Angels and Demons
- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
Jill, Kim, and Joe helped get the home in its polished entertainment grandeur. Ashley was the last to work on finishing up getting ready for the events starting early in the evening. There was a knock on the front door, and the group downstairs looked at each other. A few things were odd. Nobody they knew well would knock, let alone on the front door. Also, the gate at the end of the driveway didn’t open unless you knew the code or someone from inside used the phone to unlock it. Joe got up and answered it. He called out that Kim had company.
She padded to the foyer in her bare feet and sundress to see what was up. Jill and Jasmine startled when they heard her scream. ‘Mommy! Daddy! I thought you wouldn’t be here until dinner.’
The other two girls raced each other to the foyer.
Kim’s mom hugged her daughter. ‘Cindy got us an earlier flight to surprise you.’
Kim looked around her dad who took his turn to hug and kiss her, and sure enough, Cindy was walking up the steps from her car. Kim mouthed her thanks, to which Cindy smiled and nodded. The couple greeted Joe warmly with congratulations, and Kim’s father caught Jill, then Jasmine when they jumped to hug him.
Her mom kissed them all and looked around. ‘The house is bigger than I remember, but just as pristine.’ She looked at Jasmine. ‘Great job, as usual.’
‘Thanks, but I had a lot of help today.’
Her dad looked at the girls all dressed similarly to Kim, only in different colors. ‘You ladies look great, do you have a chart to coordinate what to wear?’ he joked.
‘No, it just happens this way,’ Jill answered.
‘Kim, you shouldn’t have let this one get away. This all could have been yours.’
Her eyes darted at him. ‘Daddy, don’t start.’
Her mom chimed in. ‘We’ve already had this fight with her, Bill. Let’s not repeat it.’
‘What? I’m just saying that if they had hung in there until college, she might still be with Joe.’
‘I certainly hope not!’
The heads all turned toward the voice descending the stairs visible through the den behind them. Dressed in a white blouse unbuttoned low to display the familiar pendant, a black and silver paisley vest, black slacks and matching pumps, the redhead glided toward them confidently with the grace the two parents had only seen from Jill.
‘You must be the famous Ashley that Kim’s been telling us about,’ the mother said as she reached her arms out to the bride to be.
‘Indeed I am,’ Ashley smiled as she accepted the embrace, and moved on to accept one from Kim’s dad. ‘Welcome, and thanks for coming,’ she said graciously.
They congratulated her on the upcoming wedding, and she invited them to sit in the media room. Joe sat next to her on one of the couches after his drink offer was refused. Ashley whispered something in his ear to which he nodded. He asked about their flight, and the conversation led to everybody catching each other up. After a while, she tapped his knee as a reminder and he told the other three girls that they would be leaving in a few minutes. They excused themselves to fetch their shoes and other necessities.
Ashley graciously fulfilled the couple’s curiosity about her. Before they left for his job, they only knew her as a new girl on the cheerleading team. Since then, their information was tinted through Kim’s eyes. They immediately saw why Joe fell in love with her, and Kim adored her. Ashley’s charm drew them into her as well. Lively chatter announced the other three girls’ return, and they loaded up two cars to meet Ashley’s parents at the church.
Ashley made the introductions between the parents, then quickly excused herself when she saw Reena walk in. Kim’s folks got to see the giddy side of Ashley when she squealed and bounced excitedly with her band mate. They calmed down and Ashley led her up to the organ, asking if Reena could play it, or if she was bringing her keyboard. Reena powered up the large electronic device, clicked some buttons, punched in a few knobs, and played a forceful Bach’s Dorian Toccata in D minor.
The group heard Ashley say, ‘I guess that qualifies as a yes.’
Reena pulled out her books, and went over music with Ashley for the ceremony, occasionally playing snippets, so that the bride could get a feel for the overall ambiance the selections would make with each other. While that was going on, Cindy met the florist at the door and collaborated with Jasmine as to where the arrangements were to be placed. Ashley’s parents paid for the flowers, and Joe was surprised that they were being delivered in two van loads. There was nothing for him to do, so he sat and chatted with the two sets of parents, plus Jill and Kim.
