Faux RealmChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 35
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As history would say: “See you later!”
Watching the history unfold with your own eyes was, is and should be something incredibly gratifying.
Many centuries must have passed between past and present, between what Lucian thought was space ferrying civilization of this kind, the one that takes you through the stars as if taking a sailboat out on the ocean, and the one that Lucian left behind on Earth. He started reading few chapters detailing the process of several men bent on space exploration, he further found out that there was enormous passage of time between these two people and now.
As Lucian sat in his new chair of his new ship, surrounded by people whom he trusted deeply and without any reservation; Ericha, Liza and his own little sister Lindsay, wearing their pristine uniforms making them look extremely dignified. Lucian smiled inwardly knowing how much love was surrounding him, but he was busy reading several important paragraphs and occasionally watching a black screen that apparently showed them moving with their Drive. Of course he was no the captain, it was not the position that you take charge of when you know nothing of what it means to be one, the struggle to achieve something so important meant world to him and of course to people that were already taking the designated seats across the galaxy; no, that honor belonged to Ericha, she was seated in a chair and with her fingers ran over few things that needed to be done when they reach Grimova. She had her Pad primed and ready knowing how much work needed to be done once they arrived at their destination. This was a task that only few people could do and she was already accustomed to saving and helping people. It made her feel incredibly good. Everyone was expecting with anticipation the new upgrades the ship was going to get, truth be told Lucian was pretty inconsolable when he figured his request for torpedoes and laser beams was promptly denied. Desperate was the need to reenact his favorite shows. And he could not wait.
Transporting 2000 people was something that needed some extra care and the poor people that previously had a hangar bay to themselves, now were left the entire ship, except for the bridge, to have for their own needs. For most of them they did not have enough clothes, since “God of War was a warship and not a trapper keeper that had everything for one’s convenience” as Captain Al’Jafar reminded Lucian.
Request for “Replicating some clothes for the needy” left everyone in the ship staring at Lucian like he was a mad man off his medications. Quickly he learned that there were no such things as beaming someone into thin air or replicating something from matter around space. As their chief scientist said with wide eyes if would take enormous amounts of energy to produce even a speck of dust. Lucian was, again, destroyed. But as he sat there down heartened, he learned what he will be doing with his ‘new’ ship.
Transports, across Star Republic, were all busy ferrying in other crucial places, some war torn, some in desperate need of supplies and those few that could attend to them were days away, and God of War needed to go to more important places. Yet when it came to acquiring personnel, he was thinking to only bring people who volunteered for the task, most were not introduced to Lucian, while others just could not leave their posts.
He was promptly advised that Liza and Ericha were transferring to his ship as Medical officer and captain of the first grade.
Thinking that it was too much that such extremely capable people were ‘given’ to him he was promptly relaxed by Luca’s voice, “You need them and apparently they need you. It’s not easy to train people to be as good as Ericha but we’ll manage. Follow her instructions.”
A hand of God just kept stroking his back, as he was worried he would be going blue balls for few weeks, but very fast he was thinking how lucky he was to be included in their relationship, this alone relaxed him from his horny thoughts, he was also scared wondering what he would do if he would ever lose them. His sister was there looking like she was an expert in whatever she was doing with her console, apparently she had learned how to pilot and sat in the helmsman, or in this case helmswoman’s chair and helped move the ship around the sector for few hours while she learned the new controls.
He of course decided not to voice his concerns to any of his ladies, but instead chose to immerse himself in his reading.
Seven hours he spent reading important material about the history of space ferrying, spacers and their trials and tribulations. An interesting read, as Lucian thought, since Boteans and Humans shared something in common, exploration, and in this particular case a need to go to space. That’s where similarities, apart from the appearance, ended and everything else in their history was much mellower compared to the bloodied past of Earth. All but few war’s deep in their history, that they were often ashamed of for some reason as there were no causalities just few border disputes that were resolved in few weeks by talking.
He found that intriguing, using their mind to find words that were strong or mellow enough to appease the other’s rage. He thought of Earth and how people would deal with this, a certain dispute that would span decades, until one country just decided enough is enough and started a war. Thousands upon thousands would die just for one person’s preconceived agenda of few more inches this or that way. Pathetic.
200 years ago Boteans found that exploring the stars was something achievable if they all banded together as brothers and sisters under one flag, easily achievable by just 1 week of talking amongst different nations. A noble goal that was successfully achieved by a person which name presented series of numbers, and Lucian thought that was something strange.
“Why are there numbers instead of names?!” He asked when he was finished reading a particularly large paragraph about their history.
“Which one?” Ericha asked raising from her chair and moving where he sat just to the side.
Already thinking that it did nothing but showing him folders upon folders of text files about their history, art, music, in short everything he needed to know about their society and how they operated in space. After he pointed to a text he said, “This one here.”
Ericha leaned in, brushing her extremely desirable figure along his shoulders, making him feel her pointed breasts and her beautiful muscles. She wore her dark blue uniform with white stripes with poise and grace. Never once thinking that anyone would look this charming, another lady, Liza, entered few moments and he was left reeling in shock. Her figure looked breathless in her own matching uniform. So many things to be thankful for, he wiped his eye, moved beyond belief.
“What is the matter?” Ericha asked.
“Both of you look radiant, two goddesses of beauty.” Lucian said sniffling.
Both women smiled gently, happy at his genuine appreciation of their beauty. “Now focus what you were asking for.” Ericha gently scolded.
“Every time there should be name associated with someone that did something essential in your history, there are these weird numbers instead of their names. Why is that?” Lucian asked.
