A Wigging free porn video

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A Wigging by: Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took the job because I needed it and the pay was pretty good, but I was totally lost. Anne, the owner took the time to show me all of the things she sells, then told me that she has a lot of male customers. "They buy them because the don't have enough hair, they have to keep it short, or they are scared someone will find out." I looked at all of the wigs, then back at her. "You can handle that can't you?" "Of course." I said it, but I wondered how some fat tub would look in some of these wigs. Like a hairy pig I guess. She went to do other things, leaving me out front, and sure enough, a guy walked in, looked around the store, then left. Anne told me later that many of these men are uncomfortable dealing with a man. They much prefer women. As the day went on, I sold six wigs, all to women, then later, as we neared closing time, I grabbed a wig styled in a short bob, went into the booth, and tried it on. I had to see for myself how a wig would change my looks. I almost didn't recognize myself! I quickly put it back on the shelf, then Anne closed the shop for the day. Every day after that, as things got quiet in the afternoon, I would try on a wig, sometimes two, just to see how I looked. I had on a shoulder length auburn wig when Anne walked in on me. "I like that color on you." "I...I...I'm trying to see how they look so I can better help the customers." "If you really mean that, then you should try it wearing makeup so you get the entire effect." "Makeup?" "Most women wear makeup dear." "But I...I..." "If you decide to try it, I'll stay late one night, and we can see how you look. Just let me know." Right. Like I would tell her I wanted to wear makeup! I went home that night, made dinner, then waited. Over dinner I mentioned to her what Anne had said, expecting her to tsk tsk a few times. She didn't do that. Instead, she told me that Anne was right, and maybe I should think about it. That was not what I expected her to say, but did not press it. On Friday Anne gave me my check, then, as I was ready to leave, mom walked in. I made the introductions, we talked, then, just when I thought we were leaving, Anne told me she would like to see me on Sunday, at three. "I think it's time that you tried a little makeup, in private of course, so we can all see the changes not only a wig, but also what a little makeup can do to make someone look different." "But...but..." "Maybe I could come along? I'd like to see as well." Between them they decided that it was a done deal, and all I could do was stand there! I did not say yes, but it didn't seem to matter. I worked Saturday, then went home. Anne never mentioned the next day, but the next day, about half past two, mom and I drove to the shop. Anne let us in, and while she led me to a booth, mom said she would be right back. On the counter were all kinds of makeup, and Anne wasted no time, having me remove my shirt, then she began to apply the foundation. I watched her in the mirror as powder was dabbed on, then brushed away, leaving my face looking quite soft. Eye shadows with names like soft mist green and umber were used, black eyeliner, some coral blusher, then a soft red lipstick was handed to me. With a sigh I drew it on my lips and the same short auburn wig was placed on my head. Even without being fitted just right, I could see that I no longer looked like myself! The change was so dramatic that I turned to show mom, and saw her standing there holding a few bags. "I brought a few things to complete this transformation honey, now, take these bags and go change. If you need any help I'll be right here." I just knew what was in the bags, but I looked anyway. Sure enough, right on top was a bra. I went into the changing booth and struggled a bit before I figured how to put it on, then stuffed the cups with the nylons mom also had in the bag. The shirt was a soft pink with a round collar. I slipped it on, buttoned it up, then tucked it into my pants. Then I walked out of the booth and stood in front of the mirror. I had on my tan slacks with the pink blouse and my brown loafers. There was no doubt for anyone, including me, I looked like a girl! Skinny maybe, but a girl, and while not a raving beauty, I was kind of cute! That one look was all it took for me to realize that if Anne asked me to dress this way, I probably could, and I might even get away with it! Only I wasn't going to let that happen, no siree! Mom and Anne almost went nuts on me! "If I had known how pretty you are we could have done this long ago!" "I agree! Dressed like this, we might even raise our sales to the male population! After all, they could see for themselves how easy a new wig could change their appearance!" Mom looked at me, then Anne, and back at me. "Steven is such a masculine name, she needs a name that is more feminine. How about...Cheryl?" "I like that!" "How about you Steven? Do you like the name Cheryl?" "I...I don't care, because this is the last, and only time I'm doing this!" Nothing more was said about it, but when I went to change, Anne said she had an appointment, so I ended up going home wearing the wig, bra, and makeup. On Monday I was myself once again, and while Anne didn't say anything, I sensed that she was a bit disappointed. We had a good day. I sold almost ten wigs! That night when I got home mom broached the subject of my dressing as a girl again. "You know how you look, so I can't understand why you're so against it! It's not like you'll be living as a girl you know. You can be yourself here at home, and besides that, I know that Anne offered you more money if you do it." "Yes...but..." "But what? You need the money, you look cute as a girl, and it will only be the three of us that know! Think about it dear." That was the problem. I had been thinking about it. In my entire life I had never dressed as a girl, never even gave it any thought as a matter of fact, then, with just a bit of makeup, a wig, and a bra, mom had managed to make me look quite passable as a girl! I would never tell her that I've had a special vision of how I looked that day in my mind, since the moment I first saw that girl in the mirror, and knew that girl was me. Even in slacks, the change had been very dramatic! What I saw in my minds eye, beyond that one time, was scary, and not at all ugly. Just the opposite as a matter of fact. I had a mental picture of myself wearing one of those little skirts the girls in school wear, small but pert breasts poking at a thin blouse, and long nylon clad legs. As I sat there looking at mom, she smiled and told me that she would get me a few things during the week, and that weekend we would try it. She did not ask me, she told me, and I know she meant to dress me all the way, from the skin out to the wig. Anne never said a word about my trying to dress as a girl, but the shop was busy, and we sold a lot of wigs. On Saturday when I got home, it was just after three, and mom was waiting for me. She motioned for me to follow her, and I saw a number of bags on my