The priest came in and summoned everybody to him. He went over the order everything would take place in, and then led a walk-through. Ashley was sent to the back of the church while the bridal party was being arranged on the altar steps. Being left alone for a bit, she got bored, and to fight boredom, she usually got playful, and this was no exception. Finally, she was instructed to walk ceremoniously up the aisle, and she started her slow pace. The priest said that was good, and she could walk up normally now to save time. She turned and did one of her effortless back walkovers before dancing her way up the aisle. The rest of the group laughed as she did the 70’s shuffle and point. The priest coughed to choke off his chuckle and reminded her that this was still a sacred place, even though no ceremony was going on. Ashley settled down after getting scolded, and the rest of the rehearsal proceeded as planned.
At the end, Joe took out his and Ashley’s violins to practice what was to be their duet. The others sat to watch while the two rested against pew arms across the aisle from each other. It was Joe’s turn to be playful, and he picked out the first part of Dueling Banjos. She gave him an ‘oh really’ look and played the other part to take up his challenge. Both played their heart out to keep up with the other, and when the last note together was played, Joe lightly tapped Ashley’s head with his bow out of affection. Even the florists stopped what they were doing to watch them and joined the small group’s applause. Joe turned serious then, looked up at Reena in the choir loft and she started her accompaniment to their duet. The tiny audience was moved by the piece, and they wondered where it would be worked into the ceremony.
Ashley’s parents took them out to a lakeside restaurant, where their dinner conversations were spirited and fun. Joe was so affectionate with her that Ashley wondered what she had been worried about to begin with the night before. Their shared jokes, laughter and cuddles made it obvious to Kim’s parents that even if they had stayed in town, there wasn’t a doubt as to who Joe would have ended up with. After dessert, Joe and Ashley walked hand-in-hand alone around the lake, enjoying their last moment together before the ceremony that would make them one. She pitched an idea she had, but he doubted he could go through with it. She asked that he think about it, and then kissed him goodbye before leaving with her parents to stay at their house for the first time in months, and last time ever.
Cindy was at the house early the next morning, pleased that the ‘kids’ were already up and taking care of last minute details. Jasmine had taken the early lead, instructing Joe, Kim, and Jill where to place the furniture so that the media room was opened up for dancing. Cindy took over and sent Jasmine outside to start rearranging the planters by the pool. The professionals arrived shortly later, and while Cindy took charge of orchestrating the interior decorations, Jasmine managed the outside setup. Joe finally had a leadership assignment in getting the caterers working in his commercial kitchen.
It struck Jill that the house had become just a building to entertain guests in without Ashley there. When Ashley was present, it felt more like
home. Not just a home, but the idea of home. She hadn’t realized it as it was happening, but Ashley worked to ensure that Jill, Jasmine, and Kim all felt that this was where they belonged. The house was definitely missing something now that she wasn’t there, even for a day.
Late in the morning, Jasmine went MIA once things were well in hand outside. She reappeared when the others gathered their dresses and bags to head to the church.
‘Whoa, Jasmine! I thought we were going to wait to get ready at the church,’ Jill said when she saw her complete with finished makeup.
Jasmine put her large makeup case on the table to wait for the others. ‘SOMEONE has to help Ashley get ready,’ she reasoned.
‘Yeah, I thought I was,’ Cindy said.
‘You’re in the wedding party, too. Now I can devote my time to her without worrying about myself.’
Joe fed them sandwiches and they loaded up the cars to head out. Carter Electronics donated a security team for the day, and Joe ensured they had the keys and codes necessary to watch over the house and the teams preparing it.
They met Kim’s parents outside the school attached to the church and were told Ashley was waiting inside.
‘How is she?’ asked Kim. ‘Is she nervous?’
‘I wouldn’t say that,’ her mom said. ‘That kid is as cool as can be.’
‘Yeah, more like energetic,’ her dad added. ‘We had breakfast with her and her parents and she talked on and on about all different things.’
The girls looked at each other and said as a chorus, ‘She’s nervous.’
