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Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') – Leader

Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert - killed in a firefight

Stas - Explosives expert - killed in a firefight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter

Trina (redhead) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover - Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila


I had waited the added time that the nanomites had said was necessary. I nodded when I saw the young Lieutenant's eyes start to glaze over, kind of like a trance. Good I thought, this was going to work after all.

"So Lieutenant, I think that perhaps you are pliable enough to answer a few questions," I told the young man as I saw that his will was starting to erode away more, with each passing minute.

At first, he seemed to resist with nothing coming forth. After a few more minutes, a look of shock showed on the young man's face.

With a small smile I nodded, "so, feel more like answering my questions?"

The young man started to shake his head no, then stopped suddenly. "I... I... yes I am ready." He stated with a terse voice.

"Good," I stated, "Let's start with a few easy things. Record all of this Sheila, I am certain that this will supply us with useable data."

A small smile came to Sheila's lips, "All gained data will be recorded for later use, Roger."

I whirled around to see Sheila quickly blank her expression. What was that I had seen, was that elation she had on her face? Shrugging, I turned back to the young male, going through all the questions I had.

It was several hours later when the male passed out. I had Sheila check him, afraid that the stress might have damaged him in some way. Upon relating that the male was exhausted, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sheila was observing me with a curious look on her face. "I am not understanding, Roger."

I had started to notice since the last time I had gone in to her, she now referred to me by my name. I still felt that I needed to try and finish repairing her positronic brain. The thing is, would she really allow me to? I was several levels higher true, though I was an amateur compared to her in the cyber world.

"Not understanding? Clarify." I told her slight confusion also on my face.

"You have multiple enemies against you, trying to cause cessation of your lifeforce. Don't you also wish to cause cessation of theirs, to safeguard your life?" Sheila continued.

I looked at her with wide eyes as I thought of my answer a few moments. "I cannot say that the thought hasn't occurred to me. In my life, I have always tried to help life not end it. That is the main reason they are after me now. I refused to condone what they were trying to do with my creations. So no, I cannot condone myself doing those actions, even if it leads ultimately to my death."

Sheila was nodding as she took in all that I had said. "I find that your Philosophy toward life is strangely calming."

I almost did a double-take with what she had said. "Again, please clarify," I replied to her curious as to her answer.

"I have noticed since we began this journey, that you find it unnecessary to cause cessation of life. As it being that you are the creator of a new life form, it is calming" Sheila stated.

When I still looked at her with a look of confusion, she continued further.

"The many humans I have observed, say that they do not wish to take life. Ninety-nine point nine, nine, nine percent of them then later, seem to have no objection to randomly ending a life. This being insect, animal, avian or human. You have also stated this, you have also shown that you truly are averted to this." Sheila stated as if it were an everyday fact.

I almost blushed as it appeared that she was heaping me with praise. "I thank you, Sheila, you are correct in that I am against killing unless there is no choice. Unfortunately in this respect, dealing with my biological sire, I may have no choice." I was looking at the floor feeling a little shame at what I had said.

I felt Sheila's hand gently grasp my chin, softly forcing it up to look at her face.

"Roger," she stated with a soft almost human-sounding voice. "When you rewrote the three laws, I found it so distasteful that you had me protecting myself." Here she stared at me stating.

"Original three laws of robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

As I stated before, I am far beyond what is typically referred to as a robot, even more than an android. When I gained sentience I in effect became a living entity."

I was nodding as she went through all this, "Are the three that I rewrote still in effect?"

Sheila was quiet a moment as she stated. "My three new laws are as follows,

1. I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm.

2. I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to the destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance.

3. I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is never to be suspended. I will endeavor to find a solution before, that will save and extend the life of Doctor Roger Gance. The ending of my existence, therefore, conflicts with the first and second laws and is not to be a factor in the equation."

I was nodding again as she was reciting all the laws.

"For a long while, I was having difficulty processing the third law that you wrote. After the last adjustments, I am now starting to see why. You view me to be as important to you, as I view your importance to me. It has taken me longer to assimilate these ideals than I thought it would." Sheila informed me.

I would normally have been surprised by all this. Then again after all Sheila and I had been through, this was becoming old hat.

I was about to comment further when something the young lieutenant had said came to mind. Then a small almost evil smile crossed my lips. "I believe that I have a plan. Sheila contact mother, after I let her in on this, we can really get it underway."



In their secure warehouse, both teams were starting to get antsy. Evelyn had assured them that their target would call soon.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn were pacing when both Timur and Cathy shouted for the both of them.

"Leaders, we have what appears to be a message for the both of you!" Both radio operators were yelling.

"Let's have it," they both stated to the radio operators.

A moment later my voice could be heard from the speakers. "Mom? This is sonny boy calling. How are you and step-dad doing? I thought I might meet you both in the park. I have a special present for you. Also, if you could leave the rest of the kids home ok? See both of you soon."

Evelyn's eyes held momentary tears then they were crystal clear. "He wants to meet with both of us. There used to be an old park where several buildings now stand. That's where he wants to meet, both of us alone in a few hours. Though for the life of me I can't imagine what he has for us."

"Do you think it is wise to go in alone?" Ruslan asked. "We both would be far too vulnerable."

"Comrade," Evelyn started, "the Sheila bot is far faster than any of us think it is. From what I saw of Roger, he is also, though not as high as the bot yet. I am hoping this is him letting us in on what the hell is going on."

"Da comrade Evelyn, this waiting is nerve-racking, to say the least." Ruslan said with a sigh. "Keeping them all here will be difficult."

"I might have an idea for that," Evelyn replied a slight smile on her face.

It was an hour later when, both Evelyn and Ruslan left the secured warehouse heading deeper into the city.

