Faux RealmChapter 4 free porn video

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Dark room. Rattling of chains could be heard every time she moved. A tiny speck of light coming from only one window. Certain she was on a ship after getting knocked out, all track of time has been lost. She could not see anyone, but could hear screams of dozen or so women. She begun do despair. To cry. But had to be strong, she still had to find him. Save him.

Steps could be heard coming nearer. Her door were open with no noise and in came two men. Both of them were bare chested and rippled with muscles. She was suddenly scared.

What are they going to do? She thought.

They had hideous smiles as if they only knew the fate that awaited her beyond that door. Carrying her over the doorstep and out in the lit corridors. Closing her eyes at the bright light she fought to paint a clear picture that was slowly forming in front of her. But the men moved too quickly for her to gather any helpful information about the situation of her surroundings. She could just barely hear them.

“She will be fun to watch brother.” One man said

“I agree maybe we’ll get a turn with her, how long has it been since we broke that whore back in that station.” The other said.

“Four days.” He said sounding very pleased.

“It all depends on him.” One grimly noted.

It was lost on her who was speaking since their very voices echoed through the corridor, again a voice started “Goddamn my tanks are full. I need a woman or I’ll go crazy.”

The other man cackled at the others misfortune, when he was done he said, “Brother you could always meditate. I hear it’s effective.”

She could feel something on her left side coming closer, wincing she felt a strange wet thing go across her face, “Kyahahahaha. I’m not meditating when you can feel plenty good with a real woman. I can’t imagine going without fucking for long periods of time. This one will amuse us if we behave. You will be delicious. If I came a day later I’d fuck her right here.”

Both men enjoyed seeing her squirm in anguish. As her eyes adjusted at the light she saw in front of her two devils. Red skinned devils.

Screaming her lungs out, she tried to run away, but their grip was too much for her to break from. Their laugh went on another level as they seemed to enjoy seeing her in such despair, wickedly wiggling their forked tongues. Menacing red horns that one of the men had chipped, both of these monsters looked incredibly devilish and she could not do anything but quake in fear. Their eyes were pure black pits of nothingness, as she was fighting their grip she saw just how muscled these two brutes really were, guiding her with ease through the corridors.

Arriving at a room they knocked twice, as she heard a muffled voice, “Enter!”

Dragged inside by her arms, she noticed that the room had repugnant stink in the air and noticed another person behind a wall of debris. Thinking for a second that it was just trash soon she noticed piles upon piles of flesh, discarded limbs of creatures unknown. She took another lungful of air to begin another round of screaming, but the man snapped his fingers and one of the men that carried her inside punched her heavily in her abdomen nullifying any attempts made to scream. He smiled as she convulsed on their arms. She tried to breathe but it was not possible. First she thought she would die from the pain, but now she was afraid, deathly afraid of suffocating.

“Very good job, this time you managed to bring one to me without breaking her. I appreciate that. Now leave us alone.” He said briskly.

She was dropped on the ground like a discarded tissue. Nothing was making sense why were they doing this?

Noticing that two devils that exited the room looked one another while the man circled his table and came where she lied.

He gazed into her eyes and she could not see any trace of humanity, of the values she held close to her heart. His stare seemed almost alien even though he looked like human.

“I see you met my two Lor’Rans. You were lucky they did not bend you over and take you where they found you. If they do not meditate they can be a little ... hard to handle if you catch my drift.” To her growing horror he begun disrobing himself.

One article of clothing after the other dropped to the ground as he looked at her with a certain degree of curiosity. She could not avoid gazing at his dick. As he dropped his pants he revealed an unimpressive appendage that hung between his legs; was small but the man carried himself like he had a monster. It was almost silly. Trying not to laugh the man apparently saw her expression and started hitting and punching her, screaming obscenities at top of his lungs.

Not knowing what to do she tried to endure the pain and started counting the seconds. They turned into minutes and eventually the man stopped hitting and sat down on a nearby chair trying to get some air back into his lungs.

“Fucking whore. Last one that laughed I made sure she suffered.” He spat.

