September With Luann a Musketeer Story
- 3 years ago
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Friday morning brought the end of the week but the first of October and my first day with Tina. I’d spent a month with Fallon and one with LuAnn and they were great. I was certain I’d spend the rest of my life with one or the other of them but I still didn’t know which one. It was a pleasurable dilemma. But October was for Tina. I didn’t have high hopes for October. It wasn’t because I didn’t like Tina. I did. I really did. I just thought she was out of my league. She was the only one of the Musketeers that had dated before and it had always been older, more experienced guys. Still, I knew I’d learn from it and maybe it would help me figure out whether Fallon or LuAnn was right for me.
For the first time in two months, I drove straight to school. Tina didn’t need a ride. Fallon and LuAnn had both been anxious to get one. It didn’t seem right but it was what it was. I made it through an uneventful History and American Lit class and got to Trig early. I waited for Tina and when she came through the door, she did not disappoint. She had on a brown and red, long sleeved western shirt, with tight jeans and boots. She was dressed much as she was for our first date, two months ago. She wore turquoise earrings and a turquoise necklace that dropped low on her neck. I was jealous of her necklace. She wore an almost brown shade of lipstick that went great with her deep, bronze tan. She always looked good but she’d taken it to a whole new level. If she was already so far out of my league, why had she dressed to impress?
Her boots clicked across the classroom and every eye was on her and she knew it but had her focus on me. That felt great.
“Hey cowboy.”
“Damn, Tina. I’m pretty sure it’s against Mesa school rules to look this hot.”
She put a finger on my chest and pushed me into my seat. “Down, boy. Save it for later.”
I got some ribbing for that from guys in the room while the girls shot daggers at her. They didn’t like a sophomore coming into a junior class and stealing their spotlight. There wasn’t much they could do about it though. Tina was hot.
Class started and Mr. Applebee continued the previous lesson on conversion from degrees to radians. He was talking about curves but the only curves I was interested in were next to me. We walked together to our next class, Chemistry.
“You look good, Tina. Really good. Is this a hint that you want to go riding again?”
“I hadn’t planned it that way, but I’d definitely like to. Your Purple belt test is tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“In the morning. I don’t think it will last more than an hour. Lower belts have shorter tests. I think a Black Belt test is all day.”
“Is that something I could go to? Your test.”
“No. You’d have to wait outside. They have a rule that no one can watch a test they haven’t passed yet. Mystery factor, I guess. Do you suppose I could get a kiss before we went in to Chemistry?”
“And smudge my lipstick? Huh.” I wasn’t sure if she was kidding or not but she gave me a flirty smile and I followed her in. We sat across from each other and dug into the fascinating world of moles and mole math. I knew it would get more interesting but the foundations were boring.
After class, we walked to her locker so she could grab her Yosemite Sam lunchbox and then to mine for my brown paper bag.
“Maybe I should get a lunchbox. I feel like I have a second-class lunch.”
“You could, but you couldn’t top Yosemite Sam so you may as well stick with paper.”
We sat together. LuAnn had a different lunch period so I’d spent September sitting with guys from the water polo team. Tina and I shared two classes and lunch, much better.
“How was September?” she asked.
“Good. What do you really want to know?”
“Kind of an open-ended question. Whatever you care to share, I guess.”
“I like LuAnn. We had a really good time together. She’s like an Eagle Scout Susie Homemaker and I had no idea, so that was kind of fun. She seemed to have a good time.”
“Is that why she was smiling Thursday?”
“No comment.”
“None needed. Good. LuAnn’s a sweetheart. I hope you treated her right. I’m sure you did, as evidenced by that smile.”
“No comment.”
“No. I wouldn’t think so. That’s nice, by the way. Nice to date someone who doesn’t brag about the girls he’s been with.”
“That’s always been a mystery for me. Why would any girl go out with a guy with a blabbermouth?”
“It’s their way of bragging without bragging.”
“I don’t get it.”
She put her hand on mine and looked me in the eye. “Of course, you don’t and it’s sweet that you don’t. If a guy goes out with a girl that’s not popular or people don’t think she’s pretty, it doesn’t matter what he does. Who cares? Is he going to talk about that in the locker room? No. But if everyone thinks you’re pretty or desirable, then he will. If you’re worth being talked about, it must be because you’re pretty and desirable.”
“That’s a pretty backward way of looking at the world but it sort of makes sense.” I thought about it for a minute. “So, the girls that go out with blabbermouths are insecure and they need that for an ego boost?”
“Pretty much.”
“So, you wouldn’t go out with a guy like that.”
“I’m going out with you.”
“That’s kind of an ego boost for me.”
“It’s nice that you think so. Can I get a ride home today?”
“Yes. Absolutely. How’d you get to school, anyway?”
“LuAnn’s mom.”
“Is that normal? I don’t remember you doing that before.”
“A little out of the way for them. I just wanted to talk with Lu on the way in.”
“Make sure she was okay?”
“Something like that. We talked about it a week ago. Fallon had a wicked tough time of it so I talked with LuAnn a little early.”
“Wicked tough?”
“My sister Tara’s fiancé is from Maine. It grows on you.”
When lunch was over, we walked to her next class, which I discovered was Latin. It’s like she signed up for the toughest classes offered. She finished the day with Biology and a PE class but I didn’t know which one.
After school, I met her in front of the gym and we walked to my truck together. I opened the door to let her in, but put my hand on her shoulder.
“Do you suppose you could smudge your lipstick a little, now that the day is over?”
“I might smudge it a little,” she said and kissed me.
