Three Days free porn video

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This is my first attempt at something that's more of story than an arousal tool. Hope you like it. -AnonMan. This story can be reproduced as long as it's in its entirety and with correct authorship. If you're under 18, or don't like explicit fiction, then don't read this. ---------------------------------------------- Tara wants Dana to go to a tween concert but he's too self-conscious to go. Tara finds a solution that puts them both on journeys with life- changing consequences. --------------------------------------------------- Three Days - by AnonMan My wife Tara and I had been married for several years. Our marriage started off very well, but over the years things had quieted down. We were ok with each other, but the spark had dwindled, especially in the bedroom. I think time had just worn down our creativity, though sometimes I got the sense Tara was actually unhappy. Still, if that was the case she kept it to herself. We were still best friends and had more than the occasional good time. One of our "guilty" pleasures was to watch some of the concerts given by "tweener" rock stars (Hanna Montana, Ashley Tisdale, etc.). For some reason we enjoyed the music, the dancing, and the energy of the concerts. At least as they were shown on TV. We were (or at least, I was) far too self-conscious to attend a concert in person. Then one morning when I came downstairs Tara stopped me to tell me that the latest teen sensation was performing this Friday at the local amphitheatre, and through her friend (who booked various local shows) she was able to get two front-section tickets. She was very excited, until she saw my face. "Honey," I said, "I know you'd like to go to one of these, but we're far too old. We will probably be the only couple there without kids, and to be honest, I'll be way too self-conscious to enjoy the show." She looked at me and said, "You're right," but I could tell she was disappointed. I kissed her anyway and went off to the office. That evening she brought up the subject after dinner. I reiterated my concerns, but she said, "What if we could, like, go in costume, so that we wouldn't be recognized?" I told her that I didn't see how that could work, and what would we dress up as? She thought a moment and said, "Well, what if we borrowed someone's daughter to go with us? Then we wouldn't look out of place." I told her that I would still be out of place, but if she wanted to find someone's kid and go with her instead of me that would be fine. I know she really wanted to go, and a teenage daughter would be just the right "cover" for her. Tara said she'd think about it, but that she never really connected to teenagers these days, and still wished she could go with me. The next evening Tara seemed like she was in an excellent mood. We had a delicious dinner, and then she brought up the concert again. "Honey, I have a solution. YOU can be my teenage daughter for the concert." I told her I'd love to, but I don't see how that could be possible. "I was talking with my friend Jena today, and she has a friend who is connected to the occult somehow. Anyway, we went to see her, and she gave me these." "These" were two pieces of paper, one red and one blue, with odd writing on them. "What are they?" I asked. "Magic spells. I read one to turn you into a teen, and the other to change you back. The only limitation is that they have to be used at least 3 days apart." I laughed, "You can't take this seriously can you? I hope you didn't pay for these." Tara smiled. "Not much, but what can it hurt to try them? They work overnight, so I can read one Thursday night, you can take a sick day Friday, we'll go to the concert Friday night, and I'll change you back Sunday night." Tara was always a trusting sort. Never too gullible, but she had an optimism that I found very attractive. So sometimes I would indulge her and this seemed like a good time to do so. "Ok Tara," I said, "if that little post-it will really work, you can try it on me. But if it doesn't, then we'll go out for a fancy dinner Friday anyway, deal?" She smiled and said, "Deal." - - - Thursday night came, and after watching some TV we went to bed. We snuggled for a bit and then she turned on the light. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Time to read the spell." I had totally forgotten about it, but I said, "Ok, do your worst." She read what seemed like a bunch of nonsense syllables, and then crumbled the paper into the trash. I suppose I felt something unusual, but I figured I was just deluding myself, so we both went to sleep. The next morning I got up and felt, well, odd. The bed seemed larger, and there was something on my chest. I sat up and felt a pulling on my chest, which caused me to look down and see that I had breasts! "TARA," I yelled, in a voice much higher than my own. I threw back the covers for a better look, and saw that I was apparently smaller, buxom, and female. I ran to the bedroom mirror and looking back at me was a teenager, somewhere between 15 and 17 years old, with long dark straight hair, big blue eyes, heart-shaped lips and a small, nicely-formed nose. I was a little over 5', about 110 lbs, and (guessing) about 34C-28-35. My male "equipment" was completely gone, replaced with a small mound and a little fuzzy hair over a slit. It looked like the magic had worked, and if the reverse didn't work, I would be growing up again from a whole different perspective. Tara came over and said, "Oh cool! It did really work. I thought it might." I replied, "Tara, are you crazy? I can't be like this, we have to change me back." "Silly, I told you, you can't change back for 3 days. But don't worry, I put the blue paper in a very safe place. You'll be fine." "But I need to change back RIGHT NOW." "Sorry Honey, no can do. Settle down, it's not so bad. I'm a girl every day, you can be one for 72 hours, and we have