Fringe BenefitsChapter 8 free porn video

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Bring donuts.

I stop at Dunkin' Donuts on the way into work and order a dozen random donuts, and a half dozen cream-filled chocolate glazed ones. Those are Phil's favorites, and he always gets his own personal supply whenever anyone makes a donut run.

Something is up at the office. We rarely ever have meetings outside of regular office hours, and the unusual time combined with the secure location can only mean big trouble at the ranch. I am in absolutely no mood for drama right now, and I can't help but feel a little dread in my stomach as I pull into the parking lot. I don't like conflicts at work; the everyday troubles of the job are more than enough excitement for me.

I make my way to the server room upstairs, swipe my keycard at the door, and try to not drop the donuts all over the faded carpet as I open the door. The crew is already there—Phil is sitting down on a stool in front of one of the server racks, Little Joe is leaning casually against the wall, Jessica is sipping a cup of coffee well away from the important server, and Adam is busy checking something on one of the consoles.

"What's going on, guys?" I drop the donut boxes on a nearby table, and Phil makes a beeline for the food.

"Mmmm, donuts. You're the man."

"Hey, Notes boy," Jessica smiles. "Have fun on your weekend out?"

"Yeah," I say. "Yeah, I did. I'm glad I went."

"Savor the happy memories," Little Joe says with a grin. "Happy times around here have been put on hold for the time being."

I shoot him a questioning look, and Phil walks up and pats me on the shoulder. Thankfully, it's the hand that doesn't have frosting on it. He takes a big bite out of his donut before he chimes in.

"Nick was made Grand High Poobah of the whole IT department yesterday."

"You've got to be shitting me," I say.

"Not a word of a lie," Adam says over his shoulder. "The Big Cheese announced it per email just before lunch."

"We're having a department meeting at ten o'clock," Jessica informs me, and her tortured eye-rolling leaves no doubt about her opinion of the event. "That's when we all get to pucker up and kiss Nick's ass. I hope you shaved today."

"Matter of fact, I did," I reply. "I'll be damned if I give that son-of-a-bitch the time of day, though. He's treated me like a brainless peon gopher every time I've had to deal with him. The man has an ego the size of a small country."

"Try 'continent'," Jessica says. "But he's your boss now, so you better learn to love that greasy, fat-lipped, ass-grabbing monkey."

Little Joe chuckles. "How do you really feel about Nick the Prick, Jess?"

"Oh, I want to have his fucking babies," she says without breaking stride. "'Cause, you know, brainless and greasy go so well together. It gets the womenfolk all hot and bothered."

"Well, that's a bit of shitty news," I say.

"That's the understatement of the year, brother." Phil stuffs the rest of his donut into his mouth and flashes a cream-stuffed grin.

I take a donut and plop myself down on one of the empty chairs.

"So what's the plan? Do we all just shrug our shoulders and secretly look for new jobs online?"

"I'd say that depends entirely on Nick," Phil says. "Let's just go to the department meeting and see what he has to say. If he has any brains at all, he'll realize that he can't run the place by himself, and that you don't get projects done by pissing off your worker bees."

"I wouldn't count on that," Jessica frowns. "Just wait—he'll try the stick before the carrot, because that's what he's been doing all his life."

"In that case, things are going to get interesting around here," I say.

The department meeting is not in our actual department, but in the super-sized main conference room over in the corporate headquarters building, where all the overpaid Blackberry addicts rub elbows while the peons do the actual work. This is a bad sign already—Nick sees himself as a member of the Inner Circle, not a part of the IT team. We file into the meeting room, and see that all the chairs have been stacked up at the back of the room, despite the fact that the room is easily big enough to have everyone sit in chairs with lots of space to spare. Nick is nowhere to be seen. We cluster as a group near the back of the room and exchange hellos with people from other teams. The mood is definitely tense, a roomful of people unsure of what the day may bring.

At exactly ten o'clock, the door opens once again, and Nick strolls in, followed by his entourage. He's a tall guy with a dark complexion. His eyes are droopy, and he always looks like a fat-lipped basset hound. He wears a dark suit, a departure from his usual khaki-and-white-unbuttoned-shirt setup.

