The Last Resort - Chapters 1 - 8 free porn video

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Contents Chapter 1 - Arrival 2 Chapter 2 - Accessories 7 Chapter 3 - Grounds 22 Chapter 4 - Beauty Salon 26 Chapter 5 - Accoutrements 35 Chapter 6 - The Tour Continues 40 Chapter 7 - The Dorm Part 1 53 Chapter 8 - The Dorm Part 2 62 Chapter 1 - Arrival Noticing her new guest sneaking a quick look back over her shoulder towards the Receiving building they had just left, Mistress Joy said "Relax honey, he's in very good hands." She smiled warmly at Her guest, Lorraine, not feeling at all compelled to tell her that by now he was undoubtedly naked, with a penis control device attached (it's lower disciplinary settings already demonstrated), arms bound tightly behind him, gagged, and being fitted into a pair of heels for the long mince to 'Hair and Accessories'. Lorraine had just moments ago kissed her husband goodbye in Receiving, with a 'see you later' look, more of a question than a statement, as neither of them really knew the agenda for the rest of their stay. Two lovely, very professional looking Ladies had charmingly each taken an arm and escorted him out of the main receiving area and into the Prep room, smiling at him just as sweetly as if they were off to a formal reception, which in a sort of ironic way, they were... Lorraine took in the beautiful grounds while continuing to form her impressions of "Mistress" Joy, who was just "Joy" to her of course. As they exited Receiving, Joy confided "I'll admit the "M" word gets a bit tedious at times, but well, it does finance all this (sweeping hand gesture), and of course they simply drool over it. Does he (a nod backward) call you Mistress, or do you prefer Goddess or something else?" Lorraine began to relax and realize she could be comfortable with this woman who seemed to have such an unpretentious manner. "Oh he uses "Mistress" when we are in play. In the beginning it bothered me, as it reminded me of "other woman", or just general tawdriness, (they both laughed), but after a few years it began to take on an entirely different meaning, so now I'm quite comfortable with it, as I'm sure you can understand." "Indeed. Now don't get me wrong, I never tire of being it, whenever the mood strikes me, but on days that I hear nothing but 'yes Mistress Joy' or, less often, 'no Mistress Joy' and of course my favorite, 'please no Mistress Joy', it makes me grateful when I finally run into someone who simply calls me 'Joy'... Occupational hazard I guess... So tell me a little more about the two of you!" As they headed across the perfectly manicured lawn towards the large building containing Joy's office, (as well as several other departments), Lorraine began "Well, we're both hugely into this, which I guess you had already figured as we're here... I love this aspect of our relationship, but lately I have started to feel like I need to take it a new level. Sure he's been submissive to me (and that's putting it mildly), and I have pushed his limits in many ways, but there still seems to be a residual level of retained control I've not been able to reach. I researched this a bit, and eventually came to the conclusion that an experience of 'full immersion' (for both of us!) might be just the thing. I found your web site in the course of doing that research about 6 months ago when I first contacted you. I carefully considered everything you said, and here we are. I'll admit we're both a little "keyed up", and the trip here was a little bit awkward for both of us. Mostly we tried to be as normal as possible and not talk about it at all. But I'm sure it was all either of us were thinking about." "That's all very typical Sweetie', Joy assured her, 'and please don't worry at all. All you need to do is relax and enjoy, go with the flow, and I promise you this will be two of the best, most erotically charged weeks of both of your lives! We have many devoted repeat guests, and that just wouldn't be the case if we didn't do things right for all concerned. And let me put your mind at ease... we are going to reach some of those new levels you seek, I promise." The Ladies continued their walk in silence for another minute until Lorraine asked "When will I see him next?" It was clear to Joy that despite Lorraine's attempt at portraying herself as experienced in being a Domme, her guest was actually still a bit shy about talking with anyone else. She smiled inwardly as she pictured the natural ease and delight in her role that Lorraine would have by the time she left. Joy knew that Lorraine's guided interactions with literally dozens of subs over the next two weeks would help her understand that Her power was Her's to relish and wield, and not something granted to Her by Her submissive husband. Joy smiled gently. "Well the short answer is that you may see him whenever you like. One of our unique features is that most areas, inside and out, are covered by video. There are user-controllable monitors everywhere. When we get to my office I'll give you his id code. All you have to do whenever you are curious as to what he might be up to is find a monitor and type-in his code. If he is in a video- covered area, you'll immediately get a peek into the action. If there's no video available you'll still get a screen that let's you know where he is, and you're always more than welcome to make your way to that location and observe, or even participate in the action if you'd like! The only exception, of course, is if someone has "reserved" him for personal service, and this will only have been done with your prior approval. So your little... does he have a femme name?" "'charlene'... it's a long story..." "So your little charlene will never be more than a short walk (or pony- girl cart ride) away. And here we are!" They reached the building and entered into a plush lobby attended by a pretty receptionist who promptly stood, stepped out from the desk, and curtsied her pretty blue, knife-pleated skirt widely, remaining perfectly motionless at the lowest point as the women entered. Her outfit had a distinctly nautical look to it; plain white sleeveless blouse (buttons straining perilously across her ample bosom), knee- length navy blue skirt, delicate navy ribbon-tie done up in a bow around her neck, white, sensible heels, and a darling little sailor cap bobby-pinned into her curly, bright red hair! Her makeup was lightly and tastefully done, except for her plump lips which were the exact same shade as her hair! Lorraine knew immediately that sailor-girl in no way would ever be mistaken for female, and yet she marveled at the feminine persona that emanated from her. She pondered the fact that charlene typically looked somewhere between ridiculous and pathetic in femme-mode, and wondered if anything even remotely resembling the aura of this creature would ever be possible. Joy waved her hand almost imperceptibly and sailor-girl stood up straight, and assumed a position that could only be described as an "attention-curtsey", still holding her skirt out daintily, eyes on her Mistress, and flashing a pretty albeit vapid smile. Joy looked to Lorraine and asked "Coffee or tea?" "Coffee would be great thanks." Without looking at her waiting attendant, Joy simply nodded and led the way into her office and motioned for Lorraine to have a seat in front of the large, glass- topped desk near the window. The glass-framed-by-chrome effect, contrasting with the two thick ebony columns that supported it created the only modern-styled furnishing in sight. Everything else was constructed of light woods of various grains, resembling a high-end law firm, but with decidedly feminine touches. Beautiful wall-hangings blanketed one side of the room, fresh flowers perched cheerfully in several places, and a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf consumed most of the opposite wall. She took her place across from her guest in the high-backed leather chair, behind which a sweeping panorama of the Resort grounds appeared perfectly framed by some geometric designs etched into the wall-to-wall glass. Joy opened one of several large wooden boxes on her desk and offered Lorraine a cigarette while selecting one for herself. Lorraine took the cigarette Joy offered and leaned slightly forward across the desk as Joy extended her lighter. While she did this, she looked more closely into Joy's very attractive face, and also discretely scanned the desk for an ashtray, not finding a sign of one anywhere. Joy looked to be somewhere in her early forties, with short but feminine blonde hair, and a distinctly toned carriage. She reminded Lorraine of a gym teacher at some higher-end prep school. Joy seemed like a woman very comfortable with who she was and what she was doing, with absolutely no hint of embarrassment that what she was in fact doing was running one of the most exclusive Dom/sub facilities in the world. Lorraine took a long drag and exhaled languidly, savoring the feeling and the taste. "My husband doesn't like me smoking, so this is indeed a treat." Again she scanned the desktop for an ashtray, wondering if she was to just tap onto the floor and they would somehow magically be cleaned up by a sissy maid later on. As if reading her mind, Mistress Joy slid aside a manila folder that was resting over one of the support columns and raised a two-foot square hinged wooden panel it had concealed. As the lid raised, a woman's head slowly began to rise up through the column until her chin just cleared the surface of the desk. Well no, not a woman, now that Lorraine could see "her" more clearly, but a male, albeit with perfectly coiffed blonde hair, and quite a bit of expertly applied makeup. No mistaking this creature for a female, and yet no detail of his femininity was anything less than perfect, including what seemed to Lorraine like a slightly vacuous smile, similar to sailor-girl's. "Introduce yourself slave", Joy said softly but icily. In the kind of soft, whispery voice that males sometimes use to approximate a feminine one, the face said "Mistresses, my name is sissy-slave yvette." "AND!" Mistress Joy raised her voice noticeably, as obviously something wasn't to her liking. As she said this she pressed another button on that controller and the face grimaced momentarily. Lorraine could only guess at what little delight yvette had just experienced, but guessed it wasn't all that pleasant. "And i am an ashtray for your convenience Mistresses." he batted his eyelashes several times and then extended his tongue, tilted his head back, and waited. "Don't think I didn't notice that little grimace there yvette honey... We'll deal with that later." Lorraine studied the desk and concluded that the rest of his body couldn't possibly be stuffed in that column, and was momentarily horrified as she wondered 'Did they remove his legs so he would fit in there?' Joy saw her confusion and smiled reassuringly, offering by way of explanation, "That column actually extends down into the floor below us, where our pretty little ashtray is perched, in very high heels of course, on the piston that raises her up when needed and lowers her out of the way, just below the surface of the desktop when not. Perhaps we'll make a stop on the lower level later as we tour, and you can see the rest of her." Just then, a timid knock at the door was answered by Joy's one word response "Come". The sailor-girl receptionist-turned-waitress minced in, practically seeming to float across the room gracefully, despite having a silver tray with a coffee service for two balanced in her hands. she deliberately did not look at Yvette and deftly set-up the service, pouring two cups. she knew her Mistress took Hers black, but having no idea what Mistress Lorraine (whose name she didn't even know) preferred, she had brought small pitchers of milk, cream, half and half, and an assortment of sugars and sweeteners. she curtsied silently ('he curtsies perfectly!', thought Lorraine!!!!), and backed out of the room on her high heeled toes, (sissies never turned their backs on Mistresses). Lorraine smiled at her as she took in the pristine little white lacy apron with tiny sailboats embroidered on it that sailor-girl had known she must don before entering to serve. 'This one is well- trained' she thought to herself. "My first ex-husband," Joy said with a sly smile once she was out of the room. Joy tapped an ash onto yvette's waiting tongue, and Lorraine couldn't help giggling as she did the same. The tongue disappeared and Lorraine thought she caught a glimpse of a miserable expression momentarily cross yvette's face, (although it was just for a fleeting instant), and then a clean tongue reappeared almost immediately. "I saw that we need to start over at the beginning of your training, AGAIN?" "Please no Mistress Joy, I am very sorry!!!" As Lorraine fixed her coffee (cream and one packet of sweetener), Mistress Joy closed the panel for a moment, automatically lowering yvette back down into the cylinder, and said, "Ashtray-time is one of the more "distasteful" punishments we have here, if you'll pardon the obvious pun. Most of the slaves hate it even more than toilet duty. For just that reason we require that they be extra pleasant and cheerful when serving this way. I can't even imagine having to smile as I swallow someone's cigarette ashes... but then that's why I'm on the outside of this desk." The Ladies laughed at the reference as Joy raised the panel and they watched yvette slowly rise back up into position. Mistress Joy made eye contact with yvette and immediately tapped a rather long ash into her waiting mouth. This time yvette maintained her fake smile as she disposed of the evidence. Joy and Lorraine chatted away, using their ashtray as naturally as can be. Eventually, Joy stubbed her cigarette out against a small metal plate in front of yvette's mouth. Lorraine did the same, and just as she was wondering what to do with the butt, Joy dropped hers into yvette's waiting mouth. Lorraine looked at her, and as Joy smiled and nodded, she followed suit. As she did, she experienced a twinge of sexual pleasure between her legs, as well as a momentary pang of some feeling she couldn't quite put her finger on as she imagined her charlene in yvette's place, but quickly put the thought out of her mind. Joy pressed the button to lower yvette back down into her cylinder and said, "I know this may be a bit much at first and I hope I haven't overwhelmed you already, Lorraine. It's just that our philosophy here is predicated on constant humiliation and frequent discipline. They're essential components of how we reach those "levels" we were talking about a few moments ago. Take sissy yvette here for example, (she tapped on the panel that currently hid the top of yvette's head). she is a repeat sissy-guest, and is paying quite handsomely for the privilege of being here, so after all, we do want her to get her money's worth." The two women spent the next 15 minutes discussing the various facilities and services available at the Resort. As they left the office, she looked to her once-again curtseying receptionist and said "Please go in and empty her in an hour." Lorraine was keenly aware of the wetness that always formed between her legs when she witnessed or practiced the fine art of Female Dominance. She thought for a moment and looked at Joy and asked "Can we have her press that controller button a few times when she goes in to lower the lid?" Joy smiled broadly, and held up 4 fingers to her ever-smiling (and apparently ever-curtseying) receptionist and said "Say 'Compliments of Mistress Lorraine!' when you do it!" Lorraine wasn't sure if Joy had indicated for the button to be pressed four times or if that meant level four, and she smiled (and tingled) as she realized she didn't care.... This was going to be a special vacation indeed. Chapter 2 - Accessories Each of the lovely escorts held one of charlene's arms firmly but not too tightly as they exited Receiving, as much to make sure she didn't stumble in her new heels as to symbolically lead her off to her fate. The heels were very moderate two-inch block heels, standard issue for every new sissy arrival until after the first high heels assessment and training session, usually later that first day. Following that session they would most often be shod in spiked heels, at heights right at (or sometimes just past) their carefully assessed individual level of capability. sissies are just that much more fragile when teetering on the pretty, feminine footwear that advertises their forced gender, and at a height they are only tenuously able to manage. Fragile sissies are good for the Ladies' morale! But first there are more pressing matters to attend to, so they are all dressed in block heels that a novice or even a not-yet-sissy can negotiate. After her goodbye kiss, Charlene had been led into a small prep room, stripped naked, had her hands and arms bound behind her back, and her feet placed into the heels. her attendants were just as friendly and efficient as could be, but hadn't uttered a word. As soon as charlene's hands were bound, one of her escorts had held up a soft, spongy ball-gag and smiled sweetly. charlene knew enough to open without hesitation and was instantly silenced, not that she'd said a word anyway. "There! Now we can all relax a little. Are you comfy charlene?" It seemed like a sincere question, such as a flight attendant might ask a nervous passenger. And in fact, it was. The two Ladies always enjoyed creating the false hope engendered by this last little slice of sweetness, before their clueless charges descended into the exquisitely miserable treatment that The Resort reserved for sissy-slave guests. Charlene nodded slowly in answer, and was startled to feel the Woman place her hand deliciously around her cock. She stood there in nothing but heels and gag, hands and arms bound, helpless as her erection grew under the firm manipulation of this attractive Woman. "We always like to see what we have to work with before we continue dollbaby, so try to think happy thoughts for a few minutes and we'll help you along." With this, the two Ladies cuddled-up against her, kissing charlene softly on her face and neck, even nipping gently at her lips, around the gag of course. As one continued to stroke her penis rhythmically, the other let her fingers wander around to her sissy pussy. Suddenly both Ladies were whispering playfully and seductively into her ears. "Tsk tsk tsk! What's this doing here?!? I think somebody's being a bad girl.... Good girls don't have cocks you silly thing! You have come here to learn how to be a good little girly-girl, haven't you? (charlene felt herself quickly approaching the point of no return, as the hand jerked her rock hard cock almost better than she did herself! Despite having been at The Resort less than half an hour, she was already on erotic overload. Naked except for a pair of high heels, arms bound behind her, tightly (but still 'comfortably') gagged, and two beautiful Women whispering erotic messages into both of her ears; 'this isn't half bad' she thought naively.) Yes of course you have (stroking harder and faster now), so you certainly shouldn't have a hard cock now should you charlene? What a pretty name, for a sissy..." charlene was overwhelmed, and began to panic, because if this kept up much longer, she knew she would not be able to prevent the inevitable, and she knew she couldn't ask for permission. Although she had no idea of the 'rules' yet, her every instinct warned her that cumming now would not be well-received. The Woman stroking her cock sensed charlene was getting close to the edge, and let go at almost the last possible moment. The crisis subsided just a bit for charlene, although she remained hard and pointing straight out. And achingly frustrated! Suddenly, and much to her shock, the second Woman squatted down and took charlene's cock in her mouth! She bobbed and sucked and moaned expertly for just under a minute, providing charlene with pleasurable sensations the likes of which she had never before experienced. Sure she'd gotten blow jobs before, but this was unlike anything before! This perfect blend of suction, lip pressure, and pacing set a new standard for oral pleasure! charlene silently hoped that there would be lots more blow jobs during her stay, and there certainly would be! Sensing that charlene was once again on the edge, the Woman abruptly stood up and said to her partner "I believe she is ready." Her partner began filming charlene's erect penis from all angles. A program would extract the exact measurements needed for her erection punishing device (EPD). The EPD is an ingenious (some might say diabolical) device that allows the wearer to get to randomly varying levels of growth, and then deals a punishing shock once that level is surpassed. These provide hours of entertainment for the sissies' owners, as despite the fact that the sissies know what's coming, they can't control their own urges. They invariably get excited, receive the punishment, shrink temporarily, only to very soon begin the cycle all over again, especially when inspired by a few encouraging words (or deeds!) from their Mistress! Knowing the exact maximum size each individual sissy could reach under ideal stimulation (which the Ladies were quite entertained to supply!), provided the information needed to perfectly calibrate the various thresholds that would be programmed into their EPD. Wearing an EPD, the sissy is frequently reminded that erections are things for real men, and while sissies might pretend to be male for a few minutes (as the device allows them to 'enjoy' the growing process), once they reach the threshold, the punishment is delivered. The punishment reminds them that they are not men, they are effeminate sissies. Of course thinking of themselves as effeminate sissies is very likely to restart the punishing cycle, thus the ingenuity of the device! Both women backed away, and charlene's now achingly hard penis swayed forlornly untouched in mid air. The mood suddenly and dramatically changed as the woman who had just sucked charlotte's cock moments earlier lit a cigarette and looked into charlene's face with a very stern look. "Afraid you're going to have to get rid of that ridiculous hard-on for this next part missy. Do you want to make it soft on your own or would you prefer I touch the head with this to help you along?" She held her glowing cigarette end about three inches in front of charlene's terrified face. charlene franticly shook her head and desperately but futilely tried to shout into her spongy gag that she would do it on her own. Meanwhile, the second Lady wrapped her hand around it and squeezed and stroked, keeping it hard, the first pretending not to notice this. She took a long slow sensuous drag on her cigarette, exhaled excruciatingly slowly into charlene's sad and terrified eyes, and said "Is that 'no, I'd like to do it on my own? Or no, go ahead and help me please?' " Her partner continued to play with charlene's cock, and also pinched her nipples erotically, not painfully. After a minute or two, she looked down and said "Not very girlish down there sissy... looks like I have my answer." And with that, her left hand gripped the shaft tightly, as she then used her right to touch the filter end of her cigarette to the head of charlene's vulnerable penis. charlene tensed and prepared to scream into her gag, and then sensed before she saw or heard, the laughter the two Ladies were sharing at her expense. It then registered that she had been touched with the safe end of the cigarette, and she exhaled as if she had been holding her breath for an hour. "Silly girl! We're not monsters! But we do need to get you softened up, so I'll get the ice water and we'll get your temporary controller attached and then it's off to your new life!!." She dipped charlene's cock and balls into a bowl of ice cold water, and sure enough, it shriveled to a manageable size. Together the two attached his controller, which consisted of a radio-activated band wrapped high and tight around his balls. The band was "locked" via a magnetic lock, not unlike the security devices used in stores: no mechanical parts and no way to remove it without the master magnet. It was designed to not slide off, but it did still allow erection. It integrated with the EPD with which she'd be later equipped. There actually was no real reason why she'd had to be soft for the attaching process; that little scene was just one of the many things designed to rattle her and begin to set the tone for her stay. "Okay sweetie, you're going to need to sit down for this." The Ladies helped charlene to a sitting position, and without any further ado, one pressed a button on the small control unit she held in her hand. Charlene immediately doubled over and shrieked into her spongy gag. It was as much from surprise as it was from pain, although there was a definite sting to the little shock, similar to touching a metal doorknob after scuffing across a rug. Touching a metal doorknob with her balls, that is. When she had regained her composure, her escort said "That was level one dollbaby. It goes up to ten, but I do not recommend you find out what that's like if you can help it, and for the most part you can. We mostly use it for unladylike behavior, so the more you act like the sissy we all know you are, the less times you'll have to enjoy those little love-bites. At least from us..." The two ladies exchanged a knowing glance, as it was highly likely charlene would feel that (and worse) quite often over the coming days. It actually only had two more levels, and neither were really inhumanly cruel, but they were definitely more intense than the one she'd just felt. Of course charlene would never know how many there really were, and would probably believe she was experiencing a wide range of levels. The Ladies helped her back up to her high-heeled feet, and continued her preparations for transport, releasing her arms from their bondage. They placed a thin metal bracelet on each wrist. Like the control device these locked on magnetically, and looked like perfectly normal, feminine bracelets. Thin but unbreakable chains, about eighteen inches in length were attached from each bracelet, behind the backs of her thighs and clipped onto her controller band. her hands could thus extend out from her sides a few inches on each side. Trying to reach out more than those few inches in any direction would pull painfully on her balls. "Okay honey, first rule: sissies always swish when they walk. Say it with me! "sissies always swish when they walk." Of course charlene's version was muffled and completely unintelligible due to the spongy gag still strapped in her mouth, but that did not seem to bother the ladies in the least. "Again doll, by yourself this time!" charlene muffled 'sissies always swish when they walk' into the spongy ball. Whap! A leather slapper stung her on her naked butt. "I didn't hear any emphasis on the word 'always' missy! Try again!" charlene muffled the rule again, this time being sure to upgrade the muffle when she reached 'always'. "Much better sweetcheeks!!!" And the one who had struck her rubbed the spot tenderly. "Now, the reason we have changed your hand bondage is that your hands play an important role in your swishing. At least, that is, until we've fully loosened up those hips. Watch carefully, as I'm only going to do this once, mostly because it's so embarrassing, even for me!" She minced around the room in a small circle, exaggeratedly using her hands, in about the same place that charlene's bonds would allow hers to be, and moving her hips in ways she knew charlene wouldn't be able to match. Yet. "Thumbs and index fingers are to be pinched together, as if delicately lifting a tiny, imaginary skirt that you are oh so proud of, and as you walk you are to swish that skirt back and forth prettily. The rest of your fingers are spread as wide as possible, with your pinkies out all the way. Your wrists should be bent upwards, such that the palms of your hands are facing downward and parallel to the floor. Swivel your hips as much as possible with each step, each step onto the centerline, and accentuate each hip swivel with a skirt swish. Simple eh?" charlene remained silent and motionless and Lady number two picked up her crop. Suddenly charlene muffled her best 'Yes Mistress' into her gag! "Good! Now let's see! Mince around the room until I tell you to stop." charlene began her task, and quickly grasped the brilliance behind her adjusted bondage. She worried that her genetic limitations on hip swiveling would derail her, but having her hands involved really did help. She felt like an absolute fool mincing like that, with her now limp cock wagging back and forth and her fingers delicately splayed apart, but she had no intention of deliberately irking either of these Ladies. Her initial attempts however, were far from acceptable. Whap! Again charlene felt the sting on her exposed rear. "Make me believe you're really wearing a pretty skirt girl! If you think you're going to get through your time here just going through the motions, you are sorely mistaken! You had better convince me that you think you are the cutest little girl in the world who is just as proud as punch of her pretty new skirt and just loves swishing it daintily as she flutters around the room!" All this was punctuated with several more stinging slaps on the rear. One of the Women picked up the Controller remote and dangled it menacingly in front of charlene's face. charlene made more of an effort to femme it up as much as she could possibly bring herself to do, but the stinging blows kept falling and soon a few zaps from the controller added to her corrective messaging. Finally, with tears of pain and frustration welling up, and letting go of any last vestige of reluctance, charlene threw herself into her swishing with such energy and enthusiasm that both ladies simultaneously clapped in delight! "There you go sweetie!!! Very good! Now wouldn't it have been easier for all of us if you had started out with this kind of girlie behavior instead of making us encourage you into it???' Whap! Whap! Whap! 