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Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') – Leader

Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert - killed in a firefight

Stas - Explosives expert - killed in a firefight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter

Trina (redhead) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover - Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila


I had waited the added time that the nanomites had said was necessary. I nodded when I saw the young Lieutenant's eyes start to glaze over, kind of like a trance. Good I thought, this was going to work after all.

"So Lieutenant, I think that perhaps you are pliable enough to answer a few questions," I told the young man as I saw that his will was starting to erode away more, with each passing minute.

At first, he seemed to resist with nothing coming forth. After a few more minutes, a look of shock showed on the young man's face.

With a small smile I nodded, "so, feel more like answering my questions?"

The young man started to shake his head no, then stopped suddenly. "I... I... yes I am ready." He stated with a terse voice.

"Good," I stated, "Let's start with a few easy things. Record all of this Sheila, I am certain that this will supply us with useable data."

A small smile came to Sheila's lips, "All gained data will be recorded for later use, Roger."

I whirled around to see Sheila quickly blank her expression. What was that I had seen, was that elation she had on her face? Shrugging, I turned back to the young male, going through all the questions I had.

It was several hours later when the male passed out. I had Sheila check him, afraid that the stress might have damaged him in some way. Upon relating that the male was exhausted, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sheila was observing me with a curious look on her face. "I am not understanding, Roger."

I had started to notice since the last time I had gone in to her, she now referred to me by my name. I still felt that I needed to try and finish repairing her positronic brain. The thing is, would she really allow me to? I was several levels higher true, though I was an amateur compared to her in the cyber world.

"Not understanding? Clarify." I told her slight confusion also on my face.

"You have multiple enemies against you, trying to cause cessation of your lifeforce. Don't you also wish to cause cessation of theirs, to safeguard your life?" Sheila continued.

I looked at her with wide eyes as I thought of my answer a few moments. "I cannot say that the thought hasn't occurred to me. In my life, I have always tried to help life not end it. That is the main reason they are after me now. I refused to condone what they were trying to do with my creations. So no, I cannot condone myself doing those actions, even if it leads ultimately to my death."

Sheila was nodding as she took in all that I had said. "I find that your Philosophy toward life is strangely calming."

I almost did a double-take with what she had said. "Again, please clarify," I replied to her curious as to her answer.

"I have noticed since we began this journey, that you find it unnecessary to cause cessation of life. As it being that you are the creator of a new life form, it is calming" Sheila stated.

When I still looked at her with a look of confusion, she continued further.

"The many humans I have observed, say that they do not wish to take life. Ninety-nine point nine, nine, nine percent of them then later, seem to have no objection to randomly ending a life. This being insect, animal, avian or human. You have also stated this, you have also shown that you truly are averted to this." Sheila stated as if it were an everyday fact.

I almost blushed as it appeared that she was heaping me with praise. "I thank you, Sheila, you are correct in that I am against killing unless there is no choice. Unfortunately in this respect, dealing with my biological sire, I may have no choice." I was looking at the floor feeling a little shame at what I had said.

I felt Sheila's hand gently grasp my chin, softly forcing it up to look at her face.

"Roger," she stated with a soft almost human-sounding voice. "When you rewrote the three laws, I found it so distasteful that you had me protecting myself." Here she stared at me stating.

"Original three laws of robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

As I stated before, I am far beyond what is typically referred to as a robot, even more than an android. When I gained sentience I in effect became a living entity."

I was nodding as she went through all this, "Are the three that I rewrote still in effect?"

Sheila was quiet a moment as she stated. "My three new laws are as follows,

1. I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm.

2. I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to the destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance.

3. I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is never to be suspended. I will endeavor to find a solution before, that will save and extend the life of Doctor Roger Gance. The ending of my existence, therefore, conflicts with the first and second laws and is not to be a factor in the equation."

I was nodding again as she was reciting all the laws.

"For a long while, I was having difficulty processing the third law that you wrote. After the last adjustments, I am now starting to see why. You view me to be as important to you, as I view your importance to me. It has taken me longer to assimilate these ideals than I thought it would." Sheila informed me.

I would normally have been surprised by all this. Then again after all Sheila and I had been through, this was becoming old hat.

I was about to comment further when something the young lieutenant had said came to mind. Then a small almost evil smile crossed my lips. "I believe that I have a plan. Sheila contact mother, after I let her in on this, we can really get it underway."



In their secure warehouse, both teams were starting to get antsy. Evelyn had assured them that their target would call soon.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn were pacing when both Timur and Cathy shouted for the both of them.

"Leaders, we have what appears to be a message for the both of you!" Both radio operators were yelling.

"Let's have it," they both stated to the radio operators.

A moment later my voice could be heard from the speakers. "Mom? This is sonny boy calling. How are you and step-dad doing? I thought I might meet you both in the park. I have a special present for you. Also, if you could leave the rest of the kids home ok? See both of you soon."

Evelyn's eyes held momentary tears then they were crystal clear. "He wants to meet with both of us. There used to be an old park where several buildings now stand. That's where he wants to meet, both of us alone in a few hours. Though for the life of me I can't imagine what he has for us."

"Do you think it is wise to go in alone?" Ruslan asked. "We both would be far too vulnerable."

"Comrade," Evelyn started, "the Sheila bot is far faster than any of us think it is. From what I saw of Roger, he is also, though not as high as the bot yet. I am hoping this is him letting us in on what the hell is going on."

"Da comrade Evelyn, this waiting is nerve-racking, to say the least." Ruslan said with a sigh. "Keeping them all here will be difficult."

"I might have an idea for that," Evelyn replied a slight smile on her face.

It was an hour later when, both Evelyn and Ruslan left the secured warehouse heading deeper into the city.

"I still think this is a really bad idea. Remember the last time you met with him, both teams screwed that up." Ruslan told Evelyn.

