ConjunctionChapter 7: Spelunking free porn video

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Caden was asleep. Kadal watched the slow rise and fall of his chest as he lay upon his straw-filled blanket, his staff always within reach. She slowly rose from her prone position, slinking out of the mouth of the cave and into the moonlight beyond.

The firepit was still warm, its embers glowing, only visible from above. She walked past it, her footsteps silent on the sand, taking one last glance at the sleeping intruder before she set off into the reefs. Moving at night was always more difficult than in the day, she missed the heat of the sun, the energy that it provided her. For what must have been three hours, she made her way through the spires and corals, heading back in the direction of the wall. It soon loomed in the distance, Kadal keeping low to the ground, her senses perfectly attuned to her environment.

A sudden movement caught her eye, and she dropped to the sand, lying completely motionless. It was just a nocturnal desert mouse, the startled little creature hopping away across the dunes.

Kadal pressed on, climbing one of the reefs to get a better view of the foot of the towering megalith, its immaculate construction no less impressive. Under the light of the Moon, she could see movement near the heavy blocks at its base, Kadal slithering a little closer to peer between two petrified corals.

It was as she had suspected, there was a hunting party on their tail. They had followed the tracks to the breach that Caden had made in the wall, and tonight, they were making camp in its shadow. Without the Shaman’s magic that would imbue her with the ability to sense their auras, she could only rely on her naked eyes, but a lifetime of experience had made them uncommonly keen. Keeping out of their range, as they had probably been given potions of their own, she observed them as they slept. There were a dozen of them in sight, the moonlight reflecting off their scales, revealing markings that she didn’t recognize. These were not warriors from her village, they must hail from one of the tribes that the Shaman had called upon for help.

Conflict wracked her.

Should she climb down and alert them to the battlemage’s location? They could be upon him before he awoke if they moved with purpose, he wouldn’t be able to stop them all. They had been following the tracks of two people, however. One was an intruder, a battlemage, while the other was one of their own kind. These hunters were not members of her tribe, they didn’t know her, and they didn’t know her purpose here. Would they think that she had betrayed her kind, that she was helping the enemy reach his destination? What other conclusion could they come to? It was forbidden to interact with outsiders, and she had violated that taboo. The only mercy that she might find would be in return for Caden’s head.

That was her duty, it was the will of the Shaman, the decree of the Gods that had been upheld for untold eons. Yet something kept her from following through. What if he was telling the truth? What if his kindness was genuine, and not merely an act designed to deceive her? Her conviction had been so strong when she had set out, but now, she was wracked with doubt.

She was sure of one thing, at least. She did not wish to die by the blades of these headhunters, nor did she wish Caden to suffer that fate. There was time yet to find another solution. Maybe she could confirm that he was telling her the truth, or else find a way to deter him from his quest. If all else failed, then she would have to take responsibility, find another way to stop him if she could not defeat him in battle. The idea frustrated her, she wanted no victory over the battlemage that was not earned, or she would never regain her pride. Yet she had no other choice. If he was truly destined to destroy the world, then her petty pride mattered little, she must do her duty.

An idea came to her, an underhanded, but necessary contingency. Kadal might not have been able to defeat the battlemage, but the Eater of Bones certainly could. What if she were to lead him through the beast’s territory by posing as a guide? She did not wish such a grisly end upon Caden, but if she was not convinced that his motives were as noble as he claimed by the time they reached the creature’s lair, it might be her final chance to avert the catastrophe that she had seen in her vision.

Careful not to dislodge any loose rocks, she turned back, disappearing into the night.

Caden ate a light breakfast, noting that Kadal had gone off somewhere, probably to warm herself in the sun. It seemed to be a necessary part of her daily routine, she likely couldn’t function properly without it. He remembered the sight of her naked body splayed out on the rock, her curves burned into his mind like an afterimage, Caden catching himself daydreaming about her as he polished off a ration of beans and salted pork. He tried to drive the intrusive thoughts from his mind, he had far more pressing concerns right now than his confusing feelings toward the reptile.

After setting out again, she caught up to him after a couple of hours, just as he had expected. She was like a cat, coming and going as she pleased. Her ability to track him through the desert was truly remarkable. If he were tasked with accomplishing the same feat, he would probably lose all trace of her after about twenty feet.

“There you are,” he said, raising a hand in greeting as she appeared from between two reefs. “I was starting to wonder if you were coming back. What kept you?”

“I was merely ... basking,” she replied, matching pace as she walked along beside him. It seemed that she was no longer keeping her distance, perhaps their shared meal the night before had convinced her that he posed no threat.

“Not much of a breakfast person, are you?” he asked.

“I ate my fill last night,” she replied.

“I’ll say, you practically polished off that whole turtle by yourself.”

“There is something I have been wondering,” she began, Caden using his staff as a walking stick as he navigated a steep dune. “You must know that you are being tracked. What is your plan if your pursuers should catch up with you?”

“I figured as much,” he replied, his boots sliding a little in the red sand as he descended the other side. “Your people were far too determined to give up after just one fight. But let me ask you a question in return. Earlier, you told me that ‘others would take your place’ when you failed to kill me. What did you mean by that, exactly?”

“There are other tribes besides my own,” she replied, clearing the obstacle with far more grace. “There are other villages, with other warrior-shamans. When I failed in my task, the Shaman sent word to them, asking them for help.”

“Hang on,” Caden said, his blood running cold. “You mean to tell me that there may be more like you coming after me? More warriors armed with enchanted weapons and magic?”

“Certainly,” she replied. “There are likely several hunting parties from different villages tracking you.”

“More hunting parties, I can probably evade,” he grumbled. “I haven’t run out of tricks just yet. But fighting one of you was hard enough, I don’t plan to make a habit of it.”