a concert to plan for." "No Way," I said. "But Honey, that's why we did this, you can't back out now, you promised." She was right, I did promise, and one of the remaining bedrocks of our marriage was that we always kept our word to each other. So her comment sort of knocked the wind out of me, and I sat down on the bed, pulled my knees up to my chest, and started to take in my situation. The feeling of my knees on my nipples, and the lack of feeling, or void between my legs just added to the strangeness of the situation. I stopped rocking after I realized how little movement it took to make my breasts bounce. "It's not so bad sweetie," Tara said. "Think of it this way, we finally get to go to a concert, and you get a unique perspective on the female point of view. "You mean." "Oh no, not unless you want to," she smiled. "I can't even imagine that," I said. "So don't," she said, "just think about the fun we'll have at the concert tonight." I pulled my knees closer, what had I gotten myself into? The rest of the day passed quickly. I reluctantly became acquainted with my new plumbing, which was even more uncomfortable because Tara, in her "mom" mode, gave me some basic instruction. Tara then went out and bought some clothes and underwear after measuring me (my estimate was pretty close), and so after a shower (which produced some very disturbing yet pleasant sensations), I was wearing a peasant blouse and jeans over a bra, thong panties, and sweat socks. Wearing the bra was, well, different. I appreciated the support but I wasn't used to having so much clothing up top. The snugness of the panties was unsettling. They were comfortable, but served as a constant reminder of my predicament. We then went back to Walmart to get me sneakers. It was a unique experience. Tara, of course, had to drive, and pay, and everyone was so tall (well, I was so much shorter). Some of the larger people were actually intimidating. I wasn't huge before, but now I understood the unease some women must encounter every day. I felt so small and weak that I didn't want to veer far from Tara's side. Still, we completed the shopping without incident. To my chagrin, Tara even bought me a few extra outfits to "get me through the weekend," having me try them on to make sure they fit. This left the rest of the afternoon to get ready for the concert. Tara insisted on doing my makeup, and I admit that when she was done I looked very good. The only odd thing was when I tried to Email my office to let them know I'd be out. I couldn't log into my Email account. I figured they were having network issues so I had Tara call (obviously I couldn't call with my new lilting voice). She came back with an odd expression on her face. "Harry wasn't sure who you were, or who I was. Come to think of it, Jena's friend said that reality would shift to accommodate any changes, but I wasn't sure what that meant. I wouldn't worry though. It should all shift back on Monday." I _did_- worry. I was starting to feel more comfortable in this small, but energetic body. I was enjoying how flexible it was. I was also getting turned on whenever I looked at myself in the mirror. It was a different feeling though, with my nipples getting hard and a wetness between my legs. I realized that I better get back to normal soon. The concert was awesome. Tara and I, well, we both acted like 16-year- old girls, screaming, jumping, and dancing and having a great time. I was too focused on the concert to think about my predicament, and the time flew by. Only on the way home did it hit me that I had to remain a girl, a girl!, for two more days. Still, at that point we were both really tired, so the trip home was quiet, and we both got ready for bed. Tara gave me a nightgown, and set me up in the guest room. When I looked surprised, she said, "I love you honey, but with you in this form I'd be more comfortable in separate beds. For now you're my daughter, so it wouldn't be right." I was really tired, so, reluctantly, I agreed she made sense and went to sleep in the guest room. After some initial disorientation when I woke, I came downstairs the next morning feeling young and energetic, but Tara's worrisome face stopped me cold. "What's up?" I asked. "Dana, have you thought about what I said, about reality adjusting to fit the situation?" Not really. "I hadn't either, until I got up this morning, and realized I needed to get ready for a big date I have this evening with my boyfriend Alan." "You mean Alan Thompson?" I knew Alan. He was a good looking guy from Tara's office who seemed to fancy her more than a little. "Yes," she said. "Apparently in this reality I'm a single mom who is dating Alan. We scheduled a date for this evening because you would be out as well." "I would?" "Think about it." I did, and to my horror I realized that tonight was a school dance. Bill Perkins is taking me, and I'd be out until early morning. "This can't be happening," I said. "I can cancel my 'date', and surely you don't want to go out with Alan." "Well," she said. "I'm thinking that maybe we need to play along with the magic. You don't want to ruin Bill's evening, and maybe an evening with someone else is what I need to help realize how good I have it with you." "But I won't do it, and neither will you." Tara sighed. "Just because you're in that body doesn't mean you need to act your apparent age. I'm an adult and will do what I want, and I suggest you go with the flow. I mean, if the magic doesn't work tomorrow do you want to think it's because you tried to break the spell?" I had to admit she had a point. But something still didn't seem right. I wondered about her feelings for Alan, but somehow felt that as her daughter there was little I could do once she laid down the law. Even more disturbing, I found that if I thought about it, I could remember all sorts of things about my teenage "life." I was 16 1/2, a junior in high school. I was popular, somewhat athletic (when my boobs didn't get in the way), and on the cheerleading squad. I was an above- average student, and Bill was one of the best linebackers on our football team, and a "hunk." (Am I really thinking of him that way?). I found myself thinking about how strong he was and how I liked sneaking peeks at his crotch to see how my outfits affected him. That thought stopped me cold. I did -not- like how this was going, but, not wanting to engage with Tara, I spent the day catching up on some office work I had bought home, and later started getting ready for my date. I was even more apprehensive when I saw how Tara dressed for her date. She had on one of her sexiest blouses. It was low-cut and somewhat transparent, showing her cleavage nicely as well as the black slip underneath. Her skirt was black with high slits on the sides. Her hair rippled over her shoulders, she had 3" heels, and her makeup was perfect. Though I didn't realize it until later, rather than being turned on I found myself admiring her craftsmanship. Still, she was doing this for another man, and that was upsetting to say the least. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well, I figured if I'm going to do this, I might as well do it right. Now let's get you ready." "Wait a minute," I said, "where are you going with this? Are you expecting to get physical tonight?" She looked surprised, and started to say 'that's none of your business,' when she stopped, took a deep breath, and said, "I keep forgetting who you really are. I mean, it's not like you're in any position to satisfy me." Suddenly all I could feel were the void between my legs and the bra restraining my breasts. I looked at her, feeling unpleasantly helpless, but there was nothing I could say. She smiled and said, "Oh don't worry honey, I'm just messing with you. I guess with the 'reality shift' I'm looking at these few days as sort of a dream, a timeout where what we do doesn't count, and we can work out some fantasies. I mean, nothing is normal, really, and didn't you ever wonder what it was like to be a teenage girl, like all the ones we watch at the concerts?" I continued to frown, and finally she said, "There you go acting your age again. I love you, and I said you don't have any reason to worry. Now let's get you ready." She was treating me more like a daughter and less like a husband every minute, and somehow I couldn't find anything I could do about it. So, pouting a bit I went along as she picked out an outfit with a tight colorful blouse, high stockings under a skirt, boots with high heels, and a decorative scarf. As I got dressed my anger faded, and I had to admit I looked pretty hot! Then we giggled together as she helped me with my makeup (I was started to get an aptitude for it, god knows why), and was just putting on the finishing touches when the doorbell rang. Bill was as I "remembered" him. Tall, athletic, tight abs, in a tight t- shirt and regular jeans (the dance was casual dress). "Hey babe," he said, as he reached down and kissed me. My body responded, and I noticed that I raised one foot behind me as the kiss progressed. Now I was really confused. That kiss felt amazing, but does this mean I'm starting to like guys? What will happen when the spell is reversed? I didn't have much time to ponder this, as Tara gave me a (sigh) motherly hug, told me not to be out too late and sent us on our way. I could only imagine what she had planned for the evening (I realized that she never answered my question), but clearly she wanted me somewhere else. Bill took me to meet two other couples at the local burger joint where we had a quick dinner before proceeding to the school. These others were, I remembered, my "friends." I was particularly tight with Rachel, who was Steve's date. At one point, we girls went to the ladies room together. Once there, the conversation revolved around how far each of us was going to let our dates go. I stuck to first-base, but for some reason, I wasn't believed. The dance itself was pretty boring. The band was a local cover band, playing loud and fast. Kids hung in the corners talking, sometimes briefly making out. Bill and I danced a few dances (again, I enjoyed my new flexibility and earned a few appreciative stares), but we mostly sat, talked, and cuddled. After a while, Bill suggested we go out to his truck. It was a warm evening, and at that point I think I would have done anything not to be left alone in what seemed to be a large and overactive place. We walked to his truck arm and arm, and after we climbed in he pulled out a bag and offered me a beer. A little alcohol was just what I needed after the stress of the last few hours. So we drunk them together as we talked about nothing in particular. As I finished mine (and began to realize its greater affect on my lower body weight), he turned to me and came in for a kiss. By the time my thought processes concluded that I should be resisting it was too late, I was feeling warm, safe, and slightly aroused. The latter increased as Bill began to gently caress my shoulders, back, hips and rear. The kiss became more passionate, and his hand moved to my breast. I would have stopped him, but inside I was an adult, who considered necking and light petting relatively harmless, so I figured I might as well enjoy it, as it also kept my mind off (or was I getting revenge for) whatever Tara was up to. After a few minutes, I even unbuttoned my blouse to give him easier access. I eventually found my way into his lap, with my arms around his neck. He alternated between kissing my mouth and my neck, while one hand caressed my breast and the other my thigh. I felt wonderful. And then, in one smooth motion, his hand went under my skirt, settled on my crotch, and started rubbing the exact right spot. I don't know if it was the hormones, or what, but suddenly my body lit up as if on stimulants. I tensed up, and all resistance drained away. He knew exactly where to