Faux RealmChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 35
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‘One For All’ landed on a remote planet. Sun started to slowly sag, going behind the horizon as it breathed the first embers of the incoming night, it would leave them in darkness in mere minutes, but they were prepared for it wearing their newest purchases. Colors were getting dimmer by the second and yet they felt the need to stay in place and gather in these rare sights.
They spent some time traveling to this location to obtain precious resources needed to acquire money to prolong their stay in space. Adrift. Food, water, fuel and entertainment did not come cheap. Everything was a precious commodity, for a right buyer. There were not many places like this one, a treasure trove of minerals, life forms unknown; for any explorer this world was the place to go, but for whatever reason it was limited to miners and even they did not go without armed forces. Why? Even that information Ericha found out from her old contacts. She had to pry what little they had to offer with promises of lucrative deals.
True to her contacts, they found a planet rich with alien flora and fauna. Lucian needed some time to acclimate to these new sights and sensations, as breathtaking as it was they had a job to do and Lucian picked up his gear and started walking.
Beside him carrying his own gear was Momoa. The man was strong. Lucian had to admit to himself. Whenever he saw him the boundless strength he possessed took his breath away. He moved with purpose and unending energy. There was something that was driving him as his eyes were focused on a goal much further away. Lucian tried to talk with the man about his past, knowing what had happened, but the broad-shouldered man would just lock up and go back into himself. Soon Lucian realized that he did not trust anyone on this ship. A problem he would have to address.
Through their EV suits they heard the rumble of the jungle and eventually the ship’s engines revving, flying into orbit. Planet surface made their sensors go haywire, one of the reasons they wore their EV suits, so they decided on a different area of approach. As they couldn’t spot any danger that was coming their way from space. So Ericha told them she’ll come back down after setting some probes deep into the system, so they could alert them from anything that might come for them. After what had happened they took no chances.
Lucian hummed a song in his comms, eventually that hum became audible.
“All Alone in the world, There no one here beside me.” Lucian started to sing through his coms while carrying his gear and mandatory rifle over his other shoulder. He was feeling unusually happy. After their talk Ericha and Liza wanted to come as well, but eventually they had to attend to their duties on board the ship.
“What? I’m here,” Momoa said simply.
“I know it’s a song.” Lucian said with a smile, he did not know what made him sing that particular song, but remembering a funny movie from his home attracted a familiar parallel to his current situation.
“Kind of depressing.” While keeping his pace Momoa kept talking.
Lucian shrugged, “A valid observation.”
Continuing their short walk he said, “I don’t remember where the song came from but it kind of fits the situation if not the mood.” He smiled.
When Lucian turned his head he saw Momoa looking at his feet while walking, probably thinking, and again lost in his reverie. Finally he shook his head and smiled, “I don’t get it.”
Watching the man’s expression made Lucian’s heart lurch. His sad expression made all the more sense after what had Lucian seen in his memories.
Rustling of grass, crackling of rocks and singing of creatures that looked like monkeys made the somber conversation somehow happier. There was life on this blue beauty. Lucian stopped for a second after he had seen the entrance to a cave system that they were walking to.
It was situated deep into the forest. Buried deep into the ground. The cave mouth hid what it actually was in front of them, the insipid darkness was a veil that they could not breach, its membrane too thick for their mounted flashlights.
“I hate caves,” Lucian silently said. He was not aware that Momoa heard his silent cries.
This was a primal fear. You were left at the mercy of Mother Nature. A silent bystander that could snuff his life whenever she wanted to and going into a ‘den of death’ as he liked to call it, was something that caused Lucian to tremble in fear. Even so this was his first venture into a cave. He did not know what to expect.
Lucian was not an adventurous soul, “Take a tour she said, it’ll be fun she said.” He whined, remembering Ericha’s words as she coerced him into going. Promises were made, those would be granted once he returned.
The man had a soft smile and led Lucian into the dark crevice. Only loud echo of their feet could be heard in the vicinity. Lucian noted that there were no animals near this entrance. It felt weird and unnatural, the sight of this cave, bare rock surrounded slowly by tall grass, as he approached the apex of the crevice, as it slowly bent towards its belly, fear washed over his shoulders as he tried not to think what lurked further inside. There were secrets unknown waiting to be released. He heard the animal’s cry slowly fade away.
