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I would like to thank SouthPacific for his editing work on this story, his offer to edit this story was very much appreciated. Any errors in this story are mine and mine alone.


I had been up since just before dawn and, considering it was still dark, I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, mind you, I wasn’t looking. I had heard Tessa moving around, so I had her breakfast ready as her bare feet padded down the stairs.

‘Daddy, who does the car belong to?’

Tessa was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she walked into the kitchen. My daughter looked at me like I knew what she was talking about, then rolled her eyes and tilted her head towards the kitchen door as I followed her into the day room. It was now light enough to see to the far end of the clearing, where a dark colored saloon car was parked against the barn. Not much else could be seen, since the barn stood fifty yards from the house and the car sat in the shadows as the sun’s rays came up on the other side of the barn.

Leaving Tessa to eat her breakfast, I wandered over to the car. As I closed the gap I couldn’t see the driver’s seat, so I guessed that someone had pulled it down to sleep. My guess was proven correct when I got close enough to see a woman’s head sticking out of a blanket. Her eyes opened before I got close enough to knock on the window, and she got out to meet me as I passed the front of the car.

‘I know you!’ I exclaimed. ‘You’re Savannah Gordon.’

The woman looked more intensely at me, recognition failing her, and I knew why. I held out my hand but all she did was watch me do it.

‘You have me at a disadvantage, mister. Who are you?’

I smiled, and I think that pissed her off as well.

‘Martin Holdsworth. I recognize you from all the pictures that the Gordons had around the house when I bought the place.’

She rested against the car as she absorbed the information I had given her. It was clear to me that she knew nothing of what happened. What saddened me the most was that a complete stranger was about to tell her the truth. As Savannah followed me towards the house, Tessa came out and sat on the porch with her breakfast on her lap, watching us move around the back.

Other than open the gate to the family cemetery I said and did nothing. Savannah knelt in front of the graves of her folks. She mumbled something, more to herself and her folks than to me, but she did notice the flowers on both graves.

‘My daughter Tessa: every Monday, Wednesday and Friday she comes home from school with flowers for both graves, and has done since we’ve lived here.’

I’m not too sure how much she heard. I suppose if I was where she was now my mind wouldn’t have heard all that much either. Savannah lifted herself from her kneeling position and stood in front of me, the sadness clear to see. I recognized it from burying Connie just over two years before.

‘How did they die, and why did you come to own the farm?’

Once again I did the thing that seemed to piss her off and smiled. Holding the gate open for her to exit the cemetery, we walked towards the house as I explained that the boiler in the basement was old and simply had had too many repairs done to it instead of being replaced. Both her folks simply went to bed one night and never woke up. Since there was no will, their bank took possession of the farm to cover outstanding debts and I bought it days after it came on the market.

‘I was brought up in a small town myself, Savannah, and I respected everyone’s wishes. I put a shipping container in the barn and moved all your folks’ personal possessions into it. There is only one key and I will give you that as soon as we get into the house.’

Even I could see she was on a slow boil, so I continued before she had a chance to say anything.

‘No one knew where you were. Your folks told everyone you worked for the Government, but that’s all they told anyone. I wasn’t about to go through their possessions, so I stored everything. The rest of the money for the farm is in the bank in town under your name.’

Tessa watched as we got closer to the house. The day was a lot brighter now, and it was plain to see my daughter sitting with her mouth hanging open, watching us as we stepped onto the porch.

‘You’re the lady in the photos.’

Savannah stopped and knelt next to my daughter. Her hand slowly came out and held onto Tessa’s.

‘The flowers are lovely. Thank you for looking after my folks like that.’

I went indoors and they both followed. Tessa washed up her bowl and headed upstairs to get changed. Savannah sat at the kitchen table, and her eyes scanned the room before they settled on me as I placed a key in the middle of the table.

‘The Sheriff tried to find you, Savannah. Old Hank phoned a friend of his at the FBI. He checked a couple of other agencies but came up with nothing, you seemed to have literally disappeared from the face of the earth. Marsha Turnbull took over the funeral arrangements, and almost the whole town turned up.’

Although her head nodded, I’m not sure how much she actually heard. When I stopped speaking she just leaned across, picked up the key, and walked out. I watched her walk to her car and, seconds later, pull away. The school bus came by half an hour later and our day resumed its normal routine.