'That wasn't a rhetorical question sissy!" Whap! charlene shouted an unintelligible 'Yes Mistress' into her gag. After a few more complete circuits around the small room at this same level of wildly abandoned sissified mincing, the Ladies seemed satisfied. They attached a leash to her controller, fed it back underneath between her legs and opened the side door to the outside. "Mince on sweetie! And I suggest you stay focused doll, because any slippage from the level of enthusiasm we finally achieved here will be immediately corrected with a more playful little love taps with the slapper... Are you hearing me girl?" charlene nodded timidly, and carefully minced down the three steps (hoping her caution on the stairs would not be mistaken for lack of enthusiasm) and started mincing down the walk, surrendering almost completely to her sissification, even as she realized that she would be on open display to anyone who might be about. The Ladies remained about five steps behind, holding her leash loosely, and smiling in satisfaction at the ridiculous sight their enthusiastically swishing little slave presented. Breaking through the first of her little pockets of male pride was under way! "Head for that building down the lane there char, and remember Rule #1. In fact, I think it will help if you recite it aloud as you make your way there. Make sure we can hear you!" charlene minced and muffled, minced and muffled, fortunately remembering to raise her voice (or at least her muffle) when she got to the 'always' in 'sissies always swish when they walk'. There were more people out and about than she had seen when they first arrived, and even without looking directly, charlene could tell that some stopped to watch. She tried (unsuccessfully) not to think about the absurd sight she must be presenting, but despite the humiliation, the fear of pain was worse. she swished her imaginary skirt and recited her muffled rule for all she was worth. The Ladies exchanged a satisfying glance as they watched the little wiggling tush in front of them, noticing that charlene was doing a serviceable job of using her hands to complete the swish. Of course they also knew that soon enough poor little charlene would be so overwhelmed with the numerous and often conflicting deportment rules that she would be enduring almost continuous correction as she made her way through her two-week stay. Keeping the sissies confused, frustrated, and ever-fearful was great fun for the staff. By the end of the day, charlene was likely to start realizing that no matter how well behaved or compliant she tried to be, it would never be good enough here... When they reached the steps to the next building, charlene felt a sharp tug on her leash and came to a halt. "Okay, bend over sweetie, and place your hands flat against the outsides of your thighs. Once we take you in here we will be leaving you to your next adventure, but we'd both like to give you something to remember us by!" Each woman had a slapper in hand, and they both proceeded to give charlene half a dozen stinging swats on the cheek nearest them. They then switched sides, and delivered six more to the already reddened cheeks their partner had created. The second six on each side were almost too much for charlene who made the cutest little squeals (screams) into her sponge-gag with each blow, her tush turning darker red by the second. Finally they stood her up and led her up the steps and into the building, noting with delight that she was sobbing softly. They entered what looked like a small beauty parlor, with a single chair in the center of the room, counters piled high with feminine beauty products, a salon-style hood dryer on a wheeled stand, and a closet door facing the chair. There were windows across one side of the room letting in plenty of light, and opening to a porch with several comfy-looking deck chairs, all facing inward! Apparently whatever went on in this room was amusing enough that spectators sometimes gathered. A pretty, petite Asian woman sat in the single guest chair, and smiled warmly as the trio entered. "So this must be charlene! I've been expecting you sweetie!" charlene bowed her head briefly, and a swat on her already sore tush was accompanied by "Curtsey when a Lady greets you, you stupid fairy! I realize we haven't covered the curtsey rules yet (and there are over a dozen that you WILL learn), but any sissy who's made it this far ought to instinctively know to do that!!!" charlene pinched her imaginary skirts and dipped a small curtsey, rising immediately. The three Ladies just shook their heads sympathetically, and the Asian woman grabbed charlene's limp cock roughly in her hand and pulled up on it until she was up on her toes and said "That was pretty weak sissy. Stay up on those toes until I tell you differently!" She thanked the two attendants, both of whom kissed charlene on her upper cheeks, laid one more stinging blow on each of her burning lower cheeks, and left the room. charlene renewed her sobbing even as she contemplated this change in custody. The smallish woman took a good firm pinching grip of each of charlene's nipples and looked up into her face. "I am Mistress Rose, not that you're likely to be doing very much talking, but I wanted you to know, because we will meet again frequently throughout your stay." She looked down to make sure charlene was still on her toes, and then looked up into her eyes, using her nipples to make her rise still higher on her toes. charlene winced in pain from the pinching on her nipples, even after Rose let go, as she struggled to stand still while up on her toes. Rose kept her standing there like that for several minutes as she walked around examining her closely, and making mental notes. Having gathered all she needed to know, she nodded towards the chair and said simply "Sit." charlene made her way into the chair, her thigh and calf muscles very grateful she was down off her toes, but her sore tush hurting even more from the pressure of sitting on it. Little did she know how much worse it could have been if Mistress Rose had decided to use one of the various types of punishment seat covers she kept handy. Mistress Rose took each of charlene's wrists and released the chains connecting them to her controller, then strapped her arms to the chair arms in several places. Another strap went tightly around her waist, and finally a very wide posture collar secured her neck to a small post that extended up from the chair back, ending just at the base of her hairline and providing unobstructed access to her entire head. She could not lower her head at all due to the width of this collar, and her side-to-side movement was quite limited as well. Rose ran her hands through charlene's hair, noting that it was about three or four inches long in some places. This will work just fine, she thought. "I imagine you are about ready to have that gag out for a little while, yes?" charlene tried to mumble "yes please Mistress" into her gag as best she could. Mistress Rose again pinched a nipple painfully, just for fun, and said "Very well, I will remove it, but I do not want to hear a single sound from you, do you understand me?" On that last word she doubled the pinching pressure and charlene winced as she nodded her understanding, but fortunately managed to not whimper. Mistress Rose reached behind charlene's head and undid the Velcro closure that had kept the sponge shoved in her mouth for what felt to charlene like hours. Rose held up a squirt bottle and shot some lukewarm water into her mouth which charlene swallowed gratefully. She waited a few seconds, repeated the procedure, and then put the bottle down. From a counter drawer she retrieved a hard pink curler, about 1? inches in diameter, and held it up in front of charlene's face so she could see what it was and said "Open." Charlene opened her mouth, and Mistress Rose slid the curler in until only about a half inch of the three inch length protruded out of her mouth. "That will remind you not to be chatty dear,' and then as an afterthought, 'and it's also a shape your mouth is going to become quite used to here, if it's not already..." The little curler spikes were not very pleasant on either her tongue or the roof of her mouth, but nevertheless, charlene was glad to be rid of the sponge. Little did she know that both of these were among the gentlest of the gags she would be wearing these weeks at the Resort, as sissies spend a LOT of time gagged. Mistress Rose finished securing charlene's legs tightly to the chair via another set of straps and then walked over to the door directly in front of charlene's view. She opened the door and charlene saw that it was a small closet, perhaps no more than four feet square, and in it were several sissies. "Come on out girls" Mistress Rose commanded. The four shuffled out in unison, as charlene immediately saw that they were bound together by a wide strap around their four waists. Their faces were pressed together, as each had one of four attached rubber balls in her mouth, such that the four sets of lips, noses, and long false eyelashes touched together in the center. It was almost comical to watch them shuffle out as a unit in their identical three inch spike heels. Mistress Rose smacked all four of them (quite severely charlene thought) on their tushes with her crop to encourage their progress. They were naked except for their heels and the tiny aprons tied around their waists. Each had her elbows bound together behind her back. Rose undid the waist belt that held them together and then undid each of the four sets of elbow straps and ordered the girls to separate. As they unfastened their own Velcro gag straps, Mistress Rose handed them each a pink curler similar to the one charlene was sucking. They promptly inserted them into their own mouths to replace their share of the four-way ball-gag. charlene could now see that they all had large, heavy-looking breasts attached and hanging freely from their chests. All had very long hair, worn hanging down loosely, and all were heavily made-up, looking like parodies of drag queens! They also wore some kind of pink lace bag over their clitties, which she could just make out under the semi-transparent white aprons they wore. Charlene suspected there was something else attached to those clitties based on the shape of the bags, and she was correct. The beauticians' EPDs were set to 'off' for the moment, and thus they were free to get as erect within their little cages as possible. This allowed them to complete their tasks without the interruptions of shocks from the device. Of course it ultimately added to their suffering, as prolonged periods of erection without release added to the dull ache ever present in their balls. Rose positioned the girls surrounding charlene in the chair, and then proceeded to attach nipple clamps securely to all eight nipples. Each sissy's nipple was attached to the sissy next to her via an elastic strap, such that whenever anyone moved even slightly, it did stretch, but tugged painfully on the clamp of her neighbor. This arrangement forced the sissies to try to work together as a team, even though such would be impossible and they would spend much of the time causing each other significant discomfort as they performed their tasks. Rose then rolled two small carts of 'beauty supplies' over, one between each pair of sissies, and said "Okay girls, get to work!" Almost as one, the sissies began taking small clumps of charlene's hair and twisting them together into tiny little spikes, then attached rubber bands, making dozens of bizarre little pigtails! They tried to reach over to their carts for the rubber bands without having to back up and look for them, mindful of their attached nipples and the pain that would cause all of them, but a certain amount of movement was inevitable, and there were occasional little squeals of pain from the curler-filled mouths of the four. Mistress Rose rewarded any sound the beauticians made with a stripe from her crop. The sissies were not at all gentle as they deftly pulled each little clump of hair with their fingers, twisting until it would twist no more, further causing charlene misery as they wrapped the clumps tightly with the small rubber bands. charlene soon felt like every hair on her head was being individually pulled, either by the four sissy beauticians as the pigtails were being created , or by the rubber bands afterwards. As if reading her mind, Mistress Rose chuckled and said "Women have suffered for their beauty for years you pathetic sissy, so pretend-women like you get to suffer even more! This day at the spa isn't exactly going to be a day at the spa if you know what I mean. In fact, just so you know, your beauticians are under strict instructions to make this as miserable for you as they possibly can, limited to what they need to do to perform this procedure exactly as trained, of course. How much I discipline them throughout this little process is directly inverse to how 'enthusiastically' they treat you! Isn't that fun???" As if to remind the girls, Mistress Rose made two circuits around the sissies and swatted each of their tushes with her crop. This did in fact inspire them, and all four pulled that much harder on charlene's hair, and wrapped the rubber bands that much more tightly, ratcheting up charlene's discomfort considerably. Their close proximity as they worked on her hair gave charlene a close- up look at the enormous breasts that were attached to each of the two sissies in front of her field of vision. she assumed correctly that they were glued on, and at this range she was able to see how the edges had been almost seamlessly blended with their own skin, but another few inches away and the seams were undetectable. Within less than ten minutes, charlene had more than two dozen tiny little pigtails sticking up at every conceivable angle, and her scalp was on fire from all the hair pulling from the hateful rubber bands. Mistress Rose tossed a mesh cap across the top of charlene's head, and the sissies immediately got busy pulling every single pigtail trough one of the quarter-inch openings in the mesh. They then began folding the pigtails over the mesh and joining them with a nearby pigtail, twisting the two together and attaching yet another rubber band to the newly formed single pigtail, causing charlene even worse misery. When they were finished with that part of the procedure, the sissies all donned rubber gloves and one squirted a generous amount of a very strong-smelling liquid all over the top of the pigtail/mesh head-scape. In perfect unison they began massaging the liquid in vigorously. "In case you haven't figured it out honey, that's industrial strength glue they're rubbing in, guaranteed to hold permanently. In fact you can think of this as your first 'perm'... Or maybe it isn't your first...? Did mommy, or maybe auntie set your hair when you were a little girl??? Hmmm? Maybe one time you had accompanied a Lady to the beauty parlor and the girls just couldn't keep their hands off your precious curls and gave you 'the works'? Or maybe you were such a sissy faggot that you snuck some curlers and bobby pins from your sister's room and tried setting your own hair as a young girl???" Rose looked charlene in the eyes as she said this, and after a few seconds charlene dropped her eyes in shame. Rose chuckled and said aloud, "Big surprise there, eh girls?" Rose then said "Okay girls, that's enough for the moment. Freshen your lips, then put yourselves away and I will get you out when and if I need your services. charlene needs some dryer time now." They all took the curlers out of their mouths, and placed them between their ass cheeks, squeezing their cheeks together against the little spikes to keep them from falling. They've done this before charlene thought miserably. And indeed they had, as these girls were all at the resort on an extended stay basis. If a curler dropped, it would have to be retrieved, which in turn caused quite a chain reaction of nipple pain whenever any one of them needed to retrieve a curler. They'd have to all squat down in unison, invariably a painful endeavor. One picked up their four-way ball-gag, and they all leaned their faces in together and took a ball into their mouth, rejoining their sissy faces. Their eyelashes actually fluttered against each other's whenever they blinked. They fastened the Velcro ball-gag straps behind their heads, pressing their hair close to their faces. As Mistress Rose did not make any move to reconnect their waist strap, the sissies wrapped their arms tightly around each other and mince-shuffled as a pack back into the closet. As she put a hand on the door Mistress Rose said "I'll leave the light on for you this time girls so you can gaze longingly into each other's eyes while you play kissy face. Also I'd like you all to moan orgasmically into your ball-gags the entire time." As if on cue they all started moaning exactly the way she had commanded, and Mistress Rose smiled and closed the door, effectively silencing the noise, at least to the world outside the closet; she was quite sure that inside they would continue to moan loudly and enthusiastically until she told them they could stop. This wasn't their first sissy prep session and they knew Mistress Rose was not tolerant of slacking sissies. Almost all sissies hate being exposed as what they are in front of other sissies, and abhor proximity to other sissies even more. As a result and by design, they spend the vast majority of their time at the resort in just such conditions! For this particular beauty service, it takes four (usually) reluctant sissies of approximately the same height, which is never a problem to harvest from the dozens and dozens of temporary and permanent sissy-guests and sissy-residents of the Resort. They are very thoroughly (and painfully) trained in the prep methods, and have to spend the day in intimate sissy-to-sissy contact with each other. Most sissies detest standing in their heels, their naked flesh pressed against the other sissies, looking another feminized male directly in his heavily made-up eyes as their lipsticked mouths make constant contact, inhaling each other's breath and scents through their touching noses, all while moaning like women-in-the- throes of orgasmic bliss. Such intimacy remained quite humiliating, no matter how long they are kept that way. Mistress Rose rolled the dryer over to the chair and positioned it above charlene's head. "I imagine you think you're 'wound a little tightly' right now, but let me assure you that you have not even begun to experience the pleasures of feminine primping just yet. When this dryer heats up, that goop they massaged in will really begin to pull everything together; hair, scalp, rubber bands, net, etc. But on the bright side, you will NOT need a facelift while you are here, as your face will be wrinkle-free!!! Isn't that wonderful??? Of course that wasn't the original intent of this treatment, but sure enough it turned out to be a delightful side effect. You'll just have a much tauter canvass to work your makeup magic upon!" Mistress Rose then produced a short, but otherwise realistically-shaped rubberish penis-gag that had a tube going out the back end and leading into a bottle. She removed the curler from charlene's mouth and without even a moment's rest, inserted the cock and strapped it around her neck, lodging the strap just below her twisted, netted hair in back. "We can't leave the plastic curler in your mouth because it would get too hot under the dryer honey, and we don't want you in any... discomfort... other than what a girlie girl like you must endure for her beauty regime of course, so this is made from a special resin that will not heat-up. If you suck hard enough you will be able to get some cool water, loaded with electrolytes, which you're very likely going to want after the first 15 minutes or so. And one more thing honey... there will be plenty of steam, so you'll get a real nice facial while your hair sets." With that Mistress Rose lowered the hood all the way down over charlene's head. The front panel of the hood, which was now down to level with her chin, was clear Plexiglas and the last thing charlene saw before the steam clouded her view was Mistress Rose smiling, waving, and then mouthing the word 'suck', as she made a crude cocksucking-like gesture with her hand in front of her mouth. *********** Just before leaving the reception area outside her office to begin the tour, Joy turned to Lorraine and asked "Would you like to take a quick peek at your sissy before we begin? I know it's only been a few minutes, but this will give you a sense of how easy it is to look in on the little dear, sort of as if she was in day care...." She smiled understandingly. An appreciative Lorraine was relieved at the suggestion, as well as quite eager to see how this sissy-cam feature worked. Joy looked to her second ex-husband / sissified-receptionist and said, "Bring up charlene please sissy." Sailor-girl expertly typed a few digits into the keyboard at her desk, and the women walked over and looked at the large monitor. The screen showed a wide-angle shot of the Hair and Accessories room, with charlene strapped to a chair in the center, her head completely covered by the lowered dryer. "Beauty parlor?" Lorraine asked? "Well, of a sort.... This is the Hair and Accessories center. There is a full beauty parlor in the main building, where we pamper our Lady guests (and torture our sissy-guests) side-by-side, and we'll stop in there on our tour. This is more of a first-stop in their stay here, where the sissies are outfitted with their hair, their nails, their tits, and if any other special modifications have been requested by their owner." Lorraine was pretty sure she didn't want to know (right now at least) what any of those special modifications might be. "So have they set his hair in curlers or something? It's pretty short for that; I know because I've tried a couple of times before." "No. Unless the sissy's natural hair is quite long already, we use a rather creative approach to giving them long feminine locks. We use whatever hair they do have as a fastening base for our wigs. We twist their hair very tightly, knot it with rubber bands, and then glue in a mesh net with some pretty serious industrial-strength glue! All of our wigs are specially made with a series of long comb-clips which embed into the hair/mesh base we've created, and then snap shut. This effectively attaches the hair so securely that it can be pulled quite vigorously with no fear of it coming off. You may not want to actually hang a sissy by her wig, but we certainly use their pigtails or their curler-filled heads to ensure they're on tiptoe, or that their heads are moving in other ways that we may desire... The wigs are very high quality, made in right here on the grounds. We don't usually stop there on the tour, but we could if you'd like?" Lorraine nodded, taking in everything Joy was saying and looking intently at her husband sitting in the chair under the dryer. "What is that tube I can see going up into the front there?" "Ah... It's a water hose. It gets quite um... warm under there, or so I'm told. We use a very different dryer model for our Lady guests and staff." Lorraine smiled and said, "Well that's thoughtful. On both accounts..." "The end in her mouth is shaped like a rather fat little cock, which she will have to suck pretty hard to get a sip of water. Some sissies hold out for a while, but they ALL eventually do it as the heat and the steam become unbearable. Soon they are sucking cock like their lives depended on it; which is absolutely not the case by the way. We've had our staff doctors check it out thoroughly, and it's perfectly safe in there; perfectly fucking miserable, but perfectly safe!" Hearing Mistress Joy curse caused Lorraine's head to do an almost comical double-take, as she caught the wide smile on Joy's lips. She looked back at the screen, and based on the little chest movements she could detect, charlene was indeed sucking for all she was worth. "Miserable but safe characterizes a lot of the treatments we have on tap for our sissies here. This process in particular is quite unpleasant for the poor dears, and having it happen within just a few moments of their arrival really upsets the status quo, and sets the tone perfectly. All of the knotting, twisting and rubber-banding are very painful in and of themselves, but then when they go under the dryer, the heat (which itself is much higher than any reasonable woman would ever tolerate) dries it all pulls everything even tighter as it shrinks the mesh. The result is they get an instant facelift! (Mistress Joy pulled her face back on both sides in a parody of an exaggerated facelift.) I understand it hurts like hell for a while, until their newly wrinkle- free little faces adjust. After they come out from under the dryer, their hair is attached and then we inundate them with all of the 'hair rules'. These go into effect immediately, and are just about impossible for anyone who has never had long, full hair like that to abide by, let alone a sissy who's just been traumatized in a beauty salon chair...!" Joy looked over at Lorraine for reaction. Sailor-girl stood perfectly still, in her standing curtsey pose, expressionless save for the sweet smile that never seemed to leave her face. "I don't know what to say Joy! I love it! I love it all! Poor charlene...!" A clear undercurrent of fake concern accompanied that last remark, as Lorraine grew more confident by the minute that charlene would indeed be reaching some new levels of submission here. "What are the hair rules?" Joy chuckled, "Hell if I know! Well, I probably know a few of them, but they are numerous, arbitrary, ambiguous, and constantly changing! Of course the sissies are responsible for their hair being neat and pretty at all times, and for achieving whatever hairstyle their owner or trainers demand. Most are pathetically inept at any kind of hairstyling when they first arrive here, but generally by the time they leave they can do a serviceable job at it. Their hair does not come off for the rest of their stay, so they have to learn to style, set, and maintain it while it's on their heads! They are also required to 'do' each other's hair some evenings, and in the process learn how to properly tend to a Woman's hair. More than one Lady has left here inspired to get her sissy a part-time job at a beauty salon (if only as a shampoo boy/girl) delighting in the humiliation such employment will bring. The basic idea of the hair rules, and the curtsey rules, and the walking rules, etc., is to keep the sissy actively engaged in feminizing themselves, while ensuring that they constantly fail to measure-up and incur frequent 'punishments' as a result. The rules are feminizing, in that each contains some requirement for a stereotypically feminine action, mannerism, vocalization, etc. For example, hair hanging in a sissy's face must only be swept back and off the shoulder with a 'head toss' (and maybe a little air-blow if they get away with it...), and never moved by the sissy's hand. Often the rules are contradictory to each other, but then that's part of the fun of owning sissies! Punishments are inevitable. We have a term here called 'slovenly-sissy', and any Guest is welcome to bestow such judgment on any sissy, any time they like. The sissies all carry a small notebook and pen with them, (usually in their apron pocket, or in their purse) which must be presented to any Guest or Staff on demand. If a Lady encounters a sissy throughout the day and feels that she is a slovenly-sissy, she simply demands the book, makes a notation about what she saw (or imagined or pretended she saw) and the infraction, whether fair or not, is dealt with later. Sissies are required to curtsey and thank them for the notation before they are excused. Sometimes we ask the sissy to tell her side of the story (in their sweetest, most feminine voice), but the results of those conversations are quite predictable (and quite comical) as you might imagine." Lorraine smiled. And tingled between her legs... As the ladies watched, Mistress Rose pressed a button that raised the dryer hood briefly. "Zoom in please sissy" said Mistress Joy to sailor-girl. charlene's reddened face came into clear close-up view, and Lorraine gasped when she saw the thick cock extended from her husband's mouth. Based on the alternating hollowing of her cheeks, charlene was indeed still sucking eagerly on it, trying to get more much-needed water. Her already stretched-looking face was drenched in a combination of sweat, steam, and quite possibly, tears. Lorraine got a good look at the mass of hardening tangles that used to be her husband's hair. "This part is priceless!' Joy began, 'at this check-in here, Rose usually says something like 'I'll be back in about an hour or two sweetheart. Please don't go anywhere'. The poor thing first is crushed to hear she isn't 'done' yet, and can't imagine spending another five minutes under there, let alone an hour. The look of desperation in their eyes as the dryer slowly lowers again never fails to give me chills. In fact, they only have about ten more minutes of dryer time after this, but they don't know that. And to them, it will indeed seem like hours..." Rose must have just said her line, because charlene began to struggle as best she could against her bonds. The posture collar held her head fast, and struggling was to no avail. She was at the complete mercy of Mistress Rose, and the smile on Mistress Rose's face let charlene know that no mercy would in fact be coming. The dryer lowered extra slowly this time, once again enveloping charlene in a torturous world of heat and wind and noise and steam. The ladies could see Mistress Rose begin to pinch and tug on charlene's nipples to amuse herself for the remaining few minutes of charlene's dryer torture. Lorraine was not at all surprised to see charlene's clitty twitch a few times, as it always did when someone pinched her nipples. Mistress Rose also roughly pulled a few little clumps of charlene's chest hair, seemingly hard enough to pull it out, but it held fast. Then, using tweezers, she slowly pulled a few individual hairs, and this time she pulled each until it finally ripped out from the root. She smiled when charlene strained against her bonds once again confirming her absolute helplessness, and seemed quite satisfied that charlene's chest hair would do just fine. "Once she's dry, Rose will then 'endow' her with her very own tits. I see you followed our recommendation and had her chest hair grown out, which is ideal." "Yes, I was surprised about that though. Seemed somewhat...unladylike?" Joy smiled, and said "Indeed it is, but for our purposes, perfect. Like our wigs, the tits we use are specially made for us, although these are made overseas and not here on property. If the sissy has enough chest hair, we use it to attach their tits to their bodies." Lorraine raised her eyebrows in curiosity. "The breast themselves are very realistic feeling, although slightly heavier than the real things. The flat side that goes against their chest contains a layer with a special adhesive that sticks securely to the hairs, but does not adhere at all to her skin! This effectively leaves her tits hanging from her chest hairs, pulling none-too- pleasantly on them at all times! The edges are blended to the surrounding skin with special body-putty, but the blended edges do nothing to support the weight; that is all still just hanging from the hairs. This technique ensures that they never get used to the fact that they now have female anatomy and must pay for the privilege. It's truly delightful that sissies become very grateful when they are allowed to wear a bra, and suffer accordingly when they are not. And we make sure they get plenty of both kinds of time! It's quite a hoot watching them learn to swing their pasties in "stripper class", trying to keep the required sweet smile on their faces despite the fact that swinging those babies must hurt like the Dickens! And of course 'grateful to be wearing a bra', is just another step along the path to those levels..." Joy smiled pleasantly as Lorraine nodded knowingly and took it all in." "How do they come off?" "When, and if, (Joy smiled at this) it is time to leave, we peel back the edges (which by the way will have become almost imperceptible by then), and then just snip the hairs at their base, and off come their tits. The glue can then be re-melted, the hairs removed, and they await their next lucky wearer. So, over the next hour or so, charlene will have her hair attached - by the way, what color did you select for her?" "I picked a strawberry blonde! It just looked so pretty in the catalog." Joy clapped with glee "Oh perfect! I can't wait to see her again! So over the next hour she'll get her hair, her tits, she'll have a set of nails permanently glued on and painted a pretty color, and she'll be ready to begin the rest of her 'orientation' day. And I do mean that somewhat tongue-in-cheek, as I imagine it's quite dis-orienting to go from reasonably normal looking male to having long luxurious hair, half-inch long fingernails and a pair of D-cup breasts swinging freely (and oh-so-uncomfortably) from her chest! Add to this an ever increasing list of hopelessly confusing deportment rules she must abide by or suffer the consequences, and we ought to have one mixed-up, dis- oriented, and deliciously submissive little sissy to work with. Just perfect! sissy, two cold waters to go please,' and then to Lorraine, 'Shall we?" Sailor-girl handed each of the ladies an ice cold bottle of water, curtseying as she did so, and continuing to hold her skirts wide and daintily. Her Mistress smiled and said, "thank you sweetie, you've been most helpful." She leaned in and took her ex-husband's face in her hands and kissed her on the mouth, inserting her tongue sensuously, enjoying the fruity taste of his lipstick. "Such a good little girl you are', she said as she took a half-step back, 'now be a sweetie and hold your hair back for me." Sailor-girl's smile disappeared momentarily as she let go of the right side of her skirt, gathered the hair that was hanging down around her face with one hand and held it in back in a bunch. Much to Lorraine's surprise, Joy suddenly slapped her ex soundly on the right side of her face! The sound alone seemed painful and her slapped face was instantly red. In a calm, unhurried manner Joy then said "Other side sissy." Even as tears started to well, sailor-girl released her hair from her right hand (which immediately re-curtsied the right side of her sailor-girl skirt) and used her left hand to once again hold her hair back out of the way. Joy looked deeply into her eyes for a moment savoring her sad expression and then slapped the left side even harder! Tears immediately began to flow, as sailor-girl released her hair and resumed the left side of her curtsey. "Now where IS that pretty smile girl???" Joy asked somewhat mockingly. Lorraine watched in fascination as a small, quivering smile intermittently appeared, looking quite incongruous against the red, tear-and-mascara-streaked face. Joy simple pointed to an empty corner and sailor-girl minced girlishly over to it, standing as close as her curtsied skirt width allowed. she immediately raised up onto her high- heeled tiptoes. "Recite the sissy credo aloud ten times, and then get back to work." And with that Joy took Lorraine's arm and led her out the door. Chapter 3 - Grounds As the ladies strolled out into the sunshine, Joy was aware that Lorraine had been somewhat surprised by that last little scene with sailor-girl. "I imagine that was a bit unexpected in there just now...?" "Well yes, I didn't see that coming at all. She seems very efficient and obedient, and I was a bit surprised that you slapped her like that, leaving her in tears after it seemed like she had served perfectly." "I know, it is a bit...incongruous, as she clearly is one of my favorites (for heaven's sake I was married to her for ten years!)