Faux RealmChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Lucian was slowly losing his sight.
His enemy was near, he was sure of that, but earlier attacks left him somewhat immobilized. He always thought going for the eyes or the groin was a coward’s way to go, but apparently his opponent did not abstain from such methods.
He tried to adjust his degrading vision, but as soon as he would see a clear picture another attack would come from his blind spots and the process would start anew.
I’m fucked. He thought.
Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth he waited for the finishing move. Lucian always thought being prepared was secondary, but apparently not, he was rushing into the hands of a skilled artist that knew how to prolong his agony.
Lucian tried to hear things, but his breathing was too labored to perceive anything else. Cursing his own stupidity for avoiding training time in the gym whenever he was called by his friends. He tried to feel the vibrations on his bare feet, but again, the enemy was far too skilled to be detected by such methods. As the attacker came closer it was like breath of wind. Too late to be perceived by his methods. It was as if Lucian was an open book and he was an appropriate target for this hunter.
It was funny, but as inexperienced as he was, Lucian adapted to the assault very quickly. He heard snickers behind him, whenever he would feel an attack on his skin or swish of air near his body he would adopt a defensive posture, but as he stood on the ground with his arms raised and poised to deflect any incoming frontal attack people would snicker. He was ALMOST sure that the enemy was somewhere in front of him. Prepared like a boxer waiting for the attack to begin. Protecting his head and face. He was almost sure nothing could get through.
He felt something hard breaking through his defenses and hitting his right side. Almost yelling out of pain and mostly surprise, the force of the impact sent him to the floor immediately.
It was strange. There was no flying through air contemplating his past. He just slumped, all the air came out. Lucian could not get air inside his lungs even as he gasped. He was stunned, sure of the area the attacker was, the attack from front never came, instead of him trying to protect something now he was starting to feel fear.
Everything went haywire, his senses could not be controlled and he lost whatever control he had over his emotions. He started breathing, every breath feeling painful. He was eventually resorted to take quick shallow breaths. Unaccustomed to the new style of breathing the panic attacks came in waves. He tried to breathe. But could not.
He tried to flee but was promptly stopped by a body that was suddenly behind him. Scared, hurt and tired he slumped over and started to feel dizzy, a sudden crash of energy, he could not hear, he could not see: this was the end. A veil of black started to seep into his eyes. It was no longer blurry, but in the corner of his eyes a dark circle started to appear and he started to drift. The slow building wave of unconsciousness was hugging his body.
“Relax. Practice is over.” The voice said.
“You lot start practicing. A newcomer showed you how it’s done, stop snickering and start fighting.” A very familiar voice said.
The arm caressed his head. He was slumped over two mounds that he fondly remembered. A gentle voice came in his ear, “Now you see why I did not want to fight against you.”
There was heavy pain behind those words. He still had to struggle for every breath, “Why did you have to ask me to fight you?”
Still he could not form words, all Lucian could do was grip his sides as every breath jarred his sides to excruciating pain, “I ... Think ... You ... Did ... Good.” He said as he grabbed air with every word.
Finally his eyes focused enough to see the person that was cradling his head on her buxom. Ericha slowly appeared in front of his face, her face a mess, as she just cried watching her beloved in pain that she inevitably had caused.
The fight had a clear winner. Ericha, an expert in every martial art, veteran in combat, against someone that never had a fight in his life. It was a hard lesson that he knew he had to take sometime in the future, so he thought why not sooner than later.
Lucian was tired, so tired that he almost went to sleep in Erichas arms, she had to kneel down with him just to set his exhausted body. Adrenaline in the heat of the battle took its toll on his senses and even Lucian looked like he was in an elongated combat that took hours to finish.
But the truth could not be any more depressing. Everything was over in under 3 minutes.
Snickers around did not help the situation, some were laughing openly and some were just shaking their heads like they knew what was going to happen.
“A woman beat him. How embarrassing. I’d rather die.” A rather loud voice yelled across the mat making everyone in the room turn their heads.
A man in black tight training clothes was lying on the ground while his head was propped on one elbow. Evidently something about the situation was hilarious to him. Lucian found the snickering and laughing something mundane, he never would pay attention to people that had nothing better to do, but offer their cold critique in the most deprecating way they could think off. Almost as if something could be learned if they just made fun of their target hard enough.
