Faux RealmChapter 12 free porn video

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He was down.

Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores.

“Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded.

He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an understatement. He had clear sight of their massive, beefy arms, yet, the rest of their form was hidden behind a dark cloak.

“Stop telling me what to do. The chief will get his prize.” Another voice answered.

“Anyway, what is special about this one?” The same voice asked.

“Humph. Who knows, I was told he is from a small planet. Maybe rare species?” The other bigger creature stopped, shrugging its shoulders.

“BAH! I’ve been on 500 hunts. This one, by far, is the most boring. No honor in it.”

Sickly yellow skin was exposed and told of countless battles, or perhaps the scars were those of their mistreatment. They started to spit words which Lucian could not understand. Even though he could not understand them, he was sure that they spoke with contempt. The grip on one of his legs increased and he winced in pain, but continued to pretend he was asleep.

The creature came close and sniffed, “I do not get it, this one smells weak. BAH! No honor.”

They continued. He felt weird. Looking behind him he almost passed out from shock.

Then he saw his arm being dragged dangling behind his head. He felt sick. Almost mistaking it for a dirty rag. The suit was torn and the blood drenched the fabric. Lucian could not feel anything inside that dirty rag but hoped that some of his appendage was left intact. Very soon he felt his body slowly coming to a stop and felt one of his legs being dropped. Gently he raised his head and saw that they were no longer in the cave system but in front of a ship.

“There. We fetched his toy.” One of the voices spat.

Dark alien metal started to glimmer and shine and slowly started to reveal a door that was previously hidden by its eerie color. The door slowly started to drop open. Seconds passed and the black abyss of what was inside slowly came in front of his eyes.

One of the creatures, the one that released his leg, knelt on the ground, slowly bringing its right hand to its chest.

“Coward.” The one remaining standing almost spat on the ground.

From where he was, Lucian, could not see what the hand was doing. The other one finally released its death grip on his ankle and slowly started to drop down to its knee as well. Eerie silence filled up the air as they waited calmly. Two creature stoically kneeling on the ground. The rocks that were probably poking their skin and bones were either quickly forgotten or completely ignored.

Then Lucian heard a sound that he thought surely belonged to a mammoth. The left creature quickly stood up and ran inside the darkness and quickly disappeared. Silence quickly filled the air yet again.

“He and his toys. Pathetic wretch.” Remaining creature mused.

Then the creature stiffened. Lucian’s eyes tried to focus, he wanted to see clearly as to what could make this big, beefy creature act so strangely, but the blood he spat inside his suit hindered his sight.

He could see enough of the ship dark corridor to assume that there was something happening within its dark confines. Then a large body flew out of it and landed heavily behind Lucian. It took several moments for Lucian to register with his own brain what had just happened, but before he could even begin to process the events a small man started to emerge from the darkness. Gently walking up to the one creature that was still kneeling on the floor he waited for several moments while watching the monster shiver in fear.

“I assume you had no troubles bringing this fine specimen.” The voice of the man was hard to pin. It sounded almost mechanical.

The once defiant being was now shaking in fear.

Lucian could swear that he saw none of man’s arms or legs move, but still somehow the kneeling creature was launched into the cave and crashed with an audible sound.

The man’s face had no expression. Black eyes and hair framed his boyish looks. If Lucian saw him anywhere else he would think he was in pop idol teen group, there was something wrong about him that Lucian could not point to, but he knew that he did not want to be anywhere near this man.

As if sensing he was watching him the man focused his gaze directly to Lucian’s eyes. A shiver went through Lucian’s own body. There was something sinister in the man’s eyes that Lucian want nothing to do with it.

“Now, if you are done moping, lift the specimen.” The entity slowly whispered.

As if sensing trouble the two creature’s magically appeared near Lucian. Without caring much they picked him up by his arms. The creatures stood still while Lucian winced in pain as one of them carelessly handled his broken appendage. His vision started to get blurry. He felt his head getting weaker and taking a lot more to keep it upright. As soon as he thought he was about to slip away there was a sharp unbearable pain.

“Arghhhh.” Lucian yelled in pain.

Looking up he saw the man was looking him directly into his eyes. Lucian saw his hand move and gently grip his broken limb. Lucian never wanted to waver, but the reality of the situation was very different. Feeling the sinister aura slowly seeping and radiating from the man.

Slowly an ominous smile appeared on his face. The man’s sneer started to seep deep into his soul. Lucian started to shiver in fear. Finally he averted his gaze. In shame he closed his eyes waiting for the laugh that never came. His broken limb was slowly dangling, as he watched the man walk casually, back towards the entrance.