He fumed for few minutes. Silent dread washed over her, gently rocking back in his chair he pressed something on his desk. She waited dreading of what would come through that door. Several minutes passed as the man continued hurling insults and obscenities at her, making sure she heard every one of them. A soft knock on the door interrupted his tirade.

“Come in.” He said.

Doors opened and she stared in anxious anticipation. Horror was washed away and was replaced by curiosity as she saw a man in chains. “Stand here.” The man barked.

Chained man almost ran to where the man pointed and stood, waiting. The angry man turned his head towards her and silently said, “Now look here.”

He bent down rummaging for a few minutes through his clothes and picked up a pistol. Pointing it at the man in chains he pulled the trigger and the chained man’s head exploded. “This is much dirtier than throwing them out of airlock but it does do some good.”

He smiled kicking her in the face. She yelped in pain. Her face went numb, she could feel a small trail of blood coming down her face. Slowly she started to cry, after some time she heard him say, “Now remember this, until we deliver you; you are at our mercy. We can simply say we did not find you, but we need to get paid.”

“Now spread t’em open. Laugh and dying will be something you’ll wish for.” He spat.

She started to scream, “Brother, HELP ME!” As the man started to gyrate his hips.

His laughs and erotic cries slowly filled the room as he was soon finished and went limp on the floor.

Everyone was standing in a semi – circle around Lucian and the bodies of his parents. As the lights went off and on, for a few brief seconds they thought the power was going out, but very soon they understood that something unusual was happening with this man.

Liza and Ericha were standing looking at Lucian with mixed emotions as they tried to understand what had happened. Their hearts ached. Both of them moved as one. First with a little bit of fear, but as they got closer they became braver. Gently hugging him from both sides, they noticed he was not responding. He lied limp into Ericha’s arms. Liza gasped seeing Lucian in a catatonic state, she almost choked him as she fiercely hugged him and started weeping.

Luca approached the two women and used his Pad. Few tense moments passed as he noticed that his brain waves on his screen were irregular. “What the fuck?!” He exclaimed.

Both women suddenly stared at him as they heard him shout. Both had fear in their eyes and as if they were connected with an invisible link both asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

“I found some irregular patterns in his brain waves. That’s all.” He tried to sound calm but deep down Luca was very concerned.

They all suddenly turned and held their breath when they saw Lucian move. Lucian fixed his eyes on the Pad’s screen and saw that his brain waves returned to normal. Visibly both women saw that Luca was clearly calmer and much more relaxed.

They managed to carry him back to their room as they were still orbiting his home planet. Collectively they decided to wait for him to wake up and see if they could do an autopsy. Every scan on the outside, every probe that was sent in the insides of the dead bodies could not confirm anything for them.

“A glitch in the system”, as one technician said. Another blamed the outside radiation, but everyone was perplexed. Why weren’t the scans working?

Lucian woke up disoriented, little dim light at the foot of the bed told him nothing; where he was or how he got there, but a thigh that suddenly draped over his stomach triggered unusual wave of emotions as he remembered past events. Sudden wave of sadness and despair made his eyes water as he saw dead faces of his parents. Thinking that it was all a bad dream; sore throat made him realize that it was no dream. They were really, truly dead.

Turning toward the body beside him he saw Ericha’s sleeping face. A tear stained her beautiful face. Maneuvering his body he gently lifted her leg up so he could lie sideways. He gently wiped the tear and caressed her face at the same time. She started to move, and he was expecting her to wake up, but she just turned the other way and continued sleeping while hugging Liza. Lucian smiled.

Two women slept soundly as he was busy reminiscing about days long past. He would never see his parents argue, or show the kind of affection that only old couple that spent decades together could show. It was endearing and Lucian wanted a relationship that looked like that.

He was looking at Erichas round ass, and he could not help but to feel aroused as her round, plush bottom pressed on his slowly hardening cock. He wanted to move and cup her breasts but he chose to wait and gently rub the head of his penis where down where she kept pressing. Moving just a little he could see, over her shoulder that Liza was wide awake and busy kissing Ericha’s ears while one set of her hands caressed her neck and body while the other slowly came and caressed Lucian on his cheeks. He used the moment and kissed both of her hands. Conveying all of his love and passion in that gesture.