Fallon was an eager, enthusiastic kisser and lover. LuAnn had the most sensual lips in the world and had become an outstanding kisser. Tina was different. Tina kissed me like she knew she was giving me a gift by kissing me and that was true. But she also kissed like she was getting one, too. And she made me feel like I was giving better than I was getting and I wasn’t sure how that was possible.
I gave her my arm and she climbed in. I went around and climbed in and started my truck.
“I’d put on some country music but I don’t have any,” I said.
“If you’re being serious, try one oh one five, FM.”
“Really? You listen to country music?”
“Not usually. But I know where it is on the dial.”
We arrived at her house and I parked on the street to keep the driveway clear and we went in. She hollered but the house was empty, which sounded good to me. She grabbed a Coke for me and a Fresca for her from the Fridge and we sat together on the couch.
“So, what’s next?” she asked.
“That kind of depends on you,” I answered.
“No. Bigger picture than this month. What’s after high school?”
“Ah. College.”
“Which one and what are you planning to major in?”
“Not sure yet. For either. I might just go across the street to Coast for the first two years.”
“It’s cheaper but the question remains. What do you want to do when you graduate?”
“I don’t really know.”
“I bet you do. If you had to decide what you were going to do for the rest of your life, and you had to decide right now, what would it be?”
“Law. I’d go to law school.”
“Because your parents are both lawyers?”
“A little of that, I suppose. They like what they do and I like the way they talk about it.”
“Which college? USC, UCLA, Irvine, Stanford, Berkley, someplace out of state?”
“Probably USC.”
“Criminal or civil?”
“Criminal. Definitely.”
“Defense or prosecution?”
“Family, criminal, what?” she asked.
“How about that. You do know. What about water polo? Going to play that in college? Or is your butterfly good enough?”
“My butterfly might be good enough. I need to play varsity water polo for at least a year to know if I could take it to the next level.”
“What would keep you from taking it to the next level?”
“Size. I’d need to put on at least twenty pounds of muscle.”
“Huh. I thought you said you weren’t sure. Sounds like you’re pretty sure to me.”
“Tina, I’ve never even thought that through before.”
“Yes, you have. You just didn’t do it purposefully.”
“What about you? Do you have it all figured out?” I didn’t think she would have.
“My grades are good enough to compete for an academic scholarship. When I get one, I’ll go to USC for a double major in mechanical engineering and pre-med.”
“Wow. You know that already. And then?”
“I plan to be a Biomechanical Engineer. I want to design prosthetics that have greater functionality and aesthetic appeal.”
“Dang, Tina. You have thought this through. That’s why you’re in Trig and Chemistry.”
“That’s why I’m in Trig and Chemistry and Biology and Latin.”
“About the only thing that doesn’t line up with your career goals is PE.”
“What makes you think it doesn’t?”
“What are you taking for PE?” I couldn’t imagine what would help her become a better Biomechanical engineer.
“Weight training.”
“You’re taking weight training? Are there any other girls in the class?”
“Just me. I like it. Plus, I never have to wait for equipment.”
“I bet. That’s pretty awesome, Tina. So, what happened that got your fire going for this?”
“You’re the first guy to ask. On the other hand, you’re the first guy that knows what he wants to do, too. My uncle got his leg blown off in Vietnam. He’s got a prosthetic leg. It’s bad. Long John Silver had a peg leg that worked about as well. There have been such pathetic advancements in it. I just think people that have lost an arm or leg should be able to get a functional replacement that allows them to live a life like they’re not some sort of creepy cripple. It’s not their fault. But they are the red-headed stepchildren of the world. It’s embarrassing. There are people in wheelchairs that would rather be walking and could be if someone would invent decent prosthetic legs. Have you seen people with steel claws for hands? Yikes.”
“Wow. I’m impressed. And you know what? I believe you could do that. Mom says you’re a force to be reckoned with. That’s not a description my mom would throw around lightly.”
“Your mom also thinks you’re going to date LuAnn on November first and marry her and live in the country and have lots of little grand Lulus Michaels.”
“I kind of think she does.”
“City or country?”
“Ah. I like both. I mean, I like what’s in the city and that’s where my job would be.”
“Of all the homes you know of right now, if you could have their home, whose would it be?”
“That’s easy. The Covingtons’ ranch outside Laguna.”
“Country but not too far from the city.”
I hadn’t talked about any of this stuff with either LuAnn or Fallon. It was a little intimidating but exciting too, that Tina had thought so far ahead and I told her that.
“You can either let life happen to you or make it happen.”
“Yeah. I guess that’s true enough. I just hadn’t thought of it that way before. It’s still a little intimidating.”
“You’ve thought about it now. Just now. What do you think a wife is? What do you think she’s supposed to do?”
“Holy crap, Tina. I don’t know.”
“She’s supposed to support her man. She’s supposed to be there for him through thick and thin and encourage him. I don’t want you to feel intimidated. I want you to feel encouraged. All the stuff you said you wanted to do? I believe you could do it. I know you could put on twenty pounds of muscle. That, by the way, would be a huge turn-on. You’re already pretty solid. Twenty pounds, though. Mmmm. I know you could get into USC and get a law degree and find a good job as a criminal attorney. I have absolutely no doubt, and I know that because I’ve been in your Trig and Chem classes and know how you think. You can do it. No doubt. None.”
“Wow. I guess I believe it too.”
“That’s what your partner in life is supposed to do.”
“Okay, that’s pretty cool. That’s what Mom does for Dad but it’s what he does for her, too. All the stuff you said you want to do. I have absolutely no doubt that you could do it. No. I have no doubt you will do it. In fact, I might have to become a patent attorney so you have someone you trust to take care of your inventions.”
“I like that,” she said and gave me a kiss.