Two creatures that were holding him started to walk in unison. As if they could mentally tune their step to match each other’s, walking in tandem up to and eventually inside the dark ship interior.

“Master, where do you want to put him?” One of the creatures slowly whispered.

“The room.” Came a soft whisper.

It was darker than outside. Lights were positioned, not to illuminate, but to show how menacing the belly truly is.

“Should we feed him Master?” Another creature asked.

“I do not care. Sustenance means nothing to me.” Entity softly replied.

The answer came monotone.

Lucian’s eyes needed several moments to focus to the new change in lightning. He squinted his eyes, wondering as his feet were hanging loose, how strong these two creatures really are. They held his and his suits weight with ease. He had an impression that they were a lot stronger. They certainly looked like they could lift a lot of weight.

For the first time he could see them clearly. They looked a lot like your overly enthusiastic bodybuilder. One thing that made them so different from your normal, organic meathead; was the sheer tone and amount of their muscles.

He could hear them talking in a low voice. Lucian wondered if the man up front could as well. Their path was dark, almost too dark, but he could still see the strange contours of the interior.

As they walked along, he could see strange metallic carvings alongside the walls, mesmerizing colors that attempted to pounce out of some of the sections out and dance across the room. Lucian was wondering; what kind of drugs was he on. His head was by now resting on his shoulder. He was taking in all of the colors that were dancing.

He forgot about the throbbing pain in his left arm.

Through the haze the creatures spoke something. He tried to focus, but before he could realize and hear what the words were they threw him in a white room. Lucian landed on the floor skidding and sliding.

Eventually he came to a stop. Starting to gasp as what little air that was left inside his lungs was driven out. He gazed in confusion at his ‘benefactors’ but saw nothing but dancing silhouettes. Finally his vision cleared. His gaze became focused. He tried to stand, but since he had the crippling injury he could not find the strength to remain upright.

Slowly, he slid to his knees.

“Another predicament.” He thought.

Lucian slowly closed his eyes.

He took the time, like usual to address the situation. This was his escape from reality. A method he had adopted to escape reality, to focus and plan his next action. For few milliseconds he was somewhere else. Not in a white room.

A blink. And in front of him was a white garbed person, entity. He could not see its face.

Several thoughts passed through his mind. Before any of those became coherent enough for him to even understand that he was thinking about them, the creature bent over and picked him up by the throat.

He had a white mask, in a white suit, Lucian saw nothing but white. He could just barely see his own reflection.

Lucian just then saw that he looked dirty.



Lucian smiled. Expecting something from the white entity.

He could barely recognize the hand that was limply dangling from his side. Not broken, but looking worse by the minute. He wanted to know why he was in this and other situations.

What could he offer to the countless aliens and those times that he was exposed to harm?

He was scared shitless countless times and for what. He just did not know. Why him? What was so important about his life? Until just months ago, by his memory, he was an average Joe. To some he was that invisible man that just spent on living from one day to the other.

Not knowing he was doing it, Lucian focused his gaze on the white figure, on the person in front of him. His white mask reflecting his own stare. Lucian thought he could see the monster grimacing in anger, but soon left forgotten as an idle illusion.

A white gloved hand distracted him, he followed its movements through the air, mesmerized by the slow travel across space. The air around it as though it started to bend and distort. Moving ever so slowly towards Lucian broken arm. Deep down somehow he knew what would happen next.

As if sensing the vitriol of the person that was holding him by his aching throat, the hand grabbed his left wrist and the pain started again. Anew. Pains and hurts before this one were nothing. They became nothing.

“WHY??” One word that echoed through his mind escaped his mouth.

At his question the white entity twitched. Cocking its head to the side as if it was examining his words for its value.

“Experiment!” A mechanical voice said.

The pain that coursed through his nerve endings was horrific, excruciating and never-ending. The man behind the white mask squeezed and kept squeezing his left limb. Then, with one smooth motion he tore it clean off from Lucian. Right before he saw his arm in another person’s hands he passed out.

From pain?

From shock?

Masked creature stared at his handiwork. Eventually discarding the offending limb like it was trash. The blood seeped through the wound in endless stream. He released and let Lucian fall to the floor. As if coming through the very walls white individuals circled around the one holding Lucian. Turning on his heals he let the several men rush past him and tend to the broken man’s wounds.

Where was he?

Who was he?

Time after time when he would wake, he forgot what or where he was, eliciting various emotions to pass through him.

