Faux RealmChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 36
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He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the feelings he got while touching the surface made him uneasy. Welcoming, acceptance and general happiness. He was scared for a moment as Lucian’s feeling kept telling him everything was going to be alright.
He shook his head, weirded out by his aerated emotions. Something was really strange but in reality he wanted to get to his sister as fast as possible.
The walls of the ship felt light and weak. Somehow he knew that it was sturdy enough to hold everything in place even in vastness of space. He managed to strum his fingers over few times relishing in the new sensations. Both ships felt as they belong together. Sounds of people fighting behind him brought him back and he remembered why he was here.
He moved with newfound purpose and went into the alien ship. As the door silently opened, he went through them, once on the other side he stood for few seconds trying to hear anything that would tell where to go or what to do; behind him he could hear the closing, as he moved his feet he found that the hallways were strangely vivid, not believing how vast a contrast between the ship and images that he saw during his surveillance. He was expecting to see a darker environment that accommodated that amount of moral corruption.
There was a light few feet above his head that illuminated the hallway that he was walking on, making his journey relatively calm and peaceful. He managed to stroke the walls few times and again his emotions erupted.
Holding his fingers on an outside wall his head started buzzing with pictures. Children playing, walking, laughing.
Couples enjoying the warm coziness of its confines while doing various activities. Its crew took great care in days past, which made it proud to be close to them and fly them everywhere.
The images exploded again and he as he felt proud, happy and delighted to have these people it was very fast replaced by grief, sadness and anger. First officer, the current captain killed everyone and took the command away from her captain. The ship was sad. Lonely as they used her to kill countless living organisms. She was angry and felt powerless whenever they sold, used and killed their captives. He had tears in his eyes as he was flooded with horrific imagery.
His sister was next and what the man did to her, he saw every excruciating second that his sibling went through. Kneeling down he tried not to scream and vail.
“She is ok.”
He heard himself speaking. But he was adamant to take out this man that took his sisters innocence. He knew, he figured that the very ship was speaking to him, as it showed him where the man was, on a chair a precise path leading to him was marked in Lucian’s head and he wanted to be right beside him in the least amount of time.
Running through the corridors he was happy that there were no elevators on this ship as he was able to appear in the command center of the ship in less than 2 minutes. Lucian stood near the unconscious man, the hate was flowing out from him, easily imagining the man’s brains on his fists, hands clenched he was preparing to pound his head into a bloody pulp. But the door that were leading towards his lost sibling called out to him, as if ship itself was guiding Lucian to where he needed to be, so he moved to them, they were locked. No matter how hard he tried the doors would not open. But as he was going to search through the captain’s clothes he heard a swish of the doors, relieved and concerned at the same time somehow, someway, someone on this ship still had a heart.
Inside the room the light was dimmed, a vast contrast against the pure picture that he managed to see from the Pad that he was working with, a woman on the floor flinched and started to hide. Standing at the doorway a bundle of emotions ran through him as he watched this woman try to hide from his stare.
Sliding toward his sister she hid her face, “My lovely Lin. I am here. Your big brother is finally here.” he used her pet name that she often hated.
She could not move her face muscles as the wounds were still hurting her, but still she openly sobbed and lunged to her brother’s chest. Clawing at his back, she wanted him to hold her tighter and tighter. As her heart ached for the things she went through, her hero was here, holding her and kissing her face. She felt his tears wash her face. She was elated. Happy. Hurt and saddened all at the same time. Bundle of emotions went through her mind as she sat on his knees and basked in his strong and protective arms.
“Everyone was looking for you.” She started.
“But ... We...” Her tears would not let her continue.
“Shhh. It is ok my little sister. We are together.” He managed to ease her fears.
“We are going to talk about it later for now relax.” Lucian said.
She looked at him, “Where is he?” Simple question, venom dripping from each word.
He pointed his thumb behind him and said, “Strapped to a chair, I made them all faint.”
Abruptly standing up she grabbed a heavy object from the floor and wobbled into the light. Lucian did not have the heart to stop her, he couldn’t, so he walked right behind watching her every move, just like a guardian angel he would do anything to keep her safe. She walked stumbling few times on her way to the slaver’s chair, he wanted to help her walk but Lucian felt his sister needed this therapy.
Finally stopping near captain’s chair she waited, waited and waited. Staring intently at his unconscious body. As if praying, gathering all of her strength to do what needed to be done. Her hands were shaking and she wanted to murder this inhuman being. Lifting the heavy object above her head Lucian prepared for the eventual deed, but she just stood there doubt painted across her face. Slowly dropping to her knees she started to sob.
Tears slowly started to drip, “I can’t do it brother.” She said.
Starting to shake and slowly lowering the heavy object in her arms, through her tears she spoke, “I’m afraid of becoming a monster if I do it.”
While she was busy crying, before Lucian could even react a laugh caught his attention, “A whore on her knees? Just the way I like it.”
Locking her eyes with the captain on the chair she started to speak, but before she could say something his head wend back and forth and blood started seeping from his nose. A dent appeared on his face as he started to cry out in pain. “What the hell.”
Adjusting his blurry eyesight he managed to see a silhouette right beside him, spending few moments trying to figure out what it was he was finally able to see a man standing right beside him and had to fight his wave of panic as Lucian started to smash away on his head, the rage Lucian was felling towards the sneering man was not something that he could easily stop. Man was trapped by his own doing, as the protective seatbelt was still around his torso and legs, locking him in place for the barrage of hits that this man could not stop.
