Faux RealmChapter 2 free porn video

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She was directing men and women on board her bridge as they received warnings that someone was hacking their systems. Their collective fears were confirmed as they were dropped from warp speed and directed to a nearby asteroid belt. She could not believe what was happening as they were trying to figure out who or what was doing this, as their current ship did not have the best computer in the Star Republic but still it was impossible to hack through their internal defense layers.

But everything they assumed was dashed as layer by layer of defense was annulled by this mysterious attacker. Their silent attack was only evident by hers and her peoples’ frantic movements.

“Captain I’ve narrowed down the point of attack. It seems it’s coming from onboard this ship.” A man behind a console yelled over the noise.

“Their protocol is insane. I’ve never seen anyone breaking 4 layers of MI defense this fast. I’m having trouble keeping up with them.” Woman behind the captain’s chair informed her as she worked on her own Pad.

As Captain Ericha Rrang focused on her own search, her head filled with thousand scenarios. Was there a spy on board this ship disguised as a slave? As questions rushed inside her head she noticed that intruder was roaming dangerously near cargo holds and realized in horror.

“Oh Gods, they are thinking of purging cargo hold where we have all those people in, STOP THEM.” Her voice trailed off as she helplessly watched the ship stop and start its tractor beams.

“Captain. We can’t. I’m afraid they’ve just locked us out.” Woman’s voice behind her said, her voice matching her own face filled with uneasiness.

Several tense minutes passed as they watched helplessly the filling of their cargo bay. Rescued slaves were still intact blissfully unaware how close to death they came.

“We figured out where the attacks came from. Medbay on deck 10.”

“Captain Ericha Rrang to every security member; move to Medbay on deck 10. NOW. Full tactical readiness.” She screamed over her own people that were trying to figure out who was trying to break in their ships computers.

“First officer you have the bridge, I’m going to Medbay.” She told her Second in command while draping herself with a black and yellow jacket.

She almost wanted to run few feet where the lift was, but managed to contain herself, unwilling to show any emotion that could make her crew doubt in her mental fortitude. Rounded pad inside white lift was unusually slow as it seemed to take twice as long to reach deck 10; after just few seconds she finally made a quick exit through sliding doors. She ran rest of the way towards where Medbay was located and found that it was almost packed full with military personnel ready to murder whoever it was inside that caused this event.

Medbay was with all of its bright glory accommodating to their silent push as they tactically dispersed; every person taking a specific place and position, at what it seemed record time. Trained movements concealed the urgency that they were on and as if making a statement managed to throw the poor partition and point their trained guns at one lonely target that was still pinned to the bed.

She noticed Lucian staring at them with look of shock and awe and raise his arms as far as his aching joints would let him, the Pad that was in his hands just seconds prior gently landed on top of the covers and remained there while he looked terrified.

“What the fuck?!” She heard a member of security team gasp in shock.

She was not sure who it was since they still had their guns pointed in the same direction. She saw Lucian’s reaction, he looked terrified and unsure. But that could be a trap.

As if on command a large woman came forward and took the Pad of the bed, “Captain you need to take a look at this.”

While she said that, Ericha moved towards her outstretched hand and took the presented Pad. While she did that the woman in one fluid motion smacked Lucian across his face without holding back her strength which made him lunge over the railings and drop to the floor in an audible ‘THUD’ his bones were expected to brake from the fall, as most of the security detail held their breaths. Whatever silence was in the room was broken with snickers all around while she watched the screen in shocked disbelief.

Again he woke up from a dream. He could not remember what it was but judging by the beating of his heart it was intense.

Looking around he found that he was no longer inside medical facility, but somewhere much darker and by his aching back a lot harder to sleep on. His arms and legs were sore, his face stung from the blow of the large thug whom he could not identify, but what ached the most was his pride after getting unexpectedly smacked.

Lucian’s eyes focused enough for him to realize that he was not alone. Surrounding him there were silhouettes of men and women slowly moving across the floor towards where he stood.

“Take him outside, Captain wants to speak to him.” Voice called out from the dark while others dexterous hands picked him up and carried him out in the light.

His eyes hurt from the sudden bright light. He tried to rub his eyes with his hands. But as soon as he did that a man with a weapon smacked him across his ribs. Few moments later he was sitting in a dimly lit room alone, waiting for someone, presumably captain Ericha.

As soon as he thought that doors opened loudly and in walked 2 men and Ericha. He was glad to see her, offering a bright smile, but one of the men smacked Lucian across the face. Again his pride ached more than the slap, but he was not about to tell or show them that.

“WhereAmI?” he asked in gritty voice earning him another smack from dark clothed man.

“Speak when spoken to!” The other that held back in the dark told him in a loud voice.

“Lucian why did you do it?!” Captain Ericha asked.

While she asked that, from her jacket she presented a white Pad. By now his arms were firmly placed on top of the table where suddenly black circles appeared. Lucian winced, but managed to remain calm and look straight ahead. Ericha placed the Pad between his two hands. Looking him in the eye she nodded to the man that stood behind him, on que he pinned his left hand to the circle. With his right shaking hand he took the provided Pad.

“I do not know what you are talking about.” He wrote on the provided Pad.

When he finished all of the parties watched what he wrote, “Bullshit!” The man that was in the dark finally exploded and obscenely yelled.