"Dressing like a big boy now," I murmur in Phil's direction, and he shakes his head with a grin.

Nick walks briskly to the little raised platform at the front of the room, and sticks one hand into his pocket as he steps up onto his stage. His enormous gaudy gold watch is dangling from his wrist in a very obvious fashion. All that's missing is someone following him with a boom box that plays the fanfare from Rocky. Nick raises his hand, and the room grows quiet almost instantly. I can tell by his expression that he is enormously pleased by this.

"Good morning," he says.

"I scheduled a department meeting to let everyone know about the changes I'll be making. I'm your new Director of Information Technology," he adds with a smile, as if that information isn't completely gratuitous at this point.

"I'm not going to lie to you just to make you feel good. I want top producers on my team. If you're not a top producer, I have no use for you."

"'Top producer'?" Jessica whispers into my ear. "Where have I heard that term before?"

I think about this for a second, and then I have to restrain myself from slapping my forehead in disbelief.

"The fucking ERA real estate ads," I reply. "What do you want to bet Nick just went through them for his new house?"

"Top producers," Nick says again, this time louder for added emphasis, as if we haven't heard the stupid phrase the first two times. "We're going to take on some important projects in the next few weeks, and I want everybody on status reports. Daily."

There is murmuring in the room at this, and it's not a happy kind of murmur. Nick holds up a hand again.

"I'm not going to micro-manage you. You'll be sending your status reports to your supervisors, and I'll check with them as needed. I just want to figure out who my top producers are, that's all."

"Sure you do," Little Joe murmurs. Such a measure is usually done prior to a firing spree, because status reports give the firer a reasonably lawsuit-proof alibi. Nick is out to cull the herd, and maybe net himself a bonus for streamlining the payroll and saving money. I don't know what's more insulting: the prospect of having to submit daily "What I Did at Work" missives like a grade school kid, or Nick's assumption that we're all too dim to see what he's really doing here.

Even Nick has enough smarts to realize that the mood of the crowd is suddenly turning against him, and he holds up his hand again and gives us an entirely unconvincing smile.

"Look, we're going to set this place up to impress a whole bunch of important people. If we pull off the projects that are coming our way, there might be a bunch of bonus checks coming our way. I'm sure nobody here would mind some extra money, right?"

Of course nobody in the room would mind some extra money, but most of us know Nick well enough see his carrot for what it is. There are some murmurs of agreement, but they're mostly just polite appeasement. Our group is well in the back of the room, shielded from Nick's view by most of the department members, and we abuse our location by making faces and rolling eyes at each other. If this is supposed to be a motivating pep talk, it's an abysmally bad one.

"Such a people person, that one," Adam scoffs, playing with the piercings in his eyebrow. His chin beard is now long enough for him to braid it. The braid together with the multitude of metal bits in his face makes him look like a cross between a pirate and a Hell's Angel.

Nick drones on, but I have started to tune out, and I can tell from the restless shifting around me that I'm not alone. After a half hour, his blather sounds much like the unintelligible utterings of Charlie Brown's teacher: mwah-mwah, mwah mwah. Finally, Nick has decided that we have been exposed to his glory for long enough to be rejuvenated, and he dismisses us with a fat-lipped smirk and a casual wave of his hand. As we trot out, we can hear suppressed chuckles all around us.

"Well, that was fun," Phil says as we walk out into the street to head back to the parking garage.

"You know what was missing from that meeting?" Jessica asks, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket and blinking into the late morning sun.

"Um, a sudden blockage in the brain of the main speaker?" Little Joe offers, and we all chuckle.

"No, dummy. Who did you not see in the room?"

"Benton," I say. "You think Nick has already fired his ass?"

"I wouldn't put it past the guy," Phil says. "He has a history of surrounding himself with his cronies. Get them a bigger paycheck, and they'll stay loyal to you. Empire-building at its finest."

