Lactating MILF Impregnated by Father In Law
- 3 years ago
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Full-time residents in lake resort towns can develop love-hate relationships with the tourists and seasonal residents who they rely on for their survival. The local economies in those areas are dependent on the whims of the real estate market and the vacation spending of those visiting the area. That is especially true for lake resorts in areas with harsh winters, where the summer seasons are short.
Those typically small lake towns have rather noticeable class distinctions, with real estate companies, banks, some resort owners, and other business owners at the top of the food chain. Most of the locals are subsisting the best they can, as either low-paid employees for those businesses, or by eking out a living on their own, with fringe services, such as providing firewood for the seasonal owners.
My name is Emma, and I grew up in just such a lake town in Northern Minnesota. I’m married now, and moderately comfortable as the wife of a resort owner, although I do supplement our income with my own activities. Some resorts aren’t as successful as others, and I learned to give of myself to help us be successful.
I will start out by describing my childhood, so you’ll better understand my later motivations. My father was a small contractor, more of a handyman really, who helped seasonal owners maintain their properties. The contracts weren’t very lucrative, since there was a lot of competition from other locals to provide those services. For that reason, my mother also worked as a maid at one of the local motels.
My older brother, Cole, and I would have to mostly fend for ourselves during the busy summer months, living in our mobile home not too far from the lake. We played in the woods and sometimes walked to the small library in town, and at first, I didn’t realize how poor we were.
Our town is so small that all the kids in the area go to the same schools. It wasn’t until I got into middle school that I started to notice that some of the kids were dressed better than I was, and I realized that they looked down on those of us who were less fortunate. I was also starting to pick up on some of my parent’s complaints about wealthy home owners and vacationers not treating them very well.
My parents got into fights sometimes when they thought Cole and I couldn’t hear them. It was always the same fight, with Dad accusing Mom of fucking the motel owner, and Mom denying it. I was young and naïve at that time and didn’t know what to believe. I remember thinking that it might have been happening, though, since she is very pretty and well built. As I grew older, I realized that might be another example of how a well-to-do motel owner was taking advantage of his less fortunate worker.
So, there I was, at the young age of fourteen, starting to understand and lament the social and economic disparities in our area. That made me want to work hard in school and to support our family any way I could. I looked and acted mature for my age, and it didn’t hurt that I’m also pretty. So, I was able to get a job at a small resort on the lake, that is only a fifteen-minute walk from our trailer.
That resort started out as a fishing camp, decades before I was born, but over the years they added rental cabins, a bar and restaurant, and a full-service dock where boaters could fuel their boats. The resort also has a small beach, where their vacationing guests enjoy swimming in the cool, clear water.
I could legally work in Minnesota at the age of fourteen, but they paid me in cash to avoid the payroll taxes. I learned how to clean the cabins, change the linens, and helped around the dock. That’s where I got an even better sense of just how much money those seasonal owners have. Their boats are huge and powerful, and I would sit on the dock as they roared back out into the lake, wondering how they could have enough money to afford them.
The owners of the resort were in their sixties, and their grandson, Austin, who lived with his parents in Minneapolis, stayed with them for four weeks every summer, helping out as well as having fun. He is two years older than me, and we became best friends. Our friendship was platonic, though, at least until the summer when I turned sixteen. I had developed physically since he saw me that previous summer.
I’m five feet and six inches tall, and weighed one hundred and fifteen pounds at the time, with a beautifully-shaped, curvy ass, and firm, 34C breasts that looked big on my slight frame. Austin could barely keep his eyes off me. His grandparents also noticed the change in me and my effect on others. The owners no longer wanted me to clean the cabins, and instead had me sometimes work as a waitress in the restaurant, but mostly on the dock fueling the boats.
They noticed how the men were attracted to me and knew it would be good for business to have me on the dock, drawing customers away from the other fueling docks on the lake. They also bought me tight, high-rise bikini shorts and tight midriff t-shirts to wear, with the name of the resort emblazoned across my ass and the front of the t-shirt. They asked me to go pantiless and braless too, and I know that my swaying and giggling tits got the men’s attention.
I enjoyed the attention and comments I got from the men, and it made me feel so grown up. Some of the men were older, in their fifties I guessed, but many were in their late twenties and thirties. There were also many college-aged boys who were using their parent’s boats, and they were always flirting with me and trying to get me to party with them after I got off work, even when they already had girls with them.
There is a little cove with no homes along the shoreline, where those younger groups, including some in their late twenties and thirties, tied their boats together and partied. Everyone was drinking, and the rumors were that a lot of the girls got naked and had sex with the boys. I learned later that their activities were like those shown in those ‘Girls Gone Wild’ videos.
My parents knew that I was making good money at the resort, when I included the generous tips from the men, but I had to launder and store my shorts and t-shirts at the resort, so they wouldn’t know that I was parading around half naked in front of those men.
I hadn’t had any sexual experiences before that summer, but it didn’t take long for Austin to take my cherry. He had been back for only a week, that summer I turned sixteen, when we were out in the boathouse drinking beer after work. It was easy for him to sneak beer from the storage area behind the bar, and that was the first time I had any alcohol to drink.
Austin was eighteen that summer, and was going into college in the fall, so he seemed so grown up to me. We were sitting on the cushioned back seat of one of the boats moored there. After the second beer, I was feeling very relaxed, but not actually drunk. That’s when he turned to me and said, “Wow, Emma, you are absolutely beautiful. I see the way all the men look at you, and I can’t blame them. I would really love it if we could be more than just friends.”
He was staring into my eyes and moved in to give me my first kiss ever. It was a little awkward at first, but I quickly learned to kiss him, and responded in the same way when he pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our passions rose quickly, and before I knew it he was massaging my breasts and pushing me back on the seat. That’s when it dawned on me that he intended to fuck me, and I was so turned on that I wanted it too.
Austin pushed my shirt up and over my bulging breasts, and before he leaned down to suck them he said, “Emma, your breasts are just perfect, just like the rest of you, and I want you so badly. Have you ever had sex before, and are you on the pill? I’m sorry, but I don’t have a condom with me.”
