Faux RealmChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Lucian and his lovers were lying on cold, hard floor; talking animatedly; they did not seem to mind as their bodies accustomed to the cold surface, their thoughts drifted further and further away. Lucian was still feeling Liza’s teeth on the head of his member, dazed by the dull pain, he would momentarily come back when one of the girls would kiss his neck; gently dissuading any pain from coming back; both of them could only imagine how he felt. Both women had adoration in their eyes and for some reason he felt at ease with both of them. Gazing longingly into each of their eyes he wondered what he did to deserve this amount of good luck. He proceeded to wonder what happened to him during those 3 years, but managed to bury his dark fears.
Unceremoniously peeling off from both women then kissing them both for few minutes he stood up grabbing both of them with ease and gently placing them on their feet. Even though they did not consummate their apparent feelings, he was more than happy to see that these two women were so happy. Past could wait as present was calling out to him.
Liza’s eyes were full of compassion as she said, “I’m very sorry about doing that, I’m still very inexperienced. I hope I did not hurt you.” Again she hid two of her arms.
He shook his head taking her in his embrace kissing her lips gently, gently holding her by her neck and spending few delicious minutes practicing their kisses. Finally releasing her and staring deep in her eyes, he said “Never mind that. Our second time will be a lot better.”
Ericha smiled and took Liza’s hand, “See, he’s a real gentleman.”
Both women shared a smile while they moved and hugged him for few moments, leaving Lucian to forget about his past and only focus on this moment. Present-day is deliciously sweet. He thought.
After several blissful moments that seem to end way too soon they peeled off as Ericha said, “We have other duties to attend to, but we will be back soon, make sure you are well rested.”
Leaving him behind, she turned her luscious body and winked in his direction, taking Liza with her, finally leaving him anxiously waiting for their next meet up.
Taking few moments to tally the day he forgot the last time he thought of his home. Usually he would be interrupted by his rehab, practice with Liza or talking to Luca. Both people made his stay on an alien planet much more rational and bearable. He had moments of severe melancholy when he thought of various things, the way he lost 3 of his years. The worst thing was that he could not remember, no matter how hard he tried. It was one day; he was down on earth running a raid on tactically placed environmental boss, minding his own business, true, bunch of aliens bent on apparent galactic enslavement waltzed in and took him and bunch of his people into slave colonies and the next day he was on board of a transport flying his way through the stars. Sure, there was the little thing about aliens appearing from the skies, apparently kidnaping him, but hey, at least he met aliens.
*See, silver lining already found.” Again he thought.
His parents’ haven’t seen or heard from him in three years, he wondered, Lucian desperately wanted to know if they kept the hope alive, if they thought he was somewhere out there. Or have they written him off. Three or four days of mourning before business as usual. He snarled. Sudden burst of anger as he threw a white-green pad at the wall with all his might.
“Damn them!” Exclaiming he caught himself in an unusual burst of dark emotions.
Suddenly he felt embarrassed; how long has it been since he threw a temper tantrum. Not since primary school. Hopping that no one had seen him during one of his low points. Suddenly he felt an unusual wave of tiredness wash over him, he was now desperately searching for anywhere to lie down before he passed out.
Moving toward the bed he had one of his moments thanking everyone that he could remember. Slowly the anger drained him of energy. Again, while attempting to sleep he thought of home. While he was angry that his family might have moved on, he was now thinking what if they were enslaved, like he was. He thought of his mom, dad, brother and sister. What did happen to them? Are they safe?
Previous ecstatic atmosphere was pushed away, slowly replaced by the grim and sobering reality. He clutched his pillow, tears formed on his face praying that his family was safe.
As he woke from his sleep he noticed that the day had already started its drift toward evening, throwing a look at the clock he noticed that he slept an entire day away. Stretching his arms and knowingly enjoying the fresh new round of energy that was coursing through his body he managed to make few wise conclusions.
The day before he was too tired to notice how his lovers were behaving and hoped that it was not some sort of tired mirage. No man should be this lucky. Lucian noticed his body odor and moved with pep in his step through his room and into the bathroom.
After his much needed shower, he noticed that he did not meet with either Ericha or Liza. Strangely he missed them immensely and felt a profound emptiness in his soul. Like they were permanently gone. But that would be ridiculous. Right?
Turning off the shower, grabbing a towel from nearby rack he managed not to run to the door and out of the room screaming for their names, pausing in front of the bathroom mirror and saying, “They should be fine.”
Managing to calm himself by saying those words, what the fuck was that? Panic attack? he slowly thought.
Uncharacteristic round of emotions for people that he knew only for few weeks. It was weird, as nauseating panic soon ebbed, knowing what he felt; he was embarrassed that he would feel this way, people back home would sneer at his strange display of worry and emotions for girls he met just moments before. Sure there was ‘love’ but for most people back on earth, especially men in mid-20’s, as he knew few souls that romped the night away and never dealt with a woman again, leaving her for another round of morally deplorable fucking. At least in his mind’s eye.
His parents did give him great guidance about how to treat women. With kindness and respect. He never felt sorry about himself when women used him to get back at those kinds of men, sure, there was not a single iota of sex involved as he thought that was their spiteful attack at all the men that wrong them. He understood the finer nuances about dating, treat them as you wanted to be treated; he chuckled that a man almost 2000 years knew how to treat human beings, and yet with all of our modern tech we couldn’t even spare an emotion for those in need.
Oh how his friends would sneer if they saw him, and his love for these wonderful women. He smiled at his image, thanking his doting parents for great guidance. Again pausing to let hope wash away, they should be fine.
