Fringe BenefitsChapter 9 free porn video

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I'm awake well ahead of time, anxious to leave for work just for the ride on the new bike. There's something addictive about driving a brand new vehicle, and it's twice as bad when the vehicle has two wheels and close to a hundred and eighty horsepower.

When I walk into the office, Little Joe looks at my motorcycle setup and laughs in disbelief.

"You're riding? I didn't even know you had a motorcycle license."

"I've had the endorsement since I was sixteen, Joe. I may look like a mild-mannered geek, but I have deep and dark secrets."

"Right," he chuckles. "Forgive me for my incredulity, oh fearsome biker geek."

"'Incredulity'?" I grin. "Have you been looking up SAT words in Webster's again?"

"Hey, I have my secret aspects, too."

I walk over to my office and dump all the riding gear on my guest chair: helmet, gloves, scarf, balaclava, and leather jacket. The only drawback to riding is the amount of time needed to get suited up and undressed, although I feel a little bit like a test pilot preparing for a flight whenever I put on all the riding stuff.

There is something different about the office today, and after a few moments of contemplation, I realize what it is. There's no conversation going on. Usually, the folks out on the floor spend the first thirty minutes after getting to work with chit-chat, catching up on news, heading to the kitchenette to get a coffee refill, clustering around a dozen donuts someone brought in—social interaction. There is none of that this morning. Everybody seems to be busy with work, nobody is hanging out at the coffee machine, and there are no heads visible in cubicle land. I trot over to Phil's office, and find him going through user emails.

"Hey, Phil. Did somebody die or something? It's entirely too quiet around here for a Wednesday morning."

"Hey, slack-ass. I covered for you against my better judgment when Benton came looking for you yesterday."

"Yeah, I got the message. I guess Nick didn't buy it, though. He wants to see me in his office this morning."

"Uh-oh," Phil says. "If you get shitcanned, I'm getting that souped-up computer of yours."

"Fat chance. Jess has already called dibs on it."

"That bitch."

"Bitch who?" Jessica says from the next cubicle over.

"Uh, nobody, dear. Just talking about Nick's momma here."

"I'm not sure he has one," she says. "They took the stuff that ran down his daddy's leg, put it in a Petri dish, and slapped a suit on it when it turned twenty-one."

Phil chuckles, and I look at him in mock horror.

"What's gotten into her?"

"Oh, brother," he says. "The whole fucking floor was written up yesterday. Every single person in the department."

"What the fuck for?" I say.

"Coming in a second past eight, chatting by the coffee maker outside of break time, coming back for lunch too late, leaving for lunch too early, making personal phone calls... that kind of stuff. We've all been put 'on notice.'" He frames the last two words with finger quotation marks in the air.

"Does he want everyone to just get up and leave or something?"

"Who the fuck knows? Maybe he's just enjoying finally being able to boss us around. He's had it in for us ever since he was a contractor."

"Whoa," I say. "Welcome to Stalag Geek."

Benton is in his office, hunkered down behind his laptop, furiously typing away. When I enter his office, he looks up and closes the lid of his computer with a sigh.

"Good morning, Frank."

"Morning, Benton." I close the door behind me, and Benton's eyes flick between me and the door in mild surprise.

"Anything on your mind, Frank? Hope you're feeling better today."

"I wasn't sick, Benton. I played hooky."

I pull up a chair and sit down in front of Benton's desk, and he turns to face me. I can tell that he's genuinely puzzled now.

"Well, your team covered for you, but do you really think it's a good idea to skip work, with the new director looking over everyone's shoulder?"

"Benton, the new director is a prick with delusions of grandeur. You know it, I know it, and the rest of the department knows it."

Benton leans back in his chair, a slight smile on his lips.

"Officially, I'd have to reprimand you now for talking smack about our boss." He shoots a glance toward the door.

"Unofficially, you know that I agree with you. It's not exactly a secret that I don't get along with Nick. But I like my job, and I need my income, so I went over there, congratulated him, and kissed his ass good and proper. Not proud of it, but there you have it."

"I have an appointment with him this morning. I have no doubt he expects me to follow suit."

Benton flashes a grin, and for a second I see the old carefree Benton peek out from the tired and somber face he's undoubtedly been wearing since Monday morning.