... But the fact that she is one of my favorites is exactly why I periodically do something like that, to reinforce her sissy-slave status. It would be quite possible for her to slip into an inappropriate frame of mind, thinking she was somehow on an equal footing, even in her feminized state, and I won't have that. So every so often, but especially in front of 'company', I will discipline her for no other reasons than because I can, I like to, and I know it sends her spinning into submissively delicious turmoil... As she stands there for the next ten minutes or so on her tiptoes (which in itself is quite a strain when you're already wearing two-inch heels) sobbing out the sissy credo aloud to an empty room, she will ride a rollercoaster of emotions as she contemplates the unfairness of it all!!! She'll be angry, and momentarily contemplate being defiant, but then her true sissy nature will take over as she realizes that she won't do anything about it and that it is her lot in life to suffer at my whim... And she will come to terms with the humiliation of knowing she will be staying up on her toes even though no one will see and using her sissiest voice even though no one will hear, and that will drive her even deeper into her enslavement to me. And when I make her prepare herself for slapping, the look in her eyes as she attempts to brace herself for what she knows is coming and knows she won't do anything to prevent is just priceless. Making her hold her own hair out of the way so I can slap her without interference adds considerably to the fun don't you think?" "Indeed! she clearly is very well-trained... You said you were married to 'her' for ten years. How long ago was that? And how long as she been...well... a she?" Joy giggled, "Well first of all, technically she's still a 'he'. In fact she has one of the most delicious cocks I have ever had the pleasure of sucking! Oh don't look so surprised, I LOVE sucking cock! Especially hers. Of course I do it on my terms now, not hers, and I rarely swallow, preferring instead to slowly dribble her cum into and around her mouth and nose, and then let her spend the rest of the day with her own cum mixed with my saliva drying on her face. I think she agrees it's worth it though as she's never begged me not to suck her cock, or her clitty as she would say, on the occasions when I am so inclined... (both ladies laughed). We have been divorced for four years, and yes, I got everything in the divorce. Of course she wants for nothing, and is living the life most sissy slaves can only dream of, so you could say it's a divorce made in heaven. I think it's still hard for her to watch me with another man though, so of course I make sure she has plenty of opportunity to do just that. And I in turn have plenty of opportunity to watch her with other men as well, so it all balances out.' Joy smiled as the meaning of what she had just said dawned on her guest. 'So tell me more about charlene." As Lorraine shared more details about her relationship with her husband (and sissy-slave) charlene, Joy thought to herself how similar their stories were. In fact, most of the back-stories she heard were variations of a similar story where the woman's introduction to the lifestyle by a husband (or boyfriend), had come either after he was accidentally found out, or else just in the natural course of their intimate relationship. Almost all had had their initial misgivings, concerns that their mate was gay, or wanted to actually become a woman, but by the time they found their way here to the Resort, they had almost universally long since resolved those questions. And, they had fully embraced the benefits that a Female-led relationship provided; sex (in any way shape or form) on demand, an end to housework, and personal services beyond comparison. Women who persevere through the initial weirdness share a wonderful secret world of pampering, pleasure, and privilege that their less enlightened sisters would never dream possible. Of course being involved with a sissified male takes quite a bit of getting used to, but the good news there is that in most cases the woman is also perfectly at liberty to engage in relationships (and relations) with "normal", masculine males as they please. Many a sissy has known the humiliation of licking clean her Mistress's well-fucked Pussy, often while listening to detailed accounts of that very fucking, and how wonderful it felt to have a Man inside her again. As she slurps the little dollops of that Man's cum, the sissy is painfully aware of her status in the eyes of the woman she adores...nothing more than a sissified, Pussy-lapping slave. The Resort functions entirely as a result of these kinds of dynamics. Literally dozens of permanent sissies call the place home, living lives completely devoted to serving (and occasionally just being ignored by) women as they perform all of the full-time support roles associated with an enterprise of this scope. Additionally at any given moment a couple of dozen more sissy slaves are 'in residence' for stays ranging anywhere from a weekend to several months in duration, and all of them contribute to the running and profitability of the enterprise as well, either through cash 'donations' or through services provided. Joy kept a small and very efficient bookkeeping department, who could at any given time quote the asset level, income projections and expenditures, (the last of which were mostly minimal thanks to the "generosity" of the "guests") by the day, the week, the month, and year-to-date. Ladies never paid a fee to stay there, nor did the handful of Male Doms that occasionally found their way to the facility. Everything about the Resort is first class, at least as far as the actual guests are concerned. Food and wine are of the finest available, and of course the service is impeccable. The facilities themselves are well-appointed, with rich woods, and the finest building materials money can buy. Joy smiled at how far this had all come from the first time she'd made sailor-girl put on a pair of her panties before they made love, to everything she saw spread out around her. Lorraine looked around in all directions trying to ascertain the size of the campus she found herself on. "Pretty much as far as you can see in any direction from here is part of the property dear', Joy offered as she understood what Lorraine was wondering, 'and perhaps later in the week we'll take a pony cart ride around the perimeter path. We've been very fortunate to have had a number of very generous sissy guests over the past few years, and that, combined with the rather profitable nature of ongoing operations has allowed us to buy up a good chunk of Martin County for our little health spa. To the county officials, and the rest of the straight world, we are a health resort, catering to a very upscale clientele, and offering extended stays in idyllic country surroundings. And as you will see, to the casual observer, (okay, the very casual observer) that is exactly what we appear to be. At any given time one will see individuals and groups strolling around the grounds, lounging by the pool or lakes, engaging in any number of organized activities, and so on. Of course upon closer inspection, it doesn't take long to discover that all is not as it seems on the surface, but we're very good at discretion on the rare occasions when 'outside' visitors are on the property." Looking off to her left, Lorraine saw what looked like a large barn and a number of people milling about around it. "We have a fully working farm encompassing several acres beyond that barn over there', Joy explained, 'we mostly grow vegetables which our chefs use as accompaniments to the Guests' meals, and which comprise about 90% of the diet for our sissies in residence. We have found that vegetables, supplemented by some rather creative sources of protein, provide a nutritious and slimming diet for our 'girls', and can be made into a wide variety of very healthy and yet fairly disgusting looking, smelling, and tasting delicacies for them! And of course the farm offers lots of manual labor for our more-than-willing work force, and the barn as well as the stable right behind it offers some of our more esoteric accommodations for some lucky sissies. We'll tour the stables when we go for our ride later in the week." *********** As Joy and Lorraine crested a small hill, they passed a Guest cottage, one of the many such houses sprinkled throughout the grounds. The two women sitting on the front porch sipping coffee both waved as the ladies came into view. "Morning Joy! Gorgeous day wouldn't you say?" "Indeed it is! Lorraine and her husband charlene just arrived and I'm showing her around a bit. What do you ladies have planned for the day?" "Well, we're going to play with betty over there for a bit this morning, when she's finished working on her tan lines that is, and then probably go get massages in the afternoon while she does her shift in the laundry." The woman who had answered nodded towards the sissy who was slowly mincing in a wide circle in the front yard. There was a thin chain, about ten feet in length, extending from her nose ring to the top of an eight-foot pole, so her circular route was about twenty feet in diameter. She was dressed in red women's sneakers and a bikini top which supported her glued-on breasts, and nothing else. Her hair, and it looked to Lorraine like it was indeed her own long hair, was fixed in two high pigtails, tied with bright red ribbons that matched the bikini bra. She softly repeated 'sissies always swish when they walk', and was swishing her hips and her imaginary skirt as she minced. "Rest period's over betty, get going!" And with that command, sissy betty started skipping around in her tight little circle, gaily swinging her hands from side to side, swishing her ass, titties bouncing despite the support of her bra top, and turning her smiling face back and forth to get her pigtails flying wildly. "Can you two join us for a minute? I think betty would like to play a little game..." Joy looked at Lorraine who was already grinning as the ladies were stepping off the porch and soon all four of them met just outside the circumference of skipping betty. One of the ladies slipped into the center of the circle, careful not to disrupt betty's rather energetic skipping, and grabbed four crops from the collection that hung conveniently from the pole. She nimbly stepped back out of the circle and handed a crop to each of her compatriots. Almost as if by instinct, the ladies positioned themselves at twelve, three, six, and nine as betty continued to skip by them gaily. The next time betty came around to where she was standing, one of the ladies raised her hand and said "Okay stop for a minute sweetie and look at me. Here's the game. You are to skip all the way around one full rotation until you reach twelve o'clock - let's establish that Mistress Joy will be the High Noon position - stop, curtsey, and tell her, while at the bottom of your curtsey something sissyish about yourself. It can be past or present, an experience or memory or desire you've had, but it must be true! You are to use your most feminine voice of course, and once you are finished you complete your curtsey, turn around, and bend slightly from the waist to present your tush for your "grade". If your skipping and curtseying were satisfactorily feminine and graceful, and most importantly your little sissified bio- reveal is amusing enough, you'll get a pleasant little love tap on your tush, and you can then 'skip on'. On the other hand, if any of those are found lacking, you will feel something quite different, and you are to wait until you hear the word 'dismissed' before you may skip on. And well, let's just say I think you'll want to do much better the next time you come around to that lady again. Once you are dismissed, you will then skip all the way around the circle three full rotations past the lady you just visited and come to rest at the next lady (that would be three o'clock in case this is getting too complicated for you dear...) and repeat, but with a new fun fact about your sissy self! Now the rest of us will be 'encouraging you as you skip by, and also letting you know how we felt about the little speech you just delivered at your last stop..., so this way everybody gets to play the whole time!!! Isn't this fun!!!!" "Now ladies, let's try not to hit that silly little thing hanging between her legs, not that there's much of a chance that miniscule little thing will stick out far enough to get in the way... but other than that, the rest of her is fair game! I see she's already got a pretty good all-over level of pinkish sunburn, so we should see nice little white stripes each time we kiss her with our crops!!! Okay betty, skip on!!" Lorraine and Joy stayed for two rounds, meaning betty had visited with each lady twice, and had skipped around the circle a total of 24 times. As they thanked the ladies for including them in the fun and made their way back onto the path, Joy began, "I trust that you picked-up that there was more to that little game than just the amusement of watching sissy betty skipping around in circles like a little girl.... ?" "Oh yes,' Lorraine replied without hesitation, 'I was picturing charlene in betty's place and wondering what she would be blurting out, especially in the later rounds after the obvious or easy revelations were used and she had to dig deeper... It was quite fascinating to watch betty slowly but steadily "letting go" of her reluctance to share honestly, and sinking deeper into her humiliation sub-space as the rounds went on, not to mention as the crop kisses became a little more...passionate." Both ladies smiled at the idea of the kisses becoming more passionate, but that's exactly what had happened. At her first stop, as betty landed in front of one of the ladies who were entertaining her for the morning, she had rather sweetly and femininely curtsied low, and said 'my name is betty, and I am a total sissy...' She then rose from her curtsey, turned around daintily and pushed her bottom out towards the woman to receive her grade. "Well sweetie, the good news is that your skipping is coming along quite nicely. You could use a little more arc on the pigtail swinging, but overall not bad at all. Unfortunately, the bad news is that your little speech bored me to tears! Was that supposed to amuse me? Telling me something I already know and that is so obvious? I certainly don't know too many men who would skip around in circles tethered to a pole by a chain through their nose ring while wearing nothing but women's sneakers, a bikini bra and pigtails, so telling me you're a sissy wasn't exactly a riveting news flash!" About every third or fourth word or her reply was accompanied by a little swat from her crop, not enough to cause serious pain, but definitely enough to elicit a little wince from betty each time it landed. "I'm being very lenient on you this time betty doll, as perhaps your pretty little head didn't quite grasp the nature of the game right away, but you'd better take it up a few notches, or I'm afraid you won't be sitting much for a day or two by the time we've tired of playing... Do you understand me sweetie?" The woman lifted betty's face up by putting her crop under her chin and raising it until they were making eye contact. She saw that very familiar confused mixture of emotions that most sissies displayed at this stage in their evolution, a blend of anger, fear, frustration, and humiliation as they began to grasp the choice facing them between receiving additional (and increasing) physical pain or overcoming any remaining shreds of male ego or pride and blurting out some of their most embarrassing sissified thoughts in front of these women. She loved watching the struggle, secure in the knowledge that they all eventually choose humiliation over pain, but usually not until the two had become inexorably intertwined. Chapter 4 - Beauty Salon As they came to the entrance to the beauty salon, the first thing that struck Lorraine was the number of people she could see. That, and the smells; the unmistakable mixture of lotions and potions, shampoos and conditioners, hair sprays and nail polish and heaven knows what else. With her eyes closed she could be walking into any salon in America. With her eyes open though it was quite a different story... "And this is our main Beauty Salon, Lorraine," Mistress Joy offered, "let's see what fun we can have in here this morning!" Lorraine reveled in the smells as she surveyed the scene before her. The large room was more or less divided into two sections by two rows of salon chairs positioned back to back, each with a large hood dryer perched over it. One side was obviously for the guests and the other for the sissy slaves. She turned her attention to the guest's side first. There were three chairs, all occupied, but they were not typical salon chairs. These were oversized, and seemed to Lorraine like they would be much more comfortable than a typical salon chair. Each of the three ladies occupying the chairs was being attended by several identically dressed slaves. Their uniforms resembled waitress dresses from a 50's era roadside diner, but with some added "touches". The pink knife-pleated skirts extended to just above their knees, and were hemmed with a generous amount of white lace. The bodices were tight, especially since all of the 'beauticians' had exaggeratedly large breasts. They all wore orange high heels, and white, lacy half- aprons, with wide apron strings tied in generous bows in the back. They were all similarly made-up with long false eyelashes and very heavy mascara, but the crowning touch was the identical orange beehive hairdos that sat atop their heads. Large, stiff pink bows were pinned to the top/back of their beehives, with the tails hanging down to the white lace collars of their dresses. So from top to bottom, the pink bows, orange beehive hairdos, bright red lipsticks and blush, pink uniform dresses, and orange heels all clashed in a garish (and highly amusing!) explosion of sissified femme colors. Lorraine noticed that they all flitted about as they attended to their customers with the most exaggerated of mannerisms... wrists hanging limply, skirts continuously swishing from side to side, arms constantly in motion in a caricature of the most effeminate gay stylists she could imagine. One of the girls, her nametag read "flo", had a fat curler shoved well into her mouth, forcing her to keep her head tilted backwards in a futile attempt to minimize the drool that was dripping out. Several dark stains on her uniform's protruding bosom attested to her lack of success in this regard. Another had a large heavy-looking purse hanging from the crook of her arm, adding another highly impractical feminizing touch to contend with as she performed her tasks. "For the most part, working here in the salon is one of the pleasanter assignments our girls can have while with us here,' Joy began, 'and as you can see, we expect a most enthusiastic embracing of the role for the privilege of being a beautician. Some of our beauticians are long- term guests, here on a more or less voluntary basis, but a lucky few "reluctants" get to try out as well. For them, especially after experiencing the "working conditions" in some of our other assignments, this is indeed a coveted gig." As soon as the beauticians noticed Mistress Joy and Her guest they stopped what they were doing, and in unison performed perfect half- curtsies. There were nine of them all together on the Guest side, three for each of the women being pampered. They all remained in lowered curtsey position, knees bent, with one leg crossed behind the other, lacy hems of their skirts held out daintily between two fingers, heads tilted slightly, pleasant, mindless little smiles on their faces. "They're waiting for your permission to rise, Lorraine," Mistress Joy reminded her, "but perhaps we should leave them that way while we look around." The ladies being attended in the chairs turned to greet them. "Hello Joy', said the first lady, a rather large woman in the middle of having her hair trimmed, 'a new guest no doubt?" "That's right Pauline, this is Lorraine. She'll be staying with us for a while, enjoying our facilities while her husband charlene 'enjoys' his program." "Delighted to meet you", Pauline responded, "I'm sure you'll both love it here. I'd like you to meet my sissy wife, but you'll have to give her permission to finish her curtsey first. She's the one over there, with the stupid(est) expression on her face." "Introduce yourself to me slave", Lorraine commanded, as she strolled over to Pauline's wife, grinning as she read his nametag The slave in question completed his curtsey and said "sissy panty-waste at your service Ma'am, how may i serve you?" "Oh let me see.... I know, how about if you lick your Mistress's hair off the floor here miss panty-waste, and hold your skirts up around your waist as you do it. I want to see if you have pretty undies on too." Pauline smiled as she watched her husband mince over to where she sat, and kneel down to begin licking up the hair. After a moment Pauline winked at Lorraine and said to panty-waste "Why don't you ask Mistress Lorraine for a sissy-kiss, my little faggot of a husband. But first tell her why you're here. Speak!" panty-waste knelt up and looked up at Lorraine. "My wonderful Mistress has allowed me to enroll in the advanced femininity training course here", panty-waste began, doing her best to answer with appropriate enthusiasm, "i am specifically interested in becoming a beautician so that i may have some type of intimate contact with my glorious Mistress. She only touches me to bestow the training i so desperately require, and i in turn am only allowed to touch her to provide either pleasure or service. Also, at the same time as i learn to serve Her beauty needs, i am learning to make myself prettier as well. As soon as i am almost-but-not-quite passable, my Mistress has promised to send me to work full-time in a beauty parlor near Her home. May i please have a sissy-kiss, Mistress Lorraine?" Lorraine looked over at Joy who smiled and said "Like I gave sailor- girl." "Why of course you can, panty-waste, and perhaps you'll do my hair sometime during my stay here?" With that, Lorraine gently took panty's chin in her fingers and held it fast while she slapped his cheek soundly with her other hand. "Is your other cheek jealous miss panty- waste? Would you like a sissy-kiss on that side too?" panty-waste was already tearing-up and reeling from the blow, but managed to answer, "Oh yes please Mistress." "Very well then", Lorraine snickered, and repeated the slap on the other side. "How about you Pauline? What's the matter, don't you love your "wife"? Going to let another woman kiss your wife and not reclaim your property?" The Ladies chuckled and exchanged knowing, satisfied glances... All three women laughed as Pauline casually beckoned for her slave to lean in close enough for Her to reach easily from Her chair. She grabbed a handful of panty's beehive, completely ruining it. As she held his hair tightly in her fist, she slapped his face back and forth with the front and back of her hand several times until panty-waste was sobbing continuously. Her mascara started streaming down her cheeks in dark black lines, and her formerly perfectly coiffed hair was now a rat's nest, strewn about her face in a tangled mess. Pauline hoisted herself out of her chair, which in itself was no easy feat for a woman of her proportions, and pulled panty-waste to his feet by his disheveled mess of hair. Once she was out of the chair and had let her long skirt drop back down around her generous proportions, Lorraine saw that there was a sissy's face embedded in the seat! It was instantly obvious that Pauline was being 'serviced' as she was being serviced, and Lorraine wondered how the poor sissy was able to breathe with such a large woman smothering her. A quick glance at the other two patrons (who were also wearing skirts and were now wriggling a bit more in their chairs) confirmed her suspicion that all of the Guest chairs were similarly equipped. Reading her mind Joy smiled and explained "Most of the places where Guests might be sitting for any length of time throughout the Resort are equipped with this lovely 'feature'. Many of our guests find that wearing comfortable skirts works out well as you can see here... And, besides the obvious pleasure component, this feature also reduces the need for any annoying bathroom trips that can interrupt a perfectly good show." She nonchalantly tossed a towel across the seat, covering the sissy's face when not in use. Pauline grabbed a handful of panty-waste's rat's nest and wrenched his head from side to side, adding a few more slaps with her other hand. She then pressed his face into the salon mirror hissing at him "Look at that pathetic sight! You're supposed to be PRETTY for Me at all times you stupid little faggot!!! And now look at you! Is this what you call pretty???" As she berated him she twisted his head back and forth using the fistful of hair she held for leverage, smearing lipstick and mascara streaks across the mirror. "You pathetic excuse for a male. Look at you! Mincing around here in a fucking skirt and lord knows what else you have on under there, and now weeping like a little girl too! Get that grown-up dress off immediately! It will be quite a while before you wear grown-up women's clothes again. It's back to middle school for you young lady! Clean that mirror that you smudged and then finish licking the floor clean, and I mean the entire floor, not just the part around My chair! Then report to the Principal's office and beg to be admitted to the seventh grade program. Tell her your Mistress wants you to keep your monstrous tits though. So I had better find you in My room, on your knees in your uniform jumper working on a long list of tedious homework assignments by six this evening. Now get busy!" Lorraine watched in fascination as panty-waste unbuttoned the front of her beautician's uniform and began slipping it off without removing her apron. Pauline looked quite smug as she explained, "Panty-waste hasn't been without an apron on for more than six months now! She lives in aprons, sleeps in aprons, and even has a plastic one she wears in the shower! She puts the next one on before removing the current one so that there isn't even a moment that she isn't aproned!" A final slap across the face sent the miserable