A car pulled up and Allison, Marybeth, and Sally stepped out and were greeted by shrill welcomes and warm hugs and kisses. They each went up to Joe and pecked him while offering their congratulations.
Kim’s parents ushered them inside. Joe was not permitted to see Ashley before the wedding, so her parents showed him to the next room, where he started to get dressed by himself. Although he didn’t get to see her reaction, he heard it as the eighth grade room suddenly erupted in screams when Ashley saw her three other friends.
Sally happily announced that Ashley looked so pretty, all they had to do was pop the dress on her and push her to the altar. After the blinds were closed and paper was put over the window in the door, the girls started to undress while Jasmine arranged her makeup tools on the teacher’s desk. There was giddy conversation while they caught each other up on happenings over the last few weeks since graduation. Sally and Allison had been taking trips with their families and their boyfriends’ families. Marybeth already started summer college courses at a private school in south Florida.
Their gowns adorning their bodies, the ladies were sent out of the room so that Jasmine could do Ashley’s makeup without distraction. Unlike the others, Ashley had changed into Joe’s football jersey and sweatpants per Jasmine’s instruction. The jersey would keep Ashley cool and could slip over her head without touching her face. It also created a rather humorous photo op for the photographer who was allowed in to record a couple of shots of Jasmine attending to her friend’s face. She finished and handed a mirror to Ashley.
‘Holy shit! That’s the best I’ve ever looked. Thanks Jasmine!’
‘No sweat. Your face makes for an easy canvas. Speaking of canvas…’ She carefully lifted the jersey over Ashley’s head. ‘…I wanna do something special for Joe. What was the first meaningful thing he’s said to you?’
Ashley answered without even having to think about it.
‘Wow. And he said that while he was drugged?’
Ashley’s lip quivered. ‘Yes,’ she said in a broken voice.
‘Uh uh…don’t cry yet. That mascara is waterproof, but only once it’s set.’
‘I’m trying.’
‘I know,’ Jasmine said as she dipped a brush into some body paint. ‘Okay, this might tickle a bit.’
Jasmine set about painting Ashley’s stomach and waist. It did tickle, but Ashley worked hard to keep herself still until it was done.
‘So, do you have any tips you learned from your time with him the other night?’
Jasmine was surprised that Ashley brought this up now, but there seemed to be no malice. ‘Yeah, actually. If you really want to hear it.’
‘Well, I figured you were able to seduce him in one night, so you must have found something that worked.’
Jasmine breathed a heavy sigh as she dabbed more paint on. ‘No one can seduce him in one night. You found that out yourself when you two started getting close last year. He needs a connection with his partner before he’ll consider going to bed with them. That’s your first tip. He loves you dearly, so continue to shower him with hugs and kisses. That gets him going more than anything else.’
Ashley could see the logic in that wisdom. ‘Okay, but what if I want to get him fired up in a hurry?’
Jasmine smiled. ‘He loves hair. It’s not quite a fetish for him, but he loves to play with it. That was part of Jill and Kim’s downfall with him. They hated having their hair messed with. Yours is fabulous, and you don’t seem to mind when he twirls your ponytail like a helicopter, or when he toys with it in his fingers until it tangles.’
‘I actually enjoy him playing with it. It’s soothing, somehow.’
‘Well, there you go. Keep letting him, or find ways to encourage him to play with it more. If you really want him to ravage you, expose your neck to him. He won’t be able to keep his lips away.’
Jasmine’s shiver at the thought didn’t go unnoticed. Ashley smiled. ‘What about clothes? G-strings, bikinis? Naked? What would be treats for him?’
‘Naked would work, certainly. But I think mystery is a special treat for him. The strip club almost seemed ho-hum for him. He appreciated the sights for sure, but I could tell something else would work better. That’s how we ended up at The Shack. Panties. Anything to do with panties gets him going big time. Whenever any girl there gave a glimpse, he noticed. He watched you intently for any peeks you gave.’
‘Really? I thought he was too busy looking at you.’
