Faux RealmChapter 8 free porn video

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His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze.

Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the lighted consoles to shut the alarm off, “We shall arrive at VenuuX system in about 10 minutes.”

Everyone mumbled their approval, most of the night was spent on their back or tossing and turning in their sleep. While they got to sleep, it was not a good and comfortable type of sleep that you might want after a day’s hard work.

“What should I do?” Lucian asked everyone.

Grogginess in his mind did not allow him to process anything that took too much thinking, “We’ll need to get the people up, prime and ready for their transport.”

“Then I’ll do just that.” He said and jumped on his feet.

Taking Liza’s and Ericha’s arms he pulled them up and gave them a toe curling kiss. Both women smiled. Even though the day before did not result much in bonding of the three lovers, they almost anticipated the love that every one of them had.

“I’m going girls, be safe.” He said.

He started walking through the door humming another tune. As he was about to disappear through the door, someone yelled “Lucian, clothes!”

Looking down he noticed that his appendage was standing at an attention. Looking embarrassed he turned around to see Ericha, Liza and even Lindsay grinning widely.

“Don’t start.” He waved his finger at them, making them giggle even harder.

Lucian put the clothes he had on his back, white T-shirt, blue denim jeans and a short leather red and yellow jacket. He thought he needed a different style of clothes that were not so similar to a clowns. Any vivid colors made him think he looked like a joker. And not the cool kind from the batman movies.

He spent the next 10 minutes or so talking to different people and helping them get ready for their move into different living area. They needed more than just a space to sit and sleep. They deserved so much more.

As he was about to go back, two people were standing in his way. Momoa and the girl that spent most of yesterday glued to his back.

“Listen, can we talk to you?” Momoa asked.

“Sure.” Lucian smiled.

He led them into an empty room. He stood in the middle of it and patiently waited for them to begin. Momoa looked unmoving, Lucian expected the buff man to hide his true feelings and if he hadn’t took a peek yesterday, through different means, seeing his old memories and how he behaved previously Lucian would not expect anything different from the buffed man standing in front of him. The woman beside him fidgeted and looked like she had something on her mind that was difficult to express in words.

“Ummm – “She started but was abruptly cut off by Momoa’s sharp tone.

“It was your idea, why are you nervous all of a sudden?” Momoa barked.

“Momoa! You, we need this.” It was her only answer.

Her hooded figure still made Lucian wonder what she really looked like, she had not time to find extra clothes that weren’t revealing too much, like her current ones. And Lucian suddenly realized that he knew nothing of the woman before him. Not her name, or her face. She was an enigma.

“I know.” Momoa growled.

“So now ask him.” The woman almost pleaded with him.

Momoa took a long look, first at her, then switched to Lucian’s eyes. He was apprehensive, guarding from something that Lucian did not want to poke at, he saw what it did to him, pushing anything would result in him shutting further down or just plainly refusing to speak.

“Argh, why do I need to bend down and ask for help? Again this was YOUR idea.” Momoa barked.

“Look I’ll ask him myself, but you need to do it as well.” She WAS the stoic one.

Strength and courage. That’s what everyone needed in certain times. Be it a positive or negative, everyone could display it at any time. It was not uncommon to see people that were often regarded as weak, to exhibit the most of it in certain circumstances.

Lucian knew how she looked yesterday, the current woman was unrecognizable. Her point was made and Momoa looked like he was backing down to her almighty aura, “Ok. I’ll do it.”

“We – I am looking for someone, and as I was caged up for almost a year... “The vitriol in his voice was almost palpable

“ ... I do not know where to start looking. We – I do not have any money, but I will repay you somehow.” Momoa knew there was no such thing as a free ride.

Everyone wanted cash, payment up front and then they would do what you wanted them, and it was how things worked in Spacer’s world. He was emotionally prepared to beg, plead or crawl, but also he was prepared to get laughed at by this man for asking something so ridiculous.

“I just need to start looking. Without any money – I do not have any other options.” Momoa said.

“Sure.” Lucian said with a smile on his face.

Momoa looked confused, perplexed, scared even, with his coarse voice he almost whispered, “Do you know what I asked you?”

“Yeah. Both of you want to travel with us.” Lucian stated as a matter of fact.

“Correct. And do you know we have nothing to pay you with?” Momoa asked one last time.

“Yep. You have said it before.” Lucian simply said.

Momoa’s defensive walls went up almost immediately, he knew better of course, but once you’ve bitten by a rabid beast it’s pretty hard to get that trust back. His mind almost raced with possibilities and ways of this turning against him, he knew that he could get hurt again, but he had to chance it.

“Look I might not know what you had to endure, but you are welcome to travel with us wherever or forever.” Lucian said.

