Fringe Benefits
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Bring donuts.
I stop at Dunkin' Donuts on the way into work and order a dozen random donuts, and a half dozen cream-filled chocolate glazed ones. Those are Phil's favorites, and he always gets his own personal supply whenever anyone makes a donut run.
Something is up at the office. We rarely ever have meetings outside of regular office hours, and the unusual time combined with the secure location can only mean big trouble at the ranch. I am in absolutely no mood for drama right now, and I can't help but feel a little dread in my stomach as I pull into the parking lot. I don't like conflicts at work; the everyday troubles of the job are more than enough excitement for me.
I make my way to the server room upstairs, swipe my keycard at the door, and try to not drop the donuts all over the faded carpet as I open the door. The crew is already there—Phil is sitting down on a stool in front of one of the server racks, Little Joe is leaning casually against the wall, Jessica is sipping a cup of coffee well away from the important server, and Adam is busy checking something on one of the consoles.
"What's going on, guys?" I drop the donut boxes on a nearby table, and Phil makes a beeline for the food.
"Mmmm, donuts. You're the man."
"Hey, Notes boy," Jessica smiles. "Have fun on your weekend out?"
"Yeah," I say. "Yeah, I did. I'm glad I went."
"Savor the happy memories," Little Joe says with a grin. "Happy times around here have been put on hold for the time being."
I shoot him a questioning look, and Phil walks up and pats me on the shoulder. Thankfully, it's the hand that doesn't have frosting on it. He takes a big bite out of his donut before he chimes in.
"Nick was made Grand High Poobah of the whole IT department yesterday."
"You've got to be shitting me," I say.
"Not a word of a lie," Adam says over his shoulder. "The Big Cheese announced it per email just before lunch."
"We're having a department meeting at ten o'clock," Jessica informs me, and her tortured eye-rolling leaves no doubt about her opinion of the event. "That's when we all get to pucker up and kiss Nick's ass. I hope you shaved today."
"Matter of fact, I did," I reply. "I'll be damned if I give that son-of-a-bitch the time of day, though. He's treated me like a brainless peon gopher every time I've had to deal with him. The man has an ego the size of a small country."
"Try 'continent'," Jessica says. "But he's your boss now, so you better learn to love that greasy, fat-lipped, ass-grabbing monkey."
Little Joe chuckles. "How do you really feel about Nick the Prick, Jess?"
"Oh, I want to have his fucking babies," she says without breaking stride. "'Cause, you know, brainless and greasy go so well together. It gets the womenfolk all hot and bothered."
"Well, that's a bit of shitty news," I say.
"That's the understatement of the year, brother." Phil stuffs the rest of his donut into his mouth and flashes a cream-stuffed grin.
I take a donut and plop myself down on one of the empty chairs.
"So what's the plan? Do we all just shrug our shoulders and secretly look for new jobs online?"
"I'd say that depends entirely on Nick," Phil says. "Let's just go to the department meeting and see what he has to say. If he has any brains at all, he'll realize that he can't run the place by himself, and that you don't get projects done by pissing off your worker bees."
"I wouldn't count on that," Jessica frowns. "Just wait—he'll try the stick before the carrot, because that's what he's been doing all his life."
"In that case, things are going to get interesting around here," I say.
The department meeting is not in our actual department, but in the super-sized main conference room over in the corporate headquarters building, where all the overpaid Blackberry addicts rub elbows while the peons do the actual work. This is a bad sign already—Nick sees himself as a member of the Inner Circle, not a part of the IT team. We file into the meeting room, and see that all the chairs have been stacked up at the back of the room, despite the fact that the room is easily big enough to have everyone sit in chairs with lots of space to spare. Nick is nowhere to be seen. We cluster as a group near the back of the room and exchange hellos with people from other teams. The mood is definitely tense, a roomful of people unsure of what the day may bring.
At exactly ten o'clock, the door opens once again, and Nick strolls in, followed by his entourage. He's a tall guy with a dark complexion. His eyes are droopy, and he always looks like a fat-lipped basset hound. He wears a dark suit, a departure from his usual khaki-and-white-unbuttoned-shirt setup.
"Dressing like a big boy now," I murmur in Phil's direction, and he shakes his head with a grin.
