trousers. ‘I think so,’ she said. ‘I can feel a long, hard tube here under his pants.’

‘And what about you, sweetheart? Are you wet?’ I asked.

‘Oh, yes. I’m sopping.’

‘Do you think Eric would like to feel how wet you are?’ I suggested.

She looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. Then she stood up and slid her shorts down her thighs.

Eric gasped.

Karen grabbed his hand and placed it between her legs. ‘Feel that?’ she said.

‘You are so wet,’ Eric exclaimed.

‘And bare, too,’ Karen said. ‘I shaved it just for you.’

I was stunned. In our five years together Karen had never shaved her pussy for me. But she had for Eric.

She climbed back on the sofa, her hand keeping Eric’s hand clasped to her bald pussy. ‘Would you like to suck me there, Eric? I’d really like you to suck me there.’

Eric twisted around in his seat and eased her backwards. Her knees went into the air and spread wide for him. I watched transfixed as my blond-headed friend dove between my wife’s thighs. As soon as his tongue made contact with Karen’s bald pussy she began to whimper.

‘Oh, yes,’ she said. ‘That feels so good. Wiggle it into my hole. Oh, yes. Now lick it all up and down,’ she commanded. I was stunned. Karen was never vocal in our love-making.

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Undertable intrigued me from the very moment I heard the name, which calls to mind sexy secrets passed beneath the dinner settings, unbeknownst to the rest of the diners. After taking a look at the site, I realized I wasn’t too far off. There’s a whole world of low-key liaisons going on right beneath our noses—or right beneath the table, as suggested by the title. If you’re looking to get into it, perhaps this site will be the key you’ve been looking for.If you haven’t figured out what I’m...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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Feeling my mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is josh, im a straight A's student. Im a senior at saint nicholas high. Im your average teenager, i come from a loving family, i live with both parents, i have everything i could ever want.... well almost everything. When I was younger i walked in on my mother (jenny) changing in her bedroom. I'll never forget the site, she was standing in front of her bed in her tight white jeans, her blue sweater over her head, her white bra holding her big...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 42

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 42 Joanne decided to continue using her bus pass when ever possible, leaving her new car outside the house. "Are you ever going to use it?" asked Paula. "Yes, I will," replied Joanne. "My bus pass expires next month. But with the price of petrol too, I'll be using it sparingly." The matter ended there. Joanne finished college in July for the summer. She had some exams of her own to think about, which included creating several hairstyles. Her own...

3 years ago
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Safe period ka maja

Aaj mai jo kahani aap ke sath share karne ja raha hoon wo kahani aaj se 2 sal purani hai. Jab mai 12th me padhta tha, us samay mujhe sex karne ka bahut man karta tha, par mere aas pas koi aisi aurat nahi mili jise mai chod saku.Aap soch rahe honge ki maine aurat ke bare me kyo lokha kyoki mai shuru se hi aurat ke sath hi sex karne ka sochta rahta tha.kyonki aurat ko chonde se phasne ka chance bahut hi kam hota hai agar wo pregnant bhi ho gayi to log samajhege ki bachcha uske pati ka hai. Aur...

2 years ago
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Vanished Ch 07

I had no idea how long I slept but I awoke with a terrible pressure, you know where. I blinked hoping the pressure was just a passing thing. No it was still there. It was getting worse and worse, I could not keep still and I fought to keep quiet. I didn’t want them, the men, to know how badly it hurt. No, it didn’t hurt in the normal way, the pressure was making my clit swell and that was making me wet. I closed my eyes in pain and willed myself not to feel the pleasure that the pain caused. It...

3 years ago
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My first real cocks

I was always attracted to men and cocks from an early age I loved pussy and women but also loved cocks and would always look at men when in gym class and showering. I never had a large cock very average maybe 5-6” when hard and remember looking at some of the big cocks I gym shower and wondering what it would feel like sucking or having it deep in my ass. After I got married all of that kind of disappeared and I was into pussy big time because my wife was good in bed at least for the first few...

2 years ago
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Wifes First Threesome

One night, my wife asked me what my wildest sexual fantasy was. I often fantasized about what it would be like to share my wife with another guy or watch, while a well hung stud and another woman pleasure my wife. I wasn’t sure how she would react but I told her anyway. Initially, she seemed surprised and shocked, but she asked me to describe the details of my fantasy. As I elaborated, Linda grabbed my hand and put it between her legs. Her drenched pussy was clear evidence that she was as...

1 year ago
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Our Hotwives! If you’re looking for a completely new form of adult entertainment, then you hit a goldmine today, my friend. As you all know, I like exploring all kinds of niches and fetishes when it comes to porn, even if they come in the form of a porn forum with not that much content on it. Today I’m looking at one such site that just has a bunch of porn forums on it and they have to do with the hotwife and cuckolding sex lifestyles, and if you have never heard of those before, then you’re...