“See I told you, Momoa.” The woman said.

Lucian thought their interaction was quite enchanting, “What’s your name miss?”

She looked embarrassed when Lucian asked her a direct question. She again fidgeted, taking few moments to compose her thoughts. Lucian patiently waited for the scared woman, after a while she started talking, “My name is not important –”

Lucian waited, several moments passed in silence when he decided to speak up, “But everyone has to have a name. IT’s what makes you, YOU.”

OH god here I go again. Lucian thought.

She took the time to think about his words, “You mean I am important too?”

“Well, that depends. Everyone wants to be noticed, especially women. They want to know if they are pretty enough or they feel that the world is just ignoring them.” Lucian simply said.

The woman looked perplexed for few moments. She was busy figuring out the course of his words if he would have some ulterior motive to say all of the things he had.

“My name is Tigga...” She said in a whisper.

Lucian had to perk his ears up just to hear her talking, “Can you repeat that please?”

“My name is Tigga.” The woman repeated.

Now her voice was audible enough for Lucian to pick up what she had said. “That’s a nice name.”

He extended his arm and was met by a nervous twitch as she grabbed his arm and let him shake it up and down. They remained this way for few minutes. There were no interruptions coming from the broad-shouldered man, but still it looked like they should hurry up and move to another topic. Lucian smiled. Tigga smiled as well.

Lucian left them and moved back to the bridge, while walking he kept thinking this will be fun!

A dark recess of a popular bar was hiding two figures that spoke in a low voice. Low enough not to be heard but not so low that would attract unwanted attention. Drinks were accumulating on their table and they started slurring their words.

A man in a pristine white suit was riding in the back of a cab. The cab was not clean, but that’s what you’d expect from the public transportation. Driver; just moments before, taking this man for a long ride to his destination, gave a ride to a particularly exotic being that spread ooze every time it got excited. Considering the views that most of these tourist types got to see it was almost at every bend. He had to spend a fair amount time cleaning after it, before he received his next customer.

The man was unaccustomed to the mediocre state of his cab, but considering that the next best thing was riding on a bi-cycle he assumed the man had no qualms riding in this mode of transportation. How wrong he was.

Yim Haell stepped out of the taxi that got him here, clicking his tongue at the dilapidated state of the vehicle. After all, he was accustomed riding in much nicer types of transportation. This station did not have anything else for those few that stood on the top. For those that had the coin in their pocket. Exiting the vehicle he almost thought about not paying, but considering how Police dealt with those types of criminals on station, Yim thought otherwise, he was not about to spend a night in a slammer.

Standing up he took his briefcase and turned around. Behind him he heard the sounds of engine revving up and driving off into the distance. He hoped never to see it again. But he knew better. He needed to meet his crew in this bar. To make sure they remained in line. Furthermore there was his First Officer. He had a meeting with the man and was fairly late. Yim hated tardiness.

Yim finally looked up. He was standing in front of a neon sign, there were a lot of them on this station. This one showed the letters “TOLL” in bold bright blue. He smirked at them and started to climb up several stairs that led to green doors.

Another one with that iDEF marker he thought.

Like he was under aged suddenly. No one saw him as under aged. That did not stop him from taking plenty face Replants just to avoid the cops. Again time and the surgeries could not hide the sea of scars that were on and around his body. He sighed. Placing his forged iMark and waiting for it to clear before he could enter the establishment.

This better not fail. He thought. A growl almost escaped while he was nervously waiting for the process to complete.

It took unnecessarily longer than it really needed to. Doors swished open, Yim almost kicked them in while he waited for the process to complete. Such was his frustration.

He stood near the counter checking the half empty establishment. It was always half empty even though the popularity of the name attracted even off-worlders to come and take part in all of what it had to offer. Drinks were the main bread and butter of this bar but sometimes they would branch out to the exotic and feed people something that would spread its name further than it had been. He always wanted to make this establishment bend to his will, but now he had more important matters to attend to.

Yim Haell was looking around the tables for any sign of his crew, spending a fair amount on each table he noticed that it was fairly quiet, people were definitely checking him out, but he was not about to be intimidated by some local Squids. He noticed them in dark recess of the bar and started walking. He passed several species and looked in utter disgust. Almost covering his nose as if he could smell them. Yim would cry out in utter disgust if the bar was not in as public area as it was it blew his mind how much trash came here and tried to mingle with the locals.

He could hear them arguing about some whore not doing what they wanted to, he could not care less. Both men had pristine black and white suits, he enjoyed seeing how refined his crew looked on a daily basis. But still they lacked the etiquette that most men of HIS caliber had.

“Captain, come ova’ ‘ere!” One of the men yelled, clearly drunk out of his boots.

“Be quiet.” Yim growled.

