A Pastor's WifeChapter 4 free porn video

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Tuesday morning started out like any other day for Doug. His alarm clock woke him up at seven o'clock; he showered, ate a light breakfast and was out of the house by 8:15. He felt much better about his decision to resign than he did yesterday and actually started looking forward to telling the Board of Elders of his decision to resign. Up until two weeks ago, his life was just like anybody's life. He got up, went to work, did what he had to do and came home. Now everything had changed. His thoughts were no longer on the church and its needs. They now centered on him, his family and their newly discovered needs. He knew that if he stayed as Pastor of this church he would end up like so many other religious leaders who had gotten caught red handed with their pants down. Now was the time to go.

Janet usually stayed in bed until Doug left for the office. When she heard him close the front door, she got out of bed, went to the bathroom to relieve herself, slipped on her house robe and went to check on Ali.

"You feeling okay?" Ali liked to get up early and be outside taking pictures, so Janet was surprised to see her still in bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ali responded. "Is Donna coming over this morning?"

It became clear why Ali was still in bed. Janet sat on the edge of her daughter's bed and stroked her cheek tenderly. "Donna might be over later, right now, we have a house to clean." Janet pulled the covers back suddenly and started tickling the girl. They used to do this when she was younger but had gotten away from it as Ali grew. Ali finally submitted to her mother's wishes and got out of bed.

"Mom?" she asked as she looked for something to wear.

"Yes, sweetie?" Janet answered nonchalantly.

"When are we going to see Grandma again?"

Janet looked at her daughter without saying anything for a long moment before answering. "I don't know, sweetie. Did you enjoy what happened at Grandma's?"

"Oh god yes, Mom," Ali exclaimed. "It was ... well, I loved every moment of it."

"Tell me," Janet asked hesitated before continuing her question, "what part did you like the best?

"It was all good but if I had to pick one thing I would have to say letting Daddy fuck me and you licking me afterwards."

"I liked that too."

"Do you think Grandpa will want to fuck me too?" Ali asked looking at her mother.

Janet nodded her head. "Oh Ali, I would love to watch him put his hard dick inside you."

Janet would never have talked like this with her mother. Up until two weeks ago she would never have talked like this with anyone, except Donna. Hearing her daughter say the "F" word and whom she would like to do it with started emotions in her that she found hard to control.

"You will have to wait for that but I think we can get him to fuck you."

Janet wanted nothing more then to climb in bed with her daughter but she forced herself to walk out of the bedroom. When she reached the door, she turned and told Ali that breakfast would be ready in fifteen minutes. They ate their breakfast in silence for the most part. Ali reading the side of her cereal box and Janet lost in her own thoughts. She let her mind drift to the conversation that she and Doug had the night before about his resignation. She hated the idea but understood his reasoning. They had a good life here. They had good friends who would be there in an instant if they needed anything. She hated the thought of starting a new life in a new town but knew that Doug was set on it.

Janet was jolted from her thoughts by the ringing of the telephone. "Hello?" she said into the receiver.

"Hi," it was Doug. "I made the phone calls and called a special board meeting for this evening. I think you should be there with me."

Janet could hear the sadness in his voice. She knew how much this was tearing him apart. He loved this church, loved the people. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she hung her head knowing that if she were a better person, a stronger woman who could control her desires, he would not be in this mess.

"I'm so sorry, Doug," she said choking back the sobs.

"For what? You didn't do anything to be sorry for."

"If I just resisted my temptations, we wouldn't have to do this."

"I made my choices too," he told her. "Honestly, I made them long time ago, just never acted on them."

They talked for a while longer and finally said good-bye. Normally, Janet would call Donna for comfort but knew that would only make her feel worst today.

Throughout the day, Janet found things to do around the house. It needed a good cleaning and today was a good day to do it. Janet knew that if she didn't keep busy today, she would go insane. It did surprise her that Ali was so willing to do her part. Ali just smiled at everything she was asked to do, and did it without the usual complaint. Ali knew from experience that when her mother was in the mood she was in, it was never a good idea to cross her.

Janet finally got in the shower and then fixed a light meal for her and Ali. Afterwards, she watched Ali walk across the street to Donna's house and wished it were she. Instead she got in her car and drove off feeling sorry for herself.

She arrived at the church to find that most of the board members were already there. She found Doug and Tom in his office and chatted for a few minutes with both of them. Finally the time had come and together the three walked into the conversance room and sat down.