slave back down to her knees. Clad now in just her gigantic bra, ruffled panties, full-slip, garter-belt and stockings, high-heels, and apron, panty-waste resumed licking her Mistress's (and others') hair off of the floor. She was using her hands to balance herself as she leaned over to reach the floor with her tongue, but Pauline was having none of that! "I believe this nice Woman told you where your hands are supposed to be panty... Were you not paying attention or are you being deliberately disobedient?" panty-waste knelt silently and Pauline once again grabbed a fistful of ruined beehive. "That wasn't a rhetorical question slave. Which was it; lack of attention or disobedience???" This was punctuated with more slapping and panty by now openly sobbed. panty-waste softly began "i'm sorry Mistress, i just forgot---" another set of slaps followed, and bits of hair flew from her mouth. "That wasn't one of your choices girl!' Pauline yelled in her face as she slapped it some more, 'so which was it???" panty knew she was trapped, and chose what she thought would be the lesser of two evils, "i wasn't paying attention Mistress. i am very sorry..." Pauline used her fistful of hair to shake panty violently back and forth, but refrained from any more slapping. "That's better now. I forgive you, but it's not really Me you insulted. Crawl over and apologize to Mistress Lorraine." The sobbing panty-waste crawled on her knees till she was right in front of Lorraine. "i'm so sorry Mistress! Please forgive this sissy slave for not paying strict attention to Your every word." It was clear to everyone how difficult this was for the sissy, and how overwhelmed she was by her treatment at the hands of her Mistress/Wife. Lorraine grabbed her by the hair as Pauline had done and panty braced herself for the inevitable slapping she expected. Lorraine hesitated for a few moments, relishing the sissy's terror, and then sweetly asked "Do you remember now panty?" panty nodded and said "i was to have my hands hold my skirts out so that You could see my panties Mistress." "Exactly girl! However, since you've removed your skirt, your slip will have to do. Now get busy!" And with that she released panty-waste who immediately began licking, holding her slip up and out as ordered, grateful to have been spared more slapping. Pauline composed herself, removed the towel covering the sissy's face, not even bothering to glance down at him, and sat back down heavily in her chair, spreading her skirt around the seat as if it were the most normal thing in the world, which in fact it was, at the Resort. "Sorry about all that ladies," she said to the others with a wink as she was obviously settling her pussy into the best position over the chair- sissy's tongue, "Lorraine, perhaps you will let her make this up to you by participating in panty-waste's weekly punishment session tonight. It's scheduled for 9:00PM in the main lounge. I'm sure she will be quite eager to make up for the embarrassment she has caused me this morning. Isn't that right slave?" she added in an extremely loud voice. Sissy slave panty-waste looked up from her task, and through a mouth already filled with hair, managed to garble "Yes Mistress." Quite a few hairs sprayed out of her mouth as she did so, and the women tried hard not to laugh! "Tsk tsk,' Lorraine remarked shaking her head sadly at the pathetic slave on her knees before Her, 'not very good at this are you missy? No! Don't answer me again. That was a rhetorical question. Get back to work!" panty-waste resumed licking the beauty salon floor, trying desperately to keep the hairs that were already in her mouth in place while continuing to draw more in with her tongue. "As you were girls" Lorraine said to the rest of the slaves who had remained cowering in their half-curtsies the entire time. "yes back to work everyone,' said Mistress Joy, 'the fun is over... for now." Lorraine reflected on what had just transpired. Mere moments ago, sissy slave panty-waste had been happily? mincing about painting a female guest's toenails, and now, through no real "fault" of her own, she has been well-slapped, humiliated in front of all the guests and fellow sissies alike, and was now on her knees licking small piles of hair off of a beauty salon floor! It was clear to her that Pauline relished the opportunity to put her slave husband through his paces in front of an audience, and she naturally began to think of her charlene, mentally picturing him in panty-waste's place, and wondering what was happening to him at this moment in his orientation. The Ladies then made their way over to the sissy's side of the divided room, where two slaves were receiving their beauty treatments. Just as they arrived by the first chair, a slave was being led up to the last empty chair. He wore a long, flowing negligee, which ended just above his high-heeled slippers with bows on the ends of them. Lorraine thought he must have been rather new to all this, judging by the way he had difficulty negotiating in his high heels. His arms were behind his back, bent at the elbows and strapped together around the forearms. He was not wearing a wig, as his own hair was a little on the longish side, and already somewhat disheveled. There were two women leading him, both clad in khaki shorts and blouses. Each had a short whip dangling from her belt. The sissy's face seemed quite red, despite the fact that he wore absolutely no makeup, and Lorraine noted to herself how much face- slapping seemed to be a favored technique here. Without makeup or wig, the negligee did little to make him look anything like a woman, instead making him appear like a hastily cross-dressed man. If he was anything like her charlene, some of that redness in his face could be from the humiliation of appearing in front of others in such a half-sissified state. Although she was still learning about this whole world, one thing she did know was that sissy subs got a bit of solace out of being fully "transformed" (meaning wig and makeup), and thus denying them one or the other added to their discomfort. Displaying them publicly in this partial state left them squirming with embarrassment... "These Ladies are some of our full-time trainers,' Mistress Joy explained as she realized Lorraine was taking it all in, 'and as members of our staff, in addition to receiving salaries, they also have full use of the slaves as they like. Hi ladies, and what do we have here?" The taller of the two women answered, "Oh just another little princess who wants to be turned into the woman of everyone's dreams, Joy,' she checked a sheet she held in her hand and added, 'right now she's scheduled for hair coloring, wash and set, body waxing, new nails and eyelashes, and a little personal grooming." One of the women slashed the sissy's rear with her crop and mock- scolded "Where are your manners sweetie? What do you think a proper sissy should do when she is introduced (or described) to a Woman?" The sissy seemed confused and did not know what the woman was expecting. The woman looked at Joy and Lorraine and smiled patiently saying "she's new to all this, so she needs a little extra attention..." Another slash on her rear caused her to let out a little involuntary shriek, and the woman said "curtsey you stupid little fairy! Curtsey!!!! Curtsey!!! Curtsey!!! For heaven's sake you're a sissy!!! Sissies curtsey at the drop of a hat!!! You should at least know that!" Each repetition of the word 'curtsey' was accompanied by a swat on the rear with the crop, the negligee providing no protection. Lorraine grinned as she saw the recognition on the poor girl's reddened face, and she actually laughed out loud as did Joy when the sissy executed a pathetically inept curtsey, understandable given that she was already unsteady in her heels and with her arms bound behind her back she had no way of holding out her gown or counterbalancing her crossing legs. She almost fell over, and would have, had the second woman not grabbed her arm and steadied her. Lorraine couldn't help but notice that the front of the sissy's gown was now tenting out and a small wet spot had appeared, darker than the delicate pale yellow material all around it. "We're going to start with the personal grooming. Would you ladies like to help?" "Sure, thank you! Lorraine here has just arrived, so we'll let her do the honors." "Okay princess, have a seat and get comfy," the second woman directed. Lorraine looked at the chair at the same time as the sissy did, although their reactions were quite different. Lorraine smiled as she looked first at the dildo protruding from the seat and then at the look of terror on the sissy's face! Whereas the guests' chairs looked exceptionally comfortable (even if you didn't know that there was a sissy's face perfectly positioned in the seat), the sissy chairs were anything but. Rather than a cushion, the seat part was comprised of several metal bars spanning across, one of which sported a realistic- looking dildo sticking straight up. Lorraine realized that such a seat provided access to the slave's rear from below, even after they were seated. The back was similarly made up of metal bars, and Velcro straps were conveniently placed in all the right places. One of the ladies lifted the sissy's nightie up around her waist and guided her in front of the chair. "It's already lubed sweetie, so make yourself comfy!" All watched in fascination as the sissy attempted to lower herself down onto the cock, not an easy feat with her arms bound behind her. She gasped in pain as it slid inside her. "Oh shush know you love having a cock in your pussy. All sissies do." When princess was finally situated, the two trainers proceeded to strap her down. A wide strap around her chest buckled in back of the chair, pinning her arms painfully behind her. The first woman arranged princess's gown back down around her waist and pulled her legs apart, fastening them to the front legs of the chair at a most uncomfortable angle. With the touch of a button the chair began to rise, tilting backwards until the slave rested on her back, weight on her bound arms, looking straight up. Her naked pubic area was readily accessible between the wide metal bars that made up the seat. The woman placed a chair in between the slave's legs and offered it to Lorraine, and handed her a pair of rubber-tipped tweezers. As Lorraine got comfortable, the woman slid her own shorts and panties off and straddled the slave's face, engulfing his mouth with Her pussy, her ass squeezing his nose playfully. "Makes quite a delicious gag don't you agree slave?" the woman teased. A very muffled sound, no doubt of agreement, escaped from between her legs. Lorraine wrapped her hand around the slave's erect cock and began stroking. Immediately it grew even larger and firmer. "Well, I see she's looking forward to her treatment ladies" Lorraine noted. "Oh they all do... at first," the first woman laughed, "we'll see how much she likes the styling part." With that Lorraine took the tweezers and closed them tightly over a single strand of pubic hair from above princess's cock. Ever so slowly she began to pull on it, at first causing the skin to come up with it, eventually pulling the hair out completely. Another muffled gasp came from between the woman's legs. "What's that honey? Did you say something? You want her to do your balls first? Very well then, you heard her Lorraine, she'd like you to do her balls first!" The ladies all grinned as Lorraine selected a hair from the underside of princess's balls and deliberately tugged on it a few times not sufficiently to remove it, but enough to cause her considerable discomfort. Finally, with one last, slow and steady pull it popped free. This time the slave's yelp was more audible. She opened the tweezers and let the single pubic hair float to the floor and called over to where panty-waste was licking her Mistress's hair off the floor. "I suspect there will be a nice little pile over here for you sure to get every last sissy-pube!" The woman on the slave's face got off and slapped him several times. "It's obvious you don't know a good thing when you have it honey. That was pathetic! Things are going to be mighty tough on you around here if you can't even be a good little Pussy-lapper in the beauty salon! You don't want my pussy for a gag and from the looks of you I'm not surprised. I should have known a little queen like you would rather have a big hard cock to suck on. Very well then..." With that, the woman retrieved a penis-gag from one of the vanity drawers, shoved it unceremoniously into princess's mouth and buckled it tightly behind her head. "Much more to your liking, I'm sure". Lorraine continued her work until she had taken several dozen hairs out, one by one, occasionally taking several at a time just for fun! She also periodically stroked the cock before her, ensuring that it remained hard most of the time. Then one of the trainers took a small towel, soaked it in an alcohol-based astringent, and applied it to the area where the hairs had been removed. The slave strained against his bonds, and complained into his cock gag, but to no avail. His cock immediately went limp. Lorraine pretended to be furious. "How dare you lose your erection without permission! You ungrateful little slut! Here I am trying to make you into a pretty little girl so you can go out and get some real cock to suck on instead of that rubber imitation in your pussy mouth and you can't even stay hard! No wonder you want so desperately to be a femme!" She then took some of the loose skin from the underside princess's balls and snapped a barrette onto it, pinching it tightly. "Leave this on her for the rest of her session here ladies. It will remind her of what a useless little appendage this is on a girl like her!" As Lorraine got up and allowed one of the other ladies to take her place she pointed to one of the sissy beauticians and said "Over here girl. Get her hard and keep her hard for the rest of her treatment!" The sissy minced over and began handling princess's shaft, but to no avail. The sissy looked furtively over at Lorraine who glared back and said "Don't look at me sweetie. You'll just have to take it up a notch." The sissy looked confused until Lorraine laughed and said "Use your head girl! Literally!" The beautician looked around for some rescue, but none was to be found. Reluctantly she bent over and took princess in her mouth. In a few moments, sure enough princess was once again erect. Lorraine put her hand on the back of the beautician's head and pushed her down further onto princess. You can spit her out when she's finished with her grooming. And sweetie, DO NOT LET HER CUM!!!" "I think we've had enough "beauty" for a while Lorraine,' Mistress Joy observed, 'perhaps a ride around the grounds would be in order. I have a cart waiting right outside." As they were leaving, Lorraine looked around, taking in the other two sissies being "pampered". One was having inch-long nails applied to her own fingernails and painted a pretty pink. The other chair contained a sissy receiving a "punishment set". Each time the beautician setting her hair twisted the already tightly wound curler before pinning it, the sissy let out a squeal, which was effectively muffled by the large ball-gag stuffed in her mouth. One of the ladies finally tired of her complaining and slashed her across the thighs with her crop and admonished "Shut up girlie! You brought this on yourself. If you had rolled your hair last night at bedtime as tightly as you were instructed this wouldn't be necessary! But no, you decided to go easy, so here you sit. After your hair is set, you will go kneel at that table over there and write "a sissy winds her hair TIGHTLY on her curlers before bed!" five hundred times. And be sure to dot the i's with little hearts like a good little sissy. Don't worry, we'll leave the lights on for you, as I'm sure you won't be done by the time we close." Lorraine and Joy said their goodbyes to the trainers, took one last glance across the room to where panty-waste was still licking the hair off the floor in front of her smiling Mistress (who seemed to be wriggling just a little bit more enthusiastically in her chair), and left. Chapter 5 - Accoutrements charlene was on the verge of panic and felt like she would pass out at any moment. Mistress Rose had said "see you in about an hour", and although she had no way of knowing how much time had elapsed since then, she really did not know how she could stand another minute under this dryer-cum-torture chamber, let alone any extended period. The dryer heat alone would have been unbearable, but combined with the variable circulation, it indeed rose to the level of torture. The entire inside of the dryer hood was fitted with hundreds of tiny holes, and forceful streams of almost (but not quite) scalding hot steam alternately blew in her face, down onto the top of her hair, around and in her ears, even up under her immobilized chin. Sometimes the cursed wind emanated from a single hole, and other times from a wide patch of holes, sometimes only from one direction, other times from everywhere at once. There was no discernable pattern, and the constantly changing sources were driving charlene very near to the edge of what she could take. Of course Rose watched all of this quite carefully, and knew that while it seemed almost unbearable to endure, no sissy had ever suffered any lasting ill effects from dryer time, and it did oh-so-much to soften their attitudes and help with their dis-orientation. In addition to the agony of the heat blasts, charlene's hair (and all of the rubber bands and chemicals that had been added) had completely dried and tightened, creating an unrelenting feeling that every hair on her head was being pulled out by the roots. her face was now stretched smooth and tight! Rose knew that this feeling would actually disappear completely in a couple of hours as her scalp adjusted (although the facelift remained), but charlene didn't need to know that. And finally, as she usually did a couple of minutes before dryer time ended, Rose adjusted the flow control on the water supply into the cock charlene sucked so that she barely got a trickle no matter how hard she sucked! Rose knew this added to the overall panicky effect, and watched with pleasure as the sissy began to try to suck even harder than she had been, but to no avail! And then it stopped. At first charlene didn't even realize what had happened. Had she passed out? Had she lost her mind? No, it was just that the humming of the motor and the nonstop blasts of hot hair had finally ceased. At the same moment, Rose restored full flow to the cock in charlene's mouth, and switched it to chilled water. She pressed a button which slowly raised the hood above charlene's head and said "There you are sweetcheeks! Honestly, the things you girls put yourselves through in the service of being beautiful..." charlene was too exhausted (and relieved to be out from under the hairdryer hood) to even react to Rose's taunting suggestion that she had somehow voluntarily brought this upon herself. Although the heat and wind had stopped, her scalp still felt like it was on fire, her body still stung all over from the various crops and paddles that had been used on her already in the short time she had been in their clutches, and her cock ached. She hadn't been here more than an hour or two as best she could guess and already they had reduced her to a point where all she could think about was that she was grateful to be out from under the hairdryer from hell. Yes, Rose thought, dis-orientation was going splendidly! Mistress Rose stepped close to charlene holding a spray bottle in her hand. "Close your eyes doll." With that she sprayed a fine mist of cool water across charlene's face, providing some instantaneous relief from the heat. After a couple of light spritzes, she blotted charlene's face with a soft cloth and said "There now honey, open your eyes... you're all SET. You're probably wondering what all just happened, but all you need to know is that we've created a nice strong base for your pretty new hair to be permanently attached to. And when I say permanently, I mean that your new hair will be as securely attached to your head as if it were grown by your very own little lady-self! But you'll learn about that soon enough. We have a few other things to do first. Girls!" With that, Mistress Rose opened the closet door, and the four beautician aides minced out in unison, arms still around each other's waists, still moaning sensuously into their centrally joined ball gags. Mistress Rose directed them over near where charlene sat and reached in and removed all of their nipple clamps and adjoining chains. Their pleasure-moaning changed tone a bit as feeling returned to their tortured nipples. Finally, Mistress Rose removed the lacy little bags on their cocks and charlene saw through the transparent aprons that their cocks appeared to be hanging freely, all sporting varying degrees of erection. Mistress Rose pressed a button, and the chair charlene was sitting in tilted back until she was looking straight up at the ceiling. "Okay girls, time for the final ingredient in charlene's perm... Each of you is to take hold of the clitty to her right, somewhere in the middle of the shaft, using only your thumb and first finger. You may begin stroking each other now, and continue doing so until the last girl has squirted. Please try to aim most of your precious little sissy juices into char's hair, but it's certainly okay if some gets on her face. And just so you know, I don't want to be here all day, so to provide you with a little motivation: the sissy who makes her sissy-sister's clitty squirt last will be dispatched to Mistress Olga for some afternoon delight, while the rest of you will have the remaining part of the afternoon as free time! So get busy girls, and remember, two fingers only!!!" Mistress Rose settled into her chair and watched in amusement (as charlene watched in disgusted fascination) as these four sissified creatures with their drag queen makeup and large loose titties bouncing around, reached under her neighbor's apron and worked her clitty, using just the two permitted fingers. Whatever it was that constituted 'afternoon delight' with Mistress Olga must be quite unpleasant charlene thought as the girls seemed to be working very vigorously to make their sisters squirt as soon as possible. In actuality they were each torn between focusing on their own pleasure (hoping to hold off their own release as long as possible to ensure that their neighbor squirted before they did so as to avoid Mistress Olga) and intently working the cock of their sissy neighbor as best they could with only two fingers, which didn't offer very much of the kind of stimulation "normal" jerking-off would. Just for fun, Mistress Rose hopped up for a moment and replaced the curler back in charlene's mouth so that she would be sure to get to taste at least a drop or two if any juices passed over her mouth. She had no idea if charlene had ever tasted sissy cum before, and couldn't have cared less, as this was all part of the dis-orientation program. Two of the sissies were standing nearer to the top of charlene's head while the other two were positioned closer to her shoulders. After a few minutes of frenzied fingering, one of the beauticians closer to charlene's shoulders started to thrust eagerly against the fingers that were working her until suddenly a thick jet of sissy juice squirted out and splattered across charlene's face, starting under her curler-filled mouth, crossing her nose, one eye, her forehead and up into the dried, hardened mess that used to be her hair. The squirting sissy stood up on her tiptoes and leaned forward so that her milker could aim more carefully, and the next couple of spurts did make better contact with charlene's hair, but those squirts weren't nearly as copious as the first shot had been. There was almost no way she could have hit just the hair section at first from where she was standing, but that didn't stop Mistress Rose from giving the milking sissy a few swats on her tush with the crop. "I said it's okay if a little gets on her face! Not the entire load! This is her special sissy setting lotion!!! We want it in her hair! It's the 'sperm' in 'perm'!!!" She also swatted the sissy who had cum, but only once, as it was primarily the fault of the one aiming the squirter that she held accountable. Charlene almost retched as some of the sissy cum started to slide into her throat off of the curler that was holding her mouth open. She had in fact never before tasted another male's cum, and although she on some level knew that as a sissy slave the day may come, the thought of how nonchalantly (and suddenly) it had just happened drove home in a very real way that she was completely at the mercy of these Women for (at least) the next two weeks. 'Did Lorraine know this was going to happen to me' she wondered. But her thoughts were soon interrupted by the second sissy cumming, the one near the other shoulder, but this time none landed over her mouth, and almost all managed to find its way into her hair. The spent sissies remained, still reaching beneath their sister's apron, holding now limp clitties daintily in their two fingers while the other two raced to not be Mistress Olga's afternoon plaything. Finally the third gave up her load, all of which went directly into the hair-mesh, and Mistress Rose crowed with delight "Well it looks like we finally have a... winner! You can stop now sweetie...Mistress Olga will be delighted to see you. I heard this morning that she's in an extra foul mood lately, but I'm sure playing with you will cheer her up nicely! When she asks why you're visiting, you will her that you just weren't enthusiastic enough in making one of your sister sissies squirt, and could she please help you to improve you attitude. Do you understand petunia?" The terrified girl nodded slowly and whispered "Yes Mistress Rose, and curtsied her apron and minced backwards out of the room. Mistress Rose took hold of the last sissy's clitty, wrapped Her hand around the shaft and in less than a dozen strokes had emptied if fully onto charlene's head. "Dismissed girls!" The girls curtsied simultaneously and then replaced their pink lace clitty bags, placed their four-way gag (now missing one mouth) back in place, huddled together with arms around each other and minced out the door. Once they were back to their dorm they were free to detach from their gag, but not before...just another amusing sight to be seen by anyone who happened to be strolling the grounds at the time. Mistress Rose picked up the cock nozzle that had supplied charlene with water and used it to spread out the cum that had landed on her face. "Good for your complexion dollbaby." She removed the curler from charlene's mouth and squirted a little drink of water by squeezing the cock right in front of charlene's face. "That was their reward for doing a good job on your perm dollbaby, and it will undoubtedly make you happy to know that you have dried sissy juices helping hold your pretty hair on your head. And speaking of which, I imagine you're dying to know what your Mistress picked for you in terms of hair! Well, the wait is over honey... feast your eyes on this!!!" Mistress Rose held up a Styrofoam wig head, with a pretty, smiling feminine face painted on it, and a long, strawberry blonde wig artfully styled. She had to hold it up high in front of charlene's face, as she was still on her back and staring up at the ceiling. The human-like hair was long and soft, and would probably reach to the middle of charlene's back once firmly attached. Rose tiled the wig head forward so that the face was directly looking down at charlene, and gently lowered it until char's face was entirely surrounded by the cascading hair all around. "Quite frankly I'm very surprised your Mistress chose such a long- haired wig for you, as this is going to be quite a bit for you to manage. After I permanently fasten this to your permed base, I am going to give you a couple of the basic hair rules which you will be expected to begin following immediately upon leaving this room and for the rest of your little vacation with us. There will be many more, but those you will learn in class. These longer locks are going to be more difficult for you to wash and set every night, more tricky to keep looking pretty at all times as is the requirement, but most fun of all is that your hair will be long enough so that the possible hairdos your Mistress might dream up are just about limitless!!! Of course your ability to learn to achieve them remains to be seen, but I can assure you that you will put in plenty of time trying, as the consequences of failing and earning the slovenly sissy designation from any of our Guests will be most unpleasant." Rose lifted the wig stand so that just the ends of the long hair brushed across charlene's face and proceeded to tease her, tickle her, and actually sort of gently whip her across the face with it. "Just imagine honey, you will always have the feeling of this gorgeous hair, which feels 100% human, brushing gently against your face, neck, shoulders, back, and tits. And hopefully for your sake the constant feelings of long, soft hair brushing against you will serve as reminders of the things you will be required to do with it. But we're getting ahead of ourselves... Before we bestow you with your very own 'crowning glory', we're going to adorn you with some very important equipment that Mother Nature ought really to have let you grow on your own, given your natural proclivity for femininity..." The breast attaching procedure went like clockwork, just as Joy had earlier described to Lorraine. She hadn't mentioned a couple of details though, as she didn't want to ruin all of the surprises for her newest guest. For one thing, she hadn't mentioned that the glue needs to be very hot for the initial application, until the adhesive gel layer becomes almost liquefied, sufficient to completely surround the chest hairs which will bear all of the weight, without ever attaching to the underlying skin. The attached breasts literally hang from the several hundred chest hairs, a somewhat agonizing arrangement for the little sissy, keeping her ever mindful of her titties, and always desirous of wearing a bra. And second, a pair of clever little adjustable clamps are glued to the sissy's nipples (in the "open" position), and these in turn connect to a shaft which passes through the silicone breasts and terminates at the realistic-looking nipples. The external nipples and charlene's own actual nipples are connected mechanically, such that pinching the fake nipple exactly equally pinches charlene's nipples deep inside her fake tits. And they are also connected electrically via a small wire so that various sensations can easily be sent through. In a clever design