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I was sort of at my wit's end. After ten years of marriage, our sexual relationship had dwindled significantly. I turned to pleasing myself and often masturbated several times a day. Usually looking at some kind of porn or reading erotic posts, on my computer. I looked at a variety of kinks too, beyond the kind of regular sexual practices couples do. These explorations led me to the idea of male chastity and what really intrigued me, female led relationships. I thought this might be something to spark my intimacy with my wife. I knew she still had urges, although she wasn't as horny as when we first married. I knew she had a couple of vibrators and dildos in her nightstand. So I took the plunge and ordered a cage. It didn't fit as nicely as I hoped, but I did like the feeling, eventually buying a more custom design that fit well enough for me to wear extended periods. I got past the hurdle of sleeping in it and had made it as long as two weeks while caged. The only limit was my desire to orgasm, since I had no keyholder, I could do it when I wanted. The fact I could do this kind of real life experiment under her nose so to speak, spoke volumes about the lack of closeness with my wife. Secure that I could handle it, I finally brought up the idea to her. I made a pitch that by using chastity and taking control, she could reap lots of benefits. I would do as she wished, especially taking over the household cleaning chores, give her any and all the attention she might need, and in return she could decide if, when, and how I might be allowed an orgasm. I told her it would keep me from wasting time pleasuring myself and reward her for being in charge. I actually suggested it might spark some kind of rejuvenation in her desires too. I then provided her with some online resources about male chastity, female led marriage, and actually showed her my caged cock. She reacted almost like I expected. She was only mildly interested. I left her my keys, but she never really took them. Neither did she order me to do things. I went ahead and started doing things on my own. I assumed many of the household chores, gave her massages and body rubs, and tried to interject romance back into our relationship. I even suggested she could have total control over our finances, while leaving me the chore of actually paying the bills. She appreciated these acts, my attention, the cuddling, and actually told me she liked it. She also liked how any sex was her decision, when she wanted to, not when she felt she had to do it. But she never took control and I felt like this wasn't going anywhere. Plus the frequency of our sexual encounters stayed the same, basically nothing. So after another unlocking and self-pleasure to an orgasm, I brought it up with her again. We talked honestly and openly. She told me she understood my desires, and needs. She also saw the benefits that I mentioned. It wasn't that she didn't see and appreciate how such an arrangement would have benefits for her. She did and really liked it that way. The problem lay with her being comfortable as the dominant person. That was so unlike her and any attempt she made felt forced and uncomfortable. Too much like a role play to be part of our everyday life. She admitted that our intercourse had become unsatisfactory, in part due to my size and generally poor love making skills. She was okay with me going down on her, and even have intercourse occasionally when she wanted to feel me that way, but had gotten to where her self- pleasure was her preference. She further commented that she had no problem with me doing it for myself as well. At this point she really emphasized how this sexual difference had no bearing on her love for me and felt I was still there only person for her life. As compensation, she said if I wanted I could find someone else to hold my key. That person could control my releases and give me the kind of dominant interactions that she couldn't. Of course, that wouldn't include sexual interactions and honestly, she'd prefer it not be another woman. I would continue to serve her, in the ways she wanted. If she was displeased then I would suffer as she would convey that to my keyholder. I was shocked by how open she was about this, and understood both how she wasn't comfortable in a dominant role and how she'd prefer that it not be sexual thing with any other keyholder. But that brought up the problem of who could serve in that capacity. Neither of us thought it was a good idea to trust a stranger, but how could we approach a friend, someone who knew us socially. None of our friends had ever approached any sexual contact and we'd never even really discussed sex with other people. I was at a loss of where to go. At that point, our discussions stopped and I had almost given up on the idea. It was about a week later, when she told me she'd thought about it and had a suggestion. "Honey, guess who I ran into today at lunch? Donna. You know, Joe's wife. We had a nice visit, she joined me and we chatted all through lunch. That made me think, maybe he would be a good choice." "Joe, my old foreman? I don't know, that might be more awkward than I can handle. We worked together for so long." "Well that's why I thought it might work. He was your right hand man, leading all the crews that did your projects before you retired. I think he's a pretty strong personality. He knows you really well, but more important respects you. I think he'd never forget how you stepped up to help their daughter when she had that legal issue. Without your help, she'd been in big trouble. It was your guidance and connections that put her back on the right track. I mean Donna even mentioned it again at lunch, how grateful they are that we're their friends. Plus you two were really close at work. Didn't you say once he was your closest work friend?" "Well yes, all that is true. But I'd be embarrassed to ask him to do this for me. I mean, we are friends but we never really discussed something as personal as sex, other than the usual 'man talk' about getting it or making jokes." "Well think about it. In fact, Donna wanted me to find a night when we could meet them for a dinner out. Let's find a date and then you can see how it goes. Maybe you'll feel better about it after that. I know I'd like to see Donna more anyway. She and I have a lot in common." I understood where Susan was coming from. All of us were in our second marriages. Donna and Joe were also the same age as her, being about ten years younger than me. That's why they all still worked while I had retired. Thinking about it, I could see why she'd think Joe would be a good choice. Not only had I helped them with their daughter's troubles, but I had selected him personally to head up my work crew. He'd even taken over my job when I retired. I remember the main reason I promoted him, he was a take charge guy who could make decisions and ramrod a crew to get things done. His personality certainly fit the kind of person we were looking for. I just didn't know if I could pull the trigger to ask him to do something so personal for me. I thought about it over the next few days, trying to see how I would even bring up a subject like that. Susan went ahead and made a date with them. We met at one of our favorite restaurants and I had to admit I enjoyed it. I also saw how really dominant his personality could be. Something I had overlooked when we worked together, I guess he deferred to me because of my being his supervisor. By the time we parted, I was closer to thinking she might be right and he could work. As we drove home, Susan was surer than ever that he'd be perfect. She told me if I didn't call him, and ask, she might. Then fate intervened. Joe called the house just as we walked in. We'd left first, and apparently I'd left my credit card. Donna had seen it and picked it up. So Joe asked if I could meet him at lunch the next day, so he could give it to me. I agreed and we set up a time and place. The next day I got there first and he arrived after making me wait fifteen minutes. I noticed right away he didn't apologize or offer an explanation, like me waiting for him was fine. Of course he had to gig me about being old and absent minded, the sort of joking we did while working together. But I also noticed how the dynamic between us had shifted. Before I always made choices, even simple ones. Now, he did. Where we sat, what we talked about, every small decision. Since dinner last night, I had really been thinking about whether I wanted to actually do it. Be in chastity with a real key holder. I had come to the conclusion that it was now or never. So ginning up the courage, I took the leap. Right after I paid for our lunches, a concession he'd sort of jokingly insisted on since he'd saved me a ton of hassle by finding my credit card, I asked. "Joe, I got a big favor to ask of you. I've become interested in something but I need your help. Susan and I have sort of drifted apart, sexually, for a lot of reasons really. But the main thing is we've found something that helps our personal relationship and got us back on track. I know this will sound strange and it's embarrassing to admit, but I've become interested in male chastity. But doing so, using a locking device that I wear. It keeps me from becoming erect or doing anything sexually with my penis. I saw it as a way to refocus my desires on Susan, as it keeps me from taking care of my sexual needs, myself. If you know what I mean. But she's not really the kind of personality that can take control, to hold the key and make choices on when or how I get to have some relief. That role requires a stronger willed individual. She told me she was fine with someone else holding my key for us, but doesn't really want a woman to do it. After running into Donna at lunch the other day, she thought of you. I wasn't sure but after dinner last night, I thought it might work. So would you consider it? Of course there would be nothing sexual, it's mostly just having the resolve to say no and then provide the key to her, when she feels I have earned a release or she wants access to me in that way." I had started out my pitch okay, normal voice and looking at him. But by the time I finished, I was speaking softly, in a trembling tone, and looking down at my clasped hands on top of the table. My face was a light pink, blushing from exposing such a personal and unusual request to another man. But Joe didn't out right reject the idea. He just said he'd like to know more about this whole kink and could I email him some information or links so he could explore the idea. He told me if he thought he could do it, he would. I left feeling both elated and anxious. That this could become real, made me nervous. Of course, when I got home I sent him several links and a couple of explanatory articles I had downloaded to show Susan when I asked her. I was getting excited now. But that elation faded quickly, as it had been more than a week and I had not heard from Joe. I was feeling pretty silly now and was about to call him to tell him to forget it, when he called my cell phone. Seeing his number, I was now hesitant to answer. What if he thought it was just too wild? What if he didn't? With a deep breath, I answered. "Hi Joe. I must say, I wasn't sure if you'd call. I realize this is a very odd request." "That it is Charles. But I understand more after reading the online sources you sent me. I think we need to talk some more. I want you to come by my place tomorrow evening at 7." "Sure I can talk, but it would be easier for me if it was earlier than 7." "Well 7 o'clock is what I want and based on the information in the links you provided, it is really the keyholder's preferences that matter. I expect you to be prompt Charles." Joe had hung up, leaving it clear that if we had this new relationship, he would definitely be in charge. I felt the anxiousness return, wondering if this was really a good idea. The next day, I changed my schedule to accommodate a 7 PM meeting. I dressed in nice pants and shirt, casual, but good looking. As I left, Susan wished me good luck and hoped this would work out. The drive to Joe and Donna's place didn't take as long as I thought, so I got there early. But I hesitated. He'd said seven, and I was unsure about being early. So I waited in my car, until a few minutes before the scheduled time. My pulse was racing as I knocked on the door. I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves. Donna answered, her pretty face smiling as usual. "Hi Charles. Joe told me you were coming over. He's in the den waiting for you, follow me." Donna turned and led me down a hall away from the front door. I'd been to their house a few times, for dinners or parties, but not in a while. I remember it being a nice place, although it seemed too big for them now that their four kids had grown and left. The hall led to the living room where we stopped right by the stairs that led to the second floor. At the other side of the room on the far end of the house was a smaller room that Joe had made into his space, a sort of office, den, and small library. Donna said Joe was in there, and just to knock. She would be upstairs. As she ascended the stairs, I went to the door, and lightly knocked. Joe told me to come in. I took another deep breath to steady myself and went in. He was seated behind a large wooden desk, framed by bookshelves and old sports trophies. Joe had been an all-around athlete in high school and had a wrestling scholarship to college. "Come on in Charles, and shut the door. You can stand here, in front of the desk." I nodded my head and did as he said. As I stepped in front of him, I was having second thoughts but his demeanor kept me from speaking. I waited for him, not sure how this would go. "Charles when you told me about your interest and made a request for my help, I couldn't quite understand it. But after researching it using your sources and some others I found, I think I see why this idea is attractive to you. I also see how it really fits your personality. When we worked together, I always thought you were a good boss. You seemed to set reasonable goals for the project, with a path to get there, but you were open to my suggestions on improvements or alternative solutions. I liked that about you and assumed you were being open minded, but I think now it was more a case of you not being fully comfortable as the lead man. The more I thought about it, it was obvious that you weren't an alpha type male. Like I am. You were clearly more comfortable following orders, but your job required you to step up as a leader. Even then you were very willing to let me essentially lead the projects when possible. So having someone take charge of your sex life makes sense for you too. That is another thing I like about you, you're honest about your shortcomings. The most important trait about you however, is your loyalty. When you retired you didn't have to suggest me as your replacement. Even though I was probably better suited to the role than you were, I doubt I would have gotten that job without your recommendation. So I appreciate how you've helped me. With your personality and mine too, I think I can make this work. For both of us. I assume you've brought your keys and are wearing the chastity device. Is that true?" "Yes, I have them right here. I separated them from the key ring. I though you could have one but I will need access to the other. You know in case of emergencies." My voice squeaked as I responded, my nerves getting the better of me. Blushing, I reached into my pocket and brought out the two keys to my device. Joe motioned for me to put them on the desk in front of him. I stepped forward, put them down, and then stepped back. I was having a hard time looking at him, and couldn't make eye contact, so I just stared at the desk. "How long have you been locked up? When was the last time you came? What is the longest you've worn your device?" Joe peppered me with questions, after picking up my keys in his hand. I answered, my voice trembling and getting softer as I spoke. I told him, I had pleasured myself that evening after I asked him to help me. I had put the device on afterward, so it had been a week or so. My longest stint in the cage was two weeks, not because of physical problems but my sexual urges getting too strong to resist. While I answered his questions, Joe listened intently, while he put my one of my keys on a larger key ring. When I finished the last answer, there was silence. I was getting more nervous now. The more I exposed my inner desires and my weakness as well, the more scared I was getting. The silence seemed to be lasting forever. "Well then let's see what I'm working with. Go ahead and get undressed." His simple statement shocked me. I looked up, from his desk, to his face. Joe had a sly smile on his face, as he twirled the single key to my cage in his hand. I spoke up almost on reflex. "Undressed? I didn't think that would be needed." Joe's mouth flattened out, not quite a scowl but certainly not as friendly as before. "I don't see why not. If I am to take control of you, regulate your sexual releases, as maintained by your chastity device, I want to make sure it is capable of doing that. I would never start a project without a proper inspection. You ought to know that. So take off your clothes, all of them. Oh, and as a word of caution, don't ever make me have to repeat an order again." My face went from a slight blush to ashen. I hurriedly began to get undressed, my nerves making my hands shake and my legs tremble. When I pulled down my boxers and stepped out of them, leaving me completely nude, I felt so small and vulnerable. I didn't know what to do and almost instinctively put my hands in front of my crotch, covering my small caged cock. I hesitantly looked over at him, afraid of what might happen next. "Hands on your head, legs spread, and remain still." I did as ordered and saw Joe put down my key, open a drawer, and take out a pair of tight latex gloves, the kind doctors used. He pulled them on as he stood up and came around the desk. The next couple of minutes were the most humiliating ones of my life. He handled my caged cock, turning it, examining it, tugging on it, and assessing how secure it really was. While he did this he hummed a tune, not quite sure what if was, but it reminded me of when he tackled a new problem at work as he did the same thing. Finally he was finished, and he sat on the edge of the desk looking at me, his smile returned to his face. A much broader smile. "Seems secure enough. I don't think you can get out of it by yourself, that's good. I looked at a lot of designs when I researched your request. This one seems to be in the group that delivers good security. I guess being on the small size helps in that regard. Do you know your sizes, flaccid or erect?" The blush had returned to my face, embarrassed as I was by the intimate contact by my former employee. I softly told him my sizes, 2.5 inches soft and a shade over 4 inches erect. Saying them out loud made them seem even smaller than I thought of them. Also knowing them exactly made it clear I knew I was below the usual range for men, which further embarrassed me. But Joe seemed pleased by the measurements. "Well that seems to fit with what I've learned. I called Susan to find out if she was really okay with this arrangement. With me holding the keys to your penis. Not surprisingly, she was fine with it. She confessed that she rarely desired penetration sex from you any longer, and even could do without oral sex from you, as you were pretty poor at it too. I sensed that she would have told you how to please her, but you weren't receptive. Her array of intimate toys could handle her needs. What she did like was how intimate you'd become in other areas. Massages, foot rubs, and just cuddling had increased a lot when you were caged. She liked that kind of attention. She also bragged about how you willingly and unprompted by her, had taken over most of the household chores. Since she still worked, not having to do housework was a big plus for her. So if I agreed to hold your keys, then she felt she would get everything she desired out of this arrangement. If and when she ever wanted you unlocked, a simple call to me and I could do that for her. Which makes sense to me. Sex is only a small part of a marriage. If she can get all the other benefits and replace your small nub with something that can give her the full, deep penetration and stamina that she needs and that you can't provide, why not? Otherwise, she was content to let me, your keyholder, decide when or if, you deserve release for sexual relief. The thing you wanted me to control. It also makes sense from what I've seen online. Guys with smaller cocks seem drawn to chastity and submission. So you fit that pattern too. Even so, I'm surprised by how small your cage is. Is it comfortable? Can you keep it clean, without removing it? Any issues about long-term wear? How did you select this style?" I stammered my way through the answers. I knew them all, but saying them out loud, to another man made them seem so much worse. Telling Joe that I selected this design because it kept my penis small and compressed, still allowed me to urinate easily, and didn't pinch my scrotum or testicles was like a confessional. Telling him, I took a weekly bath, in addition to my usual showers, to keep clean, followed by using a hair dryer to remove any hidden moisture revealed how eager I was to live this lifestyle. His follow up question on whether those were bubble baths sort of triggered a defensive reaction. I guess it was the hidden suggestion that I might enjoy the kind of bath women took. But I was able to control any outward sign and just answered not usually. I was beginning to really feel awkward in my current position. Not that the room was too cool, but being totally undressed with my hands on my head exposed me so much. I really wanted to ask if I could move or even put my clothes back on, but I had sensed that kind of request wasn't something I should do at this moment of our discussion. It was just that I knew I was probably shrinking up even more as we talked about my small size. Finally, satisfied with my answers and the knowledge that I could indeed wear the cage for long periods, Joe stood up off his desk. Peeling the gloves off, he moved back behind it. Also, as if he read my mind, he told me I could take my hands off my head, but they were to be kept by my sides. He sat back down. "Okay, it seems clear what Susan will get from this arrangement and you've told me what you needed. So now all that is left, is what is in it for me. Your new keyholder. My reading provided lots of good examples for how beneficial it could be to control someone like that. In most cases, of course, it is a wife, girlfriend, or significant other, but many of the principles are the same. I've thought about what would be fair and just compensation for my time in controlling you. Also, I feel you need to sacrifice some to appreciate how lucky you are to have such an understanding wife and a willing friend. Basically, I'll just need a few things. This is what I expect from you. First, Susan isn't the only one who would appreciate some freedom from household chores. Donna hates them but insists our house is neat and clean. I like it orderly too, but it's not men's work. So you will come over here, twice a week, to clean and do any housework we need. Since I go to work early in the morning, but Donna leaves a bit later. You will show up, on time, so she can give you the list of chores for that day and get you situated. You'll stay and work until I get home. I'll inspect your work, and if okay you can leave. For the first few weeks, we'll outline what we need, but at some point I'll expect you to know what needs to be done without explicit instructions. Occasionally we will have special requests for additional work. You will appear when we need it, no excuses and no absences. Also, I expect a certain standard to your work. If I deem it unsatisfactory, then you will need some guidance. When I talked with Susan, she mentioned that you had tried to persuade her to indulge in some of your other fantasies beyond chastity. I will help you with that, if needed, as I expect you to submit to corporal punishment for failures to perform chores properly. The other expectation is your appearance and demeanor. You've always had a trim and healthy appearance, really far better than most men your age. But now, I think if you are surrendering your cock to me to manage, you are in essence trading away your masculinity and manhood to me to control. Then you need to embrace another image, a softer, less aggressive one. I noticed you have kept your pubic hair trimmed. But in my research, it seems most men in chastity keep their privates hair free and smooth. Shaving would work, but hair grows back quickly. What I want is to be able to keep you locked longer, so waxing appears to be a better option. Donna will help you find a salon that can do that for you. I also want the rest of your body hair removed. Since you'll have more ready access to that, you can shave or wax, your preference. But whenever you come over here for your household chores, I want your skin to be smooth and silky. Other touches might help too, again Donna can help with that. The last thing is a uniform for when you work for us. I don't really like the idea of you being in my house nude. So I prefer you have something to wear but I'm not sure you deserve to continue to wear men's clothes while you're here. When I discussed this with Donna, she offered to handle that detail. You can go see her. I expect she's in her sewing room upstairs. Just knock before entering. But before you go, I have to address your failure to respond when I gave you an order earlier. I could overlook it, and was going to, initially. But thinking about it, that would send the wrong signal to you about what is in store if you fail again. I will limit your discipline, since it is you first time, but it still is needed. If you need to be corrected again, remember this. You are to assume a standard position, as described by me. Tonight I want you facing my desk but back far enough so that you can bend over at the waist with your elbows on the top and hands folded under your chin. Your legs should be spread far enough apart so that not only are your buttocks on display but your inner thighs as well. Now get in position." To say I was shocked at the turn of events was a gross understatement. The things Joe had outlined broke many of my own rules for what I would agree to do for his control. But the way he said them in such a forceful and strong manner, short-circuited any thoughts of protest. Even though I had known him a long time, the power of his personality had not been revealed like this. He was far more intimidating and controlling than I expected. Inversely, my weaknesses were also being exposed. I found it impossible not to do as he said, despite my worries. I hadn't considered compensation for his time, figuring he'd be glad to do it since I had been so helpful in the past. I certainly hadn't imagined cleaning his house. It was becoming clear that my life would be changing a lot and quickly. The thought of being disciplined by him, like a naughty child, was another facet that I had never considered. I mean, we are both adults, why should I allow that just because I asked him to help me achieve my chastity desires? Beyond that, I had naively assumed this arrangement was between us. Us men. So hearing Donna mentioned immediately ramped up my embarrassment which only got worse when he told me I was to go see her. Afterwards. That was the thing that seemed the worst. True I had mentioned spankings to Susan, but only as a way for her to become more dominant. It was not something I actually wanted. Although my last one was at the hands of my mother almost 50 years ago, I remembered it well enough to know that what might sound exciting, even sensual coming from my wife, was mostly painful. I had every expectation that getting one from Joe would be horrible. Still, I saw no way out. He already had my keys and it would be difficult for me to back out now given how much I had asked for his help. So, reluctantly, I obeyed and got into positon. That alone was another level of humiliation. But seeing him, open another drawer and take out a leather, riding crop and move behind me turned my embarrassment into dread. I knew Donna like riding horses, so I hoped this was one of hers and not some hidden kink of his. Even bracing for it, the first blow hurt. The sound and pain seemed to arrive simultaneously, quickly making my eyes water. The first four swats were horrible, but the next two either weren't as hard or hurt less due to some acclimation. In either case, Joe was done. My ass was flaming, and I felt like a ten year old again. My embarrassment soon overtook the pain in my buttocks as the reality that my former employee had just disciplined me and cemented our new roles. Joe sat down next to me, again on the edge of the desk. Although he had not specified it, I remained in position, fearful of provoking him by doing anything without his permission. All I dared do, was glance his way. He was smiling broadly and was stroking my throbbing ass with the tip of the crop, almost absent-mindedly. "Now Charles, I hope I won't have to repeat this. I take being your keyholder very responsibly and feel I owe you my best. I respect your desire to be controlled, to surrender your manhood, and give up your right to sexual release. That takes courage, although not the kind of courage I could consider. I also imagine you're surprised at how serious I am about this. Merely holding your keys, without imposing my will on you, to help you realize what a submissive can be isn't something I can do. What I will do, is make sure you understand and accept your new position. Susan was right about me. I am a natural dominant, although I confess I've never actually portrayed that role in sexual situations. I am confident I can mold you, properly train, you, and deliver what you need and desire. You are also lucky in that Donna was interested in your request. In fact, she seem thoroughly entranced by your desire to be chaste for Susan. I will warn you though, that Donna is much the same as me, and can be very determined, almost headstrong. I wouldn't disobey her any more than you would me. This is actually her whip and I've seen her wield it very effectively on an unruly horse. When she and I discussed taking control of your manhood, she suggested we needed to employ discipline and use this whip. She was certain you'd need to be shown how to behave and she was right. I have no doubt Donna will use it to correct your misbehavior, probably more so than me. Susan made that very clear in our conversations that she understood that if I agreed to do this for you then Donna would also have to be involved. Any reservations she had about a female keyholder for you didn't apply to us, as a couple. Especially since it is her best friend, Donna. That being the case, it's time you go see her. As I mentioned she is upstairs and you can in fact do me a favor. Take this crop to her, although you will have to carry it in your mouth, as she wanted me to cuff you before you came to see her. You may stand now. Open your mouth and put your hands behind your back." My dream of having a real keyholder to control my chastity was rapidly spiraling down into a nightmare. But I followed his orders. I saw no other choice. After I straightened up, Joe put the crop in my mouth, then reaching in the drawer where the crop had been, he took out a pair of metal handcuffs. He cuffed my hands behind my back. Then with my hands immobile, he put two keys in my left hand. "Now take all of this to Donna. She wanted to go over the next few house rules with you in person and get you ready for your service to us and your wife. Don't worry she had a long talk with Susan and they are both on the same track. Unfortunately for you, your wife feels you need this kind of training as much as my wife does if you are to be what you professed you desired to be. I've also thought about your request for an emergency key. Donna can hold one and I hold the other. That is as good as I can do. Letting you keep a key will just be too tempting, I'm afraid. You don't seem to have the self-control for that." Seeing as my hands were full, Joe opened the door and let me out. I made my way, blushing even more furiously, to the stairs I had seen Donna ascend earlier. I slowly walked up, my balance a little off because of my cuffed hands. Reaching the upper hallway, I went slowly down it, glancing in open rooms. I felt so awkward, being nude save for my cage, cuffed, and my ass throbbing. I was having to slurp around the whip in my mouth to keep from drooling. About two-thirds of the way, there was a partially open door. I could see her, sitting down at a wide table. Not having any other choice, I lightly tapped the door frame with my forehead. Just hard enough to make a light rapping sound. Looking up, she smiled, and stood up. "Well there you are Charles. I've been waiting for you, come on in. I see Joe found a use for those old handcuffs he had from his police auxiliary days. Also, he has started your training and from the sound of it, you've already made a miss-step. But don't worry, I'm sure we can get you on the narrow path that Susan wants for you. That is one thing I want to make clear from the start. What you expected, wanted, and the way you thought this keyholding agreement would work, is not really what I'm interested in providing. When Joe told me about your request, I insisted we interview Susan extensively. We did, more than once. For me, the whole purpose of you putting aside your masculine desires, your sexual wants, and wearing a device that would deny your own pleasure was to achieve something rewarding for your wife. It isn't about you, but her. Apparently you had begged for a female led marriage and I will help you achieve that. So I found out what she truly likes about you and your marriage, and there is a lot. But more importantly, what she doesn't like and would love to see changed. That is what Joe and I will focus on, while at the same time providing you with the sexual denial you so desperately want. Of course, as your keyholders, we have certain expectations too. I'm sure Joe's told you that." Donna's strict attitude was so surprising to me. In our previous encounters, she gave the impression of the quiet, supportive wife. One who followed her husbands' lead and was content to be a helper. Her forcefulness seemed as equally strong, as Joe's. Plus the depth of her interactions with Susan and how she framed our developing relationship immediately worried me. This was not going at all like the script I had in mind. Almost every step with Joe had been surprising, and this only continued it, but worse somehow. But I paid attention, as intently as I could, not wanting to give her an excuse to use the implement I held in my mouth on my still throbbing butt. As she finished speaking, Donna came to me, taking both the crop and keys from me. Moving back to her work table, she picked up a cloth measuring tape. "Charles, I'm sure Joe gave you an outline of how you will compensate us for our time, by assuming our household cleaning duties. I will personally supervise your training in that area. Susan told me she liked how willing you'd been to help her with those. But you weren't as proficient as she'd like. I'll train you how to do them properly, for her and us. As part of that duty, I think it would be appropriate if you wear a uniform. Some symbol of your domestic status. You may like appearing nude in front of me, but I'd rather you be dressed. Since Susan mentioned that you asked her if you should wear an apron and had in the past, shown some interest in sexy lingerie, I think outfitting you like a maid would be most appropriate. Of course, not some sexy, silly French Maid costume, but a practical, if feminine one. I can easily sew a couple of maid style dresses and you can buy the accessories you'll need so you will look proper while you clean. Not only will it help you look appropriate, I suspect it will help with your attitude, something Susan asked if we could address. Now stand up straight, while I take a few measurements." I immediately straightened up as Donna's attitude was all business and more than a little scary. As before, I regretted the offhand comments I had made to my wife, both about the apron and sexy lingerie. The first was sort of a joke since she'd seemed surprised at me cleaning. The second had been a subtle ploy to try to get her to wear some garters and stockings. She'd obviously misinterpreted my interest in both. The idea of wearing a dress while having to do chores was however, more than I thought necessary. So despite my misgivings, I decided to speak up while Donna was still measuring me. "Umm, I don't want to be a problem, but I'm not sure this is going in a direction that is suited to me or my wife. It's true I brought up the topics you mentioned but only in a joking fashion. In no way did I actually want to wear something that would convey the image you're suggesting. I do understand my need to learn to do housework better. It's not something I grew up doing, like women do, so I welcome your help. I can also see wearing a uniform. But it was my understanding that my service would be more like a butler and certainly not a maid." I spoke softly, and hesitantly at first. My voice trembled as I felt like I was