Ericha raised her hand and the man stopped. Visibly shaken Lucian started to notice their demeanor.

“You managed to hack our transport and put us in normal space, flew Pretoria to a nearby asteroid field and mined it, now tell me; what was in that asteroid field?” She quietly asked.

“What are you ON about now? I did not hack anything I just played a game on that Pad.” He wrote as fast as his one hand would allow it, other hand was still held down by the second man.

“STOP LYING!” The man in the dark yelled and started to walk towards Lucian.

Ericha raised her hand and the man stopped in his tracks; the crazed anger in his eyes visibly toned down.

“There are no games on this device. This is used to help us with our research when we use it.” She explained.

Lucian smiled, the skin on his face started hurting. He realized that it would be easier to show her so with few flicks of his aching wrist he managed to follow his trail on the Pad and found his way to the same directory, turning over the pad and showed it to her. Look on her face was indecipherable and moments passed as Lucian managed not to look nervous.

After few moments of looking awestruck at the screen and the obvious data port to her ship she pressed it with her finger and managed to open all of the ships available and hidden onboard systems. Motioning to two men that were now standing beside her, gazing stupidly at the screen.

“But how?!” One of them asked.

“I do not know but he’s somehow able to integrate this device to the ship itself.” Ericha explained.

“Captain look at this.” The man that held his hand now pointed at the screen, getting the attention of his superior.

“It’s the main cargo area of the ship, and this here is our Drive.” He managed to point without pressing on the screen.

“Did you press anything on here?” Ericha politely asked.

He nodded. Pointed his finger and pressed on what it appeared as “warp drive”. They spent few seconds of silence when a sound caught their attention.

“Yes. This is Captain speaking.” Ericha simply answered.

“Captain! It happened again we dropped to normal space.” Voice thundered over them.

“Are we moving?” She asked.

“No. We were locked out of all systems again captain. We appear to have stopped and are now in System Mo’R.” Voice explained.

Lucian took the opportunity and slowly moved towards the Pad. Two men beside Ericha started to react but managed to contain their violent nature when they saw his gestures. He was silently gesturing them using hand signals to watch and listen. Both men and Ericha were now standing near Lucian while he was silently working on the Pad in his hands.

“Captain. We are moving!” The voice screamed.

Woman’s’ voice was now on edge and panicking as she described what they were doing, “The trajectory is extremely erratic”

Lucian’s dexterous fingers were now on point and started to engage tractor beams on a nearby mammoth asteroid. On his screen the asteroid represented few hundred pixels while in reality was towering over Pretoria itself. Due to its mass he was unable to move it reliably so he managed to drag a smaller one to its position and like playing space pool nudge the mass of rock and dust into the system’s sun.

While all of this was happening, people on bridge were looking at their screen in awe. The silent dance of massive asteroid was enough to get everyone’s attention until it was caught by the sun’s gravitational pull from which it had no escape.

Ericha Rrang was looking how Lucian was flying her ship using a simple Pad. Hacking through many layers of this ships’ defense. Sure, this ship was no state of the art, new model that just rolled out the production line. But still it had amazing capabilities and its onboard computer was something not to be trifled with, and yet here was this man that new nothing of how her world worked, new nothing of how universe worked, was sitting and showing off his skills. As if opening an archaic book.

Ericha thought about how they treated him. Men and women wanted a piece of this supposed traitor that endangered their ship. Even she jumped on that bandwagon and did not even manage to offer a different point of view. Something that Academy thought her to do, occasionally professors told her the command would bring various difficulties. She thought it was funny how many captains broke down when offered hard choices when in command.

“Gentlemen. I want you to take Lucian here, gently, and take him to Medbay to get examined. We treated him utterly inhumane here even though we swore an oath of duty and protection. I’ll be in my ready room.” She gave the two stunned men their orders.

“Lucian. I want you to hold on until we get to our capital world VenuuX until you start using that Pad. Somehow you are able to breach our security and control our ship.”

Lucian was staring at her wide eyes trying to figure out the depth of her sincerity. He knew what just happened deep down, he accepted her directions and commands, even though he was not a member of this crew he was still using its services. They could still dump him out in space.

“We will talk when you get better, for now I have to focus on my duties.” With that she turned and left through the doors.

Lucian was gently led away through corridors and into Medbay. Gently placed on the bed and as soon as his head touched the pillow he was out.

He was inside a tunnel pushing a mine cart with his skinny arms. Sounds of electric whips and laughter spread through the caverns making everyone work even harder. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of one of those weapons. Animals that snarled at him made his skin crawl. Their snarls reminded him of hyenas on steroids. Wicked teeth in front of their gaping maws as they snarled towards anyone that would come near them; which in this case was every time anyone with a mine cart would exit a tunnel.

As he slowly approached one of the beasts lunged at him with his gaping maw opened wide, sharp teeth ready to rend flesh and crunch bones.

Lucian’s eyes opened wide as he was gasping for air. Every breath he took was loaded with as much air as his lungs could take, shivers ran up and down his spine as he could not believe the dream that he just had, vivid imagery was still inside his brain whenever he would close his eyelids.

“Bad dream?” A nurse that entered his immediate resting area greeted him.