feature, the fake nipples themselves actually serve as little wireless receivers, that can send a variety of sensations through to charlene ranging from pleasant little kisses to quite unpleasant little bites. The same remote charlene's wife will be carrying to control her cock will also work for her tits. So if, for example, Lorraine feels that charlene isn't displaying her feminine charms enthusiastically enough as she is mincing around serving, she can start with sending a subtle little tingle, and slowly increase the intensity (and unpleasantness) until charlene is literally flaunting her ample tits in every guest's face, desperately hoping that her brazen behavior will be sufficiently amusing to her Mistress to get Her to turn down the tittie-torture to a less intense level. Rose selected a very effective silencing gag for the actual attachment procedure, mostly because she found the screams that inevitably accompany this part of the dis-orientation procedure distracting and a bit of an irritation. She enjoyed looking into charlene's eyes though, as She stuffed the large foam ball into her mouth and buckled the strap tightly. "Feel free to let me know if it's too much for you sweetie... I'm told this part is very... uncomfortable, but in my opinion, a little pain is a small price for a sissy like you to pay for a set of world-class tits like you're about to have! You saw how nicely they sat up firm and high on the sissies that helped in your beauty treatments, and in a few minutes, you'll be just like them!" charlene did in fact scream wildly into her gags the hot glue pressed against her chest. The huge foam ball-gag absorbed it all, and as the chair and its built-in bondage collar quite effectively immobilized charlene throughout the procedure, Rose was only minimally aware of her struggles. She was too intently focused on placing the large, heavy breasts perfectly, and ensuring that charlene's chest hairs all became completely engulfed in the hot adhesive gel. The gel, she knew, would not adhere to the skin as it cooled, but it definitely hurt like hell. She smoothed and blended the flesh-toned adhesive around the edges, and in less than five minutes charlene had a pair of breasts any woman would be quite proud of (and possibly even a little self-conscious of, size-wise), and the pain from the cooling adhesive was already subsiding. Mistress Rose removed the silencer-gag and offered charlene a drink which she sucked eagerly from the cock Mistress slid into her mouth. She then pressed the button which returned charlene's chair to the upright position, and chuckled as charlene gasped out loud as she experienced the weight of her new bosom, hanging entirely from the hairs on her chest, for the first time. "I'm going to give you a bra for now missy, but keep in mind that wearing a bra is a privilege, and one that is very easy to lose. In case you haven't guessed yet, there will be tittie rules to go along with your hair rules, mincing rules, facial expression rules, curtsey rules, panty rules, attitude rules, enthusiasm rules, mannerism rules, speaking rules, skirt rules, and a few kinds of rules I'm NOT going to tell you about right now. And of course there's the one you've already learned, which is?" charlene was startled out of a her deep submissive reverie, as it had been quite some time since she had been asked a question or allowed to speak. "sissies always swish when they walk, Mistress Rose". Mistress Rose smiled at her, and then slashed Her crop across the top of charlene's thighs. "Isn't there a word you're supposed to emphasize when you repeat that rule you stupid bimbo? Do you think we tell you things just for the sake of hearing our voices? I am willing to bet that your trainers made it clear to you where the emphasis (and this is important charlene), the ENTHUSIASM need to be when you recite that rule, so let me ask you again. What is the first rule that you learned?" "sissies ALWAYS swish when they walk Mistress!" "Much better. See that isn't so hard to remember is it? Get it through your pretty, soon-to-be-blonde head now babydoll that when We inform you of a rule, EVERYTHING about it is important; tone, cadence, inflection, content, intent, attitude, all of it! Okay, let's get your new hair attached, and then you can get up and mince around the room for a while to stretch while I give you the hair and titty rules, and then you can practice them a bit as your new nails are attached and the polish dries. Chapter 6 - The Tour Continues The ladies stepped out into the bright sunshine, and Lorraine was once again struck by the sheer magnitude of the Resort facilities. Everywhere she looked were perfectly manicured lawns, tastefully landscaped grounds and attractive buildings that blended into the natural surroundings effortlessly. "This almost feels like a college campus Joy,' she began, 'or maybe a cross between a college campus and a high-end professional park." "Indeed, that's exactly the ambiance I have been cultivating, so it's nice of you to say." There was plenty of activity going on in all directions. Lorraine could see various work crews tending to the grounds, and the building directly across from the beauty salon was being painted by a crew of three bikini-clad sissies. Joy noticed Lorraine's attention there and said "All of our sissy guests spend some portion of their time in various work assignments, tending to the grounds, working the farm, and of course toiling away in one of our several little cottage industry production shops,' and with a chuckle she added, 'of course you don't typically find painters working in high heels and bikinis, but then we're not exactly a typical establishment. And besides, it gives them time to work on some interesting tan lines that will serve as reminders of their time here for weeks to come." "Do you want to check in on charlene's progress, or shall we continue with the tour?" "Oh let's just tour on. I have to say I loved the beauty parlor, so if that's any indication of the rest of the place, I can't wait to see what's next!" Joy smiled in satisfaction, pleased that Lorraine was forming a good impression of their facilities and programs. "Okay, we'll take the cart over to have a peek at the main dormitory next, and after that it will be time for some lunch. And then perhaps you'd like some time to check into your room and relax and freshen up a bit, perhaps some personal attention..." Lorraine grinned when she saw the cart that Mistress Joy had waiting for them. It consisted of a two wheeled cart, with room for two in the comfortably appointed passenger seat. Connected to the front of the cart between two long poles was a sissy pony-girl slave; a lean, muscular, but nevertheless feminized sissy. There was a cross-bar in front of her stomach, secured by a tight strap around her waist. her hands were fastened to the bar at her waist, and she stood with her feet wide apart so that the cart actually rested on two wheels that hung down at the end of posts from the crossbar. As they got closer, Lorraine examined her appearance. her eyes were completely covered by a thin latex mask, which had delightfully feminine eyes drawn on it, so that from a short distance away, they appeared like her own eyes. From the inside though the pony could just barely make out shapes through those coverings, and beyond the general outlines of things, her vision was quite limited. The rest of her face was heavily made-up, with concealer applied effectively to obscure the line where her eye mask met her cheeks. Appropriately, her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, which stuck straight out and up from the uppermost portion of the back of her head, and then flowed freely down to halfway down her back. her lips were painted a glossy pink, and she wore a pink steel bra, which Lorraine surmised was extremely tight by the small bulges of flesh squeezed out within the open cups. The bra created tits out of her own natural chest flesh, and each nipple sported a small clamp which appeared to be tightly screwed down. Around her waist was a pink steel belt, with a piece that ran between her legs, from front to back. In the front of this crotch piece was a hole through which her sizeable cock had been squeezed. From the back, a long tail, which matched her ponytail protruded, and Lorraine correctly guessed that it sprouted from the end of a dildo inserted well up her sissy pussy. Over the waist belt, she wore a frilly pink garter-belt, which held up her white stockings. On her feet were pink sneakers, with fluffy white pompoms on the tops. As they strolled near the cart Mistress Joy inquired, "So how do you like my little pony-girl?" "She's wonderful," Lorraine replied, stroking his cock into a rock hard condition, "such pretty eyes. I'll bet she has lots of stallions after her all the time." Joy laughed and nodded. "Indeed she does! I'll make a note to let you watch her be mounted later. She whinnies up a storm when she gets horse-cock in her, don't you, ponytail?" Mistress Joy tugged at a clamp. The slave named ponytail gave a loud whinny, and shook her head up and down, sending her mane flying wildly. Mistress Joy then pointed out the training wheels that were attached to the posts and explained , "These are a safety precaution, so that if this delicate little pony should stumble, she won't get dragged along the ground, getting seriously injured and becoming useless to us. She's usually pretty sure-footed, but as she can't see very well, she sometimes gets confused and trips over her own hoofs. The wheels stay about six inches off the ground while she's trotting, and in the unfortunate event that ponytail slips they save the day. Safety first!" she intoned proudly. Joy took the bridle that ponytail had been holding in her hand, and fastened it around her head. It had a strap that ran from the top of her head to the underside of her chin, and another than ran from front to back on her forehead. She tightened these, and then placed a hard leather bit gag between ponytail's lips, and pulled it back as far as it would go, stretching her mouth rather gruesomely and fastened it in the back of her head. As Mistress Joy tightened the bit strap, ponytail gave out a very impolite whinny of pain. "What's that sweetie? It's not tight enough for you!? Very well then..." Mistress Joy incredibly managed to pull the bit gag even tighter, distorting ponytail's mouth even further, providing a bizarre contrast to her calm, pretty, painted-on eyes, even as little trails of drool started seeping down the sides of her chin. She attached two long leads to the sides of the bit and handed them to Lorraine as they climbed into the soft seats of the cart. "Here, you drive, Lorraine, I'm sure you'll like the feeling. She drives just like a horse, except that when you want her to start, you press this little button here; it delivers a lovely little shock under her tail, and lets her know that you're ready to go, or that you want her to speed up. Shall we?" Lorraine pressed the button and ponytail began to pull the cart at a walking pace. It was a beautiful day, and Lorraine steered ponytail down the paved path. The ride was delightfully smooth thanks to the plump tires, good shocks, plush seat, and ponytails experienced pulling. Mistress Joy pointed the way as they headed towards a wooded area, while Lorraine pressed the button to spur ponytail into a trot. "That direction dear,' Mistress Joy explained, 'that will take us to the dorm where we house the slaves when they're not in a designated training activity or some other use. We always have far more sissy slaves at any given time than we do guests, and in fact some spend their entire stay restricted to the dorm. Some of our support services such as wardrobe, the laundry and the food prep areas are also located in the same building, as is a small Guest Caf?, so our little guests can be useful even when confined to quarters. We have some lovely accommodations for them, ranging from positively gruesome cages and cells in the basement, to plush, feminine bedrooms that any teenage girl would love to inhabit upstairs. Most rooms are doubles, as we exploit their distaste for being with other sissies to the maximum. They are 'incentivized' to act like the best of sissy roomies, doing each other's hair, gossiping about boys, asking if a certain skirt makes them look fat, etc." "Incentivized?" "Indeed! The rooms are always video and audio monitored, and at any time a Guest or Staff member can log-in from their phone or from one of our monitors, select a room, and watch the action. We ask that they make note (with a simple click in the app.) which roomie is acting more sissified, and running tallies are kept. Whenever a Staff member feels like it, She can check the 'score', and issue a reward to the more effeminate one and a punishment to the loser. They never know if this is a period they are being judged or not, so they just have to be at their sissy-best at all times! It's truly hysterical to watch a sissy after she's been the loser once or twice! This is just another of the techniques we use here to truly break through to the 'sissy inside' (whether it's naturally there or not!). Much as they despise even being seen by another sissy let alone interacting with one, their desire to avoid a repeat of the punishment wins over any shred of male pride that may have been stubbornly holding out deep inside, and they swish it up bigtime! I almost want to look away (or fast forward) sometimes when watching the videos, as some of them are just so pathetically embarrassing! As you might imagine, it becomes quite competitive at times, as they not only have to be ridiculously sissified, but they have to be more so than their roomie. And the best part is, when there's a tie, like if it's impossible to tell which of the mincing, lisping, prissy little things is a bigger sissy, or if no one has logged in since the last evaluation point, the Staff member simply makes an arbitrary choice! The poor little sissies have no idea about this of course (and no recourse even if they did) and the loser will be admonished that she'll just have to try even harder next time! After a punishment is administered the scores reset. A copy of all footage of your sissy is a parting gift from us, so you can have hours of enjoyment making charlene view the evidence of just how sissified she became. We also continuously compile highlight reels from all the rooms, and those are available for online viewing. Oh and one more thing Lorraine, there's only one bed in each room. It's a 'full' size mattress. But more about that later..." Lorraine smiled as She thought of charlene in such a predicament. He absolutely hated even the thought of any other male presence around when he is in sissy mode, and it was clear that this was designed to take advantage of exactly that set of feelings. She couldn't even imagine charlene's humiliation when she learned she'd be sleeping with another sissy every night on only a full-sized mattress! New levels indeed... As if reading her mind, Joy said "I think we can have some fun selecting charlene's roomies if you'd like." "Oh?' asked Lorraine, 'and did you say roomies as in plural?". "Yes! We can hand pick a sissy who is very good at being ultra- sissified, guaranteeing that charlene comes out on the short end of her first couple of evaluations. Then just as she is beginning to despair of ever being able to win against such a feminized roomie, we'll switch and give her someone new, and far less skilled at being sissy enough. If I know my sissies, she'll see the opportunity to take her game up quite a few notches, determined to not be the loser again. And we can have her win the next couple of times as positive reinforcement. And then switch her back again! Having tasted losing and winning, I can assure you she won't want to go back to losing... Keeping them off balance is oh so effective and oh so much fun!" The scenes that came to mind gave Lorraine pleasure chills, and she realized she'd be needing some sexual relief before much longer. She daydreamed a bit more (one bed???) as she steered jasmine along the path, 'encouraging' her trotting with an occasional zap from her remote. "We have an interesting case in the dorm currently... There's a sissy slave, jasmine is her name, just finishing up her training in the "oldest profession". her Mistress brought her here a couple of months ago, with instructions that before she was released she was to be made into a passable woman, and trained to "world class" standards in fellatio! She's going to put her to work in a brothel as a blow-job specialist, and intends to keep her true gender a secret. her feminization is just about complete, and I think you'll be quite impressed with what we were able to accomplish there...(she got "the works" transformation-wise...). But it is with her cock-sucking skills (which were virtually nonexistent in the beginning), that we achieved some very impressive results! It has taken quite a bit of training, but she's just about there... And it's been quite fun to watch. she's strictly heterosexual, (well, as heterosexual as any of our "girls" here ever are... LOL), so her enthusiasm level for her new role wasn't very high. At first anyway... (chuckle). You see, we set up a program where we would 'encourage' her with some very persuasive techniques, pre-emptively every morning until she literally begged to suck every cock in the dorm! These techniques are a bit... icky shall we say, (and certainly not for the squeamish to watch), but we have several staff who took great delight in administering them, and they certainly have been effective! It's truly a riot to watch her now, appearing to be begging with her very life to be allowed to crawl from room to room on her knees to service the other girls! We actually only needed to use that program for a week (in reality we probably only needed it for one day, but we decided a week would make a lasting impression), and now she goes right into her begging every morning without needing any encouragement at all! And she is very believable, despite the fact that I am sure that inside she detests the very thing she has to convincingly beg for!!! she knows the ramifications of not appearing to desperately want to suck cocks, and apparently they're worse than actually sucking cocks, so beg she does! And if her attitude has come a long way, that's nothing compared to her technique! She must have given several hundred blow-jobs in the past few months, and her enthusiasm in doing so will have you believing it is her very reason for existence! Which, come to think of it, it is now!! Of course we have been filming her progress, and even in camera close-ups she looks like a complete slut, who just loves what she does. Her Mistress is paying handsomely for this particular program, and we believe in continuous improvement, so one of our trainers stands next to her during every 'performance', and coaches her: 'Suck harder bitch! Up and down; up and down... Turn your head from side to side slut! EYE CONTACT!!! Try humming a little... Show this Real Man how much you love sucking His cock! Let me hear some moans of pleasure girl! Hand him your pigtails sweetie. Lick his balls you brazen little hussy; beg him to fuck your face, beg him to bitch-slap you while you suck him, beg him to gag you and then laugh at the panic in your face, etc. etc. etc.' Each reminder is punctuated with a little sting from the crop, or a kiss from the shocker, and thus she manages to get better and better all the time! Occasionally we'll arrange for some of our Male Doms to get rough with her, slapping her around a little (with their hands and with their cocks) while she's sucking them off, just to get her accustomed to that type of customer. For some reason she doesn't complain at all, and just keeps sucking like the perfect little whore she's to become..." Joy concluded with some innocent sarcasm and obvious pride. "Oh my," Lorraine responded, trying to regain her composure. In her mind she pictured her charlene enduring such a program, wondering what his reaction would be to a regime of cock after cock after cock pumping in and out of his face all day long... She had little doubt that it would be way more than he had bargained for, and yet the very idea of it, the image she had in her mind of the look of utter despair in charlene's eyes as he sucked cock (and even more so as he had to force himself to appear to be genuinely begging for it first and then acting thrilled to be doing it!!) made her pleasantly wet. "I DO want to see jasmine. And I wouldn't mind charlene seeing her too, as it could make for a lovely 'incentive' down the road. " "Yes, it is a treat for most of the sissies alright, that is assuming they don't mind having another male give them head. They can be funny about that... such sissies! But we can certainly arrange for charlene to 'accidentally' happen to witness (or perhaps even participate in some way) if you'd like. Slow up a minute here Lorraine, there's somebody I'd like to introduce you to." Lorraine pulled back on the reigns and ponytail came to a halt, spreading her legs enough for the training wheels to touch the ground and support the weight of the cart. Ahead of them on the path was a male guest, with two female slaves, leashed and "crawling" on all fours, their arms encased in hard leather sheathes, that went from the ground up to their shoulders. Their legs were similarly sheathed, after first being bent at the knees and brought up together, so that their feet were up by their asses and their padded knees touched the ground. Just like the arms, the leg sheathes had no flex, so with just their encased hands and knees making contact with the ground, their movements were stiff and jerky. Little red crop marks all over their backs and tushes indicated that their Master had been 'encouraging' them to keep up a certain pace, despite the awkwardness of their crawling. The leashes were attached to their collars, and the man, upon seeing that he had company, pulled back on them, bringing them to a halt. Immediately the one with long blonde hair clumsily clomped her way around behind the redhead and buried her nose deeply between the other's ass cheeks at a level such that just her eyes could be seen over the other's bottom. "Good morning ladies,' he said pleasantly, 'just taking my bitches out for a little air. How are you this fine morning?" As he was speaking, the man casually slapped the blonde on her ass several times with the long riding crop he carried. "It seems that my little blonde pet here got jealous and pouty when I decided to bring red here along on this trip. So I'm letting her spend every free moment with her nose in red's butt and her tongue on red's pussy (and with that he smacked her ass hard with the crop until Joy and Lorraine could see the blonde trying to shift her position to get her tongue to make solid contact with red's pussy) to get used to having her around. Where are you ladies headed?" "Hello Rick, I'm showing the grounds to Lorraine here. She and her sissy husband, charlene, just arrived this morning and will be staying with us for a while. Next stop on the tour is the Dorm, and we're hoping to catch jasmine going through her morning rounds," Mistress Joy offered. "Pleased to meet you, Lorraine, I'm Rick, and this is red, and that one there is currently just "ass-licker". Ah yes...jasmine... I actually had the pleasure of her services earlier this week, and I have to hand it to you Joy, I don't know how you did it, but she is amazing! The last time I visited here she had just arrived, and I remember thinking 'this one's going to be a real challenge'... I remember that she fought and resisted every little thing that was being done to her. Although it was obvious even then that a lot of time and effort had been poured into his feminization, he still came across like the stereotypical 'guy-in-a-dress for the annual Moose Lodge fundraiser' or something, and seemed to be trying pretty hard to not be convincing, lest anyone think he was enjoying it too much. Anyway, when I saw her this past Tuesday, I just could not believe it was the same...girl!!! If I hadn't seen the before with my own two eyes, I never would have believed that the after was actually an after at all! I would have been willing to swear that the after was actually an "always was"! She's drop dead gorgeous, and every little nuance of her movements, her mannerisms, and even the very facial expressions she makes are all perfectly feminine in a very natural sort of way." Lorraine hung on every word that Master Rick was saying, and thought about charlene, and how he still managed to hold onto some sort of ... 'plausible deniability' was the term that came to mind..., when she dressed him, wherein he seemed to be saying 'okay, you can dress me up and make me up as a girl, but I will still retain and convey my masculinity subtly and there's nothing you can do about it'... Perhaps there is something I can do about it after all, she thought, and the notion gave her yet another pleasant little tingle down below, something that was becoming a frequent occurrence here... And above all, it reaffirmed her decision to bring him here, as had just about everything else she'd witnessed in the short time she'd been on the property. "As far as her ... "talents", well I have to admit that I did not sample them during the before stage, but I'm here to tell you that after, she is indeed world class!" He swatted both of his bitches playfully on their already red behinds. "She could teach a thing or two to these bitches, that's for sure." Rick looked at the ladies and then at ponytail and said "Your pony looks a little sweaty. Perhaps my hounds could cool him down a bit for you?" "Wonderful idea, thank you Rick!' Mistress Joy replied, adding 'they certainly are a couple of pretty pooches." Lorraine found herself strangely attracted to the scene as well. She had never personally encountered female subs before, let alone ones being handled so effectively by a competent Master, and she was intrigued, as much by her own physical reaction as by their presence. I am going to need some release soon she thought to herself... Indeed both women were very attractive, with long flowing hair and lean bodies. Joy did not detect even a hint of makeup on either of their faces, so everything she saw was their natural beauty. Their pert little breasts hung freely below them as they knelt, blondie's swaying slightly from side to side as she tried to continue licking red's pussy from behind. The blonde had numerous red stripes on her rear, and a ring through her pussy-lips was clearly visible. Master Rick yanked ass-licker's face out of Red's ass, shortened both leases in his hands and led both bitches to where ponytail stood, positioning one by each leg. Without having to be told, they each began licking a stockinged leg, beginning at the ankles just above her sneakers. When they had reached as high up his legs as their necks could stretch, Master Rick grabbed both by the hair and yanked them up onto their knee pads. He pushed their faces into each side of ponytail's cock, and they resumed licking. After a few moments he grabbed red by the hair and pulled her into position to take the now huge cock in her mouth. "Suck bitch!" he ordered. Then he turned his attention to ass-licker, lifting ponytail's pony tail up out of the way and pressing her face into position to lick whatever her tongue could reach, which was mostly the underside of ponytail's balls. Red teetered balancing on her knees in the leg sheathes, and steadied herself against ponytail's body with her sheathed front paws and began sucking his cock. "Do not make him cum bitch!' Mistress Joy warned, 'we still have a way to go and I don't want him getting tired out." After a few moments, Master Rick snapped his fingers and both women dropped to all fours again, the blonde once again scurrying awkwardly behind red and burying her face in red's ass, leaving ponytail's hard cock sticking straight out into the air. Master Rick offered the riding crop to the ladies and said "Care to give her a few?" The women looked at each other a moment, before Lorraine shook her head and politely declined. Joy, on the other hand, jumped out of the cart and said "I'd be delighted! How many shall I give her?" Master Rick pulled the blonde's face out of red's ass and held her head back by the hair so that she could look Joy in the face. "Mistress Joy would like to know how many strokes you would like bitch. Tell her!" The blonde lifted her right arm sheath and tapped it on the ground six times. "Why I believe she wants six, Joy. Would you like to hear her yelps, or shall I gag her?" "Why don't we put her back up on ponytails cock, Rick,' Lorraine suggested, 'she didn't get a turn before and is probably feeling left out. She won't chomp it off, will she?" "I don't think so, but just to make sure we'll put this on her." Rick instantly produced a mouth spreading O-ring gag from his pocket and strapped it into ass-licker's mouth. "Up bitch!" He then guided only the very tip of ponytail's cock through the ring and into her mouth. "Whenever you're ready, Joy". Joy let the first of the swats fly on ass-licker's tush. At just the instant the crop made contact with the blonde's already tender flesh, Master Rick pushed her head deep onto ponytail's cock, making it disappear almost completely. They all heard the beginnings of ass- licker's shriek, but it was effectively muffled by the cock now well down her throat. This maneuver was repeated 5 more times, as ass- licker choked and Joy enthusiastically completed the strokes. The blonde was sobbing mildly, with drool running freely out of both sides of her mouth. Lorraine and Joy had no doubt that without O-ring gag in place, ass-licker would indeed have bitten down, even if involuntarily, in response to the face fucking and ass whipping she received. Finished, Master Rick pushed her back to the ground and ordered her to thank Mistress Joy. She crawled over to Joy and nuzzled her leg. Joy patted her head gently, before climbing back into the cart. "See you soon Rick," the women said as they pressed the little button and resumed their journey. "We only have a very small number of female subs here at any given time, but they do add a pleasant little diversion from the "normal" routine. I prefer to think of them as 'cleansing the palate' between sissy torturing courses... I would have gone a little easier on her, but the look she gave me before I began kind of irritated me. I loved the way Master Rick shoved ponytail's cock down her throat each time to muffle her cries. I was secretly hoping ponytail would lose it and spray all over her face, but I guess it's for the best. Perhaps later..." Lorraine pressed the button twice and watched ponytail's ass as he sped up to a trot. His tail swished back and forth as did his long ponytail. The ladies enjoyed the breeze in