Jasmine giggled. ‘Well, he looked when I presented him with opportunities, but he seemed more hopeful for ones from you.’
‘What about in bed? Any hints?’
‘Be yourself. Anything you enjoy, he will too. I think you know all this, though.’
‘I guess. I just wanted to see if I was missing anything.’
Jasmine finished her handiwork by tapping it with a cotton puff doused in baby powder. Ashley stood and went to a mirror. The fancy script of what Joe said shortly after waking from his coma last fall was bordered with ivy, flowers, and fairies. It read:
‘It would be a tragedy For the world To lose such A beautiful Angel.’
At the bottom near Ashley’s hip and under the scar, she signed it in tiny print, ‘Congratulations you two! Love, Jasmine.’
Ashley thanked her and Jasmine sat her down and rubbed the tension out of her shoulders and back while they waited for everything to dry. Ashley spent the pampered time writing out a card to Joe. At last, Jasmine zipped and hooked Ashley into her gown just before there was a knock at the door. Jasmine let the other girls in, and Ashley handed Jill the card to take next door. Jill and Kim started laughing and Kim handed a card to the bride. Ashley opened it while Jill delivered the other one.
It was a good luck card and Joe had written: ‘Even though I’ll see you in a few minutes, I couldn’t wait to say I love you!’
She gasped and the girls crowded around. When they read it, there was a chorus of aww’s. There was an even bigger chorus when she sobbed softly that she had written the same thing to him, word for word. Jasmine dabbed the tears away for Ashley and studied her face. She did a small fist pump when she determined the makeup remained intact.
The room became a busy beehive as the girls took turns getting Jasmine to put finishing touches on their makeup, while the rest primped an
d fussed with Ashley’s dress and hair. Once everything was done, Jill did a check on the old bridal tradition of ‘Something olde, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.’ Cindy had installed Ashley’s grandmother’s silver comb in her hair, so that took care of ‘olde’ and ‘borrowed.’ The dress was new, and Jasmine confirmed that Ashley had blue underwear on, so those were covered.
Cindy said, ‘A lot of people forget the last line of the poem, which is ‘and a silver sixpence in her shoe.” She held out an acrylic box. ‘I remembered, though, and found one in a coin shop. I hope it brings you two a fortunate life.’ Ashley hugged her and kicked out her foot behind her and Cindy slipped the coin under Ashley’s heel into the shoe.
Ashley’s dad knocked on the door and he escorted her to the vestibule in his dress blues. They heard Reena playing a compilation of soft love songs on the organ while the last few guests were being seated. Jasmine, Cindy, and Jill scurried about Ashley, making sure her dress would flow properly during her walk up the aisle.
The priest appeared from the vestment room and picked his way through the yards of royal blue bridesmaids’ satin crowding the vestibule. ‘You ladies all look lovely,’ he complimented before heading up the side aisle to join Joe in front of the altar. A few moments later, Reena stopped playing and Ashley heard Joe address the congregation.
‘Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming to witness our marriage.’
Ashley gasped at the unrehearsed greeting. ‘Oh my God, he’s actually going to do it.’
Joe continued, ‘To acknowledge my parents’ and sister’s spiritual presence and to honor them in memory, I offer a piece my mother adored. Thank you Ashley for suggesting it. This is Schubert’s Ave Maria.’
Ashley asked that the doors be opened, but no one moved. She turned to Jasmine and begged her to, since she desperately wanted to watch him. Jasmine relented and quietly opened them. Joe’s eyes were already closed as he brought his bow to the strings. The church was packed with schoolmates, teachers, people from Carter, as well as community leaders and other business men and women who had worked with Joe’s parents. But Ashley didn’t notice the number in the crowd. Instead, she listened and pressed her lips against her clasped fingers, adoring the voice coming from Joe’s instrument. She was drawn forward and stood in the doorway motionless through the first verse. Joe had opened his eyes and saw her there. He transitioned the music to repeat the first verse, and Ashley’s emotions compelled her to sing with him. The congregation turned as one when they heard her crystal clear voice sing the same version she had at his parents’ funeral. The two fed off each other’s performance so well, that some would later swear they could almost see a ribbon of energy connecting them down the aisle. When the final note was played, there was not a dry eye to be had. The congregation stood and applauded for a solid minute. During the ovation, Ashley mouthed an I love you to Joe. I love you more, he mouthed back.