bed, all from a local department store. "I thought it was time we see what you look like all dolled up, so I went out and got a few things that I know you'll need. You get undressed down to your skivvies and we'll start." Her constant gaze was in stark contrast to my unsaid willingness. I began to strip, then, when I was standing there in my briefs, she began to smear a cream all over me. It smelled terrible, and after just a few minutes it began to itch. After a short wait and a shower, my skin was silky smooth if a bit red, my scant beard was shaved as close as possible. With merely a towel to cover me, I walked back into the room as mom held out a pair of hot pink panties, low on the hips as it turned out. I took them, turned, slipped them on, and stood while mom wrapped the small bra around me, fastening it in the front. As I looked down I saw that the bra had pulled my skin up, creating a small but definite cleavage! Using foam pads shaped like a smallish breast mom filled out the rest of the bra, giving me a full A cup which looked very natural. The pantybrief had some foam pads in it that mom said would round out my hips, and give me a bottom that was a bit bigger too. As I pulled it on I saw that she was right. The pantyhose slid up my now smooth legs, making me shiver as the nylon slicked across my skin. Then she sat me at her vanity and watched as I did my own makeup while under her direction and guidance. As I applied the makeup I could see my manliness disappearing, and a young girl emerging. When mom said I was done, she slipped a short slip over my head, then the dress, which was all white. As she zipped it up I could feel the material closing around me, accenting my new breasts, my trim waist, then flaring at my now wider hips. Without a word she pointed at the white heels, so I stepped into them, adjusted my feet, then sat while I pulled the short auburn wig on my head. With a few brush strokes I was done, at least I thought so. Mom handed me some white button earrings which I clipped on, then she handed me the lipstick, which was a soft red, almost a pink. As I drew it on I saw that my face became brighter, and I smiled at my reflection. I stood there looking at myself, all thoughts of looking odd flying away. This girl is cute! My legs, once so knobby, were now sleek and shapely, tan from the pantyhose, and just like in my vision, they are so long! The hem of the dress was at mid thigh on me, and looks perfectly normal for a girl my age. I turned to look at mom and saw her smiling at me. "I think I'm looking at my daughter Cheryl! Am I?" All I could do was nod my head yes. This simple, two hour transformation had changed my entire outlook about men that dress as women. I had always thought they looked like truck drivers in a dress, but... As I stood there staring at myself, mom told me to join her, so we walked down the hallway to the kitchen. With every step my heels clicked on the hard kitchen floor, then, when we she opened the patio door I stopped. Outside. Everyone would be able to see me! Mom merely waited at the door, smiling as she crooked her finger at me. I ventured to the door and looked out, didn't see any of the neighbors out, and cautiously stepped outside. Mom sat at the table, with me across from her. I had my knees held tightly together, my hands in my lap, afraid to move lest someone see me and start laughing, which was dumb since there wasn't anyone around. "Now that we have established the fact that you look absolutely spectacular, are you going to work this way?" "I'm...not sure mom. I mean I..." "If you don't like the name Cheryl, you can always select another name you like better, but I need to know pretty soon." "Why?" "So that when Anne gets here I can introduce you properly of course!" "Anne is coming? Here? Today? I better go change!" "Oh no you don't! We spent a lot of time so that you could see yourself as a girl, didn't we? Besides, I think you like the way you look. I saw your face when you saw yourself for the first time, then you spent a long time staring at yourself. Tell me. Am I right?" What could I say that would deny what she saw with her own eyes? I shrugged my shoulders, kind of a middle ground between hell yes and a prideful no. Yet, as I sat there, the sun shining down on me, the wind lifting the hem of the dress a bit, I realized that it might be worth trying, at least for a while, in the interest of making more money of course. Sitting there in the sun made me thirsty, so I got up, went to the fridge, and got some colas for us. Mom took hers, then asked me again if the name Cheryl was okay. "I kind of like the name Sara mom, if you don't mind of course." She didn't mind at all. Anne arrived a short time later, and as soon as she saw me her face lit up. Mom told her the name I had decided on, all by myself, which merely told her I was willing to try this. We sat there sipping our drinks when our neighbor walked over! I never saw her coming, and I know mom did not either. She knows me as well as her own daughter, yet she didn't even blink when she looked at me. I was terrified of course, but mom swiftly introduced me, as Sara of course. All Mrs. Duncan wanted was a cup of flour, which mom got for her, then she left. The minute she was out of sight Anne started clapping! "See! I told you it would be alright!" "I'll see that she is dressed for the shop on Monday Anne, but her wardrobe is quite limited right now, so don't expect a lot." "Maybe I can help there. I'll check, but in the mean time, why don't the three of us go have some dinner? My treat." "Oh...I can't! What if someone sees me, I'll be..." "Sara! Stop that right this instant! Betty didn't recognize you, and she has known you all your life, so what makes you think anyone else will?" "But..." "We're going, and you are too, and you're going to go just as you are. Any questions?" "No Ma'am." "Good. Now go touch up your lipstick." Needless to say, I went with Anne and my mother to dinner. Initially I was scared of course, but after a bit, when I didn't hear anyone laughing at me, I began to relax. We all had some dessert, then we went back to our house and Anne went home. As I stood there in the familyroom mom came up to me and stood beside me. She told me that I should now understand that I can dress as a girl and get away with it, but she was not going to push me into it. However, if I decided to work as Sara, she would support me, and help me become better at it, but it would be up to me. The next morning I looked in the mirror, then at the clothes I had worn the day before. That dress and the few bits of lingerie were all I had. I don't remember making the decision, but I went in the bath and shaved as close as possible, then did my makeup the best I could. I wore the same panties and bra with the padded pantybrief, then slipped on my own shorts and a tee, then slipped the wig on. Finally, I drew on the lipstick, and put my white gym shoes on. I knew I didn't look as good as the day before, but it was the best I could do with what I had. Mom didn't even blink when she saw me, she simply served breakfast. When we were done and had the kitchen