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Surprise! Surprise!

Chapter 1: The Game Begins

Jane Collins sat expectantly in the coffee shop. It was a beautiful, warmSpring morning and she had been half-tempted to take one of the outside tableson the sidewalk. But Emily had told her that she would meet her inside. SoJane sat inside and gazed at the park across the street.

Deep inside, Jane knew that it would have been find if she had taken an outsidetable. But, out of respect, she sat inside and watched the lattes and cappuccinosand frappuccinos being made and served to the endless line of customers.

Jane and Emily had been close for twenty years. Jane was now twenty four andwas a bona fide adult, having gone through college and two years of graduateschool. She completed her last exam only two days earlier and the only formalityleft was to collect her diploma.

Emily Braxton was thirty four, ten years older than Jane almost to the day.They had first been introduced by Jane’s parents when Emily had beenhired to babysit a four-year old Jane. Since that first meeting of infant andteenager, they had grown close and had become fast friends. It was difficultto describe their friendship, however. It was something of an amalgamationof babysitter, older/younger sister, mother/daughter, close confidant and co-conspirator.

Jane had wondered about meeting. Was this just a casual cup of coffee? DidEmily have plans for after the coffee? Frequently, they would go to a museumor for a ride in the country. Sometimes, Emily would take her to dinner, butthis was far too early in the day for that. But it still had left her in aquandary about how to dress for the occasion. Should she dress up? No. Thatwould make her appear expectant. Maybe something elegantly casual? No. Thatwould also make it appear that she was anticipating something. And she wasnow a totally free, credentialed, and degreed young woman. She could wear whatevershe liked and she wanted to create the appearance that she was not expectingher friend to set the agenda.

She had settled on a navy blue top with khaki shorts and sandals. She thoughtthat this would signal that she was simply meeting her friend for coffee withno expectations of imposing on her friend’s generosity.

She had debated about the bra. What would it signal if she wore one? How wouldit be interpreted if she didn’t? She decided that she had obviously takenway too many psychology courses in college to even wonder about this. And shemade the decision to let her 38D breasts just fend for themselves without thesupport of a bra.

At exactly the designated time, Emily strode through the door and crossedthe distance to the table, leaning down to give Jane a kiss on the cheek anda hug. “How ya doin’, pip?”

Jane blushed as she heard the twenty year old pet name that Emily had dubbedher with early on in their relationship. “I’m great, Em,” shereplied as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

“Glad to hear it. Let me get a coffee and I’ll be right with you.” Withthat, Emily dumped her purse on the table and headed off to the bar with herwallet. She returned a couple of minutes later with a steaming brew of somethingexotic and plopped herself into the chair beside Jane.

“I still can’t get over how you have changed,” she saidas she reached for her purse and set it beneath the table. “I think thatthe first time I saw you, you weren’t much bigger than one of these.” Asshe said “these” she reached out and playfully poked Jane’snearest breast, causing Jane to gasp and jump back.

But you never moved quite like that when you were that size.” She snickeredas she saw the breast swaying and jiggling beneath Jane’s top.

“Em!” hissed Jane as quietly as she could. “Please! I’mnot a kid any more!”

“I’ll say,” laughed Emily. “You’re really packingthese days.”

Again, Jane blushed and tried to hide her embarrassment by taking a sip ofher coffee.

“Okay, okay, I’ll behave. It’s so good to see you. I justgot carried away. Forgive me?”

“You’re forgiven,” smiled Jane as she realized she was regainingcontrol of the situation.

“Hugs?” asked Emily as she stretched out her arms.

“Oh, okay,” replied Jane sheepishly as she leaned toward Emilygave her a hug.

“Much better,” said a contented Emily. “So tell me what’sup. I’m dying to hear about all of your plans now that school’sover.”

And Jane spent the next twenty minutes described all of the horrors of finalexams and all of the possibilities that lay ahead of her. She babbled on nonstopuntil she had run through every career possibility under the sun.

‘So no plans, huh?” asked Emily when the monologue had finished.

“Well nothing definite,” replied Jane, defensively. “ButI have a lot of opportunities.”

“So where ya goin’ to work on Monday?”

“Em!” cried an exasperated Jane. “Don’t I get anytime off at all?”

“Yep, you do,” smiled Emily. “I was just kidding. You shouldhave some time where you don’t have to make any decisions. You shouldbe free of any responsibilities. Lord knows you’ve had enough decisionsto worry about for the past few years. And I have just the answer for you.”

"You do?" replied Jane expectantly.

"You bet I do. And I have a present for you." With that, she reacheddown to her purse and started to rummage around. "Just reach down hereand get it."

Without thinking, Jane quickly bent over and reached beneath the table, expectingEmily to place some concert tickets or maybe even plane tickets in her hands.Instead, she felt cold steel against her wrists andheard clicking sounds.

"What are you doing?" cried a very surprised Jane.

"Hush, pip" replied Emily quietly, "unless you want everyonein the place to hear you."

Jane quickly glanced around to see if anyone had noticed her embarrassingpredicament. Thankfully, everyone was engaged in chatting with friends andsipping exotic coffee.