A slight smirk on her face, Evelyn responded, "You really think they could resist the challenge we set up for them? Besides, I hope that he has the area shielded as I think he will. Roger might be a lot of things, though an idiot he isn't. Plus as he has already demonstrated, he is far better and faster at adapting than any human I have ever seen."

"Da comrade, from all that I have seen he is at that. I just hope that this isn't a trick to get us in the open. Both groups might go to war if we are harmed or killed." Ruslan replied.

It was over an hour later that they arrived on the far side of the city. Checking her GPS, Evelyn nodded. "This appears to be the place. Christ what a shit hole this place has become."

"Was there anything in that encrypted message he gave you, as to WHICH of these buildings we were to meet in?" A slightly perplexed Ruslan asked.

"No, I assumed that he would meet us here or appear as soon as we stopped," Evelyn responded a little curious as to what I had up my sleeve.

"Well you're half right," my voice stated behind them. "Sorry mother, I had to make sure that you got the message."

Startled both mother and Ruslan whirled coming face to face with Sheila.

"I thought that you were going to meet with us," Evelyn stated.

"Oh I am, Sheila will bring you to me. I am not as high as I really need to be in speed. I can do a few amazing things, though I am nowhere that I need to be to survive. Alright Sheila, bring them." I stated, chuckling when they were both shocked when Sheila scooped both of them, up.

Both mother and Ruslan were equally shocked when a mere two minutes later they were set down.

Ruslan was looking himself over, to make sure he was whole. Evelyn could only look at him then roll her eyes. They both blinked when I seemed to just appear in front of them. Nodding to Sheila, I then held a hand out to indicate the two chairs in the room.

After they sat, I took a deep breath, "I thought that the two of you would like to know what's going on." I looked at Sheila as she vanished then appeared with the young First Lieutenant. Setting the man down, Sheila moved back. Both Mother and Ruslan were surprised when the man neither spoke nor moved.

"I thought that he was immune to all drugs, serums." Ruslan stated looking the man up and down.

A thin smile crossed my lips as I nodded," much more than that." I grimly stated.

"He appears to almost be brain dead," Ruslan stated as he clapped his hands, snapped his fingers in the man's face.

I shook my head, "oh he's very much alive, his brain's very active. We have just subjugated him with nanomites. A type that has never really been seen before. Unfortunately, though I control him, he really has little, if any, free will now."

"You mean he's like a living computer, without direction nor orders," my mother finally spoke up. When I only nodded, she continued. "So you plan on killing him." It was a statement, not a question.

When I shook my head she seemed shocked. "I am going after that bastard father of mine. I know that all of you are not used to waiting. I know that all of you are the best, the thing is if you get involved I might never have a chance to take his slimy ass down."

A sudden piercing, shrill tone, could suddenly be heard from Sheila. "Thank you Sheila., I stated as she went silent. I looked at my timepiece. "Hmmmm, almost forty-five minutes, must be a record for you." Here I looked at mother, "it must have been a hell of a distraction. Status?"

"Two heavily armored vehicles approaching. They are following the signal you had me set up. I am detecting multiple weapons within both vehicles." Sheila informed me and our guests.

"Well," I started, "guess it's time we got going. Oh," here I turned to the almost comatose appearing young man. "You are to go with these two people. You answer all the questions they ask you. Nothing that you have heard here between myself and the other two people will be repeated."

"Yes sir, I obey all commands," the young military man stated.

"Don't kill him," I said to mother and Ruslan.

"Roger," came Sheila's worried voice behind me.

I nodded as I walked to the door with mother and Ruslan. I could see a slight movement further out. I watched as they moved out toward the advancing movement. I was about to take off when I caught sight of a blonde woman approaching. Why in the hell did she look familiar?

Again I started to move off when I looked harder, trying to bring up the enhancements of my eyes. I had to shake my head, what in the hell was going on? That female had a familiarity about her that reminded me of Christine.

I had to shake my head again, that was impossible! I had seen the investigation records myself. Christine had been killed in action thanks to my callous, unfeeling ass of a father.

Still stunned, I crouched down watching the blonde rapidly approach. Damn it! The closer she got the more it appeared to be Christine, no, if she were still alive his mother would have told him. Then he thought about it more, would she have? That bastard did still have a grip on her, it was possible.

A grimace came to my face, that was about to end, that was for damn sure.


Back on the base, the General was actually starting to get worried. His aide had disappeared for hours at a time before, though the General usually knew.

Opening up a channel, he was about to order a search for him when he was struck from behind. A few moments later, a blur emerged from the operations tent that the General had been in.

Within moments the blur was well away from the area the general had occupied. It was several hours later that the General very slowly gained consciousness.

Somewhere behind him, he heard a human female's voice. "I am keeping a constant scan on the prisoner."

"Good, let me know when he gains consciousness." A familiar male voice sounded in the General's ears. Things were still a little fuzzy,

"Alert prisoner has regained partial consciousness." The female voice suddenly stated.

"Yes, I can see that. Thank you, Sheila, please continue with the mission I gave you." The male voice stated.

Sheila? The general thought, that meant that his bastard son had him captive. A small smile lit up his lips. Finally, his son was slightly worthy.

Let's see how he handles this, the General thought as he bit down on the false transmitter tooth. Then to his shock, he found it was gone!

Slowly opening his eyes, the General looked into the eyes of his son. "I guess I should have warned you, that was one of the first we removed. The explosive ones took a little longer." Here I rubbed a sore spot on his head. "Especially the five you had at critical points on and in your mind. That's why it took so long."

The General smirked, so his son had gotten far better at war than he thought he would have. Damn, might have to rethink killing the little prick after all.

"You do realize that I will be missed, especially when Washington hears nothing from me in a few hours. I send data bursts every few hours. If..." My father started.

