- 3 years ago
- 18
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After a great deal of arm-twisting, my sister Bonnie and I agreed to attend a family reunion with our parents. We had attended reunions before, and to put it mildly, found them about as interesting as watching paint dry. Bonnie and I were always the only young people there, and all the conversations about things that happened years before we were born just about bored us out of our gourds. Even so, out of love and loyalty for our parents, we agreed to go one more time.
At nineteen, just two years younger than I, Bonnie is a very attractive young lady. Well, no, that's not so--she's more than just attractive--she's beautiful. With short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a figure that would give a mummy a hard-on, she's a one-hundred-percent knock-out. If she hadn't been my sister, I would have lusted after her day and night. (That statement's not entirely accurate, either. In truth, I secretly hungered for her even though she was my sister: I just didn't show it or let anyone know how I felt. In more erotic fantasies than I can count, I've explored every inch of Bonnie's gorgeous body and have made love to her in every conceivable position. The old brother-sister taboo, though, kept me from attempting to turn fantasy into real life.)
Just as we expected, the reunion was no different from those in the past. The whole clan was there with tents and campers, ready for a weekend of familial fun. Mom and Dad had pulled a camper for us to stay in, and Bonnie and I had come in my car. Just like at previous reunions, other than Bonnie and I, the youngest person there was in his forties. Because of that, it didn't take long for the two of us to start looking for something to do that was more interesting than listening to family tales we had already heard several times.
Bonnie told me that while we were at the last reunion she had found a cave located in a cliff only about half a mile from the reunion grounds. Over the past several year, Bonnie had developed an interest in spelunking and suggested that we slip away from the crowd and explore the cave. Crawling around in a musty old cave didn't particularly appeal to me, but it did seem more interesting than the boring alternatives. After I got a flashlight from the car, Bonnie and I left without telling anyone where we were going.
The cave turned out to be much larger than I had expected. We could walk in it without having to stoop and before long we had explored quite deeply into its passages. Even though we came to several branches along the way, neither of us were worried-- we had the flashlight and were confident we could easily retrace our steps. After a while, we grew a little tired and decided to stop and rest a few moments. We were inside a small room and sat down on a smooth flat rock that was in its middle. The room slanted off to one side where there was a deep, wide fissure. We agreed that with holes like that it might be dangerous to proceed further, and we decided to return to the outside. As we stood up, Bonnie dropped the flashlight. We both watched sickenly as it cast crazy light patterns on the wall and rolled toward the deep fissure. I made a grab for it, but was too late. We could hear the echoes of its bouncing down the hole and knew it was lost forever. Stygian darkness surrounded us, and we were unable to see even our fingers right in front of our eyes.
"Oh, God," Bonnie moaned. "It's so dark. I can't see a thing." I felt her hands clutch me as she wrapped her arms around me and drew her body up close to mine. With a catch of fright in her voice, she whispered, "What are we going to do, Jimmy? With all those holes around here, I'm afraid to try to grope our way out in the dark."
"Yeah, me too," I said. "Our best bet is to just stay put right here until somebody finds us. After a few hours they'll miss us and send out a search party. About the worse that can happen is that we'll get a little hungry and thirsty." I wrapped my arms around her and held her even closer to me. I wasn't sure how she had reacted to my words, so I tried to convey comfort through physical contact. I hadn't really convinced myself of the truth of my words, but I didn't want Bonnie to know how uncertain I felt. Being her big brother, I felt I needed to put on a good front.
We sat there like that for a long time, silence surrounding us. I was acutely aware of the pressure of Bonnie's full, soft breast pressing against my arm, and even under our present circumstances, couldn't help but feel arousal from the contact of her flesh with mine. Though I fought against it, my cock began to swell and come erect. I mentally chastised myself for having such a perverted reaction to my sister, but the years of secret hungering for her wouldn't be denied. The heat of her thigh pressed against mine and the sensuous feeling generated from our bodies held tightly against each other caused my arousal to climb higher and higher.
Bonnie broke the silence by saying, "We didn't tell anyone where we were going. How will people know to look for us in this cave? Oh, God, Jimmy, what if they don't look for us here. We can die in this place."
With a bravado I really didn't feel, I replied, "Bonnie, our folks know about your interest in spelunking. Don't worry, it's just a matter of time before somebody thinks to come look for us here."
Seemingly satisfied, Bonnie lapsed into another long silence. Then, very quietly, she said, "You know, Jimmy, if we do die in here there's one thing I really regret."
I squeezed her tightly and said, "Bonnie, quit thinking such morbid thoughts. Just relax, we're not even close to dying."
"I just hope you're right," she said, her voice revealing she was unconvinced.
"Even though we're not going to die, what's this big regret you have?" I asked, trying to tease away some of her anxiety.
"I'm sorry I... um... well, I'm sorry I haven't ever... uh... you know... made it with a guy."
"You've never had sex? You're still a virgin?"
"Yeah, I'm still a virgin. Isn't that something? Oh, Jimmy, I'm afraid we're going to die in here, and I'll never get to find out if sex is as good as all my girlfriends say it is. God, Jimmy, I don't want to die and still be a virgin."
I was surprised and taken aback by her words. I had never considered the possibility of Bonnie's still being a virgin. With her being as vivacious and pretty as she was, I assumed that some lucky boy had stolen her feminine treasure long ago. Actually, I thought she was far more sexually active than I was and probably made love to boys on a regular basis. Finding my assumptions were wrong filled me with an expanded feeling of love for my little sister and made me feel even more protective of her.
I felt other, far different, emotions, also. The arousal I had already experienced rose even higher, and I felt an intense desire to be the one who took her virginity, who first explored all the sexual delights of her nubile little body. Her confession that she wanted to have a boy plumb the depths of her virgin vagina and make her a woman in every sense only intensified my desire for her. As these thoughts fanned the flames of my secret fantasy, my cock grew completely rigid and hard. I knew it was bulging out the front of my tennis shorts and was thankful for the darkness, relieved that Bonnie couldn't see how she was affecting me.