It was an easy kiss, just lips sort of playing but then her hands got involved. She put her hands on my upper arms, and I could feel her squeezing, not hard, but enough to feel my strength and it felt good. We scooted closer together and I put my arm around her and let it slide low on her back. It was awkward on the couch and we stood together without breaking the kiss.
I dropped my hands lower and held her tight little ass. We pulled close together and I let my kiss trail down her neck. I took her face in my hands and moved my kiss back to her lips again, tasting her brown lipstick. Smearing it good. I touched her upper lip with my tongue and ran it once from side to side, then tasted her lower lip.
She broke the kiss and stepped back. “Someone’s been practicing,” she said and she was a little out of breath.
“Maybe. Maybe no comment.”
“That was really nice, Michael. My heart is about at its limit. I think that’s good for today.”
“Really? I was just getting warmed up.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. If I kiss you more, I’ll want to do more and I can’t.” I looked mystified. “Girls are on a schedule. Normally, I’d be cramping bad right now but I’m lucky this month. Didn’t want to get too specific there but it is what it is.”
“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t think about that. But you know your schedule.”
“Like clockwork. I should be good tomorrow. Believe me, I’d like to play but it wouldn’t be much fun. That’s a bad way to start.”
“Okay. I hear Lisa complain when it’s her time of month so I know it can’t feel good. But, you know, I feel like getting a kiss from you is a compliment. Does that sound weird?”
“No. I feel the same way. I don’t deserve you. But if you feel that way too, we’re both winners. Tara will be here soon. I’ve got some stuff to deal with before she gets here. Do you mind?”
“No. Yes. I’d like to stay. But I won’t.” She walked to the door with me and I was about to leave. “Tina. I have a feeling that October is going to be a good month.”
“Me too, Stud. Me too.” I’d been Sport last month, but in October I was Stud. I could live with that.
I sat in the truck for a few moments wondering what the hell just happened. It seemed that Tina liked me just the way I was but at the same time, I felt like I’d need to up my game. Damn, she looked good too.
When I got home, I went to the back patio with my Karate technique checklist and ran through each of them slowly, then medium and finally at street speed. I had only one kata and it was easy but I practiced it a couple of times too. I thought my test would be a breeze but I also thought that overconfidence could be a real killer. I went through it all one more time before Dad called me to dinner.
We had Chicken Parmesan and it was just what the doctor ordered. Mom and Dad talked about his case and what the motions meant and the best way forward. I watched and listened to them as a team rather than just my folks for the first time. I liked it. They bounced ideas back and forth without judging each other. I got up to refill my drink and when I returned, all eyes were on me.
“You ready for October, Buddy?” Dad asked.
“Don’t have much choice. Here it is.”
They didn’t seem satisfied. “Did you drive Tina home today, honey?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You spent some time with her, I gather. Do you have plans for the weekend?”
“Just my test tomorrow. We talked about a lot of stuff but didn’t make plans. That’s kind of weird.”
“What did you talk about?” she asked.
“I’m going to USC to study law. I plan on bulking up a bit so I can compete at the next level. You know, the usual stuff.”
“That’s not exactly the usual stuff. You decided that today, young man?” she asked.
It was pretty quiet around the table. “Yes, ma’am. This is really good,” I said, taking a bite.
“I suppose you know what kind of law you’re going to practice, too.”
“Yes ma’am. Criminal.” I took another bite.
“And you decided this today?”
“More like I realized it today. I guess it seems that way, though. Yeah.”
“And Tina?”
“She’s going to double major in Mechanical Engineering and pre-med so she can work as a Biomechanical Engineer.”
“You don’t say?”
“Yup. I should probably be surprised too, but I’m not, which is actually just as surprising.”
“That’s a pretty good afternoon. Why don’t you have her over for dinner?” Dad said.
“Yes. You should have her over for dinner,” Lisa added. It was funny.
“I’ll ask her to check her social calendar and we’ll see.” I excused myself and took my dishes to the sink. “I’ll come back and wash dishes in a bit, if you like.”
“I’ve got it,” Dad said. “Let me know if you see my son.” Ha, ha.
I went to the den where my parents kept their law books and skimmed titles in the bookcase. Most of them seemed pretty specific but I found one that seemed general in nature and pulled it from the shelf. I read the table of contents and it seemed like it might give me a decent overview.
“Starting tonight?” Mom asked as she joined me.
“Got to start sometime.”
“Let’s talk. Just you and me.”
“It seems that Tina has made quite an impression on you, especially considering it’s only the first of the month.”
I relayed our conversation and how Tina seemed to have a vision she was pursuing and that it seemed good. It seemed that I had one too but had never bothered to pull it out. I told her that my own vision or purpose or whatever it was wasn’t very deep. It just needed a little coaching to come out.
“She pulled that out of you today? This isn’t the end of a conversation you two have been having for the last two months?”
“No. Today.”
“That is pretty neat Buddy. Anything else?”
“Yeah. She wore a western shirt and tight jeans and I almost died. She was smokin’ hot. Turning heads all day. I’ve been sitting next to her for two months and she’s never looked like she looked today.”
“So, she stepped it up today?”
“Pulse racing, Mom. Like, heart attack inducing.”
“Do you remember me telling you that she was a force to be reckoned with?”
“Yeah. You weren’t kidding.”
“No. I wasn’t. You be careful, young man. If she’s all that, great. But don’t lose sight of LuAnn ... or Fallon. Don’t let her...”
“Beguile me. Don’t let her beguile me, you were going to say. Have my men lash me to the mast, lest the siren-call destroy me.”
“That might be a bit dramatic, Odysseus, but it catches the flavor.”
“You think LuAnn would be best for me. I get that.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you do. It’s been in your tone for quite a while, plus the way you choose your words. I’ve picked up on how you read people and I’ve learned a bit of it too. You have a definite order of preference for me and I understand that. It’s LuAnn, then Fallon, then Tina.”
