Fringe Benefits
- 2 years ago
- 35
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This meeting looks like a deviation from the standard. I walk into my supervisor's office with my third cup of Cappuccino, and it is indeed a three-person meeting. Luckily, the third guy is not the HR enforcer they usually send out when they fire someone. Benton, my boss, is his usual chipper self.
"Frank, how are you this morning?" he chirps. He is a tall, lanky guy sporting a short bowl-type haircut that makes him look like a Roman soldier. He still looks like he just picked up his computer science degree from MIT yesterday.
"Not too bad, Benton. What's the occasion? Did our bonus checks get in?"
Benton grins and shakes his head. "I told you, I am embezzling all the bonus checks for your group this year. I really want that pontoon boat, you know?"
The third guy stands up from his chair to shake my hand. I remember his face from out on the floor, but I can't recall his name.
"Have you two met?" Benton asks.
"Frank, this is Mike Albrecht. Mike, this is Frank Jasper, our Notes guy. I told you about him the other day."
"Hi, Frank."
Mike grins like the Cheshire cat as he shakes my hand. Benton is even more jovial than usual. Benton takes the helm as I take the last free chair in the office.
"Mike here has a problem, and we were wondering whether you can help us out with that. Mike is the VP for Sales and Marketing in the Pacific Division, and he wanted to ask you for assistance on something."
Mike takes his cue and turns to face me.
"Uhm, yes, we have a site in California that is still running some of their operation on cc:mail. They belong to Focus, and somehow they slipped through the cracks when we upgraded their sites to Notes a couple of months ago."
Focus is a software developer that was bought out by our company a year ago. They were a small West coast outfit with a bunch of local sales offices, and our company uses their existing infrastructure to serve their old customer base. From what I know from the Networking team, it was a bear and a half to interface their junk with our existing systems, and they literally had a keg party when they got all the systems talking to each other.
"We need to get them migrated to Notes, because it turns out that our cc:mail license and support contract expires in less than a month. I don't feel comfortable letting them run unsupported software, and you're probably aware of the corporate policy on software licenses."
"Yeah, I wrote the revision last year. Renewing the cc:mail license is not an option?"
Benton shakes his head. "We're talking fifty grand for an additional year, and the budget doesn't allow for that kind of expense. "
"We just plain forgot to budget for the upgrade back in the spring," Mike says. "Now we can't shake that kind of money loose until next spring at the earliest."
"How are we doing on Notes licenses?" Benton asks me. License management for Lotus software is one of my responsibilities.
"We have a site license for the clients, and we have enough room for a dozen more servers this year. What kind of user base are we talking about, here?"
"It's just one server and fifty-odd mail users," Benton says.
"Piece of cake," I say. "I can do that conversion in six hours, providing we have spare hardware I can use for pre-staging. You want me to take a trip out to California and do the install for you?"
"That's what I was about to ask you. If you have nothing planned this weekend, I'd like for you to go out there and be done by Monday. I'll have Adam delta-dash one of our spare Compaq Proliants out overnight. You'll just have to pick it up at San Francisco International. All you'd have to do is replace the hardware and migrate the data over."
"San Francisco? No kidding? I used to live there when I was a kid. Haven't been back in years."
"See?" Benton smiles. "There's your bonus check right there. Free trip on the company. Stay for the whole weekend and make it worth the flight, if you want. I'll sign off on the expense report for the weekend. Just don't do lobster for dinner every night—we have a meal cap of thirty bucks per day now."
"I can handle that," I say.
The travel office has a flight booked and a rental reserved for me before lunch. When it comes to depriving people of their weekend, they work with ruthless efficiency, always booking the flights that get back to Boston at eleven o'clock at night on a Sunday. They will route you from Boston to Seattle via Miami and Dallas if it saves the company a hundred dollars in plane tickets. On the other hand, the company owns a Learjet and a Peregrine that sit in a hangar at Logan, continuously on call for upper management. Earlier this year, a bunch of the directors decided to move a meeting to our office in Miami, just so they could take the Lear down on "official business". Coincidentally, the Super Bowl was played just twenty miles away on that very day. The peons, on the other hand, always fly coach.
