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Second Serving

To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to eight and return together at seven in the evening. They even attendchurch - occasionally.

However, now and again, Angela likes to dominate Tony and treat him as herslave. Tony enjoys being the slave of his mistress/wife. Whenever they getthe opportunity to be mistress and slave, which is not often enough for eitherof them, Tony submits himself absolutely to her will. He has to go naked forthe whole time they are playing their roles. He has to give her sexual pleasurewhenever she demands it, in whatever way she specifies. He has to humiliatehimself for her pleasure. He has to obey her every command whatever it is.He is punished for every misdemeanour. He is not allowed to have an orgasmwithout permission - which is never forthcoming until the end of the session,and then only if he has been a ?good slave,' - and if it would amuse her forhim to come. They both love these moments of fantasy play, and they thoughtthey had reached the pinnacle of their sexual happiness. Then came that memorableSaturday in August.

They had managed to get rid of the kids for the weekend so, as always whenthe kids were not around, they had planned to have a scene. Tony's day startedmuch as usual on such occasions when, at about 7.30, he was rudely awoken froman engrossing dream by being booted out of bed. He awoke abruptly as he landedon the floor.

?It's time to fetch me a cup of coffee, slave', said Angela.

Tony had gone from sleep to being fully awake in half a second. ?Yes, mistress',came the automatic, subservient response.

The scene had started. Immediately, Tony's felt his heart begin to thump alittle faster and stronger and his mouth dried as that familiar mixture ofexcitement and dread filled his being and, as always, his cock engorged withthe anticipation of events to come. What would his mistress have planned forhim today, he wondered? She never discussed the scene in advance as this gaveher the option of ?messing with his mind' as she called it. ?Mind-fuck' wasthe term he had seen used on the internet. And right-royally fucked his mindhad been on occasions in the past. Angela's excitement also grew as she felther power over Tony, renewed her knowledge that he would do whatever she desiredand that familiar tingling and wetness appeared between her thighs. She hadso many degradations planned for today, so many new ideas. Part of her wantedthe day to be over already so that she would know how they had turned out but,of course, part of her wanted to delay as much as possible, to savour everymoment. Her belly contracted into knots as she wondered what Tony would thinkof the surprise she had in store? Would he think it went too far, she wondered?Would it ruin the day or would it be the triumph she was hoping for?

Tony went downstairs to make coffee. He was butt naked, of course, but onthat Saturday in August the world was warm enough that his nakedness did notcause him to be uncomfortable. The only discomfort came from having to walkaround with an unsupported erection, something he had never quite got usedto. He could never quite decide whether to walk naturally. If he did, it bobbedup and down continually like one of those nodding dogs you sometimes see inthe back of other people's cars, each bob feeling uncomfortably like an unexpectedweight had suddenly attached itself to his dick, pulling it towards the floor.Alternatively, if he walked like a teenage girl practising deportment in afinishing school, balancing a pile of books on her head and keeping his headin a perfectly straight horizontal like, his cock didn't bob but remained permanentlyupright as if he were in some cheap porno film where the aging stars have touse prosthetic implants to avoid flaccidity.

He returned to the bedroom with his mistress's coffee, and a bobbing dick. ?Yourcoffee, mistress', he said as he put it down on the bedside table.

?Did you make yourself one?' she asked Tony.


?Just as well', she responded, ?since I didn't give you permission. You canstand at the foot of the bed while I drink my coffee.'

Tony did as he was told and walked to the end of the bed. Angela, watchedhim for a moment, savouring the control she had over him, relishing the feelingof power, wanting to exercise that power, to see it visibly manifested by experiencingTony's unquestioning acceptance of her authority. While still lying in bed,she threw off the duvet. She was also naked since both of them always sleptlike that. Tony now had a good view of his mistress's naked body which shenoticed he was happily devouring. Slowly and very lewdly, she spread her legsuntil it seemed impossible they could open any more. Tony's mouth already feltdry but as he watched the display, which he knew was for him and which he knewwas a tease and would not result in any physical pleasure, it reached Gobidesert level.

?What can you see?' Angela asked.

?I can see your cunt', replied Tony.

?Oh dear', she said, with an affected air of disappointment which she wasunable to maintain for long because she was delighted by Tony's mistake anda wicked smile grew on her face. ?You've just earned yourself two punishments,slave. What do you imagine you are going to be punished for?'

?I'm sorry, mistress, I've no idea,' Tony said truthfully.

?You've no idea? Oh dear, oh dear. If I were feeling vindictive I could awardyou another punishment for stupidity. But I am never vindictive, am I, slave?'

Tony knew this was a trick question, but he'd fallen for it once before sohe knew the correct answer. ?No mistress,' he said simply.

?No, exactly, and I never punish you if you don't know what you are beingpunished for, do I? The whole point of punishment is to teach you how to behave,isn't it? So I'll explain. Your first misdemeanour was to look at me withoutpermission. I told you to stand at the foot of the bed. I said nothing aboutlooking at my naked body, did I?'

?No mistress,' Tony replied feeling particularly stupid and humiliated thathe was not allowed to admire his wife's body simply because she hadn't explicitlygiven him permission.

She just loved the way he accepted her explanation without demur. ?When Iwant you to look at my body, I'll tell you,' she continued as if to clarifythe point. ?Your second mistake was to fail to eulogise about my cunt. Do Ihave a nice cunt, slave?'

?Yes, mistress, you have a wonderful cunt.'

?Exactly, so you should have said something like, ?I can see your most magnificentand beautiful cunt,? instead of which you said, ?I can see your cunt,? as ifmine were ordinary or uninteresting. That was disrespectful and insulting andfar worse than your first misdemeanour. You may expect an especially severepunishment for that, slave, do you understand?'

?Yes, mistress,' said Tony as his cock stiffened a couple of degrees moreat the thought of an especially severe punishment.

?Good, well you will be punished after breakfast. You'd better go and preparebreakfast while I drink my coffee.'

Tony trotted happily off to prepare breakfast. He felt that the day had reallygot off to a good start and it looked like being a vintage session. Angelawatched him go. It was so exciting to see this man who became a wimp at herhands, one of which moved to that same part of her anatomy that Tony had failedto describe in glowing enough terms, and she seriously thought about masturbating.But then she decided it was better to save it until later. She expected tohave many opportunities for more exciting orgasms later on.

It was over breakfast that Angela dropped her bombshell. She was sitting atthe kitchen table wearing her outfit - black leather thigh length boots, blackleather Basque, back leather sleeves that started at the wrist and went justpast the elbow, leaving the hands uncovered. And, in striking contrast, shewore a thin red leather thong that barely covered her crotch but was insteadintended to reveal nearly all of it - to keep her slave aroused. She was slowlyconsuming her toast and coffee, or trying to, which was difficult because shewas unusually nervous. Tony, on the other hand, had a bowl of cereal and milkon the floor which he was having to eat without the aid of a spoon. She wasenjoying watching him from time to time. Amazingly he had managed not to spillanything on the floor so she would have to forego the pleasure of watchinghim lick it up. Her belly was still full of butterflies, being very apprehensiveabout the arrangements she had made, so she decided to get the announcementover and done with. Then, assuming Tony had not rebelled, she would have thepossibility of eating her toast and coffee while they were still warm.

?Slave, listen up! I've been thinking a lot about this slave-mistress thingrecently and I've realised that this doesn't really work.' Tony's cock wentlimp as he contemplated the end of their occasional scenes. ?Oh, I realiseit works fine for you,' she went on. ?You get to be abused, beaten and sexuallyfrustrated all day long, but I only get intermittent bouts of excitement orpleasure. While you're tied up somewhere waiting for the next round of humiliationor punishment you're probably almost orgasmic with anticipation while I amjust bored. And as for when I am whipping you, well, it is mildly amusing butI certainly do not get any direct stimulation from it. Unlike you!' None ofthis was actually true but she thought she'd delivered her lines in a convincingenough fashion. She paused to let this sink in and forced some toast and coffeedown to overcome the urge to continue. She wanted Tony to be in suspense fora little while before clarifying everything. ?Well, today all that is goingto change. Today is going to be much more exciting, for both of us. You'regoing to be slaving in a completely new way and I'm going to get much morefun than before.'

Tony's cock began to rise again with the knowledge that his wife was not,after all, contemplating an end to their games.

