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The cave was always there.  Well, maybe it wasn’t always there, but I grew up next to it and for me, it was always there.  Every summer tourists would drive past our farm and go to “The Greatest Natural Wonder Under the Earth.”

I think my desire to be tied up was also always there, even though as a child, it was not sexual.  As a young girl, whenever the neighbor kids and I would get together to play something, I always suggested something that involved getting captured and tied up.  I usually “lost.”  One day when I was about ten, my little brother finally told me, “We don’t want you on our side.  You like getting caught.”  

Since I was the oldest child, I had to watch my three younger brothers while my parents worked around the farm.  Dad bought one of the neighboring farms and some company bought the other so it was now just us in the area.  My brothers and I still played capture games a lot, but with no neighbors left, it was three against one.  I would hide in the barn or in the cornfields and they would try to catch me.  Somehow, they always did.  

After that, my mother decided that the boys were old enough to take care of themselves and it was time for me to find a job off the farm.  The obvious choice was the cave.  I got a job in the gift shop during the summer for the next two years, and then when I turned eighteen I became a full-time cave guide.

Taking someone on a tour through the cave is interesting the first twenty times or so, but after a few hundred times it gets really boring.  I had done the tour so many times that I had the speech fully memorized.  I could still sound enthusiastic and interested, but in fact, I was speaking mechanically and daydreaming all the while I was speaking.  There was one point in the tour where I showed the tourists, “what the cave was like before we developed it.”  At that point we would turn off the lights for a few moments and everything would be pure darkness.  

In that darkness, I would imagine myself tied up and helpless there in the cave.  I didn’t realize how much I was enjoying this moment of fantasy until the owner of the cave took me aside one day and told me that I was leaving the lights off too long and it was causing complaints.

One of the things which the tourists are never told is that there are several “escape routes” out of the cave in case something goes wrong.  That could be anything from a tunnel collapse to an earthquake or a sudden flood.  The tourists might see the steel gratings across some of the “unimproved areas” but if asked, we were told to say that they were just small, uninteresting tunnels. 

Most of them were, but several were actually escape routes.  We each had a key that would open any of the escape grates in case of trouble. One day while giving a tour, I faintly heard a tractor working in the field above us.  It may sound crazy, but I could recognize the sound of my dad’s tractor, and it was definitely him.  

As soon as I heard that tractor, an idea began to form in my mind.  That night, I asked dad where he had been working that day.  When he asked why, I told him that I had heard his tractor in the cave.  He laughed and said, “I must have been next to the sinkhole.”  There was a rather large sinkhole in one of our fields that was fenced off and had signs warning people to stay out.  I had looked through the fence when playing in that field and I always thought it looked like someone had carved a trail up the side of the slanting hole.  Dad continued, “The cave pays me to keep the brush clear in that sinkhole.  I think it is one of the escape routes for the cave.”

My mind was overwhelmed with images and plans.  Dad asked me if I was alright and I replied that I was just trying to imagine where I was under the farm during the tour.  Actually, I was imagining how I could get into the cave through the sinkhole.  That would allow me to fulfill at least one of my dark fantasies.

I knew that I had to plan this carefully.  First I had to see what it was like to enter the cave through the sinkhole.  I searched through my dad’s desk and found a key labeled “protector fence.”  I knew that had to be for the padlock on the fence around the sinkhole.  It was identical to my key to open the escape grates, so I put it back in dad’s desk.

I could hardly wait for my next day off.  When it finally came, I walked out to the field and went into the sinkhole.  The padlock was a little rusty and took a little time to open, but it eventually popped open and allowed me to open the small gate.  The trail down was steep, but not especially difficult.  At the bottom was a small cave-like opening that slanted down into the darkness.  I had planned for this and brought two flashlights.  One thing that working in the cave had taught me was to not rely on a flashlight without a backup.

It took me only a few minutes to reach the steel grating at the entrance to the cave.  It looked like the door to an old-fashioned jail cell.  Everything was dark on the other side, which meant that there were no tours in that section of the cave.  I tried my key and the padlock on the door opened easily and surprisingly quietly.  Evidently these escape doors had to be maintained regularly by the cave. 

