Faux RealmChapter 9 free porn video

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Lucian was slowly losing his sight.

His enemy was near, he was sure of that, but earlier attacks left him somewhat immobilized. He always thought going for the eyes or the groin was a coward’s way to go, but apparently his opponent did not abstain from such methods.

He tried to adjust his degrading vision, but as soon as he would see a clear picture another attack would come from his blind spots and the process would start anew.

I’m fucked. He thought.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth he waited for the finishing move. Lucian always thought being prepared was secondary, but apparently not, he was rushing into the hands of a skilled artist that knew how to prolong his agony.

Lucian tried to hear things, but his breathing was too labored to perceive anything else. Cursing his own stupidity for avoiding training time in the gym whenever he was called by his friends. He tried to feel the vibrations on his bare feet, but again, the enemy was far too skilled to be detected by such methods. As the attacker came closer it was like breath of wind. Too late to be perceived by his methods. It was as if Lucian was an open book and he was an appropriate target for this hunter.

It was funny, but as inexperienced as he was, Lucian adapted to the assault very quickly. He heard snickers behind him, whenever he would feel an attack on his skin or swish of air near his body he would adopt a defensive posture, but as he stood on the ground with his arms raised and poised to deflect any incoming frontal attack people would snicker. He was ALMOST sure that the enemy was somewhere in front of him. Prepared like a boxer waiting for the attack to begin. Protecting his head and face. He was almost sure nothing could get through.


He felt something hard breaking through his defenses and hitting his right side. Almost yelling out of pain and mostly surprise, the force of the impact sent him to the floor immediately.

It was strange. There was no flying through air contemplating his past. He just slumped, all the air came out. Lucian could not get air inside his lungs even as he gasped. He was stunned, sure of the area the attacker was, the attack from front never came, instead of him trying to protect something now he was starting to feel fear.

Everything went haywire, his senses could not be controlled and he lost whatever control he had over his emotions. He started breathing, every breath feeling painful. He was eventually resorted to take quick shallow breaths. Unaccustomed to the new style of breathing the panic attacks came in waves. He tried to breathe. But could not.

He tried to flee but was promptly stopped by a body that was suddenly behind him. Scared, hurt and tired he slumped over and started to feel dizzy, a sudden crash of energy, he could not hear, he could not see: this was the end. A veil of black started to seep into his eyes. It was no longer blurry, but in the corner of his eyes a dark circle started to appear and he started to drift. The slow building wave of unconsciousness was hugging his body.

“Relax. Practice is over.” The voice said.

“You lot start practicing. A newcomer showed you how it’s done, stop snickering and start fighting.” A very familiar voice said.

The arm caressed his head. He was slumped over two mounds that he fondly remembered. A gentle voice came in his ear, “Now you see why I did not want to fight against you.”

There was heavy pain behind those words. He still had to struggle for every breath, “Why did you have to ask me to fight you?”

Still he could not form words, all Lucian could do was grip his sides as every breath jarred his sides to excruciating pain, “I ... Think ... You ... Did ... Good.” He said as he grabbed air with every word.

Finally his eyes focused enough to see the person that was cradling his head on her buxom. Ericha slowly appeared in front of his face, her face a mess, as she just cried watching her beloved in pain that she inevitably had caused.

The fight had a clear winner. Ericha, an expert in every martial art, veteran in combat, against someone that never had a fight in his life. It was a hard lesson that he knew he had to take sometime in the future, so he thought why not sooner than later.

Lucian was tired, so tired that he almost went to sleep in Erichas arms, she had to kneel down with him just to set his exhausted body. Adrenaline in the heat of the battle took its toll on his senses and even Lucian looked like he was in an elongated combat that took hours to finish.

But the truth could not be any more depressing. Everything was over in under 3 minutes.

Snickers around did not help the situation, some were laughing openly and some were just shaking their heads like they knew what was going to happen.

“A woman beat him. How embarrassing. I’d rather die.” A rather loud voice yelled across the mat making everyone in the room turn their heads.

A man in black tight training clothes was lying on the ground while his head was propped on one elbow. Evidently something about the situation was hilarious to him. Lucian found the snickering and laughing something mundane, he never would pay attention to people that had nothing better to do, but offer their cold critique in the most deprecating way they could think off. Almost as if something could be learned if they just made fun of their target hard enough.