?Today your slaving will move into a whole new arena. You will be humiliatedbeyond your worst nightmares. You will suffer at new intensities. Your sexualfrustration will break all previous records. And best of all - I'm going toenjoy today as never before. If I don't end the day completely satisfied Ishall be most surprised.' She was watching him. She was revelling in his incomprehensionand his fear of interrupting to ask for clarification. She tried to imaginethe mixture of fear, excitement and curiosity that must be tearing him apartat that very moment. She consumed more toast and coffee. She was pleased thather voice had assumed its normal tone of arrogant authority that always wentwith her persona of ?the mistress.' It did not betray her misgivings and unaccustomedlack of confidence that still dogged her, since she had yet to reach the nubof her announcement.

Eventually it was time to put them both out of their misery. ?I have decidedto take a second slave under my wing, so to speak, as I have worked out thatthis will give me a lot more opportunity to enjoy the day's activities. I letit be known that I was looking for a willing slave and over the last month,unknown to you, I have interviewed those who contacted me. I am pleased tosay that there was one who I really think will work out well. The new slavewill be arriving here shortly.'

Tony was completely gob-smacked. His jaw fell to his chest. He did not knowwhat to think. For a moment his mind went into overdrive as he tried to imaginethe fun to be had with a female slave. Then it crashed back into first gearas Angela's words travelled past that part of his brain that processed hispenis and got to the bits that processed language and logic. What did his mistresshave planned for two slaves that could not be done with one? She hadn't beenexplicit - could this new slave be another male rather than a female as hehad first imagined? Why was the experience going to be so much more intenseas she had strongly implied? Before he could think of anything to say, thedoor bell rang.

Angela looked at the clock and said, ?Ah, that will be him. I told him toarrive at 8.30 sharp and I don't think he would be stupid enough to get thatwrong on the first day. Go and let him in, slave!'

Tony dutifully got up off the floor and went to the front door. Careful tokeep his naked body out of sight behind the solid wooden door, Tony openedit, put his head round the corner and said, ?Hello, can I help you?' Standingbefore him was a handsome man about the same height and build as Tony but,whereas Tony was in his early forties, this man standing in front of him couldnot yet have seen his thirtieth birthday.

?Hello, I am the new slave,' he said timidly.

Before Tony could answer, Angela, who had by now walked into the hall buthad stayed well back and out of sight of anyone who might have been walkingpast in the street, said, ?Come on in, slave, this is no time for idle chat!'

The new slave entered the hall and Tony closed the door. Angela was delighted.Tony had not reacted badly, which had been her worst fear. He was obviouslysurprised, she had seen that clearly in his face, but then she'd seen him experienceseveral different emotions in quick succession, it not being clear to her whatthey were. She was watching him now. He had totally accepted the situationand there was no hint of an impending revolt.

?This could get quite confusing', she said. ?Two slaves both called ?Slave.? Ithink,' she said, turning to Tony, ?I shall call you ?Slave One,? and,' turningto the newcomer, ?I shall call you ?Slave Two.? And just what are you waitingfor, Slave Two? I thought I made it perfectly clear at the interview that slavesare not allowed to wear any clothing in my presence from the moment they arriveto the moment they leave. Get them off!' Slave Two looked suitably aghast anddutifully complied with as much haste as he could. ?You just earned your firstpunishment, Slave Two. Slave One, clear up the mess in the kitchen then joinus in the dungeon.'

Tony and his wife were lucky enough to live in a house with a basement whichTony had fitted out as a first class dungeon. The door to the dungeon was usuallykept locked to prevent the children exploring. Today, it was unlocked and Angeladescended to the depths, respectfully followed by Slave Two. Tony cleared thebreakfast things from the table, and his bowl from the floor, then joined themthere.

?Slave One, secure Slave Two to the hooks,' came the first command.

Tony needed no explanation of what was required. First, leather cuffs werebuckled to Slave Two's wrists. In the middle of the room two ropes hung expectantly.They were threaded through pulleys which were fixed to steel hooks in the ceiling.On the ends of the ropes were quick-release clips, the sort mountaineers use,and Tony attached them to the metal rungs that were part of the leather cuffs.Finally, Tony pulled on the rope that emerged from the other end of the pulleysthereby pulling Slave Two's arms towards the ceiling. When Slave Two's bodyseemed to be well stretched, Tony tied off the rope to a nearby cleat fixedto the wall. Finally, Slave Two's legs were parted by the use of a leg spreader.Angela watched all this with considerable enjoyment. Usually she had to doit all but today she got to watch an attractive male body being stretched out,the muscles going taut, the legs being spread and - she liked this best - thehandsome cock rising throbbingly above a cute little ball sack.

?Well done Slave One. Go and fetch the whips for me', commanded his mistresswho walked over to Slave Two and stood in front of him. He was standing remarkablyupright and still. If Tony had pulled the rope any tighter, Slave Two's feetwould have been off the floor. But she was no longer concerned with the suspensionso much as the erection. His cock had become rigidly hard and was pointingtowards her face.

?What have we here?' she teased, gently grasping the cock in front of her.Slave Two let out an involuntary gasp as her fingers lightly stroked alongits length. ?You seem to have forgotten that this is to be your punishment,not a reward.' Slave Two tried to remain silent remembering what Angela hadsaid about slaves not talking out of turn or interrupting or offering opinionsand all that. ?And now dumb insolence to add to the list of your crimes,' shecontinued. ?I expect you to respond when I talk to you,' she said, and squeezedhis dick hard.

?Yes mistress, I'm sorry mistress', he replied, hurriedly. She'd confusedhim. He thought he was only allowed to talk when asked a direct question andhe was sure she hadn't done that. Damn, this slave thing was going to be difficultto get the hang of.

?That's better! And sorry you will be,' she promised.

By now, Tony had returned with the various whips that they had collected overthe years. Angela turned to face him.

?Slave Two has two punishments due to him. I think the first should be withthe tawse. Slave One, I want you to pick up the tawse and when I say so, youwill administer twenty slaps onto Slave Two's buttocks and thighs. Is thatclear?'

?Yes mistress', Tony replied.

There was one comfortable armchair in the dungeon and she went over and satin it. From where it was positioned, she had a grandstand view of the proceedings.

?Start', she said to Tony.

Tony walked round to the side of Slave Two and started hitting him with thetawse. He hit quite gently to begin with intending to make the slaps harderas he progressed.

?What are you playing at, Slave One? This isn't a kindergarten. When I tellyou to hit Slave Two with the tawse I didn't mean tickle him. Now get on withit. And that's another punishment for you for sloppy behaviour.'

Tony resumed the punishment with much harder slaps. Slave Two began to gaspas the stinging strokes landed on his sensitive flesh. Tony noticed that SlaveTwo did not have his eyes closed, as Tony usually did when he was being whipped,but had turned his head half to one side to look at Angela. When Tony lookedat her himself, he was astonished to see that she was gently rubbing herselfthrough her red thong while watching Tony beat the other slave. Her fingersmoved up and down to the rhythm of the strokes on Slave Two's behind. Tonybecame so engrossed in this sight that he nearly lost count of the strokeshe had handed out. Fortunately, he remembered to stop at twenty. Tony's wifegot up out of the chair and walked round to inspect Slave Two's behind.

?Yes, nice and red. Better leave that for the moment. Slave One. Go and fetchthe nipple clamps.'

As Tony went to fetch the nipple clamps, his wife rubbed Slave Two's nipplesuntil they stood erect from his chest. When satisfied with their engorged state,she returned to the armchair and resumed her position. Tony was instructedto fit the clamps to Slave Two. ?Fit them on the tips, as far as possible awayfrom his body. I want this to hurt.' As Tony released the clamps, one clampviciously squeezing the end of each nipple, Slave Two's face initially showeda grimace of pain but within seconds he regained his composure. His cock, however,told another story. Whereas the beating with the tawse had left his erectionsomewhat soft, the application of the clamps brought about an immediate revivaland within ten seconds Slave Two's cock was rigidly to attention once more.

Time passed with no sound from anyone in the room and Tony wondered how longSlave Two was going to have to endure the clamps.

?When shall I take them off?' he tentatively asked.

?I shall know when they have to come off, and then I will tell you,' his Mistressreplied. ?And don't try to second-guess me again, Slave One, or you'll earnanother punishment.'

While Tony was wondering what Angela had meant he soon found out. Slave Two'scomposure began to crumble. It started with him gritting his teeth then rapidlyhis face disintegrated into a grimace of unendurable pain.

?I think you can take them off now, Slave One,' she said. ?But take them bothoff at the same time, for maximum effect.' And with no more ado than that,Tony quickly removed the clamps. Slave Two let out an involuntary scream asblood rushed back into his tortured flesh. The Mistress watched with amusementand, when Slave Two's agony had finally passed, Tony was ordered to let SlaveTwo down whereupon the positions reversed. Slave Two strung Tony up on theropes. Slave Two was very strong and Tony found his arms pulled far more tightlythan they ever had been when his wife had pulled the rope through the pulleys.Indeed, he had to stand on the balls of his feet to relieve the tension. Withthe leg spreader subsequently attached his toes hardly touched the floor, providingmerely enough friction to prevent Tony swinging freely from his supports.