I stepped through the door and found myself standing on a small shelf.  I had to be careful because my flashlight didn’t carry very far into the darkness, but then I saw familiar features and recognized exactly where I was.  I was about fifty feet above the tour path on a small ledge that effectively hid the entrance and the steel doorway.

Suddenly, the lights snapped on and I heard the familiar spiel of a cave guide.  I stepped back against the grating and waited silently for the tour to pass through.  When I heard the familiar words about showing the cave before we developed it, I reached back above my head and held onto the grating.  Everything went dark and suddenly I was shaking and very wet between my legs. 

The darkness was way too short, however, and soon the lights returned.  I remained in place until the tour passed from this area and the guide switched on the lights to the next area and flipped off the lights where I was.

I remained in place for a few more moments, but the intense feelings were gone.  I wanted those feelings back, but realized that when the guide spoke, I had imagined myself tied to the grating.  The feeling of helplessness was the source of the feelings.  I wanted to be captured against this steel grate in the darkness.  There was no game that would result in that, and I couldn’t just ask my brothers to do it, so I needed to figure out a way to tie myself to the grating for a long period of time.

I started roaming self-bondage sites on the internet and reading self-bondage stories.  I experimented with several different release mechanisms and methods of tying.  Since I wanted to use rope, not chain, I decided that the release mechanism made from PVC pipe would work best.  Basically all you had to do was to attach a loop link to the endcap on one end of a short piece of PVC pipe.  Then you put a long eyebolt through the endcap meant a smaller piece of PVC pipe that will meet, but not actually go over your pipe. 

On the other end– the end that is going to be inside the pipe– you bolt a washer or series of washers that just fit into the large piece of pipe.  Fill with water, set upright, and freeze and voila, the washers are stuck in the pipe until the ice melts. I tested my releases several times by freezing them and then hanging them in the loft of the barn with a small weight tied to them. They released every time. I had my release mechanism.

Actually tying myself to the grating would be no problem.  Since there would be a minimal weight on the ropes, a protected slip knot type of capture with a slip knot holding the ropes to the gratings would suffice.  It was just a matter properly setting up the ropes, putting my wrists and ankles through the loops and pulling until things tightened. 

If it was too tight, I could squirm a little to loosen it, but with the protector knot holding it in place I couldn’t make it loose enough to get free.  And since only one of my hands had to be free for me to actually free myself from the ropes, I had a safety in the double release mechanisms.

The only question now was whether I did this when the cave was closed or on one my days off while there were tour groups passing under me.  As I thought about it, the wetness between my legs gave me the answer.  It would definitely have to be on my day off.

As I waited for the day to arrive, my tours became harder and harder.  Each time I took a group through the side grotto and switched off the lights, I would see myself tied and helpless above the trail.  More than once one of the tourists asked me if I was alright as the lights came back on.

Then the day finally arrived.  I told mom that I was going to go hiking all day.  I often did go hiking in the woods on the back of the farm, so my backpack looked perfectly normal.  I had all my ropes in my backpack, cut and prepared.  I retrieved my frozen release mechanisms from the freezer in the barn.  I also had two flashlights, my key to the escape grate, and a copy I had made of my dad’s key because it didn’t have the cave name and “DO NOT COPY” imprinted on it. When you go into a cave, take two of everything in case something goes wrong.  With two of everything from release mechanisms to keys, I was all set.

I found myself trembling as I climbed down into the sinkhole.  Once I reached the entrance to the cave, I paused and took off all my clothing.  As I walked down the small tunnel from the sinkhole to the cave, a slight breeze I hadn’t noticed before chilled my skin and goosebumps appeared on my arms. My nipples also popped up to erect.

Moving forward in the darkness with only the dim light from my small flashlight, I approached the steel grating.  The darkness beyond the door told me that there were no tour groups, for now, so I opened the door and began to tie my ropes to the upper and lower bars of the grating.  I had to stop for a few moments while a tour group passed through, but as soon as they had left, I closed the door, stepped into the lower loops and put my wrists through the upper loops.  Then I pulled on each rope until it was snug.  

