Susan & Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 2: Monday After School free porn video

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The school day was winding down, and the first day of Naked in School hadn't been bad at all. In fact, in the afternoon, a couple of guys had even squeezed my tits and groped my cunt. Pretty nice. One guy even commented on how lovely my tanned pussy looked. How nice... ! I think.

I had soccer practice after school, but I had asked Jake if he wanted to wait around and I would give him a ride home. "But it won't be until after five," I told him.

"That's okay," he replied with a warm grin. "The damned school bus goes all around Robin Hood's barn, and Jill and I are the last stop. It will only be a little later than we normally arrive home. I'll call my mom and tell her you're giving me a ride."

"What about Jill?"

"What about the brat?" he retorted.

"Would she like a ride, too? She's really a doll!"

I could tell that my remark surprised him a bit, but not as much as it had earlier. I think the facts of life — his sister's life — had started to penetrate.

"If I see her, I'll ask."

Since I had a few minutes before I had to go to soccer — and use the boys locker room to shower afterwards — we decided we would stop by and see Emily Adams. She was still in her room, although she was getting ready to leave.

She was so damned cute! "Am I glad to see you two!" she exclaimed when she saw us. And then she blushed bright red.

"Need some help again?" I asked.

All the poor woman could do was nod her head once while her complexion approximated a beet's. Suddenly I realized she was hardly tanned at all; just her hands and face. Hmm...

I found the blanket again and spread it on the floor, then knelt on the end. Emily laid down on it and again used my thighs as a pillow. Jake got on his knees and proceeded to really work her over. We weren't significantly time-limited, so he spent more time with her tits, bringing her to two screaming orgasms in the process. Then he moved to her pussy and repeated his actions of the morning.

While I gently caressed her tits — her nipples were throbbing by this time — I studied her body. I realized that she was amazingly muscular, too. What an outrageously beautiful woman! I thought.

Again Jake put her out, and with her final massive orgasm again she ejaculated.


And what do you know? It looks like we have a friend on the faculty.


I was sitting in the bleachers watching the soccer practice. Good grief, Susan is good! She was almost literally running rings around her teammates. Furthermore, she had ball control like Pele's. Unreal! No wonder she had almost singlehandedly destroyed Reston the previous fall.

And then Jill appeared. "Hi, big brother. When I didn't see you at the bus, I figured you were staying to watch soccer so I decided to stay, too." She grinned and added, "My homework's all done, too. I just finished up in the library."

Then she changed tack. Dramatically! "Do you think I'm attractive? Or was Sue just giving me a line?"

"Do you like her?"

"Of course! She is the greatest!" Jill replied. "But you didn't answer my question."

"Let me put it this way: you're her twin. How's that sound?"



"Wow! I really couldn't hope for anything better than that. So you think the guys will like me?"

"I know they will."

Soccer practice wrapped up, and we waited for Susan to join us. When she did, she was grinning. We walked to the front of the school, found the boxes with our clothes and started to dress for the first time since school started.

"How were things in the boys' locker room?" I asked.

"Interesting. The guys had me washing myself in the shower, particularly my tits and cunt. Then they had to help, too. Then they had me posing a little. But no one got at all rough. It was pretty nice, actually. And one guy said he loved my tanned pussy. So there!" She stuck the tip of her tongue out at me.

"By the way," I interjected, "when I called home to tell Mom we would be a little late and were getting a ride over, she asked if you and your parents might like to join us for dinner. Dad's doing his thing on the grill tonight."

"What's that mean?"

"With most people, a guy will cook a steak or something. But not my dad. He does a whole mixed grill and cooks every kind of meat imaginable, along with tomatoes, mushrooms ... You name it. And Mom's really serious, by the way. Because he cooks so many things, there's enough to serve an army. So if you and your parents join us, we'll only be eating the leftovers for a week instead of a month."

By that time we had reached Susan's car, and what a car it was. It looked like an econobox, except the damned thing had Recaro seats in the front. Jill made a face, but squeezed herself in the back, while Susan used her car phone to call home. Her mother accepted the invitation to dinner gratefully, and I provided her directions to our house. Then Susan passed me the phone to call my mother and tell her we would be having guests for dinner. As expected, she was genuinely pleased.

Off we went, out to the expressway.