They saw the glare in his eyes and did not made another sound. “I spend few hours away and you devolve into raging bunch of off world scum.”

They said nothing. They knew better than to interrupt Captain Yim Haell of the First Pirate brigade.

Yim on the other hand was tempted to kill them right here and now but chose not to make any more complications. He took few moments, pinching his nose and collecting himself.

“I’ll ask one more question, though I surmise what the answer will be; why did you pick such a crowded location?” Of course he knew why.

His men were refined in looks, but behaved like primal animals. No, even animals know how to exhibit some decorum when you teach them, they were almost a lost cause.

“‘o course Captain. We’ve just thinking ov askin’ that little flower to accompany us, but she ‘fused. The whore.” The man hiccupped.

Great! he thought. “I assume YA know the penalty for TREASON?!” Yim spat.

Yim started speaking in the street talk. Often when he was boiling with rage his speak would slip and turn to those days, when he and his brother were on the streets bobbing for food.

“Sorry, Captain. We just meant to ‘ave a little bit o’ fun.” Again the same man sputtered while drinking his jug.

Suddenly the jug exploded, bits and pieces of it were thrown all over the men, making them scream and yell in pain. Other patrons in the vicinity jumped up and looked in horror, they saw a man holding a large gun in his hand, the opposing wall was boiling for some reason, and no one dared to move a muscle.

Yim for one aimed at the man’s head. The only reason he missed was the shaking of his hand. Rage was almost boiling out of him as bad as the opposing wall.

He sat on the chair. His face was inspecting the men writhing in agony. Yim felt reason slowly slipping from his fingers. So he used a tried and true method of breathing and evaluating the situation at hand. People could hear him whispering, a flaw that he often exhibited when his options were limited.

“If I shoot them here. Police will come. There are witnesses. I could end in jail.” He counted his cons.

Thinking for few seconds he came to conclusion. “But I have a bomb.”

Patrons did not hear his words so they were a bit surprised when he dropped his case and started walking out the door. Relieved that he wasn’t about to do anymore damage they all sighed in relief. Manager of the place was already telling the waitresses to give the guests free drinks and make them feel like this was a usual thing with the locals. Both women smiled, nodded and while one was busy filling drinks, the other went from table to table talking to every customer making them feel calmer by the second.

He stood in front of the establishment seething with rage. Almost cackling with laughter he pressed a button and watched in utter joy as the words “TOLL” started burning and explosion after explosion devoured the building. Yim had to stop himself from dancing on the ashes of the place several hours after the fires burned down.

Fire fighters weren’t able to stop the fire from burning down the place. He was again centered and in control. His white suit was a bit charred as he was leaving the police station. After giving them his accounts of the events he was about to sit in a meeting with his First Officer. He at least was not incompetent.

And Yim Haell REALLY hated incompetence.

He was busy checking everyone’s condition before they left his own ship. He still had a delicious smile on his face whenever that thought would cross his mind.

Lucian thought people looked quite bad and was hopping they would get the help that they needed.

Ericha said that they should, before buying anything, register the ship with proper authorities. Shaking his head while walking towards the designated area on Grimova, the very size of the station still eluded him. He visited briefly only once and they just spent browsing in local market apparently. He thought that was it from the station. But apparently Lucian was very wrong.

“The things you learn.” He spoke while standing in a line.

“Excuse me.” Someone spoke in a harsh voice behind him.

Lucian turned and saw no one. Thinking he was either imagining things or it was just not behind him, all that sciency stuff hurt his head. He returned to his own task. Standing in a line and waiting for his turn. Bureaucracy at its finest.

“Excuse me.” The same voice spoke.

He turned, “Down here!” The voice said.

Lucian looked down and saw a creature. A monstrous creature. All it was missing was a sword or a knife in his hand to closely resemble the creature from Earth known as Goblin. The color and the size was about right, but the striking thing was how clean he was. Or she. Lucian did not discriminate.

“Oh sorry. Did not see ya there. What can I do for you?” Lucian politely asked.

“Can I cut in line in front of you? I’m in a hurry.” His voice was unusual not rough like Lucian usually thought these creatures sounded.

He did not sound small either. For all of his size, his voice was towering few octaves over Lucian’s, making him sound squeaky in comparison.

“Aren’t we kind of in the same spot? I’m in front of you I’m sure it does not take that long.” Lucian spoke.

“What are you in for?” Lucian asked, trying to make some friends in a line.

Often on Earth that would result in few minutes of knowing the other person and his merits and flaws. Laughing at the myriad of things and innuendos, but this was a different place with different set of rules. “I’m looking for a job, have a family to feed and I came here to do it.”