It was the weekend before we saw Savannah again. Tessa called me from out front as her car pulled up by the barn. She got out and walked over to us.

‘You asked Jacob and Terri Browner to value the farm at full market value, not a foreclosure. You opened the account at the bank that has my name on it with the Mayor and Sheriff present, and deposited all the money that was left after deducting what the bank and Government were owed in debts and taxes.’

She hadn’t ask me a question, but simply told me something I already knew, so I just nodded my head. Her eyes narrowed and she looked more closely at me. A little air seemed to leave her before she looked once again at the key in her hand. Savannah asked to see the container, so my daughter walked off the porch and placed her hand into Savannah’s before both walked in front of me towards the barn.

It was plain to see that my own daughter wanted Savannah to know she understood death. With the loss of her own mother she wanted to extend that bond to one other, the woman walking with her.


The size of the container gave her a hint, but when she opened it she still took a step back and slowly shook her head.

‘Jeez… This is going to take me days.’

For a ten-year-old, Tessa was ever the pragmatist. She tugged on Savannah’s sleeve until she pulled her eyes away from the contents of the container.

‘Then stay. I have a big bed, we can share.’

I quickly tried to deflect Savannah having to give an answer. ‘Honey, I think…’

Savannah knelt in front of my daughter. Tessa wasn’t about to give in so quickly.

‘I watched Daddy spend a week getting all your stuff in that box. You need somewhere to stay, and I’m strong so I can help you.’

Her shoulders lowered slightly and our guest nodded her head a second later.

‘OK, but you need to bring tissues so we can both have a cry when we do this.’

Tessa bounced up and down, clapping her hands at the same time. It was an odd sort of bond they had between them, and since the death of her mother Tessa hadn’t really been close to any woman other then my sister. Yet now a person we only knew from the folks in town, and from pictures that had hung on almost every wall in the house, had pulled more out of my daughter than anything I had managed to do in two years.

When they looked at me all I could do was nod my head. I wasn’t about to get in the way. Hell, I had tried a moment ago and was overridden, so perhaps this could be a healing process for both of them.

‘I’m goi
ng back to the house to make you two some cold drinks. I will also swing by every fifteen minutes or so to see if you need me to lift anything heavy out of the container.’

Both nodded, although it seemed to be an automatic reflex since their attention was already on the first box in the container. By the time the first drinks came out a few feet of the inside of the barn already had furniture on it. Savannah thanked me for the drinks and pointed to the first box they pulled out of the container for me to place them on. I stood and watched for a while waiting to see if I was needed. I’m sure my daughter remembered I was there, at least, I hoped she did.

A couple of hours later Marsha Turnbull pulled up outside the barn, waved at me sitting on the porch, and came to join me. This was the happiest I had seen Marsha in all the time we had been here.

‘She came to my house in tears. Savannah even told me what you had said to her, and cried in my arms the rest of the morning. I’ve known that girl over twenty seven years, Martin, and didn’t think anything could faze her. She was coming home to stay, Martin – she put her notice in with that job of hers in the Government and was coming home.’

Both of us knew how that ended. It just didn’t feel right that a perfect stranger should tell someone that her folks were dead. I could understand why Marsha was the first person she went to see afterwards. Marsha leaned over and gripped my hand really tightly, causing me to look at her.

‘This is a small town, Martin, and we all know why you’re here. What Tessa does with those flowers she buys on the way home softened the blow of her folk’s death. We all understand loss in some way, shape or form, Martin – perhaps that yours and Tessa’s is still fresh to you both helped her in some way.’

I squeezed Marsha’s hand a little to let her know that I understood, and pointed to the barn, telling her that Savannah and Tessa were sorting through her folks’ stuff in the container.

‘Savannah phoned me an hour ago and told me, and even that she had a helper. For a moment I thought it was you until I heard Tessa’s voice in the background. Thank you, Martin, if for nothing other than being you. It seems that you were in the right place at just the right time for her.’

Marsha leaned over and kissed my cheek before getting up and walking to the barn. Half an hour later a truck pulled up, and two men took a double bed and a wardrobe away. It seemed to be a conveyor belt of cars and trucks after that – men and women would go inside and bring something out, and maybe tie it down before leaving again. I replaced the jug of lemonade and ice twice more: both times I asked if they needed me, but no-one said they did so I left again.

