Room With A View free porn video

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This is one of my best stories, in my opinion, but I would love to hear and see comments on what others think of it. Either comment here or mail me on [email protected]

Room with a View - A Voyeur’s Story

As soon as my wife leaves our flat and the door closes behind her I move quickly to the telescope which would normally be pointing up to the stars. I often sit late at night with a glass of wine in my hand gazing up into the darkness above the city lights and out into the universe to see the wonders of deep space and infinity beyond. Or at least that is what my wife is led to believe! But during the daylight, when I am alone in the flat the scope will often be pointing in a very different direction to that of the solar system.

Standing only in shorts and sandals I swing the telescope around to face the block of flats opposite. Gazing through the eyehole I point it down to the basement flat and am met with the usual sight of the old fat Italian man making spaghetti in his kitchen area. He often does this as he chats to his equally fat wife. Having seen her close up it is clear that during her youth she would have been an extremely beautiful woman. But now age and the good Italian food her husband seems to be continuously feeding her has taken its toll on her body and looks. Whilst her big brown eyes are still extremely beautiful and deep in appearance her hair has greyed and the fullness of her figure had been overtaken with age and size.

And often, when she is away, I will see him stooped over his table, lit by a dim lamp, the table covered in pictures of naked teenage girls, probably matching the beauty he had married but now seems lost forever in his wife. And so instead, when his wife is out, he will ogle the busty teens in all sorts of revealing positions as he pulls on his small cock until it spurts across the two dimensional figures on the paper.

Smiling, I shift the scope up to the next floor. The flat is empty now, except for the small dog who roams around looking for a fight with anyone that cares to attempt to knock on the door whilst his single white male owner is at work. Up again, my anticipation is growing as I look forward to reaching the floor that is level with mine. The next sight is two girls, teenagers, arguing as usual. They argue over a man. They are both thin with straggly hair and slutty makeup. This is to cover their sad lives which are controlled by alcohol and d**gs, rather than by enjoying life itself. The sound of their shrill voices wafts out of the open window and across the gap between the flats, only stopping when one of the girls is out. They argue over the same man, the man who says that he loves them both, but never together. The man who visits when the other is out and takes advantage of the young girl in the most explicit way, having self satisfying gratuitous sex to meet his needs rather than those of his……….. um……………… I pause to think!

I can never work out if they are his lovers or victims! But whichever girl happens to be in at the time will satisfy him in return for what he carries in a small bag, before he disappears into the night once again. That way both parties are satisfied in their own sad way.

But my mind is not on them, as I raise the scope level with my own flat. It is on something more beautiful, sexier and more eloquent and gorgeous than anything else within that block, and within the city. With trembling hands I steady the scope. My heart is beating hard in my chest as I aim the scope at the window opposite before sitting back in my seat to wait. Then I see her for the first time today and my heart skips a beat once again. The sunlight catches her platinum blonde hair through the open window and I smile to myself. With a shaking hand I refocus the telescope to check she is alone in the flat. I smile, he must be away again. He seems to be away a lot.

Her skin is tanned by the sun and her curves portray a real woman’s body, and what a body it is. My cock within my shorts starts to twitch as I gaze out upon her in the most voyeuristic way possible. I have seen her many times before and I reach a hand down to caress my growing manhood through the thin material of my shorts. I’ve seen her in the morning, during the day and at night. I’ve seen her clothed, partially clothed and naked. I have seen her husband’s lips on hers and wished they were mine. I have watched his fingers run down her perfect skin and ached for them to be my hands. I have seen his mouth on her perfect breasts, the flesh so soft and wonderful, just crying out to be touched, by me! And I have seen him make love to her, both soft and gently and then hard and furious. I have watched her take him in her mouth as he has used her and her body to meet his own needs. And I have seen her face as he cums and then see how he rolls over onto his back but she lies still as if it isn’t enough.

And it is never long until he is asleep and it is then I watch as her hands roam over her own body. Touching and caressing gently on her pussy and large soft breasts and nipples trying to satisfy herself since he has failed. And I have become so excited just dreaming that it could be me and played with my cock just dreaming of her. But knowing in my heart of hearts that it cannot as she is her and I am me, and we both have partners. But I still dream.

She is dressed today in a short skirt and tight top as she potters around the apartment before she finally makes my dreams come true and comes out onto the balcony to sit and allow her heavenly body to absorb the sunlight. Sipping on a cold drink she lays back with her sunglasses on. My vision from the scope is right up along her beautiful legs and full thighs and up under the crease of the skirt. I feel my cock jerk when I get a momentary vision of black panties. But suddenly she is sitting up and looking directly at my window. She can’t see me from there!

Embarrassed I fumble as she looks over. I pray that she will not see my scope pointing in her direction and lay back on the chair trembling through fear of being caught. A perverted Peeping Tom, the headline would say and I would be ruined.

Cautiously I raise my head again to look in her direction to see that she has moved back into the flat. I swing the scope around to her window. I am confused. Just for a moment until I see her standing behind her open window with binoculars up at her eyes, looking directly back at me. I freeze in horror and my cock disappears as if it now wants nothing to be with the dirty Peeping Tom. But slowly I look back through the scope and can see her clearly. She is looking but smiling. I watch intently as she drops one hand from the binoculars onto her full breast as she watches me watching her.
I am dumbstruck as I see hand stretch out across the material of her top, not big enough to fully cup her huge soft breast but then see her fingers close with her thumb around a hard nipple, clearly visible through the thin material. She drops the binoculars to the bed as I watch her close her eyes and bite her bottom lip as her fingers and thumb tighten around the nipple harder pulling on it and making it stand out through the material.