Lucian continued by pointing, “See here. ‘The man known as 126665 helped motivate people to form their own opinions and tried to guide them through many of their intellectual obstacles, devoid of moral corruption... ‘ I do not get why every time you are supposed to see a name there are just line of numbers and symbols.”
“Usually it’s to prevent the people to attach a great value to figures that were brought to their positions by everyone’s hard work: as many, many centuries ago we started this practice of not naming any name that was attached to a changing point in history. Normally it’s prevented mass cults from forming. An effective method.” Ericha explained while looking at the line of numbers and symbols.
Lucian thought for few seconds, “But what about honoring people that did the impossible; stopped wars with peace. Stuff like that.”
“You have to understand all of these people got there by the collective help from others. Each one of their achievements were possible by pooling the strength of community. So why name one individual? The only notable difference is when a person’s achievement was not involved in any conflict. And there were quite few of those.” Ericha explained.
“Ahhh I give up.” Lucian exclaimed while stretching his arms above his head.
Standing up from his chair he noticed that he could not feel his derriere, looking back at Ericha he said “My ass is numb from all that sitting.”
Erich slowly started rubbing it over his clothes, “Should I kiss it and make it better?” She smiled revealing her perfect white teeth.
Lucian too smiled after seeing how much she enjoyed playing her role of a foxy seductress, a perfect synch of love and mischief, leaning in he took her lips and started a kiss. After what it seemed a blissful eternity finally both parties peeled off one another and smiled, “Wow. Ericha, my love, if this is all it takes to make THAT kind of kiss I will ask you to do more.”
She winked, she smiled, and Lucian started saying, “As much as I would love to continue our quality time doing, things, and I really, really love doing things with you. I want to spend some time exploring this ship.”
Again for a brief moment he kissed Ericha and moved towards the door which in moments were open letting him quietly pass through. Humming a tune that was unfamiliar even to him, made echoes through the corridor that he was walking. He had to find a record player back on Earth with enough batteries, CD’s and other paraphernalia that should allow him a faster pass of time. He could not spend all of his day reading about history. Even if it was alien.
He heard a voice behind him, “Wait for me Lucian.”
He turned and saw his baby sister running toward him with a giant smile on her face, “I thought you were busy flying this ship.”
She smiled, “Nah not at the moment I’m free for few hours before I need to recheck the Nav Marks.”
“Yeah you’ll do that.” He smiled not getting what she was saying. “By the way, how in the hell are you able to pilot a ship.”
By now both of them were walking down a crowded corridor that was filled with people scantily dressed, their bodies malnourished, dirty and weak, but still they offered a genuine smile to two people that strode past them.
Lindsay was thinking about how to answer his question for few moments, “Well mom and dad wanted to shield me from everything for few months after you disappeared. They did not want me involved in anything and actually wanted to rent a, what they called, ‘safe house’ for me to stay off world. They were probably doing what they thought was best, knowing how big and bad our part of galaxy is, they let me do some reading while we were still searching around our sector.”
She took a deep breath, Lucian could see various emotions on her face, “I had no idea what we were dealing with, the numbers involved in a simple search and rescue was something I did not get for many months. While we were collecting some crew I met someone. He thought me how to pilot and navigate, he was a helmsman on a barge before our parents took him and few of their old friends. All of them were involved and gave 100% when searching for you, but recently when we got separated we got involved, romantically.”
“Whoa, TMI.” Lucian said crossing his fingers into an ‘X’.
Lindsay laughed joyfully. “Listen Lucian I am a grown woman.” She sounded angry but Lucian knew better.
She was never angry or mad at him. “Sorry Lin, I am just worried about you. You know that, right?” He paused and went to hug her.
His sister, his own flesh and blood was here safe and sound. Both of them enjoyed a quiet moment to themselves until a cough interrupted their intimate sibling bonding. A man, a bearded man stood near them, looking intently, with kind eyes, he glanced at both of them, thinking how close they were and how happy they looked, as if it was something unusual.
“Sorry. We’ll get going.” Lucian apologized feeling his cheeks burning slightly.
Lucian never liked showing his emotion in front of people, it was not in him to do that, but this man was something out of a novel. Tall, stoic, amazingly built, in short everything that he was not, yet he could not hate the man. No matter how much he wanted to hate ‘his kind’ this was something that he could not bring himself to do, for some odd reason the man before him reminded Lucian of comic book heroes. Before you were even introduced to their character the reader knew that character was an unmoving force of justice. And this man had the same kind of feeling. Although his eyes were telling a different story.
Radiant smile appeared on the man’s face, he said as he was looking at both Lucian and Lindsay, “No reason to apologize to me, it’s amazing to see such love in a faraway place. Space can be a ... cruel place.”
His face showed a pained expression yet he quickly recovered and showed again a smile that lit up the room, Lucian thought for few moments, he wanted to say something, but decided to keep his mouth closed and just gaze at the man. He wanted to know the source of his pain yet was unable to vocalize his question. Part due to the man’s radiant aura. If there was such a thing, Lucian thought, this man possessed it, it was not threatening, but still oozed out of his pores and made him mute. Lucian wondered how heroic the man looked just standing there.
Lucian finally recovered enough to introduce himself in a squeaky voice at first, but managed to rapidly recover from his unintentional blunder. He took a deep breath and started again, “It’s very nice to meet you, my name is Lucian Deca and this is my baby sister Lindsay or Lin for short.”
Both Lucian and Lindsay shook the man’s hand, “Pleasure to meet you dear friends, the name is Momoa Oman. A trader by heart. If you need to buy or sell anything I’m your man.”