She stepped back and her dad embraced her. The girls lined up after giving her careful hugs. Each of them had made it known a number of times how much they adored Joe’s violin play. It had been predetermined that to thank them for their friendship, he would play Pachabel’s Canon in D while they processed to the altar. So, he started the slow smooth intro as Sally started up the aisle. She smiled at him, and he grinned back, knowing she’d enjoy the surprise he had arranged. His tempo sped up as he nodded upstairs to Mike, and ended up accompanying Mike for Canon Rock, a stepped-up adaptation of the classical piece arranged for electric guitar. Sally’s smile stretched from ear to ear and Joe dipped in acknowledgment as he played. Once the seven girls were in place and the last note jammed from Mike’s guitar, they led the applause and Joe saluted Mike with his bow.
He handed Cindy his fiddle, and the congregation stood when Reena played the fanfare that led into the Bridal Chorus for Ashley’s entrance. Ashley smiled and hooked her arm through her dad’s as they took the first steps down the long aisle. Joe had come down to meet them and Commander Roberts kissed his daughter. He shook Joe’s hand before literally placing Ashley’s hand there. Joe supported her by her hand while she had to guess where her feet were in relation to the steps. The music stopped, and Jill held a microphone between them. The audience guessed that the couple were going to recite some prepared poem, as the program stated a proclamation of love at this point.
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Author’s Note: Second set of chapters, best if read after Part I *** Chapter 5 Away Game Jill drove around to drop off Sally, Allison, and Marybeth. The car was silent, save Ashley’s occasional sniffle. She had tried at first to stoically hide her pain, emotional and physical. But, her damaged face started to smart and welt up and the embarrassment of her poor judgment of the asshole won out. Tears spilled off her face. At each house, the departing girl would give Ashley a sad, loving...
Angels of Etain Angels of Etain © 2016 by Anna NaMaus. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author. This is a work...
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Thank you all for your inspiring reviews that always help me to get out of a slump the moment I tend to get stuck while writing. I hope you accept my excuse for being a bit late with Chapter 7 of Angels peril as I had much to deal with over the last couple of days. Special thanks to my buds Nuuan and Shadowsblade for constantly working with me on my English and the awesome work on your stories that I really enjoy to read. Also big thanks for working with me in our little writing group. I...
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Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...
Author’s note: Part Seven. To see where the characters come from, it is highly recommended to read the first six parts. Please remember to vote after reading each part. *** Chapter 24 Ashley woke Joe at 5, dressed in her cheer uniform. She had slipped out from under Joe during the night to wash both their uniforms, and now laid his jersey, t-shirt, and jeans out on his bed while he showered. They got to the school, and met the senior cheerleaders at the track for a light jog around a few...
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I'm woken by the sensation of kisses to my neck, lovely soft kisses, making me purr softly around my gag, making me squirm in my bonds. "Morning my little sissy slut," Mistress Thorne whisper in my ear, making me groan. "Still a dirty little bitch?" I nod my head sliding against the silk pillow, brushing against the dampness from the drool from my mouth. I wriggle my ass against her, guessing from her greeting she's horny... wanting to show I'm receptive. "Hmm.. really?" she says...
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Author’s note: The following story is about an eventful fall that brings a cheerleader from another state to know a very special group of friends. This story is 9 parts storyline, 1 part sex. If you’re looking for ‘Wham Bam’ right off, it isn’t for you. All characters are aged 18 at the time sex is described. Thank you for reading. ************************************************ Chapter 1 Living On a Prayer ‘You really need to stop saving my life. You’re gonna kill yourself someday.’ Joe...
(Dear reader. It's been a while. I've been trying to write more of Angel's story, following the storyline I have laid out. What with RL, and writers block, it's been going a lot more slowly than I would have liked. However... now I have enough to start posting, and I hope to be able to continue, albeit maybe at a slower pace that I (and hopefully you) would like. Please give me some feedback, you'd be amazed how much help that is to inspiring the creative process. Aaaand back to the...