As soon as the ropes tightened, I felt that old tingle and warmth - times ten.  I nearly cried out, but I knew how sound would travel in the cave and bit my lower lip to keep the moans within me.  Tour after tour came through as the day wore on.  Brief periods of light followed by stretches of darkness.  Hundreds of people were passing just below me unaware that on the trail above their heads a naked young woman was bound to the steel grating of an escape door.

I could tell approximately what time of day it was by which tour leaders were coming through. About the middle of the afternoon, I realized that there was something wrong.  When I tested the release mechanisms they became slightly loose after a few hours and would release after a few more hours.  It had been almost five hours and there was no looseness at all in the ropes.  I pulled against the mechanisms but felt no slippage at all.  Something was wrong with the releases - both of them.  So much for “two of everything.”

I started to get afraid.  How would I get out of this?  I would be here until someone found me.  I would have to cry out for help.  But if I did that, I would be found naked and tied up.  Suddenly the thought of an entire tour group coming up the trail to find me filled my mind and with that thought my tingle and warmth soared.  I could picture the Japanese tourists taking pictures of my bound body.  A loud moan escaped my lips as an orgasm tore through me.  

Then suddenly the lights were on again and I could hear one of the tourists ask, “What was that?” 

The guide gave the practiced answer, “Oh, sometimes the wind blows through some of the small openings in strange ways and causes weird sounds.”  No matter what the sound was, that was what we were supposed to say.  I wonder what the tourist would have thought if he had known exactly what that sound was.  I bit my lower lip again to keep quiet.

Shift change told me that it was now past five o’clock and the release mechanisms were still solid.  I could feel water dripping down my arms from the meting ice, but somehow they were still not releasing.  The dripping water also reminding me that my bladder was full and straining.  Finally, I could hold it no longer and waiting for a dark period between tour groups I released a heavy stream of water onto the sandy ground. 

Never before had peeing given me such an erotic thrill.  Here I was, tied up and helpless, having to pee on the ground like a captured animal.  Suddenly the lights came on again and it was bite my lower lip time again.

I now knew what I had to do.  My only worry was that my parents would become concerned when I didn’t come home from my hike and call the police or something.  Maybe they would hold off.  If everything worked out, I could be home before nine, just like on a day when I was working. 

My plan was simple.  When the cave closed at 8:30, the owner would make a final “security sweep” of the cave before locking everything down for the night.  When he came through I would call out and let him find me and release me.  Somehow the thought of an old man finding me naked and tied up didn’t seem too erotic.  I knew he would fire me. 

Hopefully, he wouldn’t press any charges.  The thought of me going to jail flashed through my mind and a mixture of fear and arousal filled my body.  What would it be like if I were really captured?  Is jail as bad as they show in the movies?  What if I liked it?  What would they do to me then?

At last I heard the words I was waiting for.  The guide said, “This is the final tour of the evening, so keep close.  There is no tour behind us.”  Then the cave became dark for a long time - too long a time.  Maybe the owner had decided not to do the nightly walk through tonight.  Maybe I would be here all night.  What if there were bats or rats or other creatures of the night?  I don’t know if I was becoming more aroused or more afraid.

Then I heard the sound of someone walking through the cave.  I kept waiting for the lights to come on, but everything remained dark.  It almost sounded like the footsteps were coming up the trail to where I was, but I knew that this was just a trick of the way sound travels in a cave.  Then I heard a voice from just in front of me, “Did you have an enjoyable day?”

I screamed.  I couldn’t help it.  I screamed very loudly.  I thrashed against my ropes and screamed and screamed and screamed.  Then I felt a hand on my body.  Very gently the hand stroked my breasts.  I stopped screaming.  I was afraid.  I was very confused, but I no longer felt like screaming.  My nipples were becoming harder and harder as another hand joined the first to stroke and caress them.

One hand moved down my body and began to stroke my legs.  I was no longer screaming, but I was now moaning very loudly.  The hand moved between my legs and began to stroke my sex.  I spread my legs to give him better access.  His fingers played softly with my clit and wave after wave of extreme pleasure flowed through me until I writhed and cried out in the most intense orgasm I had ever felt.