Lucian was pleasantly surprised, even though the man’s callused hands hurt Lucian’s, Momoa’s grip was gentle enough to take the entirety of Lucian’s and softly shake it, an action that Lucian thought it would hurt him. He could also see a strange letter tattoo on his forearm. It seemed to strike something deep in Lucian’s memory, a long lost fond memory, but as fast as the tattoo disappeared the feeling itself disappeared with it and Lucian was left none the wiser about what triggered the strange sense of deja vu. Thinking nothing of it and shrugging his shoulders he decided not to ask anything, Lucian felt sudden fear if he asked anything about the tattoo. Fear from knowing anything.
While he was talking animatedly about his various trade deals, his eyes occasionally glanced to Lucian’s as if trying to confirm something.
Momoa was left behind them and Lucian finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the end Momoa kept thanking Lucian when he found out how he was freed and how close the pirates got to actually killing the slaves on board. They were extremely lucky and he kept expressing his gratitude as a grim expression was painted on his face.
“That was nice.” Lindsay said.
Lucian said nothing he could not say anything about the strange encounter with a man that raised bunch of questionable emotions.
They were moving through a large corridor containing many rooms that crews could use, 10 bedrooms fit with everything a crewman or woman might need during their work on board this ship.
Rooms were not big, but everything fit snugly into them. A single bed, a shower and a desk that was now bare from all necessities usually found on it. Every room was furnished the same, same floor model, same colors of the linens. The area was again filled with people using beds, chairs and floors to accommodate their ever growing needs. There was at least 50 people in this corridor, but Lucian and Lindsay thought there were many more faces in the crowd.
They spent quite a time walking among the people and reassuring them about their new accommodation, apologizing for any discomfort, but every response was the same; this was heaven compared to the treatment the pirates gave them.
They were alive. And as one woman said, “Tomorrow is a brighter day.”
Lucian was pleasantly surprised that most of the people were still hanging around in hangar bays, waiting for their eventual bonding with their family members back home. Counting the hours and minutes. Lindsay saw few women doing their best to look calm, but she could understand how they felt, uneasy and alone. Approaching them Lindsay took her time calming them down. Lucian patiently waited and silently marveled how his sister was taking their pain away. He saw Lindsay looking back and forth to the series of rooms that had chains on the floor, along the wall and hanging bellow the ceiling. Flash of rage appeared on his face making one of the women gasp, soon he was his old self and smiling making both women relax and calm down.
Pungent smell of the surrounding area told any observer what these poor people went through. Officers that boarded this ship found series of torture rooms along the corridors that they safely removed. In their place now were normal bedrooms that did not say anything of their horrific background.
Lucian knew there were torture rooms, but thought every one of those was found and removed. Before him were series of compartments, essentially storage containers refurnished to be of use to pirate’s evil intentions.
Finally arriving at the door which prohibited entry to the majority of the people in the ship. Thick metal doors were laid in front of him, keypad to the left of the door waiting input from its crew. But he disappointedly had to turn away since he did not know the code to proceed further. Few doors to the side remained unopened as it probably contained rooms for the crew. Lucian had to ask; where did the rest of the passengers hide.
“Time to go back, need to recheck the Nav marks.” She giggled when Lindsay saw Lucian’s odd face.
All that scientific talk and he was clueless what it meant. “I guess it’s time to sit down and read. Again.”
They laughed as they moved back through the ship.
“I hope you are right.” Al’Jafar had a troubled face while speaking to Luca in his personal room.
“Certainly I had my own reservations, I assure you he is ready to do what needs to be done. While we were treating him, I found that he has unbelievable sense of justice. The test showed he would die to save innocent people.” Luca then smile leaning back on his chair reminiscing back to those days when he was helping Lucian.
“You saw this yourself.” Luca reminded his companion.
Al’Jafar’s cup was getting cold. He did not finish his warm beverage that now sat in his hands getting colder by the minute. This conversation took longer than he originally thought it would take. However Al’Jafar showed his approval of the young man’s integration to the space, he was still unsure about the strange reward that the Radiant One gave Lucian. “I understand the meaning behind it, but the boy is not ready.”
He took a sip of his cold drink, then added “I wonder if we’ll ever need to use the safety measures we’ve put in place.”
Luca smiled. “It is safe in his hands, I assure you.”
The look on his face told everything Al’Jafar had to know, easing some of the worries he had about the ordeal. A long silence washed over the men when a silent chime interrupted them, making Al’Jafar swipe his hand over the table and answer the call.
“Captain. We have arrived at the anomaly.” Voice over the intercom said.
“I’m coming.” Al’Jafar said.
While walking to the bridge, he and Luca shared several worried glances, as if both men knew something that the other could not, both soon stood in the middle of the bridge waiting for the crew’s full report.
“Sir, we think we have something.” One of the crewmen said.
“Full stop. Maintain this distance.” Al’Jafar slowly said.
“Aye, Captain.” A man behind one console said.
“Report.” Al’Jafar said taking a sit in his captain’s chair.
“The readings are strange. But it’s the definite source of the anomaly.” Science officer said.
She had a troubled look on her face as she read her console screen, white background accented what she was observing, “Sir, we may need a conformation but I think there was a star system here.”
“What?!” Al’Jafar yelled.
“Captain, entire dark patch is filled with elements that we usually find in a Sun. Radiation is of the scale.” Science officer said.
“Do we know what happened here?” Al’Jafar asked.
A man in his pristine dark uniform with gold stripes pushed few buttons and waited for the results of his query. “We’ve sent out a space probe and will get results in a few moments sir, but we found something else. Vast quantities of metal. Residue in the field shows bits and pieces of ketracyil.”