Normally the all board meetings were not open to the congregation so it surprised everyone when Mrs. Green, the church custodian, walked into the room at the last minute. Since she was not a member of the board, Doug had asked her to leave but when she insisted on being heard, Doug let her speak.

"I have volunteered my cleaning company's time and effort for years to this church. I have cleaned things that others have dirtied and should have cleaned themselves without complaint." Mrs. Green was a stern older lady with gray hair and half moon reading glasses perched on the end of her nose. Everyone present sat patently waiting for her to come to her point.

"Please, Mrs. Green, if you could get to your point. We have a full agenda tonight."

Mrs. Green straightened her back and adjusted her glasses. "I have proof that the Pastor is in sin." She knew it was blunt but she didn't care.

Dead silence filled the room as a shocked panic look came across the faces of Doug, Janet and Tom. "What proof of what sin?" Doug finally managed to ask. "Sex should be between a husband and wife, at home, in the bedroom with the lights out," she said in her most holier-then-thou voice. "Not in your office."

The color drained from Janet's face as she closed her eyes and waited for the woman to continue.

"I found these under you desk." Mrs. Green reached in her purse and pulled out a pair of black lacy panties and held them in front of her like they might bite her.

"Is that the only reason you're here?" Charlie Hammond exclaimed.

"Do I need another? I want the Pastor and his wife to either repent of this sin or resign as pastor."

"Have you read Genesis?" Charlie asked. "God's very first command to his new creation, Adam and Eve, was to go be fruitful and multiply. In other words to go have sex and have fun doing it." He opened a Bible that was on the table and quickly opened it to the first book of the Bible. "Nope, no mention of a bedroom."

He looked around and when he saw nobody objecting he continued. "The book of Song of Solomon is a very sensuous, erotic piece of literature and they are in their bedroom but they are also in a garden as well." Turning to Doug he asked, "Am I wrong, but isn't a garden outside?"

"Its outside." Doug said letting his friend handle this woman.

"Look at what the Apostle Paul said in the New Testament. 'Don't withhold your bodies from your spouses any longer then necessary and then for spiritual purposes and only for a short time." Charlie paused and looked directly in the eyes of Mrs. Green, "Nowhere in the Bible does it say that sex has to be in the bedroom at night with the lights out."

"But ... but..." Mrs. Green stammered. "You are mocking me."

"No Mrs. Green, I am not mocking you. I am mocking the mindset that most of the Christian community has about sex today. Its unhealthy and not at all Biblical." Then pointing at the panties he asked. "If you know that those, uh, that garment belongs to anyone other than Janet, we will listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, thank you for coming."

"I will never step foot inside this church again!" Mrs. Green scolded as she threw the panties to the middle of the conversance table and stormed out the door.

Janet quickly got to her feet and removed the panties from everyone's sight.

"One thing, Pastor," Charlie said, "maybe a little discretion is in order next time."

"So it would seem. I do apologize for any embarrassment I caused you." Doug said to the room and waited for the group to regain their composure. "I called this special meeting to do what Mrs. Green asked, resign."

Again the room was filled with silence. They board members looked at each other and then at Doug and Janet.

"This is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do," Doug began. "I have sinned against God and my wife. I have had sexual relations with someone besides my wife. Janet and I need time to sort things out and find what we need. I need your forgiveness and Janet's as well."

Doug sat looking at the table, not wanting to meet anyone's eye. He knew that there was no turning back now that he had publicly confessed his sin. "Effective immediately, I resign as your Pastor."

He tentatively looked at Janet who also was looking down. Doug could see the turmoil boiling in her mind. He wanted to reach out and pull her tight to himself to comfort her and get comfort from her. If he could turn the clock back, he would not have made this confession.

Charlie Hammond finally broke the silence. He had been a board member for several years and supported the pastor in every way. He admired the pastor as a man, as a leader and as an administrator. "Pastor, what are your plans."

"Janet and I are going to find the help we need to put everything in perspective. As you know, I have been working on my master's degree in counseling which I plan on finishing. I can't answer beyond that."

There were many more questions, a lot of tears but surprisingly no judgmental attitudes. Janice White sat quietly at the end of the table watching the members as they asked their questions. She watched the pastor and his wife as they answered them. She was in her mid-fifties with slightly graying hair. She was a tall lady at 5' 10" and maintained a trimmed body. Although she usually wore blouses that reveal a lot of cleavage most men were drawn to her eyes. After a half hour, she asked her first question.