touch, and by doing so had me bound as if under a spell. With each move of his thumb it was as if my body was under his control, and from that moment on there was little I could do except moan and enjoy the ride. We continued to kiss, and he used his free hand to unbuckle my bra, giving him access to nibble and lick my nipples. I couldn't have stopped him if I wanted to, because all the time his other hand was slowly moving over that damn, wonderful spot, keeping me locked into a state of heightened passion. The moans turned into panting, and after what could have been several minutes, or an eternity, he smiled at me and said. "I think you're ready." In my mind I remembered being here before. I realized to my horror that we had had sex before, and although he was a caring and kind lover (and always used a condom, thank god) he did like to take control. In fact, he looked at me again and said "hmm, maybe not. You let me know" and went back to driving me crazy with his hand and tongue. Finally, knowing what he wanted while on another level dreading it I said, "Yes, I'm ready, take me now!" "Are you sure." "Yes, oh god yes!" We shifted position as I pulled my panties aside, then I opened his pants, pulled them down, and leaned back. He slid on the condom, looked at me again with a smile and said, "Really?" I was tired of the teasing and pulled him on top of me, flinching slightly as he entered me. He was big, he was hard, and he started with a slow regular stroke. It was heavenly. I came on the third stroke, screaming as I pushed my face into his shoulder to keep from being heard. I came several more times before he finished, biting on my lip to keep my volume down. After he pulled out I just lay there for several minutes, exhausted. "Dana?" "Dana?" I looked up to see him looking at me. "What?" It's getting late, we should get back to the dance." "Ok," I said. So I got dressed, brushed out my hair and headed back inside with my Bill, arm-in-arm. The dance was almost over so we danced a couple of slow ones (avoiding the stares from some of my girlfriends), and Bill took me home. The house was dark (which I assumed meant Tara's date ended early, to my relief), and so I went up to my room, took off my clothes, took a quick shower, did my business, put on a nightgown and crawled into bed. A portion of my brain was disgusted at what I had done, but for some reason, I generally felt very, very content -------. I was awakened late in the morning by voices. That's right, voices, plural. Oddly, this was the first morning I wasn't surprised to find breasts on my chest, but that may have been due to it being the third day, or my shock at hearing a male voice along with my mom's (wait, I mean Tara's) female one. I peeked outside my door to see Alan walking to the bathroom in just his shorts. Fantasy or not, this was more than I could take. Before I knew it I was texting Rachel and telling her that I just _had_ to get out of the house. Since she had a car she said she would drive by in a half-hour. So I stayed in my room, and got dressed very quietly. When I saw the car pull up I ran out of my room and shouted, "Mom I'm going to the mall with Rachel," and flew out the door. I jumped into her car and told her to drive to the Mall, and then I started to cry (?!). Rachel drove slowly through the streets (the mall wasn't far away) and asked me what was going on. I wasn't too coherent. When we got to the mall she pulled into a space, faced me, and asked me again what was going on. "Was it something Bill did?" "No," I said. "Then what." "Mom had Alan over for the night." "Is that all?" "You don't understand." "I think I do," Rachel said, "you have had a great relationship with your mom. I mean who gets their mom to take them to a tween concert? And you don't want to lose that, or share her, I get it." "Well, sort of, ok." I guess that was as close as I could explain it in a way she would believe. I certainly didn't want to "share" Tara with anyone. I settled down after a while, and Rachel spent the day at the mall with me, as I simply did not want to go home. I had no idea girls could be such good friends to one another. We window shopped, had surprisingly filling salads for lunch, played "boxers or briefs" (and I noticed I was no longer repulsed by looking at men's crotches), made catty comments about how other women were dressed (was I comparing rather than ogling?), and spent an hour shopping at Victoria's Secret. That was the most unusual experience. I found I enjoyed trying on sexy lingerie, and although I liked looking at myself, I gave little thought to the other scantily clad women in the dressing room. My mind kept going back to that comment Tara had made about "reality shifting." Had the shift affected my sexual preferences? It certainly appeared so. I wondered if there was any going back. Over afternoon smoothies, Rachel broached the subject "You know Dana, I understand that seeing Alan in the morning can be really upsetting, but count your blessings. Alan is a great guy with a great career, and he really makes your mom happy. He also seems to care about you, which isn't true of a lot of step dads. You're attractive, you get good grades, and you have a great boyfriend. I'm not saying I want to be you, I'm happy as I am, but you should be happy too. I mean, you must have expected that your mom would get really serious with someone someday." I didn't know what to say. As she said these things they all triggered memories that said she was correct. Alan -was- a great guy who had spent some great quality time with me on several occasions, and apparently there were times I was _hoping_ he and mom (why am I calling her "mom"?) would become an item. I shook my head trying to get reality straight in it, but my old life seemed further and further away. I still knew who I was, and what Tara was to me. I realized that I absolutely HAD to get changed back tonite. I quietly re-dedicated myself