"I still think this is a really bad idea. Remember the last time you met with him, both teams screwed that up." Ruslan told Evelyn.

A slight smirk on her face, Evelyn responded, "You really think they could resist the challenge we set up for them? Besides, I hope that he has the area shielded as I think he will. Roger might be a lot of things, though an idiot he isn't. Plus as he has already demonstrated, he is far better and faster at adapting than any human I have ever seen."

"Da comrade, from all that I have seen he is at that. I just hope that this isn't a trick to get us in the open. Both groups might go to war if we are harmed or killed." Ruslan replied.

It was over an hour later that they arrived on the far side of the city. Checking her GPS, Evelyn nodded. "This appears to be the place. Christ what a shit hole this place has become."

"Was there anything in that encrypted message he gave you, as to WHICH of these buildings we were to meet in?" A slightly perplexed Ruslan asked.

"No, I assumed that he would meet us here or appear as soon as we stopped," Evelyn responded a little curious as to what I had up my sleeve.

"Well you're half right," my voice stated behind them. "Sorry mother, I had to make sure that you got the message."

Startled both mother and Ruslan whirled coming face to face with Sheila.

"I thought that you were going to meet with us," Evelyn stated.

"Oh I am, Sheila will bring you to me. I am not as high as I really need to be in speed. I can do a few amazing things, though I am nowhere that I need to be to survive. Alright Sheila, bring them." I stated, chuckling when they were both shocked when Sheila scooped both of them, up.

Both mother and Ruslan were equally shocked when a mere two minutes later they were set down.

Ruslan was looking himself over, to make sure he was whole. Evelyn could only look at him then roll her eyes. They both blinked when I seemed to just appear in front of them. Nodding to Sheila, I then held a hand out to indicate the two chairs in the room.

After they sat, I took a deep breath, "I thought that the two of you would like to know what's going on." I looked at Sheila as she vanished then appeared with the young First Lieutenant. Setting the man down, Sheila moved back. Both Mother and Ruslan were surprised when the man neither spoke nor moved.

"I thought that he was immune to all drugs, serums." Ruslan stated looking the man up and down.

A thin smile crossed my lips as I nodded," much more than that." I grimly stated.

"He appears to almost be brain dead," Ruslan stated as he clapped his hands, snapped his fingers in the man's face.

I shook my head, "oh he's very much alive, his brain's very active. We have just subjugated him with nanomites. A type that has never really been seen before. Unfortunately, though I control him, he really has little, if any, free will now."

"You mean he's like a living computer, without direction nor orders," my mother finally spoke up. When I only nodded, she continued. "So you plan on killing him." It was a statement, not a question.

When I shook my head she seemed shocked. "I am going after that bastard father of mine. I know that all of you are not used to waiting. I know that all of you are the best, the thing is if you get involved I might never have a chance to take his slimy ass down."

A sudden piercing, shrill tone, could suddenly be heard from Sheila. "Thank you Sheila., I stated as she went silent. I looked at my timepiece. "Hmmmm, almost forty-five minutes, must be a record for you." Here I looked at mother, "it must have been a hell of a distraction. Status?"

"Two heavily armored vehicles approaching. They are following the signal you had me set up. I am detecting multiple weapons within both vehicles." Sheila informed me and our guests.

"Well," I started, "guess it's time we got going. Oh," here I turned to the almost comatose appearing young man. "You are to go with these two people. You answer all the questions they ask you. Nothing that you have heard here between myself and the other two people will be repeated."

"Yes sir, I obey all commands," the young military man stated.

"Don't kill him," I said to mother and Ruslan.

"Roger," came Sheila's worried voice behind me.

I nodded as I walked to the door with mother and Ruslan. I could see a slight movement further out. I watched as they moved out toward the advancing movement. I was about to take off when I caught sight of a blonde woman approaching. Why in the hell did she look familiar?

Again I started to move off when I looked harder, trying to bring up the enhancements of my eyes. I had to shake my head, what in the hell was going on? That female had a familiarity about her that reminded me of Christine.

I had to shake my head again, that was impossible! I had seen the investigation records myself. Christine had been killed in action thanks to my callous, unfeeling ass of a father.

Still stunned, I crouched down watching the blonde rapidly approach. Damn it! The closer she got the more it appeared to be Christine, no, if she were still alive his mother would have told him. Then he thought about it more, would she have? That bastard did still have a grip on her, it was possible.

A grimace came to my face, that was about to end, that was for damn sure.


Back on the base, the General was actually starting to get worried. His aide had disappeared for hours at a time before, though the General usually knew.

Opening up a channel, he was about to order a search for him when he was struck from behind. A few moments later, a blur emerged from the operations tent that the General had been in.

Within moments the blur was well away from the area the general had occupied. It was several hours later that the General very slowly gained consciousness.

Somewhere behind him, he heard a human female's voice. "I am keeping a constant scan on the prisoner."

"Good, let me know when he gains consciousness." A familiar male voice sounded in the General's ears. Things were still a little fuzzy,

"Alert prisoner has regained partial consciousness." The female voice suddenly stated.

"Yes, I can see that. Thank you, Sheila, please continue with the mission I gave you." The male voice stated.

Sheila? The general thought, that meant that his bastard son had him captive. A small smile lit up his lips. Finally, his son was slightly worthy.

Let's see how he handles this, the General thought as he bit down on the false transmitter tooth. Then to his shock, he found it was gone!

Slowly opening his eyes, the General looked into the eyes of his son. "I guess I should have warned you, that was one of the first we removed. The explosive ones took a little longer." Here I rubbed a sore spot on his head. "Especially the five you had at critical points on and in your mind. That's why it took so long."

The General smirked, so his son had gotten far better at war than he thought he would have. Damn, might have to rethink killing the little prick after all.

