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Passion In James County XI
By D.C. Roi
Chapter eleven
Abby sat in her living room, staring at the TV, wishing she knew some way to make things different in her life. Her husband and Carol Burke, his scrub nurse, who she now knew he was having an affair with, were attending a week-long convention in Las Vegas.
Now that she had confirmed that Lee was having an affair, Abby knew in her heart of hearts that her marriage was over. Just the same, that knowledge didn’t keep her from hoping for a miracle, something that would make things all better.
She sighed softly, then got up from the sofa. She had to find something to do to keep her busy. Maybe doing some cleaning would help. As she walked toward the laundry room, Abby thought she heard a car pulling into the driveway.
Bill Coughlin shut off his car, got out, and started for the Marklin house. An erection was already growing in his slacks as he walked quickly toward the house. He was more convinced than ever that Abby wanted to sleep him as much as he wanted to sleep with her, so he’d taken the day off and driven to Abby’s home, positive she’d be glad to see him.
Abby’s spirits fell when she looked out the window and saw Bill Couglin’s car sitting in her driveway and Bill, his eyes hot, walking up onto her back porch. ‘Oh, God! No!!!’ she thought. ‘Why did Bill have to come here today?’
She went to the door, planning to tell Bill he had to leave.
‘Hi, Abby,’ Bill said when she opened the door. ‘Boy, do you ever look hot today. I bet you’re glad to see me, aren’t you honey?’
‘Bill…’ Abby said. ‘I’m busy. You…you have to leave. I…I don’t want you here.’
Bill smiled. ‘I know better than that, Abby, and so do you,’ he replied, ‘I know Lee’s off in Las Vegas with Carol. I heard him talking about it at the party the other night. That’s why I’m here. I knew you wanted to see me again after the other night.’
‘What?’ Abby said. She stood there, stunned. Bill walked by her, into the kitchen, took off his jacket and hung it on the back of one of the kitchen chairs.
‘Noooo!!!’ Abby murmured. ‘You can’t stay, Bill. You really can’t. You have to leave. I…I want you to leave. Right now.’
Bill, a smug grin on his face, walked over to her. ‘Come on, Abby, you don’t really mean that,’ he said and pushed the door closed. ‘We both know you don’t. You don’t need to put on a show for me. I know how much you liked what happened the last time was here, and you liked what happened at the party just as much, didn’t you?’
‘Bill, please,’ Abby said, ‘If you don’t leave, I’ll…’
‘You’ll what?’ Bill snapped. ‘Come on, let’s cut out the silly play-acting.’ He yanked her into his arms and mashed his lips against hers.
Abby struggled against Bill, but her strength was no match for his, and she quickly realized she couldn’t get away from him. But at least this time, it didn’t look as if her body was going to respond to what he was doing to her. When his tongue pushed between her lips and touched hers, she felt revulsion instead of arousal.
‘See?’ Bill said, lifting his mouth from hers. ‘You want me as badly as I want you, don’t you, Abby?’
‘Noooo!!!’ Abby responded. Her protest was weak and she felt her strength ebbing. She didn’t want to give in to Bill again, but she wasn’t sure what he’d do if she tried to resist or call for help.
Bill grabbed her ass, pressed his crotch against her, and began rotating his hips.
Abby felt Bill’s swollen cock pressing against her. ‘I can’t let him keep this up! I just can’t! What is the matter with him?’ she thought. ‘I…I thought we were friends. Now he’s…he’s going to…to…to rape me!’
‘Let’s go, sweetheart,’ Bill said. He put his arm around her waist and lead Abby toward the master bedroom. ‘You know, Abby, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the party.’ He wrapped his hand around one of her breasts and squeezed it.
Abby , shaking, her legs rubbery, went with Bill to her bedroom.
The minute they were in the room, Bill dragged the sweatshirt Abby was wearing over her head and threw it on the floor. ‘Damn!’ he said, ‘Damn, Abby, you really do have a gorgeous body!’