He began to wail and cry through his broken face, “Please ... stop ... Enough.”
As blood seeped towards his windpipe, he started to violently cough unable to breathe and speak as he felt his life was slowly slipping away.
Captain Bonez had an easy life. After ‘annexing’ this ship from his own captain everything just fell to its place. But as this big man was mercilessly pounding away he felt contempt, at his crew, at his masters that wanted more and more money for what he thought was already his, they wanted a cut for every slave, whore and loot he sold. He blamed everyone.
Damn them were his final thoughts as he felt his attacker move away.
For one Lucian felt hands on his shoulders that grabbed him and pull away. For a second he thought he was getting attacked, but he felt the hands were being loving and careful not to hurt him too badly. Lucian calmed down, his eyes adjusted finally at the grim sight of what he had done. The man that was in the chair no longer had human features, as his face was caved in. furthermore Lucian found it even more striking that his hands were the ones that made the horrific damage. Captain of this ship managed to wail, he slurred few words but otherwise no one could understand, to the extent that Lucian felt pity for what he had done. But one look at his sister removed any pity he had for the man.
Turning back he saw Liza and Ericha with few other men. He felt to his knees and draped his sister in his protective arms, cooing and shushing her tears away. The man on the chair was led away sobbing and crying.
He pulled back and kissed her again on the forehead, turning towards his two lovers he spoke, “This wonderful woman in my arms is my baby sister Lindsay Deca. She likes the name Lin.” That got him a punch on the shoulder from his sister.
Both women were surprised and pleasantly relived, former confused stares were abruptly replaced by kind and soothing looks, stroking his sisters back he pointed at each woman and introduced them, “ Baby sister I want you to meet my wives, Liza and Captain Ericha Rrang.”
She looked aghast and stared at Lucian and at two women, “Lucian I hope you aren’t lying to me. Both of these gorgeous women can’t be your lovers.”
For once both Ericha and Liza blushed feverishly, Ericha a dark shade of pink while the pink color of Liza went even darker. Liza looked even more exotic to Lucian at that moment and he was happy that he got to meet her in the first place.
Again Lucian was glad he could tell his best friend everything as he pointed to his left hand wrist and said, “See this means Liza, Ericha and me are all connected.”
Lindsey for one felt like she was in a bad dream. “Lin, I know you went through a lot but now everything is, will be ok.”
Both women behind him nodded and while Lindsey was still on her brother’s lap she could see how much they adored him, which in turn eased her fears. Ericha or Liza, the pink beauty, looked in her direction and started to smile further easing her into security. She was finally safe.
While they were busy talking, the men and women took care of the bloody pulp of the man that shook and convulsed, anger and revulsion on the men’s faces as they dragged him away. The men that were in the chairs started to wake while they were doing this and with fear watched the proceedings.
Lucian felt someone behind him, and felt a firm pair of naked breasts squish at his back, turning in surprise he saw a woman in trance staring at his face saying in breathless whisper, “Help me, please.”
She cried out in pain and Lucian draped another arm to embrace this lost and beaten woman. Men with packs on their backs came and started to examine both the woman and his sister while they were with him, in seconds they injected the woman with something, while his sister got a nod from one of the men.
The woman visibly improved her condition several moments after her injection and in seconds she was as good as new, still naked, but no longer having that drunk stare.
“There are slaves in cargo bay, I think they need help as well.” Lucian told the men and they smiled.
“We know. Captain Al’Jafar and M.E. Luca will come to speak with you.” One of the men said and left.
Lucian felt deep respect to these people. They healed and nurtured people that were on verge of death and they asked nothing in return. Smiling he hugged his sister and projected love through his body and actions.
Warlord was busy pacing back and forth while the reports came, one after the other said the same thing. Every bit of his fleet was wiped out clean.
He screamed, at the screen, to no one really, while the crew winced and tried to focus on their tasks. Tusks were heaving with his saliva and foam was forming on the corner of his mouth. Who could annihilate an entire squadron of Scadz? To top it off the section that Gezz was leading was in charge of sector 25; retaking that portion of space was crucial for their plans of Galactic conquest. His masters will not be happy.
The War Master will not be pleased. He was expecting heads to roll of the Monarchy’s steps, but he was intent of knowing who was to blame for this momentous blunder.
“Find anything?!” He was brusque with his crew and his tusks were heavy with grief. Still painted in black for his loss.
Gezz was his son. The fact that he will be remembered by the failure that massive was something that he could not live with, staining his offspring’s place in the halls of Tho’Van. His place would forever be vacant. Replaced by a mural of his dishonored achievement.
One man came near and offered a salute. With a dark gaze Warlord watched his every move, now the time was crucial as the crew would seek to depose him as captain and leader. “Master we found something. We need you to see this.”
Relaxing he followed the man back to his space and watched the prepared replay. Dozens of ships wiped in an instant. “We believe someone destroyed a star and the resulting explosion wiped everything.”
Display showed his exact words in a miniature display of fireworks, neatly displaying all of the ships that were present at the moment of the explosion. A massive fleet disappeared in matter of seconds. Nothing was left but their own memories and conversations that they spoke previously with their home. Everyone wanted answers.
His two white and black tusks were centering his own face that told many stories of past battles. Heavy, oval shaped heads donned their massive bodies; some called them Tu’Vk or Fanged Ones. Zuu’ was their War Master.
Their race was opportunistic, for sure, but they prided themselves in surviving against all odds. Minor race of warriors. Some of the major races called them scavengers, some used derogatory names to provoke their violent reactions. Some were giving them the honor that they deserved.