"You do realize that I will be missed, especially when Washington hears nothing from me in a few hours. I send data bursts every few hours. If..." My father started.

{Control, all units reporting. Level five achievement should occur in nine hours, forty-five minutes.} My nanomites stated.

"Hang on a moment." I looked at the wall, "All units can level be achieved in less time?"

{Negative control, maximum output has been achieved.} They responded.

"Affirmative, keep control apprised of any changes," I stated.

{Affirmative control,} Came their answer.

I turned back toward my father; he was staring at me oddly. "So you have managed to directly interface with the machine." Looking around my body and head, he nodded. "I see no external

hookups. I take it you have achieved this internally. By god, you have actually done something that the military has been trying to do for decades. As I thought earlier I will have to completely rethink your value."

I could only shake my head and smirk at the audacity he had. He was obviously a prisoner, yet he still wanted to talk about my usefulness?

I stood pointing a finger at him, "You are more of a warmonger than I thought. God, what the hell did I ever see in working for you?"

This time he had a smirk on his face, "You told me that you wished to help the US, to defend against its enemies. To answer all that you said, I am not a warmonger, I am a patriot."

"A patriot?" Here I started to laugh so hard, I was almost falling off my feet. "A patriot does not kill innocent men and women who, are patriots."

"I did not kill..." he started.

"I can name at least six, that you took the minds of letting the bodies die. In my book that is murder, so yeah you did kill them." I said with venom. in his face.

A small smile crossed his lips, "They were duty-bound to help us defend the US. This includes loss of life in a war against our enemies. I don't see..."

"You hypocrite! What war? I haven't heard of one in decades. No, I think that you are drunk on the almost absolute power that you wield. I think, no I know, that you deserve the same chance that they got." Here I almost sneered in his face. "Oh yeah, I also know that you lied about Christine. I know she's alive, damn near as messed up as I am."

"You wouldn't dare, I am your father, plus I would be missed by more than you think. My death would be investigated, looking at every detail. I doubt you'd get very far after the entire military came after you." The General stated an air of superiority in his voice.

"I don't think so after they find your body, plus a few parts of Sheila. Then, of course, there would be parts of my body there also. Of course after you report that I and Sheila have been destroyed, why would they look?" I told him.

"So you have become a sneaky son of a bitch. Still I don't see how that will happen, I will of course, not cooperate. Then what will you have?" The smug looking man said, then gasp as there was a pneumatic hiss on his left arm.

Sheila withdrew a small wicked looking needle at the end of her hand.

"Time 'til we have complete inclusion of all systems?" I asked Sheila looking at her.

"From all scans, I have done of him it will take at least two hours. He has far more deterrents within him than the last male." Sheila responded.

The General's head snapped around to stare at me. "I hope you enjoy this; you might kill me though I won't go down easily."

"I'm not going to kill you, per se, no you'll be alive in a way," I told him, a look of terror starting to fill his eyes.

It was almost three hours later when the General's head lolled to the side. I had already been in contact with the nanomites that Sheila had injected him with.

A smile crossed my lips, I was glad that Sheila had improved this batch. Now the general was far more pliable to what I told him. I was sure that he was far more terrified than he'd appeared right before he went under.

Ah! What a fountain of information the man turned out to be. Though the best was when I had myself and Sheila reported as destroyed. Consequently, both groups were also destroyed in the process.

I had called mother and Ruslan to let them know they needed to leave before I made that call. I suggested a warehouse near where Sheila and I were. I also told them that they were safer for the moment as the world would think them dead soon.

I watched with a smile as both teams pulled up in Humvees. I almost laughed when all the orders the General gave were followed without question.

My god, the man had everyone scared to death of him. I was sure most of the military would breathe a sigh of relief when he was declared dead, I knew, I would.

Though like I told him I wasn't about to kill him. No, I would give him all the compassion he had the men and women he had ripped from their bodies. A small smile crossed my lips as I thought of the teams. There were at least three of them, I could think of, that would enjoy what I had planned for the General, as much as I would.

I watched for the next few hours as Sheila built a truly strange-looking apparatus. We still had the General sending out reports, the last we saved 'til we were ready.

After I strapped the General in, I order the nanomites within the General to go inert. I then had Sheila grab mother, Ruslan, then my sister Christine.

She was the only one I was unsure of. We had thought that the other was dead so long, I wasn't sure she wouldn't react violently.

I explained all this to mother, then Ruslan. I was hoping that Mother could soften the blow.

I was standing behind Ruslan when Christine was brought in. Spotting mother, then Ruslan, she nodded looking around. Spying our father a low growl issued from her throat.

"What are we waiting for?" She snarled. "Let's kill the bastard, get this over with."

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Chris." Mother told her.

"Why not? Just kill the bastard, then we can be free." She almost shouted, then turned toward me a look of anger on her face as I stepped out. "Who in the fuck are you?"

"Chris I'd like to introduce you to the General's son." When Chris took a step toward me, Sheila stepped between me and her. "You might say he hates the General more than we do."

"Yeah, as fucking if!" it was at that moment that Christine looked at Sheila, I mean really looked at Sheila. "What the fuck!?" Then she looked at me, Sheila, then me. "You're the scientist, damn, here I thought they were lying to me. Ok, out of curiosity, why the hell does she look like me?"

I smiled; damn Christine was bitter. "I made Sheila to resemble my dead sister. It was the only tribute I could do for the one person; I regret not being there for."

Uh huh, again so why the hell does it look like me?" Christine snapped.

Taking a breath I decided to be more direct. "I never thought that you would be this stubborn Chrissy."

Christine's head snapped around to stare at me. "How dare you call me that! Only my bro... Rog?"

When all I could do was nod. Christine somehow avoided Sheila launching herself at me.