As it started to get dark Marsha came out of the barn, followed by the girls. They locked the barn, and both hugged her before she got in her car and drove off. I sent them both upstairs to shower while I got dinner out of the oven. As I was about to call up the stairs for them both, they came down. Tessa was in her usual PJ’s and Savannah in an over-sized tee shirt, shorts and legs – damn long legs!

‘Daddy, what are you staring at?’

‘Nothing, honey, just spooked at how quick a shower you had! I usually have to take a crowbar to you to get you out of the shower, you take that long.’

My daughter went beet red. ‘I do not.’

Savannah noticed and smiled. She didn’t say anything, just smiled.

We had started dinner when Savannah spoke. ‘I went looking for my case and found it in the guest-room. Did you forget my girlfriend and I are sharing?’

Both girls stared at me, waiting for an answer. My first thought was that the only thing missing was the light aimed at my eyes. The idea of who would play good cop and who would play bad cop did occur to me, and I just caught the smile before it fought its way out of me.

This time I held up my hands. ‘OK, if you want to share then fine by me. I wasn’t going to bring up the fact my daughter snores like a camel.’

The redness went quickly up her neck, drowned her ears and turned her cheeks the same color as her fingers clenched her knife and fork.

‘I do NOT!’

We both laughed at her discomfort, Savannah placing her hand on my daughter’s arm.

‘So it’s not just me, then! I’m glad I’m not the only one.’

The attack dog mode my daughter was going for quickly deflated as Savannah smiled back at her. She gently nodded once, and the fire in Tessa’s eyes quickly diminished. The look I got from her, however, let me know I should stick to the more playful teasing that my daughter was used to.

Tessa started to wilt soon after dinner, a full day of pulling furniture and memories out of the container having taken its toll on her. I picked her up and took her to bed, Savannah making us both drinks for when I returned. It was clear to me she wanted one of those ‘clear the air’ talks.

‘You’re worried about me spending so much time with your daughter?’

My first thought was to be philosophical about it, but the look she gave me as she waited for my answer told me something else.

‘This is as alive as I have seen my daughter since her mom died. Even when I quit my job and moved here to devote more time to her she never really shared her feelings with me about it. She would talk to my sister of course, but that put Sandy in a position she didn’t want to be in. Tessa sensed this and clammed up, and no amount of trying on mine or my sister’s behalf opened her up again.’

‘Where is Sandy now?’

I shrugged my shoulders and told her that my sister was career army, so there were times she simply dropped off the grid for weeks, if not months, but she always came back here to recuperate.

‘All I have is a phone number and when she goes away she gives me an email address. Other than that I wait and worry like an older brother should.’

I caught the intensity of Savannah’s look. Sandy gave me that same one at times, like she was evaluating how much she could share with me about her life in the army. The look seemed to pass a moment later, and she seemed to use the time she took to pick up her drink and take a sip as an excuse. Something was playing on her mind, and she seemed to have a great deal of trouble with trying to figure out just how to put her own thoughts into words.

‘Even at the speed I’m going, it’s still looking like a week for me to clear the container.’

I shrugged my shoulders before answering.

‘So what? That’s your life in there, it’s also memories of your folks. There is no time limit on those memories, so take your time and keep what you want. It’s obvious from my seat on the porch that you have a list of people waiting to make use of the stuff you no longer need.’

She smiled and nodded her head. The yawn didn’t escape my attention either.

‘Get to bed – and remember the ear plugs!’

Other than a smile and a gentle punch on my arm as she passed, I got nothing more from her than a ‘goodnight’ as she went out the door. I cleaned up and spent an hour in my home office paying bills before I headed upstairs. Habit made me check out Tessa on the way to my room. She was curled into Savannah, her head resting on her chest and giving out those gentle little noises she makes when she’s sleeping soundly.

Savannah’s eyes were open the instant I moved the door, and she watched me for the length of time I had it open. Her arm came around Tessa, who then gave off a low moan as she moved slightly and once again made herself comfortable. She saw me smile as I watched my daughter, then I mouthed a ‘goodnight’ and, as quietly as I could, closed the door and headed for bed.


The smell of coffee drifted up from the kitchen as I came downstairs. Savannah was sitting at the table, a fresh coffee placed where I sat last night.

‘I heard you moving about,’ she said, ‘so I figured it wouldn’t take you long to come
down. You’re an early riser.’

‘Habit I suppose, more so now we live here.’