Thinking nothing of it he proceeded to follow in Momoa’s footsteps. He was long ways away from him as he stopped few times to admire the natures broad strokes, the ingenuity of her design on this distant rock took his breath away. It reminded him of home.
A sudden cry from deep into the cave startled both men. Wildlife around stopped crying while the wind brushed right through treetop. Trees around cave’s vicinity slowly danced in the wind. As they stopped to wonder what those noises were, a low rumble could be heard, approaching from somewhere like a continuous thunder of someone’s hooves. Suddenly, after the thunder stopped, a beast erupted from beneath the ground and grabbed Momoa around his body. One second he was there, the next gone from Lucian’s sight.
“MOMOA!” He yelled, started running with everything he had.
He realized he was alone and he just saw something drag his companion away. He started running towards the place he last saw Momoa.
He gasped for breath, the man unaccustomed by the tight confines of his EV suit. He could feel his hot breath returning right into his face, occasionally evaporation from his breath would cloud the screen, leaving him disoriented. The hole was right there but something told him the creature could still be lurking beneath that suffocating darkness. Instead of slowing down and dropping to his knees, he slid on them until he was right above it, weapon wildly swinging from his shoulder. He felt the ache in his knees, grimacing as the pain shot through his right leg.
The next second his gun was primed and ready at his shoulder before he was aware of it, but the hole was deep, black and menacing. It was like he could hear the danger coming from its depths. Hole was wide enough to allow him free movement if he wanted to shimmy down its tight confines.
“MOMOA! YOU THERE?!” Lucian could hear his voice, desperation was thick in it and yet there was still hope.
Nothing. The comms were silent. His mind played little tricks, whenever he would hear a crackle or a buzz he thought Momoa would laugh through the other end. He held his breath long enough, as he was looking down the hole he suddenly realized the monster could probably be right in front of his face and he would not even see it. He could hear his heartbeat. Lucian tried to remember what the monster looked like but he just saw white fur and claws. Like his mind played tricks, keeping him from visualizing the horrific encounter.
The sun still had few minutes before it went down. Then a realization, “What if that were one of the girls?”
In the blink of an eye he was gone. Down the ‘rabbit’ hole he went. He just had enough room to slide in arms in front of him and legs wide apart behind him, trying to get as much of a hold as he could. His gun was in front shining the small light from its muzzle. Even though he had one on his helmet, it wasn’t enough for him to see as far into the hole to ease his growing anxiety while he was digging down.
Shimming down the hole was not easy. Lucian was not claustrophobic, but still the action held some uneasiness. What if scenarios; started to accumulate in his brain, while he counted inches towards his eventual destination. Almost every second was filled with anticipation. Waiting for that huge claw to come at him through a thick black veil.
What if there is an earthquake? He thought while climbing down the dark depths.
Earth around him could just close and he would forever be lost. A natural tomb provided by Mother Nature.
The flashlight was still on and as he crawled down into the dark depths it did illuminate some portion of the wall, but the hole was just too deep or too dark for it to provide a light source that was strong enough that his eyes wouldn’t squint or his heart would not lurch at every shadow on the wall in front of him.
Could darkness be too dark? He never really thought about it, but there was one proof positive right in front of him. He barely saw anything.
What if the monster was right in front of him, silent and waiting to pounce on him?
The thing was probably long gone but still these worries plagued his mind. Alone in the deep dark tunnel was unnerving. Lucian needed to move. So he slowly closed his legs and started the long slide down, apparently not every portion of the wall was airtight.
He could feel himself sliding faster and faster. His EV suit started to rip and tear from sliding through dirt, rock wall around him allowed him to move his shoulders around and move his arms into a more comfortable position. The dark veil suddenly opened and he saw the ground fast approaching. Thin strips of light shining over the ground where he was about to fall down onto. Somehow he managed to do a flip in the air and land on his back.
“OOOF!” Escaped from his mouth as air came rushing out from the force of the impact.
Few moments had passed as he waited for his breath to come back.
“Fuuuuuuck, that hurts.” Lucian finally groaned after his senses returned to him.
It took few minutes for his aching body to accommodate to the new feelings of liberty, so after he was done moping around on the ground he finally remembered what he was chasing.
An ape monstrosity.
He sat up and started to fumble around for his rifle ... This was him in action finally. Even through his shaky nerves, one strand of coherent thought invaded his consciousness as it said “move” He glanced around and saw he was out on the open. No rocks or cover to be found. Just an empty tunnel.