"What are you doing?" she asked again, but in hushed tones thistime.

"Helping you relax," smiled Emily.

"Relax?" asked Jane,using a louder voice than was appropriate. Emilyquickly reached out and placed her finger on Jane's lips to quiet her. "Relax?" saidJane in a whisper. "How is this supposed to relax me?"

"It frees you from decisions and responsibilities" replied Emily. "Aslong as you are wearing those, you don't have any worries. I'm forced to makeall of the decisions for you."

"Is this some kind of a game?" asked Jane as she furrowed her brow.

"Exactly," responded Emily as her finger stroked Jane's cheek lightly. "Justthink of it as a game."

"You can't be serious!" hissed Jane as she started to get annoyedwith her older friend. "I don't think this is funny at all."

"Take a deep breath, girl," instructed Emily. "Where's yoursense of adventure? This should be lots of fun. In fact, let's get started.Time to go." With that, Emily arose and waited for Jane.

"I can't walk out of here like this. People will think I'm some sortof criminal or something," complained Jane.

"Oh sure you can," replied Emily. "Just drape this scarf overyour hands and nobody will know the difference."

"I don't know about this," said Jane warily as she tried to arrangethe scarf to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.

"Don't be a ninny" chided Emily. "Come on, let's go." Andshe grabbed Jane's ponytail as she headed toward the door, urging Jane intomotion.

"Okay, okay," said Jane as she jumped to her feet. "I'll goalong with the gag, but you have a lot of explaining to do."

"No problems," quipped Emily as she used the brunette ponytail asa handle to steer Jane toward the exit. "There'll be plenty of time forexplanations later. Plenty of time."

Emily finally released her charge's hair but draped an arm across Jane's shouldersso that she could continue to guide the younger woman. "These puppiescan really move around!" Emily said as she again playfully poked at oneof Jane's untethered breasts.

"Hey!" protested Jane, only to be pushed into the passenger seatof Emily's car. Emily got into the driver's seat and then reached across tobuckle Jane's seatbelt. "Now you're doubly locked up. And not a care inthe world. Don't you feel better already?"

"Not really" muttered Jane.

"Spoil sport!" With that, Emily started the car and drove acrosstown. They exited the city and, within an hour, arrived at Emily's home.

Chapter 2: The Game Annoys

Emily had inherited the old farmhouse and the surrounding property a few yearsearlier when her father died. The land had not been farmed in many years andnow was largely woodland. The long driveway was tree lined but eventually openedup into a well-manicured yard with the farmhouse and barn and a few other structuresthroughout the opening.

After parking the car, Emily went around to the other side, unbuckled Jane,and then helped her out of the car. Again, she led her charge with her armdraped over Jane's shoulders to the front door. But before opening the door,she lifted the scarf that had been covering Jane's handcuffs. Then she rolledit into a band and held it up in front of Jane's eyes. It was obvious to Janethat her friend and her captor meant to blindfold her.

"Do you trust me?" asked Emily.

"Not one bit," retorted Jane.

Emily laughed. "That's okay. You probably shouldn't. But at least I knowyou love me." With that, she tied the scarf around Jane's head, stealingall sight from her.

"Does it get better?" asked Jane, sarcastically.

"Oh, it gets much better. You're going to love it."

Emily opened the door and led Jane inside, keeping her arm around Jane's waistto steer her and avoid any collisions. Jane felt herself being turned thisway and that but knew at all times where she was since she had been in thehouse so many times.

"Oh. You pulled up the carpet," said Jane as an effort to frustrateher captor. She figured that if she demonstrated that she was not being confusedand that she knew what was going on around her, then Emily might grow tiredof the game.

"Yep. Too many blood stains," Emily shot back,causing Jane to stopdead in her tracks. Emily laughed and gave Jane a swat on the bottom. "Justkidding," she said. But it was still enough to melt away a little moreof Jane's confidence.

Emily drew Janeto a halt. "I'm going to uncuff you first. Are you goingto be a good girl?"

"I'm always a good girl, Nanny Em" replied Jane in a childish singsongvoice, trying to mock Emily's question. "You know I am."

Emily laughed and patted Jane on the top of her head."Yes you are sucha good girl."

"Jane felt Emily's fingers fumbling with one of the cuffs and breatheda sigh of relief when she felt it open. But before she could celebrate toomuch, she felt that arm being raised quickly and heard the ominous sound ofthe cuffs being clicked shut again.

"Oh my god! What do you think you are doing?" exclaimed a surprisedand frustrated Jane.

"I think I'm just doing you the favor that I promised. No decisions.No responsibilities."

Jane was quickly growing tired of the game and started to pull at her binding.But she let out a loud "Ouch" when her efforts led to the metal cuffsdigging into the tender flesh of her wrist. Emily had left one cuff attachedto Jane's right wrist but had attached its mate toa steel ring embedded inthe wall above her captive's head.

Jane reached up with her newly freed hand and ripped off her blindfold toglare at Emily. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

"I keep telling you, but you don't listen. I explain but you don't understand." Emilyreached out to stroke Jane's cheek but Jane swatted away the hand. "Ialready told you. I'm giving you a vacationfrom decisions and responsibilities."

