Fringe Benefits
- 2 years ago
- 35
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The late afternoon passes in a pleasant sequence of talking, laughing, eating, and drinking. When Mr. Benning comes home from the university, he joins us in the living room for a pre-dinner Scotch and a chat. Unlike his wife, he has not changed one bit since I saw him last—a reed-thin, kind-eyed man whose hair was graying well before his daughter graduated high school. He has an upper-crust English accent that makes everything he says sound sophisticated. His grey beard is neatly trimmed, and his wire-framed glasses make him look every inch the college professor even without the impeccable clothing. Berkeley may be the most liberal campus in the country, but Nicole's dad does not believe in sandals or blue jeans. He is wearing a tie and button-down shirt underneath a cardigan, tan-colored suit pants that look like they've been tailored to measure, and spotless brown Oxfords.
We move into the dining room for dinner. Nicole's mom has put together a rice and peanut butter chicken curry with tofu strips taking the place of the genuine bird. I'm not particularly hungry after the one-hour lunch we had up at the Lotus, but the dish is fantastic, and Mrs. Benning smiles her approval as I help myself to seconds. We uncork the Riesling bottle I brought with me, and a glass of it already serves to make my head pleasantly fuzzy. I'm not a big drinker, and my tolerance for alcohol is low when it comes in a wine bottle. We chat over dinner, both of Nicole's parents expressing polite interest in my life story after leaving Berkeley, and we finish off the curry dish and the wine bottle at about the same time.
"Well," Mr. Benning says as we clean off the dinner table, "I guess you two can take it from here. We're going to leave you to your reunion."
"Hot date tonight?" Nicole asks her dad.
"It's Saturday," he replies. "We've had tickets for Puccini for three weeks now. As I am sure you don't want to accompany two fuddy-duddies to see Turandot, I trust you won't be too heartbroken if your mother and I follow our original schedule." He pronounces the last word the English way, shed-yool.
"Not at all," Nicole says. "We'll just look at old yearbooks and get massively drunk."
"Splendid," Mr. Benning smiles. "Just be sure to stay away from my two hundred dollar single malt, if you would."
Nicole's parents excuse themselves, and Nicole and I migrate back into the living room. At Nicole's insistence, I open the bottle of Shiraz as well, and we settle down on the couch again. A little while into our conversation, Mrs. Benning sticks her head into the living room.
"We're leaving. Call us on your dad's cell phone if you need to. You two have a nice evening."
"You too, mom," Nicole replies. "Have fun listening to people singing in Italian."
Mrs. Benning makes a face at Nicole before disappearing in the hallway, but it's an affectionate grimace.
"You're an artsy type," I say. "I would have figured you're actually into people singing in Italian."
"I love opera," Nicole says with conviction. "And theater. And musicals. Anything that involves people dancing, or singing, or acting, or everything put together." She smiles as she watches her father giving us a casual wave as he passes the living room on his way to the front door. "I'm just egging her, that's all. They go out together all the time, like they're in their Twenties again. Mom says that my moving out of the house has done wonders for their social life. Apparently, I was just a millstone around their necks for eighteen years or something."
"So what kind of artsy stuff do you do for a living in New York?"
"Waiting tables," she says with a smirk, and I laugh.
"Seriously. The dancing doesn't pay the bills—well, not entirely anyway. I work as a waitress when I have to, but most of the time I can hold my head over water just by giving Yoga lessons on the side. There's a Yoga studio near where I live, and they hired me as a part-time instructor. I teach beginner's Yoga twice a week, and I give private lessons as well."
"Still, " I say. "I had an interview with a company in Manhattan a while back, and their offer was good enough that I actually started apartment shopping. Talk about sticker shock. Fifteen hundred a month for a one-room studio?"
"That's actually not bad for Manhattan," Nicole nods. "You should have taken it. What neighborhood was it in?"
"Hey, that's where I live now. We could have been neighbors and never even known it."
It occurs to me that Nicole is probably more on the money than she knows. We live completely diverging lifestyles. I spend most of my free time in my apartment; she spends most of hers out and about. I hang out with fellow geeks; she probably socializes with her performing arts crowd. I work days; she works nights. We wouldn't even have bumped into each other at the grocery store, since she prefers fresh organic food, and my weekday diet mostly comes in frozen form. In a beehive like New York City, two people can live full lives within a quarter mile of each other and never even cross paths once.