“You had a head-start,” she continued. “But they can move faster than you, and they know the terrain well. They cannot be more than a day behind you by now.”

“Why are you suddenly so concerned about me getting caught?” he wondered, giving her a sideways glance. “Isn’t that exactly what you wanted?”

She looked away from him, her body language somehow colder than it had been the night before. They had shared a meal, they had even laughed together, but he got the distinct impression that something had changed. Before he could ask her what was on her mind, she interrupted the thought.

“I have come to the decision that ... perhaps you do not deserve to die,” she replied reluctantly.

“Oh. Well, thank you for giving me your permission to keep living,” he muttered, hoping that the translation magic would convey his sarcasm. “What about you? If they catch up to me while you’re here, what would happen to you? Would they consider you a traitor?”

She cocked her head at him, Caden wondering what about his question had confused her.

“I just mean, maybe you should think about hiding if they’re so close,” he added. “I’ll bet you know all kinds of ways to conceal yourself.”

“I warn you that headhunters are on your heels, and your first thought is about ‘my’ safety?” she asked.

“Hey, you’re the one who’s following me,” he shot back. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“I might be more inclined to believe you if you had not been walking in the wrong direction for three days,” she added, Caden turning to glare at her.

“Wait, what do you mean? I’ve been following the sun!”

“You may start off following the sun when you wake, but by midday, you start to stray North as you lose track of its arc. It may not seem like it to you, but you will probably have walked so far North that by the time you find the far shore, you would have to trek South for miles before you reach the sacred city. It may add days to your journey.”

“Gods damn it, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he demanded.

“I thought that you might give up and turn back if you arrived at the shore, and found no city,” she admitted. “But you will never make it that far at this rate.”

“How do you even know that?” he continued, scowling at her from beneath the shadow of his cowl. “It’s not like you have a working compass, and I doubt that your tribe has somehow invented sextants before shoes.”

“The lichens,” she replied, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Lichens?” Caden repeated, spreading his arms in frustration. He had no idea what she was talking about.

“Have you not noticed the colorful lichens that grow on the rocks in the Coral Sea? They prefer shadow, and so they cling to the crevices where the sun does not reach them. Find a suitable boulder, and you will see that they grow only on its North and South faces, leaving a band of bare stone from East to West where the sun passes overhead.”

“So I have hunters chasing me, and I have no idea where I’m going,” he grumbled. “That’s just great.”

“I may have a solution to both problems,” Kadal said, Caden waiting for her to elaborate. “I know a passage to the East where my people will not follow, but it is ... dangerous.”

“You would lead me there?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Why?”

She looked away again, as though it pained her to speak the words. Was it embarrassment? Was her pride so wounded, or was something else on her mind?

“As I said, I do not believe that you deserve to die.”

“You said it was dangerous, why is that? What makes your people so wary of going there?”

“If we continue in this direction, we shall encounter an impassable barrier,” she explained. “There is a ridge, a natural obstacle that would have cut off your advance. The headhunters know this, and were no doubt hoping to drive you towards it with the intention of cornering you.”

“Couldn’t I just have gone around it?” Caden asked, Kadal shaking her head.

“The headhunters would catch up to you, they are already close.”

“I don’t suppose we could climb it without the appropriate equipment? It may come as a surprise to you, but I’m no mountaineer.”

“Unless you have some spell that will allow us to walk up its face, I doubt it. There is a pass in the ridge to the South where we might make our way through, but we cannot outrun our pursuers. There ... may be another way, however.”

“Great!” Caden said, quickly noticing her hesitation. “What’s the issue?”

“There is a cave system that leads beneath the ridge and appears to emerge on the far side.”

“Appears to emerge?” Caden repeated, giving her a skeptical look.

“Nobody has ever been deep enough to find out, it is darker than night in there, and as cold as the grave.”

“I guess your tribe doesn’t have torches or illumination spells,” Caden mused. “So, our choices are to face the hunting party and probably take on another warrior-shaman,” he grumbled as he flipped back his cowl and ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “Or, we can enter a completely uncharted cave system and hope that we don’t get hopelessly lost.”

“It is a risk,” she conceded, “but the hunters will not follow us into those tunnels. It is the only sure way to evade them.”

“Indeed,” he replied cheerfully, “there’s no reason to hesitate! Of course, it has occurred to me that you might be deceiving me. This could be some kind of trap or an attempt to lead me astray.” The comment set Kadal’s frill fluttering, and he worried that he had offended her, quickly continuing. “The alternative is to stay the course and likely be butchered by a pack of giant lizards with axes, however, so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this occasion.”

“I am glad to see that trust blossoms between us,” Kadal added sarcastically. “Come,” she said, changing direction. “This time, it is you who will be following me.”

“Well, that’s a big hill,” Caden mused. He was standing at the foot of a small chain of mountains that jutted like a giant row of teeth from what had once been the seafloor. Its size might have been unimpressive compared to an actual mountain, but it was still at least a thousand feet high in places, maybe more. That wasn’t high enough for there to be snow capping its jagged peaks, but it was enough to make climbing it an ordeal. It was so vertical, the slope was incredibly steep and uneven, covered with impressive coral formations that almost resembled the shelves of a library. Time and exposure to the elements had weathered its face, but it still struck him as a structure that could not have formed outside of the ocean depths. It seemed to extend into the distance in both directions, forming a natural barrier.

“Curses,” Kadal hissed. “I did not think that we had strayed so far North.”

“I don’t think I can knock a hole in this,” Caden muttered, turning to glance up at her. “Where is the cave you spoke of? Don’t tell me that we’ve cornered ourselves?”

She glanced over her shoulder, her head swiveling on her flexible neck, uncertainty creeping into her voice.

“We should make haste,” she urged, growing impatient as they stood out in the open. She kept glancing back at the nearby reefs as though afraid that the headhunters would be upon them at any moment. “Come, the caves are not far.”

