Fringe Benefits
- 2 years ago
- 34
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The hotel has a bar, and well-stocked one at that. They have a decent selection of imports on draft, and I can see Oban and Dalwhinnie in the collection of Scotch bottles on the shelf above the bar. Nicole has a chocolate martini, while I order a more manly Bourbon & Ginger.
"This is the life," she says as she takes the first sip of her Chocolatini. "Do you get to do this a lot?"
"I have an office and some sub-peons now, so I don't get to do field assignments all that much anymore. When I started out, I worked in field support, and I was out on the road 180 days out of the year, setting up stores and stuff. Let me tell you that all the martinis in the world are not enough compensation for having to live out of a suitcase half the year."
"Yeah, I guess that would get old after a while."
"You have no idea. I've lost count of the number of times I woke up in the morning without remembering which city I was in."
"Well, at least they pay you okay," Nicole says. "I may have more fun at work, but my paycheck is a whole lot smaller."
"Hey, didn't you tell me yesterday that money isn't everything?"
"Yeah, yeah," she smirks. "There's nothing wrong with making money. My retirement fund right now consists of the hundred Apple shares my dad got me for my birthday one year to teach me about investing."
"Did it work?"
"Shit, no. My idea of a nest egg is a savings account. That, and a shoebox under the bed with emergency cash in it."
"That's more than most people have. I know plenty of well-paid geeks that blow each paycheck as soon as it comes in."
"You don't think about retirement when you're thirty, Frank. Most people don't, anyway."
"Ain't that the damn truth. I can't picture myself drawing Social Security, that's for sure. Plus, I suck at shuffleboard. I guess I'll just have to refuse to get that old."
It's only early in the evening, and the bar is largely empty. I my experience, hotel bars generally see more business in the week than they do on the weekend. The bartender doesn't have much to do except top off our drinks and wipe his counter with a rag. I can tell that he's listening to our conversation with one ear, even though he feigns disinterest.
Before long, we're on our third and fourth drinks of the evening, and I am starting to get pleasantly buzzed once again. Nicole can hold her liquor quite well for someone who weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet, but at this point it's pretty clear that neither of us will be in shape to drive the car over to Nicole's house again. The prospect is not at all distressing to me. When she climbs off her bar stool to go to the bathroom, I admire her well-shaped butt as she walks away, and the bartender follows my gaze and smiles just a little.
"I don't even care which way you swing, but that is one fine caboose," I say when Nicole is out of earshot, and his little smile turns into a grin.
"Oh, I'm as straight as a number two pencil. And yes, I have to agree with you on that. You're a lucky guy."
"Ain't I just." I down the rest of my Bourbon & Ginger and put my glass back on the bar.
"Another one, if you would, but go easy on the bourbon. I want to stay conscious for a while longer."
"I totally understand," he says, and takes my glass.
"Strong drink giveth the desire, but taketh away the ability," he quotes as he returns with a full glass, and I laugh.
"A learned man, quoting Shakespeare. I bet that works well on the ladies."
"It does," he says with a wink. "Best profession in the world for picking up women. Flick a bottle up in the air behind your back like Tom Cruise, and they practically tear their clothes off right at the bar."
"You learn that kind of stuff in bartender school?"
"'Bartender school'," he repeats with a chuckle. "Shell out a thousand bucks to learn how to mix drinks? Hell, no. I bought a few cocktail recipe books at Barnes & Noble and loaded a mixed drink database into my Palm Pilot. All the training you need—the first few weeks are a bit rough, but then you just sort of fall into it."
I raise my glass in salute.
"Good man. Beats sitting at a computer in a cubicle all damn day."
He laughs again.
"Hell, yeah, it does. I was writing code in Silicon Valley until two years ago. Eighty-hour weeks for an entire decade. Fuck that with a vengeance. Now I work from six to midnight, and I can still make the mortgage."
"Good for you," I say. "Another geek jumping ship and turning his back on his corporate masters."
"Considering the same, are you?"
"Yeah," I reply after a moment of thought. "I guess I am."
I'm well into my new glass of bourbon & ginger when Nicole returns from the bathroom. She sways ever so slightly when she climbs back onto her bar stool.
"Whoa," she says. "That martini packs a punch. I better switch to Diet Coke before too long, or you won't have much fun with me tonight."
"They do tend to sneak up on you if you're not used to them."
"I drink liquor maybe once a month. We go out to bars every once in a while with the dance troupe, but fountain soda is a lot cheaper than cocktails."
"It's better for the waistline, too," I reply, patting my stomach.
"Ah, there's nothing wrong with your waistline," Nicole says. "At least, nothing that couldn't be fixed by a month or two of running and yoga, and laying off the donuts at work."
"Are you volunteering to teach me yoga?"
"Sure," she laughs. "If you want to move to New York, or pay for me to fly up to Boston three times a week."
