Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 26
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I’m glad Sue and I had our little talk. I knew she’d be rational about it once things were explained to her. I felt a lot better. And my hard on returned from the kiss she gave me at the end. It was such a simple kiss. Does a little kiss do that to other guys too?
I became sweaty trying to keep up with Sue during her practice. There’s no way I could be an athlete. I needed a shower. Lucky for me I didn’t have to take any clothes off, just jump right under the water.
Of course, I was still at school which meant I had to use the girl’s shower. The cheerleaders were in there this time. Boy was I intimidated about going into the girls showers with the cheerleaders. Then I remembered Emily was a cheerleader and I wasn’t so scared. Plus, I really needed a shower.
“Hey girls, look who it is.” one of them said.
“It’s Jason.” another shouted.
I turned to one closest to me and asked “Do I know you?”
It was a brown haired girl name Skylar. “We make it our business to know everyone who’s in The Program.”
“Cool. I don’t mean to bother you girls but I need a shower and I have to use the girls locker room.”
“Of course you do. Want help?”
“Hey, Skylar.” Another one said. “Who’s your little friend?”
“You’re going to tell me you don’t know Jason?” Skylar said.
“This is Jason?”
“It is.”
“The Jason?”
They were talking as if I were something special. I couldn’t understand why they were talking like this.
“Wait.” I said. “What am I missing?”
“I don’t know.”
“What’s this about ‘the’ Jason?”
They giggled. Another cheerleader joined the conversation -- her name, I found out, was Riley. Up until this point they were all in their underwear. But Riley was nude and showed no compulsion to cover herself up in front of me. The cheerleaders must be familiar enough with The Program that having a nude boy in the locker room with them didn’t faze them at all.
“Riley, Jason’s decided to join us.”
“Oh my God.” she said. “You’re the one.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“We’ve heard about you, sugar.”
“Uh, oh. It must be about Michele and Emily. Is it bad?”
“Very bad.” said Skylar.
Riley seconded that. “Oh yes. You’ve been a bad, bad boy. Teehee.” she giggled. “Would you like to be bad with me?”
“Riley! I saw him first.” Skylar protested.
“But I was ready first.” Riley countered.
“Jason! Do both of us.”
“But me first.”
This was getting a bit too much. I hadn’t a clue what they were talking about. It must have been something I did today in my sexual haze. Another girl showed up. This one was topless wearing a towel around her waist and scolded the two who were just talking to me.
“Riley! Leave the poor boy alone.”
“Do you know who this is, Addison?” Riley replied.
“Jason. The one in The Program this week.”
Addison looked at me.
“Then you should treat him better. Hi, Jason. My name is Addison. I’m the captain of the squad. I’m sorry the girls aren’t treating you very nicely.”
“But we were treating him real good.” Skylar said.
“Pay no attention to them.”
“What are they talking about? Why are they all talking about me like that?”
“Is it true what happened this morning?”
“I don’t know. What happened?”
“You gave our star volleyball player an earth-shattering orgasm that knocked her off the chair.”
“Oh that. It was in art class. She asked for relief. How did you know about that?”
“The whole school knows.”
“How did that happen?”
“Is it true?”
“She had an orgasm, yes. I hardly believe that’s anything remarkable. It happens all the time with Program participants.”
“Did she faint?”
“No. Sue’s clumsy. So what?”
“She’s a volleyball player. She’s not clumsy. You did that to her.”
“It was only an orgasm.”
“Like a heart attack is only being sick. Everyone wants a piece of that.”
“Anyone in the Program can get relief.”
“Yeah, but not falling off the chair kind of relief.”
“You all are making too big a deal out of this.”
“So, what are you doing here?”
“I just need a shower before going home. I figure while I’m still undressed...”
“We’re so happy you decided to join us.” Addison said. She was still topless and my gaze was drawn to her pair of tits staring back at me. I tried to look her in the eyes but my eyes kept wandering south. As soon as I realized it I would look back up at her eyes. I think she got a kick out of seeing me do this. There was more snickering all around the locker room.
Riley spoke up. “We all want to experience what you did to Sue, Jason.”
“All of you?” I said with my eyes open wide. I gulped audibly.
“Now look what you’ve done, Riley. You’ve scared the poor boy.”
“I’m sorry, Jason.” she said. “It’s just that I haven’t had any in ages.”
“What a load of crap, Riley.” Skylar butt in. “Don’t believe her, Jason. She had plenty at this weekend’s party. To her, three days is ages.”
Riley stuck her tongue out at Skylar and the other girls laughed. By now the whole cheerleading squad had gathered around. It was getting intense.
I told Addison “Skylar was the first one to talk to me. So, I should probably...”
“She’s not ready.” Riley spoke up.
I have never seen a girl get out of her bra and panties as fast as Skylar had just done. But then, I had very little experience watching girls get out their underwear. However, now that Skylar was nude, and ready, I figured I’d be licking yet another snatch today.
I figured right. Skylar outright begged me to lick her pussy. I treated it as an RR, and everyone except Riley thought I should do it and do it for Skylar first. Sorry, Riley.