Colorless, faceless rock was all around him, the light provided by his suit and gun weren’t enough for him to see everything, still he felt unnerved by dancing shadows, however that might be strong he was determined to move along. He HAD to find Momoa.
He stood up on his feet, moved to the far right wall, breathing heavy and hard, several times during this he wanted to stop and just scream his fears out. He wanted to run and save his life. Again that one fleeting thought crossed his mind, “What if that was Ericha? Or Liza? Or his sister.”
Would he feel the same fear and trepidation? Would he refrain from going into the unknown?
“Momoa, answer me. Are you there?” He softly called out through his comms.
He thought about keeping quiet but he had to know. Tumble of few stray rocks from the ceiling made his heart jump and he was seconds away from pouring everything he had in the gun he was holding. At nothing.
Somehow he held tight. He held on to his fear and stopped himself from pulling the trigger. His hands were shaking violently, by now he was sweating bullets trying, attempting to hold tight to his sanity.
Wall was safe and it somehow restricted his insanity, he moved softly and he dawned at him he heard tiny crunches of something. His light was still brightly illuminating the wall opposite of him so he, at first, thought he was caught. Wall was just ten feet in front of him with a bunch of stray rocks here and there. The lifeless darkness beckoned his illumination as he did not provide enough for the area to be brightly glowing.
Again he heard crunches from further into the cave, then a loud very low pitched “Hmph” sound. He braced his gun, shoulder strained and started to ache by the pressure he was exerting. Muzzle of the gun was not lifted, but rested peacefully on his left palm. His left hand gripped the presented object almost in desperation. Lucian could feel the white knuckles starting to ache and become numb from this untrained function. He saw thinly stray licks of light coming from a corner further down the cave. The dark veil around him made the lights brighter and everything around it was illuminated enough for him to see without his searchlight.
Breathing heavily, he tried to collect his gasps into sharper, more silent; even though he had a helmet on that probably muffled his labored breathing, he had a hard time hearing anything coming from the outside. Sweat dripped into his eyebrows and around his eyes. The few stray strands of the salty liquid dripped into his eyes, forcing him to blink away the uneasiness that this had brought to him. Silence was deafening. He started to walk slowly. Careful not to raise too much noise with his steps. His left foot would raise above and soft parts of dirt would drip down its edge onto the rocky floor. As aching minutes passed, the noises became more profound and he registered the tell-tale noise of bones breaking as if someone was chewing.
Lucian’s nerves were on fire. Despite swallowing his spit, his mouth felt dry and even while he tried to wet them with his tongue seconds after he had done it his lips would quickly dry.
The wall next to him was leading to another opening. Finally his light illuminated further and he took one glance where he fell from the ceiling. Promiscuous light source that shone just a few moments ago so beautifully was quickly forgotten. He approached the closed off hallway. Nowhere to run and he started to tremble. Anticipating someone would approach him any second and he would have to react.
Tunnel bent of to the side, to his right, light gently licked the walls, as he saw another light source coming from the exit of the room, the light that was coming from it was prominent and he started to walk faster. Good. His muscles still remembered how to function properly.
Leaning to his right wall he peeked over his shoulder, remembering to shut his helmet light off, he noticed a ledge right in front of him that obscured some of his vision. Lucian went to go further in not noticing a presence off to the side of the tunnel he was in.
As he was about to step out the presence sniffed the air around it making Lucian froze in fear. His feet almost gave out right then, but somehow he reached the wall. Right behind him someone was still sniffing the air, this time closer to where he was about to exit. He felt phantom claws go through the air in an attempt to grab his shoulder. He almost yelped in terror but he bit his lips as he dove past the cave wall.
“Holy shit. Holy shit. What is that?” He whispered in terror. His voice was shaking waiting in anticipation for something to happen.
His hands were shaking. The thing approached closer, still tasting the air around it, its nose working in overtime. Its presence was known, air was thick with anticipation and fear, due to his EV suit he did not smell anything but instead shivered as if he could feel the air around him go colder.
Finally, after some time, during which Lucian started to sob silently, the uneasiness finally effecting his need to run and hide; that same presence started to wander off, after which Lucian slowly sagged down on his knees. Relief emanating from every pore on his body, sweat started to soak his clothes as adrenaline started to dry off and in turn leave him without any strength.
What am I going to do? he thought. Silently he listened to any sign that would help him recognize anyone whom might approach where he was hiding.