He began sucking my right areola and nipple as I responded, “No, Austin, you will be my first. I’m not on any birth control, but I want this, and I think I’m in the safe part of my cycle. Please take it slow and be gentle with me.”
Austin took my hand and placed in on his crotch, as he continued sucking my breasts and began rubbing between my thighs. I had never felt a cock before, but I saw my brother a few times accidently when I barged in on him in the bathroom. The lump in his shorts was growing, and he was breathing harder and harder. He reached down to unfasten and push down his shorts and underwear, and then pushed my bikini shorts down.
Since having sex was all new to me, I was surprised when he pulled away momentarily, before turning around next to me, in what I would learn is a sixty-nine. He looked at my thick, bulging vulva, covered in neatly trimmed, brown hair, and said, “Oh fuck, Emma, what a pretty pussy. I’ve just got to eat you.”
I had heard of oral sex before, but nothing could have prepared me for the great feeling of him sucking my pussy. His dick was in my face, and it is what I would learn is a kind of average five inches long, and of normal thickness. I wanted to return the favor to him, so I took his dick into my mouth and began sucking him. I felt so naughty and at the same time exhilarated to be having sex for the first time, although I was apprehensive about him fucking me.
At that time, I had no knowledge of how fast boys and men could cum when they are excited, so I was surprised when after sucking one another for only about three minutes, he pulled away. He pulled me up and laid a towel down on the seat, before pushing me down on my back, and saying, “If this is really your first time, we sure don’t want to mess up the seat.”
Austin moved on top of me and pressed his hard dick to my wet labia. Then he kissed me, and I tasted my pussy on his lips. He pressed his dick through my puffy labia, until he felt the resistance of my hymen. That’s when he broke our kiss and said, “I know from experience that it is less painful for you if I go in quickly. Are you ready?”
I shook my head ‘yes’ and pulled him down to kiss me, as I braced for his insertion. He pulled back and then penetrated me in one quick stroke. The pain was intense for a few seconds, but not overwhelming, and he held still in me as I got used to his dick being inside me, as the pain subsided. Then he began slowly thrusting in me, until I felt that he was all the way in. I would find out soon thereafter that I was fortunate to have my cherry broken by a smaller dick like Austin’s.
That initial pain turned into pure pleasure as we kissed, and he stroked me. I didn’t want it to end and felt like I was close to having my first orgasm from being fucked, when after only about three minutes, I felt his dick throbbing in me as he moaned, “Oh fuck, oh shit, Emma, I love cumming in your pussy. My girlfriend back home would never let me fuck her bareback. You better be on your safe time, or we could have just made a baby.”
He stayed in me for a few more minutes, slowly stroking me with his softening dick, and then stood up. I saw the remnants of my blood on his dick, and the towel was stained with my blood and his cum. I wiped my pussy and his dick with a clean part of the towel. Austin seemed to be a little subdued after his ejaculation, but we were soon drinking and talking again.
I was so happy when I went home that night, thinking about my first experience fucking Austin, but I also started to realize how reckless I had been to let him fuck me without either of us being protected. And for some reason, I liked being fucked bareback that way, and feeling the cum shooting into my pussy. So, on the way to work the next day, I stopped by the small women’s clinic in town.
A female nurse practitioner examined me, and she could tell that I had just had my hymen broken. It was a little embarrassing, since I had met her previously at a school event I attended with my mother. She assured me that my visit to the clinic was confidential and congratulated me on having the good sense to get protected from an unwanted pregnancy.
It would take seven days for the birth control pills to be effective, but I knew that I would be in my safe period until then. Austin and I fucked almost every day after that, and sometimes more than once, whenever we found the opportunity to be alone in the boat house, storage room, or one of the empty cabins.
The more we fucked, the more I liked it, and I also liked the way Austin always ate me out after we fucked. I would have thought that was a kind of gay thing to do, but he enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed cleaning his slimy cock. We were developing strong feelings for one another, much more than just lust I thought. And as much as I enjoyed his dick, I would soon find out all men are not created equal when it comes to cocks.
I really missed Austin when he went back to Minneapolis, after our constant fucking, but my new awareness of my sexuality and horniness made me a prime target for some of our customers.
There was one of our customers, Adam, who fueled a cabin cruiser every three days or so, and he was always flirting with me and asking me if I wanted to party with him and his friends. I asked around and found out that he was in his mid-twenties, and at the lake in his parent’s cottage, using their boat, before starting a new job in Minneapolis.
I finally agreed to go with him one day, when I was getting off work early. I didn’t know at the time that he intended to fuck me, but I sure didn’t mind when I found out. I loved everything about being around and on those boats. They are so clean, and the smell of the fresh air on the lake, the feel and smell of the upholstery, and even the low rumble of the inboard engines, were a turn-on for me.
He was alone the day he picked me up at the dock, and we immediately headed over to the party cove. He opened a beer for himself and offered me one on the fifteen-minute cruise to the cove. He smiled when he handed it to me asked, “Are you even old enough to be drinking this beer?”
I had assumed that everyone knew that I was only a teenager, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. I gave him a coy smile and answered, “No, sorry, Adam, I just turned sixteen this summer. Is that a problem for you?”
He laughed and replied, “Hell no, it’s not a problem for me. You’re hotter than hell and look like you’re all woman to me. I’m just glad that the age of consent is sixteen in Minnesota.”
I was wearing my outfit from work and knew that I looked good and sexy. It was obvious then that he intended to fuck me. I tried to act naive and teased him a little by asking, “Why does it matter about that consent thing? Do you have something more than just a boat ride in mind?”
He looked me up and down, and answered, “Just relax, sweetie, I think you’ll enjoy the party.”
It was a warm, sunny day, and there were already a dozen or so boats in the cove. We anchored and tied up next to a boat owned by Jerry, an older friend and neighbor of his parents, who looked to be maybe forty years old. Loud music was playing, and everyone was drinking on the boats. There was a pontoon boat in the middle of everything where some college girls were drunk and already had their tops off. It was fun watching them dance around, with their breasts swaying and bouncing, as Adam and I drank our beers. He gave me another one as soon as I finished the first.