It's a little too early to go out for lunch, so we all head back to the office separately. On my way to my desk, I stop by at Benton's office and take a peek inside. Benton is not at his desk, but it doesn't look any different today—no cardboard boxes stuffed with personal things, no orphaned network cords bearing witness of a desktop support guy coming and reclaiming company hardware. Benton's name plate is still sitting on his desk, and his laptop is in its docking station, the green power light blinking.

I make my way to my desk and sit down, turning on the computer as I swivel on my chair and take a look around. There's the usual motley collection of user manuals and books on the shelves overhead, assorted personal paraphernalia strewn about my desk, and certifications tacked to the wall to impress the yokels.

I find myself pondering how I would feel if Nick and the HR enforcer walked into my office right now to escort me to the door, and I am strangely relieved when I realize that it would not bother me in the least. On the contrary, I'd probably whistle a jaunty tune on the way to my car. All the stuff in this office belongs to the company, save the diplomas, and I couldn't care less about those.

Jessica walks into my cubicle and follows my gaze as I study the crap hanging on the wall. There's a MCSE certificate, several Lotus diplomas, and assorted odds and ends from years of company-paid Geek U courses. If I stick with this job for another five years, there'll be twice the number of paper certificates on that wall, and I'll still feel exactly as smart as I do now.

It occurs to me that the path on which I have put myself leads straight to the end of a mediocre life. I'll always be smack dab in the middle of average territory, waiting for my real life to begin.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks.

"You know, I think I've been pissing my life away," I say.

"Oh, boy." Jessica pulls up one of my chairs and plops herself down on it.

"Thinking about hanging up the old pocket protector and going off to Key West to be a beach bum until the savings run out?"

"Not precisely," I smile. "Truth be told, I have no idea what I really want to do. I'm just pretty sure I don't want to be doing this." I wave my hand towards the diploma wall.

"I mean, what am I going to have to show for all this crap in another ten years?"

"Where else do they pay you sixty grand a year to sit on your ass and play with computers all day? I mean, so you think you're going to be happier painting stuff on sidewalks in downtown Boston and eating at the Salvation Army soup kitchen?"

Jessica leans back in her chair and props her feet up on my desk.

"I'm not too long out of college," she muses. "I still remember how much it sucks to have to share your pad with a slob because you can't make the rent by yourself, or doing laundry at the Laundromat two blocks down because your place doesn't have a washer and dryer. Nothing like having to turn down dope dealers while you're folding your undies, I tell you that. Now I get paid to sit on my ass, and I can pad my savings account and preserve myself for later."

"Preserve yourself for what?" I ask. "What are you going to do in another ten years? Are you still going to ride herd on some servers and listen to idiots like Nick?"

"Shit, no. In another five years, I'll be fully vested in my retirement money, and then I'll tell Nick where to shove it." She leans closer and drops her voice, even though we're all alone in the office.

"I tuck away half my paycheck every month, and sticking it in low-risk stuff with moderate and steady returns. By the time I leave, I'll have enough money put aside to do whatever the hell I want. This is just purgatory, Frank."

"Waiting for your real life to begin," I murmur.

"Isn't everybody?"

"Maybe so. But I think most people never stop waiting until that train has left the station. I don't want to wake up and realize that I am fifty and balding, and that I've been spending a quarter century kissing asses just so I can get a corner office and some stock options."

Jessica looks at me with incredulity, and then smiles in that lop-sided ways of hers.

"What happened to you all of a sudden, Frank? Did you hit your head under a desk out in California and have an epiphany or something?"

"Not exactly." I hesitate for a moment, and then shrug my shoulders. I need to talk about the weekend, and Jessica has always been a good listener.

"Let's go into the server room for a second."

We walk over to the server ranch, and Jessica opens the door. The room is empty save for the hum of the case fans, and the ever-present droning of the dedicated air conditioning unit. I step into the room and close the door behind us. Jessica grabs one of the rolling stools and sits down on it, looking at me expectantly.

"Alright, spill the beans."

"Here's what happened last weekend..."