"Pastor, have your considered taking a sabbatical leave of absence instead of resigning?"

Doug sat back in his chair and looked to his wife with a look of bewilderment. He studied Janice for several seconds before asking, "Why do you ask?"

"I agree that you need time to figure everything out. I agree that it would be best to do that without the pressure that comes with your position. However, all sins can be forgiven."

Charlie was the first to catch the vision of this stately woman, "I believe that is a marvelous idea." He looked around the room and saw everyone slowly nodding their heads as the idea settled in on them. "Can you finish your schooling in a year?"

"Yes, yes I think so," Doug said warming to the thought himself.

Another round of questioning followed but this time it was with an upbeat spirit of hope and love. By the end of the evening, instead of being unemployed, Doug found himself on a year's sabbatical.

"That went better then I feared," Doug told his wife as they left the building when the meeting finally ended.

"Much better." Janet agreed. "Let's go home."

Tom Garner was waiting for them at Doug's car. "Surprised?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"Did you have anything to do with that?" Doug asked.

"I shouldn't tell you this but Janice came to me over a year ago. Seems she had something going on with a co-worker. It soured and left her feeling very guilty and ashamed."

"I see" Doug said, "Uh, did you and her... ?"

"No. Wanted to but, no." Tom said. Then looked at his friends carefully before continuing. "She called me this afternoon after your phone call. I'm sorry but I told her of your plans."

"Oh, did you tell her anything else?" Janet asked.

"Only as much as she needed to know," Tom said as he hung his head.

"She did have a great idea. I think the time away from the church will do us all a lot of good." Janet said.

"Thank you, Tom." Doug said as he reached his hand out and shook his friend's hand. "We need to get Ali from the Olson's."

Tom gave them a knowing smile and nodded his head. "I should get home to Cindy too. Never know what will happen with her and Jason."

Janet got in her car and drove home. Doug followed closely in his own car. They pulled into their drive and looked over to the Olson's house.

"Do you want to go get Ali, or let her stay there?" Doug asked his wife.

"Let's go together. We can explain to David and Donna what happened tonight." Janet took her husband's hand and together they crossed the street. They automatically went to the side door and walked in. They knew as soon as they closed the door behind them what was happening down the hall.

Doug looked at Janet and smiled as he started towards the bedroom. He pushed the partially closed door open as Janet stepped to his side. Ali was on her back with Donna sitting on her face holding the girl's legs up and apart. David was between Ali's legs plowing his hard dick into their daughter's young pussy.

"Fuck her good, Dave," Donna hissed as her hips gyrated on the Ali's face.

Janet stepped into the room and stood beside Donna who just smiled at her lover. "She was so horny she almost raped both of us." Donna said as her hand went around Janet's neck, pulling close for a deep passionate kiss.

Doug moved behind his wife and put his arms around her waist. He started kissing her neck and nibbling her ear as they stood there watching their long time friends fuck their young daughter. His hands came up and cupped her tits as he pushed his hardening cock into her ass. "Fuck her real good," he told his friend as he looked between his daughter's legs and saw David's cock sliding in and out of her tight pussy.

David pushed his cock deep into Ali and let it stay there for a moment. He slowly pulled it out and held it just inside the girl's young cunt. Together, they looked at the hard shaft covered with Ali's pussy juice and noticed how stretched out the pussy lips were.

"Are you going to cum in my little girl?" Janet asked as she wrapped two fingers around the shaft and stroked it.

"Oh yes," David breathed. "I'm going to fill her cunt full of my cum."

"Is that what you want, Ali?" she asked her daughter.

Donna had rolled off of Ali's face and the three adults were looking at the ecstasy on her face. "Yes David, fuck me and fill my pussy full."

Janet let David's cock slide between her fingers as he sunk it back into Ali's love tunnel, removing only when his balls were against the girl's ass. He put a hand on either side of her face, keeping his body off hers while increasing his speed as Ali rocked her hips up to meet his powerful thrusts.

"Here it comes!" David grunted as he drove his cock deep into the very wet cunt and held it there.

Ali arched her back, grinding her pussy into the loins of the older man. She could feel his cum flooding her pussy, her own orgasm breaking loose from deep within her as she screamed out in sheer joy. "Yes, yes, yessssssss!"

David reluctantly pulled out of her and rolled to his side. Donna had moved enough to give him room only so that she could take his wilting cock in her mouth. "That's right, clean it off," he told his wife.