My flight goes out of Logan at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Because of the time difference, I'll get to San Francisco at ten in the morning—surprisingly enough, I got booked on a direct flight. Jessica's secondary job function is that of a backup administrator for Lotus Notes., so she'll have to mind the stable while I am out.
Little Joe is slumming in my office when the mail gopher delivers the e-tickets for the flight. He picks them up and nods his approval.
"San Francisco, eh? I heard it's pretty nice out there."
"You've never been to California?" I ask.
Little Joe grins. "Hey, I've never been outside of New England. Nothing wrong with that, you know. I suppose some day I'll have to cross the Rockies and go to Looneyland."
"Want me to bring you anything back while I am out there?"
"Don't worry about it. They have nothing that I can't get in Boston. But, hey, if you find a nice fridge magnet..."
I file the tickets away in my wallet.
"Gotcha. Maybe I'll get you a souvenir from Alcatraz, too."
He shakes his head.
"I don't need any prison junk. Got an uncle and a cousin with the Middlesex County Sheriff's Department. They can get me authentic stuff from the county klink."
"Like what?"
"Oh, like homemade knives, and booze. They make it out of rotting fruit and floor cleaner. It's not exactly officially endorsed, though."
Back in my office, I fast-forward through my accumulated voice mail. Like email, most voice mail messages are general announcements and other assorted junk, like the front desk letting the whole company know that there's a blue jeep in the lot that still has its lights on. My voice mail cull rate is almost as high as the one for email. With all this convenient technology at their fingertips, people have lost the ability for concise communication. Nothing is more tedious than having to listen to a voice mail that rambles on for five minutes without ever getting to a point. It's a surprising trend, considering the fact that our generation gets its news in ten-second factoids, and most kids have developed attention spans that are shorter than those of fruit flies on meth. Most office workers don't really like to write, so they keep their email messages to a bare minimum. Voice mail messages tend to be rambling, since VM is easy to use and doesn't require grammar skills.
I finally reach the end of the queue, and the message light on my phone ceases to flash. Some of the Help Desk people have been known to tape pieces of cardboard over the message indicator because it is too annoying. The server console window on my screen shows that the mail server is humming along just fine since its reboot this morning. One of the messages in my voice mail queue is a bullshit message from the HR idiot who caused today's outage. He is disavowing all knowledge of the incident, blaming hackers or inattentive administrators. Just for good measure, I call up his user profile and limit his outgoing mail attachments to two megabytes, a mere four percent of what he tried to squeeze through the system this morning. Our company policy relies on the user's common sense when it comes to attachment size, and Benton won't let me set a global limit on outgoing file sizes. I can, however, mess with the individual user quotas. The next time our customer tries to email out the Encyclopedia Britannica on CD, the message will bounce back to him, and he will have to call the email administrator if he wants to justify an exception to his new hard quota.
I've decided to wait until after lunch to bail out, so I send off a quick email to the other four, checking whether they want to hook up for lunch. Within five minutes, I get four affirmatives back. With the lunch issue settled, I fire up my web browser to check for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.
We all decide to take an early lunch to beat the crowds, sneaking out of the building at eleven thirty. Jessica volunteers to drive, so we all pile into her new vehicle, a Toyota Echo. Phil gets to ride shotgun by default, since his girth does not fit into the rear seat. The Echo leans precariously to one side as Phil squeezes himself into the passenger seat. The car itself looks like a marshmallow on wheels, but it is a Toyota. Before I bought my used-but-new-to-me BMW, I owned a Dodge Avenger that fell apart faster than I thought possible, passing deterioration records that were previously held by Yugos. When my Dodge dealer sent me an invitation for a test drive in the "new, improved Avenger", just after the air conditioning compressor in mine dropped out of the car, I laughed heartily and looked up the number of the nearest BMW dealer in town.
We occupy our usual booth at the #1 China Buffet. The place used to be a country dance club, but its first incarnation went belly-up after just a year of line-dancing bliss. There were a few too many fights on the weekends, and the city revoked their beer license. This is a practical death warrant for an establishment that has its bottom line riding on Miller Lite sales. After the old owners folded, a Chinese family moved in and set up shop in record time. They painted the roof turquoise and simply covered the old boot-shaped pole sign in front of the building with a large sheet proclaiming "Coming soon: No .1 China Buffet". The gas station across the street promptly changed their marquee to read, "Coming sooner: No .10 China Buffet".