"It would have been a short residence," I say. "I decided to stay in Boston after all. That was in August of 2001. The place where I interviewed was located in the World Trade Center, North Tower, seventy-eighth floor. I loved the location. They even would have given me a shared window office."
Nicole looks at me open-mouthed, clearly shocked.
"Yeah, I know," I say. "Imagine what went through my mind a month later."
"Did you ever, you know... get back in touch with the people you interviewed with? I mean, after?"
I shake my head. "I found that I didn't really care to know whether they made it out or not."
"Holy shit," Nicole says, turning her wine glass in her hands. "That will certainly put life in perspective for you."
"I wish I could say it did," I reply and take a big sip of my own wine. "I was a bit shaken for a few weeks, but I didn't really do anything life-altering. Same old slacker routines. Pathetic, huh?"
She looks at me for a moment as if she's trying to decide on an answer, and then shakes her head.
"Not really. I just told you this afternoon that I dropped out of college and pissed away my savings on a trip to Europe. How smart is that?"
"Well, yeah, but you do what you want now, don't you?"
"I found something I like even better than slacking off, that's all. You just need to do the same. Shit, it's not like you're fifty or something. Go quit your job and do some fun stuff, and then you can figure out what yanks your crank."
"If only it was that simple," I smirk.
"It really is that simple," she says. "Trust me. Just close your eyes and jump. The hardest part is letting go of what you know just because you're afraid that whatever comes next might suck worse."
Nicole studies my face with a disarmingly sincere expression, and I have to resist the impulse to reach out and run my hand through her hair. Instead, my fingers seek refuge with my wine glass once again, and I take another sip.
"Try out something new," she says. "Not just work, I mean. Go and hang out with some amateur theatre group. I'm sure they have those in Boston, too. Try some acting, or singing, or dancing."
"Sure thing," I laugh. "I don't have an artistic bone in my body."
"Bullshit," Nicole says. "Everybody does. You spend some time with the most boring person you know, they'll surprise the hell out of you sooner or later with something they can do well. It might be something totally dorky, or trivial, like being able to make little animals out of pipe cleaners or blowing that stupid Friends theme song on a comb, but I guarantee you that everyone has a creative side. We used to do a dance performance last year where we pulled people out of the audience and had them participate, and you'd be amazed how well some of these people got into the act."
"The closest I've ever come to public performance is reciting Shakespeare in the car on the way to work," I say.
Nicole leans back on the couch and sets down her wine glass.
"Let's hear some. I've always admired people who can keep a hundred lines of Elizabethan dialogue in their heads."
Under normal circumstances, I would dig my heels in and categorically refuse such a request, but I am three glasses of wine in the bag, and the whole day has put me in a strange mood. Besides, I can hardly think of a better audience for a sonnet at this moment.
"Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their body's force;
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill;
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest:
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away, and me most wretched make."
Nicole smiles with delight and claps her hands softly as I finish with a little bow.
"See? Now that was good. That was hot. You know how many girls would rip their clothes off if a guy recited something like that to them without reading it off a book?"
"Ah, I was just doing a bad Patrick Stewart impression."
"Baloney. You're a mushy romantic, Frank. You can recite Shakespeare sonnets. See what I mean about artistic skill?"
"I suppose you have somewhat of a point," I say.
"Damn skippy." She takes the wine bottle from the coffee table and refills both our glasses to the brim.
"What do you say we go upstairs, look at some old yearbooks, and make fun of Eighties haircuts?"
"Sounds good to me," I reply, and seize my wine glass.
The Benning house has three levels. The living and dining rooms make up most of the first floor, while the master bath and bedroom are on the second floor. Nicole's old room is on a separate two-floor room above her parents' bedroom, a cozy little den nestled into the peak of the roof. We take our almost-finished bottle of wine, and two more from Mr. Benning's wine rack for good measure, and make our way up the narrow staircase.