He nodded; still, after several days, his voice has not returned, his throat still in bad shape. But reality was not as bleak as he noticed, he was not hurting as much and would feel better occasionally.

“Well I’m here to check your progress. And see if it’s possible to remove muscle bandages.” She said and began working.

Two women constantly worked around him, one in the morning and one during the night; but he saw the male doctor only once since that time he managed to take him hostage. He was wondering if he was resentful for the bad way Lucian treated him.

As nurse worked she noticed his eyes glancing over her delicious curves. She smiled inwardly moving her hands deftly across his body and slowly caressing his body with her hands. Under the disguise of massaging him she inspected his body, noting that while he had almost no muscles they were coming back under careful medical treatment that their medical officers were providing. Soon he would be jumping and running on his own.

“Everything is ok. I need to give you some supplements and I’ll be on my way. A lot of patients today.” She smiled.

A small prick in his arm and she left the same way she came in. Often these medications would make him drowsy. Unable to resist drugs effects he was out in matter of seconds.

Ericha Rrang was up and drinking a cup of coffee as she was writing a detailed report of what happened previous day to Star Command. She spent hours ironing and polishing out the report. She and her crew, especially members of security force, overstepped their authority and harmed a person that needed their protection. Inside, she knew it was not all black and white. Mostly it was her crew that needed protection. Lucian was in the wrong place at the right time. If that was something that could happen. So her security did their job. Everything ended fairly well but she still felt the bitter taste of how they addressed the individual that supposedly did the deed.

The only damages she sustained in all of this was to her Drive, nocking several days from her travel time back to their home world.

“Send to Star Republic Command. Encrypt it with level Five encryption.” She said to computer knowing that on the other end they would have the correct key to open her report.

It was common practice for ship personnel, especially captains, to encrypt their data, messages or anything they would send over back to Star High Command was coded, several hundred years back it was not implemented as required practice among officers, so during one of the wars they unwillingly gave crucial data to their enemies. Especially Lizards, that managed to hack most of their data and began trading it with their allies, making it impossible to fight in normal terms anymore. They knew every tactic or secret weapon they might have thrown at them during that war and by the grace of one clever captain they managed to avoid tragedy. Captain HyduN managed to find their own way of sending crucial attack plans and strategic fleet placements by having one party with the key; while the other just needed to lock it, no breeches were done after that was put into practice. Soon after, it was capital offense to send anything from ships back to High Command, just to instill their new practice as quickly as possible. Nowadays it’s no longer an offense worth killing for, but members that send their messages normally get stripped of rank and in some severe cases sent to jail.

Walking off her sore legs and curvaceous bottom she strolled onto her bridge, “Status Report.”

“Captain, we’ve entered the borders of Star Republic and we will start broadcasting the message that you gave us.” Navigator said while pushing the engines to full throttle on his console.

Silently their transport started to stampede through space; unknown to any of its occupants at what dizzying speeds they were going.

“Time until we get to VenuuX. 3 days 4hours and 45 minutes. Give or take few seconds.” Navigator gave precise directions and time of arrival as seen on his console.

Ericha nodded her head and smiled at her crew, “You did a good job. We saved a lot of people and made few good deeds.”

Shortly after that speech she went to deck 10. Butterflies in her tummy, while walking she was amazed how fast she made friends with this unknown man. Many times she caught herself from leaning in and caressing the head of ailing man, but soon managed to contain herself just to her silent comforts. Just few moments in his vicinity was all it took to make her day brighter. She knew of love but not this fast. Every one of her former lovers were more or less week or month old romances that ended quickly after she sated her lust.

Lucian spent next three days in blissful daze. Spending his time recuperating his body from injuries, while the same could be said for his heart as it recuperated from the visits that Captain Ericha would often grace him with, unknown to the man why or how his heart was feeling that way; he guessed it to be love. Affection or passing crush were his first thoughts; that was dashed as soon as he craved for her presence. He was not sure though. He was a loner that did not know how to deal with people, yet he was feeling butterflies in his stomach for the first time. It was not his first time being with a woman, but those were just fleeting fancies that both parties wanted, this was something that he could not stop if he wanted to.

He did not even know when they docked at their final destination when 4 men wearing full black clothes entered Medbay and stood by his bed while another figure came behind them. Dressed in elaborate white robes; the man walked with grace and poise of a king. He locked something out of Sci-Fi movies, all hair on his head was shaven off; or it did not grow, except for his elaborate beard. It was something that fit on a king and he presented himself like one.

Man looked like an alien. Without his eyebrows and pointed ears. But seeing few of the alien races on board of this ship Lucian was not surprised.

“I am Medical Examiner Luca Prom. I’m in charge of HyduN division, I came here to see the degree of your injuries. After reading the reports I was unsure if people were exaggerating their experiences.” Man’s voice was deep and unbefitting to the soft image that he presented to Lucian.

By now Lucians’ voice was back but still lacking his usual tone and vigor, “Nice ... To ... Meet ... You.”

Managing slowly to speak he smiled at the tall man that was by now looking him dead in the eyes. Four men in black clothes just stood beside his bed waiting for whatever was about to happen. Few minutes were spent in tense silence. Tension was felt by Lucian only as other parties were simply staring.

Finally Luca spoke in his even deep tone, “We will now bring you to our medical facilities and manage you to your full health. While you are there I appreciate it if you would follow my every order as it’s crucial to your overall health. Let’s begin.”