Then a dim light came on in front of me.  A small electric lantern was sitting on the ground.  The owner’s son, David, was standing there, night vision goggles raised above his face.  “You know, there are a lot more interesting places where you could be tied up here in the cave.  There are even some very interesting places where people can make love in the total darkness.”

I blubbered a weak, “What?” and he continued. 

“You didn’t know that we make the nightly walk-through using night-vision goggles, did you?  That’s because we had some kids trying to hide in here overnight a few years ago.  They hid when the lights came on and almost eluded us.  Now they don’t see us coming because we use these.  They are night-vision goggles with infra-red illumination.”

Dave then pointed to the ceiling, “The security cameras are also night-vision and infra-red.  We could be sued for millions if we didn’t make every effort to keep people from sneaking into the cave.  There is also an alarm just inside the door.  That first day you sneaked in, I heard the alarm and when I checked the security monitors, I saw you standing there in the darkness.  When you held your hands against the bars I could see the look of lust on your face and knew what you were thinking and what you would eventually do.  I was even pretty sure when you would do it.

I asked your brother to watch out for anything strange that you were making or hiding.  He told me about the release mechanisms.  He didn’t quite understand what they were, but when I called him yesterday, he did agree to put two screws in each of them just below to release washers.  The ice is all gone, it is the screws that are holding the washers in place.”

David then stepped very close to me and said, “You need someone to capture you on a regular basis... to bind you and display you and fuck you out of your mind.  I could do that for you.  I would immensely enjoy doing that for you.  I will even make it legal if you want and marry you.  But I will let you make the decision.  The choice is yours.  If you come to work tomorrow, you are mine forever.  If not, well then, you have had a really interesting day that you can dream about for a long, long time."

He continued, " Oh, by the way, your brother told your parents that you were called into work and would be working late, so don’t worry about your parents asking questions when you get home.”  With that, he released one wrist from the ropes, turned out his light, and walked away into the darkness.  

It took me a few minutes to release myself from the rest of the ropes, put on my clothes and find my way back up through the sinkhole.  When I got home, mom said it was too bad that my plans for the day had gotten ruined by being called into work.  I told her, “That’s OK.  I think I will really enjoy working at the cave from now on.”

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 2 FoldedArms

There are three of us, best pals since childhood. Credit due, Trish McGovern is the successful one. Froggy flogs used cars at his old man’s Cadillac shop. I’m on the way to the top pier of the advertising industry, but with still some ways to go. But Trish, well Trish defies consumption. She graduated from the Yale Architects’ School, which is rumored, a priori, to be top shelf. Sometimes all lessons aren’t learned in school. In fact, should you live in the Brewster Household, more...

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The Warmth of a Werewolf

It was a bitterly cold, windy, clear winter night. On the outside, it was 30 degrees or lower. I was in my bedroom in my small house. The heater in my house that normally works went and shut down on me. I already felt like I was freezing. I stood by my bedroom window and looked at the luminous full moon in the clear nightsky. After looking at the moon, I looked outside and there I saw a werewolf jump through my bedroom window. He was drawn to me and my womanly, voluptuous curves under my red...

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Shilpa Bhabhi Chudi Devar Se

Nind se uthte he kisi ka lund kaise khada ho sakta jo raat bhar chudai karke soya ho. Hum roz raat mai aksar 3 ghante lagatar chudai ka maza lete. Mujhe bhi kaafi maza ata..Hum aksar khadakwasla dam jata karte aur waha jhadiyo k piche mere pati meri khoob chudai karte. Mera figure shadi se pehle 30-28-30 tha lekin ab mera figure 34c-30-32 hai. Aap soch rahe honge ki ye mehnat mere pati ne ki hai toh aap galat ho. Ab kahani ki shurwat karti hu. Kripiya sabhi apna lund apne haath mai lele. Aaj...