"Something in your demeanor today tells me that he's going to be a bit disappointed."

"You might be correct," I reply with a smile. "Hell, Benton, I never was good at this whole office politics game."

"Should I be looking for a new Notes administrator, then?"

I shake my head.

"Not if you want to save about sixty grand a year for other projects. The other guys know how to do the everyday user crap, and I've shown Jessica how to fiddle with the server-side tasks. She's been my backup every time I've taken a day off in the past. Also, you might find that an on-site consultant is only a phone call away if you have a bigger issue on your hands."

"Someone I already know, perhaps?" he winks.


We look at each other, and I can see something in his face that almost looks like envy.

"Now," I say. "Do you want to put a leash on our new Director of Information Technology?"

Somehow I am not surprised that it doesn't take much to convince Benton to go along. With the last obstacle removed, I almost skip and whistle on the way to the bike. Nick's office is in the corporate headquarters, of course. He has installed some of his goons as minor team leaders in our building, but the man himself cannot bear to leave the gravitational pull of the bigwigs clustered on the third floor of the headquarters building.

On the way in, I stop by at Dana's desk. She is looking quite lovely once again, her long blond hair carefully worked into an artful braid. On an impulse, I bend down and kiss her on the cheek, and she smiles at me in surprise.

"What's gotten into you today?"

"Oh, nothing," I shrug. "Just appreciating something beautiful, that's all."

Dana actually blushes a bit.

"What a nice thing to say to a girl. It almost makes up for having to eat lunch by myself last Friday."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll tell you all about the weekend over lunch. Right now I have a meeting with the dickhead that's been promoted to department head."

"Yeah, what's up with that? The help desk guys haven't smiled in three days now. And what was with that thing you had me ask of Christa?"

"Lunch, dear," I say with a grin. "Right now I have to go and save some jobs."

Nick's office is empty when I arrive. It's a plush corner office with enough empty space in it to play a two-on-two game of hoops. His office chair is antiqued leather, and there's a brand new embossed name plate sitting on the green leather blotter on his desk. Nick's laptop is in its docking station, and I am not surprised to see that it's one of the super thin machines we rolled out for the select few on the upper floor a few weeks ago. They have magnesium-alloy bodies, and they're about as thin as a small stack of credit cards. I don't like them because their keyboards are cramped, but I actually need my computer for productive work. For people like Nick, it's a status symbol—it doesn't matter how impractical it is, as long as it's the sleekest and most expensive model in the lineup.

I walk over to the generous windows and look out into the parking lot below. There's a cherry-red Porsche 911 parked in one of the spots close to the building, and I just know without a doubt that this is Nick's ride. It has a temporary dealer tag on it, and I can almost smell the new leather interior from up here. I shake my head and chuckle in disbelief. The man is a walking cliché, Rolex and hairy chest and all.

There are footsteps in the hallway outside, and I turn my attention to the door without stepping back from the window. A moment later, Nick walks through the door. He's back to his usual outfit, the setup that Jessica calls "Guido wear". He's wearing light-colored slacks, loafers without socks, and a sports coat over a black t-shirt. All in all, he's doing a passable Sonny Crockett imitation. Twenty years ago, it would have even been in fashion. The light color of his sports coat clashes with his dark Mediterranean complexion.

Nick walks around his desk without a word of a greeting. He drops into his high-backed leather chair with a sigh and then swivels it around to look at me.

"That Porsche your ride?" I ask, pointing a thumb over my shoulder into the direction of the parking lot.

"Yeah," he says. "I race cars on the weekend. This one just needs a better sound system. I'm dropping it back off at the dealership this afternoon to have that installed."

He turns around and fiddles with his mouse to get rid of the screensaver. His Notes client comes up, and he goes through the stack of red messages in his inbox for a few moments. Finally, he figures that the pecking order is established, and turns his attention back to me.

"I want to know where you were yesterday. You're my main Notes guy. I need my main Notes guy to be around when I want to discuss email stuff. I was looking for you in your office, but nobody knew where you were."

"I was at home, Nick. I was on assignment over the weekend, and we get to make those days up as we need."

"Really?" He smacks his lips. "That's a policy that we're going to have to change. You are all on salaries. I don't believe in giving special perks just for doing your job. If I can put in eighty-hour weeks, so can my department."

