Faux RealmChapter 10 free porn video

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Lucian awoke feeling refreshed.

Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain.

He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as much as he could and gave her a loving kiss. Ericha started to stir, but she did not wake.

He spent several divine moments caressing her flaming red hair while watching her beautiful face sleeping.

He carefully extracted himself from the bed. Currently they slept on board their new refurnished ship, on top of their new bed as he watched the sleeping faces of Liza and Lin. His sister apparently took a fancy to Liza and had a somewhat similar experience to his own. Working out made their untrained bodies brake down degrading their muscles and tendons in an effort of to rebuild them stronger for their bodies.

The ship was rebuilt to accommodate their new living space, two levels or decks for you science buffs, were available for their personal use. Medical was moved to first deck and hangar bays were made to accommodate their new plan for making money.

Registration went uneventful. While he was interrupted last time by people who needed his help, mainly Keeg and his family, this time he only had to name the ship and for whatever reason state its purpose. Star Republic law dictated that ship needed to have purpose when traversing the vast areas of space, otherwise patrols would classify it as a Pirate vessel and engage it without concern for what was inside. That alone made Lucian’s fear heighten as he wondered what Pirates were truly like.

He was sure what he wanted to do, ‘sail’ the stars and explore every crevice it had to offer, as there was something romantic about sailing into the unknown. But for some reason you needed money, for food and fuel, trivial things that Lucian thought could do without, but further prompting from his wives told him that it was essential for their survival. He HAD to bend to their will and eventually, reluctantly, after much talking, they decided that the best course for them, as they were now, was to mine some precious materials, minerals, gems and whatnot and sell them for profit. Maybe some scavenging here and there, but for start they were going to roll up their sleeves and grab a pickaxe.

He needed to name the ship on the spot so he named it ‘One For All’. Other ship names, much to Lucian’s dismay, were taken. Names like ‘The Wrecker’, ‘Humiliator’ and ‘Mine Catcher’ were taken. Being the most logical solution at the time he was happy to see that everyone was on board with his naming scheme.

Everyone breathed a giant sigh of relief after they heard what other names he provided.

So currently ‘One For All’ was flying through space on their way to mine some precious gems from asteroid belts around a gas giant.

After asking around and with some help by the clerks, he managed to find a ‘Task Wall’ where various jobs were placed for those that needed work, as they were working either in their ships or around Grimova, the stations operations were certainly nothing like those on Earths. Gems were apparently in high demand due to its wide use. Weapons, medicine, and various other engineering projects.

Giant wide 12 foot 3D screen was standing out in the open while people flocked, picking whatever jobs interested them. Some races looked like they were botean, some came from much further away. Lucian thought, with a smile, that everyone was getting their fair share of work done in an attempt to provide for themselves or their families. He remembered Keeg was trying to do the same for his own.

He was standing on the bridge, he started to move his shoulders as they were aching from previous training; Lucian had to give the engineers credit as they did marvelous work on the interior of the old bridge, it still was the same old oval space with minor differences, in the middle of the room there was now a giant tri dimensional crystal screen that was surrounded by 5 consoles. He still had to wonder what some of them were doing for the ship. Captain’s chair was now moved back almost to the wall as it provided undisturbed view around the room.

Lucian had to marvel how they changed the center of the attention from the captain’s chair, to now their new strategic crystalline screen. As he was moving towards captain’s chair, Lucian saw they even added a small staircase, for what reason they did that he did not know, but they made the new area look quite refined in its look.

Lucian sat on captain’s chair, one of the rare occasions that he would get to relish in this position. He was highly reluctant to take away the captain’s seat from Ericha who deserved it, in every way possible. Even just imagining it was something that he could not do, he thought about it long and hard, coming to this conclusion was pretty easy since there were many things he needed to learn about the ‘world’ around him.

Holding his warm cup between his fingers he observed the room in its entirety. Everything was visible from this view point, slightly raised from other positions, two clear doors on either side of the room were visible. One leading to their large bedroom, the previous captain’s quarters were destroyed and in its place new ones was constructed. The office where he found the bits and pieces of other creatures was no more. Now only a distant and unpleasant memory. Making their bedroom much larger and accommodating a bed twice as large.

The other door led to the hallway and the rest of the ship, said hallway could be used as a buffer of sorts, as Ericha explained. In case of a breach and boarding parties. The room could be cordoned off and used as buffer before enemy could be repelled. Lucian had to think off long and hard about how this could be useful, but he had to see it action.

The warm coffee like drink was warming him up, he was still unsure what its name was, but he enjoyed the slight buzz that followed when he drank it. He sat viewing the map after he pushed few buttons on the chair’s arm, that the engineers showed him, he used his memory to bring a 3D picture of surrounding systems, a map of the sector appeared, while they were moving in Underspace.

The drink was delicious. But the map took his worries away. For some reason it was therapeutic. He even might get some TV shows from his home if they were inclined to go in that direction, after all nothing is better than watching a good show while drinking your coffee. Or its substitute.

“Underspace, overspace. What was the name they told me?” Lucian silently said.

Expecting for someone to answer his question he waited with baited breath, but nothing happened. He was slightly concerned about several inconsistencies about the map since one or two systems were blacked out, there was a dark space where two of the systems were supposed to be, unsure what that was he made sure to take a mental note of the incident and report to Ericha when they talked.

Soon after the map returned to normal. Leaving Lucian wondering what that really was. A space anomaly? Maybe, he never saw one in the first place. After everything that has happened, the books he had read, he never once managed to start reading a guide on space.