He sounded very desperate, almost if he was clawing at final straws and this was something Lucian could relate to. The man’s family was behind him, his two kids and his wife. The man looked like he missed some meals. The woman was clearly underweight, but the kids were showing that they still had energy. Perhaps mom and dad skipped meals just to feed them. Lucian’s breath caught in his chest.

“I’ll - I’ll do it.” Lucian said.

“Can I move in front of you?” The man’s voice was hopeful as he asked one more time just in case.

“No.” Lucian said a tear formed in his eye.

The man stood perplexed, “But you said I could.”

“I’ll hire you. You poor, widle thing.” Lucian was by now sobbing.

Lucian started hugging it and crying in his neck, slobbering all over his suit. “You poor man. It’s a hard world but I’ll do it.”

“Stop, what are you doing?” The creature was looking scared at this belligerent man.

Lucian sobbed and cried, but when the line moved he moved with it. The creature had no choice but slide with Lucian on his knees, his family looked on, mixed feelings on their face. On one hand the wife was watching scared at what might happen next to her husband. Not knowing what the large man and his antics wanted, on the other the kid’s seemed to like it. Laughing and crying they jumped all over Lucian’s back, hopping that they too would get a hug from this emotional man.

“You are both courageous, and I’ll give you a place to stay. You poor goblin.” Lucian said sniffling in the creature’s neck.

“Look, let me go you have drool all over my ONLY suit. And my name is Keeg not Goblin.” Keeg said.

“What do you mean? You look like one.” Lucian asked a line of snot connecting to Keeg’s suit.

“I do not know what a goblin is. Clearly you do ... AHHH god damn it you have snot all over me. What’s wrong with you man?” Keeg said.

“Well seeing you and your wife, and hearing your story I just could not help it.” He tried to sniff the snot back in with little to no effect. Finally resolved, he wiped his nose on the Keeg’s suit.

Keeg winced and tried to remove it but had no positive results, Lucian ignored the poor creature, still in his arms and said, “What can you do? What is your specialty my little friend?”

Keeg’s face changed suddenly, “Call me little again and I’ll eat you alive.”

Lucian squinted his eyes, looking directly into Keeg’s. Suddenly he started shaking him violently and repeating in monotone voice, “Little, Little, And Little.”

“ASSHOOOOOOOLE Stop that.” Keeg begged.

Lucian did not listen and continued repeating the words, “ALRIGHT, sorry. Just STOP.” Keeg begged.

Finally Lucian relented, stopping and placing Keeg back on his feet. “I do not like threats.”

“Noted, now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to vomit.” Keeg said simply running with his little feet to a nearby trash can and emptying the contents of his already empty stomach.

The woman surreptitiously approached Lucian. He could see that she was weak and almost barely standing on her two feet. “I’m Lucian by the way. Lucian Deca.”

She jumped at the sound of his voice. Looking at him she clung to his waist, she shook as she relaxed her muscles, her tiny hands dug deep into his clothes. Even his leather jacket could not stop her claws from digging into his skin. She almost slumped to the floor, but Lucian managed to catch the fainting woman and carry her in his arms. She weighed almost nothing. Dressed in ragged clothes, it was clear that this family was more concerned for the wellbeing of their children, like real parents should do, like his did.

“Listen, my wife is tired and in need of a meal desperately. Can you help us?” Keeg asked.

He looked at Lucian carrying his beloved trying to collect his courage, he continued by asking, “I don’t have much but will you please help my family. I do not care what happens to me as long as they are safe.”

“I told you I’ll take care of you. I guess registration can wait let’s get you a home and a warm meal my friend.” Lucian spoke.

The children did not know about plights of adults, they were vivid energy of happiness, unaware how much they parents suffered. They smiled, laughed and did what healthy kids should do. Play games.

Lucian carried the woman and led Keeg and his kids towards his ship that was docked in its spot on Grimova which engineering team gave them so they could easily equip, clean and mobilize. The ship was moored, naked. Stripped of its black walls revealing its intricate design. Ship had another layer of protective armor beside the one that they took apart.

Lucian only now could see what this ship looked like. The pristine black walls made it hard to notice all of its intricate details but he was sure a lot of love went into designing this boat. Ericha was busy discussing what upgrades they should get, as Luca already had some of them preordered. The rest was on them. Apparently Lucian and his gang could not pick and choose what weapons they could get.

After leaving the patient in her room, Keeg and his kids were holding back and waiting for the final diagnosis from Liza. She gave the woman extensive scans. Making sure she only needed nourishment. And that was the case. She missed some meals, but overall she was healthy.

Lucian was lost in thought for few moments, looking at the magnificent dance of the station’s heavy machinery as they carried bits and pieces around and positioned it so they could get riveted in place.

“What are you thinking about?” He heard Liza ask him.