Jessica listens to a mildly sanitized version of my weekend with interest, only interrupting me a few times to clarify things. By the time I have finished my tale, it's pretty close to lunchtime.

"So what do you think? Am I just irrational?"

She looks at me with a smile and makes a tsk-tsk sound.

"Frank, Frank, Frank. This has nothing to do with being rational. If you were rational about this, you wouldn't sit here wishing you were on a plane to New York instead. You'd be sucking it up and keep swinging the pickaxe like the rest of us."

"I'm not wishing I was in New York," I say, but Jessica rolls her eyes at this comment.

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THE OBEDIENT WIFE    "Count" he ordered.     "One" she responded, as the first blow landed on the upturned bottom of her right foot. She was kneeling on the sofa, facing the back of it, with her stockinged feet just at the edge. He had struck her with his folded over belt across her arch, the most tender part. The blow was not full strength but hard enough to sting strongly.     "Two" she called out as the next blow landed on her left foot.     When she reached ten, he stopped and directed "Now...

4 years ago
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First Blowjob From My Irish Exchange Student

I watched Kathleen my 19 year old red haired Irish beauty head bouncing up and down between my legs, and she sucked hungrily on my engorged cock. Who knew that four weeks ago this 19 year old virgin had never had a man before, so much as tasting a man’s cock in her sweet mouth? Kathleen had been sucking me for about five minutes now as I felt my cum rising from my dick. I moaned and arched my back as my young Kathleen realized I was cumming. Kathleen had learned her lessons well; she sucked...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Gwen Vicious Sloppy Teen Anal Slut

It’s been two months since sexy coed Gwen Vicious had a big dick up her asshole, and on a scale of one to ten, her horny-level is off the charts. Thankfully, PervCity is open for business, and so is this PAWG’s big ass. Latin stud Ramon Nomar devours her plump shaved pussy lips, and in return, she gives him a footjob with her stocking-covered feet, and then turns around and gobbles his prick with a POV blowjob while she masturbates. Spit drips from her chin to her perky big tits, and the...

4 years ago
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20 July 2008Chapter 11

Karen and the other women applauded the boys for all their cock sucking. “Okay, boys you can relax a few minutes. I bet your balls are busting at the seams to cum and you will soon. You guys thought you needed control before. Now you’ll really be tested as you fuck each pussy ten strokes. There are fourteen pussies waiting to be pleased and no cumming, especially in Cathy. On second thought maybe I’ll have you boys fuck the seven youngest first then after we eat, the older, yet more...

3 years ago
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No More Whores ReduxChapter 10

There is something about swimming and sun that wears a person out. The all body exercise of swimming combined with all the sweat from the sun - it can tire a guy. So I’m not surprised that after my experience with Janna I was feeling pretty tired for the next few days. I got my work done, and was too tired to even worry about having the police come over to my place for the assault of a pretty Hispanic lolita. Heck, that night I actually applied an ice pack to my crotch because they were so...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Jeannie

Hello! Welcome to my home! I guess your parents never taught you to knock. But that's alright. I'm glad you're here. I don't get many visitors these days. Come, come, sit down child. I wish to tell you a story. You've probably already heard a version of this story I'm about to tell you, but I wish to share with you the true story. Who am I?, you ask. That isn't important. But you may call me Sid. Before I continue, I must ask you a question. Please forgive this old man for asking such a silly...

2 years ago
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Massaging A Couple In Hyderabad

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences & fantasies. I had shared my experience before and now sharing yet another one. Thanks for all those who replied and encouraged me to share more of my experiences. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 28, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC & also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females. I have travelled to...

2 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 Revenge triumphs over death

I recovered consciousness with the sound of a horse snorting, and for one moment I thought I had been stunned when falling from my horse. Then my memory returned; I had been bludgeoned while sitting in a chair in Cornelius Clark’s house. I was still sat in a chair, but was now fastened to it by a leather strap around my chest, and my hands were bound together with a smaller, buckled, leather strap. There was a rope attached through the strap, preventing me sliding my wrists from the...

