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Chapter 1

Finding the Team

‘Hey what’s up? We need a big man do you want join our team, for that tournament?’ Edward asks the big black man.

‘You need a big man?’


‘All right, I’m big all right so you asked the right person on that one.’

‘Yeah, for center.’

‘Yeah, I’ll join ya, what time is it?’

‘This Monday at 7 p.m.’

‘Oh yeah I gotcha. Yeah I’ll join. I’m Bill by the way, but I go by the name of Train, you know why?’


‘Because I come straight at you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, hah!’

Edward smiles at the large man’s response and shakes hands with him.

‘I’m Edward and this is my cousin, Oscar he’s going to play with us.’

‘Hey how’s it going?’

‘Pretty good.’ Oscar responds.

‘All right, we’ll give you a call when it comes up.’ Edward continues.

‘Yeah man, no problem.’ The big man responds as he catches his own rebound and shoots it back up. He is at least 300 pounds, but he moves well for a man his size.

Now with their big man as the center, they go on a search for the last two people to fill their team. Edward is only 5’3, but what he lacks in height he makes up in muscle. With his buffed up body his arms never touch his sides. He is going to be the power forward of the team. His cousin Oscar is going to play shooting guard.

Oscar, however, is different from his cousin. Oscar is 5’11 and skinny. His play is limited to only shooting and he is a streaky shooter at best. His best shot is the 3 pointer, which he shoots frequently. Besides shooting he is handicapped in every other basketball category. Even dribbling is a problem for him.

Edward and Oscar drive to a nearby by playground to pick up the point guard and the small forward they need for the team.

They see a bony black kid playing. He is about 6’2 and is playing with someone else that is lighter skinned with a backward turned cap on his head. At closer viewing of him, they see he is Hispanic in descent.

The Hispanic man is only a little over 5 feet and has a pudgy body.

‘Hey you guys want to join our basketball team we need two more guys.’ Edward asks them.

‘Where at?’ The Hispanic man responds.

‘At the gym at Stokes, it’s a tournament, winner gets 15,000 dollars.’

‘Oh no shit?’


‘Yeah I’ll join.’

Edward looks now at the taller guy, bones came to mind when he sees him.

‘You want to join?’

‘They accept people that are fourteen. I’m only fourteen.’

‘Yeah you can still join. They’re not going to ask your age or anything.’

‘All right I’ll join too.’

‘Ok. This is my cousin Oscar he’s going to be playing with us.’

‘Can he play?’ Jim asks.

Oscar’s skinny body and fragility didn’t make him look like he’d be a good basketball player.

‘Yeah he can shoot. He’s going to be shooting guard.’

Jim shakes Oscar’s hand.

‘I’m Jim.’

‘Nice meeting you, I’m Oscar.’

‘So what positions are we going to play?’ Bones asks.

‘You’re going to play small forward.’ He pointed at Jimmy.

‘And he’ll play point guard.’

‘Ok, what’s your name?’ Bones continues.

‘My name’s Edward and he’s Oscar.’

‘My name’s Kevin.’

Kevin shakes both Edward’s and Oscar’s hand.

The team is now set and ready to compete.


Chapter 2

Edward’s drinking problem

After repeated calls to Edward’s house with no response, Oscar decides to visit him at his house as a last resort to get in touch with him.

He was in luck today. He drives in just as Edward is driving up his driveway. Edward steps out of his truck and two empty Jack Daniel’s bottles fall and shatter on the pavement. He mutters something intangible and bends down to pick up the broken pieces. As he is coming up, he notices Oscar standing just outside his driveway looking at him. He is a little surprised and squints to make sure it is his cousin.

‘Hey what are you doing here, Oscar?’

‘Oh sorry man, didn’t mean to drive up to just like this, but I needed to get a hold of you. I called your house but no one answered, I just needed to tell you something.’

‘Oh, well come on in man. I made mess over here.’

As Edward makes his way to the front door, Oscar notices Edward’s forehead is beaded up with sweat and his eyes are blood shot.

‘So what’s up man, what you been up to?’ Edward says as he steps inside his house.

‘Nothing much man, same ol’ you know?’

‘What did you want to tell me? You want something to drink, there’s some Pepsi in the fridge if you want.’

‘Nah man, I’m cool. Nah man I just wanted to tell you the game is tomorrow.’