“I just want you to be careful.”
“Am I wrong?”
“I don’t want to sway you one way or the other. I just want what’s best for you.”
“LuAnn. LuAnn would not be bad for me. But neither would Fallon. Fallon would be great for me, as a matter of fact. Fallon is over the top amazing. But it’s just the first of October.”
“Yes, it is. I’ll back way up and give you room, okay?” She sensed my tone getting pretty defensive.
“Okay, Mom. Sorry. It’s just that it seems like you and Dad, and even Lisa think I should date LuAnn. I’d be happy with that. Totally, completely, one hundred percent happy with that. Except for two minor details. Fallon and Tina. So...”
“Start with this,” she said pulling a book off the shelf. “Introduction to Constitutional Law. Everyone needs that whether they go down the criminal or civil route.” She handed me the book and left. I think the book might have been some sort of peace offering. When I was dating Fallon, Mom hadn’t pushed or coaxed or anything because LuAnn was coming. Then when I was dating LuAnn, she was all supportive. But now, with Tina, it was cautions and warnings. I wasn’t sure if I’d pissed her off or not, but she had kind of pissed me off, a little.
I took the book to my room and set it on my desk. I’d read it later. I was trying not to be pissed. It seemed like everyone knew what was best for me but me. On the other hand, Tina hadn’t steered me one way or the other and I still had a law book on my desk. As I let stuff ping around inside my head, I realized that Fallon hadn’t said one unkind word about LuAnn or Tina. LuAnn hadn’t said anything bad about Fallon or Tina and Tina certainly hadn’t. I hit the sack early but didn’t fall asleep right away so I went through my techniques in my head one more time.
The next morning, I was up and at the Karate school early. The test took longer than I thought. I didn’t realize that rising blue belts would be testing at the same time. I knew I couldn’t watch their test. When we had all done our yellow, orange and purple belt material, the three of us testing for purple had to sit on our heels facing the back wall so we wouldn’t see the blue belt part of the test. We all passed, although I thought one guy was close, and I was officially a Purple belt. I asked, and one of the new blue belts taught me a couple of new techniques and a big chunk of the next kata. I hit the heavy bag for a while and then worked on my roundhouse kicks. Front kicks seemed pretty natural and even side kicks weren’t that hard but roundhouse kicks were awkward for me. Other than that, I was eating the stuff up.
I went home, showered and changed, then called Tina. We hadn’t made plans for the day.
“How’d your test go? That’s a silly question. I know you passed.”
“I did. I’m now a Purple belt, working toward blue. How are you feeling?”
“Much better. Mom and Dad want to talk with you sometime soon. Not a big deal but they know I’ve been burned a couple of times and my sisters have a bad history with men. They just want to make sure you’re not a jerk.”
“Right.” She laughed. “What would you like to do? My day is remarkably free.”
“I am ready to get out of this house. I don’t have anything in particular for the day but I’ve wanted to go back to The Roadhouse for two months.”
“That sounds good. My folks are up so if you want to come over here now, you can escape your house.”
“Good. I’m on my way.”
“My parents are Tammy and Sonny Wells. Not Klimenko.”
“Ah. Because you have your bio dad’s last name.”
“Bio dad. A little Fallon rub off on you?” Fallon was adopted and there were always foster babies at her house.
“Yeah. Funny, huh? But that’s it, right? He’d have to adopt you for you to be a Wells.”
“Yup. I’ve been a Klimenko my whole life. I don’t want to have to learn how to sign my name a different way. How do you even write a cursive capital W?” I was sure that was a joke and maybe there was more to it.
“On my way. I’ll talk with them and then we can go grab lunch or something.”
I managed to leave the house without having to talk to anyone and drove to Tina’s house. I parked on the street since the driveway was full. Sonny Wells had a white Ford pickup truck that looked like a work truck and Tammy had new Ford Squire station wagon with the faux wood paneling. As I walked past, I noticed that it was spotless inside and there was room for five with one of those rear facing seats in back. I hoped Tina never had to ride in back. The indignity.
I knocked and waited. Tina got the door and ushered me into the kitchen where her folks were finishing up a late breakfast. She introduced me and Sonny reached up to shake my hand.
“What do you do for a living, Michael?” I’d never been asked that before.
“I have a pool route. But it’s not really what I do for a living. I’m a student.”
“Of course, you are. I was just kidding. But you do pools huh? That pay good?”
“It’s actually not too bad. Some people make a living at it but I only work a few days a month.”
“Gas and dates, huh?”
“Yes sir. For the most part.”
“Call me Sonny. If you call me sir, I’ll have to put you to work. Tina tells me you stood up to Tige Williams a while back. I appreciate that. He’s a big guy though and you’re what, maybe a buck seventy-five or so?”
“Yes sir, almost exactly. I think I can handle myself but I won’t underestimate him.”
“That would be smart. He messes with Tina again; she’ll whack him with Yosemite Sam.” He saw the curious look on my face. “Ah, you didn’t know about that.” He nodded to Tina and she reached up and took her lunch pail off the top of the fridge and handed it to me. It probably weighed five pounds. “I welded a steel plate to the bottom.”
“So, the day I came to rescue you, you would have clobbered him?” She nodded. “That’s pretty funny. I think I’ll just stay back next time and let Tina hit him with Sam.”
“Tina says you’re studying Kung Fu like the guy on TV. I don’t know if that shit’s real but if you’re doing it because of her, I hope it is.” I nodded. “I like that. I think you’ll be okay. Tammy, you have any questions for this young man?”
“You ever ride a mechanical bull?” she asked me.