‘You meant what you said last night about taking my time?’

This time I nodded. I had no use for the barn at the moment, which is why I moved the container in there in the first place.

‘Same rules apply – if you need anything heavy moving, call me. The drinks will be coming out to you both on the hour.’

My daughter walked through the door just then, scratching her head and yawning. I did get a thank you from both for different reasons, Tessa for her breakfast and Savannah for giving her time with her memories – not to mention an incessantly talking ten year old!

That day was a repeat of the one before. Marsha Turnbull came by about mid-day, waved at me sitting on the porch as she got out of her car, and walked into the coolness of the barn. The procession of trucks and cars started around two o’clock and finished about five when all three came out of the barn, and I went back inside to start dinner.

Marsha came in first, the other two still talking about clothes and school. She kept me company as the conversation drifted upstairs, and couldn’t keep a grin off her face.

‘We opened Ben’s writing desk today. As we lifted it out of the container the drawer opened and a bottle of ink rolled out. Tessa went to catch it and Savannah thought she could too, as well as hold her end of the desk up at the same time. You may have to burn their clothes, because there is no way that stain is coming out of what they’re wearing.’

We laughed, and the talking upstairs stopped for a second as the girls figured out what we were laughing at. I asked Marsha if she was staying for dinner, but she declined on account of the cats she had to get home to. I held the door open for her and we both heard the shower running. This time we both managed to suppress the laugh and kept it to a grin.

The girls came down as I was placing their dinner on the table. A black stain still showed on my daughter’s arm, although a lot lighter than it was when she went up the stairs. That ink was sure going to take its time coming off, that was for sure. Once dinner was over, the girls shared the couch to watch a little TV while I was in my home office doing some work.

Little arms came around my neck and a cheek touched mine.

‘Goodnight, daddy, I love you.’

‘I love you too, baby.’

Holding her in my arms and giving her one of those goodnight hugs reminded me that this was all worth it. By the time I had closed the computer down and come out of my home office Tessa was at the top of the stairs, where she gave a little wave and disappeared into her room. Savannah was still slouched on the couch, those tee-shirts and shorts seeming to be the only thing she had as nightwear.

The TV was off by time I sat across from Savannah. She watched me for a moment before sitting up and, even though I knew it was just my imagination, those legs looked even longer.

‘Leg man, huh?’

I refused to rise to the bait.

‘How is the work in the barn going?’

‘About a third of the way left to go, and I suspect the hardest part. Marsha plans to bring the women from the knitting club by the day after tomorrow, and they are going to take all mom and dad’s clothes to Goodwill for me. That’s going to leave me with all the boxes of paperwork and photos, family albums and so on left to get through.’

She decided to once again test her theory, and moved her legs – just to get comfortable, of course! My eyes followed the movement and, when my attention was once again on her face, I was met with a smile.

‘Can I ask you a question?’

Still getting over the blush of being caught out, all I did was nod my head.

‘Are you OK with independently-minded women, or are you a man who needs to be in control over everything?’

Still unsure where this conversation was going, I sat and waited, more confused by her question than anything.

‘The reason I ask is, I’m about to get naked and I know you haven’t had sex for nearly the same length of time as me. So do you want me to blow you for the first one, or are you going to suck it out of me when we sixty-nine each other?’

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Angels and Guardians Pt 01

Author’s note: The following story is about an eventful fall that brings a cheerleader from another state to know a very special group of friends. This story is 9 parts storyline, 1 part sex. If you’re looking for ‘Wham Bam’ right off, it isn’t for you. All characters are aged 18 at the time sex is described. Thank you for reading. ************************************************ Chapter 1 Living On a Prayer ‘You really need to stop saving my life. You’re gonna kill yourself someday.’ Joe...

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Angels Story Chapter 70

(Dear reader. It's been a while. I've been trying to write more of Angel's story, following the storyline I have laid out. What with RL, and writers block, it's been going a lot more slowly than I would have liked. However... now I have enough to start posting, and I hope to be able to continue, albeit maybe at a slower pace that I (and hopefully you) would like. Please give me some feedback, you'd be amazed how much help that is to inspiring the creative process. Aaaand back to the...