Nick walks briskly to the little raised platform at the front of the room, and sticks one hand into his pocket as he steps up onto his stage. His enormous gaudy gold watch is dangling from his wrist in a very obvious fashion. All that's missing is someone following him with a boom box that plays the fanfare from Rocky. Nick raises his hand, and the room grows quiet almost instantly. I can tell by his expression that he is enormously pleased by this.
"Good morning," he says.
"I scheduled a department meeting to let everyone know about the changes I'll be making. I'm your new Director of Information Technology," he adds with a smile, as if that information isn't completely gratuitous at this point.
"I'm not going to lie to you just to make you feel good. I want top producers on my team. If you're not a top producer, I have no use for you."
"'Top producer'?" Jessica whispers into my ear. "Where have I heard that term before?"
I think about this for a second, and then I have to restrain myself from slapping my forehead in disbelief.
"The fucking ERA real estate ads," I reply. "What do you want to bet Nick just went through them for his new house?"
"Top producers," Nick says again, this time louder for added emphasis, as if we haven't heard the stupid phrase the first two times. "We're going to take on some important projects in the next few weeks, and I want everybody on status reports. Daily."
There is murmuring in the room at this, and it's not a happy kind of murmur. Nick holds up a hand again.
"I'm not going to micro-manage you. You'll be sending your status reports to your supervisors, and I'll check with them as needed. I just want to figure out who my top producers are, that's all."
"Sure you do," Little Joe murmurs. Such a measure is usually done prior to a firing spree, because status reports give the firer a reasonably lawsuit-proof alibi. Nick is out to cull the herd, and maybe net himself a bonus for streamlining the payroll and saving money. I don't know what's more insulting: the prospect of having to submit daily "What I Did at Work" missives like a grade school kid, or Nick's assumption that we're all too dim to see what he's really doing here.
Even Nick has enough smarts to realize that the mood of the crowd is suddenly turning against him, and he holds up his hand again and gives us an entirely unconvincing smile.
"Look, we're going to set this place up to impress a whole bunch of important people. If we pull off the projects that are coming our way, there might be a bunch of bonus checks coming our way. I'm sure nobody here would mind some extra money, right?"
Of course nobody in the room would mind some extra money, but most of us know Nick well enough see his carrot for what it is. There are some murmurs of agreement, but they're mostly just polite appeasement. Our group is well in the back of the room, shielded from Nick's view by most of the department members, and we abuse our location by making faces and rolling eyes at each other. If this is supposed to be a motivating pep talk, it's an abysmally bad one.
"Such a people person, that one," Adam scoffs, playing with the piercings in his eyebrow. His chin beard is now long enough for him to braid it. The braid together with the multitude of metal bits in his face makes him look like a cross between a pirate and a Hell's Angel.
Nick drones on, but I have started to tune out, and I can tell from the restless shifting around me that I'm not alone. After a half hour, his blather sounds much like the unintelligible utterings of Charlie Brown's teacher: mwah-mwah, mwah mwah. Finally, Nick has decided that we have been exposed to his glory for long enough to be rejuvenated, and he dismisses us with a fat-lipped smirk and a casual wave of his hand. As we trot out, we can hear suppressed chuckles all around us.
"Well, that was fun," Phil says as we walk out into the street to head back to the parking garage.
"You know what was missing from that meeting?" Jessica asks, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket and blinking into the late morning sun.
"Um, a sudden blockage in the brain of the main speaker?" Little Joe offers, and we all chuckle.
"No, dummy. Who did you not see in the room?"
"Benton," I say. "You think Nick has already fired his ass?"
"I wouldn't put it past the guy," Phil says. "He has a history of surrounding himself with his cronies. Get them a bigger paycheck, and they'll stay loyal to you. Empire-building at its finest."
It's a little too early to go out for lunch, so we all head back to the office separately. On my way to my desk, I stop by at Benton's office and take a peek inside. Benton is not at his desk, but it doesn't look any different today—no cardboard boxes stuffed with personal things, no orphaned network cords bearing witness of a desktop support guy coming and reclaiming company hardware. Benton's name plate is still sitting on his desk, and his laptop is in its docking station, the green power light blinking.
I make my way to my desk and sit down, turning on the computer as I swivel on my chair and take a look around. There's the usual motley collection of user manuals and books on the shelves overhead, assorted personal paraphernalia strewn about my desk, and certifications tacked to the wall to impress the yokels.