HUD map zeroed in on the edge of the dark zone showing metallic fragments that reminded most of the people on the bridge of space craft fields of death. A red flash of light soon appeared on everybody’s screen jilting them awake from their daydreams. “Sir we have lost our probe.”
“How? Is radiation the cause of its disappearance?” Al’Jafar moved his trained body on the edge of the seat.
“Unknown! We’ve been tracking it but it just vanished approximately 400 GU inside. We’ve kept receiving its data for entire time while the probe was traveling to its destination.” The man said working frantically on his console.
As Al’Jafar sat more comfortably in his chair he swiped his fingers across his chairs arm, a trickle of light went up and right in front of him, level with his chest, appeared a dark white crystal screen showing what everyone saw, moving his dexterous fingers he finally showed the probes last moments before it had vanished.
“It would appear that the probe was sucked in by something.” Al’Jafar pointed.
Few strokes of his fingers sent what he had discovered to other people in the room, “I want to know what caused that.”
What appeared on everyone’s screen was a device that was glowing one second, hurling through space at dizzying speeds and next it just vanished in front of their eyes. People worked in silence. Everyone had their own thoughts on what happened, but everyone depended on their training, everyone wanted cold hard evidence before their imaginations could run amok.
Luca silently worked on his own device that rested in his palm, controlling the picture and taking several scans with the ships built in scanners. Tearing up his theories as time went on, as his palm device was busy working on his postulations, he could not calmly sit while he saw that picture. An idea sprung up immediately. Bits and pieces of the image and its surrounding evidence substantially gave his idea more merit every time he got more and more results.
Silently he approached a science console and her officer stationed behind it, with low commanding voice he said, “I want you to start scanning for gravitational waves.”
All science officer could do was nod and input her new instructions, while they were waiting Luca saw the woman’s uneasiness and tried to make her feel more comfortable. He sent a smile and in moments she relaxed.
Soon her screen sent her data that confirmed what Luca originally thought. The entire Dark Patch of space was filled with gravitational waves. Suddenly he was on edge. He knew what these did to ships caught in them and getting trapped in one could mean a battle for their life that he was not about to chance.
“Captain, I suggest we move our ship out of the area and at least 2 LYS away from this point. I think we have a black hole in front of us.” Luca’s voice was on edge, he could yell to move faster but he wanted his voice calm and young officers on the bridge collected.
Contrary to his beliefs, everyone moved with extraordinary purpose and in seconds the ship was moving forward and back apparently moments away from getting caught in the gravitational pull of the black hole. Tense moments passed as everyone waited for their revved up engines to move them to where they wanted to be, after a while everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they were exactly 2LYS away from the presumed black hole. Looking back at their previous spot inches away from getting into an everlasting prison.
“How do we know about this black hole?” Al’Jafar wanted to make sure their findings were correct.
Taking a deep breath, Luca finally took a moment to relax and started explaining, “We took a scan of the Dark Patch and found gravity waves, I’ll make few adjustments to our probe and we’ll send another one in few hours. But before that I want a Photon Sphere. That could confirm our suspicions sooner before we get any deep scans of the area.”
“Where do you want Photon Sphere to be detonated?” Al’Jafar asked.
“10 GU from the anomaly should do it.” Luca responded taking few notes on his personal palm Pad.
Al’Jafar was still sitting down in his pristine white uniform, bright yellow stripes across his chest shimmered in the light as he breathed heavily, knowing how close they were from losing the crew and ship.
He took his cap off wiping the sweat from his forehead and standing up from his chair. Approaching a console to his left he said, “Tactical I want you to prepare Photon Sphere.”
Tactical officer was working. His fingers were preparing something that was not vital for a military warship. A Photon Sphere was essentially a bomb that would explode and send photon particles that would move in tangents around its area of detonation. Meaning a glowing bright ball would be formed around where the black hole was, if there was any. If not the light would dissipate in all directions as it would lack any gravitational pull, since after all, they were in space.
“The Sphere is ready sir.” Officer said.
“Fire.” Al’Jafar booming voice commanded.
The man pressed on his console and in seconds the light left their ship and was on a fast paced way across space to its final destination.
Unintentional observer would see a bright ball of light moving across space with alarming speed.
Tense moments passed and the ball detonated. A shimmer of light moved across time and space, a liquid bubble in vacuum of space slowly started to form, after few moments disappearing in all directions leaving only darkness behind it like nothing happened.
A single point in time started to dynamically change its shape. Like a ripple in a water, space around it started to move and bend, sucking any remaining light that was near its vicinity.
Those on the bridge could only gawk in awe at this magnificent phenomena. Everyone was riveted to their seats as next few minutes passed in observation, the anomaly moving and undulating leaving everyone marveling and gasping at its beauty.
“What do you think that was?” One of the officers asked.
Science officer started to slide her fingers across her glass surface and in moments her shaky voice said, “I do not know. The Photon Sphere left traces for few microns, our computers are still processing the data that we recorded with our on board sensors. It’s too early to say anything conclusive.”
Al’Jafar waited, thinking his options, he eventually came to a conclusion “Everybody, it’s clear that our ship is limiting our own research. Coms I want you to send a message to Command, we need a science boat here that will have resources that we lack.”
“Aye, Sir. This is Knarr Class Starship God of War requesting backup at these coordinates. Be advised...” A voice started.
Over the voice Al’Jafar continued to give his orders his voice calm and collected, “Meanwhile, I want to re-engineer few probes and set them around the perimeter of this anomaly so people would not get caught in its gravitational pull.”