to that, while at the same time thanking Rachel for being such a good friend. Finally the day ended and Rachel had to get home. I figured by now Alan must be gone, and so I went home to face my cheating(?) spouse. I walked in, and Tara was sitting at the kitchen table. She looked like she had been crying. "Did you have a good time today?" was all she said. "Sorry, I just needed to get out of here." "I think I understand. You saw I had company last night." "Yep," I said, glaring at her. "I'm sorry Dana, from your point of view it must seem like I cheated. But in this reality I was just doing what this Tara does. I'm in a very serious relationship with Alan that has been going on for some time. It's the first positive relationship I've had in years, and that makes it very important to me." "But that's not you. That's some other Tara. You're my wife, and we made our vows." "Not here. I mean, was last night anything like what it would have been before the change?" I think I blushed, because she said, "I thought so. I hope you were smart enough to use protection." "Of course moth..." I started to say and then stopped. "Ah ha," she said, "so you cheated too." "It's not the same thing," I said. "How?" "It just isn't." "There you go acting your age again," said Tara. "Let's just call last night even, because I have bigger things to worry about." A chill ran down my spine, "Like what? Whatever's going on here will end tonight, so how big a deal could it be?" "It's not that simple," said Tara, "last night Alan asked me to marry him." "WHAT?" I yelled. "What's up with that?" "Dana, you have to understand, in the last three days my world has changed. Before, I was in a sort of stale relationship with a good loving friend. Now I'm in a long-term passionate relationship with a truly noble and deserving partner. I'm not sure I -want- to go back to the way things were. I mean, do you?" "Well of COURSE I do," I said. "Regardless of my relationship with you, I don't want to grow up again like this," I gestured to my body. "I thought about that," she said, "but I don't think it will be that bad. At least you get a fresh chance at life, which is the least I can give you. If we went back to the way things were, I'd be filing for divorce. I love you Dana, but I'm not IN love with you anymore. It took the last three days for me to realize it. If we went back we would both have to start over, and neither of us is all that young anymore. This way, I've really found the love of my life, and you get a 15 year reboot, to take your new life wherever you want, with all your prior experience to help you from making the same mistakes." "Are you crazy?" I said. "Didn't you notice that I'm a girl! A girl! Worse, I'm a guy in a girl's body. Would you really wish that on me?" "First of all, there's nothing wrong with being a girl. 51% of the world does it every day. Second, have you noticed how you walk today? And think about what you did last night. Are you really a guy inside anymore?" That had been worrying me. Slowly, I had been losing that part of myself, as it was replaced by it's opposite-gender equivalent. It all seemed so gradual, so natural, and yet I couldn't argue it. I was becoming as female in my head as in my gonads, and I was learning to like it. Still, "but, periods, and pregnancy? You would put those on me?" "Well, not deliberately," Tara said. "But to be honest, I've been making sacrifices, like staying in a loveless marriage, for all my life. Just once in my life I've done something for me, and if that means you need to make some sacrifice, it's only fair. You'll survive, and you may even come to enjoy it. Personally I think in the long term you'll decide I did the right thing." "Wait a minute? Did? What exactly did you do?" Fear and adrenalin gripped me. "What did you do???" Tara took a breath. "What I did was that I accepted Alan's proposal. He's gone home to change and we're going out to celebrate." "Is that all?" I asked. Tara looked down at the floor. "No, that's not all." She paused. "I also burned both spells.." She glared at me. "This is my life now, and you're not going to take it away from me.." "I'll get back to myself Tara," I said. "I'll find that woman and get another copy." "You can't," she said. "She warned me that they were matched sets and you couldn't recreate one without the other. This is your life now Hon. But don't worry, you're not alone. I'm still your Mom, and I'll always be here to help. And you'll really like Alan. He's an amazing guy, and he really cares about you." I guess I was "acting my age," because I don't remember much else about that day. I went up to my room and cried for quite a while, long after Alan picked up Tara. Later I called Bill and asked him if he was free. We didn't have sex that night, but he helped me deal with my Mom's engagement. I avoided Tara the next day, but after a couple of days I was back to my sprightly self, excelling in class, hanging with my friends, and dating Bill. I eventually found a way to forgive Tara, I mean, she was such a cool mom! That was two years ago. I'm now a freshman at an ivy league college. I've moved on to other boyfriends. and Alan and Tara are happily married. She was right about one thing. Alan's an awesome guy, and gave me invaluable help in getting into college. I'm pursuing my same field as before, but going to a better school and getting better marks that should lead to a better job. My long term goal is to consult from home, so that when the right guy comes along I'm in a position to start a family. Periods still suck. But otherwise, I guess it's not a bad life.... Fin. --------------------- Hey - I'm new at this, so please let me know what you liked/didn't like. --- (Also -some might say that technically the "reality shift" should have put Dana waking up in a fully-furnished, equipped, and decorated teenage girl's room. I deliberately avoided this. Magic is in the eye of the writer :-) ).