While saying his final two words he managed to press few buttons and the bed itself sprung to life, unsettling Lucian as he lied there unable to move, white stripes of cloth were now firmly placed over his legs, stomach and shoulders. Finally one of the four men pressed a button on the bed, springing a white cover that went over his upper body and face. His visage still carried a degree of uneasiness to anyone that looked at him.

Their ride or hover, to their main medical facilities was uneventful as the small shuttle that they took flew them all the way to the very entrance. Easing Lucian and making him happy that things were finally going to look brighter.

When they entered Lucian’s white screen was taken off and sudden artistic imagery was in front of his face. That’s what he thought at first, as he felt that he was in one of his friend’s art shows, with walking robots and aliens of all shapes, colors and sizes. Walking few feet with his 5 guardians made every gaze of every person in the vicinity aim in his general direction and stop in their tracts.

Close to one thousand individual souls, that did not include the robots and other Nano-life, made Lucian close his eyes and hope that they walk faster. He heard many whispers, but he was thankful that he could not understand them as they were too silent for him to hear.

Sooner than he thought they were walking into his room and moving his port bed to a new home. He finally opened his eyes and managed to see that he was alone with Medical Examiner Luca.

“Welcome to your new home for the foreseeable future. I hope we can work together, if you feel something is wrong you can contact me personally with this Pad, your personal nurse will come by in a moment to make sure you are all right.” For some reason he accented the word ‘personal’ as he explained what was about to happen.

Handing him a black and green Pad for him to use, “In the next few days someone will come to interrogate you about what happened on board of Pretoria. I know the word “interrogate” sounds scary, but nothing will happen to you while you are here. You are in Healers’ capable hands.” He said shaking his hand.

“Most that anyone can do is storm this place and start a war with MY division. But that will never happen. People abused patients’ rights and there WILL be consequences.” With grim note in his voice he left the room.

Lucian was alone for few moments and after no one came in he easily fell asleep, giant weight finally lifted off of his shoulders.

In moments he was awoken with what he thought a loud bang of the doors, but he remembered that doors silently opened and closed. He noticed a strange looking alien come through them. Immediately he noticed a strange déjà vu when he looked at her appearance. His heart felt warm and in peace even though it was the first time seeing this kind of alien.

Her pink body was fit snugly into her medical uniform. Four appendages on her torso drew his attention for few moments as he was surprised at their developed nature. Not knowing that medical officer was already looking at him quizzically through her visor. Slowly realizing that he was scrutinized as well by the gorgeous nurse.

He was left in awe at her appearance. On her head were four antennae. Pink color of her eyes drew most of his attention, since it was the strangest color of eyes he ever saw and it fitted her quite nicely. He smiled and suddenly remembered what he looked like. He allowed few moments of delusion as his heart slowly sank.

She smiled and spoke with voice of thousand angels, singing aloud. Or that was what he thought when she finally said something to break the awkward silence, “Hi I’m your nurse for the few weeks that you are spending here. I hope we can get along.”

As she said that, one of her bottom arms moved and presented itself for a handshake. He was freaked out, arguably not a nice thing to do in a presence of a person. After seeing her reaction he managed to compose himself, only a fraction of a second but he saw how hurt it made her.

“Sorry.” He managed as he grasped her delicate and soft hand.

“It’s okay. Arguably one of the mellowest first encounters I’ve had. Usually people freak out and start to yell.” She was unusually perky recollecting her somewhat sad experiences.

“Why?” Was all he could say since his throat was still not finished healing.

“I do not understand.” She said and tilted her head.

“Why ... You ... Here.” He managed to croak.

“Oh, to help you with your daily necessities.” She said.

“Sorry.” he offered knowing that she was doing her job.

“Nothing to be sorry for, you have your needs and the Med-bed does most of it, I’m just here to collect its work and make sure you are in good condition. Soon you’ll start your rehab, supplements we give you help your immune system and give you energy and strength.” Her voice was mellow and relaxing.

Lucian never once felt a sense of belonging with anyone until he laid his eyes on this alien girl. Her body exuded strange energies as he felt his heart rate climbing faster, he never remembered meeting someone like her, making his body react in this way yet he felt at peace. She smiled and his heart jumped and leapt again and again, if it weren’t in his chest he was sure it would dance across this room.

Such was his plight for few hours his first day. He smiled at his ‘bad’ luck knowing that he could do a lot worse.

His body was sculpted anew and made perfect by the time his next round of visitors came to see him. Back to his usual 6foot, he now, oddly, had a nice amount of muscles, which previously he did not own. He was pleased by his new body and vowed that he would take care of it better in the future. As his new pink friend Liza watched him while he did his reps on the machines.

They both managed to become very close in these short two weeks that he was here, Lucian quite enamored with the woman that occasionally did enchanting things to attract his attention. Or to motivate him, unknowingly at least. He spent quite few of their workout sessions together staring down at her cleavage, knowing what would look like if she only knew where he was looking.