‘Oh yeah man I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. Yeah I’ll be there, don’t worry about it.’

‘All right you know what time it is, right?’

‘Yeah 7 at night right?’


‘Yeah I know dude. So you guys pick out a name for our team yet or what?’

‘Yeah, we’re going to be the Tigers. What you think, it’s a good name?’

‘Yeah that’s good. So you guys been practicing with each other at the gym?’

‘Yeah no doubt, we wanted to get you into it too but I could never get a hold of you.’

‘Oh yeah, you know what, man? I’ve been having issues with my girl.’ Edward is in the bathroom splashing water on his face.

‘Man, I got this huge hangover man…’

‘Ey, dude, try and be sober when we play tomorrow though because I think the ref will kick you out dude.’

‘Yeah of course man. Don’t worry about that. I’m not going to play drunk.’

‘All right.’

‘Hey I hate to cut this short man, but I gotta go fix my truck. I have an appointment over there.’

‘It’s OK, I gotta go too.’

Oscar sometimes gets frustrated with Edward’s motivation to play but he hopes he comes through during the game.


Chapter 3

Tigers vs. Big Ballaz

The five of them arrive for shoot-around of their first game. Edward is here but he is in the same alcohol induced condition when Oscar visited him at his house. Oscar doesn’t pay much attention to it. He figures he would do all right when it came time to play.

The referee for the match is a seasoned veteran who’s seen just about everything happen on the court, but he never smelled such a strong smell of alcohol like he did that night.

He made his way toward the Tigers and it was obvious to him, one was under the influence. His pupils could not stay still.

‘Hey guys.’ He points at Edward.

‘That guy reeks of alcohol. We’re not here to fool around. There are some serious people here that want to win that money. If any of you smell like alcohol again, I’m going to kick you out, you got it?’

‘Yeah it won’t happen again, we’re sorry about that.’ Oscar responds.

When the ref walks away, Oscar turns to Edward.

‘See man, I told you.’

‘Fuck him man. I’ll like to see him try and do that. Who paid for this league, Oscar?’


‘Me right? So he can’t kick us out, if he does, he’ll be kicked out. Don’t listen to him, he’s full of shit.’

‘You must’ve drank a lot though cause I can smell that from here, bro.’ The train says.

‘And I think we need everyone to be, you know, for this team, look over there.’ Kevin says.

They turn their attention to the team on the opposite end of the court. They were much taller and muscular with the exception of Train.

‘Oh man, they look like NBA players man!’ Oscar says.

‘Yep.’ Kevin responds.

‘It’s no problem, we got this guy.’ Jim slaps Train on the shoulder.

‘Let’s just ride this guy through the whole game. They don’t have anyone in there that can stop this guy.’

‘How much you weigh?’ Kevin asks.

‘Damn….Yeah we better ride this guy then.’

‘No one can stop the Train baby.’ The Train says.

They make their way to the center of the court. Train and another man just as tall but not nearly as big, prepare for the jump ball.

The stands are packed with boisterous people cheering for their home team, Big Ballaz. The ref blows his whistle and then tosses the ball upward.

The Tigers win the jump ball and it is quickly passed to Jim who then walks it up the court and points at team mates to arrange a post up play.

He passes it to Kevin on the perimeter and he passes it to Train down in the post and steps back.

Train bounces the defender off his back until he is near the basket and then hooks the ball inside the net for a one-footer. Now it’s 1 nothing. First one to 7 will win the game.

Home Team 0

Visitors 1

As the Tigers run back on defense, Oscar runs backwards and smiles at the crowd. The fans welcome the gesture with a barrage of water bottles thrown at him.

A Ballaz player crosses Kevin and drives it to the basket. Train reaches to block the ball, but it hits high off the glass before he can get to it, and the ball goes inside the net.

Home Team 1

Visitors 1

Jim walks it up the court again and passes it to Kevin who again feeds the ball down into the post for Train. Train starts doing his usual work but now he is doubled teamed at his spot and can’t see the basket with the defender’s long arms in the way. He passes out of it to Oscar who’s just behind the 3 point line. Oscar aims and shoots. The ball feels good coming off his fingers tips and it arches beautifully into the basket. Swishh

Home Team 1

Visitors 3

One defender is left open down the court and the ball is thrown all the way down to him. With no one around him, he slams it with emphatic force.