Lucian wanted to take charge of the situation so he moved. Kneeling up on the bed he pulled down his underwear and removed Erichas, her blond mane of hair slowly parted as he noticed that under the gentle, but silent passions between three people, she managed to wake up and was looking for his next action.

Pointing the head of his rock hard member he moved with purpose injecting himself into her moist depths. She gasped, from the passion, the collision of their bodies or Liza’s gentle kisses. Lucian did not care.

“Ooooh baby.” She silently said. Moving to put her legs behind Lucians back.

Ericha waited for several moments after he impaled her depths.

She was expecting for Lucian to take her like a man possessed. Lucian suddenly moved towards the two females, Ericha did not know what to expect. Something told her violence was not off the table, she had no idea why that was, but decided not to pull away from him. She had no idea why she felt that little microsecond of fear, nothing in her past experiences led to this, but was gently surprised as Lucian came over her gently holding her head and kissing her with more and more passion every second. She whimpered, moaned and tried to say something all at the same time. But instead, series of noises came out from her mouth.

He was moving. Lucian gently rocked his body back and forth. As Ericha trembled around his member, he could feel her pussy juices. She was slowly moaning as Liza and Lucian were busy sucking on her breasts.

They took their time, tried many positions as time washed over them. She climaxed more times than she could remember, every time she thought that it was the end, but both of her lovers were adamant, they wanted her, and they needed her. Ericha could feel Lucian’s strong arms as he used them to embrace and pick her up from the bed to sit on his knees. He never left her moist depths for a second. For few moments, minutes or hours she was only sure that a climax of massive proportions came and washed her body. It never ended.

Liza and Lucian felt proud at their accomplishment. Lucian saw that the woman was expecting something as he smiled. Taking his time to explore her nubile body she gathered herself and made a move on him. Lucian welcomed her with open arms and they continued their passion.

Lucian smiled as she clawed his back and neck; she was not about to wait for a second. She wanted him now, and that just made Lucian feel aroused. This gorgeous woman, alien beauty wanted him. He smiled and moved with his kisses. He was taking an expedition towards the unknown. As Ericha was similar to humans, Liza was purple alien that he wanted to know better. He never really enjoyed her marks, as they became brighter and brighter the more she was aroused. Every time he made love to her, Lucian found something new about her. Little details that made her beauty complete.

“Oh, my love. Lucian right there.” She guided him as he trailed wet kisses down her body.

His hands were busy as well with one he caressed her, a lithe touch here, and a pinch there. He wanted her senses to be overwhelmed by his caresses and he never repeated his moves. Lizas’ gasps made him happy and told him he was doing something right. This alien beauty shivered suddenly, he waited for few moments for the flow to ebb, but it just kept going. He smiled wider and continued down. Onwards.

Purplish color was prevalent on her body but he was amazed at the similarity of her nether regions. Same as any other woman. He gently searched for her secret button but found that she had none. Curious he used his other hand that was holding her leg, with one of his finger he tested her depths for the first time. Up close she was glistening. The aroma that came from the froth was nothing he experienced before. Almost begging, pleading him to suck it clean, he could only obey what the liquid had told him. For few delicious moments he was lost slurping and sucking when he heard a scream from somewhere. His mouth was quickly filled with liquid. Lucian drank it all making sure nothing was spilled onto the bed as the nubile woman bounced on his mouth.

Slowly his mind came back reeling from the experience that just happened. Lucian’s mouth felt clean and fresh, he felt his cock twitch. Moving his body he came between Liza’s legs and slowly entered her depths; he kept staring in her eyes as he did so.

He smiled as he bottomed out and made the woman’s body shiver, “Liza.” He called out her name curious to find that the very act made him almost climax.

Liza on the other hand was not that lucky as she climaxed third time in a row, enjoying the sensations of the intimate act she wanted more, no she needed much more. She was willing to surrender her body and soul to this man. She gazed in his eyes, Liza’s body was ready, and her mind was set.

