Threesome With Sheila Radhika 8211 Part II
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Jake didn’t sleep much last night. He kicked the sheets and climbed out of bed with a curse. “That fucking bitch shattered my life, and now she won’t even let me sleep in peace,” he muttered to himself. It’s been more than a month, but he still couldn’t get her out of his head.
He wandered around his one BHK apartment, lifelessly brushing his teeth. Then he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to find his uncle and his cousin smiling pleasantly at him. Shit!
Jake had totally forgotten about this arrangement. His cousin Shawn was trying out the MBA entrance examinations, and he wanted his help in preparing for it. He hated that kid. Always looking up to him like he was some role model. “My life is shit now, and the fucker wants my help.”
His uncle embraced him. “Jakey, how long has it been?” He hated that name. “Oh, you look so haggard. Not getting enough sleep, eh?”
“I’m alright, uncle. You can come in if you want.”
“No, not me, Jakey. I have to leave now. I just wanted to make sure that this fellow reached here safely,” he said, pointing to Shawn.
His cousin had his eyes fixed on his shoes most of the time, with one hand across his chest. Sometimes he looked up to his face. When Jake did the same, he turned away. The last time Jake saw Shawn was at a marriage ceremony. Shawn was fifteen then.
After six years, he still looked much the same. He was taller now, but his face lacked manliness. His body was petite with his t-shirt sleeves hanging loosely over his biceps, and his belly was curved inwards.
His head looked like it was shaved recently, tiny hair standing upright like freshly cut grass. An overall lack of confidence oozed from him.
His father left not long after. Jake led him inside and didn’t waste a second to let the boy know his displeasure. “Look, this is not something that I wanted. I had no choice in this. Our mothers cooked up this idea.”
The boy looked at him sadly, holding his bag with both hands. “I was told that you were okay with this.”
“I already said that I wasn’t, didn’t I?” he scoffed. Shawn blanched. “Anyway, we’re in this now. I told your mother that I would help you so…”
Shawn waited in silence, with a distant look in his eye. “Let’s make some things clear,” Jake continued. “You’re living with me for free. So you have to do all the household chores. You okay with that?” The boy nodded. “Good. Next, don’t invite anyone here without my permission. In fact, don’t invite anyone period.”
“I won’t,” said Shawn.
“Next, if I’m gonna coach you, then I’m gonna be rough on you. Be prepared.” The boy nodded timidly. “Good. You’re sleeping in my room. On the floor, not on the bed. I can lend you a straw mat. You’ll sleep on that.”
Jake began coaching Shawn late in the evening. There was a study table in his room with a computer chair. They began with Logical Reasoning. Shawn was given two hours to work on four pages of previous year questions. The boy began his work fervently.
After watching his progress for a while, Jake went to the living room to watch some TV. Mohanlal’s superhit movie Spadikam was on, so he decided to watch that. He stopped the movie midway, too aroused by the actress’s figure. “Now, I gotta jack off.”
Opening his laptop, he browsed some porn sites. “Don’t they have any new stuff here?” He settled for some teacher-student porn that he had already seen a thousand times and started stroking his cock. It was so dull that he couldn’t even keep his erection on for long.
“You have to be kidding me.” Jake looked for other options. “There’s gotta be something that I haven’t watched.” He scrolled and scrolled and then stopped at the shemale tag. He gulped. Jake had watched shemale porn once and promised that day that he will never watch it again.
But desperate times called for desperate measures. He played a video from the taboo section. A shemale was riding a man hard, her cock dangling wildly as she bounced. “God, a cock on a girl is the greatest thing ever!” Jake started stroking his cock again, which was now rock hard.
He moaned and shifted in his seat. He was near the precipice of a huge ejaculation when Shawn walked in.
“Brother, the two hours are up, and I completed…” Shawn stopped and stared at him in shock. The laptop screen wasn’t facing him, so he didn’t see what Jake was watching. He only saw him petting his cock.
“What the fuck you staring at? You wanna watch me jack off?” The boy stood frozen. “Go back in there, idiot. And don’t call me brother. I’m your master.”
Shawn walked back in with haste. “Bloody idiot, he ruined my mood.” Pulling up his shorts, Jake got up and walked to the room. Shawn was in his chair, his hands on his lap, and his eyes fixed on the book in front of him.