Home Team 2

Visitors 3

‘Hey stay on you’re guy OK?’ Jim tells Kevin who missed the assignment.

Jim sees two men guarding Train, making it impossible to get a ball inside to him. He decides to drive in. Both defenders jump on him as he tries to lay it up but he finds a small opening in between their bodies and passes it to Train, who slams it down hard on a defender’s face.

‘That’s a poster right there baby, you got baptized boy.’ Train says to the man.

The man responds by giving him a big grin.

Home Team 2

Visitors 4

Next play the defender crosses Oscar. He does a couple of juke moves toward the center where Kevin and Train jump and foul him to prevent an easy lay up.

He shoots one free throw and makes it.

Home Team 3

Visitors 4

Jim walks it up the court but he relaxes too much and the defender steals the ball from him for an easy lay up on the other end.

The Ballaz now start to smell blood in the water and feel the momentum shift towards them.

Home Team 4

Visitors 4

Luckily Jim was not a push over point guard. His experience in the ghetto playgrounds taught him how to block the defenders from their privy hands by rotating his body and using his back as a shield. In this manner he makes his way down the court and passes it to Kevin. He dribbles and does some fancy moves but can’t get past the much bigger and stronger man. He decides to pass it to Edward who begins backing his defender up, but this is a challenge. The man is twice his size and about the same build.

Edward is locked from moving any further because the defender’s forearm does not budge on his back, but Edward refusing to give up, bends down and pushes from a lower height to manage a few more steps into the paint. Once he does, he passes to Oscar who is deep in the corner. He catches it and pump fakes. The defender falls for the trap and he jumps up with flailing arms behind him. Oscar does one dribble and steps away from the flying defender and shoots the ball. The ball rims out into the back board but it eventually bounces in.

The momentum the Ballaz had was now over with that shot.

Home Team 4

Visitors 6

A Ballaz teammate starts his post move and shoots, but it is rejected by Train. However another man of their team picks it up and shoots a 3 and scores.

Home Team 6

Visitors 6

Jim knows this play is going to have to be drawn to Train. He passes it to Kevin. Train gets picked up by two defenders right away, so Kevin passes it to Oscar who is on the perimeter. The defender runs to him and Oscar passes it to Train. Train starts backing up before he is picked up by an extra man and he kicks out to Oscar. Oscar’s defender runs to him again and Oscar passes it back to Train, this time he’s in a deeper position to the net. Train hooks and makes the shot.

Tigers win but the fans don’t take it nicely. They throw everything they carry with them at the Tigers, making a pool of beer and thrown spit wads on the floor.

The Tigers make a quick exit and go straight to their car. This part of the city is known to have daily gang shootings and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they would kill them.

They get into their car and look back at their rear view window. There is an angry crowd holding chains and bats running right toward them. Without further hesitation, Jim hits the gas and the car screeches out of the gate.

Final Score

Home Team 6

Visitors 7


Chapter 4


It has been one day since their victory and Oscar invites the team to a local burger join to eat and discuss their next opponent. Everyone came except for Edward, who again could not be reached.

‘Hey thanks for the meal.’ Kevin says.

‘Yeah no problem.’

‘Where’s your cousin?’

‘Oh, I couldn’t get a hold of him. I think he only comes when it’s game time.’

‘Ahh, is he a busy dude?’

Oscar thought for a moment on how to respond to that question. He doesn’t feel comfortable telling the team Edward has a drinking problem.

‘Yeah, he works a lot.’

‘You guy’s ready?’ The waitress asks.


They tell the waitress their orders and afterwards Oscar opens the newspaper to the sports section. There in print is The Champions finally lose to an unlikely winner.

He reads further. The writer tells about how one of their men was drunk during the entire game, but who needed an extra man when you had a 300 pound giant of a man taking the ball.

It goes further saying the Big Ballaz had been winners of the Tournament for 3 years in a row.

‘Hey guys, we beat a 3 time champion?’

‘Huh?’ Kevin asks.

‘Yeah, check it out. That’s pretty cool, I didn’t even think we were that good.’ Oscar says as he hands the newspaper to Kevin.

‘Damn, holy shit it does say that, how the hell we do that?’

Oscar laughs at his remark.

‘Man we got Train over there that’s why.’ Oscar continues.