"You call this a vacation?!?!" shouted Jane, indignantly.

"Of course I do," smiled Emily. "Would lashing both arms tothe wall be better?"

Jane just shook her head in disbelief. "No, that won't make it better.This is fine." Then she shook her head again as she realized what shehad just said. This wasn't fine. This wasn'tfine at all.

"Okay. One hand free. The other hand bound," said Emily cheerfully. "Thatwill make it easier for you to get out of your clothes."

"What!?!?!?!" shouted Jane again, her voice rising a few octavesthis time.

"Slavegirls should be kept naked. Surely you knew that," repliedEmily, feigning surprise at the question.

"I'm not a slavegirl. And I think you had better let me go now. Thisis getting too weird for me."

"Hmmm. Not a slavegirl. Maybe I missed something." Emily furrowedher brow as if in contemplation. "Let's see. Slavegirls are girls. Andyou certainly qualify there." She reached out and quickly gave Jane'sleft breast a gentle poke.

"Stop that!" admonished Jane.

"So the real question is 'are you a slave?'" she went on. "Wellslaves are people who are owned by other people. And I claimed you today. Sothat makes you my property. Yep, you are my slave. So that makes you my slavegirl."

"Oh god I can't believe this is happening to me," groaned Jane.

"Oh, it's really happening to you, pip. And it's great for both of us.I get a new toy and you have no worries in the world. Now off with the clothes."

"Em, please be reasonable. Let me go and we can forget this ever happened."

Emily ignored Jane's plea and, instead, went to a table, picking up what Janeimmediately recognized as a whip. She smiled sweetly as she walked back toJane and lifted the wip to caress Jane's cheek with the leather.

"You wouldn't dare," growled Jane.

"Oh wouldn't I?" responded Emily in a sweet tone. Before Jane couldreact, the whip wistled through the air and cracked loudly on Jane's bottom.Thankfully, the shorts absorbed most of the impact, but it was still enoughto elicit a howl out of the captive girl.

"That hurt!" she cried out.

"It was supposed to hurt. Now start peeling before you get another one."

Jane continued to glare defiantly at her captor. "I won't!" sheproclaimed. This was immediately followed by another whistle and crack.

"Suit yourself," said Emily as she reached back to swing the whipagain.

"Stop!" shrieked Jane. "Why are you doing this? What did Ido to make you mad?"

"Oh little one," said Emily who dropped the whip and rushed forwardto hug Jane. "You haven't made me mad at all. I love you."

"Then why are you hurting me?" sniffled Jane, tearfully.

"Because you chose it, pip. You could have obeyed me but you chose paininstead."

"I didn't," Jane sobbed. "I never wanted to be whipped."

"Then you should just take off your clothes like a good little girl.Okay?" asked Emily as she stroked Jane's hair and tilted her head forwardto kiss her forehead.

"Okay. But no more whips, okay?"

"Well no more that are not deserved," replied Emily. With that weakreassurance, Jane struggled out of her clothes until only the shoulder strapof her shirt dangledfrom her cuffed arm. Emily solved that problem by cuffingthe other wrist to the wall and releasing the original one, leaving Jane standingin all of her naked glory.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my," exclaimed Emily. "Oh my how you havegrown." She reached out and cupped a breast in her hand causing Jane toshrink away.

"Oh Em," whispered Jane. "What's going on? Did you go lez orsomething?"

Emily laughed. "No way. That would be too boring. I'm very diverse inmy tastes. You might even consider my tastes eclectic."

Chapter 3: The Game Turns Serious

Jane was at a loss about what to do. A couple of hours ago, she was enjoyinga carefree Spring day and waiting to meet her best friend in the world. Nowshe was a naked prisoner and was being groped by that same friend. She hadto escape and get back to normalcy somehow. But how could she do it?

She gritted her teeth and, in a quick motion, lashed out with her right legand swing with her free arm to catch the unsuspecting Emily off guard and sendher sprawling backward. Emily grunted as she hit the floor and then shook herhead to clear it.

"That wasn't very nice," she said as she sat up and grasped herknees to gaze at her prey.

"Well stripping me and groping me wasn't very nice, either," shoutedJane. Jane's whole body was tensed for action but she was also trembling, whichprobably betrayed her fear.

"Ooooo,I love the way your breasts bounce when you do that," grinnedEmily as she remained seated on the floor. "Bend over and move your chestback and forth. I think they'll sway deliciously."

"Stop it!" screamed Jane. "Stop it, stop it, stop it! Whatdo you want of me?"

"Why, everything of course," replied Emily. "I want everything.I want you completely and totally."

"I just don't understand," said a confused Jane.

"It's simple, really," Emily continued. "For years, I haveloved you. And recently, I have wanted to own a slave. And then if finallydawned on me that you would be a perfect slavegirl for me. So I captured youand claimed you. Of course, I wanted to wait until you were finished with school.Having an educated slave is much better than having an ignorant one. And Imight add a slaveboy someday. Maybe even another slavegirl. But that can wait."