“I… I worked out 26 questions,” said Shawn, his face red.
Jake looked at him with a scowl on his face. “Twenty-six? That’s all you did? I told you to work out all the questions, and all you did is 26?” He was still pissed off that he ruined his mood.
“I didn’t have the time, there… there were a lot of questions and… and some of them were really confusing.”
“It is meant to be confusing, you fucking idiot.”
Shawn almost teared up at that. “Why are you so mean to me, brother?”
“Don’t call me that. Call me, master. I’m your master. And I’m mean to you for your own fucking good.”
“Okay, master,” said Shawn, his voice breaking.
“What the fuck? Are you crying? What are you, a girl?” Jake laughed.
“No, I’m not,” Shawn said, wiping his tears.
“Yes, you are. You’re a girl,” Jake said, laughing louder. When Shawn protested, Jake pulled him up by his shirt. “I’m your master. If I say you’re a girl, then you’re a girl.” Just then, an idea hit him. “You know what… I’m gonna do something now.”
He picked a marker from the desk and wrote ‘I AM A GIRL’ on Shawn’s forehead and then wrote ‘KISS’ and ‘ME’ on his cheeks. “There we go,” he said, letting Shawn go.
Shawn looked in the mirror and gasped. “What have you done?”
“MASTER!” Jake bellowed. “Address me as master, or I’ll knock your teeth out.”
“Yes, master,” said Shawn obediently.
Jake slept soundly that night. Shawn slept on the floor on a straw mat that Jake gave him. He woke up the next day to rest his eyes on a pleasant view. Shawn had prepared tea for him. After placing it on the table, he was about to leave when Jake yawned.
“Good morning, master,” he said cordially. He was surprised to see that Shawn still had the ink from last night on his face. “Such a submissive guy.”
“Good morning. You can leave now.”
Shawn bowed slightly and left. As he was leaving, Jake’s eyes lingered on his ass. ‘Not a badass for a guy.’
Jake had work that day from nine in the morning to six-thirty in the evening. He told Shawn that he would be back by seven and asked him to clean the place while he was gone. The rest of the day was a blur. The office hours were dull, as usual. Nothing interesting ever happened.
He couldn’t wait to go back to his cozy apartment and bully his cousin some more. Bullying him gave him more pleasure than masturbating. Jake got off from work way earlier than expected. He reached his apartment at about five o’clock. The floor looked spotless, clean as a whistle.
There weren’t any dirty clothes anywhere, and the books were assorted neatly on the bookshelf. Visibly impressed, he looked around for Shawn. A soft giggle came from Jake’s room. The door to the room was ajar.
He opened it to find a hot girl in her panties, lying on the bed. She had her headphones on, and she was watching something. But wait, that’s not a girl.
“Shawn… you?”
Alarmed, Shawn sprang up from the bed, losing the headphones and all. The black satin bra he wore fitted him loosely, but the thong looked perfect on him.
“Brother… I mean, master, I….” He stood up, fumbling for words, covering his crotch with his hands.
“What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend’s lingerie?”
“This is your girlfriend’s?”
“My ex-girlfriend. But that doesn’t… what the fuck are you doing?” He asked exasperated.
“I, I don’t know. I found these in the cupboard and I… I remembered you calling me a girl, and… one thing led to another.” Shawn said, stammering a little.
“I don’t even… how long have you been wearing that?”
“It felt so good, and you were supposed to return at seven, so… I’ll take it off now.”
Jake looked at the slight bulge in his cousin’s panties, and the image of the shemale bouncing on a man’s dick crossed his mind. “No,” he said sternly. “You’re not going to take it off. That’s your punishment for touching my stuff while I was gone.”
“You want me to wear this all night?” Shawn asked with a stupid look on his face.
“Not all night. I want you to wear it all day, every day. Not just the panties and the bra, my dear,” he said, walking closer to the scared boy. “I want you to dress like a girl. I want to see you in a saree, in a nightdress, in a skirt,” he was an inch away from Shawn’s face. “That’s your punishment.”