their faces as they proceeded down the path. Joy continued, "Similarly we usually don't have very many Masters here at any one time either. They do lend a different element to the ambiance though. As I imagine you know, the sissies quite hate having dominant males around, so of course we use that to our advantage and amusement whenever we can." "Oh yes,' Lorraine replied, 'charlene has been quite clear over the years that she has absolutely no interest in dominant males being involved, and just the mention of it in various stories makes her very uncomfortable." "Well, how much she is exposed to them is entirely up to you, so do let me know your wishes in that regard as your stay here progresses." Lorraine nodded silently, lost in her thoughts about just how far she intended to take charlene in this experience. A few moments later they caught sight of a rather large woman heading up a path that would soon intersect with theirs. Well, not exactly a woman Lorraine correctly guessed, especially as she noticed that 'she' stopped every few steps to execute a rather dramatic curtsey, seemingly to no one in particular. And then one time after stopping to curtsey she appeared to be looking for something in her purse. She was turned sideways from Lorraine's view, so she could not tell what this curious looking sissy was up to. "Ah, this would be beatrice,' Joy explained, 'this one is quite fun." As ponytail pulled them closer to the intersection, beatrice continued to make her way along, stopping to curtsey every few feet. As they drew nearer, Lorraine could see that Beatrice was dressed as a woman right out of a Renaissance Faire of some kind. She wore an elaborate purple gown that would have brushed the ground as she minced along, save for the fact that she held her skirts up a bit the way women of that era did. The gown was a deep purple, a tight laced bodice and long, flowing skirt with a white lace frill at the skirt's hem. The dress must have been covering some very full petticoats judging by it's volume. The sleeves were full and billowing, a cream color, which matched the front panel of the tight bodice. On her head was a tall, pointed, fairy-tale hat, with a cream colored scarf trailing gaily in the breeze as she moved. A dark green apron with cream-colored accents wrapped around her waist and reached almost to the hem of her skirt. A large, purse hung from the crook of her left arm, and Lorraine could see even from a distance that she was heavily made up in dark, dramatic colors complimenting her outfit. "Wait there for us honey," Joy called out, as beatrice stopped at the crossroads and curtsied yet again. As they slowed down to reach the intersection, Joy began, "beatrice here is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company! I'm not going to tell you which one, but trust me when I tell you she is what is often referred to as a 'captain of industry'. her wife, Rachel, is a long-time client of ours (Her first husband, toylette, is a permanent resident here...), and she is currently on a three week European vacation with her lover. She decided to 'board' beatrice here while she's away, and for fun she has arranged for her to be attired in a costume appropriate to whatever country she and her lover are visiting. In case you're not up to speed on your European history, these few days they are in England, and so beatrice is currently dressed in Elizabethan drag, circa 1600's. Last week, when the happy couple was in Germany, beatrice was just adorable as the St. Pauli Girl's Oktoberfest beer Frau!" "And the curtseying?" "Ah... you'll love this... Rachel has ordered that during the course of her stay here she must complete 3,000 curtsies! She keeps a log in a little book in her purse, and she's responsible for tracking her assignment to completion. It's more or less the honor system as to the exact count, but all the Staff are well aware that if they see beatrice during this stay, she'd better be curtseying frequently. To average 1,000 per week, she needs to perform more than a hundred a day. These are not to be just quick, little bobs, but full curtsies, submissively executed as a curtsey should be. Each time she's completed 10 she is allowed to make a notation in that day's page in her notebook. She also must get a Woman to sign her book each day to certify that she has completed the number she has written in her log for that day. The criteria a Woman uses to decide to sign or not sign is completely up to Her! She can make beatrice explain when and where she did them, make her do a few more or a few dozen more, and can decide to sign, or not. Beatrice has a little speech she gives explaining what she needs and asking the Woman to sign. Here, let's meet her." Lorraine pulled ponytail to a stop, and she set the cart down on its wheels as before. The ladies disembarked the cart, and stood face to face with the curtseying beatrice. Joy instructed beatrice to remove one of her earplugs, something Lorraine hadn't seen from the distance. Joy explained, "While Rachel is on Her getaway vacation with Her lover, beatrice wears these little headphones in her ears 24/7. Rachel has a matching set that she keeps with Her, and of course She can choose when She wants to listen-in. Both sets are equipped with microphones as well; Rachel's mike is always 'on', so Her little sissy gets to enjoy the getaway too, albeit from afar. Meanwhile beatrice's mike is also always on, however she never knows if her Wife/Mistress is even listening or not. beatrice is required to always be paying close attention to every sound coming through her headphones. Rachel will periodically pop on unexpectedly and quiz beatrice on what She or Her love just said a minute ago. She's keeping a little tally of beatrice's attention span, and I'm sure they'll have a delightful reconciliation of the account when She returns. beatrice is also required to 'check in' regularly, leaving a message every 30 minutes, except for during her designated 5- hour sleep period. Very sweet of Rachel to include Her sissy in Her vacation that way, isn't that right beatrice?" beatrice curtsied and said "Yes Mistress Joy." Both women smiled at the sissy's obvious reluctance and embarrassment. It took a few moments for the full impact of the mike and headphones idea to become clear to Lorraine, and then she smiled as she pictured beatrice forced to listen to all the sounds of her Wife/Mistress enjoying Herself with another man. Indeed she would hear everything, from the most mundane sounds of day-to-day life through the intimate whisperings and passionate sounds of their lovemaking. "And where are your lovely wife and her Man headed next sweetie?" Joy asked, doing little to disguise her delight about his situation. beatrice curtsied for the umpteenth time and replied "They are headed back to the Continent to visit France, miLady." Another curtsey. "I see. You Wife off with a real Man, while you're here, performing endless curtsies. How darling! And how pathetic! And what, pray tell, will you be wearing in honor of France, as if I couldn't guess???" beatrice hesitated a moment, then curtsied again and answered, "I will be attired as a traditional French maid miLady, uniformed in a short black dress, a full, white petticoat, a white half-apron, a large, decorative white bow on top of my head, fishnet stockings, and five- inch high heels. I shall also be carrying a feather duster with me everywhere, with a manly cock as the handle, in addition to my maid's purse." Curtsey. "Oh I'll bet you just can't wait for all that! And tell Me, why a cock as the feather duster handle?" As beatrice's face turned even redder than it already was Lorraine tried to wrap her mind around the fact that this creature in front of her was actually a high-powered businessman in the external world. Here he, or rather she, was just another sissy, being humiliated for the amusement of the Women in his life. And she wondered how he really felt about his Wife being off on an exotic vacation with a Man, a Man who obviously knows what's being done to her at the Resort as He romances the Woman they share. And having to listen to every second of it... Lorraine guessed (correctly) that the happy couple probably were occasionally very deliberate in ensuring their conversations humiliated beatrice as they went about their vacation and enjoyed each other's company in bed. Curtsey. "i will be dusting all of the main rooms with my hands holding my skirt out in a continuous curtsey, miLady, and thus will need to hold the feather duster in my mouth." Curtsey. "Delightful I'm sure, but that still doesn't explain why it will be a cock-shaped handle, now does it? Are you deliberately trying to be dense with Me?" SLAP! Curtsey. "i'm so sorry Mistress Joy!!! My feather duster handle will be shaped like a cock because my beloved Wife/Mistress is training me to be a sissy cocksucker and She said this will be a wonderful way for me to get some practice!" Curtsey. "Well I'm sure we can help you in that regard while you're with us sweet-cheeks... In addition to your dusting, that is... And how is your curtseying assignment coming along? Let me see your log." beatrice curtsied and rummaged around in her purse for her log book, handing it to Mistress Joy with yet another curtsey. she then lowered her head and spoke into the microphone resting on the collar of her dress "Excuse me Mistress... and Master, sissy beatrice sends You each a sweet curtsey at 11:30AM." This accompanied by two quick curtsies in a row. Lorraine realized that this must be her required 30 minute check-in, and also noticed the bit of hesitation before she could bring herself to say '...and Master'. The difference in their statuses must be devastating to her, what with Master wining and dining and sleeping with her Wife Rachel, while she (beatrice) minced around in outfits designed to honor the country they were cavorting in... By this time Lorraine was quite amused by all the curtseying, and quite aroused by the intense display of submissiveness she was witnessing. She knew from her time with charlene that having to provide full-sentence answers to humiliating questions (and having to curtsey before and after every little thing!!!) like Joy was making beatrice do is especially embarrassing for sissies. She began to consider the curtsey rule for charlene, perhaps only at certain times so as not to give her any chance to get used to it. Joy thumbed through the book, seeing page after page of tick marks, done in the traditional way with four strokes of the pencil and then one through the first four to count as five. She got to the last page that had marks on it, the current day, and saw somewhere between 100 to 150 on the page. She looked beatrice squarely in the eyes, smiled wickedly and slowly, excruciatingly slowly, ripped the page out of her log book right in front of her face! "The ones I saw you doing on the road over there weren't very graceful young lady, in My humble opinion, and so I am docking you these, and additionally you are not to count any of those that you just did that you hadn't logged yet either. Am I clear sweet cheeks?" beatrice was clearly distraught at having just lost at least a half day's worth of curtsies for no damn reason other than that it amused Mistress Joy, and her feelings showed in her eyes. "Something to say beatrice? Hmmm? What's the matter got your tongue?" beatrice considered voicing her feeling about the unfairness of it all, for about a millisecond, and then realized the futility (and stupidity!) of such an act. Mistress Joy stared her down, and the all- powerful CEO soon lowered her eyes in a symbol of submission, curtsied again and said, "no miLady." Joy lifted his chin so that he had to look her in the eyes again, laughed in his face and said "No, I didn't think so. Here, CHEW!" She slowly pushed the ripped-out sheet between his lipsticked lips, taking her sweet time pushing it in a little at a time with one finger as beatrice stood there and took it. Lorraine though that beatrice might break out in tears at any moment. Hell, she was almost in tears for him! When the paper had completely disappeared, Joy slapped beatrice back and forth across the face, not viciously, but certainly enough to redden his cheek. "Chew and swallow bitch. And then be on your way. I suspect you have some curtseying to do, yes?" beatrice realized that Mistress Joy was expecting an answer, and even as she chewed on the sheet with half a day's worth of curtsies recorded on it, in an attempt to get it into small enough pieces to swallow, she managed to curtsey politely (and sarcastically, if one can curtsey sarcastically?) and choked out "Yes miLady." She took a few steps down the path and stopped to curtsey yet again, when she heard Mistress Joy once again. "Say beatrice, have you been to see Mistress Olga yet during this visit?" beatrice stiffened at the very mention of the name and knew she was trapped. Curtsey. "No, miLady." Curtsey. Joy laughed and said "Oh I am sure she would love to see you again sweetie. Tell you what... report to her at 5:00PM today and tell her you feel like She's been ignoring you. No mention of Me at all, understood?" Beatrice's heart sank at the very mention of Mistress Olga's name, and when she heard what Mistress Joy then ordered her to do she was terrified! She considered begging Mistress Joy to reconsider, but the amused look on Joy's face left no room for doubt that She would just make it worse for her. If that were even possible... Curtsey. "Yes, miLady." Curtsey. Lorraine looked at Joy and both women chuckled as they re-boarded the cart and zapped ponytail back into action as beatrice curtsied again and minced away. This day had taken a serious turn for the worst, even as she replaced her second earphone and resumed listening to the sounds of her Wife/Mistress's European vacation.... Such was life for a sissy at the Resort. "Can't have her getting too comfy" Joy remarked smiling as they rolled down the path. "I take it Olga is not someone the sissies enjoy visiting?" "Well let's just say that she is a Woman who truly enjoys her work..." Chapter 7 - The Dorm Part 1 The cart pulled up in front of the dorm and Lorraine drew back on the reigns. After they dismounted, Joy released ponytail from the cart, immediately bending her arms behind her back and locking them to the back part of her steel bra. She stroked her cock tenderly a few times, careful not to bring her past the point of no return, as she guided her around to the back of the cart. She pulled out her pony's tail, tossing it onto the unpadded wooden seat that ran across the back of the cart and ordered her to sit and rest. She removed the bit from ponytail's mouth, and kissed her tenderly, but left the harness on her head. "I'll send someone out to water you in a little while,' she promised, 'meanwhile get that (nodding Her head towards the dildo-tail) clean before I return if you don't want to carry it in your mouth on the way back". Lorraine wasn't sure how ponytail would get the dildo clean with her arms strapped together behind her back, but smiled as She realized it wasn't Her problem. They did have a way here, She thought as She took a last glimpse at ponytail who was already inching over backwards towards the plug that sported her tail. The ladies strode up the few steps to the entrance. Each of the large wooden doors had a semi-erect cock sticking through, just a bit higher than waist height. Lorraine looked quizzically at Joy who just smiled and wrapped Her hand around one of them. She gently stroked it until it stood straight out and then pulled it none too gently to open the heavy door. Lorraine saw that the doors were just thick enough that the owners of the cocks could be situated inside. There were no obvious openings, and if she didn't already know better, Lorraine would have guessed that they were actually a pair of very realistic- looking cocks fastened to the outside of the doors. But based on what she had already seen, Lorraine correctly surmised that two unlucky sissies were squeezed inside the door panels to serve as human door pulls. How utterly delightful!! She pondered what it must be like for them inside their wooden prisons, being reduced to mere objects, with no idea of who was pulling on their cocks, and no way to convey their agony if someone decided to have a little fun with the realistic appendages sticking through the doors. During the course of a shift they were undoubtedly pulled, poked, prodded, pinched, clipped, and generally punished. Of course they were also occasionally petted and stroked and even sucked, so... The door closed silently behind them and they strolled into the spacious foyer of what looked and felt like an upscale sorority house. To the left was a large living room, and various Mistresses and their sissies occupied the space, engaged in a variety of activities. Two uniformed waitresses minced about busily, carrying trays with drinks and small plates of food which they served efficiently, and quietly, thanks to the large ball gags strapped tightly into their mouths. Their chins were held high by the posture collars that covered their necks. Lorraine could see that they were panty-less, and was quite surprised to see that their cocks hung freely, just peeking out beneath the bottoms of the petticoated mini-skirts of their uniforms. Joy saw the look of surprise on Lorraine's face and explained "We have a strict 'no tipping' policy here, (her grin indicated that she was being slightly facetious) but we wanted to have a way of acknowledging good (and bad) service, so we styled the uniforms as you see! For Mistresses (and occasional Masters) sitting comfortably on a couch, a waitress's cock is at a very convenient height for providing instant feedback effortlessly. If they feel that a waitress has been particularly attentive or helpful, a few pleasant strokes on her cock are indeed a very nice 'tip'. On the other hand, for less than perfect performance a sissy soon finds out just how vulnerable she is, and how little protection a petticoat provides. And of course it's fun to watch them get hard, and then shrink, hard and shrink. I understand their little balls are quite sensitive by mid-way through their shift, and Guests routinely flick them playfully..." Another waitress appeared with a full tray of drinks, and upon seeing Joy and her guest immediately minced over on her modest three inch heels. Despite fantasy stories to the contrary, most feminized males simply cannot serve safely in heels much higher than that, and sprained sissy ankles and spilled drinks are a nuisance to be avoided. The waitress dipped a perfect no-hands curtsey, and 'pointed' down towards her tray using nothing but her eyes. Both ladies took a cool drink from the tray while Lorraine studied the sissy's face and noted the perfect eye makeup, and delicate blush on her high cheeks, both designed to take the focus away from her mouth which was painfully stretched around the large rubber ball that was tightly strapped in place. Up close Lorraine could now see that the posture collar extended outward a bit under the chin, and seemed to be effectively catching the drool that ran almost continuously from the corners of the sissy's ball-gagged mouth. The sissy's hair covered most of the ball-gag strap, and little bell-shaped earrings hung from her pierced ears. Joy reached up and tapped the earrings, and Lorraine was surprised to hear that they actually were bells. "Another fun little innovation,' Joy explained, 'part of their waitress training involves serving with grace and poise. They are trained to keep their heads straight and level, and to use their eyes to see what they need to see and point where they need to point. They are not to move their silly little heads needlessly. You may have noticed that their curtsies are straight down and then back up again, backs and heads kept perfectly straight. They must also serve that way, placing drinks or food on the tables by bending their knees, held together femininely of course, while their upper body and head remain straight. The bells let everyone know how well a sissy is doing! Just a tiny little tinkle and only the sissy will hear it in her ear, reminding her right away to quickly settle her pretty head. Anything more than a slight tinkling and a Mistress or Guest is sure to hear it, and then, well... the sissy needs to be reminded of the rule in whatever way the Guest chooses. Often a fingernail pinch on the head of their clitty will do the trick. Of course they are still required to swish when they walk, and they soon learn how to do most of that swishing with their hips and ass, and not with their shoulders and head. They do have a lot to remember, poor dears, and it's a constant (but pleasant) challenge 'helping' them do so." Just as Joy was explaining this, they heard a bell sounding quite clearly from the living room and looked over to see the source. One of the Mistresses had her personal sissy slave on her knees, with her face buried in the front of one of the waitress's petticoats. Lorraine guessed correctly that there was waitress-cock in the sissy's mouth, and the Mistress was roughly pushing her sissy's head in and out of the frothy petticoat, rocking both Her sissy and the waitress, and making the latter's bells ring quite noticeably. "Keep your pathetic sissy head still over there girl or I'll give you something to tinkle about!" one of the other Mistresses warned. So unfair... Joy shrugged and smiled leading Lorraine through the doors and into a well-appointed Library. "We can relax here for a few minutes and enjoy our drinks,' she began, 'this is the main library, and the sissies spend a good bit of time in here when not otherwise occupied." And sure enough, several sissies sat at a library table, two of them writing what Lorraine guessed to be "punishment lines" of some kind. Lorraine couldn't see exactly what they said, but it was clear that their pads contained line after line of the exact same sentence. The girls were dressed as schoolgirls, in red plaid jumpers with pleated skirts, white blouses with Peter Pan collars, white knee socks, and saddle shoes with three inch block heels. They were immaturely made up, and one had her hair in a high pony, the other in pigtails. Both girls quickly stood up and curtsied to the two Ladies. Joy waved her hand in dismissal and they promptly sat back down, folding their skirts demurely underneath themselves and resumed writing their lines. Another sissy (who had also stood to curtsey) was back at her task going through a stack of magazines, cutting out pictures and stacking them neatly in two piles. "In addition to their physical training, we pay a lot of attention to their mental re-orientation as well. Having not had the advantages of an actual girlhood, the sissies here have a lot of catching up to do, and we provide various resources designed to help fill in some of the gaps. They may attend "school" in the afternoons, and if they have homework, this is a place to get that done." Lorraine took it all in in amazement, and watched as the girls went about their tasks. She glanced more closely at the two piles of magazine pictures, and saw that one was skirts, and the other was blouses and sweaters. She assumed correctly that this was for some kind of lesson in pairing skirts and tops. Other than the fact that these were clearly males dressed as school girls, everything else about the scene would have been perfectly "normal" in any college library. There were shelves overflowing with books and magazines, and Joy explained that they all dealt with some aspect of femininity that girls like the ones that attended the Resort school programs would need. Some of them were classic literature that all schoolgirls would have read at some point, and others were instructional materials or manuals that sissies would need to study. They referred to these as 'pink papers', and most were every bit as professional as 'white papers', complete with cover art, title pages and neatly typed content. Joy got up and browsed the shelves for a moment before bringing one back and handing it to Lorraine. "This one is amusing... It's all about curlers, and how sissies must become so intimately familiar with them, in theory and in practice. It was written by one of our Staff, dictated to and typed by a sissy typist of course!" Joy settled in with a magazine of her own. "At some point charlene will be made to read that, memorize everything within it, and be able to discuss it with you should you want to quiz her about what she learned." Lorraine picked it up and grinned as she noticed that it was, in fact, printed on pink paper. The cover page was titled "Why sissies Set their Hair in Curlers", and displayed a photograph of a middle-aged sissy dressed in a negligee set, with diaphanous sleeves that extended to lacy ruffles around her wrists, and a full ruffle around her neck, her large bosom pushing the gown's bodice out prominently. she knelt on a small pad in front of a tri-mirrored vanity, her high-heeled feet tied together. A large clip held her gown up in the small of her back, and her ass cheeks were speckled with about a dozen little red marks, likely produced by the riding crop wielded by the rather amused-looking Mistress sitting comfortably next to her. Half of her head was covered with perfectly wound curlers in neat rows. she had a long section of hair stretched up and out and appeared to be just beginning to wind the next curler. Although the camera shot was from behind, her miserable face was clearly visible in two of the three mirrors. she was heavily made-up, and several mascara-tear trails dripped from both eyes. Both of her cheeks were red (and not from makeup), and the outline of a hand print was visible on one, and her lipstick was smeared. Her demerit book lay open on the vanity, and the words 'i was a slovenly sissy during curler practice' were clearly visible. The caption at the bottom of the cover art read "Practice makes perfect!" Lorraine momentarily imagined charlene in place of the helpless and hapless sissy on the cover, and felt a pleasant tingling between her legs as she began to read. ********************************************************************** *************** Why sissies Set their Hair in Curlers [[[ Curlers, rollers, perm rods, setting gel, electric rollers, hair bonnets, bobby pins, etc. Become familiar with these, sissy! They are all very important parts of your new femme life. You will become familiar with brand names, features, comfort factors, dis-comfort factors, functions, etc... Consider that women have traditionally been somewhat embarrassed to be seen with their hair in curlers. It is ironic that this uniquely feminine ritual is considered embarrassing, but that is the way Women were raised and conditioned for decades. Perhaps it is because Women expect men to believe that their curls and waves are all natural, and so they prefer to keep this little procedure private. Or perhaps the rather striking appearance that a head-full of curlers presents is just so humorous that it naturally causes feelings of embarrassment to the wearer. Perhaps the fact that curlers are primarily the purview of beauty salons, one of the last bastions of feminine ritual secrecy, makes them a source of mild embarrassment in other "settings". In the 1960's in fact there used to be a tv commercial for the then-new hot rollers, and the jingle, WHICH YOU WILL LEARN AND SING starts off "Curlers on your head; shame on you! Curlers in your bed; shame on you!" Yes sissy, you will have curlers on your head, and yes, you will wear curlers in your bed! As the embarrassing curlers have provided for Women will be yours in multiples as pathetic sissy-boys. You will be seen a great deal of the time with "your hair up" around the Resort. Women set their hair for one main reason sissy, to look pretty for Men. Sissies set their hair for a number of reasons, but mostly to expand their experiences in life to ineptly emulate the women they worship. Looking pretty for men or Women will be very high on your priority lists too. However, remember that your appearance is mostly going to be a function of your Mistress's whims at the time. You will likely almost always be in some way exposed as a sissified male, so a pretty hairdo will be another source of embarrassment rather than a help to you when you're without makeup, or perhaps while your little clitty is shamefully displayed. You will however act as if being pretty is your primary goal when you are putting your hair up. On occasion you may be allowed to look your prettiest, and possibly be spared the humiliation of being exposed as a sissified male, and nicely styled hair can make a big difference in your pass-ability. Whether you are setting your own hair or your wig hair, you will always consider the end result to be of primary importance. Your Mistress will decide if you will be allowed to be pretty the next day or not. You might set your hair perfectly one night before bed, take it down the next morning and comb it out into a pretty feminine style, only to have your Mistress mess it up horribly, or perhaps even decide to put you in a bald cap for the day. You will never know ahead of time. Sissies set their hair to learn one of the most feminine of skills. You will spend literally hours learning how to do this sissy. You will set your own hair, regardless of its length. You will also use wigs of various lengths and styles, and learn to roll your hair and pin the curlers in place, always while wearing those wigs, to experience what girls with long hair have always had to learn for themselves. I assure you this is no easy skill to master. Your attempts will be clumsy and unacceptable at first, and as a result you will be paraded around with your pathetically inept attempt on display for all to ridicule. And once you have mastered the techniques, you will then work on reducing the time it takes you to set your hair. Eventually you will be given a certain amount of time to set your hair before bed at night, and if your hair isn't set perfectly, wound neatly around the required number of curlers within the allotted time, the punishments will be very unpleasant. Sissies set their hair so that they can experience the delights of sleeping in curlers. Until you've tried this sissy, you have no idea what pains Women have endured to be pretty for their men. But soon you will know it, intimately. And of course for sleeping you will only use the hard plastic type of curlers, and you'll experience the delightfully torturous sensations of the roller's points digging into your scalp all night, severely hampering any chance of actually drifting off. There's no reason your descent into a sissified version of femininity should soften just because it's sleep time. And don't forget sissy, that the discomfort of the curlers against your scalp is on top of the fact that your hair is already wound so tightly around the curlers