From confusion to despair. Eventually through what could only be perceived by boredom he stopped thinking at all, the thoughts just clouded his current situation and made him fall further in despair. The only way he could fight it was through ignorance.

Lucian stared at the white walls that were in front of him, strangely, it reminded him of home. At least whatever thoughts he allowed to invade the everlasting silence told him so. Slowly hours passed. The pain of discarded limb was nothing. Time blended into one large collage, a blend of experiences that could not be recognized. They in time blended into days, which in turn slowly merged into weeks, he stared at this illusion thinking it would change. But it never did. He slowly started to loose what little sanity he had and begun to experience the true horror of what it meant to be insane.

His perception kept changing.

Once he was standing, other times he was flying high above the ground. What was he doing? He could not tell.

Was he even alive? Many questions invaded his mind. What of his lovers? Wives? Are they still waiting for him? The thought of them moving on scared and drove him further down the path of insanity. He was slowly becoming a husk. Not what he wanted.

“Why me?” Slowly words escaped his lips.

Certainly, all of the recent events were telling Lucian that he went crazy. Probably everyone that ever loved him had left him to his own fate, his lovers were never real.

Who could love someone like him?

Probably an illusion that his broken mind concocted and seeing him in his crazed state, the people that cared most about him committed Lucian to a hospital for the insane. Lucian just silently hoped that, in his insanity, did not hurt anyone he loved.

“For now bring him out. They want something new.” A voice said.

“The experiment? Master will not like it.” Another much softer replied.

“I do not care. Send him to cage 1.” The first yelled.

He was in an animated jail of sorts that would present his body in different positions. Even though his body was static, his podium would rotate as he watched rows and rows of people studying his every move. Like a guinea pig he was displayed and examined.

When there weren’t many visitors that would look in awe at him he would rest in bed, still reminiscing the moment when he lost his left arm. The pain and the agony he was in, and the mechanical beings that probed, poked and collected all sorts of information from him, no, they did not help him, help would alleviate his pain, but rather enjoyed seeing him in agony and looking how far he would get before passing out from exhaustion. From screaming his anguish into the void.

Drunk on their own ecstasy, the visitors too exhibited similar if not downright carnal desire for his pain, after seeing him suffering for hours on end, the men and women seemed to get sexually aroused, the more he gazed at their mannerisms, the more he saw that they needed to see him or others in pain to proceed in their copulation. Most of the times he was not alone but with other prisoners that exhibited same kind of neglect.

Lucian had stopped noticing them, as he was wheeled out for another day, as he watched them fornicating, but he had noticed few other cages being dragged in with him. Usually he was left as a last act of sorts, but now as if they were presenting everything at once. Lucian was truly fed up. Noticing another life staring back at him Lucian viewed that it was a strange new creature he never saw before.

A furred monster. Silently he reprimanded himself as he knew better than to judge others by their appearance.

On the other hand the view of the creature was too tempting. As if it hid a secret it only knew. Lucian looked in awe. The view started to shift and change; not because of his platform, but because the creature started to move side to side. As if he was watching a master illusionist Lucian started to see traces of another similar creature inside the cage. His eyes never left its cage and before being wheeled to its position he could swear he saw different set of eyes staring back at him.

“Now it is official I am going crazy.” Silently he whispered.

He almost forgot where he was, as the very noise of people fucking brought him back to reality. Humpning each other like their life depended on it, hours on end, the party seemed to go on for an eternity. As the proceedings went on, Lucian’s mind begun to meld one second after the other in a never ending collage of sexual pictures.

One woman, curvy blond, was on her knees getting impaled by three cocks of various sizes. She climaxed over and over. As men begun to lose their will to fornicate, the blond rose to her feet and looked directly at Lucian with an odd expression. Not arousal, he knew what arousal looked like. Even rage and revulsion he recognized as he had seen them on occasion from different species. She wore this expression on numerous occasions through these parties that involved Lucian and this voracious beauty.

As these parties went on Lucian had one thread of sanity left. One moment he was looking forward to in this sea of pain and degradation.

He was searching for something. The face of the blond woman. As the days and weeks proceeded they would lose one another in their gazes like they were mentally conversing to one another. But the reality was cruel.

Every party was truly different.

The blonde angel was missing from newly formed sea of bodies. No, the bodies were never in the picture. She was the only common place that Lucian knew. There were new cages, many more than previously, lined up beside him, but he was still the main attraction of sorts. New monsters, creatures and things that people wanted to experiment on, see where the pain would take them.