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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

3 years ago
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Threes Company Scene 2

“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...

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Threes Company0

When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...

3 years ago
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Threes A Crowd0

I did the best I can to contain myself for all this time. Quite often she tried to get me alone and have her way with me but I had to turn away out of respect for Carla my fiancé. This time it was different. She was a masseuse and my Carla insisted that I set up an appointment with her mother, bragging how good she was. When I came over Pam’s house (Carla’s mother) she was outback sunbathing in a string bikini beside the pool. We were alone, Carla was working. It was a hot summer...

3 years ago
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Threes A Party At The Concert In The Park

My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park.  We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station.  They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...

1 year ago
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Threes company But Four is a crowd

Hey.... (It was Brittany) "Whats up? " I know I said we would hang out tonight, and I hope you still want to, but Erin's mom just called my house and apparently some thing happened with her grandma.... She is gonna have to staying the night. "Oh...I mean, I still want to, but how are WE gonna hang out?" Call up Steve? They should be able to keep each other company... "Alright ill see what I can do" Erin and Steve met a few weeks ago at this party we were at....

2 years ago
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...

3 years ago
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Threes Company Part 3

I could tell that Kay was excited by the news that her friend was on her way. To be honest, so was I. The thought of tasting Maura made my re-forming cock twitch, and I was looking forward to watching the two women get it on while I watched. In a short while, there was a knock at the door. I answered, wearing nothing, giving Maura a hug and whispering in her ear, “I can’t wait to taste you.” She replied, as she gave my erection a squeeze, “This old dyke has never had a cock between her legs,...

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Threes Company Part 2

We waved from the door as Maura stepped into the cab, heading for her conference. I turned to Kay and said, “You really enjoy her company, don’t you?” She blushed, recalling her tryst last night with her best friend. “Yes, I do,” she replied, turning to me, her hand cupping my balls. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy yours.” Looking up into my eyes, her free hand on the back of my neck, she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips brushed, but only for a moment. Her mouth opened, her tongue licked...

Straight Sex
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Threes Company

I popped into the store, instantly recognizing Kay from the numerous snapshots we had exchanged over the years. I stepped into her embrace like an old friend, giving her ear an air-kiss. We were old friends, in a sense, between the e-mails and chatroom meetings that we had entered over the years, even though this was the first face-to-face. It was a quarter to six, the store set to close, so I sat in a chair watching the last customer get checked out and head out the door. “You ready?” “Let me...

1 year ago
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Threes A Crowd

“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.” “Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses. The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it. “Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease. “Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace. “We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to...

3 years ago
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Threes A Crowd

As the party wound down and everyone left, Rich decided he’d go out to buy a fresh pack of cigarettes. He told his girlfriend Jess and his best friend Seb that he’d be back shortly. Seb and Jess had hooked up during the summer and they they got along extremely well, sometimes better than Rich and Jess did which sometimes worried him. He'd noticed how well they’d been interacting all night long and, half-jokingly, he'd texted her “suck his dick, already!” when he caught her nuzzled up against...

Group Sex
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Threes Company Teaching is Everything

Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...

Group Sex
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Threes Company

We spotted her sitting alone at the end of the bar. It was a moderately-sized place with a small dance floor and a DJ spinning light tunes. It was the kind of place where a couple could feel alone, yet had enough room for larger parties. We had been there just under one hour when she arrived. She was drinking a martini and just sitting there. No checks of her cell phone, no interaction with the other patrons, nothing. We wondered when would be the right time to break the ice. She appeared to be...

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Threesum with friendrsquos wife and her lover

Last year, I posted one story “Seduction of wife of Fast Friend”, which was liked by many and replied to me. This was my relation (of course with changed names) with my fast friend’s wife Priya living in Patna, which was developed through a long time seduction since her marriage to my friend and then finally on a holi, I advanced my action which lead to sex with her afterwards. I used to fuck her everytime when her husband go out on tours. My friend was on a job of sales executive in a company...

1 year ago
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u.i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up.i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table i...

2 years ago
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Threes Definitely Not A Crowd

It was a Friday night and we'd arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the 'stars' of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn't get off to a great start when the friends we'd arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn't exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...