He needed to look for Momoa. It was useless to try and call for him since his throat was parched. Dry. He took a few moments and closed his eyes. All of his energy was gone.
He slowly drifted to sleep, he felt those lips again. The silent coos that detached him from this awful place.
He wept. Wishing he was in her arms once again.
Lucian ground his pelvis around in slow methodical circles while imbedded deep inside her sex, he knew what he liked and what she enjoyed with ever so gentle sway in his hips coaxing silent, gasping and occasional ear splitting moans to come out of his paramour. He knew what she liked, predictably her shivering body gave him plenty of stamina to prolong his incoming climax as another wave washed over her body, his teeth would clench in frustration. Not letting go of his.
Lovingly looking into her eyes as she came down was something that he came to love, stroking her cheeks he would often whisper sweet words that often came out cheesy, embarrassing lines he often saw on TV, but now nothing was needed. They were joined emotionally by their tattoo link. Everything was right in the world at that moment.
It did not take long for Lucian to cum, especially in Ericha. He rested his body on top of hers, their naked, perspiring flesh gritting to each other, while they tried to catch their breath.
He would often lie to himself, talking about loving her for hours and hours, but that was sometimes impossible as she demanded her release and in turn that would coax his own.
So as much as he loved to fantasize about loving his wife, lover and better half of his soul, that was just not possible. “It’s your beauty.” He commented out loud one time as they enjoyed the silence after their shared climaxes.
“What about it?” She asked. They were alone in the bed after a tender ‘romp in the sack’ as Lindsay would call it, while Liza and she were on the bridge doing their daily duties.
He leaned on his hand watching her eyes, mesmerized by this mature woman’s beauty “You are just incredibly sexy.”
She raised her head, clearly this line of words made her think about something, “You aiming for something?”
“Yes. Your pleasure.” He said watching for her reaction. He knew his line sounded corny as shit but he said it hoping to get something out of her.
“As soon as we begin I’m eager to cum. I blame your beauty for that.” He said trying to sound apologetic, seeing as her face remained unchanged. Lucian’s voice was calm and he had a smile on his lips, but for some reason Ericha thought she heard melancholy behind those words.
“What’s wrong?” She asked. Sitting up on his lap. Her hands now gently caressing his cheeks.
Lucian heart ached. Her tone alone made his eyes water for no reason. “I feel like I’m a bad lover.” He finally said.
She laughed for a moment, looking deeply into his eyes she said after a brief pause “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you.”
Ericha was carefully observing his reaction, her hand still gently stroking his slowly appearing stubble. He did not have time to shave as recent events prevented them from returning for supplies, so he was left with a scruff of a beard. Ericha thought he looked sexier. More manly. She did not think a beard could make a man look cute, but for Lucian it made him just that. Rejuvenating his boyish charm. If it existed.
After some lost time spent gazing in each other eyes she asked, “What brought this on?”
Lucian lied back down, his head resting on a fluffy pillow. Ericha saw it just then, he would often retreat into himself when exposed to these type of emotions. Lucian looked like his world was coming down around him, gently hugging his body she thought of nothing else hoping he would find his courage and share his emotions.
“I think – “ He started. Ericha’s head rested on his chest, silently waiting, expecting for his words to pour out in a torrent of words.
“When we make love I feel like I don’t last long enough for you. How do you feel?” He asked. He was calm on the outside but he was dreading the answer that would eventually come out from Ericha.
They spent few moments in utter silence. “For a man from a different world you sure are dumb.” She said.
Turning her head she gazed into his eyes. Playful smirk on her face. “Do you know what these do?” She carefully pointed to her wrist. There a henna type tattoo was visible for his eyes.
He nodded silently, remembering the explanation given by Liza. “Then what do YOU feel when we make love?”
He spent few moments thinking. Lucian really tried to remember what their emotional bond had let them to feel, but he could not focus on one particular emotion. Finally he shook his head in resignation gently whispering, “I do not know.”
He held his breath while he expected her to jump up and start to scream at him for being so miserable. A lover unworthy of her. He held his breath what it seemed for hours. Finally she looked at him with the most loving gaze.
“Then let’s repeat the lesson.” She said while smiling.
She took his cock in her hand gently rubbing it up and down. Ericha brought her head closer to Lucian, kissing his upper lip, making sure to taste every bit of his essence. Her breasts craved for his touch. Her nipples were pointed, begging, pleading for his loving hands. While she was thinking about this her sudden moan surprised Lucian.