I find myself pondering how I would feel if Nick and the HR enforcer walked into my office right now to escort me to the door, and I am strangely relieved when I realize that it would not bother me in the least. On the contrary, I'd probably whistle a jaunty tune on the way to my car. All the stuff in this office belongs to the company, save the diplomas, and I couldn't care less about those.
Jessica walks into my cubicle and follows my gaze as I study the crap hanging on the wall. There's a MCSE certificate, several Lotus diplomas, and assorted odds and ends from years of company-paid Geek U courses. If I stick with this job for another five years, there'll be twice the number of paper certificates on that wall, and I'll still feel exactly as smart as I do now.
It occurs to me that the path on which I have put myself leads straight to the end of a mediocre life. I'll always be smack dab in the middle of average territory, waiting for my real life to begin.
"What are you thinking about?" she asks.
"You know, I think I've been pissing my life away," I say.
"Oh, boy." Jessica pulls up one of my chairs and plops herself down on it.
"Thinking about hanging up the old pocket protector and going off to Key West to be a beach bum until the savings run out?"
"Not precisely," I smile. "Truth be told, I have no idea what I really want to do. I'm just pretty sure I don't want to be doing this." I wave my hand towards the diploma wall.
"I mean, what am I going to have to show for all this crap in another ten years?"
"Where else do they pay you sixty grand a year to sit on your ass and play with computers all day? I mean, so you think you're going to be happier painting stuff on sidewalks in downtown Boston and eating at the Salvation Army soup kitchen?"
Jessica leans back in her chair and props her feet up on my desk.
"I'm not too long out of college," she muses. "I still remember how much it sucks to have to share your pad with a slob because you can't make the rent by yourself, or doing laundry at the Laundromat two blocks down because your place doesn't have a washer and dryer. Nothing like having to turn down dope dealers while you're folding your undies, I tell you that. Now I get paid to sit on my ass, and I can pad my savings account and preserve myself for later."
"Preserve yourself for what?" I ask. "What are you going to do in another ten years? Are you still going to ride herd on some servers and listen to idiots like Nick?"
"Shit, no. In another five years, I'll be fully vested in my retirement money, and then I'll tell Nick where to shove it." She leans closer and drops her voice, even though we're all alone in the office.
"I tuck away half my paycheck every month, and sticking it in low-risk stuff with moderate and steady returns. By the time I leave, I'll have enough money put aside to do whatever the hell I want. This is just purgatory, Frank."
"Waiting for your real life to begin," I murmur.
"Isn't everybody?"
"Maybe so. But I think most people never stop waiting until that train has left the station. I don't want to wake up and realize that I am fifty and balding, and that I've been spending a quarter century kissing asses just so I can get a corner office and some stock options."
Jessica looks at me with incredulity, and then smiles in that lop-sided ways of hers.
"What happened to you all of a sudden, Frank? Did you hit your head under a desk out in California and have an epiphany or something?"
"Not exactly." I hesitate for a moment, and then shrug my shoulders. I need to talk about the weekend, and Jessica has always been a good listener.
"Let's go into the server room for a second."
We walk over to the server ranch, and Jessica opens the door. The room is empty save for the hum of the case fans, and the ever-present droning of the dedicated air conditioning unit. I step into the room and close the door behind us. Jessica grabs one of the rolling stools and sits down on it, looking at me expectantly.
"Alright, spill the beans."
"Here's what happened last weekend..."
Jessica listens to a mildly sanitized version of my weekend with interest, only interrupting me a few times to clarify things. By the time I have finished my tale, it's pretty close to lunchtime.
"So what do you think? Am I just irrational?"
She looks at me with a smile and makes a tsk-tsk sound.
"Frank, Frank, Frank. This has nothing to do with being rational. If you were rational about this, you wouldn't sit here wishing you were on a plane to New York instead. You'd be sucking it up and keep swinging the pickaxe like the rest of us."
"I'm not wishing I was in New York," I say, but Jessica rolls her eyes at this comment.
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SpankingAlena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena smiled. Emily, a blooded warrior of twenty-one summers, had promised to introduce her to several good-looking men that night. Alena could hear the roar of the crowd in the town square as she looked out over the...