on thin ice with her as soon as I started talking. But I felt I need to say this. I wanted help with my chastity and was more than willing to learn how to clean house better. Just not at this kind of price. I had already gone farther than I expected with Joe and his spanking. When I finished, Donna had just completed a measurement and wrote it down, before turning to face me. Her expression wasn't one of anger, but more like one of determination. Finally she picked up the key ring, moved behind me and unlocked the cuffs on my hands. Putting the cuffs and keys on her work table, she picked up the crop. "Charles, I think Joe explained this, so assume the position." I began to panic now, but not wanting to make her madder, I moved to the work table, bent over and put my elbows down and my head on my hands. Donna moved behind me and with the crop, tapped my inner thighs signaling I should spread my legs more. I quickly responded. That movement allowed my caged cock and balls to hang down, more exposed. Then she used the tip of the crop to tap my balls, stretched tight against my sack and exposed by my chastity. The touch of the leather on such a sensitive area caused goosebumps to appear on my legs. "Now, I don't want you to get the wrong impression about this, but I sensed pretty early in talking with Susan that you wanted her to be your keyholder, to control you, but really didn't want to do what she was interested in doing. You pressed for the relationship to be the way you imagined it with only token understanding of her needs. When she described how it was working so far, it sounded like you needed more training. Much more. In fact we've actually met and talked five or six times already. Twice before she suggested to you that Joe might be a willing participant. Further, she'd ask me if he would and he and I had discussed it. So when you got up the nerve to ask Joe for help, we'd already told Susan we would help her if you wanted it. None of our plan has been haphazard and Susan agrees, whole heartedly with all of it. Including the things you just objected to doing. By the way, for your information, a butler does not do house cleaning. So you will be a maid. I've never done this kind of thing with a man, but I've broken many a horse. Usually I ride geldings, male horses who've been neutered. But occasionally I take on a stallion. They can be a bit wilder but one thing I've found that always works. When they refuse to follow my lead, obey my commands and do as I say, a few quick, hard blows from this crop on their testicles produces the kind of shock and appreciation of my control more than any other technique. I can see where Joe has already instructed you but perhaps that wasn't enough. I'm not as easy going as he is and don't like wasting time. If his guidance wasn't enough, perhaps I should use the one I do for stallions. Of course, that doesn't always work. But if they remain rebellious, it doesn't take much effort to make them one of my geldings." While Donna talked, she'd used the tip and side of the crop to lightly tap or stroke my balls, including one hit a bit harder than the others when she mentioned breaking stallions. Even these light touches sent preliminary twinges of pain through my balls as they were extremely sensitive in their exposed position. Hearing that Susan had approached her first and they'd gotten Joe to agree to be my keyholder even before I asked, showed me how much my wife wanted this and wanted me to change. Donna's story about training horses, sent chills through me and I couldn't take any more chances as she finished. "Donna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound as if I wasn't agreeable to what you and Joe were offering. It was just a shock as I hadn't expected any of this. I didn't realize Susan was comfortable with what you were asking of me. So please don't whip me anymore. I'll do what you say. I only brought up spanking to Susan to encourage her to be more dominant, not because it was something I wanted. Same thing with the lingerie. I thought she might feel sexier that way. If you want me to wear a maid's uniform to please my wife, I will. I promise I'll obey." I heard a snicker, as I begged Donna and hoped my apology was enough. A sharp smack on my balls by a short swing of her crop, buckled my knees and brought tears to my eyes. The pain was twice what I had experienced from all of Joe's whipping and I knew I couldn't take much of this. But luckily, Donna stepped back into my view. Running the crop under my chin, she looked at me. "I'll forgive you and give you a second chance, but remember that tap. Next time you'll receive half a dozen of those, but at twice the force. I mean Susan's told me she never wanted children so it doesn't matter to her if your little balls function any more, as they really have no purpose for her anyway. You're asking for help to keep them locked up and unable to function, so their best use now is as reminders as to why you should please Susan. Now straighten up, as I need to measure your arm for the sleeves on your maid uniforms. I'm going to make you several dresses. One in a traditional black, and a couple of pastels. What I will expect you to do, is buy the accessory items on a list I'll give you. I was going to allow you to buy online, but given your reluctance about this, you can buy them in person. I'm sure the sales ladies will be glad to answer any questions or help you with a fitting. That might help your attitude and realize your new status." Donna put down the crop and got her tape measure again. She quickly got the sleeve lengths while I stood as still as could with the numbing ache in my balls. I was now sure I made a mistake but what could I do about it? I did feel better with my hands free, but was unsure what would happen next. Donna turned to me with several swatches of fabric, all various flowery designs. There were ones that featured pink, yellow, baby blue, mint green, and peach. Holding them up, she showed them to me. "Do you see any you particularly like? My problem is I like all of them but you only need a couple of dresses. Whichever ones we pick, you'll need to find coordinating accessories. Therefore, perhaps the easiest choice is to go with blue and pink. You should be able to find the lingerie and shoes you need to match those colors as they are more common. Take these swatches and here's your list. Of course you'll need something to go with the traditional black maid dress too. Susan knows what you'll need and she can suggest stores that might carry them, but I've told her this is something for you to do on your own. This is part of your adjustment to being what I like to call, a 'non-masculine male'. That means you'll be moving away from roles, attitudes, and expected privileges of a male in our society. Your personal appearance will support that change too. But of course, nothing makes your new status clearer than the fact you'll no longer control your own sexual organ. Just like you wanted." I quickly glanced down at the list and groaned inwardly. I had expected these, but seeing it in black and white made it more real. For each dress, I would need a pair of high heels, a bra, garter belt, panty, and stockings. Another item on the list was breast padding, with a note that I could choose whatever size I wanted, but to be sure that the saleslady helped me select the right cup size for my bras. But the most surprising items were the cosmetics on the list and the real shocker, a feminine hygiene item, panty liners. It was clear Donna not only wanted to emphasize my loss of male status but introduce a level of humiliation. Not that these items were by themselves humiliating, but for a male, they were atypical and would pose problems in both buying and wearing. I took a deep breath, my balls still quite sore, but decided to try to appease Donna. "Thank you for taking the time to put this together for me. I'll do my best to get everything on the list by the time I come back." Donna smiled and picked up a roll of lace from her table. "That's a much better attitude Charles. I think it will help you, if you remember you are the one who asked us for help. You should embrace it, anyway we want to do it. When buying your lingerie, try to get some with lace. Your dresses will be trimmed with lots of it, and I'll likely put some on your aprons, hair bands, and a kind of choker-collar design. Joe thought you should wear a collar, all the time. Susan sort of liked that idea, but I thought it was too much. At least to start with. So we compromised. You'll wear a collar here and at home, but not when you go out. I suggested a collar that looked more like a choker, which they liked. Also, Susan didn't want you in a maid's dress at home, so I'll work up something cute, but not as feminine as a dress. She liked our suggestions to tone down your masculinity, as she felt it suited her vision of the new you. But don't worry, I'm confident we can convince her to incorporate both your desire to be disciplined with your love of lingerie and feminine finery. I understand your reluctance to admit interest in those kinks, but based on Joe's research it is very common for males who like chastity to also crave discipline and women's things. Also, I bet once Susan sees you in your uniform, she'll see how really cute a male maid could be. As I mentioned and I'm sure Joe told you, we feel there is a certain look, personally, you should embrace. Therefore I've booked an introductory session for you at a salon that was highly recommended to me. They do wonderful waxing, nail work, skin care, as well as fabulous hair styles. They even do piercings, temporary tattoos, spray-on tans, and if we decide its best, permanent makeup application. But for now, we're just going for a smooth, soft, hairless look, with neat nails. Susan understands and supports this approach, but like lingerie, spankings, and appropriate servant uniforms, she is unsure how far to go. I'm sure we can show her the right path that will please both of you. For now, just buy the clothes on your list. You can shop for the other items once we've got everyone adjusted to you in a dress and heels. I'll be honest, the goal for Joe and I, is to show your wife all the joys of holding the keys to your manhood herself. To that end, we're going to show her how it will look and work and I'll demonstrate that she can remain a vibrant woman even if you have an emasculated husband." I hadn't thought it could get worse, but Donna made it clear that it could and likely would in the short term at least. Since she'd completed what she needed for me, Donna took me back downstairs and she and Joe both watched as I got dressed. She told me to be here early Saturday so she could take me to my salon visits. I was to acquire the items on my list over the rest of the weekend, so I would be ready. My first cleaning of their house would be the following Monday. Until then, she hoped I would embrace the lessons they showed me tonight, and show Susan how willing I was, in every way, to support her in my new role. I was numb on the drive home. Once there, my wife asked how the meeting went and if I was happy with the arrangement. I wanted to protest, to say no, and tell her it was horrible. But I felt she'd already embraced the plan and if I backed out now, I wasn't sure if we'd ever be close again. So I told her it was more than I expected, but I intended to try and make it work, for her. Susan's smile told me that was the right answer. The next few days, I did more than ever to show her how helpful I could be. To her and around the house. She even joked when she saw the fading stripes on my butt from Joe's whipping that it looked like I was getting what I wanted. She also quizzed me on my plans for the weekend. She seemed pleased that I was meeting Donna, apparently knowing what we were to do. She also told me, in sort of an indirect way, that a couple of her favorite shops were near that salon. One had a great variety of shoe styles at reasonable prices and the other carried every major brand of lingerie, including sexy items like garters and stockings. Her smile as she told me this, conveyed as much as her words. Later she showed me some ladies disposable razors and shaving cr?me, she'd put by our claw foot tub. Normally only she used the tub, as I preferred showers, but the inference was clear. To that end, Friday night I took a long bath, and emerged a bit wrinkled from the long emersion time, but also smooth everywhere but around my caged cock and balls. It felt both electrifying, as my skin seemed super sensitive, and terrifying, as I now looked more like I was 10 than 55. Saturday morning I got up early and took a quick shower, to be as clean as possible around my cage before I drove to Donna and Joe's. I was literally shaking when I knocked on the door. Joe answered and told me to wait by Donna's car as she would be right out. When she appeared I almost didn't recognize her. She was wearing a leather blazer and very tight, slim jeans with leopard skin ankle boots and a matching purse. Her hair was pulled up on top of her head and she was nicely made up with a rich red lipstick. But what caught my eye most, was my key on a silver bracelet. I had hoped they'd unlock me before we went to the salon. Despite my feelings that wouldn't occur, I had to ask. "Donna, don't you think you should unlock me here before we go to the salon? It might be awkward there." She smiled as she looked at me. "Oh it won't be awkward. I already told the lady doing your waxing that you wore a chastity device. That you felt you needed to be locked up because you couldn't control your masturbating. That I was helping your wife show you how to better occupy your time than playing with yourself. Since you'll be coming back to her every month or so, I figured it would be better to just be honest and up front about your situation. That's something you need to work on anyway, being honest at all times with women, no matter who they are. If it will make you feel better, just tell her how much you've started doing for your wife. By the way, Susan told me you wanted to shop for your things after the salon visit. So why don't you follow me in your car and then you can do as you wish after I lock you back up. I'm glad to hear you've getting your accessories, because I've already got your dresses ready for your debut on Monday." I followed Donna to the salon, my nerves getting worse with every mile. I couldn't believe what she'd told the women who'd be working on me. Just getting my privates waxed was bad enough but to have her know about my chastity and her assuming it was because of too much jerking off, was horrible. But I had no choice now. The place was a small little shop in a roadside strip mall. Donna led the way inside and I was starting to blush just from entering. I could see most of the setup was to do nails, and just prayed the waxing area was private. I also hopped it would be an older lady, someone close to my age. As we stepped to the front desk, Donna took control. "Good morning. We're here for a waxing appointment. I spoke with Madison about it. This is Charles, he'll be needing a regular appointment for his Brazilian wax." The receptionist looked over at me and a small smile appeared on her face. She couldn't have been more than 25 and likely had heard about this. She buzzed the back, which was partially hidden by a curtain, I sighed deeply. A sigh of resignation, as a woman, who looked even younger than the receptionist came out. She was skinny, tall, with short hair streaked in pink. She had piercings over her body, in her ears, navel and nose, as well as a couple of tattoos, which were fairly visible as she wore a crop top and Capri leggings. But she was cute in that edgy way. She also seemed bubbly, as she was smiling. "Hi you must be Charles and Donna. I'm Maddy, I'll do your wax today. Come on back to my area and we can get started. Charles, Donna told me this is your first time. Don't worry it's not as bad as you probably think. I do girls all the time and they adjust real quickly. I've done several guys too, and although it's a bit different, the process is a bit easier with you all. But I have to confess, I've never worked on a boy who's under lock and key." Madison had led us back through the nail area and past a curtain, which she pulled shut once we were by. There was a single table and what looked like her waxing supplies. I was hoping for a private room, as the curtain didn't go all the way to the floor or ceiling. I was beginning to feel a little more relaxed, just because she seemed so energetic and friendly. But that little reprieve ended, as Donna spoke up. "Strip Charles. I have a couple of errands to run and Madison has other appointments. I want to unlock you so she can get started. Maddy, he really is a good guy. Most husbands don't do half the things for their wives that Charles does, plus he obeys well. Just tell him what to do and he'll do it." I could tell from her tone of voice not to hesitate, so I stepped out of my shoes and with no pretense, undid my pants. I pulled them and my briefs down at the same time, the roughness of the jean material scraping across my smooth legs. Seeing my hairless lower half, Donna smiled. "I had him go ahead and shave his legs, and elsewhere, as his new look is to be a bit softer and smooth than before. But who knows, once he gets used to being waxed, he might prefer doing his legs and underarms as well. Right Charles? Turn this way and I'll unlock you." By now, I was not only blushing but trembling a little. I turned toward her, with Madison looking intently and Donna unlocked me. I had been afraid that once released, I would get an erection. But the situation so humiliated me that I stayed soft, and if anything got a bit smaller from the cool air in the salon. Madison was fascinated and made no pretense not to stare. As Donna put my cage on the counter, I worked the ring past my balls and put it with the cage. "Wow, I've heard of chastity devices but never seen one. I've done Brazilians for a guy that was pierced down there, he had Prince Albert, but this is a first. So you wear it all the time? That is a real commitment to your wife. Much more than a wedding ring." Maddy kind of giggled at the last part. I didn't answer as I assumed their comments were rhetorical. Once I was unlocked, Donna asked Madison how long it would take and said she'd return to lock me up. When we were alone, Maddy told me to get up on the table and began to prepare me. She looked me over, after putting on latex gloves and asked if I wanted it all gone or if I wanted to leave a strip or little design. She pointed to a chart on the wall which showed different options for pubic hair. I just softly answered I better have it all off, as neither Donna nor my wife said otherwise. My answer brought another giggle to her, which she tried to contain. I could tell the whole situation was so new to her that she wasn't sure how to act. But once that initial awkward period was over, she got right to work. Madison told me that the wax process worked better on shorter hairs so she used a small clipper to shear me to about an inch or so, all over. I was impressed in a way, at how she routinely just grabbed my penis and moved it around so she could trim my sack and shaft as well as my body. She started with the wax at the thickest part of my pubic hair, above my cock. I had to admit after the first few strips, I wasn't sure I could make it all the way. It hurt far more than I had hoped and I let out a few squeaks when she ripped off the wax the first few times. But as she went further I just closed my eyes and gritted my way through it. The process did get less painful, or I was numb at that point, as she did my shaft and sack. Once that was done, she told me I'd have to scoot down the table so she could do my backside. I gave her a questioning look and she bluntly told me that it was part of the full Brazilian, what Donna had booked. Again she trimmed some with the clippers but the waxing didn't take long. In fact, Donna showed up and watched her finish me. When Madison asked her if I looked okay, Donna told me to roll over and spread, bringing back a full blush to my face and even my chest. After she said told Madison it looked okay, I started to close my legs, but Donna actually said 'Stay', like she was talking to a dog. So I continued to lay there, my knees bent and my legs wide apart. I glanced down at my crotch and almost gasped. Without my pubic hair, I looked so small. Much more like a prepubescent boy than a man. Then Donna picked up the ring and began the process of locking me back up. Because of the humiliating way I was exposed and the cool air, I was super soft and small. She had no problem working the ring over me, and slipping the very small cage on my cock. Using the key and lock, she put it all together. The click softly sounding my return to being caged. Madison had stared intently at the process, again not trying to hide her interest. She looked at Donna and smiled. "I think it looks much neater waxed, don't you? I'm sure his wife will prefer this from now on." "Definitely. Can you book him another visit?' "Of course. Let's set it up for a month. If he needs it more frequently, I can adjust his schedule. I just have one favor to ask. Lana, the receptionist was so excited when I told her about him. Do you mind if she takes a peek? I mean, I figured you'd be the one to decide." Donna glanced over at me, a smirk on her face. "Sure she can see him. Honestly, he needs to get used to the idea of women seeing him in chastity. He's really in training, training on being useful and obedient, for his wife. Sometimes husbands don't give their wives the respect they deserve. At least Charles here, realized that. He asked for help from my husband and I. So we agreed and this is one of the first steps. The process is aimed at eliminating a lot of his toxic masculinity so he might become a more useful domestic partner. In fact, if you want to get the woman who'll be doing his nails. I think it would be a good idea if all the ladies who'll be helping him see how committed he is to serving his wife. It will help him accept this new role." "Wow, sure I'll get Alexie too." As she left the curtained area, Donna looked at me, her smirk changing into a smile. "See, I told you it wouldn't be awkward. All the women want to see it. Just relax, from now on, they'll treat you like one of the girls. A regular at their salon." When the other women made it back, they acted a little awkward. At first. But Donna took control, telling me to lay on my back and then having me turn my cage side to side to show how it worked and how effective it was. By the time Donna told me I could get dressed, they were watching my caged cock intently and I was blushing so much I thought I'd pass out. I'm not sure any were thinking of a similar look for their SO, but they certainly found mine entertaining. As I pulled on my underwear, I started to feel better, until Donna spoke up again. "Oh Charles, I spoke to your wife again. I gave her an idea of the outfit I was making for you to wear when you do the housework for her. She liked the idea and thought since you were going shopping, anyway, that you might as well buy new panties to wear at home. But nothing fancy, she wants just white ones, full brief style, although she said a touch of lace at the legs and certainly ones with a bit of spandex for control would be acceptable. A sort of old fashioned look, like girls used to wear. In fact, I bet if you found a set, you know a boxed set, that had days of the week on them, Susan would love it. Even if they are pastels or other colors besides white. I think she just wants you to have that innocent young girl look. Just ask your clerk when you go to the lingerie store, I think she'd recommend a nice style that will look good and hold in your tummy a bit." I felt my face flush again, as I finished dressing. Alexie told me to just keep my shoes off, as she would do my pedicure now. Turning to Donna, she asked if the plan was still for a bright red on my toes and clear on my fingernails. Donna confirmed it and then gave me a shopping bag she'd been holding. "While you were getting all smooth, I bought you your first accessory." I took the bag and slowly reached in to remove what it held. It was purse. A small, light brown, cross-body style. I felt my insides churn as I looked at it. Not seeing, or perhaps not caring about, my reaction, Donna pulled the tag off and took the empty shopping bag. "I thought it would be easier to shop if you kept your things in a purse. Plus it will give you a smoother line, not having a wallet or keys in the pockets of your pants. With spring coming, I imagine you'll be wearing those cute soccer style shorts that are in this year or maybe a nice skort the next time you come to the salon. So you'd need something to carry all your stuff. Let's go ahead and put your things in it now." Donna picked up my wallet and car keys and put them in the purse, which I had opened for her. I knew her goal was to make me a 'non-masculine' male and should have seen this kind of thing coming. But I guess I had hoped those type of changes would be limited to only when I was at home or serving her and Joe. But it was clearly something she thought I should do everywhere. Maybe Susan would object, she was generally a conservative person. Having me exhibit female characteristics outside might be too much. But then I remembered the panties. She'd never even considered that, let alone suggest it before we started this with Joe and Donna. I also worried about what kind of outfit Donna had made for me to wear in front of Susan, especially since she'd thought panties would look good with it. All these thoughts tumbled around in my head, while Donna said goodbye and she'd see me early Monday. I was already in the chair, with Alexie doing my pedicure. I held my new purse in my lap, as if I were hiding my caged cock from them. The pedicure and manicure weren't bad, at least as bad as the waxing. I had a bit of shock seeing my polished toenails, the red seemed so bright. My fingernails weren't bad, the clear polish being barely noticeable and the shape was only slightly feminine. Alexie told me just to not trim them myself. She also asked if I wanted to book another appointment, her typical interval was two weeks. I hesitated a bit, really not wanting to, but finally agreed as I was sure Donna and probably Susan would like how they looked this way. She also suggested next time I wear some kind of sandal rather than an enclosed shoe, as it would be easier. By the time I put my shoes on, paid and left, I was getting nervous about the next tasks. I decided the shoe store would be less embarrassing and went there first. It only took a few minutes to drive to the location and thankfully, the store was mostly empty. The only clerk was running the register, as it was a self-service type store. There were men and women's shoes, so I started looking in the men's aisles, but made my way into the women's section. My biggest problem was sizing. I knew I wore an 8 in men's shoes, but only had a vague idea about how that would translate to a woman's size. I decided to find the styles and colors I needed first, then worry about fit. I had looked online and decided a pump style would be best, maybe with a two inch heel. I had my swatches, so I began looking for pink, blue, and black pumps. A quick walk down of the women's aisles found lots of black shoes, but only a couple of pink and light blue ones. What was most distressing was that neither color was available in a pump nor any closed toe shoes. In fact the only style that came close to matching my color swatches was the same shoe that was available in pink, blue, white, and tan. It was an ankle strap sandal with a single strap across the instep. Worst yes, it had a very high heel. I was looking at it trying to decide if it would work and what size to by, when I was startled. "Good morning, can I help you? Those are a very pretty shoe, aren't they?" Another clerk had shown up without me seeing her. She was a petite, twenty something woman, with a big smile and eager look. I hesitated at first, feeling trapped. But knowing I had to get something I went ahead. "Hi, yes they are nice. I was looking for something in pink and light blue. Is there another style, maybe in the back, that doesn't have such a high heel?" "No, we have all of our stock out. We are just getting our spring colors in and might have more options in a month or so. Besides, this is only a four inch heel and quite manageable really. Do you know the size you're looking for? Is it a gift?" Now was the moment of truth. I quickly decided that it would be easiest, even if more embarrassing, to just be honest. That way I might get it over quicker. "Well honestly, I need something that would match a man's 8 shoe. I don't really know the size though." The girl looked a bit fazed, for a second, but glanced down at my feet. It was clear that my feet would be in that size range. Smiling again, she stepped over to a padded stool near the end of the aisle and picked up a metal measuring board. Pulling a chair away from the padded stool, she motioned for me to sit down. "Let's just get a measurement. Then you can try on a couple to make sure the fit is right. That will be quicker and easier. You'll need a bigger size than an 8 in women's but I'm not sure how much bigger. Have a seat." I swallowed and sat down in the chair. I could feel my face start to blush and get warm and my mouth was dry. I had hoped to do this on my own, but now I felt trapped. But I had no choice. Once I sat down, she took a position on the padded stool. With my foot on a sloped ramp attached to the stool, she took off my shoe and placed my foot on the measuring board. A few quick adjustments and she looked up at me. "Looks like you are right on the border between a nine and nine and a half. Sandals tend to stretch, so I'd suggest you try a nine and see how it does. You'll need to take off those thick socks but slip on this knee-hi for me, as we have to have the customers wear some protection while trying on shoes." She reached into the pocket of her blazer and took out a sheer, tan sock that looked like the end of a pair of pantyhose. I quickly realized that if I took off my sock, my freshly polished toenails with their bright red color would be exposed. But again I knew I was trapped and figured at this point it didn't matter. I peeled off my sock and quickly replaced it with the sheer one while she had gone to get the sizes we needed in blue. As she came back, she noticed my polish and smiled, but didn't say anything. She took her position and placed the shoe on my foot, sliding it in and buckling it. Pleased she looked up at me. "The nine seems to fit nicely, but you really should walk in them to be sure. Put your other foot up and I'll switch them out for you." Oh my gawd, this was getting worse. I did as she asked and she removed my shoe and sock, put on the sheer hose and other shoe. Sliding back, she indicated I should stand up. I was starting to panic now. The heels looked so high. "I don't know these heels look too high. I've never worn anything like this before." "Here, let me help you up and I'll hold your hand to steady you. Really it's not that hard to do, just take smaller steps and go slow." The clerk helped me get to my feet and I immediately felt how the heels changed everything. Standing, stepping, even the muscles in my legs felt totally different. But I was able, with her help, to take a few steps and then she let go. I could see it would take some adjusting but it was doable, I guess. Still, I could already imagine doing housework in heels would be harder. Likely more painful too. But I had little choice, as these shoes were the only ones that matched my swatches. Seeing me relax a bit, the clerk looked up from my shoes to my face. "How do they feel? I think that is the right size, as you weren't slipping as you walked. They look nice, especially with the polish. I always wear sandals after I get a pedicure, sort of showing off. If you want a pair in pink too, I don't think you need to try them on. A nine seems your size. Do you need any other shoes?" "Well I need a pair of black shoes too, I was thinking of a pump though." "Well let's look at what we have, they're on the next aisle." She left me and headed that way, suggesting I follow. I really wanted to remove the blue heels, as I felt so conspicuous as they clicked on the floor when I walked, But I followed her. Once we were there, I saw the pumps with the shorter heel. I picked it up and showed it to her. As I held them, I noticed my clear shiny fingernails. Out in the light, they glittered much more than I expected and realized it was obvious they were polished too. "I was thinking these would do. I might be more comfortable in a shorter heel." She looked at them and then over at the wall of shoes. She picked out a similar pump, but with a small cutout on the side, a leather bow at the back, and a higher heel, closer to what I was wearing now. "The one you like is okay, but trust me, I think you'll like this one better. The style is very current with nice little details, and honestly, since you'll be wearing a high heel already, it would be easier to stay with the same height. Honestly, I wear heels every day, and once you adjust to them, I find it takes less work to just wear similar heel heights than go up and down. Plus I guarantee once you see your legs in heels you'll want to wear the higher ones. Also, these pumps are just so much cuter. Little details make all the difference in shoe. The more you shop for them, you'll see that." I looked down at her feet and she was wearing a heel that looked even higher than what I had on. I wanted to protest, but she had already gotten a size nine in the black pump she preferred. Then she beamed when she told me that one was even cheaper than the lower heel, since it was on sale. Plus as a new customer she'd give me a 10 percent discount on my whole purchase. Seeing her determination, I gave in and made my way back to the stool. She took off the right sandal and replaced it with a pump. It did fit okay and a brief walk, back and forth, while she stayed on the stool, was enough to make sure it was the right size. Then I sat back down and she switched out the heels for my old shoes and socks. I tried to say I could do it, but she told me it was okay. The store was trying to provide more customer service and she was glad to do it. Finally, we went to the counter and I paid for my purchases. Again, she gave me a nice smile when I took my money out of the purse. Back in my car, I realized my heart was racing and wondered if I should have gone somewhere else first, just to see if I could find a match in a shoe with less heel. Now that it was done, however, I just decided to go with it, and drove to the lingerie shop. My heart was still racing, as I went in. I had not really felt awkward carrying a purse in the shoe store, I guess because I was partially hidden by the tall racks of shoes. Here though, everything was more open, no counter or rack being more than chest high. Also there were more customers, and clerks, too. But mostly I felt awkward because there were just rows and rows of bras, panties, sleepwear, and other lingerie. I just took the swatches out of my purse, and then stood there. Not knowing where to start, or maybe, not really prepared to do this. I was almost ready to turn and leave when I saw a saleslady approach me. She was close to my age, appearance wise, which somehow made it worse. But she had a helpful expression and smiled when she got closer. "Hello sir. My name is Karen and I'll be glad to help you find what you're looking for." I had to smile if only briefly, because her hair cut was the style, short on one side and longer on the other, that is often associated with the 'I want to see your manager' memes. That and her name, seemed to fit. But I quickly returned to panic mode, barely able to respond. "Yes, I was looking for some things that would match these fabrics." I held up the two swatches that I had taken from my purse. I could see her look at them and my glossy fingernails in the same view. Then she glanced at my purse, hung over my shoulder. I could almost see her rapid assessment. "Of course, I can help you find what you need. Are you wanting panties, a bra, or slip? What did you have in mind to match?" "Well I guess a panty and bra. I reached in my purse to get the list to look at. And a garter belt too." Karen reached over to take the list form me. She scanned quickly and then leaned in to whisper to me. "Relax, lots of guys come here to shop for themselves, some even come with their wives or fully dressed. I'm guessing she wants you to buy your own lingerie, right? Don't worry I'll help you find the right fit. Why don't we go look at some the matching sets. I think there are several that will work with those colors, although there are fewer sets that have a garter belt too. What's your name honey?" Her take charge attitude offset by her friendly, knowing demeanor relaxed me a bit and I replied Charles. I then followed her to one section of the store. It was a row of racks with bra, panty, and garter belts all in coordinated colors. But there were only a few that went with each swatch. The closest match to the blue was a very light blue, with sheer fabrics and little bow accents. The bra was a balconette style, the panty was a tanga, and the garter belt was wide with six garters. Of course, Karen told me all of this, as I had no clue what I was looking at. With a big