‘What I tell you guys, we’re going to win this shit, there’s no one as big as me that can play like me man.’

‘Are the Demons good?’ Kevin asks.

‘What?’ Oscar responds.

‘The Demons, that’s who we play against next. It’s on the eastside of town.’

‘I don’t know. This is my first time entering the tournament. My cousin knows more about that than me.’

‘I’m going to pull out my fro’ for that game.’ Kevin nods.

The waitress returns and smiles at the men as she hands them their meals.

Through the glass window outside, the Big Ballaz watch and wait patiently for them to come out.


Chapter 5

Parking Lot Fight

After their meals, they head to their car. The Big Ballaz wait for their opportunity and step out of hiding, surrounding the Tigers completely. The Ballaz are each armed with bats.

‘Oh you want to handicap us for that game tomorrow don’t ya?’ Train asks.

The Big Ballaz
don’t respond instead they lunge forward.

Train ducks and weaves the first two bat swings which pound and shatter the glass of the car behind him, and then with all his power, upper cuts the man in the jaw. The man’s body stiffens and he falls on his back.

A few cars over another Ballaz chases Kevin around a corvette. He swings and misses just a few inches from Kevin creating crater like indentions into the car in the process.

Meanwhile, Jim finishes a guy off with a fast right hook elbow that sends his ball cap flying off his head. He takes the fallen man’s bat and runs to the aid of Kevin.

‘Damn that owner is going to be pissed off. Over here ugly!’ Jim waves.

The man loses his attention on Kevin for a split second. Kevin seizes the opportunity and punches the man in the stomach, making the man bend and drop his bat. Jim runs as fast as he can before the man has a chance to recover.

‘Uhhhh! Motherfucker!’ Jim yells as he connects with his bat on the man’s ribs.

The man streaks the pavement with coughed up blood and falls on his face.

‘Thanks man.’ Kevin says.

‘No, problem.’

‘Where are the other two?’

‘I don’t know.’

After a long pause, they hear loud thuds and glass shattering.

‘Over there man.’ Jim points.

The two run over there. They find Oscar and Train with one of the Ballaz’s head and chest through a car window covered in blood. The man left holding the bat retreats it when he sees Jim and Kevin arrive. Knowing now he’s outnumbered, he looks for an exit and runs for it.

‘Hey let’s the get the fuck outta here.’ Train says.

The four of them get in their car and drive off, leaving a wreckage of cars behind them.


Chapter 6

Hospital Visit

‘Aww…fuck man…’ Oscar says as his shoulders sag.

Edward is lying on a hospital bed with both legs hung up in white castings.

‘What the fuck did you do?’ Oscar continues.

‘Yeah I know man. Hey pass me the remote. I have a hard time reaching it.’ Edward says.

Oscar hands him the remote and then sits by him.

‘We have a game tomorrow man. Now I have to find a replacement.’

‘Yeah, you can find a replacement though, just go to the playground, there lots of players there man. Just ask them they’ll join you dude.’

‘I don’t know if they’ll be any good or not though.’

‘They’re good over there, Oscar. They play all the time, I know I been there a couple of times.’

‘Yeah…damn I wanted to play with my cousin though…’

‘Yeah I know I did too, but now what can I do, you know?’

‘What happened, did you hit someone?’

‘No, I hit the side of a bridge. My car is demolished dude. It’s nothing but twisted metal. I’ll show you pictures later. It’s amazing I’m still alive.’

‘I’m glad you’re all right.’

‘Hey check this out, the Ballaz are on TV.’

On the television the news of incident at the parking lot is being broadcast.

Two black men, who were best known for their play with the Big Ballaz died this evening.

‘Awww fuck.’ Oscar falls from his seat and lands on his back with his arms folded over his eyes.

‘Hey two of the Ballaz died.’ Edward says.

‘Yeah I know.’

‘You know, Oscar? Wait you guys were part of that incident?’


‘Damn, you’re in a worst position than I am.’

‘Yeah I know. I hope the cops don’t find out, we’re gonna be fucked. I don’t know if they’ll believe our story.’

‘Wait was it self defense?’

‘Yeah they surrounded us with bats, but you can still get time for murder can’t you?’

‘Not if it’s self defense. You’re cool then, don’t worry about it.’

‘You sure?’


Oscar gets up slow and makes the dreaded walk up to the door.

