Surprise.........Surprise! free porn video

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Surprise, Surprise!

Paul walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew that Canal Street was the gay area of the city but he also knew that it was also the most lively area for pubs and clubs. And Paul was happy and confident with his sexuality so he didn’t see it as a problem. Almost immediately after entering the bar and taking a seat near the corner of the bar area a very pretty and extremely busty young lady in a black v neck T shirt practically bounced up to him with a beaming smile. “What can I get for you?” She grinned. “Oh hi, a pint of………………….!” Paul scanned the beer pumps. “Yes, a pint of Carslberg please!” He smiled. “Sure thing!” Said the girl and grabbing a pint beer glass started to fill it up with the golden liquid. “There you go!” She said planting it down in front of Paul and he handed her a five pound note. She duly returned with his change with another beaming smile before going to serve another customer.

Paul felt a vibration in his pocket and glanced down at his mobile phone. He sighed seeing the name ‘Donna’ on the small screen. Without responding to it he returned the phone to his pocket and looked instead at the pretty barmaid who was now serving another customer. Luckily for Paul she was leaning down to retrieve a bottle of something or other on the opposite side of the bar and Paul had a nice view of her shapely legs as her short skirt rode up at the back. Paul was away on business in Manchester. But he and his wife, Donna, had fallen out just prior to him leaving home. The argument, as always, was over money, or the lack of it! Well tuff shit, Paul thought to himself, I’m going to enjoy my evening out. He finished his beer and smiled as the barmaid came back over to offer a refill. With another beer in front of him he relaxed.

As the evening wore on and a few beers later, Paul was considering going back to his hotel room to look at some internet porn and have a wank, just because he was bored really. But as he shifted on his bar stool he noticed a blonde girl at the end of the bar who glanced up at him. He was sure she had smiled at him. He quickly checked behind him in case she had smiled past him and seeing no-one else he smiled back. She quickly diverted her eyes to an empty glass in front of her and Paul, feeling brave, having had a few drinks already, called the barmaid over and asked her to give the blonde a drink on him. The gesture was met by another smile as the blonde lifted her glass and walked towards Paul. This was the first time he had noticed her but notice her he certainly did now. She was tall in her heels at around 5’ 10 and her long nylon clad legs ran perfectly up to a red mini skirt, topped with a black silk blouse and looking at the size of her chest, Paul knew she was bigger up top than his wife, which definitely appealed to him. Paul had always been a tit man and often wondered why he had married Donna who was only 34C. Fuck her, he told himself, as he thought of his wife again and felt a pang of guilt at not replying to her earlier text. He put Donna well and firmly out of his mind as his new ‘friend sat on a bar stool next to Paul.

She introduced herself as Sam, short for Samantha and Paul quickly forgot about his wife Donna as he listened to Sam’s sexy and charming voice, which intrigued him. She seemed very feminine and tender in her manner, aswell as being sexy as fuck, but it was the sight of the material tightly encasing her breasts that was the real turn-on for Paul. He felt he was clearly much older than her, being 50 and she looking mid twenties. But hell, if she was up for anything he certainly would be, in more ways than one! Sam continued to talk explaining she was 27 and had recently split from her partner. The use of the word ‘partner’ intrigued Paul and his imagination that it might have been a female partner got him even more excited. He ordered more drinks and they laughed, joked and flirted. And it wasn’t long before Paul and Sam were kissing and gently touching. Paul glanced at his watch noticing it was just after 11.

Still feeling brave he suggested that Sam and he might want to go somewhere more private and Sam giggled. “Private? Where do you have in mind?” She cooed at him. “My hotel?” Paul grinned sheepishly before Sam reached over and kissed his hand gently. “C’mon then!” She purred and stood up to leave.

Thankfully the hotel apartment block was only 5 minutes walk from Canal Street and as Paul turned the key in the door he felt the gorgeous girl behind him sliding her hand around his waist and down over his bulging trousers. He quickly walked into the studio apartment practically dragging Sam behind him and within minutes he had her pinned against a wall as she returned his deep passionate kisses. They broke off kissing and Sam smiled at him.