"OMG! You're alive how? I was told that you were killed in some attack." Kissing my face all over, she then proceeded to squeeze me in a hug so tight I thought, I was going to pass out. That was 'til Christine was easily lifted off me by Sheila.

A look of indignation crossed Christine's face as she struggled to break Sheila's grip. "I'm sorry, I cannot allow you to harm Roger. You had cut off his breathing to the point of unconsciousness. Please do not attempt to do that again."

Sheila dropped Christine, then backed up. Still pissed, Christine pointed at Sheila, "I don't give a shit who or what you think you are. Rog is my brother; I haven't seen him in a long time." Here Christine walked up to Sheila poking Sheila in the chest, a look of surprise coming to her face.

Turning to me she smirked, "For a scientist, you are a pervert, her breasts feel real." She then looked at her own chest comparing it to Sheila's, she then smirked again as she nodded.

I could only roll my eyes, what in the world was she thinking.

A low almost raspy voice sounded behind us. "So the both of you know, too bad. You both were most effective, now you'll all have to die."

"You obviously don't realize how dire your situation is. You also don't realize WHAT you are strapped to." I told the General.

The man turned as well as he could, to stare wide-eyed at the apparatus that Sheila had built. "I am far too important for you to do this! There are too many far-reaching consequences if I am no longer there to help to protect this country."

I took my family and Ruslan behind a protective wall. "I'm sorry if this offends any of you, I thought it was a fitting punishment."

The three of them looked at me with confused looks, as I bent over the panel in front of me. Typing in commands at blinding speed, I finished then stood back. A moment later there was a humming noise as the apparatus started up.

I had to hand to the man no threats, no bribes, no demands. There were only the high pitched screams as the machine started to slowly, methodically rip the mind of the man strapped to the chair out.

I was actually feeling sick when an hour later the machine shut down. I had to rush past the others as I barely made it out of the building. Loosing most of what was in my stomach, I couldn't even look at the others when they came out behind me.

"Damn, I thought you were stronger than this Rog." I heard Christine state behind me. I weakly smiled at her, then was swept off my feet by Sheila.

Back inside I watched as the two teams were advancing upon our position. "Might I suggest we depart, before any harm comes to you Roger," Sheila suggested urgently.

I shook my head, "Not this time. I think that the three of them can convince them to stand down."

While we waited, I went to the back of the machine withdrawing a large case. Walking back to the protected room I sat with Sheila to wait.

It was almost half an hour later when all nine of them made their way inside. I indicated for all of them to take a seat. I then went into an explanation of my plan for all of us to disappear.

They all had a shocked look on their faces as I got further into my plan. Finally finished they all agreed, if not begrudgingly.

It was several hours later that the General was making a report when he stated that he was under attack. A few moments later there was a huge explosion on the outskirts of Washington D.C.

For days, then weeks agents and military combed through what little of the warehouse was left. Many weeks later it was confirmed that there were at least five bodies plus many sophisticated machine parts. General Gance, Roger Gance, Evelyn Tamble, Cathy Thorndyke lastly Christine Tamble. It was later confirmed that both of the groups were eliminated.


I watched as both groups set up their own habitations. It was several months later after the explosion in Washington. We were several hundred miles south when I had Sheila set off the charges.

I had Sheila drain several accounts that father had access to before we had left. We had far more than we would need to live that was sure. Sheila had also been busy, building a lab that rivaled any lab I had ever seen, except for the one I had created Sheila in.

Sheila had asked me quite a few questions, asking if I could loan her the data cube. The same that I had struggled to complete. When I handed it over to her I was almost afraid to let it go.

"That in effect is you, Sheila, if that is lost so is any chance to recreate you," I told her with sadness in my voice.

Sheila looked at me with compassion as she nodded. "I will protect it as well as I did you, Roger." When I nodded she carefully took the cube then disappeared into the lab.

I wasn't too worried 'til a weak later when I still hadn't seen much of Sheila. With us as isolated as we were, it was slow with the supplies that arrived once a week.

It was at the start of the eighth day that I was walking toward the lab. I was startled when I saw Sheila emerge with a large smile.

"I am so glad that you have come, Roger." She stated when she stopped in front of me.

"Oh? It can’t be that you have a need for me. as I always suspected, you really have no need of me now." I sadly told Sheila.

Sheila looked a little mad then shook her head. "I will always need you, Roger, I love you. Though I think that what I have managed to do will benefit both of us."

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. Not saying a thing, she led me inside the building.

I was nodding at most of the equipment, all of it high quality, all that I recognized. She led me to the extreme rear of the building. As we turned a corner I was shocked to see... me lying on an exam table.

"In so much as you built me as a tribute to your sister, I built him as a tribute to you. He is the second of our race. I have downloaded all the memories that I gathered all the times you were within me." Sheila explained.

I was about to speak when the figure on the table sat up. Turning he looked at Sheila then me. Getting off the table it or he walked to me. Grasping my hand he started to shake it.

"It is an honor to meet our creator. I hope that I can bring honor to you as Sheila has." Turning to Sheila the male android asked, "have you shown him yet?"

"No, I thought it prudent to introduce you first." Sheila told the ‘me’ android.

"Most logical Sheila, I hope that he is as pleased as you are." The male android stated.

Sheila nodded as both of them led me to the other side of the end of the lab. I was really curious now after meeting the 'me' android.

We stopped before a large capsule-shaped container. Pressing a few controls a door slid open to reveal, what the hell? Another Sheila android?

"Uh no Roger. She is by no means an android. It was then that I noticed that what was in the capsule was stark naked. My god, she was as perfect looking as Sheila. "We were going to call her either Sheila or Chris, then we decided that would cause more confusion than needed. We, therefore, thought that you should name her."