Ericha glared at the man, he took the challenge gladly as he thought nothing of the woman’s searing stare. He could not care less. A woman could NEVER beat a man.
“Just kill yourself man. It’s the only thing you could do now. I would be embarrassed to walk these streets after that fight.” He commented again.
“Listen I could help you I know a guy and he’ll give you a discount.” He cackled. Amused with his own words.
Ericha could not take anymore, as strong willed as Lucian was, she could not stand to see anyone make fun of her Lucian, “Are you man enough to fight me?” She simply asked.
Her voice hid the torrent of emotions. She was primed and ready to go at moment’s notice. The man looked happy, as he jumped up and strutted towards the mat. Eyes followed his every move.
Ericha gently laid Lucian’s head on the matted ground, careful not to wake this sleeping prince. She kissed her fingers and gently pressed them to his lips. “I’ll be back soon my love.” She gently whispered.
She lifted and moved with purpose. A man that she knew and respected approached her and whispered something in her ear as the man stood patiently and grinning widely. “Make sure he’s alive.”
A simple and gentle warning came from the man. He was in charge of this dojo. They visited it after Lucian begged her for a chance to go few rounds against her. She was reluctant at first, but his constant pleading eventually won and with heavy heart she was forced to show him a small sample of her abilities. She shook her head, I shouldn’t have told him about those stories. She thought in self-depreciation.
They stood few meters apart. A silent but deadly lull was in the air, one person was stoic and calm, apprising her opponent seconds before the engagement just like she was thought all those years ago, but her opponent was busy clowning around.
“Whoever is standing last is the winner.” The man simply said and raised his arm.
Looking at both combatants the man jokingly said as he wiggled his tongue, smirking at Ericha, “Time to get some poon.”
“Begin!” The judge yelled lowering his arm, he had to roll his eyes at the man’s words. He should have kept his mouth shut.
Ericha disappeared from his sight and before everyone knew it the man ended in a bloody pile on the floor, retching all over, his eyes rolled in the back of his head. The final thing he saw was a smirking woman. Breaking his left and right leg.
The only one who could see what she had done was the judge and he sighed silently as he watched another one of his prospects lying broken.
“I thought I told you – “ He begun.
“Hey he is alive.” Ericha interrupted the man.
Back she went to her lover on the ground. The man, the judge shivered as he saw a smirk appear on her face. He was lucky she was not mad. Glancing sadly at the broken husk on the ground he signaled few people to move in and take it away.
Lucian was up by the time she came back. He missed what had happened so he searched her face for any sight of pain, but all he could see was satisfaction.
“So. I think. My ... Ribs. Are ... Broken.” He said.
Ericha went pale. She did not know she hurt him in any way. “H – How?”
Lucian noticed her pale complexion and lifted his right hand as far as he could. “Ah. That ... was ... when ... You ... hit ... me ... Here.” He pointed on his right side.
“I told you.” She cried.
“I freaking told you. I am strong. Sorry. I am so sorry.” She looked pleadingly into his eyes.
She was scared of losing him. She was not only strong, but could have killed him if she did not pull back her power dramatically. His defense was not weak enough for her to penetrate it with weak attacks, so she resorted to powerful thrusts, which resulted in broken ribs apparently. He was probably going to leave. She saw it few times. Men often hate strong women.
“Dummy.” Lucian said.
“What ... was ... That ... face ... for?” He asked breathing heavily.
“Are you going to leave me now?” She was trembling, as several scenarios rushed through her mind.
“Why?” He moved closer gently moving her legs onto his lap.
She looked in his eyes. She saw genuine confusion. “I beat you up.” She simple said.
“So? You. Are. Strong.” He simply said through gritted teeth.
She could only jump on him, forgetting about his pain until he screamed and passed out. She lied on top of him suddenly remembering and calling for help. Several people rushed to his aid and helped him on a gurney. He indeed needed to get stronger.
Much stronger.
Lindsay and Liza were very busy this past week.
Even though Lindsay was a trained Helmsman and Navigator she wanted to branch out to different areas and see what suited her the best. Ericha during the week ordered everyone to take a mandatory target and weapons practice.
Everyone on board needed to know how to keep their weapons spotless. With authoritative voice she demanded of them to have military precision. Despite every one of them having nothing to do with military.