that it feels like it is being constantly pulled by a displeased Mistress. Mistress will often feel compelled to hug or pat your head tightly as she tucks you in, driving the spikes in even further. Unless someone is using you for the night AND has specifically told you not to do it, you will always set your hair before going to bed, NO EXCEPTIONS. Sleeping in curlers is your new normal routine. While men everywhere are watching sports, drinking beer with their friends or making sweet love to the Woman in their life, you my little sissy will be sitting (or kneeling) at your vanity, curlers and setting gel spread out before you forced to observe your sissified appearance in the mirror as curler after curler takes its place around your head. And if you are in use, a well-curlered head provides very useful grips for controlling your head movements as your face is pulled more tightly into Mistress's Pussy, or guided up and down as you suck your Master's cock. The sight of your humiliatingly set hair adds to Their amusement, and of course you can expect some damage to the set that you will need to promptly repair once you have completed pleasuring your Mistress or Master. Your nightly set will be inspected. Here at the Resort a special hair bonnet, worn in a particular way, is the sign that your set has passed inspection. You must find a Woman to inspect your set hair, and if She approves, you must ask Her submissively to please "bonnet you". If She agrees, She will put the bonnet on you, tying the bow prettily on your forehead, the ribbons training down both sides of your face. (You are NEVER to touch these with your hands!) If She doesn't agree to spend the time doing this for you, you must continue to search for one who will. The inspection will be for technique, completeness, and most fun of all, severity. Your guiding principle should always be to wind your hair and pin the curlers as tightly as you know the Women in your life would have done, had She been your personal beautician. In the very beginning of your training your nightly set will in fact be done by Women, so you will have first-hand (first-head?) experience of just how tightly hair should be set. If any of the curlers are found to be loose, not aligned properly, or simply don't look right, you will be punished on the spot. The bonnet will then be placed on your set upside down so the bow is tied behind your neck so that anyone else you encounter before you retire for the evening will know that you have been sloppy, careless, and unappreciative of this feminine ritual. And you can rest assured that you will be sent on various errands after receiving an unacceptable set report, so opportunities for further correction will abound. Any Women (or even occasional Men) you encounter are encouraged to let you know exactly what They think of such insolence and lack of effeminate pride by an ungrateful sissy. You can expect to have a well slap-reddened face by the time you do finally get to go to bed. Sissies set their hair to learn the art of hairstyling so they can be more useful to their Female (and occasionally Shemale) Mistresses. You will become quite adept at setting hair through your nightly practice on your own, so when you are permitted to work on a Woman's hair it will seem so much easier and you will be so much better at it, as you won't have the handicap of having to reach up and behind your own head. Of course you will be much gentler than you are with your own hair, but then you figured that out already didn't you sweetie? And of course the results will be much more important when you are doing your Mistress's hair. When setting your own hair, the results will probably be a laughable atrocity more often than not. When you set your wigs the results may be a little better, especially on the rare occasions when you are allowed to set them on a wig block (in addition to your nightly setting of the wig you are wearing of course!). But when you set your Mistress's hair, the set and the resulting "do" had better be pleasing! A woman displeased with her hairdresser's handiwork is indeed someone to be reckoned with. A Woman displeased with Her sissy hairdresser's handiwork is someone to be feared! Sissies set their hair to learn a skill that makes them employable. Imagine your life has been changed sweetie, and a career change was also mandated. You now work in a beauty parlor, one place where a bizarre cross between male and female is not an uncommon sight. You leave the house every day to earn your keep, knowing that the day will be one constant humiliation for you. You are never allowed to completely cross dress to the point of being passable. That would be too easy on you. You'll wear lingerie, and women's pants and lacy blouses, which clearly display the outline of your camisole straps. You may or may not be given a bra, depending on whether or not you are outfitted with tits yet. Here at the Resort, your tits are attached during disorientation, so a bra will be the thing. At home, it is completely up to your Mistress's whims. Your pant legs are short enough to show stockings going into your shoes, which are a low-heeled feminine style. Your slightly long nails are painted a shade that is almost undetectable, until one looks closely. Your hair is cut extremely short and in a femme style, though occasionally you may be bewigged, and again depending on the scene, you may be working in curlers of your own all day. You wear lip gloss to keep your lips shiny and moist, but no color that might successfully complete your transformation and make anyone think you might really be a girl. You are the only non-female in the shop, and you serve as a sissy maid to all the other hairdressers. You wear a very pretty, feminine apron, and your orders are to swish it up a bit, but not overdo it. All of the regular customers know you're not gay, and although they can't understand why an ostensibly "straight" guy would submit to such feminizing treatment, they can't resist getting involved whenever they come in. They know you are there because your Mistress has ordered you to be there, and they love to tease you. As you mince around them, washing and setting their hair, the Ladies often ask you for additional details of your life as a sissy. You, of course, are required to answer them truthfully and completely. You are called "sissy". All day long it's "sissy, sashay across the street and get Me some coffee! And I did say SASHAY!", Or "sissy, where did you get that pretty slip?". "Are those new earrings sissy?" "Tell us about your latest visit to the Resort sissy." And by the way, the Resort is where you learned your trade, having worked many long hours in the beauty parlor (in heels there!!!) doing hair for sissies and Mistresses alike. Sissies set their hair so that they will know how to set each other's hair. Yes doll, at the Resort sissies interact with each other much more than any of you pathetic excuses for males would like. Doing each other's hair at night is a very common practice, and a great source of amusement both to watch and to administer. You see girlie, if your hair has been done by another sissy, you are both responsible for the acceptability of the set, and will both suffer equally if it is found to be less than perfect. As you stand there, perched precariously on your five inch heels, setting another sissy's hair, you are torn between wanting to be somewhat gentle to your sister sissy, and wanting to be severe enough that the set will stand up to inspection and spare you both additional punishments. The Mistresses also like to stage little slumber parties every so often for their sissies. They select five or six girls, and each of you is assigned a role to play for the whole night, complete with your name, age, looks, personality traits, etc. You each have an agenda to accomplish during the evening, but you are not allowed to discuss your instructions with each other, and you must remain perfectly "in character", like the home version of a Murder Mystery party. The slumber party takes place before a live audience on the stage in one of the Resort auditoriums, and is also filmed for future enjoyment as well as being live simulcast throughout the Resort. You each arrive in your "day clothes", whatever they might happen to have been for that day, and one by one you slip over to the wardrobe on the side of the stage to select your slumber party nightie or other outfit, required to select something appropriate for the role you have been assigned. Soon there are five or six sissies prancing about in various baby-dolls, negligees, nighties, and heels, plus whatever else might have been called for based on your character. You are all also wearing aprons of course which look ridiculous over your pretty nighties. One of the first things on the agenda is to pair off and set each other's hair, and very soon you are all "curlered". You have been briefed on what to bring up in conversations, and of course it is all very humiliating "girl talk" in nature. You talk about fashions (especially any of the new specialty Resort outfits you've seen or been subjected to wearing, and you also gossip about the Mistresses (with utmost respect of course), and you whisper shyly about boys and what has happened (or what you hope will happen) on recent or upcoming dates. You are all trying your hardest to be convincing little actresses, and your characters can range from catty to bratty, shy to slutty, sophisticated to na?ve, butch to femme, etc. There is almost always at least one girl with definite lesbian tendencies in the group, trying eagerly to seduce one of the other girls into some delicious girl-on-girl action. At least one girl usually ends up getting tied up and spanked by the others, and this is usually revealed to her in her instruction packet, along with just how much resistance she is to put up before submitting to her fate. You paint each other's toenails, gabbing ceaselessly the entire time, and at some point someone puts on some old records and you dance alone and in pairs, with feminine abandon. Believe me dollface, these parties area a riot to watch!! The girl who gives the best slumber party performance (most feminine, or most effeminate, best actress, etc.) is rewarded with a "leisure day" the next day, and the girl who gives the worst (least feminine, or least effeminate) performance is sent immediately afterwards to toilet duty followed by a "torture-fest" the next day. The girls in the middle receive various levels of corrective discipline by their own Mistresses, who are clearly disappointed that their sissy didn't "win". These consequences are clearly spelled out prior to the start of the slumber party, so each girl has quite a bit of incentive to abandon any last vestiges of male pride she may be secretly holding onto and revel in her femme character with reckless abandon. Sissies set their hair to experience feminine embarrassment. You may be sent to your daily classes still in your curlers, or you might find yourself waitressing in the cafeteria with your hair still up! You will at all times be conscious of the curlers in your hair, and you will be responsible for their condition as long as they are in your hair. You are subject to inspection at any time, so you quickly learn to check them at every opportunity throughout the day, perhaps each time you redo your lipstick or check for mascara streaks if you've been crying. Of course if a Mistress "accidentally" happens to pull one or two loose in the course of petting you, or while slapping your fresh little face, you will nevertheless be liable for punishment if you haven't corrected your set before the next random inspection. Sissies set their hair to make bondage and punishment much more convenient for their Mistresses. Tightly wound and pinned curlers make excellent anchors for various restraints. Some lucky sissies keep their hair at a length such that their Mistresses can thread ropes or straps through their curlers and actually secure them (and yes, even hang them!) by their hair. This is quite unpleasant (or so I hear), but they look so damn cute hanging by their curlered hair that We often just can't resist. In My case, My sissy ex-husband serves Me this way at least once a month, usually when I have a lover over to give Me what I really need in bed. She is usually attired in just an apron and very high heels for these sessions. (I do like her heavily made-up as well.) First she sets her hair just about as tightly as humanly possible! She uses the "wind, twist, and pin" method that generates a continual pulling feeling on her scalp while securing the curlers perfectly. She then threads a rope through several of the top curlers and attaches that rope to one of the pulleys dangling from My bedroom ceiling. She uses the remote control unit to remove any slack from the pulley rope, such that even her heels no longer make contact with the floor. She is on tiptoe, and awaits My attention like this for as long as it amuses Me to make her wait. When I am finally ready to pay attention to her (lucky girl!), the first thing I do is put her arms behind her back, hands near the opposite elbow so that I have unobstructed access to her tush. I wrap her forearms together, and thus her arms aren't going anywhere, and she is now completely helpless. Of course her little apron is likely sticking straight out now where her little clitty is pushing against it, (and no doubt spotting it) letting Me know just how deliciously, femininely, helpless and vulnerable she is feeling. I fasten fur-lined cuffs to each of her ankles, and she knows what's coming next. I take a spreader bar and attach first one cuff, and then spreading her legs as far as I can still having the toes of her high heels touching the floor, fasten the other. I take a break, enjoying a cigarette (with her assistance), and then consider the next stage. I wrap my hand around her clitty (but using the apron between us so that she does not get to thrill to My skin touching hers) and ask in my sexiest voice, "Would you like me to raise you up another inch or two sweetie?" She knows this will eliminate even the tiny bit of possibility she currently has of supporting any of her weight, and leave her dangling by her curlered hair. "Yes please Mistress" she whispers, knowing that is the only answer I will accept. "Good girl" I reply, and stroke her apron-encased clitty several times as I take the remote out of her hand and press "Up". She is now dangling freely in the air, hanging by her curlered hair. At this point I gag her, usually using a penis gag, as I find the little sobs that she inevitably emits during these sessions distracting. I take a crop and stripe her naked tush at least a dozen times. My lover and I then playfully begin winding her up, much the way children do with a swing. We twist and twist and then let her go, watching in amusement as she revolves numerous times in one direction before reaching the point where she then reverses course and starts unwinding in the other direction. This pattern repeats for at least ten minutes, twirling first one direction, then the other. Sometimes for fun I will put a mask over her face, one with a prettily smiling female face, so that she seems to be enjoying her time revolving back and forth as my lover and I retire to the bed. Depending on our mood, we may get up and swat her tush a few more times, apply nipple clamps, or whatever else may strike Our fancy. The pretty face just keeps smiling back at us no matter what we do to her, and I enjoy watching her as my lover pleasures me to orgasm. I eventually take pity and lower her back down so that her feet once again make slight contact with the floor. Occasionally I will lower her just a bit so that she can support her weight just a tiny bit, and only with one tip toe at a time! She looks so cute like that, kind of like a bizarre little ballerina as she "rests" on one tip-toed shoe with the other (at the other end of the spreader bar a few inches off the floor. And of course to get from one foot to the other requires a torturous moment of curler-hanging while she changes feet! Sometimes that's how she remains as I drift off to a contented post-orgasm sleep while she spends the night doing her little ballerina dance so sweetly.. Curlers also make for convenient bondage accessories, such as when we attach straps from a sissy's curlers to her wrists bound behind her back, taking up the slack until she has to look straight up at the ceiling. You will occasionally see sissies navigating their way around the Resort in this fashion, and they eventually become proficient in finding their way around by way of only the ceilings. Curlers can also be attached to nipple clamps, or to clitty clamps, and they can be secured to any stationary object to "park" an errant sissy. And finally, sissies do set their hair to create pretty hairdos. The various hair rules require sissies to be able to replicate any hairstyle that may amuse the Ladies to select, and sissies become proficient in creating them, often with the use of curler sets. As you can see sissy, life at the Resort is a continuous process of striving to be as feminine as you possibly can be, while simultaneously coming to grips with the fact that you will almost always fall short and suffer the punishments that less than perfect sissyness deserves. Over time you will of course become more and more feminized and sissified, but you will never be finished. In fact, the harder you try, the crueler we will become in finding ways to sabotage your efforts. On the other hand, the less you try, (should you decide to take that approach) the worse your punishments for lack of effort will become. It will seem that the harder you try, and the more sissified you become, the more demanding your Mistress (and Her friends) will become, the higher the standards of effeminacy that you will be held to will rise, and the crueler the punishments that your inevitable failure to perform will warrant. And against this backdrop of continuous feminization, you will spend most of your waking moments dedicated to providing pleasure and amusement to your Mistress as well as to whomever else it amuses Her to have you serve. Perhaps Her lover(s)? In other words honey, this is your life as a sissy slave!!! ]]] ********************************************************************** *************** Chapter 8 - The Dorm Part 2 As she finished reading the 'pink paper' and looked up, Lorraine realized that Joy was looking at her with an amused expression on her face. "You were pretty deeply engrossed there dear,' Joy began, 'and you seem a little flushed." Her smile widened. "Incredible!' Lorraine finally responded, 'who would have ever thought that so much erotic power could be associated with something as mundane as a curler?" "They may be mundane to us, but in the context of males undergoing feminization they are anything but! And the same goes for almost all of the external trappings of femininity. We have effectively 'weaponized' anything and everything their little minds might associate with girls, women, and societal definitions of femininity! We have pink papers about almost all of them, and the poor sissies are expected to read and remember them all! Of course as males, they will never be able to truly achieve Femininity, or understand for a millisecond what being a Woman is all about, but sissies can be trained to an almost unlimited degree of effeminacy. For example, any sissy who has been through our schoolgirl program here will be able (but not necessarily happy) to explain the finer differences between a slip, a petticoat, and a crinoline, and be able to list the fabrics used for each. They learn and can recite at least twenty different types of skirts, and can clearly distinguish a corset from a waist cincher from a bustier or a basque." Lorraine shook her head in amazement, "I'm not sure I could explain any of those things!" Joy laughed "Me neither, but I can assure you that after many a sore- tushed lesson, a sissy can." "Well, I will say I'll never look at a curler the same way again! Not that I can even remember the last time I had my hair set, but still... So much Dominant Female power and submissive sissy tribulations infused into a simple hair care product... just amazing...!" "Shall we check-in on charlene?" "Please!" Joy pressed a remote, and the large flat screen in the reading room came alive. With a few clicks, they were treated to a view of charlene swishing around the Mistress Rose's prep room, now with beautiful blonde hair swaying prettily. The schoolgirl sissies at the table snuck furtive glances at the screen when they thought neither of the Women were watching... "Eyes on your papers girls!" Joy reprimanded. "Oh My...', gushed Lorraine, 'her hair is just gorgeous!" And indeed it was. charlene swish-walked in a small circle, daintily holding out an imaginary skirt. Mistress Rose sat comfortably in the beauty chair in the center of the room, wielding a buggy whip just the right length to tap charlene's bottom as she minced by. Joy tapped another button to activate the audio. "Swivel your head ever so gently side-to-side as you swish honey... Let's see that lovely hair in action!"" She punctuated Her instructions with a little flick of Her whip on charlene's ass. charlene was beside herself with the overwhelming mix of feminine sensations she was trying to process. It started with the heels. As she tried to carefully place one foot after the other on the centerline, (to get the required movement of her hips and ass), charlene was very aware of the different type of step she had to take. At two inches, (and being block-heels at that!), they were not the highest or most delicate heels she'd ever worn. But the amount of attention she had quickly (and painfully) learned she must pay to every step made the experience entirely different. She actually appreciated the effect that paying attention to her step had on her gait though, as these Women seemed obsessed with how much (or how little) wiggle was in her hips which were indeed swiveling to their physical limit! And a few kisses from Mistress Rose's whip had taught her that every step had better be touched down just as delicately as if she were wearing the daintiest of shoes... Then there were her tits! AND her bra! Although the discomfort of the hot adhesive was all but gone, she was now very painfully aware that two DD breasts were hanging from her chest hairs! The bra barely helped at all, as Mistress Rose had deliberately given her one that was a cup size too large, and adjusted the straps so that the bra covered but really didn't support her breasts. Just then charlene's path had her facing the camera as Joy observed. "Ah, I see your girl has grown her tits! Big day in a girl's life!" The bra was black lace, and only partially covered two very large breasts. The seams where Mistress Rose had blended them with charlene's chest were invisible, and the whole thing was set-off perfectly by the wavy, strawberry blonde locks that draped over it. Lorraine giggled as she beheld her charlene, the sudden proud owner of TITS! As opposed to the bra-stuffing that she'd done previously, these would be with her (on her), day and night for the next two weeks. "I think it took me three years to grow mine, and here she gets hers less than ninety minutes after we're here! Somehow doesn't seem fair..." "So true, so true... These lucky sissies...' the humorous sarcasm dripped from Joys words, 'but I can assure you sweetie that she's going to enjoy hers a lot less that you do yours. Rose deliberately fits them in a bra that provides no 'lift', and only minimal support. That way they get to fully appreciate the ingenious method with which they are attached, hanging from their hairs. Most unpleasant, or so I'm told." charlene of course had immediately figured out that her bra didn't fit properly, but she knew better than to say anything, and so the painful bouncing that resulted from each mincing step added to her sensory overload. her hair felt delicious! It currently hung down on both sides of her face, extending to just an inch or so past the bottom of her bra. she felt it brushing her neck and her back, and as she had stolen a few surreptitious glances in the mirror, she had a mental image of how feminine it was. And so she circled. And swished. And swished some more. Joy pressed a button and said "Hi Rose. I'm here with Lorraine..." Rose got up from her chair and stepped over to face directly into the camera. "So what do you think? She's not half bad eh?" Even through the video feed, Lorraine could see charlene's face turn beet-red as she realized that she was being observed by two more Women, one of whom was her Wife/Mistress! She continued making her circuit, deeply embarrassed to be swishing her imaginary skirt, wiggling her hips, daintily placing her footsteps, shaking her tresses and bouncing her tits. Lorraine gushed, "You look absolutely precious honey! Mincing around so daintily in your pretty bra and heels... And that hair!!! It's gorgeous!" She let her words sink in for a moment and then continued "I love the way your new tits stand out, but what, pray tell, is that silly little thing sticking straight out from your pussy?" Joy nodded and grinned in Lorraine's direction, admiring the humiliating flair her guest was displaying. Rose chuckled and said "Oh don't worry about that... I think it just means she really loves prancing around here like a stripper! We were just about to start going over the hair and titty rules, and I enjoy observing her 'reactions' to each." She playfully poked charlene's mostly-erect cock with her long whip. "Well please don't stop on our account Rose,' Lorraine urged, 'I'd love to hear them! You don't mind if I stick around to hear your new hair and titty rules do you char?" charlene was almost nauseous with shame, and wished she could crawl into a hole, very unsure if she was actually supposed to answer or not. She didn't have to wonder for long, as Mistress Rose stung her bottom with the sharpest whip-strike yet. "Don't you think you should answer your Mistress, charlene?" As she turned from the camera she stage- whispered "and for heaven's sake, don't forget to curtsey!" charlene curtsied even as she continued mincing along and said "Please stay and hear my new hair and titty rules Mistress." CRACK! "Louder girl! And more girlishly!" CRACK! charlene yelped and hopped with each crack, and desperately hoping to avoid any more, abandoned any remaining shred of male pride and loudly repeated herself in what she hoped would come across as a femme voice and manner "Oh please Mistress, won't you please stay and hear all about my new hair and titty rules? Pretty please?" Rose smiled as Lorraine answered, "Of course I'll stay sweetie, I can't wait to learn all the fun things you'll be doing!" Rose settled back into the chair. "Okay, let's talk titties first... Titty Rule #1: when you get dressed each day, you will not put on a bra. You will select one and place it in your purse, or simply carry it if, for some reason, you're not going to be carrying a purse. At some point in the first hour of your day you are to find a Woman, interrupt Her from whatever She's doing at the time, and ask for permission to put on your bra. Any Woman will do, staff or Guest. You will of course be exceptionally polite, and curtsey daintily before and after your interaction. She may choose to slap you for interrupting Her to request something for your own comfort, and you'll just have to hope She's willing to grant your request. If you don't have a bra on by the beginning of your second hour, you'll go without for the entire day. And here's a friendly tip sweets, you'll want to avoid doing anything that might get you gagged during that first hour, as then you wouldn't even be able to ask for permission to don your bra, and you'll be braless for the day. Titty Rule #2: you always 'lead with your tits!' No slouching, no bending; those babies had better be pointing straight ahead, and preceding you everywhere you go. In synch with your hip swishing, each tit will have her turn being in front. You can help a bit with your shoulders, but be careful not to overdo it, as exaggerating your femininity into a caricature is considered an insult to Women, and you'll be instantly punished by any Woman who deems you to be doing so. You'll need to find the exact right balance, proudly leading tits-first without slipping into parody. Don't worry though, we'll all give you lots of feedback... Let's work on that now. As you mince around, I want you to focus on leading with your tits. Say (silently, in your pretty little blonde air-head) 'Here - I - come - world!', and emphasize each word with first one tit and then the other. And say it like a girl! you can alternate it with your swishing reminder. Start. Titty Rule #3: whenever anyone touches them, in any way, you will moan with pleasure. Titty Rule #4: you will always keep them covered as best you can. Wardrobe malfunctions are frowned upon. And punished, but then you probably guessed that. Titty Rule #5: if no one has pinched your nipples all day, you must find a Woman to do so before you can go to sleep. No exceptions. Stop mincing for a minute and lean over here so I can demonstrate. [Rose found both nipples through the loose bra cups and pinched none too gently. Charlene winced, but to her credit did not make a sound. Rose slapped her soundly across the face!] Have you forgotten Titty Rule #3 already??? [Poor charlene had been so intent on not crying out from the pain that she completely forgot that she was to moan with pleasure. Rose resumed pinching, harder now, and charlene moaned, although it didn't exactly sound like 'with pleasure'.] You'll probably want to work on your pleasure moaning there sweetie, as that wasn't very convincing. I'll arrange some nipple clamp time later today, so you can get the hang of moaning properly. Okay, back to swishing and leading with your new titties. Titty Rule #6: and yes, I've saved the best for last! Titty fucking! You will learn the fine art of providing a Male pleasure with just your tits. You'll practice on other sissies, but at least once this stay you will bring a Dominant Male to orgasm by squeezing and stroking His cock with your tits! He may let you do all the work, pressing your titties together around His Cock and sliding up and down, or He may want to do the squeezing Himself. Often this is accompanied by lots of nipple squeezing, so I suggest you do not forget Titty Rule #3 again! you'll learn some recommended positions for this fun activity, but more often than not you'll simply adopt whatever position your Master tells you to. So there you have them charlene, the 6 titty Rules: 1. Beg for your bra during first hour. 2. Always lead with your tits. 3. Moaning with pleasure when touched. 4. Keep them covered. 5. At least one good pinching session per day. 6. Titty fucking. And now, the hair rules...