Luca did promise him a round of visitors that first week, as they came today almost 2 weeks into his own rehab. One of their people came to meet him and politely told him that they would interview him at noon. It was just after 10 AM so he had plenty of time to burn before he would be needed. What did they want to know? And now on his workout day, no less, while he was busy ‘pumping iron’ with his gorgeous nurse as his loyal spotter. She bent over to pick up another set of weights. While she was bent, further than he was usually accustomed to, he noticed her plump perky breasts. Knowing nothing of cup and breast sizes he, just in couple of hours after meeting her, agreed that they were nicest things he ever saw. During their workouts, as he called them, Lucian managed to peel layer after layer of her outer shell and find more and more about this perky, sensual alien, like some onion.

“But a deliciously hot onion.” He said after his mental dilemma.

“What?” She looked at him smiling.

Unaware that she even heard him, he continued staring down her shirt. She caught his eyes and managed to smile. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“What? You’ve never had anyone appreciate your curves?” He said faster than he could stop his mouth; after which he was aware that she knew what he was doing. And saying.

“It helps me immensely.” He smiled mischievously.

“How so?” Now she was standing straight and watching him intently.

Feeling unusually ecstatic Lucian found that he had more self-confidence talking to this gorgeous alien, “well for one you are giving me ample material when I train. I call it Workout Motivation. My new business model will have many beautiful aliens that motivate people during their training sessions. Among OTHER activities.”

“Really? You sound pretty sure that WE will work with you.” She jibed.

“Why not?” Lucian was now slightly worried that his little game would be perceived as harassment.

She walked over to him. No. he thought, Calling this walking would not give it justice.

Grabbing his shoulders as he sat up watching her, she started rubbing them gently, she managed to prolong the silence that made him feel a little bit uncomfortable. Not for the alien woman, but for his own lame attempts at seducing banter; by now Lucian’s heart was thumping in his throat. He knew this was his first attempt at seduction of this magnitude.

He managed to notice that she was using all four arms, which previously she managed to control. Subconsciously worried what he might feel. Not knowing that any thoughts of feeling any discomfort were left long ago when they first brushed glances.

Liza was a strange Amoran indeed. Having 2 extra arms, it was not known for any Amoran to have 4 arms. Limbs were mobile and extremely dexterous making her proficient in any job she attended. She dated very few men, most of the men she wanted to pursue were scared off yet there were those that had more deranged ideas for her. She stopped dating almost as soon as her last boyfriend brought four of his friends to have a debauched sex party. She ran. Hard and fast.

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Faux RealmChapter 15

The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...

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Crazy Betby Scorpio00155 ([email protected])***Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this...

1 year ago
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Cathys Test

The tall, willowy girl looked troubled as she walked the stairs of the university. She needed to ask a favour of the history professor, and she felt wildly insecure, as she always did when she was in a new situation. Three months earlier she had gone to the admission examinations at the university, but on the evening before the last test: the history examination, she was taken to hospital. Two weeks later she went to the university offices to present papers, signed and stamped by the hospital,...

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My Slavery Saga 8211 Part 1

Hi to all masters and mistresses. I am 24 year old guy from Vijayawada, rich, decent and smart. I have everything in my life, yet I feel there is something missing. One day it happened such that I met a couple who are interested in doing threesome. I said I wanna join, but the husband said that I have to be their slave and do whatever they say if I wanna join. I thought for a while and said that I wanna give it a shot. So we met on d day as planned. They are young couple, both are in their...

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BigTitCreamPie Britt James Britt8217s Creampie by the Pool

Britt goes to the pool in her little bikini, she sees the pool guy and wants his attention so she takes her top off showing her huge tits, she oils them and massages them, in such a sexy way that she gets horny, takes her panties off and starts masturbating in front of the pool guy, now she got his undivided attention, she invites him to approach she is eager to be fucked by a big black cock, and she got it, she gives him a nice BJ before getting fucked on one of the chaise lounges then on the...

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Princess of Castile chapter 6

Princess of Aragon By Jennifer Reed Chapter 6 Thomas had insisted on bathing with his new husband this morning. He thought he did. The Duke was almost a total stranger to him, but at least he was getting to know the cruel man. The Duke had not been that cruel to him, but the Duke now understood why this was happening now. The Duke was still a cruel man and intended on brutalizing Thomas even if he now knew he could not do as he originally wished. Thomas followed the Duke into the...

4 years ago
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The First time I sucked a dick

I was 25, Had been looking online for awhile, Before this I had only recieved head twice. One amazing time in high school from a lovely girl who later became a psycho... Well not really, but at the time I thought so.Then a second time when I was on a drive home from visiting family and drove past a roadside adult video store, I had been reading the Squirt pages about the place for awhile and knew they had booths and there were usually guys looking to give head in there, I was horny so I figured...

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Sashas Neighbor Throws a Party II

Sexual activity of all types were being enjoyed. A full figured middle age lady was getting drilled hard. I stopped to watch as she was on her back with one guy in her mouth, another guy of huge proportion stretching her pussy to it's limits. Her moan with each thrust was magnified, as the guy in her pussy, was getting it in the ass, and the guy in his ass, had another man screwing his ass. So I wondered if she was getting credit for taking on four guys. While I was thinking that over, a firm...

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Maria A Beautiful Whore

“Where are we going?” eighteen-year-old Matt asked. He was sitting next to his new boss, Robert, in an old van. Robert, Matt and two more people had robbed a store tonight, and now they were running away from the police. “To Maria’s house,” Robert said, speeding up the van. Hearing the name Maria, Matt got excited. Now the fear of getting caught by the police had vanished from his mind, and all he could think about was Maria’s big boobs and her beautiful eyes. Matt was new in this city. A...