His hands were on her nipples. Gently caressing her areolas, going around one of them then back to the other, tracing gentle circles while with his other hand he cradled her face prolonging the kiss. Eventually she parted, “Oh divine that was ... Oh.”
She was breathless, an attack she did not expect. Breathing heavily she focused on task in hand, rubbing her palm all over his protruding erection. She smiled gently letting his lips slowly move down and start sucking on her neck while she traced her palm around the head of his penis. Occasionally his cock would jump up in delight as if saying “Release me.” Another chuckle escaped her lips. She remembered what she was doing and gently focused all of her attention on him.
Lucian was careful not to be too aggressive, “What do you feel now?” He was quietly asked by moaning Ericha.
His head was buzzing with different emotions, “Hard to explain.” He softly said.
He gazed lovingly into her eyes, noticing the silent change within her and slowly his eyes grew big, “Love. I feel incredible love.” He softly said.
“Good.” Ericha moaned.
“Now remember this next time you doubt yourself.” She said and raised her body to straddle Lucian across his lap.
Gently taking his hard poking cock into her hands and expertly moving to slide it quickly into her love cave. As soon as he bottomed out she came. “Oooooh. That’s much better.” Tiny shivers went all over her body as the pit of her stomach erupted feeling incredibly full, satiated and safe.
Her hips softly moved in circles while she rested her arms on his shoulders. Her lips met Lucian’s and they began kissing using any means to prolong and amplify their passion. The extreme came when their tongues would try to combat for supremacy. Sliding in and out, lightly tasting each other’s essence on others appendage. They were deaf to loud wet slurping noises that came from them.
To any bystander this intimate moment would seem indecent, but for them it was penultimate expression of love.
Ericha gently separated, gently her hips went up then down, enjoying every single inch of her lover’s meat. One look into his eyes made her body shiver, she wanted to throw him back on the bed and quick.
“I need you to wake up my love.” She suddenly said. Placing soft, slow kisses all over his face.
Gyrating her hips in a circle her body was shot by another round of those beautiful feelings. She shivered. “I need you to wake up. You are needed.”
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He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the...
Lucian opened his eyes after he fell asleep surrounded by love and affection from his two lovers and his little sister, he felt a little bit dazed but invigorated. Something told him all that outpouring of love had a profound effect on him and his wellbeing. Slowly he fell asleep feeling drained, but even though he was in a daze he felt stronger and more rejuvenated than ever before. Even though Lucian’s sister, Lindsay, did not join them in their sensual acts, he was still happy that she...
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Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...
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IncestA few years ago a friend of mine was suddenly called out of town and asked me if I wouldn’t mind stopping in at his house and feeding his cat while he was away. Since his home was conveniently located on my usual daily route between my condo and current office I figured it would be relatively easy to attend to this simple task for him. I mean what are friends for if you can’t ask them to mildly inconvenience themselves once in awhile. He told me he’d likely only be away for no more than five...
She was asking for it. With that smug little smile and hand on her hip. Oh, she was going to get it. With that sheer, practically transparent nightgown and lacy panties. He didn’t know it yet, but she was ready. And he was going to give it to her.It was 6 o’clock, which meant Justin should be home any minute. Dinner was on the table, candles were lit, Erin was dressed - or at least half-dressed - and she shivered in anticipation. Any moment now, she thought. No car pulled into the driveway. No...
Love StoriesRiver walked slowly in the moonlight toward her hot tub. The night was warm, but her heart was still cold from the breakup. She needed to feel again, it was difficult to continue being so cold in her life. It was difficult to pretend to be fine while having her heart ripped out. Her longing needed relief so that she could rest and she had not felt that in so very long. It was okay to let him go, but there were still many other things in her life that needed to be taken care of. She knew her...
James wasn't crazy about his job, but the whole time he was washing dishes in that downtown diner he was beaming. His first encounter with the enigmatic, legendary Chloe had left him weak in the knees and with a tenacious grin. He still couldn't wrap his head around his experience in that alley being more than just a dream. He was a gangly, toe-headed chap, and since childhood his insecurity with his frail body and unimpressive penis had been a burden, but when he compared himself to the rest...