Ericha was different. Having a background in a special unit, and using her background to help them accommodate to their new lifestyle, she took charge and set them on the right path. No one had the skill when it came to ground combat; her unit was one of many that landed in combat areas and used their will to charge and take control of anything that needed their attention, they would drop in and take out whatever their target was. Their unusually high skills were perfect for holding crucial ground positions.
Lindsay detested weapons, unlike her brother, she was not about to partake in anything violent, but as she talked with Lucian she figured out that universe is pretty dark and scary place. Not to mention there are people in it that do not shy away from hurting or killing anyone.
Pacifist by nature Liza was equally reluctant to participate or even hold a weapon in her hands, but Lucian’s and Ericha’s gentle guidance saw her to the worst of it, since once she was alone they wanted her to know how to battle and subdue an enemy.
She had innate ability to quickly learn and adapt anything. And this proved to be just as easy. In matter of hours she became a professional with all sorts of weapons. Knifes, guns, rifles, martial arts. She exceled at all of it, for one Lucian thought his expertise came in different areas, no it was not sex you leeches, but still he wanted to be appraised, he wanted to belong somewhere. He still was figuring out what his calling in life was.
After a while of going back and forth through their combat training final piece of puzzle arrived in the form of their new clothes. Finally they donned their new suits. Nothing too fancy, but it still provided great deal of comfort. Lucian really thought that she looked fetching in their matching black and white suits.
Their old ones were replaced by these ‘Original’ ones, so that their ship and crew could have their own style of clothing. Even though Lucian had an idea for this ship to be less formal, they had to at least wear protective suits beneath their normal clothes.
The suit was gripping their skin tightly so they could comfortably walk in them around their ship, easily taken off or put on, and as Lucian jokingly said “Even machine washable”.
Surprisingly many of his thoughts and mannerisms translated perfectly to these alien worlds. People that grew from different worlds had the almost the same sense of humor. Even their reality shows were somewhat similar to the ones on Earth. More in – fighting, but generally the same.
For Lucian, after he found out that his broken ribs were actually shattered and inches away from puncturing his vital organs he needed to spend few weeks on the bed recuperating, it was beneficial, mostly since he spent plenty of time having wonderful sex with his wives.
Space medicine, or in this case for Lucian, futuristic medicine only went so far, his body was hurt. Lucian knew it and no amount of futuristic space technology would be worth it of his life span. As he was reminded as his background was largely unknown he was prohibited from taking part in another ‘miracle’ healing as he did the first time. Until further notice he was left healing the old fashioned way.
“Four to six weeks.” One doctor said as Lucian was slowly losing his mind after only one week.
He sighed, but was reminded by Liza how much he needed her in times like these. He showed the full appreciation for this woman many times.
Even now he was balls deep in Liza as she reminded him that he was neglecting his healing process. Too bad. Couple of minutes later she was bent over his bed receiving every bit of his love and care that she could. Their tattoos flared every time their skin would touch and that amplified everything. The sex was amazing.
He moved slowly. Careful not to jar his injuries. He was selfishly taking his pleasure, he still felt pangs of guilt even though the woman beneath him did not object.
“Ahhhhhh” Liza breathed as he started to piston his hips harder in her melting folds. Twisting his face in pained grimace as their flesh would slap.
Her cunt started to anticipate his attacks and would preemptively ooze juice to prepare for its onslaught. “God your cunt is amazing.”
Every time he would meet her flesh his right side would scream in protest. It was horribly uncomfortable to continue in this way, since every time that would happen he would start to lose his wood, but through herculean effort he managed to ignore the bolts of pain in turn focusing on gentle sway of her hips. Pain was secondary as he watched mesmerized, she moved like a goddess, a woman trying to find new heights of pleasure.
Liza panted, looked over her shoulder at Lucian’s eyes, “Only for you my love.”
She started to sway her hips around. Making his cock prod different areas of her cunt, both of them moaned in unison. Lucian felt the folds of her flesh on the tip of his penis. He shivered, almost losing the grip on his approaching climax. He had to wrestle it to the ground and push it back into his balls.
“Did you like what Lindsay left you? “ Suddenly Liza asked.
He leaned in gently taking one of her antennas in his mouth, her whole body shivered in delight. No one even thought of doing this and it made everything feel better. “Did you have anything to do with that?”