Staring into the mirror he evaluated himself for the first time in few days. It was not a narcissistic view of someone’s body, but that of awe and mystery. Only few weeks ago he saw his degraded image and crumbled down, almost lost his mind while Ericha took steps to ensure that his mind would remain intact. His grotesque scars healed in record time with excessive help from futuristic medicine, but still he could feel them under his skin. He voiced few concerns with Liza and his doctor, but they firmly stated that it was to be expected as his mind needed time to overcome the trauma of what he saw.
“Lucian?” He heard voice of Luca Prom calling out for him behind closed doors of the bathroom.
“In here.” Lucian answered.
Opening the doors and drying his hair he said, “Sorry I desperately needed a shower, slept all day.”
“I need to have a chat with you, please.” Examiner Luca started grimly making Lucian’s heart leap few beats in fear of what’s about to be presented to him.
Lucian slowly sat on his bed looking straight at Luca’s eyes. “Sure, what’s up?!”
“How do you feel?!” Luca’s voice was even.
“About what?” Lucian asked.
“I think you know what I want to talk about.” Luca’s voice remained calm, there was no hint of this being a silly prank.
“I have no idea, Luca. I suggest you stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want.” He managed not to sound too cold.
Sighing he said, “You are on an alien world, far from your home. And by all our knowledge, your world is such that we know that it has no Drive and is basically in its modern infancy. You saw first aliens just few years ago, sorry, day’s ago. We still do not know why you lost your memory. That should never happen. None of other slaves have memory loss. So we suspect few things, and yes I’ll keep them to myself, for now.”
Taking a deep breath, he continued “You do not know about your family’s safety. So I was just asking; how does all of this make you feel.”
Lucian took a long look of the man that stood before him, he managed to remain calm when he said “I’m scared, lonely and confused. I’ve been here not even a month and I met 2 amazing women. I want to go home, but I do not want to leave them behind.”
Tears started to appear in Lucian’s eyes, he managed to choke out “I want to be strong and heroic. But fuck me I can’t. What did I do to deserve this?”
“I just want out.” He finally broke down and started slowly weeping.
Lucian was afraid of condemnation, but found Luca to be surprisingly sympathetic. Luca moved toward him and grabbed Lucian by his shoulders, “It’s understandable that you would feel that way, I can’t pretend to know how you feel right now, but I can promise to help you however I can.”
There were several long moments of silence. After some time there was a soft chime on the door.
“Sir, we are prepared to leave.” A man in his 20’s stared at Lucian as he entered, a sad look crossed his face.
“I’ll be right there. Tell the pilot we will bring guests.” Luca said.
“Yes sir.” The man said, saluted and left.
Lucian was staring at the departing man. “Why would he salute you? Aren’t you just a medical officer?”
“That’s need to know. And you do not need to know.” He cackled loudly. “On a serious note, HyduN division is essential in Star Republic the men and women we recruit, aim to become the best healers in the Republic. Moving around the combat field and even on ship itself is something that these people will learn to do, a good medical healer is irreplaceable.” He explained.
“Weird that you keep calling them healers.” Observed Lucian.
“What do you mean?” Luca asked
Lucian took a deep breath, but inwardly he was feeling butterflies in his stomach. He was actually asked to explain something, “Well the healers I know of use fantastical abilities that aim to restore his allies’ health.”
Luca looked intrigued, “What do you mean ‘fantastical abilities’?”
Lucian stood perplexed. How to explain something that’s derived from fantasy in a different world and in a short amount of time, he took a deep breath and hoped his own explanation would suffice for now, “Well for one in gaming, healers usually use light or nature powers to cast healing spells on other...” He abruptly stopped as he saw the look on Luca’s face.
Breathlesly Luca simply said, “Well I’ll be damned. Listen, 10 000 years ago our people were living nomadic lifestyles, wondered our world, they were essentially roaming the plains that had only the next meal on their minds. People do get hurt and during that time healers would wonder around entering villages and offering to heal people. The name did not change. What we do today would probably look like some sort of magic spell to them. And to your people.”
He took another look at Lucian and said, “Many people experiment with dark arts, what we call them, your world too has some taboos that normal healers dared not to cross. But there are always others. So there are probably something that we do not understand or our brain would grab the closest thing we are familiar with.”
After Luca got his breath back he said, “Let’s go we will take you back to your home.”
Luca said that with finality, taking confused Lucian by his arm and guided him through the door.
Lucian stopped for few moments, “Why would you... ?”
Taking one long look at him Luca begun explaining, “You aren’t the only one that wanted to know why you can’t remember anything. There might be many reasons, but for now let’s say we do not know. As we worked on your body these past few weeks, we also worked with your mind.”
Lucian saw Luca go silent and start walking so he stopped him by saying, “And? Did you find anything?”
“Yes, and no.” Luca’s answer was brusque, he did not want to go into details for some reason and Lucian started to feel rage boiling in him again.
Managing to collect himself he suppressed the rage by asking, “Tell me!”
“What we found is that your mind has traces of tampering, but as our scans can’t tell precisely of what we will go and see someone that can do it unobstructed.” Luca said with finality which in turn relaxed Lucian.
Both men started to walk and Luca stopped to open the door for Lucian. Outside he surprisingly found Ericha and Liza standing and waiting for someone, he hoped that he was the lucky man. His hopes were answered when both women waved at him with smiles lighting their faces.
“We will come with you.” Ericha said.
“But, what about your...”