"You're crazy!" Jane uttered as she shook her head in disbelief. "Thiscan't be happening to me."

Emily remained silent but inwardly smiled as she watched the captive girl.And she congratulated herself on her catch. Jane was truly beautiful. She wastaller than average at five feet ten inches, just an inch shorter than Emily.She had a beautiful almond-shaped face with aristocratic features. Beautifulgreen eyes were temporarily wet with tears, but Emily knew that would changesoon enough.

A slender but angular nose and a well-defined, strong chin gave her face definition.She had the elegant look of a model and, when her long slender neck was addedto the mix, the look was elevated to that of royalty. “My own personalslave princess,” mused Emily.

Jane’s flesh was soft, supple and toned. Jane had always been activeand reasonably athletic. She was sure that her prisoner had little fat andwhat body fat she did have was splendidly distributed and put to good use.Emily’s earlier fondling had told her how amazingly soft and smooth andtender Jane was. A perfect specimen of femininity.

Her skin still showed faint tan lines from time spent in the sun during theprevious Summer. Emily remembered how beautifully Jane tanned and licked herlips as she pictured her slave tanned to a nice golden brown. “No tanlines this Summer,” she thought.

Jane had many “best features” and certainly her breasts were nearthe top of that list. Full and firm and without a hint of sagging, they stoodproudly on the naked woman’s chest. Again, Emily found herself lickingher lips as she eyed the mouthwatering nipples that capped the breasts. Eachareola was slightly larger than a quarter and each nipple seemed to be perpetuallyerect. Emily wondered how sensitive the delectable nubs were and made a mentalnote to find out in the near future.

From the chest down, Jane was a spectacular combination of curves as her bodynarrowed to a slender waist before flaring out to smallish, but still extremelyfeminine hips. Emily saw Jane’s belly quivering nervously and saw howtight and fit the girl’s musculature was. Moving downward, Emily sawthe brown thatch of hair covering Jane’s mound and noticed how neatlymanicured it was. This was quite attractive to Emily and left her in a quandary.She had planned on shaving off that hair but now she wasn’t so sure.

The image was capped off by two long, slender, strong legs that tapered downto delicate ankles. “Even her feet are beautiful,” thought Emilyas she eyed Jane’s feet with their red, painted nails.

So far, Emily’s plan had worked perfectly. She had captured the beautifulprey and had spirited her to her home where she could enjoy the new toy inseclusion and privacy. The best part of this old farm was that it was relativelyfree from prying eyes. The closest neighbors were the Hopewells, a couple whohad also escaped to the country from the big city, but they were at least ahalf mile away and rarely dropped by unannounced. But Emily’s problemwas that she had run out of plan. She had devised a scheme to capture Jane.Now, she needed to figure out what to do with her.

She found the whole scene highly erotic and knew, without touching herself,that her sex was so wet that it could be considered swampy. Having a nakedgirl chained to the wall of your living room sent all sorts of sexual thrillsthrough one’s mind and she wondered if Jane also saw anything eroticin the image.

But she found herself wondering why she found this so appealing. It wasn’tas if she were a lesbian or anything like that. Sure, she had fooled aroundwith some girls in high school and, later, in college. But it had all beenkind of experimental and exploratory and light. Lips and laughs, she used tocall it because those scenes had been mostly filled with kissing and gigglingand a little bit of petting thrown in. The heaviest it had gotten was in collegewhen she and another girl had sat naked on the bed together and masturbatedeach other to orgasm.

She still enjoyed men. In fact, her current boyfriend was very good in bed.She decided that she definitely enjoyed heterosexual activities. “I wonder,” shethought, “if I should share pip with Rob? That might make things interesting.I’ll have to think about that.”

Emily gazed at Jane and saw her leaning back against the wall, looking defeated.Now she would be able to explore the softer side of sex a lot more. But whereto start?

Jane’s tears had stopped flowing by this time. Emily got back to herfeet and approached her girl causing Jane to tense again.

“Relax, little one. I’m not going to hurt you,” she saidgently as she reached out and brushed a stray hair off of Jane’s cheek. “Thiswill be a lot of fun and it will be exciting. You’ll see.”

“But you kidnapped me, Em,” she said softly. “You couldgo to prison for that.”

“Yes, I suppose I did,” replied Emily. “And I suppose Icould. Well let’s just see how it goes for awhile. If it doesn’twork for both of us, I promise I’ll release you and you will be freeto send me to prison. But in the meantime, you’re my slave.”

“For how long?” asked Jane, hopefully.

“I don’t know. We’ll have to play it by ear. But we shouldknow soon enough, I would think.”

“A day? A week? How long?”

“I really don’t know, pip,” replied Emily. “You’lljust have to trust me.”

Jane groaned. “What will I have to do? What do you expect of me?”

Emily smiled. “Everything. “You’ll have to do everythingthat I tell you to do. That’s what being a slave is all about.”

“But what’s included in everything?”

“We’ll see. Probably some chores. I think I might like havingyou bathe me and dress me and serve me. I like to be pampered. And I wouldimagine that sex will enter into it.”