I had posted on craigs list about loving to read sex stories from other guys. One guy in particular started sending me some very explict stories about having sex with each other. It finally got to the point that we had to meet each other. He got a hotel room and sent me a text telling me where and what room. As I got near to the hotel my cock was so hard thinking about what was going to happen. I knocked on the door and it opened but I did not see anyone. I peeked around the back of the door...
"Seven point eight!" Chuck Oberndorfer yipped as he skipped toward his father's car, "Yippee!" "Well, get in and stifle it at bit!" his father retorted, grinning. "You don't want to get shot at, and we have a limited amount of time for your family birthday celebration -- we're going to Maude's tonight!" "Maude's! Mom will SHIT!" Chuck erupted -- then covered his mouth. Gary Oberndorfer chuckled. "Earlier this week maybe, but not now -- she knows." He pulled away from the...
“Good morning, Daddy,” I heard over my shoulder as I sipped my morning coffee, reading the paper.“Good Morning, Shyan,” I said, noticing how large her breasts were getting as she brushed my arm going past me.When I found out my stepdaughter was pregnant, I took advantage of the situation to help fill my sexual needs her mother didn’t. She quickly became a good “Daddy’s Girl” and loved being fucked as much as I enjoyed fucking her.My eyes slowly gazed up and down her body. Being seven months...
TabooI knew going for a quiet drink with Terry would be anything but ‘quiet’ it just never works out that way. I didn’t really want to go out, I seem to stay in a lot more these days. Terry was not taking no for an answer tonight. “Come on, Jez, we ain’t met up for ages, we need a good chinwag. You need to get yourself back in the game mate. It’s been nearly a year now since….” The ‘since’ he is referring to is the break up of my marriage to Denise. We had been together nearly ten years after...
MORNING BROUGHT REGRET MIXED with elation. Next to me the bed was empty, the pillow dented from the impression of her head, the pear and lemon scent of her strong. How did she leave bed without waking me up? Why was she always gone? Didn't she want to cuddle? I rolled onto my back, stretched, and yawned. Intimacy with my daughter had progressed faster than I'd planned. It seemed I wasn't the one in control; Sasha was. I'd wanted to build towards sex in a series of increasingly intimate...
Over the next few weeks and month, I made sure to visit this particular kiosk more than usual just to see her, interact with her and flirt with her. She was a petite blonde-haired young girl, very friendly, with a great smile, sexy blue eyes, and I could tell she had a nice body under that green apron. She was much younger than me, she still lived with her parents, and was attending college, but I thought maybe, just maybe, I might have a chance to ask her out. I continued to visit this...
Here at we strive to bring the best porn possible and today we have a scene that delivers on that promise! Debuting today in Private Specials, Ass Licking Girls is the Colombian beauty Matilde Ramos and she wastes no time getting down and dirty with her man Eddy Blackone in an interracial scene to remember! Watch Matilde flaunt her curvaceous body before getting a taste of black meat and heading down for some rimming action, then enjoy the sight of this spectacular Latina getting...
xmoviesforyou"Chrissie" Part XL by c.w. cobblestone Gina gave Taylor a smooch before passing her to Katie, who showered the baby with a new batch of kisses while Rebecca looked on with a mommy's proud smile. Katie bounced the giggling infant on her knee. "You are so cuuuuuute, you know that? Little cutie wootie?" While Katie played with the baby, Gina held out her wine glass, which I hurried to refill before resuming my serving post. I watched Katie having fun with Taylor and got caught up in...
The Corruption of CeCe, Part II by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers. I wanted to thank all my readers for their support and encouragement. I've been a longtime fan of the site but this is my first time contributing. XOXO!! We got into Traci's little metallic purple Scion tC and drove for...
I was coming back from visiting my family - a quiet rural town with not much around but a nearby diner and a few stores. I had been incredibly horny all day and found it impossible to suppress my desires, so while I was alone and waiting for the bus, I started to rub my balls and, eventually, as I got ballsier, I pulled out my cock and started to stroke it, as I looked around for anyone coming. I figured as long as I kept my eye out, I'd be okay and at least soothe some of my explosive...
Thanks, as always, to the great editing of Steve Zink! This story is dedicated to Phil 0909 who had the wisdom, and good taste, to win the bidding war for my work on the FM auction. I'm glad he enjoyed the story I wrote for him. Domestic Tangle By Eric ROB I feel like I'm sitting on top of the world! I've been rolling sevens the whole last year. I graduated in the top ten in my class at USC, and got named to the second team all America in football. My picture got...