Ericha glared at the man, he took the challenge gladly as he thought nothing of the woman’s searing stare. He could not care less. A woman could NEVER beat a man.

“Just kill yourself man. It’s the only thing you could do now. I would be embarrassed to walk these streets after that fight.” He commented again.

“Listen I could help you I know a guy and he’ll give you a discount.” He cackled. Amused with his own words.

Ericha could not take anymore, as strong willed as Lucian was, she could not stand to see anyone make fun of her Lucian, “Are you man enough to fight me?” She simply asked.

Her voice hid the torrent of emotions. She was primed and ready to go at moment’s notice. The man looked happy, as he jumped up and strutted towards the mat. Eyes followed his every move.

Ericha gently laid Lucian’s head on the matted ground, careful not to wake this sleeping prince. She kissed her fingers and gently pressed them to his lips. “I’ll be back soon my love.” She gently whispered.

She lifted and moved with purpose. A man that she knew and respected approached her and whispered something in her ear as the man stood patiently and grinning widely. “Make sure he’s alive.”

A simple and gentle warning came from the man. He was in charge of this dojo. They visited it after Lucian begged her for a chance to go few rounds against her. She was reluctant at first, but his constant pleading eventually won and with heavy heart she was forced to show him a small sample of her abilities. She shook her head, I shouldn’t have told him about those stories. She thought in self-depreciation.

They stood few meters apart. A silent but deadly lull was in the air, one person was stoic and calm, apprising her opponent seconds before the engagement just like she was thought all those years ago, but her opponent was busy clowning around.

“Whoever is standing last is the winner.” The man simply said and raised his arm.

Looking at both combatants the man jokingly said as he wiggled his tongue, smirking at Ericha, “Time to get some poon.”

“Begin!” The judge yelled lowering his arm, he had to roll his eyes at the man’s words. He should have kept his mouth shut.

Ericha disappeared from his sight and before everyone knew it the man ended in a bloody pile on the floor, retching all over, his eyes rolled in the back of his head. The final thing he saw was a smirking woman. Breaking his left and right leg.

The only one who could see what she had done was the judge and he sighed silently as he watched another one of his prospects lying broken.

“I thought I told you – “ He begun.

“Hey he is alive.” Ericha interrupted the man.

Back she went to her lover on the ground. The man, the judge shivered as he saw a smirk appear on her face. He was lucky she was not mad. Glancing sadly at the broken husk on the ground he signaled few people to move in and take it away.

Lucian was up by the time she came back. He missed what had happened so he searched her face for any sight of pain, but all he could see was satisfaction.

“So. I think. My ... Ribs. Are ... Broken.” He said.

Ericha went pale. She did not know she hurt him in any way. “H – How?”

Lucian noticed her pale complexion and lifted his right hand as far as he could. “Ah. That ... was ... when ... You ... hit ... me ... Here.” He pointed on his right side.

“I told you.” She cried.

“I freaking told you. I am strong. Sorry. I am so sorry.” She looked pleadingly into his eyes.

She was scared of losing him. She was not only strong, but could have killed him if she did not pull back her power dramatically. His defense was not weak enough for her to penetrate it with weak attacks, so she resorted to powerful thrusts, which resulted in broken ribs apparently. He was probably going to leave. She saw it few times. Men often hate strong women.

“Dummy.” Lucian said.

“What ... was ... That ... face ... for?” He asked breathing heavily.

“Are you going to leave me now?” She was trembling, as several scenarios rushed through her mind.

“Why?” He moved closer gently moving her legs onto his lap.

She looked in his eyes. She saw genuine confusion. “I beat you up.” She simple said.

“So? You. Are. Strong.” He simply said through gritted teeth.

She could only jump on him, forgetting about his pain until he screamed and passed out. She lied on top of him suddenly remembering and calling for help. Several people rushed to his aid and helped him on a gurney. He indeed needed to get stronger.

Much stronger.

Lindsay and Liza were very busy this past week.

Even though Lindsay was a trained Helmsman and Navigator she wanted to branch out to different areas and see what suited her the best. Ericha during the week ordered everyone to take a mandatory target and weapons practice.