I am now trembling with excitement. I have seen her so many times in the past but she has never looked so beautiful nor as sexy as she does at this moment. The lump in my shorts is now at its fullest forcing the material out and I cannot help but ease my hand down onto it to touch the hot firm cock head through the thin material of my shorts once again.

But………………..I want her. I want to touch her………………to feel her…………… taste her. Now that she has seen me, and I have seen her I know now that there is no turning back. I have to meet her to see if she feels the same way as I do. Taking control and standing I straighten myself up and ease a T shirt over my torso.

The moment of truth has arrived.

I exit my flat walking down the narrow corridors to where she lives. With a trembling hand and heart beating in my chest I knock gently on her door………!
It swings open slowly but there is no sign of her. I enter her flat locking it behind me and start to walk down the short hallway looking for her in each of the rooms I feel I know so well having seen them all from my own flat.

Lying on the bed, she hears the knock on the door and the door lock click shut and her body tingles with anticipation. With crisp, fresh sheets below her and now only wearing a black thong and a smile she awaits my approach. Finally entering the bedroom, I see her lying almost naked and proud as she wait almost expectantly for me. I gulp! I have waited so long just to meet her in person rather than through my voyeuristic ways and now she is lying on the bed in all her wonderful glory waiting for my next move. I flick off my sandals feeling the warm carpet beneath my feet and then my T shirt to expose my tanned firm body. Her bright eyes widen and shine with desire as I then allow my shorts to fall to the floor leaving me standing naked before her. The movement of the thin curtains in the room causes the sunlight to flicker light across her beautiful curves. She looks divine in all her glory.

I immediately cross the room and climb onto the bed to kneel beside her. She reaches up and places a finger across lips as if to say words are not necessary at this point in time. Her red painted lips curl in a soft smile. My eyes devour every inch of her wonderful body with all her curves and charms that she possesses. And a faint smile that I can’t hide demonstrates to her beyond measure that I adore what I see. With my delicious smile widening, I finally lower my face to hers and our moist lips brush gently against one another for the first time.

I feel a pulse of electricity shoot through my body alerting every nerve ending as the warmth of her lips and tongue touches mine. I have dreamt of her kisses and my passion is ignited as I feel her soft hands exploring my firm body. As we kiss I caress her face tenderly, feeling her soft smooth skin under my warm hands and our tongues delicately dance together within our open mouths.

I feel her hands reach down, almost absent-mindedly and begin to stroke my hardening thick cut penis. Her warm fingers entwine themselves over the soft skin covering the thick firm muscle of my cock as I feel her caress my shaft that enlarges under her soft perfect touch. I sigh involuntarily.
“I'll have to do something about this for you!” She whispers in foreign accent softly almost purring the words to me as her fingers encircle my thick cock. Kneeling up, I smile down at her, my shining eyes appealing, almost urging her, without words, to do exactly what I want her to do.

Receiving my clear message and wasting no time she kneels up to greet me with a gentle lingering kiss before easing me gently back onto the bed. Then leaning over me she gives me the most glorious vision of her huge luscious breasts dangling down below her, her nipples soft, supple and delicious. She kisses me softly on the cheeks and ears gently running her tongue into my left ear. This makes me gasp with pleasure and my hard cock twitches frantically in her hands. Her lips and tongue reach my neck and again my body is suddenly covered in goose bumps as electrical currents seem to surge through my body and soul. Still mesmerised by her full swaying breasts I watch as she makes her way down my body, kissing my chest and stomach before finally positioning herself between my legs. Parting my legs she kneels gently between them exposing me to herself in all my hard glory.

She looks exquisite as she kneels looking over to me with a devilish grin on her beautiful face and her big brown eyes dazzling in the sunlight.

Wrapping the fingers of one hand around the base of my thick cock she begins to move them slowly up and down while placing the other hand under my full sack of cum waiting to be released. Leaning forward, she flicks her tongue over my cock head and I moan appreciatively. Uncurling her fingers from around my shaft she make swirling motions with her soft wet tongue around the cock head, paying attention to the piss slit up the front. This sensation drives me into ecstasy and I| moan loudly. Smiling she lick along the underside of the thick shaft all the way from my balls to the tip and back down again, slowly, repeating the motion as she gazes up at me with her dazzling eyes.

I can’t help but moan again as she continues to tease me with her tongue, licking up and down the thick shaft before swirling her tongue around the head of my swollen cock. I bring my knees up and she leans forward, nestling my cock between her huge wondrous breasts. Smiling at me again she begins to move her body up and down with my cock enveloped between the full soft fleshy mounds. The feeling is clearly exciting us both as her nipples brush against the insides of my thighs and my hard cock oozing precum as it slides easily along the full length of her deep cleavage. The short hairs on the inside of my thighs tickle her sensitive nipples as she moves, sending fiery bolts of electricity through her body. I watch in awe as the nipples harden into the darling buds that I long to touch and lick and taste.

Lifting her hands she pushes her breasts together wrapping them around the hard shaft of my cock. Just the sight of this makes my cock swell even bigger and harder. I start to rock my hips gently as she slowly wanks me off with her amazing soft luscious tits.
“You like that, don't you?” She purrs in her gorgeous accent looking up at me with a delicious grin on her beautiful lips. Unable to speak, l simply nod as I watch her tongue flick out over tip of my cock as it comes up through the valley of flesh, causing me to moan again as my whole body begins to tense, as I breath deeply.