"Don't give me any ideas. I have savings, you know."
"Those would be the most expensive yoga lessons in history, either way."
Nicole picks up her Martini glass and takes another sip. I watch her face, admiring the near-perfect slope of her nose, the fullness of her lips. I suppose that Little Joe would call her average, the kind of girl he refers to as "two-shot chicks" or "leftovers". I have had the shape of this face in my memory for damn near twenty years, and the years have merely refined her beauty.
"Whatcha looking at?" she asks with a smile as she puts down her glass.
"Like what you see?"
"Yep. You're pretty... pretty, you know."
She shakes her head, still smiling.
"You silver-tongued devil. Such a specific compliment."
"Can you tell I'm a student of poetry?"
"You were pretty good with that Shakespeare last night. Got me all worked up, I tell you."
"Did you really have no sex for a year and a half before last night?" I ask. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders.
"Yeah, why? Was it obvious?"
"Not at all," I laugh. "It's like riding a bike, I guess. You don't lose your skills. Not that I know what your skills were before last night."
"Let's see. I had sex for the first time in my freshman year in college. Since then, I've slept with exactly six guys. Including you."
"Six guys since 1988? That's one every six years."
"I was with my college boyfriend for four years, and then with the next one for eight, so that kind of screws up your average. And I've only had three boyfriends since I moved to New York, including Mister Eight Years."
"I admire your consistency," I say.
"What about you? Since we're doing the confessional here, how many women have you slept with since your first time?"
Shit, I think. I've had sex with twice as many women just since I started working for my current employer, and that was just two years ago. I do a mental count and shake my head when I reach thirty.
"You don't want to know."
"Tell me!" She punches my arm lightly. "Come on. I fessed up, and now it's your turn. Don't be bashful."
"Thirty-some. Maybe thirty-three?"
Nicole looks at me wide-eyed for a moment, and then she breaks out in a giggle.
"Frank! You're a complete slut. Thirty-three?"
"It's not as bad as it sounds," I offer. "I don't usually date women for longer than a month or two. It seems that I have the reverse Midas touch when it comes to relationships. Everything I touch turns to shit."
"Well, at least you've had plenty of practice. You're a far sight better than most of the guys I've been with."
"Aw, shucks." I try to play it off casually, but the hot feeling in my cheeks is genuine. "I'm glad you think so."
"Yes, and I'd like to take advantage of your skills some more. I'm pretty buzzed, and it's getting late, and we should head over to your room. You're flying back home tomorrow, and with my luck, it'll be another year and a half before I get laid again."
I look at the bartender, who is most definitely within earshot, cleaning glasses with a rag.
"How can a guy say anything but 'right away' to a request like that?"
The bartender grins at me and shakes his head.
"A guy really can't," he replies. "Done for the evening, I take it?"
He rings up the bill, and I settle it with the remaining cash from my wallet, leaving a twenty dollar tip on a forty dollar bill. The bartender takes the tip with a wink.
"You two have a great night, now."
"Don't think I'm always like this," Nicole says as we walk back through the hotel to my room.
"Like what?"
"You know, so forward. I would have been mortified about that bartender hearing our conversation if it wasn't for the wine."
"You're a bit strange like that," I say. "You didn't mind your parents knowing about the two of us having sex last night, did you?"
"That's different."
"How so?" I laugh. "The guy at the bar is a complete stranger. You'll most likely never see him again for the rest of our life."
"Yeah, but my parents know everything about me. They can take it all in context. The guy at the bar must think I'm a complete slut."
"No, he thinks I'm a complete slut. I'm sure he heard most of our conversation."
My room is upstairs, and we have to go up through a staircase to get there. The doors to the staircase are the heavy fire-proof ones with a pushbar in the middle, and they make a monstrous racket as I open them. We step into the staircase, and I let Nicole go up the stairs in front of me. As we walk up the stairs, her jeans-clad butt is right in my field of vision, and the primal part of my brain suddenly takes over. As we step on the landing in the middle of the staircase, halfway between first and second floor, I grab her arm from behind to turn her around and pull her into me. She responds to my kiss at once, relaxing in my arms after a brief moment of surprised tension. I walk her back to the rough wall of the staircase, pressing into her and increasing the intensity of the kiss, and she surprises me by sneaking a hand between us and cupping the crotch of my jeans, where my suddenly blooming erection is starting to push out a bulge.
I cup her butt with my hands to press her crotch into mine, and I am once again amazed at the tautness of her body. She is lithe and slender, and everything about her is firm. I run my hands under her shirt, exploring her frame as we kiss. I trace the curve of her hips, the flatness of her belly, and the small but well-shaped mounds of her breasts. She increases the frequency of her hand's massaging movements on my erection, and then I can feel her fumbling with the tab of my zipper. Before I can react, she undoes my fly and reaches in with a nimble hand to free my boner from the folds of my underwear. I let out a little groan as her bare hand touches my bare cock, and her tongue seeks out mine with renewed enthusiasm as she slowly but firmly starts to stroke me.