Skylar looked around the locker room and spied an empty bench. She led me over to it and the other girls followed. She straddled the bench and I took my position between her legs. There was an audience, but there was one this morning too, so, why not?
I really wanted to do good by Skylar. She’d been very nice to me, plus I was now aware of a reputation I had to uphold. Me. A reputation. Damn.
I started slow and down by her knees -- I decided on the left one this time. I gave little kisses up the inside of her thigh all the way up to her pussy. At this point I was only kissing it. I stopped and went to her right knee. She seemed to be responding remarkably well and I switched from kissing to licking and I licked with one long stroke from her right knee up the inside of her right thigh and all the way up to her wet vagina. Her thigh tasted delicious.
I started licking her clitoris and she started gyrating her hips, so I stopped. Mean, aren’t I? However, this made her want it that much more. I filed that information about pausing away for the future. I’m not sure where I had come up with that idea of holding back, but it seemed to work. She seemed to want it more than she did just a few moments ago, if you can believe that.
I went to licking her pussy lips after a brief pause. I tried to keep my tongue out the whole time despite it getting dry but her pussy provided the needed lubrication. I put my index and middle fingers in to feel the wetness. There was like, no friction at all.
I had heard of the G-spot so I went exploring for it at the top of her vagina. It was rough there and I knew that was it; Skylar became much more animated when I did. Her hips were now rotating around and I flattened my tongue against her clitoris and shook my head back and forth and that did it. Skylar screamed.
With her legs wide open, she lifted them almost straight up in the air and I felt her body, especially her hips and legs, wobble, causing her to fall off the bench. Her butt hit hard and I came down to the floor with Skylar and was a little rattled myself.
This is pretty much what happened to Sue this morning. I wondered if news of this would get out too. In my defense: it’s pretty easy to slide off of a locker room bench -- they’re no more than a foot wide.
I looked up to see a sky of mouths agape.
Skylar got up on one elbow and gave everyone the thumbs up. I gave her a little kiss on the lips and I was so proud of myself. I thought she might have been hurt but she showed no signs of it so I was happy for her.
Then Riley cried out “My turn!”
“Then me.” I heard from somewhere in the group.
“And me.” someone else cried.
“Me too.” came another.
Uh oh. What have I gotten myself into?
“Girls!” Addison shouted. “Leave him alone. I’m sure he’s had a long day.”
“Uh, thank you, Addison. I have had a long day, but if I don’t do Riley now, I think she’ll go into meltdown. But just her, if that’s okay. I really do need to clean up soon.”
It’s uncanny how the girls obey Addison -- she’s a true leader. Addison agreed with me and gave Riley permission. The other girls were disappointed but I told them there will be other times this week.
I had just realized then that I got myself into deep kimchee: I had promised to service the cheerleaders in the shower after school every day this week. Yikes!
But for now I found myself on the same bench with Riley. Riley was a lot more eager. I didn’t feel that I needed to go so slow with her. Let’s see how long this takes.
I started at her belly button then licked my way straight down over her little clitty and down to the bottom of her pussy, pushing my tongue into her pussy as far as I could. She tasted a little different than either Skylar or Sue. Stronger. Muskier. I don’t know how to describe it exactly.
Have you ever heard about the round, red, ‘EASY’ button? They must have been talking about Riley’s clit. She squirmed and gyrated and rocked and was even more active than Skylar. And a lot more vocal too.
“Oh yeah. Do that. Unngh. Ohhhhh! Give it to me, Jason. Give it to me-ee-ee!”
Dirty talk! I’d seen it in porn flicks on the internet but always thought they were acting. Riley wasn’t acting. Now I knew that those porn movies were real.
I went up to her little red easy button again. She got even more vocal and energetic and I left licking it to move back down once more. I licked around her pussy, then up to her button again. I did this a few times spending no more than a few seconds whenever I came to her clitoris. Each time she got louder and her movements became greater. I was using the ‘pause every now and again’ technique.
I kept it going, moving on then off of her clit. I don’t know how many times I did but I kept going until Riley decided when enough was enough. It didn’t take her long to decide.
She moaned and grabbed the back of head then smashed my face into her bald cunt right as I latched onto her clit that last time. I took the hint and ground my tongue into her womanhood even harder. Her whole body shuddered and her hips rocked back and forth. Then they shook some more. If she hadn’t been pushing on the back of my head I wouldn’t have been able to stay with her. I felt like a cowboy on a bucking bronco.
Her whole body finally convulsed and shook and then I received a face-full of wetness. Riley had squirted. Let me say that again.
Riley was a squirter!
She drenched my face. That’s another thing I learned on the internet that I thought was all fake. I was wrong on that too. I kept licking her clit but it became too much for her at this point, not to mention too hard for me hold on with all that spray.
“Ah. Oh. Okay. Enough. Oh God. Stop. Pleeeease stop.”
Whatever m’lady wants. I stopped but I felt good about what I had done. I had no idea before how I would feel about giving others relief, but, I like it.
I can barely believe I just did that to two cheerleaders. I tell you, this cunnilingus shit is powerful stuff. Did I just use the word cunnilingus?
I was literally pooped. And boy did I need a shower. My face must have looked like a glazed donut by this point.