1 year ago
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LegaciesChapter 17 Security Concerns for Deb and Reb Tidying Up Loose Ends

For a change, the sky was clear and the temperature was tolerable for our run this morning. I was into my stretching when all of the ladies including Sam appeared to join me in the five mile run. It was a stretch for some but all persevered to the finish. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Sam was right in front of the pack at the finish. It appears we might have a winner in her. We all gathered around the breakfast table and Claudia, our cook, was up to her usual standards with enough...

1 year ago
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A Chinese Cunt for Indian Cock

Sharon and I met on an adult website catering to people who want to explore sexual liaisons with likeminded individuals of the opposite sex . It was just a few weeks ago that I glanced upon her profile which had a very sensual picture of her posing naked in a sensual pose in her shower. The lines of her body caught my eyes. She is slender, sensually !! Her pose in that profile picture is perhaps the most arousing but not of the vulgar type. It has poise, it has class and it has a compellingly...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Dinner at the Athelstan Part 1

I was having coffee with a girlfriend. We often meet early in the afternoon because we’re both in the same business and, well, we tend to get up late. Her name is Dee, although most of her clients know her as Simone. She’s tall, willowy with jet black, naturally black hair and a wonderful set of tits which I quietly admire. In a pair of beautifully tailored cream silk trousers and a pale blue shirt, her hair tied back severely she looked stunning, the bone structure of her face highlighted with...

1 year ago
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A different kind of lust

A Different Kind of Lust Don't even THINK about freaking out about this, people, because its only a one-shot. In fact, this will be my first one-shot on this site. And I may as well go right on ahead and say it... I LOVE(!) Futanari (Futa for short) on Girl stories! Call me a freak if you must, but I think its fucking HOT! I mean the very CONCEPT is just-... All things considered, I thought I may as well start a few one-shots (most involving FutaxGirl) to get me back in a writing mood....

3 years ago
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Under his control

I did as you ordered, I am wearing such a shirt skirt I felt entirely uncomfortable in, and a top so skin tight you could see my hardened nipples protruding through the thin silk like material. I am on my knees before your masculine body. You are wearing just your boxers which are not doing a good job of hiding the large bulge of your hardened penis. “Suck it”, you order. I’m starting to get aroused by this situation, I haven’t been dominated in days since you last saw me. I take down your...

4 years ago
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A Marriage Worth Saving

A Marriage Worth Saving In the beginning our sex life was great, at least once a day. As the first year came to an end, so did our sex life. It fell to once a month and then once every three months. Every time I would bring up the subject she would get angry and it would start a fight. I decided it was not worth bringing it up and just dealt with it as best I could. Six years later and it was not improving at all. This is the story of what I did to try to save our marriage.

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It Didnt Work Out Ch 04

This is the fourth of twelve chapters. To really understand it, you should read the previous chapters before reading this one. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story. Chapter 4 The next night Bridget realized that it was more challenging than she expected to workout at the gym when Sian was there. When they went out, they didn’t worry too much about showing their affection for each other. But at the gym, they needed to be more...

2 years ago
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My New Neighbors Part 2

Please read Part 1 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. Reaching for Benny’s 14 year old dick with my right hand, and still occasionally wiping remaining soap and water running into my eyes with my left, he stepped forward and embraced me as if his life depended on it. He hugged my naked body with a passion I have never know before…his grip was so tight, I had to ask, “is everything ok ?” to which I got the reply, “better than ever now”. Not knowing at...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Karma RX Karma8217s An Oily Hot Bitch

Veteran sex goddess Karma RX comes to Filthy Kings today to get oiled up & dicked down by Tony Rubino. Her huge tits glisten, big nipples poking out of her sexy lingerie as Tony soaks her with oil. You can tell her pussy is already wet when she starts getting fingered, begging for more. She swallows Tony’s big cock, spitting & slobbering all over it. Karma likes it rough, Tony chokes her as he pounds her pussy. He spreads her ass wide and fucks her in a prone bone position, making...