smile, she handed me one of the panties while she described how it fit on the body. It felt uncomfortable in my hands, as if I were holding a hot coal. When she asked if it looked like something I would like, I nodded my head, suddenly worried that I couldn't speak. Karen moved down the line where there were sets in pink shades. There were actually several that worked, including one she thought might be best. It was a pink shade that more or less exactly matched the background pink on my swatch. It had an embroidered edge of lace, and a slight raised design in a darker pink. This set looked more like triangles with a soft cup triangle bra that hooked in front, panties with thin connecting side strings and a narrow garter belt with four garters and lace triangles connecting waist band and the garter. Karen looked at me, again, and smiled. "I hope you don't mind these being sort of brief and small. Most of the sets that include garter belts are designed to be sexier than regular day wear. I also saw your list shows stockings which we can choose after I find your sizes. Is there anything not on your list that you need?" For some reason, having to tell Karen about Susan's request, for full- size panties, was harder than the other items. Especially, if I did what Donna suggested about days of the week. But I was already this far in, so I went ahead. "Well it was suggested that I need some full-size briefs too, white ones, maybe with a little spandex for control. But not much in ways of decorations, just a plain style for everyday wear. Enough for a week's worth of wear. Maybe even ones with the days of the week on them, but I'm not sure about that." My face flared red again, as I mentioned the last idea. I had gradually acclimated to my situation as we looked before, I guess because Karen was looking at the list more than me telling her what I needed. But now I felt hot and my throat was dry. I hadn't looked at her as I spoke, but glanced up as I finished. "Well that makes sense, as these sets may not work if you're wearing panties all the time. White is always a good choice. The others are called days-of-the-week panties. When I was a pre-teen, all the girls had a set of those. At sleep overs, you could see we all wore them. They were super cute. Surprisingly, they have made a comeback, in women's sizes too. I think it's a combination of hipsters thinking it is retro- cool and older boomers wanting to relive their younger days. Now they aren't all white, as they have pastels, and the script is a color of course. Also we do have a selection of white brief panties, but not in boxed sets. Let's go take a look. Here's your list, you can put it back in your purse." We walked over to another aisle, her announcement of 'your purse' ringing in my ears. Karen showed me several full panty styles, stretching them out to show the degree of control. Most had touches of lace, either at the leg opening, along the waist, or more common, in a central panel down the front. She suggested I stay with one or two styles, with her preferring one with a control panel in front and another with wide lace at the front of the leg openings. After looking more at these styles, she moved to the end of the aisle, and showed me the days-of-the-week options. There were two sets, one with more vibrant colors, like red, black, and some neon-bright colors. The other set was soft pastels, with two white pairs, plus pink, blue, peach, yellow, and nude. Beside the day, written in cursive script, they had lace trim, either a band on each side, or inserts at the legs, or a wide front panel. Susan had requested plain styles, but I was sure this was what Donna wanted. Karen saw my hesitation. "Well you don't have to decide now, I think we know basically what you're looking for. Why don't we go back to the dressing rooms and I'll get your measurements. Once we know your sizes you can pick exactly what you want. Even then, as long as you don't wear them after you take them home, you can return the set if your wife doesn't approve. Follow me." "Dressing rooms? I thought I'd tell you my measurements. Wont' that work?" "Oh don't worry Charles. There are individual stalls where I can do it and I can make most of them without you taking off your clothes. Come on, you'll see." Karen walked away and I followed, hesitantly. She went into a large room, with mirrored walls interrupted by small inset rooms, with curtains. Pulling one back, she showed me into a small cubicle with a short bench and several hooks. Once inside, she pulled out a cloth measuring tape. "I'll start with your basic measurements, chest, waist and hips. I can do those over your clothes, as it is mostly to give me a guide. Stand up straight, with your arms slightly away from your body." I did as she asked, and Karen quickly moved the tape over my body, then wrote down the numbers on a small pad. Turning back she asked if I would unbutton my shirt, so she could get a better number for my chest, as I was in between sizes. I undid three buttons from the top and she said that was fine. Sliding the tape inside my shirt, she took two measurements as I watched. Seeing my interest, she explained. "Charles to get a proper bra fit, you need two sizes, which for you aren't that different. The first is around your ribs, below a woman's breasts. That's the band size, normally rounded up or down so the number is even. The next is usually centered over the nipples or wherever the larger portion is located, and is used to calculate cup size. Now your band is 35, and the other is only 36. In a woman, that would mean an AA or A-cup, small sizes. The good thing for you, like many small busted women, is that we carry breast pads. So we can increase your cup size a little. Now we don't have larger, full size breast forms, is that a problem?" "No, I'd actually prefer to stay small as I'm not trying to be too conspicuous." "Great, well if you're okay with that, we'll use a small pad, a silicon insert that is flesh color and has the feel and weight of actual breast tissue. We have some that are foam, but most customers prefer the more natural feel. With that, I can put you in a B-cup bra, which allows us more selections, as A-cup bras are limited. Okay? I also want to confirm your waist, as it will be important for your garter belts and panties. Unbuckle your pants, but you don't need to pull them down, as I will just slip the tape inside them." This was making me more nervous but I did as she asked. Again, she got the size quickly. Smiling at me, she jotted down the new measurements. "Well overall you have quite a slim profile. Based on your measurements, I want to fit you in both a 34B and a 36B bra. Your waist is a trim 32 and hips a modest 35, a nice moderate hourglass figure. I think your measurements will translate to a size 5 panty and likely a medium for the garter belts. I'll go get a few of each one, that way we can be sure. While I'm out just undress, down to your underwear and I'll be right back with your lingerie." This was what I was afraid of, and looked up to try to catch her eye so I could protest, but she left before I could make eye contact. Reluctantly did as she asked after she left. What made me even more nervous, was that other women had come into the dressing area to try on things. I couldn't see them, but heard them in adjacent stalls, rustling around with some chatting. I took off my shirt and pants, leaving me standing there in my socks and underwear. It seemed liked forever, but Karen soon returned, with an armful of underwear. She pulled the curtain back, stepped part way in and placed most of the things on the wall hooks next to my clothes. Holding up the light blue bra, she asked if I had ever put one on. My negative reply, led her to explain I could put my arms through the straps, and hook it in back or put it on backward, spin it around my waist and pull it up over my breasts. She'd help me, and slipped it up my arms, had me turn around so she could hook it, and then back to face her. She adjusted the straps, tugged the cups so they were centered over my nipples, and then put a small pad in each cup. She then picked up the garter belt and fastened it around my waist. Both the bra and belt were snug, but not tight and Karen seemed pleased with the fit. She handed me the matching panty. "Normally, we require women to try on panties over their own underwear, you know for sanitary reasons, in case they don't buy. In your case, those men's briefs are so bulky that isn't possible. But since I'm pretty sure these will fit and be what you want, go ahead and put them on. Just be sure to tuck the garter straps under your panty. That is the proper way to wear them, as it allows you to go to the bathroom while not taking off your hose. Even if you're wearing it just for bedroom play, this will allow you to remove your panty completely and still have on your stockings. Just let me know when you're decent." Karen had sort of giggled and winked at me as she said the last part, but stepped out and pulled the curtain shut. I felt trapped. I really didn't want to take off my thick cotton briefs, as they hid my cage. I was pretty sure the delicate panty, with its minimal coverage would expose it. But I took off my underwear and pulled up the panty. As I feared it seemed to mold itself to my cage and in fact only covered a portion of my ass. The bra had more projection than I expected, as the pads filled out the cups. I felt so exposed and my heart was pounding in my chest. After a few minutes, I forced myself to respond. "Karen, everything fit okay. You were right about the sizes. I'll remove them and get dressed." "Oh not yet, Charles. Don't you want to see how you look? Besides I have a pair of stockings for you to use to check out the garter belt and I still want you to try on the bra in the other size. If you have your panty on, I'm coming in." Karen pulled back the curtain before I could respond. She stood there holding the sheer stockings and looked at me. She looked me over and seeing the odd bulge in front, slowly began to smile. But she said nothing, other than to ask if I knew how to put on stockings. I couldn't speak, so I shook my head no. Karen then showed me how to roll them up. I sat down on the bench, took off my socks and put on the stockings as she watched. When I pulled off my socks, her smile broadened as she saw my red polish. It was a nice feeling, as the silky material slid up my smooth legs. Karen showed me how to do the clips and I had them both attached. I noticed she kept glancing at the front of my panties. Then she had me change the bra, making me put it on myself, spinning it around my waist. She liked the fit of this size better. Finally after looking me over again, she stepped back and opened the curtain. "Step outside, in front of the mirror, so you can see if you like it." Her voice was not offering a suggestion but was in command tone. Reluctantly I obeyed. I stepped out, but turned so my back was to the rest of the room where a couple of ladies were also looking at themselves. I knew my reflection would be visible, but immediately realized they were too busy, and self-conscious, to look at me. Seeing myself, in the lingerie, my cage outlined by the tight panty, emphasized how much I was sacrificing to achieve my dreams of chastity. Karen instinctively adjusted my garters, panty and bra, as she stood by me. She also told me I looked very nice. Then she looked down at the cage, her hands on my waist, and whispered to me. "I think this is so sexy that you're doing this for your wife. I mean, it's obvious that you are giving her control, and are likely putting her needs before your own. I actually met a man once, who liked this kind of thing, and he was very attentive. If it wasn't for other factors, I would have loved to have kept dating him. Well since we know your sizes now, why don't you go back in and get dressed. If you like this set, I'll cut off the tags and you can wear it home under your clothes. I think your wife would appreciate that. Then we can pick out the rest of your lingerie, okay?" I didn't want to tell her that I wasn't wearing the lingerie for my wife, but let her unclip my stockings and remove the tags so she could scan the items. I removed her hose and got dressed. The feeling of the bra and panty made me so self-aware, I had to keep looking around to see if anyone had noticed. It didn't take us long to get the pink set, a few white briefs, the pastel days-of-the-week panties and a couple pairs of stockings, one each in black, white and tan. While I was paying, Karen told me to come back anytime and she'd be glad to help me get the right fit, winking as she did. I finally left and made my way home. Luckily, I could slip into my bedroom and remove the lingerie before Susan saw me. Later she did want to see what I had bought, as well as check out my polished nails. She had an odd look when she saw me, and questioned me on how the beauty techs reacted to my caged cock. My retelling of the experience, being sort of on display with several taking a look put a grin on her face. She also liked my shoe choices telling me they were all cute and she thought I'd done a good job picking them out. Although she was surprised I had chosen such a high heel. The look on her face showed even more surprise at my selection than her words indicated. It was as if she was seeing something in me for the first time. When I told her the lingerie saleslady had made me try on everything she even laughed and shook her head in disbelief. However, she actually liked Donna's suggestion for the days-of-the-week panty set and made me change into the Saturday pair then and there. I hadn't expected Susan to be so aggressive in making me embrace the women's things, so the change in her attitude was a surprise. Sunday I spent a good portion of the day doing laundry and she made me remove all my old men's underwear so there would be room for my new things. It was a tacit admission that at least for a while, I'd be having more than a touch of femininity. But the worst part was yet to come. Donna had called to be sure I'd gotten my underwear. She instructed me to wear the blue ensemble, with tan hose, under a pair of sweats. I could put on my new heels at her house but to be sure I was there on time. I hadn't been this nervous in a long time, not really sleeping soundly and waking up long before my alarm. I took a quick shower, shaved and got dressed. I had laid out my lingerie the night before, along with my sweats so I dressed in the bathroom. It felt so different wearing them for real, not just trying them on. My hands were actually shaking when I worked the nylons up my legs and it took me several tries to clip them to my garters. Finally, I was done. Susan was up now, so I made her coffee and eggs, before I had to go. She just grinned at me and told me to enjoy my day, since this was what I wanted. I thought to myself, it wasn't what I had in mind, but now I was stuck. I pulled into their driveway and parked to the side, so Donna could get out when she needed. I noticed Joe's car was gone already. I went to the front door, and saw a small note pinned there. It read to come in, as door was unlocked. I was to remove my outer clothes and shoes leaving them by the door, and come upstairs to the bedroom. I was to knock, announce my presence and wait. I went in, undressed, put on my blue heels, and headed upstairs. I felt so uncomfortable moving around in my lingerie, especially with the sound of my heels on their floor. After I knocked, I heard Donna approach and open the door. She wasn't wearing a dress, but had a slip over her bra and panty. She smiled and looked me over. "Nice outfit Charles. I see you met all my requirements. It's very cute and should match your new maid uniform. Let's go into my sewing room and you can try it on." I followed her, still nervous and uncomfortable being seen in 'my' lingerie and being around another woman wearing only her lingerie. As we entered the room, I saw several dresses on a rack. I recognized the fabric from the swatches, one pink and one blue, and a black one as well. They were all the same style, a simple skater style with a tight bodice and flared skirt. They were accented with lace trim around the rounded neckline, the three-quarter length sleeves, and hem. With the cute blue flowery print, it was a very feminine dress. Donna unzipped the back and handed it to me. I held it open, wide so I could pull it up over my heels and worked it up my body. Once I had my arms in it, Donna helped pull it in place and then zipped up the back. It fit snuggly, but because of the stretch fabric, had some give. The flared skirt had a layer of net crinoline attached, which helped the skirt flare out a little. Even with it pushed away from my body, the hem hit my legs right above the knee, and just below the welts of my stockings. The tight bodice molded around my small bust and provided an outline of my bra beneath. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, Donna tied a sheer lace half-apron around my waist and then used bobby pins to attach a maid's cap, made from matching fabric and lace, into my hair. The last piece was the collar. It felt like a dog's collar only covered in the same lace as my dress trim. It buckled in back and had a prominent metal ring in front. I wanted to cringe, seeing my image, but Donna seemed totally pleased. She handed me another apron, a full bib style, in plain white cotton. "Here, you are to wear this apron while doing your work, as it will cover your uniform. The half apron is to be worn while we are in the house with you, sort of a serving apron for show. Dressing you turned out better than I hoped. I wasn't sure that Joe was right when he said you needed feminizing to go with your chastity desires. But seeing you now, he was right. The dress emphasizes your maid status, but with a feminine flare. Also, I talked with Susan and she was pleasantly surprised at how much she liked your new panties. Seems I wasn't the only preteen to wear days of the week style. So I imagine, you'll be wearing something like this for as long as your domestic training continues. After that, who knows? Speaking of your training, here is a list of what I expect you to do today. It may seem like a lot, but don't rush through any of them. Joe told me he was going to be strict when he inspects your work after he comes home. So I encourage you to do your best. If you don't dawdle or waste time, I think you can get them done. There's water and liquid meals in the fridge if you need some. I'm going to finish dressing and then you'll be here on your own." After she turned and left, I looked at the list. I was stunned. It was a full page, with lots of details. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, polishing, and scrubbing, throughout the house. It was more than I did now at home in a week. I would have to hustle to even get close. Her admonition about how strict Joe was made me worry too. If I really took my time to ensure each task was done thoroughly, then I might not get them all done but if I hurried, they'd be done poorly. My best bet was to start on a room, finish it and work my way through the whole house. I went to the kitchen to get the supplies from where Donna said they were stored. I went right to work, not even hearing Donna leave. I started in the kitchen and worked my way through the downstairs. It was taking quite a bit of time, especially Joe's study, as dusting all the mementos on his shelves. I was working so hard, I even skipped lunch, just sipping water. I made it upstairs where, luckily it was a bit easier. I expected Joe to come home around 5, and had just finished scrubbing the upstairs toilet, as the last item on Donna's list, when I heard the click of the garage door opening. I gathered my supplies and made my way downstairs, exhausted but inwardly proud I had got it all done. I felt I had done a good job too, as I had really focused on each task. I was so focused, I hadn't noticed how much my feet hurt from my heels, until I stood waiting for him in the kitchen. But then it hit me. I was standing in front of my former employee, dressed in a frilly maid's dress, fully accessorized, and in heels. My face flushed with my first blush of the day. Joe came in and slowly looked me over, before handing me his coat and briefcase. "Okay, first things first. I like how you're waiting here for me. I expect that. But I also expect you to be neat. Your dress is askew, your stockings are drooping, your hair band is off kilter, and you aren't in your serving apron. You should be sure you look presentable before I come in. I assume wearing girl's things is new to you. But as I suspected, they suit you. Since you gave me your masculinity to hold, seeing you in a dress and heels seems right. Donna told me that you had done a good job selecting your lingerie to match your new uniform, so it's clear you enjoy wearing them. I am surprised at how small you look up top. Given the option, I thought you'd prefer to have big boobs, as you were always drawn to them. But whatever, maybe it is better to start small, so you adjust to them. For now, hang up my coat and put my briefcase in my study. I'll inspect your work and meet you there. Just be sure to straighten up your appearance." I cursed myself for failing to switch aprons, and watched as Joe got some white gloves from a drawer, picked up my chore list, and began his inspection. I hung up his coat, and put his briefcase away, before tidying up my appearance and changing aprons. Somehow I hadn't notice one of my garter clips coming open letting my stocking sag. But I made myself presentable before he came to the den. Standing there, nervously, with my feet beginning to really hurt, it seemed like he was taking a long time. I also realized that I would likely be punished for any shortcomings. Finally he came in, removing his gloves and putting them on top of the list on his desk. "Charles, I was pleased with the fact you completed all your tasks. That shows you were working and not dawdling. But many were done poorly or incompletely. In several places there were streaks on the floor from mopping, you missed a few areas while dusting, and I expect a more thorough scrub of the tiles. Next time you come over, I'll have you scrub all the floors by hand, on your knees. That should teach you to be more careful. It will also be necessary for you to work once, at least, under Donna's strict observation. She can make sure you're doing it right, as she'll be right there, with her crop, to correct any mistakes on the spot. But I can start your improvement by providing some discipline, now, for your errors. I also think I need to be a bit more hands on with you, You know the position to assume when you're nude, but I want you to know what it will be like when you're in panties and skirts. Which I feel will soon be your natural condition. You can begin by pulling your panties down to your ankles." I reached under my dress and worked my panty over the garters and down my legs. I immediately felt a flush of embarrassment, as this made me feel like a young girl being punished. Joe opened his desk and removed the cuffs. This time he cuffed my hands in front and then using a clip, attached them to the ring on my collar. He sat in his chair and motioned for me to approach. I stood next to him, by his side. He reached up to grab the ring on my collar and pulled me forward and down so I lay across his thighs. As I got in place, he lifted up the lower part of my dress, revealing my ass. Shockingly, he rubbed and then squeezed each butt cheek, before reaching between my legs to lightly squeeze my balls exposed in the chastity device. "Charles I know this has been a challenging week for you. Don't be discouraged by your shortcomings in cleaning our house, or embarrassed by your new feminine appearance. I think you're right where you should be in your training, as I never expected your transition to be perfect. I know Donna and I feel honored to be your keyholders and I think your wife is beginning to see the advantages of your desire for chastity. But you still have a long way to go and so does she. We'll continue to shape you and I'm going to spend more time with Susan, exposing her to more masculine men, like myself and a few of my friends, so she can better understand what you want and need. As far as how long you'll be locked before earning a release, Donna and I agree that you need to show certain behaviors and acknowledgements of your new life before you can earn that reward. Just continue to do as we say and be receptive to corrective actions like you're going to get now from me." My mind was racing when Joe mentioned exposing my wife to other men, as that was another idea that was not what I had in mind. But I also knew now was not the time to object. I had made that mistake with Donna and I would avoid it now. So I remained quiet, while Joe returned to rubbing my cheeks. He briefly outlined my mistakes and assigned me two swats for each, generating a total of 14. I steeled myself, as he began. The first one surprised me, not by how hard it was, but how it felt. Joe had curved his hand as he struck me. It was somehow more intimate when his skin touched mine. He alternated his blows between cheeks, using both a flat and cupped hand position to deliver a variety of sensations. By the time he finished, I could feel the tears in my eyes and my butt was burning. He gently rubbed my cheeks again before squeezing my balls hard enough to cause a tear to roll down my face. "Remember these are mine now. You no longer have balls, nor a cock either, until I allow it. That's why you wear panties, a bra, and maid's uniforms, as you accept a new submissive life of service to your wife. When I think back to our time at work together, it was clear you were lucky to have me on your team. I cleaned up a lot of your mistakes and covered for you. It was clear to me then, that you should have been in a supporting role. Well Donna and I are going to address that now, so that you can properly serve your wife. After I unlock you, gather your uniforms and aprons, as your wife thought it would be better if you dressed at home before coming over. Donna has met her before coming home, to review your progress and give Susan your new home serving outfits." With that he rolled me off his legs so I landed with a thud, on my ass as I hit the floor. Reaching down he removed the cuffs and the collar. My face was flushed a deep red and my butt hurt as much as the first time he spanked me. I could tell he covered more of my ass and I could feel the heat as I pulled my panty back into place. Despite not liking the idea of dressing in my uniform at home, I got my new things and came back down. It dawned on me then, that my sweats had not been where I left them. Donna must have taken them with her. Joe smiled as he gave me the keys to my car, clearly indicating I was to drive home, still dressed as I was. Leaving his house and walking toward my car, the tears again flowed down my face as I accepted this latest humiliation. It haunted me that I had actively asked for Joe's help and agreed to do as he wanted in exchange for the feeling of having someone act as my keyholder. I had so misread him as a keyholder. But I never imagined having to make these kinds of sacrifices. I was terrified driving home, both by being in public wearing my maid's uniform and by the idea that Susan would see me this way. It had been bad enough to have made the feminine modifications to my body and wear panties in front of her, but to be fully dressed was something I had hoped to avoid. Finally making my way to my house, I saw Donna's car in the driveway but thankfully, my side of the garage was open. I pulled in, shut the garage door and went inside. I was trying to get upstairs, before they saw me, but unfortunately they were seated at the kitchen table and I had no way to pass them without being seen. As I came in, Susan turned and smiled "There you are honey. I was hoping you'd get here before Donna had to leave. She dropped off the outfit she made for you to wear while you clean here, but she wanted me to see what you're wearing for her and Joe. So, that's it. Your first real dress. It is darling, Donna. I love the flowery print and the way you outlined everything in lace. Not what I envisioned as a maid's uniform, I have to admit. How about you, Charles? Were you able to do your chores okay in your new dress?" "Ha, not if the text I got from Joe means anything. Apparently, Charles finished the chore list, but had some issues doing them all correctly. Of course, Joe gave him a little persuasion so he'll do better next time. I'm sure we can teach him how to do it all properly and he'll learn quickly if he wants to earn his release. As far as the print, I thought just because Charles needed a uniform, it didn't mean it had to be a solid color. Of course, I made him a more traditional maid look too, the one in black. Which I thought he might need for more formal occasions, where it is more serving or support than cleaning. But for everyday work, a pretty, feminine look would be nice too. He did such a good job matching his panty and bra to the color swatches I gave him too. It's clear he has more than a passing interest in girl's underwear. I do like how he made it all day without ruining his stockings. That shows he is adapting to wearing delicate items too. So, how was it Charles, your first day as a proper chastity maid?" I stood there, a slight blush on my face, as I held my dresses and aprons. I felt sick standing there in front of my wife like this, the throb in my butt reminding me how I asked for this. The throb of my caged cock was also a painful reminder of what started this. But I knew I had to answer and decided to be honest, even if it was risky. "Well it was okay I guess. The dress and apron were fine, really. The panties too. But, the heels were different though, I never quite got used to them and they really hurt my feet after a while. The bra was uncomfortable too, it feels so tight around my chest, especially when I reach or move. Same with the garter belt and stockings. I had to pay a lot of attention to them, so they wouldn't get all torn up. I probably could do a much job at cleaning without those." Both women laughed as I finished and looked at each other. Susan shook her head, sort of in a knowing way. "Oh honey, it will be fine. Every girl felt the same kind of things the first 'time they wore heels or a bra. It's more that they're unusual to you now. You'll adjust quickly I'm sure. As far as your hose, if you kept them nice the first time, I suspect you can do it all the time. Honestly, you look much cuter than I thought you would in a dress. With heels and hose, your legs are quite sexy even. What I don't particularly like is the incomplete look though. You know what I mean Donna? Don't you think a little makeup and a wig would make him look more normal? Not a long wig, but something short and flirty, a bob or curly style?" "I see your point Susan. I mean he looks sort of halfway now, clearly a man in a dress. Since he's given his sexual freedom to us, that sort of makes him not much of a man anymore, so switching him to fully feminine appearance makes sense too. If he's going to drive back and forth from your home to ours in his uniform, it would be logical he look as real as possible." "Yes, that way if we need him to run an errand on the way there or back, he could just remove his apron and do it. I'd feel better about him being in public that way too. I'll make sure he finds what he needs before his next service day with you. But before you go, I want to see him in his home outfit. Charles, I put what Donna made for you on our bed. Go change and be sure to slip into your Monday panty. But hurry up." I went past them and up the stairs, my mind rattled by my wife's new suggestions as well as how accepting she seemed of me in a dress. She did sort of smirk and tease me about it, but I had really hoped to see more of a negative reaction. But for now, I just wanted out of this dress, bra and heels. I quickly peeled it all off, relief pouring over me as I did. Nude, I opened my drawer and put on my day panty. I then went to check out the new outfits on my bed. There were two, identical in design, made of the pastel print fabric Donna had first shown me, one in mint green with multi-color flowers and the other in a rich peach with small white flowers. The design was based on a shorts and top combo, so that made me feel good that it wasn't a dress. I pulled on the shorts, which fit tightly. They had a high waist hitting at my navel, with a side zip closure and a very short inseam. The top was short sleeve, V-neckline, with a row of nine fabric covered buttons in front. The back and sides were long, going way past my shorts but short in the front. It sort of looked like a waistcoat design, exposing my shorts, in front but giving the impression of a dress from the back and sides. It was a much more feminine design than I had hoped for. Although I would have preferred a plain option, I picked the peach since my Monday panty was a similar light peach that matched better. I had a suspicion Susan would like that. I made my way back to the kitchen. The design although feminine, was really quite comfortable and I could see doing chores in this much better than the maid uniforms. As I entered the kitchen, both women turned and looked me over. I stood there nervously, waiting for a response. "I like that. It's a simple but attractive style. It seems to fit well too and looks good on you. How do you like Donna's design?" "I like it too. Very comfortable and I can see it working well. Thank you Donna for all your help." I thought it would be good to thank her, as she obviously had done a nice job on these and my uniforms. As I stood there, both women continued to look me over, and Susan motioned for me to turn around which I did so she could see me from the back. I came back to face them and she turned to talk to Donna. "I think this is perfect for us now. When I first saw it, I thought with a pair of sandals or flats it would be a good outfit. But I have to admit after seeing him in his maid uniform, I'm not sure that would work. His legs are really too pale to go without some kind of hose to give them color and the way the heels shaped his legs were nice too. What do you think about accessorizing his look with some sheer pantyhose and short heel sandals? I think if he wore shorter heels, maybe a couple of inches, around here then he'd be more comfortable in the high heels in his maid uniforms. Before we started all of this, I was hesitant about seeing him in girl's things. But surprisingly, I sort of like the look. It suits him, especially knowing what is under his panties. His body is slim and rather petite, everywhere. Can you make him a hair band to match and maybe the collar too?" "Of course. I think you're totally right in the choice of accessories. I have a feeling that once you see him in a wig and makeup, you might want that look around here too. That's one thing that's nice about this design, I can easily make a skirt that he can use rather than the shorts. So if what Joe told me is correct, you are meeting him Wednesday night for drinks and dinner, so he can introduce you to a few of his more masculine friends. He thinks that is a good idea for you to see what real men are like. Not that anything improper is going to happen. I know those guys are nice to ladies but in a manly way. That way you can put Charles and his desires in a more suitable light. While you're having fun, I'd like Charles to come over to my house. Joe wants me to do some one-on-one instructions of his cleaning techniques. I think a couple of hours of him doing them under my watchful eye and steady hand with the crop, will iron out any problems he's having. Does that work?" "Sounds perfect to me, how about you hon? I mean it is rather quick, but I think if we look online together, I can suggest a few wigs for you to try on. Weren't there some cosmetics on his original list from you Donna?" "Yes there were. I was going to wait but now I see there is no reason not to go ahead. I put down brands and colors for most items but if you want him to try some foundation, he'll need to consult with the clerks. After buying his own bra and panties, that should be easy enough. You can do that for us, can't you Charles? Is your list still in your purse?" I nodded my head yes, not really wanting to say my true feelings. I couldn't believe how fast this was all spiraling out of control. Susan was becoming so much more comfortable with everything that Donna and Joe suggested. Even meeting some of Joe's friends, which really freaked me out. But I stayed silent, figuring I'd talk with my wife later. "Speaking of that honey, I noticed you weren't particularly big up top in your maid's dress. What size bra did you buy?" I had to swallow before I answered, my face blushing more. I told her I had gotten a 36-B with some padding. Her face broke out into a smile. "Well since you'll be going back to your lingerie shop to get some pantyhose, how about you buy a couple more bras? Get some that will match your days of the week panties. That way you'll have a nice ensemble to wear under all of your new work outfits, whether here in my house or over at Donna's. I think the more you wear them, the sooner they'll feel normal to you. Honestly, the more I see you in those cute little outfits, the more comfortable I am with you embracing not only your desire to have someone hold the key to your chastity but showing off your love for silky lingerie too." "That's