“I got bunch of time off and my superiors approved of this temporary leave of absence.” She interrupted him with a giant grin on her face.
Lucian glanced at Liza and her purple face lighted with a giant smile, “I’m still a student here so you, my love, can take me wherever you want. I can continue my classes from wherever I want.”
Lucian nodded, finally hugging both women as his eyes moistened at the gentle loving touch of his two companions. They eventually separated; each of the women took one of his hands and they started the long walk towards the waiting shuttle.
While they walked Lucian noticed that there weren’t many people outside at this time of the day, few men in what it seemed police outfits took rounds and scouted the premises for any sign of someone that should not be there. Probably.
Lucian immediately took comparison to his time in college when uniformed guards would take turns and walk around campus. Shuttle was standing idly by, when they approached, he could see that it was standing on a something that reminded him a lot of art canvas, white and propped by unusually designed metal. Climbing few steps they reached the Shuttle itself.
Entering the shuttle Lucian was, to any outside observer, calm, cool and collected. But in reality he was bundle of nervousness and he anxiously waited to enter the craft. Lucian, for the first time saw the interior of the shuttle in all of its glory. The size of the craft was not as large as he initially thought. He did not remember much when he was carried weak and wounded, his head was covered and obviously he saw nothing of the interior.
Six seats were neatly arranged just beside the door. Placed in such a way that the 4 seats were facing each other. He could see that 2 of the seats were divided by a path that person could walk through. Those two seats faced the opened door that he just came through. Two dark bulk heads were behind and in front of the seats. There was plenty of room for them to walk around and when he moved through the aisle to his seat just beside the opened door he could clearly see doors on either end of the shuttle, just where the bulk heads were situated. Seeing people in the front part of the craft he correctly assumed that they were pilots and preparing for launch.
Ericha took the free seat beside him, while Liza took the seat right in front of him. As Luca glided past them and with another man sat in the seats that faced towards Lucian and the door. His stare was emotionless as Lucian wondered is he in any kind of trouble. Thinking that the Luca’s behavior was strange. Indeed.
They started to take off and suddenly he felt scared. He started imagining many horrid events that might have befallen his home planet. He imagined Earth in bunch of rock clusters. Too small for anything to survive. But still carrying his old home in its wake. Debris were not empty soulless husks, as he could still remember the pictures that astronauts took of his home. His hopes were non-existent, the visions were horrid and Lucian could vividly see their trajectory. As they were alive. Such were his dark thoughts.
Slowly he drifted into worried sleep.
He was nudged by Ericha’s arm.
Thinking that she was about to show him some of the sights he was surprised to see her unbuckling and standing up on her feet.
She smiled, “We arrived sleepy head.”
“Already?!” Surprised by the speed of the small craft.
“Yes. What did you think it would happen?” Ericha asked smiling.
“I do not know. A good sightseeing flight.” Lucian answered.
“Pilots usually just zip through. We will see the sights, if you want, after you see your family.” Her voice suddenly became quiet.
“If you decide to come back with us.” Ericha silently said.
Lucian did not know what to say. Could he lie to the woman and reassure her? It went against everything that he stood for, and he stood for many things. Many of them were unimportant for everyday living, but some could be applied to this situation.
No. He decided not to make any false promises. He just nodded and looked at the woman with sad eyes.
Ericha led Lucian and Liza out of the shuttle and onto a large deck, turning towards him she said.
“Welcome to Star Republic home station Grimova.”
Grimova was positively brimming with life. Lucian could see various different species of aliens moving about and doing their daily duties. With corner of his eye he saw a strange four legged creature that was standing near their shuttle. Attracted by its doglike features he was amused how something so simple could remind him of home, the very mug of this creature reminded him of his own dog back on Earth. The mutt will probably be ecstatic after he was away from her for so long. Thinking he should get her a chew toy just to say sorry. But he did not know if this place even had chew toys for dogs from Earth.
Though this creature was twice the size as his own dachshund. Widely grinning he approached and kneeled petting the catatonic creature. Thick purple skin was nothing like his pet’s, eyes’ almost reminded him that of humans, almost radiating intelligence that he was unaccustomed seeing in animals. Although unusually calm on the front part his back side was telling another story.
The dog’s behind was happy getting petted, scratched and hugged by Lucian’s dexterous and nimble hands. Lucian was for a moment surprised and scared when a large, dexterous tongue appeared from its mouth and slobbered all over Lucian’s face. Dog - like creature jumped on him wagging its tail, no, it was wagging his entire rear end. Lucian happily giggled and tried to calm down the ecstatic creature.
“I ‘ould stop if I ‘ere you.” A gravelly voice warned him behind his back.
“You don’t know dog’s like I do. I own a similar one.” A little bit overconfident, Lucian was confused and did not understand the voice at first, moments later the giddy creature jumped in the air into Lucian’s open arms. The voice behind him said, “Don’t say I didn’t ‘arn ya.”
Lucian had no time to react as he saw an open maw coming towards his head. Moment later entire area of the station erupted in joyous laughs. Lucian thought he would feel pain. There was no pain, heck there were no teeth in its mouth. Mostly saliva from the creature’s mouth. Lucian stood up so the animal would let him go but the thing stayed tightly clamped on his head.
There were chorus of laughs and giggles from people that were around the ship, including Liza and Ericha; hearing their joyous voices put him at ease. But it did not help that he was getting drenched in this mutt’s saliva.
Poking it with his finger he tried to get it off his head, but only managed to make the crowd laugh harder. Eventually it relented and released Lucian from its ‘deadly’ grasp. Breathing out with all of his might Lucian was glad he did not wear the dog as a hat for his entire life. Eventually chuckling to his own silly adventure.