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I head towards my new job at the office. The uniform is uncomfortable but fortunately mostly hidden by my long coat. My 6" inch patent heels clatter on the pavement, the locks (supplied by the office without keys) shiny on the ankle straps, drawing attention to my long stockinged legs. The tug of my suspenders is a constant reminder of what I'm wearing, as is the tight waist cincher (also fitted with a lock with no keys provided.) My delicate steps and swinging hips constantly tease my...
I'm still straddling the bike when the first few people walk past, and I'm getting a few odd looks. I awkwardly slip off, so I'm standing beside it, unavoidalbly showing my stocking tops as I do so. The elderly gentleman walking past as I do so gasps and blushes slightly, as do I, damn I thought I'd be discreet. Standing next to the bike in my 6" heels is fairly comfortable, and I realise that these are pretty much my normal everyday shoes now... which makes me giggle at the thought....
Chapter 3 Turning myself in. My big sister Ann moved slowly closer to me. I was still kneeling on the floor tiles and tears were running down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, sob. I'm turning into a monster, I'm a mutant." I had finally said it out loud and realized it was the truth I was turning into the one thing I had been always warned about, by the teaching of my father as well as from the people in Prescott. It had been the reason I had joined the MCO to make sure no mutant would...
‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...
Here I am, waiting... for the thing I have dreamed of and desired, and now am terrified of. It is too late, I don't need to pull on the chains to know I am committed, and my destiny is set.It had been a growing desire in me for a long time. One I didn't want to face as real at first, but instead toyed with as a fantasy. I was just the crazy goth chick with strange bondage fantasies.I really don't remember when my ultimate fantasy first formed. It was simply there... as the ultimate in...
Alright well I can't think of how else to make this ending longer but I need five thousand characters to post it so you can skip this paragraph because it will just be me rambling I mean come on look at this I've just given up on periods completely so like the great fish god dory says just keep swimming just keep swimming I'm almost there guys only 73 left look at me go dory would be proud but I'm still 9 chBINGO!!!! Chapters one and two are just prequels to the rest of...
My father was the creator of the third rock and the only one that chose to stay. His instinct was to create and create he did. On his rock he created the seas and shores, skies and mountains. For one hundred years he shaped his rock to please himself and he soon noticed things changing without his will. He had created life and now it was creating more of its own accord. It was such a thing of absolute beauty that he stopped meddling and let it develop without his interference. It was then...
I would like to thank SouthPacific for his editing work on this story, his offer to edit this story was very much appreciated. Any errors in this story are mine and mine alone. ***** I had been up since just before dawn and, considering it was still dark, I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, mind you, I wasn’t looking. I had heard Tessa moving around, so I had her breakfast ready as her bare feet padded down the stairs. ‘Daddy, who does the car belong to?’ Tessa was...
Author’s note: Part six. To understand where the characters come from, it is recommended to read the first five parts. Please remember to vote at the end. *** Chapter 20 All Things Must Change Ashley was watching Joe’s face. His expression of concern when he left the classroom hadn’t changed any, but the blood drained, making him appear as white as a sheet. She grabbed his hand. ‘Joe? Did you hear me?’ Cindy asked when Joe didn’t respond. ‘Yeah,’ he said finally. ‘Where?’ ‘In Denver,...
Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....
Author’s note: Thanks to all who took the time to read this story. At first, I wasn’t happy with this final part, but after rereading it, I think it ended as it should. Please remember to vote! *** Chapter 27 The next couple of days were early release for the seniors, so Kim, Jasmine, and Jill would come and visit Ashley in the afternoons. Ashley’s mom would usually be there as well, but the one person who could not be dragged outside the hospital doors was Joe. He would reluctantly leave...