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Angels Story Chapter 71

We share the ice cream at the start, snuggling against each other, our silk clothing sliding sensually against each other. It's almost vanilla, the behaviour not the ice cream, at the beginning. After a while though.. it starts, she gets some soft white rope and binds my wrists behind me, then my elbows, before settling back down beside me. "Open wide," she says spooning the melting ice-cream into my mouth before leaning in to kiss me, tasting me and the ice-cream together. When...

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Angels Delight

He’d only been gone for an hour and a half but already she couldn’t get thoughts of him out of her mind. Angelina, known to most as Angel, had been seeing this guy steadily for almost four weeks and she was getting ‘The Feeling’. You know, the feeling like this could be “The Real Thing”. This scared Angel. She was only 22, was she ready to settle down with someone? At the same time the prospect excited her. The thought of sharing her life with this man sent tingles down her spine. In her...

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Angels Journey Chapter 1

I head towards my new job at the office. The uniform is uncomfortable but fortunately mostly hidden by my long coat. My 6" inch patent heels clatter on the pavement, the locks (supplied by the office without keys) shiny on the ankle straps, drawing attention to my long stockinged legs. The tug of my suspenders is a constant reminder of what I'm wearing, as is the tight waist cincher (also fitted with a lock with no keys provided.) My delicate steps and swinging hips constantly tease my...

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Angels Story Chapter 73

I'm still straddling the bike when the first few people walk past, and I'm getting a few odd looks. I awkwardly slip off, so I'm standing beside it, unavoidalbly showing my stocking tops as I do so. The elderly gentleman walking past as I do so gasps and blushes slightly, as do I, damn I thought I'd be discreet. Standing next to the bike in my 6" heels is fairly comfortable, and I realise that these are pretty much my normal everyday shoes now... which makes me giggle at the thought....

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Turning myself in. My big sister Ann moved slowly closer to me. I was still kneeling on the floor tiles and tears were running down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, sob. I'm turning into a monster, I'm a mutant." I had finally said it out loud and realized it was the truth I was turning into the one thing I had been always warned about, by the teaching of my father as well as from the people in Prescott. It had been the reason I had joined the MCO to make sure no mutant would...

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Angels Conditioning

‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...

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Whats gotten into Carry

"Shit, Carry!" I shouted. I must admit, when things get good, I have this habit of cussing. Like when Carry sucked on my dick harder than ever before. Carry's always been great at giving head, but holy shit! Something else had gotten into her. Something wild. Carry was my girlfriend of two years. We met our sophomore year in college and immediately hit it off. Things had been great, in fact I'd been thinking that after we graduate, I'd ask her to marry me. Carry's sweet, smart, and sexy....

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 6

Chris’s Narrative continues: The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Jim Army Lieutenant, Ranger student, 5’-11’’ tall, 165 pounds, 28 years old, brown hair, blue eyes On Thursday the 23 of November, our fourth day on the FTX, our platoon was tasked to hit an aggressor camp that evening. Roy was the one who had been selected by the RI as the platoon leader for the raid. A number of Army students were added to our platoon to increase our strength for this raid....

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 13

Chris continues the Narrative: On returning to the house following the ceremony, mom turned on the television. She and grandmother were anxious to watch the Rose Parade from Pasadena. It came on a short time after we had returned from the forge, and it was followed by more Bowl Games, of which we watched parts of several of the games. Carry and I made lunch, and later mom and grandmother made dinner. Grandfather Ed napped on the sofa through several of the games. Dinner was late again...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 20

Chris continues the Narrative: We four were up early the next morning, Friday the 19th, after about ten hours of sleep. Following the breakfast that Carry and I had made, we started on cleaning our weapons and working clothes in addition to returning the items that dad had lent us. We really hadn’t needed the silenced pistols or the radios on this job, and would have never used the night vision equipment if we had been carrying it, since none of those items had been necessary on this...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 5

Chris takes over the Narrative: The following characters appear in the next few chapters: Roy Agent Trainee, Chris’s boyfriend, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 pounds, 23 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Chuck Agent Trainee, Carry’s boyfriend, 5’-10’’ tall, 170 pounds, 24 years old, blond hair, hazel eyes We arrived at Camp Darby on the heels of the platoon ahead of us. We, and they, had made very good time on the final part of the march since all of us had rested while waiting for the...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 18

Chris continues the Narrative: The following character is named and appears in the final chapters: Master Anthony the large man in expensive clothes, 5’-10’’ tall, 295 pounds, 38 years of age, brown hair, blue eyes Carry and I crashed in our room while the guys used the spare room. Once I had Carry alone in our room, I had to find out why she had been so frantic all of the way here from our apartments. “Why were you so upset after dad called?” I asked my normally calm and confident...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 17

Chris resumes the Narrative: Roy and I were awakened in the middle of the night by Carry beating on the door, ringing the bell, and shouting at us. It not only woke us, but probably our neighbors also. “Chris ... Chris wake up, there is trouble!” she kept repeating. I immediately hoped out of bed and almost fell on my naked butt as I tripped over all of the clothes on the floor by the bed where Roy and I had left them earlier that night. “I’m coming,” I called to try to calm her down, but...