Jerry came over to talk with us for a little while, and he looked me over before saying, “You weren’t lying about this pretty, young thing, Adam. Are you sure that she’s old enough to be out here with these raucous goings on?”
Adam seemed proud to have me with him and responded, “Yeah, no kidding, man. I’ve been watching her and trying to get her attention for a couple of weeks now. I’ve seen her hanging out with her boyfriend, but he left yesterday. She tells me she’s legal, so no problem with that.”
Jerry went back to his boat about the time I was finishing my third beer, and I was feeling no pain. That’s when Adam put his arm around me and said, “Come on, sweetie, let me show you how nice and comfortable this cabin is.”
As soon as we were down there, he backed me up to the edge of the bed, wrapped both arms around me, and began kissing me. He was obviously more experienced than Austin, and I liked being in the arms of a more mature man. We kissed passionately, with our tongues probing one another’s mouths, as he gripped my barely-covered ass cheeks with his hands and pulled me against him.
I felt his big cock lump pressing against my belly and knew that his cock was bigger than Austin’s. He broke the kiss, still holding my ass, and asked, “This isn’t your first time is it, sweetie? Hasn’t your boyfriend been sucking these nice tits and getting into your pants?”
He was very direct and assertive about what he wanted, and I wanted it too. I did have feelings for Austin, but there was no commitment for either one of us not to date others, and I wanted to fuck Adam. I was a little woozy from the beer and slurred my words as I answered, “This isn’t my first time, but it is my first time with someone older. Let’s do this, Adam, I like the feeling of what’s pressed against my stomach.”
He lifted my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, as my big, firm tits jiggled in front of him. Then, almost as an afterthought, he asked, “Do I need to wear protection?”
I learned from Austin’s comments when we fucked the first time, that men loved fucking women bareback, and shooting their cum into them. And he reiterated that many times to me. Because of that, I intuitively knew that men have strong, primal instincts to inseminate and impregnate women. So, I played to Adam’s basest instincts, by giving him a hint that I wasn’t protected.
I reached down and rubbed his cock lump, as I said, “I should be barely in my safe time, and I want to feel your bare cock and cum shooting into my pussy.”
He pushed down his bathing suit and sat me on the bed in front of him as he said, “Damn, Emma, you are one hot piece of ass. Come on, sweetie, suck this and get me ready to fuck that sweet pussy of yours.”
Adam fondled my tits as I leaned in to suck his cock. It is uncircumcised and was about half hard, and already almost seven inches long. It is also very thick, much thicker than Austin’s, and precum was oozing from the big cock head. I reached back and held onto his ass as I pulled his cock into my mouth. I loved the meatiness, thickness and weight of his big cock, and the way it filled my mouth.
I sucked him for just a couple of minutes, until his cock reached its full eight inches, and then he pushed me back onto the bed. He leaned down to suck my vulva for a few seconds, and then leaned down to suck my tits, as he pressed his big cock into me. I loved the way he stretched my pussy, in a way Austin was unable to, and I was surprised when I felt that he had bottomed out in me.
He started fucking me hard and fast, and I learned his deepest motivation when he pulled off my tits for a moment and said, “Oh fuck, how I love fucking your tight, young, teen cunt. You young ones always appreciate a man fucking you, after you’ve been with your boyfriends. And oh shit, even better that you want to be fucked bareback. Jerry’s going to love this.”
I didn’t know why he mentioned Jerry, but Adam soon buried his cock to the balls in me, and I felt it throbbing and filling my teen pussy with his cum. He stayed in me for a few minutes, and then pulled out, saying, “Stay right where you are, sweetie, and keep those legs spread.”
Adam got on his cell phone, and I heard him say to someone, “Yeah, no shit, man, she’s ready and waiting for you.”
I heard someone climbing onto his boat, as he said, “Just relax, sweetie, my neighbor always like to clean up after me. He started sucking my cock when I was in the eleventh grade and up here with my parents in the summers. Now he’s a cuckold to his wife, and cleans her up after I fuck her, just like he cleans up the young sluts I fuck. You’ll love this, and he’ll want to fuck you too.”
Adam lay down next to me, sucking my breasts, as Jerry moved in between my legs. I was used to Austin eating his own cum out of me, but it was strange, and somehow very arousing, having another man eat Adam’s cum. He pulled my legs over his shoulders and pulled me tightly against his face, and he ate me out much more aggressively than Austin ever had. I loved getting that kind of attention from two grown men, and I was ready for more. I had never heard the term ‘cuckold’ before, but I was starting to understand how erotic it was to watch one man being so submissive to another.
Jerry fucked me after sucking Adam’s cock, and his cock is about six inches long and as thick as Adam’s. When he was finished, Adam fucked me again, and Jerry cleaned us up again. We left the cove shortly after that and cruised around the lake talking. I felt like such a slut, having just fucked two complete strangers, and Adam had more plans for me.
I sat in the captain’s chair next to him, completely naked, but with a towel nearby in case I needed to cover up. Adam told me what a great time he had with me, and after handing me two fifty-dollar bills, he added, “You really seemed to enjoy the fucking you got today, and a pretty, sexy, young thing like you can get all of the cock she wants out on this lake. This money is a token of our appreciation for what you did for Jerry and me, but you can make a lot more if you’re willing. I’d be happy to take you out to those parties anytime you want, or you can hook up with others going out there.
As Adam talked more about me making money fucking the men on the lake, I couldn’t help thinking of my mother, who might have been fucking her boss to keep her job. It was another example of how rich men could take advantage of those less fortunate to satisfy their sexual urges. But from my perspective, I would also be using them to improve my financial situation.
We cruised slowly, heading back to the resort and staying away from other boats. I moved over and sat on his lap, as if he was teaching me to pilot the boat, and he had his hard cock buried in my teen pussy. He shot his third load of the afternoon in me just a few minutes before reaching the resort, and I quickly wiped myself and got dressed. The last thing he said to me as I got off the boat was, “Just remember, Emma, you’re hot and sexy, and you sure don’t need to give your nice tits and pussy away for free.”
I went home sexually satiated, at least for the day, thinking about how much I enjoyed being fucked by those older men and their bigger cocks. Adam had opened a whole new realm of possibilities for me, and I intended to take advantage of it.