Her eyes flash hungrily at me as she licks her painted lips seductively. Slowly, with her mouth open she moves her face closer to my pumping shaft. Holding my cock steadily in place with one hand, she lowers her head.
“Oh fuck, yessss!” I groan as her lips finally encircle my cock slowly drawing me into the warmth of her gorgeous soft wet warm mouth. Swirling her tongue around my thick shiny cock head she slowly begins to slide her lips down my shaft, her mouth wide to take my full girth. Glancing up she sees me watching her and obligingly pushes her hair back to give the best view.

The view turns me on so much just to watch my cock disappear between the lips of the woman I have dreamt about and wanted for so long. And now, it appears, all my dreams are coming true. With one hand cupping my balls and gently squeezing them her lips continue to travel up and down my shaft creating such intensity of feeling. With her other hand between my open legs she slides it under my full balls and along my scrotum until her fingers reach my tight arse button. My cock swells again in her mouth as I feel her fingers circle my arse almost causing me to cum there and then, the feeling is so intense.

Bobbing her head up and down slowly, my cock is sliding in and out of her beautiful lips and at the top of each stroke she swirls her tongue around the head then flicks it across the slit. This causes my hips to surge upwards before settling back down to the intense feeling that she is creating below at my balls and arse. Sucking hard, slide lips slide down my shaft, taking as much of my thick cock as possible into her hungry mouth. I reach down with my hands to her head winding my fingers into her soft blonde hair as the moist warmth of her mouth begins to drive me wild.

Realising how much I am enjoying the attention she releases my balls and wraps her fingers tightly around the base of my shaft, beginning to move it up and down in time with her mouth. She circles my bum hole with her free hand while her mouth and other hand slide up and down in tandem along the shaft. It feels like the entire length of my cock is disappearing into the warm wet confines of her hungry mouth and I gasp my appreciation.

My moans grow louder as her mouth glides skilfully up and down my shaft. Varying the pace, first slow and gentle than hard and fast then slow again, sucking harder and then more gently as she bobs her head up and down. The bucking of my hips off the bed becomes increasingly frantic as she uses her mouth and hand to draw me towards an inevitable climax. I cannot hold on for much longer and holding her head lightly in place, I start to fuck her hot wet mouth, thrusting my cock between her lips as she tightens them around the thick girth with her fingers around my shaft.

“I'm getting close!” I gasped breathlessly. She can feel my cock begin to twitch inside her mouth, tasting my pre-cum as it oozes out.
“Oh fuck! I can't take much more!” My eyes are now closed.
Smiling inwardly to herself she can hear the strain in my voice as she drags the swollen head of my cock along the roof of her mouth. Pausing briefly, she allows my cock to slip from between her lips.
Smiling she says. “That's all right. I want you to cum. That way you'll last so much longer when you fuck me. Cum in my mouth! You know how much I love to taste hot cum. I have seen you watching me do that, remember!”

On hearing this I feel her tongue flick over my knob head again before her luscious lips engulf it once more. Her hand tightens around the base of my shaft prolonging the feeling and then I feel her other hand and fingers pressing directly onto my tight arsehole. I widen my legs further for her allowing her greater access. She looks up at me, her deep brown eyes smouldering as she catches my lustful gaze. Her lips slide down my shaft once again. My hips press forward with my cock slipping between her lips feeling it sliding against the roof of her mouth. She forces my hips down with my bum cheeks wife onto her hand and I suddenly feel the exquisite touch of her finger penetrating my arse while she continues to slide her lips up until only the very tip of my swollen prick remains in her mouth. Sucking hard she wiggles her finger playfully in my arse and grips my cock shaft tightly between her thumb and forefinger rubbing it up and down. My breathing deepens further as a mixture between a moan and a groan escapes from my mouth.

She suddenly feels my cock swell again and body stiffen as she drives me with such expertise ever closer to the edge. My eyes are closed and pulse is racing as my whole body writhes on the bed under her spell and beautiful touch as I feel my climax approaching. Her fingers in my bum and watch she is doing to my cock are feelings more powerful than I have ever experienced. With every ounce of strength I possess I try to hold back prolonging the moment of exquisite pleasure but her hands, fingers and mouth drive me relentlessly to the point of no return. With her lips securely wrapped around the head of my cock, she lets her mouth relax in readiness for what both she and I know is only seconds away. Tilting her head back and brushing her hair away from her face, her gorgeous big brown eyes meet mine. She winks at me, teasing me as much with her eyes as with her fingers and mouth. I am lost to the world of pleasure and let out an almost strangled groan as I struggle to deny the inevitable conclusion.

As she uses her fingers of one hand to stroke my shaft, she gives my arse a final finger fucking reaching for my most sensitive area. Unable to endure anymore, I feel my full sack start to empty.
“Oh, Fuck! Baby!!!!” I cry out as I feel my seed boil up through my rock hard prick.
“I ... I'm cumming!” I moan with a growl of sheer a****l lust and I finally allow myself to let go. My cock, along with my pent up emotions, finally erupts, filling her mouth with thick streams of sticky cum over and over again.
Still sucking hard and licking on my tortured prick she swallows it quickly, savouring the sensations as my thick love cream trickling down her throat. Shot after shot hits the roof of her mouth until it gradually subsides and I feel the beautiful touch of her tongue once again on the slit of my cock head licking it clean as my climax subsides.