cleaned up, she told me that we would have to go to the store to get me at least one more bra, and of course, more panties. She also said that if the price is right, maybe another dress and a few skirts and blouses, and maybe some shorts. I knew that if I said no, she would never mention it again, but I will have cut off any chance I might ever have to dress this way again. It was her test and my decision time. Did I like dressing as a girl enough to do as she asked? Did I want more money? Or was I so scared of what I had discovered about myself that I would say no? I looked in the mirror one last time. "Okay by me mom." She nodded her head yes, went to get her purse, and handed me one, then we left. She didn't say which store we were going to, but I was sure that it would be a department store, since it was one of her favorites, and I was right. As we stood in the midst of the lingerie section, she told me that if she bought the clothes, she expected me to wear them, and not just at work, but all of the time, because changing back and forth would be so tedious. How could I question that, standing there with bras and so an all around me?, and did I want to? I nodded my head yes, and she plowed into the racks with the zeal of a terrorist. Three more bras, all size 34A, in white, beige and pink. Then panties, two packages in assorted colors, all cotton. Two short slips, two nightgowns, one flannel, one cotton, and another padded pantybrief, but one a bit larger in the bottom. In the Junior department, she let me pick out the skirts. I selected one in tan, short and pleated, one in green, white and navy, also short, one black that was knee length, a pleated gray, and one in red. Two dresses, one black and one burgundy. The she bought some ankle socks. On the way out we stopped at a kiosk and had my ears pierced. As we dragged the stuff to the car I knew that my life was about to change dramatically. I just didn't know how much. When we got home I took the clothes to my room to hang them up, found there wasn't enough room, and had to put some of my boy clothes in boxes, along with my briefs and socks. I had to make room for the panties and bras you see. I tried on all of the clothes of course, somewhat giddy at the thought of what I was about to do. I wore the red skirt with the new white top, white anklets and my gym shoes when I went back to the familyroom. Mom said I looked about as normal a girl as any she had ever seen. Just then the doorbell rang. "Get that honey, will you?" Since it was now a done deal, I went to the door and opened it, and saw Mrs. Duncan standing there, with a young man behind her! "May we come in Sara? I want to introduce you to my nephew Greg. He's staying with us for the summer while his parents are overseas for a series of conferences." I opened the door, since there was nothing else I could do, and they stepped in. Greg is tall and skinny with a geeky haircut that did nothing at all for him. He stood behind or next to Mrs. Duncan the whole time, not saying very much when mom and Mrs. Duncan were talking. Since I have all of two days as a girl named Sara under my belt, I was also shy around him, not sure how a girl should react in this kind of situation. I offered him a soft drink, and as I walked across the room I saw his eyes following me the whole time, especially when I bent down to get the drinks. Mrs. Duncan cast a glance my way and I saw her eyes go wide, so I'm pretty sure she figured it out, or mom told her. Either way, I was sure that she now knew, and all I could hope for was that she would keep her mouth shut. The skirt was at mid thigh on me, which revealed a lot of leg, and maybe my panties when I bent down. I think that's why Greg was watching me so closely. I never left the familyroom, and the four of us just sat and talked. Mrs. Duncan always referred to me as Sara, as if she had know me as a girl my entire life, which only reinforced the idea with Greg. After they left, mom and I had a short talk. "Mrs. Duncan thinks your cute Sara, and that's why she brought Greg over. He doesn't know anybody around here." "Did you tell her about me? I saw her looking at me as if you did." "No dear. She knew when you opened the door today." "But how? I did the best I could!" "And you look just fine dear, but seeing you two days in a row, then answering the door for me, told her who you really are. Since there is just you and I, how could she miss? Especially since it is so early in the day. But she won't say anything. In fact she was hoping that you and Greg would become friends." "I'm a boy, he's a boy, just how friendly can we be mom? Besides, I have to work, and he's a geek mom." Mom merely told me that he thinks I'm a girl, and left it at that. I stayed inside the rest of the day, then, in the morning I dressed in the same red skirt and white top, but wore pantyhose and flats. Mom watched as I did my makeup again, only correcting me once. I grabbed my purse and started walking to work. Anne wasn't that surprised to see me dressed as a girl, and didn't say a word as we set up for the day. We were busy in the morning, then, during a lull, Anne asked me to try on a wig she had set aside for me. I sat in the booth, watching as she removed my own wig, replacing it with the new one. It completely changed the way I looked! My hair was now honey blond, styled in soft curls that flowed back, away from my forehead, then cascaded down the sides and back of my head. I had bangs that fell almost into my eyes, and she had done something to make the hair on top of my head rise up very high. It looked beautiful, and very feminine. I wore the wig for the rest of the day, then back home. Mom was shocked at the difference the color made, and I'll admit that I liked it a lot better than the first one. I wore it for the rest of the week, gaining confidence in my ability to be around people without them discovering that I'm not what I seem to be. Greg was waiting for me when I got home on Friday. He was sitting on the front porch. He asked me out, but I said no. I wasn't ready for any of that now, if ever. I told myself that I was only dressing this way only for work. He and I sat on the porch, but didn't go anywhere, and he did not touch me. By the time I went in the house I was thoroughly confused by his reactions to me. Not having had the benefit of growing up female, I did not see the longing in his eyes, nor did I have the skills to cope with it if I did. So why was I laughing at his jokes? He's smart and funny, and other than that geeky haircut, not bad looking. I did not tell mom about Greg stopping by. In the morning mom shocked me by telling me that I needed a professional to help me find the right color of foundation and so on, just for me, and that I had an appointment at Mary Lynn's at ten. I changed into the tan skirt with a dark brown pullover top and wore my loafers. The woman at the shop sat me down, then washed off all of my makeup before she even started. It did not take her long to create the new me. My brows were plucked, raising them into a higher arch, as if I were surprised, my eye shadow done in sultry shades of gray and