“My love, I’m yours.” She said.

“And I’m yours.” Lucian felt that it was natural to answer in turn.

A sudden wash of emotions almost made Lucian cry in joy. He was a little bit scared but felt secure so the fear just washed over him, he noticed that Liza’s body was slowly getting warmer. Lines that were previously all across her body slowly receded into middle of her chests, right where her breasts were, and started to form a dark ball. Lucian looked stunned not knowing what was happening.

He asked, “Are you all right my love?”

Gently smiling she nodded.

Lucian looked in anticipation for several minutes not moving an inch. Lines eventually separated into two columns and moved in different directions. One set moved left, across her body, and the other moved right between her breasts downward. For once in his life, in this alien environment he was stunned, not moving he gazed at the one moving toward her cunt. As they slowly disappeared somewhere near her womb he realized that something was happening inside as he felt growing warm feeling at the tip of his penis. The warm sensation moved inside and towards his balls. He wanted to pull out to inspect what was happening but a body behind him pinned him in place.

He felt no malice from the action just gentle persuasion to remain calm. Ericha’s voice near his ear calmed him as she said, “It is ok honey. Everything will be ok.”

Gently stroking his face she placed several kisses across his shoulders. He noticed the lines coming out from his bellybutton and moving upwards. Where they moved, a warm sensation traced behind. It felt unusual. It felt new, nothing was like this apparent image that was moving on its own, a tattoo with legs. He smiled and watched the magic happen. They hovered over where Liza’s rested. For a few moments nothing happened, but as last of the ink trailed behind as the lines started to move, the next thing he saw was both of them moving in tandem with the ones on Liza’s body. They moved across his chest over his heart and toward his arm, they went around circling his arm and finally starting to slowly form on his wrist. The image that it formed reminded him of henna tattoos back on Earth. He gazed at the resting black stripes moving one last time completing the formation that it was making, the image was clear and clean. Thick line that had tiny branches or tendrils, he could not be sure.

Slowly finishing intricate design he felt new found energy and remembered that he was still coupled with Liza. He gazed at her own tattoo and it was a mirror image of his own. Liza had tears in her eyes, not knowing why she had them, Lucian gently held her and spoke soft words into her ears, both lovers started to move finding that they had not finished their previous coupling. As they climaxed together he could swear that he was feeling her heartbeat. He looked at her eyes mystified, confused but happy knowing what she felt at that moment. Both women encircled his body and he felt unbounded love.

Lucian reached around and hugged both women in his arms. They were now lying on their backs, as both women caressed his chest Lucian thought about what just happened with the ink. He wanted to know so he just asked, “Can you explain to me what happened there?”

Both women started giggling. After few moments had passed she started to explain with her excited voice, “I am sure you remember you proposing me few days back.” She smiled.

Lucian smiled as he continued to hold both women in his arms. Liza continued, “We did the act just now, when we promised to each other we essentially became one in body and soul.”

“What about you Ericha?” He turned to his lover and asked.

“Only Amorans can do this.” She just said.

Lucian looked at Liza, smiled, and then turned back to Ericha, “So no one else has this ability?” he asked.

Ericha smiled, “It’s not an ability. Long time ago they decided to make something special out of the ceremony of Giving. They inject a special Nanite cell when Amorans enter puberty, which grows and connects with its host. When its host decides that she loves someone it merges the two bodies.”

Lucian turned to Liza and started to intently stare into her eyes. For about a minute nothing happened and he turned again to Ericha finding that she had a giant grin on her face, Lucian said with a sad expression, “I do not hear anything.”

She laughed. Liza stroked Lucian’s hair and gently said, “We can feel each of our thoughts and emotions but it takes time. Depends on the couple and their level of love and trust. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes years.”

He hugged both of his lovers and said, “I wish it would take many, many years.”

They both landed tender kisses on his body murmuring sweet nothings.

Al’Jafar was reading a strange report from his team. The staff on the bridge was dedicated, punctual and their search was extensive so while he read this piece of information he knew that it was not something that he should just willingly throw out. They discovered series of sensor images that were showing strange readings. The readings varied, but they figured it was the same occurrence that sometimes plagued people that were traveling the vast areas of space.