SeductionIt all started when I was in that 1st grade age, maybe a little younger. It might have been the summer between 1st and second, I'm not sure. My front neighbor was Caeser, a kid about a year younger than I. We would hang out and roam around with other kids in our neighborhood. Caeser took me to the house of an older kid named Alex. Alex was about 15 or 16. He was a poor kid, that seemed to always be alone, I never saw his parents around. He had this playhouse type deal, behind his actual...
Friday 3rd November 2017Seven o’clock on Friday evening, after a six-hour door-to-door journey from Dallas to our home in Pinecrest, Miami, I was dog-tired as I opened the front door. Looking forward to a quiet night in with Jill – hoping she wasn’t too tired from her current stressful work situation.The first thing that hit me when I opened the front door, was the high-pitched sound of female giggling. The second thing assaulting my senses was the strong waft of perfume, stronger than I was...
Wife LoversThere were a lot of international students at Willy’s school from lots of different cultures. Girls had heard Dixie’s story and wanted some instruction of their own. “Some of them have never seen a guy’s thing, a lot of them are virgins and they want somebody safe to show them. Dixie has convinced them that you’re the guy. I’m thinking we can make some good money off this situation,” Willy said in my room a few weeks after Christmas. “What do you mean, make money?” I asked. “Look, Tim,...
The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Ten By AmyAmy. December 5th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including...
Sue fitted Jack with his protective socks and helped Susan to assume the correct position. Susan had never practiced DP with a man, so she was unsure of what to do, but Sue helped her to place her arms and legs. Oops, they had forgotten the lubricant, so Sue picked up the KY and squeezed a whole tube into Susan's cunt. During all of this, Jack was on his best behavior, and he calmly waited until Susan was ready for him. Jack was called by Susan, and he walked over to sniff her pussy and to...
Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...
Mera naam ramesh hai aur mai 22 saal ka hoon. 2 saal phele mere papa ka transfer oune huwa tha tab se hamari puri family yehi rhe rahi hai. Meri ek behen bhi hai jo umar mai mujse 4 sal badi hai. Mere saamne wale ghar mai ek aunty rheti hai jo ki muje bohot pasand hai. Wo dikhne mai kaafi acchi hai aur kisi bhi angle se 2 baccho ki maa nai lagti. Unko beta jo ki 18 saal ka hai wo mera bohot accha dost hai aur usiki wajah se meri aur aunty ki friendship huwi. Unko naam rina tha aur mai unhe...
One I can't ever remember not having strong affection for my Mom. She had been a model for lingerie briefly when she was just out of High School, and Dad was still courting her. She had a few pictures of herself in those sexy outfits around the house, and growing up they were always in my mind. Her auburn hair was always loose and long, around the aquiline nose that made her look a little exotic. Big eyes, a wide, sexy mouth that seemed to permanently smile at me. Men always looked at her,...
Hey people, Hi this is S, I know you guys have no interest in knowing about me but here’s a short version I am a T.D.H. guy working in Mumbai. That’s it people. So let’s start with the story/ real life incident. This incident happened with me when I was in 12th standard, with a friend of mine (let’s call her T). A little back ground on her, she was with me in school since we were kids we both were good in studies so always had acknowledge each other as a competitor. Later we became neighbors...
"Kaiba-san?" I counted to ten and then pushed the intercom button. "Yes, Crawford?" I had asked my relatively new secretary not to interrupt me, but this morning had been one damn thing after the next. "What now?" "There's a Honda Hiroto here to see you." She said. I sighed even as I smiled. Some days are non-productive regardless of how hard you try. "Honda should be on your list. You do not need to announce him. Perhaps you should take a photo of him – for future...
I let Jake know that we had a small audience watching us, my mom Britney and his dad Steven. “What are you two doing here?” Jake asked. “Well, we'd ask you two the same thing, but we can see you two are doing here,” Steve replied trying not to laugh. We weren't sure what to say, they caught us completely off guard. We weren't expecting them, but on the other hand, I did just move in. “We'll give you two a few minutes,” Britney said. “OK mom,” I replied. They left the bedroom and went out to the...
IncestMatt Wenzel was awakened by the sound of his live-in girlfriend rustling through her drawer. “Babe,” he yawned. “Just turn on the light.” He rolled back over and pulled the covers over his head. He desperately wanted a couple more hours of sleep. The 32 year-old corporate budget analyst had stayed up later than he’d intended last night fucking the petite chick. They had gone out with a cousin of hers and the lady’s new beau. They got home well after eleven. But Ms. Katherine D'Angelo was a...