“Do you mind if we shut the curtains?” She smiled and Paul quickly pulled them to, cutting out the light in the room but there still enough to see each other. “Now, I need to go to the bathroom. You get undressed and I’ll be back in the minute.” Sam said almost excitedly and within seconds Paul was naked and rock hard, his 8 inches sticking up like a flag pole as he waited patiently in the double bed, covered loosely by a sheet. And if he wasn’t fully turned on at this point he certainly was when the bathroom door opened. The beautiful gorgeous blonde Samantha emerged dressed only in a black overflowing bra, matching panties, hold-up stockings and heels. Paul nearly came there and then but Sam had other ideas as she dipped to her knees on the side of the bed moving on all fours towards her goal. Paul watched her bra encased breasts swing and tremble as she moved towards him, her long hair hanging down around her beautiful face. His cock throbbed as Sam pulled the sheet back and reached out to slide a hand around Paul’s massive rock hard cock shaft. She purred as Paul felt her slide what felt like an oily hand up and down his hot throbbing shaft. And then in complete amazement he watched the beautiful blonde dip her head and run her tongue around the thick mushroom head of his cut cock before smiling up at him and then sliding her lips down over the head and shaft. Paul moaned softly knowing that if this wonderful creature kept this up, he would be cumming in no time at all. She grinned again releasing him and stepping off the bed walked slowly around to the side in line with his head. Leaning down she locked her lips onto his and he responded to immediately, their tongues playing in the kiss and Paul was very aware that his heavenly angel’s heavy breasts were now just above his face as she kissed him. As she moved lower, her body over Paul’s, he tongue licked down over her chin and neck as he reached up to close his hands onto her big soft breasts for the first time. His cock throbbed immediately releasing pre-cum that he felt run down his rock hard shaft.

Sam’s lips and tongue ran down over his neck and chest as Paul reached around to unfasten her bra and her big breasts tumbled straight down into his face. He watched her arms go backwards and sensed she might be removing her panties as his lips and tongue sucked and slurped at the fleshy mounds now being squashed into his face and mouth. Sam eased further down his body and grabbed his trembling cock by the base. Paul still had his hands on her breasts as they dangled down over his chest and he reached his mouth up to tickle her flat tummy adorned only with a jewel in her navel. But Sam moved further down, her body now over his as he tongue ran over his tummy and ever closer to his cock head. He closed his eyes and reaching up ran his tongue over her pierced belly button as his hands concentrated on mauling her breasts.

Then he felt her hot mouth encase his cock head again and he gasped out loud closing his eyes, his hands still on her dangling breasts. Then just as she raised her stocking clad knees onto the bed either side of Paul’s head she dipped lower almost deep throating him. He gasped again as he felt something slide over his cheek. He immediately opened his eyes and couldn’t believe what he was looking at. Dangling down from her new lover’s waistline was a massive cock head that was rock hard. For a split second Paul froze, intimidated by the sight of a cock, so near his face and so big. But he suddenly felt the compulsion to lift his head and slide his tongue over Samantha’s cock. As he did he felt it twitch in his mouth and for the first time ever he opened his lips to take a cock between them. Sam let out a loud moan and sank her mouth lower down over his cock as he started to suck on hers too. This was totally new for Paul but felt so right. Samantha was the most beautiful girl he had ever been with but with her cock too, this still felt so right for him. As he started to take it deeper into his mouth sliding it back and forth, Sam repeated the actions on his monster cock. Paul was now only seconds from cumming. She clearly sensed this and eased off him before turning to look down at him, her blonde hair falling around her perfectly beautiful face. “Are you okay with this Paul?” She asked innocently. But she could tell by the look of lust in his eyes that he had no problem with his new found friend having more to offer that he first thought.

“Have you ever sucked a cock before?” Sam said and Paul shook his head. “Well, you are about to have your first cock!” Although in the heat of the moment earlier he had licked and sucked on her, fear suddenly filled Paul as he realized that there was no turning back. Without waiting Samantha eased herself closer to Paul’s face and reaching down with her hand pulled his head over to her massive erection. Paul certainly knew he had no choice when Sam spoke next. “C’mon Paul, be a good boy and suck on my cock like a good little cock sucker!” Soon her cock was back in Paul’s mouth and with the pressure of her hand on his head and her moving her hips closer she was practically shoving the monster meat down into his throat. Although he was nearly gagging he sucked on it hungrily. And to his surprise it felt good and he liked the feel and taste. But he was nervous about her cumming in his mouth. Samantha didn’t seem to care and was now fucking Paul’s face with a new passion and moaning with pleasure as she did her hands mauling at her breasts flesh at the same time. And seconds later she let out a loud moan as she shot a huge load into Paul’s mouth and down his throat. But rather than choking Paul was amazed at how good it felt. It was warm, salty and thick. He swallowed it all as Samantha, with her breasts trembling jerked her cock shaft, draining her balls and directing more cum down Paul’s throat.