He opened the waist of her jeans, then pushed them down over her lean, nicely shaped hips. Abby, trying to cover herself, tried desperately to figure out some way to get Bill to stop, but she couldn’t.
Bill, muttering, fumbled with her bra clasps then, in frustration, he ripped the garment off. ‘There,’ he said. ‘That’s better.’ His hands moved onto Abby’s bared breasts.
Even though she didn’t want them to, Bill’s caresses continued. She loathed what was happening, but she knew she couldn’t stop it. Bill acted as if he was out of control, almost maddened, not at all like the man she thought she knew.
‘I know you want me as badly as I want you, Abby,’ Bill said, his voice hoarse with lust. ‘Come on, sweetheart, let’s get on the bed.’
Holding Abby by her breasts, Bill pushed her to the bed and down on it. Then she felt his clothes rubbing her bare skin when he lay on top of her. She couldn’t believe he wasn’t going to take his clothes off.
Bill kissed Abby, then reached between, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his swollen cock. He fumbled with her panties, tugged the panel over her vagina aside, and drove his swollen cock into her.
The invasion of Bill’s cock was so powerful it forced the breath from Abby. There wasn’t anything at all pleasurable in what was happening. All she felt was victimized and degraded. And his sudden entry into her dry opening was painful, too.
Then Bill began to move. Abby felt the friction of his clothing against her bare skin, and that made the degrading experience even more humiliating for her.
‘Oh, yeah!! Oh, yeah!!!’ Bill groaned as he lunged into her.
Abby felt pain as Bill thrust into her and his body crashed down on hers. But, fearing what he’d do, and that he’d misinterpret moans of pain as moans of joy, she bit her lip to keep from making a sound.
It wasn’t long before his hot cream was spewing into her.
After he came, Bill stopped moving, his weight lifted from her, and the bed rose as he stood up. Abby hoping that, now that he had gotten what he wanted, Bill would leave, looked up. What she saw when she did was Bill taking his clothes off! Her heart grew heavy. He wasn’t going to leave.
Bill saw the look of disappointment on Abby’s face and misinterpreted it. ‘Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not leaving yet,’ he said. He laid back down on the bed next to Abby. ‘I plan to make today a day we’ll always remember.’
Ellen Coughlin was on her way to a friend’s house for a bridge game. As she passed the Marklin residence, she saw a car sitting in the driveway and thought it looked like her husband’s, car. ‘That looked like Bill’s car at Marklin’s house,’ she mused. ‘I…I thought he was at work.’
She turned around, drove back by the house and realized that it was her husband’s car. She remembered Bill said he overheard Lee saying he was going to Las Vegas this week. ‘That…that means Abby…she’s…she’s home alone…and Bill…he…’
Ellen veered to the side of the road, braked to a stop, and sat there, her heart pounding, her mind whirling. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
Abby jumped when Bill knelt on the bed and ripped her panties off.
‘There,’ he said. ‘I like it a lot better when you’re completely naked. You want to give me a little head?’ He was totally out of control and believed that Abby would willingly do whatever he told her to because she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. He had no idea how terrified she was and that she was only giving in to him because she felt she had no choice.
‘No…I…I can’t…I can’t do that…’ Abby whimpered. She tried to pull away from him, to get out of bed.
‘Dammit, Abby!’
Bill growled. He grabbed her arm and pulled back down onto the bed with him. He pushed her head toward his groin and his cock smacked against her lips. ‘Come on, sweetheart, suck on it a while,’ he grumbled, ‘then we’ll make love some more.’
Bill moved his hips, pushing his cock against Abby’s face. She felt his coarse pubic hair rubbing her chin, and shuddered. How had she let things get this out of hand? What had happened to Bill? Why was the gentle man she thought she knew acting like this?
‘Come on, Abby, suck it, godammit!’ Bill grunted. He grabbed Abby’s hair and forced her face against his erection.