Just as Donna sat up satisfied that her husband's cock was duly cleaned, the doorbell rang. Everyone looked at each other for a moment and then scrambled to find their clothes. Janet walked to the front door and answered it giving the others time to get dressed.

"Oh, hi," she said as she saw Tom, Cindy, Jason and Christine standing on the doorstep. "What brings you over here?"

"We thought that there might be a party we might be able to crash," Tom said to her as Cindy played with the buttons on her blouse and Jason was brazenly stared at Janet's tits.

"Come on in, the party is in the bedroom." Janet said as she opened the door wider and stepped to the side.

Cindy was the last one to enter the Olson's home. As she passed Janet she pushed her against the wall and passionately kissed her. Her hands cupped her friend's tits and her tongue darted into her open mouth.

"I've thought of little else since the last time we did this," Cindy sighed as she broke the kiss off. Christine was looking intently at the actions of her mother and was amazed by the sight. Earlier in the week she and her mother had a long talk about what adults sometimes did. They didn't do anything physical but it did pique Christine's interest. Seeing her mother kiss Janet like that made her mind up that she indeed wanted to try it.

Janet let her breath out and looked down at Cindy's small breasts. Cindy had opened the top two buttons and Janet could easily see her bra. Lazily she let her eyes move over to where Christine was and then to Jason. "I think we are going to have a wonderful party."

Doug had come out of the bedroom and had witnessed Cindy's assault on his willing wife with his prick still hard from watching David and his daughter. He was learning that he loved to see the women together. Loved to see the way they interacted sexually with each other.

Tom was standing next to him and redirected his attention to his own daughter. "I told you the other day we were saving her for someone special."

"I do remember that," Doug said in a hushed voice.

David and Donna walked into the living room wearing only bathrobes. They had heard Tom and Cindy's voices and knew that everything was okay. Ali came out a short time later wearing a long t-shirt that Tom had given her.

"Thought we heard friendly voices," Donna said.

Doug sat on the sofa with Tom at the other end. Jason was standing in front of Ali and had taken her hands in his. Neither one was saying anything vocally but their body language said volumes.

Janet and Cindy stepped close to Donna as she held her arms out to them. They gave a three-way hug until Cindy's mouth found Janet's once again. Donna, not wanting to be left out, leaned in and the three ladies shared a passionate three-way kiss. There was a flurry of hands as articles of clothing started falling to the floor.

Doug watched as Jason led Ali down the hallway until they disappeared into one of the bedrooms and closed the door. He looked over to where Tom was sitting as Cindy dropped to the floor kissing Donna's body as she did. He saw Christine standing by herself wanting to join but wasn't sure she could.

"Come here Christine," Doug said to the twelve-year-old girl. His smile always made her feel at ease and she found herself walking towards him.

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My Ebony Coworker

I always enjoyed that my company hired people from every ethnicity. Especially the woman. Normally we seemed to have only caucassian females, but it was not long after I started, that I met coworkers from other places. There were Indian coworkers, Asians, latinas and of course black woman too. Especially my direct colleague. Her name was Nancy and she had to be a descendant of a goddess. Always wearing red lipstick, Skirts or dresses that comforted her well formed body perfectly and sometimes I...

2 years ago
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Experience of Life

hi all the readers. main 2 saalon se iss ka regular reader hun aur bahut baar socha ke apna experience share karun but himmat nahi kar paya. but aaj himmat karke main apne bahut saare experienes mein se kuch apke saath share kar raha hun. meri age 23 hai aur meri look average hai but fir bhi mere ache aur simple nature ki wajah se meri life mein bahut si ladkiyan aai. jab main 18 saal ka tha to apni cousin sister ki shaadi mein gay to unki ek friend jiska naam preeti tha ne mujhe purpose kiya...

4 years ago
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The Story Teller a Change In Attitude

Chapter One Bruce Jamison watched as the commuter train approached his station. He looked around and saw that all of the people waiting to board the train were staring at the train as if mesmerized by the approach of the huge beast that took them into New York City at this time of the morning, Monday through Friday. Bruce had been riding this train for seven years now; ever since he and Beth had moved to Connecticut. Bruce had met Beth at a friend's party and they had hit it off right away....