Two days after the wild party with Amber and the guys, I call her up from my phone at work. I own a surf shack down the road from my house, but we usually don't get much business. My hope is that Amber can fix that. "Hello?" I hesitate a moment, not sure if she will even remember much of the night after the amount of alcohol she had. "Hey Amber, it's Gary, how are things goin?" She laughs a moment, her voice ringing out across the phone, "I'm great! Although I am still a little sore from the...
Group SexThis was inspired by a wonderfully sexy, sensuous Lush member who brought me and mom many wonderful hours of tremendous pleasure. We sat across from each other at Pauli’s, a very nice restaurant on the outskirts of town. We sipped on house Merlot as we chatted. I wanted to know all about her. I ordered filet, baked potato and Caesar salad. We were going to share it in a most interesting way. She was a BBW in every sense of the phrase. She was big. She was beautiful, and she was all woman. She...
My eyes turned pitch black in that one moment, life seemed to still and nothing seemed to move, and nothing seemed to matter anymore. This was my life, this was what I truly was, a monster, to only walk in the night and sleep by day. I couldn’t control myself around him, the want of his blood… no, the wanting of him. To know I wasn’t alone in this barren world, to know he was there every step of the way, to know that I couldn’t scare him off with what I needed to do to live, if that’s what you...
Not for the first time, and most likely not for the last time either, you are equal parts grateful and resentful of the job your aunt provided you with. The pay was rather generous, and it was far from the worst line of work to find yourself in, but you certainly didn't have any drive or ambition to move up in the coffee-house industry. After one last inventory check, you'd be done for the day. If your sister didn't have anything planned after school, you'd see if there was something the both...
IncestMy wife Lucy was started a new job today, cleaning in a local office, and before she left, we were in the bedroom trying to decide what she should wear.She decided on jogging bottoms and a tight fitting camisole under a vest. The office was going to be empty anyway so she only needed to be comfortable.5.30pm came and off she went kissing me goodbye.I carried on with my evening tidying the house and making something to eat for us when she got home at 8.30pm.Sure enough at 8.30pm on the dot Lucy...
Stephie and I laid in bed kissing fir a good while until it was about time to turn in for the night. I suggested a shower to help us relax and she agreed and so we both ended up in the shower, slowly washing each other off at first until I took hold of her cock and began to wash it. "You're gonna get me fuckin' horny again if you keep that up" she said to me. I just smiled and moved back in close to her an once again we began to kiss as I continued to jerk off her cock. For the next several...
‘I’ll see you later… angel.’ She found herself waving back. ‘Yeah, bye.’ When she got into the apartment, she walked straight for her room. She sighed in relief that she hadn’t giggled stupidly at his tone of voice. ‘Well, you didn’t invite him up. That’s good,’ Jesse’s voice came from the darkness of the couch. ‘Where were you?’ ‘He walked me home.’ ‘Hmm. So, you’re together now, right?’ Jo turned on the light to her room and took off her shirt. ‘I don’t know.’ She pulled her nightgown...
In the seven years that Damon Winslow had been locked up for home invasion, he had never once had sex with a guy. He was not gay was not about to start just cause he was in the slammer for 10 years. The twenty-eight year-old light brown prisoner swiped the screen of his contraband phone. He was looking at ass pictures of his ex. After getting a hard on, he decided to jack off his fat meatiness. After shooting a decent sized load, he drifted off to sleep.The five-foot-eleven brotha was up just...
A little over a year ago, I started the epic tale of the old woman of Bikini Beach, in an attempt to answer some of the questions that had arisen about her. Where did she come from? What secrets does she keep? Why are her powers limited? It's been over a year, and though the tale isn't quite complete, I felt a need to force the issue. The sections that I'm adding are nearer the end, and by dribbling out the earlier sections, I'll be putting pressure on myself to complete...
Chapter 11 Once we got in the bedroom it didn't take long for the three to quickly shed our clothing, what we wore of it that is, and to situate ourselves on the bed. I'd already pulled back the covers and added a couple more fluffy pillows, in case they were needed, so all was ready for our encounter. LuAnn positioned herself to where her butt was on the edge of the bed, with her feet not quite touching the floor, and spread her leg wide as she could. I didn't need an oral invitation to...
A Misunderstanding - Part 4 By undiecontrol ([email protected]) Simon arrived home and was immediately required to show his purchases to Emma. She examined each item carefully while Simon waited, dreading the thought that he would be sent back to exchange something. "Good," she announced. "These are just right so let's hope they fit!" "But before you try them on, there's a few things I need to say. I think you might need all the help you can in the next four weeks,"...