Jane gasped. “Sex with you? But I’m not lesbian!”

“I’m not either,” smiled Emily, letting her fingers traceJane’s jawline. “But I’ve thought about what it must be like.And now we’ll both get a chance to explore it. We’ll call ourselvesbi though. Not lesbian.”

“And there may be sex with others,” Emily continued. “I’llbe sure to sprinkle in enough men to keep us from thinking that we’relesbians. And there are endless other possibilities. I read a story once wherea girl was treated as a pony. It might be fun to harness you and drive youaround the farm.”

Jane hung her head as she listened to her friend and consciously resistedthe urge to swat Emily’s hand away from her face. She figured that sheshouldn’t do anything to anger her captor in case Emily had somehow becomementally imbalanced.

“And I think that you might be a decorative addition to parties thatI throw. Maybe have you chained like this. Or bound kneeling in the middleof the room. Or even have you be a centerpiece on the dining room table. Oh,the possibilities are endless.”

“You won’t whip me again, will you?”

“Only if you are bad,” Emily replied. “Well, that’snot entirely true. I might do things to you that you don’t like justto experiment or for special effects. But I promise you that nothing will besevere unless you are bad. Are you planning to be a bad girl?”

“No, Em, I’m not planning anything.”

Emily smiled brightly and kissed Jane’s forehead again. “Now you’regetting into it. I knew you would eventually. You don’t have to plananything. That’s my job. This should just be a wonderful and excitingvacation for you.”

By this time, it was early afternoon and Emily decided that it was a beautifulday for a walk. First, she shackled Jane’s ankles together with anotherpair of handcuffs so Jane would not be able to try to escape. Then she releasedthe cuff from the wall and resecured Jane’s wrists, this time behindthe girl’s back. When Jane’s wrists were cuffed again, Emily removedthe shackles.

“Am I going to be handcuffed all the time?”

“No, not all the time. Sometimes I might use chains or rope, althoughI have to get a lot better with knots if I’m going to use rope. And maybeI’ll buy a little cage for my little pet. Ooooooo and maybe some oldfashioned stocks! That would make it easy to play with these.” And shereached out to tweak the twin nipples to emphasize her point. Then, to quellher curiosity, she quickly darted her hand to between Jane’s legs andslipped a finger into her, finding her just as wet as she imagined herselfto be.

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Husband discovers wife's affair & plans a surprise.The first time I suspected my wife of being unfaithful was after my son Matt's 13th birthday. I picked up the pictures from the d**g store on my way home from work. Julie wasn't home yet so I sat and looked through the pictures.What a great day that had been. Matt had been so surprised when we got home and found a surprise party with all of his friends waiting for him.As I looked through the pictures I found a very good one of Matt and my...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 48

“Remember when you guys vacationed on the Island?” Junior said. “We won’t be doing that again,” said Six. Junior broke down. If Surprise hadn’t been flying from ‘Feet Wet’ over Lake Huron and knew what to do ... they’d have crashed. Six was immediately contrite. Looking at me he said, “That was rather callous of me.” Looking at Junior he said, “I’m sorry ... I’m sorry, Junior. I didn’t mean it.” “It’s time I started living again,” Junior said. “I did get my revenge.” Surprise said....

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 8

Released ... with an ID on a neck strap ... I moved into the yard. Looking back at the gate I saw my cabbie arguing with the gate guard. He ... the driver ... saw me looking and waved a handful of bills at me. I trotted back. “Tip,” I said. “You’re kidding,” said the guard. But he turned to the driver and explained. Big eyes ... sagging chin ... shock. He still tried to give the majority back. Wasn’t having it. I knew ... that the change from a capitalist society to a Mao perceived...

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SurprisesChapter 28 More Surprises

The Bakers were having a pool party Friday night, or perhaps a pool orgy might be a better description. I had been over to their place several times, including one swap party, and their home was private enough for what they planned. Whereas our house was a big spread-out sort of split level, theirs was something Daddy called a contemporary. It had several modern looking levels with lots of angles and lines, and a large swimming pool in the back yard. They were overlooking the golf course at...

2 years ago
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Surprise At The Farmhouse

Hello ISS readers, I am Shivani again and this is my 2nd story here. All of you have read my previous story of how my brother made me a slut. And thanks for your appreciation. The next incident happened after 20 days. As you all know I got enough money so I did a bit shopping and I knew this was the first time but not the last time. So I started taking care of myself. By now my exams were started, one day when I was studying I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up and it was...

2 years ago
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Surprise Surprise

By : I_ranvir Hello all, This is Ranvir and want to share a true story with you all.I live in Delhi. I am having 1 fast friend’s. We shared joy, sadness and problems. We know everything about each other. We both are in same age. Now we both married. Before marriage we make a deal to marry in same year, so we did in 2010. We also made promise that after marriage we will go Bangkok with our partners for honeymoon.  We both look smart and like adventures. By luck we found same kind of partners.As...