I looked down into the empty glass in my hand and pondered pouring myself another shot of scotch, but then thought better of it. The only thing another shot would accomplish would be finding myself still in this chair in the morning with a hangover and feeling sorry for myself. Besides, that was something Abby, my daughter had woken up far too many times since The Cunt, my ex-wife, left. She’d run off with some old rich guy two years ago and never looked back. Somewhat reluctantly I got up from...
Hi, guys and girls, this is my first sex story and it’s 90% true. I am 27 years old and staying in Mumbai. you can tell me about my story at (double I and double c). Now without boring you much let me come straight to my story. All this started in my third year of engineering. Till the second year I was a studious guy and also was in a relationship. In the third year, I had a breakup with my gf as we were in distance relationship and we were not able to give time to each other. This breakup...
We had been doing some group photgraphs of a family. I moved to the desk to write out an invoice! George was still very old fashioned about some things! As I dated the invoice I suddenly realised that i had been working for George for a year now! Later when we were alone I told him. He looked surprised. He nearly said something to me but changed his mind! Something was happening to George and I suspected his partner Robin was behind it all.He suddenly asked me if I would be free later on,...
“Look at your slut wife!” I stood and looked at Mary. Her whole body glistened with oil, her cunt gaped wide and her asshole pulsed and was shiny with oil. As I turned to look at the now nude John, I made an almost comic gulp! Laughing at my response he said “Yes big isn’ t it! 8 inches long and 61/2inches thick! But it’s the knob that is going to make your wife scream!” His knob was almost triangular in shape flaring down to the base it overlapped his dick by a ¼ inch. “It sets up a vacuum as...
So what happened after that impassioned cry of...'Sam... please...' I was asked by a friend to 'complete' the story. I thought I had, sort of. For those that have not read the first two, this will mean nothing. For those that read the first and thought the 'Reprise' superfluous. This will mean nothing. For those few who thought... what happened next? Well, this is for you. It was not intended to be seen by more than a few, but... So I'm an over emotional fool. What else is new. This...
It was a demon! A demon was sitting with her legs stretched out on my couch, watching a rerun of The Simpsons on my tube! A demon that looked just like me, save that her wings were more reddish in colour and her horns curved down and forward instead of swirling to the sides like mine. She also had hair that appeared to be long and blonde, unlike mine, not to mention the fact she was also smaller than me, and—sad as I was to admit it—cuter than me in my lilin form... I was staring agape from...
I am Praveen, I am from a village, I am studying degree second year in nearby city, and I travel by bus or train every day and go to college when I was studying inter first year one day I am going by bus. I was sitting near window, that bus was empty but one uncle with bald head with fair skin with broad chest and good height came and sat near me he had a brief case with him which he kept between me and him, conductor came and we took tickets and I am sleeping leaning on the window Uncle was...
Gay MaleI was 19 when this happened. It was July 4th and I was working at an auto parts store before college. We were closing at 5 pm for the holiday, it was slow so Tim, the manager allowed an older guy to leave to be with his family. I'de brought clothes as I was heading straight to my cousins BBQ after work. They were famous parties due to the drinking,great food and "anything goes" atmosphere. Around 4 pm I got a call from my cousin. He asked when I'de be there as my Aunt was already drunk, a...
We know you just love it when Mandy Muse is on set slutting it up and today we’ve got a real treat in store for you when we roll the cameras on this brunette American nympho being anally destroyed by her step-brother Logan Long. The brunette temptress has been waiting for the day to come when she can finally fuck and suck Logan’s cock that she’s been craving for so long. Today is the day her fantasies come true when her curvy ass and pink are pummeled by his huge shaft that...
xmoviesforyou(This was inspired after a dirty chat session with cc1908.)I had done it. Just like he wanted it. Fucked his virgin ass, talked dirty the whole time calling him my faggot whore saying he now had a boipussy that i was going to breed (and did). at the end he shot his load without even touching his cock. his semen shot all the way up to his face and we had a long sticky cum filled kiss. i jokingly told him next time we should get him some panties to see if he's a sissy faggot, he said "yeah some...