An image of ‘Hitchhikers Guide to space’ appeared in front of his eyes, something he often remembered fondly. As Lucian grew up, his father sometime during that time introduced that book to him, it changed the outlook on what truly was funny.

Space is vast, Lucian did thought several times, whenever he would look at this map and zoom out he would feel more and more insignificant. No amount of comedic relief could replace the real dangers that lurked in its darkness. Leaving him uneasy about the possibilities that were creeping out there he managed to rest those thoughts away for another time.

“I thought that was MY seat.” A voice said over his thoughts.

He smiled recognizing Ericha’s voice, seeing her strutting from their bedroom his smile grew wider as he said, “Of course it is my love.”

It took her few seconds to traverse the podium, but when she arrived, she planted a quick peck on the lips which reminded him where he was. He stood up, but she was faster, her hand already on his chest gently pushing him down. She tapped her fingers for several moments on her chin and then sat on his lap. She proceeded to slowly kiss him while rubbing her butt on his budding erection.

“I would LOVE to continue this, but I need to show you something.” Lucian said.

Moving the sector map back to where he saw the anomaly, moments passed in silence while he found the picture he was worried about. Meanwhile the two systems in question remained undisturbed. There was nothing about them to say that they just went through some curious anomaly. He silently wondered if there were any people out there and if so, were they all right.

“So I was looking at the sector map. To pass the time.” Lucian started saying.

“And these two systems, suddenly went black. I just wanted to know if that was normal.” He was watching her expression.

He proceeded to point out the two related systems, one of them very close to their current location and the other just beyond the first one. They were moving towards the closer one using their Drive. The systems names were bunch of numbers which he understood, often barren systems, those that had no habitable planets were relegated to have bunch of numbers for easier distinction. Star Republic had curious rules regarding such methods. But apparently it was easier to separate those.

She rose walking slowly towards the 3D map, “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure, the dark spots were pretty different from other stuff on there.” Lucian pointed out.

As the sector map was in 3D it was not detailed and colors weren’t vivid. It showed where some of the colonies, Nav Markers and Remote Space stations were. Other than that it was up to ship’s crew to gather more data for their map, and furthermore it alone could be used to trade and barter in some extreme situations. The map was precious. As it contained detailed information on where every ship went, what they did and what they encountered. The map was the ships’ life.

The map was given to them by Luca with a message saying ‘Fun travels’, but as they took off to the stars to Lucian’s dismay it was not complete, on which Ericha started laughing and explained the entire situation.

So, the map was precious commodity of the ship and this one was going to explore every nook of the galaxy.

Ericha spent several minutes probing and checking consoles, after which she turned to Lucian deep in thought. He walked up to her and asked, “Is everything all right?”

“I need to recheck my findings, but from this I think we’re being followed.” She had a dark expression on her face.

“How can you be sure?” Lucian asked.

“You found the first glitch. Or their unintentional blunder. They probably meant to cloak an area, but messed something up and started emitting while our sensors picked up on it.” She said.

Considering his limited knowledge from movies and TV show’s about clocking ships he asked, “I might sound stupid here, but can you elaborate more about the cloaking. I thought you could only make a ship vanish.”

“You are absolutely right, but they probably used the wrong emitters and sent a subspace ping that, again, our sensors picked up. On two separate occasions no less. First here –” she pointed to the systems that was furthest away, “and again here.” Now her hand and finger hovered over the closest system to their ship.

‘One For All’ was still making rounds through subspace. On their way to the relevant system. “They are probably using that cloaking system to set up traps.” She said.

“To elaborate more on this cloaking technology, it uses enormous amounts of energy and is generally at its best when you’re using it to shroud an important strategic point. A base or a large area.” She explained.

“Can it be used to cloak ships?” Lucian asked.

She pondered for a moment, “I guess, but the ship would use enormous amounts of energy to maintain stable field. It would not be able to maintain a stable Drive.”

“What should we do then? Prepare for combat?” Lucian asked, he was somewhat reluctant to test his new fighting skills.

“Yes.” Was her answer.

She saw him looking at the map in fear, “Relax we have plenty of armament. The only thing we should fear is if they board us. Alarm everyone and prepare them for the worst.” Ericha said.

As Lucian started walking to wake Liza and his sister he stopped and started wondering, “You said that the technology is using a lot of energy.”

“No. I said enormous amounts of energy.” She corrected.

“Right. Enormous. Who would have such capability to use it in a remote world that’s not really important to Star Republic?” He questioned.

“After all we are just using it to traverse the space.”

He moved to face Ericha, her mind was reeling at this information.

“I’m a nobody. I at least know that. I’m here on this ship that can travel vast distances that, well to be frank, my mind previously thought impossible.”

“Saying that I can’t imagine what would take to cloak an entire area or a base that, using your terms, uses a large amount of energy. I’m wondering if that was actually a blunder.” He said.

His voice became grim, “Maybe this was an invitation.” He simply stated.

She lost all color on her face. Ericha looked like she got punched in the face, “I haven’t even thought about that possibility. What is wrong with me?”

“It’s ok I was just speaking what’s on my mind.” Lucian tried to calm her down.

She shook her head, “No, you do not understand. We received reports about incidents where Pirates used this method. They would lure ships and destroy them or enslave their occupants.”

She looked sad when recounting the grim nature of the attacks, “They would destroy everything, but they got greedy. And we found this pattern time and again on slaves that we rescued.”