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kate 3

She dried her eyes, and said mum would be home soon, I stood up and walked to the doorChris she called , I turned she got up off the bed came over a kissed me on the cheek , thanks she saidWhat for I askedJust for listeningWe had dinner dad said he was away for a week in Italy, he was a long distance driver, and he was going to bed for a early start and asked me to walk the dogIt was a nice summer evening, throwing the ball for Leo our dog, as I threw the ball I saw Kate walk through the...

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21 February 2009Chapter 4

Brad carried Jessica’s overnight bag as he and Abby held her hand, walking to her home. “What a great looking house!” Jessica remarked of the large interior. “Thank you, we like it too,” Abby said removing her coat. “This used to be my home then our family grew with the addition of Wendy and her boys, Jake and Timmy and now Tina. Abby and I share time between both homes.” “My parents are in Ottawa for the weekend. I have twin brothers, Peter and Derek who play hockey in the Ontario Hockey...

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Halloween Pt3

My enthusiasm waivered a little once his crotch was in my face. I could see his cock straining against his sweat pants. But, I considered the alternatives: He was horny, and he was expecting relief. We were in his frat house. And he was much bigger than I was. And, I was dressed like a young woman hot for the D. If I told him no, he could easily beat the shit out of me. And then tell everyone he was fooled. God knows what his frat brothers would do.Besides, he'd sucked my cock. How bad...

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This weekend you need to relax you been working so much latley and haven't had time for friends you call up your bestfriend and you decide to hit up a club and rent a hotel. You get ready & drive to the club there you see a redhead she has grey eyes medium build and C36 bra size she is dressed very slutty black leather shirt with zipper down the chest and leather short shorts she comes up to you and asks you to dance then she starts grinding on you till your rock hard you ask her to come...

4 years ago
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Feminized Faggified and Fixed for Life

FEMINIZED, FAGGIFIED, AND FIXED FOR LIFE Kimmie Holland & Meeah Mackenzie **ONE** Stephen Accepts His Fate?Sort Of. "Oh don't be such a baby, Steffie," my wife said, pausing while putting on her lipstick. "It's not like you even use the silly little things anymore." I had come upstairs to the bedroom with the boots I'd just polished. Her boyfriend Max would be by shortly to take her out for the evening and there I was the obedient house-husband helping her get ready, just...

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AF Changing Minds

AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...

4 years ago
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TripinChapter 24

I threw Michael out at 2AM, then forced Jane into my bedroom with a chair tilted against the door. I explained that if she opened the door, it would set off a ruckus and I would immediately call the cops to come get her. She didn't like it, but she seemed to understand. I opened the sofa for myself and tried to sleep. I was up and showered by 7AM the next morning. There is nothing like sleeping with a .38 revolver under your pillow to make for a uneasy night's sleep. Since I had no desire...

1 year ago
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I introduce my wife to a college stud

During 18 years of marriage my wife and I had settled into a routine. Sex was occasional, once a week or so and pretty standard. The passion and excitement had seemed to be a thing of fond memories of days gone by. Dee still looked good and could catch the eye of men when we went out, standing 5'5 and weighing 116 lbs. She was still firm in all the right places with a tight little ass that looked the same as it did when she was 19 and her tits were still perky and firm at 34A with awesome...

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My name is Jamel and I've been a cop for several years now. I've been happily married for most of those. My wife, Nabila, is absolutely gorgeous with brunette hair and brown eyes complementing her curvy body. She works as a dispatcher in my department, which is where we met.The problems started on patrol one night. I received a lookout for a black male, about 6'4" tall and 220 lbs, wearing all black. The black man had just robbed a liquor store only two blocks from me and was last seen running...

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Boyfriend or Brother

“Why? What happened?” “Oh yeah, I never told you.” Hannah had a flair for being forgetful, but even as she hardened herself to tell me, it was clearly something she’d always remembered. “Well, when I was younger, my second oldest brother started molesting me.” “How so? Just kissing and touching?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “More than that,” Hannah paused. “He’d force me to suck his cock, he’d give me oral, and then he’d have sex with me.” “Did he ever say why?” I gave Hannah a look...