For one Zuu’ did not care. He and his tribe of people would work in the mines while the rest collected the needed materials for their fleets. But none of that mattered as they were fighters. For the right price they would fight for anyone. The fleet that was destroyed was financed by everyone’s hard work. A sad epilogue to their race in galactic war.
Zuu’ sat on his throne, now looking less and less majestic. Everything was slowly unraveling as he was preparing to call back home and set everything right. He was prepared to die for his son’s honor.
Another transport full of slaves arrived at his site where he directed them toward their posts and once Zinu examined them all, he was ready to give a detailed report back to his Illustrious Empress. He wanted to sit still, but while he found a minor race of primitive species ripe for picking, he was all too eager to add another achievement on his belt. There were too many Grand Chancellors and every one of them went to war with each other for tiniest power plays. And this one was important as it meant future supplies of ketracyil were secured.
Even thought there were tens of worlds, with hundreds of billions of his people it was unthinkable to let one of the Chosen ones to do the dirty work of mining the precious ore. A dirty, dangerous task that was usually left to the servitor races of Lakerti. The Chosen Ones.
Finally done with his report The Empress surely will be delighted by this new achievement. A world filled with billions upon of billions of slaves. And they found their work ethic to be pretty good when coaxed into it, their life expectancy was even higher than normal servitor races and they could be reproduced. Even though the normal incubation periods were way too long for them to even think about starting a colony of breeders. But three years of research led him to believe that it could be done.
Shutting off a vid feed that showed a man screaming in pain while various procedures were implemented on him, the colony was wiped clean after the slaves escaped. His only mistake. Almost lost him the position of Grand Chancellor of War.
Finally he checked for mistakes, ran a type 1 encryption and sent the message. Hopping that this would ease Her anger.
Bursting into the room, without even knocking, his personal adjutant ran with everything he had, Zinu could see he was flushed and Zinu noticed that he was extremely worried. Once his adjutant was in front of his desk he saluted and said, “Grand Chancellor, You need to see this.”
Zinu looked at the unusually clumsy man while he hands shook as he tried to adjust what he was holding. After moments of trying he placed a screen panel in front of him and entered a decryption protocol. Lifting his eyebrows, Zinu never once noticed the man doing this at this speed. Fumbling few times to enter it, his skin started to take a deeper color, usually for his species it would mean great stress.
Once everything was set he gently pulled back, still on his face a worried face, the sound played and he started talking, “Our long range probe picked something few days back. We sent it to examine the source of our readings ... We found something, sir.”
A long pause as the video did nothing to explain the situation to Zinu, he wanted to tell the man to speak up, but then something caught in the corner of his eyes. The image made him shake in his chair. The image flickered for few moments and then went black. Soon he looked at his adjutant and he nodded.
Zinu had a map in his hands. A screen that was black, but using his dexterous fingers he made the screen dance and form another image. The screen showed the same picture from the same perspective. This was not something good.
“How correct is this information?” Zinu asked.
Still beside him, Zinu could hear the adjutant answer, “Very sir.”
“How many were there?” He was asking while the image kept replaying over and over.
“Over 50 ships Sir. There are detailed reports on what was destroyed but...” As his adjutant started explaining a sound on his board gave them a start.
Someone was calling him on his direct line, Zinu immediately answered, “Yes.”
“War Master. I’ve failed you.” The man on the other side of the call saluted and bowed at the same time.
Looking at the man with contempt he was tempted to drop the call, “Speak Zuu’. What happened?”
“I’ve sent a detailed report. Short version, we’ve managed to enter Sector 25 unnoticed. But something destroyed our fleet.” He stated simply.
Zinu abruptly stood up startling his assistant, “HOW?!”
He managed to collect himself noticing that it was unbecoming of a Grand Chancellor to show emotion like this, “What could destroy an entire fleet?”
“They destroyed a star. That annihilated our fleet.” Zuu’ just shrugged his shoulders.
“What could destroy a sun?” Zinu and his assistant looked aghast.
The man’s tusks were painted black, a sign that he was mourning someone. Zinu looked at his personal commander of his fleets. There were very few Servitor races like Tu’Vk that understood the way of war, and he wanted them at the front lines. Finally calming down, knowing that this man on the other side of the screen was not working against him, he spoke, “Tell me what you know.”
Zuu’ for one did not wait and started explaining what his men found out about their horrible losses. Finally when he was done Zinu could see why the man had painted his tusks, losing his son and his entire war arsenal was not a daily occurrence.
“Wat Master.” The man’s voice was full of emotion.
Zinu looked beyond the screen and stared at a father who sat pleading with his eyes, “My son, will I be able to redeem his honor?”
Zinu breathed in and simply said, “No.”
Turning he left the commander on his chair silent tears dripping from his face.
Zinu ended the call, sending new orders to his commander and expecting him to carry them out. He had more pressing matters to attend. A new threat was looming over their heads.
“So you managed to breach their AND our internal systems?” Angry Al’Jafar was almost livid when he heard the report from Lucian’s own mouth.
“Yes, sir.” Lucian simply said.
Glaring at Lucian, Al’Jafar spat, “And what possessed you to do that?”
“I knew I could breach them with ease, it was not my first time you know.” Lucian shrugged his shoulders.
“BULLSHIT. Do you know what kind of idiocy you are saying?” A man in his 20’s stood up.