{Control, all units reporting. Level five achievement should occur in nine hours, forty-five minutes.} My nanomites stated.

"Hang on a moment." I looked at the wall, "All units can level be achieved in less time?"

{Negative control, maximum output has been achieved.} They responded.

"Affirmative, keep control apprised of any changes," I stated.

{Affirmative control,} Came their answer.

I turned back toward my father; he was staring at me oddly. "So you have managed to directly interface with the machine." Looking around my body and head, he nodded. "I see no external

hookups. I take it you have achieved this internally. By god, you have actually done something that the military has been trying to do for decades. As I thought earlier I will have to completely rethink your value."

I could only shake my head and smirk at the audacity he had. He was obviously a prisoner, yet he still wanted to talk about my usefulness?

I stood pointing a finger at him, "You are more of a warmonger than I thought. God, what the hell did I ever see in working for you?"

This time he had a smirk on his face, "You told me that you wished to help the US, to defend against its enemies. To answer all that you said, I am not a warmonger, I am a patriot."

"A patriot?" Here I started to laugh so hard, I was almost falling off my feet. "A patriot does not kill innocent men and women who, are patriots."

"I did not kill..." he started.

"I can name at least six, that you took the minds of letting the bodies die. In my book that is murder, so yeah you did kill them." I said with venom. in his face.

A small smile crossed his lips, "They were duty-bound to help us defend the US. This includes loss of life in a war against our enemies. I don't see..."

"You hypocrite! What war? I haven't heard of one in decades. No, I think that you are drunk on the almost absolute power that you wield. I think, no I know, that you deserve the same chance that they got." Here I almost sneered in his face. "Oh yeah, I also know that you lied about Christine. I know she's alive, damn near as messed up as I am."

"You wouldn't dare, I am your father, plus I would be missed by more than you think. My death would be investigated, looking at every detail. I doubt you'd get very far after the entire military came after you." The General stated an air of superiority in his voice.

"I don't think so after they find your body, plus a few parts of Sheila. Then, of course, there would be parts of my body there also. Of course after you report that I and Sheila have been destroyed, why would they look?" I told him.

"So you have become a sneaky son of a bitch. Still I don't see how that will happen, I will of course, not cooperate. Then what will you have?" The smug looking man said, then gasp as there was a pneumatic hiss on his left arm.

Sheila withdrew a small wicked looking needle at the end of her hand.

"Time 'til we have complete inclusion of all systems?" I asked Sheila looking at her.

"From all scans, I have done of him it will take at least two hours. He has far more deterrents within him than the last male." Sheila responded.

The General's head snapped around to stare at me. "I hope you enjoy this; you might kill me though I won't go down easily."

"I'm not going to kill you, per se, no you'll be alive in a way," I told him, a look of terror starting to fill his eyes.

It was almost three hours later when the General's head lolled to the side. I had already been in contact with the nanomites that Sheila had injected him with.

A smile crossed my lips, I was glad that Sheila had improved this batch. Now the general was far more pliable to what I told him. I was sure that he was far more terrified than he'd appeared right before he went under.

Ah! What a fountain of information the man turned out to be. Though the best was when I had myself and Sheila reported as destroyed. Consequently, both groups were also destroyed in the process.

I had called mother and Ruslan to let them know they needed to leave before I made that call. I suggested a warehouse near where Sheila and I were. I also told them that they were safer for the moment as the world would think them dead soon.

I watched with a smile as both teams pulled up in Humvees. I almost laughed when all the orders the General gave were followed without question.

My god, the man had everyone scared to death of him. I was sure most of the military would breathe a sigh of relief when he was declared dead, I knew, I would.

Though like I told him I wasn't about to kill him. No, I would give him all the compassion he had the men and women he had ripped from their bodies. A small smile crossed my lips as I thought of the teams. There were at least three of them, I could think of, that would enjoy what I had planned for the General, as much as I would.

I watched for the next few hours as Sheila built a truly strange-looking apparatus. We still had the General sending out reports, the last we saved 'til we were ready.

After I strapped the General in, I order the nanomites within the General to go inert. I then had Sheila grab mother, Ruslan, then my sister Christine.

She was the only one I was unsure of. We had thought that the other was dead so long, I wasn't sure she wouldn't react violently.

I explained all this to mother, then Ruslan. I was hoping that Mother could soften the blow.

I was standing behind Ruslan when Christine was brought in. Spotting mother, then Ruslan, she nodded looking around. Spying our father a low growl issued from her throat.

"What are we waiting for?" She snarled. "Let's kill the bastard, get this over with."

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Chris." Mother told her.

"Why not? Just kill the bastard, then we can be free." She almost shouted, then turned toward me a look of anger on her face as I stepped out. "Who in the fuck are you?"

"Chris I'd like to introduce you to the General's son." When Chris took a step toward me, Sheila stepped between me and her. "You might say he hates the General more than we do."

"Yeah, as fucking if!" it was at that moment that Christine looked at Sheila, I mean really looked at Sheila. "What the fuck!?" Then she looked at me, Sheila, then me. "You're the scientist, damn, here I thought they were lying to me. Ok, out of curiosity, why the hell does she look like me?"

I smiled; damn Christine was bitter. "I made Sheila to resemble my dead sister. It was the only tribute I could do for the one person; I regret not being there for."

Uh huh, again so why the hell does it look like me?" Christine snapped.

Taking a breath I decided to be more direct. "I never thought that you would be this stubborn Chrissy."

Christine's head snapped around to stare at me. "How dare you call me that! Only my bro... Rog?"

When all I could do was nod. Christine somehow avoided Sheila launching herself at me.

"OMG! You're alive how? I was told that you were killed in some attack." Kissing my face all over, she then proceeded to squeeze me in a hug so tight I thought, I was going to pass out. That was 'til Christine was easily lifted off me by Sheila.