Grabbing both of his arms, the girls led him away from the catatonic creature. Since it spent so much time in the grasps of such activities the creature just remained standing, its unblinking stare glued to the departing group of people, evaluating the worth of their lives with his probing scrutiny.
The three people were inspecting various stalls that had many goods that Lucian had never seen. Animated plants, various materials, animals that came from ones deepest nightmares. Reverent space bazar. ‘What you think of, we probably have it.’
“How does it look?” Ericha asked.
“It’s pretty overwhelming. I’ve never seen items and people around here.” Lucian answered.
Liza was inspecting bunch of items on a nearby stall that contained something that reminded Lucian of plants; considering the surroundings he was in, Lucian was sure he would never correctly guess what the stall actually contained.
“This is one of 3 biggest trade hubs in this sector. It helps being around our Star Republics Capital planet we get most of the trades that various species around want to sell.” Ericha slowly explained.
Liza brought back with her 3 long green stalks of something smelling really good. The smell reminded Lucian of citrus. Lemon and orange zest. He made sure to watch the girls how they ate their own pieces, and after they started nibbling on the top of the stalks he too started to eat his.
“Yuck. This tastes like shit.” He exclaimed after taking a large bite of his own.
Two girls were laughing cutely, “Hahahaha. You actually started eating.”
“It’s not like I know how to eat it.” He grunted at their mischief, still eating the chunk of plant in his mouth.
“Sorry. I could not stop myself from pranking you. It’s called linola. Usually you cook it then serve it.” She said.
Lucian smiled and started nibbling again. Liza pouted saying, “Hey, I thought it’s disgusting.”
“Yeah it is, but now the taste kind of grown on me.” Lucian shrugged.
“By the way. Are we going back to the shuttle?” He asked.
Snapping her fingers Ericha said, “You’ll see. This is not just a trade hub. For a limited time only it’s where our taxi will be waiting for.”
“Um, taxi?” Walking through crowds of people all three people linked their arms together and moved extremely easily.
“It’s a surprise. No more talk of it.” Ericha said.
“Ok.” While saying it Lucian shrugged his shoulders, while the faces of his parents were on his mind.
“I know my love. I can only imagine what you are experiencing.” Liza dropped her head.
They were silent for couple of minutes. Lucian mulled over what he could say. What he should say to this sad alien woman, he decided to be silent and just live in the moment. He gently hugged this woman that was leaving everything for him, for few weeks at least.
Ericha and Lucian both shared a look. Ericha was now too in the group hug and comforting Liza with her whispers. The hug was in the middle of the bazar making the people that were around them walk by them and gaze at the emotional display.
“Come on, our taxi is waiting for us.” Ericha quietly said.
The group came to a spot that overlooked a bunch of docked ships of all sizes. The hub was massive, which confused Lucian as they walked for a long time; imagining they walked around the station. Apparently not even 40% of the structure, as the mammoth proportions of the station itself was before Lucian. They stepped on a motionless floor pad and in minutes they arrived at what he thought was top, but very soon he saw they were in the belly of the beast.
“Woah! This is nuts.” Lucian exclaimed.
He was ecstatic as he gazed at mammoth proportions of docked ships. There were all kinds and shapes. And he could only smile as he felt giant butterflies in his stomach at the unusual sight. Being a massive Sci-fi fan it did not help his mounting happiness.
“Yeah. I had the very same reaction first time I was here.” Liza said.
Ericha nodded as well and continued saying instead of her lover, “Most people never see this as the main hub is for shuttle service and whatever shopping you have to do, ideally you never walk in here unless you want something major to buy or trade off.”
“Are you kidding? My people never see this unless it’s on TV or on a book cover. I think I’m dreaming.” A giant happy tear formed on his face.
“Are you crying?” Ericha teased.
Sniffling and nodding he said, “Who would not cry at this. Most men only cry at very happy or sad moments. This is one for the album. If I wasn’t so conflicted inside I’d say this would be my happiest moment ever.”
“I’m happy we provided you with that.” Liza said.
Lucian could only hug them both and smile at his good fortune. Starting to walk towards the moored ships they eventually came to another, special, hangar bay and it contained something even more exciting. He thought that it was pretty evident that this one was given some sort of special attention as it was secluded from others and fairly decently guarded. He could count at least 10 guards around the very entrance to the bay. He presumed that there were more inside. They were moving too slow for Lucian. He desperately wanted to see what it was inside desperately in need of so much security.
He begun to trot and to the delight of the two girls he managed not to get stopped by the guards that ogled them with their eyes. What he saw next took monumental resolve not to just scream like a giddy schoolgirl. As he yelled out to the giggling girls, “BEST DAY EVER.”
He came towards big white ship that had elaborate designs. At the top of the bow of this amazing white ship hull was neatly bent into an elaborate shape and its bottom had protruding edge that extended few dozen feet. Remiding him of bulbous bow’s of ships that treaded water and used it as a device to direct waves around the ship. But he knew that there are no waves in space. Right? The ship was not big, it was massive. It took him a good 2 minutes to get to its stern, as he thought it would be called. And he saw four enormous engines mounted and waiting to release its potent strength. He was almost reminded of drag racers, but as few of them had massive engines to provide the much needed power, this ship was amazingly designed, allowing its engines to practically disappear with its body. The size of the ship was taking most of the space in the docking area. The ship itself was long, elegant and appeared archaic. It reminded Lucian of Viking ships. But where the deck would usually be the ship just continued and everything was hidden neatly in the belly of the beast.