They soon reached the yawning maw that led into the cave system. It was made of corals, much like the others that they had come across, but it was far deeper. The tunnel of jagged rock extended beneath the earth until shadow shrouded it.

“That is possibly the least inviting thing I’ve ever seen,” Caden muttered, leaning in to look down the passage. He could hear his voice echoing, bouncing off the walls, slowly fading in the dark depths.

“Might your magic be of help to us?” Kadal asked. She was shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously, looking even less enthusiastic about going down there than he was.

“I can light our way, certainly,” he replied. “Perhaps there are other spells that could help us navigate. I would really prefer not to end my days lost in the bowels of the earth.”

“There is another problem,” Kadal added, Caden turning back to see the concern in her yellow eyes. “My kind cannot function without sunlight. If we are exposed to darkness and cold for too long, we become ill, and can even perish if we do not find a source of heat in time.”

“There may be spells that could help,” he considered, “I’d have to check my book. I know that I can create fire without kindling or fuel. Still, I’m not sure that-”

He stopped, sensing something at the limits of his perception. A sudden bestial cry rang out across the desert, Caden and Kadal spinning around to see a figure atop one of the reefs maybe two hundred feet from them. It was a reptile, a female, her arm raised in the air as she brandished a spear with an obsidian tip. She repeated the cry, her braying chilling Caden’s blood. From behind her emerged a dozen more, clambering up over the corals, primitive weapons clutched in their scaly hands. They began to charge down towards the sand, moving with such speed and grace that they almost seemed to flow through the rocks like water.

“Too late!” Caden yelled, starting to run. “The decision was just made for us!”

“They will not follow us into the caves!” Kadal replied, quickly outpacing him on her long legs as she raced into the tunnel. “Hurry, Caden! We must get as deep as we can!”

He glanced over his shoulder to see that the reptiles had already covered half the distance, their sharp fangs bared, their litany of stone blades raised in challenge. A fresh burst of adrenaline sent him practically flying into the darkness, his boots pounding on the sand. As he ran, he lifted his staff, his heavy breathing making reciting an incantation twice as difficult. He had to cast an illumination spell, or they wouldn’t be able to see a damned thing. It was a simple one that had been easy to memorize, one of the first that the Master had taught him, but he had never tried to cast magic while running for his life before.

“Caden!” Kadal pleaded, beckoning to him as she stood beside a bend in the uneven passageway. They couldn’t be more than ten feet beneath the surface, but he could already feel the bite of the cold wind that was blowing up from the depths.

She shielded her eyes, blinking at him as the bronze figurehead on the end of his staff lit up like an oil lamp, a glow that seemed as pure and as bright as starlight pushing back the inky darkness. He blazed past her, and she followed behind him, glancing back as the sound of reptilian hissing filled the tunnel. They took a few more twisting turns, their pursuers holding back, too afraid to brave the depths without a light source of their own. It wasn’t cowardice that kept them back, however. Nor was it courage that drove the pair down into those winding tunnels.

They ventured ever deeper into the cave, not stopping to rest until they could be sure that they had evaded their pursuers. The tunnel had opened up quite a bit, affording Kadal ample headroom, Caden waving his staff around to illuminate the uneven walls as he caught his breath. They were damp with moisture in stark contrast to the dry desert above, their shine picking out the finer details as they reflected the bright glow.

The curved walls and ceiling of the tunnel were covered in a dazzling variety of corals. Their diverse shapes ranged from sponge-like structures that were pocked with tiny holes, to intricate patterns that almost looked like brains, to tubular and branched formations that still retained their shapes. There were fossils embedded in the rock, too, visible between the corals in places. He could make out seashells, some of them impressively large, many of them forming beautiful spirals. The ground beneath his feet was more silt than sand now, it likely hadn’t been disturbed since these tunnels were submerged untold eons ago.

“Are you alright?” he asked, turning to Kadal. She already looked cold, her arms tightly wrapped around her torso, as though the very air itself was sapping the heat from her body.

“For the moment,” she replied. “We should move quickly.”

“We’ll need to stop for a while so that I can check my book for spells that might be of use to us,” he replied, setting down his pack on the silt. “I had hoped to take some time to prepare before even setting foot in the caves, but it looks like our hand has been forced.”

He pushed his staff into the ground, standing it upright, fishing in his pack for his leather-bound spellbook. He sat down cross-legged, opening it in his lap, angling the pages towards the light as he pored over them.

“There are a thousand spells in this book,” he mumbled, licking his thumb before turning another yellowed page. “There has to be something in here that can help us make it through the caves. I couldn’t find any navigation spells that didn’t depend on the alignment of the stars, and my compass doesn’t work in the Coral Sea, but there must be a way around that...”

As he searched, Kadal sat down beside him, her head drooping as she closed her eyes. Was she conserving energy, perhaps? Preferring not to disturb her, he continued to flip through the pages, intent on finding them a way out of their predicament.

Caden was starting to despair, he hadn’t been able to find anything in his book so far that would help them. The most that he could do was leave a glowing trail on the ground to mark the path that they had taken, which would at least prevent them from unwittingly doubling back on themselves.

He glanced over at Kadal, seeing that she was still sitting there, motionless. She hadn’t moved a muscle in all the time that he had been reading, and he was relieved to see that she was still breathing. He was about to ask her if she was alright, but thought better of it, letting her rest.

He turned back to his book, scouring the index once more for something that might lead them to safety.

“Yes!” he exclaimed, jolting Kadal awake.

“I hope you have found what you were looking for if you are disturbing my meditation,” she grumbled.

“Dweorh’s Boon,” Caden announced, reading from the passage. “A spell that will lead its caster through mines and underground labyrinths by following the imperceptible air currents that circulate through the passages. It looks like this will lead us to an exit.”