‘I’ll see you man.’ He says, not looking back as he opens the door.

‘Hey, good luck allright?’


The door shuts. The long aisle is empty like it was abandoned. No noise emitted from it except for the rubber on his sneakers squeaking off the shiny white floor as he walked toward the exit.


Chapter 7


Oscar puts on his large round sunglasses and sits on the hood of his car to observe the players on this hot afternoon.

He notices one of the players sticks out. He has long black hair tied back down midway his back and is yelling Spanish at the players as he scores the ball.

That’s exactly the fire Oscar wants to see in a player.

When the game is done the man hangs a towel across his shoulders and walks toward his car. Oscar stops him on the shoulder as he passes by.

‘Hey are you interested in joining our team for the 15000 dollar tournament?’ Oscar says, folded away his sunglasses.

‘Yeah I know about it.’

‘Yeah we need a power forward. My cousin is in the hospital and can’t make it, so we need a replacement for him.’

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I've wanted you forever and now I have you. I play it cool, but my head is wild with joy as we wrap up our dinner at that nice gothic themed restaurant in uptown Atlanta. "Check please" I shout, and as the waiter comes over with the bill, I look deeply into your eyes and realise the wine has done its job..............they are loaded with mischief and made worse by the crooked smile on your lovely, thick lips. As we go out to the car and we are about to get in, without warning, you lift your...

3 years ago
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Life Redone Part 6 of 100

That was the halfway point. The most incredible device in the world only had five marks remaining. I knew from this point forward I would have to make sure that I did the most regrettable moments. If I didn’t do something during this opportunity, I would regret things even more, knowing I had the perfect chance to live out anything right here. I had a couple of girls that I was definitely going to include, perhaps even saving them for the end. I really only had one or two chances left that...

2 years ago
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Pretending Ch 04

Pretending Ch. 04 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Neither of them mentioned the kiss after that. They did agree to Simon’s idea of going on dates and acting like a ‘real’ couple. Connie found she couldn’t keep her guard up all the time. More than once she realized she had forgotten the ‘pretend’ part of the whole thing, and she gave up on trying to keep a mental buffer. She rationalized that it would make things look more convincing when they did go home for Thanksgiving. Simon was in similar...

1 year ago
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Dick JonesChapter 5 the last seduction

Yeah, she called me at work. It seemed harmless enough. So far as I knew Dick's influence didn't work over the phone. It let me focus on my plan to be an asshole without worrying about Dick sneaking up on me. It seemed like a good idea at the time. "Hi!" I didn't recognize her voice at first. "Wendy?" "No, Rebecca." "Oh. Hi." "Who's Wendy?" "Just a customer." Damn. If I was trying to be an asshole, I should have said My Fiance. Or maybe My Fuck Buddy. "Okay." Said in that I...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 8

The weekend was a series of highs and lows as I tried to get my head around what was going on. One thing was for sure; if I wanted Kirsty as a girlfriend all I had to do was ask. Why she'd want a geek like me when she could have just about anyone in the school was one of the things I couldn't get my head around and that had me thinking that she might be playing games with me. But if all she was doing was playing games why was her mother joining in? And what about her mother, was that a...

2 years ago
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Charles Town WeekendChapter 2

At some point in the night, I woke up with my limp dick in my hand laying in the chair. I only woke up because I heard Sarah groaning on the bed. Alex had her laying flat on her stomach and was fucking her vigorously. She kept moaning and asking him to fuck her harder. I’m not sure how long they had been fucking because shortly after I started watching Alex began cumming in my wife. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I woke the next morning and heard them in the shower. I started to...

3 years ago
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South Carolina for the Summer pt 3

Pam and Ethan's Sexploits continue... Chapter 26Todd came out of the shed and locked the door, finally glad to be done with that annoying chore. The peacefulness of the yard without the noise of the lawnmower was pleasing. He looked around at the job he had done and he was satisfied. He noticed that Pam was no longer on the patio or in the pool. He recalled how hot she looked in that bikini, especially when she was bent over, showing him her ass and the cleft of her bikini covered pussy between...