Shawn’s smooth dusky face twisted into a smile, just a little, before resuming its horrified guise. Shawn wore a knee-length night-dress to bed. He had an embarrassed look on his face as he entered the room. “It was nice that someone was wearing it,” thought Jake.
His girlfriend returned everything that he bought her after their breakup. He could see now that it was a blessing in disguise. Jake watched his cousin curl up on the floor, his dress riding up to expose his fleshy buttocks. His cock stirred in his pants.
Weeks went by. Shawn was transforming before his eyes, looking more and more like a girl every day. He now wore sarees and churidars and skirts when he was at home — sometimes, he even went outside in that getup. With his allowance money, he bought nail polish, lipstick, mascara, even a wig.
In addition to all this, he regularly shaved his face and chest, not allowing any unwanted hair to take away his femininity. Shawn was now Sheila.
. When Jake came home after work, chai was ready, followed by a leg massage. After that, he would coach Sheila a bit. He was now used to calling him Sheila, and Sheila would respond in an effeminate voice.
Whenever he heard that voice, his cock would harden, and he would think of all the things that he wanted Shawn to scream in that voice. But no. He was not gay. He was not going to fuck another guy. At least that’s what he told himself.
This perfect paradise that he lived in was almost spoiled one day. The day Shawn’s dad dropped in unexpectedly. Jake’s eyes went wide when he opened the door. “Hey, Jakey,” he said warmly and hugged him. “Where’s my son?”
Opening the door wide, he barged into the room, anxious to see his child. Beads of sweat formed on Jake’s brow. His uncle can be quick to anger, and his wrath was a terrible one. Luckily, the door to his bedroom was closed. Sheila must have heard him coming. “Why is the door closed, Jakey?”
“Sheil… I mean… Shawn must be studying, uncle,” he gulped. “I just got home from work.”
It took a while for Shawn to come out. Understandably so. He was in a saree and had tons of makeup on. After a couple of minutes, he finally came out wearing normal boy clothes and seemingly out of breath.
His father embraced him when he saw him and inquired about his progress. Shawn put in a good word for Jake. His father thanked him, patting him on the back.
“Good job, Jakey. The purpose of education is to educate others.”
Jake nodded in agreement.
“Working hard is good, son,” he told Shawn. “But I fear that you’re overdoing it. Why don’t we all go for a movie today?”
Shawn glanced at Jake for a second. “But, don’t you have to go back, father?”
“No, no. I’m going by the night train. We have plenty of time.”
The movie theater was an old one. The seats were torn, and some had their sponges hanging out. They sat in the second row on the left side. Shawn sat in the center, his father and Jake on either side.
The movie wasn’t any good. Before long, Jake was yawning. He would have dozed off to sleep if it wasn’t for the hot item-song. That was the only part of the movie that he was interested in. The actress was scantily clothed, and she was dancing in the rain. Her bulging tits gave him a hard-on.
That’s when he felt a hand on his crotch. It was Shawn’s. His cousin must have noticed how turned on he was. He rubbed Jake’s crotch and slowly unzipped the jeans. Jake was in heaven. . That was like a scene from his fantasies. Jake squirmed in his seat, his eyes closed in pleasure.
With a tight grip on his cock, his cousin’s strokes got faster, jerking him off like an expert. It’s a miracle that his uncle didn’t see any of this. He didn’t even hear all the squeaking noises that both of their chairs made.
When he couldn’t hold it in anymore, he groaned softly and ejaculated all over the seat in front of him. His cousin withdrew his hand, and Jake saw him lick his fingers.
After the movie, they went back to Jake’s apartment. His uncle rested there for a while. Shawn fixed up some dinner for both of them. At the dinner table, Jake stole a glance at his cousin when he could.
Shawn smiled whenever he caught his gaze. He was dressed like a guy now — in a shirt and some jeans — but that didn’t stop Jake from fantasizing about him.
“WOW! That was a good meal, son. You really can cook,” his uncle said, shouldering a bag and preparing to leave. “Jakey, my boy! Always nice to see you,” he said, giving him a hug.
“God, I’m so full. Jakey, walk me to the bus stand.”
Jake closed the door with a bang. He was waiting for his uncle to leave this time, and now he wanted him to walk him to the bus stand? Jake couldn’t wait to get his hands on Shawn.