His whispers sent shivers down her spine. “YESSSSSSS.” She screamed as she felt a climax from deep within escaping.
It appeared from nowhere. Lucian gripped the bed sheets trying to focus and resolved not to cum just yet.
Liza was in heaven. She could not begin to fight these sensations and they just kept approaching and smacking her body with such a vivid force. Sometimes this would happen and she could do very little, or did not want to do anything to prevent these from occurring. She was happily slobbering Lucian’s bed, her mouth was open in silent scream for a while and she did not bother closing them, figuring the situation would resolve itself.
Dark room. Rattling of chains could be heard every time she moved. A tiny speck of light coming from only one window. Certain she was on a ship after getting knocked out, all track of time has been lost. She could not see anyone, but could hear screams of dozen or so women. She begun do despair. To cry. But had to be strong, she still had to find him. Save him. Steps could be heard coming nearer. Her door were open with no noise and in came two men. Both of them were bare chested and rippled...
He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the...
Lucian opened his eyes after he fell asleep surrounded by love and affection from his two lovers and his little sister, he felt a little bit dazed but invigorated. Something told him all that outpouring of love had a profound effect on him and his wellbeing. Slowly he fell asleep feeling drained, but even though he was in a daze he felt stronger and more rejuvenated than ever before. Even though Lucian’s sister, Lindsay, did not join them in their sensual acts, he was still happy that she...
As history would say: “See you later!” Watching the history unfold with your own eyes was, is and should be something incredibly gratifying. Many centuries must have passed between past and present, between what Lucian thought was space ferrying civilization of this kind, the one that takes you through the stars as if taking a sailboat out on the ocean, and the one that Lucian left behind on Earth. He started reading few chapters detailing the process of several men bent on space...
His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...
Lucian awoke feeling refreshed. Ericha’s arms and legs held him in a loving embrace as they slept through the night. They spent the night away healing their aching bodies after they consumed the day in arduous training. Ericha for one even in her mid-30’s still did not feel the need to rest, but every one of Lucian’s muscles were screaming in pain. He started staring at his wife and lover. She was so cute while she was on his chest drooling in her dreams. He smiled. Lucian bent his neck as...
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He was down. Lucian drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt his body being dragged through dirt, and felt the rock abrasions on his skin. They slowly tore through his suit, he could feel the skin being torn open and blood slowly dripping through the open sores. “Master awaits, faster.” A gruff voice sounded. He drew his eyelids open and saw two big creatures. Each was holding one of his legs and dragging him behind. To say that he was confused by their attire would be an...
Lucian was led by his arm. The path seemed to go in circles. Left then right, then another one. By the fourth time he was lost and just let the woman drag him behind her. First few minutes walking were made in relative silence, not even his inside voice was saying anything. The woman stopped. “Go slave.” He was pushed up front. What did we get ourselves into? Lucian thought. Hey, hey, there is no us here, this is all you baby. his inner voice laughed. I do not even know what you are, how...
Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...
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Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Faith's. Eric's story and Linda and John's story have already been submitted. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Faith's Story By Allen...
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The Photo Shoot ? by: Julie O. I remember the day I saw the ad in the paper. It was simple and to the point. Wanted: Model for adult photography shoot. Need men, women and T-girls. Call 555-3627 for interview. I thought about the ad for several days. It seemed to penetrate deep into my mind. The idea of calling dominated my every waking thought. I finally called the number. There was a lengthy message stating that they presently were only looking for pre-op transsexuals....
Let me start by describing us. My sister Rita is 5'6, blue eyes, blonde hair, a gorgeous smile, and a figure to die for. She has a wonderful body, 115 pounds, size 32B bust, and a perfect ass. As for me, my names Randy, im 6'1, 185 pounds, blue eyes, and sandy brown hair. Were both 17, but im older by an hour. I always thought by sister was pretty, but i never saw her in a sexual way, that is until two days before our 16th birthday when an "incident" happened that would change our lives...
Day Four: Wednesday I was wrestling with an octopus that was holding me under water where I couldn't breathe when I felt something pulling on my shoulder trying to help me return to the surface. I couldn't get my hands up to touch my benefactor, so I struggled even harder against the forces trying to pull me to the bottom. That's when I awoke in a sweat. Kari was shaking me, trying to wake me from my nightmare. In the dim light from the bedside digital alarm clock I could see the concern...