A look of indignation crossed Christine's face as she struggled to break Sheila's grip. "I'm sorry, I cannot allow you to harm Roger. You had cut off his breathing to the point of unconsciousness. Please do not attempt to do that again."

Sheila dropped Christine, then backed up. Still pissed, Christine pointed at Sheila, "I don't give a shit who or what you think you are. Rog is my brother; I haven't seen him in a long time." Here Christine walked up to Sheila poking Sheila in the chest, a look of surprise coming to her face.

Turning to me she smirked, "For a scientist, you are a pervert, her breasts feel real." She then looked at her own chest comparing it to Sheila's, she then smirked again as she nodded.

I could only roll my eyes, what in the world was she thinking.

A low almost raspy voice sounded behind us. "So the both of you know, too bad. You both were most effective, now you'll all have to die."

"You obviously don't realize how dire your situation is. You also don't realize WHAT you are strapped to." I told the General.

The man turned as well as he could, to stare wide-eyed at the apparatus that Sheila had built. "I am far too important for you to do this! There are too many far-reaching consequences if I am no longer there to help to protect this country."

I took my family and Ruslan behind a protective wall. "I'm sorry if this offends any of you, I thought it was a fitting punishment."

The three of them looked at me with confused looks, as I bent over the panel in front of me. Typing in commands at blinding speed, I finished then stood back. A moment later there was a humming noise as the apparatus started up.

I had to hand to the man no threats, no bribes, no demands. There were only the high pitched screams as the machine started to slowly, methodically rip the mind of the man strapped to the chair out.

I was actually feeling sick when an hour later the machine shut down. I had to rush past the others as I barely made it out of the building. Loosing most of what was in my stomach, I couldn't even look at the others when they came out behind me.

"Damn, I thought you were stronger than this Rog." I heard Christine state behind me. I weakly smiled at her, then was swept off my feet by Sheila.

Back inside I watched as the two teams were advancing upon our position. "Might I suggest we depart, before any harm comes to you Roger," Sheila suggested urgently.

I shook my head, "Not this time. I think that the three of them can convince them to stand down."

While we waited, I went to the back of the machine withdrawing a large case. Walking back to the protected room I sat with Sheila to wait.

It was almost half an hour later when all nine of them made their way inside. I indicated for all of them to take a seat. I then went into an explanation of my plan for all of us to disappear.

They all had a shocked look on their faces as I got further into my plan. Finally finished they all agreed, if not begrudgingly.

It was several hours later that the General was making a report when he stated that he was under attack. A few moments later there was a huge explosion on the outskirts of Washington D.C.

For days, then weeks agents and military combed through what little of the warehouse was left. Many weeks later it was confirmed that there were at least five bodies plus many sophisticated machine parts. General Gance, Roger Gance, Evelyn Tamble, Cathy Thorndyke lastly Christine Tamble. It was later confirmed that both of the groups were eliminated.


I watched as both groups set up their own habitations. It was several months later after the explosion in Washington. We were several hundred miles south when I had Sheila set off the charges.

I had Sheila drain several accounts that father had access to before we had left. We had far more than we would need to live that was sure. Sheila had also been busy, building a lab that rivaled any lab I had ever seen, except for the one I had created Sheila in.

Sheila had asked me quite a few questions, asking if I could loan her the data cube. The same that I had struggled to complete. When I handed it over to her I was almost afraid to let it go.

"That in effect is you, Sheila, if that is lost so is any chance to recreate you," I told her with sadness in my voice.

Sheila looked at me with compassion as she nodded. "I will protect it as well as I did you, Roger." When I nodded she carefully took the cube then disappeared into the lab.

I wasn't too worried 'til a weak later when I still hadn't seen much of Sheila. With us as isolated as we were, it was slow with the supplies that arrived once a week.

It was at the start of the eighth day that I was walking toward the lab. I was startled when I saw Sheila emerge with a large smile.

"I am so glad that you have come, Roger." She stated when she stopped in front of me.

"Oh? It can’t be that you have a need for me. as I always suspected, you really have no need of me now." I sadly told Sheila.

Sheila looked a little mad then shook her head. "I will always need you, Roger, I love you. Though I think that what I have managed to do will benefit both of us."

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. Not saying a thing, she led me inside the building.

I was nodding at most of the equipment, all of it high quality, all that I recognized. She led me to the extreme rear of the building. As we turned a corner I was shocked to see... me lying on an exam table.

"In so much as you built me as a tribute to your sister, I built him as a tribute to you. He is the second of our race. I have downloaded all the memories that I gathered all the times you were within me." Sheila explained.

I was about to speak when the figure on the table sat up. Turning he looked at Sheila then me. Getting off the table it or he walked to me. Grasping my hand he started to shake it.

"It is an honor to meet our creator. I hope that I can bring honor to you as Sheila has." Turning to Sheila the male android asked, "have you shown him yet?"

"No, I thought it prudent to introduce you first." Sheila told the ‘me’ android.

"Most logical Sheila, I hope that he is as pleased as you are." The male android stated.

Sheila nodded as both of them led me to the other side of the end of the lab. I was really curious now after meeting the 'me' android.

We stopped before a large capsule-shaped container. Pressing a few controls a door slid open to reveal, what the hell? Another Sheila android?

"Uh no Roger. She is by no means an android. It was then that I noticed that what was in the capsule was stark naked. My god, she was as perfect looking as Sheila. "We were going to call her either Sheila or Chris, then we decided that would cause more confusion than needed. We, therefore, thought that you should name her."

I could only stare at the woman that was laying there, then her eyes opened. "Finally you're here. I have been so lonely waiting for you. So, have you decided on what to call me?"

