Fringe Benefits
- 2 years ago
- 34
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When I open my eyes in the morning, it takes me a few moments to recognize my surroundings. The geometry of the room is unfamiliar, and for a few seconds I have no recollection of my whereabouts. Then the memory of last night comes back, and I blink a few times and take a look around through squinted eyes.
The radio clock on the night stand shows 7:33am, and there is nobody in bed next to me, only ruffled sheets and a crumpled pillow where Nicole fell asleep last night after our wine-fueled adventures. I sit up in bed, and it simultaneously occurs to me that the door is open, and that I am stark naked under the covers. Thankfully, this floor contains nothing but Nicole's bedroom and the tiny bathroom across the hall. I lean over the edge of the bed to look for my underwear, and the sudden change in attitude makes my head hurt as if someone has given it a whack with the San Francisco Yellow Pages. I groan as I snatch my boxer briefs and t-shirt out of the pile of clothing by the side of the bed.
"Good morning, stud. Want an aspirin?"
Nicole comes out of the small bathroom, brushing her teeth and holding a glass of water, and I let me head drop back onto the pillow with a groan.
"Please. Two or three, if you have 'em. My head is killing me."
"Lightweight," she smiles, and goes to the bathroom, where I can hear her opening drawers and rummaging for a moment.
"Here we go."
She returns to the bedroom with a small pill bottle and places it on the night stand along with the water glass. Then she walks back to the bathroom, brushing her teeth along the way, and I admire her tight little butt as she walks away. She's clad in very rudimentary panties and a tank top.
"Thank you," I croak as I pick up the pills and untwist the child safety cap. I shake out three aspirin, throw them into my cotton-dry mouth and wash them down with the contents of the water glass.
In the bathroom, Nicole taps the toothbrush against the sink, and I can hear her spit and rinse over the running water of the faucet.
"So what's on your plate today?" she asks.
"Oh... lay here for a while until the room comes to a stop, and then take it from there. I have about six hours of work to do at the company office, and no motivation to do it."
"Poor baby," Nicole replies with fake empathy. "I'd offer to come along and help out, maybe let you jump me when you get bored, but I told mom I'd go shopping with her today. I need some new clothes."
"Pity," I say. "I would have taken you up on that offer, too."
"Maybe we can get together tonight after you're done. Have dinner, look at old yearbooks some more, that sort of thing."
"It's a date," I say. "Find us a decent seafood place while you're out with your mom, and I'll buy dinner tonight."
"That's easy. We can do Neptune's Palace on Pier 39. It's a bit touristy, but the view is absolutely awesome."
"What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"Hmm... we should be back by early afternoon. Think you can be done early enough to get here by four or four thirty? If we leave any later, there'll be no parking spot left between the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate."
"I can do that," I reply. "Piece of cake."
I give myself a quick cat wash in the sink of Nicole's bathroom and get dressed in my clothes from last night. My change of clothes is still neatly packed in the travel bag resting on the back seat of the rental Blazer in front of the house. The house is quiet, and when we come downstairs, a pair of empty teacups and breakfast plates on the kitchen counter tell me that Nicole's parents have started their day already.
"Damn, how early do they get up? It's only, what, eight o'clock? The sun is barely up."
"Unnatural, aren't they?" Nicole says with a grin. "They go walking after breakfast, up and down the neighborhood."
"Good for them. I'd do more of that walking and running business myself back home, if it wasn't for our local grannies running over everything that is not painted Day-Glo orange. People get run over riding bikes all the time, and they have reflectors and flashing lights on their helmets and everything."
"Yeah, that's why I do my running indoors," Nicole replies.
She opens a cupboard and reaches for a fresh coffee mug.
"Are you going to stick around for breakfast?"
"Uh, I think I'll make tracks before your folks get back from their walk. I gotta check into the hotel and take a shower before I head over to the office."
Nicole shakes her head slightly.
"Don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the folks, huh? I told you they won't care. We're not kids anymore."
"Yeah, but they're still your parents, and you're still their little girl."
"Well observed," she says. "I guess I'll see you at four-ish, then?"
"Count on it."
I leave the house, pausing for a moment to enjoy the sunlight and the clear air of the morning. There is a clean breeze coming in from the bay, and the temperature is perfect once again, right in my comfort zone of around sixty degrees. The fresh air takes the edge off my hangover, and I roll all the windows down as I start up the Blazer. The rental spent the night underneath a row of trees, and now it is liberally sprinkled with bird droppings.