I want to tell her to stop, tell her that I do not want to come all over her here in the staircase of the hotel, but it just feels too damn good. My cock is now hard enough that I could probably stick it through the drywall without damage.
Suddenly, the staircase door below us opens with a bang, and we break our kiss, startled. We hear voices as people are stepping into the staircase not thirty feet below us. There are footsteps on concrete, and it will only be a second or two before the people walking up those stairs will come upon us and call the cops on our asses for indecent exposure.
Nicole quickly takes her hand off my cock and pulls me into a hug, covering my unzipped fly with her own body. I respond to her hug automatically, wrapping my arms around her. Luckily, I am standing with the back to the stairs at this point. A moment later, an elderly couple walks up onto the landing, and we look for all the world like two friends giving each other a good-night hug. Nicole looks past me with a smile and offers a "how are you?", and the elderly couple walks past us and continues their trek up the stairs. She holds me firmly until the old folks disappear through the door at the top of the stairs, and then she pulls her head back to look into my eyes. There is a mischievous little sparkle in her own eyes, and she chuckles softly.
"Never mind us—just getting each other off in public."
I let out my breath and release the tension with a chuckle of my own.
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Editor's note: I wish to pay tribute to the wonderful Throne and the terrific C.C. (or is it the other way around?) for their fine stories.Throne wrote Lost in a Harem. C.C. wrote The Slave Market. I have read both several times, along with Sheena Sands' Dave the Harem Slave, It's fair to say these stories of lost freedom make me swoon. So I took a shot at a harem story myself. I hope you will enjoy. Oman is real. The khanith are real. Muscat and old Muscat are real. Indulge me the rest,...
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THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND IS BARELY IN PLAYABLE CONDITION WITH ONLY A COUPLE SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. PLAYERS PLEASE CHECK BACK IN, LIKE, A MONTH OR SOMETHING. (prospective writers may read on to get a feel for the style of the game and inspiration for content to contribute) This work is intended to be experienced as a game, rather than simply read in any old order. If you do not follow the limitations of the game, you will surely see chapters that will not make sense with...
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Although this is not a sequel to my earlier story involving Katie, it is a continuation of my sexual adventures from that point. Please note it is not necessary to read the first story before this one. But just so you know, Katie was a cougar that I met online and lost my virginity to. On with this story! *** With that first encounter, I realized that my experiences with Katie had just begun. We met...
Luke hated the idea of stealing another man’s wife, but he’d been in love with Lise ever since they were in school together. He’d never enjoyed love-making more than he had with Lise the previous night, but he was afraid they wouldn’t be able to develop a permanent relationship. On the other hand, she was the woman he’d always dreamed of being with. ‘I’d be a fool if I blew a chance to be with her,’ he mused. ‘She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. And I know I could make her happy if she’d let...
The flight out to LA was routine. I felt tired by the time I'd cleared the baggage area and had picked up my rental car. Instead of driving all the way up to the high desert, I decided to get myself a motel somewhere along the way. I knew I wanted to put at least twenty miles between myself and the downtown LA area. I ended up finding a motel right off the 210 freeway. It was only around eight thirty, West coast time, but my body's internal clock was telling me it was after eleven. I'd had...
BODY: ............................... CUMMING OUT! Pierre awoke during the night and pulled the bed sheets up over his sexy niece who lay naked in his arms. He could still taste her delicious cunt juices on his moustache. He started to awaken her and fuck her brains out but decided he would play her on the down-low and have her in his bed for a second night in a row and then, be the first cock to penetrate her love. He left Maria sleeping in his bed the next morning although it...
The knock on the door heralded the Boss( also a good mate) and his Wife's arrival for dinner. I opened the door and was surprised to find Jim standing there alone. “ Sorry, but Anne has one of her headaches so I hope you don't mind won't be coming ,we would have let you know earlier but she was hoping it would have cleared up by now”' “that's ok “ I said “ come on in, grab a chair while I get you a drink”, just then my gorgeous 32 year old Wife Carol walked in wearing the low cut...
I love my wife. She loves me, but she also really loves sex! As a result I’ve enjoyed letting her have sex with other men. Quite a few men, well if I’m honest, fucking loads of men! Some of them are now regulars and have made good use of my wife’s wet and well fucked pussy. One of them, I’ll call him Tom, text her to say he wanted to come and give her a fucking because he was feeling really horny. As I was at work she text me to see if this was ok with me, see she loves me and doesn’t want to...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Tammy, my step daughter and I had not seen each other for a while and she called me suggesting that we meet for a drink. Naturally, I agreed. She suggested a gay bar near her home and we agreed that 7pm would be good. Tammy is a lesbian who is in a relationship with a beautiful, tall, sexy blond woman. Jodi is what you would call a "butch". She is quite masculine in her manner, yet she is well built and very sexy. When I entered the dimly lit smallish...