?Slave One has three punishments coming to him and I think we can start withthe parachute. Slave Two fetch me the parachute!' Slave Two was not too surewhat the parachute was but once its purpose had been explained he had no difficultyin locating it. He brought the parachute from the wall where it was hangingon a small hook and as he handed it to the Mistress he noted with shock thatthe interior contained numerous small pin-pricks. Tony's wife fitted the deviceherself, quite expertly after many years of practice. The parachute was fixedaround the top of Tony's scrotum next to his penis, with his balls underneaththe parachute. Three chains hung limply from the edges joined to a weight bearingring, waiting to be put to use.

?Slave Two fetch the three kilogram weight from the box over in the far corner.'

Tony's eyes fill with horror.

?But Mistress ....'

?Silence, Slave One,' she shouted at Tony. Then turned and said, ?Slave Twostop where you are.'

Tony had wanted to remind her that they had never used more than the two kiloweight and he was genuinely fearful of the damage that three kilos may impart,but she clearly did not want to hear him speak. And now, Tony would never beable to tell her because she fitted the inflatable gag and inflated it to fullyfill his mouth, leaving him unable to make any but the feeblest grunts andmoans.

?Continue Slave Two', she said as she went back to repose in her armchair.

Slave Two found the three kilo weight and returned to Tony whose eyes wouldhave been out on stalks of horror were it physically possible. He had liftedthe three kilo weight in his hands and knew how heavy it was. Sure, he hadread on the internet of men who had endured much more weight but they werenot him. He had tried to apply it once to himself as an experiment but hadbeen unable to take his hands away completely. His limit would have been reached.He looked at his mistress who sat calmly in her chair with just a hint of agrin. Did she really want to damage him? Slave Two was now next to Tony andwas in the process of kneeling in order to fix the weight. Tony tried to shoutthrough the gag but only a meaningless grunt emerged. The weight had a smallhook which would clip onto the ring beneath the parachute and, as Slave Tworeached to attach the weight, Angela interrupted.

?On second thoughts, we'd better stick to the two kilo weight. Please fetchit, Slave Two.'

A wave of grateful relief washed over Tony and he realised that this had beena very clever play by his mistress. He began to see why she had brought anotherslave into their game because she could not have played this scene so convincinglyon her own. It would have been obvious from her body language that she didn'tactually intend to attach it. However, when the weight was about to be attachedby somebody else, somebody who had no idea of what Tony's body could actuallybear, there were no hesitations, no play acting. There was no doubt in Tony'smind but that the other slave would have obeyed Angela and attached that weightgiven just one more second. ?Very clever', he thought to himself. ?Nice mindfuck.'

The two kilo weight was attached and Slave Two stood back. The familiar painsfilled Tony's body, one feeling as if his guts were being ripped out throughhis groin and the other as if his ball sack were being shredded by hot knives.Angela studied him from her armchair as if looking at a statue in a museum.

?This display is too static', she said. ?Slave Two pull the weight outwardsuntil it makes an angle of about 45 degrees then let it go.'

Slave Two did as he was told. The weight began to swing like a pendulum betweenTony's legs. As it reached the bottom of each swing, the pull on Tony's ballswas increased far beyond what he was used to and the pain almost became unbearablebut it immediately lessened as it swung up on the other arc. It might evenhave been equivalent to three kilos, thought Tony. But he appreciated thatthe increased weight lasted only an instant. Backwards and forwards it swung.Tony's face crumpled each time the weight swung through the bottom of the arc.Gradually, the size of the arc reduced and when it finally came to a stop,Slave Two was commanded to remove the weight and the parachute.

?I think we'll move on to the riding crop for punishment two. Slave Two, administertwenty strokes with the riding crop and don't be too lenient unless you wantto earn another punishment for yourself.'

Slave Two picked up the riding crop and Tony closed his eyes and he usuallydid, waiting for the first stroke to land. Slave Two did not start immediatelyand Tony wondered why not and why his mistress had not admonished him for wastingtime. Tony waited, wondering what was going on when, suddenly, and withoutwarning, he received an enormous lash of the crop on his buttocks. It was notjust the tab on the end that hit but the full shaft, like a cane. The forceof the stroke shot him forward lifting his toes completely off the ground andthe surprise shot his eyes open. He was even more surprised at what he thensaw. His mistress had taken off her red thong and was sitting with her legswell spread. She was openly fingering herself, alternately sliding two fingersinto her hole as far as she could push them and then sliding the lubricatedfingertips delicately over her clitoris. As the riding crop smacked onto Tony'sbuttocks so the fingers were rammed into her cunt; as the crop was raised inpreparation for the next stroke so the lubricated fingers glided over her swollenbud. Tony could not take his eyes off this sight even as Slave Two laid intohim. Without looking, he also knew that Slave Two was getting a full view ofthe same shockingly lewd scene. All this time, Angela was staring at Tony,knowing that he was fascinated by her fingers, excited by the view, shockedby her exhibitionism, completely unable to avert his eyes.

?Slave Two, stop for a moment.'

She walked over to Tony and removed the gag.

?Slave One, what were you looking at?'

?I was ? I was looking at you fingering your magnificent cunt, mistress,'Tony replied remembering to use a glowing adjective to describe her body andthinking thereby to avoid a further punishment.

?And what are you being punished for?'

?Er ... ,' he started to say, and his face dropped as he realised what hadhappened. ?Looking at your body without permission and not referring to yourmost wonderful cunt in flattering enough terms, mistress.'

?Well I'm glad to see you have learnt one of the lessons even if you haven'tyet learnt the other.' Then in a whisper, ?Slave One, you are to watch me fingeringmyself for the remainder of your whipping. You have, of course, earned anotherpunishment so you may as well get full benefit from your delinquency.'

She went back to her armchair before saying, ?Slave Two, you'd better keepgoing for thirty strokes as I need to make up for lost ground.'

Tony just registered Slave Two's mandatory, ?yes mistress,' before the firstof the remaining strokes landed on the back of his thighs and his wife's fingersresumed their lustful dance over her groin. The lascivious display by his wifeensured that Tony's cock remained at full stiffness throughout the beating.By the time Slave Two had finished the thirty, very hard strokes, Tony hadalmost reached his limit, both physically and mentally.

His mistress walked over to Tony. Slowly she raised the fingers she had usedon herself until they were under Tony's nose. He could smell her scent, somethingthat always aroused him: the smell of sex, the smell of excitement.

?Would you like to taste this?' she asked, teasingly.

?Yes, mistress', Tony replied.

?Then stick out your tongue, Slave One.'

She slowly wiped her fingers on Tony's tongue then commanded him to put histongue back. He hated it and loved it at the same time. He always loved hertaste but he knew deep down that this might be his only taste. He could neverknow if she would grant him further access that day or if she might just tormentand tease him.

?Did you like that, Slave One?'

?Yes mistress', came Tony's reply.

She moved away from Tony to stand in front of Slave Two. Without breakingeye contact with Slave Two, her hand went down to the darkness between herlegs. Slowly she inserted her fingers once more to coat them in her juicesthen lifted them up to Slave Two's nose.

?Stick out your tongue', she said to Slave Two, without asking him what hemight want, and once again she wiped her fingers on the outstretched tongue.

?Did you like that, Slave Two?'

?Oh mistress, the taste of your body was quite magnificent.' Slave Two wasnot completely comfortable with the idea of using words like ?cunt? to describeparts of her body, so chose the safe option.

?I am glad to see that Slave Two has some manners even if Slave One stillhas not', she said looking sternly at Tony. ?Very well, Slave Two, you canhave more of that. I think we'll leave Slave One hanging by his arms for themoment to contemplate his manners. Follow me Slave Two!', and with that sheled Slave Two to her armchair.

She sat down, spread her legs and then said to him, ?you may lick the honeypot until I say stop.'

Tony, hanging helplessly from the hooks in the ceiling, his cock almost atbursting point, the smell of her juices still fresh in his nostrils, was forcedto watch as Slave Two licked his wife to her first orgasm.