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My wife, let's call her Suzy, was 19 when we married and I was her first. I encouraged her to seek her own sexuality and for while she resisted. Suzy is 5'6" about 118lbs strawberry blonde with an awesome set of 34C tits and a firm round ass. After two years she got into it and we had done the swing thing a few times. This went on for about 3 years with infrequent playing with a few other couples and a lot of fantasies played out in the bedroom. She never failed to get hot when we...

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Surprise Birthday Party

Introduction: Kinda gettin hooked on this writting thing let me know what you think of this one and if you like it read my other stuff and let me know too. Still trying to find my voice but I definitely write some messed up stuff so I hope you appreciate a good Dark Fantasy. My names Brad and Im here to tell you about my sixteenth birthday. My family had planned a surprise party for me but they had no idea that I had my own surprise planned for them. But before I start Ill tell you a bit about...

4 years ago
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Surprise Birthday Party

Introduction: Kinda gettin hooked on this writting thing let me know what you think of this one and if you like it read my other stuff and let me know too. Still trying to find my voice but I definitely write some messed up stuff so I hope you appreciate a good Dark Fantasy. My names Brad and Im here to tell you about my sixteenth birthday. My family had planned a surprise party for me but they had no idea that I had my own surprise planned for them. But before I start Ill tell you a bit about...

3 years ago
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Surprise For Me By Sneha My Wife

Hi! My wife Sneha as you may remember: 33 Yrs Old, Sexy slightly Plump figure and Long flowing silky smooth hair. Our sex life has been rocking and even today we have so much fun. I can safely say she is the best thing that ever happened to me and she truly mentions that she couldn’t have got a better husband than myself. This happened about 4 months ago. I was away on a Business trip and wanted to surprise Sneha by returning 2 days earlier than scheduled. I spoke to her the day earlier and she...

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Surprise Birthday Party 8211 Part 1 Sex With 2 Young Maids

I was in my mid-twenties and was friendly with a couple, Asha and Rajat. They were rich and really enjoyed life. We shared a very open relationship and spoke openly about a lot of things. But I had never intruded between them. Even though I guessed that if I hinted, I could probably share a bed with them. This actually helped keep our friendship stronger I always felt. I was turning 26 and Asha and Rajat invited me home on that day. They said that it was to be a special dinner for me with a...

2 years ago
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©1997, All Rights Reserved When Joe came over that evening, I told him I had a surprise for him. "Umm," he said, "I usually don't like surprises, Holly." "Oh, I think you'll like this one," I said, smiling at him. "In that case," Joe said, "I look forward to it." He was cool, though. He didn't ask me what it was, not then or later as we chatted over wine and fixed dinner together. He smiled at me when I lighted candles and placed them on the table for dinner. Later, over...

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Surprise Rendezvous

I was getting pretty nervous, I’ve never done anything like this in my whole life. I didn’t even pack a bag, I just got on the next bus south, not even bothering to tell people I would be gone for the weekend. Normally I put my earphones and sleep the whole way but not this time. This trip was totally different. I’ve been to my intended destination plenty of times, to see friends and that, but now I was travelling 4 hours for someone I’d never even seen face to face and that’s what was making...

2 years ago
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Surprise Rendezvous

I was getting pretty nervous, I've never done anything like this in my whole life. I didn't even pack a bag, I just got on the next bus south, not even bothering to tell people I would be gone for the weekend. Normally I put my earphones and sleep the whole way but not this time. This trip was totally different. I've been to my intended destination plenty of times, to see friends and that, but now I was travelling 4 hours for someone I'd never even seen face to face and that's what was making...

Straight Sex
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 31

“Pregnant?” He eeped. A breath and a swallow of coffee and... “I thought you were the responsible one?” “I am ... never had a lick of trouble over periods. What would I need ovulation control for?” I pondered a minute, counted days in my head and didn’t like the result ... so I counted on my fingers. Same damn result. “Feel my forehead,” I requested. He did. “You’re warm.” “Shit!” “What?” “Exactly halfway between periods.” “I wasn’t planning on being a Daddy,” he said. “I wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Surprise Surprise

I was excited to spend my first night of the 3 night, long weekend break with Kev in a quaint hotel in the Yorkshire countryside. He had surprised me with this romantic gesture as Kev wasn’t the romantic type and the time we usually spent together was a free hour here or there. Kev had been quite secretive about the whole break, even on the way to the hotel, which made me think he had another surprise in store for me and I was wracking my brains for an idea of what it could be. We had just...

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I woke up very early Monday morning to make sure that I got up before Ella. I had a few things to do before she woke up, so I got up at 5:00 and got dressed. I lingered for a few minutes before leaving, to stare at the angel in my bed. I thought, “I still can’t believe that Ella is my girlfriend… and slut.” That last part brought a smile to my face as I left to go and set up the surprises. I came back home at 6:45 and saw that Ella was still asleep. This made sense since I usually got up for...

3 years ago
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Surprise Video Ch 01

I got a hard-on immediately and wanted to go straight to bed to make love to her, but, instead, she took me to the living room, she wanted to show me something. "What is it? What do you want to show me?" I asked. "Oh, its a very special surprise for your birthday. You are not going to expect it, but, I know you are going to like it... Um, but, maybe not at first, you might be a little shocked at first." She said. "It may surprise you a little, but, I know you will love it." She...