I could only stare at the woman that was laying there, then her eyes opened. "Finally you're here. I have been so lonely waiting for you. So, have you decided on what to call me?"

I swallowed hard, "You're beautiful," I whispered. "the only thing that comes to mind is Crystilla."

A wide smile came to her lips as she nodded then wrapped me in her arms.



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4 years ago
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My Berlin SummerChapter 8 My New Life

From that night, my fortunes had nowhere to go but up. And beginning the next morning, my lot did begin to improve. I was unchained in the morning and allowed to shower, eat, and rest in the slaves' quarters. For breakfast and lunch, unless we were called to perform our services elsewhere, we were allowed to eat as we chose from a small kitchen stocked with an assortment of healthy foods - cereal, skim milk, juices, fruit, fresh bread, raw vegetables, and so on. That first day, I was set to...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 30

ANNA I woke up late, much later than I normally do. I guess getting fucked six ways from Sunday will do that to a girl. I blinked my eyes and stretched while taking inventory. Yup, I was going to be sore today. My ass felt like someone had shoved a telephone pole up it, but the memory of the night before made it all worth it. I realized with a start, that John was gone. I was in bed alone and that seemed really wrong. I tried to hop up, but my muscles were in revolt and I only managed to...

4 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 18

I returned to my house near five o’clock in the afternoon, Ashley was already home. I decided to spare her the drama of my recent visit to my grandfather, instead inquiring about her day. We talked for a few minutes before she went to change clothes and get comfortable. I noticed that since I had come back home, the awkward feelings with Ashley had somewhat passed. Maybe what had happened between us was for the best, we now knew what the parameters were. She came back into the kitchen dressed...

2 years ago
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bbc fun

My boyfriend Conrad has this black friend of his named Troy and this guy is quite the character. From the first second I met him, I knew he was trouble. He flirted so openly that it almost became a game between us. Conrad would tell me that it was just harmless fun and to enjoy it. One night, I was kind of out of it, and in a weird mood while everyone was over at our place partying. Troy asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing really, just in a mood. "I think I've seen this before. You...

1 year ago
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The Virgin

After four years of studies I was finally graduating from college, I decided to cool down from all and remove myself from anything related to school works. Personally, I was the need with the athletic body, 6'1 with large muscle build, every girl on campus was drooling but I wasn't interested in them and being a handsome black guy on campus made the matter worst lol. Nevertheless, I was the need who focused on the books, and ignored pussy for 4 years, crazy right, however, senior year was a...

3 years ago
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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 16

Verónica Escamilla I ripped my cock out of Shawna’s tight pussy. My futa-cum bubbled out and matted the black curls. The former virgin whimpered. I had cum, but she hadn’t. Neither had Terra or Wendy, the other two girls I had just deflowered. The joy of popping all three cherries one after the other had been too much for my new cock. I might be a mature and sexy Latina teacher, but this was my first time having a dick. You couldn’t blame me for popping off fast the first time. But this...

1 year ago
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Rape Police

As you lift your head after spitting in the sink, you look at your reflection in the station mirror. Due to a few unpaid sallaries, you've been forced to get ready - brush teeth, take a shower before work, change your clothes - here at work instead of your home. You manage to see your reflection through a few spaces between the dirty spots on the mirror, and there you see yourself. You're a 5' 2" tall white girl, with black hair and eyes. Your face is soft and feminine, which always makes being...

3 years ago
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A Classic Dogging Night

It must be around here, I was thinking out loudly, as I monitored my Sat-Nav, it seemed to be lost too, and I banged the steering wheel in frustration.I was in the country-side, and had been on the road for two hours, almost 200 km from home, I guess thats a measure of my needs, at 34 my sexual perversions and kinks, were best practiced away from where I live, that way you can quite literary, let your hair down.In the boot I had a couple of large flasks of hot water, a basin and bottles of cold...

2 years ago
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A couple stools down from my was a really sexy young lady. She did not look old enough to be in there but I know that Jimmy's cards anyone that looks questionable. She had medium length blond hair and had a great build. She was wearing a white tube top that was well stretched by her tits that I would guess may have been about 34 c's and shaped just perfectly. She had on a short white skirt over her small hips and her well tanned tummy had a navel ring. She was a real knock out. All the...

1 year ago
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“Yes, we’ll have a slice of your Key Lime cheesecake to go.” “Excellent choice Sir, I’ll be right back with your order and your check.” Our stares let us both know we were still in that unique and exceptional place. We were still in that exotic zone where we had emerged only to feed our physical need for nourishment. But, being so close to her and talking football managed to make my manhood fill with desire. My thoughts began to revel in the hot and sweaty exercise session we had earlier....

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 54

Cricket Davenport very much wanted to get out of her bubble. She found herself having this thought at least once each morning she woke in her sister’s surprisingly spacious Manhattan apartment, particularly when she looked out the window at St. Mark’s Place laid out thirty stories below. The street itself had been an adventure of head shops, tattoo parlors, restaurants with at least three times as many cuisines as she’d ever tasted, and an entire store dedicated to socks. She’d walked the...

3 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 12 Sunday Night

Jenny had just finished her twenty minutes of "praise and worship" as she called her good rant at Jerry. She looked forward all week to delivering it. She was sure that she was getting through to him. She loved hearing what he said each Saturday night. It charged her batteries, but Sunday night was when she felt like she was breaching his walls. "Tell me about Dennis." Jenny gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. She'd felt warm and loving and with those four words Jerry had made her...

2 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 8 Her

[ Setting the scene: while King Théoden and his army ride to battle at Helm’s Deep, Éowyn leads the remaining people of Rohan on a retreat to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 3 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Éowyn first noticed the young pair on the slow trek to Dunharrow. Their wide, fearful stares. Their glassy-eyed acceptance of an unknown fate. And their sadness. So very much sadness. She’d seen variations of these and other desperate emotions all day, and while she wasn’t inherently...