With their minds washed away with lust, their bodies collided in ethereal copulation that seemed to go for hours on end, occasionally in their crazed search for sexual release they would prompt his captors to enter his enclosure, a 5 feet cell, and start beating him senseless. The carnal party continued as men receded into the dark room after beating Lucian for who knows what time, Lucian, in his lethargic state did not feel anything, he felt nothing.

Weeks of this abuse left his mind and soul in proverbial limbo. Exhausted and dismayed. His ragged body needed support. Lack of nutrition left him physically unable to move about. So Lucian was usually displayed either on a table or a pod that would rotate around leaving his body open to all kinds of degrading comments. Loss of his blonde lady friend amplified that loss.

Through the fog of pain he had time to plan his happiness when his saviors would arrive.

He was still hoping.

During those first days he did not hope, neither did he dream, but rather he expected that to happen. So certain was in his own release that he avoided eating as some form of silent protest. His current malnutrition did not come just because he abstained from food, but rather people from the other side of the walls, as they who were keeping him captive sometimes conveniently forgot to bring him food. By sixth day he did not reject food but had to beg for some or other means of nutrition. Water was the most critical and scarcely available.

“Still not going to eat. More money for us.” A guard sneered.

During this time he could just wonder why he was in this positon, the position of a captive once again, while before he had the privilege to remain clueless of the abuse his body passed through when he became a slave.

He spent his nights and days alone. Wondering what it was like to get company. He needed to socialize.

What a foreign word.

His mind, he thought, was free. Not knowing what the abuse was doing to him, he hoped his mind was intact. He wondered; could he even be mad or demand some form of justice?

His memory remained blank and any kind of information about the time spent in metaphoric chains was lost. A blank canvas that did not mean anything.

Lucian was dragged out of his cell and thrown into a new cage. “Same old same old huh guys. At least pay me a drink before you decide to FUCK ME.”

Lucian was getting bored of the day to day occurrences. He was tired of being scared, he was tired of anticipating when he was going to die. He was resolved to die one way or the other. But die he will by his own hands.

First line was cheesy. Even he knew this. Nonetheless he had to start somewhere.

With a weak tone he would almost always spit his words in finality “I at least like to be wined and dined before you decide to FUCK ME.”

He screamed the last words. Those made him feel better. A load of off his chest.

Thought he would want to credit these to himself, those were “stolen” from a show.

A South Park classic. “Wouldn’t you agree dear reader?”

This time was no different and he used different slurs, but as if running on empty, his words lacked the necessary ‘oomph’ behind them. The handlers seemed to just not care about his pathetic attempts of verbal gun slinging.

With a final smack of the handlers metal stick he was graced for the first time in months with an action and not a verbal spat, granted he could barely understand and he felt his ears blush at the sound as if he heard an ancient verbal hex. He smiled. This time all of his handlers wore black garbs.

He had a brilliant idea forming in his head.

“Hey Morticia. How about you suck me off before they return? Common, don’t leave me hangin’.” Lucian threw one jab, he anticipated something colossal from his captors.

But unfortunately for him he watched the doors close. With finality they locked and he felt the signs it was being moved.

He was finally able to understand he was not in his normal cage.

Nicer dwelling of about 10 feet. He even had a small bed of sorts where he could sleep. His feet felt warm as they were touching some kind of fur. Much nicer than any back home. Slowly and gently the new gilded cage was wheeled out of its storage and carefully over few bumps that stood in its way. He noticed he was not covered and he was not beaten, but rather left to see where they were taking him. For the first time in, well, ever he could see where he was.

A dark dingy corridor that had a strange scent. He never smelt anything like it, but something deep inside told him it was the smell of death. It was not as sweet as it was ominous.

The area around him was covered with metal plates. A ship of some sort.

At least he knew where he was, but the exact location was still a mystery. He knew nothing about this strange new world. As they reached final stages of his journey he could see that other cages up front were being wheeled out.

“I am not alone. Morticia.” He said to a hooded figure, not knowing if it was the same or different than the one he verbally insulted inside the cage.

The sounds of slow fucking reached Lucian’s ears and he shivered in disgust and fear. He was met by the usual spectacle of people on top of people. Grimacing as he watched his cage take the center stage; again he was privy to all information that was in front of him. As some cages could hear only sounds and others just about see the spectacle unfolding in front of them.

Again rows and rows people started to mass in front of his cage. A gilded cell that meant nothing. Blank stare in his eyes seemed to bring jovial elation on a woman’s face making her shiver. From release or delight? One could only wonder. Even though the two remained closely linked.

The woman’s eyes closed shut and she kept shivering. Others weren’t so lucky. They started chanting for his keepers to come and ‘poke’ him around a bit. Then the spectacle got even crazier.