* * *

?That was very good, Slave Two,' she said when she had recovered. ?Now youdeserve a reward. Lie down on the floor.' Slave Two lay down as commanded andTony's wife went over to the table that stood against the end wall and pickedup a bottle of baby oil. She returned and stood over Slave Two briefly then,facing towards his feet, she knelt down smothering him. She proceeded to applythe oil to his stiff cock and then to slowly stroke up and down, her hand claspedfirmly all round his pole. ?You may lick, Slave Two,' she said, as he was submissivelyrefraining from taking any initiative. ?You always have to earn pleasure here.'It was not long before Slave Two showed signs of an impending orgasm: his breathing(such as he could manage it through the stifling, smothering flesh of the mistress'swet crotch) began to come in short gasps and his abdominal muscles became tensewith each stroke of her hand. Whilst Angela was enjoying the ministrationsof Slave Two's tongue, she was nowhere near another orgasm herself. She wasconcentrating on what she was doing to his body and unable to devote sufficientabandon to her own pleasure to let herself go. Every time his body displayeda new level of unfulfilled excitement she smiled to herself and reduced thelevel of stimulation. There was nothing more exciting than controlling anddenying pleasure in another, especially when being free of such constraintsherself. When his body arched up to follow the upward path of the hand on eachstroke, she asked him, ?Are you ready to come, Slave Two?'

?Ysh Mshtrsh', he replied through the drenching labia that enfolded his mouth.

?Then I think this is a good time to stop', she said and, without furtherexplanation, let his cock slip unsupported from her hand as she rose to a standingposition. Slave Two let out an involuntary groan at being stopped so closeto climax. ?Are you complaining, Slave Two?'

?No Mistress,' he said quickly.

?Just as well otherwise you would have earned another punishment', she needlesslyexplained.

Tony's was released from his suspension and Angela led the two slaves outof the dungeon and ordered them to get on their hands and knees like dogs.In this position, crawling, they had to follow her into the reception roomat the back of the house. She held a riding crop in her hand. In her experiencedogs sometimes needed encouragement to obey their orders and the crop was anexcellent motivator.

?Slave Two, be a good doggy and crawl round and sniff Slave One's arse', shecommanded.

Slave Two hesitated for just a moment, as smelling a man's backside was nota prospect that held any appeal for him. Angela had expected this, that oneor other of the slaves might disobey, and was ready with a quick swipe of thecrop across the buttocks. A low grunt escaped from Slave Two's snout then hecrawled round to the rear of Tony until he could get his nose to the creasebetween Tony's buttocks.

?What does is smell like?' Angela asked.

?A bit shitty, mistress', replied Slave Two.

?Well that will never do. Slave One, be a good doggy, crawl round and sniffSlave Two's arse.'

Slave One reciprocated, also without enthusiasm but promptly enough to avoida similar lash of the crop and reported in turn that Slave Two's arse smelledof shit. Tony's wife opened the patio doors and commanded the slaves to followher out to the patio. They duly crawled outside to the enclosed and un-overlookedpatio area and then remained still on all fours while Tony's wife proceededto hose down their rear ends with cold water.

?There, that should have cleaned you two up. Slave One, have you emptied yourbowels today?'

Tony was mortified. She'd never asked such an embarrassing question before,even when he'd been acting as her slave, and to have to answer her was badenough, but in front of this other slave was just about the most humiliatingexperience of his life. ?Come along! I don't want to have to wait all day foryour answer.'

?No mistress', Tony replied, blushing from his forehead to his toes.

?Well that will never do. I've just cleaned you up and already you're thinkingabout dirtying yourself up again.'

She walked over to Tony and pressed the hose nozzle to his anus. She pressedthe trigger and the water was turned on for a few moments filling Tony withcold water. It did nothing for his embarrassment.

?Let's see if that speeds thing up. Now, Slave Two, have you emptied yourbowels today.'

?Er ..., well ... yes I think so mistress,' said Slave Two, clearly not relishingthe prospect of a cold enema.

?Don't think, Slave Two! Be sure! If you tell me you have and I later findyou haven't you will be in big trouble. So is that a ?yes? or ?no??'

?Em ..., no I suppose, no, mistress,' replied Slave Two with utmost reluctance.

?Very well', and so saying she gave Slave Two the same treatment.

By now, Tony's bowels were on the move and he was cramping.

?I need to use the toilet, mistress', he said.

?What about you, Slave Two?' asked Tony's wife.

Slave Two, despite having received his cold water enema after Tony receivedhis, could also feel its effects and a certain urgency was making itself feltin his lower quarters. ?Yes I need the toilet as well, mistress,' he replied.

?Just as I thought. Well that is a problem as we only have one toilet andI can hardly show favouritism by letting either one of you go first in preferenceto the other. Wait here both of you.'

And with that, Tony's wife disappeared into the house leaving the slaves uncomfortablyclenching their buttocks. She reappeared a few moments later carrying two plasticbuckets.

?Use these and then you will slop them out afterwards', she commanded givingone to each slave.

To their great discomfort and embarrassment, the two slaves, in full viewof each other and of their mistress, had to shit into the buckets. When theywere finished, she hosed them down again and then had them slop out their buckets.They then returned to the patio where they once again performed olfactory inspectionsof each other. This time, they had the sense to declare that there was no discerniblesmell.

?Follow me, doggies.' Angela said as she returned to the house. ?Back to thedungeon, I think.' She led them back down the steps to the basement dungeon. ?SlaveOne, fetch me a length of bondage rope and a pair of handcuffs!' she commanded.Tony did. Tony still had his wrist cuffs on. After a brief command from theMistress he put his hands behind his back where she secured them together witha clip. Slave Two had his hands secured behind his back by the handcuffs. ?Now,we're going to have a little contest,' she said. ?Reward for the winner andforfeit for the loser.' She tied one end of the bondage rope securely to Tony'sballs then the other end to Slave Two's balls. The two slaves were thus boundtogether by about two metres of rope.

?So,' she said, her face brightening up by the prospect of the forthcomingspectacle, ?you can probably guess that this is a pulling contest. A sort ofTug-o-War - but I think I'll call it Hauls-o-Balls. Now I don't want anyonefalling over and causing sudden movements that might result in a dramatic endto the game so both of you get down on your knees. That's right now move slowlybackward to take the strain. Good. Now I'll put my thong here in the middleand the first one to touch it, or touch the floor on the far side of it, losesthe contest. All clear?' Both slaves nodded. ?Take the strain, and ? pull!'

Tony could feel his balls being ripped from his body. He had already enduredtorture by parachute with a two kilo weight and he wondered if that was tohis disadvantage - because he would now be tender in his scrotal region - orto his advantage - because he had had a warm up, so to speak, and had alreadybecome accustomed to a strain. The pain was excruciating and his only consolationwas knowing that it must be equally bad for his opponent. His face was screwedup in concentration, trying to shut out the pain. He looked at his balls andcould not believe how far they were from the rest of his body. Were they beingstretched before his very eyes? He look up at his opponent and realised, toolate, that this was a mistake. Slave two was not showing any signs of distressin his face. On the contrary his face was a picture of calm determination.In that instant, any hope Tony had that he might win the contest evaporatedand he felt convinced that he would lose. Slave Two seemed to have been waitingfor that very moment for as Tony looked into his face, Slave Two raised hiseyebrows in an enquiring manner and shuffled his legs backward by three inchesor so pulling the rope with him. As he felt the pull on his balls increaseTony was ready to concede and tried to shuffle forward but, instead, lost hisbalance and fell forward with disastrous results. His balls, being held firmlyforward by the rope were trapped between him and the floor as he landed witha thump. With his hands secured behind his back, his natural instinct was toprevent his head banging onto the floor and he did the only things he couldto prevent this, which were to hunch his shoulders and belly forward and hisneck back. His balls were crushed between his pelvis and the floor. He laythere as his abdomen dissolved in throbbing pain.

?What do you think you're doing, Slave One? Did I give you permission to havea rest?' Angela shouted with mock-sadistic lack of concern. ?Get up, you miserabletoad. You just lost the contest and you've disgraced me in the process. Yourealise this means you get a forfeit and Slave Two gets a reward.' Angela pausedas if lost in thought, murmuring ?hmm? noises, while Tony slowly got back ontohis knees. ?Slave Two, do you want a fuck?' Tony could not believe his ears.Was his wife going to fuck the other slave? That seemed like an excessivelygenerous reward.

?Yes, thank you Mistress. I would enjoy that,' Slave Two responded, ?er ? ifthat is what you want,' he added quickly as a prudent afterthought.