“Welcome to ‘God of War’. Our home for some time.” Ericha behind him said.
Lucian was still mesmerized by the size of the ship. Most of his friends would kill for this opportunity. A nerd’s greatest desire.
“I’ve dreamt of seeing a ship capable of interstellar travel. My God someone pinch me I must be dreaming.” Lucian exclaimed.
“OUCH.” He exclaimed as two women pinched the cheeks ass.
Dark figure was stalking down dimly lit corridors, making sure no surprises were waiting for it, sniffing silently, moving deftly it already did most of the work that needed to be done. Slowly it opened the squeaky doors. It revealed the messy room as its practiced movements managed to engage the projector, informing it where and how the rest of the people moved. While it seemed that people simply disappeared, it was not so, few beeps showed people scrambling around and leave in a hurry as their meals were still warm to its touch. The holo - image showed them jump off to the dark corridors. As it would save them. The holo-projector suddenly stopped. To know where they went it started sniffing the air. Slowly the information in the air told what it needed to know. They went down.
Down it went.
Following the scent and the stairs it was moving fast, like the wind, flipping over extra stairs and managing to slow it’s movements by kicking the wall where it left its imprint, eventually it found large metal doors. Sensing, smelling people behind them it started prying them open. The scent was too alluring for it to stop, as its fingers peeled off the pliant metal. In seconds the doors flew open from its hinges and eventually ended crashing several meters behind it. They could not look as it slowly prayed to them, both clutching each other praying for their lives.
Final thoughts that both people had was of love. They both saw each other dying. Ending up caressing the other’s face, affectionately smiling to one another.
Final two lives were snuffed out as it relaxed, muscles and tendons were aching as it used unusual amount of energy for the deeds. Crouching down it sensed something coming from far away. It turned and started running again. Muscles working its magic, making the eerie figure move with grace and dexterity.
He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the...
Lucian opened his eyes after he fell asleep surrounded by love and affection from his two lovers and his little sister, he felt a little bit dazed but invigorated. Something told him all that outpouring of love had a profound effect on him and his wellbeing. Slowly he fell asleep feeling drained, but even though he was in a daze he felt stronger and more rejuvenated than ever before. Even though Lucian’s sister, Lindsay, did not join them in their sensual acts, he was still happy that she...
As history would say: “See you later!” Watching the history unfold with your own eyes was, is and should be something incredibly gratifying. Many centuries must have passed between past and present, between what Lucian thought was space ferrying civilization of this kind, the one that takes you through the stars as if taking a sailboat out on the ocean, and the one that Lucian left behind on Earth. He started reading few chapters detailing the process of several men bent on space...
His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...
Lucian was slowly losing his sight. His enemy was near, he was sure of that, but earlier attacks left him somewhat immobilized. He always thought going for the eyes or the groin was a coward’s way to go, but apparently his opponent did not abstain from such methods. He tried to adjust his degrading vision, but as soon as he would see a clear picture another attack would come from his blind spots and the process would start anew. I’m fucked. He thought. Wiping the blood from the corner of...
Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...
‘One For All’ landed on a remote planet. Sun started to slowly sag, going behind the horizon as it breathed the first embers of the incoming night, it would leave them in darkness in mere minutes, but they were prepared for it wearing their newest purchases. Colors were getting dimmer by the second and yet they felt the need to stay in place and gather in these rare sights. They spent some time traveling to this location to obtain precious resources needed to acquire money to prolong their...
He was down. Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores. “Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded. He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an...
Lucian was led by his arm. The path seemed to go in circles. Left then right, then another one. By the fourth time he was lost and just let the woman drag him behind her. First few minutes walking were made in relative silence, not even his inside voice was saying anything. The woman stopped. “Go slave.” He was pushed up front. What did we get ourselves into? Lucian thought. Hey, hey, there is no us here, this is all you baby. his inner voice laughed. I do not even know what you are, how...
Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...
The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...
Am Tag, als meine Mutter Sarah verschwand, war ich gerade siebzehn Jahre alt geworden. Es war nur drei Tage nach meinem Geburtstag gewesen, und plötzlich war sie weg, ihr Zimmer leer, ihre Sachen fort, als hätte sie nie in unserem Haus gewohnt, und ich war alleine. Mein Zwillingsbruder Jochen war bereits vor einem Jahr ausgezogen, aber das war wenig überraschend gekommen. Er hatte die Schule mit einem ganz passablen Hauptschulabschluss verlassen und war ans andere Ende von Deutschland gezogen,...
I Just Love Being a Girl Part 1 By: Melissa Attimes Synopsis: A young man's lifelong friendship with a girl leads him to total femininity. Categories: Crossdressing / TV, Femdom, Authoritarian, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Real Life Situation Age Category: College Age 19-26 Rating: X Julie and I had been best friends since grade school. She always called me Jamie but when we entered high school I told her I wanted to be called James. Julie looked at me with her big...
She is a beauty queen in al the matters. i am staying nearby house of my aunts. She have a gorgeous face and luscious body which make any man’s cock hard. She is 36 years old and looks only 28.her structure is 32-30-36. she has very long black hair up to her waist, firm and beautiful boobs, curved ass covered with hair long hair. I understood many mans looking her whenever she go out. Whenever she walks her ass swaying beautifully. And she had little hair in her legs and hands that make her...