"Bonnie, we are NOT going to die!" I said emphatically, forcing the perverted thoughts and desires from my mind.
"But it COULD happen, couldn't it?"
I wrapped my arms more tightly about her and replied, "Well, it's possible for ANYTHING to happen, but the odds of THAT happening are awfully long."
Bonnie snuggled up closer to me and I could feel her hand move between my legs, to the area between my thighs. She stroked her fingers up and down, moving them lightly over my sensitive skin. With her mouth close to my ear, she whispered, "Even if the odds are in our favor, I still don't want to take a chance. Jimmy, I know we're brother and sister and we aren't supposed to do such things, but will you make love to me? Will you take my virginity and let me find out what sexual love is like?"
Now I really was taken aback. Even as aroused as I was, all I could say was, "God, Bonnie, do you know what you're asking?"
"Yes, I know exactly what I'm asking. I'm asking you to forget I'm your sister, to just pretend I'm one of your girlfriends and love me the way you would one of them. Jimmy, I'm asking you to fuck me, to fuck me and make a woman of me." With those words, her hand moved up and made contact with the bulge my cock was making in the front of my shorts. She gasped when she felt my hardness and said, "Oh, God, you're hard right now, aren't you?" She stoked her fingers up and down the length of my shaft and softly asked, "You want to do it, too, don't you?"
The sensation of her hand stroking my cock was so pleasurable I almost moaned aloud. The darkness seemed to enhance the touch, and if possible, to make it even more erotic. My answer came out in almost a hiss. "Yeessss, oh yes! You're the most sexy and beautiful girl I know, and you can tell from where you hand is that I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But you're my sister."
"Please, Jimmy, no one is ever going to know. I really need you to do this for me." She groped for my hand, and after finding it, placed it on her breast. "See, my boobs feel just like those of any other girl, don't they? It's completely dark and you can pretend I'm just one of your girlfriends. God, how I've envied those girls you take out. One of them told me what a great lover you are, and I got so jealous I wanted to snatch her hair out."
"Jealous? What do you mean?"
"I mean just exactly what it sounds like I mean. I would never tell you this if we weren't in this situation, but I've had a secret fantasy for years now of you and me making out. God, Jimmy, I've even thought about your being the one who would take my virginity. I guess maybe it was the secret hope that it would be you that has kept me a virgin. Anyway, when Lisa told me how good you were, I got just plain out and out jealous." She laughed wryly and said, "That's a perverted way for a sister to act, isn't it? Are you shocked?"
"No, but I am surprised. I never imagined you felt that way about me. You haven't shown even a trace of your feelings."
"Well, I figured if I did it would shock you to death, that you would think I'm some kind of weirdo or something. You're really not shocked? Really and truly?"
"No, and since it's true confession time, I guess I need to admit that the reason I'm not shocked is that I'm just as bad as you are. Bonnie, I've had sexual yearnings for you ever since you reached puberty. I've wanted to make love to you far more than I ever did with any of the girls I've taken out. In my mind, you're far more beautiful and desirable than any of them." I gave her breast a gentle squeeze and said, "Now I guess it's your turn to be shocked."
In a soft little voice, Bonnie said, "Shocked? Yeah, sort of. But shocked good, not bad. What I really am is glad." She renewed her touching of my cock and said, "Oh, God, I'm more than glad. I'm happy, happy that you feel the same way I do." She squeezed my cock and said, "I'm one more thing, too: I'm... I'm just plain horny. Oh, God, I've never felt this horny before in my whole life. I'm even starting to make my panties wet."
I could hardly believe the way Bonnie was coming on. I had fantasized about our doing what we were doing now, but those fantasies were the stuff of dreams, nothing I could ever hope to actually experience. Now Bonnie was telling me she had the same sort of feelings about me, and not only that, she wanted me to turn my fantasies into reality by making love to her, by being the first boy to explore the depths of her virgin pussy. My cock jerked as I visualized it's penetrating the hot, wet well hidden between her legs. The image flamed my lust, and I wanted to make it into reality. Suddenly, the fact that Bonnie was my sister was no longer important. Even though I knew I might feel guilty later about taking advantage of the situation, I had the chance now to live out my fantasies. It was an opportunity I might never get again, and I surrendered my resistance, surrendered by body wholly to her desires.
Although I was enjoying the feel of my hand on her breast, I knew I would even more enjoy exploring inside her panties and finding out just how wet she was getting. Slowly, I moved my hand down, tracing a path down to her most feminine spot, that secret area hidden away at the juncture of her thighs. I moved my hand down to her waist and then over the little swell of her belly. When I came to the vee between her legs, she spread her thighs apart, giving my hand free access to explore everything it found there.
I moved my hand down to the inside of one of her thighs and ran my fingertips in light strokes over her smooth skin. Moving upward, my fingers came to the bottom of the loose-fitting running shorts she had on. I crept my fingers up into the leg hole and sought out the evidence of arousal she had described, the wetness of a woman experiencing sexual excitement. The realization that I had my hand inside my sister's shorts right next to her vagina, that I was making my erotic fantasies come true, made my hand tremble and my breathing become labored. Delving in a little further, my fingers came to the silken fabric of her panties. The finger tips were right on top of the tightly stretched span covering her vulva, and I pressed them in and ran them up and down the indentation they found there. Bonnie moaned softly in reaction to the contact and thrust her hips up toward my exploring hand. The fabric covering her pussy was damp, just as she said it was, and she was having as hard a time breathing as I was. It was clearly evident she really WAS sexually aroused and that she wanted to do what we were doing just as much as I did.