Everyone on board needed to know how to keep their weapons spotless. With authoritative voice she demanded of them to have military precision. Despite every one of them having nothing to do with military.

Ericha was different. Having a background in a special unit, and using her background to help them accommodate to their new lifestyle, she took charge and set them on the right path. No one had the skill when it came to ground combat; her unit was one of many that landed in combat areas and used their will to charge and take control of anything that needed their attention, they would drop in and take out whatever their target was. Their unusually high skills were perfect for holding crucial ground positions.

Lindsay detested weapons, unlike her brother, she was not about to partake in anything violent, but as she talked with Lucian she figured out that universe is pretty dark and scary place. Not to mention there are people in it that do not shy away from hurting or killing anyone.

Pacifist by nature Liza was equally reluctant to participate or even hold a weapon in her hands, but Lucian’s and Ericha’s gentle guidance saw her to the worst of it, since once she was alone they wanted her to know how to battle and subdue an enemy.

She had innate ability to quickly learn and adapt anything. And this proved to be just as easy. In matter of hours she became a professional with all sorts of weapons. Knifes, guns, rifles, martial arts. She exceled at all of it, for one Lucian thought his expertise came in different areas, no it was not sex you leeches, but still he wanted to be appraised, he wanted to belong somewhere. He still was figuring out what his calling in life was.

After a while of going back and forth through their combat training final piece of puzzle arrived in the form of their new clothes. Finally they donned their new suits. Nothing too fancy, but it still provided great deal of comfort. Lucian really thought that she looked fetching in their matching black and white suits.

Their old ones were replaced by these ‘Original’ ones, so that their ship and crew could have their own style of clothing. Even though Lucian had an idea for this ship to be less formal, they had to at least wear protective suits beneath their normal clothes.

The suit was gripping their skin tightly so they could comfortably walk in them around their ship, easily taken off or put on, and as Lucian jokingly said “Even machine washable”.

Surprisingly many of his thoughts and mannerisms translated perfectly to these alien worlds. People that grew from different worlds had the almost the same sense of humor. Even their reality shows were somewhat similar to the ones on Earth. More in – fighting, but generally the same.

For Lucian, after he found out that his broken ribs were actually shattered and inches away from puncturing his vital organs he needed to spend few weeks on the bed recuperating, it was beneficial, mostly since he spent plenty of time having wonderful sex with his wives.

Space medicine, or in this case for Lucian, futuristic medicine only went so far, his body was hurt. Lucian knew it and no amount of futuristic space technology would be worth it of his life span. As he was reminded as his background was largely unknown he was prohibited from taking part in another ‘miracle’ healing as he did the first time. Until further notice he was left healing the old fashioned way.

“Four to six weeks.” One doctor said as Lucian was slowly losing his mind after only one week.

He sighed, but was reminded by Liza how much he needed her in times like these. He showed the full appreciation for this woman many times.

Even now he was balls deep in Liza as she reminded him that he was neglecting his healing process. Too bad. Couple of minutes later she was bent over his bed receiving every bit of his love and care that she could. Their tattoos flared every time their skin would touch and that amplified everything. The sex was amazing.

He moved slowly. Careful not to jar his injuries. He was selfishly taking his pleasure, he still felt pangs of guilt even though the woman beneath him did not object.

“Ahhhhhh” Liza breathed as he started to piston his hips harder in her melting folds. Twisting his face in pained grimace as their flesh would slap.

Her cunt started to anticipate his attacks and would preemptively ooze juice to prepare for its onslaught. “God your cunt is amazing.”

Every time he would meet her flesh his right side would scream in protest. It was horribly uncomfortable to continue in this way, since every time that would happen he would start to lose his wood, but through herculean effort he managed to ignore the bolts of pain in turn focusing on gentle sway of her hips. Pain was secondary as he watched mesmerized, she moved like a goddess, a woman trying to find new heights of pleasure.

Liza panted, looked over her shoulder at Lucian’s eyes, “Only for you my love.”

She started to sway her hips around. Making his cock prod different areas of her cunt, both of them moaned in unison. Lucian felt the folds of her flesh on the tip of his penis. He shivered, almost losing the grip on his approaching climax. He had to wrestle it to the ground and push it back into his balls.