Interracial Porn Sites
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No Hands

No Hands! They play a game where he is in charge, but there are not losers. The rules are simple. No hands. You sit quietly in the chair and cannot touch my cock or balls with your hands. I will do all the work. You can touch yourself all you want, but not my cock or balls. You can touch my ass or my legs or my chest or my nipples, just not my cock or balls. Oh yeah, and no talking. OK? Good! Let’s get started. I like the office chair because the height is adjustable. We can lower it all the...

1 year ago
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Private Angelique Lapiedra Glory Hole Massage

Angelique Lapiedra joins us for the third instalment of our A Private Massage With series, and this stunning brunette has a very special massage in store for her lucky client, Jimmy Bud! Armed with her perfect body and beautiful tattoos, Angelique gets straight to work under the table with a sloppy blowjob through the gloryhole, but that’s only the beginning for this horny babe as she goes on to mount her client and treat him to a wet and slippery fuck that has her shaking with pleasure until a...

3 years ago
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Today it's our male part who's writing. But of course nothing will be published without agreement from the both of us. Please keep in mind that English is not our mother's tongue - errors may occur. We realized that fiction, or better to say, fantasy is more preferred over here, and that our sharing of things we experienced in real are less liked, so this might be the last of our writings. Anyway, let's pencil down what happened three weeks ago: We always love dirty talk when having sexual fun...

2 years ago
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Miss Pink Part 2 Induction Night

ONE I'd been at home a while. It was a few days later and I'd just finished a display change with Abbie. We got along great and made easy work of it. Out for about half six and home for seven. After a nice, relaxing bubble bath, the scented berry aroma lulling me for a good half an hour, I dressed in a sexy little thong and bra, pleated skirt and soft, patterned blouse. Just a hint of make-up. A nice day look, even though it was night-time. I pulled my shoulder length hair back and...

4 years ago
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Demonic Outbreak

Jackie awoke to a wet, squelching noise. As she looked up, she saw her best friend Miranda riding on top of monstrous behemoth. The elfin brunette's eyes were wide with a mixture of terror and ecstasy. Her short brown hair bobbed up and down as the thick, brick-colored girth plunged into her pussy. Looking in the other direction, Jackie let loose a terrified scream. Her boyfriend Jasper was caught in the arms of a woman with skin as pale as death. The woman was biting in the young man's throat,...

3 years ago
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It Takes Two

“That should do it,” I thought, pausing to read through the particularly vile message I was about to send to my fuck buddy, telling her exactly what I planned to do to her the next time we RV’d. I knew she’d be shocked, possibly even angry for a day or two. The thought of Claire being angry made me smile; she was a great fuck when she was passionate.I sent my ‘suggestion’. The suggestion would make Claire angry but that anger would give way to curiosity… and then there’d be a tremor of...

1 year ago
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Cumming of Age

Note : This story is completely fictional! My father had passed away when I was only a young man, but my mother raised me well. We'd been through some hard times together, but had always come out ahead. On the occasion of my nineteenth birthday, I arrived home from the local college, where I was attending classes, and found my mother drinking tequila and tanning, naked in our back yard. I had always found her to be very sexy. Most of my other male friends said she was "Hot", too. I stared at...

1 year ago
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Maa ki aankh

Hi,main bahut dino se tum randiyon aur bhadvon ki stories padh raha hoon.Kuch achhi lagi par 90% bakwaas thi.Aaj main jo kahaani sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek comedy story hai.Mujhe aasha he aap sab khubh hasenge. August ka mahina tha.Lalu ke school ki pehli exam khatam hui thi.Lalu ghar aaya aur bell bajai.Par darwaza kisine nahi khola.Lalu ke pita mar gaye the.Wo apni maa ke saath rahta tha.Bahut der tak darwaza na khulne par lalu sochne lag gaya,”are ye meri bhosdiki maa mar to nahi gayi...

3 years ago
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the worlds luckiest gigolo PADF PF PF

 Importance of Great PF Music PF flow PF vibes PFinc as I am in absolute harmonic PF musical bliss PF listening to Surf Shack radio inc Chris Rea "Looking for the Summer" Reversegangbangs PADF PF.. Yeah obviously gals love PF great PF musicians and even just brahs who appreciate and flow well avec / thus correlate to fun times inc partying and meditating avec harmonious tunes The Importance of Timing Ode to ["Jeannette"] arguably the most mindblowing gorgeous woman who I have ever managed to...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 9 Nancy Lee Julie

Wednesday, May 19, 1971 My breakfast arrived a few minutes later, delivered by another first time Nurse's Assistant named Nancy Lee Pirkle. She came in the door talking, and never stopped. She said she was sixteen, and graduating ninth grade. She was a year older than most of the other kids because she missed most of fourth grade due to mono and had to repeat it. Her mom and dad, Rita & Cale Pirkle, ran Pirkle's IGA in town. She had two older brothers seventeen and twenty-one, and an...