Ellen Coughlin, her emotions in a jumble, got out of her car and, on wobbly legs, walked down the Marklin’s driveway, past her husband’s car. What was he doing here? She glanced at the house and, quite by accident, her eyes fell on the window of the master bedroom. What she saw almost made her vomit. It was Bill, her husband, and he was naked! She saw the lustful look in his eyes, then he disappeared from view. ‘Oh, God!’ Ellen thought. ‘He…he’s having an affair with Abby! I…I thought she was my friend!’
Abby licked Bill’s swollen shaft and tasted their combined juices. She felt him shudder and heard his soft moan of delight.
‘That’s it!’ Bill groaned,’ Oh, God, Abby! Does that ever feel good!’ He’d always liked having his cock sucked, and his wife hardly ever did it for him.
Abby, figuring that if she did what Bill wanted, he’d leave, took his organ in her mouth and began to lick and suck it. As she did, she felt it swell and grow.
Bill, exhilarated by the feelings Abby’s mouth was giving him, was sorely tempted to come in her mouth, but decided not to. As his orgasm drew near, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, then rolled onto his back on the bed. ‘Come on, Abby, go on top!’ he croaked, ‘Ride my cock! Fuck me!’
Abby positioned her hips over Bill’s, guided his shaft to her opening, then she lowered herself on him, hating the fact that he was using her this way.
‘Oh, yeah!’ Bill groaned. He grabbed her breasts and pinched the nipples between his thumbs and fingers. His hips rose, driving his cock up into her.
Abby Bill’s bucking body, and as she did, she once felt his fingers working on her breasts and nipples painfully. ‘Maybe,’ she thought, ‘this is my payback for the things I’ve done the last few months. Maybe I deserve this.’
‘Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Bill roared as his hot juices coursed into Abby’s body. ‘Damn! You are incredible!!!’
Spent, Abby fell sideways, off Bill, onto the bed next to him. She felt used, betrayed, and cheap.
Bill patted her on one firm buttock. ‘God, Abby, you’re the best!’ he exclaimed.
Tears flooded down Ellen Coughlin’s cheeks as she stood in the Marklin driveway, leaning against her husband’s car, imagining what was going on in the upstairs bedroom. She couldn’t believe this! She thought she and Bill had a good marriage, that he was faithful to her.
She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she go into the house and confront her husband and Abby with what she knew? She didn’t think she had the strength. Slowly, tears flowing down her cheeks, she started for where she’d left her car.
‘After we rest up a little, my dear,’ Bill said, ‘I’ll show you a few more things I’m sure you’ll like.’
Abby put her hand to her mouth and continued to sob silently. Would this never end?
Ellen Coughlin sat in her car and sobbed. Then her sobbing ended, and a cold, angry look formed on her face. ‘It has to be Abby’s fault,’ she thought, her anger expanding. ‘She found out that Lee was unfaithful and she lured Bill over here and seduced him.’
‘Isn’t he ever going to stop?’ Abby wondered. Bill was on his knees behind her, hammering his cock into her once again, fucking her doggy-style.
Bill looked down at Abby and smiled. He increased the force of his thrusts, drawing a moan from Abby.
‘Aren’t you glad I came over, now Abby?’ he asked, ‘You really like this, don’t you?’ He kept poking his cock into the woman’s warm cavern until he felt his spend boiling up inside him. ‘Yeah, Abby!! Oh, yeah!!! Here it comes!!!! Here it comes!!!’ he groaned. His hips moving wildly, Bill exploded into Abby.
His lust finally slaked, Bill pulled out his cock out of Abby, patted her on the bottom, then he got off the bed and started to pull his clothes on. ‘I’m sorry, Abby, but I have to get going,’ he said. ‘It’s late and Ellen will be expecting me for dinner. We sure don’t want her getting suspicious, do we?’
‘I don’t believe it!’ Abby thought. ‘He’s gone mad! He actually sounds as if he thinks I enjoyed what he did to me today! God! I had no idea he was like this.’