The girls parted to let me through. Only Addison followed. She helped me clean up; my face totally needed a thorough cleaning. Too bad Sylvia wasn’t here for that.
While we were showering I heard the others mention Emily’s name. They were talking about her and about Michele. I couldn’t hear all of it and I didn’t want Addison to think I was eavesdropping so I played it cool but heard bits and pieces. I did get the gist of it: I sounded like they wanted to replace Michele with Emily. I was happy for Emily.
The school day was over and I was tired and still naked but it was time to get my clothes and walk home. I needed to find Mr. Brown but he was already at the boxes when I arrived. So was Emily.
“Hi, Jay!”
“Hi, Emily.”
We thanked Mr. Brown and then he left us.
“What are you doing here so late?”
“It’s not late. I stayed after to talk with Sue. She was lifting weights.”
“Oh yeah, I know -- Tuesday’s weight day.”
“I got sweaty helping her out so I took a shower.”
“That explains the wet hair. So, how was your day?”
“Surprisingly, pretty damn good. I decided to stick with The Program.”
“Too bad you don’t have a choice.” she chuckled.
“I do. My mother sent the paperwork in to have me excused from The Program.”
“Do I look like a high school kid?”
“No, I don’t. I look like an elementary school child. I have a development problem.”
“Did you see the doctor about it?”
“Yes. We couldn’t have turned the paperwork in if the doctor hadn’t signed it.”
“But you’re in The Program.”
“The main office screwed up. If it weren’t for Dr. Bruce they’d have never found it.”
“So, you don’t have to do it anymore?”
“Not since this afternoon.”
“Aw, you won’t be in The Program tomorrow?”
“I could have quit but I decided to finish the week.”
“Say what?”
“I’m just trying to make the most of it. Everyone knows about my problem now so there’s no use in trying to hide it.”
“You don’t have a problem, development or otherwise, Jay. If you did that thing of yours wouldn’t be sticking so far up like that.”
“Yeah, I know. It seems to have a mind of its own.”
“It’s smart.”
We laughed.
“It’s been like this all day.”
“Didn’t you get relief?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to.”
“Well, you better work on that.”
“I-I’m not ready yet.”
“I hope you’re ready soon.”
“How many times did you get relief today?”
“None. I’m being punished, remember?”
“I’m not allowed to ask for relief.”
“Aw, now that’s going too far.”
“It wasn’t long ago girls weren’t even allowed relief.”
“That’s not fair.”
“It is what it is.”
“I’d be happy to give you relief now.”
“I don’t think we can.”
“Sure we can; school’s over.”
“But we’re still in the building.”
“Okay then, a reasonable request: can I eat your pussy?”
“Jason! That’s not a reasonable request.”
“If kissing is an RR then so is this.”
“Now that’s not fair.”
I looked left and right then remembered. “There’s a bench down that hall.”
“Oh God, Jay. This is crazy.”
“Let’s go.” I said and took her by the hand.
“Reasonable request: a kiss.”
It was one of those really intimate kisses again. I tried not to be clumsy. It worked out well but it made my dick harder, if that’s even possible.
She sat on the bench and I got down on my knees in front of her. I looked up at her face and smiled. She giggled.
I picked up her right foot. She was wearing sandals -- the lace up kind. I untied her right sandal. Her feet looked cute in sandals but they were downright sexy bare. I looked up at her legs and they were gorgeous. I always appreciated a good set of legs on a girl, just never thought of them as sexy. But this time the sight of Emily’s bare calf and thighs gave me that funny feeling inside. And on top of those legs was a sight that made that feeling move down into my rock hard dick. She was right: I’m going to have to do something about that soon. But not right now.
Her feet were so sexy. I realized that there was something about feet and legs that affected me. I would have loved to have done the thing I was doing now to Sue this morning, but her legs were so long it would have taken too much time. Now I could afford the time and I took it. I didn’t realize this morning, but I realized it now: I might just have a foot and leg fetish thing going.
I kissed the top of her toes and heard her giggle again. I love that. I probably heard more giggles today than I have the previous ten years of my life. I’m going to work on making girls do that even more.
“Can I do something?” I asked Emily.
“This.” I said as I sucked one of her toes: the one next to her big toe.
“Oooo. Wow.”
“Yes! It feels good. Do it some more.”
Like I needed the encouragement. I sucked each of her toes in turn then put two and three of them in my mouth together and sucked. I heard her gasp. When I started kissing up the top of her foot to her ankle she visibly relaxed, then I lifted her leg so I could lick around the back of it. I actually opened my mouth and used my teeth to lightly bite on each side of her achilles tendon. She was starting to breath hard. I was sure this was a good sign.
I stopped at that point and moved to the other side, taking her left shoe off and repeating almost exactly what I did to the other side. I went back to her right and kissed and licked half way up her shins and calf. Then jumped to the left side. I kept alternating left and right. I stopped right above the knees to look at her face. Her head was back but she looked down when I stopped and said.
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the view.”
“Don’t stop. Please.”
How could I refuse? So back to work. It wasn’t really work: I was loving this shit. I held her legs with my hands from behind as I kissed and licked.