“Thank the Gods,” Kadal grumbled, struggling to her feet. She already looked stiff and awkward, the grace that he had so admired now absent. She waited as he began to recite the incantation, gripping his staff in his hands, its figurehead still shining brightly. It was a rather complex spell, Caden referencing the book every so often, his voice echoing through the caverns. After a few minutes, it was complete, and something began to happen. From the glow at the tip of his staff emerged a small, shimmering shape. Threads of magic weaved together to form a little butterfly that fluttered away into the air, the two of them watching, mesmerized as it flapped its shimmering wings. It seemed to float on a breeze that only it could feel, flapping against the current. As they watched, it turned around, fluttering back up the tunnel the way they had come.

They stood there in silence for a moment, then Caden lay his face in his palm.

“Right,” he sighed, “it leads us to the nearest exit. Of course it would take us back the way we came, Gods damn it...”

“Then ... it will not work?” Kadal asked.

“No, no,” he replied with a shake of his head. “It should still work, we just need to venture deep enough that a different exit is closer to us. I guess we should just ... start walking.”

Their footsteps echoed off the stone walls as they made their way deeper into the earth, the winding passage guiding them far beneath the ridge. It was like stepping into a different world, the heat of the desert left far behind them. These tunnels were downright chilly, it was a welcome reprieve from the blistering heat of the sun. Gone, too, was the dry climate. Down here, every surface was slick with moisture, dripping from the ceiling to form dangling stalactites that resembled icicles of rock.

Eventually, the tunnel widened, emerging into a vast underground chamber. It was like stepping into a cathedral made from flowstone. The ceiling was so high above their heads that the light from Caden’s staff could barely reach it, the far walls so distant that they were shrouded in shadow. The whole chamber must have been fifty feet across at least. The stalactites here had joined with the stalagmites to create towering pillars of stone that seemed to hold the ceiling aloft, the endless dripping of mineral-rich water making them slick and bulbous. It was beautiful in a way, if a little eerie.

“This chamber is so huge!” Caden marveled, spinning on the spot as he looked up to admire the rock formations. “To think that all of this was once underwater!”

“What are those ... growths?” Kadal asked, her scaly face twisting into an expression of disgust.

“Those are stalactites,” he explained. “Water carries minerals with it, and when it drips from the ceiling, it deposits those minerals. Over eons, they form those long, spindly fingers. Sometimes, they build up on the cave floor, too. You can see where those formations have joined together to create pillars. Gods, they’re as thick around as the trunk of a stout oak!”

“I don’t like this place,” Kadal complained, her teeth starting to chatter.

“Keep moving,” he suggested, urging her forward. “It will help you stay warm. Watch your footing, the ground is uneven here.”

He raised his staff to light their way as they weaved between the towering columns of wet rock. There were so many different formations, and once again, Caden lamented that he wasn’t undertaking this journey in a purely academic capacity. How he would love to sit and sketch the vista before him, the Master would have relished the opportunity to pore over his drawings.

As they passed by one of the round pillars, its uneven surface reminding Caden of a melting candle, he caught something strange out of the corner of his eye. He paused, Kadal watching curiously as he took a few steps back, waving his staff. There was something in the shadow that it cast, something that glowed with an odd, blue luminescence.

“What is it?” Kadal asked, Caden peering around the pillar.

“Don’t be alarmed, I want to try something,” he replied as he lifted his hand. He encompassed the bronze figurehead, blotting out its glow, plunging the cavern into absolute darkness. It was the most total blackness that he had ever experienced, going beyond closing one’s eyes, beyond the most overcast night. Without the light of the moon, or even a solitary star, he couldn’t see his own hand if he held it in front of his face. It was akin to blindness, the absence of sight.

“Caden!” Kadal wailed, her voice conveying her fright even if he couldn’t see her expression. Before he could reassure her that everything was fine, something began to shine on the ceiling above them, drawing his eye. It was as though obscuring clouds were pulling back to reveal constellations of faint, glowing stars. There were clusters of luminescent dots all over the rock, their off-blue glow seeming to pool between the stalactites, the pair turning on the spot as they took in the sight.

“What ... are they?” Kadal whispered, their beauty taking her breath away.

“Bioluminescence,” he gasped, “like a firefly! They’re all over the walls and ceiling, we just couldn’t see them in the glare of the staff.”

“Are they insects?” Kadal wondered.

“I think so, it’s hard to tell at a distance. They look like they’re moving.”

They stood there for a few minutes more, gazing up at the ceiling, only the sound of their own breathing punctuating the silence.

“They don’t provide quite enough light to see by, I’m afraid,” Caden whispered. He slowly removed his hand from the end of his staff, its glow bleeding between his fingers, the two companions blinking their eyes as they adjusted to the light.

“How are you doing?” he added, glancing over at Kadal. She was shivering, her arms wrapped around her torso protectively.

“Cold,” she grumbled.

Caden set down his pack and began to remove his cloak, Kadal cocking her head at him as he shrugged it off. He presented it to her, the reptile hesitating for a moment before reaching out to take it. She wrapped it around her shoulders tightly, the garment so small that it only just covered her torso, barely reaching her lower back.

“Thank you,” she mumbled, “but will you not suffer in its absence?”

“This is nothing,” he chuckled, jogging on the spot for a moment to illustrate his point. “I can withstand a lot more cold than this. I used to love playing in the snow when I was a child.” He stooped to pick up his pack again, gesturing with his staff. “Let’s keep at it.”

They walked across the chamber, soon locating passages that led deeper into the caves. There was some debate over which one to take, as there were three, and they seemed to veer off in wildly different directions. Caden suggested that they should keep going as straight as they could manage unless they encountered some kind of obstacle or impasse, and he cast a spell that would let him leave glowing marks on the ground at the touch of his staff, ensuring that they could find their way back if there was a need.