“Then there is your theory, what if we’re actually being tracked.” Lucian said.

“Yes, it was a theory. But your idea sounds much more plausible. And with our collected data we know they did this multiple times.” She answered.

“Should we stop our progress?” Lucian asked.

“Hell no!” She yelled.

She grinned, “Now that you reminded me I know what can be done. This ship is as strong as they come.”

“Go and wake Liza and Lin, I’ll need to tell them about my, our, plan. If you do not mind go and warn our passengers. They need to know.” Ericha said.

Lucian ran out the room and back into his, their shared bedroom. Entering he heard them sleeping and snoring. Moving closer he shook both women and with soft voice woke them from their sleep.

“What’s wrong?” Liza rose and asked in worried tone.

She still had tense and aching muscles. Lucian could see that she moved slowly, careful not to jar the affected areas, “Ericha wants to talk to both of you. It’s best if she explains. Love ya.”

He ran out the bedroom and out on the other side of the bridge. He then managed to reach crew quarters in record time. Explaining everything to their passengers, Momoa, Tigga, Keeg and even his wife, whose name Lucian did not know, managed to offer their help while the kids sat quietly in their own room playing.

“Better keep the kids safe. Our rooms are safer for them. I’ll take them there. You get weapons and prepare in case we get boarded.” Lucian warned his friends.

Momoa rose his bulky frame. Towering over everyone. “Is everything all right?” He asked, clearly worried.

“Yeah we might have a problem, we’re heading into a possible, no, and quite probable trap set by someone.” Lucian said.

Four people worriedly looked at one another. “And why do we want to do that?” Momoa asked.

Lucian thought for few moments and figured honest is best policy in this moment, he told them about Erichas and his plan, making sure they understood the importance of such a task.

“I’m in as well.” Momoa said.

Keeg, his wife and even Tigga were a bit reluctant, Lucian saw their reluctance and quietly said, “You are not obligated to do anything you do not want to, but you will defend yourself and this ship.”

They quietly nodded. They were afraid, so Lucian tried to quiet their fears, “I’m afraid just as you are, but swallow that fear and focus on defending what’s most important to your lives.”

He managed to see the worried looks Keeg’s wife was giving everyone, she was in a much better state than what he saw in front of the registration office. Now she looked alive. He knelt on his knew, “I’m Lucian, I forgot your name missus.”

“I never said it.” She had a defiant expression on her face.

After a while Lucian started fearing he might never hear it so he had to ask, “Mind telling me?”

“Emgi.” Was her only answer.

“Nice to meet you Emgi. I hope we can provide some safe comfort for you and your family.” Lucian extended his arm which she took.

He expressed his deepest desires. Lucian’s hands then peeled off and he started to direct them on tasks what they are supposed to do.

“Listen as we approach closer we might get boarded. If we do I want you to go to bridge and lock every door behind you.” He said.

“Ericha apparently has a plan.” He explained.

Crew in front of him nodded. Everyone’s feelings were in a mess. Not too long ago Momoa and Tigga were practically slaves not knowing their future. They were given back their freedom and tools to combat in case they were in that position again.

Keeg and Emgi looked different. From a meek, malnourished woman she almost transcended her old weak form and now was a completely different being.

Lucian left them to their planning. They became fast friends amongst four people; they seemed to just click together.

Lucian went back, smiling and giggling kids in tow. He just hoped everything would be all right.

While he left the kids in the room he smacked his forehead with his palm, “I forgot about that.”

The women on the bridge worriedly stared at him watching him giggle while he took out his Pad.

Captain Yim Haell sat in his chair looking at the strategic placement of his troops on the map. Reluctantly agreeing to this old method of attracting moths to a flame, when in reality he wanted to tear that bastard with his bare hands.

“Cloaking device has been deployed.” Amon said.

Yim interlaced his fingers, “What of their route?” He said.

“Unchanged, they should arrive in the system in 25 minutes at their current speed.” His navigator said.

“Start loading our weapons.” Yim barked another order.

His ship was bigger and better equipped than the one they were going against. It did not help that it was previously in his brothers hands, after all Yim gave it to him, managing to hold his temper, Yim started to grin at what awaited the tiny vessel. Yim’s freighter class vessel was refurnished to be top notch battle ship. The tiny frigate did receive some upgrades, Yim saw to it, but only to their cargo holds. If filled to capacity it could easily hold up to 2000 people. And every inch of that space was used as they robed people of their goods and quite often themselves.

“This is going to be fun.” Yim started smiling.

“Men. On this job we will have a little bit of fun.” He opened his ships coms channels and broadcasted his words to his ship’s 13 decks.

“Take whatever you want. Leave nothing unturned. As soon as their ship drops to Normal space we will start by hooking them in place, then boarding their vessel. Get your combat gear ready.” He barked.

After he was done His First Officer turned and said, “Do you think they have any weapons?”

“Some. But mostly docking clamps is what makes that ship scary.” He started laughing.

“I do not know man, they spent quite a few weeks back on Grimova.” Amon replied.

Yim nodded, “Yes apparently our target got his ass beat by his woman.”

The bridge erupted in laughter. “Holy shit this is going to be easy.” Amon said.

“Considering they only have 10 people on board, this is truly going to be the easiest job out there.” Yim said.

He then rose from his chair and started to walk towards the crystal screen on a far side wall he then menacingly spat his words, “Considering they took my brother away from me, I’ll take my time killing them.”