3 years ago
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The Other Side

AT 25, Laura Windslow wasn't suffering financially. Her job as a free-lance book-publishing editor saw to that little matter. How she wasdoing socially was another story altogether. She was a dud in theattracting men category. And she knew it. Book publishing. That fits me, she thought more times than not, thebookworm. The little dull as dishwater bookworm.Her cat jumped up on her lap. "Wiggy, don't you ever get tired of allthis excitement?" She giggled. "You don't give a rat's ass, do...

2 years ago
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The Superb Sex Day Of My Teen Life

To friends hamari story kuch is tarah hai… Hamari story fb se hui.. Ek din humdono (priya and me )fb pe truth and dare khel re the to usne dare liya.. So maine use “uski nude pic send krne ko bola” she first refused but i started forcing her then wo boli pehle mujhe send krne but hum bole nhi first u.. She went ofline after 1 hour she send me topless pic jisme wo bed pe leti thi aur uske biiiiigg breast the. Maine kabhi itne sudol breast nhi dekhe the.. Mujhe pehle vishwas nhi hua ye sab…Usne...

3 years ago
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Sex Clinic 3 Both Banged

I am at a hot holiday with two tasty great girlfriends in complicated relations between us threeI just secretly agreed to try to impregnate the shy sweet submissive brunette beauty as my slaveI know she is virtually a slave to her slim blonde beauty best friend who always dominates herI promise my shy doctor to try to make her a baby in return for being completely my submissive I get back to our apartment with my dear doctor for our first fuck in private as we both hopeI am as surprised as her...

4 years ago
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Girls Gone WildChapter 17

"Okay," Tony called out, "are you ready, Ginger?" "Sure am," the teen answered brightly. "Who gets me?" "That would be me," Tony informed her. "But first we're going to film an interview." "Cool." "Ready! Quiet on the set! Roll 'em! And... action!" "Hello," Tony said to Ginger who was sitting on the couch previously used by Hailey and Shelia. "Hi!" she responded brightly. "Your name is Ginger?" "Yes, it is." "And, you are how old?" "It's what,...

2 years ago
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Myras RL rapedate Dec 4 2010

Hope you enjoy, Myra Foil. Myra's RL rapedate Dec 4 2010 Whole day I was feeling very horny. It's saturday Dec 4 and I had to do some RL groceries. It was cold outside and there was about 2 to 3 inches of snow so I had to put on warm clothes which isn't very sexy. After I got home I turned up the heating and took off most of my clothing. I needed pain so I put crocodile clamps on my nipples and shoved an inflatable dildo up my ass. I inflated the dildo to it's maximun size to...

1 year ago
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My need for dad

100% fiction! I knew my dad had tried it on with my older sisters, but also knew that they were not interested. I often wondered why he had never tried it on with me, i felt jealous and decided his 18yo baby girl was going to make him want me so bad. My plan was to tease him so i started wearing as little as possible when he was home from work, mom worked nights and left around 6pm so i was left alone with dad all night, i know he looked at me when he though i couldnt see. He liked to watch t.v...

2 years ago
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Girl On The Beach

It was evening. While it was still warm, it was obvious that a storm was approaching, and wise people should be heading for shelter before too much longer. Teresa really wanted to be one of those wise people, safely in a car and heading home. Instead she was lying on her towel on the beach, naked, and Ray was about to take her virginity.She gulped, wanting to say no, but not sure that Ray would take any notice, even if she did. He was naked now, and his cock was standing right up. It looked...

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Family ReUnions

“So how does this look?” Aoife turned toward her husband, one fist on her hip, posing like some clothing model for a cheap mall store. The lacy white tank top and skin-tight white shorts showed off her petite figure. Rick’s eyes lingered as they studied her, then he smirked. “Like you’re planning to blind everyone on the beach.” “Hey! I actually have a tan, thank you very much.” She pulled down on her shorts just enough to expose a very faint line between creamy pale skin and slightly darker...

1 year ago
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Opening Night

The music was loud and energetic. Susan and I had opened this new club in town and we were very pleased. Every where we looked we saw smiling people dancing and having a very good time. The line to get in was stretched out around the block. This was one of our most successful openings in years. I looked over at my beautiful dark haired partner. She was 24 about 12 years younger than me and looked very sexy in her black dress. She is tall with long shoulder length hair, a pair of very sexy legs...

2 years ago
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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 05

As I made my way up the stairs from the basement to the kitchen, I noticed that something was wrong. I felt like I was living in more than world at the same time. The body I felt and saw wasn't the body I thought of as mine. But then it was again. Memories flashed through my mind. I'd done this. The disorientation I felt was the aftermath of, what, a spell I'd cast? I was a wizard of some kind? That didn't sound quite right, but it was close to the truth. The family had been under threat....

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sisters Pajama Party Seduces brother

It was Friday and Kevin just got home from school. He had been dreading this night for a week. All of his friends were busy and he had nowhere to go to escape the impending onslaught of a bunch of goofy girls. His older sister Kammie was having a pajama party sleep over with some of her friends and Kevin knew they were going to make his night a living hell.Normally, Kevin and Kammie were pretty close and did many things together, but that all ended when her friends came over. Kammie was a...

3 years ago
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I think we should Talk Chapter 2

Chapter 2I awoke all by myself Sarah had obviously moved upstairs and left me to sleep down in the living room. I was still in the cuffs with the spreader bar between my knees. I could feel the ring around my clit. I looked down the topical she had put on me had worn off. It looked strange my clit was much larger than I had ever seen it. I got more excited as looked down at myself and the ring began to ache a little. I had an extreme need to pee. I sat up wich was not easy and hobbled my way to...