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The Surprise Vacation CHAPTER ONE - INNOCENT BEGINNINGS "Did you take your vitamin, dear?" Ellen called from thebathroom. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle,rolling a big tablet into my palm. "My horse pill? I'm doing itnow." "Have you noticed any difference yet?" "Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike." She'd gone on aminor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to losea little weight and take better care of myself. I...

4 years ago
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SurpriseSurprise What Do I See

Introduction:An older married man gets more than he bargains for when he meets a blonde in a barThis is a fictional story of an encounter an older married man has with a young attractive girl in a club that leads to some surprising and memorable events.I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with views, comments or ideas for stories.Surprise, Surprise!Paul walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew...

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Surprise Package

It was my fortieth birthday and I was feeling a little down, the big four-O is supposed to be a mile marker in life, one that I was not looking forward to at all. I suppose I had nothing to complain about though, life had been good to me, mostly; I'd had a good marriage that had ended when my wife died of cancer five years back; I had a lovely daughter of seventeen; I'd made enough money to take very early retirement; this was due in part to my wife's life insurance and I would willingly...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 14

“You know, we could teach,” we said like the triplets we are. “It’s not exactly my cuppa ... but we could.” “It would have us in the classroom and that would fulfill the letter of the law.” The attendancy officer (truant) looked a little surprised ... thought a bit ... wrapped one arm around her waist, and stroked her chin with the other one ... thought some more ... came to a conclusion and said, “What would you teach?” “Boat building,” I said. “Comportment,” said Cyn. “Manners that’ll...

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Surprise arrival

The business ended more than a day early and I arrived home late afternoon on the Thursday. I decided to be as silent as I could to surprise my wife. Wherever she was, I was going to jump on her, rip her clothes off and fuck the living daylights out of her. I pulled up and parked a few houses away so that my wife would have no warning that I was home. My cock was now rampant hard in anticipation of the action to come. I got out of the car and walked quietly to the house. Taking great...

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I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with views, comments or ideas for stories. Surprise, Surprise! Paul walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew that Canal Street was the gay area of the city but he also knew that it was also the most lively area for pubs and clubs. And Paul was happy and confident with his sexuality so he didn’t see it as a problem. Almost immediately after entering...

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Surprise Guest Ch 2

As I lay there on your chest, I can still feel your hard cock against my wet pussy. You here some one pulling in the drive way and a panicked look comes across your face. You start to buck up trying to get me off of you. I look up to make sure your hands are still hand cuffed to the bed posts and reach for your blind fold and put it on you. ‘What are you doing? Let me go, my wife is home, you have to hide!’ You see a smile come across my face as I place the blind fold over your eyes. ‘Shhh…...

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Surprise Visit During Lockdown Leads To Awesome Threesome

I am overwhelmed and grateful for the responses I received for my first story. I apologize for not responding to all the emails as I have received hundreds of them. Thank you, everyone, and yes, I am safe from all the illness spread around the world. Please read the first story if you have not read it already. After the encounter with Scott and I came back to my apartment. We didn’t get a chance to meet again due to the strict quarantine measures in the city. However, since I have received a...

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Surprise Gift Of Sneha Aunty

Hey friends and this is Ashwin with a new adventure of sex with Sneha aunty. Thanks for you all guys for rating my previous story Sex Drive with Sneha Aunty and for sending your comments via e-mails. Well, let’s begin with the story as Sneha aunty has made me her boy and she helped me in all the aspects whether it was economic or anything because she did not only love me sexually but also heartily. I can say I was her first affair after her marriage after the happy summer holidays it was time...

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Surprise CChatter8217s real Offer

Hello ISS readers… Wish you all happiness.. Here’s my second story to ISS, first being about 2 years back under the heading ”My First extra-marital sex”. This time I’m gonna give the readers a first hand information on how I had a steamy, long and lovely session with a married woman. I’m a mature man married and have kids. Living at the outskirts of Chennai on the ECR. I’ve recently felt that my sexual apetite has increased or rather it is not fully dealt with as it used to be all these years....

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 62

“Hello, Bea,” the sunburnt guy said. “Albert Jamison!” Bea exclaimed. “Of all the people in the world, you’re the last person I’d have expected to meet 4 miles off shore. What did you do? Fall asleep?” “It’s been a long day. What are you doin’ out here?” “Crewing. Surprise and Junior needed at least one more hand. I invited myself into a job.” “What surprise?” “She ... Surprise is a woman ... Surprise owns the boat. She hired me to do what I do best ... provision a yacht. And I...

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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 22

The meeting ... Wait! Not yet. The room: Yeah ... the room. The place was storage ... for things from long ago ... really long ago. Like ... before the English. Before the Dutch. Stuff collected... (stolen) ... from the Māori and hidden away. Not saying that it was taken by the Hotel ... everything had price tags from no longer existing business. Businesses closed during the 1800’s. Police seized articles ... auctions ... garage sales ... estate sales ... found and unclaimed ... amateur...