“Captain.” His navigator’s voice woke him from his hateful ramblings.

“Yes.” He said in a low voice.

“Their ship increased speed. They will be here in few minutes.” Navigator said.

Both Yim and Amon gazed at one another. “Why would they do that? Are our generators functioning correctly?” Yim asked.

“Yes. There was a small burst of energy, but I think it went undetected.” Amon said.

“Just old generator parts on our ships acting weirdly.” He explained.

Yim flicked a button and the screen changed, the new picture revealed what was outside of the ship revealing his two generator vessels providing the necessary energy to Cloaking device that stood in the middle of a large circle. These two ships were old and out of commission, too old to repair or refurnish, so he was given an idea to repurpose them as a flying generators. Which he gladly did. Making these sorts of traps relatively easy to set. But the ships needed to be towed by a towing boat. All for this one ship he had to dig deep into his resource belt and bring out all 5 of his ships. Considering the meager rewards it was barely worth it, but for his brothers vengeance Yim gladly did so.

“Good.” Sinister smile on his face revealed the amount of hatred he felt.

They waited few agonizing minutes for the ship to appear. Not realizing that they themselves have been watched.

Lineas sat in his chair. A woman was commanded by one of his staff, as they did so she quickly fell on her knees, patiently waiting, he did not glance at her, sparing not even a second thought about her condition. Lineas was a busy man, as he waited so many weeks for this to happen, for the pieces to finally fit in place, he was not about to miss one moment of this confrontation. Not even for a gift that was this delicious.

The woman watched him, she looked stranded, as she was looking at something much further away. Dressed in skimpy clothing, erotic nature of her naked body left everyone breathless. Patiently waiting as she was told, her sensual demeanor attracted everyone’s gazes, her back was straight, and her breasts moved with her every breath.

She had big oval eyes, dark blue skin and a tail which swung around enticingly. Her long silky hair dropped down to her ass, while she knelt, some strands of her wavy hair easily brushed over the carpet. People in the room kept looking in awe as her hair had different colors running through her head. From different angles it looked like the color of her hair was slowly changing. Everyone’s breath was taken by this alluring beauty. Several men and women stood silently around the room tending to their masters wishes. But her scent and allure left them aroused. Men and women.

Lineas was accustomed seeing wide variety of women, seemingly looking bored, he dropped his pants and said, “Suck me off while I watch this.”

She approached fast on her knees, scooting closer she took his erection in her mouth and started to slowly lick and suck, she was trained to moan while pleasing her masters, so every time she took his rod in her mouth she would release a moan as if on que. She looked as she was worshiping the appendage, but on closer look she seemed lost. Something drew her attention elsewhere.

Men in the room started losing their minds, closing their eyes they imagined themselves on that receiving end. Some even wanted to move to appease their fiery desires. However they knew better than to approach Lineas Loog un-invited. If they did so he would mercilessly execute them on the spot.

Lineas grinned as he felt her lips trail little kisses around the head of his penis. Quiet moan escaped his lips. Waiting with baited breath for the show to begin.

‘One For All’ dropped to Normal space without much noise. Everyone around its bridge waited for the show to begin, however they knew what their plan really was; act like they did not know there was a trap somewhere inside this system. They did just that, at Ericha’s command the ship started to move in a particular pattern experienced pilots knew that they were here just to explore. Using the space between themselves and where the battle was about to begin, they stopped as if they were scanning the relevant areas. They did this three times. After all they were here just to explore. Nothing else.

Everyone was on edge as they did not want this to fail. Ericha was in a similar situations across many battlefields, so she knew what their concerned faces meant. She used her voice to calm their fried nerves.

“Easy. We act when we’re near them.” Ericha’s kind voice reached every ear making the people who heard it wrestle with their fears and forcibly take its rains while they focused on task at hand.

Lindsay and Liza sat at their consoles around the crystalline screen now looked as if they had a different goal. They took their time while doing their tasks at hand. Two women breaths came easier and their minds got clearer.

“What about Lucian’s plan? Are we going to go with it?” Liza asked.

“He’ll be here in a moments so he’ll tell us himself.” Lindsay responded while she flew their ship.

She punched few coordinates in space that she knew would leave any prying eye feeling comfortable about the actions that they did, as per Ericha’s instructions the ships’ fore arc was kept pointing toward the space where they expected them to be, nothing seemed unusual.

Lucian strolled into bridge while carrying his Pad strumming his fingers while looking at the big crystal screen in the middle, “It seems so – empty.” He said.

“Yes that is the point of using cloaking device. Everything might seem normal, however behind that veneer are things that are best left alone. Sometimes.” Ericha said.

“But they are there, watching our every move.” She commented quietly.

“You think we’ll have enough firepower?” Lucian asked.

All 3 women laughed. They left Ericha to respond, “Do not worry your pretty little head about that, I want you to use that plan of yours when the time is right. Let us show you what this baby can do.”

As they talked sensors started to detect something in the vicinity leaving Ericha to take control of the coming situation, “Full stop.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Lindsay responded smiling.

“Quite strange that we’d detect them even while Cloaked.” Lucian observed.

“Not really. Cloaking can conceal any structure if it has enough power, if you probe it with a strong enough scan it can reveal where the area actually is, however there are only few ship classes that can do that.” Ericha explained.

“Science or ‘Sci’ boats can do it from larger distances but they have less armaments to compensate for their ship’s nature. Usually they are accompanied by other ship classes to defend them while they do their stuff.” Liza said while her console started bringing in necessary data.