Finally she eased off Paul and knelt on the bed with her heavy breasts dangling down. “You can fuck me now!” Sam purred with a smile. Paul didn’t need asking twice as she knelt behind her, easing his thick cock into her open arse. As he had expected it only took a couple of strokes before his cock exploded up into her arse shooting cum deep inside her.

Then they curled up on the bed and slept.


Paul awoke to see Samantha looking at him, her blue eyes shining in the morning sunlight that was coming through the curtains.
“Was that all new for you yesterday Paul?” She enquired and he nodded. “Well I guess I need to teach you some more then don’t I?” She grinned and Paul’s cock started to harden just at the words that his new lover was saying. She eased herself onto her back with her knees bent and feet on the bed. “First you can lick me down there!” Paul watched as Sam eased her hands down to her arsehole looking up at him expectantly. Paul felt nervous, it was one thing sucking a cock but anus licking had never entered his mind and he was reluctant, although he wanted to please his new lover.

“Let me show you!” She said. “It’s easy. Turn around and bend over!” Paul did as he was asked and turned and bent forward so his bum was facing Sam with his head on the bed and hands resting on his knees. “Back up a little!” Sam said, so Paul shifted his position. He felt her long nails on his arse as her fingers began to spread his cheeks. And then he felt her warm breath on his bum cheeks before her tongue made one long pass from bottom to top. Paul literally gasped having never felt anything quite like it and his cock was hard in seconds. Sam repeated the action a few times before she started probing her tongue directly onto his anus. He let out a loud moan of pleasure again and felt his cock head ooze precum. He had never felt anything like this and his cock was twitching with every probe of her tongue. Paul was sure he was going to cum again. He didn’t want that to happen, at least so soon and knelt up straight and turned to face Sam. She was smiling. “You like?” She grinned. Paul leant towards the sexy blonde and kissed her passionately. “I’ve never felt anything so sexy!” He said between kisses. “Now it’s your turn!”

The gorgeous Samantha lay back once again, still dressed in stockings and Paul took in the beauty of her body including her cock that was soft and lying to one side. She raised her legs and as Paul bent forward dipping his head low. He did it exactly as Sam had done to him, with one long lick along the length of her crack and then back to her arsehole with the tip of his tongue. He felt her squirm and heard her moan as he began to warm to the task of pleasing her. Her fingers were in his hair and he realized he was so happy licking her arse. Feeling adventurous he began to alternate between long licks and probes. He kept the momentum going noticing that her cock was rock hard again. Reaching up a little he began to lick the shaft all the way up and down running his tongue up the base of the shaft to the helmet and back. He tasted her skin and loved the feel of it and the taste of her precum on his lips.

“I want you to fuck me right now!” Paul heard Sam almost scream and he immediately stopped licking and grinned as he rose to his knees and leaned forward for a deep kiss. She raised her legs again, higher this time so that her feet were resting on his shoulders and he could feel the silky smoothness of her stockings against his chest. Reaching down Paul felt Sam’s hand on his cock guiding it towards her as she whispered. “Fuck me hard baby!”
He pushed gently forward and felt tip of his cock sink into her tight arse. He hesitated as he felt her anal muscles tighten and relax around his cock tip and then he pushed forwards again and his cock sank all the way to the hilt. Sam left out a loud sigh and reached up to place her hands on her breasts, squeezing and pulling at her nipples. Paul began to move with a rhythm. Sam was tight and since Donna would never let him fuck her arse, this was new to Paul. He was in heaven convinced this was the best fuck he’d ever had. He was turned on by her playing with her own breasts and reached his hands down to join hers. Immediately she released them and slid her hands lower to cup his balls with one while her other hand probed his arse.

Now and then Paul leaned forward to kiss and Samantha, as the beautiful girl with the big cock urged him on whispering directly into his ear or sticking her tongue in. This sent him into another dimension. Finally Paul came with long spasms that ran through his body that he thought and hoped would never end. He felt drained but happy and was still hard inside her as she took his head in her hands and kissed him deeply. He felt another twitch or two and then he was really done.