2 years ago
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Sunday Spin

With a basket full of my dirty clothes, I struggled into the local Laundromat. It was three years since I had routinely been to the Laundromat, but after splitting with my boyfriend it became a Sunday tradition. No Sunday roast with my parents, instead I spent the nicest part of the day sitting on a hard little wooden bench. You see, Peter got the washing machine in the split, and I hadn't got around to replacing it. As much as I hated to admit it, I still needed to feel hard done by;...

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Big Saggy Tits

Hey, I love my wife’s huge hooters. Sure they sag but they also swing wonderfully when she fucks. After four kids who nursed for a year each, what do you expect? We are in our mid-thirties. I think she’s sexy as hell but she doesn’t share that image of herself. Kind of an early mid-life crisis thing maybe. I got tired of her avoiding even being naked with me, let alone wanting sex. No matter how much I praise her lovely body she won’t believe me. I’d get, “Oh you just say that because I’m your...

2 years ago
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I LOVE PANTIES!I have been in love with women’s lingerie since I was a young teen going through puberty. The first time I had any encounter with panties was with an cousin two years older who was a very perverted boy. He was the one who showed me how to masturbate, and he loved to suck my dick whenever he got a chance. I remember once him calling me over and showing me a Sears Catalog. He had it opened to the lingerie section. He encouraged me to kiss each picture of a woman in panties. I...

1 year ago
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FosterTapes Bianca Burke Alexis Tae Foster Daughter Participates In Inappropriate Activity

Three years ago, the Agency connected Alexis Tae with seemingly ideal foster mother Bianca Burke and her husband. However, three years later, Alexis reveals that the activities her foster mother and foster father ask her to partake in are inappropriate. While it started off with board games and family bonding, soon she was being asked to rest in bed with them and even participate in physical affairs. When Alexis finally decides to leave, her foster parents convince her to stay with another...

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TangentChapter 28a Once More Unto the Breach

Judy stood next to Tuck, watching the ranks of soldiers toiling along the road that led up the ridge. After weeks of this she knew how much it would take out of the soldiers to reach the top of the ridge. She grinned to herself and then turned to Tuck. "What's it like to fight in the plains?" "It's not any fun. It's easier to make a mistake. They can come at you six ways from Sunday. It's harder to conduct an ambush, unless you're in broken country; that is, with some hills and the...

3 years ago
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MotherInLaw 3

When I got downstairs Sarah had done us both a ploughman's lunch and had poured me a beer. She was in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine when I entered the living room. I sat down and took a sip of beer."I hope this is OK." she said coming in from the kitchen, "It's quick and easy.""It's great, thanks!" I replied picking up my plate of food, "And the beer's a nice touch, just like I would have had after fixing your tap while watching the footy." I said smiling at her."Well I'm on my...

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My Wet Nurses

I can't believe how stupidly I acted.... I just needed to run to the store to pick up a couple things. It's less than a block down the road so I didn't fasten my seatbelt. I can still see the image of the car behind me coming towards me way too fast, I know they'll never stop in time. I grip the steering wheel and prepare for the impact. Now I'm sitting at home with two broken arms, casted from the shoulder down. The doctors in the emergency room said that the worst thing I could have done was...

Straight Sex
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Preteen Life

Introduction: This is a story of one of many events in my preteen life. I plan on writing more of not only my preteen but teenage life as well. Hope you enjoy. I had just gotten out of the shower and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and twirled around. The towel wrapped around my body dropped to the floor and I admired myself in the mirror. I had never really taken notice of my body until I started puberty a few months before. I was 12 years old and loved the...

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Sex With A Sexy Bhabhi

Hey it’s kk again, back with another sex story for the pleasure of all my readers. I thank you all for the feedbacks. My email id is For the those who are reading my story for the first time, I am kk, 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches, fair, athletic and adventure loving guy. I always try to keep my life simple, but full of excitement and fun. I would be moving on to kochi, kerala for work purpose and would be staying there for a long time. Ok so, let’s jump in to the sex story. This happened when I...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Sicilia Agradecido Por La Chocha

Sicilia might be the greatest girlfriend of all time. She saw her man upset about not being able to celebrate thanksgiving, so she tried her best to make it happen for him! She wasn’t the most keen to american customs so she looked to the internet for help. First she cooked a chicken, which was incorrect. It was supposed to be a turkey. That’s strike one. Then came dessert. She accidentally got a lemon pie instead of pumpkin pie. That’s strike two, but she wasn’t giving up. Finally she tried to...