Bill started for the bedroom door, then he stopped, turned, and smiled at Abby. ‘What we did today was really terrific, sweetheart. Maybe, I’ll take some time off tomorrow afternoon and stop by again.’
‘Oh, No! I can’t let that happen!’ Abby thought. ‘I can’t ever allow anything like this to happen again. It…it isn’t fair to Ellen. I’ve already hurt her far too much!’ But she wasn’t exactly sure what could she do to stop him. She lay on her bed listening to Bill’s footsteps going down the hallway. Then there was the sound of the kitchen door closing. Next she heard his car start.
When she was sure Bill was gone, Abby got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Bill had been a very vigorous and demanding sex partner and Abby was physically exhausted. Coupled with the emotional strain she was under, Abby was totally drained. Blended juices of sex oozed from her and trickled down her legs as she stood in the bathroom, crying.
Ellen Coughlin sat in her car on a side street, watching the Marklin home. She saw her husband come out of the house and get in his car. Then he drove off.
Ellen’s face became a mask of anger. ‘I don’t believe it!’ she thought, her anger boiling. ‘Abby was supposed to be my friend but she’s not! She’s a home-wrecker, trying to steal my husband! I’ll get her! I’ll fix her for what she’s done to me! And I’ll fix Bill, too. Even though Abby seduced him, he should have known better!’
Abby stood in the shower, hot water pelting down on her, trying vainly to figure out some way out of the situation she was in. She couldn’t think of anyone she could talk with. Most of the friends she had were friends of her husband, too, and had been his friend before they became her friend. And if Lee found out what she’d been doing, he’d divorce her and leave her with nothing.
She got out of the shower, dried herself off, slipped on a bathrobe, and walked back to her bedroom. Bill said he’d come by again tomorrow and Abby knew what would happen if he did. She didn’t want that. Maybe, if she wasn’t home when Bill got there… Then she thought about the cabin in the mountains.
‘Maybe if…if I go up to the cabin, Bill won’t be able to find me. And I’ll be alone, so I’ll have a chance to think,’ she mused. Smiling, she headed for the closet and began to pack.
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Let's get a few things out of the way first. I am 27 years old and have problems with women. I am skinny and tall which is not that bad. The problem is that I have a weird shaped dick. When not hard it looks normal. It gets to 10.5 inches long when hard though which is not the weird part. The first 4 inches are about as big around as my thumb. It then widens out so at the base it is as big around as a beer can. One girl laughing at me said it looked like a long pear.Not many girls have seen me...
The light cruiser slid placidly through the calm sea of the Bay of Biscay. Far off, the crew could see the slash of grey that marked the Spanish coast. The command bridge was cluttered with officers. Admiral Gorshin preferred the relative seclusion and fresh air of the upper bridge. "What do you think, Admiral?" Rykhov said. Binoculars were glued to the faces of both men. "The 'Admiral Scheer'," he replied, "six 280mm main guns on a cruiser hull. Diesel engines, about 33 knots,...
It's late September 1944 and me and my squad are on the outskirts of Anloo,The Netherlands.I"m Sergeant John Ridgeway of the First Canadian Army. In all there are ten of us on a road that leads through Anloo. We've been tracking a group of Nazi trying to get back to German soil. So far they responsible for the outright slaughter of two towns and we made it our job to bring them to justice or death,whatever came first. From inside a dense wooded area i have three of my men check out the...
A few moments after he took my ass, Master fell asleep. About a half hour later, he rolled off me, and his flaccid cock finally exited me. On the holo, Mother Superior was doing a lesbian scene with Maria as she paid for the convent to hide her family from the Nazis. I took the opportunity to get out of the bed. I needed to pee something awful for a while, and I couldn’t go without disturbing Master when he was on top of me. Without any light, I felt around on the floor for the dildo, and I...