“Now it’s my turn!” Samantha said and smiled.
“I’m not sure!” Paul suddenly said looking and feeling very worried. Sam simply smiled at him. “You weren’t sure about sucking my cock!” Paul nodded in agreement. “And you weren’t sure about rimming!” Paul nodded again.
“Listen Pau!” Sam smiled affectionately. “There’s no hurry! Lets get into bed!” and see what we get up to.

Paul slid in beside the beautiful busty blonde with the big cock and pulled the duvet over as the two lay together holding each other. Paul was lost in the moment of pure lust and emotion and as he felt her soft warm curvy body next to his he found himself getting excited again and his cock began to grow. Sam could feel it growing against her own erect cock. As Paul nuzzled her big soft breasts he could feel her cock against his tummy and he reached down, first to hold it then pushed it between his thighs. It felt good as he eased up the bed a little. Almost immediately he felt Sam’s hands run down his back and ease into the crack of his arse. Moments later she was fingering his arsehole. And then there were no fingers, Paul suddenly felt the distinct shape of the head of his lover’s cock pushing gently against his anus.

“Just relax baby, it’ll feel good!” Sam said as she pushed it in further. Paul felt an initial feeling of pain then it was all pleasure. He just felt full at the back!
“How does that feel babe?” Sam asked and Paul simply locked his hands onto her fat breasts and his mouth onto hers in a passionate kiss. She began to move back and forth ever so gently and Paul relaxed even more. He even found himself looking forward to the thrusts and began to move his hips back to meet hers and feel her cock as they got the rhythm going. Samantha was facing Paul and slightly lower and he had his legs lifted around her hips with his rock hard cock squashed against her tummy. Paul just thought that Sam looked gorgeous as she humped his arse. She slipped out and then Paul felt the tip of her cock at his opening again and the gentle push as she entered him again. When she began fucking him now, it was deeper than before and Paul loved this treatment he was receiving from his lover. Her eyes were sparkling as she began to fuck him harder and her breathing became faster. Paul was caressing her nipples as she gasped. Then she was cumming inside him and he could feel each spasm and twitch of her cock and felt like she was cumming forever and filling him up.

For Paul, it was a fantastic feeling. Indeed a night of fantastic feelings and he knew that there would be no going back. Samantha, exhausted by her exertions collapsed on his chest and slid her hand between them to give his cock a hard tug as she felt the hardness again. He pushed her over onto her back and slid up her beautiful body as she continued to jerk him. Moments later he was shooting stream after stream of hot cum that splattered her heavenly chest and nipples. Paul didn’t need asking twice and immediately dipped his head to lick the cum from her breasts before sliding his tongue back into her mouth in a spermy kiss.

And once again they slept. When Paul awoke his new lover was gone. He thought he would never see her again.


“Where the fuck did you learn that!” Donna smiled at her husband and Paul grinned back. “That was amazing…………………….I’ve never had my arse licked before. God I am horny. Give me that cock of yours!” She smiled, and Paul did over and over again.


2 Months Later

Donna smiled as she took the wrapped package from her husband. “What is it?” She grinned. “You’ve already brought me all the lingerie?” She glanced down to see the array of sexy lingerie. Paul simply grinned as Donna opened the package to reveal an 8” strap-on dildo. “Oh my god!” She laughed just as the doorbell went. Paul immediately went to answer the door and came back into the bedroom accompanied by a gorgeous blonde in a red mini skirt and black top. “This is Samantha!” Paul smiled. “And she’s come to play with us!”

Donna simply smiled!


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Saturday, August 4, 2035 Al Green was always impressed when he visited Modern Electronics. This time was no exception. The company was now well established. It was the brainchild of his brother Sam. In fact, it had started out in his brother's garage. It was now housed in a hundred thousand square foot building made of glass and steel. When you walked into Modern Electronics, it was almost like walking into a hospital. The corridors were so clean they shined, and opening off of them were...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Lakshmi

Hii, dosto mera naam romy hai aur main iss ke fans mein se ek hoon.Yeh jo main aap logoke liye likhne ja raha hoon yeh story nahi balki sacchai hai. Main ek sadi suda admi hoon aur ek construction copmpany mein kaam karta hoon.Mera age 33 yrs hai aur meri biwi ka 28 years.Mera biwi ka naam geetanjali hai,aur pyar se main use geetu bulata hoon.Hum ek dusre se bahut pyar karte hain aur humara sexual life bhi theek chal raha tha. Meri wife ek hiusewife hain aur ghar par hi rahti hai.Uska hath...