Several pictures revealed an unassuming area that hid danger in front of their eyes. They all had their own assumptions on what was in front of them, however they knew, whatever it was, and they would fight it to bitter end.

It was about time to take their fates in their hands.

“On my mark; fire all weapons.” Ericha’s sinister voice left Lucian reeling in shock.

He’d never saw her in this state. It was as if her persona changed and she donned a different mask ready to do anything. Tense seconds passed as Lucian saw this woman change in front of his eyes.

“NOW.” She yelled.

“What are they doing now?” Amon asked.

After the smaller ship weaved through the area, seemingly inspecting the zone they currently flew through, it came to a full stop just in front of the effective range of their Cloaking device. What was stranger; the ship stood there motionlessly for few minutes before Yim started to bark orders. Something was strange. His old instinct was never wrong and this time his sense of danger was alarmingly high.

“Start moving our ship.” Silently he said to his navigator.

“Bring us to far side of this area. We will wait there.” Yim said.

Amon looked at his captain and started asking, “What are you doing? They are right there.”

“Shut up!” Yim barked, he felt the hairs on his skin stand up, that alone rarely happened.

Amon immediately bit his tongue seeing his captain rage flare up, he never saw him in this state, on edge. Yim usually had a calm demeanor, even if he was a bit insane from time to time, Amon knew his captain was one of the rare ones that could take command of any situation. Strive for that end goal.

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Faux RealmChapter 14

Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...

2 years ago
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Faux RealmChapter 15

The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Brianna Rose I Warned You8230

I should’ve listened. I should’ve paid more attention. I should’ve put her before my stupid gaming. That’s the message I get from my neglected wife Brianna when I watch the video she left for me. She lets some stud finger her housewife pussy, made sure it was nice and close for me to see. She sucks his big dick and even gives him a boobjob through her bra… I paid for those things! Whatever. My wife gets prone boned by this dude before letting him eat her pussy. He...

3 years ago
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cook is waiting

Hi friends. I am 23 years old M. one day while i was travelling in train towards to banglore . i saw a girl -27 opp to me she came wth her dad. at late night i saw her she was sleeping opp to me in the upper birth. there was a light in near by coach , so tat i could find her clearly... my sleep gon away ... after some min she also woke up... we she sleeping. i would be able to see her white boobs later she dmiled me me too did it... After some time she again turned around and slept i thought...

1 year ago
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Dodgers Day Off

"oooooooaah" cooed Dodger as she woke up and looked at the clock, "aw fuck it's eleven" she said She clambered out of the bed in a half on vest with some cotton panties that were not flashy but hugged her plump butt in a pleasing manner. As she walked out to the kitchen her feet were making slapping noises against the tile floor she saw a note on the fridge from Sam "Took Clarke to get her second round of shots thought i'd give you some rest seeing as you're working so hard have the day off...

1 year ago
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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 10

Trellis followed Rosseena down into a dimly lit labyrinth, and was glad to detect brighter lighting beyond the end of the tunnel they were in. Emergence from this tunnel revealed a larger and cavernous thoroughfare, through which bustled the population of the stockade, in a calm and orderly fashion, as though on some routine errand. The lights carried by them, illuminated the way forward, along with Rosseena’s smile, which she directed at her feminine compatriots, many of whom had their...

1 year ago
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Heidi Ch01

“Oh how can I thank you?” Heidi exclaimed.She had been made redundant three months earlier and had spent most of that time moping around her house as she was right now in a dirty white tee-shirt and old blue denim shorts. Her long brown hair was a mess that she had quickly pulled up into a rough ponytail.But her ex-boss had just called by unexpectedly to say that he’d got her an interview for a fantastic job, and she knew that with his recommendation she had every chance to get it.Jack was a...

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EvilAngel Adria Rae Angelic Adria8217s Dirty Anal Defiling

Adorable anal neophyte Adria Rae shows off a slender, all-natural frame with long legs and a tender, petite butt. The angel-faced cutie strips out of a tight miniskirt and winks her butthole, anticipating intense sodomy with director Mike Adriano. After taking Mike’s customary bunghole-tonguing initiation, Adria gives a worshipful blow job, lapping balls, and vibrantly licking Mike’s asshole. The docile doll enjoys primal butt fucking with messy ass-to-mouth cocksucking. His prick...

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Road TripChapter 17

I tried ... really I did. I just couldn’t get there until it was too late. By the middle of February the plows ran. Late one night the chinook wind started to blow, by morning the snow was gone. Fifty two inches of snow melted in six hours. Three days sooner and we could have saved her. Consuelo Juanita Rodriguez de Soto Cabrillo de Pineda, American, died in childbirth at home in Wolf Township, Wyoming. Attempts by snowmobile rescue failed to reach her in time. Mrs. Pineda is survived by...

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Trophy Wife Gets Filled with Hubbys aproval

Some of you know that my job makes me travel a lot, and my travels bring me to very nice upscale hotels and resorts around the world. For this experience, I am staying at one of my favorite Four Seasons. I had been here for a few days already and as usual, not having any personal time to meet or do anything exciting. On trips like these, when I do get some alone time, I find a quiet corner in the hotel lounge and catch up my local news and sports and personal emails on my laptop. This...