I laugh out loud, and Nick startles. His look goes from surprise to disbelief to hostility in about two heartbeats.

"What's funny?"

"You putting in eighty-hour weeks," I say. "You come in at nine and leave at three every day, and you spend half the day on the Internet whenever you're in the office."

His face goes even darker than usual for a moment, and he opens his mouth to snap a retort, but then he closes it again and gives me a smile that looks entirely artificial.

"You don't like me, do you?"

"Nobody in the department likes you, but I think you're already aware of that. You're a martinet, Nick. People only obey you because they fear for their jobs, but that's no way to lead a department. You're going to run this place into the ground inside of six months."

Nick looks at me for a few moments without expression. Then he shakes his head slowly.

"You have balls to come into my office and talk to me like that."

"Doesn't take balls to tell the truth. You're just not used to hearing it because you surround yourself with ass kissers and scare the shit out of everybody else."

He studies me with those droopy, deep-set eyes of his, and then he starts to smirk. He raises his hand and wags his finger at me, and the Rolex on his wrist flashes in the sunlight streaming in through the windows.

"You must think I'm stupid, my friend, but I know exactly what you're trying to do. You're trying to get me to fire you so you can go and collect unemployment on the company."

I laugh out loud once again.

"Yeah, Nick, that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I can really live it up on company dime with two hundred bucks a week from the unemployment office. Do you even try to use that thing between your ears before you talk?"

"Careful," he says. He's smiling again, but it's more like a baring of teeth. "I will not have my subordinates come in here and insult me in my own office." He slams his hand down on the ink blotter for emphasis.

"Here's something for you to consider," he says. "I have a friend who's a Microsoft Exchange consultant. I need you right now because you're the only one who can run that god-awful Notes system, but I'm planning on having the whole shop moved to Exchange. How do you like that?"

"Whatever," I say. "Saddle yourself with Exchange, and try to tell the whole web development team they have to migrate all their junk off the Notes databases. You really have no clue about our infrastructure, do you?"

"It will happen," he says with finality. "Just watch. You'll find yourself out of a job in a few months, and I'm going to work you like a fucking mine mule until I get the pleasure of kicking you off my team."

I take a look around to make sure nobody's hovering in the hallway outside, and then turn my attention back to Nick.

"That will most certainly not happen, Nick. But let me tell you what is going to happen instead. You're going to lay me off today, and you're going to sign off on a severance package. I'm thinking six months' pay, for my inconvenience of no longer being needed, and all that."

Nick looks at me as if I have grown three heads. Then he shakes his head with a chuckle.

"Now why would I do something like that? Can you tell me that? Why would I give you of all people a golden handshake? You've been nothing but a pain in the ass to me from the day I came in as a consultant."

He gestures towards his phone.

"I can call the director of HR over here right now and have you escorted out of the building, and without losing another penny. What makes you think I'll let you go with thirty grand of company money in your pocket?"

I get up from my chair suddenly, and Nick flinches slightly. There's nobody lurking in the hall, but I reach out and close the door to Nick's office anyway. Then I sit back down, cross one leg over the other, and look at Nick again, who hasn't yet decided whether to regard me with humor or hostility. He tries a mixture of both, but it makes him look like he is suffering from constipation.

"You will do this," I say, "because if you don't, I'll blow the whistle on that little 401k scheme you're trying to set up."

He gives me a wary look.

"401 what? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You've spent the last two months convincing the boss to switch companies for our 401k administration. Too bad you forgot to mention that the company you're trying to get into the game is run by your wife's brother."

He makes no response to this, but I am grimly satisfied to see that all the color has drained from his face. For a moment, we stare at each other over the expanse of Nick's pricy hardwood desk, and I'm almost positive that he's actually squirming in his chair a little.

"You may want to be careful what you say around here, accusing people without proof. That kind of stuff can get you in big trouble."

"I have all the proof anyone needs, Nick. I have a backup copy of your email database, with every bit of mail you've sent and received since you started with the company. Even if a court throws it out as evidence, I can guarantee you that the Big Cheese will drop you like a hot potato if he sees those emails. I'd imagine he'll be particularly upset when he reads the ones where you share your true opinion of him with your buddy. And even if the boss doesn't hang you, I can guarantee you that the employees will break out the rope when they learn that their retirement cash is being trusted to a fly-by-night operation."