I drive back over to the Marina and check in at the front desk of the Radisson. My room is still available, since the company booked it with a credit card, and I sign in and haul my luggage up to the room. It's a business suite with a little office and a kitchenette. Strangely enough, it sports a handicapped-accessible bathroom, complete with a shower bench and enough handrails to equip a subway car.
I toss my bag on the bed, take out a fresh change of clothes, and take a lengthy shower. The dress of the day is unceremonial techie wear—old jeans, a black t-shirt, and an untucked green cotton shirt. Replacing old hardware usually involves crawling around underneath desks and wrestling with hardware caked in a decade's worth of dust.
My toolkit has made the trip without getting confiscated by the TSA, although I can tell that the case has been opened by the yellow "You've Been Frisked" tag that's wedged between my screwdrivers and the soldering iron. I gather my toolkit, the cable crimp tool, and a bag of assorted connectors. The job calls for a simple replacement of a server, but these kinds of assignment have a way of generating their own issues, and I hate being caught on a site without all my tools when some unforeseen problem manifests itself.
I ask the concierge at the front desk for directions to the corporate office, and he takes the time to sketch a rough map on the back of a restaurant menu. The office is in the financial district, which means that I have to go all the way across the bay into downtown San Francisco again. Thankfully, Sunday traffic is light, and it takes me only twenty minutes to make it back across the Bay Bridge.
Naturally, the Focus office is on the twenty-zillionth floor of a generic office tower. There are no parking spots available in front of the building, and I have an expensive server in the back that comes in two boxes which weigh about sixty pounds combined. I decide to try my luck and park the Blazer right in front of the main entrance of the building, despite the "NO PARKING" signs plastered on every surface in sight.
I've been wondering how to get into a corporate building on a Sunday without a key, but that concern is rendered pointless when the front door opens. A security guy in a putty-gray uniform steps out into the sunlight, giving me the evil eye as I climb out of the driver's seat.
"Can't park here, chief. Private property."
I'm pretty sure that the sidewalk in front of the building is a public one, but I don't feel like starting a philosophical argument with the rent-a-cop.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm with Focus, and I need to replace some computers for them today while they're out for the weekend. They didn't leave instructions for you to let me in, did they?"
For a moment, I am positive that this will be another corporate clusterfuck, and that I'll spend the next two hours on the phone trying to gain access to the building, but the rent-a-cop nods without hesitation.
"They left a note and a set of keys for the weekend shift. I just need to see some ID, make sure you're the right guy."
I hand him my corporate ID badge, and he takes it and squints at it.
"Hang on. Lemme check the name on the note. I'll be right back."
He walks back into the building, locking the door behind him, and I can see him retreat to his security desk through the glass of the front door. He rummages around on his desk briefly, picks out a sheet of paper, and studies it briefly. Then he comes back to the door and opens it again.
"Looks like you're the guy. Come on in."
I open the rear hatch of the Blazer and point at the computer boxes.
"Got these to carry upstairs, and I don't want to leave them on the sidewalk while I go and park this thing. Can I leave them in the lobby for a second?"
"Mind opening them for me?"
"Not at all," I say, and take my Swiss Army knife out of my pocket to cut through the tape holding the box flaps together. I open the boxes, and he peers inside. He looks over the computer stuff and nods.
"Okay. Just making sure you're not going to blow me up while you drive off, that's all."
If I was in a cranky mood, I could tell him that the computer case would probably hold enough Semtex to blow the contents of the foyer clean across the bay into Oakland, but I just smile and nod.
He's nice enough to help me with the computer boxes, and I place them on top of each other on the marble tiles of the foyer. He locks the door behind me as I walk out—wouldn't want any terrorists to dash in before I get back from parking the rental—and I drive off in search of a parking spot. It's Sunday, and I find one only half a block away.
When I get back to the building, the rent-a-cop opens the door for me, and I see that he brought out a dolly for me to use.
"Hey, thanks," I say as I load the boxes onto the dolly and roll off into the direction of the elevators.
"No problem," he replies before settling back behind the security desk. "Just make sure you bring that back to me. We only have the one down here, ever since the UPS guy stole the second one a few weeks back."
'Sure thing."
The Focus office is on the thirty-seventh floor, and it's totally bereft of activity. It's usually routine for a systems administrator to stick around when someone is coming in on a service call concerning the essential company hardware, but their admin has apparently decided to enjoy his weekend without watching someone else crawl around in the server room. There's a note taped to the door of the server farm, and I pull it off the door and read it. At least their computer guy was nice enough to leave a list of servers by IP address along with the admin passwords, although I have to cringe at the casual way in which he chose to convey that information. Leaving server passwords on a torn-out notebook sheet in plain view of the cleanup crew and everyone would constitute a firing offense back at the main office.