I knew the dampness I felt was coming from Bonnie's pussy and that all that separated my fingers from that most intimate part of her body was the thin barrier of her panties. I wanted desperately to probe my fingers into that wetness, to feel the slipperiness of her furrow, and to put my fingers into the virgin orifice I knew would be at its bottom. Very gently, I probed a finger under the elastic of her panty leg and then lifting the fabric up, moved my fingers directly onto her sexual flesh. At first, my fingers encountered only the soft curls of her pubic hair and the swell of her Mount of Venus. Then they came to her woman's furrow, that crease running up and down the area between her thighs. I dipped my fingers into her wet slit and lightly stroked her with just my finger tips. She thrust her hips up and moaned, "Oh, God, oh, Jimmy, ooohhhhh!"
Bonnie's panties were stretched tight from my hand being under them, and she said, "Just a second, let me take my shorts and panties off. There's not enough room with them on. You take your's off, too. I want to be able to put my hand directly on what I've been feeling through your shorts." I pulled my hand out of Bonnie's shorts and stood up and dropped my shorts and underwear and stepped out of them. Rather than put my bare ass on the hard cold rock, I put my shorts under me to sit on. I could hear the sound of Bonnie's clothing brushing against her legs and suggested she do the same thing with her shorts. I felt her shorts brush against my hip as she laid them down and then she was back down alongside me, her hip against mine. I felt her hand grope me along my thigh and she said, "Now, where were we before we were interrupted." Her hand moved up my thigh and into my pubic bush. I felt her fingers brush against my cock and then wrap themselves around it. "Ah, here's where I was. Now you find your spot."
Not to be outdone, I moved my hand over to her and felt down her front until I once more reached her pubis. Moving lower, my fingers moved through the softness of her fur and then into the crease between her labial lips. The inside of her labia was slippery with her lubricant and I was able to slide my fingers up and down the full length of her furrow. When I came to the little bump of her clitoris, I stopped and ran my finger tip in little circles over and around the little nubbin. Jerking her hips from the contact, she murmured, "Oh, God, yes. Right there. You found your spot. Oh, yes, exactly the right spot."
Bonnie squeezed my cock and then reached under it and touched her fingers against my balls, rubbing them lightly over all the wrinkled skin of my scrotum. "I wish there was some light in here," she said. "I've never seen a penis before, and I would like to be able to see this. Your penis is so long and hard. I'll bet it's just beautiful to look at."
I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Well, I've never thought of my cock as being beautiful before, but you're right about it's being dark. Your pussy feels so good, and I sure would like to see it. If your pussy is as pretty as the rest of you, then it's absolutely out of this world."
"'Feels good' is right," she answered. "What you're doing down there makes it feel REAL good. This is the first time anyone except me has touched me there, and it feels sooo goooood."
Encouraged by her words, I moved my fingers down between her labial lips and found the opening to her vagina. I made circles around it with a finger tip and then probed it into the opening. She spread her legs even further apart, telling me by that action that she wanted more of such treatment. Obliging her, I turned my hand back and forth and slowly pushed my finger in until it came to her maidenhead. "God," I thought, "she was telling the truth. She really IS a virgin." I had never had a virgin before, and my cock jerked as I envisioned my cock's penetrating the flesh my finger was now enjoying.
Bonnie's fingers had left my balls and were now back on my cock. As I paid homage to her sexual flesh, she returned the honor, squeezing and rubbing up and down the rigid length of my cock. A flow of pre-come had oozed out the eye of my cock and coated its swollen head. As her fingers moved up to that area, they encountered the wetness and spread it over the full length of cock. My pleasure mounted with each stroke and more precome flowed out onto hand. In just a few moments, the wetness of my cock matched that of Bonnie's slickened furrow and I was jerking my hips toward her hand and moaning from pleasure.
I worked my finger in and out of Bonnie's hot, tight hole, imitating with my finger the action I planned soon for my cock. As I pushed my finger in and out, I stroked her clitoris with the tip of my thumb, just lightly brushing back and forth across the hard little button nestled between her nether lips. She jerked her hips to and fro and turned them in small little circles as I ministered to her. Her moans were now matching mine and both our bodies were practically writhing in ecstasy.
Suddenly, the motion of Bonnie's hips stopped and I could feel her body stiffen against me, growing rigid. "Oooooooh, Jimmmieeeee!" she cried, her voice strained from pleasure. She clamped her thighs against my hand and the flesh within her furrow quivered. I felt small spasms move through the muscles of her stomach under where my arm was against her. Her vagina gripped my finger, holding it like a vise within the depths of her sex. Wave after wave of small spasms flowed through her abdomen and pubis as her orgasm built up and seized her. Her hips jerked in little erratic motions as she continued to spasm and thrust against my hand. The motion of her hand on my cock had stopped while she experienced her orgasm, and all I could feel was her holding it in a hard grip that was almost uncomfortable in its intensity. Little, soft mewling sounds of "oh... oh... oh... oh" came from her mouth as she gradually relaxed and came down from the heights of her orgasm. Her thighs finally fell apart and loosened their grip on my hand, freeing it from its tight confines. She laid her head back against me and whispered, "Oooooh, I came. Oh, God, I came long and hard. I've never felt it like that before. Oh, Jimmy, that's the best it's ever been for me." She turned her face up toward me and I could sense that it was right of mine. "Thank you for making it so good," she whispered, brushing her lips against my cheek.
Now recovered from the hard throes of her orgasm, Bonnie returned her attention to my cock. She started stroking it up and down, moving her slick palm up and down it all the way from its head to where it thickened out at the base. "Is this the way a girl is supposed to do a boy?" Bonnie asked.
"Oh, yeah, just like that. It's too good, in fact."
"Too good?"
"Uh-huh. If you keep that up, your hand is fixing to get a baptism of jism. God, Bonnie, I'm getting real close to coming just like you just did."