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My Girl turns into a Cheating wife and Slut

This one day she got off me after she came. I was still hard and hadn’t cum. She was at her mirror brushing her beautiful red hair. I was begging her to come back to bed. She was looking at me though the mirror. She then said, OK Brian, want me to get you off? Oh yes, please come back to bed. Well you’re in luck, because I want to cum again. So why don’t you come over here and lick my pussy, while I finish brushing my hair. In a second I was before her licking her sweet red trimmed pussy. She...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 17

Three more days of soaking up the warm Spanish sun and working through the e-mails on the memory stick and Kenny finally finished his task. He now knew the full scope of what he had been ordered to do and could feel the heavy weight of guilt crushing down on his very soul. He knew that he had to be strong and put it all to one side if at all possible while he tried to track down his controller and bring him to justice. Kenny took several hours to review the notes he had taken of the various...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 16

Shavala woke up the other women, then rolled her bedding back into a tight bundle. She’d volunteered to sleep on the floor the previous night after having gotten a look at the sorry state of the room’s straw tick mattress. Sarette and Treya had joined her, leaving the bed, such as it was, for Katrin and Ellerie. The tiny inn they’d found in the village of Elmsford only had two rooms for guests, but it was worth it to stay indoors and get out of the biting cold. In the nine days they’d been...

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When Two Becomes Four

Quickly glancing from her watch to her husband and back again, she was unable to hide the anxiety and anticipation she was feeling. They were about to take a giant leap in their relationship as Husband and Wife – a leap she was hoping they were ready for. For years they had talked about their fantasies, softly whispered them during nights of passion and now they had decided it was time to bring the fantasy into their reality. They had chosen two people very close to them, people that they had...

2 years ago
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Our first holiday without parents Day 2

Giovanni POV:No, that wouldn't be right. Tiffany wouldn't be happy if she knew I saw her naked so I stopped myself from looking.I heard her walk back out the door and close it behind her. I'm not sure why I was behaving like this. Did I like her or was I just sex starved? Tiffany POV:The next day the girls and I went to the beach, to get tans so that by the end of the holiday we'd be nice and brown. We laid on the beach for hours, (although I laid in the shade for most of it as I was paranoid...

First Time
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CommuneChapter 32

After returning from taking Trupti and Melissa back to the dormitory, Jack headed over to the community house. He entered the house and took a seat at one of the tables. They still had to decide if they would offer Trupti the chance to enter the commune. Thinking nothing about it, Jack asked, “So what did you think of Trupti?” “She’s a nice girl,” Liz said getting nods of agreement from Claire and Bev. She was ready to have the young woman move in with her. Of course, half of the reason was...

1 year ago
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I awoke at about 8:30am to the sound of the bathroom door closing.Sitting up on the couch I wondered who it was.Maggie or Tina.I got up and looked down the hall to see Tina still sleeping in her bed.I noticed Maggies purse was no longer by her pillow and I knew what she was up to. After about 10 minutes I heard the running of water and the toilet flush.Maggie exited the bathroom purse in hand and a distraught look on her face.I asked if she was allright and she said "yes" before...

4 years ago
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Banging in the Backwoods Part II

I was waiting for time to pass so I could leave and meet Nick at the bar. I had twenty minutes, and the bar was literally a 4 minute drive from my house. My pussy was already dripping with anticipation from remembering the last time we were together. My mind flashed back to his truck out in the woods a few nights before. I went to the moment of when he was fucking me doggy style, and pulling my head so far backwards, that I was practically bent in half, and forced me to swallow his cum load. I...

Straight Sex
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IT WAS FRAUDPart 2 of 6

>>>>>> I had been promised that the carpet repair would begin at 8:15 and Dave was there almost on time at 8:20. He had brought a helper, a recent graduate of the high school and a roll of carpet for a patch. Dave and I hugged as we always did when we met, and I led him into the bedroom. Of course, he knew where to go. Not only had he been to the house for parties, but he had installed the original carpet about six months ago when Lori decided that she wanted carpet in the bedroom. They...