4 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 3

Mercy is angry with herself. She has betrayed herself. She has betrayed Thea. The latter may not matter anymore, but the former is just as important. And to make it all worse, she just fucked some alien creature thing, not once but twice. What makes it all worse is she enjoyed it both times, more the second time. So it isn’t all that surprising that when that extension of the creature with the end looking like a gaping maw comes back, she leans forward to kiss it like she would Thea. Not...

4 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 2 iGive In

iCarly: iWant To Go Further # 2 - iGive In[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]Two days passed since the challenge, and Sam was beginning to think that Carly had forgotten about it. Such thoughts were, of course, foolish and immediately proven wrong. The suggestion wasn't awful, but still not something Sam would want to hear for the rest of their relationship. Carly reacted to the rejection with a playful...

2 years ago
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Toxic Pull

The rhythmic, pounding bass and the horns of the Imperial March made her sit up, frantically searching for the phone in the dark. Her hand brushed against something cold, and then she heard the crashing sound of the water glass falling to the floor. “Shit,” she mumbled, as she finally wrapped her shaking hand around the phone. She was panicking that she was going to miss him. Only one person on her phone had that ringtone, Michael, Mickey for short; the love of her life. “Hello?” Her voice...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Dreams of Future Passed All Ways and Always

Dreams of Future Passed - Always and All Ways 40 years ago, like so many of us, I first felt the impulse to pull on female clothing, and though I only had my mother's to choose from I was soon regularly getting home from school and locking myself in the toilet dressing myself in stockings and girdle or corset and feverishly rubbing myself to ecstasy before my brother and sister got home and life returned to 'normal'. I can remember wishing and almost believing that if I could come 3...

4 years ago
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Brothers Teenage SexSlave

BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...

4 years ago
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He is always ready

He is always ready.. This morning when I got up, I had one thing on my mind. I needed real sex. I only had one man in mind that I knew could give it to me. Without hesitation, I texted Paul. “Hello! what time do u get off work?” I didn’t have to wait long for a reply. “Around one. Why?” “U have time for me today?” “For u always. U want to come for a visit?” “That will be nice, but I can`t stay long thou.” “What can I get u to drink?”

1 year ago
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Grandpa made a woman of his granddaughter

It was shortly after midnight. The New Year had just started few minutes ago and a lonely girl was laying in her comfortable bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about her sexual life. To say the truth, there was none. She'd been still a virgin and there seemed to be no man who would be willing to make a woman of her in the closest future. She was desperate. She wanted someone to make love to her. Or rather to fuck her to unconsciousness. She'd longed for the great feeling of a big cock inside...

2 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 4 Married Bliss

His bus from work had been delayed, but Stephen Higgs thought he would just manage to get back home before the time for the male curfew. Being out after curfew had two perils. Getting stopped by the police would end up with a night in gaol and a fine or worse if they decided they wanted some “amusement” before letting due process take its course. Getting stopped by a bunch of women who weren’t affected by the curfew would be just as bad. That was something every man had to worry...

3 years ago
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At age nineteen Cecil was small, about 5’7” tall, and thin due to his mothers wishes, she was a vegetarian and therefore so was he. His father had tired of his mother quickly and left when he was three months old. She clung to Cecil as a substitute and raised him in a stifling Victorian method unusual for this day and age. He had no friends and few acquaintances. School had been a terror filled time for him as he was tortured, teased, and picked on by just about everyone in his class, boys...

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The Princess and the Frog

My girlfriend was standing there naked, as I watched her looking through her dresser drawers. I was laying on the bed naked with my cock sticking straight up in the air. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Get over here and sit on this totem pole until it becomes a geyser." "I'm trying to find something to wear to the Halloween party tomorrow night. We need a costume of some kind." I looked at her and said, "Just slip on my hiking boots and go naked." "And what kind of costume is...

4 years ago
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After the WarChapter 19 Troubled Night

In the dining room aperitifs were handed round, mostly schnapps for the officers, and an unheard of range of drinks from which the women could choose. Margery Jennings chose gin and tonic, which was served with more emphasis on the gin that the tonic. Perhaps unwisely on an empty stomach and not having seen a bottle of gin since before the war, she drank several in quick succession, in an attempt to steel herself for the ordeal to come. Unfortunately, all the alcohol did was loosen her...

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My girlfriends mother part 3

My girlfriend’s mother….. Part 3.If you have been keeping track of this story which I hope you have and have given it good marks then you will by now know the characters involved but just to recap, Gillian is my girlfriend, Ruth is her mother, Pam is her aunt/cousin and Grace is her other aunt and the eldest sister to Ruth.During part two I mentioned that Pam had broached the subject of Anal sex, I skirted around it a bit because it would have made that part far too long and you might have been...

2 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 17

Monday My com’s alarm woke me at 0430 so I could join the troops in the mess hall by 0530. After showering with Idania, I made sure to check my boots before putting them on. We woke the rest of the women, warning them to check their shoes, even though I had already scanned them. Gina and Jackie both squealed in fright and jumped back on the bed, even though my mental check of their shoes turned up nothing. I gave everyone a kiss goodbye. “Work with Idania on her English,” I reminded the...

2 years ago
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My True Odyssey of Slavery and Submission

  It was 2003 – with the promise of a bright new millennium- and I felt my life was going nowhere. I was 22 and although I was working in my home country, Poland was not yet in the European Union with the opportunities that this afforded. I wanted, no, I needed to escape! My job was boring, but not as mind-numbingly boring as my love life. I had a boyfriend that seemed to only care about his own gratification and put no effort into ensuring that sex with me was satisfactory for anyone but...