There were several people on this ‘debriefing’ as they called it. They kept asking him silly questions over and over to the point of him bending over and gripping his temple with his left hand. Throbbing headache was looming and first signs began to manifest. He tried pinching his nose but to no avail. The dumbness of the situation was way too much.
“Let me show you then.” Lucian offered standing up and taking Captain Al’Jafar’s Pad from the table.
Lucian’s fingers danced across the liberated Pad and in moments the scenario from Pretoria was repeated. Somewhat. The ship was still moored with another, and he could not simply pull into warp speed, even he knew the consequences behind such action.
No for a moment the lights dimmed, the comms on the God of War were jammed and he played with the water system. Voices over the coms before they were cut off told of a massive breach of their on board system and loss of all controls.
Al’Jafar with every member of his senior staff looked aghast at the man’s apparent magical skills of his protected Pad. The man took charge of it as it did not have 10 layer Cyber protection. Finest minds in Star Republic built it, 10 years of work down the drain in just a span of few seconds.
“What are you thinking when you do that?” Al’Jafar asked.
Lucian looked at the man and shrugged his shoulders, “I do not know. First time I did this I was searching for a game to pass my time. I just found the directory...”
“Wait. A game? You expect us to believe that you were fishing for a game.” Another man asked with a sneer.
“I do not expect you to believe anything. I’m just saying what I did at that time.” Lucian explained.
There was a mute silence everyone was staring at Lucian, they were not prepared for his answers. Luca was behind him, lurking in the shadows, Lucian heard him speak “Detailed investigation has brought nothing to our eyes that would seem malicious or destructive. Yes, he somehow accessed the ship from a mere Pad.”
“Yes, we think that his ability is nothing normal, but we can’t figure out why he has it, weather it was given to him or he was born with it is something that we cannot determine.” Luca continued.
Captain Al’Jafar’s face did not say much as he was busy figuring out the new information that was just provided to him, after few moments he glared at Luca Prom and asked “And when were you going to warn me about this thing he can do?”
Luca looked at the man and just shrugged his shoulders, “You did not need to know. At that time anyway.”
Al’Jafar threw his cup of water startling his senior staff, “YOU JEOPARDIZED MY CREW AND MY SHIP!”
An ungodly scream escaped his lips as the cup broke behind Luca’s back. Everyone in his vicinity has never seen their captain this agitated and emotional. His uniform creased so he used his hands to straighten it out and furthermore to compose his thoughts and feelings.
After few seconds he spoke again, this time his voice much lower “Council will hear about this.”
He turned to exit when Luca’s silent voice stopped him in his tracts, “What makes you think they do not know about it? Know this ‘Captain’ not everything I do is secretive. I spent too much of my own time researching about this phenomena so please give me at least the benefit of the doubt.”
Al’Jafar stood in utter silence while those words washed over the room.
Lucian watched the proceedings like some soap opera, expecting these two men to fight at any time. So sure of this, that he almost started cheering. He had no favorite, he just loved to see some drama unfold that was easily avoided. Stupidity of the situation was more evident as they got scolded by Lucian, “Both of you are behaving like spoiled children.”
Lucian let these words to hang in the air while both Luca and Al’Jafar turned to watch him, “I know, I know.” He lifted his hands and tried to calm them further, “It’s not easy to behave like grown men, but let’s try anyway. Look I’ll admit I’ve done few questionable things while I’m using this ship but I’m figuring shit out. I do not know what I can do.”
“Let me tell you this, those THINGS,” venom dripped from that word, “did something to me while I was on that slave colony. And I do not remember anything.”
“Furthermore, I’ve just lost both of my parents so I’m sorry if I sound ungrateful here but I’m leaving to give them a proper burial.” Lucian stood up and walked out.
Nobody stopped him, who could after such a speech, as he was moving towards the elevator he forgot one major thing. The ship was unfamiliar. He never remembered where he was led, or how to get where his parents were located. But of course he could not just walk back into a room where he was just moments before giving lip service to bunch of military service men. Lucian was fucked and he knew it, but instead of following his own advice, he chose to ride the God of War’s elevator up and down.
Of course there were few other choices for the man, like going to Ericha and Liza, but this was scrapped soon after he spent quite few minutes riding the elevator with several service men. Doors would open and he would see destruction and bodies of pirates and robots that were sprawled around every deck that he had stopped on, unusual how men and women of this ship’s crew were so brave as to fight on one deck with pirates toe to toe with basically their bare hands.
He had to give them their hard earned credit, everything they did here was heroic. He found himself longing to be a part of such force. To boldly tread over enemies and rescue those that needed help.
He was on his way back to his quarters when he saw two very large red bodied men. Upon a closer inspection he saw that they were very similar to devils from earth. For a second he thought he was seeing things. Moving closer he saw their tails move and he now he was quite certain that he was indeed seeing an extraterrestrial beings that were out of the fiction stories from earth.
He wanted to ask few questions but held back since he did not know what they could do, in reality they had at least few feet over Lucian. So he was looking and finally saw what was in front of them.
He did not see that they were being escorted by other people since their back were so big, but now he could see their handcuffs firmly in place over their hands and arms. Their cuffs bind their arms in such a way that Lucian saw it was extremely hard for them to move at all, the crowd moved slowly, the two alien’s bodies were riddled with injuries, a scratch here a bloody cut there, but he could see that they had a sturdy frame and felt little to no pain.
He was curious about their, or at least their species, involvement in Earth’s history. Or at least forming of Lucian’s religion. He celebrated Christmas, that alone did not make him a Christian, but he read the Holy book and he had to wonder how much influence the outside had on forming of Earth’s history. Lucian considered how his own past might influence his current feelings, but he had to admit they looked extremely wicked.