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Slow DanceChapter 5

“Hi, it’s me,” Nikki said into the phone at the front desk of David’s building. “Can I come up?” “Oh, hi,” David replied. “Of course, Mom. Please do.” Nikki returned the phone to the doorman and headed for the elevator. A minute later she was approaching the door of her son’s condo. He was waiting with the door open. “Welcome back,” he said with a smile. “Come in.” Nikki entered, walked to the living room, then tossed her jacket and purse on a chair. David hadn’t heard a word from his...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 30

Rory Ruth told us that mum and Phil were coming to us for Christmas so all the family were going to be present just like last year. I was quite pleased about this as I had really enjoyed the larger family gathering after it being just me and mum for as long as I could remember. There was the problem of Christmas presents though, I had not even started to think of that and we were into the middle of October Last year it had been easy for me as mum had given me the locket to give to Rebecca...

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A guest cums for a visit

Having the house to ourselves meant we could take our time and explore all of our unrealized fantasies at our leisure this time. In the past our threesomes with him had been exciting and arousing but sometimes a bit more rushed than we would have liked. This time promised to be different. And instead of being in a local hotel room, this time we’d be enjoying our tryst in our marital bed.She spent most of the afternoon prepping herself for him, pedicure, manicure, had her hair done and then took...

3 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 28 Losing My Touch

Martha first realised that Jacqui was doing more than expected when Karl started booking her in two hour slots several times a week. Checking the 3V during one of these sessions, Martha was horrified to see that Karl was using a whip which he had brought with him on Jacqui. Karl had already made a series of a dozen or so weals across her back at an angle which showed they were inflicted from one side. As Martha watched Karl moved to the other side of the bed and started again. CRACK! The...

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My beautiful sister Rachel had fed me dinner in our, soon to arrive, guest’s new bed; her kind ministrations, an attempt to make up for her previous molestation. Rach had left me to go return the tray of dirty dishes to the kitchen. I could feel some strength returning to me; the food and long nap having done their job. I gingerly stood; my legs managing with only a slight wobble. I spent a few moments getting myself steady, and then walked slowly to Rach’s door. I went to the...

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The Bondage of Jade Lee

The Bondage of Jade LeeChapter IJade Lee was a beautiful Asian 14 year old girl in middle school. She had those dark, almost hauntingly almond shaped eyes peeking out from under dark bangs that were typical among Asians. The rest of her black silky hair splash across her head like a cascading waterfall down to the middle of her back. Her 5'4" frame hosted a curvaceous body that was slim but not gaunt. She was wearing her typical white schoolgirl blouse with a short greenish-blue plaid skirt,...

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Gone Fishin

Henry Stark took a deep breath, the salty aroma of the sea air made him feel good. Two weeks holiday in Devon was just what he needed, a total break from the noisy, tedious work he endured in the car factory back home. The doctors had warned him, take a break now or look forward to a nervous breakdown. He was glad to take their advice, he had not had a vacation for over six years, it was about time. He was looking forward to today, he was going fishing, just himself, a small boat, a packed...

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Myspace meetup

I’d been using MySpace for quite a few years, when one summer I realised I could use it to find girls living in my close area. I did a few searches quite lazily, and sent a half hearted message to a few girls not really expecting a reply. After work one day I got home to a friend request and a message from a girl who lived in the same city who I’d obviously contacted. My heart raced as I delved into her pictures she was clearly a well keen type of girl. Half of her pictures involved her...

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The Prey

Marie walked into the club, casting her eyes around to assess the place. Hot, dark,crowded, the music playing just too loudly for comfort. Perfect. She felt the firststirrings of excitement at the thought of the adventure she was about to embark on. Sheconsidered herself a predator, and this was an ideal hunting ground.    She drew no shortage of stares as she made her way to the bar. As a rule Mariedidn't consider herself to be an especially beautiful woman - she had no real troubleattracting...

4 years ago
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Planned or Was It CoincidenceChapter 3

For the last few weeks Jamie and Katie had swapped fantasises; although being honest towards the end; some of the spoken fantasises were made up knowing what the other person liked and was not really their own. The one main theme which seemed to run through the fantasises was that Jamie loved the idea of watching his wife of fourteen years having dirty sex with another man and for Katie it seemed the larger the cock the more downright dirty she would behave. Almost by mistake Jamie asked if...