3 years ago
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Her first time

“Honey, no, I don’t want to talk about it.”That’s the answer I’ve gotten for the last three months! I’d become obsessed with Daniella, my wife, telling me about her first lover. The only answer she’d give me has been, “I don’t want to talk about it.”I’ve asked her if it was painful? Was it bad? Good? Exciting? Dull? And I get, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’And she’d cut me off, then change the subject to something else. Hell, we’ve been married twenty-eight years. It was a long time ago and I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Destination Vegas

by Salacious © 2002It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning - the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her - he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....

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I love sucking cock

I love sucking cock.I’ve wanted to suck cock for years. Years ago I used to troll the bookstores, along with the rest of the perverts looking for their particular kink. I was always scared though. Bookstore guys tend to creep me out. They are scary. Although they never turned me off, I was still fascinated with giving a blow job. As my times at the bookstores became more I would enter the gloryhole rooms out of curiosity, only to leave when the booth became occupied. I got a bit bolder,...

2 years ago
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Anticipation Part I The Journey Begins

Lead-In Only: She was told that the key would be at the front desk. She was so nervous when she drove into the parking lot that she almost slammed into a car backing out of a space. Waving her apology, her hands now gripped the steering wheel like a vise and a life-line as she pulled into a space. She couldn’t muster the nerve yet to get out of the car and walk the few steps to the front entrance of the hotel. Her hands were shaking slightly and she felt the sweat begin to bead on her...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 8

It was very late by Special Operations standards when I awoke the next morning, it being already 0815 hrs. Trish had rolled over while we slept, but she was still close enough for me to feel the heat pouring off of her, even though we had slept naked, and the room was air conditioned. It was easy to believe from this that she had gone a long time without sex as she had said. Briefly, I considered another round of sex before we returned to duty, but we both have responsibilities, and it was...

2 years ago
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Part 9 Such a Whore

Introduction: I find out what it means to be a whore I appreciate all the ratings and comments. This story picks up right after my last one, anyone reading would get a better understanding of this story by reading my prior stories first. Enjoy. Some say we are a product of our sorroundings, I know I am. Women have been traumatized by their sexual experiences, I have enojoyed most of mine, I get turned on thinking of some of the things I have done, or that have been done to me, up until this...

1 year ago
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Megans Transformation Into A Hotwife Part 2

As we were driving through the parking lot toward the exit, I saw George was still hard. I thought he must really need some relief, so I told him to pull into a parking space and turn out the lights. He asked why; I told him to just do it.“Now unzip and I will take care of your obvious needs,” I said as I pulled the top of my dress down. “I am sure you can find something to play with while I devour your load.”“Ah, my two favorite things,” he said, quickly unzipping and releasing his cock.I...

Wife Lovers
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Son Still Able and the Mother Still WillingChapter 5

When they got into the room it was obvious Brian would have to be the first to get into bed. He pulled his wheelchair beside the bed and removed his armrest. Just before he scooted into bed he took a quick look at the others. His mother stood directly in front of him. She was topless and the light pink panties were so sheer. Therefore, he was able to clearly see the two things he had remembered so vividly from when they were together six years ago. Her very small and petite breasts were...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 10 Sunday Morning Coming Down

Jill wakes up with Allen's arms around her. After sleeping twelve hours, her body feels refreshed and recovered from the acid she took Friday.  She turns over and looks at Allen, still sleeping soundly beside her. A soothing calmness comes over her as she recalls the surreal weekend they have shared together.She softly kisses his neck, taking care not to wake him. Brushing her lips against his skin gives her pleasure, but she is not the least bit horny this morning. She feels loving, instead of...

2 years ago
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Rope and Veil Pt 03

This is the third chapter of my story of Amelia and Alex. If you have just stumbled across this story cycle for the first time, please read Parts 1 and 2 first. ***** ‘Alex, can you take time off next week? I’ve a long session booked at the clinic and it’d be useful if you came along. Save me having to repeat myself after, if you hear it too.’ ‘Sure, what day?’ We were pretty certain we knew when Amelia had conceived, sometime during those weeks she went surfing. That made sense, our...

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