copper with black eyeliner and mascara, leaving me with a smoldering look. My cheekbones were highlighted with a pink, almost coral blusher. My lips were outlined and shaped into a bow with a slightly darker pencil then filled in with a creamy reddish pink lipstick. Mom bought some of everything she used, and we left the shop. I expected to go home, but mom said that my nails were way to short for a girl, so I was going to have a manicure, and possibly longer nails. I found myself unable to say no, especially after what the new makeup had done for me. Longer nails means acrylics, and I knew that once put on, it would be months before they could be taken off, if at all. By the time the girl was done my nails were just a bit longer, hard as only acrylics can make them, and painted a soft red to match my lipstick. As we walked out of the shop mom told me that since there was no way I could go back to being myself any time soon, the nails won't come off you see, that I should probably get fitted for the best breastform we could find, and she had several places to look. Needless to say, I was no longer against anything she wanted to do to make me look more feminine. I had discovered that I liked the way I was pampered all day. I like the feel of the clothes, the taste of the lipstick, and the way I look. Mom drove into the parking lot, then we went into a small shop. Mom simply told the woman that I was so flat chested that I was padding my bras, and she thought it was time I got a good breastform! I was less than thrilled when she said that, but the woman didn't even blink. She sat several breastforms on the counter and told us all about them. Then she brought out one that was clearly her choice. "These are glued to the chest wall directly. They are virtually seamless, warm to body temperature, and if we add the sensor, will conduct some sensation of touch." She looked directly at me, then, "All young girls experience someone touching them, and these will allow you to enjoy that just like the rest of the girls. You're a size A?" I nodded my head yes, and she took me by the hand to her fitting room and told me to take the top and bra off. I looked at mom, who was nodding her head yes, and slowly took off my clothes. My male chest was clearly evident, but the woman said nothing as she made a mold of my upper chest, then created a pair of perfectly formed breasts in exactly the right skin tone. She carefully attached the sensor to my nipple with some glue, then used another adhesive to attach first one breast, then the other to my chest. After just a few minutes she released her hands, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a girl with a pair of very nice breasts staring back at me! I put my bra back on, and saw just how much difference they made. Heavier, I became aware of them right away as the bra straps took the added weight. I let the straps out a little, then pulled the top back on while mom paid the bill. With every step I could feel the slight bounce of my new breasts, which I never had with the foam pads, and by the time I reached the car, I loved it. Acrylic nails, and now breasts. Both glued on, both very long lasting. Now there was now way I could dress as a boy and get away with it, and mom knew it. As the days went by I began to get used to having the extra weight on my chest, the bra snug around my chest, and the swish of a dress or skirt as it hit my legs. The women that visited the shop no longer shunned me, and my sales began to climb as a result. Mom even said that my mannerisms had become more feminine. Of course, the longer nails made it harder for me to use my hands like I did before, but she also commented on my walk, how I sat and so on. My own hair was also growing out, and the wigs started to become uncomfortable, so I tried on a few of the shorter styles just to see how I would look with shorter hair. Not bad, but not as feminine as the longer ones I wear now. I wore the short wig home, to see if mom liked it. Anne hated it, more because it is black rather than blond, so I wasn't surprised when mom hated it too. In the morning when I dressed for work I decided to wear slacks, which I rarely do, with a white top and flats. Anne almost dragged me into a booth, yanked the wig off, and put the same wig on me, only in blond. The change was dramatic, and all at once we both knew that we had found the right hairstyle for me. I wanted to quit wearing the wigs, but having my hair dyed blond and cut in this style might not be the smartest thing I could do. The time for me to return to school is growing closer, and I knew I would have to return to my old clothes. We were in a lull at the shop when Greg walked in. He saw me, and his face lit up as he walked closer. I took him by the hand to the back, and got us some soft drinks. Just as I sat them down on the table he grabbed me, spun me around, yanked me closer, then pressed his lips against mine. Shocked, I didn't move, then I felt his tongue pressing against my lips, and without a thought, opened my mouth. His hand in the middle of my back held me there, and I didn't try to get away. When he let me go, I was panting. From excitement, or maybe fear, I'm not sure which, but after some reflection on it, I'll admit that I didn't mind him kissing me at all. "You're all I think about lately." As soon as he said that, he kissed me again, which is when Anne walked in on us. He was still holding me as we both turned to look at her. All she did was smile at us, get a soda, and leave! Shortly after that I made him leave the store, but he said he would stop by later that night. Anne never mentioned his kissing me, but I wondered what she thought of me now. Over dinner that night mom casually asked me if I wanted to continue dressing as Sara, or return to being my old self. The question was loaded with innuendo. For the first time in my life I felt as if I was somebody, someone a person my own age wanted to be with. I found out I like being thought of as a girl, as well as everything about it, except for one tiny little thing. There was no way I could ever get real close to a guy, but I'll admit that I have thought about it. I know for sure Greg wanted to get into my panties, but fortunately for both of us, if he did succeed, all he could do was wear them. I looked at mom, then down at my clothes and nails. I told her that if I could continue as a girl, I would like that. College starts in late August, which is why I have been working so many hours. I need the money. My initials are S.E., which stands for Steven Elias. As a girl I use the name Sara, with no middle name, so I decided on Elizabeth. Since we live within twenty miles of the college I would be allowed to live at home, the mandatory two years in a dorm waved for the few of us that were able to drive back and forth. That would allow me to dress at home, but how do I manage to get past the name thing? I had two weeks to think of something, but didn't know anyone that could help me, and resigned myself to giving up the dresses and skirts. During the summer a few men allowed me to sell to them, because of their inherent fear of