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Mikes Sister Sarah Pt 2

Chris woke up early the next morning after having barely slept. No one else was awake so he took the opportunity to get dressed and leave quietly. He hurried to his car, still panicking from Sarah walking in on him in that state. She saw everything, she hated him, she was going to tell Mike, he wouldn’t speak to Chris again. Chris’ mind was going over every possible bad outcome and repeating itself over and over again. He had to go. He started up the car and drove home.It was coming up to the...

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2nd time with Andy and Julie

That evening, I had been out with some friends and got back late, letting myself back into the apartment quietly. I was tiptoeing towards my room when I heard his voice call from his room “Hey John, is that you?” “Come in here” Sighing to myself but knowing I couldn’t avoids him forever, I opened his door and stuck my head round. The sight that greeted me was surprising to say the least. Andy was sitting back on his bed, naked, together with an equally naked quite pretty brown haired girl....

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Descent of Dreams

Crashing. Down through the air, down through the clouds. A controlled descent, to a certain extent, but an inexorable loss of altitude that continues despite my attempts to level oul. How did I get here? When did I board this plane? When did I get inside the cockpit? Why am I flying it? I suppose I'm not flying it so much as I'm crashing it. *** Gasping. It was a dream. A nightmare. Flying dreams are common, I tell myself. So are falling dreams. I'm still here,...

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I am of course a completely non-apologetic voyeur, and I want to see as much gratuitous nudity and sex as possible. I love it when Monica, my new wife flashes me. Her bare ass, tits and puss being oh so delectably visible. It is especially hot if it is a room in which others, particularly my son or his new step-sister are present. Tom and Meghan, they are both currently sophomores at Rice University, that happy coincidence in fact being how I came to meet Monica, my new wife last year. Clothed...

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Greek Lessons

This is another story (again, a fantasy) that I wrote a few years ago. It has been published on another adult site, but I can't remember which one. It is entirely my own work.When I became a teacher I learned many new things.I had been living in London, England; a newly-qualified teacher, working in a very tough school, and it was as bad as that makes it sound. I really wasn’t coping, I was being given support, but by Easter I had just about had enough and told the school that I would be...

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The Family Goldman 6

Our Mercedes cruised in moderate speed, leaving the mall - where I just did my first task since I joined my team as one of the disguise specialist impersonating the Goldmans?: interviewing a dangerous member from clandestine movement. The car passed through old houses and classic buildings which glistened graciously under this afternoon sun. People went out to enjoy the September - rarely - clear blue sky . I glimpsed at children playing around at the sidewalk. Old people at caf?s. T...

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Muslim housewife seduces black man

Hafsah was a 30 year old Muslim housewife of Pakistani origin. Her husband's name was Osman and he had successfully reached a high position in a firm so this meant that Hafsah was fortunate enough to live in a large house and be free from having to get a job. But a downside was that Hafsah was all alone and would miss the romantic fucking sessions she had after they had their arranged marriage.Hafsah was a very fair skinned lady who had long hair, large round breasts and a firm ass. She would...

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Copyright 2013 by madengineer3 There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you. ******************** My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was,...

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“What a great way to wake up,” I thought to myself. My left hand cupping and massaging a full, tight breast with a rock hard nipple poking into the palm, and my cock pressed between two firm ass cheeks. Her hair smells like strawberries and her neck tastes sweet, but wait, I went to sleep alone. There’s no one else in the house but , but, but, my daughter! I jerked back and away as she moaned, low and long. Finally opening my eyes I see the sprawl of Candice, my only daughter, as she turned...

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My New Life Begins

It started on a friday when i came home from school to check if i had any email. Sure enough there it was in plain english. It wasnt a long email basically all it said was i had to do everything this person told me to do or otherwise the photos in the following attachments would be sent and shown to EVERYONE i knew. I didnt know who it came from but i knew i had to respond ASAP. How could i have known that somehow someone had the ability to automatically turn on my web cam whenever i...

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