And with Susan driving, it was well named. I was astonished at the car's acceleration, and we were cruising in the left lane, blowing by the other cars at speeds approximating 80. Just then I heard a siren and glanced backwards. Sure enough, there was a smokey on our tail.

Susan just muttered, "Oh, shit... !" and eased over to the right and stopped as far off the pavement as she could get. The police cruiser rolled up behind us and a trooper jumped out and ran up to our car.

"What's the matter, Sue?" the trooper asked. "Lose a couple of cylinders in this thing? Heck, you were barely doing 80. What's wrong?"

I was stunned.

"Hi, Will!" Susan greeted the trooper. "Nothing's wrong. But there's traffic on the road, and we both know drivers can't estimate overtaking speed in their mirrors. Plus, I have a couple of friends in the car." The trooper crouched to be able to better look inside, and Susan introduced us. "Will, this is Jake Collins and his sister, Jill. Guys, this is Trooper Will Stockdale, Virginia State Police ... and the first date I ever had in my life! He's just the greatest guy in the world."

Would you believe it? The trooper blushed. "Miss Susan, every time I see you, you're more beautiful than you were the time before. I really don't see how it's possible, but you do it." He paused for a moment and then added, "Please give my best to your mother, and congratulate your dad. I read that he's been picked for promotion to captain. And that's just great!"

"Thanks, Will, and I'll be sure to tell them," Susan replied.

The trooper went back to his cruiser and we continued on our way.

"Good grief," I said, "what was that all about?"

"Well, you saw my badge. And Will — who seems to monopolize the patrol of this road — is much more used to seeing me cruise at well north of 100."

From the back seat Jill just muttered, "Wow!"


We pulled up at Jake's house, and it was both new and lovely. And, as he had said, out in the boonies. But, he had explained, it was the only way his parents could get both the house they wanted and the land. You know, that day had been really strange. Never, since I left the house, had I personally experienced so much sex ... but Jake and I hadn't even kissed.

He had eaten me to two screaming orgasms — in front of two classes full of kids — and both were complete with my ejaculating all over his face. In turn, I had deep-throated him twice — also in front of two classes of kids — and damn near put him out both times. Then Jake had eaten out that lovely and loving Emily Adams and both times I had been supporting her head while I kissed her and played with her nips.

But we had never kissed! Can you believe it?

Oh, yeah ... One more thing. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him, too. But why do I think you're not very surprised?

Jake led the way around to the back of the house, and we found his mother, Jean. It was immediately apparent where both kids' looks came from. Jean Collins was drop-dead gorgeous. As soon as she saw us, she came running over to us.

"Hi!" she said to me. "I'm Jean Collins, and you have to be Susan Stark. Welcome!" And with that she took me in her arms and kissed me. And it was a real kiss! We eased apart, and her eyes were glassy. I suspect mine were, too. "Wow! And, Susan, you're really welcome here. You are an utter dream! And what a change for my son, too!"

What is this? I still haven't been kissed by Jake, but his mother almost put me out with one. How strange.

"You said I'm a change for Jake. What did you mean by that?"

She giggled softly. What a cute sound! "You may not believe it, but Jake is really shy around girls. But he's a real hunk. The result of this has been that he doesn't call girls, they call him. But you can just guess who does the calling: the socially advanced ones, I guess I should call them. Unfortunately, what they have in social aggressiveness has been matched by their lack of brains." She grinned, and with her eyes wide she asked, "Can you say ... airhead?"

I really had to laugh at that one, and I did.

It was really funny. Jean Collins was another golden blonde with brilliant blue eyes and an utterly perfect body. (Do you see any pattern here?)

"So how was your day?" she asked. "Jake told me on the phone that you two are in the Naked in School program together."

Before I could say anything, Jill did. "Jake ate Susan out twice, and she gave him two blowjobs." She paused and then added, "And I felt him up, all over. Mom, Jake is really hung!"

It's a good thing Jean Collins didn't have anything in her mouth right then; she would have spit it out. Instead, she almost choked. "You did... what?" she nearly screamed.

"Part of the program is that participants have to go along with any other student's reasonable request. Since other girls had been fondling Jake all day, I concluded that feeling a guy up was reasonable. So I did it, too." She paused and then added, "It was great!"

Jean rolled her eyes and murmured, "Oh, boy! Isn't that just great." Then to her daughter she said, "Just wait until your father hears this. Young lady, you're about to be grounded into the next century!"