“Until we get some Nav markers we might want to improvise, there’s no telling who’s using Underspace while we are here. Let’s begin work. I want reports on when this will be done. And work on the estimation on how big that anomaly is going to get.” Al’Jafar’s requests ended with him sitting down on his chair and starting to read the Photon Sphere’s area of effect.
“That wreckage of ketracyil. Do you think we could get few probes to investigate that area?” Luca asked over the working men and women.
“I completely forgot about that, Sir, I’ve sent few probes there without your permission. I thought it was prudent to get as much scans as we could get during our stay there.” An officer started.
“It’s all right ensign, good thinking on your feet. What did you find out?” Al’Jafar said.
In few moments the young officer shared her screen on the big HUD screen that was pinned on a wall, a viewing screen, everyone could see what she saw on her console. “Well this was a remnant of a huge fleet, 50 ships, possibly more. Everything from Behemoth Class to, what I think were, Scadz class ships.”
“Scadz? Aren’t those patrol boats of Lizards?” Tactical officer asked.
Dark room. Rattling of chains could be heard every time she moved. A tiny speck of light coming from only one window. Certain she was on a ship after getting knocked out, all track of time has been lost. She could not see anyone, but could hear screams of dozen or so women. She begun do despair. To cry. But had to be strong, she still had to find him. Save him. Steps could be heard coming nearer. Her door were open with no noise and in came two men. Both of them were bare chested and rippled...
He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the...
Lucian opened his eyes after he fell asleep surrounded by love and affection from his two lovers and his little sister, he felt a little bit dazed but invigorated. Something told him all that outpouring of love had a profound effect on him and his wellbeing. Slowly he fell asleep feeling drained, but even though he was in a daze he felt stronger and more rejuvenated than ever before. Even though Lucian’s sister, Lindsay, did not join them in their sensual acts, he was still happy that she...
His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...
Lucian was slowly losing his sight. His enemy was near, he was sure of that, but earlier attacks left him somewhat immobilized. He always thought going for the eyes or the groin was a coward’s way to go, but apparently his opponent did not abstain from such methods. He tried to adjust his degrading vision, but as soon as he would see a clear picture another attack would come from his blind spots and the process would start anew. I’m fucked. He thought. Wiping the blood from the corner of...
Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...
‘One For All’ landed on a remote planet. Sun started to slowly sag, going behind the horizon as it breathed the first embers of the incoming night, it would leave them in darkness in mere minutes, but they were prepared for it wearing their newest purchases. Colors were getting dimmer by the second and yet they felt the need to stay in place and gather in these rare sights. They spent some time traveling to this location to obtain precious resources needed to acquire money to prolong their...
He was down. Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores. “Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded. He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an...
Lucian was led by his arm. The path seemed to go in circles. Left then right, then another one. By the fourth time he was lost and just let the woman drag him behind her. First few minutes walking were made in relative silence, not even his inside voice was saying anything. The woman stopped. “Go slave.” He was pushed up front. What did we get ourselves into? Lucian thought. Hey, hey, there is no us here, this is all you baby. his inner voice laughed. I do not even know what you are, how...
Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...
The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...
One of the worst things you can walk in to is your step daughter being screwed hard by a local fuck boy which is also your friend. The said step daughter, Violet Star, on her back with her legs in the air is not the fairest sight to see. So step dad disciplines her by doing the same thing your friend did to her— fuck her hard. I mean… fuck logic, right? Once Violet is convinced that she needs to get disciplined, Violet just bends her knees and start sucking on step dad’s fat cock. She got so...
xmoviesforyouIt had been another boring day and the thought of getting out of the office in just a few minutes and to the supermarket, had Diana dreaming whilst she added mentally to her all ready long shopping list. So much so that a polite “Bye see you tomorrow” was ignored for a moment until she realised that her friend Judy was on her way home. “Bye” she replied. Diana all ways parked her car in the same spot reserved for staff members and had not noticed the plain brown envelope on the passenger...
If you like gorgeous feet and hardcore fucking then this incredible 4K premium porn masterpiece is simply a must. The incredibly elegant glamour pornstar Angelika Grays is in the middle of a masturbation session in the sauna when strapping young stud Kai Taylor walks in half-hard himself and also in the mood. See Mr. Taylor indulge himself in the blue-eyed Ukranian stunners lean legs and gorgeous feet, licking at them lustfully before plowing the college cutie’s shaved pussy in doggy and...
xmoviesforyouSo this girl and I were basically just fuck buddies. She started dating this other guy so it had been a while since we saw each other. We were at a house party after the bars closed (after-bar) and we’re having some more drinks. ‘Where’s your boyfriend?’ I asked. ‘He’s not with me tonight, out smoking with his friends.’ ‘So you and I can play instead then, right?’ ‘Yes, but we can’t go to my place, my roommates will be there and will tell him.’ ‘Well we can’t go to mine, my roommates...
Over five hundred years ago, the Andromeda galaxy collided with the Milky Way, causing the near destruction of the human race. A series of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados ripped the Earth to pieces. Those who were unable to get to the shelters perished in the cataclysmic natural disasters. The small number of humans who managed to seek refuge underground struggled to exist in the dark caverns miles below the irradiated surface. In order to adapt, several genetic mutations...
SupernaturalPart XIV End of Part XIII: With that she left. We knew she wasn’t upset with us, and we knew she loved us. I sighed and lay back on my pillow. My right arm was around Gabby while she lay on my chest. “I hope she finds it. I really do.” Gabby chuckled. “She already has. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I looked down at her questioningly, and she responded with one word. “Allison.” The next morning I woke up. Apparently during the night, Gabby and I had maneuvered ourselves into the classic spoon...