My spent cock finally slips from between her lips. A small trace of cum dribbles down her chin and looking me in the eye she licks her lips and smiles, making a show of wiping her chin and licking her fingers before sucking the last few drops from my rapidly diminishing cock. Finally, she moves her beautiful body up beside me and leaning over my face allows a dribble of cum still within her mouth to dribble down onto my lips and mouth before pressing her lips tightly against mine. Her tongue penetrates my mouth in a long cummy kiss.

“Mmmmmm!” She whispers as we break off the kiss. “That was nice. I hope there's more where that came from.” She purrs seductively as she presses her wonderful body against mine.
“Oh, there will be my darling, don't worry.” I manage to reply. “Just give me some time to recover.”
We kiss again deeply as my hands roam down over the soft skin of her back onto her full bum cheeks. Smiling and feeling the warmth and shape of her beautiful body against mine, my cock starts to stir again.

“While we're waiting for that, why don't you let me repay the compliment?” I ask, knowing the answer before I have even finished speaking and rolling her gently over onto her back.
“Mmmmm!” She purrs. “That would be wonderful!”

My lips move from her mouth, kissing her beautiful face, her hair, ears, eyes, cheeks, and chin. My hands roam downwards fingertips delicately tracing her soft skin around the shape of her neck and shoulders. Leaning over her I brush my lips her exposed neck and shoulders with soft kisses as my fingers trace around the bottom of her voluptuous breasts. My cock continues to harden as my lips touch and taste the softness of her body for the first time. In my eyes she is truly exquisite.

She begins to moan softly as I gently nibble her neck and shoulders and feel her squirm with pleasure beneath me, digging her fingernails into my back. Placing her hands on my shoulders she pushes me down further. The flames of her passion are further fanned as my lips continue a slow trace down across the top of her breasts as my fingers encircle her luscious nipples. Now all of my dreams are finally coming to fruition. Her nipples harden instinctively to my soft gentle touch almost pleading to be sucked by me. Obligingly my tongue traces the outline of her huge breasts circling gently inwards towards the goal as my hands reach around the sides of the fleshy orbs to lift them up to my hungry mouth.

A fine layer of my saliva coats her big soft melons that I hold lovingly in my hands gazing down at their perfection.
“Yes!” She murmurs softly as my tongue glides over the wet skin. I hear her sigh as my hands continue to squeeze and push her breasts together, my tongue now flicking over her nipples, alternating back and forth between the two hardening wonders, over and over, licking and loving them with my tongue. The treatment I am giving to her perfect huge breasts is slowly driving her wild. Smiling up at her I see her deep brown eyes watching me intently as I lean down still looking deeply into her eyes and flick my tongue again over the nipple. Opening my mouth I suckle one nipple deeply in and out of my mouth like she had done earlier with my cock. I switch to the other nipple repeating the action as my thumb brushes the vacant nipple maintaining the arousal. I continue to repeat this action back and forth from nipple to nipple, sucking them a little longer and deeper into my hungry mouth each time.

“Oh fuck………..yes!” She murmurs again. “Yes! Suck my tits! Suck them! Mmmmmm!”
I feel her hot body writhe beneath me as I am enjoying the moment and enjoying that fact that I am giving so much pleasure to the beautiful vision that I have admired and sought for so long. My fingers and thumb delicately tease one hardened nipple while my sucking and biting action on the other drives her wild as she moans and writhes beneath me.

As a warm glow spreads through her body, she begins to lose all sense of time as she allows me to lavish my attention on her huge wonderful breasts with my hands, mouth, lips, tongue and teeth gently nibbling the teats to increase the intensity of the feeling. Her nipples are throbbing and all her nerve endings are on fire within her gorgeous body. I continue to love the beautiful big fat fleshy orbs below me.

I finally release them by which time she is almost on the verge of an orgasm. The feeling of my sucking being so intense she moans and purrs to herself, the contentment being so great. I start to move downwards again kissing my way across her flat stomach and licking up and down her sides. She lets out a gorgeous giggle as my tongue delicately tracing around her belly button, the skin of my wet tongue dragging across her soft tummy. She squirms as I make my way slowly, inexorably downwards towards my goal. Sliding a finger into each side of the thong I trace the material with my tongue before gently biting the material and easing it down with my teeth. With the help of my fingers I slide it over her curvy hips and gorgeous tanned thighs and down over her shapely legs, before pulling them off her feet. Still watching her from my vantage point I lift the thong and sniff it deeply taking in the scent of my beautiful gorgeous sexy angel lying naked on the bed below me. I let the thong drop onto the bed before my mouth makes its hungry journey, slowly kissing and licking back up over her feet, her calves and her thighs until my tongue reaches its final destination and ultimate goal.

Her body responds immediately to my touch. Kneeling between her legs she can feel my hands and tongue run lightly up the inside of her thighs, approaching but never quite touching her honey pot. She moans gently. Leaning forward I replace my finger tips with my mouth. As I slide up the inside her thigh with my tongue feeling and tasting the soft smooth skin. She breaths deeply and moans gently as she suddenly feels my warm breath against her moist pussy lips. My mouth closes in on its target. She shudders with anticipation as she waits to feel my expert tongue slip between the moist folds of her pussy.

But suddenly and without warning my tongue snakes away, only briefly, back onto her gorgeous tanned smooth thighs before approaching the goal again. Teasingly I approach again, a little closer to the goal but then retreat again. I smile softly to myself as her moaning increases and I approach again almost touching her. My hot breath is on her soft luscious pussy lips but I retreat once again. Her frustration becomes unbearable as I hear her pleading with me not to tease her, begging me to quench the fire with my tongue.
“Eat me, baby!” She demands in her accented voice with an anguished cry. “Eat my pussy!”