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Family Nude Resort

"Wake up, Tim." Your twin sister Angie says while giving your a hard nudge. "We're pulling into the resort." You look at your window as the car drives by a side reading: Welcome to the Brooks Family Resort. Having just recently turned 18 you were exactly excited about taking one last family vacation before going away to college, but your parents promised it would be fun. A family resort...yeah, that is going to be fun. You can't help but picture bingo with old ladies and a pool filled with...

2 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 8 The Drive To The Resort

We reached the banks of Gajol Doba. Babu and Paltu said that they would get ready and come in an hour or so. We should proceed and make the necessary arrangements. I, Mimi and Arun went towards the car. I now knew somehow that my role was to drive so that the newly-wed could make love. I sat in the driver’s seat and Arun said, “Bah ei to dada tumi bujhe gechho.” (Good that you have understood your task.) Me: “Bhai sob e ek diner jonno.” (Bro everything is just for a day.) Arun: “Haan kintu oi...

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Honeymoon With Virgin Resort Recieptionist

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...

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This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...

3 years ago
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Applegate Resort

My father had been a mercenary and I think a pirate. The peninsula was a hundred thousand acres of evergreen trees, ferns, wild flowers and green moss. To the north were deep waters full of large game fish and even large predators. To the west were the beginnings of the reefs and semi shallow rocky ocean floor. To the south were thousands of colorful reefs and fish. I finished growing up while the resort was being built and learned all the hidden secrets no one except my father knew. He...

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The Last Resort

You know, I think hammocks were invented by some diabolical trickster-god, one with a truly sadistic sense of humor. Every time I lie upon one the suspension rope breaks, or the anchor comes loose, and down I come, returning to the Earth which bore me with a sudden, sullen, but not to be understated thud. There’s nothing like the feeling of being struck with a planet to convey divine contempt. This fact, however, has little or nothing to do with our story. I, dear reader, am Horace. My last...

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch04

Down by the eastern wing of the hotel, a large doorway marked the entrance to the Ferris Hall."Here we are," Henrietta said as she looked out over the assembly hall.A runway had been raised in the middle of the room. Beside it, several workers looked up at the voluptuous woman who was inspecting their work. The woman, Deborah Mckinney, wore a snug red dress that accentuated her curvy and thick body. Her enormous breasts poured out of the rounded chest area of her dress.Deborah was the owner of...

2 years ago
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The ResortChapter 1

The end of the school year comes as a mixed blessing to me. My name is Josh. I'm seventeen years old, as of last week, and have just completed my third year of high school. My family lives in the northern part of a Western state, where my parents own and operate a resort. The resort property is about five thousand acres, but we lease the rights to horseback ride and fish on another fifty thousand acres. We have numerous trails, some through the open range, some through the forest and some up...

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The Resort

My life has always been different than most. My mom was a prostitute. I never knew my dad and never had any siblings. Other than knowing my mother, I could almost be an orphan. My name is John Taylor but my friends always called me Zeke. One day someone called me Zeke and I thought it was cool so I've been Zeke ever since. I am forty-six years old and manage a resort on some ocean front property. Before getting into that part of my life, I think I should go back and tell you about my early...

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The Resort

Long days, sleepless nights, stress and anxiety. These plague everyone who must sacrifice their time to the daily grind of life. It is enough that practically everything suffers; health, relationships, understanding, enjoyment, anything that can be worth living for is thrown out for the soul crushing experience of life. But, at times, there are ways to combat these things. To refresh and restart yourself to make life bearable again. And that is to take a vacation. Everyone has their preferred...

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Wife receives a discreet massage at a private Jamaican resort

My wife Julie and I decided to take a well deserved vacation to the Caribbean. After some research we decided on Jamaica. I went on-line to look at the different resorts, as we looking for some privacy. I found a small exclusive resort called Goldeneye. It was expensive but very private. I searched on-line at work and printed a bunch of articles on the resort so I could take my time at home and read through everything later that night. After dinner I sat down with a glass of wine and started...

1 year ago
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Nude Resort Sex

Jeff had a puzzled look on his face. He seemed to be calculating all the variables in his head. It appeared that he really wanted this to happen as much as I did. He was trying to decide if here and now was worth the risk. Although it was a nude resort, public sex was a no-no. Of course everyone was doing it, but just not in a place like this where others were certain to see you. Finally he said, "Okay. She's yours." It was my third day at The Spruces, one of the nicest nude resorts in northern...

2 years ago
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Meagan Vacations at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street.  Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room.  I surely appreciated that.  Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security,...

Straight Sex
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I am a pool boy for a Resort. The Resort has 500 plus units throughout the complex made up of 3 bed 2 bath apartments, 2 bed & 1 bed apartments. Also multi storey units with large 2 beds & three beds. We also have units costed to the budget end of the market with no kitchen facilities. Our whole complex covers something like 30 acres on a slope facing the white sands of the Pacific Ocean. We have 10 restaurants priced from budget to expensive suit & tie a fares. The swimming pools...

4 years ago
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Birthday at the Nudist Resort Part One

My best friend and I have known each other almost from birth. We share the same birthday and today, we both turn eighteen. We had always given each other presents, but this year, seeing that we were both turning the big one-eight, we decided to give ourselves something special together. We thought about treating ourselves to something like a nice dinner together or giving each other cash so we could separately get what we wanted. However, Brit did some research on the net. Seems she has a wild...

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Sisters Last ResortChapter 4

My two nieces had enjoyed the past few days at the resort. I'd feared they would get bored, but between Internet access and TV in the clubroom, a few friends they'd met including one girl whose parents owned a cabin on-site with a satellite dish, and the sports facilities, "I'm bored" was a phrase I never did hear. In fact, "I'm a dolphin!" would have been more like the truth — although that was another phrase they never uttered, at least in my presence. It was tough hauling the kids...

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch06

Just outside the Galleria, Danielle, Shelby, and Jennie could see the impressive pool area, buzzing with people on their right side. To their left, there was a small meadow garden where a group of female guests enjoyed a serene yoga session, under the guidance of a good looking and charming black instructor.The young and shirtless yoga instructor had the women's full attention as he leaned to the right side and stretched. The women sighed as their lustful eyes wandered down his lean and ripped...

3 years ago
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Sisters Last ResortChapter 5

Ralph's team did OK at the volleyball tournament, all things considered. They'd have done better, but they had the handicap of being a pickup squad. Half were unfamiliar with the rules, having forgotten everything they'd learnt in middle school and not having played the game since. Sheila, Candy and I were drafted into the squad, despite our protestations of a lack of talent, experience or desire. Candy had played a lot of volleyball over the past week and proved to be in practise. The...

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Will and Jenna Meet at Sun Valley Nudist Resort Part I

Will Lather and Jenna Towns met during their first year of teaching at Waterbury High School.  Will was hired to teach PE and coach the cross-country team.  Jenna taught math and sponsored the “mathletes” academic club.Will and Jenna are now in their third year of teaching.  They both have become comfortable with their teaching and were quickly becoming very popular teachers among the students and their colleagues.Will has been running practically since the time he could walk.  A towering...

Straight Sex
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Sex With Manager During Outing At Resort

Dear friends, I am Srini, working as a software engineer in Bangalore. This story is on how I had sex with my office manager Lakshmi when we went on an overnight company get-together. So about myself, I am 26 years old and have been working for last 5 years in this company. My manager is a 30-year-old lady by the name Lakshmi. Ms. Lakshmi is a tall medium built lady, oval face, fair complexion and always well dressed. She always wears chunni with chudidar or salwar kameez. Her kameez or kurta...

4 years ago
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Virgin Dost Ko Resort Mein

Mein hyderabad se hoon ,kareeb 22 ke kareeb aur ek average person hoon. Yeah baat kuch mahino pehele ki jab meri doast hyderabad choad ke gowahti hamesha ke liye jaa rahi thee. Uska naam chetana hai aur aapko bata doon woh bahot hi sexy hai height mein thodi choti lekin boobs ekdum tarbooj ki tarah jinhe dekhte hi khaane ka man karta hai, agar koi uski ass dekh le toh use maslne ka jee karle aur lund toh shaant hone ka naam na le. Toh baat aise hui chetana is sehar mein nayi nayi aayi aur uske...

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Lolas Resort

Lola's Resort The Florida heat and humidity was oppressive as I waited for someone to answer the door. Pantyhose and a girdle were not comfortable in this climate, the sweat was trickling down the crack of my ass and I guessed my makeup was starting to run. The door opened and a figure entirely clad in black gleaming rubber stood there. Only the eyes were visible and they seemed amused at my expression. "Hi, my name is Michelle. Is Miss Lola in?" There was no response from the...

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A Vacation Resort 13

One of my friends told me about an interesting website. She knew my husband and I had been trying to make a baby for sometime now without success. We had all the usual medical tests which only confirmed the fact that my husband has a low to basically non-existent sperm count. The website advertised a resort hotel. Let me tell you about it.It's located, ironically, in the Virgin Islands--a little out of the way tropical paradise. It's staffed by professionals that cater to every wish and desire...

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Last Resort

I was sort of at my wit's end. After ten years of marriage, our sexual relationship had dwindled significantly. I turned to pleasing myself and often masturbated several times a day. Usually looking at some kind of porn or reading erotic posts, on my computer. I looked at a variety of kinks too, beyond the kind of regular sexual practices couples do. These explorations led me to the idea of male chastity and what really intrigued me, female led relationships. I thought this might...

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The Resort

The resort was set in the redwood trees and medows, with a view of the ocean. The rooms where large and set in small groups in buildings s**ttered around the grounds.Like most resorts of this kind, there was a pool and tennis courts, you could get a seaweed facial or a Shiatsu message. But this resort offered services of a more private nature as well. At the customers request, after the whole body message, a spanking would be administered, leaving a glow on the bottom in addition to the...

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Nudist Resort Play Time Part I

I wasn’t raised in a nudist family, but I’ve considered myself a nudist (or better “naturist”) since I was 18 years old growing up in Northern California. I started driving out to a local “clothing optional” beach as more a voyeur than anything else. Instead of finding it a turn-on to look at people sunbathing and playing volleyball in the nude, I saw that the people (especially the families) were just having a good time without being encumbered by clothing. It wasn’t long before I found myself...

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The Resort

“God-damn cold rain!” said Sam to no one. He just continued his commute home. His phone chirped and his wife was on the other end. He looked at it. She was stuck at her school with a flat tire and could he come and change it for her. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Of course on a fucking cold rainy night. Could tell her to call the service, but they would say it will take an hour to get there. So Sam headed to where his wife’s school. Sure enough, flat tire. Sam got out and told his wife to get in his car...

1 year ago
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Wife Works At Our Friends Resort Bar

Wife Works Our Friends Resort BarOne summer while our new home was being built, my wife Susan and our k**s moved into a small cottage at one of those old “ma and pa” lakefront resorts in Wisconsin. The trouble turned out to be that this resort was not owned by any “Ma and Pop”; but rather a young muscular Dentist, Phil and his equally hot young wife. I still had to go out of town a lot for work and I was a little worried about leaving my hot little wife at the resort surrounded by hunky young...

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The Beach Resort

Leaning against the edge of the counter, slightly over the sink she brought out her makeup kit and quickly set to work, she wiped her face with her cleanser and applied her foundation, then a light powder to match her light, neutral-beige skin. Next came the pink blush to dust the apple of her cheek, then the hot pink lipstick, finally she applied the purple eye shadow to match the royal blue blouse she wore that today hid her 34D breasts. Her long, dark brown hair hung down to the bottom of...

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