Wife Lovers
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Im an exhibitionist and my boyfriend doesnt know Part 2

As many of you who have read my previous story know, I am a bit of an exhibitionist and my boyfriend knows nothing about it. Since our trip to Ibiza three years ago, I started to have a bigger need to show myself, knowing how horny it had made me feel and I was desperate to replicate those feelings. I would touch myself whenever my boyfriend wasn't around and look for opportunities to show off a little, in a way that would look completely unintentional.Most of my episodes would be with random...

1 year ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 7

Marianne had quickly got used to the dress and the unusual but good feeling of freedom her breasts had. She had borrowed a Pashmina from Sylvie and that had been wrapped around her shoulders as they walked into the restaurant. She was pleased to see that the table was in an alcove so as soon as she was seated and with a confidence she didn't actually feel she let slip the Pashmina from her shoulders. Guy's expression made it worthwhile. His eyes widened, his pupils expanding rapidly and a...

4 years ago
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Tied up for lunch

You are bored! You watch the time endlessly tick one second at a time. You are wishing for excitement. Your eyes shut and your mind starts to wander down your body. Your hand follows your thoughts tracing itself down your scrubs gently caressing, as if a lover. As you reach your breasts, you have a sudden convulsion. Your muscles contract including your pussy. Your eyes spring open with shock. "No," you think to yourself. "Not here."You go back to watching the clock. Another minute has gone....

4 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 2

Early the next morning I awoke and stretched out on the queen size bed, luxuriating in the feel of crisp cool cotton sheets and thinking about how good I felt. All those minor joint aches and pains I’d learned to live with over the years simply weren’t there. And those dreams! I rarely remembered my dreams after waking, but somehow, I knew that I remembered every one of last night’s dreams. The dreams of my past, both good and bad. With a yawn and a final stretch, I got up and started my...

2 years ago
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How I became a GrannyFucker pt II

Then I took my clothes off. She watched closely as I undressed ;) So I stood there now. A young boy in boxer shorts, in the apartment of an old lady. Of course, there is one possibility how that continues ;) I wanted to fuck her! I wanted to fuck her without any mercy! Wanted to turn her into a bitch, into my bitch! But I still had inhibitions to take the first step. The Granny also noticed that, so she took the first step. She came to me, caressed my chest hair, my beard, my arms, gave me a...

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Convict Wench

Convict Wench The Arrest Three fashionably and well-dressed girls sat disconsolately on the hard woodenbench in the dock of the No 1 County Court in Chelmsford, England. It was 5 th April1797. The Industrial Revolution had just started and England was about to makeits mark in the world. Parliament had issued strict instructions through thejudiciary to deal severely with any miscreant whose acts would undermine thesuccessful development of a new world order. New industrial businesses...

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A Daughter Has Her Way Part 4

A Daughter Has Her Way - Part 4 by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. This is Part 4 of the...

2 years ago
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This is an experience of one of my friends ina group.from SoniaTonight is a moment of great joy for me. I had sex with a man at thedelhi railway station.I wore my normal man's wear with female lingerie inside (panties andbra) and went to the delhi railway station tonight. There are manymen cruising around the bathrooms. I went to the open publicbathrooms. I stayed there inside for sometime. One man kept lookingat me and passed many naughty glances at me.I was first scared so I avoided him. When...

4 years ago
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Apni Mahi Didi Ko Choda Unke Ghar Pe Innocent Style Me

Hi friends. Mera nam Riddhi Garg hain. Main Agra me rahta hu. Main B.C.A. ka student hu. Mere rang fair and slim body and 20 sal ka hu. Mere lund ka size 7 inch hai. Main phali bar mere aur meri mahi didi ke beech huye sex kaand ko share kar rahaa hu. Aur iss pe bhi pahali bar story likh rahaa hu. Ab me story pe aata hu. Meri didi 21sal ki hain rang fair aur slim hain. Unka body size 32. 28. 34 h. Bat aaj se 2 mahine pahale ki hain. Meri cousin sister hain mahi. Mere man me unke liye kabhi...

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Pyaari Cousin Ronika Ko Diya Pyaar Ka Sukh

Kabhi kabhi kuchh kisse apko itna motivate kar dete hain ki unke Karan apki jindagi me kuch haseen pal jud jaate hain. Meri ye kahani ase hi motivation ka natija hai. Me apka apna pyara prince sabhi pyaari chuto ko salaam thokta hu. Agar personal salaami chahiye to mujhe jarur mail kare at Apki privacy meri guarantee or meri identity apki guarantee. Dosto ISS par itni bar kisse padhe cousin ki chudai ke or me bhi motivate ho gaya or apni cousin par try karne ka socha. Or result asa mila ki...

1 year ago
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Anns Surprise from Santa

© Hitchhiker 2002 High in the Kentucky hills it had been snowing for most of the day and as darkness began to fall. Don and Peter were starting think about somewhere warmer than their tent to spend the night. Up in the high woods houses are few and far between. Ann had been living on her own for over year now, after her husband had died. Now that her grief had eased. Her bouts of loneliness had become sessions of fantasy and she was now in need of the affections of a man again. During the last...

Group Sex
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Slaves and Conquest

Welcome, before you start on your adventure you may want to ask me questions. Of course it could be more fun for me to watch you jump right in and struggle, but I'm good either way. So.....

2 years ago
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Summer Nights

I came home from college every summer. My family had a pool and we always had people over. My Dad just left my mom and it would be would be one of the first summers they wouldn't be spending together. We ate dinner that night talking about the situation. I told her that i will always be here if she needed anything.We finished dinner and i started cleaning up. My mom went up stairs and said she would be back down. She came back down with her bathing suit on and started heading out the door. At...