Even though they were bound, their black, empty, pits that replaced eyes kept him back at bay as he wanted to approach closer and inspect them further. But no, long nails on their hands, creepy red skin and horns on their head were just about enough to make him reconsider all of his previous deeds. In retrospect he wanted to run away and start a journal of all of his previous misdeeds, but he had something to prove to himself. So, silly bravery held him in place while the two massive bodies walked beside him and towards the lifts. He was slightly disappointed that they did not have wings, but that was soon replaced by his shock as he could see the extent of their injuries.
Their tails were shot clean off, their backs received extensive burns and he could see the blood slowly drip down their backs. Red blood? Lucian thought. Not so different from humans.
Soon when every member of their escort team was on the lift they moved on with a silent shut of their door. He forgot to ask anyone in that large group about directions, but then again, somehow he found that he was happy.
Most of the decks were busy collecting the killed enemy soldiers and destroyed bits and pieces of their robotic servants, but as he went further down the ship he finally managed to reach a desolate area. Finally after searching high and low he found what he was looking for, someone that could help him although there was just one problem for Lucian, the people he wanted to ask were having rabid sex.
Dark room. Rattling of chains could be heard every time she moved. A tiny speck of light coming from only one window. Certain she was on a ship after getting knocked out, all track of time has been lost. She could not see anyone, but could hear screams of dozen or so women. She begun do despair. To cry. But had to be strong, she still had to find him. Save him. Steps could be heard coming nearer. Her door were open with no noise and in came two men. Both of them were bare chested and rippled...
Lucian opened his eyes after he fell asleep surrounded by love and affection from his two lovers and his little sister, he felt a little bit dazed but invigorated. Something told him all that outpouring of love had a profound effect on him and his wellbeing. Slowly he fell asleep feeling drained, but even though he was in a daze he felt stronger and more rejuvenated than ever before. Even though Lucian’s sister, Lindsay, did not join them in their sensual acts, he was still happy that she...
As history would say: “See you later!” Watching the history unfold with your own eyes was, is and should be something incredibly gratifying. Many centuries must have passed between past and present, between what Lucian thought was space ferrying civilization of this kind, the one that takes you through the stars as if taking a sailboat out on the ocean, and the one that Lucian left behind on Earth. He started reading few chapters detailing the process of several men bent on space...
His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...
Lucian was slowly losing his sight. His enemy was near, he was sure of that, but earlier attacks left him somewhat immobilized. He always thought going for the eyes or the groin was a coward’s way to go, but apparently his opponent did not abstain from such methods. He tried to adjust his degrading vision, but as soon as he would see a clear picture another attack would come from his blind spots and the process would start anew. I’m fucked. He thought. Wiping the blood from the corner of...
Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...
‘One For All’ landed on a remote planet. Sun started to slowly sag, going behind the horizon as it breathed the first embers of the incoming night, it would leave them in darkness in mere minutes, but they were prepared for it wearing their newest purchases. Colors were getting dimmer by the second and yet they felt the need to stay in place and gather in these rare sights. They spent some time traveling to this location to obtain precious resources needed to acquire money to prolong their...
He was down. Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores. “Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded. He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an...
Lucian was led by his arm. The path seemed to go in circles. Left then right, then another one. By the fourth time he was lost and just let the woman drag him behind her. First few minutes walking were made in relative silence, not even his inside voice was saying anything. The woman stopped. “Go slave.” He was pushed up front. What did we get ourselves into? Lucian thought. Hey, hey, there is no us here, this is all you baby. his inner voice laughed. I do not even know what you are, how...
Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...
The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...
The three people entered the tavern from the stage with a look of disgust and disdain. Two bewigged men, one a good bit older than the other, and a blonde woman in a very fancy dress. All three, in fact, were very well dressed and surely out of place. They sat at a table after the younger man brushed off the furniture with his large kerchief. The woman looked unhappy, the men disgusted. She was a pretty girl with very pale skin and golden curls. She wore a blue silk sacque dress with an...
September 2011. He was in my dreams again. Always the same muscular body, lightly glistening as he towered over my naked form. Appraising me? Wordlessly judging me? Wanting me? It was hard to tell. His poise and the self-congratulatory manner in which he tugged my bonds implied satisfaction, despite the breath catching in his throat when his fingers brushed my yearning flesh. I squirmed. The sharp tang of his cologne mixed with faint traces of heated exertion and the distinctive undercurrent of...
"Well, Randi. I'd say you're living up to your name..." "Gosh! I'm not normally this horny... oooh, right there..." She hung her head down between her shoulderblades, focusing for a moment on thrusting her hips back against my cock while I drilled her doggy-style. "But then sex has never been this good either..." "I get that a lot." I fought back a smirk. Then I settled in, watching the red pigtails bouncing and the gentle curve of Randi's spine as she flexed and thrust on all...
We kissed for a few minutes, Rick stroking his fingers gently along my breasts and nips, and me just loving the way his cock felt inside me. His body temperature was alot hotter than my recently-missing boyfriend Alan's had been, and his shaft throbbed inside my pussy, making me squirm with desire. My pussy was on fire, and i began to slide myself up and down his length, groaning each time. I tore my mouth off his and brought my hands up onto his shoulders, staring into his blue eyes as i...