He smiled. She was finished inspecting the starved woman and just left her behind. Her family slowly surrounded her with cheerful banter. “Nothing just looking at the ship it looks so much different than I thought it would.”

For several minutes they watched enthralled at the work that was taking place before them. Liza looked back at his face and watched Lucian for few minutes, silently admiring his resolve, silently wondering what made him do all the things that he did. Was there some hidden agenda in his actions? She could not be sure. But she knew one thing that whatever his plans were she was going to be right beside him, holding his hand through everything.

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New DaughterChapter 7 A Fathers Love

Kimmy wasted no time, but immediately slid down her pajama bottoms. I watched in eager anticipation as her hands moved up to the waistband of her panties. She slipped them down as well, revealing her sweet little pussy to my view. A moment later she lay back down on the bed, completely naked, and staring up at me with love in those big brown eyes of hers and a smile on her lips. I had a moment of hesitation as my conscience, which had fled to the furthest reaches of my mind, flared up. Was I...

2 years ago
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Second ThoughtsChapter 4

Jen watched her husband sleep. Their sex the night before had been amazing. Michael got so turned on by what she had done with Gerard. They fucked until the early morning. They hadn't done that in a long time. In fact, Jen couldn't remember the last time they had made love more than once. Last night, Michael fucked her 3 times. And each time, he was so hard. She couldn't remember the last time he had been so hard, for so long. She needed it, too. Gerard had gotten her so hot, she needed...

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My Mom and a Visitor Incident No1

Preamble:I surpressed some memories until my adulthood, then I started to remember about unusual incidents like they happened yesterday. This particularised story really happened, it's not made-up.The first of many incidents:One afternoon my mother put me to my c***d's room and said to me that I should stay there and Play with my toys until she would enter the room and pick me up.A few minutes later I heard our bell door ringing, my mother was opening the front door. I heard a man speaking to...

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Its Just Natural

My now wife Amanda was my first piece of ass. I was probably her thousandth, give or take a few hundred, with innumerable guys. She didn’t keep score because it wasn’t important to her. We were both eighteen when the above-mentioned event happened. It was our third date and I had been thinking it was time to make a move, from what I’d heard anyway. When I got her to a private place I was surprised to hear, “Don’t you think I’m sexy?” Stuttering, I replied, “I sure do! Why do you ask me...

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My friendship with my best buddy Adam goes back to high school, we had done almost everything together since then. I had even played matchmaker when I had hooked up his now ex-wife at a club when my own future wife had been with her. Both women had been freaks in bed back then, at one point, we had had a foursome over at Adam’s house, a weekend of pure, solid fucking. I don’t even think any of us had put on clothes the entire weekend. Judy couldn’t have kids, but Tina had found out about a...

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Sleeping With the Waitress I Met at the Gay Bar Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was meeting a group of guy friends at a bar. It was a renowned gay bar where drag shows were held on Tuesdays. So I went there, a woman. I was bisexual and enjoyed dallying with both sexes. I was enjoying the show, singing along when I went to get a drink at the bar. Max was serving drinks and the first thing I noticed about her was that she had heavy eye jewellery. Piercings and heavy makeup made her eyes pop even more. I didn’t know I would end up sleeping with the Waitress I met...

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Its a Scary Thing Love Pt 1

All names have been changed due to privacy As I'm sitting here typing an assignment for my module in Late Victorian Literature, my mind wanders to thoughts of my tutor. Ever since September just gone, I can't seem to get her out of my head. Every time she enters the lecture room, I get butterflies in my stomach. Watching her setting up the lecture with the projector, giving out the handouts, walking past me, her eyes looking on me. I don't even have to look, but she's making me feel things that...

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The hot maid pt2 The best night of my life

Hello readers I am sidhorny with my second and last story in the series, 'The Hot Maid'. This part of the story took place 3 years after the first part. In the 3 years that had passed a lot had changed, I started my own business and bought a new bungalow for myself I had hired Mansi as a full time maid(for cleaning and other reasons)and my business was flourishing. I had also started doing some exercises and taking some pills  to increase my penis size with great success and I had gained three...

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The Wet Vibe

A soft moan escapes my lips as I sit at the computer. I try to concentrate on what I am doing but it’s proving difficult as the vibrator teases the fleshy insides of my tight pussy with its soft buzzing. I can’t help another small moan escaping as I shift in my chair from arousal, the vibrator sending tingles all over my sensitive body. I look at the clock on the wall and realise with a mix of eagerness and anxiety that it has only been 5 minutes since Jon walked out the door. I groan a bit...