I made it all the way to the gateway of her pussy where I stopped once again to look at her face and waited for her just to see her pretty face again. Once again she looked down at me and smiled. But then she gave me the ultimatum.
“Finish, or you’re dead, mister.”
I laughed but only for a second and then I was on her pussy. No more teasing. I nudged around a little first with my nose. She smelled sweet. I then stuck my tongue as far as I could into her vagina and moved up. My tongue wan’t very long so it didn’t go in very far but when I moved up and let it trail behind pushing against first the top of her pussy then her clit, well, it got the desired effect.
She moaned and she squirmed. I kept going faster and harder. Soon her whole body tensed and went still. Her hips bucked up and that’s when she came. It happened fast once I reached her pussy. I had tried to take my time getting there but once there, she was more than ready.
I slowed down after her first orgasm but I didn’t stop. I had read on the internet -- I’m a studious guy, aren’t I -- that you could get girls to cum more than once. So I kept kissing her here and there and tried to bring her back up slowly.
I was patient. She didn’t stop me so it seemed to be working. I started nibbling -- using my teeth on her pussy lips. She started squirming again and I inserted two fingers inside of her. After a little while I was going back and forth with my hand and up and down with my tongue.
She moaned again and I felt the familiar shake right before she came. I figured this was enough for now.
Emily was laying on her side, her legs splayed out in front. Her eyes were closed and she was nearly asleep, so it seemed.
“What the fuck!”
“You didn’t like it?”
“You’ve been holding out on me.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“I loved it. I thought it was just a rumor. But you’ve had lots of practice.”
“Only a little. What’s this about a rumor?”
“You do that like an expert. Nobody has been that good. Everyone has been talking about the little guy in school who works magic with his mouth.”
Her expression softened and she now smiled at me. I love that smile. I was looking only at Emily, or I would have seen it earlier.
We looked over to find Sue standing over us, still nude, hair wet and fists on her hips.
“Oh, hi, Sue.” I said. Well, what else could I say? She caught us red handed.
“H-how long have you been there?”
“More than long enough.”
“Oh. Um, how did you find us?”
“They were complaining about you two on the other side of town. It seems some people are trying to sleep and you woke them. So, how was he, Emily?”
“Um, good.” Emily answered. She looked scared.
“Merely good?”
“Very good?”
“From the expression on your face I’d say it was more like outstanding.”
“Yeah. That’s a good word to describe it. I heard about you and him. Is it true? No wait, I know the answer to that.”
“It seems Jay has a talent.”
“I’m sorry.” Emily apologized.
“Don’t be, Emily. I know how it feels.”
“Oh God. I’ll never live this down.” I lamented. The two were talking about me and now I knew that the reputation the cheerleaders were talking about was getting around. I had no idea who in school knew.
“I would think you’d like a reputation like that, Jay.”
“All my life, Sue, I’ve been trying to lay low so people wouldn’t make fun of me. You know, to fly under the radar. This is NOT flying under the radar.”
“People aren’t going to make fun of you for this.”
“I guess you’re right. Still, it blows away my anonymity.”
“Your anonymity huh? Well, I thought you needed to get home to Grace.”
“I do. I got sidetracked.”
“Who’s Grace?” Emily asked.
“My sister.”
“Oh. You better go.”
“Jay, would you like my mother to give you a ride?”
“I can walk.”
“You’d get home faster for Grace.”
“What about you, Emily?”
“My brother will get me. I better get ready to go too.”
I heard moaning as I went to get my clothes at the end of the day. I tried to ignore the moaning because it happens all the time since they instituted The Program but it was too late in the school day and curiosity got the better of me. I didn’t know who it was until I found them. And here was my Jay giving another girl -- Emily of all people -- pleasure. I had every right to be jealous and I felt like yelling but the episode stopped me in my tracks and I watched intently as Jay filled Emily’s world with happiness. It certainly looked like she was happy. They were too busy to notice me.
SUSAN It’s Friday! And it’s the last day of Program week. It’s finally here. Hooray! I should write that I’m a little conflicted: I can wear clothes to school again after today, but I’m a bit saddened also. Playing volleyball is freakin’ awesome without clothes and Jay and I are friends again all because of The Program. I would have never known how great he was at sex if it weren’t for The Program and I’d still be a virgin too. It’s not that virginity is such a big deal. I was waiting for...
SUSAN Daddy wanted to speak to Jay alone, without me. This was a strange. This wasn’t like Daddy; he never kept secrets from me before. I know Daddy has spoken to Jay in the past, in fact, more than I have for the past few years. But he’s never talked to Jay privately. Jay came out of Daddy’s office with a yellow manila envelope. He wouldn’t tell me what was in it and Daddy chided me not to pry. It must be important. Instead of feeling left out, I instead dwelt on the fact that Daddy would...
*SUSAN* Getting up this morning I almost didn’t put clothes on. I would have just gone to school naked but it was kind of cold out. Besides, I’d be letting the morning crowd down if I weren’t able to undress in front of them. I got a tingle inside thinking of this. I met Mary coming out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel -- on her head -- little tramp. She shouldn’t be walking around the house like that. I think Mary will be hitting the six foot wall soon if she hasn’t already. She...