Group Sex
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Threes Company

This is a story of every woman's fantasy. It basically started about 21/2 years ago.  My friend came over one afternoon to talk with me.  We had been friends for a number of years.  It started off so innocently.  We exchanged email addresses and started writing back and forth.  We did this for a few years.  Sex never entered intot the conversations.  But, my friend was a very attractive man and he literally reeked of sexuality.  It was just a matter of time before we took it to the next level....

Group Sex
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Amy really liked the wine  ThreeviewBy Lorddare Amy really liked the wine.? Mrs. Dalton was so cool, to let her hang out and sip wine on the deck with her.? Amy had been Mrs. Denton?s daughter?s best friend, until Cindy had fallen in with an older crowd.? Amy had been hurt by that, but Mrs. Dalton seemed to understand and had been making Amy feel more than welcome in her home any time she wanted to come over.?  Amy had been coming over often.? As she slowly sipped her third glass...

3 years ago
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Threes Company All Cats Are Gray

Jack fumbled with his packages, juggling them from arm to arm as he searched for his key. He'd put it away just a few minutes ago, when he'd left the apartment. Now where was it? Ah, there it was, in his jacket. He tugged, but the key ring was snagged on something. He pulled again. Oh, great, now his hand was caught, too. He reached over with his other hand -- and remembered, just a split second too late, that he was juggling four packages his roommate Chrissy had wanted him to mail and a bag...

2 years ago
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Threes a Crowd

I tapped my fingers on the cafe table. Looking around I sip my frozen mocha. So happy I tried Dunkin Donuts. I check the time; 1457. Still glancing at my watch I hear the little chime of the door bell. Looking up I see Luke and Henry walking in, laughing as if they heard a joke. They look around and spot me when I raise my hand. Sitting down we exchange greetings and start with banal conversation. About five minutes later we get to the details of the meeting. “So?” I begin, “Where’s the pet?”...

4 years ago
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Threes a Crowd

I fell in love with Laurie because she was not available. She had made that clear from the very beginning. "I'm not looking for a relationship." Point blank, in your face, statement. "Good, me either." I could play that game too. We met at "The Hut". It was the only gay and lesbian bar in our small, college town. I was very persistent and before long, she let me into her heart. We hung out together. I slept at her house, usually on the couch, sometimes in her bed. We both slept in...

1 year ago
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Threes company

100% fiction! Im 21 years old, i have a nice ass and a very high sex drive. So does my mother. I found this out one afternoon after i was rubbing my pussy vigorously and moaning very loudly when my mom walked in. She wanted to know what all the noise was and she found out very quickly i was startled but aroused at the same time. Apparently so was she she stuck her hand in her pants and started to finger her pussy, so i thought. I asked her if she wanted help and she just took my hand and stuck...

1 year ago
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Threes Company

I was 40 years old and saw an ad in the paper from a husband and wife looking to meet with a man for a threesome. After answering the ad, I spoke with the wife on the phone. She sounded sweet. We decided to meet at a club on a Saturday night. She told me she would decide if she would want to take me home with them after seeing and meeting me. She asked that I not feel bad if she chose not to take me home. She explained that she was very picky. I described what I'd be wearing so they could pick...

4 years ago
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Threeway Calling

Introduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...

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Threeway on the Freeway

I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...

2 years ago
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“Would you like to watch me blow his nine-inch erection,” she asked sensing my interest. “I will ask him and get back to you, I told her excited at the thought of watching a ten-years older, still sexually attractive woman bringing my man’s thick, nine-inch erection to orgasm while I watched.” Later the same day Sarah was excited when she asked me if I was interested. When she told me she could organize some of her girlfriends to watch to make it more exciting for all of us I was...

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Three Days

"Don't forget your promise," she told me. "When I turn 18, I'm moving out too, and I'm coming straight to your place." "My casa is your casa or whatever." Of course, I had forgotten all about that. I hadn't seen her or my mother since then, just talked on the phone. And I'd been joking with her. But my sister wasn't on my mind that night. I had called her earlier in the day and left a message wishing her a happy 18th birthday. I had also sent her a card with 100 dollars in...

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I love Fridays

I love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...

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Foot Fetish Fridays

I was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...

2 years ago
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Mistress on Tuesdays

mrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...

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I checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...

1 year ago
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Skinnydipping Sundays

(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...

2 years ago
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E076 Birthdays

The last couple of days of their vacation pass as wonderfully as the vacation started.  Back home Emma and Donald fall into a routine.  The pool is finished, and it is all they could want.  They spend many afternoons in it for an hour or so playing and swimming to relieve the tension both sometimes feel from their days.  They spend their evenings playing at touching, licking, sucking and entering each other.Regularly they visit the basement room for some exercise for Emma.  She notices that...