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Voyeur my wifes wanking fantasies Chapter

True StoryI’ve been married to Sue for five years and we were together for five years before that. It was a second marriage for both of us as both our previous partners didn’t treat us very well.Sue is a very attractive woman, not a raving beauty - as she herself would admit, but a very desirable woman at the age of 40+ nevertheless. She has an attractive, well defined face with blue-grey eyes and a very sexy smile.She is 5ft 6ins tall, slim bodied and has just the right size breasts to match....

4 years ago
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Getting Even With Big Sister

The set up was too perfect. Andrew had rigged up a mechanism to drop a ton of dirty laundry onto his big sister Helen’s head when she walked through the doorway. This was his revenge. A few days earlier, Helen had pranked him. The siblings always had some innocent fun at the expense of the other. It was all harmless and innocuous unless one of them thought the battle went too far. That rarely happened.Andrew wanted this one to have some shock impact so he’d set a few wash cloths at the top of...

2 years ago
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Caught in the MiddleChapter 5

I let the three take it easy for the rest of the afternoon and evening with the exception of the butt plug/tails in their asses. We ate a nice, simple dinner and watched some TV. I could tell they were waiting for the action to start. I wasn't going to do anything today or tonight wanting the anticipation to build. All three would stay the evening at my house. I could tell that Frank and Joyce, in particular, were feeling the butt plugs. I reminded all three of them that their tails had to...

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SeniorChapter 4 Kelley Megan Wanda and Ms Shelton

It was Thursday afternoon and I was trying to work on a Managerial Accounting assignment that was due the following Tuesday. I was finding it difficult to concentrate. I needed to finish it today because it was highly unlikely that I'd have any time on Friday afternoon, and it would be impossible to study after coming home from St. Louis on Sunday. I rationalized that I could put it off until Monday afternoon and let my mind wander, considering my plight. Kelley's weekend at Pontiac had...

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From Jazz to Jizz

I’m no author, and as such you will have to forgive my grammar and prose. I just wanted to share these experiences with you that I had last winter with a girl who came into my life with an explosion of passion and heat where none was looked for. Extract from my journal, dated 11-11-2009 AM “........... Loneliness is a strange creature, does it create as much as it destroys – forcing one’s self to come to terms with your doubts, fears and failures. Is it possible to be reborn through it? My...

1 year ago
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A Game of Basketball Pt 5

‘When the sun rises, I wake up and chase my dreams. I won’t regret when the sun sets because I live my life like I’m a beast.’ ‘I’m a motherfucking beast!” I jolt up from the bed as the song Beast blares from the explosion of light coming from the bedside table. “Off,” Nicole grunts, silencing the music and making the light disappear. Fuck, that was the best sleep I’ve ever got. No dreams, just silence. Nicole’s still bundled on her side of the bed. I slink down and put my face next to...

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Sleeping beauty

I'd woken up early, early, horny and feeling just a tad sadistic, watching you sleep in the half light, your thumb in your mouth, listening to the soft breathing as you dreamed, a plan formed in my mind.Carefully I moved around the bedroom, raiding the toy draw, selecting the things I'd be needing, you never looked more beautiful than when you were asleep, safe, relaxed, I loved watching you sleep.Softly and slowly, careful not to wake you I buckle the cuffs around your wrists, easing your arms...

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BethChapter 292

July 21, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written July 22] I turned to Rhee, who was looking intently at me. She searched my eyes, my face for I’m not sure what. She pulled me in with her left arm and whispered in my ear. “You are amazing. I wouldn’t ... I didn’t think of that, in my haze of thinking about Dad and me, what might happen. You are the best. I love you.” She released me, and I looked across the end of the coffee table at the adults, particularly at Dad. He was the make-or-break part of...

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MyFamilyPies Khloe Kapri Daddy8217s Little Secret

Khloe Kapri is into her stepdad Charles Dera, and now that her mom is out of town she’s ready to go for what she’s been wanting. She tries seducing him by coming out of her bedroom wearing a skimpy outfit of panties and a tiny top. When that doesn’t work, Khloe gets naked and steps into the shower. She starts playing with her horny pussy, then calls her daddy to bring her bathrobe. He freaks out when he sees that Khloe is naked and leaves the room. When all else fails, Khloe...

2 years ago
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My Experience With Mature Aunty Part 8211 I

Hello indian sex stories dot nnet friends my name is Yash from dombivli height 5″6 age 24 with an average body. This is a story about my first experience with a married woman which happened 2 yrs ago. So without wasting any time let start with the story. So let me introduce the heroine of the story her name is Vaishali(name changed) she is in her mid 30’s with 38-36-38 figure. She had recently divorced and moved to our building with her 5yr old son. I have attraction towards chubby woman, so I...