“No, ma’am. I never have.” I knew where she was going with the question. “I’ve ridden ten-foot waves but Tina is kind of like North Shore.”
“North Shore?”
“North Shore of Hawaii, ma’am. They have thirty-foot waves. Way out of my league.”
“Probably like a mechanical bull, tough to hang on. Good luck, sweetheart.”
“Thanks Mom,” Tina said. “I don’t think he scares easy.”
Sonny laughed. “Dating you, that’s pretty much a given, isn’t it?
“Does Tina have a curfew?” I asked.
“Not on school nights. One on Friday and Saturday.”
“Okay. But that sounds backwards.”
“She’s got a full load. She knows when to be home on a school night.”
“Ah. Trust is a wonderful thing,” I said. It seemed like we were done so I shook hands around and then Tina and I left.
“El Guapo’s okay? I know it’s still early, but I didn’t eat breakfast.”
“Me neither. El Guapo’s is good.”
El Guapo was Spanish for The Handsome Man, which was pretty funny since the owner was a short, overweight guy with a receding hairline. We ordered fajitas for two and relaxed. We both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and laughed.
“What was that for?” I asked.
“You first.”
“It’s nice to have my belt test out of the way. It wasn’t so bad and I really wasn’t worried. It’s nice to meet your dad and have that out of the way. He seems nice. It’s nice to be out of my house, especially after last night. And, it’s pretty nice to be with you. Not necessarily in that order.”
“Sonny’s a good guy. My mom did good, especially after the fiasco of her first husband.”
“You’re here. So even if your mom’s first husband was terrible,” I pointed, “You. Tada.”
“Nice. Yeah. I guess that’s true enough. Hell of a price to pay, though. What’s up at your house?”
“Ah. Well, I told them I was going to USC to become an attorney.”
“Was that a bad thing?”
“No. I don’t know if I should really say what else.”
“That’s okay. You don’t have to.” She took a long look at my face, trying to read me. “Unless it’s about us. Then you have to tell me. If it’s not, you don’t.”
“I guess I have to tell you then. Maybe I’m projecting or something. We can talk, right? What we say stays between you and me?” She nodded. “Okay. Well, I just have this feeling that my mom and maybe my sister are trying to steer me toward one of the Musketeers and it irks me.”
“You didn’t even hesitate.”
“No need. It’s okay. Your mom and sister have an opinion. Will they be upset when you get stuck with me, though?”
“No. I don’t think ... hey. I see what you did there. Nice. No. They love you. They just think that LuAnn and I are perfect for each other. Don’t get me wrong. I love LuAnn, had a great month with her and life would be wonderful with her. But it’s a little disconcerting to have other people make decisions for you.”
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I think it took great courage for the Musketeers to let me tell their story. Understandably, only after they’d read the camouflaged version did they agree. Quite a bit of time has passed and they rarely see anyone that might have remembered these events from an outsider’s perspective. I have a much closer relationship with one than the rest. We got to talking one night and I encouraged her to share with my readers the feelings and sentiments she had share with me. Adventurous person that she...
Sunday I walk into the Stuffed Pussy at 10:00 am as requested and got to work cleaning up and getting everything ready for opening at 11:00. Apparently Eddied intends to focus on sports on Sunday and see how it goes keeping the doors open from 11-9. I keep my eyes on the door waiting for Silvia or Eddie to arrive. Around 10:30 Silvia hurries through the door and I make my way over to her. “Silvia… I need to talk to you.” I can hear the worry creeping into my voice. “Sure, what’s on your...
BLACKMAILING TINATina had been drunk. Or it would never have happened in the first place. Tom was away on business, and Harry was already in the pub when she had arrived.She hadn’t seen Harry since they were at school together over fifteen years previously, and they spent the evening catching up on old friends, and lives between leaving school and now.Harry had been married, but his wife, Christine, had died from cancer a couple of years back, whilst Tina was happily married to Tom, though they...
My Life With Tina This is new tale. It is from my dark side. Peace Belle. My name is Anne. That is not the name I was born with. I was born Alan. To start my tale I must take you back in time. About five years ago. I just got off of work and decided to a couple of cold beers at my favorite bar and catch up on the ball scores. I walked in the bar and Tina was on duty. How can I describe Tina in ten words oe less. I can't. To say she beautiful is an understatement. She is tall for a...
It was coming up to the very special anniversary for Tina and Miss Cindy. It was now a year since they first met and, since then, the relationship has been one in which the now nineteen-year-old Miss Cindy controlled the now sixty-year-old Tina. Tina never minded being under the disciplinary control a woman so young compared to herself and, in fact, found the need to submit to someone just a third of her own age as something of a turn on.Tina happily carried out all the menial tasks that Miss...
SpankingCindy and Tina had been an item for two months since Tina’s speeding offence and subsequent spanking by Tina.Cindy was nineteen-years-old and a policewoman who was very much in charge of fifty-eight-year-old Tina, and set her grandma-figure girlfriend a huge number of rules and set boundaries that were strictly enforced. It would normally be the teenager who was answerable to a woman Tina’s age, but not in this relationship.Tina didn’t mind, though. She had always suffered because she lacked...
SpankingStory #1: by MaxMonPart 1: Pretty flowers, pretty Tina Tina wore a smile reminiscent of surprise as if she had just opened a birthday gift that held her most desired thing; a sense of anticipation fulfilled with glee, and a natural enchantment filled her eyes most of the time. To her every day brought forth wondrous moments she took in eloquent stride. She exuded sincerity that life was a precious thing best experienced in the here and now, to not concern one’s ambition with the anxiety in not...