We picked this place because it is the only eatery near our workplace that offers more than deep-fried items and greasy fast food. As much as we all hit the vending machine on our floor whenever we need a sugar rush, our group is somewhat particular when it comes to a balanced lunch menu. Most fast food chain burgers are fat sponges, and pizza is for coders who need to depend on delivery services for nourishment.
"Rumor has it they're going to make Nick the Director of IT," says Jessica, while she pokes the Orange Chicken bits on her plate. A collective groan comes from the group. Nick is the supervisor of the Development team. He's a moderately talented developer, but his personality is abrasive. His ego is the size of the Goodyear blimp, which makes him one of the most hated supervisors in the company. He is, however, part of the CEO's inner circle, which also makes him predestined for a Director's office. To us peons, he's Nick the Prick.
"Benton is going to shit a brick if they make Nick his director," Adam says. "They hate each other's guts. If Nick gets to hire and fire at will in IT, Benton is out on his ass."
"Nick hates Benton, because Benton actually knows what he's talking about," Phil says. "Nick can write code, but he couldn't tell the difference between a Blackberry and a Game Boy."
"I don't even think he can code worth a shit," Adam snorts. "He probably knows how to use the Visual Basic package, but I've never seen him write anything in C++ or Assembly. Anyone can drag and drop pretty pictures around with Basic Visuals."
Most of our lunches are great stress relief. We bitch about users, we bitch about vendors, we bitch about directors and managers. I always figured that the personal development of a systems administrator is very similar to that of a schoolteacher: both start out full of idealism and good ideas, and both are driven from the job or transformed into vicious cynics by the end of their first year. We hang on mainly because of the fat paychecks that keep coming in. None of us are wealthy by any stretch of the definition, but our hourly rates are more than decent compared with those of non-geeky professions. I make seventy and change per year, and my rate is by no means exorbitant. Jessica and Little Joe make a little less, while Phil clears close to a hundred grand. If any of us can be called loaded, it would be Phil. His independent activities net him a fine bonus every month, and his wife is a successful real estate agent who runs her own office and staff. Nobody knows where Phil leaves all his money. He drives a four-year old Ford pickup truck, and his favorite attire consists of jeans and free t-shirts from software companies. Rumor has it that he owns a few thousand Microsoft shares, but he certainly doesn't look like an aspiring millionaire.
"So what are you guys up to this weekend?" I ask in between trips to the buffet.
They all look at each other, and I can tell they haven't thought it over until I asked the question just now.
As usual, Little Joe seems to be the only one with a social plan.
"I guess I'll be taking my brother out to the Cask and Flagon. Gotta subsidize the family's drinking habits, ya know?"
Jessica raises an eyebrow.
"What the devil are you doing at that dive? Didn't you have your fill of nubile college chicks this month?"
The Cask and Flagon is a favorite with kids from BC and Boston University. The typical audience is barely above drinking age, and most of them carry fake driver's licenses from out-of-the-way states. The Massachusetts driving license is difficult to counterfeit, so the Cask and Flagon gets a lot of young weekend customers from Nebraska and Colorado. Little Joe is as much out of place at the Cask and Flagon as a redneck with a ten-gallon hat at a hip-hop club.
"We have to alternate bars for a few weeks. I broke up with Becky last week, and that's her main dive."
We get a good chuckle out of this. Little Joe's tales from the dating front are hilarious. He's a good-looking guy with a very decent salary for someone his age, and he takes full advantage of the fact that many girls his age are lining up for guys like him.
"That's what you get for dipping your pen in the company inkwell," Adam says. "Dating a chick from the office is always a bad idea. You sleep with one, might as well sleep with all of them."
Jessica shoots me a funny look, and I try my best to be nonchalant about it.
"Speaking of," she says. "Weren't you going to do lunch with that leggy blonde from Marketing? Daria or Doris or something?"
"Oh, shit." I slap my hand to my forehead, not even bothering to correct Jessica who knows very well that the leggy blonde in question is called Dana.
"I'm a chowderhead. I totally forgot to cancel lunch with her. Now she's probably sitting over at Los Amigos by herself."
Jessica shakes her head in pity.
"You said it... chowderhead. But she'll forgive you, because she's a nice girl. Dunno why she bothers with you."