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The Punishment

I met this woman who was quite submissive and we began a normal weekend routine where we would meet at her place and have the weekend to live out a D/s relationship. On our first official date, I handed out some rules for her that if broken, there would be punishment. She agreed and the relationship began. First three months we explored everything, the play was intense, and she was extremely sexual. Later I began to notice that our play was lacking in intensity, I was not sure if it was me,...

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Hot Sex With A Hot European Girl

Hi, I am the regular reader of this site and reading from last 7 years. This is the first time I am going to narrate my own experience which happens last year. Any feedback please write me down on So let’s begin with sex story. I am Zee from London. Living and working from last 8 years. I am normal build with good looks and caring features. I never much to these dating sites and all because I never get some free moments to go on websites and dating sites. But with the passage of time and my...

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Life as Selena Gomezs Boyfriend Ch2

I couldn't sleep at all. My girlfriend of four years, my beautiful, angelic wife-to-be sleeping next to me, with another man's cock in her mouth... What do I do? Do I break up with her and throw away everything we've built? I wasn't ready for a break-up. I didn't want my heart broken even more. I stroked her hair away from her face, admiring her beauty. My hand slid down her sides and down to her waist, and slipped under her little thong. "Stoppppp," she whined, turning around. I...

1 year ago
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The Perfect One Chapter 2

It was Monday, 5:30 am. Lana burrowed deeper under her quilts, trying to find the perfect spot to sleep in. But she couldn’t fall asleep, her heart wanted AJ. Ever since their encounter two days ago, Lana couldn’t stop thinking about him. She masturbated to him every night, more than she had masturbated in her entire life. Lana had even bought a dildo! She cringed, remembering the embarrassment she harbored while purchasing the sex object. — The day she bought the dildo was one night after the...

4 years ago
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Two in the Bush

Part One: Wally and Cheryl A little over five years ago I moved from a small coastal village thirty kilometres from our capital city, Wellington, to a larger coastal community closer to the city. I had been there only a couple of weeks when a neighbour invited me to a wine and cheese evening, held in the local church hall to raise funds to fight plans for a proposed motorway through the community. I arrived a little late to the wine and cheese evening, paid my entrance fee and moved into the...

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In Unexpected Places

We first got to know young Craig soon after we moved into number 178. Actually it was through his mother we got to meet him. His mother Maureen, and father Sid, lived at number 174. Soon after we moved in they dropped by to welcome us to the street. They brought young Craig with them in his wheel chair. Maureen and I became great friends and eventually she told me about Craig’s problem. It seems it was one of those genetic things with a long name and the poor lad would never be able to walk....

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Calonge Cuties 2 Sas Marina Joseacutee SM Marlene BDSM


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Coaching Classes Misdeeds 8211 Part 3

I was getting immense pleasure. I just closed my eyes and let them do whatever they like. I was thinking about what was going on. Two guys were sucking my nipples and one was licking my pussy like a hungry dog. What the hell? If two were sucking my nipples, who the fuck was licking my pussy lips? I panicked immediately and opened my eyes. I looked towards my boobs and found Vijay and Karan sucking my nipples. I tried to peep downwards and saw Rajat, sitting on his knees, holding my both bum...

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SLUT…3Erica went to sleep that night, and realized that she thought more about how good that big cock felt inside her, than she did feeling guilty. She chastised herself, and decided that though she would have that cock again. It would only be a rare, discreet thing, and only when she absolutely needed it. The next morning, Randy kissed her goodbye again, again staring at her amazing ass, her tiny black panties. He didn't know that those very panties were being pulled off of her by another man...

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Youll never believe who sucked my cock

So maybe three or four years ago, this documentary went out on TV all about dogging. Being still kinda naive at the time, me and one of my best mates, Brandon, were sat at his house watching it. To explain a bit more, it was basically people wearing masks to cover their faces, driving to a secluded area and then fucking strangers. For lads our age it was the perfect thing, we both had cars and we both loved fucking.Now my memory is a little bit sketchy here, but I'm 99% positive the documentary...

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Ever Wish You Had XRay Glasses

I was s*******n when my Mom's cousin Nancy came to stay with us for a few weeks. She was eleven years younger than my Mom and eleven years older than I. Mom and I had been living in this large house and ever since Dad left with some person that Mom refused to talk about. The house seemed empty and a bit gloomy with just the two of us.Nancy brightened things up. I enjoyed listening to Mom and Nancy remembering old times. I hadn't seen Mom laugh in so long. The two of them drank wine with...

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Missing Pieces Part 6

Coming back with a smile on my face, Rika picked it up almost immediately. "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better, Erin." Her eyes opened wide as I set the container of cookies on her desk. Sitting on the edge, I took one more. Had to watch my girlish figure you know. While munching on the cookies, the two of us discussed a conference I needed to attend next week, most likely taking me out of town. We covered a few more things, before she passed me the list of attendees for the...