the spirit Susan. Who knows, you might even adjust to using some discipline to help him find his way." Donna laughed at the last statement, and Susan joined in. Donna got up to leave and soon it was just me and my wife. She smiled at me and suggested I help her with dinner. Despite all that happened today, we acted as if it were normal. Small talk about how her day went, as well as local news, was most of it. She did quiz me a little for more details on how my cleaning went and what my problems were. She smiled when I said it was hard to mop or clean toilets while in heels. She seemed sympathetic and just told me I would adjust. After we were done, she got up, said she wanted to watch some TV and left. It was clear that the cleanup and dishes were my job. I did it and afterwards went to watch with her. I really wanted to take off my new outfit, as it just reminded me of how far I had come and what lay in front of me. Finally after her last show finished, she turned off the set. "Charles, I think I want a little relief, sexual relief. Why don't you go upstairs, gather my toys and some lube, get undressed and wait for me. I want you kneeling at the side of the bed until I get there." Susan's pronouncement got my heart racing. She'd not openly talked about sex, especially her own masturbation, like this before. Further, I'd never seen her do something like this. It's not like I didn't know she masturbated, or where her 'toys' were kept. It was just, not talked about. Given that preface, I was eager to do as she wished. Plus after all the abuse I'd suffered in exposing my desire for chastity, I too, was horny as hell. I left quickly and was soon naked in our bedroom, her silver vibrator and big, flesh colored dildo on the nightstand along with a tube of sex lube. As I knelt beside the bed, my cock had swollen and throbbed in its' small cage, making me wish my wife had my key instead of it being miles away. Still I was thrilled. When Susan came in, finally, after ten minutes or so, she laughed and made a comment that I was certainly an eager beaver. Very eager, since I could do no more than watch. She went into the bath to change and came out in a short, wispy nightgown that gave glimpses of her body. But she went to the clothes hamper and removed one of the stockings I had just put in there. She told me to put my hands behind my back and lightly tied them there with my stocking. Then she opened her nightstand drawer and got out her sleep mask. To my dismay, she fitted it over my eyes, plunging me into darkness and preventing me from seeing her. For the next thirty minutes, she used her vibrator and dildo to give her herself several climaxes, if my ears were correct. It was sheer torture for me. I could hear the buzz of her vibrator, the moist, squishy sounds of her plunging the thick dildo into her wet pussy, both accompanied by her own moans, and raspy breathing. I could even smell her excitement. But could not see it. My own cock was dripping by now, still painfully trying to get erect. Finally it sounded like she was done as her breathing slowed and there were no other sounds. "Umm, that was good. I really needed it too. You probably don't realize I still get horny. Maybe as much as you do. Did you like my little concert for you? Do you want a taste of my excitement?" It had been sometime since she'd allowed me to lick her pussy and I was so excited, I eagerly told her yes, please. I heard the bed creak and sounds of her moving toward me. "Open up for me, and you can clean my juices off my boyfriend's big cock." Stunned by her comment, I still opened my mouth. Sure enough she put the realistic head of her dildo into my mouth. I could taste her, as her sexual secretions were all over it. She spent the next five minutes holding it for me and telling me to suck it or lick the shaft. My face was blushing a hot red but I was so horny, even the idea of tasting her was enough to drive me to obey. Finally she pulled it away. "Good boy. You seem eager to clean up after him. His cock is so thick, it gives me the kind of orgasms I need and can't get otherwise. I'm just proud of you for being so obedient. Donna and Joe are doing a good job already. Speaking of that, why don't you stand up and let me see Joes' latest." I stood up, awkwardly because of the blindfold and my legs being a little numb from kneeling so long. She had me turn around, and softly ran her hand over my cheeks. Even though it had been hours, my butt was still sensitive. "I can still see his hand prints. You must have been really embarrassed getting spanked like that, by your former employee. Especially after spending all day cleaning his house. A real reversal of fortunes. Donna told me she was surprised at how much Joe seemed to be enjoying holding your keys. She said it was like he felt obligated to do the very best for you and make sure got everything you deserved. I'd suggest you do a better job on Wednesday, as she confessed she found the idea of training you to be more exciting than she expected. They've had sex a couple times since accepting your keys and it was among their best. I have to confess too. The idea of meeting Joe's friends has me excited. I don't intend to do anything immoral, but it does sound like fun. Being around some super masculine guys who'll be paying attention to me. So far, this desire of yours is turning out far better than I had imagined. I hope you feel it is what you need." While she finished her last sentence, Susan reached up and untied the stocking and told me to go clean-up for bed. She'd left one of her old nightgowns for me to wear. Nothing personal, but it just seemed more appropriate for me to sleep in one than my men's pajamas. I pulled off her sleep mask and made my way into the bath. I had to wipe off my pre- cum from the cage and my thighs where I had leaked. I slipped on the gown, it was a long, beige satin with lace trimmed straps. I returned to our bed and crawled in. But it took a while for me to fall asleep as I reviewed what had happened the past few days and thought about the plans for Wednesday night. It didn't help that my cock was still throbbing from all the teasing. The next morning I got up to make her coffee and breakfast before she left for work. She had me put on the matching robe over my gown as I waited on her. As she ate she told me what chores I was to do today. When she got home I was to be in one of my new uniforms. I was to be wearing pantyhose and sandals that matched my outfit too. Dark tan, browns, or white would be good colors for the hose, as long as they coordinated with my uniform. I should also get a couple of bras and be wearing one as well. "The more I think about it, there is no reason for you not to wear lingerie here as well as at Donna and Joe's. I think Joe is right about that. If you've given up control of your cock, then embracing a corresponding feminine identity is appropriate. I'll send you a couple of links at lunch for wigs I like. You can go out Wednesday, and get one and your cosmetics too. That way you'll look even more convincing." The day didn't get much better as it went along. I decided if I had to buy more lingerie, to go early. I figured there would be fewer customers. It felt odd, but I wore my Tuesday panty under my clothes, glad it was a plain white with black script. Pulling into the parking lot I could see several cars. Inside it was worse, as there were almost ten women shopping. A quick look around revealed that Karen was not among the salesladies. I thought I could pick out my bras, as I knew my size and the colors I wanted. But I had less idea about pantyhose. As I headed toward the aisle with bras, a clerk approached me. When she asked if I needed help, I shook my head no. Then cocking her head to the side, she asked if I was Charles. Caught off guard I softy answered yes. Her smile broadened, and she replied that Karen had told them about a sweet man she had waited on and I looked like her description. I immediately blushed, but she ignored it, asking if I wanted more panties or bras? Trapped I replied bras, so she accompanied me to the area. It only took me a few minutes to pick out three, as I wanted them all in the same style, a simple lace T-shirt design. It came in multiple colors so I got a peach, white, and beige. I wanted soft pastels, as they would go with most of my panties. When the clerk asked if I needed anything else, I confessed that I needed some pantyhose too, but wasn't sure about sizes. I was deathly afraid she'd take me back to the dressing room to make me try some on, but thankfully we just looked at size charts on the package. Using waist size, height, and weight, she picked out the sizes I needed. She quizzed me about the outfits I would be using these with, so I briefly described the short sets. Her suggestion of a style that featured a sheer to waist design with no heel or toe met my needs, as it came in multiple colors and would work with any length bottom. I wound up with pairs of tan, coffee, white, and taupe color variations. She was so friendly, while ringing me up and telling me to come back anytime, as the whole staff knew about me. I guess she thought that would make me feel better but it was actually the worst thing I could hear. I was numb by the time I went back to the shoe store. Luckily it was virtually empty but I couldn't' find any sandals with 2-inch heels, so settled for two pair with 3-inch wedge heels, in a beige and white, which would go with my house uniform. I finished my errands by buying some groceries picking up a few items Susan had requested. Back home, I was too wound up to eat, so I just changed, reluctantly, into my new uniform. Bra, panty, pantyhose, and my peach shorts outfit, with white sandals. I put on a lace collar, like I wore for Donna. These additions really made my house uniform looked feminine and even more so as I used one of my full white bib aprons as I cleaned. Seeing my image in the mirror brought home how far I had sunk. I knew Susan wanted me to wear this for when she got home, but was unsure about during the day. I guess I put it on, just in case she decided to drop in. I finished her list of chores about an hour before she was supposed to be home, so I made a casserole to cook and then checked my email. There was a message from her about the wigs. I checked on the links and saw four style she liked. Two had straight hair, in short cuts, a bob with bangs and side part with waves. The other two choices were curly, one with a mass of small tight curls and the other in bigger looser ones. All of these looked like a nightmare to me. Each one was a different color and she had not expressed a preference. Susan had given me two local stores where they sold these styles. I knew we'd talk about them tonight. Still just the idea of wearing one, made me queasy. I know I was already outfitted in women's things, but this seemed worse, as it was more like I wanted to look like a girl. Really all I had wanted was to explore my chastity deeper and have someone hold my key. It would be even harder to go find makeup. I had looked over the list Donna had given me the first day. As I expected, there were two of each product. Generally, a bright very noticeable color and one more subdued. Like for the lipsticks, that meant a bright red and a soft pink. But what sort of amazed me was how many different things there were. I really had no idea most women wore so many products, each aimed at doing one small thing or applied in one location. I had seen Susan do her makeup for years, but I guess I'd hadn't really watched that closely. I had a sinking feeling this would be another nightmare. As I finished reviewing the list, I heard Susan's car pull into the garage. I changed out of my bib apron into my lace serving apron, making sure I didn't repeat that error, even if I didn't know if she would require it. "Honey, I'm home. Oh, there you are. Don't you look cute! I love how your new accessories complete Donna's design. It just seems more appropriate for you now. I guess hearing Donna explain it, why if you aren't in control of your own masculinity, that a feminine one is more fitting, makes it seem right. Honestly, I can't wait to see you with a proper wig and your face done. Did you get a chance to look at the links I sent you?" Susan came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, smiling broadly. We then lapsed into conversation, while I brought her a glass of wine and we sat in the living room. I could already sense a change in our relationship, with her being more willing to assume a role of control, sort of in a kind but superior way. Perhaps like an older sister with a younger one. She seemed less reluctant to tell me to do something rather than ask, like start dinner or remove her shoes so I could lightly massage her feet or bring her another glass of wine. She also seemed more comfortable with the idea of me caged and what it suggested. Certainly accepting or more accurately embracing me presenting a feminine look. Which continued to shock me. I had thought that would be more difficult to do than hold my key. But for some reason, seeing me in a serving outfit, a girl's outfit, freed her from her role as the female helper in our marriage to more of a queen's role. The way she talked about helping me with makeup and hair style, reminded me of how lovingly she'd talked about her childhood and having three sisters who helped her. I think this was sort of a way to play their role and guide me, playing the role of an inexperienced girl, into the secrets of being female. The final part of the puzzle was when she mentioned how excited, but nervous she was about going with Joe to meet his friends. We'd been married so long that doing such things with new men was now almost foreign. What she should wear, what to say, how to act, e.g., if it was acceptable to flirt, and whether they would know she was married. All these thoughts ran through her mind, and through our conversation, to me. It was clear that she had put me more in the girlfriend or sister category, as she was not hesitant to share these thoughts with me, in a way she'd never done before. It was more intimacy but a different kind of personal connectivity between us. Totally different. Of course, she repeated that she'd not do anything out of place that she was firmly committed to our marriage and me. Still the whole idea raised nothing but doubts in me. All of this extended through dinner and only ended when she stood up afterwards, leaving me to clean up. It struck me again how quickly she'd fallen into me doing all of the chores. Sure I had offered before this and done many, if not most of them. But there had always been some sort of offer from her, or actual continuation of her doing at least part of them. Now any pretense was gone. They were my chores. I was dressed in a sort of maid's uniform, but it felt more like I was just the woman in the marriage now. A traditional woman who it was assumed was responsible for housework, laundry, and meals in support of her husband. Only in our case, the genders were switched with Susan the husband and me the wife. I had offered her this arrangement before, in exchange for her holding my key. But she never felt comfortable doing that. Now, with Donna and Joe in the roles of keyholder, she had no hesitation in expecting me to be the domestic partner. It was humbling in a way I never expected. The change did register with me in one way, my cock throbbed in the cage, something it rarely had done before. A reminder of why I wanted this. After I finished cleaning up and washing the dishes, I brought her a cup of decaffeinated coffee while she watched cable news. I had hoped she'd allow me to change out of my house uniform. Especially remove the bra and pantyhose as their tight fit was becoming uncomfortable. But she had me kneel beside the couch. When the news was over, she opened her laptop and we looked at her wig choices together. She confessed that she liked all of them, but especially the bob and loose curly styles. Susan solicited my opinions on which ones I liked. I sort of stammered an answer, basically admitting they were all fine. Seeing my reluctance to pick, she spoke as she scrolled over the wigs, displaying them in different colors. "Well then, perhaps we could get a couple. When you go to the store tomorrow, try on both the bob and the loose curls. See if you can a nice auburn or red for the curly wig and a platinum blonde for the bob. I think both colors will suit your pale skin. If the sales clerk wonders why you're interested in wigs, just tell them that your wife wants you to be more presentable. That she wants you to explore your femininity. Or just tell her that they go better with your maid's uniform." Susan laughed at the last part, then smiled at me again. She told me she wanted her blouse and pants ironed for work tomorrow, telling me which ones to do. I left while she watched more television. Later that night, in bed, we snuggled before drifting off to bed. It was something we'd done almost every night when we first married but I had gradually stopped, unless we had sex first. Now, it seemed Susan wanted that intimacy from me. I welcomed her touch as my sexual desires were becoming stronger, my usual pattern after being locked for a few days. I was already approaching the longest period I'd stayed locked, so my urges were building. Knowing there was no immediate route for release, made my desires even stronger. It was a feeling I had wanted but even now, wasn't quite prepared for. The next day was another in my recent string of embarrassments. At the wig shop, I was able to find the colors and styles that Susan preferred, but when the clerk asked if I had worn a wig before, my negative answer prompted her to suggest I try them on, as wigs came in rough sizes to suit various head sizes. She had an idea of what would fit and the curly wig worked on the second size we tried. That made the blonde bob easier and we found one the first time. But having the wigs on, with the way they changed my look, and hearing the clerk gush over how well they fit my face and worked for me caused a pink tinge to flood over my cheeks. She obviously saw and commented that it was common for men to come here looking for help this way. She hoped I would not hesitate to return once I got more comfortable with wearing wigs, as she had several, longer styles that would also be suitable. I thanked her and took my purchases, glad to be over this part of the issue. The next stop was a chain drugstore. Susan had told me they would have most if not all of the cosmetics that Donna put on my list. She just reminded me to ask for help on the foundation and powder as it had to be a close match to my skin tone to look natural. After seeing my list, she had insisted, with a smirk, that I pick up a couple of kinds of feminine protection. She wanted me to be ready when Donna required it of me. I had sort of psyched myself up, with the premise that this would be easier than buying wigs. First, it always seemed the second chore was not as stressful as the first and it was hard to imagine a more embarrassing situation than sitting in front of a mirror telling a woman whether a wig fit and if I liked my new look. So I plunged in. I had my list and began to slowly move down one of the aisles with cosmetics. What I thought would be easy, turned out to be bewildering. There was a figurative kaleidoscope of colors, sizes, combinations, and variations of each cosmetic. It took me almost five minutes to locate one brand and color of lipstick Donna had specified. Even then, I questioned myself because it was part of a set of lipsticks. I was standing there holding it, when a clerk, an older lady with short gray hair came up and asked if I needed help. She was smiling and friendly, as if she could see my confusion. I asked if the lipstick I wanted, the fire engine red, only came in this set. She said oh no, and with a quick look found exactly what I needed. At that point, I swallowed my pride and asked if she would help me find the things on my list. Her chuckle and a slight nod, signaled her agreement. We spent the next 15 minutes completing the list. She hadn't asked why I wanted these, who they were for, or whether it was a gift. She just put the items in my basket. We had gathered all but two things, foundation and powder. Whatever small degree of relaxation I had made by her being so helpful, disappeared when I asked about them. "Okay, I just need two more things, foundation and powder. But I'm not sure what shade to get. Can you recommend something to match my skin tone?" "Your skin tone? So these things were for you? You're going to wear makeup? Well, what a surprise, but sure let me take a closer look. There are a couple of brands that carry a very wide spectrum of shades, I'm sure we can find one that will work. I guess you don't have a preference whether to use a liquid or cr?me product?" "Um, no, I guess what you think would work best or be easier. I've never done this before." "Probably a cr?me, it's a bit easier to apply with the sponges we got you earlier. I see you're wearing a wedding band. Does your wife know you're buying these?" My blush which had lessened as we went along, suddenly flared up again. I realized she must think I was pretty weird, buying all of these women's things for myself. "Yes she knows." The days of submitting to various feminine embarrassments, got the better of me. I felt exposed anyway, so I expanded my answer. "She wants me to be more presentable." The clerk, perhaps acknowledging it for the first time, noticed my shiny fingernails and purse. Smiling, she nodded her head. "So she put the list together for you? With all you're buying it looks like more than a one-time event." "Um no, a friend did, but she saw the list. It's sort of a complicated story, but I will be wearing it more than once." "Okay, well let's find what you need. I just wanted to know if someone was going to help you apply these cosmetics or if you were on your own. As long as someone is helping you, you should be fine. Just pay attention as they do your face. It just takes a little practice and you'll be fine honey. Soon you'll be as pretty as you want to be." I felt like it was both a consoling statement as well as a put down. But we went ahead and found the foundation shade, a very light beige that worked for me. I then had to continue my debasement by answering her question of whether I needed anything else, by asking where their feminine protection products were. Her smile was definitely more of a smirk by that point, but she led me there. Staying she gave me advice on what pads, liners and tampons would work best. By the time I paid and left, I wished I could turn back time and not agree with Susan that Joe would make a good keyholder. The price I was paying was far in excess of what I had considered. At home I was faced with another reality. When I started with panties, it was simple enough to make some room in the drawer with my male briefs. Even with the other lingerie, I had sort of shoe horned them in next to my male clothes. Now, my collection of lingerie and hose had exploded. Susan had hinted at it before, telling me that the thrift stores wouldn't take used underwear, even tee shirts, so I should make rags of them or toss them out. I had resisted, as I hoped that this was just a phase. It had only been a few days, but somehow it now seemed like it was becoming permanent. So, I reluctantly rearranged and emptied the drawers of the dresser that were mine. A drawer for panties, another for garter belts and bras, and one for my stockings and pantyhose. I had already made room in my side of the closet, hanging up my various uniforms over my new heels. But that left me with all my new makeup, feminine items, and two wigs with their foam heads. I wasn't sure what to do. Reluctantly, I called Susan at work. She giggled, but told me she had thought of it and cleared off the top of the dresser in our guest room. I could put my things there and even use her old makeup mirror to do my face. Her giggle turned into a real laugh when she said she was looking forward to seeing her cute blonde maid when she got home, but suggested I limit my makeup to lipstick and mascara until she had time to show me how to apply it all. She had already talked with Donna about my training that night, and she didn't want me in a uniform. I was to come dressed in a tee shirt, Wednesday panties, heels, and my collar for their house. I was also to come around to the back of the house. Joe wouldn't be there, as he planned to swing by from work and pick her up to meet the guys. I was already getting a tight feeling in my chest hearing Susan's voice, as she seemed excited by her plans. But I did as she wished. She had everything set up in the guest room. I felt ridiculous wearing the wig and it took me two attempts to get just the lipstick and mascara right. Since it would be an hour or so before I headed to Donna's, I was wearing my house uniform without hose or a bra. That way I could change before I left. When she came home, I could instantly sense her excitement. She was talking fast, smiling, and hardly noticed me at first. When she saw my wig and mascara, she grinned. "Honey you look darling. I love you as a blonde. You did okay with your makeup too. Don't you like it? I promise you, I'll spend the whole weekend showing you how to put on all your new stuff. Just wait till you try them all, I swear you'll love the way you look. Just do me a favor now though. I need a drink. Make it a double, as I'm so nervous. Also, I need my sheer red blouse ironed. Just be careful, as the fabric is sensitive. I'm so excited. This will be a fun night, for both of us." I reluctantly made her the drink and then carefully ironed her blouse. It was one she hadn't worn very often because it was so sheer. Only the lace pattern gave her any coverage. Normally she wore a slip with it but when I brought it to our bedroom, I could see she wasn't going to wear one tonight. She had on her red push up bra, matching thong, and sheer black hold up stockings. Susan was touching up her makeup, and using a curling iron to put a few extra curls in her hair. When she saw the blouse she slipped it on, asking me to button up the back. Paired with a short black pencil skirt and some ankle strap heels she looked dynamite. My nerves were already shot before she'd even left the house. With her outfit ready, she told me to remove my uniform. She wanted me ready and out the door before Joe came by to pick her up. She surprised me by telling to put on my the bra that matched my panty and gave me one of her tee shirts to wear, a slinky, loose style that wrapped around the side. I had hoped she'd let me take off the wig, but she insisted I wear it to show Donna. She also refused to let me put on any bottoms, so I went to the garage, in my heels, collar, and wig, carrying my apron and purse. Sort of a half-dressed look. Luckily it was starting to get dark, so leaving the garage wasn't too reveling. The whole way to Donna's all I could think about was her 'date' and what might happen. It took my mind off how I looked and what I was to do. Pulling up to Donna's, I parked in the back and reluctantly went to the back door. There was a note to remove my shirt and panties and put on my apron, before coming in. Although it was embarrassing, at least her back yard was private. I hurriedly complied and made my way inside. Donna was sitting at the kitchen table, nursing a drink, and holding her crop. She had a gleam in her eye that almost worried me more than what Susan was doing. "How cute! Susan told me you were really embracing your inner girl, but I didn't expect you to look so sweet. And you're wearing a bra too. I guess she wanted them to be part of your everyday look. Well, all that is fine, as long as your panties are off little miss. I intend to correct you, on the spot, as you work your way through our chore list. So, I want full access to that rump of yours, as well as your little balls. I hope you remember my story about breaking in horses, because I won't spare you tonight if you make the same mistake twice. Once and your reminder will be across your butt but repeat it and you'll wish you were a gelding. Now we'll start with dusting. Let's go to Joe's office." I followed Donna as we went to the office. I was already nervous and listened intently as she told me how to clean a shelf. I was to do one, then she'd inspect it and correct me as needed. Then I would repeat it several more times to be sure I was doing it properly. The first shelf was filled with various items which I had to move as I cleaned. I was using a feather duster and dust rag to be sure both the shelf and items were dust free when I was done. When I finished, I stepped back to let her inspect. Unfortunately, I had missed some dust in the corners. Donna immediately made me assume her training position. Legs spread as I wide as I could, bent over at the waist and my hands behind my head. I was trembling as I got ready but the wait was short, as she lashed me three times across my cheeks. Not only was she so quick that I wasn't prepared but she hit hard, harder than the previous times. She sent me back to the shelves after the third one. The next two shelves were fine but on the last one, I missed the dust in the corner again. I was really trembling now, as I assumed the position. I tensed up, but nothing I could have done would have prepared me for what followed. Her crop caught my balls, exposed by the cage and hanging freely between my spread legs. Two blows, one aimed at the right ball and the other at the left, but the crop actually struck both. It filled me with pain, my eyes tearing immediately and my knees buckling almost enough to make me fall. After the second one, she tapped them with the end of the crop, as the pain swept over my body. "I told you not to fail twice. Susan deserves better service from you, as do Joe and I. If we are holding your keys, and giving you the kind of control you begged for, then you have to do your best all the time. I won't settle for less. Remember, those little blobs have no use for me, or your wife, and you willingly locked them up. From now on, their only role is to serve as a correction tool, to remind you to do your best. Let's go do the upstairs floor and I hope you try harder this time." The rest of the evening was a nightmare. I messed up each chore she had me do, resulting in a sore ass and a total of six more strikes to my balls. I had never been in such pain, and they throbbed as I stood there in her kitchen, as she reviewed my work. I was sure they were seriously damaged and hurt so bad, that the pain from my ass was hardly noticeable. After she reviewed my work, and told me she'd get a report from Susan after my weekend cleaning of her house, Donna started to outline what needed doing tomorrow when I came to work for them again. As she spoke, Joe entered. I glanced up as he came over and kissed his wife and looked at me. Donna outlined the events so far. Joe shook his head and then followed up. "So, you're a much slower learner than I expected. I guess I never had to give you real work to do, so I assumed you could handle it. What's your opinion Donna, do you think he'd be better as a gelding? Isn't that what you'd do with a stallion that doesn't want to obey? I think Susan is finding out more about how real men behave so I doubt she'd object." "Honestly, I think she'd prefer it, as would I. He is slow to learn, but maybe if we take that step, he'd be able to focus better on his tasks. What do you think Charles, do you prefer I continue to use your balls as target practice or are you ready to sacrifice them?" I must have turned as pale as a ghost, prompting Joe to laugh. He reached in a drawer and removed a harness looking device. Holding it up, I saw a metal strip, perforated and curved. It had a lock on the front and was connected at the top on both sides by two metal cables covered in black plastic. At the bottom of the metal strip there was a metal ring opening and then another black cable that connected to the side cables in the back. It was a type of chastity belt, with an opening for going to the bathroom. A closer look, showed a metal tube on the inside of the curved strip, obviously to hold a penis. "I've been thinking about your chastity device. I know it's secure, but I really don't like how you can touch your balls or even your penis through the open bars of the cage. I talked with Donna and Susan. They agreed, that a more encapsulating design would be better. This belt, keeps everything hidden, as your balls are pushed inside your body and your penis is inside the tube. If it is adjusted tight against you, all that shows is the belt. A much smoother look." "Yes, I don't like seeing your stuff hanging out and this design would be much better in your panties. Susan really liked how the belt totally removes any possible stimulation. She never understood why you wanted to wear a chastity device, but if you are going to do it, she wants something that totally separates your genitals from everything. This belt will do that. So what's it going to be, tuck them away or keep them where I can get at them?" When Donna said the last part, she used the tip of the crop to stroke my balls again. Although I didn't like the idea of the belt, I definitely wanted her to stop hitting me there. So, feeling totally defeated, I looked down and nodded my head. Softly I told them I would wear the belt. Donna unlocked my old cage, laughing as I tried to get erect as soon as I was free. She got some ice cubes from the refrigerator and after a few minutes with my balls and cock in a bowl full of ice and water, I shrunk up with no more erection. But it did minimize my pain and afforded me a chance to see that although still hurting, my balls looked normal. The next few steps, where I had to push my balls up into my body and slip my penis into the tube, while Joe tightened the fit, took only minutes. With everything in place, he locked me shut. The feel was totally different than my cage. The waist cable was tight against me, resting at the top of my hip bones. Trying to slide it over those would be impossible. The thong like cable in back was also annoying, especially the round ring centered over my anus, as it spread my cheeks apart there. But the curved metal strip was the worse. Every time I looked down, it was all I could see, my cock and balls were gone. One of the things I had liked about my cage, was lightly touching myself there, my fingers stroking my balls, or using the tips, touching my cock. Especially when I would try to get erect. It was my way of reminding myself that I was still a man, even if my cock was locked up. Now, those sensations, of stroking my balls or using the tip of my finger to stroke my glans, were all in the past. When I pulled on my panties it was even worse. No longer was there a bulge from my cage, only the flat, smooth curve between my legs. I felt more emasculated than I ever had. As I got ready to leave, I suddenly thought of Susan out with Joe's friends. I had been so preoccupied with myself, I hadn't asked how their night went. I asked Joe if the dinner went well or was Susan glad to be home afterwards. He just smiled and told me, that she'd wanted to stay longer. They'd gone to a bar with pool, darts, and foosball tables, and she was having fun with her new friends. He told me one of the men would bring her home and she promised to be home by midnight. I was to change into my nightgown and go on to bed. All of sudden my worries over the new belt evaporated. The drive home, all I could think of was how she was out with two single guys. I also flashed to her masturbation session and how she referred to the dildo as her boyfriend. The house seemed so empty when I got there. I went to the bathroom, to remove my makeup and pee. That showed me the belt would be a bit messier than my cage, so I took a quick shower too. Drying off took some time, but I put on my gown and crawled into bed. Despite being tired, I couldn't fall asleep until Susan returned. She did get home about when she said, as I heard a car in our driveway and her open the door around 11:45. At least, no one accompanied her inside. When she came upstairs, I hoped to talk with her, maybe even offer to reconsider this whole thing, but she was focused only on one thing. "Charles, I'm so glad you're still awake. Get my toys, I think I'm going to explode if I don't get some relief, now!" She quickly stripped and crawled in bed. Taking the vibrator from me, she began to rub it over her labia but soon focused on her clit. She told me to fuck her with her boyfriend's cock. Her exact words. Although shocked by how she put it, I was also excited as well. Her lust was contagious. It had been a while since I'd seen her pussy, let alone played with it, so I took the opportunity. As I plunged it in, I could tell she was wet, soaked in fact. Her first orgasm came quickly and she told me to keep going, in a low guttural moan. I continued as she worked herself over with the vibrator. Seeing her lips spread as I plunged the thick rubber cock into her, was making me so horny. I reflectively reached between my legs, searching for something to touch. But nothing. Nothing but smooth metal cupping my crotch. I moaned, not in ecstasy but frustration as she came again. Then later, once more. Finally exhausted she lay back, her face a mix of satisfaction and relief. She was too tired to even take a shower, so before falling asleep she told me to be sure and wake her early so she could get ready for work. Susan fell asleep much quicker than I