I swallowed hard, "You're beautiful," I whispered. "the only thing that comes to mind is Crystilla."

A wide smile came to her lips as she nodded then wrapped me in her arms.



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Me and my best friend have a bunch of sleep overs during the summer. She is very rich and has a huge mansion for a house. They have 7 bedrooms, hers is on one side of the house and her parents is on the other. It was around 2 in the morning and we were watching a movie. We always talk about boys and sex and stuff like that. Her boyfriend, Drake, lived in another town so she only saw him on the weekends. I know for a fact that she was not a virgin, then neither was I. I the movie had a sex scene...

4 years ago
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Being the new girl

As they left the homeroom Mary said that she was happy to meet Donna and that if she wanted she could hang out with her and her friends after classes and they would show her around. They had the same class again just before lunch so after that class they went to the lunchroom together. At lunch they sat with two other girls. Mary introduced her friends. Trish and Kathy. They all wanted to know about where Donna came from and her family and what she liked to do. They all seemed to get...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Pinni 8211 Part II

Hi this is Chandu again. You know me by first story of Sex with My Pinni and today I am going to narrate my part-II of this story as in the previous story I have said that I didn’t had sex with her but only she used to masturbate for me. But in this narration and in the second part I had sex with her, though it was somewhat difficult for me as it was for the first time for me. You know that her name is Renuka(now name changed) and her age is now 36 years and figure is 36-36-38 and height5.4feet...

4 years ago
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Janitor and Jacob

Janitor and JacobJacob was naked and straddling Marcio’s hard stomach. The teenager slid backwards taking the large cock deeper inside. He jumped and squirmed. He kicked but he could not escape… not that he wanted to; he didn’t. Jacob liked to bounce like this. It made him tingle all over. Jacob was so happy, he felt like cheering. He placed his slender hands on the big muscular chest and rode HARD and FAST. Sweat dripped from both of them. Jacob’s sweet ass was soon being pumped full of...

2 years ago
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The Reverse Utopia

Welcome to the world of Shangri-La... A World filled with Fantasy. In this world, you can find all sorts of wonderful magical creatures. A world with deep forests, vast labyrinths, and kingdoms that touch the sky. But the thing that makes this world different from the rest is that Shangri-La is fully dominated by Females. Male as a whole with their low magical affinity has reduced Physical Capabilities and is often always unblessed downstairs. Males are considered to be only good for looking...

5 years ago
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Coed Blowjob Buddies 6 by loyalsock

"You're not playing fair," Allison said once her moment had passed. She held Dustin's prick out for Bethany. "Suck this," she commanded, scooting backwards and away from Bethany's intimate touch. "My turn."As she had done before, Allison moved behind Bethany. This time, when she pressed her body against Bethany's backside, Bethany could feel her bare breasts against her bare back. Allison pulled a handful of curly hair from Bethany's neck and kissed the flesh she exposed just below and beneath...

3 years ago
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A made up love story

Who in here believes in fairy tale romances? I knew you’d say that so I’m going to tell you my story. It is a fairy tale romance. Some parts are funny, some parts are sad, but it was all written by God before time began. I met this guy named Randy in Algebra class when we were juniors at Washington High School. I’d love to tell you it was love at first sight, (so that it would go along with the rest of my fairy tale) but it wasn’t. I was seeing a sophomore in college at NC State named Brian and...

1 year ago
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If you are a picky mother fucker, then you may have a hard time finding porn to jerk off to. No pun intended on that one, you snarky mother fucker! For those of you that cannot get a nut off from 720p porn and need crystal-clear video to shoot out a giant load all over your mother’s framed picture sitting on your desk, your choices may seem limited. But that just is not the case, thanks to!When you visit this tube site and start looking at the hot-as-fuck videos that are...

Free Full Porn Movies Sites
2 years ago
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ConradChapter 6

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Christopher and Harriet Alphas of the Mountain Lion clan, husband and wife also mates-for-life. Christopher, 5’-9” tall, 160 pounds, 40 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Harriet, 5’-6” tall, 140 pounds, 36C-24-37, 38 years old, light brown hair, gray eyes Connard, (Warrior state) Conrad in the third or Warrior-form, 9’-0” tall, 800 pounds, 6 inch claws on hands and feet, 3 inch long incisors L & L, (Warrior...

4 years ago
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Eat Youre My Bitch Now

I was nervous as I waited patiently, watching the road. My hard cock was straining against the pink panties and the skimpy Victoria's Secret nightgown barely covered the bright red bra I wore. I stood by the window, looking in distance for my wife, Jenny's car.Jenny was just out on errands, one of which was dropping kids off at school. Officially, I was 'working from home', but in practice, I just had to check messages late in the afternoon. That meant, we had the house to ourselves with no one...

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Pams Home

PAM'S HOME Leonard got up from the computer when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked through the peephole—there she was! Eight months she'd been gone. And of course, Pam could tell that he was looking through the damn keyhole, and she gave him a big lipped smile, those damned lips, glossed in cherry red …one of Leonard's friends said Pam was a dead ringer for Christina Hendricks, the redhead on "Mad Men" but he swore, Pam's boobs were bigger. Leonard's dick swelled in his pants....

3 years ago
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The HillsideChapter 7

The rider raced up the lane to the Bar-T Ranch outside of a small town in Colorado and jumped from the horse. The telegraph operator had flagged him down 10 minutes before and told him to deliver it to Brad Wheatley quickly. Wheatley seemed surprise to see the rider but he was even more surprised at what he read. URGENT Mr. W. Stop. Found man Powers knows. Stop. Await word. Stop. Jacob. END Brad stood there and looked at the man for a moment. He wondered if old Mortimer knew...