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Angels and Demons2

Alright well I can't think of how else to make this ending longer but I need five thousand characters to post it so you can skip this paragraph because it will just be me rambling I mean come on look at this I've just given up on periods completely so like the great fish god dory says just keep swimming just keep swimming I'm almost there guys only 73 left look at me go dory would be proud but I'm still 9 chBINGO!!!! Chapters one and two are just prequels to the rest of...

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Angels and Demons1

My father was the creator of the third rock and the only one that chose to stay. His instinct was to create and create he did. On his rock he created the seas and shores, skies and mountains. For one hundred years he shaped his rock to please himself and he soon noticed things changing without his will. He had created life and now it was creating more of its own accord. It was such a thing of absolute beauty that he stopped meddling and let it develop without his interference. It was then...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 06

Author’s note: Part six. To understand where the characters come from, it is recommended to read the first five parts. Please remember to vote at the end. *** Chapter 20 All Things Must Change Ashley was watching Joe’s face. His expression of concern when he left the classroom hadn’t changed any, but the blood drained, making him appear as white as a sheet. She grabbed his hand. ‘Joe? Did you hear me?’ Cindy asked when Joe didn’t respond. ‘Yeah,’ he said finally. ‘Where?’ ‘In Denver,...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 03

Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....

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Angels and Guardians Pt 08

Author’s note: Thanks to all who took the time to read this story. At first, I wasn’t happy with this final part, but after rereading it, I think it ended as it should. Please remember to vote! *** Chapter 27 The next couple of days were early release for the seniors, so Kim, Jasmine, and Jill would come and visit Ashley in the afternoons. Ashley’s mom would usually be there as well, but the one person who could not be dragged outside the hospital doors was Joe. He would reluctantly leave...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 04

Author’s note: This is part four of a story about a group of very close and special friends. Character development was done primarily in the first three parts, so it is best to read those first. All characters are 18 and are the subject of this FICTIONAL story. Thanks for reading and please VOTE! (5’s are awesome, but only if deserved.) Thank you. *** Chapter 14 Amateur Night They had walked a short distance when Ashley broke into their thoughts. ‘A lot of what you told me molded around...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 05

Author’s note: This is part 5 of a multi-part series. Best if read after parts 1-4. Thanks for reading, and please remember to vote! *** Chapter 18 Love Regained Jon talked with Ashley for a bit backstage, introducing her to his agent. To his manager’s somewhat annoyance, Jon offered Ashley a job with the band as female lead vocalist. Ashley was dumbfounded at the invitation, but denied the offer when she recovered her words. The band was surprised at her answer. They were doing very...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 2

Chapter 2 small changes Waking up I didn't feel too good, my back was hurting probably because I had been sleeping on the couch, and my scalp was all tingly. Sitting up looking for some water to drink, I realized that of course the bottle I used to have next to my bed wasn't anywhere near me. Getting up and out of the living room and left into the kitchen pouring in some water in a glass I took a big gulp, then I started to make some coffee and headed back towards my bathroom right...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 4

I wish you all a merry Christmas. Before you start reading, I have to excuse myself. The next chapter is not really fitting for the time of the year and some people might be disgusted by the dark side the story take during this chapter. Unfortunately for the development of Jacob it is necessary to live through it, as well as to make the readers understand why the story is developing the way it is. Warning the story contains, Blood and Violence. Chapter 4 In hell? Waking...