Group Sex
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Megans Birthday Wish

Introduction: Megan wishes for a very special gift from her Daddy and gets it. OH, Daddy! Megan moaned as her father`s tongue worked over her clit. That feels so good. Shh, you`ll wake the neighbors. Daddy whispered, popping his head out from under his daughter`s nightgown. But it feels so good, I can`t help it. She pouted, her tiny rosebud lips cute even when upset. Just try to keep it down, ok? Daddy ducked back down and returned to licking and suckling the little nub that drove his...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 60

I decided to grab a backpack, some clean underwear, and some cash and buy a plane ticket. June was just starting and it looked like the weather would be a little cool. I made a one-way reservation to fly out of Orlando to Anchorage for a week later. While I was home, I saw Mom and Dad as well as most of my friends. I called Marshal, made an immediate appointment to see him. I got in the car and went to his office. He greeted me like an old friend and invited me into his office. We talked...

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William Redman CarterChapter 35

"Congratulations, Dr. Carter," Oliver Brown said with a grin. He was seated in a large chair in one of the emptier rooms of the mansion sipping on an iced tea. He was wearing a pair of silvered sunglasses. Despite years of living with his gift, it still hurt him to be around too many people. William took a seat across from the Grand Druid and said, "Thank you. What are you doing in here?" "I'm hiding from the President of the University. He wants me to send some of our graduating...

1 year ago
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Locked out0

Most of my residents were selected to be single parents, wealthy and widowed if possible, devoted to the children and satisfying their own sexual tensions alone in the privacy of their homes. I had only ten couples, selected on the basis of their mostly absentee male partners and the good looks of their wives and children, again mostly female and early pubescent. So it was that early one Friday evening, a young lady called Abi called in on me with a plea for help. She had returned home...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 30

Before he could say anything, I took the bull by the horns. "Yes, Yes and Yes, All three of you may come with me. I have room for five human passengers and you three will come." Tears of relief flowed down the women's faces. They looked at Billy and with his nod, they launched themselves at me. My women scattered to make room. They were on me in a flash. They kissed me, my face, my neck. Maria reached up to her blouse, pulled it down and lifted her dark brown nipple to my mouth. I was...

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John CarterChapter 4

Doug strode into the room with an undisguised sense of authority. He was a short man, with a neatly trimmed mustache that exaggerated his frown and short black hair that gave him a distinguished look. He looked around and noticed a man changing the sheets on the only bed in the room. He cleared his throat and asked, “Where’s John Carter?” Nurse John turned and examined the intruder. He didn’t know what to make of the man. He answered, “He’s in the next room reading to the Wilson girl. She...

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Massage Sir

My name is Poppy and this is about my first day as a masseuse. I had been recommended by my friend Julie who has already been working at the parlour for three weeks. Julie is working as an intern and is over from the States for a year. I’m eighteen and need the extra cash for uni. Julie said some of the girls take home a thousand a week. Like Julie, I’m doing just one day a week. I want to see how it goes and then maybe I will ask for an extra shift. I was a little apprehensive. I hadn’t done...

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family Guy family Stud joy

Peter Griffin had his usual late night shower and had gone to his bed totally naked as he did every night with his wife. He waited for the light to come on in the room opposite his in the next door neighbor’s house. The shades were up giving him a clear view of his next door neighbor’s daughter’s entire room. Joe Swanson his friend and next door neighbor’s daughter Susie was in the room like every other night standing in front of her bedroom mirror brushing her long blond hair which went all...

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All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go 2

All Dressed Up but Nowhere to Go By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two "Maybe that came out wrong, Jess." Tim looked over at Rebecca. "And believe me, based on what we talked about. I wouldn't be too involved." "Don't be nervous, Jessica and let's not get off on the wrong foot," Rebecca said. "It's nothing like that sounded." "Oh thank gawwwddd," replied Jacob, relieved then freaking out a little. "I mean... no offense you're stunning but I just..." "None, and...

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WandererChapter 4

Mustafa was good at his word. He sold several of the stones and traded several of the smaller for silks and men for a caravan. The caravan set out one day. Unknown to all, except Mustafa, Ariston had slipped from the city and rode along the route, half a day ahead of the caravan. On the third day, in the steep canyons, Ariston sensed a trap. He rode on, a lone armed rider would not be worth attacking to betray the presence of the trap. Ariston turned aside and rode up into the...

1 year ago
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A Life Rekindled

A Life Rekindled. By Trish Jill Wayland had pretty much given up all hope of ever finding happiness, she felt prematurely aged from a failed marriage, childrearing, and loss... Oblivious to her appearance Jill cut a sad and somewhat forlorn figure as she repeated the same mind numbing routines day after day. She could have done anything with her life, but constrained by chains of guilt and habit she simply existed. Every day she avoided her reflection in the mirror, not wanting to...

1 year ago
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Last Wives Club 8 A Favor Sent

Not long after the first time that I whored myself out to enhance my husband’s career, Dan was offered a promotion into senior management. He would become a vice-president and head of a division. He would have to move to another city, Columbus, Ohio, but I could find work there in my field. I consulted with Mrs. Cardinal to verify that the Last Wives Club would help if my company wouldn’t transfer me. He accepted the promotion and we made preparations to have a commuter marriage until the kids...