IncestWell what can I say about her, but she makes me feel so awesome and horny all the time. Those beautiful eyes, those perfect breasts, mmmm wow, when we get together the earth will definitely move, lol. Can't wait to be watched by her husband as she kneels before me and unzips my pants and takes out my cock, stroking it, watching him, his eyes focused entirely on her as she lowers her mouth to my hard cock and starts to suck me. He's loving it, you can see his pants tent as his cock gets hard...
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Francine the Pioneer By Paul G Jutras Franklin Farmsworth put the TV on and sat down on the floor with his legs crossed. As the space cartoon started, Franklin started putting band-aid on his legs. He cut himself up badly trying to shave them when his parents showed up. "Franklin, not again." His mother shouted as Franklin looked up with a guilty...
This is the continuation of our story with the second couple we swapped with. The story is told from Sam’s point of view. No, Sam didn’t write it, he told me and I wrote it for him. As Nick and Ashley drove off, Taylor pushed me back on to the couch and pulled my cock out. I knew she would want to try to get a taste of Ashley’s juices on my dick. “MMMM,” she sai,d “I can smell the scent of her pussy on you.” As she ran her tongue over I my cock she looked up and said, “ok tell me how what you...
Wife LoversWhile daddy is away on assignment Terri discovers why boys and girls like to play doctor. Midshipman Emma Watson stammered down the moonlit hallway towards the kitchen. Once inside she made her way over to the refrigerator and opened the door. Emma stepped forwards into the refrigerator and drenched in the cool air escaping its constraints. The refreshing air cascaded over her naked body like a fresh fall cool breeze dissipating the hot steamy spring air. It was unseasonably hot for an...
What he didn’t know was that his Dad was Bi, so often allowed customers to fuck his arse, or he would blow them, just to keep up customer numbers. A black guy entered the bar. “Where’s rubber lips, fuckbrain?” he enquired. Benji didn’t know what he was on about so asked if he was in the right bar. “You what?” he asked. “Don’t be fucking smart kid,” he said, “Where’s the guy with a mole on his face?” Benji realised that his Dad had a mole there, so said, “He’s not on...
The case began as so many do: in our rooms at 221b Baker Street. Holmes was in a dark study and was teasing a melancholy strain from the strings of his violin. Under normal circumstances I would beg him to desist, though having just endured an hour-long tirade on the dearth of intelligent criminal activity in London, I was disinclined to interrupt him lest he resume that broken thread. The sound of hooves on the street below roused me from my study of the newspaper and I moved to the window...
I’m shemale actually name kuch be jo ap ko pasand ho or name main kaya rakha hai or wasa be hamara name o roz change hota hayin, magar mai bilkul larkee lagtee hoain. Quainka maina skin ki surgory karae hai, or maina apni chal dhal sab kuch girls ki tarha kar leya hai, maree 35 age hai kanpoor ki rehna wali hoain akalee rehtee hoain, girls ko cheat kar ka unha chodtee hoain. Mara boobs ka size 36 hai, waste 30 hai, looking average. Lets start. Maree 1st story to ap na parhee or bohat acha reply...
Fate happened when I was walking home from Shannon's. I walked past a strip mall and as I was looking inside, like I had been doing to most of the stores I passed, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye and stopped to look back for a closer look. There before me through a booking agent's window sat an angel of beauty like I had never seen before. Shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut, I looked at upon her again to make sure I saw what I saw. I did. She was the most...
A Note to the Reader: although the following scenario is fictitious, it is based on real life. As such, I must begin by thanking ‘Aubrey’ – my girlfriend and partner-in-crime – for allowing me to immortalise our first night together as lovers. ***** I’ve never been quite sure how to begin this story. After all, it began much in the same way as many others… I was a young graduate, just starting to make my way in the world after finishing university, and had landed myself a job as an intern at...
Hello dosto, huma aap ke liye ek garma garam kahani le kar hazir hai. Umeed hai aapko pasand aaye gi. Mujeh meri email id par zaroor likjna My twin sister Neha had invited me and my wife Sameera to dinner as her husband had gone on a business tour for one week. It was an invitation meant to make her loneliness less lonely. My sister is very sexy, we are both over 25 years and today our 25th birthday. She has figure of 36-28-36. Neha is very rich too and in rich circle, she is rumored to be...
IncestForget-Me-Not By Julie O Edited by Amelia R Author's note: I deliberately have not named the state where this story takes place. Obviously, it's in the American Midwest. Chapter 1 Seventeen-year-old Brian Anderson sulked down the hall of his new high school. He was counting the days until graduation, as it was the only thing that kept him going. It was currently thirty days away. To say he hated his school wasn't an...
straight sex office An office quicky gets gets a little messyI was staring at my coworker, Catherine, again. She had another one ofher low-cut tops on that showed off her magnificent tits, being in thesame office I got an eye full every time I passed her desk. She and Ihad been enjoying the occasional office quickie and even moreoccasional, after hours sex, for some months now and she was used to myhorny nature by now.Catherine knew what was going on since I kept finding an excuse to walkto her...
Monday, July 24th, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada “You look so handsome today, JJ! And you smell yummy! Now, aren’t you glad that you let us take you shopping yesterday!” Heather gushed at me with a huge smile on her pretty face. “Thanks, I kno—” “Yes, he does look super hot now! And he’d better smell good, Giorgio Armani’s Acqua Di Gio makes almost any man smell sexy!” Abby agreed enthusiastically. “Si, Hermana! He does! What a change! You look mucho handsome now, mi Gato!” Maria...