“Did you like what Lindsay left you? “ Suddenly Liza asked.

He leaned in gently taking one of her antennas in his mouth, her whole body shivered in delight. No one even thought of doing this and it made everything feel better. “Did you have anything to do with that?”

His whispers sent shivers down her spine. “YESSSSSSS.” She screamed as she felt a climax from deep within escaping.

It appeared from nowhere. Lucian gripped the bed sheets trying to focus and resolved not to cum just yet.

Liza was in heaven. She could not begin to fight these sensations and they just kept approaching and smacking her body with such a vivid force. Sometimes this would happen and she could do very little, or did not want to do anything to prevent these from occurring. She was happily slobbering Lucian’s bed, her mouth was open in silent scream for a while and she did not bother closing them, figuring the situation would resolve itself.

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You awake in your room in the small inn you'd found just last night. It wasn't one of the best in town, but you were exhausted and, at the time, you weren't concerned with the inn's aesthetic value. You feel a little homesick, but you quickly push that feeling away. After all, you're an adult now and you should be on your own. You could have stayed home another year, but you didn't want the others of your village to start talking about you. Especially considering your own brother had left when...

2 years ago
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A Smart Set of Cheaters

Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse...

1 year ago
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Finding her Dog

Man am I bored, I thought as I sat down at the computer to do some more job hunting. Two months unemployed, and about the only thrill I get is when I get an email back for some job, or I find a new porno site that gives me a thrill while I sit here in the afternoon. About 3pm one day, the doorbell rang. Here we go again, I thought, another door to door salesman. But much to my surprise, it was a great looking woman of about 35 and she said she had lost her dog and had I seen it. “No” I replied,...

Erotic Fiction
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Discreet Stranger on a train

                                                         We had settled the deal earlier this week. He ordered the train tickets and sent mine to me. The purpose of it all was to have some fun and for me to earn a little bit of extra money; being a student, every bit helped. We had talked online for about two months and he didn't seem to be a creep, though he was twice my age, maybe more. He’d never told me his exact age. The arrangement was that I’d get on board and he could do whatever he...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad Baroda Intercity

Hi all, First of all I want to say that I have not received any response on my 2 previous stories. I am sure that Gujarat Females read it. Please post your feedback. I will be encouraged for more. Generally I drive my car for my trips to Baroda. But once it happened that I had to leave for Baroda at night and was very tired to drive. That day I took Intercity. I was lucky to catch the last bus of 9:00 pm and got the last seat of the last row. I had a small bag of my clothes, my laptop and a...

3 years ago
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Rig RunnerChapter 7 Meltdown

Eriksen was awoken by blaring alarms. He rose out of his bed groggily, rubbing his eyes and wincing as his soreness from the previous day’s activities made his muscles ache. What the hell was going on now? He pulled on his clothes and left his room, yawning sleepily as he tapped at a nearby terminal. Nazka emerged from the cabin adjacent to his, already in a bad mood, her ears flat against her head as she sidled up next to him. “What’s with all the fuckin’ noise?” “That’s what I’m trying...

4 years ago
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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

2 years ago
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Trying to score at that one Cinema

So you've been dreaming all week from the women of the cinema downtown, now you're going there with one goal in mind. To score! You have put on your best clothes and set your mind to charming. You just want to touch them so badly. You arrive at the cinema. You approach the cashier, the brunette. She smiles when you say you could view her all day instead of one of the movies. She had some nice cleavage with a nice rack to see. Before you were caught staring to long you quickly ask which movie...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a reluctant wife chapter one

Life seemed almost perfect. Here I was in a beautiful marriage, bringing up 2 lovely children, financially secure, and deeply in love with my hard working hubby Gary. Everything in the garden was rosy.I remember the first time Gary mentioned it to me. I was 34. The children were sound asleep, and we were making love in our bedroom. I was close to a cum, and Gary whispered, " I'd love you to do this with another guy." It took  me  a while to understand, but I cleared it from my mind, and some...

1 year ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 32 A Long Weekend

Pierre woke up slowly. The bedclothes were rumpled, and bright sunlight was pouring through the windows. Slightly disoriented, he sat up in the bed and ran his hands across his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and massaging his temples. It was certainly later than he normally woke, but as he opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom blearily, it all came back. A slight smile crept across his features. From the condition of the bed, it was obvious he hadn’t been alone. He was in his...