After half an hour, his uncle’s bus came. He waved his hand as the bus left, and when it was finally out of sight, he ran. He ran as he had never run before, almost crashing into an old man when he turned a corner.
He climbed up the steps of his building and reaching his apartment, he opened the door. A clattering of pans could be heard, so he dashed into the kitchen. Shawn was startled when he saw him. He was washing the dishes. “Brother, you scared me!”
Jake smiled and lifted his cousin with his strong arms. His cousin gave a sharp yelp when he swept him off the floor. So small, he seemed in his muscular arms. So helpless. He threw Shawn on the bed, who sat up and looked at him in surprise. Jake took off his shirt and unbuckled his belt.
His cousin stared at the bulge in his underwear, his eyes gleaming with desire. For a moment, he seemed to be hypnotized as his dreams had finally come to pass. He snapped out of his reverie and said, “Brother, at least wait for me to put on some makeup.”
“We don’t have the time,” said Jake, climbing on the bed, crawling over his cousin. “I want you now.” His face was inches away from his cousin’s now, and his eyes shone with lust.
Jake stuck his tongue inside Shawn’s mouth, and he accepted it gladly. Their warm lips smushed together, and their saliva mixed around their intertwined tongues. His large body was crushing his cousin’s petite one, and he had to gasp for breath every now and then.
Shawn’s hands explored his body, passing under his boxers to get a feel of his cock, rubbing his back, pressing his buttocks. They twisted and rolled on the bed, each with their arms wrapped around the other. Little by little, Jake was letting loose. His inhibitions about fucking a guy was slowly fading.
Tearing his cousin’s shirt with the buttons still on, Jake feasted on his nipples. He chewed and bit them, making his cousin moan, holding onto the hairs on his back.
“Brother, please be gentle,” his cousin said, moaning in his slutty girl voice. That made him hornier, and he chewed his nipple even more roughly. His other nipple, he squeezed between his fingers, and that made him moan even louder.
Jake sat up and took his cock out. Shawn hurried to remove his pants. Jake helped him. And that’s when he saw it. His cousin was wearing panties.
“You’re still wearing them?” he asked.
“Of course, I am. I am a girl, brother,” he said, biting his lips.
“What a slut you are!”
Jake bend down and kissed him again. Carefully positioning his large body, he placed his cock on top of his cousin’s. He then pulled the panty down, halfway to his cousin’s knees. Shawn’s tiny cock was crushed by his enormous mass. Then, slowly, he started rubbing his large cock on his cousin’s tiny one.
Jake kissed the neck and the earlobes, tasting the sweat and the sex. Already, precum was leaking. The sticky goo stuck to both their bellies as their bodies writhed in pleasure. Jake never felt as dominant as he felt now. His cousin was more submissive and petite than any girl he knew – the perfect lay.
What a graphic scene it was! His sweat pouring down on Shawn. Oily cock rubbing against oily cock. There they were, a small thin guy, crushed under his hairy, hunk cousin, their lips sloppily interlocked.
The moans of his cousin rose to a feverish pitch, and Jake himself felt that he was on edge. They both hugged each other tightly and orgasmed. Their cocks pumped cum in unison, and their bodies were glued in an embrace.
Shawn got up after a while. He rolled Jake over, and standing, he pulled his panty up. His brown buttocks bounced, making a soft sound. “I’m going for a shower, brother,” he said, getting a towel.
Jake didn’t respond. He was exhausted. The bathroom door closed, and the sounds of the shower running were heard. Jake lay there for a while, his eyes closed. When his cock was hard again, he got up and walked to the bathroom.
Shawn was standing under the shower, his panty still on. Water ran over his smooth body, which was sparkling under the candescent light. His panty looked like it was almost coming off as if the water was pushing it down. Jake admired the views for a while, standing by the door.
After a minute, he came forward and stood behind him, his erect penis already poking Shawn’s crack. Jake hugged him from behind and kissed the nape of his neck. Shawn held on to his arms and, turning around, kissed his lips. Jake had now had enough foreplay.
His strong hands then tore off the panty and pushed down his cousin. The boy fell and was now on all fours. Jake stood tall over him, stroking his penis as he looked at his cousin’s puckered butthole. . Jake’s favorite.