Author’s note: This is part four of a story about a group of very close and special friends. Character development was done primarily in the first three parts, so it is best to read those first. All characters are 18 and are the subject of this FICTIONAL story. Thanks for reading and please VOTE! (5’s are awesome, but only if deserved.) Thank you. *** Chapter 14 Amateur Night They had walked a short distance when Ashley broke into their thoughts. ‘A lot of what you told me molded around...
Author’s note: This is part 5 of a multi-part series. Best if read after parts 1-4. Thanks for reading, and please remember to vote! *** Chapter 18 Love Regained Jon talked with Ashley for a bit backstage, introducing her to his agent. To his manager’s somewhat annoyance, Jon offered Ashley a job with the band as female lead vocalist. Ashley was dumbfounded at the invitation, but denied the offer when she recovered her words. The band was surprised at her answer. They were doing very...
Chapter 2 small changes Waking up I didn't feel too good, my back was hurting probably because I had been sleeping on the couch, and my scalp was all tingly. Sitting up looking for some water to drink, I realized that of course the bottle I used to have next to my bed wasn't anywhere near me. Getting up and out of the living room and left into the kitchen pouring in some water in a glass I took a big gulp, then I started to make some coffee and headed back towards my bathroom right...
I wish you all a merry Christmas. Before you start reading, I have to excuse myself. The next chapter is not really fitting for the time of the year and some people might be disgusted by the dark side the story take during this chapter. Unfortunately for the development of Jacob it is necessary to live through it, as well as to make the readers understand why the story is developing the way it is. Warning the story contains, Blood and Violence. Chapter 4 In hell? Waking...
Hi, Readers of ISS very recently I started writing about the lesbian experience of my college tutor Raji the best female I could have ever fucked during my PG days at the university. Some of the readers gave me a feedback sying the story is short and in this attempt I have given a long one hope you people like it. As already told the lesbian act in front of my eyes at Raji’s residence it was like a dream where two lovely angles were having a love making session & for the first time I realized...
LesbianSince he’d reached puberty, Greg had enjoyed fantasies of being tied to a cross and subjected to prolonged electrical torture. He’d gotten the idea from an episode of Flash Gordon in which the evil Ming had condemned Flash to the same torment. In the black and white episode, Flash had been stripped to the waist and fastened to an electric cross. While he hung there writhing in pain, flashing lights denoting high amp current exploded all around him. This electric crucifixion seemed very...
For once, we were going to see something interesting. The club had been lagging recently, some new members, some good parties and experiences, but nothing really new.Two new members had volunteered for crucifixion, something that had not happened in a long time. There had been a buzz in the membership with increased interest in most everything the club did, from its dungeon nights, to its weekend "getaways". The ripple effect had been marvelous, reenergizing the activities.One member, a guy,...
I knew I had to follow my faith from an early age & I joined the convent staight out of school. What i did not know was how hard the vow of chastity would be & what trouble it would get me in to.My convent was very strict, we wore, neck to knee tunics, full length head veils & flat shoes, we were not allowed to speak in the corridors or at meal times, anyone found disobeying the rules was punished. sister Margaret, the head nun, would hand out the punishment herself quite literally....
A few fixes By Trainmaster Synopsis: All I wanted was to be gorgeous. There was a little miscommunication about my wish. So I asked him to fix the mistakes. I held a lock of long wavy hair in front of me. "It's blonde," I wailed. "But ..." he grimaced, "you wished to be the most beautiful girl in the world. You're female now. You should be happy." "It's blonde," I repeated. "I hate blonde." He sighed, looking at the green bottle in my hand. "What color do...
Oral Fixation by Angela J. Jake Mitchell took another cigarette puff and remembered what the doctor had told him. "You have to quit smoking! It's killing you." Jake looked around and saw the junior officers gathered around the President. They were all laughing, seemingly enjoying themselves at the corporate party. Butt kissers, every one of them. He of course was no different. In fact he wouldn't have become the youngest Vice President in the corporation if it weren't for his...
One of my clients is a thirty-something brunette who has a bad heroin addiction. A few months ago she came in to have her computer “upgraded”, but couldn’t afford to pay for all the upgrades she wanted. She’s pretty attractive and has what appears to be a nice set of double D tits. I suggested a compromise. I’d take whatever cash she has on her, and she can pay off the rest by helping me in the back. I instructed her to come back at closing time to get her computer. That evening she arrived...