I hated O’Brien. The fucker came over in fifty-two, just at the end of the Great Hunger. And, by sixty-three he had recruited every Fenian thug in Five Points. So, he was “Boss O’Brien” now. And there wasn’t a pie in the Sixth Ward that he hadn’t gotten his corrupt fingers into. I was a twenty-year-old copper back then. Molly and I had been married for a year and we lived in a twenty by fifteen, tenement shack. It was on Mulberry, right behind the Church. Nobody in lower Manhattan had to ask,...
"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. In the event that they are canonically underage, their appearance here is in an AU in which they are of age." Once upon a time, on a bet and while very very drunk, a higher power of some kind made a very special item. Whoever wears it is granted the power of normality: Anything and everything the wearer does is considered normal and people won't bat an eye at it no matter what is done. Not content with how bad of an idea this was, a...
Mind ControlI smiled as I drove home from the d**g store as my hand felt the small vile in my pants pocket. How could such a small container bring so much pleasure? My mind played over the night before when I fucked my little bitch wife in every position and every room in the house. It was amazing the change in Amy, after she had the potion she became nymphomaniac. Even when I used her asshole she was racked with orgasms.As I turned down the street to my house I started to wonder if Amy would still be the...
The next morning Kathy smirked while I was peeing in the toilet and she was getting out of the shower. There was a dried crust on my stomach and she knew it meant, so she did a little staring into my eyes and licking her upper lip sexily while slowly rubbing the towel over her tits. I just shook my head and climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain shut. I could hear her chortling as I turned on the faucet. "Make sure you keep notes to compare after school today," she sang out gaily...
Ah... The Empire! A Vast goverment spanning hundreds of star systems! Thousands of Planets to explore! Thousands of people to exploit! Lots and lots of "adventure"
I met jane through adult dating site. Jane is 23 bi, married and a mother .She had a k** by her older boyfriend , so she married him . She is at home looks after the k** ,he goes to work. The k** is 4 goes to nursery in the morning .She looked at my ad for onsite and started talking and then we exchanged number so we can talk and send each other pictures . After few day later we arranged to meet in person .I went to near where she lived.We had a coffee and talked and she invited me to her...
Of late I have started becoming obsessed with my sister-in-law. Not my bhabhi but my wife’s younger sister Sana. She is just 2 years younger to my wife, married mother to two. About me, I am Krish, touching fifty, having my own business and a father to two in a happy family. My wife Tania works in a bank. We are happy with almost everything that money can buy except a satisfactory sex life. Sana, Tania’s sister, my SIL, works in an MNC and her hubby works for a private company. They too make a...
IncestJill, Kim, and Joe helped get the home in its polished entertainment grandeur. Ashley was the last to work on finishing up getting ready for the events starting early in the evening. There was a knock on the front door, and the group downstairs looked at each other. A few things were odd. Nobody they knew well would knock, let alone on the front door. Also, the gate at the end of the driveway didn’t open unless you knew the code or someone from inside used the phone to unlock it. Joe got up and...
Peter was new on campus; he’d been forced to go to school outside of the big city because of scholarships he’d won as an athlete. He’d grown up in urban America, and this was his first experience living in a rural area. It was hard enough being a gay jock in the city; he wasn’t sure how it’d go over here, so he kept a low profile. Pre-season soccer practices were double sessions, taking up four to five hours of his day, but it kept his mind off of his problems, so he went through every session...
GayJASON I’m glad Sue and I had our little talk. I knew she’d be rational about it once things were explained to her. I felt a lot better. And my hard on returned from the kiss she gave me at the end. It was such a simple kiss. Does a little kiss do that to other guys too? I became sweaty trying to keep up with Sue during her practice. There’s no way I could be an athlete. I needed a shower. Lucky for me I didn’t have to take any clothes off, just jump right under the water. Of course, I was...
Frank was serving Brick a large piazza when his daughter Melany came in. Brick noticed the size of the breasts under her tight white tee shirt. "Look at the pair on her Frank!" Brick whispered."That's my daughter Melany" Frank replied. "Sorry Frank I." Brick started before Frank stopped him, with an understanding look on his face."It's alright Brick I know my daughter has one of the best set of jugs this side of the playboy mansion" Frank explained, beaming with a filthy form of pride."Shit,...
Andrea and I were invited to a BBQ at Amanda and Jeff's house last week. Andrea and Amanda are very good friends and Andrea is working on Amanda to become a hot wife. Amanda is a good looking woman , she and Andrea are the same height and weight. Both are five three and about an even hundred pounds. Andrea to me she thinks Amanda is almost ready to do it but she is afraid of what Jeff would do if she did. I told Andrea to fuck Jeff and that way he can't get mad if his wife takes a lover. Well...
Sally had been in school with me, but her parents emigrated to the states when we were in our teens and we had lost touch for years. I had remembered her as a very average skinny red head with bad skin, but great fun and a good friend. About two years ago she got in touch through social media, and on a trip to the states we finally reacquainted. She had got divorced and lived with her only daughter Jodie. We met for lunch on my last day of my business trip, with a couple of bottle of wine...
Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. Katie...
A bloke is showing two young American girls around London and they come to a crossing. He presses the button and the pedestrian signal goes ‘beep-beep-beep-beep... ‘ “What’s that for?” asked one of the girls. “Oh that’s just to let the blind know that the lights have changed” said the bloke. “My God” she said shocked “in the States we don’t even let them drive...” A small boy was looking at the red ripe tomatoes growing in the farmer’s garden. “I’ll give you my two pennies for that tomato”...