This is part two of my story, you do need to read part one to get an understanding about whats going on, but it's not needed. I woke the next morning to a rather pleasant surprise.Elizabeth was kissing my neck while stroking my manhood under the covers. “How did you sleep, Babe?” she whispered. “Great! Waking up is pretty good too so far,” I murmured. She went from kissing my neck to suck on my ear, which is one thing that makes me go crazy. She knew this and must have thought I deserved more...
Straight SexOne of the nurses at the ER remembered Jennifer. She remembered the man in the truck too, and would mention it to her husband that night. But for now she put the things in motion that got Bobby out of the truck and into treatment for post drowning situations. There was still water in his lungs, and they told Jennifer that he would have to stay in the hospital, at least overnight, if not longer. The same nurse who recognized her called Mindy, and handed the phone to Jennifer. It was an...
She heard him approaching from behind. Putting down the vegetables and peeler, she stepped back, spread her feet apart and bent over on the countertop. He raised the back of her short dress and his hard shaft probed for the familiar target. She made small pleasure noises as it gained entry and filled her warm and wet receptacle. She could tell it was the wider and circumcised brown cock, even if the longer and uncut black one hadn’t just been in there ten minutes earlier. His brown hands cupped...
Hi friends this is sam and my girlfriend is tanvi. We are from new delhi. My gf stats are 34-26-36. Such nice pair of boobs and a swinging ass jise dekh kar kisi ke muh me bhi paani aa jae. So we will share our kamukta stories, some mine and some hers. As it is said that ladies first so tanvi is presenting her first story. Tanvi: hi friends ye baat tab ki hai jab main college me thi. 1st year chal rha tha and humare annual fest ke lie auditions ho rhe the and muje dance both pasand hai to mai...
When we get back to our room, we’re surprised to see a bucket with chilled champagne in it and four glasses waiting. You pour us each a glass, then sit back in a chair, loosening your tie. “Why don’t you two enjoy yourselves for a bit?” I move to you and sit on your knee, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You slide your hand up my thigh and return my kiss. I hear music begin to play and I pull back, turning to see Beth walking towards us. She pulls me to my feet and against her body, grinding...
Group SexDad dropped me at the end of the bay by the headland, amongst the trees next to the BBQ area on the little patch of mown grass where families congregated on hot weekends to cook up and hang out. It was deserted this late in the year, and the rangers had closed down the grill and disconnected the gas knowing there wouldn’t be any more business till next may. I was so sure I had the place all to myself that I changed on the green, slipping off my sneakers, jeans and t shirt. I hadn’t put any...
CHAPTER 1 Two hours before dawn, two hours after the cops had broken up the party, Renata Mead opened her eyes and blinked furiously, looking around trying to identify where she was. She eyed the stacks of winter wood and groaned, accepting she was in a garden woodshed. Somebody was sprawled over her. Dead or alive? Gingerly she reached down and was horrified to feel the guy’s flaccid dick was still in her. Oh god, this was this scenario her mother had often warned her about and it wasn’t...
Introduction: Tony has prepared a special day for his wife Rose, but his plans are not at all what Rose had in mind. Full of lust and pleasure, Tony takes Rose on a day driving trip. A driving trip Rose will never forget. THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. All characters are above the legal age of consent. Rose woke with a moan. She could feel Tony pumping in and out of her, starting to climax. Tony had rolled Rose to her stomach...
100% fiction! We all have deep secrets and mine is that my father took my virginity one night when he came home too drunk to go to the right bed room and to tell tell me from my mom. Even at 18, I didn't go out much and at that point I had never even kissed a boy so to have your father be your first kiss, strip off your clothes, suck and lick your tits, feel you up, stick a finger in your crotch and then take your cherry was a hard to comprehend. I tried fighting back but he was too strong and...
IncestWife loves this story, after reading it the 1st time, she got herself a bull old enough to be my dad. Here is her older bull who she likes to treat as her father in law.https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/11992047/283469528I knew what Ron's intent was, and I figured I'd play along."Wow, that's crazy, I just had déjà vu." I said smiling before continuing, "Yeah, no problem we keep them right here." I said walking toward the closet in the room. I could see Mike standing by our dresser in our...
Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...
Stella Cox just finished getting fucked by Markus Dupree for analized.com. This clearly wasn’t enough sex for the big natural boob having British babe, because James catches her and the big cock Russian going at it in a bedroom off set. Stella reaches out and grabs James’ cock and starts sucking off the porn star while Markus switches off on her ass and pussy. They then fill up both of Stella’s holes, double penetrating the all natural slut and watching her go wild. Stella...
xmoviesforyouBy : Raaaza Choubey I don’t know if it was a dream or just something that happened but it was Christmas and I felt sore and achy all over but with a wonderful feeling none the less. I am a crossdresser who is trying now to discover and explore his female personality and can now happily tell of who I was in the past, who I am today and perhaps who I will be in the near future. I began my life as a normal child until the age of twelve years old when I went into my parents’ bedroom to look around....
Hi Guys, How are you all, after last four stories, I am posting another story for you guys now. I have received many mails before for the stories. My name is Fahim, from Rampura, Dhaka, Bangladesh. My age is 29 years and 11 months now. Height 6 feet, weight around 85 kg. This is my sixth story now. I have published four stories at ISS website. Latest incident happened on this month October, two weeks ago at Chittagong. You can read my previous stories too. Just click on my profile name and you...