did, but I finally made it. I did wake up early and got her up for her shower. While she dressed and got ready, I made coffee and a quick breakfast. I also needed to hurry, as I was due at Donna's. Today was going to only be laundry, but she had lots for me to do. I put on my lingerie and the pink maid's dress, along with my wig. By now, Susan was fully awake and in the process of getting dressed herself. I desperately wanted to know more about last night, but the only time we spent together was when she quickly applied some blush, eye shadow, lipstick, and mascara for me. She smiled, told me it looked much better, and then waved me on to Donna and Joe's. Driving there, wearing a wig and some makeup, in broad daylight made me uneasy. I just tried to avoid looking around, at other drivers, as I made my way through traffic. I also was beginning to really feel my new belt, as adjusting to how it pressed into me was going to take some time. But at her house, I tried to put all that aside and focus on her instructions. Because I had been cleaning her house already, today was mostly laundry. She was very specific about hand washing and ironing, but I knew enough in general to be confident. This was something I did routinely for Susan as well. Donna did want me to strip all the beds to wash the sheets and bedding, so I would be remaking those, but again it was something I was used to doing. The one thing that did stand out, was she insisted I iron Joe's boxers. I think that was more to emphasize my new status, of having to spend extra time on my former employee's underwear. Before she left, Donna had me show her my belt, under my panties, and like Susan did, she smiled and told me it was a real improvement. With Donna gone, I got started. I worked steadily all day, but could tell I was going to be able to finish, so I made sure everything was done as well as I could. By the time, Joe came home, all the laundry was done. The beds all had fresh, ironed linens. Their clothes were done, all clean, ironed, and put away, except for some of her lace underwear and hosiery which was hanging to dry in the laundry. I was waiting, with my service apron on, ready to serve the master of the house as he entered. Joe did a quick inspection and actually praised me for doing a good job. He told me to make him a whisky and water and bring it to him on his screened in porch. I brought his drink to him on a tray, and after he took it, he looked me over. "Charles, today was much better. I hope this is a sign that you are acclimating to being a good servant. I trust wearing your new belt will help you become what you need to be. I know Donna likes how it controls you much better and I have to admit, I do too. I haven't talked with Susan, but I think she will find it a great improvement as well. I did get a chance to talk with Brandon and Jared, the two lads who went out with her last night. They both had a great time, and felt she was loads of fun. I figured they would be a good match for her, as they are both strong, good looking guys, who work out a lot. Plus they are both pretty bright and sharp, as one is an engineer and the other in IT design. Not that I have checked them out personally, but scuttlebutt in the office is they are also endowed enough to please any woman. So I think they are the perfect example for her, of what men are supposed to be like. Of course, everything was proper, but they both told me they'd enjoy doing something like that again. I think they'll have a chance soon enough. Donna has already told me Susan would love to go out one night for some dancing, so I'm sure they would agree. Also, once you are fully settled into your new role, and capable of serving in a proper manner without mistakes, Donna wanted to see how you would do in a more social setting. Perhaps a dinner, with them and Susan as guests. I know they really liked how Susan loved games and suggested we set up a regular poker night, as it could be fun. I imagine having you serve drinks and snacks would be another perfect opportunity. Of course, Susan already told them she was married but also revealed how you were more interested in chastity at this stage and even told them you were learning to assume all the household duties. They were obviously intrigued and told me so today while we talked. They couldn't imagine any man being married to such a pretty and sexy woman and then forgoing the chance to please her. I could sense they'd be game to take over that as well. But how did Susan react when she got home? Any idea if she enjoyed herself?" By the time Joe finished talking, I was crushed. I had hoped my chastity would be kept a secret, at least from the men who'd been out with my wife. Knowing she'd told them, meant my status would likely become common knowledge soon at my old work office. It was also likely that Joe's role as my keyholder would emerge too. Worse yet, it would appear as if my wife was having affairs right in front of me with these studs. Then the idea of having to wait on them, at a dinner or poker party, was a real nightmare. I mumbled a soft reply to Joe, that Susan and I hadn't really had time to talk about her evening. Technically correct, but after seeing how horny she was when she got home, it was pretty clear how she felt. Seeing I was done, Joe told me I could go but that he would expect me to be back again on Monday for a full house clean. I meekly answered yes and left. I was so distraught, I barely thought about driving home, through my neighborhood in my wig, makeup, and dress. When I pulled into the drive, I could see Susan was already home. I entered the house, planning on going upstairs to change. Apparently Susan had just got home herself, as her briefcase was on the kitchen table and she still had her work clothes on. Seeing me she smiled but stopped me from going toward the stairs. "Charles there's no reason for you to change. I've gotten adjusted to seeing you in dresses and heels, so just keep your maid uniform on for now. I had a long talk with Donna today, and one of the things I asked her was to go ahead and make matching skirts for your home uniforms. We agreed that now that you've migrated to wearing wigs and makeup as well as being in panties and a bra full time, that it's silly to have separate uniforms for each work location. From now on, you can wear any of your outfits, as you'll stay in them when you come home. If need be, you can wear the skirt and top to their house as well. So why don't you put on your apron and make us some drinks. I'd like to chat a bit before you start dinner. I came home so late last night that we didn't have time to talk about everything. I want to hear about how your second round of training went, from you, as Donna told me what she thought. She also mentioned you had a new chastity device, a belt. Plus, I need to tell you about my evening too. I'll have something simple, maybe a rum and coke. I drank some of those last night, and I'd almost forgotten how much I liked them." Susan's simple command made it clear that our house was no longer a refuge for me. I was going to be in maid dresses and heels, wherever I was working. Her desire to talk, was a double edged sword. I both wanted and feared talking about last night and my new belt. But I did as ordered, putting on my service apron and making us drinks. I opted for some white wine, so I would remain more clear headed and able to cook. After I served her, she had me pull down my panty, lift my dress, and model my new belt for her. Her smiled and told me she liked it. Then she motioned for me to kneel on the floor beside her, a position she was apparently beginning to favor for me. After a few sips, she asked how my training went and how I wound up in my new belt. Reluctant at first, as I talked, softly, I began to open up. It was a release of sorts, telling her about my failures and how Donna used my balls to discipline me for them. As I described how much they hurt, a few tears ran down my cheek. Then when Joe came home, how wearing the belt seemed the safest option at the time. But I was also honest, telling her I really didn't like it, as it rubbed me in sensitive places, was messier, and I already missed contact with my privates. I did finish by telling her my work today was acceptable and Joe didn't correct me. Susan remained silent, as I spoke, although she made a few sympathetic looks, as she sipped her drink. When I was done, she reached out and rubbed under my chin, like you might do with a dog. "Charles, I'm sorry you had such a hard time at Donna's. She did tell me today that she had no choice but to strike your testicles, as your work was so poor. But she was also positive that you would do better going forward. Part of that belief, was that you were now in a belt. She's convinced that totally preventing you from touching yourself will only lead to better performances. It sounds like she is right, since your work today was acceptable. Personally, I never liked the look of your old device and much prefer the smooth look of the belt. Why don't you stand up and let me have a second, closer look?" I did as she asked, standing up in front of her. She told me to lift up my dress and she reached up and pulled down my panties. Her smile reflected how she saw it and Susan lightly ran her hand over the curving metal back between my legs. She lightly pulled on the waist cable and then, satisfied, pulled my panty back into place. Once it was back up, she ran her hand between my legs again, almost reveling in the smoothness that was there now, rather than the metal bound bump that had protruded before. "I'm sorry you don't like it, honey, but I trust you'll adjust to your new belt. There's just something about the way you look in panties now makes it seem the right choice. I also have to admit I was wrong about other things as well. I never imagined I would become comfortable with you wearing something as minor as panties, let alone seeing you in a dress, wig and makeup. But again, since you've stepped aside as a sexual partner and in essence rebuked your masculinity, seeing you so feminine seems right. Donna's been so helpful in making me see that and Joe too. His foresight to introduce me to two men who are figuratively brimming with testosterone, so I might make the comparison myself was brilliant. I had to admit they treated me as nice and desirable as I have felt in a long time, maybe since dating in college. Something about them, just radiated male strength, sex appeal, and a natural dominance. Just like Joe has. Donna and I talked about that too, how some men have it and others, like you, don't. That was one consequence of you wishing to be in a chastity cage. That it made me feel less desirable and attractive somehow. But with their help, I now realize it is possible for you to be chaste and for me to remain sexual and vibrant. Donna agreed and I honestly can't wait for you to meet them. I think you'll get the same reaction. Joe told her that he thinks having you serve men, in the presence of your wife, will truly define your new role aa an asexual, feminized husband. The best part for me, is that I'm beginning to feel I can be your keyholder, once your training with Joe and Donna is complete. You wouldn't believe the rush I felt when I told Brandon and Jared about you. How you were now wearing a chastity device, and were exploring your feminine side. That and how sexy they were is why I needed you to help me last night. I was so horny. Somehow your desire to be locked in a chastity device, is reawakening my sexual needs. Perhaps knowing you want to be denied, makes it okay for me to express my desires. I can't figure it out, but I can't deny it either. As I told Donna, I just want to follow my instincts in that regard and let her and Joe complete their transformation of you. Then we can sort it all out. But don't worry, I'm not going to ignore you. In fact, I promise to start teaching you how to do your makeup later. When it is time to show you off to others, like Brandon and Jared, I want you to look your best. If you are going to be my chaste, demure maid husband, then I want you as pretty and feminine as you can. I've begun to realize that there is nothing wrong with you wanting that role. To desire to have your orgasms controlled, metered out so to speak, when you have shown your deserving of a reward. Donna, and Joe too, have made the point that just because you aren't an Alpha male, that doesn't mean you're inferior or any less of a husband. It is just who you are. That you love me all the same, even more, and that my love for you is still there. It will only have to be expressed differently. I'm also getting the feeling that I'll be able to tell you now, that I'm more open about my needs, how to please me with your mouth. Sort of like my lesbian lover." Susan chuckled at the last part and was beaming as she talked about how Joe and Donna were right in feminizing me, how sexy her new friends were, and how she would help me look as girly as I could. It was a nightmare. She had dismissed my concerns about the belt, worse, she had fully embraced it and how it made me look as if I had no cock at all. Apparently the less I looked like a man the better. She even mentioned getting an attachment for our toilets that would function like a bidet to help me stay clean. It wasn't any consolation that she would teach me how to do makeup, or that I could wear maid dresses at home but somehow she felt she was doing me favors. Maybe getting to lick her pussy would be nice, but I worried it would only make me hornier with no real relief. We talked for another thirty minutes, and she shot down any attempt I made to change the current trajectory I was on. Finally, she had me bring her another drink, her third, and told me to start dinner. While I cooked, she changed out of her work clothes into something comfortable, a simple top and shorts. By now, I was getting tired of being in my uniform with heels but was resigned to serving her. We ate together, while she gave me even more details about her talk with Donna, her date with the men last night, and how they both pressed her to go out again. She had turned them down, but nicely, by telling them she had pressing work but she'd call them on the weekend if that was okay. The implication was clear. From now on, she felt released from any marital restraint and would do totally as she wanted. The reverse of course was true for me. If I wasn't being trained by Donna and Joe, then I was to do what Susan wanted. I had never expected anything like this when I proposed my foray into chastity but now I saw no easy way out. Finally, after we ate she told me to clean up and then I could put on my gown and robe for the rest of the evening. At least that was some relief. When we went to bed that night, Susan told me what she wanted me to do on Friday. I was to run errands, like buying groceries, dropping off her dry cleaning, picking up her prescriptions, and mail some bills at the post office. She would allow me to do these things in my male clothes, delaying my full debut as a female. That would allow me to spend the weekend cleaning, doing our laundry and being with her. She also brought up an idea suggested by Donna. It was sort of an acceptance of a proposal I had made when I was trying to convince her to be my keyholder. Donna suggested that Susan take full control of our finances. Since Donna worked at a bank, she could set up the perfect accounts for us. Susan would have her own account, to which both her paychecks and my pension check would be deposited. I would not have access to it. We'd also have a joint account. Susan would move funds to it, as needed to cover our expenses. She'd set up auto pay for most of our bills, like the utilities, mortgage, insurance, etc. There would be a limited amount of funds I could access to pay for things like the groceries. I would only access the account with a debit card that had both a maximum allowable charge and a trigger that would automatically send a text to Susan's phone whenever I used it. That way she could fully tract my purchases. The card would not allow cash withdrawals, so I would be limited to charges that she'd know about Donna would help Susan prepare a strict budget for me, so she'd know about how much money she should expect to see me spend each month. We'd close our old bank accounts, and cancel my access to credit cards, so only Susan would be able to use them. I would start this process by seeing Donna tomorrow and authorizing the switch in pension deposits. Susan would swing by on her way home to sign her paperwork. The implication would be clear, I was to be totally dependent on my wife while she continued to have the freedom to do as she wished. That would be a perfect example of our new marital relationship. After she described it to me, Susan had this look, a look I'd never seen her show before. It was a combination of satisfaction, power, and a certain righteous attitude that things were beginning to become as they should have been all along. I must have had a look of shock, as she patted me on the head while she told me that although things were going to be much different going forward, it was for the best. She was certain we were on the right path now. She fell asleep quickly but it took me much longer, as my mind mulled over her proposed changes. It also didn't help that she wanted to cuddle, but she wrapped herself around me, pulling me into her body rather than me holding her as we usually did. It was another sign that she was becoming the dominant partner, as she rubbed against my ass and put one cup over my breast, gently playing with my nipple. Something she'd never done before. When I'd first suggested she be more in charge, including our money, it seemed like a way to drag her into my fantasies. Now that it was to be real, I was scared about my loss of control. In my fantasy, this was going to be a constant expression of my desire to serve her. When I heard her describe how limited I would be, the truth seemed so different. Like being locked in a belt, the concept of chastity was the same as what I had envisioned but the execution was far different. I had always imagined, even if Susan held my key that I would, in a way, still be in charge and independent. But this reality was nothing like my dreams. Also, in the back of my mind, I felt I could stop my chastity at any time, as it was my desire. Now that Susan seemed ready to embrace it and enforce it, regardless of what I wanted or needed, the chance for escape or second thoughts seemed gone. As I feel asleep, I tried to convince myself that this would be okay and at some point I could go back to my old life if I decided to. In the morning, Susan woke me as the alarm when off. I made coffee and something for her to eat. At the table, she was cheerful as I stood and served her. "Be sure to go see Donna first thing so we can get our finances in order. She'll be expecting you. Also, I think you need some new bed clothes. I didn't particularly like the way your chastity belt felt when we cuddled last night. Starting tonight, I want you to wear your days' of the week panty in bed, rather than use them during the day as a regular panty. I think it would be cuter if you wore a short nightgown with them instead of my old long ones. So while you're running errands go see the girls at the lingerie store. They can help you pick out a couple of cute baby doll nightgowns. For regular wear, get some more of the full briefs, like your white control style, but in some new colors. Oh, you might as well wear a bra when you go out too. I want you to become comfortable in them. But you can wear your boy pants and shirts. I don't think you're quite ready to be pretty all the time. I'll be home on time, so plan on drinks then dinner. Just allow enough time so you can look good for me. I'd like you to try out more cosmetics and wear the curly wig, I want to see how you look as a redhead." Susan was all smiles and leaned over to kiss me, as she left. It had seemed so easy for her, but with a just a few more words she'd pushed me further down the one-way path I'd started and now regretted. It was all I could do to keep from crying. But after cleaning up from breakfast, I got ready. I slipped on one of my control briefs and noticed immediately how much more comfortable it was now that I my cock and balls were hidden under the curved belt. Before the stretchy spandex had pinned the exposed parts against me, in a most uncomfortable way. Now it just help hold everything in place. It was like I didn't have any male parts down there, evidently something that suited my wife now. I wore my plain white bra, but without the padding. She hadn't mentioned that, so I saw no reason to potentially expose myself that way. I picked a dark pants, shirt and even a vest to wear, as I was so paranoid about the bra outline being seen. Getting ready to go, I put my grocery list, pension stub, and other items in my purse. I still disliked having to use one, but they were handy. Although I hated what I would be doing, in a way I was glad I had to see Donna at the bank first thing. Better to get it out of the way. When I came in, a receptionist asked what I needed. I told her I wanted to talk with Donna Price about an account. She rang Donna on the phone and after a brief conversation, she told me to sit and Ms. Price would tell me when she was ready. The way the receptionist said it, and pointed to a wooden straight back chair made me feel like I was being put in timeout. The wait only reinforced that feeling, as I sat there very uncomfortable for thirty minutes, being watched by the lady at the front desk the whole time. Finally, the receptionist answered her phone and looked at me, telling me I could go in Ms. Prices' office. She pointed to the door opposite from where I had been sitting. It was clear Donna had no one in her office and had me wait almost to prove a point. I softly knocked on the door and she said come in. I started to shut the door, but she stopped me. "Hello Charles. Leave the door open, I like Melissa to be able to see when I meet with someone and hear our conversation in case there are any issues. I'm glad you came, I've got your new accounts all set up. I transferred the money from your old ones and closed them. I guess Susan explained how it was going to work, but let me be sure you understand. Your wife now has full control of your money. Did you bring your pension stub? Good, let me have it. I'll have that arranged to go into her own account. I think it is very important when one member of a marriage is shown to be better at making decisions that the finances are under their control. In your case, Susan is certainly better equipped to do that. I mean you'll be too busy, cleaning and doing housework to worry any more about those kind of decisions. Plus seeing how much you've embraced your new look, she won't have to worry about you going overboard buying lots of pretty lingerie, shoes or new dresses without her permission. Just sign these papers for me. Starting today, Susan wants you to use this new debit card. I'll take your old credit cards, as I've already deactivated them. She's going to stop on her way home from work to pick up her new ones. You guys will be all set. Oh, by the way when you come to clean our house on Monday, I'll have your new skirts ready. So wear one of the coordinating tops and you can put on the skirt to wear while you work. Maybe it's just my impression, but I almost expected to see you in some sort of skirt or dress today. I must say, I've been very pleased with how quickly Susan has seen the advantages of you fully embracing a feminine style at home, as well as with us. So seeing you wear skirts all the time and everywhere wouldn't be a surprise at all. I think her openness bodes well for the prospect of her taking control of your keys herself. If you continue to learn and improve during this training period, then hopefully you can be totally hers to manage. Of course, I'd hope she'd continue to loan you out, as I've enjoyed having you be our maid immensely. I think that covers everything, so you're dismissed. Have a nice day." I hadn't realized I would have my financial freedom limited so quickly. I almost panicked when I handed her my credit cards in return for the simple debit one. Not that I was irresponsible with money, but I had always felt free to do as I wished. Since I retired, I'd made a habit of buying expensive coffees, or eating lunch out with a martini or two. Even going to special shows or movies during the day. I never told Susan about these, as I felt it was one of the perks of my retirement. Now that I was on a budget, and every purchase would be seen, almost immediately by her, I knew such frivolous pastimes were over. What was more unnerving was Donna's impression that Susan would want me in women's things all the time. Even wearing panties and bra was at least offset by my male outer clothes. As I walked out, the receptionist smiled, and told me to have a nice day sweetie. Knowing she'd heard the conversation was another reminder of how exposed my life was becoming. Completing my errands was relatively easy. I had done many of them already and Susan had given me a good list for groceries. Using my new debit card, was really not different, it just seemed so because I knew each charge would ping on Susan's phone. I half expected a call from her, after I bought groceries because it was nearly a hundred dollars. But, the hardest thing was going back to the lingerie store. I was beginning to hate it, as it represented my new life. More steps down a path that was increasingly uncomfortable. It was worse today because Karen was working. She immediately came to help and dismissed my protests that I knew what I needed. She was all smiles when we looked at colorfully full briefs and seemed pleased when I picked out two that also had garters. It was clear to her that my wife was more accepting of my new look, since the panties not only went beyond white, but almost everyone had lace, bows, or some sort of decorative trim. She also seemed delighted that I was to buy sleepwear as well and helped me find three short gowns that would match my days of the week panties. She told it was great that my wife liked me so much in lingerie and hoped I was happy. Again, I worried about the charges as I saw they were more than one hundred in total. I knew that was my upper limit on my card. I told Karen, that and she smiled. She told me she'd seen cards like that, and most had a phone number that she could call to get approval. She took my card, ran it and when the number came up, she quickly dialed it. My face was fully blushing as I heard her talk to Susan. Susan's laugh and Karen's resulting smile, told me that my purchases would be approved. Although it worked out, having to get permission as well as my having my status revealed to the ladies at the lingerie store was another jolt to my pride. At home, I reluctantly changed into my house uniform, complete with wig and makeup. It took me nearly 40 minutes to do a simple look with lipstick, mascara, blush, and eye shadow. I had to redo the shadow twice, as I put too much on at first. Settling in to doing my chores for the day almost was a relief. I was also glad that Susan would be home soon as I wanted to talk to her about my new card and maybe getting some personal relief. But that had to wait, as she was on the phone when she came in the house. Her tone was happy, excited and almost giddy. I couldn't tell who she was talking to and she soon wrapped it up. Looking me over, she smiled. Somehow she always was in a good mood now. "I think you're really getting the hang of it dear. Once I show you more about your cosmetics, your new look will be super cute. I'm not sure which wig I like best, the blonde or the redhead. You look darling in both. Why don't you make me a rum and coke while I go change? I'm ready to get out of these dress clothes and relax. Oh, by the way, Donna told me she got your pension deposit done, so we're now all set on our new financial setup. I really like getting the texts when you paid for something. Better yet, getting a call when you try to exceed your allowance maximum was useful, although don't assume I'll approve all of them. In the future, I want you to keep all your charges below one hundred dollars as that is your max. Other than that, it seems you did all your errands promptly." "Thank you Susan, but I there is a problem with the card. I mean no one said anything but Donna misspelled my name on it. Maybe the card printer messed up, but it says 'Charli' rather than "Charles'. I'll have to get a new one." Susan laughed and handed me her briefcase and purse, but left to go upstairs. It was a small thing, but I had noticed lately that she often just ignored or ended our conversations when she was ready, not necessarily when I was done. But as she went upstairs she looked back over her shoulder and stopped for a second. "Oh that wasn't a mistake. Donna told me she thought 'Charles' was too stuffy for your new image. So she changed it to 'Charli'. I have to agree it fits better with how feminine you look. I want you to start signing your purchases that way from now on. In fact, we can practice your new signature. I'd like you to have a cute one, maybe use a small heart instead of a dot for the 'I'. I remember in middle school, all the girls practiced their signature to find just the right look. I'll be right back and we can see what looks best." I blushed on hearing the card name wasn't a mistake. When Susan returned, I spent the next 30 minutes, signing my new moniker while she had a couple of drinks. She had me try a real loopy version, one that had lots of swirly letters, and of course the heart rather than a dot. She finally selected the style she liked and I had to practice writing my new signature for fifty times. She also told me to be sure to get my receipts for any purchases so she could be sure I was using it from now on. I know it was a small detail, but it just seemed Susan was becoming more and more comfortable with taking control. Control over everything but my chastity belt. That was another problem. Before with my cage, I could touch and stroke myself, to a degree, when my sexual urges would peak. I hadn't realized it but that small touch was enough to keep my lust satisfied even in a cage, Now when I became excited, horny about something, there was no way to release it. Even my small touches were gone. I'd actually rubbed my hand over the curved metal resting between my legs. Nothing, no sensations, except some slight pressure. I had actually got to a place where I wasn't sure I could continue. I had wanted to be controlled, my orgasms meted out to me, at someone else's discretion. But not this way, with no intermediate relief. It was even magnified because I was dressing now like I had secretly wished Susan would dress. Stockings, lots of lace, high heels, and short skirts or no skirt at all. Only those were on me while she lounged comfortably in loose sweats. It was far more than I had expected or I guess really wanted. Maybe if I confessed to Susan, she'd get a key to release me. I had to try it. "Hmm, Susan I have a favor, a request to ask of you. I've been good so far haven't I? Accepted what you, Donna and Joe have asked me to do? Even agreed to dress and look feminine so I would make a better maid. Well I know I wanted someone to control my orgasms, to hold my key, but I really need some relief. This new chastity device, the belt, keeps me so isolated from myself that my urges have been building and I don't think I can continue. Do you think you can let me out, just for a little bit? I mean I probably need to clean up anyway. Can you call Joe so we can get the key?" I felt like I was going to cry, the more I tried to explain. I finally had to look down, again focusing on my hands, folded in my lap, resting on my apron. At first there was no response, so I looked up. Susan was smiling, a smug sort of look. "Honey, I know this is hard but isn't this what you wanted? You begged me repeatedly to take control and now I have. Or Joe has. Donna and I both agreed, when we set up this arrangement, that he would have the final decision on when or if you could be released. In fact, he sort of predicted this kind of reaction if you chose to wear the belt instead of offering your balls for discipline. I think he suspected you were getting some sexual relief by touching yourself through the cage. That's why he ordered the belt. Actually, you've only been in it a few days, so I think it's working the way he wanted. If you want out, you can call him but I see no need for it yet. When we had our first discussions about him and Donna helping me with this, he said he was not going to let you out unless he felt you deserved it. Given how much you've erred in learning to clean his house and how soon it is, I doubt he'll do it. Plus you're getting to do the sexy lingerie you talked about, so there is at least that as compensation. So why don't you just refocus that sexual energy into other things. Tell you what after dinner, I'll show you how to do more makeup and we can play in bed again. I've been thinking about Joe's friends all week and could use some relief myself. Plus, I'll add some extra chores for tomorrow, so you can stay busy. I was going to tell you after dinner, but that phone call was from Brandon. He and Jared wanted me to meet them tomorrow night at the sports bar. They want to play more pool and darts. I guess I was more fun than I thought I was. While I'm gone, you can polish all my dress shoes, organize my lingerie drawers, and do some sewing for me. I've got a couple of missing buttons and a loose hem. I know you've done some of that before and I'd like you to get back into it even more. Donna told me once you're fully trained, she would be willing to teach you how to make your own clothes. As I really want you to have lots of cute dresses to wear. Within your budget of course. But for now, I'm getting hungry so go start dinner." The rest of the evening played out even worse than my day. Susan talked constantly during dinner about how excited she was for her date on Saturday, her words. She was eager to go out again as the guys were such good company. Again in her words, it's fun to be around physical men like them for a change. She also seemed really satisfied with our new financial set up. I sensed she was beginning to fully appreciate how having me under lock and key was giving her a whole new life. I guess I'd not thought about how her having to work while I stayed home since I retired made her feel. Now that all the money was hers to control, it made her feel rightfully compensated for still having to work. Plus the sexual attention from two men closer to her age, was reviving her sexual urges. Unfortunately for me, just as mine were being restrained by this damn belt. After I cleaned up from dinner, we spent at least an hour at my makeup table. Susan was having a great time, showing me makeup tips, watching me practice and talking about how they changed my appearance. She said she never realized that I had such nice cheek bones and was pleased with the way the foundation smoothed out my skin's appearance. She also wondered if I might benefit from getting eyelash extensions or even having some collagen injections in my lips. She liked how they looked with lipstick but if they were a bit plumper it would be even better. That led to her getting out her sex toys and we spent another hour playing with them. This time, she not only allowed me to suck her dildo but actually let me lick her pussy. Unfortunately, I was blindfolded with my hands bound by stockings behind my back. But the feel of her swollen lips and her taste was the best thing that had happened to me since she agreed to my chastity plan. The only downside was her comment that maybe tomorrow night, she'd let me do it again, as she might need some more cleaning up. Her laughter rang in my ears, as a sort of taunt about how my life had changed. The ache in my groin was further evidence of my new life. Afterwards, she cuddled me, my body in its new nightgown and panties, pulled snug against hers as we both fell asleep. The next morning started early for me. She'd insisted I dress fully today, including trying all my makeup. So I got up to shave and went to the spare bedroom to do my face and get dressed. When she'd looked at my new lingerie last night, she really liked my control brief, so I wore a beige one with matching bra under my mint green print shorts uniform. It took forever, it seemed, to do my makeup correctly, but I was able to get ready before Susan got out of bed. When she came into the kitchen, still a bit sleepy, the only acknowledgment she gave me was a sly smile and a good morning Charli. It was clear she was pleased at my look, but wanted me to know it wasn't to be seen as unusual any more. Dressing this way was to be my normal now. Seeing as I had lots of chores, I didn't dwell on it but got right to work. She spent most of the morning on the phone, and then about mid-day got dressed in casual clothes. She told me she had a few errands to run and told me to be sure to iron her black pleated halter top. I did so, even though the laundry and other ironing would be done on Sunday. One thing about having so many chores, it kept my mind off of her plans for the evening. Even ironing her blouse, which I knew looked great on her, didn't remind me. What I focused on, was doing each task to the best of my ability. Even though my balls were now tucked away, I still knew that if this was Joe and Donna's house, I would face a serious whipping for