3 years ago
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The earthquake lasted several minutes. That was all the time that was needed to bring down most of the houses in the neighborhood. Almost every other home was reduced to ruble. When the shaking started, Frank was up on a ladder painting his house. The vibrations almost knocked him over. He was a very muscular man and was able to hold himself in place against the house as the ladder teetered and swayed along the gutters of the roof. Being a fireman had its advantages and staying steady on a...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudayi Lagataar 10 Din

Hie dosto mein prem sharma surat se ek baar phir haazir hu apni nayi kahaani ke saath meri last story ” har dopahar chachi ki chudayi.” thi ye story usi ka continuation hai i would like to thank u all for giving me such a great response….. So mein apni story par aata hu rachna chachi ko chodna toh ab ek adaat ban gayi thi par ek din kuch guest aa gaye the ghar par so kareeb 15 din tak meine rachna chachi ko touch bhi nai kiya tha no doubt hum sms ke through baat karte the but koi bhi sexual...

2 years ago
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Glade and IvoryChapter 3

If Glade expected her apprentice to be more shocked than she was by her account of the violence that had decimated her tribe she was disappointed. Ivory was more indignant at the rudeness of rebuffing a welcome than distressed by the account of the bloodshed. In any case, Glade was reluctant to give a full account of the horrors that followed. It was painful enough for her to remember the evil and worse still to describe it. Did she really want to elaborate on how so many of the people she'd...

4 years ago
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© Copyright This story was written for a special friend of mine and you will see I use her name a lot in my stories. I love you baby. Walt has been a loner since he graduated from high school. He's not had any close friends, just a few people that he knows in town. It never really bothered him much at all. The only time it does, is when he needs female company. Then there are the local bars that Walt visits on the weekends, and most of the time he can find a woman to go home with. He...

3 years ago
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Horny Babe

The 35 year old mother of two, Noreen walked slowly into the attached bathroom of the hotel room. The now cold sticky dribbles of man juice were slowly oozing out of her well fucked cunt. Ali liked to go bare-back riding; Condoms were a turn off to him. Truth was that Noreen also had a thing for feeling a man cum in her cunt and then letting it slowly trickle from her.Noreen took a lot of time washing her choot. She ran her fingers between the lips of her fuck box and even pushed the tip of her...

4 years ago
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The Transformation Chapter 1 ¬ The Introduction I met Robyn and Amber about a month ago at a local sports bar. They were both very attractive and young. Robyn the younger of the two had long blonde hair down to the middle of her back and Amber was a strikingly beautiful brunette with a very short hairstyle. I’m Bill and I live down on 5th and Broadway, just a short walk from the sports bar where I first met these two gorgeous bombshells. I am thirty-two years old, and I am a free-lance...

3 years ago
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Too Many SecretsChapter 10

Matti and Dawn had both been asleep for no longer than half an hour when the first crash of thunder seemed to shake the camp, while the flash of lightning lit up all of the rooms like a powerful strobe light. Less than a minute later these events were repeated. Rain was beginning to pour down, rattling off the windows and sluicing down the roof to form streams running from the eaves. It was loud enough to partially rouse Matti, who often slept through thunderstorms and heavy weather. The...

4 years ago
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Return to Daves Cottage Part 2 of 4

After a swim to clean up, we returned to the lounge chairs on the dock and soaked up the heat of the sun. Karen brought some beers and passed them out. She gestured at Stacey to follow her and the women headed up to the cottage. I watched as they walked away, admiring the firm asses and curvy hips.”That was a smart move, kid,” Ed said as he tapped his beer to mine.”What was?” I asked.”Letting all of us bang her right away,” he replied. “Took care of the problems that can happen when someone new...

3 years ago
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The Haunting of Licension Manor Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Admittance Kelsey pulled her car up alongside the little gravel clearing that existed outside the east side of Licension Manor. She was surprised to see hers was the only car there and not for the first time she thought about just ignoring the invitation and the party. The incident with Helen still burned inside her. All she had felt was regret at ruining the moment – there was no satisfaction in denying her own needs. She didn’t plan on going crazy. But she did want to let go just...