2 years ago
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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 1

On this bright spring day, as Megan looked back over all the problems she'd had in her relatively young life, she was sure there had to be a way to deal with this latest one. It was going to be a stinker, but she was sure it could be done. She turned to Hamako Fukuji, a slim dark-haired girl with glasses that masked, to some degree, her Oriental features. "Are you sure about this, Hamako?" she asked. "I'm certain," said the girl. Her English was flawless, because she was a graduate...

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Dressing The Husband Up In Panties

I don't know how to start this story other than to say that my husband loves panties and lingerie. I know that there are thousands of men out there with this same fetish and this story is for the women that love them to help with some new ideas. First a little background information on myself. I have almost been married to Steve for 10 years now and we have 2 lovely c***dren together. His job keeps him away long hours and requires him to take frequent business trips but he has always there for...

3 years ago
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We Met Online Connected Played Exchanged Con

As a frequent visitor to adult sites, and as a bi male, I am always open to M and F connections. On Friday last, I connected on an adult site (other than xhamster) and engaged in a great chat w/a young (20 y/o) guy. He was amazingly open, candid and mature - especially for his age. We chatted a great deal, and ultimately got down to the carnal histories and desires of each of us. Two things became clear: 1) he is somewhat inexperienced, as he only began to act out on his cock love a year ago,...

2 years ago
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Something significantly more explicit... yeahCallPorno With A Plot, Lesbians, Threesome, Fantasy, SquirtingFeaturing: Shivari the oracle, Volante the demigoddess, and Rionah the angel.Volante's brings her long-time partner Rionah to the Akhila Monastery, where she can hide until the arrival of winter. She assigns Shivari, the oracle, the task of caring for her during her stay. Rionah and Volante express their gratitude for the oracle's commitment to hospitality. Rionah also teaches Shivari a...

3 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 10 The Hell You Say

This was all nuts. My ego let me get caught up this weird religious stuff only because I thought I was going to get laid - and I was. I did. I was also being laden with some kind of strange worship thing but the cost was too high. I had some principles. I pulled out of my goddess friend’s vagina and stood up to look at the crazy congregation as I fired off one last ejaculation adding some English to it and the front row ducked. I didn’t want to be something of worship, like an icon, a god or...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 21 A Swing Party Guest Likes the Group

Mark People started to arrive at our party about six-thirty on Saturday despite Elsa’s having said seven o’clock as part of the invitation. By their admission, they were eager to get started. By seven-thirty we had a condo full of people. Elsa and I made it a point to meet and welcome everyone, and to check them out. I heard her explaining about the NDA to a couple of people at the door. Steve introduced us to his new friend KC. She was not only nice she was hotter than sin. I wanted to...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 16

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Family is what counts My Dear Donna, Your offer to bear my children is nearly too tempting to resist. But as much as I would like to populate the city with future journalists, I fear we can never meet. It’s probably for the best. I have a medical condition that has disfigured me. My form is no longer recognizably human. Since I admire you as much as I do, it would hurt too much to see the...

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Hi, I'm Anna Fontane. I'm 18 years old, about 5'8" waist length very curly brown hair and orange eyes. Yes, orange, most guys tell me they totally love my eyes because they look devilish and fiesty. I wear a 38 c-cup and have a little 29 inch waist. My ass has been lovingly described as "sweet as a peach" and most men I've met have either stared or groped at it on more than one occasion. But, the story I'm about to reveal to you isn't one about how all men normally drag their tongues on the...

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“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specialises in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...

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A fan of NSFW porn memes and adult humor? Well, alright, pervs, you ready to see the sickest shit you’ve ever laid your eyes on? You’re reading The Porn Dude, so I already know the answer. Strap on your safety harness and hold onto your hat. I’d tell you to hold tight to mommy’s hand, but she’s not allowed along. Let me introduce you to 9Gag2.You might be wondering why I’m bothering to review a site like 9Gag. Open your eyes, dumbass! I’m not talking about 9 Gag, the tame and lame meme site...

Funny Porn Sites
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Dominated by Young Girls

DBYG.TXT Dominated by Young Girls author unknown ****** CHAPTER 1 THE MAKING OF JANE Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as a child and had not been permitted to play the "rough games" other boys his age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boys because he didn't know how to play football or baseball or...

4 years ago
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My SisterinLaw Amy

She didn’t disappoint. While her clothes were never slutty or even particularly revealing, she always wore a top just tight enough to show the shape of her largish breasts or one with just a hint of cleavage. During the day she often walked around in a pair of loose fitting sweats, but on lucky days she exposed her long lightly tanned legs in a pair of tight jean shorts. She would sometimes sit and watch a movie with me in these, sitting down on the floor and stretching her legs. As she did...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 19

Thanks again for your patience on this chapter. My travels, work, and just exhaustion have kept me from getting anything else really written since mid-June. I'm hoping this weekend and the next few weekends will be good for writing. Thank you all for your comments in the reviews, I very much appreciate them! Chapter 19: I WOKE THE next morning to the sounds of someone walking down the hallway. Yawning, I rolled over to where my head faced the open crib bars towards the door....