2 years ago
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TouchChapter 3 Dinner

Emma felt like royalty as Tim held the door open to his red Porsche. Emma was dazzling with her hair up, full length gold silk gown with matching opera gloves and clutch purse. She wore gold flats because with any kind of heels, she stood taller than him. To top it off she wore triple strands of opera pearls. In other words, Emma was simply stunning. The gown showed she had small but alluring breasts. Her nipples slightly jabbed against the silk making her all the sexier in his view. "You...

1 year ago
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What do you think of when you think of 3D hentai? Well, you might think of a hentai site, but you already know that on those kinds of sites you mostly get 2D animations, and 3D is kind of rare these days. Well, I’m here to tell you about a great place where you can enjoy mostly 3D hentai content. The name of the site is, and it has all sorts of hentai for you to enjoy. It doesn’t matter what kind of hentai you’re into, this place has pretty much every kind of hentai content that you...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Marriage Made in Heaven

Marriage Made in Heaven! By Ann Gray 1. Two secrets can lead to happiness and we are the proof of that! Karen and I had been happily married for nearly eight years. We were both in our late twenties, career professionals with excellent prospects, a nice home in a secluded neighborhood and no intention of having any children. Our lives revolved around work, the house, a few close friends and a satisfactory, but not spectacular, sexual relationship. About a year...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 494

The Prison Planet ... Morales took the little flag down and handed the envelope to Jasmine. “Looks like the General sent you a message.” “Yeah? Well, it will have to wait a minute,” she said as she grabbed the envelope and hurried to her secluded place to do her morning business. Back inside a few minutes later, Morales built the main fire back up as Jasmine started a cook fire. A few minutes later, the coffee pot was on and perking merrily away. “Ummm, I love that sound,” she said,...

4 years ago
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Lonely Alone At Home

You are home alone in your apartment, and feeling a little lonely. You begin to stroke your cock while watching hot women on the TV. As you are sitting on the couch stroking yourself, your really getting into it and are about to cum. Just as you are about to cum someone knocks on the door! As you are lonely you have to answer it, after all someone has come to visit you. You wonder who it could be.

2 years ago
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Stud 7 Fucks slave daughter infront of her parent

(This takes place in the future when sex slavery is legal. Everyone is over the age of 18.) I cannot believe my luck. That sexy brunette whom I have seen at my auction and my public whipping is before me and I am combing her hair. There have been a number of times when I could not get it up. I would just think of her in her mini skirt and big boobs pushing through her this blouse. Now she is sitting naked in front of me naked and I am combing her hair. Up close and naked, she looks more...

1 year ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 3 Peter

At my house, my parents take like a million photos of me and my sister Beth. Her First High School Dance. Some geek and his parents show up with a corsage the size of Beth's head and a camera and a million more photos are taken of Beth's First Date. I gotta admit, Beth looks great. She looks like my Mom in high school with long dark hair, pined up for tonight and more of a figure than I thought she had. Mom was a cheerleader and - Dad has implied - not the hardest pants to get into. I watch...

4 years ago
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Pehla Pyar Priya K Sath

Hello friends, mera naam akshay hai aur mai Chandigarh ka rehne wala hun. Meri umar 25 saal hai, aur height 5.8 hai, rang saaf aur dick (lun) 6 inch ka hai.Yeh meri pehli stoty hai hope u all like it and comment it. 6 months pehle mai noida mai job krta tha. Ek ladki jiska naam priya hai mere sath hi job krti thi wo bhi Chandigarh se hi thi. Uska rang gora, brown eyes, figure 34-27-34 hai.Mai aksar raat ko hi travel krta tha to priya bhi akele aane k darr se mere sath hi aaya krti thi. Ek din...

2 years ago
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Raul sneered at me as he closed the padlock over my cuffs with a sickening click. “You stay right here, baby,” he leered, “And as soon as I’m back I’ll take care of you too.” As if I had a choice; he had k**napped me and was leaving me bound and naked. Each ankle tied to the opposite knee, forcing my thighs open, and my wrists were cuffed over my head. A ball gag filled my mouth and all I could do was moan incoherently and squirm helplessly. Raul, of course, was completely fictional, but...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Hot Milf Mom Sonam

Helio this Adam Matthews from Mumbai.This story is about my best friends mom Sonam.   I was feeling quite hot after driving to sam’s house. Since his family had moved to another village, we didn’t see each other as often. I was looking forward to hanging out with him. We had a similar taste in music and sport, so there was always plenty to talk about. I parked my bike around the side of the house before ringing the front doorbell. Mrs Sonam, sam’s mom, opened the door. I hadn’t seen her for a...