Some of the other men must have seen us go into Adam’s cabin that day, or maybe he and Jerry weren’t able to keep their mouths shuts about it. In either case, the fueling business on our dock increased, and men, both young and old, were seriously flirting with me, and making comments like, “You’re a beautiful girl, Emma, and I’d show my appreciation if you’d come party with me and my friends.”
They were blatantly soliciting me, and I took them up on it. I couldn’t always get away during the day for the parties in the cove, but some of the men would pick me up for short ‘cruises’ after work, with either one, two, or three men in their boats. I didn’t know what to charge them at first, but soon came up with a plan, based on what some of them were willing to pay.
Some of the men just wanted to play with and suck my tits, and I charged them fifty dollars for that. It cost them seventy-five for a blowjob, or if they wanted to finger-fuck or suck my pussy. I charged them one hundred dollars to fuck me and cum in my pussy. For one hundred and fifty dollars, they could do everything.
All of them talked about how much they loved having sex with a sixteen-year-old girl, especially one with a body like mine. Their biggest thrill was that I let them fuck me bareback and cum in my pussy.
I knew that I couldn’t keep my activities a secret from the resort owners forever, especially the way gossip spreads around a lake like that. They were happy for the increased business and didn’t interfere, but they would sometimes caution me by saying things like, “My goodness, Emma, our fuel business has really increased with you out there, and we appreciate it. You’re a beautiful girl and the men are attracted to you, but just be careful out there, sweetie. You wouldn’t want to make a mistake that will affect the rest of your life.”
It was interesting that Austin’s grandparents, in their late sixties, were subtly cautioning me about not getting pregnant, but not telling me to stop fucking all those men. The lure of the money was more important to them, than any concern that I was prostituting myself.
The prime season for most of the seasonal property owners and vacationers was from late spring until early fall. So, the resort’s business fell off quite a bit after September. We did have a lot of fisherman staying in the cabins after that, but even they tapered off as we got into early November. I started back to school in the fall, but I worked in the evenings as a waitress, and on the weekends. I could no longer wear my skimpy shorts, but they encouraged me to keep wearing those revealing, tight t-shirts. My money for fucking and tips was a lot less then, but I still managed to fuck men in the cabins, and even in the parking lot.
I had made so much money fucking on the lake, that I had to open a bank account in town to hold my earnings, which were all tax free of course, and I didn’t tell my parents about it. I did get propositioned by the fishermen in the restaurant, and I was able to keep fucking until the normal fishing season ended. Most of them were older men, who really appreciated getting into my teen pussy.
As winter set in, and I was facing the prospect of no more big cocks or income until spring, I came up with a great idea that also benefited my father. I proposed to the owners that they should contract with my father to build them several ice fishing shacks, just as a test market to see if they could attract ice fisherman over the winter months. And I convinced them that I could provide extra services by replenishing supplies in the shacks, and even bringing the men food from the restaurant after school and on weekends.
They agreed to try it, likely since they had such a profitable summer because of me. It was a big success. Their advertisements attracted more ice fisherman than anticipated, and before it was over, my father had constructed ten shacks for them. The owners noticed how much time I was spending in some of the shacks with those older men and must have assumed I was sucking and fucking them.
Although they never challenged me on it, they would sometimes tease me, saying things like, “Don’t freeze your tookus off out there, sweetie.”
The men using the ice shacks were older than the other fishermen, on average, and I was fucking some men who were old enough to be my grandfather. Some of them took some extra sucking to get hard to fuck me, and they were very generous, paying more than I was asking, with tips on top of that.
It was bound to happen that my parents would pick up on the rumors about me. My father was too embarrassed to talk with me about it, but one day in the early spring, I was home alone with Mom and she said nervously, “Listen, honey, I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors, and I’m worried about you. I know that it’s normal for teenagers to experiment with sex, but, uh, uh, I think you’ve taken it to a whole new level. Is it true what I’m hearing, and if so, have you protected yourself?”
I didn’t see any point in lying to her, and I admitted everything; from the first time Austin and I fucked, to getting on the pill, and then fucking all those other men through the summer, fall, and winter. I even told her that I loved fucking those men, and taking their cum, and the bigger their cocks, the better. She was flabbergasted at my admission, and was starting to lecture me, when I challenged her.
She broke down crying when I told her that I suspected she was fucking the motel owner. Then she said, while still sobbing, “I was afraid that you and Cole would hear our arguments, and I’m so sorry, honey. I have been fucking my boss, a couple of his friends on the city council, and even some policemen, because I need that job to help support our family. My boss fucks me for free, but those other men pay me to fuck them. Please don’t be angry with me, honey.”
After thinking a few seconds, she continued, “And I wish that I could tell you I was being forced to do it. Your father isn’t that well-hung, and I really enjoy fucking those men, who all have bigger cocks.”
I then said, “Well then, don’t be angry with me either. I’m just trying to make some money to get a better future for myself, and I’m also happy to help with the expenses around here. I guess we’re a lot alike, and I have made a shit ton of money on that lake. I don’t really care what others might think of me, because I’m making money the best way I know how.”
We never talked about it again, and I knew that my mother had told Dad everything. He never said anything to me, but he was always nervous around me. The other men probably teased him about having a whore for a daughter, but he somehow managed to keep his cool.
I had just turned seventeen when summer was upon us again, and my tits had grown to 32Ds. Austin also returned from his first year in college to spend four weeks on the lake. We weren’t going steady or anything, but I still felt a strong connection to him and was worried what he’d do when, not if, he found out about my promiscuity. I was also worried that him being there might cause me to curtail some of my fucking with the other men.
The first night we had time alone in the boat shed, on his second day back, he was eating me out with more passion than the previous summer, both before and after we fucked. I didn’t think he knew that I had fucked a fisherman a couple of hours earlier, in his rented cabin, and hadn’t had time to clean up that well. Although I was feeling a little dirty and guilty about Austin eating me out in that condition, it still aroused me thinking that he was doing the same thing that Jerry had done after Adam fucked me, but didn’t know it, or so I thought.