any more lax work. So it was to my advantage to do each job as well as I possibly could. I was so focused, it just seemed like Susan had been gone minutes when she returned. I noticed she had gotten her nails done and was also carrying a couple of shopping bags. Checking the clock, I could see it was almost five, her usual happy hour time. I wasn't sure when she was going out, if her 'date' included dinner or not, so I went to ask. She had gone straight to our bedroom, and for some reason it felt awkward to just go in, so I softly knocked. She told me to enter, so I opened the door slowly. Laid out on the bed was a new pair of leggings, in a sheer white fabric with a black lace overlay. Susan was in the process of undressing and had already removed her top and then pulled off her sweats and panty. She turned to face me and I was stunned. Her pussy, which was usually covered in a short fuzz, was completely bare. It looked so hot. I glanced up at her and she was all smiles. "Like my new look? I've been thinking about doing this for some time, as I know younger guys really like the smooth nude look down there. Plus I thought being smooth was cute on you. It was a bit of a hassle to get it done, you know how that is, but it was worth it. I think it makes me look so much sexier. I'd love to go without panties tonight, as these leggings just fit so tight. But I'm afraid I might be a little too excited for that, you know what I mean? So open my panty drawer and get out my little black G-string. That should be enough to soak up any leaks. Also, I want you to polish my black ankle strap heels, the ones with the lace band across the toes. I want to look my best tonight. But before you do that, make me a rum and coke. I want one while I get ready." I did as she asked, getting her panty first. It seemed so small, basically just a wisp of satin that when she pulled it into place, barely covered her lips. By the time I brought her drink back, she had put on the leggings and was doing her makeup and hair. She was right. The leggings looked more like hose as they fit super tight, at least on the curve of her ass that I could see. I got her heels and took them to the laundry room to polish. It only took a few minutes as the amount of leather was pretty small. When I brought them back to her, she smiled and told me to go on with my chores, she'd let me know if she needed me anymore. I knew what she meant, but the way it sounded was like I was now disposable. Given that she was going out with a couple of guys again, certainly didn't help my feelings. But I forced myself to return to finish my cleaning. It was another forty minutes before I heard her call my name again. I made my way toward her voice and saw her standing by the front door. She looked fantastic. The pleated halter top cupped her breasts just right, showing a fair amount of cleavage as it was deep cut in front. Of course the back was completely bare as she wasn't wearing a bra. Now that I could see her fully, the leggings were indeed like hose. The pleats of the halter came down, just to the mid-curve of her ass, but the rest as well as her obvious camel toe in front left nothing to the imagination. With her high heel sandals, nice makeup and polished nails she was any guy's dream, even at her age. But what it hit me almost as quickly, was that it was clear she was waiting. Waiting on a ride, because she wasn't going to our garage to get her car. Oh god? Did that mean the men were coming to pick her up? Is that why she called for me? Seeing the panic in my eyes, Susan laughed. "Don't worry Charli, the guys aren't picking me up. I've called an Uber for my ride to the bar. Now they will likely offer to drive me home. That's what I want to know. Do you want to meet them tonight? Might make it easier in the long run. I know Donna wants to have you help her with a dinner for them and me. I'm also sure I'll want to continue to go out like this. So maybe if you get a chance to say hello, let me introduce you to them, it would be less embarrassing to serve them later, as a maid. I'll let you take off your apron and you can just have on your cute little shorts outfit. They already know about you, all about you, so the only thing left is the actual meeting. Tell you what, my ride's here. If you want them to bring me home tonight, text me. Okay? Night sweetie, just be sure to finish your chores." Susan leaned over and kissed my cheek, then went out the door. I could see her walking to the car, her ass wiggling as she moved in the tight leggings. I imagined how she would look, stretched out, playing pool. The men getting an eyeful whether they were in front or behind her. My pulse raced and I cursed myself for pushing for this. This chastity. I had insisted on doing this, despite her reservations and lack of interest. Somehow I had imagined, she just sit idly by, while I played my chastity games. I had attributed her lack of interest in sex to a change in her. Seeing how hot she looked, knowing she was going out to flirt, maybe more, with studs, disproved that idea. I absent mindedly ran my hand over the smooth curve between my legs, where my cock's bulge would have been. Before. Now it was flat and smooth, the curved metal of my chastity belt hardly making a bump. I glanced at my image in the mirror next to the door and cringed. I had given up a lot to play this game and now all I was left with was a throbbing between my legs that I couldn't relieve. Why had I been so possessed to do this? Finally, I shook off my thoughts and returned to my chores. I could get lost in them, focusing on doing each one as perfectly as I could. I took a brief break to eat a sandwich, not feeling like cooking a dinner. I finished mopping the bathroom, and had the house totally clean. Then I moved onto the additional tasks Susan had given me. To keep me occupied. While she went out. Polishing her shoes only made it worse. I could imagine her in each pair, her sexy legs shaped by the heels or even her flats making her look finished and nice. It made my balls trapped inside me throb even more. As I worked on her shoes, I kept coming back to her goodbye. Something about the way she smiled when she told me to text my decision to her haunted me. I replayed it over and over in my head. The idea of meeting them, two men who'd been out with my wife, twice now, was totally embarrassing. There was no way they would understand how my desires had led me to what they would see. Especially knowing I was caged in a chastity belt and my own wife didn't have the key. Apparently wasn't missing my dick enough to even care. Still, her statement stuck in my head. "If you want them to bring me home tonight, text me." I had taken it to mean that if I didn't tell her, she'd get a ride using an Uber. But what if she wasn't telling me something but asking? Asking for permission? Maybe unless she heard from me, she'd think it was okay, not to come home. To go, with them, to their place. I knew she'd waxed her pussy, just for tonight. Was that to be as sexy as she could for them? In bed with them? She'd certainly shown me much more sexual desire in the past week, pleasing herself, than I had thought she possessed any more. What if she truly wanted to feel her 'boyfriends' big cocks' in that smooth pussy? For real. I began to panic. I checked the time. It was already nearly 11. She'd told me earlier that she didn't want to stay out late. Maybe it was too late for me to text her. She could already be at their place, letting them take what she'd been showing them all night. I hurried to find my phone. My fingers felt numb as I tried to text her. I had to fix three errors before it was right. 'Susan, please have them bring you home tonight.' I waited for what seemed like hours, until the ping of a response. I looked at the screen. It was an emoji, a smiling face with the tongue out and one word, sure. Then another message, longer. 'We were just about to leave, talking about getting a cup of coffee. Brew some up and we'll be there in ten minutes.' Finally, I could breathe again, but my heart was still racing as I realized what was going to happen. I tried not to think about it, but went to start the coffee. Susan loved coffee and had lots of various roasts and brands for different moods. I knew she liked a rich, but low caffeine roast at night, so that's what I made. She'd invested in a fancy coffee machine and also had a grinder. I selected the beans, and put them in the grinder which took a few minutes. I put the fresh ground coffee in her machine and within five minutes had the coffee starting to perk. Suddenly I realized what this meant. It wasn't going to be a short hello at the door. Me just sort of waving or nodding my head. They were going to be here long enough to drink a cup, or two, and chat. I also remembered one of Joe's warnings. Never serve or wait on someone without your service apron. Donna had told me that too, it was one of the things, she'd whacked my testicles for before they were put away in the belt. Maybe Susan wouldn't care as she'd told me I didn't have to wear one. But like the possible double meaning of her statement, I couldn't take a chance. It could be a test to see if I was embracing my new role as her maid. So I tied the sheer, lace trimmed half apron around my waist. It matched my green print shorts outfit coming down to their hem. Not too short, but not long enough to hide my legs in their pantyhose. While the coffee brewed, I went to our bedroom. Nervously, I checked my appearance and like a teen girl, I reapplied my eye shadow, put on another coat of mascara and freshened my lipstick. I made sure my wig looked okay, my collar was turned so the ring was in front, and my hair band was pinned in straight. I was getting real nervous now, no longer worried about my wife sleeping with another man, but more about my own exposure to them. As I left the bedroom I saw the lights from a car pull into our drive. I started to go to the front door to open it, but realized Susan would just come on in. So I went to the kitchen to get some cups and a tray so I could serve the coffee. I had most of it ready when I heard the door open and footsteps. My heart was pounding and I was trying to think what to say, how to explain my appearance, or why my wife was out with single men. But my brain froze, then I heard her. "Charli. Come here I want you to meet my friends. You were so eager to have them come by to say hello." I made my way from the kitchen to the living room, following her voice. My legs felt like jelly and my heart seemed like it was choking my throat. I had to take short steps as suddenly I felt unsteady in my heels. Coming into the room, the three of them were standing there, Susan in the middle. One man had his arm around her waist and the other held her hand. My pulse already accelerated seemed like it was going to explode. Susan seemed a little wobbly and had obviosity had a few drinks. But she was smiling, broadly, as if she was so happy to see me. The guys were smiling too, but with a different vibe, Sort of assessing me and I guess, liking what they saw. I knew men well enough to know that look. An assessment of the competition, in this case, a husband who obviously represents no threat to any plans they had with my wife. As unmanly as you can look. My anger turned quickly to embarrassment, as I could imagine how I looked to them. If I were being honest, I could see why Susan like them too. They were both handsome, Jared with a short beard, but otherwise similar. Tall, nice builds, rugged look, with Brandon being a bit more muscular overall. Even dressed casually they looked like the kind of men who would have lots of success with ladies. Even if all of their actions so far had been reputable, I had to feel like they would gladly fuck my wife if given the slightest opportunity. Especially now, seeing her husband in a cute feminine outfit, heels, hose, and maid accessories. Even with makeup, I knew my deep blush was apparent, so they would know how I felt about this meeting. But for Susan, it was just fun, as I had asked her to bring them by to meet me. "There you are Charli. Come over and meet my friends. Brandon, Jared, this is my husband Charli. Charli, these are My Guys. That's my nickname for the two of them. Give them a hug to welcome to my house. I always hug them when we get together. I want you to be welcoming too." I stepped closer and extended my hand, to suggest a handshake rather than a hug. Jared let go of Susan's hand but ignored mine and gave me a full hug, pulling me close. I'd never hugged a man like that before, only women. It struck me he saw me as a girl, so it was okay. Brandon followed, with an even stronger squeeze, and his right hand slid down my back as he released me, moving from the small of my back, pausing as he felt the upper part of my chastity belt, and then down to my ass which he lightly patted as he released me. Susan saw none of this but was glowing almost, as she smiled. She looked up at them. "Isn't he cute? He's been such a dear lately. At first, I wasn't sure about this. Any of it, but now it seems to really work. With Donna and Joe's help, we've reached a place where I'm comfortable with it. I mean, it is so nice not to have to do any housework, laundry, run errands, and Charli's been so understanding about my needs, even those he can't meet easily now. Of course he's still in training, but we've come a long way already. But I am a little surprised, Honey I told you the apron wasn't necessary, didn't I?" Susan gave me the sort of smiling, but puzzled look you often see from someone who's had a bit too much to drink. A kind of confused look, as she couldn't quite understand why I was still in complete maid mode. I felt a surge again, in my face, red hot already, as I prepared to answer her. The snarky grins from the two men only made it worse. "Well, I knew I'd be serving you and your guests, so I felt I should have on my apron. Joe made it quite clear that whenever I was serving, I was to be properly attired. I guess, I didn't want to disappoint or embarrass you by being out of uniform." "Honey that is so nice. But you know I wouldn't have been as strict as Joe is. I can't bring myself to spank you like he does. At least yet." Susan had giggled at that part, and looked up at Brandon. It was clear they already knew. Probably knew everything about my training from conversations with Susan or Joe. As she looked up at him, Brandon put his arm back around her waist and then looked at me, smirking. "Oh don't sell yourself short, Susie. I'm sure once Joe has her completely obedient, you'll be able to do what you need to do. I know you're competitive enough not to just let it go. You'll make sure she'll be just what you want." "Thanks Brandon. Okay, honey, since you're dressed for it, why don't you bring us some coffee? You know how I like it, but ask our guests. Better yet, just bring us some cream and sugar. Have a seat guys." The two men and my wife moved toward the couch, while I turned to go to the kitchen. My face remained red, as this was certainly the most embarrassing moment of my life. A milestone I seemed to reach almost every day now. It hadn't been lost on me that Brandon referred to me with female pronouns. Also the way, he looked at me made me unsettled. Not to mention how he openly touched Susan and used a nickname. There were so many signs of his, and Jared, for that matter, intimacy with my wife to really make me worry. I tried not to think of these, as I got the coffee. I decided to use the larger mugs and put them, with cream, sugar, and sweetener on our silver service tray. Each mug was full and I had a napkin and spoon for everyone. I also had an insulated carafe for the remaining coffee. Normally, when Susan and I had something in the living room, I'd make myself one too. But not tonight. I felt like I should stay in my servant role, both from the guys' actions and a feeling I had about Susan. Even though she'd protested my wearing the apron, it seemed she really wanted to show how domesticated I was and that she was in charge. I slowly carried the tray to them. It didn't surprise me that they were ignoring me. Susan sat between them and all three were talking about the games they'd played earlier. Sort of reviewing their competitions. I put the tray on a side table, and prepared Susan's coffee as I knew she liked it. I brought to her on a plate with the napkin and smiled, but didn't say anything. Jared wasn't talking so, I softly asked how he liked his coffee. He took it black with sugar, so I prepared his and served him. Brandon just told me he took his with cream. Once I served him, I stood there a moment not knowing what to do. The three were still in conversations, but Susan turned to me during a lull. "Charli is this the Sunset coffee? Wonderful. That was a good choice on your part. I assumed you'd know which brew to make for me. You've really become adept at meeting my needs. Did you get all my shoes polished tonight? Great. I appreciate it darling. But honestly, after such a long evening, my feet are killing me. How about taking my shoes off and giving me a little massage?" Susan stretched out her legs, raising her feet off the ground a little. I did this for her occasionally after a long day at work, so I knew what she wanted. There was no other way, but to kneel down, in front of her on the floor. It was awkward as I did so, because I had to lift up my apron, so it wouldn't be under my knees as I knelt. Once in position, I unbuckled her heels and began to gently massage her feet. They all acted as if it were a normal move and resumed their conversation. As they talked, I saw both men show how friendly and comfortable they were my wife, touching her arm, waist, or even rubbing her thigh. She seemed to revel in it, as a sign of how she was attractive to such handsome men. No one seemed concerned about her husband kneeling on the floor in front of them. I had just finished massaging the second foot, when I heard Jared clear his throat, so I looked toward him. "Is there anymore of this coffee? I would love another cup." "Of course, I'll bring you another cup sir." I awkwardly got up, cursing myself in my head for the last part. I don't know why I said sir, it just slipped out. I took his cup, and looked over at my wife and Brandon "Would you two want a refill as well?" He looked at me, his hand on her leg near her knee and smiled. "Not right now, but maybe later. I'll let you know when." The implication was clear, he was in charge. I took Jared's cup and brought it back. As he took it from me, he smiled. "Thanks, Miss." The word hung out there, stopping the conversation between Brandon and my wife. I could see her reaction, she seemed almost Jared's implication. Giggling she lightly slapped his shoulder, as if he were making trouble on purpose. Not knowing what else to do, I picked up her heels. She looked at me. "Do you want a pair of slippers?" "No I'm good, but put them in the laundry. I want you to polish them tomorrow. By then, Brandon and I will likely want a refill too." I turned and headed toward the laundry. I heard Jared ask Susan if she considered having me show more respect to her, like using a title like Madam, or even Ms. Susan. Brandon chipped in, saying he thought I might curtsey when given a command or before leaving the room. Before I could hear her answer I entered the laundry, putting her shoes on the counter for tomorrow. All I could hear was a burst of laughter from them. I was really regretting that text now, as it seemed the whole point of their visit was to embarrass me. But I took a deep breath to calm down and returned to the living room. When I returned, Susan held up her cup, not saying anything as she listened to Jared. I took it, made her another cup and gave it to her. Brandon did the same thing. It was another indication of my new status. It was okay not to really acknowledge me, as I was only the domestic. But after I served him, Susan turned to face me. She was grinning oddly. "Charli, the guys were wondering about something. I've told them about your chastity, the new belt. They're both interested in seeing it before they have to leave. I know you've got on your pantyhose and panties, so I don't expect you to strip right her, but why don't you go back to the laundry and slip off your shorts and underthings. Then come back so they can see. You can leave your top on. Oh and put your heels back on too. They're a critical part of your uniform." I had been blushing but her order made the blood drain from my face. I felt light headed, but nodded my understanding and left, walking a bit wobbly. When I got to the laundry, I stopped for a moment. I knew they were aware I had a chastity device on. That I had asked to wear it and as a consequence of my desire, Joe and Donna had agreed to hold my key. That it had led to my training and appearing in this feminine attire. But to actually show them, seemed like more than I could handle. Still I knew I had to do it. Susan had been clear about it. I took off my heels, and removed the shorts, pantyhose and control brief. I put them in the dirty clothes hamper as I was going to need to wash them anyway. Putting my shoes back on, I could see the belt was uncovered by my top as the open portion below the line of buttons exposed it. My apron slightly hid the belt, but it was sheer so they could see some. I assumed it would be best to remove my apron once I made my reappearance. Heading toward the living room, I felt like I was on autopilot, my conscious mind is some sort of stupor. As I entered the room, all three stopped talking for a moment, and turned to watch me approach. I walked to them, until I was directly in front of Susan, about three feet away. I was waiting for her to speak or more accurately to give me an order. Her smile showed she recognized my intent. "Charli, remove your apron and then turn toward each man, in turn so they can examine the belt closely. They can't fathom how it would work to cover all of you. Don't be shy, this is something you should be proud of. I know I'm proud of you for telling me this is what you want and making this offer to me. As I've told my guys, it has really begun to dawn on me what all this means." Something about the way she said it and how exposed I was, made me do it. After her order, I dipped slightly, a small curtsey in response to her command. It seemed natural somehow both because they had talked about it and I felt incapable of answering her as I was in such a fog. After the curtsey, I turned first toward Brandon and reached around to untie my apron. With it out of the way, I was totally exposed. As I stood there, I moved my legs slightly apart to let him see more of the metal band curving back between my legs. At first I just looked straight ahead, but my humiliation got the best of me and I lightly closed my eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, I rotated so that I faced Jared and let him look. "Wow. It does cover everything. Makes it look so smooth down there, flatter than a girl even. I can see how it certainly would keep her from playing with herself. Joe did a good job selecting the belt. But let me see the back. Why don't you lift up your skirts and turn around." Jared's order prompted me to do as I was told, first letting him see, and then Brandon. I stood there waiting for another order. He gave me one, a simple bend over and spread. I obeyed, remaining that way for a few moments until I moved to give Jared the same view. While I bent over, the three of them started to talk, commenting on how tight it looked and again their surprise at how it kept me all in check. Susan was more than happy to explain that my balls were pushed up inside me and there was a tube, a small one that I put my cock in. Since I was on the smaller side, I fit easily under it. Once the belt was locked nothing could get free. She added the comment that this design was more appealing than my first one, as there was nothing poking out. She liked my new smooth profile. She volunteered that she had agreed to let Joe decide on any releases as she had no use for the parts covered by the belt, at least for a while. Joe felt I should remain locked until I completed my training. Brandon seemed full of questions. "So how long do you expect her training to last? Do you think you'll ever be her keyholder? What do you like best about this arrangement so far?" Susan answered his questions honestly. Telling him first that she didn't think it would take more than a few weeks for the rest of the training, as I've come a long way very quickly. She hoped to feel she'd would be capable of holding my key, now that she was more familiar with how it should work. Finally, she smiled and grabbed one of the hands of each guy as she answered. "The best part so far, is meeting you two. Joe was absolutely right that meeting a couple of men who knew how to treat a lady and could provide a solid example of masculine behavior would help me better understand Charli and her needs. So I want to thank you both for helping me with all of this. I enjoy being with both of you." Finished, she leaned over and gave each man a kiss on the cheek. I could barely see as I was still bent over and the view was between my legs. But it was obvious what she was doing. So was her use of a female pronoun for me, just like her boyfriends had done. I guess seeing me again, without a male bump between my legs made it seem more appropriate. Maybe the curtsey helped too, but this was clearly a moment of transition for our relationship. After the kisses, she looked over at me and giggled. "Sorry honey, you can straighten up and put your apron back on. Go ahead and clean up, I think it's time my guys go home. It's later than I planned on staying up tonight." I immediately I did as she said, glad for even the minimal cover the sheer apron provided. I turned and started gathering the coffee cups to put on the tray. Susan and her friends stood up, the men helping her off the couch. Walking toward the front door, one on each side, they looked at each other, behind her back. Then as they approached the short step from our sunken living room to the door, they put their hands on the small of her back. Simultaneously, they slid their hands down, over her ass to cup her cheeks, one in each hand and then boosted her up over the step. Actually lifting her off the ground by her ass cheeks. She squealed and wiggled until they put her down. She chastised them by saying I thought I'd told you not to do that again. But they were all smiles and after she opened the door they both leaned to kiss her on the cheeks at the same time. One by one, Susan hugged them goodbye and thanked them for a fun evening. The guys also looked my way, saying it was nice to meet you. She walked them out on the porch continuing to talk, hugged them again, and waved bye. Back inside, Susan was still smiling and told me just to put the dirty dishes in the sink, they could wait until tomorrow. I thought she might want to use her toys to relieve some pent up desire, but after we cleaned our faces, she just wanted to cuddle in bed. She wrapped her arms around me and began to whisper to me that she was very proud of how well I took meeting her friends. She also said it was true, that the benefits of me being in chastity were really beginning to dawn on her. If I completed Joe's training she could see it as something she might embrace full time. I'm sure she thought that would make me feel better but after meeting her guy friends and seeing how flirty their relationship was, I had second thoughts about the whole idea. Despite how the evening finished and the throbbing under my belt, I fell asleep quickly as the long day of doing chores had worn me out. I woke up early, instinctively, the next morning. I needed a shower, so I slipped out of bed quietly to avoid waking Susan. I washed up and shaved, making my face, legs and underarms smooth again. Wrapped in a towel, I made my way to the spare bedroom. Yesterday, I had decided to move my maid uniforms, as well as my lingerie into the mostly empty dresser where Susan had put my makeup. It felt sort of like abandoning my own bedroom, but I knew there would probably be more moments like now, when it would be easier to get dressed here rather than disturb my wife. The main problem was both of my short outfits were dirty, as were the dresses I had used at Joe's house. Much of my lingerie was also in the laundry hamper, so I was left with my black lingerie, stockings, and the formal maid's dress. I decided to opt for just the lingerie and a full white apron, and see what Susan thought I should do. Although I had done it yesterday, it seemed to take twice as long this morning to finish my makeup in an acceptable fashion. By the time I was done, I barely had a pot of coffee ready for Susan. Walking into the kitchen, I could see she was still groggy but one look at me brought a giggle and a smile. She shook her head as she sat down waiting to be served. That was one thing that had become standard very quickly. She assumed I would get her coffee, drinks, food, or whatever was usually appropriate even without ordering me to do it. I poured a cup, added sweetener and cr?me, and served it to her on a saucer. She took a deep drink and smiled again. "Well you've certainly gotten good at making coffee. My guys loved it last night and I think they had a good time. But I must ask, what's up with your appearance? No uniform and just your under things? Would Joe find that acceptable?" "Sorry. All of my everyday outfits are dirty and in the wash. All I had left was the formal maid uniform and I wasn't sure I could wear it unless it was a special event. So I opted for this, hoping you might have a solution." "I guess we've gotten into a new situation for you, haven't we Charli? When you started this, it was just going to be you dressing up at Joe and Donna's when you served them. Then it expanded to when you clean here, and finally to the point where I want you to wear such things all the time, at least at home. Tell you what, I think I have something for today. Go in my closet, toward the back. I have a white dress there. With dolman sleeves, a v-neckline, and elastic waist. I bought it on clearance, got it home, and it never seemed right to wear, for work or around here. But I couldn't just give it away without using it. Go try it on, as it was a little big and loose on me, it might work. Later I'll call Donna to see if she'd be willing to make some more uniforms. I like her style, simple and pretty. I wanted to talk with her anyway about her plans for dinner with My Guys. Hurry up, as I'll want breakfast soon as I'm starving." I left and went to her closet. Generally her clothes wouldn't work for me, as she was more petite. But we were similar in height, 5'5" for her and 5'8" for me, so a loose fit might work. I found the dress and pulled it on over my head, being careful with my wig and makeup. It looked fine, a little tight across the shoulders and shorter on me than it would have been on her. Still it would work. I made my way back to the kitchen, where I put a service apron on to get her breakfast. As I brought the coffee pot to refill her cup, Susan looked me over and nodded. "That will do for today, Charli. Even though you might like it, we can't have you going around in your lingerie. That's inappropriate for the domestic help. Which reminds me, I wanted to talk with you about a couple of things from last night. First, as I said in bed, you did a good job and I was proud of you. But while you waited on my guys, a few things caught my eye and theirs as well. I think you might have even recognized the issue too. Once in answering a question, you referred to one of them as sir. Later you even gave a small curtsey after I gave you an order. They'd mentioned those kind of things as a way for you to show respect. At first I wasn't sure about the need for it, but now, in the light of day, their suggestions make a lot of sense. Part of the reasoning for you to wear a chastity device, is to give me control. You had a desire to reject being the primary decision maker and head of our household. You wanted to step back into a more supporting role, as reflected by surrendering control of your own sexual pleasure. To encourage me to take charge of our marriage, to not only decide when or even if, you'll be allowed any sexual pleasure, but to expand that role for me to be completely in charge. Donna helped me do that for our finances and I already like it. A lot. I never realized how limited I felt with money, even when I was earning most of our annual salary. With her changes I feel empowered. I don't need permission now. It's all up to me. I also like knowing exactly what you are spending. Sometimes it irritated me that you bought what you wanted, yet questioned my purchases. Now I know what you are doing with my money. I think in the long run, it will be the best that way. That feeling of empowerment is reinforced by not having to do housework. Again, I never realized how doing such chores made me feel almost like a second class citizen in my own home. Being expected to scrub toilets, wash dishes, or mop floors just because I was a woman. Not anymore. Being able to come home, relax, put my feet up and have a drink, without worrying about cleaning or cooking or washing clothes, it is liberating. Given that you don't have a real job anymore, it makes giving you those household chores a logical choice. It took me a while to actually relax from the feeling I was being selfish by not even helping with chores. When actually you had offered to do them, both to show me that you were serious about me being in charge and because they reinforced your submissive feelings. It also makes sense in that I'm the primary breadwinner and new de facto head of the house. We have moved into new roles, which has other consequence as well. One of those is dressing you as a maid, since that makes these new roles abundantly clear. Along the same line, I think Brandon was right when he suggested you give me as well as others more respect while you serve. Honestly, I think you recognized it too, even if this was the first time you fulfilled the role of servant in front of my guests. That's why you called Jared Sir and gave a small curtsey once. It was as if it dawned you that you needed to be more demonstrably obedient as part of your service. So, I think going forward, I'm going to institute a new set of rules for behavior. First, as my maid, I want you to answer any request or order with respect. Use Sir for men and Madam for women. If you know them well enough, like me, Donna or Joe, I want you to use a more personal form for addressing them. In a form they prefer. It might be Mr. Price, or Ms. Donna, or Master Joe, whatever they tell you would be appropriate for them. If that is just their name, then fine too. For me, I'd like you to use Ms. Bell, my maiden name when we are alone. If I have guests, or we are someone with others, then Madam Susan will work. The idea is for you to be reminded of your new place in my world. I know it is rather formal way to talk, since we are married. To be honest, I may not require it for very long, but initially I think it, like your maid's uniform, will help us cement our new positions. I want it to always be on your mind that you should obey and serve me. For that reason, I want you to begin to curtsey as a silent means of respect. I'm not quite sure how or when to have you do that. I think as we go forward it will become clearer to us both when it is appropriate. For now, start with when first encounter me in a room, whether you or I enter. Next anytime you wish to ask me a question or tell me something. Sort of a signal that you want my attention. You should curtsey and then wait for me to acknowledge you and give you permission to speak. Then of course, anytime I give you a command. Again, a sign of your respect. As far as form, again, let's just try a few styles and see what fits best. Why don't you go online and see the different types. I'll let you know if I want something different. The final thing I want to discuss is more an overall decision I made. When we first started this, I imagined it as being low key, discrete and mostly hidden. I hoped since we were farming out the control to someone else, there would be minimal changes for me to deal with. Then Joe and Donna forced it out in the open, so to speak. Their choice to have you show your feminine desires and be disciplined made it harder to keep it under wraps. I think in retrospect, I had hoped it would be out of sight and out of mind, because of my own uncertainties about my ability to be in a dominant role. Also, I wasn't sure how it would affect my personal relationship with you. Thankfully, the more we've gotten into it, and the more Joe and Donna pushed you, the clearer it became to me. What I feared about you desiring to be controlled, through your chastity, has not materialized at all. Rather than feel embarrassed by your desires, I've begun to see them as liberating. For me at least. A prime example is you wearing women's things. At first I was horrified by the idea. Then seeing you in panties made me realize it wasn't horrible at all. It actually fit with your desire to wear a chastity device and as Donna dressed you, I begin to see how it would work. For me. Honestly when I saw you in the maid's uniform you wore for Donna, I immediately envisioned you doing the same for me. Something about feminine clothes not only changes the way you looked but the way I saw you too. It seemed perfectly acceptable for you to take over the household chores, because you looked like