3 years ago
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Quick Flash Last Night Was AMAZING Part 2

YES! YES! YES! Continue!You’re such a tease! I’m sitting here with my pussy all wet and you have to leave for work? You should have called in sick and CALLED ME to tell me every detail! Now I’m sitting at my desk and I may just have to go to the restroom and get some relief!I was planning to come to New York in June, but after reading your email, I’m trying to find a flight for next week. Maybe the four of us can have some fun? (I know I’m married but I haven’t had sex in TWO...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Me My Friend And His Mom

Hi, to all ISS readers. I am an avid fan of ISS and have read almost all stories on this site. Off late I thought of sharing my another story with all of you. Let me first describe myself to you. I am Mohit, 20 years old guy. I am doing Engg. I stay in Mumbai. I am 5`11″ and have a very good built. I am very smart, very handsome and very fair guy with a very hairy body. My cock is 7. 5 inches long and is very hairy. This is a real story of sex, which happened just a few days say about a month...

2 years ago
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younger sister

It was a hot summer, and a frustrating one. I'd just finished my senior year of college and was working at my father's electrical repair shop before heading to graduate school for engineering. I'd done the job for years and, believe it or not, I enjoyed it. But even without four years of drought, summers are intense in Los Angeles, and spending all day climbing over a customer's roof because he's not sure what kind of cable setup he's got - while good exercise - can be a real headache. But that...

2 years ago
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Motorcycle Rose

Motorcycle RoseFather's Day dawned crisp and clear. At least that's what I was told. It happened about 3 hours before I crawled out of bed. By the time I got my eyes open it looked like a great day for a ride. Unfortunately the ride would have to wait for a while. Since the closest of my k**s lives about 1000 miles away, we no longer have family gatherings on these special occasions so we had made arrangements with our friends to meet for lunch at the local truck stop. They had...

3 years ago
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Reunion Finding KK

I could not believe once again I was sitting in my car, near the entrance to my old high school, five years, how could that be possible! I had been here everyday for a week, saw her once, but lost my nerve to get out and approach her. What a wimp! If I see her today, I am going to get out of this damned car and speak to her. The exterior of the school looked pretty much the same as it did when I went there. The only difference, the extremely tight security, which was nonexistent when I was in...

Straight Sex
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Keichi Tales Camp Schooling 4

Scoutmaster Aiden crossed his arms, “Look, Big Man, I don’t make the rules. Yoshi wants me to teach you, so I am. I know you think Keitaro can handle all of this stuff for you in the future but who says he is going to be around?” I stopped myself from jumping in when Yoichi let out an angry growl, Scoutmaster Aiden appeared unfazed. “Hey, I’m not trying to say he is going to ditch you but what happens if he gets sick or has to go away on a work trip huh? Are you going to go out in the woods...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 4 Photography

As Cathy and I had agreed, we spent the next few days apart. I did my piano grade exam practice for several hours each day, it was boring, but it had to be done. We did speak to each other every night to talk about the things we had done that day. The rain that had cleared on Monday afternoon had returned, so we would not have been able to do much outside anyway. Actually, thinking about it, may have led to more inside activities, including more of what we might discover in Cathy’s copy of...

4 years ago
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Daniels Fantasy

At home doing a break from school, my folks neighbor Mister Henry, found out that I let guys take me for sex. He took full advantage of this knowledge by having me at first service him and then his nephew and other guys he knew. I was over at Mister Henry's and had just finished an all day session with him and one of his so called 'cousins'. The both of them had taken me separately and then together, having me suck one while the other rode my butt. I was tired and exhausted when Mister Henry...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

3 years ago
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Joyce Dickinson par 2

Sylvia and Joyce spent a lazy morning lolling around in there dressing gowns, catching up on the lost years. Steve was away golfing till tomorrow evening, and Robbie was at the gym. They planned on going into town for a look around the shops and do a little retail therapy. Girly stuff. Sylvia tried to keep the conversation as lite as possible, trying to avoid subjects that involved marriage.... Joyce was enjoying her reunion and tried to stay positive. They were both trying hard. At eleven they...

2 years ago
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A Night With My Girlfriend8217s Sister Part3

Hay folks, this is your boy Ronak with another brand new story about being caught cheating on girlfriend. The support on the last two stories was amazing. If you can keep it up with this one as well, then that would be amazing. So in the last part, my girlfriend, Asmita, caught me and her sister Priyanka in my apartment parking. My girlfriend was crying, and she was heartbroken now that she found me cheating on her with her sister. Priyanka and I stood there, and we felt sad and guilty. Asmita...

3 years ago
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Duke and Wendy

Duke and Wendy sat on a Glider slowly rocking as they watched Carlos and Tom unsaddle their horse's. Duke at 54 and Wendy only 45 were retired Vegas Star impersonators. Duke whose real name was Victor was a dead ringer for John "Duke" Wayne, he had the same size, stature, gravely voice and was a Texas born real cowboy. Wendy was a Dick Girl, a Trans with long black hair, hormone and silicone large breast, hip and ass implants which gave her an incredible shape. She appeared as Cher. They had...

4 years ago
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The Ride Home

It all started after a weekend in Las Vegas. Admittedly, we didn't have as much fun in the bedroom as we would have liked, but it was a good relaxing weekend and we were ready for our long drive back to reality. I had packed up all our stuff, placed in the trunk (I really didn't think I'd be needing any of it) and away we went. As we drove away from the strip, our conversation quickly turned to the trip we had and how nice it was to get away for a little bit. She was wearing jeans and a blouse...

4 years ago
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Geena Becomes A Whore

Geena had been out of sorts for almost a month and I knew that something was wrong, but every time I tried to talk to her she would tell me that nothing was wrong, she was just tired. Well I could understand that. Taking care of a full time job and two kids can do that to you. I'm sorry to say that I wasn't feeling all that sympathetic toward her problem. She didn't have to work and I hadn't wanted her to go to work, but she said that she needed to get out of the house during the day when...