2 years ago
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Mausi Ki Chudai 5 Din

Hi Indian sex stories readers I am Atul from pune,I am 5’11” good looking and have a cock which can satisfy any women, im well built working for good company. Any girl aunty bhabhi from pune can contact me at Mere ghar me hum 4 log rehte hai me, meri mom, maosi and unki 8 sal ki ladki. Ab me story pe ata hu, ye ghatana is new year me hui mere and meri maosi ke beech About my maosi,unka nam reshma, unki age 31 hai, rang gora, 5’6″ ki hai and fig 34,28,36 k hai. Sabse mast bat unki gan(ass) thi,...

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Pregnant and Horny

Pregnant and HornyTwenty two years old: my whole life ahead of me, and I get fucking pregnant by some coward who runs the other way when he finds out. I don't blame him. It's all my fault, really. Or at least I take responsibility for being so careless.But now it's Saturday night and I'm out of my mind with wanton lust. I'm weeks away from giving birth. I don't know if my hormones are all whacked out, or if I'm just a slut, like my father is always quick to point out. But I'm desperate...

1 year ago
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Green DoomChapter 9 Uproar at Court

Nurm's closed carriage moved unobtrusively through the crowded city streets. The early afternoon sun blazed down with all its tropical fury, but the men, women and children abroad in its heat seemed to scurry about with the energy of insects from a disturbed hive. Shantar looked about warily as he followed Nurm and his two cloaked and hooded 'demons' up the broad palace steps. He felt naked without the comforting weight of his sword at his belt, useless as it would have been against the...

1 year ago
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The Contract

The Contract I had done it. After months of dreaming about it, after weeks of practicing how to do it, I had finally gathered the nerve to bring up the subject. It had taken so much courage, so much commitment to speak of it out loud. And now, I was being asked to repeat myself. "You what?" My wife Gloria was saying. "You want to dress in what?" I could not repeat myself. I lacked the conviction, so I just sat there at the kitchen table, fidgeting with a napkin, looking at my...

2 years ago
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SRU Oldtimer part 2 Second Chances

Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...

2 years ago
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True story Just happened yesterday

So this story takes place yesterday and 100% true. I decided to take a drive through a local park that I have heard is a good spot to hook up. For anyone that lives near me, the park is Winding River Park in Toms River. So anyway, I drive through the park and find myself all the way in the last parking lot in the back of the park. I see a few cars parked around the lot, some had people sitting others were empty. I noticed an older man, looked to be a grandpa type, (which totally turns me on)...

1 year ago
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My Loving Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! My Aunt had always been a special women in my life from a child to a teen and adult. She is no longer with us now but will be loved and remebered forerver. This is but one of our stories and the incest love that we shared. My Aunt was a beautiful tall voluptous women with brown hair brown eyes about 5'9" tall and 180lbs with nice DD size breast with large brown nipples that when excited got at least 1 inch tall and hard as rocks. As long as i could...

2 years ago
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A Family Christmas

Trevor Lloyd was the nicest man I’d ever known. He was kind, compassionate and genuinely cared about other people. So it was no surprise to me or the rest of the neighbourhood that he couldn’t bear to leave his wife of fifteen years when he found out she was having an affair. The rest of us, including his children, all knew what was going on, but no one was willing to break the poor guy’s heart and tell him. Mr Lloyd had a few house staff who he was extremely generous to. He had a housekeeper...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Alice is like no other in the world. Being the first of her kind makes her unique in every way. She is the first in what will be a long and lucrative line of helper androids for everyone. Her creator Adam, a tech and artificial intelligence genius at 14, graduated MIT at 17, CEO of his own company by 20. Now 23 he lives in seclusion on his private island to focus on his secret A.I. project named S.W.A.P. Adam has been working on project S.W.A.P for over a year now with no one...

1 year ago
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Wheelchair Accessibility

Donna was happy to be home from work. “Another day another fifty cents after taxes”, she muttered under her breath.” She took out her keys and began to open the outside door to her apartment building. As she opened the door, her neighbor in the wheelchair was coming home from where ever he spent his days. She decided to wait for him and to hold the door knowing it was difficult for him to pull it open. Donna waited for him to cruise up to the door and into the foyer. As they both stopped to...

2 years ago
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Virginity Part 1

Damn, so what up ya'll. So lately I been reading a friend's stories from xham. Shit turns me on, no lie. Also turns me on that we're from the same island of Chuuk. Anyways, that shit made me want to tell my story of how I lost my fucken virginity. Well, I'm gonna tell you more of these crazier stories but let me tell you how it all started, right ? Cause why the fuck not? So a bit about myself. I'm not a fucken six pack motherfucker. I'm a chunky but tall as bloke. I can get down and shit, but...