The winding cave system eventually led them into another chamber, this one sporting a pool of water in its center, so crystal clear that Caden could easily see the rocky bottom.

“This seems as good a place to stop as any,” he said, shrugging off his pack. “We should take some time to eat and sleep.”

Kadal was still shivering, even the abundance of walking seemed to do little to warm her up. She was clinging to his cape like a shipwrecked mariner to a piece of floating debris, her sharp teeth chattering as she exhaled clouds of condensation.

Same as Conjunction
Chapter 7: Spelunking Videos

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Private Adelle Sabelle Debuts In An Interracial Threesome With DP

Today in Private Specials, Bad Girls Go Black we have the honour of introducing you to Adelle Sabelle, a sexy brunette who’s looking to celebrate her freedom after a recent divorce, and of course there’s no better way to celebrate than a wild interracial threesome! Watch this sexy new girl impress in her debut as she finds two well hung black studs to bring home and enjoy, first warming up with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs before taking that BBC in her pussy and ass with some...

4 years ago
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We Are Made of Stardust Part 3

Dave Penkula was feeling as good as a person with their first hangover. Jordan's ex was also like a person who had way to many the night before because he was the only one to blame for how he felt. Even with protesting about how Jordan should be wearing a tux to the prom, Dave knew it was his fault they were not going together. Worse, they broke up because he was too bullheaded to give in. Dave never even imagined that Jordan would find a date with another man at this close to the...

4 years ago
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My sis is irresistible Chapter 2

Anyway, I knew there was going to be hell to pay when I got downstairs, there is no way that anyone missed the fact that Carly and I were both missing for almost an hour and a half. So I pulled on some boxers and a pair of shorts, picked a nice casual button up and made my way downstairs. Just as I reached the top of the stairs though, Carly was there and walked with me. When we reached the kitchen the mocking started. "Look who decided to finally join us..." Michelle stated...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 95

Shawna settled into the black leather seat with a little trepidation, crossing her legs at the ankle as a woman leant over her shoulder to clip a microphone on to her lapel. "Is that alright there?" she asked, and Shawna nodded distractedly, reaching for the glass of water at her side. "Thirty seconds, people!" someone shouted from the studio floor, and the audience began to settle as the host jogged back out to his seat, settling comfortably into place as the clock ticked...

2 years ago
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After the CME

The Coronal Mass Ejection gave me a new, unbelievable life.I’ll never forget January 21, 2021, at midnight central time in the U.S. when the CME hit the eastern hemisphere. It immediately killed everyone except a few miners, and they died shortly after emerging from the mines due to the residual radiation.But in the western hemisphere, as the radiation crept around the Earth, all men were rendered impotent and sterile. The only men who were not were a few miners over forty and me. I was working...

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He heard a car door slam and he opened his front door just in time to see her bounding up the stairs, suitcase in hand. She had been gone just over three weeks for a conference and he had been counting the hours till she returned. She grinned as she reached the top of the stairs, unable to control herself just seeing him again. He returned the grin sheepishly as he held out his hand for her suitcase. He was always a gentleman and deemed high priority to always be polite. Shaking her head,...

4 years ago
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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 12

Later in the day, Candace is out of the house. Lewis, Rita and Joyce’s brother are in the hot tub. His arrival wasn’t unexpected, but he wasn’t expected for another day or two. Joyce fails to see her brother stealing glances at her with the small bikini she is wearing. While she intends to keep her promise to herself not to go after Caleb, she finds that she has a strong urge for her son, perhaps a stronger urge. This is what keeps her attention focused off Mark. She doesn’t want to seduce...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 81

I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or Amanda. We both just stared at each other for what felt like ages. Lena must have wondered what the hell was going on. Finally, Amanda broke the icy silence and said, "Oh hello Ann, nice to see you again. Out doing a little shopping? I've just dropped off a few of James' old clothes to the charity shop." "Hello, Amanda; isn't it? No, we're just having a look round the village; it's so lovely. This is my friend Lena." Amanda gave Lena a...

2 years ago
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Punished At St Sades by loyalsock

I went to boarding school at the Convent of St Sade where rigid discipline was very much at the centre of life. It was a "crammer" for 18 year olds who had failed their A levels. No-one knows more about punishment than nuns and correct behaviour was enforced by pain and humiliation. All of us girls came from the sort of home where our school hols were spent under the watchful eye of our parents and there was definitely no opportunity to meet boys during term time so I am fairly certain we were...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Tales of the QuarantineStory 4 Little Sisterrsquos Naughty Treat

“That’s it, Clancy,” groaned my twin sister, her naked ass wiggling at me as she lay bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro I was repairing in the garage. “Just slide that cock into me. I need it. I’m fucking going crazy!” “Shit,” I muttered, my dick out in my hand. I was about to fuck my twin sister. Nancy’s trimmed, brown bush dripped with juices as it peeked out between her thighs, the slit of her pussy framed by her lush legs. She looked over her shoulder at me, her brown hair spilling...

3 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 14 Lessons Given and Lessons Learned

“So, you really want me to set this thing up?” asked Peter, a curious tone to his voice. It was Thursday afternoon, and he was calling Lauren at her office. “What? Oh, the camera!” she answered in surprise, then lowered her voice and looked around the empty lobby with a guilty look. “Yes, it might be fun! Will it take long?” “I have no idea,” he replied. “It all depends on how long it takes to run the cable. Why?” “Mmmm, I’d sort of like to surprise Heather with this, you know. She’ll be...