3 years ago
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MonkeyChapter 6

Matt retired from the military and took up a full time role in the agency, in time we both passed our exams to become accredited Estate agents, Mr Pederson then retired and we become the owners. During this period Sally and my relationship took a great leap forward, we became engaged to be married. Mum and Matt decided to tie the knot so a double wedding was arranged. For a wedding gift, Mr Meadows gave Sally and I a 50% share in his estate agency, Mum's gift was her share in our estate...

2 years ago
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Soccer Party

On the verge of collapsing, the bell rang. As usual, Cecilia came. She's my neighbor, for a few years. She moved in when I was twelve, she was 18 then. Now, she's 23. She met Brad in college, and they've been dating ever since. Cecilia brings Brad home occasionally, means we knew each other before he became our coach. Cecilia, she's a girl which brings fantasies to men, she's full with a pair of C's, and she makes people wanna tap her ass. She's into modelling, and she has a bright...

4 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife A treat for the builders

Last week, Mrs O. had to go away on a business trip which meant an overnight stay in a hotel. Usually these are incident free but this time she found time to do a bit of teasing and i thought i might share her latest adventure.The story began the morning she was due to leave for home. She was staying in a hotel that was opposite a building that looked as if it was undergoing some major renovations and had been awoken early by the noise coming from the site. When she got up she opened the...

3 years ago
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The Partyby William DuPain ([email protected])***This is a story about an i****tuous relationship between an aunt and her nephew. They attend a fundraiser sponsored by her book club. It's a slave sale, where she buys a lover for her nephew. (FFM, inc, bi, orgy, rom)***Unsure of whether Eleanor would be in or not, Bill decided to try her cell phone anyway. He had been thinking a great deal about their escapade last weekend and simply wanted to hear her voice again.He dialed the number, and...

2 years ago
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Aphrodisia Ch 06

In the abyssal darkness of a long forgotten tomb wherein an ancient treasure lay buried next to a broken altar, a nineteen year old boy named Jamie Sloane opened his eyes. He was still sprawled upon the hard stone floor where he had fallen unconscious the previous night and still entangled in his arms was the beautiful girl who he had been so vigorously pleasuring at the time. Her steady slow breathing was the only sound that filled the room, though Jamie felt the beat of his own heart...

2 years ago
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Sex And Coffee

The smell of coffee wakes him. He's hard and throbbing. His cock thick and swollen. He reaches for me but finds the bed empty. He hears the shower. A slow smile spreads across his face.Sex or coffee first? He throws the bed covers off his naked body. His bronze skin shining from the morning sun as it cascades through the window. He opens the bathroom door. The steam shower hides me from his view. The music playing on the radio masks his presence.A burst of cool air on my body is my only warning...

Quickie Sex
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Sisters stick together

This is my first story so be gentle with me. I appreciate feedback but please be nice. One caveat, there is a lot of unprotected sex, but it's critical to the storyline. This is fiction, girlfriends, please be careful out there in real life. Sisters stick together By Amy B Michael was just about finished transforming into Michelle. Shoulder length black wig, hoop earrings, over the months with...

1 year ago
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My BowLegged SisterInLaw

My Bow-Legged Sister-In-Law My lovely thirty-eight-year-old wife has a thirty-six-year-old sister Angie that had recently been divorced and was once again sowing her wild oats. Angie was staying with us until she got herself together. That could certainly take a while. Our daughter was away attending college so her bedroom was available. My wife just laughed it off whenever Angie would walk out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her hair. She certainly was a sexy...

4 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 20

I didn't even have the luxury of getting sick. At Victor's orders, Chip had pulled me to my feet and was shoving me down the hallway, following the two white-coated scientists through a maze of cinderblock hallways. I tried to keep some sense of where we were, but apart from the vague sense that we were in corridor F and passing Wings G and then H, I had no real clues. I kept running escape fantasies through my head, but I was obviously no match for Chip and had no idea where to run even if...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Bunny Love Long Distance Latina Lust

Long distance relationships are hard, but nothing is better than when two lovebirds get to reunite after some time spent apart. That is why Bunny Love is so ecstatic that her man is coming home today! The Latina babe hops in the shower to freshen up and get ready to ravish him as soon as he walks through the door. But he gets back much sooner than expected, surprising her with his early entrance. As soon as she sees him, she wants him to enter her eager muff. She pops her pussy on the bed,...