A finger went inside the boy’s hole, and he cried. But even in his cries, he sounded like a girl. Kneeling properly, Jake inserted another finger inside his cousin. The boy screamed and craned his neck around, his hair sticking to his face as the water from the shower was constantly beating down on them.
“It hurts, master,” cried Shawn.
“Not master. Call me, brother. I like that better,” said Jake, shoving both fingers deep inside.
“Brother, please!” the boy screamed.
“Yes. Like that. Whenever we fuck, I want you to call me brother,” he took his fingers out.
He opened the boy’s hole wide and thrust his cock in. Shawn screamed. This time it was all pain. But his cock was only halfway in. The floors were slippery. Without taking it out, Jake thrust it in deeper, to tear open his hole some more. The boy was almost crying now and begging him to stop.
Jake took his cock out, and Shawn sighed in relief. He gave a second thrust, and the boy yelped. This time it hit deeper, and Shawn’s body was pushed forward. The boy held onto the toilet for support. Jake took his cock out for the second and final time.
Pushing it in again, he began his ruthless fucking. He could feel his cousin’s tight hole closing around him, but Jake just pushed harder. The first few minutes were agony for Shawn. He was hugging the toilet, crying, pleading. Jake was relentless. Hitting deeper and deeper and even deeper.
Then, the scene began to change for Shawn. His cousin’s cock was beginning to feel good inside him. Pain became a pleasure. The cold water was raining down on him, but he was hot. He began to sing sweet moans. Uh… ahhh… oh god. He was still hugging the toilet, and his knees scraped forward with every thrust.
“Oh, yes, brother. Harder, ahhh, harder, please,” he said.
“I will, you whore.” With that promise, Jake rammed so hard that the sound of his crotch hitting his ass was like a thunderclap. Being thankful, the boy moaned loudly, praising his brother’s cock.
“Oh… oh… oh, what a big cock you have… brother.”
And there he lay, his face pressed against the toilet rim, dominated by the will and strength of his cousin. Every time Jake’s cock tore through him, he sang praises of it. A symphony of moans and grunts were heard, and the neighbors believed that Jake was fucking some nasty whore in there.
“Call me Sheila, the whore,” he begged. And his master obliged. “Cumdump Sheila,” he called him, spanking his bubble butt. That’s when he felt it. Jake’s cock spasmed, and he felt a warmth inside him. Loads after loads of his semen were dumped inside. At the same time, the boy also finished and ejaculated all over the floor, without even once touching his cock.
That was the best night of his life. That was the night he became Cumdump Sheila.
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------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas - Explosives expert Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover Betty (Dark...
Inside Out Part 2 That Last of Sheila? By Suzanne Knight I got up around 7Am showered and shaved, went with a comfortable bra with weighted breast forms that moved naturally when I walked, put on the waist cincher, sheer taupe pantyhose and a gaffe. The Sheath Vee String Vagina had been pretty uncomfortable yesterday after only a few hours. I did understated make up except I still used the dark red lipstick that went with the finger nails. I slipped into the white blouse and the blue...
I've had some fun with my widowed neighbour, shagging her and then about a month ago shagging her and her friend June. The day after the session with Sheila and June Sheila told me she'd never done anything like that (3some) before, and after that she became very standoffish with me. She would hurry back indoors if she was outside when i came home or left my house. I saw virtually nothing of her for those 4 or 5 weeks until yesterday. My car was in the garage for a service so i walked home from...
Summer School for Sheila (part 2) Sheila and I looked at one another and moved to my car. We got in, sitting quietly for a moment as we began to realize what this meant. We could have over a week alone together, with no one to interfere or question. Even though it was a public parking lot in the middle of the day I felt our intimacy. As I relaxed I said Wow! exactly at the same time as Sheila, we both laughed. She said shed had a hard time not giggling, when Id told her mother that I could...
It was the end of March before I had a chance to tell Sheila how her son lost his virginity. The third quarter was over; I was eighteen and had been promoted to the rank of Cadet Major. Spring was in the air that Friday afternoon when Sheila arrived at school to pick us up. Charlie and I sat in the front seat and chatted. Sheila sat in the back and if she overheard anything we said she didn't let on. We talked about what was happening within Company C, the school, a play I was in and about...