3 years ago
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Slave SisterChapter 3 Fran Goes to Church

Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent second graders in Sunday school after all of the perverted and depraved things she had been forced to do? It all started Thursday night when her brother...

4 years ago
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Bill and Raquels First Time

Bill has always known that his wife comes first. Her wants and desires are his to provide. Since meeting her eight years ago, at a business function, he was hooked. She consumed his life from that moment on. She knows the affect she has on him, but doesn’t over do her power, mostly. Raquel knows that Bill was her knight in shining armor. He came along when she was at a low point in her life. She had ended an engagement and was still saddened by the end of this relationship. She knew he was not...

Love Stories
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Chrissie Becomes a Sissy Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Chrissie becomes a sissy It was Friday morning and I was sitting in the doctor's surgery waiting to be administered my weekly dose of oestrogen and my three month shot of Depo-Provera, which is the drug which chemically castrates me. I have been on Depo-Provera for the last three years and I could tell the last dose was wearing off as my mind was increasingly focused on submissive sexual fantasies. Nevertheless, Friday is my favourite day because I have begun to view the...

2 years ago
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One in a Million Ch67

I opened my eyes and stared at my alarm clock. It was 10:00 in the morning, but I didn’t really feel like getting up so I just made sure the alarm was off before closing my eyes again and turning around in the bed. That’s when I felt something else in the bed. I opened my eyes, only to come face to face with Jo’s sleeping face. I jumped out of bed and tripped over the covers, making me fall out of bed. At the last second, I imagined a giant hand catching me out the air and I stopped a few...

2 years ago
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It Never Works

Chapter OneJanice’s Story.They say that they will always be caught. They say that no one can ever get away with it. I say… They are right!My name is Janice Brown. I was very happily married to Bryan Brown, a wonderful man. He was an excellent provider, husband, lover and father of both our seven-year-old son, Jess, and our five-year-old daughter, Cindi. I couldn’t have ever asked for a better man to live my life with… Six-foot-one, two-hundred-and-thirty-pounds, muscular and ruggedly handsome....

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Victoria Cakes 12152019

Victoria wanted to get her freak on. With money to burn, she decided to hit the adult video store and pick up some treats. Maybe a movie or 2…a couple toys…you know have a date with herself! Well, curiosity definitely got the kitty…cause she wanted to know what was hiding behind the curtains. The store clerk was all too happy to show her the video booth…their biggest money maker. Once inside, Victoria quickly found herself half naked and fondling her goodies, while...

3 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 34

Naturally, because I’m such a nice guy and all of that ... and since the boat was already loaded on the very nice eight wheel fully adjustable Magic Tilt commercial sailboat trailer featuring ten hull stands a side and four five thousand pound axles with Made in USA waterproof sealed Timken bearings, I put the title to the dredge on the dredge seat, hooked the Magic Tilt trailer to the Ford 450 six wheel drive toter, hung our OVERSIZE LOAD signs front and rear and drove off into the...

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Breakingin Slave Kevin

Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture  and scatologyBreaking-In  Slave  Kevin? 2011 by Masostud,  the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...

1 year ago
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Thigh Highs and Sex toys part 2

I tell you I am going to shower to freshen up a bit. I shower quickly and return to the bedroom to see you smirking at me circling your fingers with a pair of handcuffs and saying then night is just beginning ......... I walk over to the bed and you grab my hands. You put my arms together and cuff my wrists. You lay me down on my back arms outstreched above my head. You grab something out of your bag and tie each wrist to the bedpost.I only see now by looking up that they are big black zip ties...

2 years ago
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Blowjob In A Train Toilet

I was on a business trip to Solapur and got on board on Solapur Express from Bangalore Right opposite to my seat, a rough and tough guy came and sat. He looked fit and sexy. After a quick chat with him learnt that he is a Bihari Mechanic laborer who is also on the way to Solapur. Once the train started, I plugged my earphones and was listening to songs. Meanwhile I kept staring at his rough body. For a moment he caught me staring at his chest hairs. Oh just a moment. I didn’t tell you about...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fairy III The Adventure Continues

Fairy III The Continuing Adventures By Machiavelli Dedication: To those that are willing to believe that there is still magic in this sad old world. Dream on! For those that liked my previous work, three of them, the Faerie stories and The clothes make the... are posted online on lulu.com. If I sell enough of them, I can keep this up. Acknowledgements: To the most dedicated fan of the series, Marie Vin. She has followed the series, made salient suggestions that have...