4 years ago
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Naughty Las Vegas Confessions

I’ve been encouraged to tell some of my stories. It never occurred to me that someone might be interested, but I’m happy to pass along some of my adventures in Las Vegas.I’m known as Lisa Viva. You know, like Viva Las Vegas. I’ve lived in Vegas most of my adult life and love it here. I don’t know how people can stand living in calm places like Dallas, Chicago or even New York. Life is exciting here every minute and twenty-four hours a day. We have everything you could want or imagine here in...

Wife Lovers
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STOP Search

A Short Tale of Erotic Fantasy By Lucy Lu Dial A Whore Series The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted Stop & Search #4 The rain was coming down in thick merciless sheets when I stopped the car. I swore under my breath knowing that unless I could pull off a miracle I would be hideously late for the obligatory monthly meal with my family. I loathed attending, I loathed even more the idea of my sister bitches rubbing my absence in at a later date. Who needs enemies when one has family like mine?...

4 years ago
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Moan Poem for Halloween 2019

Synopsizing: Oh goddess, I’m SO Sorry Honey! I didn’t mean it! Please don’t hurt me? If I wrote it, why can’t I explain it? I don’t control the spirit. These stories are created by spirit writing. I’m not the culprit! Out of control, my cramped one finger is constantly busy typing. Unless I submit, allow, permit, and accord access to the spirit writing? She is sincerely amused, to plan a great evil, she means to visit on me! “An emasculated creepy crawly, hopeless of reprieve! In blind...

2 years ago
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More Goody episode 3

I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks.  In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Amari Anne Amari Does Not Forget A Good One

Sweet, cute and petite wife Amari has arrived at her husbands favorite suitor Scotty’s home alone this time and is ready to get her needs taken care of. Scotty, always ready to oblige, wonders where her husband is and Amari lets him know he is out of town and trusts him to handle her need for his big cock, harder and just a bit rougher than her man. Amari slowly sets her hot pussy on his face at the doorway and from then on Scotty satisfies with his cock and covers her cute face full of...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 43

At 8 AM the meeting room was full, standing room only. The attendees were Jen, Jason Coles (Chairman of the Governors task force), Bob Jackson (Head of Human Resources), Mrs. Short (also from Human Resources), the local State Police barracks commander Major Charles Ashley, he and Jason were old friends, the police chief from C-town PD Dustin Banks, the county sheriff Howard Ward and the attorney from the legal department Kent Phillips (as an observer) and myself. I laid out the assault...

1 year ago
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Lori 8211 A True Story Of A Virgin Girl

Lori is my name..Cute..Sweet..Beautiful.. In my teens .I stay with my elder sister Noori ,in the city for studies.The family is small … bhai a govt. Official…very fair beautiful wife,my sister.. Six year old son and one year old daughter.The house has two bed rooms..Kitchen..Bath and dinning.Bhai,sister and daughter in one room..Myself and the boy share the other room. My sister loves me very very much.Relentlessly, we share all conversations including bare confidentials. She takes care of...

4 years ago
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MERI SEXY JAMADAARNI PRAKASHI Friends her I am again with my new story about my favorite jamadaarni Prakashi. Meri pehli story “ ANAL SEDUCTION OF SONI AUNTY’ shayad aap logon ko pasand aayi hogi. Mera mann to sirf mature desi aunty, moms aur grannies ko chodne mei lagta hai. Meri jamadaarni Prakashi ki umar 46-47 saal thi aur uske mamme 2.5 kgs each the aur moti se chauree se chutad the jin par maine na jaane kiyni baar apna maal bahaya tha. Ek baar mai gahr par akela tha mere parents etc....

3 years ago
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Womans Best Friend

Ch 1Seyla chuffs hot breath through the rag, stuffed inside and duct taped to her mouth. "...face really. It's taped to my face." She thinks, wiggling her cheeks a bit, seeing how much room she has. He was kind enough to Vaseline her lips after tying her, before the tape. Ralph has been unusually kind tonight: helping her remove her jacket, gently undressing her, pulling slowly as he tightened the knots, kissing her after he secured her blindfold. "Starting to freak me the fuck out a little."...

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