I turned around to find Sheila holding a new born baby in her arms. She sat in the chair asking if I could help her train to breast feed her baby. “When did you have the baby” I asked the 18 years full bloomed girl that she was then. “She is my baby as well as my sister” innocently she responded. I took support of the table as I felt the roof is falling down. I knew Sheila for the last so many years. She first came with her dad, Paul, bleeding in her pajamas about 3 years ago. Paul told me...
IncestI turned around to find Sheila holding a new born baby in her arms. She sat in the chair asking if I could help her train to breast feed her baby. “When did you have the baby” I asked the 17 years full bloomed girl that she was then. “She is my baby as well as my sister” innocently she said. I took support of the table as I felt the roof is falling down. I knew Sheila for the last so many years. She first came with her dad, Paul, bleeding in her pajamas about 3 years ago. Paul told me that...
Incest--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I'd seen. {I love you Roger. Please don't leave me.} She loved me? How was that... I stopped as I remembered just how complex the emotion program had become. I tried to say something though I seemed to still be in shock somewhat. True I had started to feel something for her but love?!...
On Sunday morning i went to my neighbour Sheilas house for a promised liaison. Sheila is a 67 year old widow that i have started having some fun with. I arrived at her door at 8am for our planned shenanigans, Sheila answered the door in her dressing gown and ushered me in and upstairs to her bedroom. Once in the bedroom she ordered me to strip and lie on the bed. My clothes were discarded quicker than i ever thought possible and i lay back on the bed propped up on the many pillows. Sheila...
When she turned fifteen, my sister Sheila started going to the same school as me and sort of got in my view every now and then. Some of the guys would come around sniffing out about my sister, wanting to know how old she was, and did her ever fool around, and that kind of stuff. Well, naturally I’d growl and make mean noises and then go sniffing after their sisters. It wasn’t that I was all that protective about Sheila. It was just that I couldn’t imagine anybody wanting to do anything like...
IncestWednesday came and Sam and Dr. Inga Carlson a plastic surgeon showed up around 10 AM. Dr Carlson was a tall, rather severe looking woman about 50. She asked me to strip down to my shorts and gave me a once over physical then poked and prodded all around my body. She spent a long time studying my face. She took a brief medical history from me but asked if I could please answer in my femme voice. I complied but it did seem weird. She was typing into a laptop all the time. Finally she...
------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas - Explosives expert Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover...
Sheila and I have had some pretty wild escapades together but one stands out in my mind as probably the wildest. It was Halloween, and we had planned to go to the Santa Monica Street Fair where every year about six blocks are cordoned off and people come from all over to show off their costumes. It’s always a meat-fest and not unusual to see many girls and guys walking around almost naked or wearing so little they might as well be naked. As usual I was going to be part of the spectacle. I...
One?Please?, she said, ?I want you to come with me to pick out a new dress.?Kathy knew that I didn’t like to go clothes shopping with her. She always took so long to make a decision, always having to sort through all of the racks of clothing, always asking my opinion on one or another, and always ignoring my advice. I quickly scanned through a laundry list of excuses in my mind, but before I could utter a protest she said, ?Look, I need something new to wear to work, and besides, you could...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timur was still cursing when they pulled off the road. "Comrade? What has you so agitated?" Timur's head snapped up as he looked at Ruslan with a startled look. "I have encountered something I have never seen before." Timur said with great confusion in his voice. "That is no small thing for you." Ruslan told the smallish male a hint of concern in his voice. Timur was nodding as he wasn't...
Well, like most guys, I never thought it would happen to me. I was like everybody else raised in the fifties and sixties — well, not everybody, but most. I grew up thinking that "queers" and "fags" were lower life forms if they were alive at all. Now it's a new century and things have changed. And with the times, so have I changed. It didn't happen all at once and it took a lot of soul searching, but I've "crossed the bar". Here's how it happened... Sheila was promiscuous. I knew...
Walter and Sheila are early sixties and sexually active. Walter has always wanted to share Sheila and this is how it happened. Walter had two mates who lived nearby, Don and Bob. One afternoon while the three were chatting Don suggested they have a game of golf which they all agreed was a great idea. To spice things up Bob suggested a little side bet would be a good idea, Walter was a little short of cash so it was agreed that if he lost he could find another way of paying.They set off to the...