2 years ago
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Dhoodh Wali Aunty

Main jub chota tha to paros me jayakarta tha, mai us ko chachi bota tha, uske doodoo buhat bare bare the aur bilouz ke do battan khola rakhti thee. Under bresser bhi nahi pahntithi. Wo herwaqt muhhe apne dodos ko dikhati rahti this. Us ke do chote bache the, ek 3 saal ka tha and dosra 1 saal ka. Who don ko dodo pila thi thee, aur wo jub bhai dodo pliati mere kharib aajati and dodo doodho ko khol ker apne dono bchon ke muh me dal deti. Uske belkul sufaid dood the. And pinkish nipples. Mai aksar...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Tristan Summers School Just Started But There8217s A Test On BBC Today

I can’t believe they got us back in this boring ass school already! School JUST got out a few months ago and now we gotta go back??? Bullshii. I miss all that virtual stuff where I could just stay home. But nah, we got real school again. Yay. And because we got real school, that mean we got real work to do. After the 2nd day of class this bitch ass teacher Miss Newton talmbout “Lets see wat you learned this summer!” Bitch I sure as hell ain’t learn about The Era of Good...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 21 Of Battles and Stalemates

Maseryk looked through narrowed eyes at the sorcerors, holding the spell he had just muttered in his hands. The intense heat of the ball of pure energy was almost enough to burn through the protection spells woven into his gauntlets. The Dei-Xhan were all panting heavily, two of Lord Dzar's votaries had collapsed, exhausted. Lord Bzas had incapacitated the warriors and was now free to concentrate on the Dei-Xhan lord, giving the dark sorceror pause. "You fight well for a mongrel...

4 years ago
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KarmaChapter 3

Up the dirt road he found one of the gang's cars. The flag it had flown was trampled into the mud, and it had been stripped. Literally stripped, the wheels were gone as was the battery. From the way the gas cap lay open, he suspected the gas had been taken as well ... Someone had even drained the oil out of the pan. The radiator had a big hole in it, and the windshield was shattered. Farther along, barrels full of rock and dirt blocked most of the road. A car could get past, and from the...

1 year ago
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Gender role experiment 3

Gender role experiment 3 I was trying to act normal; to act as nothing happened. I was trying to say, "Everything is ok," and smile, but Jenifer, one of my flatmates, suddenly hugged me. The intimacy of the hug, and the warmth of her body did something to me. Tears, sobs, and words started to run out of me like a waterfall. Just a minute ago I swore to myself to never say a word about what happened in the toilet. I was going to forget it myself and act like it's never happened....

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Hearts LongingChapter 1 The Pirates Claws

Knight-Errant Angela – The Nimborgoth south of Raratha The oars creaked and the sailors grunted as they rowed the longboat farther and farther from Raratha and the Saltspray Palace. No one spoke. We were all reeling from the events of the night. What should have been the perfect crime transformed into a catastrophe thanks to the interference of the erinyes. Now the Doge of Raratha knew we had stolen the piece of the High King’s sword from the Great Vault in his palace. My name would be...

3 years ago
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Accounting Fun

Hey Guys, here's a new story for you all. I've been keeping busy with work and studies so I haven't had much time to play or meetup with anyone unfortunately. However, i know you all enjoy my stories, so I've made on up here for all of you to enjoy. As I'm writing this I've got some smoking hot chocolate cooling down and i've got three mini marshmallows stuffed up in my pussy, warming them up to eat :)I arrived home yesterday from work around 3:30PM when I was changing out of my work clothes....

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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

2 years ago
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The Courier Ch 05

Chapter 5 — Victor Dukov’s house Once Kim and her group had returned to her office, she began finalizing the details of Maria Elena’s immediate future. The prisoner needed a place to sleep that night, she needed to begin Danubian language lessons as quickly as possible, and she needed to find work within three days. Cecilia dispatched the language problem first. There was a new group of US exchange students at the National University who were enrolled in intensive Danubian language training...

2 years ago
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Our Night Pt 2

Raising my head I start to pepper your strong jaw with tiny kisses working my way down your neck, then back up to your sensual lips kissing you deeply. You start to stroke my hair away from my face then digging your fingers into my thick hair you pull my head in to kiss me deeper. Loving your taste I start to suck on your tongue as if it was your cock deep in my mouth. You groan as you rub your hardening cock against my pussy then never breaking our kiss you slowly stand us up. Backing me...

3 years ago
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Sherin Is My Addiction Part 8211 1

Hi, all.   My name is ak.I’m now 24 years. I’m 6’1 in height, little skinny,98 kgs. I’m basically from Kerala.Now I’m residing at Bengaluru(city of hot girls).I’m one of the regular readers of ISS.I have read most of the stories on this site.My favorite category is incest.This is my first story which I’m writing in a blog ever in my life.So I would like to post it in iss.   From my 10th onwards I’m fond of girls and aunt’s boobs whomsoever I meet.Sometimes I feel awkward when I see it.But...

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Kushinas Transformation

After the birth of Naruto which took Kushina 10 months to give birth to. Misfortune began to follow from the release of the Kyuubi all the way to the death of her husband. It seemed that Misfortune was bound to follow her..... Unbeknownst to her a mysterious transformation was about to take place.

3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 26

The rest of October turned out to be quite pleasant with the government leaving me alone for the most part. Dr. Atwater did try to make contact with me through Steve, he was polite in asking me to work with him, but with Peter's memories still floating around in my head, I refused both requests to work with him to improve my talents. After I declined a second time, I noticed that the extra officers on campus had been replaced with two others that did not 'feel' that they belonged on a...

2 years ago
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School Life 3

I do remember the week after our first sexual encounter with the best satisfactory ending for me ever. I am in LOVE with her big tits more than almost anything else that she has, except maybe her curves, long hair, plump ass, tight pussy, and warm brown eyes. The point is, we chose to focus mainly on her huge round globes that day. It was after school when we headed to her house to have a little fun. Once we got inside she told me to sit on the couch and she would put on a little show for...