Gay MaleThe invitation was gold leaf and parchment, addressed to me by name, Miss Veronique Pavageau, and quite unexpected. "But what is it?" I asked. "A party? Some sort of debutante ball?" I indulged that possibility with a soft laugh. My friend Heather merely smiled, which suggested to me that she didn't properly know herself who had sent me the note or why. "The Sable Society." I sighed at that bit of useless information. I'd never heard of such a thing, but being in my first year at the...
Four months later, the festival of the high sun... Anuhea sat down alone with Mark at the end of their long afternoon of work. The sun was almost touching the ridgeline of the nearby hills, and the orchards around them were full of the songbirds Mark had come to love, as well as the complex fragrances of the many fruit blossoms. Anuhea wiped the sweat off her brow with her bare arm, smiled, and said slowly and carefully, "So tell me Mark, how familiar are you with Hopewell dating...
Georgia Jones, the hot substitute teacher, is busy writing on the detention chalkboard while two students, Emily Willis and Bobbi Dylan, sneak in, hoping to go unnoticed. When Bobbi sees Georgia, she realizes that she’s seen her before… She’s shocked as she silently tries to show Emily proof of where she’s seen Ms. Jones — in a sexy online video! But Georgia catches them and tells Bobbi to put her phone away. They have an hour in detention, so they better find...
xmoviesforyouCheerleader Panties – 1This is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. None of this happened, or did it? I seem to know a lot about this subject. I will never tell!“Amber Lynn, Stephanie, this is my son Larry,” my mother said when the commotion over the two girls getting off a school bus from a town across the state ended. “I guess we hadn’t told you Larry that these...
If you remember from the first episode of Mood Changes, I was recovering from a fantastic night with an awesome babe. Great looking, really built, and extremely forward. This lady had taken and drained me, giving me my first ever ass fuck then packed me off to sleep by myself. A curious thing was that my room was located directly accross from hers. This is what happened next. As I was unlocking the door I heard activity from across the hall. Thinking I might get some delicious breakfast...
Alex was your typical 20 year old who love living life on the edge. He was a good looking young man who had a prestige body that any guy would want. When he wasn’t at the gym working out he love to just hang out with others. Alex even though good looking also processed another trait that any man would want and that he was very well hung. His cock was almost 9 inches in length and was very thick. He also learned early on that he could hold out from cumming for a very long time and that he...
1865 The first snow of the winter was a total surprise. The citizens of the Capital area awoke one morning late in November, and there it was, milky white and tombstone quiet, a half-foot deep and still coming down in flakes the size of silver dollars. The field where Seth and his brother had been cutting hay lay buried, the uncut stalks now bent low into mounded hillocks near the old road, both parts of which had all but disappeared. The wet snow even clung to the deep loops of the...
Cancer. The word sounded hollow in his ears. "Cancer? How can I have cancer? I eat right, exercise, do everything you've told me to doc. How can I have cancer?" asked John. "Cancer doesn't play fair John, but you do have stage 4 pancreatic cancer" Dr. Richards pulled x-rays out of a sleeve to point the hotspots out to John. His words fell into an empty pit that John was already at the bottom of. John's thoughts were of Lita, his wife of seven years. She was in the Wintered Under program in...
(This story was a challenge put down by my friend and editor patientlee for her birthday. To turn on the radio and make a story from the next song heard was the challenge. And what did I get? See the title of this story for that answer. Okay lol, here we go. Best I could do with what I got. Happy birthday, you wonderful lady. And many more.) Walking into the bar, I breathed in deep the air of humanity that permeated the walls of this libation establishment. I smiled at all the simple...
Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 25th April 2015A sleepless night, the end of days?It was six in the morning and I’d hardly slept a wink. The last ten hours had been probably the most difficult of my life. As I enjoyed the small pleasure of my morning coffee, I wondered how a man with so much education could have been so stupid. I’d known Brandon less than a week and I’d been stupid enough to leave my wife with him.When I headed home, I’d expected him to keep me in the loop as things progressed between...
Wife LoversIt was Friday-night and as usual we sat in the living-room in front of the TV the whole family. Alice, my wife thirty-three, Denis, my son fourteen, Belinda, my daughter almost thirteen and me, Aaron. We had done so every Friday since we got married, whatever happened during the week and week-end, Friday-afternoon was almost sacred. The only time when we could be together without any pressing social functions. "Dad," Belinda said in a begging tone. "Yes honey." "Can I ask you...
Bill stood there a smile on his face as he watched Patrick Sherwood. He was tending the two large hot plates of his home made brick barbecue. Both were filled to overflowing with chops, sausages, hamburgers, chicken pieces and steaks. In one hand he held a pair of long tongs that he was using to turn the meat, in his other hand he held a VB (Victoria Bitter — a beer from the renowned Carlton and United Brewery). The beer while tending the barbecue was the right of the cook, it went hand in...
As a major producer and director in Hollywood you’ve made an awful lot of money over the years, both in movies and in television. You now live in one of the largest mansions in Beverly Hills and have expensive apartments and properties all over the world. You’ve never lacked for female attention, especially since producing some of the biggest blockbusters in the last ten years. It’s always given you a kick to give some of the hottest talent their big break, Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox...
I have been married for 10 years and with my wife for 13 years. She is a very sexy Latina with great 38D's and wonderful pierced nipples. Over that time we have had what I would call a very healthy sex life. A few years ago I started telling her that I wanted her to have sex with another guy,, mainly just bedroom sex talk. She also would play along and tell me stories or so I thought they were stories. I was working shift work and came home early one night to find my wife not there. I guessed...