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Surprise Affair

SRosemary Jones arrived home from her work as a legal executive, swinging her Golf Gti onto the expansive drive of the big house she shared with Mark, her high flying lawyer husband of seven years. As her car’s wheels crunched to a halt on the loose paving bricks, she saw her nephew Nathan step out from the side of the house, in his college uniform, a rucksack on his back. She was surprised and in a way pleased because this handsome eighteen year old had always intrigued her, her older sister’s...

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Surprise Lunch Turns To Surprise Sex 8211 Part 2

She picked the phone and told me in a low tone, “Wait, Vinay.” I waited on the phone, I heard her say, “Karan, Vinay, he is not able to reach you.” Karan came online and told me, “Yes, buddy, tell me.” I was surprised by the way she played it to inform me that Karan was still at home. I told Karan, “Trying you for almost 30 minutes. I am not able to reach you. Anyway, can we catch up for lunch today?” He said, “No yaar, I have a client meeting today. I am just leaving, have to travel for more...

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Surprise For ExGirlfriend

This is the real life story of me and my ex-girlfriend. Let me describe her. She is extremely fair with brown hair, baby pink lips (au natural), dark eyes and a body to die for. She had 34 D cup boobs and a voluptuous navel to suck at – also she kept her pussy clean by shaving and taking care of it every day, so it gave out a nice aroma out of her cunt, when you licked her down there. She would suck cock like a pro no matter how big it is, she would ride you in the best way you can fathom. We...

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Surprise Birthday Party1

I'll start with My Dad, Bob, he's 39 years old and works a lot with the company he started back before I was born. He's an average sized man for his age, not really over weight, but a pretty big potbelly. I'm 5'11 now, I quite a bit bigger than my dad (in more ways than one), he's only 5'6. My cock is about 11.5 inches when it's hard and from what I've seen of my dad in the showers when I was a kid I would be surprised if my dad was even 5 inches when hard. He started smoking when he...

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Surprise Birthday Party0

I'll start with My Dad, Bob, he's 39 years old and works a lot with the company he started back before I was born. He's an average sized man for his age, not really over weight, but a pretty big potbelly. I'm 5'11 now, I quite a bit bigger than my dad (in more ways than one), he's only 5'6. My cock is about 11.5 inches when it's hard and from what I've seen of my dad in the showers when I was a kid I would be surprised if my dad was even 5 inches when hard. He started smoking when he...

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Surprise Surprise

This is my first story so let me know what you think! I heard the keys to the front door jingling before the door swung open. My fiancé Brandon paused at the door with a look of utter surprise, though that was expected. I mean who wouldn’t have been surprised at the sight he had before him? Our apartment was no longer a home, I’ve transformed it into our own little club. I had a strip pole installed in the living room and all the lights were either covered in red cloths to give an erotic glow...

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Surprise for my husband

So one evening I was bored, when I'm bored, that's when I usually come up with bad, ornery ideas and thoughts. Well this particular evening, I was sitting at home all alone, enjoying a few drinks. As I sat there, my mind started to wander. I kept thinking about different ideas of how I could surprise and shock the hell out of my husband. As the ideas ran through my mind, I became sure that I was going to definitely plan it. Now that I'm extremely determined, I started planning the whole...

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SURPRISE!Ellen was a late bloomer…until she was 18 years old she was a blushing small town virgin. Her 18 th birthday party down at Panama City Beach changed all that. She discovered that the sight of an erect penis ejaculating over her hands excited her, gave her a funny, tingly feeling between her legs. That same night she found that the hot squirts of cum against her pussy walls would make her cum as well. Shortly thereafter, she found that if she rubbed her pussy with her hand while she was...

Group Sex
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Surprise Surprise

This is my first story so let me know what you think!I heard the keys to the front door jingling before the door swung open. My fiancé Brandon paused at the door with a look of utter surprise, though that was expected. I mean who wouldn’t have been surprised at the sight he had before him? Our apartment was no longer a home; I’ve transformed it into our own little club. I had a strip pole installed in the living room and all the lights were either covered in red cloths to give an erotic glow or...

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Surprise Threesome For My Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hay there, beautiful people! Sorry for taking such a long time to bring you the story of a surprise threesome. You guys might know from that my girlfriend has been so obsessed with threesome lately. In the last part, I promised Asmita to arrange a threesome for her while having our first anal sex. She’s been so excited about this. I needed someone trustworthy and would get ready for this. I wanted to ensure her safety at the same time. When I had a threesome with Asmita and her sister, I had...

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Surprise foursome4

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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Surprise foursome3

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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Surprise foursome2

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

2 years ago
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Surprise foursome1

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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Surprise foursome0

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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Surprise Island Dessert

You needed some time off from work. Things have been going really bad for you lately. And you thought a little island rest and relaxation would help you and I agreed. It’s been three days since you’ve left and I miss you desperately. So I decided a couple days ago to meet you over the weekend to surprise you. I’ve been thinking about this exact moment for the last few days. Knowing the warm waves were washing over your body while you were swimming and me almost feeling the sand hot next to...

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