Bonnie stopped the motions of her hand and said, "Oh, don't come yet. You still have to take care of me. I've heard that when a boy comes he loses his erection, and I sure don't want that happen to you. I need you to be able to make me a woman, to take my virginity." She moved her hand to my stomach and stroked me there in little circles. Then, in a soft, little-girl voice, she said, "Jimmy, let's do it now, please. I want you to put your penis in me and push it in all the way, all the way to the bottom, all the way past my maidenhead. Please, Jimmy, do me right now."
I stroked my finger up and down her wet woman channel and said, "Yeah, right now. I'm so close to coming that if I wait any longer I might just start coming from thinking about it."
I felt Bonnie move away from me so that she could position herself for me to take her missionary style. I held on to her thigh and said, "This rock is so hard, I'm afraid I might hurt that sweet ass of yours if we do that way. Why don't you straddle me and lower yourself onto me. That way you won't bruise yourself on this hard rock."
"Yeah, I like that," she said and moved to where she could straddle my thighs and position her pussy over my cock. It took a lot of feeling and fumbling in the dark to finally get in the position we were after, but we finally achieved it. When we were satisfied that we were just right, she said, "Now what do I do?"
"Just lower yourself down until your pussy reaches my cock. After we make contact, I'll guide my cock into you. Then, all you have to do is slowly lower yourself down onto me. Do it real slow and it probably won't hurt much when your maidenhead breaks."
Even though it was completely dark and I couldn't see Bonnie, I could picture clearly in my mind what she must look like now. I could see her pussy, glistening with secretions, gaping open between her wide-stretched thighs and my cock standing straight and jerking in little circles just below. If everything had been normal, I would have liked to be able to see my cock penetrate into her, to see it sink inch by inch into her wetness. Sill, even in the darkness, I would be able to feel it as it happened and imagine what it might look like.
Bonnie's hot flesh met mine and we gasped in unison at the pleasure brought on by the wetness of her pussy touching the wetness of the head of my cock. I reached down and took hold of my cock, moving it up and down her furrow, seeking out a lodging place at the entrance of her tunnel. After a few strokes, I found the opening of her pussy and pressed the head of my cock into it. The contact of my cock with her wet labia had driven my arousal up to its very peak and I was trembling, on the very brink of orgasm, and needed desperately to get my cock up inside her. "There, I've got it in the right spot," I said. "Now, just lower yourself down and let me push up inside you."
Bonnie, apparently, was as aroused as I, and instead of lowering herself slowly, she pushed down hard. As she did, my cock became dislodged from the opening of her vagina and drove upward into the wetness of her labia. The hot, slippery flesh of her labial lips pressed against my cock and the ultra-sensitive area of my glans rubbed up and down the length of her furrow. She moaned, and in her passion, started moving her hips back and forth over me, pressing her clitoris against my hard, throbbing cockflesh.
The combination of the erotic pictures I had just had in my mind with the movement of her warm, slippery flesh over the underside of my cock was too much. Without warning, my cock jerked and throbbed and gush after gush of come spurted out in hot jets. I jerked my hips in concert with hers and groaned, "Oh, God, Bonnie, I can't help it, I'm coming."
"Oh, me too. Oh, God, I'm coming, too," she moaned.
We moved against each other in frantic motions, orgasmic pleasure flowing through both our bodies. Soon, both our pubic areas were covered in wetness with our juices mingling together and soaking us both with their flow. Gradually, our movements became less desperate, slowing moment by moment until we were still, our breathing labored and loud. Bonnie had her arms wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder, her cheek pressed against mine. We were both silent, a feeling almost like awe over both us. We were each savoring the afterglow of our orgasms, relaxing into the utter lassitude that follows exceptionally good sex. Finally, I broke the silence and whispered, "Bonnie, I'm sorry. I've wanted this for so long, that I guess the excitement was just too much for me. Give me about thirty minutes and I'll be ready to go again." I pulled her against me and said, "I'll be able to do the dirty deed in just a little while."
Bonnie moved her pussy against my now semi-hard cock and said, "That's okay, you're forgiven. That was so good, I'll forgive you for anything. We'll just count that as foreplay, leading up to the real thing. Besides, it looks like we're going to have lots of time to try just about everything we might want to."
If ever there were counter-prophetic words spoken, they were hers. She had no more than spoken them when we heard distant, muffled voices shouting, "Bonnie, Jimmy, are you in here? Hallooo, Bonnie... Jimmy."
Bonnie stood up and whispered, "They've found us. Oh, thank God." She shouted in the direction away from us, "Yes, we're in here. Down here." Then, with her head apparently turned back toward me, she whispered, "Oooh, we've got to get our clothes back on! We can't let them find us like this." I could hear her feeling around on the rock for her shorts and underwear as I did the same. "Oh, God, I'm just soaked. I'm sure it will show through my shorts."
I reached out to her and touched her. "Here," I said, "use my Jockey shorts to clean up. I'll do the same and put them in my pocket." In a few seconds, Bonnie handed the shorts back to me and I wiped my cock and balls as dry as I could get them from just being able to feel in the dark. Holding them in my hand and after feeling my shorts to be sure I was not putting them on backwards, I managed to get my shorts on and stuff my underwear in my pocket. "You about presentable?" I whispered.
"I hope so," she whispered back.
Assured that we would present at least a half-way decent appearance, I shouted, "Hey, down this way. We're in here." Then, almost blinding us after being in darkness for so long, a soft light penetrated into the room where we were. "Yes, down here," I shouted. My eyes grew accustomed to the light and could now see Bonnie. "Bonnie, you've got your shorts on backwards," I whispered to her.
"Oh, God!" she whispered and pushed her shorts down and off her feet. She turned them around and immediately pulled them back up. While she was doing so, she afforded me a view of her panty-clad bottom and my cock which had shriveled up from the excitement of being found grew a little at the sight. She had regrets while we were in the cave and now I had regrets as we were going out. Even with the opportunity that I had, I hadn't actually gotten my cock into Bonnie's sweet little pussy. Now that we were rescued and she didn't face the threat of death, she would probably be embarrassed about our cave experience and deny me any other opportunity to satisfy my long-suppressed desire to make love to my sister. Even disappointed, though, I realized that it was probably best that things had worked out the way they did: we were going to fuck without a rubber and she might have gotten pregnant. At least we didn't have that possibility to worry about.