My Wife Tina Takes Care of Her Needs Part #2 In part 2 Tina gets her third COCK that she needs and more The afternoon starts out with Tina calling Dave and John. John is the man Tina FUCKED on the hood of his car before work or where ever she can get it. When the evening was over Tina told me this story of her FUCKING John and FOUR of his friends. Because of me letting her FUCK so many COCK today she thought I would not mind if she already FUCKED a GANG of guys. She was getting FUCKED on the...
Tina was fifty-eight-years-old with a lovely body for a granny, grey hair, a lined face with sagging skin, bat-wing arms, large drooping breasts, an almost flat tummy, and fleshy thighs. However, she was the chummy granny of policewoman Miss Cindy, who was nineteen-years-old and who was sexily dominant and, indeed, the one unquestionably in charge of their relationship.Tina loved being submissive to Miss Cindy and loved the way she dealt so strictly with her, with spanking and caning the most...
SpankingTina O’Brien visits a brothel specifically for womenBy Rosko BusbyIt was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett...
TINA By Brian Houlihan [email protected] Copyright @2005 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved I guess I should preface this by thanking the UPS delivery guy. With one simple gesture, he changed my life. Of course he had no idea of what he was doing. He was just helping himself. Let me kind of set the scene for you. I was 37 years old, single, and living in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx. I had left a very boring but secure County job in Chicago four months ago and...
It was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett with Tina's Mum & Dad; a task which they loved and therefore Tina...
My wife Tina and I have been married for three years now and we have been very happy. She is twenty four years old, but is a very small woman, only 4′ 11″ and weighs 90 pounds. She looks very young, like a fifteen or sixteen fourteen year old girl. She loves sex and is very multi-orgasmic. I have never met a women who could cum as easily and often. Though very small, she is very well proportioned. She is a natural blonde, has long legs (relatively speaking, you understand), a...
Several months had passed since Peter had been punished by Auntie Wendy and her friends, Sylvia Davies and Natalie Bolton. She had wanted to punish him again soon after he had recovered from the hiding that he had taken from the ladies, but this had to be postponed indefinitely as her husband had stayed at home rather than heading abroad again to play golf, or meet his fancy woman, or whatever he did during his months away. However, he had finally left for ten weeks that Monday morning and Mrs....
SpankingWritten by: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 As Tina and I left the office hand in hand, I smiled. I knew that I was in a much stronger position by taking care of Mr. & Mrs. Jaxson. They were wonderful people. At this point, I was recapping, in my head, what has happened to me since I joined the Happy, Happee Limo Company: • I’ve had sex with Sasha-my boss, Tina-her assistant, Paula-a colleague in the phone room, and Jill-the best driver in the company. • I received a $2000 tip from...
Wendy walked over to where Jessica White was still holding onto her sobbing niece’s wrists and laid the small leather spanking paddle down, smiling as she picked up her large, wooden spanking paddle with the eight round holes in it that ran down its length in two rows of four. She held it up and made sure that Peter got a good look at it before she returned to where he was standing, still in shock at spanking Tina. The dark-blonde-haired French Mistress leaned over and kissed him softly on the...
SpankingI fought my way through the halls trying to make my way to Tina’s locker. I felt someone pinch my ass and I’m ready to give the son-of-a-bitch a once over. It’s Ian. “You fag!” I chide.“You skank!” He said.Ian grabbed his books heaving them up so I can see his black painted nails. We talk a bit and then I tell him I want to find Tina. He wishes me good luck knowing all the shit we’ve been going through. I trust Ian. He’s a good guy.“Paula!” Tina said when she saw me coming down the hall. I...
First TimeIntroduction: Tina [b]I first met Tina in 1980. She was a tiny little blonde with the wildest appetite for sex. We experimented with swinging and I was facinated with watching her suck guys off and fuck the shit out of them. We were married two years later and had a child. We had calmed down in the extramarital sex part of our lives but we still liked to play with toys and watch porn movies. The thing that got us back into swinging was the purchase of a surprise bag of sex toys. There was a...
“I’m about to finish up here. Who wants the next turn at this nasty whore?!” Tina could hear his far-off voice booming overtop of her choking noises and the crowd that she, as she was suddenly and unshakably aware, was standing around them. While this anonymous frat boy’s cock pistoned in and out of her well-used throat, fuzzy details became more clear. She realized she was still in the frat house that she started the evening off by entering. She realized that her knees were sore as fuck, and...
A few years ago I answered a Craigslist add that peaked my interest.Hello, my name is Mistress Tina.46 year old experienced in Femdom seeking an extremely obedient man, woman or men and women for erotic Femdom encounter.Foot fetish, pain, worship, bondage, pegging etc. Bisexual is a +++Must be willing, 100% submissive and obedient, clean, cut & DDF.Age restrictions 18-65.I sent this woman a message....Hello , 37 year old male, 6ft 200lbs, very curious about Femdom, clean, 7 in cut shaved....
The thing that got us back into swinging was the purchase of a surprise bag of sex toys. There was a black dildo in the bag and when I used it on Tina she went nuts, yelling, "Oh my God, I can't believe I've got a black dick in me." She writhed all over the place and ended up having one hell of an intense orgasm. Later, when I asked her about it she told me that she'd always wondered what it would be like to fuck a black guy. It was always a taboo thing where she grew up and was told only...
Author : Kshitiz Genre : Group Hey guys thnks for your mails…….never thought that i will receive such a warm response…… is another one………read and enjoy……..dnt forget to leave comments on ISS and on Tina was a virgin when she began dating Kshitiz in her last year of high school. After high school they married and moved to a small college town where they were fortunate to find affordable married student housing. They were broke, like most college students and sex was about their only...