Sensor Echo was a strange phenomenon as it rarely happened and when it did it was quite the experience, especially for cadets who flew for the first time, they would just see multitude of star systems that resembled each other. This in fact was the Echo that some people wanted to investigate in detail. The cause of these events was unknown but many captains and science officers attributed it to high amounts of radiation. As in some rare cases when it did occur they were prudent enough to form search and scout parties that examined the sites that they thought it were coming from, a team few decades back discovered correlation between radiation from solar activity and Sensor Echo. As they found a star system with 3 suns that exuded so much of it that it was a certain possibility. But as it rarely did occur they discarded the method soon after as visiting similar star systems produced no known pattern. To this day it remains a mystery. The cause eluded many scientists.

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My first time

Me ?? Oh I was a senior in high school and it was a couple weeks to graduation! I was partying real hard with my friends, drinking...doing a little smoke and getting ready to find the most fuckable girl and do some serious lovemaking. Heh heh. Hey, I waited 12 years for this day!!Sure all of us knew that driving and drinking was a no-no, but how do you tell seniors this? Ya can't! Anyway, it happened. An accident. All I remember was Tom saying we were gonna roll and then I must have blacked...

3 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 12

The entire fourteen acres resided as an elongated rectangle. On the north side was the nearest road. The driveway intersected it at an angle and the veered off toward the southwest in such a way that no one could see into it easily. The entire property was surrounded by a wall which Bryan, always miserly, had constructed out of used tires. Initially Bryan had gotten some used tires to serve as planters for a potato bed. Some people on a web forum which he frequented had reported success...

4 years ago
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Conjugal Visit

"Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." The shrill scream rang in my ears and echoed down the hard corridor, embedding into every crevice and corner of the place. I tried to close my ears to it, but the knowledge and the memory fought its way back into my consciousness. I pounded my fists into the hard cot below me in frustration and anger as the screams rebounded down the long hallway, but there was no way to silence them. And they were all my fault. It had all started a few months...

2 years ago
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Salt and PepperChapter 4

Grace was flabbergasted at the absurd position she found herself in. Now don't take it wrong, she loved the fucking the huge dog gave her. But now, here she was on her hands and knees with the dog's cock still tied in her pussy but they were facing away from each other. "Thank god Will isn't here," she said aloud. And just as those words escaped her lips, she heard the front door lock being jiggled. "Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god!" Her eyes bulged as she panicked. "Its Will! What's he...

3 years ago
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Tracy Meets Her Cyber Lover

Tracy Park was going to do something out of the ordinary. She had met somebody online and was going to meet up with them. They chatted online every day for the past three months. Their cyber sessions were extremely naughty and always made her orgasm. They usually chatted online and would role-play. They both took their time creating storylines that were very involved. She would never masturbate until the very end. Her friend was sometimes late with his replies which probably meant he was...

1 year ago
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my trip

I drove up here last Wednesday wearing my outfit....I drive mostly motorways so had my tits hanging over the top of the material...I drove kinda slow so that cars would have to overtake me...I got quite a few beeps on horns and some long looks.... there is a parking place where you can stop and have a rest. there were 2 cars and a truck pulled in. .I drove in slowly looking to see who was in the cars.....there was 1 guy in each car. I had pulled up my top....I stopped the car and got out I...

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They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an added bonus I arrive on time at their five-star hotel and the concierge tells me I am expected and to let myself in. Lori is a very attractive size 12-14 brunette wearing heels, a very short black silk dressing gown that displays her...

2 years ago
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An Unremarkable DayChapter 3

The man looked down at the naked girl that was sobbing at his feet. Hunched over as she was, he could plainly see the scratches and marks that the two dead men had caused to be on her back. He knew that the rest of her body was in the same condition, as he had seen it when she was looking around the clearing. Striding over to his saddle bags, he took out a part-used bar of soap. He picked up a blanket from where she had discarded them, and the cloth he had used to bathe her face. Going back...