Dad was the first one into the room. Bonnie hugged him, and we both tried to explain at the same time what had happened and how we had become entrapped in the cave. Dad told us that we were missed at supper time and the cave was the first place they decided to look. Mom knew about the cave and insisted they start looking for us there. Thank goodness for Mom.
When we got back to the camp grounds, Dad was somewhat of a hero and people made over Bonnie and me, ohing and ahing about our ordeal. Everyone gave us their sympathies and tried to feed us, knowing we were probably hungry from having been trapped in the cave. Before long, we were filled and happy, tired and relaxed.
After the excitement of our being found finally died down, Bonnie and I were left with just Dad. "Dad, tell me again how you knew to look for us in the cave?" I asked.
"Well, your mother and I knew about the cave, and she recalled Bonnie's interest in caves and suggested we look there first. As it turned out, she was right."
I slept poorly that night as did my mates and we all woke in a foul mood that just wouldn't go away. The reason was that we were all still pissed at how things had gone in Panwan. All of us wanted to strike back at Onyx Network and pay them back for the mess they'd made of things, but none of us could think of a way to do it that was both feasible and satisfying. The big problem was that we all understood that what we'd been doing for the last few days had only a short term effect on the...
“Everyone fucking out now!” A older version of Madison roared. “Morgan what the fuck?” Madison cried as she has seemed to come to her senses. “I helped cover for you to have this party and even helped get some booze but fighting and breaking stuff is a deal breaker! Everyone out now or I will call the cops.” There was a loud general murmur of discontent as the crowd of people began to shuffle out of the house. “Get the fuck off of me” Greg growled as he freed himself from the guys and he...
Revised By Avi Jordan's First Kiss Hi. My name is Jordan. Im 15years old. I am a 10th grader at Uniondale Academy. I not a very social kid. Im slightly afraid of talking to girls. Ive never had a girlfriend. Actuall, Ive never done anything sexual with a girl. My friend tells me im pitiful, because he hooked up for the first time when he was 10, and..... well..... I still haven't. One morning I woke up and did my usual morning routine. I undressed, took a shower...
Her response: “honey I’m not going to stand out here where the everyone can see; as I can’t bare to be in these cloths any longer… I’ll leave the door open Just follow the trail to my room. Take off your shoes when you get inside. The door locks on it’s own. Be a dear, and pick everything up as you go. If my mother finds them I’ll be in deep shit. Please be quiet With the top. OH! and hurry. Because If I have to start without you; You’ll find my door locked and your out of...
March, 1985, Chicago, Illinois After what could almost be called a fantasy weekend in Ohio, reality hit me in the face almost as soon as I arrived home. I had bills to pay, homework to finish, and laundry to do. I also needed to do some shopping, as well as some other things around the house. But the first order of business was to call Larry Higgins. “What happened?” I asked, after we greeted each other. “I don’t know. Mom’s trying to find out, but nobody’s talking. I thought my grades and...
Breakfast didn't slow him down at all. By the time breakfast was over he had interrogated me enough to find out I was a detective, how old I was, that I didn't have any children and had never been married. At one point he said "Are you sure you're not trying to be my mother's boyfriend? Because you sure sound like what she's been looking for." That flustered her and she barked at him. I diverted him by asking him to tell me about his school, and what he liked to do, and what TV...
This happened a few yrs back we were in goa for my wifes birthday. This was in south goa. We had rented a room attached to an old goa cottage. The owner Uncle John who from now we shall name him as UJ because its easier to type, was an elderly guy around 60. He lived alone with his wife who had currently gone to stay with their k**s abroad. He was also a regular drunk at the local beach bar. We had asked for the place for 15 days and in the 3 days since we moved in I noticed him checking my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed...
IncestWe pick back up on this weeks adventure with the dirty fucking, filling, and feeding part. The GangBangin’ and Creampie’n of Kacey Jordan. I know I keep saying it, but this lady is an absolute DREAM. She looks pristine sitting on her throne in the black room. That blonde hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. She’s lays back and show’s off all that good stuffffff. The guys lay her back and get her busy very quickly. Each of the guys take turns tasting on K-Puff, before a...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1 Finding the Team ‘Hey what’s up? We need a big man do you want join our team, for that tournament?’ Edward asks the big black man. ‘You need a big man?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘All right, I’m big all right so you asked the right person on that one.’ ‘Yeah, for center.’ ‘Yeah, I’ll join ya, what time is it?’ ‘This Monday at 7 p.m.’ ‘Oh yeah I gotcha. Yeah I’ll join. I’m Bill by the way, but I go by the name of Train, you know why?’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I come straight at you and there’s...
Poor little Emori Pleezer has her young heart broken by some dumb boyfriend. First love can be so traumatic. It’s a good thing she has an understanding stepdaddy to play white knight and step in and save the day. And boy does he ever as he fucks the little girl all over the sheets in a variety of positions and even making her squirt. Look like somebody is not going to be depressed anymore today. A faceful of cum has remarkable healing powers and provides all the spunk this girl needs to...
xmoviesforyouThe coffee was good. We both drank our coffee without additives. Sharon kicked off her shoes and sat in a big easy chair. She pointed to the sofa close to it and I sat down. "Thanks to your son and his girl friend, I probably know more about you than you would normally expect to reveal on a first date, particularly a blind one." "When did you make the connection?" "At the airport. There aren't many men named, Silas. Your card confirmed it because I knew my date was from...