1 year ago
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Family Massage

A few years back my wife and I were on holiday in Thailand with my Daughter, her husband and our Grandson. We were touring around and finishing our time on one of the islands off the West coast. We did the usual family/beachy things and with Thailand living up to its reputation for the exotic there were many beachside places that advertised massage. Leaving Grandma, Son-in-law and Grandson to the beach my daughter and I decided to go and try one of the establishments on offer. All of them...

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My Grandma 6

The next morning we didn't even spend time together. I couldn't get the night on the beach out of my head. God I love fucking my grandmother. I love her cumming on me. But I went out all day with my brother and cousin all day. We spent most of the day at the beach, then we went around the town checking out stores and women. But I couldn't get my grandmother out of my head. She was really hot in bed. It was like she liked it but didn't want to admit it. But then she loses control and just goes...

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Megans Present

We talked as the sun was completely buried behind the trees on the horizon. Every so often I would notice her scoot slightly closer to me. All I could see of her was her outline and shadow. But for some strange reason. I noticed that she was Rubbing her Clit through her bikini bottom. The knowledge of this immediately got me aroused. As I bulging memeber grew larger and larger. So did my courage. "You want some help with that," I said calmly. At that, she leaned in and pushed me back onto...

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Manju Ki Gand Ki Chudai

Hello dosto kese ho aap?mera name raj he or yemeri tisri story he.pehli or dusry story me me mene apny manju bhabhi ko chut me khub choda tha or abhi ab me pehli bar uski gand marne ja raha apne chutme ungli or lund pe hath rakhakar ye story ka anand uthayiye.or me apko bata du ki meri manju bhabhi sunny leone ki tru copy he fark sirft yitna he ki bhabhi ka rang sawla hone ke karan wo or bhi sexy lagti he. Mere bade bhaiya 5 din ke liye ahemdabad gaye the.or jab me subah utha to roj ki...

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Wifes Little sister

The first time I met my Wife's baby sister, Melody, I was amazed at how beautiful she was. Unfortunately, she knows it and is quite a snob. I spoke with her occasionally but it was clear she wasn't very interested in talking to me so I pretty much avoided her for the most part. Well that changed two years ago. We live in a college town and Melody was going to Grad school at the local University and asked if she could stay with us for the last semester because she was tired of commuting. My...

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GunfighterChapter 16

I shouted to my deputies, "THE BROTHERHOOD IS ATTACKIN' IN FORCE. I'D BE OBLIGED TA ANY OF Y'ALL WHO ARE WILLIN' TA STAY AN' HE'P FIGHT, BUT I'LL UNDERSTAND IF ANY OF Y'ALL WANT TA LEAVE. IF YA DO LEAVE, YA BETTER DO IT IN A HURRY, CUZ YA ONLY GOT A FEW MINUTES TA GIT AWAY!" I was delighted to see that nobody wanted to leave! I sent one of the hands to ring the alarm bell, and Juan rounded up all of the women and children and sent them to the main house. I told Juan to take 8 men...

3 years ago
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Parental Lust

James woke up suddenly from a dead sleep, he was breathing fast and heavy and his heart was pounding a mile a minute. It took him a second to realize where he was. He was in bed, the blankets were pooled around his feet at the bottom of the bed, the room was pitch black so it had to be very late. "I just had the weirdest dream" he thought to himself. He rolled over and looked at the clock that was on his nightstand next to the bed. 02:13 AM shone back at him in bright red numbers. He...

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Masters of the ArchesChapter 6

On both sides of the river, the landscape was gradually changing again. Boulders with tall grass growing in between them, now replaced much of the trees. Both banks were also beginning to slope higher and steeper. In some places they rose as much as five feet above the level of the river. It seemed that the river had eaten the rock over the ages and had carved its way through the bedrock. However, the current of the river was now a little slower and its surface very calm. The abundance of...

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Daddy Visits

After they hugged and he kissed her on the cheek, he stepped back, "Let me look at you Maddie, my how you've grown into quite the beauty," and his eyes surveyed her from head to toe, "Oh Daddy," she said as she blushed slightly. "You must be tired Daddy, want something to drink?" and she went to the kitchen to fix him a Coke, halfway feeling his eyes as they burnt into her ass when she walked away. Jeff had to admit, his daughter had grown into a beautiful woman, as he watched her...

1 year ago
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The older lady Part 4

I didn't know what to tell her when she said that she was falling in love with me. I knew I didn't want an exclusive relationship with her. I coldly told her that we agreed it was only sex from the beginning and she got quiet. She knew we discussed it when we started, I guess she thought I'd change my mind. For crying out loud, she was married, anyway! She told me it's OK and we sat quietly for a while.She never mentioned it after that and I couldn't understand why she brought it up in the...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 26

CHUCK – The Junction and Los Angeles When I woke up, I had to think for a second to figure out where I was, and what I had to do today. I didn't feel right, so I got up, had a quick shower, put my sports leg on, and went to visit the workout room. I felt human again after half an hour, so I went back to my room, did the three Ss, and went down for breakfast where I met Steve. "After we've met the Vice President, what do you have to do in LA?" Steve asked. "What can I do to help?" I...

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In Training

I am a thirty-four-year-old housewife who has never done more than fantasize about extramarital affairs. That is no longer the case. My husband's organization moves us frequently, and as a result I have learned to form friendships quickly. After arriving at our present location in June, I began my morning running routine, which I do to stay in super shape. My hips are slim, my ass is rock hard, and I have a pair of very sensitive and well-shaped C-cup breasts. The first few mornings I ran...