=====================================We were on our way to my father-in-law's house on the water. Well, he wasn't actually my father-in-law, he was actually Mark's ex stepfather but he was the only father figure Mark had. Mark's mother got pregnant young and his actual father was never in the picture. Mark had never met him. When Mark was 11 years old his mother married Paul.Then, after seven years, Mark's mother left Paul for a guy she worked with, whom she also left for another man, but...
Next day Dipu turned up for work. He was a handsome boy and at the right age for what I had in mind. For a day or two I let him get acclimatized to the work and I explained his duties to him etc. After four days Dipu started to feel comfortable in his new work place. Ritu was always in and out of my room asking "when" I said wait. No doubt the other girls were just as impatient as she was. On the fifth day I decided to test the waters. I left some sexy magazines with pictures of naked...
The phone rang. Walking to the bureau I picked it up finding a sweet friend in need of my help. It seemed that Her Grandmothers home was finally sold and She had only days to to clean out what was left in the attic and asked for me to meet Her there tonight at 6PM. Remembering Her Grandmothers foreboding words of caution about all the memories stored there I declined, saying something of other plans. My friends voice became quiet then suddenly spoke of how I owed Her a favor and She was calling...
The conversation with Sadie was more straightforward than I had imagined. We had met three times after finding each other on an adult dating site and had come to like each other in more ways than one.Finding chances to meet was not easy, because although we both lived in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, I spent a lot of time on business in the neighbouring island, Tobago. For her part, Sadie was unavailable sometimes, for reasons she didn't reveal. Our second meeting had been for anal sex, because the...
InterracialMy name is Suresh Kurian, 32 yrs of age, staying in Mumbai with my lovely wife and a beautiful two year daughter. It has been a wonderful family and I do love them a lot. But women have always been my biggest weakness especially the lower class women. Their raw look and musky smell make me go crazy. Perhaps this could be attributed to my childhood experience. Let me take you to my such experiences. This is about my experience when I was studying in the ninth STD as my Father and Mother used to...
"This is Mrs. McIver," said the old madam as she presented me to the tall woman at her side. "She needs protection for a while and you are to serve as her driver since that scoundrel fled with some of her silver shortly after her husband disappeared." That confused me, but I took the young woman's hand briefly and smiled into her dark eyes, admiring her fine body and the violet cameo that hung at the cleft of her high breasts. She had a tiny waist, well-boned in I was sure, flaring hips...
The cabin was barely visable from my perch on the downside of the hill. Judging by the laughter echoeing around me, I assumed my freinds had already arrived. Beads of sweat slid between my 34C breast, slowly soaking my barley-there tank top. My shorts were riding up my ass so I hurried my pace. Sarah greeted me at the door with a smile and devilish gleam in her blue eyes. She spun on her heel and flounced away, letting her ass swish side to side. I admired the view briefly before shutting...
"For what is a man? What has he got When he wears hats, and he cannot Say the things he truly feels But only the words of one who kneels?" THE SEX PISTOLS - My Way Things fall apart. I don't know who said that, but it's true. Things fall apart. All things. Health. Happiness. Love. Oh, yes, certainly love. Because emotional commitment, like a washing machine, has a built in obsolescence factor. You know that as well as I do. Even though you may be in a position where, for the...
By : Boobs4u Hi my name is Waseem I’m 22 I’m a sister fucker, my sister name is Salma who’s 27 an has a big ass an milky tits coz she’s pregnant with my baby, I know brothers should protect there sisters an there pussy till they get married but I opened my sister choot myself in fact I have ripped my sisters pussy because I fuck her a lot, I don’t have a wife cant afford to bring one home so sisters pussy is free an its at home when ever you need it. It al started 9 months when my mum an dad...
IncestIn the almost two months that followed our having sex together we had very limited opportunities to explore the relationship further. During the weekly movie nights, there was no longer anything to mask the intentions and we would routinely play with each other throughout the entire movie, frequently with my cock buried deep inside of her using short, slow strokes to keep her dripping and at the heights of ecstasy. On a few of these nights we even managed to bring each other to a full orgasm,...
I headed into the bathroom and went into a stall. I pulled down my paints and panties down around my ankles and sat down. Bubba’s jizz was seeping out of my boi-hole. It had soaked the thong string that went between my ass cheeks and was leaking onto my paints. I leaned down and used some toilet paper to wipe it out. I reached down between my legs with my left hand and slowly slid my middle finger into my boi-pussy. I pushed it all the way in and then moved it up and down. I was very slippery,...
Linda now lay on her back, her trim legs were spread open, her hairy pussy was just at one edge of the wheel. Finally she understood the wheel and she shivered in anticipation. Her head hung slightly over the other side of the wheel, her mouth at the perfect angle to accept a hard cock or a wet pussy. The coven members began to move closer to the wheel. There wasn't room for everyone and so they were two deep, waiting to enjoy and pleasure their newest member. Linda's heart was beating so...
Introduction: Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri A statement made by Gujarat states women & child welfare Minister comes in Indias leading newspapers during Navratri festival. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat, every part of India celebrated Navratri festival in their own way. Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri A statement made by Gujarat states women & child welfare Minister comes in Indias...
Mary woke early. Her sleep had not been very restful. Her mind was whirling out of control. Dreams of her teaching her class dressed in her dancing clothes and of Lisa allowing Amy to do all sorts of things to which she objected kept her sleep restless. Her fingers had found their way to her stimulated pussy and she was near orgasm when jolted awake by the alarm clock. Mary quickly showered and did her hair and make up. She slipped on a robe and made breakfast for Lisa and Amy. Then she woke...