Seventy-six days and still counting. I am losing him. After finally finding a man who loves me more than all the stars in the clear night sky, it seems as though we are worlds apart. I sleep with his sweat filled t-shirt simply to remember his scent. I look at his pictures and videos a million times a day. I want him, I need him, I miss him.... Oh damn I am getting desperate. Only $49 for a train ticket. I am so going to see him! Acting normal, I call him and text him all day. He has no...
The next day, I come back to the hotel room and see my stepmom lying on the bed in a sexy dress. She tells me she just came from dinner with a client and could not stop thinking about me. I am so excited as she dims the lights and gets herself ready for another amazing fuck sesh with me. Then she tells me I fuck her better than my dad ever does. Well, when she puts it that way, I know I have to deliver the goods. I climb on the bed and fuck her with everything I got until I bust my load all...
xmoviesforyou“So will you take me to DeRonda’s next party?” I asked John as he drove. “I will if you want me to,” “But don’t get mad or jealous at me if the ladies there all come running to me,” John replied with a smile. “Yeah right; I am sure that they all just have to have this cock of yours,” I said as I rubbed my hand over his cock. John did say anything back he just drove. I laid my head against his arm as I thought about what he had just said. I had never been jealous when I watched him...
The men grappled in the hard-packed dirt, their flesh nearly invisible under a slick layer of dust, sweat, and blood. Weapons had long been cast aside—they fought with bare hands and knees, no rules, the desperate grunts reaching high into the stands where the elite lay breathless, watching in their silken glamour. Sylvia lay on her side, pillows propped at her back. Pure white skin, in contrast with her rich green tunic, stretched the length of her body, and she matched the robe with the...
(More sex for starters, but don’t worry, the story won’t be one long orgy…Not sure if that’s a bad thing on this site, but still.) * Cum spurt from Casey’s cock into Tori once again, instantly setting off yet another simultaneous orgasm as she gasped and moaned bent over the foot of the king-sized bed in front of them. He felt muscles twitch from all the way down his legs up around his ribs as his whole body enjoyed the sensation of cumming into this pussy he had just claimed for himself....
Everything was normal until one day everything changed. We were about to move to a different city. We bought a new place and my parents started shifting things. Now one week before moving, my parents left to finalize the new house. Me and jenny were left alone at home. One night i woke up and was feeling thirsty. I went out to have some water and i heard moans from Jennys room. I put my ear on her door and it was clear she was masturbating. I dont know why her moans made me hard. I pulled down...
"I'm sure you recognize this," Marla said, setting a small bottle of a popular feminine hygiene douche on her desk. On my return to her office after my very first time with a client, I'd mentioned how dry I'd been, how painful the sex was while the first exuberant thrusts were filling and stretching my pussy before I'd produced enough of my naural lubricant. Later that week a client hadn't even given me the time to take my bra off before pinning me to the wall with more very painful...
Hi friends. Mujhe apni mom aur mausi ke saath agra jana pada. Kuch jaroori kaam the, aur dono ne mujhe request kari ki main unke saath chaloon. Majboori mein mujhe unke saath jana pada. Kaam niptate hue shaam ke 7 baj gaye the aur ab itni late wapis jana mumkin nahin tha. Isliye hum ek hotel mein gaye aur ek single room le liya. Tabhi baton baton mein mom ko yaad aaya ki us din mera 18 wan Birth day tha. Dono ne mujhe mubarak di. Jab hum sone lage to Mausi boli ki beta aaj tum 18 ke ho gaye ho....
I was perusing the gardening section when Master interrupted me. "Sleene, stand up and open your robe." Reaching into the pocket of his winter robe (that thing has huge pockets!), he withdrew what appeared to be a pair of black thong panties. "Step into these." He slid them up my legs and seated them firmly against my pussy. That was when I realized there was more to them than met the eye. They had a silicone pad in the crotch that fit snugly against the top of my pussy. I figured it...
Seth returned late the next afternoon and Rain met him at the dock. Seth smiled as the small woman approached. Rain stopped about two feet in front of him and his smile vanished as she looked up at him and told him of the new sleeping arrangements. "This will not work," he said in his booming voice as he looked down on her. "It will work, the four of us will make it work," Rain said and then continued, "Tonight you are going to fuck Autumn." "I will not. I have no desire to have sex...
As mentioned, Sinead and I were sharing an exhibitioinst/voyeur experience, two or three evenings a week I would say. About 4 months after we started our little secret, we were to have physical contact for the first time. It was an early spring evening in March and it was a Friday. My friends and I were hanging out together at the 'Old Bridge.' The Old Bridge was a part of the road where we lived which was off the beaten track. It was no longer functional and the bridge was surrounded by...
Wendy looked up from the magic book, as Polly, humming, stirred the pot. There was a part of her, a small part, that realized she should be helping with dinner. Helping set up camp. After all, it was the right thing to do, the fair thing to do. However, it was also the non-Witch thing to do. Wendy had busted her butt in the service of her Mistress. She had scrubbed the walls, scrubbed the floors, scrubbed the clothing, scrubbed the dirty pots and pans. Basically, her magical training had...
Chapter 18Chrissie looks forward to getting deballedKate and I watched the video of Magic Mike in bed later that night or tobe more accurate, Kate watched the video on her laptop while I licked herwell used pussy. I could sense that she was having a hormonal rush at thesame time my careful attention brought her to an orgasm.It is strange having a relationship with a woman I'll never be able tohave sex with, particularly when sex is her livelihood. I know Kate hasbeen a hooker for ten years and...
Lumi Ray couldn’t wait to be tied up again, so this time we have her paired up with Codey Steele, so she’s in excellent hands. She begins bent over with her hands box tied behind her, her legs spread with a spreader bar, and her neck tied to her ankles. Codey takes his time and feels her out, and plays with her to see what makes her moan, and what makes her scream. During his exploration, he discovers her squirt button, and pushes it every chance he gets. Next, Lumi finds herself in a brutal...
xmoviesforyouWhen Ryan returned from Europe, he initially found himself busy with setting up his new household, which meant meeting with realtors, interior decorators and remodeling contractors. He also had to give some attention to a variety of attorneys and financial planners who had been desperately awaiting his presence to act upon a number of plans that required his signature and input. Ryan knew he would be involved in managing his father’s real estate and investment empire to some degree, but his...