?Yes, I think it is,' she replied. ?Shuffle over here so I can release you.'Slave Two made his way over to his seated Mistress who then released his handcuffsand removed the rope from his ball sack. ?You may stand up,' she said to SlaveTwo. ?Slave One move closer. I want you to lick me.' Tony, now completely confused,moved closer thinking he was going to lick his mistress. Just as he was almostthere she told him to stop before she got out of her chair. ?Don't move SlaveOne,' she commanded. She picked up the rope still attached to his balls andwalked back to the dungeon wall behind him into which had been cemented aniron rung. She tied off the rope so it was taut when Tony was in the positionhe then had. She fetched a tube of lube and started to apply it to Slave One'srear passage. Tony now had a nasty idea just what sort of fucking Slave Twowas going to be rewarded with. When she thought she had applied sufficientlube to Tony, Angela applied some to Slave Two's rigid prick. Then she returnedto her seat just in front of Tony, sat down and spread her legs. ?Lick!' wasall she said. Tony, his hands still secured behind his back, leant over withconsiderable difficulty to lick her, but she was just out of reach.

?I can't reach,' Tony said miserably, feeling sure this would not meet withher approval.

?Of course you can reach,' she replied. ?You just have to get a little closer.'

Tony approached as closely as he could, given the fact that his balls wereconnected via rope to the wall behind. By pulling against the rope as muchas he felt was bearable he could just get the tip of his tongue on his mistress'sclitoris.

?That's pathetic, Slave One,' she exclaimed. ?OK, Slave Two, time to fuck.You know what I want you to do.' Slave Two positioned himself kneeling behindTony, one leg on each side of the rope securing his balls, and, not being inthe least gay or bisexual, had to force himself to enter Tony. Tony had experiencedhis Mistress's strap-on many times and knew what to expect so was not surprisedwhen he felt an intense pain in his arse as Slave Two penetrated him and hisanus was forcibly stretched, nor was he surprised when the pain passed aftera few moments. He had not thought to expect such heat radiating from SlaveTwo's cock, however. If he had been honest with himself he would have had toadmit that it was almost erotic. Slave Two having entered Tony and having nointerest in sex with another man rested there, motionless, his cock insideTony. ?Stop messing around, Slave Two,' Angela said. ?When I said fuck him,I meant FUCK him. Thrust! I want to hear your belly slap against his buttocks.Just make sure you don't come. That'll happen later - maybe - if you're good.'

Slave Two withdrew his cock then rammed it home. Tony was pushed forward aboutan inch. He would not have previously thought that possible without the violentparting from his body of his scrotum and its contents. But move he did, thoughwith considerable discomfort. Each thrust from Slave Two caused Tony to lurchforward significantly further than his balls would have liked.

?Come on, Slave One. I told you to lick. Get that tongue out,' his mistresscommanded.

Despite the unbearable pain in his groin and abdomen, Tony stuck his tongueout and then every time Slave Two thrust into him and he was nudged forwardand mentally said ?au revoir' to his balls (sincerely hoping it was not ?adios')as they were almost ripped from him, his tongue slid over his mistress's clitoris.She sat in her throne-like chair, watching Tony get fucked in the arse by SlaveTwo while his balls suffered severe torture and his tongue rubbed her mostsensitive spot. All this suffering just for her pleasure. She had fantasizedabout this for days but the actual scene was so much hotter than she had imaginedthat within moments she climaxed with such force that she totally instinctivelygrabbed Tony's hair and almost pulled two handfuls out by the roots.

Having recovered from her orgasm and dismantled the little tableau she hadcreated which included detaching Tony from the wall, she turned to him andasked, ?So, Slave One, how many punishments have you earned so far?'

Tony wasn't too sure and the pain in his balls was making thinking about aseasy as calculating a space shuttle orbit on an abacus. ?Um, well I earnedtwo this morning before Slave Two arrived?'

?Yes. Any more?'

?Um ? oh yes, I earned another because I wasn't hitting Slave Two as hardas you wanted.'

?Say that again!' Angela suddenly commanded, with a menacing edge to her voice.

?Um? well?' Tony had the uncomfortable feeling that he'd made a mistake andhe was racking his brains to work it out, but he couldn't. ?I earned anotherbecause I wasn't hitting Slave Two as hard as you wanted.'

?Hm. Well that's another you've earned for insolence.' Tony looked puzzled. ?Youdidn't earn the punishment for not hitting as hard as I wanted . Youearned it for not hitting HARD ENOUGH.' Angela loved it when she could confoundTony with perverse logic to his detriment, knowing full well that he didn'tdare discuss the matter, even if she was being completely illogical. The powerwas just such a rush. Winning a World War must be like that, she sometimesthought. ?What you just said implied that you did not agree with my judgement,and that is not to be tolerated. Continue with the counting.'

?Oh ? um ? yes I got another for looking at you while being punished by SlaveTwo, but I received that straight away because Slave Two gave me thirty strokesinstead of twenty.'

?Don't try that! We haven't started counting how many you've received yet.Just count what you've earned.'

?? That's it, I think.'

?No it's not. You're forgetting the one you got thirty seconds ago for insolence.'

Tony gulped. ?Oh yes. Sorry. So that's five in all.'

?Right. Now you can count how many you've received.'

?Yes, well I was tortured with the parachute. That's one. Then Slave Two gaveme thirty strokes with the riding crop, instead of the twenty you originallyordered, which was another two so that makes three.'

?Stop! I never said that was two punishments. You got thirty because I hadto interrupt my pleasure to correct you and my level of sexual excitement dropped.Remember? That was just one punishment. Carry on.'

?Oh, well that's two in total then. And then I was fucked by Slave Two andmy balls were stretched in the process. I'm not sure if that counts as one,or two, Mistress.'

?It counts as none.' Tony's face dropped. He couldn't believe he'd enduredthe last five minutes of agony and that it had counted for nothing. ?That,if you remember, was a forfeit for losing the contest. So, you've earned fivepunishments and by some oversight you have so far only endured two. Good, atleast we have something to do for the rest of the day. And we can always hopeyou'll earn more.'

Tony's wife stood and looked at him. ?Well, how about a little bet? Doubleor quits on the remaining punishments?'

Tony thought about it. He'd been offered bets before but only for one punishment.If he lost this one he'd end up with six punishments which he doubted he couldstand. He was also wise enough to know that if Mistress was offering a betthe cards were probably stacked in her favour.

?I'd rather not,' Tony replied. ?I don't want to face the possibility of sixpunishments.'

Angela thought about. She wanted Tony to take her bet so she made it moreenticing. ?OK, how about betting your three outstanding punishments againstone additional one?'

This sounded much better to Tony. ?I'd have to know what the bet was, butin principle I might be interested.'

?Good,' she said, and smiled that evil smile that Tony knew so well. ?Do youthink Slave Two could make you scream?'

?Oh yes,' Tony replied. ?I wasn't far off it after those thirty strokes ofthe crop.'

?Mmm. But do you think he could make you scream without touching you?'

?Well, he wouldn't have been technically touching me if he had hit me moretimes with the crop. It would have been the crop that touched me.'

She smiled even more. This was good. Tony was thinking exactly the way shehad hoped he would. Now to spring the trap and reinforce his thinking alongthe wrong lines. Tony meanwhile worried more. When his Mistress smiled, hewas usually in deep trouble. He knew from experience that she could be moredevious than him, usually to his disadvantage. And he was wise enough to knowthat he couldn't question her decision even if he felt she was cheating. ?Sodo you think he could make you scream if he didn't touch you personally, orwith anything that he was holding?' Angela finally said.

Tony knew with certainty that this was a trick question so he thought hard.Well, under the terms of this question, Slave Two couldn't spank him, or hithim with any implement. Tony couldn't immediately see what Mistress had upher sleeve, but then he did. ?Well I might scream if he tortured me with theTENS unit and put electricity at full power through me.'

?Idiot.' She was not smiling now. He was thinking laterally and that was nota good sign. She needed him to continue to think along predictable lines. ?Hewould have to hold the control unit which would be connected to the wires whichwould be connected to you. That wouldn't count. Anyway, if it helps you tocome to an answer, I can tell you that we're not doing electricity today.'She smiled again. ?So, do you think he could make you scream?'

Tony was feeling very uncomfortable now as he racked his brains. What aboutpegs? No he would have to be holding them to put them on. Whips, paddles, crops,parachutes, clamps - no he couldn't think how Slave Two could make him screamif he wasn't allowed to touch him in any way or touch him with anything hewas holding. ?No Mistress, I don't.'

?So would you bet all your remaining punishments against one additional punishmentthat Slave Two can't make you scream without touching you with all the caveatsalready explained?'

Tony thought one more time. He was sure it was a trick but he couldn't seeit. He would certainly like to avoid the three outstanding punishments, especiallyas he expected to earn more before long, for that was how it always was. ?Yes,'he said.