I was very nervous when we cuddled afterwards, and I got the courage to tell him everything. I started off saying, “Austin, I think you know that I have strong feelings for you, and even though we aren’t in a committed relationship, there’s still something I need to tell you. After you left last summer, a lot of the men were hitting on me out on the dock, and I was missing the intimacy we shared. So, I started going to some of those parties in the cove, and, uh, well, I really enjoyed them. That was the beginning of when I, uh, uh….
Before I could finish, Austin interrupted me, and hugged me tighter, saying, “Let me take you off the hook. My grandmother told me how much you’ve helped the resort, not only in the summer, but with the new ice fishing business over the winter. She said that was their most profitable year ever. And when she told me what she suspected you were doing to get all that business, I got very excited.”
I had no idea what he could be excited about, and was surprised when he continued, “I have strong feelings for you too, Emma, but I know we’ve both enjoyed our freedom. I want to tell you about something that happened at school, so you’ll understand where I’m coming from, when I relate what Grandma told me. My roommate, Dexter, and I party quite a bit at college, and are usually drinking a lot of beer. Just listen before you say anything.”
“One night we were drinking heavily with girls in our room, and we both planned to fuck our dates, who we had fucked before. You know how much I enjoy eating pussy, and I wanted to eat out Ashley before we fucked. I was nervous about getting naked in front of everyone, though, because Dexter has a lot bigger cock than mine. Unfortunately, I passed out before we got to the point of having sex. Anyway, I woke up a little while later, still very groggy, and saw that Dexter and both girls were lying naked on the bed.”
“I moved over between Ashley’s wide-spread legs, which she wrapped around my back to hold me in place, as I began sucking her pussy. I realized right away, from the aroma, taste, and juiciness of her pussy, that Dexter must have just fucked her. Ashley held me in place with her legs, as everyone laughed at me for eating his cum.”
He paused for a second to kiss me and resumed, “I was repulsed and embarrassed at first, but then realized how much I enjoyed sucking his cum from her. Then I was feeling a whole new set of emotions when Dexter teased me, saying ‘I hope you don’t mind, buddy, but Ashley watched me fucking Ruth, and decided that she wanted to see what it was like to be fucked by a big cock.’ It’s hard for me to explain, but hearing them all laughing at me, and Dexter ridiculing my dick, coupled with the fact that he had just fucked my date, was very arousing to me.”
I had some idea of the emotions he was experiencing, after watching and feeling Jerry so aggressively sucking Adam’s cum from my pussy, and I hugged him to show my support, as he continued, “I hope you don’t think any less of me, Emma, but that was a moment of clarity for me. I really enjoyed being sexually submissive by eating Dexter’s cum, after he thoroughly fucked my date. That set the pattern for how our dates went from then on, and believe it or not, I began sucking and cleaning his cock after he fucked my dates, and I enjoy it.”
It was clear what his grandmother had told him, but I rubbed his hard dick and encouraged him by asking, “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what did your grandmother say?”
He smiled and kissed me again before responding, “When she told me that she was sure you were fucking dozens of college-aged and older men, that was like a dream come true for me. You are so beautiful and have such a hot body, and the thought that you are fucking all those men, when you and I have such a strong emotional connection, makes me want you even more. You won’t believe how excited I was when I ate you out a while ago and tasted someone else’s cum in your pussy. I want to be a part of your life, now more than ever.”
I wanted to make sure that I heard him correctly, and asked, “Are you saying that you want me to keep fucking those other men, and you want to eat me out afterwards when the situations allow it? You’d better be sure about this, Austin, because I plan on doing even more fucking this year.”
He held my hands and looked into my eyes pleadingly, as he answered, “Oh fuck yes, Emma, I want to be a part of everything you do.”
Our time together for the remaining three plus weeks of his vacation was a blur. Austin would sometimes take care of our fuel customers, while I went on short cruises with other men, and he always took me to the boat shed afterwards to clean my pussy. At other times, he would wait for me after work, when I was either on a cruise or with men in the cabins. He was learning the business and trying to apply what he learned in college the past year, but we still had plenty of time for sucking and fucking.
The strange thing was that as he ate me out more and more, the less he was interested in fucking me. I was willing to fuck him, even though it wasn’t as enjoyable as fucking men with bigger cocks, but he was more content to share my experiences by cleaning my pussy. I sometimes asked the men I was going with if they would mind if Austin came along to watch, but most of them weren’t up for that. Sometimes, though, they did agree.
One day when I had the afternoon off, I agreed to be picked up by three men, Gavin, Drew, and Jacob, who looked to be in their forties, to go party on the lake. I had seen them many times before at the dock, usually with their wives, but they somehow got some ‘boy time’ that afternoon. They were already drunk when they picked me up and agreed to let Austin come along.
The owner of the boat, Gavin, has a nice, thirty-foot, inboard power boat with a small cuddy cabin in the bow. We were just moving away from the dock when he pulled Austin over and said, “Listen, sport; we agreed to let you come along as a favor to Emma, but you’d better decide right now whether you’re going to behave. We all know what’s going to happen out there with your pretty slut of a girlfriend. If you try to interfere out on the lake, you’ll find your sorry ass swimming back to the dock. Are we clear?”
I was amused at how docile Austin was when he responded, “Yes, sir, crystal clear. I can hardly wait to see Emma with you men.”
Gavin stayed away from the party cove, and instead cruised out to anchor in the center of the lake, where there wasn’t much boat traffic. He pulled me over next to him as he piloted the boat, and he wasted no time in pulling my t-shirt up and off. The other men gathered around to watch, as they pushed down my tight shorts. The men groaned and made appreciative comments as my 32Ds swayed and jiggled, before Gavin started sucking them.
The other two men were rubbing my ass and fingering my pussy. Drew then got down on his knees behind me and started pressing his face between my legs to suck my pussy from behind. That’s when Jacob said, “Whoa, Drew! I know that’s a pretty, furry, teen cunt, but this little whore has been fucked by dozens of men on the lake. If she had as many cocks sticking out of her as have been in her, she’d look like a fucking porcupine. Are you sure you want to put that thing in your mouth?”
Austin was watching everything, and started rubbing his crotch, as Drew started sucking my pussy anyway, just about the time that Gavin stopped the boat, and Jacob threw out the anchor.