3 years ago
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Uncle bob part2

Uncle Bob liked me naked. He got braver and braver having me walk outside to fuck me. He started to bend me over the railing on the front porch and fuck me there. He loved the sex outside and when the ranch hands were gone he would take me around the yard naked and find new places for sex.He got braver having me around and one day brought me to the barn dressed in t-shirt, no bra and jeans and showed me to the workers. They looked me over and smiled. They knew what was going on with a young...

1 year ago
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College Roommates Ch 01 An Introduction

This is an introduction to a story of two girls who fall in love, if you want to continue following their blossoming relationship the content will continue in further stories under the same headlines but in specific erotic categories. You can also go to my profile to follow the story as well. Thank you! Feedback is appreciated! ***** ‘You know I am just a few hours away, so if you need anything just call okay?’ my mom had tears in her eyes. We had gotten to campus early and got my entire side...

3 years ago
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While they were gone

I first started dating when I was 16. I never had sex until I first met my brothers friend Sam, when I was 18 and he was 19. Hi. I'm Jill. I'm about 5 ft 3 in, and I have B-cups. One day my brother Jack, and his friend Sam, were in his room. I passed by and I noticed they were looking at Playboys. They always looked at Playboys for some reason. I just peaked in for a couple seconds.“Uh Jack, mom wants to know if Sam is gonna stay for dinner?” I asked.“Yes, I think so, is that OK if he does?”...

First Time
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Naked and blindfolded

“Kneeling down naked” in the middle of the room , my back to him, my eyes blindfolded, my hands cuffed near my spine, resting my ass on the heels of my feet. I hear the door close, and quickly kneel up straight, as I should be. I sense him in the room , but not approaching me. I know he is here but don’t know where, or what he is about to do.I sense him in front of me, then feel his hand touch my hair, he grips it without pulling too hard. He suddenly grips my arm by the elbow and leads me...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Carmen Valentina Carmen Gets a Big Dick To Fuck

Carmen Valentina loves to be a dirty slut and she will tell you right to your face! She loves it dirty and can’t wait to show you that gorgeous large ass and get those natural tits of hers all covered in spit when Alex Jones puts his large cock in her face! She just loves it and can not get enough trying so badly to deep throat it! He buries his face in her pussy but she really just wants that cock and wants it now. Carmen rides it like a champ and tells you to call her a dirty little...

3 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop Ambers Descent 1

Continuing "Daddy at the Truckstop", Amber tells her tale of submission to Stacey as they are both locked in their cells at the club.Amber's Descent- 1---------I was 19 and had only been in college for a year, and the job that paid my cheap rent and bills, kept me in town for the summer. Money was usually tight, but my parents helped out where they could, living a few states away, as well as some grant & scholarship money I was lucky to get. I had 2 roommates to split the costs, but I had...

2 years ago
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Gina Men Casting Can Male Amateures Act L

Gina Men Casting - " Can Male Amateures Act Like Pros? " ... Sara & KlausAnecdotes et remarques sur le film :La Dame au cul blanc assume son penchant exhibitioniste pour son plaisir et le notre. Probablement une de ses première scène sous le pseudo de Sara. On sent que ce n'est pas la premiere exhibition assumée par la belle. Cette fois-ci, c'est pour les amateurs de porno, ses futurs fans ... C'est comme ça que commence les légendes ! De petit rien, d'une exhib... Les débuts de Sara...

2 years ago
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Great Position for Anal

This is my first time to write anything like this and submit on the internet. But I just have to share about the amazing sexual experience I had on New Year’s Eve. There is so much I could share but I want to keep this as brief as possible and share the best of the best moments of the night. First, I need to make one thing clear. I am a female and I absolutely love anal sex. Yes, I said it. I love it up the ass. I know that not all women do and I certainly do not expect everyone to love it. My...

4 years ago
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Zombie Cataclysm The Last 24 Hours of Her Life Pt 1

Fresh off a plane from DC, Ember Burton was tired. The dark, narrow country roads would’ve felt like they were winding on forever to someone that wasn’t familiar with the area. But to her, she had driven the route a thousand times. The return home was a stark transition in scenery for Ember from that which she had been living. A twelve-week internship in DC had provided her with an environmental stimulus like nothing she had lived before. Initially the noise, lights, and busy vibe took her...