A man in a colorful suit came into the room interrupting whatever proceedings were happening around the cages. The room stopped.

People that were previously screaming in joy at their release, stopped and quickly moved out of the way as the man walked past them. He stopped right in front of Lucian’s cage.

The man in a pink and purple suit had a small smile on his face. Glasses that were way too big for his head and a blueish scarf that went just around his neck and over his hands. Lucian thought that the man was concerned with his image than anything else.

Same as Faux Realm
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Though Arkan had died in the American Delta Force attack on his hotel headquarters cum rape camp early the next morning, he continued to influence events in his native Balkans. His bodyguard Alexander had survived the attack by virtue of having accompanied Val and Bobbie to the coast where they were handed over to the middleman's agent. Blindly following Arkan's instructions on what to do in case of his sudden, violent death- instructions which had assumed that Serbian betrayal rather than...

3 years ago
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Smile For The Camera

Sitting at his desk and reading what must have been his 500th email of the day, Spencer heard a light knock at his office door. Looking up he was greeted by a lovely, smiling face attached to much better than average body on a woman he didn’t think he knew. More than happy for the interruption and pleased that it came from a female he said, “Hi. Come in, please.” She stepped inside and appeared to be a little embarrassed, but said, “Hi. I’m Kate.” She paused a few seconds before adding, “I...

Straight Sex
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On the road

I was driving down to visit a friend who lives about 4 hours from me. I hit the road after a long day at work and made it about halfway before I could barely keep my eyes open. I saw a sign for a hotel, so I decided to pull off and get a room so that I could grab a quick nap and get back on the road. I entered the hotel and checked in with the clerk, he gave me a rate for a couple hours and I headed up to my room. As I was leaving the lobby, I locked eyes with a guy sitting down and he was...

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Playing with the postman

I was 18 years old and living at home with the parents. I loved it, often had the house to myself due to their work and enjoyed my time when they were away. This story involves our post man Ross. He had been our postman for as long as I can remember, and was friendly with us all. He was 51 years old, about 6ft tall, head shaved bald and sporting a white goatee he was a handsome older gentleman (I had wanked a couple of times as I spied at him from my bedroom window and wondered what was under...

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Picnic in New Forest

In 1980 we were deciding if we should move back to the U.K and took an extended holiday to decide, though our family lived in the north we were looking to live in the Dorset, Hampshire area. While trying to decide we stayed in a hotel in Southampton for a week to check out the New Forest area, looking for houses that might suit us. One day we set out taking with us a picnic lunch supplied by the hotel at a cost I thought should have included a waiter.We drove off towards the New Forest with a...

1 year ago
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My Indian Shemale Mother Part3

100% fiction! After an hour, Mom and I sat in the living room in front of a roaring fire. We lay together on the soft carpet, her on her side, leaning on her elbow with me on my back, leaning my face against her stomach. We looked together into the fire for the most part but there were times when I couldn't resist turning my face towards my mom's and watching the firelight reflect in her eyes. We were both drinking wine. Mom never allowed me to drink her wine before but, then again, she had...

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Mom Fucked By My Girlfriend8217s Dad 8211 Pt 1 Caught In The Act

Hi guys, it’s me Tom again. I am 21 years old now and am studying in Coimbatore. My dad Jacob is 51 years old and working in Bahrain. We have a small business there. My mom Reenu is a housewife. She is 45 now. And I have a young sister Anu. This is about something that happened in our life, so please be patient since it’s a bit long. My dad visits us every year, but he is usually very busy. Since I am studying in Coimbatore, my mom is staying alone in our home town in Kottayam. Things were...

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Mums Friend Needed Me

Whether it was the sound of the traffic outside, or the humidity of the night, or maybe the strange, slightly uncomfortable bed, I lay there in that semi-slumbering state of consciousness while my mind became slowly aware of a woman in the next room making quiet whimpering sounds. In a rush, I remembered where I was. At Amy and Jeff’s in London.Instantly I was wide awake, my ears pricked, straining to interpret what I was hearing. Immediately, I made the assumption that it was Amy and Jeff...

2 years ago
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A new way to play Cupid Part Two

Part Two Shock, fear,embarrassment, anger, excitement. I swear, every emotion passed through me when my eyes landed on Kyle. I sat up quickly, drawing my knees to my chest to hide myself. I looked back and forth between my friends. Kyle looked as shocked as I was, Zoe had a look of victory on her face. I knew then she had planned some form of this. "What the fuck?" I nearly shouted "You two tell me everything but never tell each other. I told Kyle you wanted him to come see you tonight. That's...