2 years ago
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My sexy threesome

We all help each other undress . . . flirting, kissing, touching, as we work our way to the shower for some soapy-play. After some intense foreplay with our hands, me rubbing your clit and you stroking my throbbing cock I get on my knees and stick my tongue deep inside you as my GF supports and holds you from falling. You are moaning with pleasure at this point trying to keep your balance and not slip - she has your tits in her hands as is kneading them much to your satisfaction, she is...

2 years ago
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Moth Ch 013

Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * ‘What are you doing?’ asked Kokata. ‘I’m hiding the full-ball,’ explained Lei. ‘I don’t know these people. You don’t walk into a camp full of strangers with something that valuable in your hands.’ ‘I see,’ said Kokata, who would never walk into a camp full of strangers at all. ‘Then how will you trade...

1 year ago
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Sheer And Lace

If you've ever had a love of the finer pieces of clothing in life, Sheer and Lace may tickle your fancy. The website is all about showing off its pornstars in their sheer tights and amazing-looking lingerie. Although, I probably shouldn't call the women featured on this site "pornstars." They are called "models" on Sheer and Lace. The studio does a pretty good job of quickly giving potential new members a look at the website. Sheer and Lace is a premium porn site so there are things I'm always...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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Keep Your Hands to Yourself

Keep Your Hands to Yourself After I'd gently cupped her chest, Brittaney quickly reminded me that there was no touching. "Even if I wanted you to, Brian won't allow it," she said. "And I don't want you to." But there was something so irresistible about that white vinyl tube top thing she was wearing... the sheen caught my eye and I felt like some kind of bird, helpless in the face of anything that caught the light in a certain way. "Okay, that's it," Brian, the night manager,...

2 years ago
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The year is 2025 Canada and the United States are now one continental country called North America. Due to the explosion of underground Augmentation surgeries the twelve member controlling panel decided to control such things with the Federal Augmentation Investigators. They decide if the job was correctly done or was a butcher job. They can reward or punish the doctors and patients involved as per government incentives. You are the twentieth graduate of the initial program John Doe the first...

2 years ago
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The Outsiders A Package DealChapter 3

Qex'Ull's essence finally negotiated the last twist in the dimensional crack emerging unseen and unnoticed above the heads of the two shopping women. With no other targets within easy reach, it quickly set about warping and twisting their past and present. Memories rearranged and remembrances shifted in perfect sync within the minds of Kimberly and Tracy. Gone was the proud moment of graduating high school as valedictorian. The two had been decidedly in the middle of the pack academically...

1 year ago
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Futanari Maddy Black Pure Perfection

Maddy Black meets true perfection when her clone knocks on her door and gives her the best sexual experience she ever had! Maddy is admiring her beauty in the mirror when she gets a text message telling her to open the door. When she does, she is met with pure perfection – a perfect copy of herself, except with one difference – a huge futa dick! She wastes no time and dives right in, starting to suck her clone’s futa cock. After the passionate blowjob, they both crave more, so Maddy rides her...

1 year ago
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The Safecracker Suite Part One

-Biker Bad Boy- Marcus neared his destination with the last of the daylight sprinting the final few degrees down the sky towards the horizon. He slowed down looking for the driveway Harry had described to him and when he finally saw the green gate posts with a horse shoe he knew he was there. He slowly trundled on idle along the dirt driveway not daring to touch the throttle for fear of losing traction. The exotic performance bike was not in it's element in such a rural setting. Even...

2 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 4 Preparations

Kayla's cell phone rang just as she was pulling up to Chloe's house. It was Alex. Ever the considerate husband, whenever he was out with the motor home, he'd always made a point to call her the same time every night. "Hi honey! How's the fishing at Florence Marina?" She asked. Disappointment in his voice, Alex replied, "Lousy. But I took a nap and I'm going to go out with a buddy and do some night fishing. How's Atlanta?" "Nothing new here." Kayla answered. Then thought,...