1 year ago
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Johanna and the many men part 2

…Johanna screamed and groaned in pain as she first had anal sex. He fucked her slowly at first and then run faster. She was moaning constantly now, and he was about to come.He pulled the dick out of her anus which was now even bigger and spurted over her ass and her back. There were now four men left and one of them climbed up behind her and immediately began to run into his cock in her anus. He was due entirely to her even though he was quite as much. She moaned and screamed when he fucked her...

1 year ago
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The Seducion Of Jacquee Ch 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I've had fantasies about my middle sister for many years and I long suspected she had more than just normal feelings for me, too. To be honest with you neither of us had ever acted on them outside of playing doctor and general necking as is most often found in siblings. My name is Wayne and the sister I am going to talk about, her name is Jacquee. Growing up, I often got mixed signals. Jacquee would often walk around the house almost nude when our...

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Fantasy Becomes Fact

Chapter 1: the fantasy is born. John Roberts; was an average student with a sharp mind but easily distracted; you could say he was often overpowered by his mother's authority but to the outside world he was just an average guy. Every since he was thirteen he had developed a fascination with rape after reading a victim's account of being raped by a strong silent man. He read that court account in his local paper; several times before turning to investigate other true rape accounts but non of...

2 years ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 3

Hannah released my hair and left me on my knees as I gasped for breath. My throat felt sore from the fucking she’d given it with her dildo, and my legs trembled beneath me. I hoped that I had done enough to satisfy her, but with the rest of the weekend still ahead I knew deep down that there would more ordeals to come. As she got back onto the bed, she told me to go and get her breakfast. As I went to reach for my dressing gown from behind the door, I was told to leave it and put hers on...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love Chapter 3 The infatuation

Love. A simple and small word, but it carries such a strong meaning. Is it possible to love two people? Or better. Could I love two people? Questions and more questions.Three months have passed since our first “incident.” My passion for him was stronger than ever, and we used every opportunity we had to be together. I had gone back on birth control because I honestly hate condoms. My husband had a vasectomy after the birth of our children, so I never had to worry, but now with the affair,...

3 years ago
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After my kids were out of the house, I went out and found a job in the insurance industry. This meant going to conventions several times a year with my boss, Matt. About a month after I started working for Matt, he took me to my first insurance conference, and we ended up fucking in the hotel. Just as Matt, my boss, finished cumming inside me, I heard my phone buzz. When I looked, I could see that it was Alan, my husband, calling to wish me a ‘goodnight’, so I had to answer...

4 years ago
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Zak Is Interrogated By Olivia Part 2

"Zak, we are going to talk about your hidden attraction towards males. I know you do not consider yourself gay, but the way you made love to Andres makes me think twice.""I am not comfortable in talking about that. It is a subject I try to avoid. You have a way of pulling me out of my shell.""Look at me as your therapist without having to pay. I know you are going to have me horny, and we can have naughty sex. When did you first develop an attraction for anal sex?""I did not wake up one morning...

2 years ago
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Wife watchs me get Fucked Gay

Well, our marriage just keeps getting better. My wife and I love that I'm submissive and that I was bi-curious. I say I was bi-curious, because my wife set me up to realize I am truly bisexual. After begging her to use me like a sissy slut with a strap on, she not only treated me like a slut with her strap on, she happily watched me with another man.She set me up with her best friend, Kathy and her husband Tom. On Halloween night, my wife watched as I sucked Tom's cock, swallowed his sperm and...

3 years ago
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Five Go WildChapter 2

The Five's holiday at Cherry Cottage had begun in an unexpected way. In the past they had found much fun in exhausting themselves with exploring the seaside and countryside just as soon as they could. But this year had been different. Their holiday had begun discovering sex amongst themselves. Julian, the eldest at sixteen, felt good about being in charge. At boarding school he'd learned about giving and taking orders. Now as a senior Julian enjoyed keeping his fag on his toes. Julian...

2 years ago
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The Whore Did The Whole Town 8211 Part IV

Now I was naked on the bed with Ramesh standing at the edge of the bed and looking at me from head to toe. He started to unbutton his shirt and then his trousers. While doing so he said: Arey madam lund hi chahiye tha toh itni door kyu aayi? Mujhe pehle hi bol diya hota. Mein ghar ke pass hi intezaam kar deta.Once he was stripped he came on the bed and sat on his knees in front of my open legs and spread them further with his hand. He stood there for a minute and caressed my pussy, my legs, my...