Group Sex
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Please Fuck Me Son pt 2

Part 2&hellip,It would probably be better if you read part one first… Eric slowly pushed me back on the bed and dropped to his knees. He spread my legs apart as he played with my nipples. When my legs were open, he leaned forward and slowly started to lick up and down my pussy. (I had no idea what to expect. I didnt know if he had ever done that before! If he had never eaten pussy before, than he was a natural!!) It felt so fucking good to have my son lick my pussy I thought I would cum right...

2 years ago
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The Benefits Of Living A

I shut the laptop with slightly shaky hands. I was wet. Ridiculously so. I could feel my pussy lips smoosh against each other as I scooted back on the couch and replayed his words in my head. He always had this effect on me. It was just words on a screen, but without fail I'd find myself getting wet when he told me what he wanted to do to me. It wasn't everyone I talked to. Just him. He had a way.Most nights after I shut the computer down I'd head to bed and fall asleep after fucking myself...

3 years ago
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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Two

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 2 Lying on the demon's soft bed, his body weighing over me, I feel my pleasure mounting again. One hot finger massages my throbbing clit while two more stroke the moist folds of my opening. My own hands are grasping at his dark broad shoulders, holding on to him as if he were my lifeline in this ocean of ecstasy. I'm drowning in it, sinking further into the abyss. My world is melting, becoming one with his, and becoming one with him. Every touch, every...

2 years ago
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LenaChapter 19

Lena’s turn: I certainly hadn’t expected to be walking out of the sheriff’s office at eleven at night. I HAD expected to be curled up naked with Jay, reveling in the little waves and surges of post-coital pleasure. That’s an ‘aside’, you know. None of those ‘experienced’ girls at school ever said anything about lying next to a mate an hour after the last orgasm, and still feeling the happy quivers coursing through one’s body. Maybe it doesn’t happen to everybody, but I am very glad to say...

3 years ago
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How to suck pussy

First get her undressed, lay her on the bed and make sure that she is restring her head on a big pillow or 2 pillows or something big enough for her to see what ur doing down there without her putting any strain on her neck. run ur fingers down her body, from her neck down to her feet. now start kissing and sucking her feet, work your way up to her legs, then her thighs, ur building up the tension in her pussy and clit making u want to suck her clit hard so bad, but dont suck her pussy just...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 74 Bhawna Ke Ghar Khel Ke Upar Khel

Narrated by Bhawna Hello, pichle baar mein main aur Neetu milkar Akash aur Amit ki saode-baazi kar rahe the. Dekhte hi dekhte Amit mera aur Akash Neetu ka ho gaya. Ham dono issi khel mein lage hue the ki in dono mardo ko apne ishare pe nachaaye aur uski saari bandobast ho hi gayi thi. Main Amit ke god mein baithi hui thi aur Neetu Akash ke. Hum dono ek dusre ko aankh mar kar apni iss choti jeet par muskura rahe the. Main Neetu se boli: Mujhe bhook lag rahi hai. Kisi aur ko lagi hai...

3 years ago
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I was a Rock Stars Secret

With heartfelt thanks to my editor, who put up with me all this time, Kanga40. A real help to this struggling writer. * Her voice still cuts through to my soul to this very day. Now that she’s a singer with a string of top ten hits following her I can only wish her the very best. Remembering her kisses and the way she to moves her body when she’s working her magic are a part of me. It all started way back when of course, that’s how most stories go and this one is no different. I had been...

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Simple Errand

Ryan left his office, and walked to his car with a song on his lips and a spring in his step. He was happy because it was shaping into a beautiful morning after far too many days of rain. He was happy because he had his driver's license. But most of all, he was happy because he and Alexandra were going to the ball at Hotel Roanoke that very night, and Ryan was never happier than when he was spending time with his girlfriend. Ryan just had one simple errand to take care of, and then the rest...

1 year ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 11 Rumors and veiled accusations

Momma Nelson instructed me to never say too much about what happened in my bedroom, but I have to admit that Fate surprised me with how much she appeared to enjoy the evening. It was close to two hours before I finally rolled onto my side and tiredly demanded that I be allowed to sleep. Fate agreed, but proceeded to lie on her side and back up so her ass was pressed tightly against my cock. When I tried to pull free she grabbed my arm and pressed it against her breast. At that point I...