Britney stretched out on her massive king-size bed. Wearing nothing but white lacey panties that weren't much more than a thong. The topless diva yawned as she rolled over to grab and light up a cigarette. Her awesome breasts jiggled as she did so. Despite having two c***dren, Britney's workout routine kept her in great shape. Her boobs had only a slight bit of sag to them. Still they were better than most any other female celebrities who had c***dren in Hollywood. Britney laid on her back...
Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...
That attack was the last for a while, and Jason began to wonder if Henry Richards had given up on the range war. The Boyd ranch settled down into a quiet near utopia, just as any ranch might when it was the middle of summer and things were going well. Things were so quiet, in fact, that Janet decided that she wanted to go into town. She had been isolated from the community for so long that she was "going crazy." It looked safe enough, so Jason agreed as long as Juanita stayed back at the...
"How is she?" They were the first words anyone had said since Jill and her father arrived. John was the one to ask the inevitable question. "She's in bad shape, John. I'm sure she'll pull through all right but I know my daughter and this is going to change her whole outlook on life. It's just not fair." "Unfortunately, life rarely is." He pulled her into his chest again. I could see her sigh as she closed her eyes. Jill spoke to me. "How are you holding up?" "I'm bored out...
The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...
My mom's name is Sally. I had gone off to college and returned home afterwards and planned on being there for a short time thinking I would get a good paying job and move out. Sally is my mom, around fifty years of age. Very normal woman, not ugly or hot not skinny or fat. Sally very rarely cusses and goes to church every Sunday. My dad is normal too. I had never been sexually attracted to Sally. We get along well and we can talk to each other about anything. Also my parents have never been...
Sam had had enough. Two weeks ago, he agreed to house-sit for his best friend Jim while he went off to Europe for a month-long sabbatical. Jim had explained that he didn’t want to leave his daughter Paula alone with the house, because she was a little on the irresponsible side. Paula was a 22 year old blonde, and under normal circumstances, Sam would have thought her quite sexy. But she was one of those girls who had managed to slide through life on her looks and her skill at manipulating...
Four hours later they were strapping themselves into first class seats of a Boeing 747 bound for Barbados. Eight hours later they landed at Grantly Adams airport, it had been a good flight. They’d slept most of the way, in the comfortable bed that the seats converted to. When the door of the aircraft opened the heat of the Caribbean hit them like a fist, more so because they were dressed for Scotland in March. Once they had cleared customs they were pushing the luggage trolley, with Robert...
At work, I just couldn't keep my thoughts off Anne and Ramon. Now that I knew, and he knew I knew, I had to come up with something to coexist with that: a trustful handyman who was around the house virtually all day was fucking my wife, and like he said, there was nothing I could do about it. CONTINUED FROM "A CHAT WITH MY WIFE'S LOVER) I woke up earlier than usual that Saturday, anticipating Ramon's arrival to continue our chat on his torrid affair with my wife. I knew Ramon had a lot of work...
Cheating WifeShe is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...
A Wigging by: Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took the job because I needed it and the pay was pretty good, but I was totally lost. Anne, the owner took the time to show me all of the things she sells, then told me that she has a lot of male customers. "They buy them because the don't have enough hair, they have to keep it short, or they are scared someone will find out." I looked at all of the wigs, then back at her. "You can handle that can't you?" "Of...
Kate held the card in her hand. She quickly scanned the carriage but she had missed him. He had probably changed carriages. She smiled to herself and slipped the card into her bag. She sat back down, feeling the wetness of her panties.Later that night Kate took out the card and held it. She wanted to ring but felt nervous at what she might find. She had taken a few drinks to give her some Dutch courage. Finally, she felt her fingers skim over the pad of her phone and she heard it...
Exhibitionism"We finally have to address the matter of sex!" Great concern was speaking from the eyes of the Commissioner for Youth and Family at the European Union as he looked at his colleagues gathered in the small conference room. "Our latest research has confirmed what we all long suspected... During the last decades the ever-growing porn industry has taken most sexual activity away from the bedrooms and to the desktops. Porn fulfills all dreams of the viewers and serves all kind of fetishes. In turn,...
The midterm paper was due in an hour. Scott skimmed the text, looking for typos. All he needed to do was print it, bike to campus, and slip the paper in the basket outside the professor's office door. After that, he could start packing for the drive to Fort Stockton and Spring Break. His phone chirped and he checked the text from Janie. 'You home? I'll call.' 'Home, ' he typed. 'Have 2 drop paper at campus. B on road shortly after.' He verified that the printer had paper and was...
this is my real story it happend when i was young 19 y,o, my father always look at me with sexy looks and it makes me feel like im naked infront of him but i was just cool and act like there is nothing but one day i was at hom alone my mom went to her sister and my big brother, so i was all alone and i went o shower and when i got out or bathroom my father was standing and looking at me again i was just with towel around me,then i look at him and asked dad whats wrong? he said your so sexy my...
Karenne was in the girls room, fixing her makeup when the fire alarm rang and the PA ordered everyone out. She finished the job in the employee parking lot using a friend's truck, which had big mirrors, and big everything else for that matter. The air was muggy summery and she felt her makeup and hairspray melting into a sticky paste. The truck's owner, a fit and personable middle-aged guy from the tech side, didn't seem to notice the heat as he kept her entertained with bantering that just...
Author’s note: Chapter 5 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 05 ‘We’ll start you with a suncatcher,’ I said excitedly. We were in my workshop and I had a willing apprentice. It didn’t hurt that she was also gorgeous and liked the Grateful Dead. I went to the file cabinet where I stored patterns. I was way past using store-bought myself, but never threw them away. Sometimes they even offered ideas, things I hadn’t thought of myself. I pulled out the...