"It's really okay, Mom," Jake interjected. "She's right about the program, and she might have had the gentlest pair of hands I felt all day. And she is almost sixteen." Then he scored: "When did you start, Mom? You're really a stone fox, you know."

Jean blushed and grinned wryly. Then she giggled and said, "No fair!"

Then she took Jill into her arms, kissed her, tousled her hair and said softly, "I'll try to ease it to your father gently. I'll have to remind him what he did to me ... and what I was doing to him."

"And still are," Jill retorted with a grin. "Mom, no wonder we're out in the boonies with a lot of land. Your screams make a jet being catapulted off a deck seem quiet."

"I can't help it," Jean grumped. "Your father knows where all my buttons are, and the sequence to push them for greatest effect." Then more softly she added, "I pray that you'll find a guy as good for you as your father is for me."

This was really great. Apparently Jake's parents were as good together as mine were.

Then she turned to me and asked, "What do you think of my son?"

"Mrs. Collins, he's unreal. Would you believe that, not only did he eat me out, but I actually ejaculated! And although it was an all-time first, I did it both times." But then I grumped, "But he's never kissed me ... on my facial lips."

"Oh!" she grinned. "Well, that should be easy enough to fix. Jake, would you kindly kiss this nice young lady? On her facial lips, this time?"

"Golly, Mom ... I just don't know..."

"What's that mean?" she asked.

"It's not the same," he replied firmly.

"Why not?"

"'Cause she's wearing clothes is why."

All three of us women cracked up laughing at that one.

"She doesn't have to be naked for you to kiss her," his mother pointed out, "so do it!"

And he did. He took me in his arms and ... instant lip lock. And bells. And whistles. And sirens. And exploding rockets. The whole nine yards. And he almost put me out ... Again! And just with a kiss this time.

I was reeling — Jake didn't look much better; he looked like he'd been hit by a truck — when Jean took me in her arms, melted her lips to mine and really let go. Wow! When we eased apart, she said softly, "Welcome to the family, Susan Stark. And I, for one, hope it turns out to be permanent. You are an utter dream!" Then she giggled and added, "But just look at what you did to my poor son! You almost killed him with your lips. The poor guy can barely stand!"

"How about what he did to me?" I retorted. "And you, you nasty woman, almost put me out with your kiss." I grinned and added, "But it was wonderful! Exactly like my mom's."

Just then we heard a car pulling into the driveway. Jean left to meet the new arrival and I was left with Jake and Jill.

"Wow!" Jill murmured. "What a kiss!"

"Could I try that again?" Jake asked. "I really can't believe a kiss could possibly be as good as that one seemed to be."

I saw an outdoor loveseat, so I took his hand, pulled him with me and sat down on it with him beside me.

"What's this all about?" he asked.

"It's about safety," I replied. "You almost put me out the last time, and I would just as soon not fall on my face."


With that, he took me in his arms and kissed me. Oh, boy! Without the fear of falling on my face it was far better, but just more of the same thing. I won't bore you with the repetition. Dimly through the bells and sirens I heard something that sounded like a name. Jake and I eased apart.

"John J. Collins, Jr., would you please bestir yourself and welcome our guest? This is Susan's mother, Mrs. Stark."

Jake struggled to his feet and staggered over towards Mom. And then it was all over! She kissed him and really unloaded. Poor Jake! I'll admit he was pretty weak when he left me, so in his already-weakened condition, he just was not in shape for my mother. He passed out during the kiss. But fortunately, Mom is not only very strong, she has very quick reflexes. She caught him under his arms before he could fall flat and just held him up.

Same as Susan & Jake Naked in School
Chapter 2: Monday After School Videos

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Susan Her Search Part II

Susan:She strategically picked a spot near her place. As she drained her last glass of wine she pulled on a nice black dress and started to put on her make up. Just thinking of what was possible tonight she could feel herself getting wet. As she pulled on her panties she almost thought of not wearing them. Although that would take the fun out of having them pulled off. As she locked the door and headed out She walked into the bar and scanned the area. It was a quite bar and there were few...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 3 Monday After School

By the time Calculus ended at three o'clock I was practically sleepwalking. I could have used a sixteen-ounce espresso or three but had to settle for a Coke. I downed the can in seconds then headed to the drama shop for Halloway's whippy-dippy after-school support group. Adam and Dee Muntz, of all people, were tangled up outside the drama shop door. Dee was on top and had all of Adam's cock in her mouth, which even then was no easy feat. Adam's face was pinned beneath her hips and she...