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HENRY’S SECRET LIFE – PART 6 (and last)(This will be the last part of this series. I enjoyed writing it very much and I thank people who have made comments about it. Other series will take form in my mind soon. Thanks)Henry was very satisfied with his trip to the other side of the park, his discovery of the voyeur’s den (thanks to Lola) and his meeting with Jeff. Henry and Jeff shared a number of fantasies. First of all they were both ardent voyeurs. They loved to watch lesbian sex and...

3 years ago
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My name is Teri, and I’m an attractive brunette with a great body, including natural 36E tits, a tight ass, and shapely legs…I grew boobs early, so even when I was younger I never had any problems getting my hands on any cock I was interested in. I fucked my way through high school, and then my first three years at university, searching for that perfect penis. When I met Steve in my senior year at college, I thought I’d found it…his prick was easily 10” long, and one of the thickest I’d seen....

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Elrods S2K Story

Usual disclaimers apply. This story may be archived at any non-pay site. Elrod's S2K Story By Elrod W What a day! Long, insufferable meetings, with idiot managers that would easily make a Dilbert cartoon. On the way home, after my wife and I picked up the boys from day care, they started fighting. In rush hour traffic. During a squall. By the time we got home, I was exhausted, and had a headache. Quick - take two Tylenols, and try to find somewhere quiet for a few moments. No...

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Sailors in Silk Chapter 11B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 11 B ? By: Bevetly Taff List of Characters. Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from...

2 years ago
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Driver8217s seduction of horny Muslim lady

Hi Friends, I’m back again with the story of a driver’s seduction. Thanks for the responses to my previous stories. I love to write stories on behalf of ladies. If anyone has a different experience and wants me to write it for you, I can do so. Let’s get back to this story. A chat friend told this story was told to me by a chat friend. (For safety reasons, names are changed). I’m Salma, 33, now married to Sulaiman, who works in Malaysia. We are a well-off family, and I have no issues with...

4 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 4A Meeting Jacob Laying there pretty much exposed with your ass hanging in the air your excitement is tangible. Then you realize exactly how far you're not only willing, but hoping that this will go. Ripples of excitement are coursing through your body to the extent that it's physically manifesting. Your abs are clenching and releasing, your ass cheeks are flexing and spreading of their own accord, and your breasts are heaving with each...

4 years ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 4

Sally was released from “sleep-jail” in time to join us for breakfast. The room was full of knowing smirks when she immediately claimed my lap, and she almost behaved herself with only one quick grope she claimed was an accident. She made no excuses for the kiss she gave me right before we left for work. She worked like a girl possessed all morning, again claiming my lap at lunch. That’s where her parents found her when they came by to get her. Sally looked very pleased with herself when they...

1 year ago
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Eight Ball

“I only have one goal,” Carter said, full of that same unshakable confidence. “You’re going to spend the night with me, and when you wake up the next morning, you’ll find your legs wide open and your, I’m assuming, very tight pussy pleasantly sore.” “What the fuck is this shit?” I said, as I threw my book down onto the table. “It’s so hard to find good smut, these days.” The couples and families at the other tables all looked at me strangely, peering over their...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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Losing Yourself

I woke up in a cold sweat; something isn't right in here. This is my room, but as I look over in my bed, my wife, Kendra, is not there. Kendra and I had been married for a few years now. We met back in college during my Junior year - her Sophomore year - and a few years later, we got married. At this point in our lives, we were both around the same age; her at 26 and me at 28. She was a slender, redheaded beauty with eyes as green and deep as a forest. Her innocent, freckled face betrayed her...

4 years ago
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Fucking Mom And Daughter At The Same Time

hello my name is Nikhil i am 28 years old i am a well build huge guy. I don’t want to give fake size of my penis but to be frank i would love it if it was bigger my penis size is around 15 cms. well guys let me tell you about all the characters in these story first character is obviously me and the rest characters are smita aunty (F 43, 34-32-36)and her daughter prema (F18, 32-30-32) Well now let’s start with the story i don’t want to bore you guys so here is the story of my best fuck and let...

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Macis First Dungeon Experience

Sitting in the airport awaiting our flight home and my mind is constantly drawn back to last night. We took a further step into our kinky BDSM & spanking lifestyle. Having discovered this dungeon exists before we came away we knew we had to give it a go, and boy were we glad we did.They have several different rooms for hire all equipped with different variations of sexual apparatus and a massive array of whips, canes, floggers, paddles, crops, straps etc. There were chains and a multitude of...

3 years ago
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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Paisley Bennett Aliya Brynn Movie Night Muff Pounding

Sexy teens Aliya Brynn and Paisley Bennett are super excited to go to the movies with a couple of guys their age so they can suck cock and swallow cum all night. But when their nosy dads overhear their plan, the old men step in. They decide to stay in and have a father daughter movie night, but pretty soon Aliya and Paisley retire to the bedroom to lick each others sweet cunts. Their dads stumble in on the action and join, swapping daughters and plunging their dad dicks deep inside the girls...