The place is tiny, a broom closet compared to the server ranch at the main office. I count twenty-odd workstations out on the floor, and a grand total of two tired-looking beige server boxes in the computer room. They have one hub, one switch, and a modem bank with four modems. I have more equipment in my living room. The servers are ancient Compaq Proliants, dual Pentium Pro boxes that were already just about obsolete when the millennium crystal ball dropped on Times Square six years ago.
I take stock of their setup, unpack the new hardware, and make sure that Adam pre-staged their shiny new mail server properly. Everything is as it should be, and I spend the next two hours unplugging their old junk and neatly stacking it in one corner of the room. The conversion from cc:mail to Notes is largely automated, but it takes another two hours, and by this time my stomach is starting to growl, reminding me that I unwisely skipped breakfast. When the conversion is complete, I grab my Notes CD and head out onto the floor to install the client on the user workstations.
Between installs, I seek out the ubiquitous vending machine, and find it in the break room after a brief search. The selection is kind of crummy, but I'm pretty hungry by now, so I spend my remaining pocket change on a Snickers bar and a bag of baked potato chips. Phil calls the vending machine the Triple Bypass Lotto, noting that there's not a single healthy choice to be made, and that you might as well hit random numbers and let the machine surprise you. I think his position has some merit, but some of the choices are more disgusting than others, and I wouldn't trust the Candy Robot to skip over the nasty bear claw or the knockoff strawberry Twinkies.
The workstation installs take another two hours, and by the time the last machine is configured, my watch shows two o'clock in the afternoon. I quickly type up instructions for their admin, complete with passwords and procedures for user logon, and leave the sheet in an obvious location in the server room. By the time I lock the Focus office again, it's past two thirty, and I have less than two hours to get back to the hotel for a change of clothes before picking up Nicole.
The rent-a-cop nods in appreciation as I park his dolly on the wall behind his desk, and he follows me to the door to unlock it and let me out.
"You have yourself a good evening now," he says.
"Planning on it," I smile. "You have a good one, too."
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SwingersEager for a wild lesbian fuck session, extreme anal star Isabella Clark flaunts her plump booty and massive tits. Flashy, dirty blonde Misha Maver dances and shows off, soon joining busty blonde Isabella. They fondle each other’s twat. Isabella takes control, eating Misha’s pussy and fucking her asshole her with a toy. Misha tastes the tasty toy ass-to-mouth. The girls enjoy a depraved backdoor session packed with raunchy rimming and colossal cornhole gaping! Humongous dildos hollow...
xmoviesforyouOkay, so I was pissed off and that probably wasn't the best time to suddenly accept an invitation to meet a stranger in a bar but frankly, I just didn't care anymore. My boyfriend was a no show for the third Saturday night in a row. He always had a good reason for it but enough was enough. We were on a downward slide toward a break up and the reality was that I had dressed up expecting a good time and I was stuck at home again. Well, no more I decided! If he thought I was staying at home...
Chapter 1 Regardless of whatever else would happen, Carly decided she needed to plan on how to get Angela out and when she could do it safely. She was still not sure she would be able to talk Angela into leaving voluntarily, and she could do nothing officially. She finally decided that she would enlist Dawn’s help with it when the time came. But it was going to have to wait until more investigation had been done, and hopefully they were able to file charges. There were still a lot of ifs. In...
InterracialI am Swati Govil, a law student and in my free time I like to write. I’m writing some adult stories on this site, please read them just like a story because story writing is an art for me. All my stories are a fiction or fantasy and none is related to any true incident or person. Mail me your suggestions, script, ideas and stories on my mail id This story is about Revti living in New York with her husband and five years young boy. Revti is 26 years, 5’5 long with fair looks and have exquisite...
In ones and twos, they made their way down to the kitchen. Coffee and tea were ready. Not fully recovered from last night's romp, the women used the replicator to supply a variety of pastries. Tired though they were, most chose to remain standing. They circulated, collecting kisses, touches or words of endearment. Several were moving gingerly, having had a body part initiated for sexual service. But a deep sense of satisfaction was evident in all of them. "The concubines Gail and Tracy are...
Let me start by giving you a little background. I have always liked to wear women’s clothing since I was about eighten years old. I used to like to put on my sisters clothes whenever I would be home alone. I liked to wear her panties and when she got older her bras. I would wear her bikinis and strut around the house like a slutty girl. As I got older I would wear my sister’s dresses and skirts. I bought my own panties and stockings. When I graduated from high school I joined the Navy. When I...