SUSAN I was so preoccupied with being nude the first day that all other thoughts were pushed out and I couldn’t even concentrate on school work. Everything went by in a blur until after first period. First period social studies didn’t last long but this was only because of the time we spent in the principal’s office getting naked. Harriet, John and I missed the majority of this class. This was expected of first day Program attendees. However, I was wondering about poor Jay. He didn’t have...
SUSAN We were on our to phys-ed when Jay caught an RR: they wanted to feel his not so little cock. Before this week I would have never understood, but I get where this girl is coming from. He let her fondle him. The gal who did this was a little chubby but Jay seemed to enjoy her touch. She certainly seemed to enjoy it, especially at how hard she made him. She thanked him profusely then went on her way. Poor Jay was left rock hard even after his performance in biology class where we peered...
SUSAN I have to say that yesterday afternoon had been an eye-opener for me. One thing for sure: I messed up with Jay’s friend Freddie: I threatened him. I wanted to regain Jay’s trust so I had to do something about that. I beat Jay to school again but Emily was there. “Emily.” “Yes?” “Jay wants me to be nice to you, so, I’m sorry for being mean.” “You’re only doing that because he asked.” “I wouldn’t have been mean to you if you hadn’t been mean to him first.” “I know I messed up. But...
JASON Jeffrey had an odd request: that Sue pick me up and that we kiss. Kissing wasn’t so odd, I suppose, but being picked up was. It’s not something other couples can even do. But we can and we did. I asked to be let down afterward but I was conflicted. I was embarrassed being held by Sue in front of everyone, but at the same time, I liked being held by her. I felt safe and, well, it made me horny with my little wee-wee touching Sue’s breasts. They say it’s not so little. I never really...
Talk about waking up and preparing for a battlefield! I was sick to my stomach when I finally dared venture out of my room. I knew my mom was going to have a huge blowup and we'd all get into a big fight over breakfast, and Jason and I would be in horrible moods by the time we went to school, and it would not be a good way to start the day! So I was stunned when I finally got to the kitchen table for breakfast. I'd stalled all morning, hoping to minimize the time I'd have to spend arguing...
Authors note: Alternative ending. Chapter 20: SUSAN It’s been a hell of a Program week. I suppose it’s like that for everyone. It was a big change for Jay. Poor Jay! In comparison, I had it easy. But what a revelation: the guy is so good at oral sex, it’s unbelievable. Who’d a thunk it? First, he’s not just willing, he’s eager. I don’t know any other guy like that. I’m hoping he’ll be an inspiration for others. He’ll be a hero. He’s my hero. Second, Jay has great technique. I swear, he...
Author’s Note: Long chapter. I hope you like this one. I do. SUSAN Jay is going to be our girl’s volleyball team statistician. That’s brilliant! I know he’s going to make a good one and I’m so excited. Plus, and this is the best part, he gets to come with us when we go away for games. I was feeling great. I was finishing up my shower when the boys from the basketball team rolled in. They were surprised, to say the least. I was surprised. They were all so big. Only two of them were taller...
SUSAN We went shopping Friday evening. I’ve never had a shopping trip like this one. “Are you really going to do it?” “Shush, Brenda. I’m still trying to get my nerve up.” “You’re so brazen, Sue. Every guy that sees you; you’re going to make their day.” “I know. Just, be cool.” Brenda was standing at the back of her car holding the trunk open as everyone was waiting for me to take off my clothes. We had all come with her in her family’s car. I was so nervous but a dare is a dare and I...
JASON Morning time. Again. Mornings haven’t been good to me lately and today was the worst. My bed felt nice and warm and my pillow extra comfy. It was a good consolation however my body was sore. I didn’t want to get out bed but the sun was coming in through the window and woke me up. I could feel Gracie’s presence here in my room. I could feel the warmth of her massive, to me, body. I was still laying down with my eyes closed. “Are we late for the play, Gracie?” I mumbled. “That was...
JASON It was Saturday. I would have liked to have slept in. Fat chance. “Jay.” “Go away, Gracie.” “But we’ll be late.” “For what?” “The play.” “What time is it?” “Nine.” “It’s too early. Go back to bed.” “The play’s at ten.” “Shit. Do I have to go?” “You promised.” “Yes, I did. Fine. I’ll be ready in a few minutes. What’s for breakfast?” “Cereal.” “But Mom cooks breakfast for us on weekends.” “We don’t have time to cook.” “It won’t take that long.” “We have to leave in a...
SUSAN Ms. Winger wasn’t happy that she wouldn’t have any nude subjects to help her with the lesson today after she found out both Jay and I were leaving but I’m sure she’ll make do. The announcement for us to leave came almost as soon as we sat down in her class. There was no time for relief even if either of us wanted. Jay and I walked to the gym together. “Jay, the halls are empty.” I reminded. “I know. No RR’s either. Eerie isn’t it?” “There’s no one to see us. Would you like me to...