Angela's smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear. He had fallen for it. ?Verywell, go put on your ankle cuffs then position yourself on the floor.'

There were four eyebolts cemented into the floor of the dungeon which madeit possible to secure a slave who was lying on the floor in a spread-eagleposition. Tony knew that was what she wanted. Soon he was secured to the floor,arms outstretched and legs spread almost impossibly wide. ?Make sure the ropesare tight,' she had said to Slave Two. ?We don't want him moving during thislittle test.' Slave Two had then been told to go to one of the cupboards andreturn with what he found there. He came back with a large candle, about threeinches in diameter, and a box of matches. ?You're going to wax Slave One,'she said. ?Don't worry, I'll give you instructions how to do it.'

Tony wasn't too worried. He'd had wax before. It hurt but it was completelybearable. He wasn't about to scream. The candle was lit and soon had some moltenwax in the middle. Slave two was standing beside him holding the candle. ?Right,Slave Two, Pay attention. You're going to pour that wax onto Slave One's nipple.His left nipple I think.' Slave Two tipped the candle and wax poured and itlanded over a wide area, mostly missing the nipple. ?There. You missed,' Angelasaid. ?Now to correct that, kneel down so you can hold the candle much lowerand pour directly onto the target area. Try again.' Slave Two knelt and loweredthe candle until it was just a few inches above Tony's left nipple. Then hetipped the wax. Tony drew a sharp breath in between clenched teeth. He'd hadwax before but always poured from a height of a foot or so. This was much hotter.Thank goodness there had already been a little wax from the first pouring toprovide some protection.

?Much better,' Mistress said to Slave Two. Now try again with the right nipple.'Tony began to fret. There was no protection on his right nipple. As the waxhit he stifled a scream though a grunt escaped his grimacing face.

?Good,' Mistress said, congratulating Slave Two. ?You seem to have masteredthe technique. That was just practice, of course. Now we'll wait a bit beforethe real test. We want lots and lots of lovely hot wax.' Tony really didn'tlike the sound of that at all. ?I'll tell you when there's enough wax, andwhen there is, you'll pour it here at the tip of his cock. Right there on hismost sensitive spot. I'm sure as a man you know exactly where that is.'

Tony was now genuinely afraid. ?No, please don't,' he half shouted.

?But we have a bet to determine,' Mistress replied, giving Tony the full benefitof her evil grin.

?This wouldn't count for the bet,' Tony said in desperation. ?You agreed thathe wouldn't touch me with anything that he is holding.'

?That's right,' she concurred.

?Well, he's holding the candle,' Tony said desperately even though he knewhe was stating the obvious.

?Yes he is, but he's not going to touch you with the candle,' she said veryreasonably.

?But the wax is going to touch me.'

?Oh yes. But I don't think he's holding the hot wax,' Angela said puttingon her best professor voice.

?But it's connected to the candle,' Tony continued, by now quite distraught.

?Oh, I don't think so. Liquids usually separate into droplets as soon as theyare poured from the container. I've seen it on telly, when they've shown liquidsdropping using slow motion cameras. Do you want to argue with me?'

Tony was trapped. He couldn't argue without earning another punishment forinsolence. ?No. Please don't do it. I concede the bet,' he said in a finalattempt to avoid what was coming.

?You can't do that,' Mistress replied. ?I have to be fair. You might not likethis but, until we do it, we can't be sure you will scream, so it wouldn'tbe fair to accept your offer. I might be winning the bet under false pretences.I couldn't do that.' She turned to address Slave Two. ?OK. There seems to beenough there now to completely cover the tip of his cock. Go ahead.' SlaveTwo poured. Tony screamed.

Mistress allowed Slave Two to lick her while Tony recovered. She loved thesight of Tony lying on the floor with a pretty cast of white wax covering thetop half of his still erect cock and two smaller ones covering his nipples.She could still look forward to the pleasure of removing the wax with a stiffnail brush. But most of all she adored the sight of Tony helpless, limbs stretchedin all directions, his cock and balls fully exposed and at her mercy. She climaxedafter ten minutes of Slave Two's attentions. After she had recovered a coupleof minutes later, Angela decided that it had also been long enough for Tonyto recover. She walked over to his side. ?Oh dear. Well you now have four punishmentsto come. You're such a bad slave. If you hadn't wanted to somehow avoid punishmentsthat you had rightly earned, this wouldn't have happened,' she said reasonably.

?Four?' Tony queried. ?Surely the wax torture counted as one. There shouldbe three to come.'

?Oh no. The wax was just to decide the bet. I never said that was a punishment,did I?'

Now Tony realised how badly he had been tricked. In reality he was gettingfive punishments, or tortures, call them what you will, whereas if he hadn'tagreed to the bet it would only have been three. If he'd known that, he wouldn'thave bet. It was only because he thought he'd only get one additional punishmentif he lost that he'd agree to take the risk. One day he would learn that slavescan never win, but he hadn't yet.

?Slave Two. Go to the freezer and fetch the bag of ice cubes. Slave One'sequipment needs cooling down before we do anything else.' While Slave Two fetchedice from the kitchen, Angela scrubbed the wax off with the nail brush, knowingthat it was delightfully uncomfortable to have the stiff bristles scrape overthe sensitised flesh of Tony's nipples and cock. Tony had to screw his faceup for he was determined not to scream again or make any noise for his mistressesamusement. Had he known that Angela found his facial contortions such a turnon he needn't have bothered. She loved to see how much discomfort she couldinflict. This was not because she was a sadist at heart - she wasn't - it wasmuch more to do with the fact that this man was so sexually infatuated withher, so craving sexual attention from her, that he would willingly endure theworst of discomforts for the mere possibility of sexual pleasure later. Soon,Slave Two returned and Tony found his cock and balls encased in ice. It wasn'ttoo bad - for the first ten seconds - then the deep cold started to kick inand penetrate to the core of his universe.

?That's much better now, thank you,' he said.

?I'm sure it is, Slave One,' Mistress replied. ?I'm not doing this for yourcomfort though. I'll think about releasing you when Slave Two has preparedlunch, which I shall supervise.' And with that, she and Slave Two left thedungeon.

The afternoon followed pretty much the same pattern of humiliations, punishmentsand contests.

The Mistress was particularly pleased with what she called ?the cock fight'.For this she fastened stinging nettle stalks, about two feet long, to the undersidesof the two slaves' erections using elastic bands. Needless to say, that hurt.She especially enjoyed pretending that she had to adjust the nettles, whichgave her the opportunity to twist them round several times pressing every partof each stem's surface onto the sensitive skin, thereby engaging all the availablestinging spines with the slave's cock. She didn't think either man would havea problem maintaining his erection after such stimulation, but, just in case,the elastic bands (i) made good cock rings - thereby assisting in keeping everythingstiff - and (ii) if that failed, could hold stem A onto tab B even if tab Bwere to shrink and go flabby. The nettles thus affixed reminded her of theswords used by fencers and, in the present circumstances, the comparison wasmost apt for the slaves then had to use these nettles to inflict further stingson each other while at the same time attempting to avoid being on the receivingend. Just exactly like fencing, in fact.

She was judge and kept score. It pleased her to see that Tony soon built upa healthy lead in points - she had been disappointed by his poor showing earlierin ?hauls-o-balls' and he was, after all, her husband. But for pure devilmentshe decided to distract him and give Slave Two the chance to even the score,so she inserted another stinging nettle stem into the crack between his buttocksand told him to ensure he kept it there. He therefore had to keep his buttocksclenched, ensuring his anus was well stimulated. Before long, Slave Two haddrawn ahead whereupon he too was awarded an additional nettle. She stoppedscoring when Tony was marginally ahead, which seemed to her to be a fair result.She experienced a real difficulty during this game to maintain her demeanourof a sadistic mistress and not to laugh.

Thus through the day punishments were meted out, games were played, rewardswere given and forfeits endured. Angela teased the slaves mercilessly but neverto the point of orgasm and never at the same time, so whichever slave was notbeing pleasured but was in the role of spectator would find the experiencegreatly frustrating. Tony found the day intense. Whenever he had to punishSlave Two he was in torment. He dare not make the punishment too lenient orelse he risked earning an extra punishment for himself yet he dare not makeit too severe as Slave Two would always have an opportunity to take his revenge.Tony definitely found the punishments he received more severe than those hewas used to getting from his wife and although this was more painful, it wasalso more erotic as he witnessed the pleasure that she derived from watchingthem. As for the humiliations, they were far more effective when endured inthe presence of a third party instead of just his wife. As the day was drawingto a close he realised that having a second slave had made a huge differenceto the day's activities. Around ten o'clock in the evening, the day came toits dramatic climax.