And then it happens.

Without any warning my tongue flicks lightly over her clit and she lets out a deep moan and her body shudders at the touch of my soft wet tongue against her swollen clit. This sends bolts of pleasure throughout her already highly charged body. Her moist lips are parted by my tongue as it pushes between them. Slowly, I begin to caress her most sensitive flesh with broad strokes of my tongue.

She purrs loudly as I lap at her opening, tasting the warm juices that flow so freely from within. Pushing my face forward, I work my tongue inside her hot tunnel as I feel her pussy muscles around the walls contract, almost trying to grip my tongue as it darts in and out to hungrily drink her wonderful juices.

Almost absent mindedly she begins to play with her breasts as I continue to fuck her pussy with my mouth and tongue. I watch from between her legs with increasing arousal as her hands brush over her nipples before gripping them firmly between her fingers and thumbs and tugging them gently. I switch position to concentrate on her hard little bud clit gently tickling it with the tip of my tongue before lapping at it whilst watching her hands at work. She starts to tense up as she feels the first stirrings of her climax approach. The feelings I am creating from below begin to take over and she knows she will have to surrender herself to them. I feel her body tighten as she trembles while I continue to lick and suck at her clit whilst sliding a finger into her hot pussy canal.

“Yesssss! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Yesssss!”
She moans with pleasure as I insert another finger, continuing to lick and suck her clit. Her pleasure mounts with the sensations intensifying as I gently nibble on the delicate bud with my teeth. Her back suddenly arches off the bed as my lips fasten onto her clit in a deep sucking action. I suck hard as my tongue flicks its tip, driving her closer and closer to a beautiful orgasmic climax. She feels me twist my fingers around inside her as I start to pump them gently in and out. The walls of her pussy contract to grip them tightly.

“Oh fuck…………………..yes…………………….that feels sooooo good!” She moans as my fingers stroke in and out and I continue to lick and suck her swollen clit pounding faster with both tongue and fingers. Feeling the pressure building inside her, I watch from my licking position as she squeezes her nipples harder, tugging at them, adding to the sensation as she feels the moment of her long-awaited release approaching.

As her body begins to shake, I feel her reach down and grip my head, pushing my face harder against her mound.
“Mmmmmm, yesssssssssss!” She whimpers as her climax approaches. My mouth stays locked onto her pussy as my fingers continue to work their magic inside the tight canal of her pussy with my tongue against her clit driving her relentlessly onward. Suddenly her body tenses and she screams out.
“Yesssss! Fuck! Oh…….fuck…….yes! That's it!”
I can feel the walls of her pussy contract gripping my fingers tightly inside. My tongue continues to tease her clit, keeping her just below boiling point, not applying enough pressure to tip you over the edge. Not just yet. Her movements become wilder and moans became louder as her whole body cries out for release. Slowly, deliberately I hold her on the precipice of her orgasm for what seemed to her like an eternity as I savour the rich flavour of her cum juices.

Finally, when her moans are becoming so loud I push my tongue harder applying more pressure to her throbbing bud. With my fingers in her pussy, my tongue on her clit and her own hands now mauling her big soft breasts and nipples, she finally reaches and falls over the edge.

“Oh fuck! Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck!!!” She screams out as a huge orgasm literally rips through her gorgeous body. I feel her hot wet cum juices swamp my fingers within her pussy canal as she cums loudly and violently. Her body is flailing wildly on the bed as her hips buck against the mattress forcing me harder against her mouth as the climax washes over her. I feel her nails digging into my back. She doesn't want it to stop but releasing my fingers from the tight sopping hole I lift her thighs in order to gain access for my mouth at the entrance to her pussy. I want to drink her juices, to taste the nectar I have long dreamt of, as my tongue traces its way back and forth between her wet lips. Finally dipping inside I taste her then lightly caress her clit. My tongue is tender yet relentless. Each stroke against her clit sends another wave of sensation crashing through and over her. With her eyes closed, her body writhes from side to side with fingers clutching the sheets. The merest touch of my tongue is sending bolts of lightning through her body.

Slowly her trembling body relaxes and she regains her breath.
“Oh! Oh fuck! That ... that was sooooo good!!!” She giggles but her big brown eyes now wide open are watery and tearful.
I slide up beside her and hold her tightly in my strong arms as her body continues to tremble. She turns to kiss me, tasting her own juices on my lips.
“Fuck me please!” She whispers breathlessly. “I want to feel you inside me.”

Slowly, as control returns to her limbs and her body becomes hers own to command once again, she looks hungrily into my eyes. “Please?”
There’s no further need for words now. Her body and deep eyes conveys her needs. Lying face to face she hooks one leg over mine her beautiful smooth thigh touching mine. We kiss, softly at first, then with more urgency as we start to ravage each others hungry mouths with lips, tongues and teeth. She rolls onto her back pulling me on top of her. Leaning forward, I kiss her lightly on the lips. I feel her soft hands reaching around the back of my neck to pull my head towards her, kissing me more deeply and passionately now.

“Fuck me!” She now demands, as her lips briefly part from mine. I slide my hips forward pushing the head of my cock which is now pressing into her hot wet pussy entrance. She rocks her hips upwards guiding me in.
"Mmmmmm, yesssssssssss!” She murmurs as my rock hard thick cock slides slowly into her tight wet pussy. She feels tight around my thick girth and much to her enjoyment I have to force my shaft up into her filling her hole.