Her room has been redecorated since the last time I saw it. The pastel-colored furniture I remember has been replaced with contemporary designs, light wood and brushed stainless steel. There are no more Duran Duran or George Michael posters on the wall; instead, it is painted in a pleasant shade of light yellow. For all its Ethan Allen-furnished appeal, the room no longer looks like someone lives here. The only sign of disorder is a large purple nylon travel bag that is sitting half-opened on the floor, and a small pile of clothes piled up next to it. Nicole pushes the travel bag out of the way with her foot as we enter the room, and pulls a small stack of books off a bookshelf before sitting down on the bed. I sit down next to her, careful not to spill any wine on the cream-colored comforter.
We go through our old yearbooks, starting with the senior year of 1989 ("nice perm!"), and then tracking our way back chronologically all the way to our first appearances as freshmen in the 1986 yearbook. Now that I have some visual references, I recognize many of the names again, but I have to admit to myself that I don't really care one bit what became of most of them.
We talk and laugh and talk some more, and I don't even realize how much time has passed until I reach for my wine glass at some point and realize that there are three empty wine bottles on the floor of the bedroom. My head is swimming just a little, but I'm warm and comfortable. I feel better than I have in weeks, even though I know that I get mean hangovers from wine.
The sun has long since set beyond the skyline of downtown San Francisco in the distance. I check my watch, and it's ten thirty at night.
"Well," I say. "I should try and make my way down to the hotel while I can still see straight."
Nicole stretches out on the bed and looks at me with a sleepy smile on her face.
"You can stay here, you know."
She pats the comforter next to her, and I feel a little flush of warmth in the center of my stomach that does not come from the wine.
Who am I to decline this invitation?
After a brief moment of contemplation, I settle down next to her, and she reaches over to the night stand and turns the light off. Then she kicks off her shoes and wiggles underneath the comforter, jeans and all. I only hesitate for a moment before following suit. The comforter smells freshly laundered. I roll on my right side to face Nicole, and even in the sudden darkness I can see her looking at me expectantly.
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Chapter 9 – Hunger Liana closed her eyes, basking in the attention of the men and women surrounding her as she lied naked on the bed in the midst of the crowd. Her skin was hot and sticky, covered with a thin sheen of sweat and come that almost made her skin glimmer in the light. She reached out with both hands, immediately grasping onto two hard cocks. Eyes still closed, she pulled them toward her, parting her lips slightly as she rubbed the hard, bulbous tips around on her lips. Pre-come...
I always thought its not fair just reading real sex stories of others but also need to get time to draft my real sex experiences. The fact is sex is beautiful experience which actually stays for 5 mins or less, but we wants it to stay for long long time. If any story says it was for 10 or more mins its just an exageration and fantasy of a guy to show it as big. But actual fun is guys who are good in foreplay make girls go crazy and girls dont bother for getting orgasm as males does everytime...
Amy had just had a terrible break up with their boyfriend of a couple of years so Maria and Laura who had suffered the same fate not too long ago thought getting away might help Amy. Marie and Laura had decided to take Amy to a bed and breakfast for some fun and help her forget.Marie, who was from Canada, knew some bed and breakfasts in northern Canada.Amy asked, “Is so dark there most of the time that time of year in Canada isn’t it?”Marie replied,” Yes but who needs daylight to party.” Amy...
BisexualAlex DuValle hid in his bedroom, anxiously waiting for his parents to leave. Had Frank and Stephanie known their son had returned home, they would have been horrified. He was supposed to be at Tommy's house. Alex's parents had an active social life and they frequently packed him off to stay overnight with his best friend when they had one of their events to attend or just wanted a little "alone time." Tonight was one of the former; they were expecting to be gone until the wee small hours...
After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Alyssa who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Alyssa is five feet...
Chapter 3: The New Owner August 30, 1968 My first act as the new owner was to call a meeting with Shelly, Jurgen and my mother. We met for supper at the house. Mom had prepared a typical Sunday dinner of roast beef with plenty of potatoes, beans and corn. Shelly devoured her portion as if she hadn’t eaten in a week. I wondered if perhaps she hadn’t. Jurgen was more refined with old-fashioned table manners, much like my mother. We talked during the meal with my telling them a little bit about...