3 years ago
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Fucked by bikers

I am a 22 year old small petite girl. 53, 32a, 105, blonde slutty girl. I am always looking for something different and wild when it comes to sex. Yesterday I got to do another fun sexual night. I met this biker guy (James) that I had fucked about a year back. He knew what a slut I was. He asked if I was looking for a hard fuck session and obviously I said yes. He wanted to take me to a bar where his friends frequent. He asked me to dress like Daisy Duke. And did I wear the smallest shorts on...

3 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 18 Answers

Kate busied her self, it wasn't easy fitting Tom's body into the new Bio-suit on her own, but at least it was done. The only thing left to do was fill it, if she understood fully the details the 'Female Dom' had shown her this was the best way to produce something close to a 'pure strain.' Of course it wouldn't be a pure strain, human brains were too primitive for that, most of the mutants cerebellum would contain sexualized information, but if she was right, and it was by no means...

1 year ago
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Exxxtrasmall Ariel Skye The Secret Of Cum

Ariel has been super bummed out lately. All of her friends are tall and have sexy legs while shes just a little runt under five feet. She wants to grow so badly, and hopes that one day her wish will come true. As she starts to measure her height, her brothers friend stops by to see if hes down to chill, but he is not home just yet, so he vibes on the couch. He watches Ariel measure herself, asks why, then his heart literally breaks for her short situation. Good thing Brad is a genius, and knows...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 44

The rest of the week was pretty quiet as far as our love life went, but then I was very busy at the laboratory. University wasn't all beer and sex; we had our degrees to earn as well! On Thursday, Malcolm and I didn't finish until almost nine o'clock at night, and we had to eat our spaghetti bolognese supper re-heated, as the three girls had, quite rightly, given up waiting for us two hours before then. I was so shattered from a very long day concentrating that when we went to bed, I...

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Chrissys New Life Part 2

Chrissy's New Life Part 2 The Thanksgiving holidays were now upon us and this presented something of a problem. While most all the other students were from the region, my family lived almost 1000 miles distant in Amarillo, Texas. Although this was not unusual, my father was a member of alumni and hence the selection of St. Mark's for my education. While my family wasn't poor, flying home for Thanksgiving and then again in a few weeks for Christmas was more than we could afford. It was...

2 years ago
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Mother Caught Fucking Sister

That evening I went to market and brought a box of condoms for me, and a complete course of contraceptive pills for Najma. I didn’t like using rubbers but I knew that I would have to use it with Najma until the pills start working. I didn’t face this problem with Sheila or my landlady at Mumbai because they were married. Late in the night, I sneaked into Najma’s room after my mother retired to her room. After feigning reluctance for some time, she surrendered to her lust, and we fucked whole...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 9 Like Mother Like Daughter

December – Year 1 The assault on the Chinese buffet was complete. We had almost run them out of King Pao Chicken and Hunan Lamb. We waddled out to the cars. Dara took Lynn’s keys when offered and headed to Lynn’s car. Lynn and I walked to my car. I opened her door and closed it behind her, then got in my side and we drove back to her home. As we drove we talked about Dara and spending the night together. We talked about the day and my concern was that we were getting in on the sex side too...

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Blonde Mom Fucks Black Babysitter Pt 1

A week before she had helped Loren on an outing to the local pool. Loren could hardly take her eyes off Alex in her blue bikini, how it clung to every curve on her young body. Alex seemed to relish in her sexiness, as if she knew that many eyes were on her as she walked to and from the pool. Alex was very affectionate with her young daughter Tatum and a somewhat guilty thrill rushed through Lauren when she saw the two girls hugging and splashing in the pool. Tonight as Alex got into the...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 25 The Rules of the Game part 1

The cool night air of the palace bedroom was warmed by braziers in each of the corners. Their soft orange glow provided just enough light for Heather take in her surroundings. The massive four-poster bed covered in silken sheets felt wonderful against her skin ... almost as good as the man languorously lapping away between her thighs. The servants had long since been dismissed from the royal quarters, as they always were whenever the High Priest visited for their "lessons." Of late, the...

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Benefits of a smallish cock

I was awidower of some three years, and concentrated on my office job. Because I had nothing better to do, I often worked late, and rather than go home to make a meal, i regularly ate at a restaurant near my office.On this occasion, i needed a pee after my main course, so visited the toilet. I noticed another chap looking at me, but thought nothing of it, as my equipment would not warrant a second look - its very thin and not longer than seven inches on my best day.I returned to finish my...