3 years ago
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My First Sex With My BrotherInLaw

Hi buddies this is my first sex story in telugu k.Na peru vinodh degree frist year student ni,nenu chennai lo ma uncle valla inntlo vundevanni.Uncle ki iddaru pillalu okari 4years marokariki 6years antuy house wife,uncle valla di 3bhk flot nenu oka bedroom lo vuntanu.Oka sari ma pedda uncle valla abbayi inti ki vachadu tana peru ajay age 28 vuntundi 5.8ht 75wt chala fair ga like raviteja la vuntadu tanu s.I post ki training avuthunnadu.Training pani meeda chennai vachadu.Na room lo vundamani...

4 years ago
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More Hallucinations

Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two sixteen-year-old girls undressing each other.I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in. They belong to Sandra, a pretty little seventeen-year-old and they're pulled right up into her slit. She's sitting on a couch...

2 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 3

Madeleine could not sleep. She lay restless in the large bed of their expensive Ville de Hampstead apartment, waiting for Antoine to join her. He had wanted a nightcap, but she had been too upset and had gone straight to bed. Now, she could hear the soft music from the tape-deck and visualized him sitting in his favorite chair with his feet up on the ottoman, comfortably stretched out and leisurely enjoying a scotch... entertaining no idea in this world of the abhorrent secret she must now...

1 year ago
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Sweet Catherine 2

Len stood looking at his wife braced back against the front door. Her breathing was ragged and her tits were bare and shuddering. The cum the neighbor had shot all over her face was dripping from her chin and he watched her scoop some of it with her fingers and suck them into her mouth. He had spent two hours staring out the window while she had been with the neighbor. He’d spent two hours staring at the gap in the trees where the light shone from the old widower’s front door. What had started...

3 years ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 10

With the all the teenagers having completed their performances, Jennifer Carpenter was trying to prepare herself for the women’s division in which she would display her oral skills by seeing how much of a rubber dick she could swallow, and follow it up with a timed fuck a dildo race. The very thought of partaking in such a humiliating performance made the 35 year old wonder she could even manage to finish it, let alone earn a half decent score. She looked worriedly at her husband who gave...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Sweet Innocent Friend Anjali

Hi everyone, this is Ric here to share a story of my innocent friend Anjali and me. So let me tell you something about myself I am born and raised in Goa yes the land of sun, sun, beaches and bikinis. I am a regular guy having a normal size dick but I have a good stamina. Mail me at The heroine of my sex story is my innocent friend Anjali her figure is 36DD 30 36 she is a voluptuous babe. Fucking her was a just heavenly and I always loved women who have a curves.We were friends on Facebook...

3 years ago
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Amys Fuck Toy Part 1

Amy's "fuck toy", part 1 i struggled furiously to grab for anything to steady myself, but the bondage mittens secured to my wrists wouldn't allow it. Even being securely bound to the bench I thought I'd fall off after every thrust. Tears and drool were pooling up on my cheeks where the straps from my gag held it deep on my wide-open mouth. My jaw ached, as did my feet in the 7" heels amy put me in, but not nearly as bad as my virgin ass. He pounded me furiously as she watched from a...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 5

“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...

4 years ago
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Taken to Heart

Walking in the brisk morning air usually isn't my idea of a good time, but hey, it seems to do wonders for my hangovers. Or maybe I just like torturing myself sometimes, sue me. The air here certainly is clear and chilly though, I'll have to remember to thank the missus later for suggesting this particular corner of dimension DXI-2037A. The lack of sentient beings at this hour is nice as well. They really can be such a drag. I mean, who in their right mind wants to deal with the average...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Relaxing Massage And Satisfying Fuck By Old Maid

Hi all this is Rishi again with my latest true story. This time it happened with my house maid who is well in mid 40’s, working at our house for past 4 years. She has wheatish complexion, tall, slender body dimensions, nice ass and juicy small boobs. Her name is Vidya and she hails from Punjab, settled in Delhi after her marriage and is living here for past 22 years. Her husband works as Truck driver’s helper and mostly stays away from home. She has 1 daughter and 1 son. Her daughter is real...

4 years ago
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Alex A second first time

At the party, toward the end of the day, Alex and I found ourselves in my room naked and ready to start fucking like a pair of horny rabbits. I had just managed to get my cock all the way up inside her, taking her virginity in the process, when my father came banging on the door screaming at us to put our clothes back on and back down to the party. Just like that it was over. We could have continued for at least a few more minutes before we had to get back downstairs, but Alex wasn’t having...

4 years ago
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The Waitress part 2

As the week’s followed me and the Waitress became close. A lust driven steamy affair began to take shape in the work place. It was a busy Saturday afternoon the Restaurant was flowing nicely. I was over staffed on purpose. As soon as she came walking up those stairs she'd give me the all familiar wink.. She was young and very attractive even in her tight black uniform you could see her curves and hour glass figure oozing out of those tight black leggings and black v neck t-shirt. She had small...

4 years ago
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A new fur slave

A new fur slaveI’m laying here fucking another hooker, a rabbit hooker, and I’m about to cum and this is where my story begins."Take my hot horse cum, slut!" I grunt as I cum in the rabbit’s pussy. My cock grow bigger as each string of cum stretches my cock and her eyes widen as her pussy is opened wider until my cum reached the head and flows straight into her womb. Three more strings shoot out and her belly grows bigger with each one until she looks four months pregnant. I lay her down on the...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 14 Sick Time

"What the hell are you doing here?" a familiar voice called out. "I thought the treatment took four to six days?" Betty turned to consider Doug as he exited his vehicle. He had a companion, an older bald gentleman who apparently came along to help refill their supplies of food and water. "Normally it does." Betty stepped away from the feeble Malcolm who was dressing. Bret stood in the open pit in front of the clinic, scrubbing off the infectious fluids coating his skin. The others...

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