Introduction: This is a true story about my first time On Top of Old Smokey (or vise-versa) I remember it like it was yesterday. I grew up on a cattle ranch, with the nearest neighbor over a mile away. I was 16 and alone at home. It was late summer and the rest of the family was working in the hay fields while I was home and working in Moms garden. Mom had planted a large vegetable garden in the back yard but the weeding seemed to always fall to me, although, truth-be-told, I did enjoy the...
I’d had a hard-on for the straight boy at the tobacco store for a while. His name tag told me he was Trevor. My guess was he was about twenty-one or two, average height, blond and well built. He only wore t-shirts and low waisted skinny jeans. There was no evidence of any extra poundage around his waist and his nipples were nice and hard under the tight fitting t-shirts. It was obvious the jeans hit him just above his cock, and the bulge there was always alluring, to say the least.Trevor was a...
First Time"Are you nervous?" Julie asked. "Um, yeah, a little bit" Scott replied. How could he not be? He's being set up on his first date with a man, after dating women all his life. Oh sure, he's always been curious about guys, but this was a big step. Julie knew her friend well, and knew he seemed unhappy with the women he'd been seeing lately. She always sensed her friend might be into guys, if given the chance. She had been helping him down this road, hinting that he should be open to new things and...
I laid there for a good five minutes before I said to myself, “Fuck it, I’m going to fuck her while she sleeps. I’m sure she won’t mind. Hell if anything if she wakes up while I am, she’ll just fuck me back.” With that thought in my head I threw the covers off of us, lifted her leg and guided my cock to her waiting pussy. As soon as my head touched her lips I felt her moisture, and realized that she must be just as horny as I am. I slowly slid my cock in, inch my inch till my entire cock was...
I really didn't expect Nair to make a slut out of me. I was between jobs -- again -- and had the house to myself after my wife dashed out in her scrubs to work the swing shift at the hospital. Job-hunting was a soul-sucking exercise at best, and three straight months of fruitless searching and rejection had turned me into a stress zombie. I'd been doing a lot of running at the nearby high school track to deal with the stress, but all it did was make me to lose 15 pounds in...
Oh yes… home alone again; but this time my beloved hubby would be nursing a friend at the hospital during the whole night.My sexy girlfriend Camilla invited me to dance. She told me that I would have a wonderful time. I really needed it… a night for my own, after a very hard week at my office.The only detail Camilla did not mention, was that we would be going to a club where mostly black men hung out. I had decided to wear a sexy mini skirt with a satin blouse; no bra; just a very tiny black...
This is my first blogstory on here so I thought I'd share why I love white milf sluts so much. I was 16 when I had my first bbc loving white milf. This was when I was school pupil at St John's College in Harare Zimbabwe. I'm not from zimbabwe but my father was sent there on a diplomatic posting. Mrs Wilson was the girls swimming team's coach. She had medium length blond hair that made me think she was a scandinavian goddess the first time I saw her but she was scot living in zimbabwe at...
I got out of my car, an old ’96 beat up Chevy Blazer that I kept around for occasions like this. I loved these passionate encounters with Nick, but I always kept my safety in the back of my mind. The less he knew about the real me, the better. My real name is Rebecca, but Nick knows me as Kat, I’m 26 years old, and that I’m honest with him about. I stand at 5’6″, with brown wavy hair that hangs a bit past my shoulders, and piercing green eyes, or so...
This story is dedicated to anyone who’s ever felt caught between religion and sex. Enjoy. ‘Listen to this next bit.’ Danny Woodward’s finger hovered over the page dramatically, as he read. ‘ ‘From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her.’ ‘ There was a knowing smile on Danny’s lips, as he scanned the congregation. ‘That’s all it took. He’s out taking the air one morning, thinking over how well everything’s going, and BAM!...
Talai was silent, as silent as a deserted graveyard. Nobody was on the streets, nobody who didn't absolutely have to venture forth. Rumors of Sholim's wrath, tales of his army's departure on missions of vengeance crisscrossed the city like ripples on a pond. None dared risk becoming the next target of Sholim's fury. "Why can't we strike now?" Shantar fumed, pacing endlessly back and forth the length of the cramped underground room, ducking his head to miss the low ceiling beams. "We...
The author is over the age of 18 and legally safe to write erotica/sex stories. One more thing: this story takes a while to pick up, I like writing in detail and feel the need to add a decent introduction and build up to add to the overall satisfaction of the story. If you can’t handle it or want something shorter, just go watch a porno with a terrible plot or enjoy any of the other great stories by talented authors. I’ll release other stories if this one receives positive attention and some...
Chapter 1 Being a single mom is never easy. Raising a boy can be especially challenging because of the obvious gender difference but raising a daughter can be difficult as well because of the gender similarity. So, for Sheila Winfred and Vicky Bellows, both single moms who lived next door to one another, they often shared with one another the ins and outs of bringing up children by themselves. Sheila was Greg's mom, now fifteen and beginning high school, and Vicky's daughter, Olivia, was...
Stephanie is a 17-year-old Asian-Caucasian mix knockout with the cutest face and the hottest body you have ever seen. One rule in life is, if you want to avoid temptation the do not invite a temptress to stay in your guesthouse. Continued….. After our kiss at the end of the party I tried to keep my space over the next few days to let my raging hormones, if not hers, calm down. Stephanie’s smile with her gleaming white teeth, her honey colored Asian-mix skin and her lustrous long hair,...
Feeling rejuvenated from the terrific fucking I had had last night, I decided to do my daily exercises in the morning right away. After finishing my workout, I had a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I made myself some breakfast of cornflakes and milk, and was just finishing my orange juice when the bell rang. It was Pushpa and Rani, the two girls whom I had employed as maids a few days back. Pushpa, the younger one, beamed at me when I opened the door; while Rani, the...