Feeling the warm wetness of her pussy engulfing my thick prick, I begin to slide in and out, my strokes slow and strong. She bends her knees, pulling her legs back, opening herself up for me.
“You feel so good inside me!” She whispers directly into my ear followed by her tongue plunging into the ear canal. My body shudders with desire as I feel the wetness of her tongue in my ear and my cock seems to swell further inside her.
“I have dreamed of being inside you!” I reply softly as I feel her hands reaching down to grip my firm buttocks.

Lifting myself up, I crane my neck forward to tease her nipples once again with my tongue, as my cock ploughs in and out. She is rocking her hips, meeting mine on the deepest point of my thrust as I hear her murmuring and a series of pleasure filled sounds that escape from between her gorgeous lips. I lick and suck the nipples gently and start to tug on them with my teeth as my cock continues ploughing in and out of this beautiful woman.

Our bodies are moving together, two strangers fucking each other and making love with increasing intensity.
“You are beautiful!” I exclaim as I look deeply into her deep dark dazzling big brown eyes seeing almost all the way to her soul.
“Harder!” She replies with a cheeky grin, digging her fingers into the cheeks of my bum to urge me on. Rocking her hips she works her mound against me, the friction against her clit increasing the sensation.

I drive my cock in and out you with increasing force as she lies beneath me moaning and moving her body in time with mine, rhythmically flexing the walls of her pussy around my thick shaft. She grips me tightly as I bury my cock in her warm, wet depths.
“Don't stop!” She urges. “Don't stop fucking me!”
The movement of her hips becomes more and more frantic as the sensation on her clit intensifies.
“Take me from behind!” She suddenly demands.
I pull my long thick shaft out and sit back watching as the girl of my dreams rolls over positioning herself on all fours in front of me. I admire her gorgeous figure as she moves in front of me, particularly her heavy breasts and the way they now hang down almost touching the bed, the nipples still hard. With her full gorgeous bum cheeks in the air I part her thighs to reveal the enflamed lips of her wet pussy. Turning her head and looking over her shoulder, she smiles.
“Now, fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

Obligingly I grip her soft luscious hips and sliding my hard prick between her smooth thighs I plunge it straight up into her dripping pussy.
“Yesssss!!” She squeals as the walls of her hot cunt stretch around my thick shaft. Holding her hips firmly I begin to thrust. As my cock strokes in and out she pushes back forcefully enabling maximum penetration of her sticky wet hole.
“Yes! Oh fuck! Yesssss!” She cries as my cock impales her, filling her hot cunt.

As our bodies collide, filling the room with the sound of skin slapping against skin I release her hips and reach around the front and underneath her with one hand placing it between her legs to rub her clit at the same time as using my arm as leverage to pull her body against mine as my rampant cock drives in and out of her sweet pussy. With my other hand I reach around to hold her magnificent huge udders grasping the nipples hard in my hand feeling the weight. Almost at once, her clit begins to throb beneath my fingertips and a low, almost inaudible moan escapes from between her lips. In turn she lifts her other dangling breast directly to her mouth sucking hard almost biting on the nipple moaning as she does. I start to grunt and groan as sweat escapes from my head and body trickling down in a steady stream onto the bed.

As her second orgasm approaches, she becomes increasingly vocal in between lapping and sucking at her nipple. Spasms start to shake her as she begins to lose control again under my cock pounding and expert fingering of her clit.
“I’m cumming! Oh, fuck, yessssssssss! I'm cumming!” She cries out as she slips over the edge once again, surrendering herself to her passion, and to me.
“Fuck!” She moans breathlessly. “Keep fucking me! It feels so good!” Before slipping her engorged pink swollen nipple back into your hungry mouth.

Plunging in and out whilst fingering her clit and mauling her swaying breast I can feel my own climax approaching.
“I'm going to cum soon, baby!” I say through clenched teeth.
“I want you on top of me again!” She says, her body still trembling.
Pulling out I gently slide her over onto her back spreading her legs wide to receive me. As I enter her, she pulls her legs back wrapping them around my waste then reaching down my back she grips my buttocks pulling me towards her and forcing me as deep inside her as I can go as my hips begin to surge forward again.

“That's it ... oh god ... yes ... that's it ... Fuck me! Fuck me!” She pants, urging me on as my thrusts pin her to the bed. Responding to her demands I increase the pace as the beautiful sensations start to take over my body. My breathing deepens and rhythmic spasms of her pussy muscles grip my thick shaft and add to the sense of urgency.
“Cum in me!” She moans into my ear as her orgasm re-ignites. “Oh…god, fuck!” She bites her lip. “Mmmmmmmm! I want to feel you fill me with your cum.”

With the pressure mounting, I feel myself approach the point of no return. My cock is throbbing as I fight to hold back, prolonging the feeling of intense pleasure. My body is glowing with sweat and dripping down and my muscles ache but all these feeling are replaced with the ecstasy of the moment. The moment that I thought would never happen in my wildest dreams and fantasies! The heat of her pussy and her almost silent urgings as she writhes and shakes beneath me finally pushed me to the brink.
“Oh fuck!” I yell out exhaustedly. “Fuck, yesssssss………….yesssssssss…………Oh!” My whole body shudders, my hips thrusting of their own volition. Then I stop pumping momentarily as she feels the first long awaited blast of cum shooting from my hardness deep up into her tunnel to join her own cum. I pump gently holding her now in an iron-like grip as another wad of thick cum shoots deep into her, followed by another and another. Exhausted I slump forward onto her as we hold each other. I feel her burying her face between my neck and shoulder as my hips continue to thrust slowly, emptying the last of my hot seed into her wonderful cunt.