2 years ago
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Best RegardsChapter 8

Then on your stomach and spread, now listen carefully. You will use your mouth, hands and your words to excite and please me. And under no circumstances is that ass to stop moving! That is your only warning, slut." He covers her and guides his cock into frightened vagina and slowly inserts it. Fortunately, he is patient and uses short strokes at first. Then a little deeper on each successive stroke until his stomach rests on hers and then a warning, "bitch!" Suddenly his warning comes...

4 years ago
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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 7 Saturday Morning Wood

Steve opened one eye part way determining it was morning from the light streaming in through the double sliding door to the balcony. Then he closed it tightly. It was just too early he thought to get out of bed or wake his two nicely nude companions. During the night they had all taken the liberty of leaning all over each other and of course, settling hands where they would do the most good. It was nice to be able to rub a pussy or a supple breast while in the half-sleep mode during the...

2 years ago
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A young Asian woman imagines what it would be like to take a big black man

The beautiful Asian bank teller cringed as the huge black customer appeared before her to make a deposit. Being a minority herself, Cindy believed all people should be treated equally and had no hatred towards blacks, but this giant black man gave her the shivers. She cringed at this coal black monster who grinned at her, felling as if his cold dark eyes were stripping the clothes right off her body. Cindy Matsukawa shook nervously when she gave Mr. Billy Campbell his money. She stood at a mere...

4 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession Part 48

My Wonderful Obsession Part 48: Love Languages 2001 - Another new year! It was beginning to feel like somebody accidentally hit the fast-forward button on my life. And there had been so many life-changing events each and every year since my first tentative moves toward female-hood, I couldn't imagine what else could possibly be in store for me. So my new year's predictions were fairly modest - for instance, I figured I was already about as female as I was going to get ......

2 years ago
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Incest Abounds

At a waterfall near the Donovan family’s camping spot: Megan Donovan stretched her arms over her head and yawned loudly. “I won’t be much longer,” Jules Donovan, Megan’s older sister, said. “I’m about to lose the light. She had been steadily snapping pictures of the modest waterfall they’d hiked to for the better part of an hour. Megan shifted her position on the rock where she’d been sitting so as to catch the sun’s rays at a better angle. Closing her eyes against the glare, she brushed her...

1 year ago
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Magic Orb

Chapter 1 The old man waited, knowing that his grandson would be here soon; just then his bedroom door opened and a naked blonde girl came in. "He's here Master," she said. "Ok Babs, show him up," he said, "and Babs, put some clothes on." "Yes Master," she said and went to let the young man in. I had just got in from work and there was a message on my answerphone to call around and visit my Grandfather. I knew where he lived, but I had never been there before. My Grandfather...

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Weekend at the Cabin

I only went to the cabin that weekend because Sylvia and George were good friends of Lisbeth. We had been dating for a few months. Sylvia and George had rented the cabin for the month of January and invited us for the second weekend. The drive up was treacherous even with four wheel drive. The snow was coming down heavily making it like a winter wonderland, although when trying to drive, a winter wonderland turns into a winter nightmare. Lisbeth was snuggled into me, sleeping since we left New...

Straight Sex
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Week 2 Class 1 Pt 01

Part 1 The second week of the now-famous Exploring Human Sexuality class was ready to begin. After hearing about a week of public nudity that culminated in a field trip to a nude beach, the members of the class were now the talk of, and in some cases the envy of the rest of the campus. Other students lingered around outside of the classroom to see who would enter, and to see if they could catch a glimpse of anything good. However, Dr. Green was very strict about maintaining control of the...

1 year ago
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Becoming Baby Girl Part 1

Johnny was nervous as he walked through the halls at school. He wondered if anyone knew what he had done with Darnell and the other two men at his house over the weekend. Darnell was the school security guard. A twenty-two-year-old, six foot four, African American man. He was friendly, very handsome and he was there to keep the dregs of society away from the students. occasionally, he would walk a bullied student home after an incident. It all started when he was bullied by the football team...

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