discovery. Many had dealt with Anne for years, and felt safe with her. On Thursday Betsy came in to pick up a wig she had us clean. Older, and a man of course, she nonetheless is able to present herself quite well as a woman around fifty. All I know about her is that she is a man and looks nice as a woman. Anne waited on her that day while I swept up the shop. When I went to leave for the day Anne told me that when I went to register at the college, to just use the name Sara Elizabeth, and it would be okay. I wasn't so sure, but she insisted, which is when I think I figured out that Betsy must be connected to the college somehow. On the day I had to register mom told me I might as well try and register as Sara. If all else fails, I could always go the next day and register as my male self. I wore a nice tan skirt, straight cut and short with a brown pullover, a tan jacket and my brown loafers. I filled out the paperwork, then handed it in. The woman glanced at me, but never even blinked. She merely signed the sheet and sent me to get an ID card! An hour later I had my first real identification that said I am a girl, and my class schedule. I stood outside the building looking around, enjoying the sunlight, knowing that my days as a girl would never end now. When I graduate from college, my degree will say Sara on it, not Steven, which is fine with me. I had come to think of myself as a girl, and I had no regrets about it. When the door to my femininity opened I did not step aside, but cautiously walked through it, and discovered something new about myself. I walked back to my car, then drove to the shop. I removed the wig I had on, letting my own hair fall out. I was casually using a brush on it when Anne brought out another wig for me to try on. Medium in length, it was kind of like a flip. Auburn in color, it had curls across the back, gentle bangs and changed the way I looked entirely. It made me look the way I wanted to! "You should get your own hair done in that style Sara, it looks good on you." "I think I'll do just that!" Two days later I went to mom's salon and had my hair done exactly like the wig, color and all. Mom thought it looked great on me. Greg did too. My first class started at 8 am, my last was at one in the afternoon, which let me work at the shop and still get my homework done. I settled into a routine, which was getting tedious. Unlike most men, I can't just shower, slip on some jeans and shirt and go, no...I have to do my hair, shave as close as possible, do my makeup, and then get dressed. I don't mind, but the thought of it crosses my mind once in a while. Greg went back home, but not before trying his best to get me into his bed. We touched and groped, kissed and hugged, but in the end, we both went to bed unhappy. Spending all of my money for college did not leave much for me to spend on hair removal, so I had to do the best I could without it. About a month after school started, I met Henry. He was studying biochemistry, looking into the way our natural hormones work, but Henry was the atypical nerd in every way. Bad haircut, glasses, and spoke in a language only other chemistry students understood, but he tried really hard to fit in. He was at the first mixer, standing by the wall, hoping I think, that some girl would find him irresistible and take him home with her. A girl in my math class named Pamela told me that he was her brother. They could not be more different. Pamela is my height, but has a perfect figure, blue eyes, blond hair, beautiful porcelain white skin and the most wonderful smile. When she told me that Henry was attracted to me, my first response was no way, but she insisted that I meet him, so I found myself shaking his hand minutes later. I stayed a few moments, then wandered away, with Pamela in tow. "I know he looks like a major geek Sara, but he's really quite nice, and doesn't look bad when he remembers to cut his hair and shave. His friend Mike told me that he has developed some new serum, and it has everyone real excited. The word hormone got my attention, but she told me it's something to do with retarding growth. I danced with a few guys, but at the end of the evening I went home alone. Pamela and I had lunch the next day, and I told her about Greg. "It seems like all I attract are the guys that can't get a decent haircut or are buried in a book somewhere Pamela!" "It's not as bad as all that Sara. Some guys that we think are the geeks will probably end up running the world someday. Henry already has several offers from some very well known companies, and he's not even out of school yet!" "What's he working on again?" "Some kind of growth hormone. He talks kind of funny about it, but I think it retards some things and enhances growth in others. I think he wants to be able to grow extra body parts for people, like a hand or a foot." Pam and I were just talking when Henry walked up and sat down, a grin on his face. "Oh! Listen you two, I have an appointment! I have to run, bye!" Pam left me there with Henry! He had brushed his hair, shaved and cleaned his glasses, and until he opened his mouth you would think of him as an average student. But I knew better. Henry would win the Nobel prize some day. "You're a very attractive girl Sara." "Thanks." "Would you consider dinner with me on Friday night?" "Why me Henry? You could have any girl on your arm." "Ya, thanks Sara, but we both know the truth is that people think I'm some kind of crazed scientist when I get involved in one of my projects. I guess I tend to forget everything else, so most people think I'm just some crazy chemist, and I'll admit it, I look like it most of the time. But I'm drawn to you. Our pheromones must be mixing quite nicely." "Our what are mixing?" "Pheromones. It's a chemical our bodies make that help us make our decisions on a mate. It's like a love potion, only we make it ourselves. It's a hormone." "Isn't it possible that you are simply attracted to me?" "Sure, but I can prove it if you let me." I let Henry talk me into joining him in his lab so he could show me how pheromones work. He took a very tiny blood sample, then ran it through some kind of machine. As the printer started, he turned to stare at me, then he smiled. As he read the results I saw his eyes go wide, a grin split his face, and after that, well, it happened pretty quickly. He stood up, walked over to me, and kissed me! He let me go and studied the printout that was coming out of the printer. His eyes went wide as he turned to look at me. "What?" "The printout says that you are a male! But you certainly don't look like any guy I know, so obviously you want to be a female, and have found a way to become so feminine that nobody knows." I felt my heart sinking into my shoes as we stared across the short space at each other. "You're doing one hell of a fine job of it too Sara, and there isn't any reason for me to tell anybody, so don't worry about that. What I have to worry about is why I was so drawn to you in the first place. What I mean is why did my pheromones tell me you were the girl for me? I'm not Gay, or at least I don't think so, but you sent me off the scale the