Dexter stared up at the ceiling of the Nevada bordello, wondering how many times the woman beside him had stared at it in boredom, while some pudgy old prick got his rocks off in her. It was sad to admit that he was the latest of the pudgy old pricks. He was sure that he wouldn’t be the last. “Do you like your job?” Dexter asked. “Sure,” she answered without much enthusiasm. Her work name was Bambi and she was a natural brunette. The blond highlights in her hair had come straight out of a...
The rays of the early morning sun had not spilled over the snow covered tops of the nearby mountains, yet Clara was already on her feet. She put on her running shoes and clothes to go for a morning jog before breakfast. The physical exertion would reinvigorate every cell in her brain to attack with clarity the challenges of the day. Based on the tourist map provided by the hotel, she traced a trajectory she wanted to run that would take her through a labyrinth of streets of the old section...
When David returned home a little later than usual that evening, Kelly knew that things may have gone pretty well at school. They had worked at different campuses that day so she got home well before him. "How did it go? Did you see Ben?" she asked trying not to sound too eager. "Better than I thought," David answered mysteriously. "OK mister, come with me," she said leading him by the hand into their bedroom. It was one of their private rituals. When one of them had a sexy story or...
Bisexual“Tell me!” I demanded, watching his cock bob in frustration as I looked up at him from between his legs. He whimpered as I applied another long lick from balls to tip. I had him on the edge, right where I wanted him. He would either answer my question or have a ruined orgasm before long.“I don’t… want… to ruin… the surprise,” he was barely able to say.“Give me a hint,” I pleaded. My method of persuasion seemed to be working as he squirmed.“You can use it when you’re feeling lazy,” he blurted...
Toys“Five Floors” A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: “For Women Only.” Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in. The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. “We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It’s easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what’s inside.” So they start going up and on the first floor...
“Are… Are… Are… Yeh tum kya kar rahe ho….chordo chordo chordo …….chordo bhi na……offf….ffffffoh!! !! …kya museebat hai yeh..!! Maine kaha tha na… Kaha tha na, kal raat ki, aaj ke din kuch bhi aisa vaisa nahin Karna hai hamain . Dekho na, tumhari iss thhokk-ology se abhi bhi neeche se meri vo jo hai na vo……, Voh abhi tak bhi kitni-sooji-sooji hui si dikh rahi hai”. Komal ne neeche jhuk kar apni choot ko dekha aur Mujhe dikhaya. “aur abhi do hi mahine to huey hain hamari shaadi Ko, aur tumhain din...
Hi I’m lakshya,aaaj mein aapke samne aisi story likhne ja raha hu jo aapko padhke ke bohot maza aayega,really ull feel this very sexy,ab mein us ladki ke baare mein aapko batata hu jo mere shop ke samne se roz din mein 4 baje cross karti hai aur mujhe dekhti hui ek smile si pass karti hai,maine kai baar uska jawab usko hasne ke bahane se ya to aankh marne ke bahane se usko jawab deta tha,uska sharir itna ghdila aur bhara hua ki kkoi bhi dekhe to sidha chodh daale,ek baar mein station ki piche...
Hi, I’m Sarfaraz Khan, back with my next story. It’s the continuation of my previous story of a housewife. Those who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them once. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. So this story was given to me by one of the readers, Laxmi Goel. A 26-year-old newly married housewife involving her kinky fantasy to explore new and thrilling sex fantasies. So read in her own words. I was getting exciting day by day, thinking what he would think about me? Will he fulfill...
Romi Rain and Texas Patti, two sisters-in-law, are jogging together and enjoying each other’s company. Although they are having fun, Texas eventually has to slow down because her leg is bothering her. As much as she wants to continue on with Romi, she thinks she’ll have to take a break since she’s probably strained something. Romi, not wanting to lose her jogging partner, insists that they go back to her place so that she can show Texas some massage techniques she’s been...
xmoviesforyouI was never much of a student, when I finished High School it was a relief to be done with all that study. My friends all went onto University while I went out into the working world. I got a job in a a call centre, I was on the lowest rung on he totem pole, so I worked a lot of nights and weekends. Subsequently I had very little social life (not that I was Mr popularity when I was in High school) but I was earning money and the job was relatively simple. One of my friends from High school,...