Gay MaleCHRIST, WHAT TIME IS IT! Shit, it's still dark. 3:30 AM! What idiot could be calling me at this hour? I hate calls like this. Either somebody dies or it's a wrong number. Answer the phone, dammit. It's driving me crazy. "Would you like to wear my pretty panties, Sissy Boy?" CLICK! Huh? What the hell? Wear whose what? What was that lady talking about? "Who is this?" Then I realized that she had already hung up. ********* "Would you like...
Alannah walked purposefully down the street, shoulders back, head up, doing her best to look intimidating. She'd worn a tight white dress that began at her amazing cleavage and ended only a little down her thighs. Her dirty blonde hair fell down her shoulders and curled at the tips, her big lips were ruby red and her green eyes were smoky with her maskara, she was, after all, going to confront a man, a black one at that, and would need every asset she had. All the c***dren were in school and...
Mechanic's Daughter now an Adult and Fondlable And Fuckable And Restrained And Deepthraoted! I was doing some gardening for my mechanic fifteen years ago at his house and shortly after I discovered his wife left to go shopping with friends, this had left their three daughters home alone with me doing my outside work repairing the irrigation. After an hour the summer heat got warm and I went into the back to solder wires and glanced at the patio area, the oldest daughter had come out and...
It was a magnificent old oak desk. Massive, polished wood touched the ground on three sides, with drawers built into each side of the back. It was a huge desk. Large enough to fit a person underneath comfortably. He had noticed this when he first bought the desk. A few modifications later and it was perfect. He had business clients coming today for a meeting. Today was the day to test the usefulness of this desk. He brought her in first. His pet. He had ordered her to strip and then put a belt...
Stud TwinsMy divorce was final. My ex had moved to the East Coast with her new lover and somehow had managed to take our teenage son with her. I was still dazed and confused how the court had made that happen. He was at the age, I thought, where he needed a father more than a mother. The house was being sold and I was moving into a two-story place on Elm Street. It was too big for one but I was reasonably sure, and hopeful, that Travis would be moving back with me late in the summer to go to...
We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my c***d was safe in my arms.The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...
Copyrighted characters and the televised episode referenced below are owned by others. This story minus those elements is copyrighted to the authors. The Body Castaways featuring Igor, the Hollywood Starlet! (An alternate version of the body-switching episode of Gilligan's Island!) Part One Written by Caleb Jones, and Eric Edited by Jones Igor stood tall at the helm of the boat. He found it rather difficult piloting the small vessel in the big Pacific Ocean. The last time...
Chuck I woke up at home early Sunday morning after a wonderful evening of loving enjoyment with all of the ladies. We spent a long time making sure we were all very happily satisfied before falling asleep. I ended up with Brandy and Tiani sleeping on my shoulders. This morning, all the ladies were sleeping peacefully and there was no reason to wake them yet. My body clock was all screwed up, but I was awake just a little earlier than most days. After making coffee, I went out on the grass...
We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...
Zoë was an eighteen year old rebellious teenager. Like most other rebellious teenagers Zoë had done d**gs, skipped school, broken curfew and came home a few times drunk. Zoë's parents had divorced when she was twelve, and since then she had not seen her dad. Zoë's mom had remarried three years later to Zack. Zack was thirty years old with black hair, blue eyes and a killer, rock hard body. At first when Zoë met him, she didn't like him. She wanted her mom and dad back together. After her...
‘Baby, do I need to pick anything up on the way home?’ Reid was getting used to making this call. He could hear her rustling around the kitchen before she answered, ‘We could use cereal, Bisquick and eggs.’ After they hung up, she laughed at herself. She couldn’t believe how happy she was living with Reid. Sure, she hadn’t spoken to her brother in more than two months, but otherwise things were good. She’d fallen into a good groove with Taylor, allowing her friend more time in the shop while...
I had just finished a session up at the gym and began walking back to my car. It was dark out and the large car park was empty, nobody could see me. I was wearing just a tight grey leotard. Like this…My big bulging cock showing clearly up my stomach, small wet patch from a little pre cum, my tits free, no bra, nipples erect from the cold, wobbling as I walked, along with my ass and thighs. As I got to my car I got in and got myself comfortable, suddenly I was locked in my own car, from under my...
Procured I retired several years ago but to keep both body and mind active I acquired a part time job with a firm of national newsagents/ stationers. Before retiring I worked in the finance industry servicing the needs of High Net Worth clients. Most of the time the shop I worked in was staffed by just one person which meant me at weekends. Many of the customers were regulars especially in the mornings when they bought their daily newspapers. It was usual to know many of...