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HandsOnHardcore Chloe Shalina Devine Two Muffdivers Get Some Sausage in their Love Sandwich when Neighbor Shows Up

Romanian goddess Shalina Devine recently broke up with her boyfriend and moved in with her best friend, Sexy Slovakian Chloe. On this morning, Chloe is taking a slow, sensual shower and cleansing her gargantuan jugs when, like any healthy woman, she starts masturbating her tight, pink gash. Shalina walks in and finds her, but Chloe doesn’t mind — she invites her to join in! All the pain of Shalina’s breakup is forgotten as they have a clam jam, eating and fingerfucking each...

2 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 19

Wednesday, June 26, 3089, 7:21 am Three weeks later, dragging out of bed and checking through her bedroom window—Siri had warned her to expect rain today—she muttered irritably about the weather and headed for the bathroom. She walked with a limp, but the crutches and brace were gone, residing in the back of her walk-in closet. Crossing the hallway, she paused, hand on her stomach. “Oh, crap,” she moaned. “No! No, no, no!” She made it to the toilet and flipped up the lid, just barely in...

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Macmanrsquos adventures in the red light districts

There were two reasons why I often parked up near a red light district. One was to see very sexy-dressed girls in the street. Another was to spread my dirty mags round so the girls could see me ogling them like the perv I was. I’d maybe find a bus-stop so I could hang around there, close enough to see the girls. I’d hold my knob upright under my mac and ogle Her in Her short skirt and skimpy top till She made me spunk my pants. More risky was to drive up and park alongside the road they were...

3 years ago
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A Date With a Difference Part 1

A Date With a Difference: Part 1 By Harvey Belth Oddly, he was not nervous. With so many things that could go wrong his mind seemed to have switched off all adrenaline producing glands and he had a serene calmness about him, almost a confidence that belied his throbbing anxiety. What if he didn't like her? What if she didn't like him? What if?? So many questions, too few answers. Better not to think, that was the answer, make like a strawberry and just be sweet he decided....

2 years ago
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Rediscovering Sex With My Wife

This is a sex story about how my sex life with my wife went from full on to don’t touch or look and back to full on.The reason because of her boss/friend who was also the reason later for some of the best sex experiences we have had. Back ground is that me and my wife Mona, had a great love and sex life. We got on really well and could not live without each other and one child. Every opportunity we had we would not stop getting physical. Even when eating dinner at our families house. I would...

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Hot wife

This happened while stationed overseas. I was single living in the NCO barracks. Jerry and I worked together. He was married with 2 k**s and living in married quarters. One Friday night I decided to go to the sergeants mess on base. As i walked in I saw Jerry and his wife Diane. They were just going into the dining room and asked if I wanted to join them. I said sure and we had dinner together. After dinner we went into the club to listen to the band. Diane asked Jerry if he wanted to dance....

1 year ago
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ThawChapter 8 Anjolie

Julie sat at her desk at uni, staring at her monitor, not really seeing anything. Her brain was a whirl of emotions and thoughts. Physically, that thing last night with Cassie had been lovely. She'd never felt such a sense of euphoria before, it was better than being stoned, and, although she thought that Cassie had taken advantage of her, kissing was actually very nice. But also, for the first time, she saw how much Cassie really loved her, and it scared her, it really scared...

2 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 5 Ukus and Girls

As they do in men’s magazines, today, let me describe my apparel. Foot ware: “Hot Shoe” custom built for flat track racing using a surplus Army leather combat boot purchased at Sand Island surplus - Joe Pacific Shoe Repair, Ala Moana shopping center, reconstructed the boots to custom design as I watched. Cost: Twenty bucks. Pants: Honestly distressed Sears and Roebuck denim T Shirt: Don’t know, probably cotton with some advertising on it. Racing was something I could ill afford, but did,...

4 years ago
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Kelly schoolgirl pocket money chapter 4

The next few days for Jim were about the strangest in his life. He had almost a week to wait for Friday to come round, but he had never been so excited since he was little. On the other hand, he was also very worried about the whole business. He had lived in The Avenue for many years now, and was very well thought of by his neighbours. They all saw him as a nice old "gentleman", and he worried about what would happen to him if he was caught fucking the local papergirl. The age...

2 years ago
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Busty Hot Lady Mary And The Quickie

Hello all, I will introduce myself quickly, I am a 42-year-old male living in Africa in one of the better and safer countries and into my own business. I do enjoy the finer things in life and of course, clean and safe sex. I am good-looking 5.10 and 74 kg, muscular built and well endowed too. Now, to my latest story which I experienced a few days ago. It was a clear Saturday morning and as usual, at about 9 am, I was driving to work. Not far from home at the roundabout, I noticed this very...

3 years ago
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It had never been my intention to move back home after I had moved out to an aunts house at s*******n due to my parents having a vicious divorce. But my aunts place turned out even worse as she had a drunkard for a boyfriend. And she tried using me as her own personal ther****t twenty hours a day...So I worked my but off and got a place of my own a year later which really wasn't easy at eighteen let me tell you. The economy having gone to shit. Times were hard at the moment, for everyone....

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Chace McCartson Part VI Second publishing attempt

It's a really long time without posting and I know that. I don't even know if I still have readers out there. Anyway, there's the sixth part of the story. Enjoy. Here goes some considerations: - Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good dose of romance to come, this story tends to get darker as it goes. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Killed My Kitty Kat Part 2 The Sequel

… I remembered the tempting voice of Bria ‘I bet you squirt don’t you? The quiet ones always do’. Too long had it been. I was sure that I’d peed myself, but as I looked back through jolts of pleasure, I saw my sweet, clear liquid squirt from my pussy onto the dildo and Gina’s stomach. She started pumping the strap-on harder, deeper inside of me. ‘You better cum all the way bitch! I didn’t wait this long to break you off for nothin’!’ Gina had lost it. I was convinced. It didn’t matter...

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