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Jake and Stacey A Ride To School

Jake saw Stacey as he drove up the street towards her house. She was standing outside in the white tennis skirt he had chosen for her last night, but she was covered from the waist up by a large green hoodie, hiding her best features. The baggy hoodie represented resistance to Jake's desires and this annoyed him.As Stacey opened the passenger door to get in he held his hand up to stop her. "Throw your backpack in the back and take off that ridiculous sweatshirt," he barked."What? It's cold...

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Susan RayChapter 2

We went online to find information surrounding the time and place of our father’s death. From what little our mom told us, we gleaned the time frame things happened. I was seven and Susan was nine the year it happened. We were living in Provo, Utah back then. We live in Cedar City now. Since she is seventeen, there is a second car that used to be moms. She’s been driving dads MG. Her car was a Corolla that Susan now drives, when necessary. When she turns 18, she gets a car of her own. I...

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Susan Her Search

Susan:After a long day Susan could think of nothing better than to go home, draw a warm bath, crawl in and let Calgon “take her away”. It seemed that she was having more of these days than before. Ever since her company was taken over the work was no longer fun and her boss was a ass hat too boot. Never in her life would she have thought that after so many years working her way up in the world that she would have reached the point where her boss was less qualified than she was, and basically...

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Susan RayChapter 6

I had an idea, and got on the computer. “Hey Raymond, you’re not looking for porn are you, you got me now!” she said topless, wearing cute white panties and coming up close behind me. “What are you doing?” “Posting an ad online at the newspaper and Facebook. Asking for people who may have lived within the area we need, to see if anyone remembers the day dad got shot!” “Now, that is a great idea! People move out and move away, but check on their hometown newspaper, especially when you can...

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday My wretched alarm clock heralded another day in hell. Today, I really didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to face Peyton again. I didn't want to be naked while everyone else was clothed. As usual, my Mom knocked on my door to make sure I was up. I told her to go away and then climbed out of bed and stumbled to the shower. Thoughts of the girl's shower room quickly got me hard and I came in less than a minute of beating off. I figured it might be a good idea to go to...

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 5A

Friday Have I mentioned that I hate my alarm clock? I tried to get up to swipe at it but found myself weighed down by a head on my chest. I looked down and saw Peyton's long blonde hair spilt out over my chest. The incessant alarm clock was still going off. I reached over to try and turn it off but to no avail. I stretched again, trying not to rouse Peyton and failed again. I then heard a knock at my door. "Time to get up for school, Jake," called my Mom through the door. No shit, I...

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 1B

When the bell rang, I waited behind for Zoe. We were the last two to leave the classroom and head to Drama class. I wondered the entire way if Peyton would be there or if she would be ditching the rest of her classes with me for the day. I was surprised to see Peyton in the classroom. She had moved herself next to Clarissa. I was happy to see Clarissa talking her ear off. There were several students staring at Zoe and me when we came in. I was happy to find that some of the embarrassment was...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 4

Thursday I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was shaking me gently. I looked up and saw the smiling face of Mrs. Ambrose. "It's time to wake up, Jake." I smiled back at her and sat up. "You can use Peyton's bathroom to take a shower. I'll have breakfast ready when you're done." I struggled to get up and out of the bed. I gave Peyton a kiss on the forehead and moved the hair away from her face. She looked so peaceful. Mrs. Ambrose left for the kitchen. I headed into the bathroom...

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Jake GillChapter 13

GILL walked down the corridor with her new driver Jimmy. He was quite chatty, talking about Gerry sharing what is now her car. He was telling Gill that one of the two guys appointed to look after Wayne in Istanbul was a Turkish Cypriot who had served as an NCO with the British Army and was married to a cousin, spoke the lingo like a native and knew his way around the Middle East like the back of his hand, while his partner, although not family, yet, was ‘well experienced’, he said, in foiling...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 19 We Are the Champions

Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 6

Saturday I awoke with Peyton cuddled into my side. I couldn't think of a better way to wake up in the morning. I glanced at the clock. Five in the morning. I thought back to the night before and realized we were out pretty early. "Good morning," purred Peyton, looking up at me and smiling. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Half an hour," she said. "I was just admiring you as you slept." "So, you okay with last night?" I asked. "Definitely," said Peyton with a smile....