"And that's why I prefer the naughty girls," Joe says. "I never need to make up an excuse for not calling."
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The Cactus Flower continued to shadow, sometimes literally, the two men on the ground as they searched for the source of the oil slick. They had walked for about half a mile when the geologist let out a hoot of triumph. He had earned his name of Oil Finder. They found a fairly large pool of oil lying on the surface and they could see where it was seeping out of the ground. Doug silently pined for a GPS position locater right then, since the pool was hidden from the air by a number of trees;...
Heidi worked out later than usual for track practice. She was in no hurry for the long walk home today.She had finished track practice and she went into the gym to start her shower.She began to undress as she peeled the sweaty clothes from her body. Track practice was one hell of a work out and she wanted to feel the hot water cleansing her body. She slowly turned on the shower and let the water beat down her face and all over her body. Down the hallway there was Max the janitor. He was an...
It was a rainy day, perfect for passionate rough sex. Riya lied at home that she had to submit a project and would be late from college. She got ready, put some make-up on, shaved down there, and wore some comfortable yet fashionable-looking clothes. She left home with a folder filled with useless papers and her handbag and did not consist of a single book. After college was over, she sat in the library for about an hour, waiting for people to leave. It was 3:30 pm students along with most of...
A WAY OUT The two looked sat calmly across from Mike as he explained to them how they could escape from this ordeal: ‘The plan goes like this’ Mike began, ‘Being in the industry of producing ‘adult’ entertainment, there are a number of different scenarios we set up with the excuse of proceedings all culminating in an orgy or similar goings on. One of our more popular scenarios is based around a Quiz show format where three girls, three very buxom air headed girls I might add, compete for a...
Jake returned to school Monday with a smile on his face. Kimmy had shown up Sunday morning, all her personal belongings in two boxes. She fit right in; she had spent most of her free time with the Whitman's anyway. Jake had shared his bed with three very willing women, and Kimmy had shown off her deep throat skills for his sisters. Bonnie had been inspired and after a half an hour of trying, which was pure torture for Jake, she finally succeeded. She was unable to hold it as long as Kimmy,...
Hi all please mail your responses to my mail id , this is my first real sex story and my experience too. I am Rahul and my sister Revathi. In our family we are four, me, sister, mom and dad. Dad and mom are very busy with there works and jobs, both are doing jobs. My mom given birth to me and nourished at childhood. After that onwards all take care by my sister revathi. We are typical upper middle class family. We have two bed room house. One bedroom used by mom and dad and another bedroom used...
IncestI had been on XHamster chatting with Paul for a little while now. Even during our first chat in the messages he’d hinted that his wife was open and adventurous in their sex life. So, when we skyped and watched each other wanking off, he showed me the double ended vibrating dildo that she’d fucked his arse with. There was a short and long end with a disk in between, Paul slowly slid the long end, (his) into his arse and switched on the vibrator. From the way his body jumped, I guess he liked it,...
Hey every one. I am Javid from Chennai, now I’m 23yr. Sorry if there is any mistake in this story and spelling. I completed my engineering and working in a top mnc in Chennai. Coming to the story, this incident happened when I completed my school at that time my age is 18. I stay with my parents in rental house, beside our house another family also stay for rent. The heroin of the story stay there. Name of the heroin is Banu. She got married at the age of 18 and wen this incident happen she...
Hello, indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Varun, again sharing series of my life incidents with you all. This is my second story in the series, Link to my first story is So friends, as I have narrated in my first story how Deepti and I had foreplay after seeing her parents having sex. In this story, I will tell you about our first sex experience. Next morning we both were not able to confront each other. While having...
IncestMy name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...
"This is my granddaughter," said the vicar. "Emma is with us for the summer."Stanley nodded to the young lady who was stretched out on the vicar's sofa reading a magazine about horses. She barely acknowledged the visitor, lifting her black eyelashes fleetingly, and continued reading as if her attention had been uninterrupted. Stanley was nothing much to look at of course, just an aging podgy snub nose Englishman though he did have a slightly mischevious twinkle in his eyes.The weather was...