As our climaxes subside we lay, still joined, basking in the afterglow of our shared pleasure. Finally I roll off her body and onto my back and I feel her snuggle up beside me, kissing my cheek tenderly as I slowly recover.
“Thank you, Darling!” I whisper. “That was wonderful!”
“No, thank you!” She sighs, kissing me again. “That was just what I needed.”

“What is your name, beautiful lady?” I ask.

“Nikki” she purrs.........

Same as Room with a View Videos

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Mailroom Slut

Mailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...

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Backroom Casting Couch

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It had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy's life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an...

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Office Sex
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Roomie readys me for my date

Unplanned I swear…My sorority sisses used to sometimes do road trips to the mall and almost always alcohol was involved! Lots of pranks and dares and jokes and harmless fun. Inhibitions went out the window, which was why we did our philandering at another city from where our college was located, for fear of being recognized. My roomie was quite bold and risqué most of the time. This particular day was a lot of fun since I was not the designated driver to get us back to campus.I had a date that...

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Sexy Indian Girl Ramya Drunk Fucked By Interviewer

I am Ramya and I write this story to share my experience. I am a middle-class girl who completed her college and was looking for a job. I have been blessed with good looks. I am around 5’7 with straight black hair (till my shoulders). I have fair skin and quite an endowed pair of breasts (34B). People always stare at me and perhaps want to do more than just stare. This story starts about me getting rejected in multiple job interviews. I was very sad. Today was another interview and this time,...

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Sunroom Construction Job

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roomate secret

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

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Roommates Girlfriend

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Showroom Girl

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Chatroom trick

I couldn’t believe I was doing this, as I stood by her front door I struggle to find breath on a surprisingly clear day. It had started some months ago, and internet chatroom, boy those things can be dangerous. I had spoke to Mary almost every night, soon chats turned to sex then to fantasies. The difference was she only lived in the next town so when she asked to meet I jumped at the idea, she was so sexy in her pictures. Admittedly Mary was 41 and I was 26, but still. She stood at 5ft10, long...

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Darkroom Saturday

Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Monday

Steve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...

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Roomies part 1

The three of us had been roommates for about a year. AJ, Jim and I usually got along pretty well. But AJ and Jim had a thing for each other. They tried to hide it, but I could tell. I thought she may have quietly liked me, as I swear I’d catch her looking at the bulge in my pajama pants every now and then, but neither of us ever made a move, so I assumed Jim was her choice. It didn’t keep me from checking out her ass in her pajama shorts or her nipples when she wore a skimpy tank top around the...

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Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...

Straight Sex
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Roomie readys me for my date

Unplanned I swear… My sorority sisses used to sometimes do road trips to the mall and almost always alcohol was involved! Lots of pranks and dares and jokes and harmless fun. Inhibitions went out the window, which was why we did our philandering at another city from where our college was located, for fear of being recognized. My roomie was quite bold and risqué most of the time. This particular day was a lot of fun since I was not the designated driver to get us back to campus. I had a date...

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Mailroom Girls

Her name was Kirsten Allen, but at work she was simply "Mailroom Girl #12."  Her work uniform was an armband and nothing else.  Her job duties were simple: she was to deliver mail and to be barefoot and nude while she was at it.  Her armband held a company iPhone.  She wasn't allowed to use it, rather it served as an electric leash that gave her assignments and dictated her movements.  She'd just finished her assignment so her armband displayed her number on a kelly green field, signifying her...

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Roomy Service

Chapter 1 Molly and I didn't get to bed until late, and we didn't get to sleep until very late. We didn't stay asleep all that long between amorous bouts, either. On Sunday, we didn't keep at it until 2 p.m., as Molly had predicted. I was whipped long, long before that. It didn't matter. We slept until 2 p.m., anyway. I woke up first, and went to make coffee. I was a happy, happy man. Why the hell not? I'd just had the best, and the most, unrestrained wall-to-wall sex that I'd ever...

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Rooming with my sister

I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...

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Barroom Pickup

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1 year ago
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It was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...

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It didn't matter that they were sitting in a family restroom at the airport, or that they had received several unamused and glaring eyes upon them. Yes, they bothered her but she had had a suit of armor wrapped around her arm as the woman donning thigh high boots clacked their way into the room with a large bag in tow. The elephant in the room was Amber's bulging mass underneath her silk red panties. Upon closing the door to the restroom she was demanded to strip completely. Well,...

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Hideaway at Hillview

The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they’d agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed, she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...

3 years ago
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Interspecies Reviewers

You live in a generic fantasy world (humans, orcs, elves, etc) with magic and pre-industrial technology. You make money by visiting brothels and writing reviews of succugirls (prostitutes) to be distributed in the local tavern and beyond. How does this earn you enough money to keep paying for sex? Well, it is a fantasy world after all. Go out and spread your wild oats. Create your own Interspecies Reviewer of any kind and join the original trio, or go solo. Or, if you want to be creative,...

1 year ago
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Hideaway at Hillview

The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they'd agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed; she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...

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Pramila Bhabhi 8 8211 Perverted Twin Interviewers

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Altered Fates The Medallion comes to Fairview

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Today, for some reason, I started thinking about the lunch we had last summer at Cityview Tavern, the one up on a hill with a porch that overlooks the city. It was easy to lose myself in the sunny memories of that warm day. It's really a gorgeous summer, and I'm wearing my green sun dress, with shoulder straps, a full skirt. We go out on the back porch, and the sun is very bright. You leave your sunglasses on, as usual. Its sort of late for lunch, on a tues, so no one else is on the porch with...