W I F E + B E S T F R I E N D S W I F E G O L E S B I A N True Story: This happened with my, at the time, wife, before our divorce years later. Her name was Debbie. We had friends, I’ll call them Tom and Laura, that we did almost everything with. We played cards and drank at least once a week, Took trips together, just hung out a lot. So, leading up to this incident, at one point we all got naked after a night of playing cards and a lot to drink, and...
Gaby and Skyla were with a bunch of other girls playing game and competing. They played tug of war, pulling each other into water and deep throating bananas. All games included losing some clothes and at some point everybody was topless. Gaby and Skyla opted for some privacy and they started to kiss and lick and kiss and lick. Yes wild girls do lick vaginas. Especially if they are as tasty as with those 2 girls. Obviously one thing is more fun than licking. Scissoring. Sp the girls scissored...
xmoviesforyouMein 37 year ki housewife hu or Bhopal me rheti hu. Aise to hamari family me mere saas, sasur, mere pati or mera beta rhete hai but kuch time se mere pati ka transfer Mumbai ho gaya. Aur ab wo month me 1 ya 2 bar he ghar aa pate hai. Jab wo yaha the to hamari family ekdum complete or happy thi. But unke jane ke baad mujhe akela pan lagne laga. Mein jab bhe naha kar taiyar hoti to sochne lagti ki mein kis ke lie taiyar ho rhi hu, jabki koi mujhe dekhne wala he nahi hai. Sharu me to ye duri video...
A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXII - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie is saved in just the nicki of time. Jezzie gets caught holding back on details to the police, why did sie sie do it? Beth starts pulling the leash attached to my choke collar. I start choking. "I can't believe it! This is it! They are going to kill ........" I don't get to finish the thought. Lights come on from the...
We won our first three games, but the fourth game was not the walk-over that the other three had been. Our normal Thursday starting pitcher had not been on his game and had given up four runs in the first inning. Yes, we had a couple of relief pitchers, but the runs had been scored before anybody was out, and the relief pitchers had not had time to warm up. I had already done my allowed nine innings on Monday, so all I could do from the pitching point of view was just to watch the agony. The...
Panicked, I watched as the three of them romped around on the sprawling sleeping bags. Crouched down behind thick evergreens for almost an hour my back was taking the brunt of it. For some reason I couldn’t move, I was obsessed at the sight of them, the presence of my own daughter messing around with two boys inside the tent. Stumbling upon it by accident; seeing a soft glow of light coming from the tent when I awoke. I thought about pulling the plug of the extension cord but thought it better...
Terry and Pru passed through the halls of the OSG enclave in the Geneva CA, passing through various checkpoints where their IDs were scanned. They luminous arrows guided them through the maze of offices and work centers. Finally, they reached the office to which they had been summoned. General Ishmael Khan rose from his desk as his aide announced them. Pru recognized him from her com acquaintance, but was surprised to find him rather shorter than she had expected, only about 170 cm. He came...
Hello; this is is Zahan. I am from Bangladesh. I am now 30 years old man. This real things was when I was only 20 and that time I was a student of B.Sc. I lived with my parents and I have no siblings.One day my mother bring a little girl from her native land B’Baria and she introduce her that she will do help to my mom. She was only 18 and a thin girl fare complexion small boobs. After that day she do her jobs very smoothly and my mom is very happy with her perfomance. One day I saw her naked...
Tom is away on business. Judy couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or not. On one hand she felt lonely when she got home to an empty house. She had no one to confide and share her frustration of the day. But on the other hand she was free to explore her slut personality. She could lie naked in bed with her laptop and surfed for porn all evening while her bullet vibrator gave her many orgasms. She even had a few orgasms during IM sessions with Tom as if nothing was happening. But...
As she sat exposed and aroused in her bed, she wondered who could have been doing this to her. Each night she'd tried to stay awake, but simply could not resist sleeping, she was kicking herself for not waking up during the experience as well! She fantasized about Tony's thick neck and shoulders, about Andrew's bodybuilder physique, or maybe Michael's lanky runner's body - maybe his height gave his cock the reach to make the back of her throat as sore as it was, maybe it was Lewis,...
Introduction: She rear end me – she had to pay It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business....
100% fiction! Let me first say, this is how I discovered I am bi sexual. It was an awakening for me and a complete surprise. To set the sequence and bring things into perspective, let me explain the circumstances. My Nephew and I are very close in age. I was the baby of my family and I had sisters and brothers 20+ years my senior. My nephew and I were very close and we did absolutely everything together. I thought I knew everything about him, I found out, I did not. We often baby sat for my...
Erotic FictionI should pause for a bit and share some of the key events of the last two years that I believe may have caused my daughter to adopt some of my slutty tendencies. My husband, who I usually refer to as Hubby, but whose name is Alan has been losing his interest in sex for many years. We have been married nearly twenty. And for at least ten (maybe fifteen), his libido has been gradually shrinking. It's not that he doesn't enjoy sex. It's more like, the amount of sexual contact he needs has...
The rain lashed down upon the window without mercy as it tore you from your slumber. Stretching awkwardly you casually ease yourself from between the sheets before pulling yourself upwards into a seating position. Casting a bleary glance downwards you notice the time on your phone reads 6:00 am. You let out a tired groan before cursing to yourself. Placing both feet on the cold wooden floor you casually pace over towards the bathroom and clamber unceremonially into the shower. Jet's of steaming...