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My Gay Experience In Chennai

I have been a regular reader of stories at the ISS for quite some years. I love the Gay stories most, followed by Group sex, Maid and Office/Teacher. For quite some time I have been debating whether I should also sit down and write a few of my real experiences. Now I have decided to start. Here is my first – dedicated to all readers of ISS, particularly the above 50 generation, which must be hungry for some sharing. Thank you ISS for this opportunity to read and share. This is a true experience...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 10

Jennifer’s story: Tuesday night ‘Jen, that would be wonderful,’ he said to me. I told him that we couldn’t make love because ‘it’s not the right time of the month,’ and he completely understood. ‘Waking up with you last Friday morning was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Well, maybe the second greatest.’ ‘What was the first greatest?’ I asked him. ‘When you said that you’d marry me, of course!’ I couldn’t help myself, I just threw myself on Mark and covered his face with kisses,...

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Sternzeit 247384 Logbuch des Captains

Persönlich Logbuch von Captain Picard. Wir sind auf dem Weg zur Sternbasis 242, um unsere Energievorräte aufzufüllen und eine Delegation von Cryoniern an Bord zu nehmen. Ich habe den Brückenoffizieren frei gegeben, damit bei der Ankunft der Diplomaten alle hellwach sind - man hörte bereits abenteuerliche Geschichten über die Cryonier, eine Spezies, deren Körpertemperatur im Normalfall bei -2° Celsius liegt. Aber ich möchte, dass wir uns selbst unser Bild machen, deshalb habe ich befohlen, alle...

4 years ago
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Bonnie Her Brothers Slave Volume II

Bonnie - Her Brother’s Slave - Vol. IIChapter # 1by Lewis Chappelle(Author’s comment: What follows is a sequel to a previous story by the same title. Characters depicted in this Volume were developed more fully in the earlier piece.) Almost three years had passed since Bonnie and her Mother conspired to kidnap Jane for the sexual pleasures of Dr. Bowman and Skippy, the older son of the family. Both mother and daughter were completely at ease with their own roles as sexual objects and slaves to...

2 years ago
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FIRST INSTRUCTIONS My briefss fragrance

I believe a new era has arrived for you and me. This is not about playing with shit. What I got from you is something really special. I cannot remember the last time I got so many excitement from a woman like you!You couldn't imagine how happy I was! You couldn't image how much pleasure you gave me!Please don't be angry but you had no chance. That letter was beautiful. I will keep it forever, that's for sure, whatever happens between us. In my current situation I'm happy to live. I was soo...

3 years ago
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MouthChapter 7

On the next day their mom got home. “How are my gorgeous kidlets?” their Mom said, enveloping each in a quick hug. “Okay, I guess,” Leslie replied noncommittally. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” The college student looked over at her younger brother, who had suddenly become very still and intense, and then back to her mom. “Just ... going to miss you when I go back to school,” she replied. Jay came to Leslie’s room after everyone had gone to bed. To her surprise he didn’t want sex; he...

1 year ago
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Keith MurrayChapter 8

Who knows why anyone would do it, but every crowd has it share of fools! For some reason which seemed like a good idea at the time, the driver of the last wagon in the train decided to take a short cut and not follow the clearly marked trail. It looked like a hundred yards that would save 600 yards of twisting and turning, so the driver never questioned the reason for the circuitous route, but took it into his head to cut across the path of least resistance. The wagon turned off the clearly...

2 years ago
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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

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Follow a sub through her first day of slave training after being collared by her Mistress

The collaring ceremony and reception had been a great success. It was a small affair but all had a good time. There were only 10 people in attendance, but were very close friends to the Mistress and her newly collared sub. The actually ceremony had been short and sweet, it had been just a mere formality as the two had been together for 2 years now. They signed the formal agreement, which they had drawn up together. It contained limits, expectations, and rules regarding their union. Next the...

1 year ago
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Batman ist ein willenloser Sklave

Eine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...

Mind Control
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AssParade Kelsi Monroe Kelsie Monroe8217s ASS is Back

Kelsie Monroe has returned from her hiatus and she’s hornier than ever. On top of that, her ass seems to have gotten even bigger. Watching her perfect ass bounce is hypnotizing. She decided to go ahead an twerk in the middle of the street as several cars drove by. From there, we headed over to the location for her to get the proper fucking that she deserves. Sean Lawless was the one uncharged of properly fucking her. Her pussy was penetrated in several different positions before busting a huge...

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Defilement of a priestess

Hello! thank you for reading this unfinished story. So i somehow released this story while i am still writing it. the plan was to finish one storyline before releasing, but oh well. I dont know how to hide the story again so have fun reading :) This is also my first ever story, but i am trying my best! According to legend, back during the war of the ancients, deep within the mountains of Ashenvale there was a temple of elune. The high priestess at the time, Seylana, had singlehandedly held...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 37 The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian

In his whole life, perhaps, Franz had never before experienced so sudden an impression, so rapid a transition from gayety to sadness, as in this moment. It seemed as though Rome, under the magic breath of some demon of the night, had suddenly changed into a vast tomb. By a chance, which added yet more to the intensity of the darkness, the moon, which was on the wane, did not rise until eleven o'clock, and the streets which the young man traversed were plunged in the deepest obscurity. The...

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