Cum Louder? Hmm... Porn tube sites and original, premium porn studio content are two very separate worlds. I mean, sure, most porn tubes worth their salt will provide clips of scenes from the biggest porn studios in the industry, that’s a given. But surely there are no porn tubes that provide a variety of content from all over the web, as well as produce their own original, professional-grade videos, right?Wrong. Enter Cumlouder.com, a site that has finally merged these two seemingly disparate...
Free Porn Tube SitesThe day after.He awoke quite early immediately noticing his wife’s side of the bed had not been slept in. His memory stirred to the previous night’s sexual antics how he watched his wife be fucked by a total stranger in ways she would never tolerate with him. He watched as she performed oral, anal and ass to mouth on her new lover, and all in front of him. He left her to be her new lover’s sex toy. He also found out whilst watching the video her lover had recorded whilst fucking her ass that a...
Ted said, "Yes, we did. We lost four older couples but had no real difficulties. Todd and Cindy have been busy. I saw the girls heading up that cut. Bill said you had marked a place up this way." "Yes, we have but have also decided to move. We found another place about two hundred yards further up with a chimney. Fred and Millie should have a look but we will incorporate the chimney into our cabin." Ted nodded. Nancy said, "Eve, I don't think you told us everything about the...
Kick, stroke, kick, stroke breathe. Kick, stroke, kick, stroke breathe. I tumbled into the last turn. Three laps down, and only one remaining. This should feel harder, I thought. My muscles felt fine. A little warm but that was to be expected after a hundred-fifty metres of butterfly. I knew I was overdosing on adrenalin. Who wouldn’t be high after posting a personal best to within a second of the Olympic record for the fifty freestyle? That performance in the final guaranteed me a slot on...
Hey Guys, I am Amit and This is the first time I am posting a story out here and i have been reading this site for a long time and eventually got tempted to share my own personal experience with you. The incident that I am narrating occured not very long ago rather just a couple of months ago. I was recently transfered to Bhatinda punjab due to my job and got a house on rent. I have been happily married for the last 6 years with a beautiful punjabi girl. My wife Meenu is a wonderful lady, a...
Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected] Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...
Final Ladybug wiped her eyes, post battle teleports always made her tear up. The three Judges, additional staff from Central Bank, her guild mates and various others she didn’t recognize where in the great hall. Her battle avatar was the first to run up to her and give her a great big hug. The only person missing was Queen Bitch. Before she could be attacked with a thousand and one questions, an older white male wearing an all white suit approached her. The people here kept their distance from...
I wondered about mum and what she'd got up to with the black girl. I hoped my little display of concern for her hadn't put the two of them off enjoying each other. From my experience with Belinda, I'd discovered that people act differently in different situations and even in different clothes. I'd gone back to Belinda's flat with her wanting and getting dirty sex, but after we'd got the kinky kind of lust out of our systems, I'd gone to bed with a lovely sexy woman and made love with her and it...
IncestSam felt guilty. He’d enjoyed both Gudrun and Karen, but had he taken advantage of them? Or had they been taking advantage of him? He hadn’t taken advantage of Meena or Susan. They’d moved on him. But Gudrun had spoken to him first. And invited him to the party. Perhaps he was a patient, not an agent. Not quite ten. There would be a phone at Tandanya and he’d call Sarah from there. There was. Sam arranged to visit “after lunch.” At the entry to Tandanya there was a display about Dreamtime...
Chapter Twenty One: Conditioned For the next two weeks Dennis was assigned to the kitchens to learn how to cook and prepare meals for the Masters and Mistresses of the compound. Head of the kitchen was a portly woman in her sixties called Mona and from what he could make out from listening to the gossip and conversations of the other three women, who worked alongside her, she was very much a lesbian. In fact it turned out that she had at one stage bedded all three of the women....
The Captain moved around in front of me. I was mesmerized by the sight of the soldier’s huge cock playing with my sister. My plight returned, the Captain not content with watching my sisters r4pe, he wanted to abuse me. His hands returned to my panties. His fingers slowly played with them, letting them slide down my abdomen, teasing me, forcing me to accept the humiliation of being stripped naked. He picked up one my ankles and tied a rope around it, making me groan in pain when he tightened it...