"C'mon k**," he said as he looked over at me from beneath his strong muscular bicep, "wash that dirt and sweat off you." I stepped beneath the shower head next to him and felt the comforting sensation as the hot streams of water cascaded down over me. I tipped my face up into the driving pellets and let them wash away the cares of the day. Clouds of steam encircled us and I felt the stress and tension of the hard day's work seem to slide off my body and swirl away into the drain at my feet."Get...
“Ohhh yes. Oh, Mr. Matthews, that feels so good. Please don't stop.” Bent over on my desk, Beth moans as I pound her pussy from behind. As I fuck her hard, the papers stacked on my desk start to fall onto the floor. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is the feeling of my hard, throbbing cock swiftly going in and out of my secretary’s very wet and very tight pussy. I grunt as she starts to push her ass back, meeting my every thrust. Her moans become louder as I fuck her faster,...
TabooThe Curtsey Part VIII By Sissy Smith Alicia sat there staring into the mirror hardly believing it was his own reflection looking back. "How could he look so feminine? What had Lisa done to him that so magically turned him into such a feminine looking person." "Well Alicia, what do you think?" "About what?" "How you look silly." "I, ah, I..." "Well you look very cute if you ask me. In fact I think it was a mean trick to have you act like a man all this time when you...
Wo shemale mare gand chat rahe thi or min mazy min tha or sath sath mare gand min unglin under dal rahe thi mug ko bht maza aa raha tha ku k wo in sab cheezo min bht expert thi lakin mary lia ya ak new cheez thi pata ni ku min apne gand khod khol kr aghy pichy hony laga na chaty hua b ya dhak kr wo khate k gand marvany ka gand marny say zida maza ata hai min bas pagl mazy min doba bas gand chatva raha tha or wo jo dil krta tha kr rahe thi achanak wo uthe or khare hui min ny pichy dhaka us ka...
HI readers…here is my real life story. I was doing my engineering final year. my sister was studying engineering 2nd year. i came to my home for holiday. one day my dad and mom went outside. I was very happy that they went outside for shopping. i started watching XXX movies and started masturbate my cock. some time later i say my sister watched it. i was worrying that she will tell this to our parents. so i went near her. she looked at me and laughed at me. i told her not to tell this to mom...
THE EXPORT by Jacki Pett Part 1 of 3 John Warren had just finished dinner in the hotel restaurant and went looking for a book or a magazine to read in his room. The homely girl at the front desk told him that there was a bookstore just around the corner. The early Autumn nip in the air hinted at the weather to come. John's business for the month was just about wrapped up with this account. Tomorrow's, Friday's, session with the sales people would do it and then he could...
Hello to all the indiansexstories2.net readers.It’s Ronny back again with a fabulous encounter beside my gigolo profession. As I have always requested my male readers and followers to give a feedback on my stories but not to ask about my clients.It’s completely confidential.And as I am always available to provide my services to female only (aunties,bhabhies,girls) any age group. Mail at Let’s start with my encounter When I was studying in delhi every month I use to travel to my hometown by...
As they approached the cabin Ron and Brenda gasped. The cabin was nothing but an abandoned hunter's shelter that the men had put paper and cardboard over and some trash to cover holes that they didn't have enough paper or cardboard for. The two surplus army cots and the 55-gallon drum made into a wood stove took up over half of the cabin. The walls and roof of the cabin had many holes and the daylight streamed into the cabin through the holes. Apparently any cooking was done outside, as...
Legend has it that Sir Lancelot was one of King Arthur’s round table members. He was the most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and played a part in many of Arthur’s victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur’s wife, Lady Guinevere. Lancelot’s life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. He was presented as the most formidable knight at King Arthur’s court. His adulterous relationship with...
by DarkRide Chapter 2 - Mike's Perverted Posts My life was turning upside down, for the second time this year. First covid, and now... my own son was having sex with his mom, my wife. And perverts on the internet where encouraging him. I couldn't believe what I was reading on the forum - it truly shocked me. hot4mom -- glad u all liked the vid of mom getting changed. i did like u said #nikkisDAD and pretended to be playing a game on my phone as i talked to her. she had no idea i was...
Hello everyone, I am Neha. I am 23 years old, an engineering graduate who is currently living in Bangalore and working with a financial firm. I am fair in complexion, 5’8″ in height and 34B 28 34. This is the indian sex story of the first lesbian relationship I had with someone. It was during my second year of college when I was 19 and I had been wanting to get a change in order to break the monotony of college life. You could mail me your feedback on [email protected] wanted to...
When gorgeous Kali Roses is trying on all her new clothes after a long day of shopping, her creepy stepbrother cannot help but sneak a peek at her incredible body. He tries to hide it, but Kali catches him red handed. Later, they hang out together on the couch and Kalis stepbrother notices that she seems to be playing with herself under the blanket. She admits she has not been able to stop thinking about him creeping on her the other day. He helps fulfill her fantasies by whipping out his big...
xmoviesforyouAllow me to introduce myself - I'm Eric.I'm Sixteen Years old and I live with my Mum and my Brother.Saturday Night,I was in the Bathroom shaving getting ready to head out for a good night.I hadn't really been out in a while, it didn't bother me that much - it's just tonight my younger brother actually had more plans than I did, so I just had to go out.So I stood in the Bathroom, nothing on me other than a towel wrapped around my waist as I finished up shaving.Just then I heard a noise coming...
IncestTaylor had class most of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Jordan knew that her mom didn't have a job. He decided he would go to Taylor's house and to "see Taylor" and act dumb like he had forgotten that she had class all day. He would see how her mom reacted and that might help him decipher all things he was wondering about the chubby little middle age woman with the huge tits who just happened to be his girlfriend's mom.The doorbell rang and Kimberly panicked a bit. She wasn't expecting...