Angela led both slaves up to the spare bedroom where Tony was instructed totie Slave Two onto the double bed in a classic spread-eagle, wrists and anklestied one to each corner of the bed. Tony then had to hold two rolled up socksover Slave Two's eyes which were then secured in place by a scarf tied roundthe head. Next Tony had to hold socks over his own eyes while his wife tieda scarf round his head too. Thus, both slaves were efficiently and totallyblindfolded, being unable even to open their eyes to see if there were gapsto look through.

?Put your hands behind your back', Tony was told, whereupon they were quicklyfastened with handcuffs.

Blind and with his hands secured behind his back, Tony was guided across theroom until his back was leaning against one of the walls. Then Angela startedstroking his stiff cock, slowly and tantalisingly, up and down its entire length,pausing every now and then at the bottom of his shaft to tickle his balls beforeonce again stroking up to the tip, over the sensitive glans. As she continuedthis brushing of Tony's genitals she spoke to the slaves.

?Well, what a day. I have to spend a whole day with two useless, idle, time-wasters.I can't think of two men who better deserve to be described as apologies formankind. But this is prize giving time, when good slaves can expect to geta reward. In view of the disgraceful service you two have given me today Iam only going to reward one of you and that is the one who has marginally beenthe better slave.'

Tony had been feeling very good up to this point but suddenly his wife tookher hand away and the wonderful slow stroking of his cock ceased. He heardhis wife moving quietly about the room. Then there was silence for some minutes.Tony was now becoming very aroused by the mystery of what was going on or whatwas going to happen. Then a distinctive slow squish, squish, squish, squishbecame audible, the sound of sex. Tony's cock and brain both went instantaneouslyinto overdrive. Was his wife fucking Slave Two, riding up and down his slipperydick? It certainly sounded like it but then again it could be the sound ofhis wife wanking Slave Two with her hand and with the aid of baby oil. Tonycould not tell what it was he was hearing and he knew well that his wife wasadept at both practices. Squish, squish, squish, squish - the sound continuedrelentlessly.

Tony was now mortified at the realisation that Slave Two would be gettingthe reward of an orgasm and that he would. In fact, he would not get one thatday - he would have to go to bed aroused and unsatisfied. That had happenedonce before and it had been a most uncomfortable night of tossing and turningand being unable to sleep. His frustration was at a peak. All day he had beenaroused and he desperately wanted to come. Squish, squish, squish, squish -is the noise of a cunt caressing a cock different from that of a hand, andif so how? Could he detect anything unusual or characteristic which might indicateone or the other? How was it possible for his cock not to explode when undersuch pressure? It felt as if it was half as big again as his normal erect size.

Squish, squish, squish, squish - it felt to Tony as if he had been listeningto that sound for at least an hour though he realised it was probably muchless. Now there was a new noise. Yes, it was Slave Two's breathing becomingdistinctly more heavy as he started his inexorable journey towards his orgasm.Then, almost as soon as this new noise started, everything went quiet again.Not a sound. Tony's imagination went into overdrive. Perhaps Slave Two wasnot to get an orgasm after all. Perhaps this had been one of her mind fucksand she was now going to give Tony an orgasm and leave Slave Two frustrated.Then, Tony heard somebody moving about on the bed. It had to be Angela as SlaveTwo was firmly tied down and immobile. Another short period of quiet. Thenit started again, squish, squish, squish, squish, but this time he could hearthe unmistakable noise of the bedsprings, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, inthat same relentless rhythm.

Tony's mind almost blew a fuse; his cock nearly took off like a rocket headingfor outer space. Oh Christ, now there was surely no doubt. The noise of thebedsprings had to be the result of his wife riding up and down - Slave Twowould not be able to move more than a few millimetres the way he was tied down.His wife was fucking the other slave in the same room as him. He was beingcuckolded in front of his very own eyes, well blindfold actually. This wouldbe incredibly exciting and stimulating if he could see but to only hear wasten times more intense. This was too much, if only he could wank himself toget some relief from this incredible frustration. No, wait! He suddenly thought.Perhaps his wife was still wanking slave two with her hand and just bouncingon the bed to make him think she was fucking. Oh, that would be brilliant,how clever. Her best mind fuck yet. Shit, so he was still unable to work outwhat was going on, whether his wife was fucking or wanking the other slave.Based solely on the sounds he could hear it could be either. He had often beenattracted to the idea of being cuckolded but he had always expected to be ableto watch. If it was ten times worse to be able only to hear his wife fuckinganother man, it was a hundred times worse to be able only to hear somethingthat might be his wife fucking another man, but also might not. There was noway he could get more information; he was well blindfolded and he knew thosehandcuffs, they could only be undone with the key. He was condemned to endurethe uncertainty created by only having the sounds.

Slave Two's breathing was getting very heavy now, Surely his orgasm couldnot be far away. Oh God! now his wife was making her unmistakable moans aswell. Bitch! She was either fucking the man and about to come herself or shewas deliberately faking it just to torment him. It was almost too much. Hismind was in turmoil, his cock was throbbing and aching, Slave Two and his wifeshouted together as if reaching a mutual orgasm, Tony groaned in desperationand frustration beyond endurance.

There was silence for several minutes. Then he heard the straps being releasedand people moving about the room, and then they left and closed the door leavingTony alone. About ten minutes went by before Tony heard voices and the frontdoor close. He heard his wife coming up the stairs and into the room.

Tony felt the drops of oil spill onto his cock and start to run down the lengthfollowed rapidly by his wife's hand which expertly worked its magic. Tony wasin despair for he knew what would happen and, sure enough, just as he felthe was about to spurt all over the bedroom, covering the bed, carpet and curtains,the hand disappeared and, just as he knew she would, his wife explained that,of course, he had not earned an orgasm.

She released his hands and removed the blindfold.

?Did you enjoy today?' she asked.

?Wonderful, absolutely incredible. So much more intense than our normal days.You were so clever to think it all up. But can I ask just one question?'

?You can ask, but I don't guarantee to answer it. I am not going to tell youwhat happened just now. That's why I blindfolded you - so you wouldn't know.I wanted your imagination to work overtime and I'm never going to explain exactlywhat went on. That would spoil everything and waste all my efforts and planning.If I sacrificed my good reputation and virtue, then I did it for you and youshould be a grateful little cuckold and I wouldn't for a moment consider itan act of infidelity for you've often begged me to do just that. And if onthe other hand I didn't do that then you should be glad of that too, glad thatI have not broken my marriage vows. What I did, whatever I did, I did for you;to arouse, tease and utterly torment you, and I can see I succeeded becausethat is a very hard cock I see in front of me. I might even nickname it ?theCock of Gibraltar,? it's so rigid.'

?Actually that wasn't what I was going to ask. I knew you'd never tell methat. I've already resigned myself to not knowing and to being tormented forthe rest of my life wondering what happened. May I say ?thank you? for thatlittle scene, and tell you that you've never before messed with my mind quiteso wonderfully. But there is a question that has been troubling me all dayand which I couldn't possibly ask until now. If you won't answer, well so bitit, but answering won't in any way affect the success of the day or spoil myenjoyment. And I really would like to know. How on earth did you persuade thenew vicar to be a slave?'

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It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

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Second Chance

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Second Best

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Second Sight

‘But don’t you find it just a tad bit strange?’ Cliff Clayton asked his wife, Susan. Even though they were sitting knee to knee on rickety kitchen chairs, they barely could see each other through the decorated and lit pine branches. Two bushy Christmas trees, enveloping the room in a strong, eerily light, were positioned in the small living room, in opposite corners, but with their branches almost touching in the center of the room. ‘Shh, she’ll hear you,’ Susan muttered back at Cliff out of...

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Second Honeymoon Without Husband

Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...

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Second Life

Sally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Day at the Job

When he arrived the next morning he was instructed to report to John’s office. With a sigh, Daniel knocked at the door.“Enter,” came the reply from inside.Daniel turned the knob and went in.“Close the door behind you,” John ordered, sitting behind his desk in a red pull-over and khaki slacks.Daniel did as instructed and stood in front of John’s desk.“Get your assignment done,” John asked looking at Daniel’s crotch.“Yes,” Daniel whimpered.“That’s ‘yes Sir,’” John corrected. “Let’s see.”Daniel...

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Second Hand Fattening

Part 1 There is another universe, where the rules are different. Where things affect other people in a more unique way than they do in ours. I mean, you’ve seen the ads, right? All the dangerous side-effects of smoking this, eating that. Every one of them always talks about second-hand effects for people around you, like second hand smoking or jealous skinny people as you enjoy that 2nd cheeseburger feigning concern about your body. We all know they just want a 2nd cheeseburger. Go have one,...