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Angels in love

Hi, Readers of ISS very recently I started writing about the lesbian experience of my college tutor Raji the best female I could have ever fucked during my PG days at the university. Some of the readers gave me a feedback sying the story is short and in this attempt I have given a long one hope you people like it. As already told the lesbian act in front of my eyes at Raji’s residence it was like a dream where two lovely angles were having a love making session & for the first time I realized...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 12

Chris takes over the Narrative: Newly named character appearing in the remaining chapters: Greg Hawthorn Gray suit man, Agency insider, 5’-10” tall, 165 pounds, 38 years old, dark brown hair, blue eyes, walks with a bit of a limp Roy and I awoke late on Sunday morning. I was still snuggled up against him, but I was also still upset because of the start of my period the previous night. Roy still had a hard-on, and I needed to do something about that. “I’m sorry, Roy, but I’m way too...

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I have to carry mother in law up and down stairs

My mother in law broke her leg badly and needed to come stay with us for a few weeks while she was recovering. We have a big house, with a spare room in the basement with an adjoining bathroom that even has a seat in the shower. So it was a perfect set up for her. Except, with a broken leg she could not get herself up and down the narrow steps to the basement. When my wife brought her over the first day, I carried her bags down there and set her up in her room. Then the time came for her to...

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Morning Showers by AnnieGuns

Annie & I spent some time together recently and I asked her to write about what we got up to. Here's her story. She's an excellent writer as well as a first class slut.I feel a stirring behind me in the bed. The sheets being moved off me. The chill of the room hits my skin and i get goosebumps - not least as I feel a warm hand in the small of my back, stroking down across my buttocks and feeling its way between my legs. I instinctively part my legs a bit to let your fingers find me. Your...

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The costume I wore had twin leather belts with heavy pistols tied to each thigh. The clear plasteel counter showed dozens of different ancient pistols like the ones I wore. I was watching two men as a rich businessman strapped an old colt peacemaker replica on. He grinned at me as he pulled it out of the holster and checked the cylinder. He nodded as he slipped it back into the holster and looked deeper into the shop. I pushed a button, "he is a little faster than the last one." A holograph...

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It wasn't a typical Sunday morning activity, but Gibbs wanted to challenge DiNozzo at the gun range. His weapon of choice was the Desert Eagle and he'd brought his own. Tony hadn't seen this one; it came out to play on special occasions. "What're we shooting?" Tony asked curiously. Gibbs had only told him he'd show him on the range. He pulled the gun out of its custom holster. "Desert Eagle. Ten inch barrel." He saw Tony lick his lips and smirked. He was going to make the most of...

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Earths CoreChapter 39 Cannon For A Gunslinger

There are three aspects to a human, soul, body and Qi or mist. The purpose of the soul is to log life’s experiences and shelter the most fundamental part of a human, the spirit. The spirit is also known as the Self of a person. It is sealed inside the soul, unable to physically come out, but it can emit a portion of itself past the barrier encompassing it. That portion is its consciousness, awareness. Awareness that control the three aspects, awareness that comes to be when a cultivator...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 2

The new students assembled at 0900 hrs in room 102 at the Agency’s Training Facility for their welcome to the Agency and in-briefing. They had each been selected for their physical and mental abilities. The instructor who welcomed them was an old hand at the Agency. He had been a field operative for many years and had been moved to the training facility because of his extensive knowledge and superior operating record. Following the welcoming speech, he continued by calling each students name...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 8

Chris continues her Narrative: The following new character appears in this chapter and the next: Cathleen McCulloch (Cat) Ranger student recycled because of injury, Sergeant, MP, 5'-9'' tall, 140 pounds, 34B-23-32, 24 years old, short light red hair, blue eyes The RI soon had all of us in separate formations, and that was when the Chief Ranger Instructor arrived in a HUMVEE along with a Captain who identified himself as the Operations Officer for the 5th Ranger Training Battalion....

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 16

Carry continues the Narrative: “I think that you will find this next bit of information as interesting as I did,” Tony began again. “The man behind this extensive development is none other than the son of the man who ran Diversified,” Tony told us to shocked expressions from Chris and me. He was holding up his hands and indicating for us to hold our seats. “Now here is the really amazing part, at least to me. He apparently has absolutely no idea that it was Bill who killed his father and...

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We Heard Gunshots

We Heard Gunshots My sister Dakota and I heard gunshots. What was more important was that we were in a State Forest and that it was NOT hunting season. We did what every red blooded American kid would do. We ran…in the opposite direction of course. My sister ran smack into another girl that was also running…and was that girl ever scared. We ran further and hid up in some rocks. We stayed there for almost an hour without hearing or seeing anyone coming after us. While...

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