3 years ago
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do me a favor0

First let me tell you about myself, my name is Mike and im 16 years old. Im 6 feet tall and weigh about 170 pounds. I don’t have a perfect body by any means but I am also not at all fat. Jacob on the other hand is 6 feet 2 inches tall. Very skinny but very muscular. Anyways, my grandparents had a fairly large house and lots of property for us to do whatever on. The sleeping arrangement however was that one cousin had a room to herself, the two young kids slept in the same room and my...

2 years ago
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Pasayten PeteChapter 26 Vitellis End

Marilee came through the front door with Graydon right behind her. They stopped in the kitchen doorway. Her parents sat at the table with Fr. Ambrose, his back to the two young people. When he saw Frank's eyes lift toward the doorway, Fr. Ambrose rose from his chair and strode forward, extending his hand. "Good evening, Marilee. It is good to see you again. Who is this young man with you?" Marilee blushed shyly. She turned to bring Graydon alongside. "This is Graydon Williams, our...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Emma Starletto Kicked Out

Things have been rough for blonde Emma Starletto as of late. When her family kicks her out of the house, she has to walk for miles in the sweltering heat to find a place to sleep. Luckily, our stud lets her in the house so she can crash for a few days. But when his wife wants her gone, Emma isn’t going to give up that easily. The nineteen-year-old gets butt naked and seduces the old man with her tight body. She takes his thick cock inside her extra small pussy. And after some serious pounding,...

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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 19

Monica’s mother was elated that the “plan” had worked. She happily gave her permission for her daughter to visit Bobby’s family over Christmas. And so it was that, on a blustery, cold day, Bobby blindsided that family by bringing a girl home without telling them a single thing about her beforehand. Their introduction to her consisted of him saying, “Hey! This is Monica. She’s my girlfriend. I know it’s a surprise, but I hope you like her.” The girls were speechless. They had both been...

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The Awakening

The AwakeningThis is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story.Well  where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...

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Life HappensChapter 7

Kathy was restless all evening waiting for Kevin to come home. She was constantly checking the security system to see if a car had pulled into the driveway, although there was a signal that sounded when a car approached. Quentin was very security conscious and had installed an elaborate security system that included numerous cameras all over the inside and outside of the house. One entire room was dedicated to the security equipment. Kathy had no idea what the purpose was for most of the...

1 year ago
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Yes The Rumor Is True

Both Emma and I got down on our knees and came back to her. Emma wasted no time bringing her hand to Ms. Lewis's twat and rubbing it. "Oh, Emma, you have some soft fingers," Ms. Lewis moaned, glancing at her. "I know, but if you think about telling someone about all of this, then we're gonna have issues, got it?" "Yes, Emma, I understand." "Then put your hand on my girlfriend's head," she ordered our teacher before I leaned to her left tit and began licking her nipple. "Oh, both of you are...

3 years ago
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The Gift Of Being In Love

Hi everyone, I m a regular reader of ISS since 4 years this story is about my 1st experience. U may b thinking like y I am writing so late, tats coz I was hesitant to put it in words n I was in love with the woman who took my virginity, quite senti u know. First I would like to say a big thanks to ISS site for setting up this platform to share our experiences, fantasies n some of our irrelevant stories too. I apologize for my mistakes in the story. I don’t want to waste your time more, let’s...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 24

Sissy and Joe came home while they were still sitting around the table. Joe was wearing a Deputy United States Marshal’s badge, grinning that crooked grin, and Sissy was hanging on him like she was shackled to him as she came in grinning. “We’re married, Daddy. I’m a wife now and I love my husband. Judge Parker married us and he cried, he was so happy that we let him. He told us not to worry about that trouble over in unassigned lands, he would take care of it.” “Momma, I’m taking my man...

2 years ago
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Mom sis son 1

Sunita was 40 years old. She belonged to a middle class family. Her husband passed away few years back. She had an early marriage and had two children from her marriage, 24 year old daughter Mala and 15 year old son Suresh. They lived in a small 1 br flat in Mumbai. Sunita was not very educated. She came from a very modest background. After her husbands death, Sunita did not find it difficult to get on with life as her husband had made the house in her named and had left some money in her name....