JASON “Come on Daddy. Let’s go.” Sue said as she stormed off. “No, Sue. Wait!” I yelled. It was no use. She even dragged Mary away with her. Everyone was disappearing from the atrium fast. “I’m sorry, Jay. We need to go.” Mia said as she dragged her sister away too. “Mia!” her sister shouted to her. “What Melanie?” “I want to talk with Jay.” “You’ve talked too much already, loudmouth!” That left Mom, Gracie, Nora and I standing in the school hallway alone. I looked Nora straight in...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Miranda and Jasonby Jena121© They met as she walked through the lobby of the Hotel. Miranda turned to look at something and found herself bumping into a solid form, ending up in his arms. "Whoa, there lady, don't be in such a rush," said the stranger. She looked at him and reeled back. What a gorgeous man, she thought to herself. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," replied Miranda. Jason took a better look at this divine creature who had landed in his arms. He thought to...
IncestDave's voice crackled over the intercom, "Mam, the Town Car is ready. We should leave in about 5 minutes." Mandy had already showered, changed and was just finishing applying a hint of powder to her face. Again taking Stan's suggestion to wear as little makeup as possible. Crying today of all days was an indisputable fact. "Thank you Dave. I'll be right down." "I just thought you should know that Jason is already here." "OK. I'm on my way." With that, Mandy joined Jason for...
Mandy was very quiet on the ride home. Then she burst into tears again and cried, almost wailing at her loss. Jason was there for her. Again he pulled her to his shoulder to comfort her. Through her sobs of desolation, Mandy cried that she and Bob had not been separated for more than a few hours since they met. He was the light of her life and and with that light extinguished she didn't know how she would manage. Jason just held her in his arms and stroked her hair telling her that somehow...
JASON Wow! My first cheerleader party. Actually, my first “grown-up” party ever. Why do I say ‘grown-up’? Because they had alcohol. It was disguised as punch but they had it out in a big bowl with plastic cups. There was fruit floating around in it but they weren’t fooling anybody. I walked in with Skye holding my hand. Music was blaring. Girls were dancing with each other, half of them in their underwear. Lots of them were happy to see me but Skye wanted to be with me first tonight....
Authors note: Almost done. Couple more chapters to go. Hope you’ve liked it so far. I played with the formatting of this chapter and it’s not quite what I had wanted but I hope it’ll do. SUSAN ring, ring “Huh? What’s that?” I thought. ring, ring Ugh. My phone. Who could it be? I was still half asleep. ring, ring Hey, what time is it? Two AM? Someone calling at this time? This better be good. “Hello?” “Sue, it’s Emily. I’m so sorry to wake you.” “Emily?” “Yes, Emily. I need your...
Mandy reclined in the tub and Jason sat there on the toilet seat while they chatted about inconsequential things. Mainly about their experiences during the day. Jason had been very impressed at how two household staff members had turned into an efficient cast of five or really six if you counted the girls, boy ... type ... friend of the twins. "Those twins in those French Maid outfits were cute as buttons." "That was Stan's idea," commented Mandy. "At least that's what Maggie told...
While Mandy was trying to compose herself, still holding onto Jason, Stan strode into the room. Walking up to the pair he extended a hand to Jason. "I'm glad you could make it. We three have to go over Bob's will when this is all over. Can you stay a few days, Jason." Mandy looked confused. Bob had given her very sketchy information about Jason. Little more than he was barely 12 years older than she was. He was embarrassed to discuss it. She did know that he had tried to get the three...
Mandy kept her hand lovingly on Bob's shoulder. He looked so peaceful lying there. Her last few days had not been too peaceful for her and her wish right then was just to climb next to her love and rest with him. But that was not possible. At least not right now. "I don't want to dwell on the present," she thought to herself. So she let her mind wandered back once again to her happy times with Bob. Her friend, her lover, her husband. Mandy had never driven. Her Bitch-Of-A-Mother had...
The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracial scene. We actually watched that movie twice, and the sex...
(MF, wife, rel, voy, cuck, intr, preg)Wife goes native on vacation while husband watches.*** The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how...
I was just in the middle of a very nice dream, when someone started shaking my shoulder. "Huh? What is it?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes. As my eyes cleared I saw Jennifer sitting on the edge of my bed, a serious expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Jason," she whispered. "It's really early, but we have to talk. Right now." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. "What's wrong?" I asked, starting to become a bit concerned. Jennifer put her...
Oh man, I can't tell you what a wreck I was when I woke up this morning. I still wasn't sure what was going on with Jennifer, although I think I was starting to get the picture, and it made me a little uneasy. For some reason I woke up this morning, and the first thought that popped into my head was "she's in love with you, dummy," and suddenly things started to fall into place. A lot of the things Jennifer had been doing were clearly the behavior of a girl in love with a guy, and it...
Jake What a night that had been. When I awakened Friday morning, Susan’s head was on my shoulder and my nose was filled with her bodily fragrance. She’s unreal. I don’t know if she ever wears perfume, but her body creates the world’s best. I just looked down at my sleeping beauty. And what a beauty she is. With her eyes closed, I realized for the first time how long her eyelashes are. They were perfect crescents on each cheek. Then she awakened. You probably know some people who take...