first time I saw you, and when I just kissed you I felt myself tingling all over, which is a typical reaction for a male and a female." "Maybe, like I said before, you're just attracted to me!" "Oh, I am Sara, believe that. Here, let me show you something." He took me to small cages that held mice. Everything looked normal to me. There was even some babies huddled around one of the mice, possibly the mother. "See anything odd?" "No." When I started this experiment, I used only male mice. As you can see, there are seven babies in there. If I started with all males, how did that happen?" He went into a long dissertation about the process, but in the end, it amounted to a spontaneous sex change when he introduced a chemical he had created! The he showed me the cabinet with the chemical inside. "That chemical hormone is everything you always dreamed about Sara. Trust me. There is no danger at all. It will allow your body to develop in a way more consistent with that of an adult female." "What do you mean by that Henry!? What...what will happen to me if I take it?" "My guess is nothing right away, but within a short time you will start to lose all of your body hair, and the secondary female characteristics will begin to take over. Breasts, wider hips, loss of muscle mass, smoother skin and so on. I would think that within six months or so the transition will be complete." "You mean to tell me that one shot will do all that?" "Oh yes. After I solved the problem in the molecular chain on string seven, and broke down the chemical barriers, it was easy to create a one shot drug that alters your own bodies chemistry. Your body is already making female hormones on its own, which will be the same chemicals as if you were born a female." "Henry! Do you know what you have done?" "Sure. I just told you that I can give you the gift of yourself." I explained it to him. He had been so caught up in his own work that he ignored the outside world, and did not realize the implications a one shot serum would do in the transgender community. It was worth millions! After I explained it to him, he and I both knew that we had to get a patent on this stuff, but he wanted to wait and make sure it worked on me, and I reluctantly agreed, and he gave me a shot. I went home that night excited about the prospect of having my own breasts, and lay in bed that night rubbing myself to see if I could feel any changes. There weren't any, and I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I didn't tell mom just yet. I wanted to surprise her. I saw Henry every day, and I began to see beyond the scruffy beard and so on. He is actually quite funny, and extremely well read. About three weeks after he gave me the shot I felt the tingling in my chest, which signaled the beginning of my reformation. A month after that I had a full A cup breast of my own, a hairless body, and wider hips. I had to remove the breastforms because I was pushing so far out of my bras, and I quit using a padded pantybrief. About then is when mom saw me naked for the first time in a while. She drew in a gasp when she saw me, which made me smile. My manhood had begun to shrink, and was now just a place to urinate from. After some quiet discussions, I told her what Henry had developed, and what I had done. She could not deny her own eyes, but was angry as hell that I took an untested drug, and demanded that I see a doctor. As soon as I agreed, she calmed down, and took a closer look at my body. Other than the small remains of my manhood, I looked like any other girl. According to mom, all of the women in our family were slightly larger breasted, and if my body followed the genetic trail, it's probable that I will develop that way too. Mom wears a C cup bra, so I suspected that is how I will end up. Mom demanded to meet Henry, so I called him. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and for the first time I felt an attraction to him. I kissed him lightly on the lips and took him in to see mom. Fortunately, he had cleaned up, and looked quite nice. He explained to her the entire process, in a way she could understand it, then told her he had three chimpanzees also change sex spontaneously when he gave them the drug. Two of them had given birth and the third was developing female characteristics. Mom had seen me, so she knew that given the results of the tests, it was likely that I too would become an actual female, fully capable of giving birth, and that meant Grandchildren. "Have you patented this drug yet?" "Sara filled out the paperwork and we sent it in last week. I've got the receipt in my wallet." "I'm having Sara seen by a doctor Henry. If he says she is healthy you will be world famous." "That's what Sara said." Greg called a few times, but I turned him down, and he soon quit calling. Our doctor gave me a very thorough physical, plenty of tests, then told me that my body was more female than male, and it looked as if I were developing a uterine sac, complete with Fallopian tubes, but I didn't yet have a vagina, so he was really confused by it all. I had to tell him I had taken an experimental drug, and how long the changes had taken to that point. That's when he told me I would probably be a complete female within a few months! He demanded to see me when and if I had a period, and I said I would call him. A period? Yuck! Henry, who was being courted by a lot of companies, became in such demand that the offers just kept topping the others. Because I had been the original human test subject, they wanted to see me as well, which is when we hired a lawyer to protect us. The patent Henry had filed was in both our names, which he forgot to tell me, meant that if we sold the formula, we would both be millionaires. All this while I was still working at the wig shop! Henry is smart as hell, but shy to the core. I had been watching my body closely every day, and while my manhood has disappeared leaving a thin slit, I wasn't sure I could do anything. I mean, how would I know? A week after that, I had my first period. I freaked out when I started bleeding, but I was lucky because I was at home, and mom was there. She quickly showed me how to control it, and for the first time, I wore a pad. A thick, ugly sanitary pad, but it signaled my transition was complete. I was now having a monthly as mom calls it. She also told me to see the doctor before I did anything stupid. My doctor was amazed at what had happened, but word of the miracle drug had leaked out, and he knew that I would send any questions to him, so I got another very complete physical. He told me I was a complete woman in every way, which I figured out myself. When I asked him about sex, he nodded his head yes. Henry was about to lose his virginity. I waited until that Saturday night, when he and I had a date. I quietly packed a very sexy babydoll, a ribbon, and some lotion. When he picked me up, I directed him to the motel room I had rented, led him inside, then changed into my seduction outfit. The results were spectacular, and I knew what it was to accept a man into my life. It took him three tries to wear himself out, but I wasn't complaining at all.