4 years ago
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MasterPC The Eclectics Edition The Wedding

Xanthos -- A Saturday Morning in January I guess it's time to take care of another detail. I picked up the phone and called my best friend -- from before I found Master Control -- who was currently living near Dallas, Texas. Ken is 6' tall, slim (the last time I saw him), 27 years old, with grey hair. He says that the grey hair (that he's had since High School) was genetic... I prefer to believe that it has something to do with his getting hit by lightning twice when he was still in...

1 year ago
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My latest cruise excapade Nov 2015 Part 1

Just got home from another cruise and I want to tell you about two things that happened. During the cruise we dined at a table with three other couples. Seated next to me was the wife of a couple from a small town in upstate New York. The couple, in their early 30's, were very nice and the lady and I became quick friends. We also, unknowingly picked two of the same tours. One was a rainforest tour. The other, a party catamaran, snorkel and beach tour. While on the party tour, my new friend,...

2 years ago
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Meet The Maddisons 9

The Maddison family was coming over this afternoon to discuss the Sex Olympics and go over the videos they'd taken during mum's gang bang training session at their house.I was a bit nervous as I was really keen to see Alison again. I really liked her, but I was worried the sex was overpowering any relationship that might be between us. I wasn't jealous or anything. I knew she regularly fucked her twin brothers and her father, even her mother. I guess she also screwed plenty of guys outside her...

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 22

“We have the latest reports from the expeditionary force, Serenissima,” Grand Admiral Vuspic announced at the Security Group meeting. “Go ahead, Admiral,” Amantil replied. “They have established contact with several of the local Realms from their Tafta base and assisted one, the Florven Technocracy, to turn back an alien fleet,” he began. “I take it that the aliens are still using multiple fleets?” Cure David asked. “I’m afraid so, they also appear to be ruthless enough to destroy their...

4 years ago
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The Fantasy Adventure Game

Tom Parker stood on the covered porch of his cabin that overlooked the lake looking out at the teaming rain; another of the frequent early summer storms that seem to have hit the region of late. He watched the rain make the lake look as though it was boiling hot and after a minute or two he turned to re-enter the cabin. "I should never have let them go." He said to himself as he went to the refrigerator for a beer. Tom figured that he might as well finish his beer for it could well be his last...

1 year ago
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The New Sister Alice

The New Sister Alice By Jennifer Reed Chapter one "Allen," Sarah said sternly as her friends that had just came in looked at the one boy in the room with an uncomfortable frown on their face. "You need to leave." He frowned, fighting back tears. "Your friends never had a problem with me here before," he protested fiercely. "Why can't I be with you and your friends anymore?" "You're a boy," Peggy said as she glared at him. "We want to have a girls only night and you're not a...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 2728Final

=================================== Ch 27 “I don’t hear anything,” Summer says, as we look down at my six half-human children. They’re sleeping peacefully right now, and haven’t made any more sounds after that one sentence. ‘You will do fine, father.’ That one sentence still reverberates around in my head. Sometimes it drowns out all other thoughts, even though they only spoke to me that one time. It leaves no room for doubts, and somehow I know I will be able to defeat the...

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Morale Officer

"Morale Officer" by Jennifer Brock On a spaceship in the near future, a situation arises that requires an innovative solution. The Monongah hung in space like a giant 10-penny nail. She was an asteroid mining ship for the AsterOre Mining Corporation. At one end was a disk 150 meters in diameter, inside of which was a ring of rooms that spun to simulate gravity. This is where most of the crew cabins and workspaces were located. At the other end of the 800-meter...

3 years ago
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How The Big City Changed Me Part 5 The Conclusion

How The Big City Changed Me Part 5: The Conclusion By Chiara I know it was just on the cheek, but I just kissed a guy! I was amazed with myself. Almost subconsciously I was using my looks to get things I wanted. I looked back to see if Paul or Nadine had noticed what I did but they were too busy chatting with each other. Flirting was turning into a great new hobby and was keeping my mind off of Gina. I was having a great day. I hung out playing volleyball with Dillon and his...

2 years ago
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I had NO clue but I had fun

In my mid 20's I worked in this office building downtown for a few years, and hated the job. Although it did cum with "percs". I remember when I started I worked in the mailroom and they treated us like crap, but they paid well and I needed it. So after a few weeks I start to learn my way through the building, and get acquainted with some of the fine women on each floor. And every body knew that the 20th floor was like honey central. Hot, gorgeous, bad, sexy ass women from executives to...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Swapping 8211 Part IV

Heyyy friends rohan arora wapas hai apke lund ko khada karne k liye aur ladkiyo ki chut mein khujli karne wali story leke aaya hai, har ladke ka sapna hota hai ki wo ek saath 2 sexy ladkiyo ko chode aur agar wo koi foreigner ho to aur hee mazaa aajaye jiske mast gore gore gol gol boobs hooo aur chikni gaand aur pink chut sochkar hee mazaa aata hai n ye ladko k sapne hote hai aur koi-koi ladki jisko sex pasand hai unkaka sapna hota hai ki uska bf usse bohot pyaar kare uska lund kaala nhi safed...

3 years ago
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Making of My Sissy Part Three

One day I was home to see, first hand, how my sissy's day progressed. The day went as I thought it would, well planned and a perfect schedule to keep my little one busy. Then there was a knock at the door. My sissy never went near the door. I watched as the bell rang. Again my sissy never even looked at the door. I asked him if there was something wrong. He said that he doesn't answer the door when dressed as such. I asked "dressed as what?" "This is what you liked and you agreed that you would...