The clincher wasn't the thought that I hadn't been down to see my folks in nearly two years, it was the realization that I'd last seen them on a short leg of my last vacation. I hadn't had a vacation in almost two years? Whoa, something was seriously wrong. The career that ate my brain. But for a brain-eating career, it wasn't a bad one. It wasn't a malicious career, a malignant career. I spoon-fed it every bit of my brain that it ate. I considered it a redemption of sorts. There's the...
This summer my husband Phil and bought a small resort and bar on a lake in middle Wisconsin. We were even luckier to find Tom and Suzy to rent one of the cabins for the whole summer while their house was being built. My husband and I used to be professional body builders and like most women in this sport I am bi-sexual more on the male side. Immediately, I was attracted to Suzy. This woman was absolutely beautiful. Suzy is a petite brunette about 5’ 1” tall, weighs about 105 pounds, and small...
Villefort rose, half ashamed of being surprised in such a paroxysm of grief. The terrible office he had held for twenty-five years had succeeded in making him more or less than man. His glance, at first wandering, fixed itself upon Morrel. "Who are you, sir," he asked, "that forget that this is not the manner to enter a house stricken with death? Go, sir, go!" But Morrel remained motionless; he could not detach his eyes from that disordered bed, and the pale corpse of the young girl who...
'First thing we have to do is get Kelli into the proper position for the demonstration. Would you place your feet into the stirrups please.' This was the point she had been dreading since getting into the chair, the stirrups were 18 inch apart at least, she would have to open her knees to reach, which meant her crotch would be open as well. Taking some deep breathes she placed a foot in each. She knew the boys immediately in front of her could now see her slit clearly, the rest would only...
This is the story of Janice — a married woman in her early fifties — as told to William Humphries for the magazine “True Erotic Confessions.” The editors had decided they wanted to start a new category of stories about wives who got pleasure from sharing their husbands with other women, sort of Wife Lovers in reverse although they couldn't think of a satisfactory title — Husband Lovers didn't quite have the right ring to it. When they asked for contributions, Janice was one of the first to...
Wife LoversDear friends, I am 38 years old now and my wife is 34. We are Sikh by religion and live in northern India. Eleven years ago, we got married. That time my wife was just like a model. She was only 23 years old. She was so beautiful and attractive (still she is beautiful & attractive) that she could turn anybody’s head towards her. When we got married, my wife was doing B.Ed.When we came back from our honeymoon, I met with a road accident. My wife believes in horoscope, stars, etc. She went to...
I love being naked whenever I can, in the house, on the beach or in the car. The feel of being naked is simply the best. but in Hong Kong it is not so easy to get naked outdoors but where there is a will there is a way, and a place. I love the sight of naked people too whether it be male or female and there is always the thrill of getting hard and having a little fun too, especially if it is quiet. Walking around with a hard-on getting looks from everyone is an exciting experience which always...
Mark doesn’t look at Kevin but does respond with, “Surreal.” Mark pulls on his shirt and becomes comfortable clothed. He looks up and sees Laura slipping on her shoes. She’s back in her shorts and top. She catches Mark’s eyes and offered a small quick acknowledging smile before looking away. Mark wonders what she will think about her what just happened when she is alone with her dad and they can talk more freely. Kevin, is fully dressed, and finishes tying his shoes and stands up. ...
About six-thirty that evening I was into another scallop wrapped in bacon and talking with Jean Power and Chris Hanson about real estate trends in the city. The party was well underway. To my surprise, someone lifted my left arm – still holding the empty toothpick, and slipped in next to me in an intimate way. I got a kiss on the cheek. "Kristi! You made it." She gave me a megawatt smile that made my insides melt into a pasty mash of puppy love. Kristi looked beyond beautiful or...
It's been a long week. Two lawyers with wedding bands around their fingers tried to hit on me. One client looked down my blouse while his wife stood beside him. And to top it all off, my 45-year old boss casually hinted that his wife was going to be gone to some sort of symposium next weekend. Like I'm going to fool around with a 45-year old man! Dream on! It's been a long week and I am glad for it to be over. Lucky for me, I have something to look forward to for the weekend: A night on...