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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 4 First Night on the Taurus Clipper

We had gathered in our new living room. I figured we needed to have some order in our pods, especially if I was not available. “Now I want to make some decisions. First, Helen is second in command. When Helen is busy, Joan is next in line. If neither one of them is available for whatever issue comes up, make the best decision you can and I will back you. “Helen, will run the household. She will be in charge of my schedule and household needs that are not immediately solved by obvious...

3 years ago
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The Italian Job

Rico pulls me into the hotel room, this is the first time we have met, he pushes me up against the wall, his mouth closing over mine in a passionate kiss, his hands on my hips, then he cups my face and tells me im so beautiful in the sexiest Italian accent i have ever heard, he takes my bag from my hand and places it on the dresser, he leads me to a chair, unties my dress, all the time kissing my lips, my face and my neck, he pushes me down on to the chair telling em he loves my basque, loves...

1 year ago
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50th birthday party

itple bail was sat night and we were going 2 house party it was hot sunny my wife sue got ready she came downstairs in low cut short dress she new it was my faverit 1 she wears no gra and realy shows her tits off and I said u look good I want u now sue said come back early tonight then at which point are taxi come we got in taxi and was havein good feel ov her legs it was 8pm when we got 2 party there were about25 people there my wife doesent drink that much a coupal bailys then pop bob came...

2 years ago
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EvolutionistChapter 4

His father let him stew in silence as they drove back over the Pulaski Skyway into the industrial wasteland of Central Jersey, which was densely populated with the people who worked in those industries. As they pulled up to a red light, Vince finally spoke. "Let it go, Brendan." "Why?" Brendan couldn't keep the snarl off of his face. "Those fucking cowards left me to rot. Simpering, spineless toadies: that's what they are. They disgust me. I thought they were my friends and my...

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The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife "I have a great idea for the Halloween party at the club," my wife Mandy said over breakfast one morning. Normally such a statement wouldn't have surprised me because my wife was filled with great ideas. As the creative director for an advertising firm, she had to be. I'd grown used to her brainstorms, and was constantly amazed, and even jealous, of her incredible creativity. Some days I feel like she left me in the dust, and brought all the energy to our...

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I remember the first day I meet Kristen AR

I remember the first day I meet Kristen, she was behind the bar filling a freezer frosted schooner that began to overflow and spill onto the floor creating a small puddle. She set the brew on the table, and grab some damp towels from underneath the counter. Then she walked over to the puddle threw the towels unto the wet area. I watched as Kristen spread both legs far apart and placed both hands onto the towels and started to sop up the liquid on the floor. I started to pay closer attention to...

1 year ago
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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 3

Mike had tried, and as it turned out so had Catherine, to get Claire to go to the police and social services while her bruises were still visible but she adamantly refused. She was just too frightened that her children would be taken away from her. It worried Mike. That night, after the pantomime and after the children had gone to bed. He started in on her again. "At least let me take you to my solicitor and get you to swear an affidavit," he begged. "What for?" she said...

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Threesome BIsex in a rest area

I don’t know about you but what really turns me on is watching and participating in hot bisex action. The following situation occurred nearly three years ago now but I still get a raging stiff hard-on every time I think about it. I was working in the Bracknell area at the time and I stopped off in this car park after work to go for a run. Its quite a well known trolling area and I made sure I was wearing a sexy pair of running shorts in case any interesting opportunities arose...

4 years ago
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Abby Shop For Panties Model For Daddy

The Chronicles of Abby: Shopping For Panties & Modelling For Daddy.(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Matt took his daughter, Abby to get some new panties to tease her teacher, Mr. Davis on the next coming class. Before that could happen with her teacher, he decided to have fun with her by asking her to model for him in the newly bought panties.It was Saturday morning, Abby and her dad, Matt were at a clothing shop in a mall. It was early so no one else was at the store except for the young...