Chapter 9Chrissie gets her fixI woke up drenched with sweat as a rush of hormones heated my body towhat felt like a boiling point. The sun was up and I could sense it wasrelatively early. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was 7:00 am.I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking of the events that happenedyesterday: my first day as a t-girl prostitute at Derek's brothel inMayfair and the package of my new maid's outfits that I picked up fromJohn Lewis and the new rules that had been laid...
Stephana Stevens was a very curvy chick with a huge sweet tooth. Though she eats healthily for a plus-size chick, Stephana had a penchant for anything and everything sweet. Every now and then, whether it's during her lunch break at work or after work, she would have a sweet craving. Sometimes she would go to the nearby bakery Sweet Sensations for some cookies or pastries, the cupcake shop called Cupcake Inc. for a cupcake fix, the Cold Sweet Treat ice cream parlor for an ice cream craving, or...
It had been quite a heavy night I reflected as I made my way home. I had certainly had too much to drink, especially when I wasn’t used to drinking but it was Mike’s, my best friend’s birthday party and to just drink coke would have made me look a real nerd, I already had that reputation so I definitely didn’t want to reinf***e it. My parents were not exactly happy about me staying out all night but I managed to reassure them I would be fine staying over at Mike’s and that I would be home by...
‘Oh damn!’ Angie said as she saw the greasy brown, stagnant water in the kitchen sink. ‘I don’t have time for this crap now!’ Angie Parker was not having a good day. Between running around doing her typical morning routine – getting the two kids ready for school, fixing her husband Mike’s lunch and getting him off to work, then getting ready for work herself – she was already running behind schedule. But she figured she could make up the time if nothing else went wrong. Unfortunately,...
"Oh damn!" Angie said as she saw the greasy brown, stagnant water in the kitchen sink. "I don't have time for this crap now!" Angie Parker was not having a good day. Between running around doing her typical morning routine - getting the two kids ready for school, fixing her husband Mike's lunch and getting him off to work, then getting ready for work herself - she was already running behind schedule. But she figured she could make up the time if nothing else went wrong. Unfortunately, something...
CheatingAlexander sits astride a black stallion and looks magnificent in his battle armour. his golden breast plate and shin protectors gleam in the early morning sun.His black stallion ‘Apollo’ shifts slightly and snorts stamping its feet. The horse is of finest Arabian blood and wants to gaallop ifree on the beach trying to catch the wind.The young conqueror pats the horses braided mane and speaks gently.? Steady boy? ? His blond hair falls in golden locks to the shoulders. In the city square,the ...
Man, I need a shave. Pretty bad coming from a still wet behind the ears kid, huh? I need a haircut, too. It's getting REALLY long. Maybe I should shave it ... chrome dome. Oil it up, or maybe, wax it, even. Yeah, wax it. Or maybe a Mohawk. I could spike it and dye it orange. Where did That come from? Get myself spiffed up for the girls. Ah, the girls. I've been noticing them lately. Who is that little blond beauty? She's got a really tight little body. Ricky's sister? No! She's a knobby...
Fetish Fix aka LiveJasmin Fetish has an extensive Fetish category that not everyone seems to know about. The site is one of the pioneers of the webcam sex industry, bringing the format to the mainstream in the early ‘00s and maintaining their foothold on the business ever since. I guess it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise; they’ve got a constantly rotating selection of live kinky cams to match the vanilla stripteases and tranny peep shows. Their 5 million daily visitors include thousands of...
Live BDSM Sex CamsThis is a true story about my first time. Even though I consider myself to be 100% straight, my first experience was having oral sex with my best male friend when we were teens. This is a true story about my first time. Even though I consider myself to be 100% straight, my first experience was having oral sex with my best male friend when we were teens.I laid there on my stomach totally naked. It was a hot, steamy and sultry summer night. Even with the fan blowing it was hard to stay cool. My...
First Time