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Brothel Reviewers

'Before the great civil war, technology reached advances in genetics to the point where a person could become a hermaphrodite with both functioning genitalia, grow cat's ears, shark tails, fur, ext. with no side effects. After the civil war, the USA funded projects to figure out how to prevent a future self inflicted war, a project was pushed to allow brothels to become legal and marketed, many believe this was allowed due to corruption within the senate. With the new policies, a trend...

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The Interviews

A manager at a Wal-Mart had the task of hiring someone to fill a job opening. After sorting through a big stack of resumes he settled on four possible people who were equally qualified. He decided to call the four in and just ask each one of them all just the same one question. Their answer would determine which of them would get the job. The day came and the four applicants all set around the conference room table, the interviewer asked, “WHAT IS THE FASTEST THING YOU KNOW OF?” The first...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 55 Fairview

I could still hear the rain splattering against the roof above me when I woke. Hector and Armand both snored, and while it didn't bother me much when we slept outside, inside was another matter. I didn't get as much sleep as I hoped, I kept thinking that I left my enhanced hearing on, but that wasn't the case. These two were just noisy. I didn't know why I was up earlier than usual, but quietly washed and dressed. I disliked towel washing in the morning, I never felt clean enough...

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The BookChapter 9 Reviewers

Jorge had been a member of the Cabal for three months when he started to see changes in himself. At first the thought crossed his mind another Cabal member had been meddling in his mind. He dropped the idea when he realized the thought wouldn't have struck him if it was true. He kept asking many questions about the Cabal. Nothing about where they'd come from, but what they did. He got some pretty boring answers back from his contact. Mostly, the Cabal did nothing. One day a summons...

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Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...

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Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...

4 years ago
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Rooming For The Winter

Rooming For The Winter By Don Davidson Meanwhile...still standing in the front hallway... He stood there... in the rubber and steel holding his limbs; the woman was behind him... he heard the snapping of rubber gloves... The man came over to him... walked to his left side... and the man gently put his hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his rubber covered head... "Well Sweety... time to get to know each other... we've been kept apprised of your progress... and are very...

1 year ago
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Rooming For Winter II

Rooming For Winter II The day continued... one session after another... round and round... walking... drinking... cleaning... ejaculating... he was being conditioned... trained... The drinking tube was getting lower and lower... he had to bend down at the waist... it was difficult to keep his balance as he took the tube in his mouth... it was getting longer... he had to relax his throat muscles to get it down deep enough to push the plate to get the liquid in him... It was a...

1 year ago
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AMP Reviews

AMPReviews! Where can you get a massage in the United States? And no, I’m not talking about one of those experiences you can get from any chain massage outlet. You know, where Butch the failed model massages your body like he’s ripping apart a pork roast talking about himself on repeat. Neither am I referring to a massage where some dip shit rubs you with his knuckles.Rather, I’m talking about the kind of massages with a happy ending. Catch my fucking drift, you dense mother fucker? Well, where...

Erotic Massage Sites
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

1 year ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

3 years ago
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Roomies Ch 01

I’ve been working on this series for awhile now, and figured I was finally far enough along to submit some of it and see what kind of response I get. PLEASE, if you like what you are reading, VOTE and COMMENT! I love feedback and thrive on your votes to tell me if you like it! Lesli was ecstatic: She was finally here, in her dorm room, ready to start her freshman year of college! What a relief to finally get away from home, away from her mom and step dad, and be able to do all the things she...

1 year ago
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Roomies part 2

It had been a month since our first threesome. AJ and I had hooked up a few times on our own, AJ and Jim had, too. None of us were ever jealous of the other since we all got what we wanted and had a foundation of friendship before things got steamy.This week at work had been a stressful one for me, so my Friday was going to be spent relaxing. AJ had gone to the bar with her girlfriends and Jim was out of town for a couple of weeks visiting his parents. I had the whole place to myself. I thought...

1 year ago
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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

3 years ago
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Room with a View

As soon as my wife leaves our flat and the door closes behind her I move quickly to the telescope which would normally be pointing up to the stars. I often sit late at night with a glass of wine in my hand gazing up into the darkness above the city lights and out into the universe to see the wonders of deep space and infinity beyond. Or at least that is what my wife is led to believe! But during the daylight, when I am alone in the flat the scope will often be pointing in a very different...

4 years ago
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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

3 years ago
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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

2 years ago
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A construction superintendant has a threesome wwith a fourteen year old girl and her boyfriend

As a construction supervisor I meet all sorts of subcontractors. Working on a Saturday is not uncommon and often the subs bring their teenage sons along to learn the trade. This was the case when I met Dillon. Now I am a straight male but even I have to admit this boy was cute. Small boned, brown wavy hair to his shoulders, blue eyes and an engaging smile. At lunch time Dillon found me in the construction trailer and asked if he could talk to me. “Sure,” I said pushing a chair towards him. He...

3 years ago
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Coquette and her cuckold Part 1with paragraphs

Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, I’d always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy – apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in the guy we were with and I felt very much...

3 years ago
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He was looking forward to going to Verna. It could only be for a limited time but there would be other visits. Even traveling a considerable distance, he thought it well worth the time, there was no sacrifice. Eventually, Verna started to come into view, he slowed his approach and savoured the anticipation, smiling at the butterfly sensation in his stomach. With all the thoughts, feelings and emotions during his advance he neglected to observe one very crucial thing. A mistake was made, a major...

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