MatureThis is a rework of the original. I removed most of the swinging stuff and made it a true romance. I also tried to clean it up a little more. I hope you enjoy. * I was walking through the terminal at the Madison Wisconsin Regional airport when I heard the loud scream of a little girl about 4. I turned and saw this little tyke crying. I walked over and knelt down and asked what the matter was. ‘I can’t find my mommy’ she wailed. I picked her up and carried her to the ticket counter. I then...
That Tuesday morning I noticed that my sweet secretary Sheila was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. But then she surprised me; as she bent over and showed me her black string with barely covered her dark asshole.After the ordinary Tuesday’s meeting, Sheila asked me if she could have a quick word with me. She walked into the ladies room and pointed me to enter there.As soon as the door...
It was approximately 8:45pm and dad was out as usual but mum was sat downstairs with her friend, I called her Auntie Sheila, she wasn’t my real Auntie but that’s what I called her. They were sat on the sofa drinking wine, I was sat at the top of the stairs, our room was open plan so I could see the TV from there, and where they were sitting, I was 15.As I watched the TV I noticed mum leaned over and whispered in her ear, then they both laughed, mum put her wine glass on the coffee table and...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "When Mom talks about the Merger, she is referring to the household staff. Dad means business. After all, it's still his thing. Mom had all real property. Dad wanted to make sure they both got a fair share of the company. I gather this was not trivial." Sheila: Showering together was nice. There was no sex, though a fair amount of pinch and tickle went on. What was nice was having someone to shave my hard to see places. In return, I lathered Sean and...
On the 70inch tv screen behind her , Sheila could see that Rocky had made time this week to meet a new submissive, she would learn later that her name was Gwen a 55 year old bank executive , she was sucking her son's giant dong , rather choking on it . She was dressed fashionably , rather businesslike , Rocky had hypnotized her as she was leaving the bank & they went to her home where they were met by her retired husband Norman who he brainwashed also. Sheila noticed that Gwen was stacked &...
The Humiliation of Sheila By Steveswitch33It was indeed very humiliating for Sheila Johnson, her husband was in the front room, while his wife was being force fucked by a white man. It started when they moved back the Eau Claire. They hired a local moving company from the Chippewa Falls area called Rodryder Movers.Rod Ryder was the head man of the moving crew, he just sent his people home and he was going to assist Sheila in organizing things, while her husband Steve watched basketball in the...
Upset was not the word for it. I had seen Charlie upset lots of times when we were roommates at Cromwell and later at Pontiac. This was different. Charlie was mad, not angry mad, this was foaming-at-the-mouth mad. I didn't blame him, nor did I blame Sheila for letting her son find us on the bed in my room, kissing. I blamed myself. I should have stopped it before it began. Refraining from kissing a married woman, albeit a newly married woman who had come into my room and initiated the kiss,...
Just a recap of the last session. Sheila my new found love is 54 years old and I Mohan Reddy am 52 years. Sheila has a figure of 36/34/38 and height 5’9” and I am 5’11 “ and an asset of 6”. To continue with the story. We met at the gym and since Sheila’s hubby was abroad in Bangkok this is her enjoyment. Sheila had the food ready. We came and I poured 2 vodkas for us. We started drinking and began dancing. I did not tell you that after coming out of the bath we did not put anything on. We were...
My Boss informed he would send me to a conference round in a far city and he gave me the choice to pick up my own female companionship.I used to travel with Angela, a very efficient but boring lady. She was older than me; a very good looking woman, longtime married. But she was hetero and had never accepted my sexual insinuations…This time Angela was ill; so my new choice was Sheila, a skinny redhead in her early thirties, married and social. She was also a real workaholic…While on the plane to...
Jason had just completed dinner with Cassius and Alana, Razza, Celia, Felicia, Gamma, Jonathan, Norbert, and Philippa; when he received the notification that the fleet had arrived from Parzool. Cassius very much enjoyed the meals at Jason’s house and eagerly accepted each invitation, unless he had pressing Empire business. He also enjoyed the whole household, with its diverse members and resulting interesting and stimulating conversations. The Queen invited them up to her ship for a brief...