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Second Life

Second Life. by Writer345© It is the late 2030's and somewhere in a small run-down town in South Wales there is a rather shabby looking Industrial Estate that is long past it's 'sell-by' date. Over to one side of the ram-shackled collection of buildings is an old and dilapidated warehouse long in need of a coat of paint... The warehouse, however, sports a large new- looking sign board proclaiming it to be the home of "SECOND-LIFE AUCTIONS Ltd." The warehouse has no windows and...

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Secondary School for Girls1

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Secondary School for Girls0

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Second Chances Chapter 30 FINAL Hello my name is Chrissy

Sunday, October 5, 1997 I woke up on my own. I sat up in bed. I remembered last night... or rather I remembered what I wished for. I suddenly got really nervous. What have I done? I'm stuck in 1997 now. I'm stuck as Christina now. I was so caught up in the moment I really didn't think it through. Breathe Chrissy. You asked for this. You wanted this. Yeah, But now it's real. I looked at the mirror in front of me. This is very real. This is me. This is me forever...

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Second Honeymoon0

Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. “What did you do?” she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. “What do you mean?” Danny asked, knowing full well what she was talking about. “Connors called me into his office at three this afternoon, and told me to have a nice weekend and he would see me on Tuesday. I didn’t know...

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Second Honeymoon

Introduction: The best laid plans…. Danny? Chris called to her husband as she came through the front door. She practically fell over the two pieces of luggage sitting just inside the entrance. Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. What did you do? she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. What do you mean? Danny asked, knowing full...

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Second time is the charm

I was in bed watching the Olympics; is it just me or isthere way too much weird stuff on boards, not to mention shuffleboard on ice, and not enough figure skating? Chad came in wearing different pajamas from last night. Those were in the laundry hamper, these were plaid, a Christmas present from his dad, who’s Scottish if you go back 150 years. It was about 10 pm. We hadn’t talked about last night. I certainly didn’t know what to say. You can’t tell your sixteen year old son he’s a great lover...

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Second ChillChapter 2

We worked hard up to our first weekend of performances, and through the second. Rehearsals morning and evening, with work on the Tales in-between. The first book had gone to press, and we’d completed a mock-up of the second, so we concentrated on the third. As far as rehearsals, Nick hired people to get the technical things done. Like Cass Lake and the older mixed couple, he brought in former teachers from the defunct college who knew the theater to hang lights and set up the sound. Chanda...

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Second Best

I looked down at the legal pad on the desk and rolled the pen between my fingers as I tried to organize the words in my mind. It would have been much easier for me if I was at a keyboard in front of a computer. When at the computer my thoughts seemed to flow right to my fingers and the words would quickly appear on the screen. Hit 'print' and it would be done. Neat, single spaced lines of 11 point Times New Roman that would say it all, but to me that would be too impersonal. I needed for this...

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Second Honeymoon Ch 01

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Chapter 1: A mix up at the hotel leads to wild times.Jon and Michelle had been planning this trip for a long time and couldn't believe they were actually sitting on the plane as they flew over the Gulf of Mexico. They were on their way to Cozumel for a second honeymoon they had been planning for a few years now.They had been married for just over five years and had no k**s. Their marriage was...

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Second ChanceChapter 7

The next thing I was aware of was noise and light. The light came from the window on my left, and the noise came from Polly Dryden, who, by the sound of things, was peeling back the skin on a doctor. "What do you mean that Angela might be permanently disabled due to the path of the bullet? What kind of surgeon are you that you can't extract a bullet without leaving a permanent disability? Here's what's going to happen! You are going to get on your computer and phones and find a surgeon...

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Second That EmotionChapter 31

There is, for me, something about watching my girls sleeping that is indefinably soothing. I don't know if others feel the same way while watching their loved ones resting, but for me it's both calming and restorative. I sat down carefully on the foot of the bed and watched the three of them. They pressed together, Lilly and Izzy on the ends with their arm thrown over little Peggy in the center, tiny smiles on their lips. I linked with the three of them and added a spark to their glowing...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Second Swing

SECOND SWING, a true story by Tiffany (c) Fred Lake 2014This happened over 30 years ago, in the late-70s. On the way home from our first official wife-swapping session Fred and I both found nothing to regret. It was fun, exciting, and interesting. And being young, we were up for a private lovemaking session as soon as we reached our bedroom. I expected it to feel weird that I was fucking my husband just an hour after cheating on him and in front of him, but it didn't feel strange at all. ...

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Second Chances

Synopsis: They say portals to the past are everywhere. Especially where something terrible once happened. But what if it was still happening? Second Chances By LJ He collapsed, still reeling from the impossible sensation of feeling hot, male seed fill his belly. He tried to roll back onto his back, to make some effort at regaining a sense of normalcy, but found he could not move. Not an inch. Not a single muscle. Some force was holding him in place as surely as if he had been frozen...

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Second Chances Part 3

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 3 It had just started to rain as Rani and Jay started to walk home. The storm had shown up so suddenly that they had to cut their time in the tree house short. However nobody said how long they could take on the walk home. Since they were next door neighbors, they could get away with taking the scenic route. "So, Jay" Rani asked with a slight nudge "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Not really" Jay replied "I guess girls don't...

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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

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Second Date

Second Date "Can you get it, Hon?" This was our second date. We had met at the pond a couple of weeks before when Sid and I had stopped to see who was skating. She had come to a stop at the railing where we were standing. "You're Jimmy Burns, aren't you?" she asked, watching me nod before continuing. "I'm Marie Bundy. We met at the mall." "Ah, yes, you were with Danny," I said, remembering where I had seen her before. "Would you take me home, Jimmy?" she asked, assuming I was...

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Second That EmotionChapter 4

"Ike? Can you hear me, baby? Ike, please wake up." The voice was a little fuzzy, but I recognized it as Izzy. I slowly opened my eyes, and there she was; my beautiful sister, with those luminous blue eyes and that pouty rosebud of a mouth. "Hey." I managed to say thru my smile. Izzy wrapped my up in a monster hug and just held me. I put my arms around her and squeezed back. "Damn, woman! When you cum, you really get your monies worth." I rasped. My throat felt a little raw and my...

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Monday, May 16, 2011 – The Second Time Gradually, I returned from my memories. I found myself staring out the window of my office on the forty-second floor of the Penn-Central Building. There were snowflakes drifting through the lights of the surrounding buildings. Below, most of the lights on Madison Square Garden were dark. Colloquially known as The Garden, Madison Square Garden is a multi-purpose indoor arena situated on top of Pennsylvania Station. Opened on February 11, 1968, it is...

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Tuesday, June 15, 1971 If this was Tuesday, it must be Albuquerque. The sun was shining and it looked like another hot day, but at over 5,000 feet in elevation, it was nowhere near as muggy as Houston had been. The ATSF yard was bustling with activity all around us. I felt like we were on an island in the midst of a choppy sea as I scanned for any signs of danger. Everything was clear. The Dining Car was empty so I started the coffee brewing in the galley as I rummaged around for something...

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Second Chance At LovePart 4 Michelle

I decided to ask Michelle Hoover to the Valentines Dance at school. I knew her from a couple classes. She's pretty and quite tall and thin. Probably about 5'-10". Her thinness probably made her tits look more prominent. She has shoulder length dark brown hair. I asked her one day at lunch about a week before the dance. We sat together at lunch every day until the dance. We got to know each other pretty well as we talked. Michelle has a great sense of humor and is fun to talk with. We...

3 years ago
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Second Coming 1 Easy as ABC

Second Coming #1: Easy as ABC By Valerie Hope They'd been on the move for days - nights had blurred into dawns, dawns into unbearable noons with heat which melted the cracked asphalt of the streets of what was once a thriving, modern metropolis. Out of the corners of their eyes, the tired soldiers could almost see the people, scurrying to and from their jobs, their entertainments and their errands, oblivious to the overhanging destruction which would take all their hopes and...

2 years ago
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Second ChancesPart 4

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 4 The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia's note to Jessie's apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk , she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats. "Hi Jessie, I know I've been a bitch to you but...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 5 Going through the motions Part 2

The next two periods flew by as I was now eager to get the day over with. The incident with Amber sucked all of the fun out of this second chance I was given. The next opportunity I get with the guardian angel, I'm going to abort this whole thing. My last class of the day was Band class. I found my tenor saxophone in in the band instrument closet and went out to meet everyone else. I said hi to Fay and Ron who were also in the band. Ron was the Alto sax section leader. Fay was the drum...

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