a maid. The same with forfeiting your access to money. Maids have no need for that kind of privilege. All you need is the ability to charge purchases, limited in amount, as part of your service. That same sort of realization drove me to want to see you in a wig and with makeup. Part of that was not wanting you to be a caricature of a woman. By adopting feminine appearance for your hair and face as well as clothes, you signaled your acceptance of our new roles in life as well as our marriage. For that reason, many of the fears I had about seeing you dress this way have disappeared. So much so, that I am beginning to wonder why you should be allowed to dress as a man at all. I mean with more practice, you should be able to pass as a female in almost any situation. You certainly looked that way to my guys last night. You would attract no more attention running your errands in your maid uniforms, minus aprons, collar, and hair band, than you would as a man. Honestly, I think that was one of Donna's original suggestions to me. That if you dressed as a girl all the time, it would help me be more comfortable taking charge and it would certainly reinforce your new positon in life. As a last example of how your decision affected me, is something I would never have talked about before. Over the past few years, our sex life has faded. I don't know if you lost interest in me, or me in you. But it became dull then absent. I still felt urges, but as you know I started to satisfy them myself. Now that you have officially put your penis out of service, or more accurately under lock and key, it feels like I've been given permission to let my desires out of my self-enforced chastity. I can admit I have sexual desires and needs, as well as recognize that in your current role, you have only limited abilities to meet those needs. I think deep down, that was the biggest reason I resisted your push to wear a chastity device. Because it meant that any potential to satisfy my sexual needs beyond self-pleasure would be denied as well. Now I see another way for that need to be filled. When we married I overlooked our age differences, seeing you only as the man I loved. Several girlfriends questioned me about the age gap and one even warned me to be prepared for your sexual prowess to decline earlier than mine. I'm glad to say, I don't think that is the problem but recognize your desire to explore chastity might have similar impacts on me. Thankfully, now that we are immersed in your desire, I find I still love you and are glad I married you. I felt my girlfriends were wrong then and wrong now. But I have to be honest. I have begun to crave sex, animal sex that I can't get from sexual toys. So I want you to consider that. How I was willing to go outside our marriage so that you might have a keyholder. I want you to see if going outside our marriage to satisfy my lust would be workable. Given how last night went, for both my guys and you, I'm pretty sure I have a solution. I know when Joe set me up with Brandon and Jared, he didn't have this outcome in mind. When I first went out, I didn't either. But like your chastity, my needs have evolved and I feel like this is reasonable. Still, I want to give you time to consider it, just as you gave me time to consider your chastity needs. I know this is a lot to dump on you, but I think communication is always best. Now, with that out of the way, I'd like breakfast. Slice up some cantaloupe for me. Then I'll have two pieces of French toast and some bacon." Susan sighed, and sipped her coffee. Her speech had not only overwhelmed me with detail, but I was stunned at the direction she wanted to go. I could also see she was expecting me to respond in the manner she'd outlined as appropriate now. I would have to think about my reaction later. "Yes Ms. Bell." I gave a small bob, bending at the waist toward her and dipping my knees. I wasn't sure that really was a curtsey but it was all I could muster now. Her smile of acknowledgement indicated she had been watching to see if I remembered her new directives and was pleased at my response. I went back to the kitchen and began breakfast. It took just minutes for me to immerse myself in my chores and put off thinking any more about what Susan had outlined. After serving her, with the now requisite respect with title and curtsies, I moved on to the laundry. I kept my ears alert for her voice, as she moved to our den to relax, surf online and I suspect make a few phone calls. Although doing the weekly wash was a time consuming task, it also left a fair amount of time free, as you waited for the machines to process. Part of that time, I filled by handwashing lingerie and hosiery, both Susan's and my own. Soaking, gently scrubbing, rinsing, and hanging them to air dry made me look at each item, intimate items I wore now. Sobering to realize these panties, bras, and hose were mine. Even more so when I looked at the sexy things Susan wore on her dates. Ironically, those were the kind of things I wanted her to wear for me, but that interest had been misread as me wanting to wear them myself. Still even doing hand washing, left your mind mostly unoccupied. So I reviewed what Susan had told me over coffee. I started with how she told me was proud of me, loved me, and was glad we were married. But after those good feelings, I had to face more unpleasant ideas. First that I would be more invested in feminine attire, as she both saw it good for my demeanor and had become increasingly adjusted to seeing me that way. Second, that her initial reluctance to embrace a female led marriage and my chastity were also fading rapidly. It was pretty clear that both were here to stay for a while, and more than likely permanent. The reality that my fantasy was now real and it might be a long time before I was given permission to come hit me hard. Finally, this process had if not awakened her sexual desire, at least released it. So that it now flamed hotter than ever, so hot that she didn't see me as able to quench it any longer. That meant Brandon, Jared, or both would be given the opportunity. Knowing that I started this revolution and that it had spiraled so far away from my original ideas was hard to accept. But her analysis was hard to refute. If I had expected her to go along with my urges for chastity then she had the right to expect me to acquiesce to her sexual desires too. Even though she seemed more comfortable with me in women's things, it didn't mean she found me sexy that way. More likely, my attire further highlighted the difference between me and the masculine men who had befriended her. It was also hard to argue that my desires to be in chastity and have her be in charge weren't compatible with her needing sex from more masculine men. There really wasn't much of a decision to choose an aggressive man with a full erect cock or a submissive one whose cock is totally hidden under metal, satin, and lace. If I wanted her to be in charge, then how could I protest her decisions? As much as I would like to tell her no, I had abdicated that right. Those thoughts were dominating my mind when I suddenly heard Susan calling my name. Charli. I hurried to the den, trying to decide if I should change from my work to serving apron, and trying not to break my neck in the heels. As I came in, she looked up at me, a bit disgruntled. I hastily curtsied and then apologized. "Sorry Ms. Bell. I was hand washing your lingerie and got caught up in my chore. I apologize for my tardiness." "Well okay Charli, I do understand the house is spread out. Maybe I should get a bell or something that will catch your attention without having to shout. But in any case, I'd like another cup of coffee. I think I'm going out to do a little shopping, so I want you to lay out an outfit for me. Distressed jeans, navy flats, footie socks, a bra and panty, and my baby blue cashmere top, should do as I want to be casual. I'll be home for dinner, so make a roast with potatoes. I was able to make some calls and return some texts. You'll be happy to know Donna agreed to make you some more uniforms. We discussed it and agreed a couple more in her floral prints, a cream white, and another black one should do. All and all that would give you about nine options. Of course, she'll expect a few weeks of domestic service for those. She also told me she was thinking of next Friday for a dinner for me and my guys. It would be formal, so she'd use it as a training opportunity for you on how to serve properly at a dinner or party. On a side note, she also agreed to show me how to properly discipline you. I'm beginning to realize there is more to assuming the lead role in our marriage than I thought. So I want both her and Joe to show me how to keep you on your toes. I've been able to adjust to you wearing pretty things and embracing your fem side, so I imagine I can find a way to incorporate a little of that spanking you like as well. I just need to find a way to make it my own. Like I did with your dressing, by including a wig and makeup. That reminds me, Brandon texted me. They had a wonderful time last night and were glad you wanted to meet them. They took it as a good sign that you were open to all of this. I think they'll want to get together again this week, at least once. I was thinking of meeting them for just a simple dinner one night, that way you can stay late and let Donna show you some of the serving requirements for the formal dinner. She was pretty sure you'd need a couple of opportunities to learn how, so you could serve Joe and her dinner one night before you do so for my guys. I really like that idea, of you knowing how to serve, as I want to have each of them over for dinner here. I think it's time we become better acquainted, intimately that is. Oh, and I think it would be good for you to practice your cleaning skills as well. Maybe one night when my guys and I go to the sports bar, you could stay at their place to clean. It would be a nice gesture of appreciation from you for all they will be doing for me. I want them to know how grateful you are that they are assuming the masculine role in my life. I think that's it, you are dismissed." Susan had looked back down at her phone as a text pinged. I curtsied anyway and took her coffee cup to refill. She didn't acknowledge my return as she was typing, so I just went on with my orders. I laid out her outfit before returning to the laundry room. If my mind had been swirling from her first chat, this last one sort of numbed it. I had thought she might want to have sex with Brandon and Jared. Now I was sure of it. It certainly sounded as if she wanted to fuck them both. The idea should have made me mad or hurt, but all I felt was a weak attempt at an erection and the resulting throbbing under my chastity belt. I guess I was being realistic as I knew my sexual performances over the past few years had been underwhelming. Plus I had begged her to lock up my cock, which at least implied I didn't want to fuck her either. But she'd not openly expressed a desire to give up sex, unless it was just to avoid poor sex with me. Since I opened the door to sexual play, I couldn't protest her letting someone else in. Hearing she was going to learn how to discipline me was scary too. I had hoped that would go away once I had done enough training with Joe and Donna. That seemed unlikely now, like so many other things. These thoughts were in my head as I continued with the wash. I had put another load in the washer, emptied the dryer and refilled it again, when Susan came by. She was dressed in the outfit I had laid out and was carrying her nightgown and robe. "Honey, I'm getting ready to leave. Add these to your handwashing. When you get a break, take a look at your computer. I sent you a couple of videos on how to curtsey. Yours seem to be all over the place, so look at these clips so you can see how it should be done. Also, I wanted to let you know that even if our roles are changing and we are trying new things, I do still love you. Honestly, I feel better now about our marriage than I have in a while. Before it seemed we were drifting apart. Now we have a better connection, even if it is quite different in nature. I know you wanted me to try this but also realize it has gone much differently than you expected. I do sympathize with you but think this is the best route for us I'm sure once you're fully trained you'll adjust to your new life and be glad about it. See you later." Susan leaned in and kissed me on the lips before leaving. I felt a little better given her commitment to our marriage but still wished it wasn't quite going this way. But I also had to admit, feeling her lipstick covered lips against my lipstick covered lips was nice. I refocused on finishing the wash, as I knew I had a lot of ironing to do and I guessed I should leave some time to see the clips and then practice my curtsey. I knew Susan well enough that if she'd talked with Donna, then I would have to be ready tomorrow to show her my best curtsey. I worked for a few hours and only took a short break for a cup of tea. While I rested, I watched the clips and saw that a good curtsey was really quite simple. It involved moving your right leg behind your left, dipping down at the knees to a suitable level, while nodding the head forward and keeping the body straight and still. If you can hold your hem out, that is preferable, but if you are occupied the primary position and movements are okay on their own. Seeing it, I went ahead and practiced, doing almost fifty repetitions, until my calves and thighs began to burn from the dips. The good thing was that between learning to curtsey, finishing the laundry and starting a roast for dinner, almost the whole day was taken up with little time for me to dwell on last night or my future. I was actually surprised when I heard Susan's car come back in the garage, as I didn't realize it was that late already. Seeing as my daily chores were done, I hurriedly changed into a service apron, a pretty floral one that went well with my white dress. A quick glimpse in the mirror and touch up of my lipstick and I was ready to greet my wife. She came in from the garage with just a small bag and her purse. As we met eyes, I lightly grabbed the sides of my dress and executed a curtsey. Much better than any I had done for her so far. Her immediate smile told me I had pleased her. "Very good Charli. I see you've been practicing. And is that the roast I smell? Delicious. I'll be ready for a rum and coke momentarily. But first I have some packages in the trunk of my car. Fetch them for me and take them to my bedroom. Then make me a drink and join me there as well." Another curtsey and a simple, 'Yes Ms. Bell' and I was on my way. At first I was startled, because the garage door was open. But I realized I couldn't open the trunk, unless the door was out of the way. So despite my nervousness at being seen, I went out and opened her trunk. I was surprised at the number of bags, probably ten or so, but was able to gather them all because most had only one or two things in them. I closed the garage door as I went upstairs. I put the bags on the bed and returned to the kitchen to make Susan's drink. I made my way back to the bedroom, making sure not to spill any. Coming into the room, I could see she had gotten out of her clothes into a loose dress she wore around the house. Her jeans, sweater, socks and bra lay on the floor where she had removed them. I had begun to notice such things, Susan being less neat knowing I would clean up after her. I handed her the drink and then, I picked up the clothes and put them in the hamper. I guess we were both adjusting to our new roles. I could see Susan had begun to open the bags, laying things on the bed. She sipped her drink and then turned to me. She held a little silver bell in her hand. "Charli, I think this will help get your attention when you're so focused on your work. I found it in a jewelry store. I bought another one, just like it and had it gift wrapped. You are to give it to Joe and Donna tomorrow as an expression of your appreciation for all they have done for us. I know the original deal was that you would clean their house in exchange for holding your key. But I've begun to see what our life will be like after you are fully trained. Even then, I think I'd prefer you continue to serve them, as it gives you more to do and keeps you in a servant's mind set. It will also help me maintain our female led marriage. I think the bell is an example of how we've made a lot of progress the past two weeks. I admit I was uncertain about all of this, but it has really begun to fall in place and with the help of Joe, Donna, and my guys, I've got a good idea of how I want to do everything. So I went out today to sort of finish what we've started. I know your primary role will be as a maid, either mine or serving one of our friends. But you'll not be in that role all the time. Plus, you need to run errands, go place, etc. I guess you could do most of that in your maid dresses, but it might be easier to allow you some time out of that identity. So I bought you some clothes to meet those needs. I realized even though dresses are exclusively a woman's fashion, we do have pants that can't be considered as men's wear also. Like the leggings I wore last night. That's what these are. I bought you a couple pair of fashion jeans. Skinny, ankle pants, one a cute dark wash with a size zipper entry and the other a regular jean color but distressed in a pull on style. I wanted to stay away from men styles that featured a front fly, so you could show how flat and smooth you are down there. I also picked out a couple of leggings for you. Nothing as sinful as mine, but just regular styles. One in black and another is gray with sheer cutouts. The last pant is a nice Capri look, with wide cuffs and cute sparkly designs on the back pockets. It's also a low rise style that will sit on your hips. I bought a few simple tops to go with these pants, so you can mix and match to create a variety of looks. You're pretty well stocked with lingerie and shoes, so I just got a pair of fishnet pantyhose. You can wear them under your distressed jeans to give a fashion look to those. I also bought a few things for me, mostly lingerie, a little makeup, and a couple of casual skirt and top outfits. I realized most of my dresses and skirts were work styles and I wanted a few flirty skirts to wear when I went out casually with my guys. You always told me my legs were nice, so I figured they'd enjoy seeing them is something cute. But that also highlighted a problem I started to recognize. Our closet is not particularly big and my side is already stuffed. Thinking about how to solve that problem, made me consider a more complete solution. I know this might sound harsh, but I think it is best. I've decided that I need this to be my bedroom, not ours. Having you here is nice. At times. But soon, it will make things uncomfortable and complicated. If this space is just mine, then I can be alone when I need to or invite you to spend the night, if I feel like it. This change will reinforce my role as being in charge. The master bedroom will be reserved for the master of the house. It will also make it easier, for you and me, when I want someone else to share my bed with me. I won't have to kick you out of your own bed for my pleasure. Again, I'm doing this for your own good, not as a punishment. So from now on, consider this my space. Right now you have some of your things in the guest room, mostly your fem things, and your male stuff here in the closet. I set up the guest room as a short term solution. I really don't want you to use it full- time, as I intended it to be for visitors, like my sister. If you're there, when someone comes it makes it awkward. So we need to move your things out of that space. That is the same for your clothes in the closet. I mean you won't be wearing these things much anymore if at all. So I want you to remove them, sort out a few to keep, pack them in boxes and store them in the attic. The rest of your men's clothes can be donated. That gives me more space in my closet and keeps the guest room available for my guests. I'm sure you're wondering where that leaves you Well, I decided the small room downstairs that you set up as an office would work for you. Since you don't work any longer, you really have no need for that type of space. But it would make a good maid's quarters. It has a bathroom across the hall and the small closet is big enough for your limited wardrobe. The room is big enough for a bed, dresser and a vanity. All that you need. So while I was out today, I went by the furniture stores in the mall. I found just what I was looking for and bought the set. They'll be delivering it on Tuesday afternoon. I asked if they would help move your desk and file cabinets to our garage and they agreed. I figured you could empty the files and then we'd have one of the charity thrift shops come by and haul the furniture away. I was really surprised where I found your new bedroom set, and almost didn't look in the store. It was in that store specializing in kid's furniture. You know the one, it sells lots of bunk beds and things styled like race cars or such. Well, I was walking by and glancing in. I saw just what I wanted toward the back. It's designed for young girls and is all matching. The vanity features a mirror and some side drawers, with enough space for all your makeup and wigs. The dresser is a tall style, more of a lingerie chest than anything with lots of small drawers that will allow you to have a separate drawer for panties, bras, nighties, hose, and all your pretty lingerie. The bed is a cute, four- poster, canopy style. It is smaller than what you're used to as it is just a full bed, but since you'll be sleeping alone it will do. The whole set came in several colors and trims like white with gold or a golden maple. But what I picked will suit your new style. It's a light pink with white trim. They even had matching bed linens, so I ordered the rose set. It has a comforter with large, red, pink, and white flowers while the sheets are white with a small rose print design. It is so cute. Once everything gets delivered and set up, I'll ask Joe to come by. I want him to modify it for me. One reason I wanted the four poster style, was it would allow me to immobilize you, if I want to remove your belt or put you in position for some discipline. After more thought, I decided I can take full control of you and this would help me with that. Now that won't be for a while yet, as I'm not quite that confident and I want you to fully be trained before then. But it will happen at some point. This makes it all easier. Honestly, I'm getting so excited about all of this. It may seem like we are moving fast to you, but for me, once I saw how it will work, I want to make it happen as soon as possible. For you and for me." I guess I should have seen this coming. I mean, Susan was increasing becoming more independent and actually seeming to enjoy being at the top of our martial partnership. I wanted her to be dominant and take charge. But many of the things she's embraced were not in my fantasy. Or I hadn't thought about. I never imagined her being receptive to advances of other men. Or should I say now, men. My desires, pushed along by Joe and Donna, had moved me from a status of an equal male partner to a new role of subservient domestic. I could see why Susan was welcoming to the interest of two young studs. She wasn't going to get that from me anymore. Beyond fueling her own desires, such a move reinforced what I had put out there as mine. Never mind that my interest in lingerie and sexy feminine clothes had morphed from her onto me. Even my suggestion that she use some kind of discipline for me, to promote her to control me, had gotten far beyond what I had imagined. I guess I had seen it more like role playing and certainly not the forceful kind that Joe and Donna had utilized. Susan would likely follow their lead, since they would be teaching her those skills. But being kicked out of my own bedroom. No longer allowed to assume I would be sharing the same bed as my wife. Unless invited. That other men would be sleeping there, more often than me, in all likelihood. This was totally unexpected. What really amazed me was how casual Susan was about her pronouncement. I knew it was a watershed event in our lives, but for her, it was more like she was just rearranging the furniture. I could tell she was excited about finding just the right bedroom set for me. Even if it was intended for a young girl. Also hidden in her message was that her sister would be visiting, soon I would guess, and that my new status wouldn't be hidden. Probably shown off in fact. Whatever hope I had that this might be temporary, or that I might be able to reel Susan back in, was fading. I had hoped to explore my desire for chastity. But this seem far more than exploratory. It felt permanent, whether it met my expectations or not. I had to admit it was a done deal. These thoughts began to really take hold, after dinner, as I started on the chores Susan had given me. Packing up all my male clothes from her bedroom, putting most in the garage to be taken away when the thrift store picked up my furniture. While storing a select few in the attic. Putting my girl clothes in totes so I could take them to my room downstairs once the furniture was installed. Emptying my file cabinets, assigning much of my former life to the recycle bins. No need for any connection to my old job, or old bills, statements or financial documents. Those accounts were gone now, transferred to the new head of household. Being more modern, she kept all her records electronically. Less space and isolated from the household domestic staff. Susan didn't interfere with my work, except for a few notifications from her bell. As she wanted something to drink or checking to be sure her work clothes were ironed and ready for her in the morning. As I was finishing, she simply told me she wanted me to sleep in her bed tonight. She said so matter of fact that it was striking. Of course, I was pleased. Pleased too when she had me help her with her sex toys to have several orgasms. But having to lick her dildo clean worried me as I knew that soon there would be real cock with her and I hoped I wouldn't be required to do this kind of service then. But overall, it was wonderful. We took a long shower together, where she let me wash her body. Then we cuddled afterward, her body holding mine. I know she just wanted to make me feel loved but it also highlighted how such expressions of love would be limited in my new life. Just like my belt now limited any expression of sexual desire. Again, all at my own insistence. Finally I drifted off to sleep. Monday morning was hectic, but I realized it also was beginning to feel somewhat familiar. I got up, dressed, did my makeup and made coffee, which I brought to Susan. I laid out her outfit for work, and then made her breakfast. After I served her, I asked permission to leave and then headed to Joe and Donna's. I was hesitant as I was starting to worry that once my training was complete, there would absolutely be no going back to my old life. I was also nervous because Susan insisted I begin my new respect symbols, a proper name for Donna and curtsying. I knew they were small things but they were also going further down the path I was beginning to realize had been a mistake. I carried the wrapped present in my hands, more worried about how my day might go than being dressed as a maid in broad daylight. That fact alone made me concerned. As instructed, I knocked on the door, opened it and called out to her. I knew Joe was gone as his car wasn't in the driveway. I heard her reply from upstairs and then the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up and saw Donna was dressed and looked ready to leave. Making eye contact, I curtsied, slowly, to emphasize it. I then held out the gift. "Good morning Ms. Price. Madam Susan wanted me to give this to you and Sir." "Well, well, well. I can see someone has been learning new tricks. I like how Susan has asked you to curtsey, but what's with the formal names?" "Madam Susan has decided it would help me know my place. She talked with her male friends when they visited her house and she liked their suggestion that I be more respectful to others. If you have another, preferred title, I'll be pleased to use it instead. She also set up rules for when I should curtsey, if you have other requirements I am to follow those when serving you." "So you have to call her Madam all the time?" "Only when we're outside of her home. There I am to refer to her as Ms. Bell." "Her maiden name? How cute. So both men came by her house this weekend? She didn't mention that. Was it a long visit?" "Only an hour or so, after they went out that night. They came by for coffee." "So she wanted them to meet you?" I blushed and looked down at her feet. I thought about lying, but was afraid Donna would talk to Susan about it later. "I, I.., I ask her to have them bring her home." "Oh that was a big step for you then. At some point you would need to meet her male friends and it was much better that you initiated the contact. As far as titles, use Madam, Master, or Sir when you are with us alone. In front of others you can be more formal and use Mr. or Mrs. Price. So what's with the present?" "It is a token of appreciation from Ms. Bell She ask me to give it to you." Donna smiled and took the box, quickly unwrapping it. Inside were two bells, one silver with her name inscribed on it. The other was gold with Joe's name. She looked at me, clearly wanting an explanation. I told her about my delay in responding to Susan and how she now had a bell. Donna immediately liked the idea and told me to put them in Joe's study and her sewing room. She also gave me the list for chores today. Since I had been to her house several times last week, she assumed I could go through the chores quicker. So she added a couple special ones. Polishing all of her and Joe's shoes and also polishing her formal silverware. Donna mentioned I was to stay late tonight. There was a recipe on the kitchen counter and everything I would need for it in the refrigerator. I was to have dinner ready to serve them at six, as a practice for Friday's event with Susan and her boyfriends. She'd even given me an outline with do's and don'ts for how to serve. I should learn those before they got home. "Charli, I have to say I'm surprised at how things have gone with the keyholding. When Joe and I talked with Susan, I felt it would take her quite a while to become comfortable with our plan. But she has embraced this much more enthusiastically than I expected. From making you serve domestically, to becoming comfortable with you in maid's attire, to outfitting in you in a fully feminine appearance, she's made each move quickly and with gusto. You've transformed so much in such a short time, it's very impressive. But perhaps her journey is even more striking. I have to give it to Joe. His bringing in two young, masculine men as acquaintances for Susan has really accelerated the process. I wasn't sure that was a good idea, and felt that she would be reserved with them. Her initial response was close to that and I think she was afraid to think of anything more intimate. But Joe had a different opinion. Not only did he think it would help Susan adapt, but that she would soon want more than company from them. The comparison between younger, virile men who exuded sexual confidence and her older husband who wanted nothing more than to relinquish his own cock was the perfect vehicle. He told me point blank that he saw Susan as actually starved for sexual activity rather than indifferent as you portrayed her. He felt his friends were the ticket to this endeavor being a success. From the way she talked Sunday, I agree. She is so much more into it now. Certainly you realize it will be long time, if ever, that you appear as a male again. A further example, is her eagerness to learn how to discipline you. She asked if I would show her how to use the crop effectively. We agreed that I would keep track of your service during the Friday dinner. But that she would be allowed to give you the corrective discipline at the end of the evening. Susan also insisted that it occur in front of our other guests. 'My guys'. I guess you've heard that term already. She seems ready to become intimate with them, too something again I wouldn't have imagined. Has she mentioned that or done anything to prepare for it? But she also said she thought you needed some relief too. That you've done so well, overall, that despite some lapses she wanted you to have a release. Susan talked to Joe about it and he agreed that letting you come was a good idea. Joe told me he was surprised but rather pleased at how she wanted to let you have your first orgasm since we accepted your keys. Susan told him that after she corrected you on Friday, she wanted the key from Joe to unlock your belt. Then you would be allowed to masturbate into a glass bowl. Kneeling on the floor in front of everyone. Because it would be the first time, she wanted it to be special, sort of a ceremony, with appropriate witnesses. Of course the finish would be you consuming your release. That was something Joe had told here was actually quite common in chastity communities, and she agreed it would be right for you. Apparently one of her fantasies is for you to clean her after she's been pleasured, so getting you used to the taste and consistency would be helpful." At that point, I broke down. The events of the past week and as Donna herself had described it, how accelerated the whole process had been, finally overwhelmed me. I cried and told her I wasn't sure I could handle it all and was having lots of second thoughts. I told her how Susan had banished me from the bedroom and actually had moved to create a maid's quarters for me. How the new belt so isolated me from my own cock that I felt neutered. More so than I had wanted. That my desire for sexual relief was building so much that I thought of it all the time. That being made to appear so feminine was a constant humiliation, in that it stroked my worst fears about my own masculinity. Those fears were increased since she'd begun to date and would soon have sex with other men. While I knelt and I cried, Donna stood over me, listening but not reacting initially. As I began to calm down, she lightly patted me on the head. "Charli, this is exactly the way I expected you to react at some point. You are going in an entirely new direction and will no longer be the man you were. Joe and I talked this over too. It was pretty obvious, especially to him, that you didn't realize how much you needed to submit. Nor to what levels. He was positive that if you were willing to give a key to a chastity device you were wearing to another couple that you needed to go all the way. I saw it too, and felt not only would feminization be best for you, that by using both humiliation and physical punishments we could make it where you would be ready to accept these changes. I'm glad you reached this point. Crying will help you release your emotions now. So don't be afraid to show your inner feelings. But it is also true that you've gone too far now, to turn back. Susan has seen what her new life could be and likes it too much. Honestly, you've seen it too and although overwhelmed, I think what truly frightens you is how much it fits with your inner view of yourself. Plus you and Susan are on the same wave length about your need for a release. I can already tell that Friday will be the defining moment of this process. Once Susan sees you serve her, her boyfriends, and us, you will forever be a maid in her mind. When she steps behind you, and uses the leather crop to correct your insufficient service, even if they are minor errors, she will demonstrate to all, her complete acceptance of control. Seeing you kneel, eagerly by then I imagine, to pump your small cock to release and then lick up the mess, will further cement your new status for her and you. When she leaves here I fully expect her to invite her guys to her new bedroom. Knowing full well, that you will remain here to finish your service by cleaning up. Then when you do go to her house, you'll retreat to the new maid's quarters, not seeing her, until you serve her and her lovers breakfast in the morning. That will officially sanction a new life. For you and for her. I fully expect her to take your keys with her when she leaves our house on Friday. You'll still be in training, and she's indicated that she prefers you to continue to serve as our maid too. So don't be afraid of it, as this is not a last resort, but the start of a brand new way. A way you knew you wanted but were uncertain how it might go. It will still be difficult for some time but it really is the best outcome possible." Donna's words washed over me, as I stopped crying. As much as I didn't want to believe them I knew it was true. When I took this chance, this last resort so I could experience my desires, I felt it was a step into an unknown world. Almost everything that had or would happen to me, had been in my mind as a fantasy. Now that I was there and it was real, it was clear that it would be my new world. So, knowing that I rose to my feet, curtsied to Madam, apologizing for my delaying her departure. I promised I would do my work and be proud to serve her and looked forward to learning how to properly serve at a dinner event. I asked if I might be excused to begin my work. I was ready now for my new life, at last.