Susan I awakened Wednesday morning, and it was really strange. For the first time in my life, I awakened in a man’s arms. And it was heavenly. Jake was lying on his back, while I was on my side facing him. My right arm was over his chest and I was using his shoulder for a pillow. God, it was great! I thought about going down on him — his prick looked so inviting — but I was too comfortable to move. As I lay there, his eyes opened, and they were focused on me. And the first thing I saw was...
Jake "What's going on?" I asked Susan when we left Whitaker's office. She just grinned and replied, "It's easy, sweetie. We've spent the last three nights at one of our two funny farms and I thought it would be nice to be away from the folks for one night." She paused and then added, "I've got plenty of money, so it's all on me. Okay?" Well, what could I say? I just agreed. Off we went to Susan's. She said she had to get a few things for the night, even though none of the...
I was still on cloud nine when I woke up this morning. I thought for a moment about sneaking into Jason's room. I've always had a fantasy of giving someone a wake-up blowjob, but thought there were a few things that could go wrong. The last thing we needed was for Jason to wake up screaming as I sucked on his cock. If Mom caught me in his room twice, I don't know what would happen. Actually, I was a little confused about what she was thinking. I ate breakfast like I normally did, and for...
Susan The school day was winding down, and the first day of Naked in School hadn't been bad at all. In fact, in the afternoon, a couple of guys had even squeezed my tits and groped my cunt. Pretty nice. One guy even commented on how lovely my tanned pussy looked. How nice... ! I think. I had soccer practice after school, but I had asked Jake if he wanted to wait around and I would give him a ride home. "But it won't be until after five," I told him. "That's okay," he replied with a...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Jim had picked out a nice thick butt plug: “I want you to feel it, honey, and stretch out your ass a little,” he’d told his wife that morning. “I want you to keep it up there all day, as a reminder of the ass-fucking I’m going to give you tonight.” Susan had nodded obediently: It was part of their current sex game: She was more passive, agreeing to anything her husband—her master, in this game—told her to do. The butt plug was having Jim’s desired effect on Susan: Now that she felt the hard...
For the life of me, I didn't understand what had happened the night before. I thought Jason would be up for a threesome with Heather. I thought he'd be excited by the thought. I thought he would have been happy for me, but instead he storms out of the room. I felt like such a slut, only I didn't know why. I hadn't been able to fall asleep for hours, and when I finally did it wasn't pleasant. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow as someone shook my shoulder. "Jennifer," said a...
Susan After the short soccer meeting — we were playing the only other team in the area that was undefeated; we had to win — I met up with Jake and we went to the main entrance to get dressed. For some unknown reason there wasn't nearly as much interest in our dressing in the afternoon as there was in our undressing in the morning. What a surprise! At any rate, Jill came running up to join us, and we were off. It wasn't even four o'clock, so it was the earliest I had left school in a very...
Larry was divorced from his wife. She had called him a pervert when he wanted to stick his dick up her and fuck her. She divorced him. He and his son Jason was going on a fishing trip. So he loaded his Winnebago up with fishing gear. He drive to his ex ex-wifes house and honked the horn. Jason came running and jumped in."Did you tell your mother that we will be gone for a week?""Yes." Jason said.Jason was sixteen and on summer vacation. Larry drove to a secluded lake. He found a spot where...
BisexualJared I went home Monday night. Had a nice talk with my parents. They're all for The Program, as I explained, but they're worried about me more than they let on. They let me talk out some of the things that happened. It was good. And then I went upstairs and jerked off, and I think it took all of seven seconds. All, and I mean all I could think about was a naked Amanda kissing me. It was strange. Look at all that had happened to me today. I walked around school naked. Girls were grabbing...
"Dad, can I talk to you?" I had been awake for thirty minutes or so before I heard people moving around, so I finally came out of my room. "What's bugging you, son?" "I... please... I need to know what's up with Mom. It's just weird how she's been acting... about... about The Program and about Jennifer and I." "Maybe you should talk with her," he said, going back to his paper. "Don't you think?" I stood there a moment before spinning around and heading to the living room....
Susan Well, we finally got out of that funny farm and went to our place. There it was like old home week with Mom and Dad meeting and greeting Emily Adams and Ann Stockdale for the first time, as well as congratulating Will on his good fortune. Just as things were quieting down, Gramps and Gram appeared and it was all repeated. One thing had been decided between Emily and the Stockdales: theirs would be a very short engagement, as short as possible. Gram, ever sensitive to things like that,...
Jake I woke up Saturday morning, missing something. I had that marvelous scent in my nostrils that I had really gotten used to: the sweetness of Susan’s body. The scent was there, but where was Susan? Then I heard sounds coming from the other bedroom attached to our suite, the room where Will Stockdale and Emily Adams were. I was still not fully awake, and as I became more fully alert I realized I was hearing moans, groans and muffled cries. Bestirring myself from the bed — what the hell...
Jake Wow! What a lunch that was. Susan and I made it through the rest of the day, met Jill and waited while she and I dressed — Susan had thrown all her clothes away that morning, so she was going to have to do some involuntary outreach — and then went to Sue's car. We found a light slowly flashing on her car phone indicating a message waiting for her. She found it was from her mother telling her to take us home to dress, than come back to their apartment for dinner. Dress? Hmm ... A new...