Straight SexWOMEN AND TORTURE: A MOTHER INTERROGATE IN FRONT HER SON p. 1Every human perversion is possible in a torture centre a universe of pain and human evil. My story-article it is a real case of mother-son interrogatory:. Real it are the types of torture described, real the victims and the jailers confessions, real the victims emotions?.. In this version there are not the photos but only the text. If do you want the version with photo write me.Incest and torture are embarrassing and scabrous matters...
The master of the house was interviewing staff, as this was his job he had seen plenty but none took his fancy. This young dark haired girl walked in plesent stood infront of his and his eyes was drawn to her huge breasts. He asked her many quetions and as they spoke he was more ingrossed in her, he said what her duties would be and stood up, the young girl noticed the master of the house had a massive hard on.He told her she had the job, the girl was delited and asked if there was anything she...
It was just a normal night of me being at home alone and horny so I texted a fuck buddy of mine to see if she had anything going on. We’d only hooked up three or four times before and she had already told me she was starting to like me as more than just a late night fuck which I can sort of see why. The first time we met I came over to her place and she wasted no time telling me how excited she was that I was actually interested in meeting her. (I think she’d never been with a black guy) Her...
When last you were following my story I had been on a road trip visiting fine ladies I had found on my writing site. We were all good friends, and they had all invited me to visit. I didn't surprise anyone. My trip was fully planned and it had been very successful in the sexuality and sensuality departments. I had made out like a bandit when it came to getting all the lustful pleasure I could handle, and more. The trip had ended with me and a lady named Wendy professing that we both felt our...
NovelsIt's just a fucking game, at least that's what they think. Why do they do it? Well because its fun and they have always gotten away with it, so why not. Ted and Mark waited in the lobby of the 16 screen cinema waiting for just the right woman, one who would be perfect for The Game. Susan was bored. Her husband was out of town on a business trip and she didn't have anything to do. The house was clean, the ironing done and she had even cleaned out the garage for him. Now what? She was looking...
When my shell-shocked state allowed me to, I finally upped and left the club and headed home to our lonely home. Our daughters were gone to college, and now their mother was gone too. Gone to the condo of a well-endowed black guy who we’d found on the internet. We’d only planned to meet for a meal and to get to know him a little. But by the end of the evening, Claire was gently telling me that she’d agreed to go back to his place and that this time I wasn’t invited. The house would be a lonely...
Wife LoversThe three of us sat on the sofa relaxing and gathering our strength when I realized I was rather thirsty, "How about something to drink? I asked Jayden and Laila. They both agreed they were dry as well and I looked down at Joe still on the floor, "Alright you fuckin' pussy" I started "We're thirsty" I said "Get in the kitchen and get us some wine" I finished. Looking at Jayden and then Laila. "I hope you two like a nice wine cooler" I said "Sounds great" replied Laila "I'd rather a beer" Jayden...
Clang! The metal pail that Dominique threw onto my lap reminded me of one in my parent's garage. The one that's been hanging on the wall next to dad's tools, since mom's perennials were replaced with the rock garden a few years ago. When I was a kid, mom would hand me that bucket full of weeds she'd collected, and I'd carry it out to the woods behind the house. I tried to hide the sudden flash of emotion that the thought of my parents brought on... "If you're good, I'll let you out...
It was around 11:30 p.m. one typical summer Saturday night. My sister had gone club hopping with her girlfriends, dad had gone out of town for the weekend again, my mother was probably in her bed fast asleep and the house party I went to was a flop. I figured that the best thing to do was to go home, head to the basement that I had converted to my personal abode, take a shower, slip one of my porno videos in the machine and beat my meat before I went to bed. As expected, my sister wasn’t home,...
IncestKim heard the ambulance rushing through town several hours ago but it hardly registered with her as her depression deepened. Johnny had been at the game all afternoon and now it was nearing midnight. Even though she knew she must go with him, something inside her quietly hoped she would somehow get to see Gina one more time... but no, what could she say? What could she do, except renew the anger and heartbreak she had already caused. The photos must be kept a secret and that meant a life with...
At that point she starts to lean back up. I put my hand on her back and pushing her back down. She complied without saying anything. I put my other hand between her thighs and ran it slowly up. Her thighs are steaming hot. The thighs feel so smooth and soft. She gasped, but still didn't say anything. As my hand traveled further up her thighs, pushing her skirt up higher. She froze. " Open your legs," I commanded. She widened her stance and put both palms flat on the desk. Still quiet,...