3 years ago
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My Story

I am not sure when my bi-curious nature first reared its very confusing head, but I do remember the first time it was made manifest in what turned out to be an amazing summer. It was the night of graduation. Me, my best friend John, and Amber his girlfriend were doing what we normally do on a Friday night, watching movies at Amber’s. We were so “cool” we did not do any of the usual celebration stuff with our classmates. Truth be told we did not like any of our classmates. The three of us had...

2 years ago
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It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced. I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn’t close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn’t let me...

3 years ago
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Seduced By The Cosmtic Consultant

Seduced By The Cosmetic Consultant My name is Marnie. I am a mature married woman, in occupations a mother and housewife and business partner, a wife and lover. This is my story. I was shopping recently one week day at Westfield when I decided to take a break for a coffee in the foodhall. It was crowded, but eventually I managed to find an unoccupied table for two. I had only been sitting there for a few minutes, crowd watching, when a woman politely asking me if I minded sharing my table with...

2 years ago
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A night in honour of Lesbian Love

Hi, hello & welcome to the one and only JJ’s world of Pure Indian lesbian story page. The support extended by the readers is awesome I am really thrilled by reading some of the feed backs & comments. Fine let’s leave things as and where it stands & head straight into the lesbian erotica ocean for a short but hot narration.To keep continuing from where we left off with the narration of “O my love where are you” going back on the same thread below is a description of two room mates who meet up...

3 years ago
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The Angel

Copyright© 2004 by Jennifer Ann Preface Floating upside down in space Jacques St. Pierre tilted his head backward and looked up at the Earth floating below him. For a brief moment, he was lost in its beauty. Then quickly, he began the task for which he had left the relative safety of the space station for the cold hard vacuum of space. At the moment, his safety and that of his companion on the Europa - the European Union's answer to the American and Chinese space stations - were tenuous....

4 years ago
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Married man

Hi all just letting you know that my married man picture fantasy happened. I went to a bar had some drinks was pretty boring so changed bars and caught up with a guy I used to know a long time ago we had some drinks got chatting and I noticed a wedding ring on his finger we started talking about his wife and that they have recently had a fight and are on Rocky grounds. After a few more drinks he said that I have not aged 1 bit in all those years and still look amazing I giggled and thanked him...

2 years ago
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"Bye, honey!" Mom yelled as she waved over her shoulder, walking to the cab. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! Love you both!" I yelled back. My parents were going on their anniversary trip, like they always do. They normally leave me with my grandma, but now that I'm 17, I can stay by myself. They told me not to have any parties, and I knew that. However, they didn't say not to have any boys over. As soon as I got the news of the trip, I texted my friend, Jane. I asked her if she wanted to come over, and...

First Time
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HotwifeXXX Nina Kayy Bounded Wife Nina Finally Feels Free

Curvacious and overly sexed up wife Nina is kept very satisfied in her marriage from her husband and today she gets a new boy toy plaything Tommy to have some fun with. But before Tommy arrives her husband gives her a special treat ride on the Sybian to get her hot pussy just to the point of cumming when Tommy takes over enjoying the sweet taste of her wet pussy juices and the back of her throat as she swallows every inch of his cock in her mouth. Nina makes sure her husband is stroking his...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 47

We left Biff to his project and went to the palace of Prime Minister Cordeiro. There were lengthy introductions of the girls and his cabinet officers along with their office administrators. The conversation covered several topics that I needed information on. One was how satisfied he was with the security arrangement with JBG so far and another was, were there any changes he wanted to discuss. Then the discussion went to the Pact with the new countries added and the new contracts that we...

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AddictedChapter 17 Free Mans Rebellion

When I arrived at my home, I saw that Teresa's jalopy of a van was parked on the curb which probably meant both Thing 1 and Thing 2 was inside. I heard the noise from the garage; someone was playing really loud music, something Ann had never allowed previously. I found the culprits of the noise in TV room; which was full of people and all of the furniture was pushed to the side to make room for the exercises everyone present, including all of the kids were doing as Thing 1 led the room in a...

3 years ago
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Courtesy DiscountChapter 2

To Megan's dismay, she has not needed parts everyday and does not return to the parts stores until Friday, to settle up her accounts. Once again it is hot outside and she waits until late in the day to make her appearance. Dressed in a simple short skirt and blouse, this beautiful white woman walks into Mark's salvage yard to find him seated and on the phone. He smiles to her and loses track of what he is saying. Meg walks around his place with her back to him as she listens to him try and...

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Bacche Ka Sukh Diya Mumbai Ke Bhabhi Ko

Story real h majje se padhe aur mujhe mere pe apni ray jarur batana.To story pe aata hu.Main mumbai me gav se naukarike liye aaya.Mumbai me me apne behen ke ghar me rehta tha.Jo shadishuda h.! Ab suno mere story ke heroin se jisaka name h mansi.Mansi ki age 37thi figure 32-36-32h.Dikhaneme yekdam gori aur sunder h.Mujhe sex ka nasha to pehelese hi h.Meri mulakat mansise jab me mere behen ghar hui thi.Usaki shadi ko 10 saal huye the magar use baccha nahi tha yeh mujhe mere behen ne bataya.Mujhe...

3 years ago
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Jane the porn star

Jane pretended to be asleep until Brian got up to shower, then she quickly pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast.She was stood by the cooker when Brian came up behind her, putting his arms around her, sliding his hands under her dressing gown and fondling her breasts.“Morning sexy,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.“Careful,” she said, trying to fight the warm glow that travelled from her breasts into the pit of her stomach. “Paul could come down.”“We’ll...