I laid down beside her and gave her the soda. We sipped slowly and talked about what had just happened. I sat the sodas on the night stand and moved up closer to Toni (a name we will use for this article) crossing my leg over hers so that my clitty rested on her nylons. We kissed for several minutes as I played with her nipples thru the silky bra. Toni looked up with lust in her eyes and said she wanted me to fuck her.I started kissing her neck and started down her soft body, I raised her bra...
Crossdressing"Gee, you sure picked an awfully spooky night to explore the woods, Philip," Dolly said sounding a bit like Daphne from Scooby-doo, as she looked around nervously.She hadn't been dating Philip long, just a couple of months. He was one of those typical jock types, the kind she usually loathed but something about him seemed different."It'll be fun," Philip said squeezing her hand tightly as if to reassure her as he continued to lead the way into the dark and twisting forest lit up only by the...
Monster SexEmily walked into her room, where all the lights were on. From seemingly no where a hand grabbed her and covered her mouth. In the darkness she knew what to do and moved her hand down fast to his groin area. Grabbing him and massaging his penis. “Hello Russ. How about a normal knocking on the door for once?” “Well when I get messages like I got today, I have to take you up on the offer. “What have you got planned?” she asked as she spun round and stared into the eyes of Russ, the man she...
I awoke Tuesday totally refreshed, snuggled between long, tall, big-busted Wanda and Bobby, my biggest love of all. A sneak look at the clock said five fifty-five, so there was only five minutes before I should be getting up. The girls usually wanted to sleep till six fifteen or even six thirty, but I was ready to roll. The thought passed through my head to form some Tai Chi this morning, but I was at peace with myself, so I thought a swim would be the most fun. I slid from bed, slipped my...
LibogGirls! Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Geez The Porn Dude, I sure wish I had a site where I can tune in to find all the latest Asian porn videos online for absolutely free.” And even if you weren’t thinking that this is what I’m coming with today. If you want to check out everything that Asian porn has to offer, then you should definitely check out This place is the number one spot for all Asian porn videos that your heart desires. And I’m not kidding, there are so many...
Asian Porn SitesFrom my vantage point on the mezzanine, I can see most of the club: the beefy bartenders in their standard uniform – tight black pants and little else; the DJ in his booth, ignoring those who tap on the glass in an attempt to request their favorites; the club dancers, their rolling hips all clad in tonight's matching outfits of white briefs, and topped with sparkling silver halos and downy wings. But mostly I see the boys. We're men, really; well, most of us are, anyway. But when we're...
After the last update the server is done loading and the game world takes shape. Your thoughts start to form and you look around. Wait a second! Your thinking! ... It seems like it. Are you supposed to do that? Perhaps you should stop? Notes: You have to start the game for the story to make sense! The story uses game variables and if you don't enable it you will see paths that shouldn't be available and make no sense/reference things you didn't encounter, etc. The first few chapters are used to...
FantasyIt was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
Arietta Adams is a thick slut who needs to keep the calories coming in if she wants to maintain her large natural white ass. The only thing this red head whore loves as much as ice cream, is cock. She combines the two into her favorite meal ever. Watch her suck and fuck this cream covered cock and take it deep in her ass. Nothing better than some cool whip cream to help lube up her asshole and throat. She shakes her juicy and and eats some cherries while getting fucked hard. This is unlike...
xmoviesforyouFilipina?s New Toy By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:Gabriel was a sixteen year old Filipina American. She was very attractive and lived with her mom, in her flat, some tall apartment building, in Ohio. But tonight, her mom wasn?t here. Her mom was In Texas, to attend some Evangelical Church Event.Gabriel was a big girl. She was lying her back, on some couch and reading some teen girl?s magazine. While reading and looking at it, she heard a knock on her door, she walked...
We had returned from our nude beach frolicks to rest and recover ready for an evening out at the local Italian restaurant. Showering separately ... because Lea and I had a track history of getting distracted and fucking up a storm in the shower. When I exited from the shower I noted that Lea was already dressed in a simple summer dress which showed off her amazing legs, and had a plunging neckline that showed off lots of her braless breasts. I dressed casually and quickly, and we were soon...