Love Stories
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Bloody Wednesdays

Well the big day had finally arrived. Almost three months had passed since my sky-diving adventure and 'Those who know' had decided it was time for me to go home. They tried to give the impression that I was well down the path to recovery but I knew that my medical insurance was about all done and it would be hard to get anything from the outfit that had put me in hospital in the first place. I had received one visit from that bastard instructor but he left in a hurry when I managed to throw...

3 years ago
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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Thursdays Thursday nights I reserve for something special. It's always for the twoof us, with the express goal to bring us closer together. Marriage can wearout if you aren't careful. It has to be kept alive, nurtured, and it takesattention and effort. That's my job, to be proactive and take the initiative.From the beginning we agreed on certain roles in our relationship, privilegesfor each of us balanced by individual responsibilities. I got the short straw,the one where you win the dominant...

2 years ago
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Brown Thursdays

©1997, All Rights Reserved Andie and I used to play around nearly every Thursday afternoon for most of a year. On Thursdays, her mother took her kid sister to soccer practice after school, and we had the house to ourselves. After the first few times, we seldom fucked in the conventional way. Andie worried too much about getting pregnant and neither of us much liked the feel of wearing a rubber. Sometimes I would slide my cock into her naked and withdraw just before cumming. But after an...

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rainy days and mondays

Rainy days and Mondays !! Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some...

3 years ago
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My Father The Maid Chapter Three A Case Of The Mondays

My Father, The Maid, Chapter 3 A Case Of The Mondays By Sissy Oona. Sleep came easy that night, I was frankly a bit worn out from the amazing sex we'd had. I was awoken by the door to the room opening and the click of heels on the wood floor. I cleared my weary eyes to see my father entering the room carrying the breakfast tray I had become accustomed to seeing in the morning. Noticing I was awake my father curtsied to me, he then set the tray of food on the chest of drawers sitting...

4 years ago
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I Hate Mondays

I hate Mondays, I'm not too keen on Tuesdays either and the rest of the days of the week all depress me to some extent. Everything bad that's happened to me over the years has always been on one of these days. Take last Monday for instance... There I was, at work early in the cold and the frost, and the automatic timer hadn't worked yet again and my office was like a refrigerator. Being a dispatcher for a small transport company in a small country town in the middle of nowhere had lost a...

1 year ago
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Threes Definitely Not A Crowd

It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...

4 years ago
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threes company

grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...

3 years ago
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Three Days

Setting: You're a Co-Ed belonging to a fraternity that made a bet with a fraternity from another school about the outcome of a football game between the two schools. If your team won, you'd get one of their girls for three days to do as you like with. If your team won, they'd get you for three days, from Friday noon until Monday noon. Your team lost. You just recently arrived at their school, wearing your cheerleader's outfit and a collar as instructed. Now remember, you're defending your...

1 year ago
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Sarah Porters Schooldays

Chapter 1. In which Sarah arrives at Harkwood AcademyThe large stone edifice of Harkwood rose up through the trees at the end of the gravel drive, looking like something from the opening scene of a Merchant Ivory film. It was Sarah Porter's first look at her new school. The taxi took almost five minutes to traverse the winding gravel road from the front gate and the closer she came to her destination, the more apprehensive Sarah became.She was excited to be sure, but a new school was always...

2 years ago
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Tammys Schooldays

Somewhere in a universe far far away. Sexual disease is unheard off and people can do what they want, when they want, where they want just so long as they don't frighten the children or startle the horses. I woke at six and padded off to the loo. After peeing I washed my hands and brushed my teeth before heading for Billy's room. Great, Sally had stayed overnight, I liked Sally. It had been a hot night so the pair were lying on top of the covers. Billy with an early morning hard on. I...

2 years ago
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Good Old Fashioned Schooldays

Little Sally Grant was new to Saint Bernard's Private School. She had transferred in just before the Thanksgiving holidays. She was only in school for a single day when they all went on a four day holiday. The Principal's name was Sister Regina. She was described to Sally as "The Terror" by her new stepsister Angela. Angela had spent her entire school lifetime at Saint Bernard's and knew all the "ins and outs" of Catholic school existence. Her new foster residence friend was almost 19...

1 year ago
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Alone For The Holidays

Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I’m not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I’m about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty- four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I can see that now. It’s not that my...

2 years ago
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Threes Company

"Hi babe, I won't be home 'til a bit later, relax and I'll see you soon". Deciding to skip dinner you run a hot bath and open a bottle of wine, stripping slowly you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror dark blue, almost black eyes look back at you, running your gaze down your body you see a trim figure, nice firm breasts, not large but still noticeable... a light tan darkening as it reaches your long nipples. As your gaze drifts down you can just see a few wisps of pale hair...

4 years ago
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Threes Company Teaching is Everything

Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...

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