It had been three weeks since Ellen and I watched Brian and Bonnie through the window. Brian had loved his encounter with Bonnie and felt renewed as a result of the past few weeks. He was prepared to go along with whatever came in the future.Ellen had been texting me, telling me of their sexual romps and discussions on their new lifestyle as I had asked her to. She appeared to be willing to do whatever I asked of her, even phoning me while Brian fucked her."Yes, he's fucking me right now," she...
VoyeurIntroduction: Authors Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, Im Tantric&hellip,). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy. Chapter 26 By the time we had gotten back to the beach, Janie had formulated a plan to reconnect with Jared. She agreed to take my advice and lead him on a...
This time around she stepped in first and as I heard the clatter of water, I decided to move away for a while and take a breath of fresh air. Unknown to me, and by some strange chance the next door occupant threaded into our room by mistake and without a hiss when straight into the bathing area. I still did not know and I imagined that my GF would come out soon so I could than proceed to have my refresh. As it took her a long time to finish up, I went over to the shower and to my surprise; I...
As Vivianne and I had not seen each for awhile. I decided call her up to maybe just see her or even jump in bed together. Just see what comes up next. I got her a saturday Before noon. But she was busy that day. But if I wanted to meet her She told me That I could pick her up outside the Place she visited and drive her home taht evening. We decided taht I was about to pick her up around seven a Clock. I came with the car and did not see her outside were we decided meet up so I took a turn and...
“Wh– what in God’s name is she doing?” “Oh, fuck... THAT’S what I’m talking about...” Willa didn’t miss a beat when she cast a glance around the edge of her folded bonnet at the pair of conservatively-dressed women who had just tiptoed into the dimly-lit alley. In lieu of a greeting, she decided to instead use her lipsticked-purple tools of the trade to slop on a fresh coat of ooey-gooey, bubbly spit onto the curved pipe she had sliding back and forth across her tongue. “Sch-luurrp– !” As...
By : Fizz6491 Hi, this is Kritika again. Thanks for your feedback on my first story. I am putting up another story which is real happened before my marriage when I went to Hyderabad to meet Kumars family and my parents on Sunday evening (you know why?) I was in January and pleasant atmosphere at Hyderabad. I arrived at Hyderabad at Begumpet (there was no Samshabad airport at that time) airport at 7:30 PM on Friday. I was wearing Garden chiffon Saree, which was tied about one inch below navel....
All Alone They were all gone, the rest of the family, they had taken off and wouldn’t be returning until this evening around dinner time. I had been waiting very anxiously and with great trepidation for today to arrive and here it was at last, all mine to do with as I chose and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I walked upstairs and down the hall and stood in front of a closed bedroom door. I was nervous and very excited for what I was about to do. My hands were sweating as I grabbed...
His uncle was in town, and had parked his boat in their drive-way, and we used it like it was on the water, steering it wildly around, dodging helicopter missiles and the such, then we would jump off to a backyard to find ourselves pinned down by yet more bad guys. Somewhere along the way, his little sister (seven-ish) had come outside and joined us, and she played the rescue woman. I was the action hero the first time, and I would battle my way through the front yard, to find her in the...
It had been a chance meeting between Mrs Dawson and Lucy Thomas at a book reading club. Janet Dawson was the headmistress at the sixth form college for girls that Lucy Thomas had attended. Lucy was the head girl and head prefect.Janet Dawson was now forty-five years old, and Lucy was twenty-two-years old.Having met at the book club and got on well, they went for a drink together one evening and were now back at Janets’ house having another drink and an increasingly friendly chat.It was during...
SpankingI’m Jack Livingston. I’m a 58 year old widower, and have been for just over 20 years. I have two grown girls working out of the country. I’ve basically been alone since my kids graduated high school and left for college. I’ve also lived in the same two story, 3 bedroom house for over 30 years. One of my neighbors are Sheila Cowen and her daughter, Diane. This is the story of what happened just over a year ago and concerns myself and Diane….. The Cowen’s have lived next door for about 10 years....
Some one shouted that there was a horse coming on a dead run. It was lathered some when it was yanked to a standstill in the yard. It was a girl of seventeen or so and was looking around for Jacob. "Jacob, we just got word that raiders have robbed our wagons and set our people afoot. They are taking our cattle and all of our equipment. You must do something." "Where?" "I don't know. I think the other side of the last town before this one. They are taking them north and west." "Were...
Tuesday morning started out like any other day for Doug. His alarm clock woke him up at seven o'clock; he showered, ate a light breakfast and was out of the house by 8:15. He felt much better about his decision to resign than he did yesterday and actually started looking forward to telling the Board of Elders of his decision to resign. Up until two weeks ago, his life was just like anybody's life. He got up, went to work, did what he had to do and came home. Now everything had changed. His...
The Rolls Royce Silver Shadow coasted up the driveway towards Castle Stuart Country House Hotel. At 8:00pm exactly, the driver drew up at the impressive double pillared entrance. This was it then. Our chance to shine. The doorman who had been guarding the entrance approached and opened the car door. The company had paired everyone off for the evening, and I’d only just met Andy Sinclair less than half an hour before. I turned to him and smiled, before stepping demurely onto the gravelled...