4 years ago
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Coke Whore the Next ChapterChapter 2

Gradually Dave's naiveté slowly disappeared; a more confident Dave Segrove appeared. He had accepted her continued employment at the Pink Pagoda. He trusted her implicitly, and he knew Bobby wouldn't let anyone hurt her. His boys adored her, and loved it when she came over. Dave decided it was time for Nancy to meet his parents. He had already informed them of his new love, letting them know she had a rough childhood a harder time when she was a teen; leading to alcoholism, and drug abuse....

3 years ago
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Nympho Fever

Center for Disease Control Lab Gemini 12 Two MPs guided the young woman down the corridor toward observation room alpha. She was young, approximately 25 with pin straight red hair and sedated to the point that she was having difficulty walking on her own. She wore a hospital gown and paper slippers, she didn’t notice that her legs had stopped moving and that the MPs were now dragging her. Upon entering the observation room her two escorts strapped her to a gurney in the center of the room. The...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Kagney Linn Karter Rack Her And Pack Her

Kagney Linn Karter may not be a pool shark, but that does not mean she does not dabble in the fine art of billiards. Watching her handle a pool cue makes our stud imagine what it would be like for those silky MILF hands of hers to handle his long wood. Luckily, Kagney makes his fantasy a reality as she takes her top off to show off her huge hooters. She sucks our studs cock getting it wet and ready for penetration, and then takes his long schlong deep inside her velvety, MILF pussy. He slams...

1 year ago
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Hot Black 19 yo Stud Marcus

A few years back I met a hot black young stud named Marcus who is attending a local University. We met one day when he had a flat tire and I offered his some help with my own AAA membership card .He had two bad tires at the same time and was in a parking lot at the grocery store where I usually shop at.....I came out the store and he was about 4 cars away and I seen he had on one of the stores T shirts.....Oh damn I said looks like some bad luck there guy......Yeah I been needing some new ones...

3 years ago
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Black Mailed TeacherChapter 2

Liz Walker slowly straightened her skin, tried to smooth the wrinkles in her blouse and failed, then stood. She almost fell. Her legs were still weak and rubbery from the fantastic fucking that her young student had given her. She hated herself for being so weak. It might - have been reaction from coming so many times. She doubted it. Liz knew that she should never have allowed Dan to get such a hold over her. She sighed and picked up her purse. Gathering together a pile of books and notes,...

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Service SocietyChapter 11 Sucker Punched

Three. That’s how many people had visited his blog that week. After three months of promoting it, his website, he’d had three visitors. Well, three visitors were better than none. One of the visitors had clicked on the link to an ad for low cost cell phone services. Dexter stared at his website wondering what he could do to increase traffic to it. He knew the site lacked that essential something that would draw people. The problem was that he didn’t know what was missing. The website was...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Judy Jolie Slutty Anal Training

Lithe, black-haired beauty Judy Jolie wears a ‘SLUT IN TRAINING’ crop top, locked collar, net stockings and stiletto boots, plus furry costume ears and tail. She teases director Mick Blue, showing natural tits and a cute, twerking tush. Judy masturbates and plays with the glass butt plug lodged in her sphincter. When her butthole farts lube, Mick says, ‘It’s talking to me.’ He shoots a POV-style blowjob, capturing Judy’s dramatic eye makeup and the seductive...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 4

With the ceremony over, Lizzie and I headed out as soon as practical off the Order’s property and began exploring the main campus a bit more, especially since I still had classes to attend (unlike her, though few knew it yet). I got a few bizarre looks for my priestly garb, as well as for the handcuffs and being bound to Lizzie in such a manner, while she received them for her Catholic schoolgirl costume. In the mood to relax and see what happened, I went to the campus bookstore, still cuffed...

2 years ago
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it happens in Vegas

My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...

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A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...

Straight Sex
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Mommy Teaching Me To Fuck Her

Hi I am Chris please excuse my spellings I am a huge fan of iss its awesome here is an experience I had with my friends mom and mine too. I was 18. Rahul a friend of mine he used to say about his mom to me about how fucking hot she is and he even taped her masturbating in her room. I get horny seeing his mother ever since. Let me tell u about her; she is a hot pan with 36 c boobs juggling as she steps, a nice navel and the ass oh my god, it’s just big and round. I love it so much I really...

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