2 years ago
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The other guy

It was last year that my wife for 18 years and I had a great experience involving her long time school friend from back in Germany where she grew up. We live on an old farm that we remodeled and here we raised our five c***dren and live a good life. I am traveling for contracting business some and she is a part time teacher and has a small photography business. We moved to the US shortly after we got married. Now, 18 years later we have most of the k**s off to College and the younger ones are...

1 year ago
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Prison Sex

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was close to midnight and the women’s prison was already dark. Most of the prisoners were asleep except one. Diana was lying on her bunk staring at her new inmate, a curvy, petite, brunette named Julia. Diana sat on her bed. She had ripped her sleeves off her top earlier making a knot by her bellybutton to accentuate her breasts. She wanted to fuck Julie badly. She jumped off her bunk and grabbed Julie by her hair. “Wake up, whore!” Diana whispered....

3 years ago
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Ray and his 18-year old son were more like friends than father and son. Greg was advanced for his age and Ray wasn't able to give up the wild days of his youth. They were into the same activities and liked the same sports and music. Ray sometimes joined Greg on a Saturday night out with friends. Greg's friends were queasy at first but soon learned that Ray was discrete, thought the same way, and acted more like a virile teenager than an older married man: downing the suds, telling dirty jokes...

3 years ago
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Dracula and his Marvel Harem

It was a cold Night in Gotham. The snow was falling on the City and covering it in a soft white. Most of the Citizen stayed at home and only if it was necessary some of them left the warm homes. But some other used these night to make some Money. One of these Persons was Cat-Woman. She was on her way to the Gotham Museum of History. Her Contacts had informed her that they showed some ancient relicts from Transylvanian and one of these Artefacts was a Diamond that was called “The Cat”. It was...

3 years ago
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SILVER "I'm going up to London this weekend as well. I've booked us on the same train. I hope you don't mind." My assistant, Eve, stood next to me holding a brown folder. Out of it she took some train tickets and confirmation of a hotel booking. "Oh," I said, avoiding her implied question. "What are you planning to do." "Mostly visiting my father in his care home. But I'm meeting a few old friends while I'm there." She hesitated, and swallowed nervously. "I've booked...

4 years ago
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Screwing The Driver

My husband had gone on one of his trips. He had gone to visit his sister. To screw her. I was cool with that. After all I had got them screwing in the 1st place. Infact it was I who had told him to take the trip, with a new HD camera so I could enjoy the video when he got back. I love to masturbate watching him with other women. We had hired a new driver. A young lad, 20 yrs old. He was cute and my pussy wanted a virgin cock. He was my maid’s cousin and she asked me to give him the job. In...

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Mother In law Fantasy Island

This is a fictional sex story. If you dont like or agree with sex storys, please leave. Its just a fantasy tale and starts like this. This story starts in Japan where we took our kids on vacation.My wife thought it would be nice to let the kids see a different culture. The kids were getting close to graduating and my wife wanted one last vacation as a family before our first born went to college,so that's what we did. My wife's mother Barb came along.everything was going along according to plan...

1 year ago
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7 Cards

They slid into the booth together – side by side – and immediately he reached for her thigh and she pressed herself against him. ‘Comfortable, Babe?’ Her answer was given in the form of a slight brush of her palm along his belt line. The seat was properly cushioned, the lighting was dim, the noise but a chatter and the booth backs were nice and high. A perfect contrast to the bar area from which they came. He turned to her and immediately noticed how bright her smile had become. It was then...

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Mothers Keeper

Relations with my mother were at their worst as I neared my sixteenth birthday. We argued about everything. Mostly, she bitched about my choice of clothing. Earning my own money afforded me the opportunity to buy my own clothes. I like sexy, revealing clothes; Mom thinks a nun's habit is too revealing--at least for me. My folks are big on maintaining an image. We entertain a great deal. My two younger brothers and I are perfect children--seen and not heard. We live a strict and structured...

2 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 2

From that afternoon on, Alex and Adrian were fucking each other at every opportunity. One evening, when Alex and Julia had gone to a cocktail party with the Cobbs, their three daughters were home having dinner together. Sitting quietly at the table, Kim was listening to her two younger sisters chatting. "Dee," little Kelly asked her sister, "are you going out tonight?" "I sure am," said the attractive redhead as her big tits rolled around, no bra beneath her blouse to contain...

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