A continuation of my last story.After my quick fuck with Sheila (my 67 year old widowed neighbour), we both went into the bathroom, where i stripped Sheila of her sodden cum soaked black granny pants and her tee shirt and bra. Those and my tee shirt were quickly discarded on the bathroom floor as we clambered eagerly into the shower. I played with her saggy boobs, circling her massive stiff nipples with my fingersas i tried to cup those magnicent hangers. Sheila pressed her back against the...
Hi, this is Mohan Reddy again with a recent story of how he met a lady of 54 years, made friends and made love. I am a 52-year-old who stays alone in Indore due to work. The lady is my dear Sheila. She is a lovely lady with a cute figure. Not fat for her age but has flesh at the right places. We met recently at the Gym when we went for a workout. I go daily for the treadmill and so does she. I have been seeing her for the last week come to use the treadmill and sit for a while looking around...
The interface to the biological unit was still active. The previous night, the Law Master had not severed the link and the AI engine had been left connected prior to and during the biological unit’s sleep cycle. The Law Master had mated the biological unit. The A.I. Engine was still interfaced. The process was strange and disconcerting. Technically it would be unlawful for a Law Master to mate with a Field Agent biological unit under their supervision, but for some reason he had received...
Gladys wanted to stay in my room and I let her. I didn't know if she was afraid of Charlie or if it was for the reason she gave; she liked the way I fucked. "Did you mean what you said about my tits?" she asked, snuggling against me so I could feel her nipples bore into my chest. "Yes." "Charlie never says nice things to me the way you do." "I know." "You're sweet. But, God Damn, you can be mean, too!" "I know." "You're not generally like that, are you?" Remembering...
Inside Out Part 5 Sheila's On the Run, Again I was enraged by Agent Harrison's not so subtle threat. But what troubled me even more was that he was right. If I valued my life I had to cooperate. When I calmed down a bit,I googled Congressman Santini. He was on his third term in Congress, married with two teenage children. He had made quite a fortune in the late 90's Internet boom by founding a company and then taking it public and finally selling it to huge technology...
Valentine’s Day surprise leads to a real eye and mouth opener when cheating girlfriend gets caught giving another man a blowjob. ‘So, Paul, you didn’t tell me. Where are you taking me for Valentine’s Day?’ Sheila looked as hot as a house fire. She always acted so coyly innocent whenever she looked so sexually arousing, especially when she knew she was in for a surprise. Only, in the way she was acting, she didn’t look so innocent wearing that dress. She looked guilty, like someone trying to...
Jerome was one of the earliest black studs in my stable.Back in '76 I had a basement apartment and he lived upstairs.He met me,as a female,one day when I was returning from grocery shopping.I was dressed casually in a sleeveless maroon turtleneck,mid-thigh jean skirt and a gaff under sheer nude hose with tan,3" high-heels.I wore a short blond wig of natural hair and light make-up.He walked up to me,wearing a wife beater t-shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, as I began to unload my groceries...
I was sitting at my desk when my boss James came in and trailing behind him was a new girl that I had not seen before. "Carmen" he said "This is Sheila" "She will be assisting you with some of the new specs we're doing" he added and I reached up and gently shook her hand. James explained the work she was going to be doing with me and as he did I kept looking over Sheila now and then. Young, nice figure, good looks and a good set of tits I thought to myself and I was hoping I could get to see...
Jerome was one of the earliest black studs in my stable.Back in ’76 I had a basement apartment and he lived upstairs.He met me,as a female,one day when I was returning from grocery shopping.I was dressed casually in a sleeveless maroon turtleneck,mid-thigh jean skirt and a gaff under sheer nude hose with tan,3′ high-heels.I wore a short blond wig of natural hair and light make-up.He walked up to me,wearing a wife beater t-shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, as I began to unload my groceries...
Ever since I was young I've been mesmerized by my older s***** Sheila. She's 5 years older and has always been pretty.She developed some really nice curves early on and loved to display them in tight slutty home she often wore nothing but her sexy underwear...damn it was heaven for a horny k** like me!! I used to follow her round the house openly staring...loving every second of it. Now, you'd think she'd get pissed off or creeped out...maybe tell me to get lost...but not Sheila,...
This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...