2 years ago
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No Time to GrieveChapter 2

Lyn rolled over onto his side and asked, “Are you ready for your next lesson? Or do you want to go for a swim and relax a little first?” “What’s my next lesson?” I asked. “Well, you still have to learn how to suck a cock. It takes a while to get good at it. Don’t worry. You’ll get a lot of practice around this house.” “I will?” I asked. For some strange reason I found myself amused by the arrogant, self-assured way he’s laying out my sexual future. He smiled that beautiful smile and...

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Mom Caroline

I remember the day my mother told me she was going to have a baby. I just had turned 15. My mother was 35, kinda late in life to be having babies in my mind. And, she didn't know who the father was. You see, dear old Mom, was a lush. But, when Caroline was born, I fell in love. She was the light of my life. She had the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen in my life. They always lit up when I was near her, or held her. And, with our Mom being a (how do I put this) drunk whore, I took care of...

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step in the shower young man

A few years back I had a amazing experience and want to share it with you.I woke one summers morning with the usual morning wood as I rubbed my cock I heard my step mum going into the bathroom for her morning shower, I had seen her tits before but never her pussy, her tits where ample and all naturel,her nipples where pink but imagend sucking on them many times, she had a 18yr old daughter from a relationship she had and got pregnant at 15 and gave up all to raise her.Sandra was sexy and the...

4 years ago
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Kaise Main Ek Raat Mai Ek Shareef Ladki Se Randi Bani

Hey guys,mera naam hai shweta aur umar hai 20 sal.mera rang gora aur figure 37-26-39 hai.meri height 5″7′ hai. To story hai kuch 1 sal purani.mai tab 19 sal ki thi.mai ek gurgaon ki rich family ki hun.mujhe hamesha high status wale boyfriend rakhna allowed tha.par unke sath sex mai mujhe santushti nahi milti thi.mai ISS pe stories padhke unki tarah hamesha se ek rand ki tarah chudna chahti thi.eksath 2 ladke mujhe buri tarah chode. Baat hai mere 19th birthday wale din ki.uss din maine socha ki...

2 years ago
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Gay Sluts First time with me

There i was sitting in their trailer. My hard cock in my hand as i stroked it with a condom on. After letting him suck me for minutes on end, cuz he really enjoyed sucking my cock, saying it was his first cock, it was now time to let him get a taste of another first. A cock in his tight fat ass. I sat there waiting anxiously as he came back , he had changed from wearing jeans to wearing a nice thong and a short plaided skirt. My cock instantly felt like it was ready to explode seeing just how...

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My Sisters Slave

My Sister’s Slave        I guess I should start by telling you how my Sister enslaved me. It was really my own fault.        My name is Jake, and ever since I was about twelve years old, I’ve been obsessed with women’s underwear. It didn’t seem to matter whom the underwear belonged too. It could be the hot girl next door Lucy. It could be my Aunt Sally. It could even be my very own Mother. Or, you guessed it, my Sister Sarah.        It was sick and twisted, I know, but every time I laid eyes...

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Sex With My Office Colleague

Hi friends this Sam from Chennai. I have lots of sex experience in my life, it’s been kept secretly in my heart, didn’t even enclosed to my friends, am going to tell one of my real sex experience with my office colleague I have a co-worker, a very beautiful and she is modern girl, young lady by the name of Jeyanthi (name change). She has been working with me for about six months. Jeyanthi is a tall, shapely red head about twenty-three years old, with a sharp sense of humor. Often we joke with...

4 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 25

Chad frowned as he looked at the clock. It had been an incredibly busy day and, much to his chagrin, he’d had no time to call in his Office Whore for a bit of fun and sexual release. Of course, since he was now living with, and recently engaged to, his Office Whore, he knew they’d have time for sex later at home. He just really still enjoyed those occasional times when he could call her in and lock the door, closing the world out and themselves in. But today, it seemed the only time that he had...

Office Sex
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Black PlagueChapter 5

After an early morning romp that left Stefan sated again, he rolled back over to steal a few more minutes of sleep. Even with the loss of the warm body curled up against him, the coziness of the overstuffed mattress with its scents was seductive. For the first time in many a year, Stefan had no desire to rise from the warm confines of a bed. He next awoke to the poking of a broom handle in the middle of his back. The jabbing was annoying and insistent, and becoming too painful to...

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