Debuting for you today in Private Specials, Two Girls, Double Pleasure is Bloom Lambie and Bella Grey, two beautiful young teens who have come to to realize their threesome fantasy with stud Andrew Fire. It doesn’t take long for Bella and Bloom to lose their innocence and impress on their Private debuts as they kick off the action with some hot foreplay and a nice double blowjob. Then watch these sexy teens in all their glory as they put their hips to work and enjoy a phenomenal...
xmoviesforyouHi guys. This is the second part of the series. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. And eager to read this one. I am Chetan 24 from Bangalore. So let’s begin the second part. So the story till now is how Aisha got a job at Hooters. Where she had to wear a kinky uniform and serve people. But on the last day of her first month, her father came to the restaurant. Her father came with his friends and sat at the table that she was serving. After giving the order, her father was about to spank her...
IncestOphelia Dust is trying to get some work done, but her girlfriend Ryana wants her attention. Ryana is bored and horny, but Ophelia tries to stand strong. Ryana tells Opehlia she’s going to start without her, then peels off her thong to make good on that promise. When Ryana throws her thong to hit Ophenlia’s computer, that’s all Ophelia can handle. Closing the computer, she crosses the room and goes right for Ryana’s tits. The girls are soon exchanging kisses as they...
xmoviesforyouAs Told By Karen McGifford Mike had chosen a dress for me that was going to be a head turner for sure. A grey skimpy satin minidress, side drawstrings strappy back with a lot of cleavage in the front. No panties or bra and worn with high heels. I had my shiny new collar around my neck. It looked a little like a necklace but it was so thick I felt it was pretty obvious it was a collar. It certainly FELT like a collar and it was a wonderful, constant reminder to me. Mike joked that he might...
We swam for about an hour and then decided that it was getting too boring so we headed back to my house. My parents were going to be at work until around 6pm and then they were going out for dinner and then staying in a hotel for their anniversary. I told Carter that he could stay the night if he wanted. He agreed. This would probably be the last night Carter will be sleeping at my house. After tonight we both will be going off to separate colleges in different states. I’ll be going to UCLA and...
Since Karen (Brandi Love) starts her blog Girls Kissing Girls one couple attracts a lot of attention. The Governor’s daughter, Heidi (Alex De La Flor) and her teacher, Gina (Reagan Foxx). The last time she wrote about them, Heidi was leaving high school for college. Gina did not expect Heidi to come visit her so quickly, until Heidi discovered something special in college. She realized that she prefers the touch of women. Gina is openly gay and Heidi tries to get answers for all her...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Mrs Deepali Roy w/o Miss Sunita Roy(as given by my wife) and i am presenting this story only after permission from my wife. From now onwards i will refer her as Sunita madam only because I am not supposed to take her name without adding madam. We got married about 3 years back. Then i was known as Rohit, a 25 years old guy of average looks. On the other hand, she was absolutely beautiful lady of 27years having sharp features. She was bold & confident and was enjoying a much higher...
written by Jimmmy D. WARNING: This story depicts acts of torture, rape, drug abuse, and murder. If you find this offensive or distasteful please do not read this story. Poised for conquest. The glare on the mirror blocks her eyes. Not her lips. There’s a small wooden box covered with Rhine stones in front of her; silvery and gleaming it holds her most cherished possessions. Eyeliner, lipstick, masquera, and blush in every color from saffron to platinum, to black or purple. The...
CATHLEEN. Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s. Part 1.This diary was found in an old hotel room in a city we will not mention. The writing is Cathleen’s but the dialogue is sometimes made up, although it would have been close to the original. Cathleen worked the joints in downtown Boston during the 1930s, the end of Prohibition, the great Depression and especially the golden years of the Mob. Any resemblance to people dead or alive is purely coincidental....