The boat has a big engine cover in the middle of the open area, and it is covered in white, lushly-cushioned marine fabric, just like the long bench seat in the stern. The men shifted positions, and after laying down a big towel, Drew pushed me onto my back on the engine cover, as he pushed down and kicked off his bathing suit. He lifted my legs up until my feet were resting on his shoulders, and he unceremoniously shoved what looked like a thick, uncircumcised, seven-inch cock into my waiting, wet pussy.
I liked the way they were taking what they wanted, and the rest of the men took off their bathing suits. Gavin moved behind and over me, and shoved his thick, circumcised, eight-inch cock into my mouth, as Jacob began sucking my tits from the side. It was exciting being used that way, by all the men at once, right out in the open and warm sun, instead of going into the cramped cabin.
Austin had also taken off his bathing suit, and was jacking his dick, as Drew ejaculated into my pussy at about the same time as Gavin filled my mouth with his cum. Drew pulled out of me, and Jacob was getting another towel to wipe my pussy before he fucked me. Gavin pulled his cock out of my mouth just in time for me to say, “Wait, Jacob, I think Austin might want to take care of that, and he’ll clean Drew up too.”
The look of lust on Austin’s face was priceless as he moved in for a close look at Drew’s cum oozing out of my just-fucked pussy. I lifted my legs over his shoulders and pulled his face into my slimy slit. The other men laughed and cheered as they heard and watched Austin slurping Drew’s juices from my slutty cunt.
He had been cleaning my pussy for almost five minutes, when Jacob got impatient and pulled Austin out of the way, to shove his eight-inch cock into my waiting pussy. The Austin moved over to clean Drew’s cock, and it was so erotic watching him sucking another man.
The sex went on for three hours out there on the boat, with the men fucking me on the engine cover and the bench seat, and sometimes missionary, but other time doggy style. Each of the men ejaculated three times, and I took three loads in my mouth, with the rest in my pussy for Austin to eat.
They also wanted to have their cocks and balls sucked while they were relaxing between ejaculations, and Austin and I both took care of those men. It was amazing spending theTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
This following story is the continuation of “lactating Surrogate Mother.†Before I continue with the story I should thank those readers who sent me wonderful, encouraging feedback. Without mentioning the names of two lovely women (one lactating) who sent me emails inquiring my place of residence I should tell all the readers. I live abroad and I am not in India. I have no plans of visiting the country in near future. It was getting late for Mala to catch the bus. She hurriedly prepared my...
IncestI learned the value of hard work from my parents, and it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I realized just how hard they struggled to support our family. My father is a machinist who works the night shift in a small factory in our little town, not too far from the city of Atlanta. He even takes extra shifts sometimes to help earn more overtime. He sleeps during the day and is at work at night, so I never get to see him much, except on weekends.My name is Wendi, and my mother is the resident...
TeenChapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...
Previously: As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month prior to Glenn arriving. One evening, my husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was unmistakable as I bared my breasts in front of my husband and his best friend. That...
LesbianWe lived in a large town deep in the southern part of India. My father worked in a bank and my mother maintained home. In about five months time I was about to turn fourteen. I was lonely and longing for mother’s love. My mother and father disliked me very much but loved my sister and brother. When I tried to hug my mother she pushed me away but showed her affection to my brother and sister. I strongly resented this bias. Quite often she lost her temper on me and beat me with a cane.The time...
IncestChapter Four: Latina MILF's Futa Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn't see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom's dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she'd be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took...
As a commissioned story, I initially didn't plan on uploading it on FM. However, since it's related to my previous MILF machine story, I thought I might as well. Thanks for reading! The MILF Machine: A Day in the Life By Dr. Beaubourg Commissioned by Jwargod Hello again. It is I, Marty Campbell, your ever humble narrator. I thought you'd want to know a little bit more about my life after I stumbled upon...
The remainder of that day I spent in a Sexual and speculative frenzy, for after accepting the invitation from Kerim to stay the night in their house adjoining the Slave barn, my first act had been to go back into the ‘training room’ and ram my rock hard cock into the inviting cunt of the young girl who, all the while we had been next door, had continued to kneel face down on the dirt floor. She’d certainly been trained very well indeed. Having dispensed with the idea of using any of the...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn’t see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom’s dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she’d be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took another deep inhalation. A tingle rippled through me. I could see lighting one of...
Chapter One: MILF's Throbbing Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! In the basement laboratory, Jolene Harland held up the glass vial staring at the reaction happening in the solution. What had started out as a deep blue liquid was now transforming into a bright, almost hot, pink. The twenty-year-old girl pushed up her glasses with her free hand as she waited for the reaction to come to an end. The solution settled into that pink hue....
Why do MILFs give me such a rock hard johnson? Is it because they're so stressed they always need a good pounding to get the kids off the mind? I have no idea since I'm not a fucking woman and no goddamn parent. No, I think that MILFs are fucking sexy, refined, know what they want and because they're such good parents… goddamnit, they deserve a fucking that they can finger themselves to for years to come, okay?Show me a MILF that's too busy making shit work, and I'll show you one that's ready...
Mature Porn SitesKosi Island is a completely new resort situated deep in the Caribbean on an uncharted and uninhibited Island known only to those that sailed private vessels and learned of its rich lush jungle foliage and pristine white sandy beaches. It has recently developed into a private resort by a group of wealthy black businessmen who devised the idea from a place called Eban. The Island. A playground for the elite The idea was devised in the tradition of the Island called Eban. Wealthy black men could...
Myself Wasim Siddiqui, I am 24 years old working in an Insurance Company as Senior Sales Manager. I joined the job when I was in college itself. It was like a part time job but when it started to cherish my needs, I quitted college from regular basis to distance learning and joined full time for job. Result was rapid growth in just two years and when I was 22, I was well established. My family started to search a bride and soon it was being found with the name of Rukhsana. She was a...
This is my second story here at FM, and my first written in first-person perspective, so feel free to leave some constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! The MILF Machine By Dr. Beaubourg Hey, how's it going? My name's Martin Campbell, although my friends call me Marty. Some people call me Mrs. Campbell. If I like them, I let them call me Helen. This is the story of how I came into the possession of the magnificent MILF machine, and how it changed my life. Stick around...