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Beth goes to the dogs Chapter 01

She had bought two new dogs, both black Labradors. They had never been trained before so I was starting from scratch. Cindy had given them names. One was Roger and the Brad. I laughed when she told me they were the names of two past boyfriends. “I hope the dogs fuck better than those two guys” she said. Having seen the crap passed off as bestiality in videos I decided that the first job was to make them comfortable with me. From day 1 I fed them by hand to get used to me. Then I spread pet...

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Boy Stud2

Introduction: Adam meets his Birthday-Presents, and receives the surprise of his life. Adam, Dad said when we got to his office in the basement, There are two things we need to talk about before I give you your birthday present. First and foremost, Im going to need you to promise that youll never tell anyone about it. I started shaking my head and opened my mouth to say, Sure Dad, I promise, but he cut me off. Now, before you answer, you need to know that Im not kidding. If you agree and then...

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I could Never Say No to BBC Blacken

My new husband wanted to get me pregnant and have his baby. We had only been married 4 months but he was 48 and I was 44 so the clock was ticking. I told him we would give it a try but if I didn't get pregnant in a few months then it probably wasn't going to happen. We had been trying for four months with no luck. We had sex all the time. He took me every chance he got. Sometimes three or four times a day. He was a great lover with a huge cock. I have known him for a very long time and we have...

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It is now late Sunday night and the weekend is over and what a weekend it had been. I had meet Kelli a few months ago and she had warned me that she has been working on a project that was really bazaar and had asked if I would consider helping her if she needed any help. Kelli is a very beautiful girl somewhat into the western style.. jeans, boots, etc.. she is also a stout built woman.. 5'4" around 135 pounds.. long black hair that reaches her hips, oh yes and her age is around 25. Though we...

1 year ago
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Creampie In Asia

CreampieInAsia! With such a straightforward name, I am pretty sure we all know what CreampieInAsia.com has to offer. If you are not able to tell what the fuck this site is all about, then you must be on a whole new level of stupid, and I honestly feel sorry for you. Now, for those who came here to learn more about this wonderful place filled with creampied Asian beauties, I have a lot to say.First of all, before we get down to business, you should know that I have a soft spot for the Asian...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Battle For Humanity

There is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...

3 years ago
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A Night In Paradise

I opened my eyes and felt a momentary rush of panic. I expected to see the light shining through my blue curtains into my bedroom and hear the familiar sound of the shower and splashing from the bathroom as James prepared himself for the morning commute to the office. Instead, all I saw was blackness. It must still be night-time . Gradually, my vision came into focus and I saw that it wasn’t completely dark. It was dim but there was bright light somewhere. I moved my head and saw that a thin...

4 years ago
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HorseHungry MotherChapter 8

Helen led Angel to the center of the barn. "You don't mind if I use your pony, do you?" "Go ahead," Sandy said. She squatted on the floor. "I think Angel will like it." "I know he will," Helen said. Natalie was trembling. Her body was still sizzling from the way they had tortured her in the kitchen. "You really gonna do it?" "We both are," Helen reminded her. She sprawled out on the bench, her ass perched high. "Put his cock in, Natalie." Natalie crawled over to her mother...

2 years ago
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The Manicure

The Manicure By Margaret Jeanette Betty Jones was getting a manicure. She was having a great conversation with her manicurist, Cindy. "My husband Bob has the worst, most ragged nails you ever saw. I am always after him to straighten them out but he never listens. It's the same as with everything else, he's got a lot of uncertainty but he doesn't want the world to know it. So he pretends he knows it all and he never lets up on me. It's only when I can't take it any more and lose...

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NubileFilms Emily Willis A Wifes Affair

Hot young thing Emily Willis is feeling neglected in her marriage. By coincidence, Lucas Frost, one of her old lovers, is in town. After careful contemplation, Emily decides to do what any hot blooded woman would do: She invites Lucas over while her husband isn’t home. While she waits on him, she puts on some scandalous lingerie beneath her dress and makes herself up nicely. Lucas loves what he sees as he walks in the door. Emily doesn’t play pretend about her wants. She draws Lucas...

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The InvestigatorsChapter 7

The day six meeting began with a rehash of all they knew and all they needed to know. Eddie: It's time for a working hypothesis. We can't prove it, but we think Rose Seabold was in that room. If she was then she killed our drug lord wannabe. Her motive was money. Most likely she was getting paid well for it. It is very likely that she stole a large amount of money from the victim. Wes: So we start there and work out? Eddie: Unlike a politician, before we ruin her life, we are going...

2 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 13

As soon as I walked into the house, I pulled Grace to the side. "I know it'll be a little crowded," I said, "but I'd like to invite James and Deanna to join us at Lake Powell for the weekend. They can fly up with us tomorrow, and fly back with Pete and Mary on Sunday evening. That will give us a chance to talk about what we want to do about Lydia Bell, if anything. I don't think we should make that decision now. The ramifications are too serious to act without a lot of thought. Besides,...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER FOUR It was almost seven thirty and Sondra hadn’t come home yet, so Kerry was beginning to get a bit nervous. Was the woman testing her to see how she’d handle things as a babysitter or had something happened to her? By seven forty five, she decided to call her. “Hello?” “Miss Hogan…it’s Kerry…I was just checking to make sure everything was okay.” “Oh hey…sorry…I know I said I’d be back by eight or so, but I sort...

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