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Jake Naked In SchoolChapter 3B

The rest of lunch, my friends and I horsed around like we always did at lunch. Zoe stayed on the periphery of the conversation and withdrew. After lunch I asked her if she wanted me to walk her to class. She declined and headed off on her own. With the extra time to get to class, I ended up being one of the first people in the orchestra room. I got my violin out and started tuning it. Peyton came in and got out the case to her viola. "Thanks, Jake," she said, barely at a whisper. "What...

3 years ago
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The life of Jake A story of drama sex and high school

"Hey, how was the next two?" I asked. "Sucktacular, douche bag." he replied in mock anger. He got in the shower too. He was taller than me, with glasses. But he didn't wear them despite his need.  " Hey your still here. Isn't Jenny waiting for you outside?" " Shit!" I got out and looked at my watch.  5:25. Jenny, my girlfriend for 4 years should be outside the locker room. She is so hot. Brown hair, a little shorter than me but only by an inch. And a 34C. She lives with me now...

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Jake GillChapter 10

GILL was a little apprehensive when Kelly told her she was booked to have lunch with Gertie Albury again when she arrived at work on Thursday morning. “And she ‘told’ me, not actually ‘asked’ me, to ensure the rest of your afternoon was free of all appointments!” Kelly spluttered in Gill’s office, “I told her you had urgent meetings in the afternoon but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then two minutes later Sir Gerald called me and moved your Webster meeting to Monday and told me he...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 24 The Phantom of the Opera

Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...

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Mom Goes Camping With Son Sons Friend

All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 1 Monday Morning

The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 12 Friday 1

SUSAN It’s Friday! And it’s the last day of Program week. It’s finally here. Hooray! I should write that I’m a little conflicted: I can wear clothes to school again after today, but I’m a bit saddened also. Playing volleyball is freakin’ awesome without clothes and Jay and I are friends again all because of The Program. I would have never known how great he was at sex if it weren’t for The Program and I’d still be a virgin too. It’s not that virginity is such a big deal. I was waiting for...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 9 Wednesday After School

After Calculus class the hallway was peaceful. Other than a few guys who were collecting clothing remnants as souvenirs, there was no sign of the earlier melee. When I got to the drama shop for Holloway's whippy-dippy support group, Ben was in the hall talking on his PDA. "Lavi, this is Ben," he was just saying, obviously to Lavender Liu. "Yeah, I know. Long time no see. Three days, right? Hey listen. Could you, Ginger, Heather, and Jasmine meet me by the parking lot doorway at four...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireAfterword

Hello there, and thank you for reading this work. I know the inclusion of an afterword is somewhat unusual for online erotic fiction, but I’m quite proud of My Isekai Life in D&D and I am hoping that you’ll indulge me just a little bit. I began writing this series way back in the summer of 2018, inspired mainly by the glut of “isekai” anime that were (and still are) being published in large numbers. For those who don’t know, the term “isekai” is Japanese, used to indicate stories that...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 2

JASON You would think that with the requirement to run around naked for the whole week that everyone would be so used to it that you’d see more than just The Program kids running around naked. Well, there were; but not many. To be fair, winter was coming and it was too cold to casually run around everywhere clothing-less. Later in the spring there would be more which is usual here. Someone nude who didn’t have to be was still a novelty. So I was taken aback when a topless girl stopped me in...

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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday Steve I awoke to the 6:00 am alarm, and gave Susan her favorite wake-up call. I slid into her, and she just purred. As I picked up the pace, she arched her back, and met me stroke for stroke. When we came, she screamed. "You've got to learn not to scream your orgasms, honey", I told her. "The neighbors are apt to call the cops, telling them someone is getting murdered." She laughed and hit me playfully. "Come on; let's get a shower." We took a quick shower, and picked out...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 41 Undefeated

(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...

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Susan abused after being abusive to local group

Just for a change i had planned on taking susan to one of the pubs near to us that had a band playing that night.before we left i opened a bottle of wine and poured Susan a very large glass full. Susan unbeknown to me had already been drinking and i soon realised that she was showing all the signs of being very drunk.After she had drunk another two glasses of wine i told her to go and get changed. I had laid out the clothes that i wanted her to wear,these consisted of a white see through blouse...

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