I had been chatting to C. for almost 2 months until we decided to take one step further and meet in person, he turned his cam on several times,(Otherwise i wouldn't date him, as i'm very picky when it comes to men) so it was not a blind date, i already knew how good looking he was but frankly speaking, i didn't expect him to be that hot when i first saw him in front of McDonald's!C. was quite tall and athletic with muscular biceps, dark brown hair and eyes complexion..I noticed his voice was...
Summary - Claire's mother Darlene visits her friend Candice and brings along a friend. Previous Chapter Summary – Claire found out why Sultan kept forgetting his lessons and gave him a special treat. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have...
"I'm getting podgy," Melinda groused over her second glass of wine. With a sigh she pinched her stomach through her dress. "See that? Fat.""You're not podgy," her best friend Cassidy laughed over her own glass, before reaching out to tickle Mel's tummy—and causing her to almost spill the wine. As her redheaded friend giggled, Cassidy leaned in close and reassured her, "You've got a wonderful figure! You're so curvy. It makes me jealous; I'm no washboard but you girl, you are something else."Mel...
CheatingHi, this is my story about how I had sex with my best friend Meera and turned her into a . I live in Pune which is my hometown and go to one of the reputed colleges in this city. So, coming to the story, it is about my love for my best friend and how I made her fall for me. First time I met Meera was in college when I was in higher secondary. We became friends in no time. We used to enjoy each other’s company and always used to hand out together. Soon we were in 12th and I didn’t even realize...
LesbianSixty miles south of the protectors, deep in the forest, another group was holding a meeting. Krang stood on top of a boulder looking down at his fellow mutants, savoring what was to come. His roar shook the very ground, as he got everyone's attention. The other mutants gathered in front of the boulder, "Have I not led you well against the humans?" Krang inquired. "Yes!" came the reply from the mass of lions and tigers. "Did I not go into the world and find the humans weak?" Again...
I have enjoyed reading the stories written by men to get a better understanding of what it is like to crossdress. As a woman, I find that I really enjoy and am very aroused with a feminized man. I guess I have always been a bit of a tomboy and enjoy doing athletic things, so being with a man that is the opposite seems natural to me. I used to play gender swap cross dress role play with my ex boyfriend. It started one afternoon when he came back from playing basketball. I had just finished...
CrossdressingSince the parallel universe is the in thing right now, i've decided to dabble in it a bit. In this story, the men and women are separated, as in they live in different cities. A city dedicated entirely for men and one for women. The technology in this world is same as in the 18th century Italy. Steam powered engines are a big thing though people still believe in Magic and some cases have been reported though the sources are questionable. We are going to restrict ourselves to a single city of...
Fantasy"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...
Fifteen years later.My sister is now thirty-four. She took a job in Canada, straight from leaving university. Soon afterwards, she met a man and got married. She's had a successful career in Canada but never had any children.Over the last fifteen years, we have met at family gatherings but we had never had any one-to-one time together for catching up. Out of the blue, I received an email from her. She explained her marriage had been in trouble for a few years and that there were changes...
IncestI woke up Wednesday morning with a body burrowed up against me and it took a minute to figure out what was up — besides me. Vicky was spooned up next to me with my arm draped over her while hers was over top of mine holding it close to her. Big Mike was trapped between her butt cheeks and was definitely appreciating his surroundings. I glanced at the clock and saw it was only five thirty so there was no rush to get up, except I really had to go to the washroom. I tried to pull my arm gently...
First thing you need to know is, I come from a small town. Not a farm town specifically but small enough to be straitjacketed in many ways. But we enjoyed life. High school was fun. In a mildly risque sort of way. My body was in great shape. When I was young I started in gymnastics and really got into it. I loved the thrill of flying, bouncing and stretching. I found that I liked being an extrovert. The more attention I got the more I liked it. The tight uniforms, the postures. All got me more...
Hello everyone I am raghav and this is my second story. Actually it happened just weeks after the first incident which was “first experience with neighbour’s wife”. That day her husband was on noon shift so as usual after lunch I told my mom that I was going to my friend’s house and knocked her back door. She opened the door and I was stunned to see her in blue mini skirt and white T shirt. I stood at the door speechless. She pulled me in saying “what took you so long”. She locked the door and...
I entered my bedroom and rushed to the bathroom. Quickly, I undressed by removing my kurta and bra. I started the shower and stood underneath, letting the shower’s cold water pour over my heated body. I could feel my father-in-law’s cum rinsing off my thighs with the water. I realized that my body was still trembling. In a matter of minutes, my whole world had changed. I had been forced by my husband’s father. I didn’t know how I would face Adeel tonight. What would I tell him? Could I tell him...
IncestImmersion breaking fictional story disclaimer. All characters are made up and no names are based on real people. Sorry about that. (contains taboo themes(you've been warned), masturbation and voyeurism but no actual sex... yet)I couldn't believe it had come to this. I had moved in to live with my sister. This last year hadn't gone the best for me, I had lost my job and had to live off of my savings for a few months until most of that was gone. I needed some help getting back on my feet. Bit of...
Summary - Sexy, young, Samantha and her naughty mother go shopping together. Julie shares some things she perhaps shouldn't. Previous Chapter Summary - Chad tries to behave. Samantha is frustrated. Mom has a secret! Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment...
it was mid winter and id just got home from school,i was 16 at the time and id just walked into the hallway and id heard an argument going on between my mum and my stepdad, i could hear her saying is that all you think about and with that the door opened and she walked past me and out the door,my stepdad came into the hallway and asked me if id heard any of that so I said yes,he said sorry I shouldn't be hearing that sort of thing so I asked him if he wanted to talk about it he said no it...