2 years ago
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"Wait, wait, wait," Alan started out, "you're The Merlin? King Arthur? Camelot and the round table? All of that?" "Well yes, is there another magic user on earth called Merlin?" The man smirked, though it was hard to tell with the long growth of beard the man had. Alan stopped and turned toward Hopix, "I thought you said that the earth now has a dampening effect on all magic users? That was the reason I couldn't..." "A dampening effect? Only on Magic users?" The man...

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Sister And Me

This incident happened 4 years ago. That time I was 17 year old, in Bombay we are staying, as every one knows, it’s very difficult for accommodation and it’s very expensive, ours is very small two bed room flat, me and my sister use to sleep in one bed. The story started like this. That night around 12:30 I suddenly get up from my sleep, as I was feeling heavy on my legs and with the sounds Ahhhhhhhh, huuuuuun like. I opened my eyes and saw that my sister spread her legs widely folding the knee...

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William Redman CarterChapter 9

William and Ed returned to the hotel refreshed from their little swim at the Mayor's house. William felt confident that another candidate had been found with a good chance of winning. They entered the suite laughing about the mayor's reaction on discovering them swimming in the pool. The laughter turned to surprise when William spotted his mother relaxing in the living room of the suite. She was seated next to Lucy. He said, "Momma Kelly! What are you doing here?" Seeing that William...

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MomPOV Trinity Award for best ass in class E430

Nick’s notes: – 37 years old – Single with no kids and has never been married – She is somewhat a unique case, not our typical ‘milf’ – She says she is not a very sexual person – Claims she has not had sex in over a year – She admitted to masturbating often for her release – Loves watching porn showing girls taking big toys or fisted – She is new to anal but found that she really enjoys it – She actually prefers anal because no fear of getting knocked up – She receives the award for one of the...

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A Hypnotic Casino Connection

Carol knew she couldn't continue like this. She was middle age, very pretty and very sexy. At her age, men and even teen boys still whistled at her when she walked by in short shorts or a tight dress. She needed some satisfying sexual encounters. She wanted to feel a man's hard dick between her legs, giving her the satisfaction she needed. She thought more and more about what Ed had suggested some time ago. He knew she wasn't happy with his attempts at sex. So he suggested that they find...

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Meri Garam Choot Ka Raas

Hi indian sex stories dot net Me rima fir se apni choot ko aap ke samne hazir kar rhi hu ek sachi kahani k saath.Ab meri gori gori jism puri tarah gadra chuki thi,boobs rasile ho k etne bare ho chuke the ki bra se aadhe se jyada hissa dikhte the. Ab kya chhupana aap logo se har samay meri jawani ladko se ragad khana chahti thi. Me mummy papa aur mera bhai dev es bar picnic k liye goa jane ka plan banaye aur subah apne scorpio se goa k liye nikal gaye.Me aur bhai aage ki seat me bethe the aur...

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His Desire

Dressed in black jeans that hug my ass nicely, my feet bare, as I don't really have any love for wearing shoes. My thin-strapped black tank top has one strap falling off my creamy white shoulder. I bite my lips as I watch him walk in the room. I know with the way I look, his eyes will be on me soon; I wait.Slowly, his eyes move around the room taking in the deep green color on the wall. I can see his eyes brightening with lust as he looks along the wall. The whips, chains, and paddles hang...

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Jailhouse Rock

  “Holy crap, the cops are on our ass. We’ve gotta throw the shit out of the window. Oh fuck, I can’t go back to jail, that place is fucking nuts. The guards are always fucking with you.”  Jimmy pounded the steering wheel and stopped yelling for a second or two. “No, we can’t toss the shit… they’ll see us throwing it out. Can’t do that. I know —“ he glanced across at me, “hide it in your purse, Glenda.”“Fuck, I’ve got to pull over.” Jimmy, looking in the rearview mirror at the flashing lights,...

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Puzzle The Pizza to Remember

Here is something a little different, a little logic puzzle with a tg theme. I hope you have fun solving it and encourages you to make your own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puzzle: A Pizza to Remember by Anne-Mal Al and four other male friends were football players in collage. They dated a group of women from a sorority at the same collage, but one night as they got drunk they let their dates know what they thought of...

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Unexpected Night With Cousin

Hi all horny readers. I am Prem. I am 29 and working in Bangalore. This is my first story on iss. I like the incest stories most and after reading incest stories here got inspired to write my own story. About me, I am 29 now, 5.8″ tall, athletic build, dick size normal, handsome guy. About my cousin, she is 31now, 5.4″ tall, figure 34-28-36. Her eyes are so attractive that she can control any guy with her eyes only. Please leave your comments at This story is about me and my cousin sister...


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