Wednesday Steve I awoke to the 6:00 am alarm, and gave Susan her favorite wake-up call. I slid into her, and she just purred. As I picked up the pace, she arched her back, and met me stroke for stroke. When we came, she screamed. "You've got to learn not to scream your orgasms, honey", I told her. "The neighbors are apt to call the cops, telling them someone is getting murdered." She laughed and hit me playfully. "Come on; let's get a shower." We took a quick shower, and picked out...
Susan When I awakened Tuesday morning, it was like awakening from the dead. Good grief, did I sleep! And no wonder: Monday was the most emotional day of my life, ranking right up with the first day I met Mom after being beaten by Mabel Mason who then took a shot at Mom in the courtroom. I showered and then looked for something to wear. In the process, I found my Levi's from the day before; the crotch was still soaked. Since I was going to be naked, I decided to just wear Levi's and a...
The town car had arrived about 8:30. By 9 they were on their way to Las Vegas. After take off, they settled in together in one chair, with Mandy on his lap. It was then that she asked him a question that had been floating in the back of her mind. "Bob, we've been having sex, several times a day for three months. It there something wrong with me. I thought I'd be pregnant by now." "Do you want to be pregnant?" "Yes. I want to have our child. I want to have one soon! "I want one...
Susan Wow! What a game! It was by far the best game I have ever played. Hmm ... Maybe there's something to that business about being sexually satisfied, after all. Anyway, after taking a shower — and after being worked over by some football players who had been working out on their own, along with the whole boys' soccer team — I met the others in front of the school. I was amazed to meet Tom Mason and to find out that he had been naked for most of the day with Jill. He seems like a really...
“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...
This story is bound to make any guy who loves extremely fat women, get a stiff. This is based on a true story and actually happened to my mate Jason (above). He was working as a pizza delivery boy about five years ago, and that's how he met Paula (above) an extremely obese 33 year old chick, weighing over 530 pounds. They ended up boyfriend and girlfriend and stayed together for about five years. As I also love very fat women, I just had to tell his story, because it's the best one I've ever...
Candace Wu slumped down in her bed after what felt like the thousandth fake orgasm of her life. Her husband Henry lay beside her panting from exertion, no doubt grinning like an idiot. She felt his few drops of watery semen run out of her. This was why Candace never even bothered with birth control. Though there was only a five year age difference between Candace and Henry, most people would mistake them for father and daughter. Candace was a slim, petite Taiwanese woman who was blessed with DD...
CHAPTER 9 As Susan was escorted into the sitting room, she saw two couples. The men rose from theirseats as she walked in, and Peter, dropping his arm, led her to the center of the room. “Susan, I’d like you to meet some very close friends of mine,” he started. “This is Alex, indicating the older man. “And his wife, Janet,” The woman remained seated and smiled broadly at Susan. Alex was probably forty-five years old while his wife seemed much younger, perhaps thirty. She was a pleasant slender...
Jason and Dean Malcomb Make a Deal The next morning Jason received a call from Dean Malcomb. “Jason, would you come to my office as soon as you can get free?” “Yes Sir. I can come over right away.” Jason dropped what he was doing and hurried over to the administration offices. After all, when the Dean calls he expects a quick response. Fifteen minutes later, Jason was admitted to Dean Malcomb's office by a cute young receptionist. Dean Malcomb rose and stuck out his hand to...
Susan's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Sam, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Susan's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...
Jason and Kershaw were college roommates. Both were straight,good-looking, well-built athletes, Jason was white of Irish descent,Kershaw was black. They got along well and often dated the same chicks,which tended to be co-eds that put out since neither of them were lookingto fall in love, as young as they were.One night, Jason and Kershaw got drunk over a few pitchers of margaritaswith two girls, Tammy and Sheila. After the girls had a few too many, theysplit, but the room mates stayed until...
Jason and me Part 1 - First Sex I realised after I'd started to write this that you may need some background to make sense of it, so I've added it here at the beginning. Jason is my best mate and has been for about 4 years since his dad died in a car accident. My Dad had walked out on my Mum at about the same time and we seemed to have something in common. I'm only 5' 5" and skinny whereas Jason is 5' 9" and does a lot of sport. Physically we look like an odd couple and Jason has...
Susan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...
"But... I thought" Jason began to say something before he broke out in tears. "I'm so sorry" Ashley said and opened the door. Jason took the hint and went outside and Ashley closed the door. Jason put his back to the door and slid down the door and began to cry to himself trying not to make any noise to disturb some of the other people. A few girls walked by and saw Jason crying to himself and felt bad for him. One girl walked by and sat down next to Jason in an attempt to comfort him....
CHAPTER 3 Susan awoke with a start at the sound of the door latch followed by the door opening. It wasn’t that the sound was loud, rather that in this soundproofed room, any noise stood outfrom the silence to which she’d grown accustomed. Peter moved into the room and turned on the room’s lights. Susan scampered to try to sit upright. The chain holding her wrist cuffs together, did not permit her to assume the kneeling position, and it really didn’t matter, because of the fog in Susan’s mind,...