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Sluts cumfilled New Year

New Year’s Eve 2018, just slut and me no party to go to. I decided to treat slut tonight as I intended to continue in the upcoming year. I had after all been unusually kind to her over Xmas when I we were just girlfriends. I booked a table for 9pm at a restaurant in the town for a pre-midnight meal. I selected a simple black button-through dress, hold-up stockings and heels for slut to wear in the restaurant. After finishing our meal, I sent slut to the Ladies Room to remove her dress. She...

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I stared at her a moment, trying to figure out if I heard her correctly. Finally, getting no response, she repeated the question. "Why don't you dress up anymore? When we first moved in together, and you told me you were a cross-dresser, you often wore your feminine clothes. Now, you don't seem to ever do it." I had heard her correctly, but it had come out of the blue so suddenly, it stunned me momentarily. She was smiling, not like she was trying to start an argument, so I answered...

3 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 1

Two figures wing their way across the nighttime sky unseen by those who live and work below. "Quiet night tonight," said Angela to Broadway, who was gliding close to her. "Yea, we'll get a brake and get some time to spend by ourselves tonight." He reached out and took her hand. Angela smiled at the thought, and was about to voice similar feelings when... "Help! Someone please help me!" Both of them turned sharply at the sound of someone in need. "I guess we'll have to pick up...

4 years ago
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I'd had suspicions for a while that my wife had a lover that she was seeing when I wasn't around.Our sex life was still great, but a couple of times when I'd slid my cock inside her cunt, which looked really swollen, after she'd been out clubbing with her friends, she felt much creamier than usual, and when I pulled out my cock was covered in a thick creamy film that looked very much like cum. She denied anything was going on, and just said she'd been playing with herself on her way home.Then,...

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Hero the EscapeChapter 8 Brank And more stupidity

Those weeks, I took care of the cooking and food gathering for my new students. Though, I did take a different apprentice with me each day when I gathered or hunted food giving lessons on the local plants, which were edible, which to avoid and which had medicinal attributes. The six of us also constructed a small wooden dwelling with the material that I acquired from the forest. I did most of the work, preferring the girls to get in the habit of practicing my unorthodox training. That and...

3 years ago
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Closer to my daughter part 1

With that I roll on top of her stroke my throbbing cock a few times and then rub my cock head on her pussy lips getting it wet, I slowly push my cock head in, and as I do her back arches with her mouth making a capital “O”, I stop…slowly...

2 years ago
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Esther Stone part 2

When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...

4 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 8

“I’m home...anybody here?” The voice from downstairs startled her awake.  She didn’t remember drifting off, but she must have.  And Peter must have as well, because his eyes were wide with dismay when hers snapped open in the twilit room.  “Oh god, it’s my Dad,” she whispered.   She jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom door. She opened it, leaned her head out, and called,  “Hi Dad!  I’ll be right down!” She closed the door and hurried back to where Peter still lay on the bed, still...

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First Sex Experience With My Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

Hey this is Milan again this one is my 2nd story 1st one is hw I fucked my mami in my mama’s home (MAMA K GHAR MAMI KO CHODA). Guys that one is my 1st story n I want more cmnts is it gud or bad or how can I make it more sexy… I hope this story will be succeed to make ur dicks and pussies cry. Before starting the story let me introduce myself again… I m Milan Kumar from Bhubaneswar, odisha. I m doing b.tech n 21 years old with athletic physics and a drilling machine of 7″ with width of 2.5″.. I...

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Inheritance Envelope 5

Envelope 5 "Animal Mask and Paws." Great, this couldn't be good. A dark brown hood of some sort was pulled over my head. There was thick glass of some sort built into the eye holes and i could feel the leathery mask bulged out away from my mouth to form some type of snout. Firm rubbery flaps protruded from the snout into my mouth just past my lips and almost to my teeth. Plugs also went into my ears. I could feel the mask tighten around my head as the back was sealed close with the...

1 year ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 5

Karol and I got to the theatre a little early, to look over Act 2 — Scene 1, affectionately being called the Confrontation Scene. We were glancing over it when Phyllis showed up and came over to us to say hello. We talked a little about what we had worked on at the house. Phyllis was anxious to show George how we 'improved' Act 1 — Scene 1, but I told her how much George was being supportive of what Karol and I had been doing. That calmed her down a little. A honk told us that George had...

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