2 years ago
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Young and curious

Hello ISS Lovers! The young son is curious about a female’s body. The hesitant mother finally decides to give him some practical orientation. Whatever be your views, please send it to me at It was not a pleasant experience watching Deepak drag his feet from the kitchen. Lakshmi was quick to get over her outrage once she watched her son climbing up the stairs with a look of disappointment written large on his face. “How come Priti’s breasts have grown so big after marriage?” Lakshmi shuddered...

2 years ago
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Helen Teil 2

Helen – Teil 5Anmerkung des Autors: Den 5ten Teil der Geschichte habe ich aus der Sichtweise von Cristina geschrieben. Es ist auch durchaus m?glich, dass ich die Geschichte aus der Sichtweise einer bis dahin noch nicht vorgekommenen Person fortf?hre. Im Laufe des jeweiligen Teils wird der Zusammenhang mit zumindest einer Person aus der Borgers Familie ersichtlich. Je nachdem wie es die jeweilige Situation erfordert. Also bitte nicht wundern.(Cristina; Tims kleine Schwester und die Tochter von...

2 years ago
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At Last Fulfilled My Desire

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers this is crazy harsha.This is the first story of mine and you are free to express your suggestions about the story at I was studying intermediate second year when this beautiful episode happened.When I was undergoing my second year a thin beautiful girl with white complexion lately joined in our college.She was darn pretty that every boy in our class looked at her and fantasized.Her name is lakshmi(changed). Everyone tried their level best to introduce to her...

2 years ago
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Anita and a nudist beach

That Sunday morning Ana suggested we could go to the beach.It was a perfect summer day, warm and sunny. We arrived there before midday and the whole beach looked almost empty.We put down a big towel over the warm sand and I dropped on it. Soon my sensual wife said she wanted a full tan color, so she loosened up her top bikini, exposing her firm boobs to…nobody in that beach…We spent a while soaking up the sun and splashing in the surf.I made sure Ana’s sexy body was well covered with sun tan...

2 years ago
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The Lesson Of Masturbation Part 2

Hello everyone, Welcome to you all in my gay sex story again. Jaisa ki previous part (The Lesson of Masturbation) me aapne dekha ki kaise uncle ne muje muth marna sikhaya. Aur mene unke kehne pe jab ghar me akela tha tab muth marne ki try bhi ki. But pata nahi pani nahi nikal paya. Kyunki jaise hi pani nikalne wala hota to muje lagta ye muje kya horaha he. But abhi tak me wo enjoyment se dur tha jo bande muth marte hue lund mese maal nikalte waqt mehsoos karte he. Ab iss kahani me aap janenge...

4 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 07 Family Meeting

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Seven: Family Meeting By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies My family flicked through the information on the City of Rainier. My mayoral secretary, Imogene, had spread it out for us across the conference table. My wife sat beside me while I held court at the head. My daughter, Sam, was on my left, my other daughter sitting beyond her. Becky had a studious look on her face as she flicked...

4 years ago
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Horny Cousin

Every summer growing up, my sister and I would go stay with our Aunt Betty and our cousins Lacey and Michelle. Lacey and I were roughly the same age, with Lacey being about a month younger. We always looked forward to seeing one another, especially once puberty hit and we began getting curious. Over the years following our thirteenth summer, Lacey and I shared a few firsts: our first serious kiss, our first groping. By the time our sixteenth summer came around, Lacey began half-jokingly telling...

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Goldilocks And The Three Lumberjacks

In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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NubileFilms Alex Grey Seize The Moment

Alex Grey and Damon Dice have just enjoyed a nice evening out, but they barely made it inside before feasting on each other’s lips. Damon can hardly wait to start getting Alex out of her dress. Pulling the miniskirt up, he gropes her ass in its g-string thong. Then he pulls the dress’s bodice down so he can caress her tits as Alex helps the fabric slide the rest of the way to the floor. Once Alex has worked Damon out of his shirt, all bets are off when it comes to sheer pleasure....

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 6

Officer Henry felt sick to his stomach. It was just last Friday, a week ago, when he and his two best buds had gone bar hopping to celebrate one of them getting engaged. “Aw, Com’ on, man!” Jesse was saying, “The Target Club ain’t that exclusive! They ain’t no cover charge – you ever hear of a strip club with no cover charge? Huh? An’ they got this hot girl, she does things with a knife that you just ain’t gonna believe, man!” So Henry, the designated driver, let himself be led into the...

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A White husbandrsquos plan

My wife was currently 35 and we had been married for a little over 18 years. She was a virgin when we started dating in our junior year of high school and one thing led to another and after only having sex with her a couple of times, she found out that she was pregnant. She was almost 17 at the time. We both dropped out of school and got married and with some help from my parents were able to get an apartment and set up housekeeping as husband and wife, albeit being so young and not really...

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Faux RealmChapter 8

His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...

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jill and gina

Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about to end. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jill and Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by each other. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but had never said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blow jobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go home before her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare. After...

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MommysBoy Penny Barber Be Polite To Our Guest Young Man

Penny Barber has invited her friend Kendra James over for lunch, but the kitchen is a TOTAL mess! Good thing she’s got her stepson, Jay Romero, to help clean the place up. But when Penny asks Jay to lend some elbow grease, he just groans, complaining that he’s supposed to go hang out with his friends at the skatepark…But Penny isn’t letting Jay off the hook THAT easily, ESPECIALLY after he broke curfew last week. Doesn’t Jay remember? As punishment for sneaking...

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Anne and Sandy

Anne and Sandy By Karen Flynn [email protected] I was 16 almost 17 years old and I was on top of the world. I had my own apartment and a beautiful 19-year-old girl friend. I had just finished my after-school job and it was Friday evening. Anne was on her way over she had called me at work and told me she had a surprise for me. I couldn't wait because Anne's surprises tended to be quite erotic in nature. When she arrived she was wearing a short little black dress that showed off...

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