The best way that Margie Jackson could describe the morning’s events to her husband was a car wreck, a slow-motion car wreck like something in a movie or on TV or just a NASCAR race on the late news. First one car would hit the wall, and then a bit later another car would hit the first, and then after a while longer another car would wreck, and just to spice things up, a car would explode every so often. And through it all, you knew with the same morbid fascination that people watched auto...
As Tina spied on her parents having sex, she could see her dad’s huge cock slamming in and out of her mum’s pussy, her mum moaned and groaned as he rammed his log into her, she could see her mums huge tits swaying as Maureen (Tina’s mum) moaned begging for more Ted (Tina’s dad) spanked Maureen as she begged for a good fucking, Tina could feel her pussy getting wet, as she run her hands over her young tits, Tina was 18 and had just finished college and had the summer to rest before university,...
For as long as I can remember I’ve been in love with Tina.Of course I didn’t always know her, wasn’t always friends with her. I bounced around when I was really young with a few foster families, spent a little time in a home with Nuns. But that time of my life is like a blur now. I don’t really remember much of it other than people always feeling sorry for me. I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me.Tina was different. I met her at a church function when we were both just girls really, girls...
LesbianI walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to...
LesbianRandall sat on the park bench with his back straight and wearing crisp, freshly pressed clothes, as if he were about to have a job interview. However, the roses in his hand gave away that he was waiting for a woman he wanted to make his best impression on. One of his knees was bouncing up and down with nervous energy, which made him seem more like a teenager waiting for his first date than a college age man waiting for his girlfriend of over a year. Randall was good looking in a boyish way. He...
Introduction: Wife My wife Tina and I had just had the wildest sexual experience ever. Im Fred, I figured it was time to introduce myself. Tina let me watch and take part as she sucked off and fucked a foot long, coal black cock. Tina was worn out as I returned to our bedroom after seeing our guest, James, out. She opened her eyes and smiled as I entered the room. We really did it didnt we, babe? Are you relly OK with what went on? I assured her it was great and told her it was the hottest...
MY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...
Tina winced as she saw the annoyed look on Miss Cindy’s face. She tried to explain, though. “It was a mistake, Miss Cindy. I intended to pay for the tops but just forgot and set off the alarm as I left the department store.”Miss Cindy wasn’t impressed and angrily berated Tina. “Forgot? That isn’t good enough, my girl. Anyone can use that excuse. You need to remember or accept the consequences.”Tina knew Miss Cindy was right and judging from recent experiences she reckoned she knew that Miss...
SpankingMY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...
This is Tina the Redhead that Mechanic Ray has written about. He asked me to write about the first time I had sex so I asked him to help me write about it as I’m not a writer. From here on out, it will be Ray writing what I tell him. Tina grew up in a conservative family with a hard working father, stay at home mom, two older brothers and one younger brother. In her home, no one talked about sex or anything considered improper. Her parents controlled what they watched on television at the...
The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Lisa had just finished up the last of the dirty dishes. While Tina was setting up the bar with plates, I was amazed to see not only orange juice and bacon, but also pancakes and coffee. The tiny studio apartment was looking a lot cleaner, except for my bedroom. "Where the heck did all this come from girls?" "Tina and I walked up to the market and got a few things, Uncle Larry! We wanted to surprise you!" "LISA! Pulleeze,...
My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same time. So one night we were talking and she...
Group Sex“There’s a package for you on the dining table,” shouted Tina. I was upstairs checking my emails on the computer. I finished what I needed to do and rushed down to get the package. Tina was in the lounge watching TV as usual. She seemed to spend a lot of time watching TV these days. I picked up the package. “What’s on?” I asked. “X-Factor,” she replied without looking up at me. “We’re going out,” I said, firmly. “Really,” she replied, again without looking up at me. I walked to the TV and...
Exhibitionism“I understand you are interested in the position I am offering. Are you available to meet with me over lunch?” read the text on my phone. The number belonged to Tina Yu, with whom I had enjoyed an intimate relationship for a couple years. I was not sure yet what little role-play she was cooking up, but I knew it would be a good one. “I am quite interested. Where would you like to meet?” I responded. “1800 West College Lane. Buzz unit 1103 when you arrive. I am quite eager to review your...
CheatingWe ate in silence, we were both very hungry, then as we sat over our coffee, Tina pointed through the kitchen window. “It's such a beautiful day out there. I wish now that I had not left my bikini at Fred and Jenny's. We could have gone to the beach, this morning.” “I have a suggestion. There is a nudist beach just 10 minutes' walk from here. I'd much rather see you naked on the beach, than covered by a bikini, however skimpy.” “OK!” I put a very large beach towel, big enough for the...
I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...
Vasquez answered her phone just as she was locking the evidence kit in the trunk of her car. "Hi Tina, it's Prescott," the forensic psychologist said. "Anything new on your missing girl?" "Jeffrey, hey," Tina sighed, closing the trunk. "Nothing yet. What have you got?" "Nothing much, I'm afraid," the man replied with an apologetic shrug. "I went through some models, but we don't have much of a profile on her. That makes it tough to predict." "Yeah," Tina agreed, walking...
Pubic hair, I’m not sure why we really have pubic hair. Why do we? I vaguely remember the little twisted dark growths of beginning puberty. A few strands around my otherwise naked little puss that soon sprouted into little tufts. Two little patches of thin hair that I played with as my experience with masturbation grew and matured. Then suddenly, FUMPT, a full patch of hair. “Shave it?” Tina asked.“Yeah, I don’t like it.” I said.“You are crazy, it’s going to grow back all funny.” “No it’s not!...
LesbianMy Cock Crazy Wife Tina My wife, Tina, is five feet, one inch tall – a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, Brown-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. Tina has great legs, a tight, round ass, and the biggest tits imaginable on such a petite frame. They don’t sag and look positively mouthwatering without a bra. I love Tina very much and respect her as a person, but I have to admit that what first caught my eye were these huge, firm 34-D’s on such a tiny girl. We’ve been married a little over five...