The exclusive island resort offered the ultimate vacation experience - a week in someone else's body. What could possibly go wrong? THE RESORT by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - "Jeez, everyone here is so *old*!" said Wanda, with that mixture of horror and distain that only a fourteen year old girl could manage. To be fair, her equally fourteen year old friend Christine looked embarrassed by her outburst, though she tried to hide this by fumbling awkwardly...
Contents Chapter 1 - Arrival 2 Chapter 2 - Accessories 7 Chapter 3 - Grounds 22 Chapter 4 - Beauty Salon 26 Chapter 5 - Accoutrements 35 Chapter 6 - The Tour Continues 40 Chapter 7 - The Dorm Part 1 53 Chapter 8 - The Dorm Part 2 62 Chapter 1 - Arrival Noticing her new guest sneaking a quick look back over her shoulder towards the Receiving building they had just left, Mistress Joy said "Relax honey, he's in very good hands." She smiled warmly at Her guest, Lorraine, not...
All was now ready and early and that evening, after the heat of the day had subsided, Jane Richards was driving down the quiet winding country road, toward the small nearby coastal town on a regular late afternoon visit to purchase her groceries. In doing so our MILF spotted the figure of a lone female, standing beside a stationary car with its hood raised, signifying an obvious breakdown of sorts to the tall slim Blonde Englishwoman. Realising the young woman appeared to be alone and in...
For her last week in Thailand Dara visits a special adult couples resort with her husband. The varied experiences bring her to a turning point, an awakening in her body. Also, in the middle of her journey to Hong Kong, a part of her home awaits. This stand-alone story covers the end of Dara’s time living in Thailand, and ends with her flight to Hong Kong where he husband teaches at a graduate school of business. But before they go to China Dara journeys with her husband to a seaside resort...
Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...
All of you horny readers will love jerking off to this incident that I am about to share. So, grab that bottle of lubricant and keep your cock on standby. And those who don’t know me, I am Simraan. Last week, I went to the mall with my lover to do lingerie shopping. It is my view that a former flame will select the best bra and panties than a lousy husband. I call him ‘love’ because I am an open-minded married woman! My lover and I picked up a few pairs of bra and panties for trial. We both...
IncestMy name is Ryan, and now at the age of forty-five, my wife, Julie and I are empty nesters, living in the same home in the Atlanta suburbs where we raised our two children. Our youngest left home for college two years ago, and this story begins at that time, when I had been looking for ways to take my mind off missing our kids so much.Our neighbors, Daniel and Amy, are our age, and they are in the same situation, with their youngest leaving home for college at that time. We raised our kids...
CuckoldChapter Six: Futa-Daughter's MILF Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend's big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she'd asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really...
I woke the next morning to an empty bed and I could hear them talking in the front of our suite. I opened the bedroom door and caught the smell of a wonderful breakfast buffet on the kitchen counter. The girls were all excited saying that this was here when they awoke. A note said that it was always provided when the owner’s suite was occupied. I asked if anyone knew what time it was and they told me it was around 0600. Fixing myself a plate I said thank you. After I was fed well, I told...
What is it about hot fucking MILFs that makes your dick stop whatever it's thinking about and turn its attention to these refined, sex beasts? I know I'm not alone, either! These little pricks you see around college campuses wearing their stupid fucking hats and chasing young freshmen with fuck-all pick-ups lines can keep the inexperienced teens whining that they, 'have to put their mouth on that.' Give me the goddamn cougar that, 'yes please,' and, 'how deep you want me to blow it?'...
Mature Porn SitesThe Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS The Do-gooder MILF -5 She is Mine Oh this is so sweet, my Tommy has her tits in his hands and I am grabbing them too. Oh shit, we are working together. I can actually feel him throbbing inside her. I can feel him cumming. Ah the Bitch is moaning. She likes it. Tommy shot his load in Joan’s ass. Come on, one of you guys, fuck my ass. It was hard to tell if she really...
First off, to get an idea of me, I work downtown and most of my wardrobe is mostly slacks, button-ups, polos, and proud of my dress shoe collection lol. So when I go out I am dressed well, and clean cut. Anyway, I managed to swing a night with a woman through the suaveness at the blackjack table. She obviously knew what she was doing and was up about $700. I sit down with a Anyway, this milf was stacked with a short black skirt on that kept riding up exposing he lingerie.. Which was a...
It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. “Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?” Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on...
"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room."Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me.I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence."Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?""And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.'"You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and...
MILF"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room. "Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me. I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence. "Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?" "And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.' "You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and please...
MILFChapter Six: Blown by the Fertile MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Things changed at school rather quickly. With my older sister's help, I started dividing the girls up into different categories. Some became whores. Literal prostitutes. These were the hottest girls that I would sell to the boys who attended my college. The twins, Rosalita, Janet the lesbian, and others were sold to the boys for $50 for a...
The Resort Maid Belladonna Elias Dara and his wife, Mariasela, exited the bus with smiles on their faces as the warm wind off the Caribbean Sea brushed against them as they stepped onto the resort's grounds. They followed their fellow travelers towards the check in desk while the resort staff began to unload the luggage from the bus. As Elias followed behind them, hand in hand with his wife, he smiled as he thought about how his vacation was going to be far different than that of...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sisters Tease the MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The...
There is a thing with mature women that I am sure we can all agree with. They are all grown in a ridiculously sexy way, and they fucking know what ticks for them as well as how to get it ticking. In fact, I must admit that those who are into the MILF kind of porn are mostly freaky assholes who want something close to real. Also, there is the fun in seeing some massive load of porn experience thrown into the mix.From the handjobs, blowjobs all the way to lengthy cock rides. It'sIt's almost as if...
Mature Porn SitesIt had only been two days since I took Sally to the airport on Friday so she could go spend a little quality time with our friend Bob. In his wanderings online he had found a nude resort he thought might be fun, but the rules of the resort stipulated no single males. He wanted Sally to go with him. About a month earlier, we had spent a long weekend with Bob at his farm. One afternoon, he and Sally went swimming in a stream that runs through his land. They wound up skinny dipping, and one thing...