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Tenant IV

She moved backward to meet the forward thrust of my stiff prick, undulating her body and swinging the cheeks of her round ass in little tight circles, clasping her anus tightly shut as I withdrew mightily on the out-stroke. I fell over her and with my hand located her clit and started masturbating her clit as I rammed into her with fresh power, knowing that she was beginning to like this depraved ass fucking, and the feeling of being impaled on my long staff like a sacrificial piece of choice...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Brooklyn Chase Chanel Preston 05082017

Girls day out. Ever imagine what one would be like? Shopping and sipping Mojitos and gossiping? What happens if they stumble across an opportunity to get “naughty”? Enter Brooklyn Chase and Chanel Preston: they’re out and away from their fellahs and planning out their “girls’ day” when they happen upon an adult bookstore. Watch Brooklyn drag Chanel into the store! And once inside, their eyes are as wide-open as their mouths! It gets better: once the clerk...

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Will and Brook pt 1

Introduction: Im revamping the series! Be sure to read my old work! Hayden sat in the back of the bus for what seemed like hours. She bought the cheapest ticket out of San Diego. At the moment, she was heading towards Las Vegas, anger brewing in her head washed in with the feeling of loss and regret. The grey hound passed the California-Nevada border, and Haydens thoughts went back to the events of the past few days. Rev. Greene was arrested, through in jail. She heard on tv that he was being...

4 years ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi Part3

Hello friends, m Sameer apni story k third part k sath vapis hu. Jinhone meri story k pichle parts nai padey unse request hai ki pehle pichle parts zarur padle :- Finally Had Sex With Didi -Part2 Finally Had Sex With Didi. Lets come to the story without wasting any time. Jo pehli baar meri story padre hai unko apni didi k baare m batadu. Her name is Riya, age is 24 years, and height is 5’6″. Her measurements are 32D 28 36. Her boobs are perfectly round and very sexy but best part is her ass,...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 7 Threesomes with the Winter Girls

We spent the weekend at my parent’s place; when we arrived there, they asked us how the book signing went. We told them that sales were very strong, and we had lots and lots of readers wanting their copies signed. “Some of the comments the characters made in the book were so funny,” my father said. “The reaction that Phil had, the first morning after the two of them had made love, when he heard the police sirens outside the hotel, and his first reaction was that some bull-necked redneck...

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SpittakeChapter 2

Debbie always woke up slowly, and in that one narrow, specific sense, this day was no exception. For the first thirty seconds or so, she really just laid there and savored the delightful sensations of half-asleepness. She had just started the full body stretch that would really begin her day when some recollection of the events of the previous night started flooding back to her. "Holy shit," she thought, "what the fuck did I do last night?" All at once - in a millisecond - a couple...

1 year ago
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Lounging for FunChapter 4

Invitations sent I took each of the boy’s hands and placed them each on one of my breasts. Damn this was hot! I grasp each one by the cock preparing to take them both. Andy’s mom mounted her stallion and his sister in law as well. It was Mom’s turn. She lay down and readied herself a moment and did the curl with the tender guiding the horse’s cock into her. She needed a little help pushing to slide onto her mount. She had an orgasm as she was at full penetration and was almost unable to...

4 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 9 After Dinner Delight

Max kept talking with Cyndi, asking about her classes while stroking Niki’s hair from time to time. Niki’s bobbing head, and the sounds of her lips as she slid them over Max’s prick, made an odd counterpoint to the conversation. Taking another bite of her macaroni, Cyndi tried to not stare at her friend’s actions, or perhaps a bit more accurately, her friend’s brother’s big cock. After being interrupted earlier out by the fence, she was still feeling quite ‘antsy’. “Hopefully we’ve answered...

3 years ago
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Caught again

So I’m finding it hard to get privacy to dress up of late. So I decide to go down the country and rent out a holiday home for a weekend. I brought all my gear including make-up,and wig. When i arrived at the holiday park I entered the reception area. Behind the counter was a pretty women named Jill. I introduced myself and filled out the required forms. “You be staying in trailer 9, my husband will show the way……Mike!!!!. She yelled.Mike walked in to room, introduced him self and took my bags....

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