She Males}7 words .85Chapter 7The Auction(Sheila’s Despair)The auction took place in the family room that Cindi like to refer to as the dungeon. A stage was set up at one end and chairs were placed all around the room in a theatre style. George was the auctioneer. Before the auction began the slaves were brought into the room then hung on hooks along the walls. It was like being at an art auction. This made it easy for the different masters to examine the bodies in anyway they wished by just...
**Since it seems that I've been out of play for a bit; I decided to make a quick story. Enjoy**George's room was clean, for a college football player. I didn't mind. All I cared about was how soft his blankets were, and they were both clean and as soft as my own. He had me out of my cheerleading skirt within a minute of closing his apartment bedroom door. I had my top off just as fast, and in moments we were naked. His thick erection impaled me on my back seconds later. Good thing I was sopping...
The usual disclaimers apply such as the names and locations have been changed to fit the story. This is all in first person and UN EDITED. I hope you enjoy this one as it is a little unusual. We were sitting in the middle of a big ass swamp, cold, wet and mad as hell. It was almost dark and we could hear VC moving all around us. We had been running full speed almost all day with Charlie keeping the pressure on. We couldn't even swat at the swarms of mosquito's around us for fear of giving...
Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional...
Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected] Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...
Hi readers hope you like all my stories. These are the links to the first four parts. The anniversary ended by me being fucked by 3 young guys and a lesbian sex with their whore. Then it became a regular thing for them to pay a visit to my home and use me whenever however they wish to. They made me change my style, I joined gym to loosed weight, I was not allowed to wear inners. Most often when Mihir used to come to take my daughters tuition in her room the other two would take my...
IncestBecca had a brother. He was sixteen years old, and very sexy. At six foot six inches, he towered over most people. He had long, blonde hair that he would swish out of his face while he played his guitar. Macy ADORED her brother,Avery. Little did she know, he adored her too. One day, Becca had just got home from a track meet. She had just won first place in long distance running, and she was on the high school team! Random pieces of hair stuck out from her previously perfect ponytail. ...
It was getting worse and worse. They weren't even being discreet any more. Deacon Robert Ramsay seethed with anger as he entered his home where he knew that his unfaithful wife would be servicing his traitorous business partner in the very bedroom where they'd conceived their only daughter, Cindy. Unless? His heart sank to his boots at the thought that his bitch wife had been unfaithful even then, almost nineteen ears ago and somebody else was the father of his daughter. As he climbed the...
The gang was sitting around in the "community center" at the Mayfield home. They were taking a well-deserved break, now that all the houses were finished. Moving in would start on the morrow, and would take a few days. Carl and Dave had merged their two businesses into one concern, and named it "The Country Boy Construction and Remodeling Co., Inc. LLC" William had added his realty company, to help them with purchases, and legal aid was given to their newest partner. Melody BONZER. Her and Bob...
She had expected to have to do something gross, clean the bathrooms, eat a bug, drink a bunch of beer and run around the house. Something that you see on movies and tv shows. Hell she had even been ready to flash her tits or something. When she had been told what she had to do she had almost backed out. But she wanted it so bad. She headed back to the back of the stacks and located the camera she had been told would be there. On of the sisters in the sorority worked for the university as...
Hank fucked his neighbor Sally, a freshman at the local community college, for about 3 hours, in a series of acts that his wife Penny, a hypocritical religious fanatic, would have considered "depraved" and disgusting. That was one reason he was fooling with various girls, including Sally. The other reason was the nature of his wife's hypocrisy- she was having an affair with her pastor, and Hank knew it, because a disgruntled parishioner had seen fit to film the tryst (unknown to Penny and her...
Group SexDrawing the covers back, hearing the hiss of the material against your spread legs. I see they are pulled back slightly, giving me full and unhindered access to your throbbing cock. My tongue sweeps my lips in anticipation, noting its length and girth. I watch it throb with each beat of your heart and notice the glistening, diamond drop of pre-cum at the tip. I can’t help the purr from rumbling softly in my throat as I crawl cat-like up the bed and settle between your legs. Stormy eyes darken...
Hello everybody,this is rahul from bangalore,age 19,studying Eng now.i am a big fan of iss and have been reading stories from this site from past 2 years.this is my first story at this site,so if any mistakes sorry for that.This is the story of how i fucked my cousin sister riya and her friend pooja in mysore. I am an average built guy,with decent dick size staying in bangalore riya is my uncle’s daughter,age 18,the best part about her body is her 32d boobs and her round ass,i would always...