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Swapped UnswappedChapter 4

Diana I’d made the bed in my bedroom and started a load of laundry before I began to put away the breakfast dishes and was cleaning up in the kitchen when I heard her. “Diana?” “Yes, Deb. How are you feeling?” “What happened?” “Well last night after we got back from the hospital, you just sort of faded away. I got you cleaned up and into bed. This morning, Mick and I checked on you and decided to let you sleep. You were so shocked about everything.” “It was all real? It was ... Paul’s...

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Christina Taken 40

He drove into the black section of town until he came to s small store that sold sexy apparel. After parking, they got out and walked into the store, Jordan's arm around her waist holding he tight. No one was in the store except the female proprietor. Jordan introduced her as his cousin Maddie. She was about the same height as Christina but had wider hips and was definitely better endowed being at least a C cup or mayne a D. "Maddie. This is my new slut, Christina," he said. "I need...

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Love And Lust Sibling Complications2

Everyone has a weird family, but mine is just strange. My name is Alex, I have three little sisters, and we’re spread out across the gene spectrum, thanks to our blonde mom and our dark-haired dad. Basically every pregnancy was a war between the dominant traits. I’m seventeen and tall with dark hair. Two of my sisters are sixteen year-old twins, and I have no problem saying that I want to fuck them (I’m a teenager and full of hormones, so I’ll pretty much fuck anything attractive. Hell,...

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Gay Mormon BDSM Training Part 2

He stripped off his full body underwear and his cock sprung out, still standing at attention. He briefly looked at himself in the mirror. He had been skinny all his life but now that he was getting older, he had started working out, and noticed that his lean boyish body was getting a little bit fuller every day. He turned on the tap of the shower and instantly started stroking his aching cock. To try and stay pure he rarely ever touched himself, but he had to take care of the all-night...

3 years ago
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I Want to Play a Game Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Search For Clues. The screen then went dark and the girls were on their own again. ‘That was fun.’ Chirped Sammy, ‘She’s gonna be soooo much happier now.’ ‘That was terrible.’ Reacted Trisha ignoring Sammy’s comment. ‘How could anyone do that to another person.’ ‘Someone is obviously just pissed off at the world,’ replied Jade, ‘Or women at least. There’s probably some screwed up ‘Noble Cause’ behind it all.’ ‘But still,’ continued Trisha, ‘She was barely twenty, somebody...

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Pates evening out

Pate was in a really slutty outfit, no bra or panties for our evening meal in a restaurant We sat in a booth and I would take the ice from the drinks and slide it into her pussy and one into her asshole... Then sit back for a few minutes and watch her squirm. As she squirms I can see her nipples get erect as can the waiter who is ogling her magnificent tits. We order some wine and I spill a little while helping he drink which stains her blouse, we look around and I ask if she wants to please...

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Do you want to see pussy get Slayed today? If not, well, I’m not sure what you’re doing here at ThePornDude—are you sure you weren’t looking for MyGaySites? This next one’s going to be a real treat for fans of high-class, high-end, ultra-luxurious lesbian flicks, so go ahead and pour a glass of chardonnay, get out the Gucci masturbation sleeve, and lube up with the finest artisan duck grease. We aren’t watching Craiglist girls getting boned at Motel 6 today, that’s for sure!Slayed.com is a new...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TURNING THE TABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James listened as Angella's orgasm drew closer. By now he'd heard her cum enough times that he knew the signs. Knowing she was both distracted, and in the position he’d been waiting for, he slowly began moving his hands down towards her hips. For six weeks James had known she'd handcuff him to her bed, but he’d also...

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Sarahs Story

Mistress Turned By Sascha IllyvichIn the dark room, music kicked in.  A spotlight shone down just in front of Jackie, emphasizing the cold stone floor before her.  Loud, thumping bass beats accompanied by symbols and electronic rhythms pulsed throughout the room that sent vibrations straight to her swollen pussy. The room smelled of cinnamon and violet.  Jackie knew in this particular club that the tops could create a full scene with their bottoms through utilization of incense and a mixture of...

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Become one of Your Bimbos 6

EPILOGUE 2 It was thirty-two years after Lita had married James. James had marvelled over the years, as he had gradually aged, at how his wife barely seemed a day older than when he had first met her. Lita had carefully started to draw her modelling career to a close. In spite of her well known and continuous use of Botox, it was starting to look obvious that she was not a normal girl and that, even if she had had plastic surgery, it was just not possible to still look 20 at the age of...

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