4 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 The Hammer of Thor

After the ambush we made camp at Kannadi, taking over several deserted huts in the village. Under interrogation by Lieutenant LePater, the Headman of the village admitted the attack on the bullock cart had been made by the Thugs and dacoits who had taken over the village when Stead’s section was withdrawn a month earlier. It was obvious the villagers were innocent of any crime and had been closely supervised by their unwelcome guests so that no villager could raise the alarm. It also...

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Keiichis Best Worst Day

For the most part, Keiichi Morisato had everything he could ask for. Well, almost everything. To most of the world, or at least to the members of the Nagomi tech school, Keiichi was the luckiest guy in the world. First off, he was a mechanical genius, with a sense of machines that bordered on the mystical. Then he lived just about rent free at a nearby temple. But the one thing that made him the envy of the school was that he lived with four of the hottest girls in the entire school....

2 years ago
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Fun with Kylie

It was our days of college. We were having a Spanish test the next day, and she came over to my place to study. After a while of studying, she couldn't focus. "What's going on?" I asked her."Nothing." She said.She started to rub my ass, and looked at me sexily. I asked her what she was doing. She said "Experimenting."She took off my shirt and started to rub my tits. I stared at her in disbelief, as she had always liked men. So i told her she was crazy."Am I?" She said, and started to suck on...

1 year ago
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Meeting Mistress

Two years ago I was in a funk. My girlfriend and I had recently parted. It was never truly satisfying as I felt her mind and imagination were closed, even to discussing fantasies. After a long day I ventured out to walk the city, take in the air, and maybe a drink. After a few stops, I found myself far from my apartment in a darkish bar, settled into a comfortable booth for what seemed like it would be a long solo rest of the evening.My introverted thoughts were interrupted by my notice of an...

4 years ago
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Wolfs Friends Dan

I met Dan playing pool. He was a small stocky guy, his balding head almost shaved. We got on great the night we were paired together for our pub's annual competition. It was a competition that we won quite comfortably. It was just gone eleven o'clock as we were being kicked out of the pub complaining about England's antiquated drinking laws that Dan suggested we continue at his house. I need all the concentration I can get so I don't drink whilst I'm playing so I'd only had a couple,...

3 years ago
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Awesome Night Inside Niece

I am so Grateful to ISS, shayd me 7-8 salo se pdh rha hu yha pe stories…Now its time for my own…I am Ritesh, 25 from Nagpur, and MIMP ==> I think there is no need to describe how I look and all…as u understand ye story meri niece ki aur meri h… Mera koi exam tha to muze pune jana pada, vha meri cousin sis rehti h, jinka divorce ho chuka h aur vo apne 2 bachho k sath rehti h…pratiksha h uska nam, around 21, good looking gal…m glad i have hr as my niece.. Hum dono kafi salo bad ek dusre ko mil...

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My Dates

Introduction: Guys goes on a business trip and meets an interesting family I was staying at a hotel out in Long Island for a few days. I had some work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming. The weather outside was cold and crappy. This winter was a little more than usual. Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a better time. But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was really not so bad. I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 11

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1991 Whatever noise Mom, Dad and Josh had made getting ready for church simply wasn’t enough to wake me from a dead slumber. I woke up with a smile on my dry mouth and a slight headache throbbing in my temples. Sundays are mine. I think I’ve mentioned that before. But I still had stuff to do. It was nearly 10 a.m. and Jen was coming over for Sunday dinner. That’s lunch for those of you who didn’t grow up on a farm. The savory smell of a simmering pot roast in a...

1 year ago
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The Naga Roast Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of my story Bassed on the Anime The Slayers, Lina has been rescued from the spit by a young blonde man only to find her way back on the spit by that same man. The Naga Roast Story: Ani-Can 8 Copyright 2006 Written: December 8 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Part 2 – Linas Roasting Now? If I dont get out of this im really screwed Lina said to...

4 years ago
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Latin Girl gets her First Black Cock

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I screamed as he rammed his cock into me. His thick, dark meat filled me with each hard thrust. My wet pussy engulfed him each time he drove it in.Jeremy is a tall, well muscled black guy with his head shaved. We had met earlier that night at the party. We had been dancing close all night. He loved my nice round bubble butt. He said that he had always wanted to fuck a Latina, and I was glad to make that wish come true. He ripped my cloths off as soon as we were in the room....

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Gay Experience with a StrangerFucked My Asshole3 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the final part of my story Gay Experience with a stranger. I will write in continuation of the cross dresser sex and how he fucked my Asshole. I maintained the eye contact as I again took his monster dick in my mouth and started sucking him harder. He grabbed my head and started matching my motion and fucking my hungry mouth. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out in haste. I figured out he probably was getting too hot and didn’t want to cum so soon. He pulled me up and started...

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Chubbys memoir chapter 4

In the last chapter Cchubby managed to find out the reason why his mom would not let any one fuck her. He asked his mother to let him finger fuck her which she agreed and ended fucking her without her knowledge. Continue.... It was already late afternoon and we had to pick up dad and Stella from the airport. So on reaching home we started to pack our things to go back when a call from dad came. Mom put the speakers of the phone on for me to listen to their conversation. “Hello Honey, we will...

1 year ago
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Mother Gets Fucked By Our Muslim Neighbour

Hello there guys, I am posting a weird yet hot experience that happened in my life in fact with my mother. So without wasting much time let’s dive in. It was Wednesday, I was having only 2 classes in the college. The teacher whose class was immediately after the lunch break was absent. So having no mood to attend the next class either skipped both of them and rushed back home. I parked my bicycle down and used stairs to head into my house in the apartment.  When suddenly I saw my mother moving...

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