Hello readers. My name is Komal Asha. I am a dark-skinned thin body twenty-five years old woman working at a resort in Goa. My body type is not very interesting. My boyfriend often taunts me for having small breasts. Hearing this description, you might not be interested in knowing more about me. That’s okay. You are not the first to show disinterest in me. Anyway, I am not here to talk about myself. Today I want to tell you about a strange thing, couple swapping, that happened at our...
Chapter Ten: Futa-Mommy and the Hot MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math professor, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi's pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You're fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend’s big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she’d asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really Spice, the futa-demon who’d given me my girl-dick. I was better at recognizing her...
Practicing to make the MILF List AirtightAuthor's note: It is time to share. This begins the process of sharing the MILF List. The MILF List was made in the previous series, "Making the MILF List". If you like, you can read that first and this may make that much more sense. The characters are the same and the origins of this story are there. Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous installment. I stayed in bed late Sunday morning. My three sisters banged around and giggled and talked,...
(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)Prologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and...
InterracialPrologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and ass. She had thought about going topless as well, but she rather liked the way she...
Chapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...
Chapter Three: Alyessa's Afternoon of MILF Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend's wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths' yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn't believe...
Who else remembers the time when hanging out at their friend’s house was the highlight of the day? Well, I know you used to turn up at their home because you enjoyed watching your friend’s extremely hot mom walk around the house half-naked. There is actually no shame in that at all. Everyone has that secret MILF; they’d give anything to get between their legs. Personally, the thought of an aged woman flashing her tits across my face and spreading her thighs to show a set of thick vaginal lips...
Mature Porn SitesGrandma's Magic Resort - Part I(or 'One Fam1ly Visits the 'Real' Happiest Place On Earth)an erotic journey by DizzyD“Hey Tommy, mom just called and said don’t go anywhere, she’s bringing Giovanni’s Pizza home for dinner,” Lindsay Robertson called down the stairs to her younger br0ther as she changed clothes.“AWESOME,” Tommy replied. Pizza was somewhat of a delicacy in their household, not because they couldn’t afford it, but because Susan Robertson did her best to encourage her ch1ldren to eat...
The male love of milfs starts at a ripe young age. Basically, the moment we get our first ball hair, we begin having wet dreams about teachers and friends' moms. We can't help ourselves.From Ball Hair to Ant HillsWhile young men are certainly still attracted to their peers, when you're a kid, your peers aren't fully developed women like moms and teachers. The evolutionary urge to reproduce takes over, and women of obvious mating age become sexy as fuck.The human mind is a strange beast,...
Premium Mature Porn SitesAuthor’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness to any living person is...
My husband John and I had been married a little over 10 years. We were both very sexual and experimented with a lot of different things including some light swinging. Both of us enjoy oral sex immensely and I love it when he eats my pussy, he is so good at it I normally have 4-5 strong orgasms just from that. Most of the time we make love we are watching porn online. John always picks some very hot movie for us to watch and he gets so excited by eating me and my giving him head that he normally...
We’re at it again, boys. About to dive into some random ass MILFs from across the world right here on CamSoda. I’m reviewing the MILF section in specific because you know I like to get really nitpicky with my smut. Plus, I know you guys appreciate the extra narrow categories. I’ve been covering a lot of live cams lately, and I think that CamSoda is doing its best to stick out ahead of the competition with some unique design choices that distinguish them from other similar websites. But, then,...
Live Mature Sex CamsSarah and I were great friends. We had gone to college together and by pure accident, developed a rather intimate relationship, even though as a young woman, I preferred guys to girls. Sarah always made me feel special, like I was a queen, deserving of attention, where the guys usually saw me simply as a sexual conquest. I unabashedly loved sex and was sexually over-charged, which means I would give in to any guy who pressed me hard enough to go to bed with him. But then along, came Jeff.Jeff...
ExhibitionismChapter Three: Cassandra's Futa Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Lana's accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother's pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other nineteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair's vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller's...
The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...
Chapter Two: Blown by the Married MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My mom, older sister, and little sister all ducked their heads down and licked my cock. All three of them were mad to suck my dick, willing to do anything for that privilege. I had fucked them all just now. Popped my eighteen-year-old sister Lisa's cherry, then pumped away at Mom's snatch and flooded her cunt, and then just pounded my...
Introduction: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. BEST PRESENT EVER: MILF NEIGHBOUR Summary: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. Note 1: This is the third part of the Best Present Ever series. In Part One (Bitch Sister), Matthew turns the tables on his bitch sister making her his personal sex slave. In Part Two (Cheerleader Orgy), Matthew has a fun foursome with his sister and two other cheerleaders. Of course, I suggest you read the...
It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn't think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...
Straight SexHi friends Raj here with another story of an unexpected bonanza. A lactating babe one of my old crushes she finally admitted her love for me. Thanks to her indifferent husband and her 1 year old baby which ignited her passion while drinking her milk. Well I am jumping the gun let me start the story in the right way and sequence. I was working in office as usual half sleepy in the afternoon. The ac being cool it made me drowsy. The work was boring reviewing a document prepared by a colleague who...
Hello to all readers. This is Kumar writing from Bangalore. This one happened much before the lockdowns with a lactating mom. Today I am sharing an affair with a neighbor who had recently moved into an apartment building. She was in her early 30’s, and her name was Ashwini (pseudo name). She had a baby who was around 10 months old. Talking about my neighbor, she was typical south Indian looking. She had big boobs as she had been feeding the baby. Despite being a young mother, she was very...
Remember being a young man and going to a friend’s house for sleepovers? So many people harbor fond memories of staying up late with their best buds, playing video games, eating candy, and drinking Mountain Dew. It’s the epitome of youthful fun. Here’s the thing, though. I never had sleepovers with my best friends. Why? Well, it’s simple. My best friends’ moms were ugly sacks of shit.How much I liked someone had nothing to do with my urge to sleep over at someone’s house. For me, it was all...
Mature Porn SitesChapter Two: Cassandra's Futa Problem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller's hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn't imagine I would grow a cock at...