I showered while waiting for Pam. After towelling off I put my boxers back on and made a drink. I returned to the bedroom and sat in the chair to relax and watched Tina as she slept. She hadn’t moved since I put her in the bed.Pam arrived and came to the bedroom. We kissed before she jumped into the shower. She came back and sat on my lap.”She looks worn out,” Pam observed. “How did it go?””Great,” I replied. “But she’s not there yet.””Doug is,” she giggled. “He is very submissive.”She told...
SwingersMy Cock Crazy Wife Tina My wife, Tina, is five feet, one inch tall - a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, Brown-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. Tina has great legs, a tight, round ass, and the biggest tits imaginable on such a petite frame. They don't sag and look positively mouthwatering without a bra. I love Tina very much and respect her as a person, but I have to admit that what first caught my eye were these huge, firm 34-D's on such a tiny girl. We've been married a little...
Tina came running in to Tom, “Please help us so dad does not find out please!!” Tom looked at his almost 17 year old sister, she was wearing her baby doll night clothes which were see thru. He could see her boobs with her lovely puffy nipples. He hid his hard on with his comic “What have you done now,” He knew it concerned her computer, it was, up to this time, the only thing in common between him and his sister. He got up as she ran back to her room. Following he realised she was not wearing...
We made arrangements to meet with James again. I took Tina out shopping for lingerie and picked out the outfit I wanted to see her get fucked in. I had purchased a video camera and I wanted the scene to be perfect. First, we got Tina a white sparkly garter belt and a pair of shimmering white, lace top stockings. Tina wasn't much in the breast dept. so I got her a white, sheer mesh, see through bra. I told her that I wanted her in all-white so that there would be even more contrast against...
“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...
SwingersTo get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...
On the wall in the living room hangs a picture of a pair of black pumps. They are shiny with high heels. One is standing; the other one lies on its side. It is impressive how the photographer has found a nice composition and play of light with such simple objects. For those who know, the shoes are a reminder that Tina is not only the caring finance admin her colleagues see. In code, the picture shows her other side. The image is important to her because the shoes changed Tina the office girl...
FemdomFebruary 14, 2012: "I know the pieces fit cause I watched them tumble down, no fault, none to blame-" The sound of my alarm was almost immediately silenced by the small, delicate hands of my lover. Over the past few months I had decided to buy a bed for my apartment, and though it took up most of the room, I was rewarded by the company of my wonderful new girlfriend on almost a nightly basis. But as always, work was determined to wrest me not only from my sleep, but also from my love....
"It was Friday night and Beth’s friend Tina was sleeping over, They were a little drunk on the beer Beth’s older sister had left them when she went out earlier, they were on the couch watching porno and giggling when Beth’s sister walked in with Him, He was big and had long hair and tattoos! They laughed when they saw the young girls were watching a porno on the T V. “You two little girls need to go to bed now!” Her sister ordered. The big man just grinned at them with his hand moving...
A blazing sun caressed ripe and ready cornfields. Rich yellow heated to a dusted tawny colour. Tall stalks flaunted their swelling seed to the sun's power. Silence enveloped the land.Nothing moved.Except for Peter Grover, and he loved it all. Loved the heat, the scorching fecund fields, the dry aroma of sun-toasted corn, the quiet, the solitude. No people. Ideal for a solitary young man. An official track lay two fields to the south, on his left. That was the joy of this walk along the boundary...
First Time“Wow Megan, I can’t believe what a jerk your boyfriend is for leaving you. You are such a nice person,” Tina said.As Megan sat down sobbing, she said, ”I just don’t get it. He thought we needed more space and that we should see other people.”“You are better off without him. I know you can do a lot better than him anyhow. You are a beautiful looking 21 year old. You are still young so just forget about him. I got an idea Megan. Why don’t you come with my boyfriend Tim and I tonight? I really...
Straight SexFriday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...
CHAPTER 1 Susan Lewis and husband Reg came home from the wedding, feeling tired, drunk and very much lighter in the pocket after the big wedding that had seen their twenty-seven-year old daughter Tina marry her childhood sweetheart Alan Nichols. It was a marriage that lasted nine months, culminating with Tina absolutely sick of the jerk. He’d crashed his car and was still wrangling with the insurance company and had lost his job and had instructed his attorney to sue the bastards. If that...
This story is about a desi guy did a patriotic duty by screwing a Pakistani girl. ;P just kidding. Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, this is sam, I’m 21 years old and I reside in Mumbai. I m 5 ft. 7 inches tall, dusky complexion and lean build and a good beard.I won’t like about my cock size being something extra ordinary.Tina is 20-year-old girl from Pakistan residing in Dubai . A real brunette beauty with milky skin, slim yet curvy body and juicy pink lips. So if any women in the Mumbai...
Author's Note 'The Infection Vector' is the concluding section of the story arc that began with 'The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank'. It features a variety of protagonists, each of whom is affected by the activities of the kuzkardesh gara in a different way. Although this is by no means the end of the tale, enough of a line will be drawn to enable readers to treat it as such. This chapter contains extracts from the poem 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph. Raikesdale, North...
This is the continuing story about Tina and her daddy.... and much more....It's late Friday night. Tina and her dad, Tom, had taken a shower together. Tina once again sucked her daddy to an explosive cum. Once in bed, they fucked and sucked for what seemed were hours and hours before spooning together and drifting off to sleep. It is now about 5am........I awoke slowly, noticing the moon shining thru the sheer curtains of the bedroom window. I glanced over at the clock, 5am, it was way too...