Nicola spent another week with me. Horatia paid three further visits to Mr James. On the third of these I instructed Horatia to have Nicola accompany her. It was a measure of the extent to which Nicola had progressed in her adjustment that she neither questioned nor resisted my instructions, nor did she object when I cuffed her hands behind her as I prepared her to leave. Horatia returned later with her charge to provide an account of their excursion. Nicola had gone with her compliantly...
It was the first exam at the end of the semester. The chemistry exam. It was my last year at high school . I was at school two hours before the exam. It was the exercise hour of one of the first grades . There in that class was a boy that is very beautiful . His name is Alex. Has blond hair, brown eyes,a beautiful mouth and a rounded ass and fleshy legs. He is in a style that every one would be aroused by watching him. He was my dream during the year. Always I would prefer him to my...
After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...
Molly set her coffee mug on the counter. "Well," she said. "I'm off." "You won't be too late?" he asked. "I don't expect to be. I might be home early, even -- mid afternoon." He regarded her. "Jeans and a turtleneck as office attire?" "It's Saturday, Ben -- casual. You won't be bored, will you?" "No -- I have plenty of work to do." "Then I'll see you later." Ben kissed her lips and watched as she headed out the door. He busied himself at his laptop working on the...
How I Became the Family Slut - Part 6I came to after being pussy-fucked by my daddy and face-fucked by Carmella's father. And he was a black man with a really big dick! I saw my daddy was bending over Carmella, fondling her big titties and sucking on her nipples. She was moaning and thrashing about while stroking my daddy's cock. He musta had three fingers in her black pussy hole.I was laying on my side and Bubba Jake was fondling my titties."Hey, look what you're daddy is doing to my little...
IncestFebruary 14, 1956 What was happening? What was happening to Joe, my true me? Is this "new body" betraying me somehow, merely reacting more physically and subconsciously than my mind would do consciously to Jim? Was this "spell" controlling not only my body, but my free will too? I knew that I liked girls only and had my fair share of girlfriends in junior high. My friend Lucy met a few of them and sometimes she helped me with advice on how to woo them. In fact, although I was...
Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...
Having been divorced for almost a year now, living with my 11-year-old son, and having lived in a sexless marriage for the past 6 years, I was ready for romance, but coming up short. So, like many others, I was on the internet, looking for love in all the wrong chat rooms. One day I ran into a woman from the UK who I felt a strong bond to, for some reason, and began to chat with her. She seemed to take to me as well, and we got close over the next 2 weeks. As a gesture, I sent her some virtual...
I questioned John about being more attentive to me and he just laughed and reminded me that I was his slut/slave and I had no right to demand anything from him. I thought about it and decided maybe my submissive role wasn't working with John. John liked me dressed in hardly anything when we were at his house. I was to wear a half bra to hold my large breast up and perky. I was to never wear panties and usually he liked a sheer little apron on me. At times he liked to collar me and...
"Are you ready? We don't have to do this if you really don't want to. We might be able to find another way. Or we could find someone else, or..." said Kat as she looked at Rory. Rory reached out and put his hand on her arm and gently held it. "Kathryn, we don't have a lot of time and it's not like it's our first time together, remember? Ariel is running loose and it's only a matter of time before she runs into a caravan or something else, and a lot of innocents become harmed...
Vor dem Haus standen einige Linden, dessen Blätter bereits dem Herbst verfallen waren und den Boden rund um das Haus herum bunt färbten. Wabernder Nebel umhüllte die kahlen Bäume und verlieh ihnen einen gruseligen und mystischen Anblick.“Wow, schau dir das an, Hannes. Das sieht ja wunderbar aus.”Mein Freund, den Blick starr auf die kaum zu sehende Straße gerichtet, lächelte nur. Er weiß genau, wie sehr ich auf Panorama-Ausblicke und Ferien fernab der Zivilisation stehe. “Das ist ein wirklich...
It all starts off rather blurry. But it always starts the same way. I can hear sounds in the distance, sounds like cars and trucks driving to and from. As my blurred vision starts to emerge into a clearer picture I soon realise I am cold. So I look down and I see that I am completely naked. Not a piece of clothing on me. I start to look around and see that I am in a middle of a field. It’s dark and windy but the more I search with my eyes the more I am drawn towards a light. The closer I get to...