Same as Last Resort Videos

1 year ago
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Sally and the Nudist Resort

It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn't think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Irenes story Chapter 6 Canary Isle vacation at Spice resort

As you know from my first five chapters, my name is Irene. I am a forty-two year old mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. Until very recently, I had never been intimate with any man other than my husband. But on a Friday night several weeks ago, that all changed. To celebrate Oscar's birthday, my husband dressed me in a very revealing outfit and took me across town to the Hotel Vela in Barcelona. He escorted me to the club located on the twentieth floor of the hotel and...

2 years ago
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Sister Invites Brother to Nudist Resort

Title: "Married Adult Sister Invites Her Brother to Nudist Resort"Prelude: This story is about a twenty-five year old married woman that invites her twenty-three year old married brother to spend a weekend with her at a nudist resort. Story is told by the brother.The story starts now:My older sister Kathy is on the phone with me right now. She is the "Fun and Leisure" editor for a large newspaper company and is talking about writing an article about a nudist resort that recently opened over in...

3 years ago
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Sleepover 4 At The Resort

Hey! It's Spring Break And My Family Is Going On Vacation! We're Heading To A Miami, Florida Beach Resort. My Parents Told Me That If I Wanted I Could Invite A Friend To Come With Us For The Week. So, Of Course, I Called Spencer. Spencer: Hello? Me: Hey Dude. Guess Where We're Going For Spring Break? Spencer: Where? Me: MIAMI!!! Spencer: Miami!?! Wow. That's Awesome! Are You Guys Flying There? Me: Nope. Where Driving. It's About 7 Hours Away. ...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude ResortMy husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

2 years ago
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Holiday Sex With Guwahati College Girl At A Resort

Hello Friends, I am Rohan and today I will tell you about my sex experience with a sexy college girl I met on ISS in Guwahati, Assam. I am writing this story because she wanted me to share this story with everyone. When I wrote my last story about my sex experience with my crush, I got many emails from different cities. One of those emails was from Anamika (name changed). Anamika stays in Guwahati and is now completing her studies at a college. Anamika liked my last story because the story...

3 years ago
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Docs Complex 24 Docs Resort

Doc's Complex 24 - Doc's Resort by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 24 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Alice and Keela spend time on the beach at Doc's Resort. They discuss all sorts of things about the history of the resort and the nature of man's desires, but really this chapter is mostly about love, breasts, and orgasms. Categories and key words describe only this...

1 year ago
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Slutty Island Resort

Initially, I tried staffing the Slutty resort with girls that worked for me plus people we recruited. The problem was, it ended up always being minimally manned. If I took enough models, actresses and strippers to fix my manning issues, then I would have to close the rest of Slutty. I couldn’t get enough men to do the menial jobs like landscaping, maintenance, construction and any other labour intensive position. I also had problems recruiting educated people like doctors and lawyers. The...

2 years ago
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Family Nude Resort

"Wake up, Tim." Your twin sister Angie says while giving your a hard nudge. "We're pulling into the resort." You look at your window as the car drives by a side reading: Welcome to the Brooks Family Resort. Having just recently turned 18 you were exactly excited about taking one last family vacation before going away to college, but your parents promised it would be fun. A family resort...yeah, that is going to be fun. You can't help but picture bingo with old ladies and a pool filled with...

2 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 8 The Drive To The Resort

We reached the banks of Gajol Doba. Babu and Paltu said that they would get ready and come in an hour or so. We should proceed and make the necessary arrangements. I, Mimi and Arun went towards the car. I now knew somehow that my role was to drive so that the newly-wed could make love. I sat in the driver’s seat and Arun said, “Bah ei to dada tumi bujhe gechho.” (Good that you have understood your task.) Me: “Bhai sob e ek diner jonno.” (Bro everything is just for a day.) Arun: “Haan kintu oi...

4 years ago
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This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...

3 years ago
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Applegate Resort

My father had been a mercenary and I think a pirate. The peninsula was a hundred thousand acres of evergreen trees, ferns, wild flowers and green moss. To the north were deep waters full of large game fish and even large predators. To the west were the beginnings of the reefs and semi shallow rocky ocean floor. To the south were thousands of colorful reefs and fish. I finished growing up while the resort was being built and learned all the hidden secrets no one except my father knew. He...

3 years ago
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Wife receives a discreet massage at a private Jamaican resort

My wife Julie and I decided to take a well deserved vacation to the Caribbean. After some research we decided on Jamaica. I went on-line to look at the different resorts, as we looking for some privacy. I found a small exclusive resort called Goldeneye. It was expensive but very private. I searched on-line at work and printed a bunch of articles on the resort so I could take my time at home and read through everything later that night. After dinner I sat down with a glass of wine and started...

2 years ago
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Meagan Vacations at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street.  Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room.  I surely appreciated that.  Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Resort

Long days, sleepless nights, stress and anxiety. These plague everyone who must sacrifice their time to the daily grind of life. It is enough that practically everything suffers; health, relationships, understanding, enjoyment, anything that can be worth living for is thrown out for the soul crushing experience of life. But, at times, there are ways to combat these things. To refresh and restart yourself to make life bearable again. And that is to take a vacation. Everyone has their preferred...

2 years ago
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The Resort

My life has always been different than most. My mom was a prostitute. I never knew my dad and never had any siblings. Other than knowing my mother, I could almost be an orphan. My name is John Taylor but my friends always called me Zeke. One day someone called me Zeke and I thought it was cool so I've been Zeke ever since. I am forty-six years old and manage a resort on some ocean front property. Before getting into that part of my life, I think I should go back and tell you about my early...

3 years ago
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Sex With Manager During Outing At Resort

Dear friends, I am Srini, working as a software engineer in Bangalore. This story is on how I had sex with my office manager Lakshmi when we went on an overnight company get-together. So about myself, I am 26 years old and have been working for last 5 years in this company. My manager is a 30-year-old lady by the name Lakshmi. Ms. Lakshmi is a tall medium built lady, oval face, fair complexion and always well dressed. She always wears chunni with chudidar or salwar kameez. Her kameez or kurta...

2 years ago
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Lolas Resort

Lola's Resort The Florida heat and humidity was oppressive as I waited for someone to answer the door. Pantyhose and a girdle were not comfortable in this climate, the sweat was trickling down the crack of my ass and I guessed my makeup was starting to run. The door opened and a figure entirely clad in black gleaming rubber stood there. Only the eyes were visible and they seemed amused at my expression. "Hi, my name is Michelle. Is Miss Lola in?" There was no response from the...

4 years ago
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The Resort

The resort was set in the redwood trees and medows, with a view of the ocean. The rooms where large and set in small groups in buildings s**ttered around the grounds.Like most resorts of this kind, there was a pool and tennis courts, you could get a seaweed facial or a Shiatsu message. But this resort offered services of a more private nature as well. At the customers request, after the whole body message, a spanking would be administered, leaving a glow on the bottom in addition to the...

2 years ago
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The Resort

“God-damn cold rain!” said Sam to no one. He just continued his commute home. His phone chirped and his wife was on the other end. He looked at it. She was stuck at her school with a flat tire and could he come and change it for her. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Of course on a fucking cold rainy night. Could tell her to call the service, but they would say it will take an hour to get there. So Sam headed to where his wife’s school. Sure enough, flat tire. Sam got out and told his wife to get in his car...

3 years ago
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Stranger At The Holiday Resort

We were on holiday as a family staying at a resort on the beach, I hadn’t wanted to join my family on the holiday, I had turned eighteen a week before the start of the holiday and wanted to be with my friends, drinking, partying and having a good time now that I legally could but no, instead I’d been forced into this holiday where the best fun I’d had so far was sitting by the pool reading and checking out all the beach body ready people. I had to remind myself not to check out the men as...

3 years ago
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The Anything Goes Resort

He was her modern day Romeo making every moment of her life the perfect story book moment down to a tee. Rodney used his money to buy Jacquline everything she could have ever wanted. She had never considered herself someone to be swept away by fancy gifts and overly expensive jewelry but she figured if the man could afford it then why not let herself be pampered. Being in a relationship had never felt this good to Jacquline. She woke up every morning thinking of the wonderful man that awaited...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort My husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

3 years ago
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The Beach Resort

Leaning against the edge of the counter, slightly over the sink she brought out her makeup kit and quickly set to work, she wiped her face with her cleanser and applied her foundation, then a light powder to match her light, neutral-beige skin. Next came the pink blush to dust the apple of her cheek, then the hot pink lipstick, finally she applied the purple eye shadow to match the royal blue blouse she wore that today hid her 34D breasts. Her long, dark brown hair hung down to the bottom of...

4 years ago
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The new Resort

To: Insert name[u] From: Atlantis Paradise Resort, 'VIP' program[/u] On behalf of all of us at the new Atlantis Paradise resort, we want to say: CONGRATULATIONS, you have been chosen for a VIP all expense payed 6 day vacation at the new Atlantis Paradise Resort, The resort will only be open to a select group of random VIP, The Bus to the resort will be stopping at the fallowing locations below for pick up, present this email to driver for entry. Pack a swimsuit because each group of VIP's...

1 year ago
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Buckes Bay Resort

My name is Dikembe. I live on a small tropical island you've never heard of. I was born and raised here in a little slice of paradise called Slaver's Bay. I'm a descendant of the slaves brought to this place centuries ago to work the sugar plantations. I went to school for a few years, I can read and speak English pretty well. But formal jobs have always been hard to come by. Our country's economy has always been small and very poor. Until recently. Foreigners have come to our little corner of...

4 years ago
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The Twos Resort

My wife Ellen and I, both in our sixties, had made a reservation at the The Twos Resort. This was a resort for couples only with no k**s allowed. The drive up had been long but with nice scenery and the resort was about 5 Km off the main road. It was located on a beautiful Lake with lots of activities available such as canoeing, fishing, horseback riding, tennis, and lots of walking trails in the woods. The rooms were beautiful and as we had a ground floor one we had a hot tub outside on the...

3 years ago
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Being Naughty At Nude Resort

You will make bad choices in the moments of extreme emotions. But the bad choices you make will change your life for better or worse. I thought I would write about my story and see how many people would feel the same way I do. I was a very sexually active person when I was in collage (maybe I could write stories about it later). Being born and brought up in an indian family in south africa, there were lot of restrictions until I turned 18. The frustration was at its peek because everyone was...

1 year ago
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Chennai Business Woman At Mahabalipuram Resort

Hi to all my loved ISS folks.Thanks for your valuable comments and feedbacks for my past sex stories. Girls who mailed me are so interesting and innovative in their questions.Your queries are more hotter like you girls and ladies.I expect the same support and valuable feedbacks for this story too. Girls ladies and aunties who like to have a spicier and hardcore sex just ping me a mail on 100% pleasure and privacy is assured.I am not only to give a pleasurable sex and also a sensual...

3 years ago
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Wife And Neighbor Wali At Resort

Hi Friends, This is Aditya from Delhi again with a new story. I got a bundle of mails for my previous story “Me & My Wife’s friend Anita”. Please do respond me at my mail id This is an incident that happened with me about three years ago. Due to hectic life style and busy schedule of life I planned a weekend outside home to relax and have uninterrupted sex fun with my wife. So, I took leave from my office for Friday and booked a resort in Gurgaon for two nights for Friday and Saturday night...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Ski Resort

                  My husband Ron and I have always been very open and honest in our relationship. We tell each other our deepest darkest secrets and fantasies,especially while in the heat of the moment.                   This year my husband planned a winter vacation for us. Instead of warm places we usually go,he said we had reservations for one week at an exclusive ski resort. I was very excited about the trip of course,but all he would tell me is we would have a lot of fun. He said he...

3 years ago
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Lonely Shores Resort

Sarah and I had been working our butts off, and we decided on a vacation. We thought of getting away from the usual hubbub of our lives. We devoured every pamphlet of every resort in the Caribbean and were about to give up when we found the one brochure that sounded close to what we wanted.Lonely Shores advertised good food, a private beach, a relaxed atmosphere, and no children. They promoted older couples from the 30 to 60 age range. We were on the young end of that range, but it sounded just...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Resort

The Indulgence Resort in Jamaica is an exclusive vacation destination that includes everything in one price: food, lodging, bar tabs, beach accessories, etc. They are self-contained villages whose purpose is to supply Sun, Surf and Sex to their guests. Couples and singles are welcome. Beautiful visitors from around the world come to spend a week or two on their pristine beaches, in their hot night clubs, and in their steamy pools and Jacuzzis. This resort has two large dining rooms, three night...

3 years ago
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First time naked resort

Part 1My GF and I were in Valalta, naturist resort in Croatia this summer. For her it was her first time to stay in a naturist resort. I will always remember when she said after arriving the first night not to be angry if she wanted to leave next day if she did not feel right at this place. I respected her coz I knew she comes from a very different culture but I also felt very confident that she would like it.. Well, it turned out she loved it! For a lady, living in a big city she felt free to...

2 years ago
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Mom And Son Incestuous Journey ndash 2 Resort

Firstly my sincere thanks to the editor who read my previous parts and this one for publishing it. And my sincere thanks to all the readers for all the positive response and the critics!Vihaan and Deepti both boarded the flight with each other’s hand very close. Deepti lay her head on Vihaan’s shoulder and kept looking down. Deepti certainly felt that she’s becoming more and more possessive with her son and didn’t think that it’s wrong.Meanwhile, Vihaan was feeling more comfortable with his...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Bar Girls Work At My Resort

Hi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit body.The resort and bar was not doing well so...

2 years ago
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Hot Weekend At Gay Resort

I haven't had much to post since my last sexual adventure a few months ago. I was going through a dry spell, tried picking up guys on Craigslist but I just couldn't find anyone who would interest me that much...I used to "settle" but now I have standards with whom I choose to go to bed with. I was working a lot and needed a break, so I took a long weekend and booked a room at a gay resort near Palm Springs, CA. I have never been to such a place, and told myself that I wouldn't fuck anything...

1 year ago
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Warm Welcome 8211 The Resort

Opening – Devi came to me one day with a ad she saw on internet. It was about a holiday package in a hill station in Kerala – Karnataka border named “Warm Welcome”. So what’s special about a holiday package I wondered. It’s only for girls. Wow, the very thought of going on a ladies only trip excited me. I checked with Dilip if he is willing to let me go. He asked when is it planned. I kind of know that he is supposed to go on a business trip. Personally, I didn’t want him to accompany for a...

3 years ago
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Luscious Ladies Spa And Resort

My boss and I were working very late to finish the proposal. It would be a huge contract for us, and although I was exhausted, it seemed important to her.I was her intern, getting work experience after graduating high school. I would proofread her copy, letting her know where I didn't understand something. She seemed grateful for my feedback.She gave a huge sigh and said, "Well, I think we've done all we can. I'll have another read in the morning before I submit it.""Let's hope we win!" I...

4 years ago
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Our benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...

2 years ago
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Our benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...

1 year ago
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Hermatus A Futanari Resort

Off the coast of Greece lies a small, privately owned island called Hermatus. This particular island is notable mostly for the crowd it attracts. In a world plagued by prejudice and misconceptions, Hermatus is a safe haven for the type of people that otherwise, would have a very hard time. Ever since Angelique Lovemore used her fortune to buy and convert the island to its current glory, futa women like her have been swarming it. On Hermatus Angelique built a luxury resort outfitted with: a...

2 years ago
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At a Resort

At a Resort        When I was a freshman, I went to Turkey on a summer holiday with a couple of my friends after a hard academic year. As girls always do, when we put our feet on that gorgeous ground filled with handsome guys and beautiful girls like me we had immediately gone out to a party at the resort we were staying at. There also were very dirty stinking people around who wanted steal somebody. As it was summer and it was very hot, we were all wearing skimpy tops and very short skirts to...

3 years ago
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The Last Resort

You know, I think hammocks were invented by some diabolical trickster-god, one with a truly sadistic sense of humor. Every time I lie upon one the suspension rope breaks, or the anchor comes loose, and down I come, returning to the Earth which bore me with a sudden, sullen, but not to be understated thud. There’s nothing like the feeling of being struck with a planet to convey divine contempt. This fact, however, has little or nothing to do with our story. I, dear reader, am Horace. My last...

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Meagans Continuing Vacation at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

I’m awoken by the sun peeking over the Skawangunk Mountains.  My head is resting on Tony’s chest, my legs intertwined with his as we lay side-by-side on the bed.  I manage to rub the sleep from my eyes – the bedside clock reads 5:40.  Laying my head back down on Tony’s chest, I close my eyes again and listen to the melodic beating of his heart, to the sound of his breathing. A sigh of contentment escapes my lips.My mind starts to wander and think.  Pondering the past and thinking about the...

Straight Sex
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Sexy Wife and the Resort

John had a very sexy wife. He could hardly keep her satisfied. She wanted sex all the time. He was thirty but had started taking viagara just to keep his cock hard to please her. Last night he ate her pussy and tongue fucked her for an hour and a half then he fucked her for two hours and she still woke him as he slept and sucked his cock then pushed it in her cunt to be fucked. He could not resist her triple D tits and the thick pussy lips and that sexy round ass. Last Saturday she stayed naked...

4 years ago
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READER BEWARE TOTAL HARDCORE DESCRIPTIVE PORN. The weekend was a total surprize for me as it hadn’t seemed planned, I was going to spend the Friday at Al’s place having only met him once as described in my recount of meeting an xHamster member, he picked me up around 3pm and after an hours driving we arrived at a huge set of secure gates which lead down a small tree studded driveway to a huge motel like building surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens, Al parked the car and we walked into the...

3 years ago
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How I Got A Chick In A Resort

Hello, readers.I recently started to view this site and enjoying a lot by seeing how they meet up and end up with sex.It’s really an amazing site to read sex story for time pass. Myself ****** from Bangalore.I am 6ft tall and my age is 22.I am doing my final year be. I have lot of friends and enjoy lot like others….. Coming to sex story…It was my friend birthday, so he planned to give a party in a resort.It was for 8 members.I woke early morning and took shorts, t-shirts, and other stuffs and...

2 years ago
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The Resort

Hi, I am Alpha. I love spanking. I love when someone thrash my buttocks. I always want to see my buttocks becoming crimson, especially by a woman. I do not have the spanking from a man and never wants to get. Spanked by a woman have some other pleasure. If any of my female members present on lush want to thrash my buttock, you can.  I must move to the content. I have written some of the spanking stories but my story is different from all the stories written by me. I know my grammars are not too...

2 years ago
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Dream Island Resort

Dream Island Resort Part 1. Abducted. The two men watched the night guard check the entrance to the dorm buildingand then continue his round. When he disappeared round a corner, they ran silentlyacross the lawn and seconds later had picked the lock. They paused for a momentin the hall, listening, to make sure that all was quiet, then put on infrarednight goggles and ran up the stairs to the second floor, along a row of doorsto stop in front of the fourth. One of them took a devise from his...

2 years ago
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Nudist Sex Resort

You'd always considered yourself a bit of an exhibitionist. What started off as showing off your body at the gym and to your girlfriends led you down a path of hedonism that turned you into a frequent visitor of nude beaches. You felt so relaxed when you were naked, and your young, sculpted body was certainly nothing to be ashamed of from your hard work at the gym and in the pool. But it wasn't all for therapeutic reasons - walking around naked just made everything feel sexier, and that was...

3 years ago
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Hot Woman Reader From Bangalore Fucked In A Resort

Greetings to all readers. This is Kumar writing from Bangalore. I am 30 years old with a medium built body. It feels good to be writing one more story after a long time and this one happened much before the lockdowns. As always, I would appreciate the support from the readers who share the feedback and comments via my email. The story which I am sharing today involves a reader who approached me after reading one of your previous affairs published on this ISS story site. I was appreciated for...

1 year ago
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First Nudist Resort

My name is Bill, Im six feet even and way 145 pounds, I have jet black hair and brown eyes. I keep myself in shape by going to the gym a lot with my wife Jill who is 5'5'' and wieghs 115 pounds with a perfect peach ass and 36C breast. We married right out of high school and had a baby girl. We got jobs and partied and did all the things anyone our age would do but we had a kid so it made this harder but we got good paying jobs and we went on vacations and traveled and lived in a nice community....

Group Sex
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Jackson Hole Resort

There’s nothing quite like looking out the window – first thing in the morning – and seeing a blanket of fresh snow that dumped during the night. This definitely could be a ‘fuck my life’ moment if you hate winter and the snow that accompanies it. And, for Cale, it definitely was, but it was also a nice reminder about his upcoming skiing trip with a group of friends to Jackson Hole Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The four of them – Rachel, Kelsey, Cale and Brian – had planned the trip for...

4 years ago
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Bahamas Hotel And Fuck Resort

I have this thing where I like to take personal vacations by myself. And from time to time I get extremely lucky on these trips. Sometimes it’s just me relaxing but occasionally I find myself in situations where I get to Fuck and suck! I booked a hotel to a resort in the Bahamas and couldn’t wait to get there, Alone!I finally got to the resort and went to check in and the girl at the front desk was actually rude. She couldn’t believe I was there alone and made a stupid comment and that wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Jackson Hole Resort

There’s nothing quite like looking out the window – first thing in the morning – and seeing a blanket of fresh snow that dumped during the night. This definitely could be a ‘fuck my life’ moment if you hate winter and the snow that accompanies it. And, for Cale, it definitely was, but it was also a nice reminder about his upcoming skiing trip with a group of friends to Jackson Hole Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The four of them – Rachel, Kelsey, Cale and Brian – had planned the trip for...

Group Sex
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Taos Ski Resort

I asked Alicia to join me at my condo in Taos, I own Taos ski resort bought it 2007. Alicia is so attractive and innocent and that is part of the attraction for me, I'm tired of the constant advances from the much fucked women. Alicia is 28, never married, she is tall, slender and graceful. We were sitting by the fireplace enjoying the fire, Alicia turned to look over at me and is stunned to see me sitting there, smile on my face, with my hand around my erect cock, which is jutting up out...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Ski Resort

                  My husband Ron and I have always been very open and honest in our relationship. We tell each other our deepest darkest secrets and fantasies,especially while in the heat of the moment.                   This year my husband planned a winter vacation for us. Instead of warm places we usually go,he said we had reservations for one week at an exclusive ski resort. I was very excited about the trip of course,but all he would tell me is we would have a lot of fun. He said he...

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