Barbie Doll
- 3 years ago
- 47
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Barbie Doll — an old man enjoying with a real life doll
LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction.
All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin [over 18].
Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup
A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else.
For all my faithful readers, thank you for sticking with me.
This story is a bit unusual, what I would call a ‘clean out the fridge’ story. I put it in Romance, but it also has a healthy dose of Cheating Wives, Screwy Women, a touch of Exhibitionist, and an all over Mature theme.
And now for my disclaimers which I have mostly plagiarized but didn’t realize I hadn’t copied the authors’ name. My apologies and thanks for these profound words to who ever you are.
Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn’t like.
Yes, it jumps around too much.
Yes, it’s in the wrong category.
Yes, it’s too long.
Yes, it’s too short.
Yes, this is stupid shit.
Eys, I need an editor, are you volunteering?
And, yes, I suck.
And you have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.
If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.
Now this is different! Waking sprawled on the bed on my back, turning my head enough to see Barbra the same beside me in a bed big enough to still not be touching, well if you don’t count her grip on me. Her grip, even in her sleep, of her warm fingers around my soft cock and a little smile on her face as she slept.
Barbra’s fingers began to move, ‘That club was soooo wild last night.’
‘Mmmmmm, nothing like I’ve ever experienced before that’s for sure.’
‘Nuh uhhhhh.’
‘Yup, I’ve been in some real holes back during the service, and a few nice places that called themselves Gentleman’s clubs since. But nothing on the level of Don’s club.’ I was firming up remembering the club, and my gyrating Barbie doll dancing for me.
‘So Ken, what was your favorite part about last night?’ getting firmer in her grip stroking me.
‘Easy, you dancing for me.’
‘Right, you’re trying to tell me you didn’t enjoy Sarah or Carroll or Fabiana dancing for us?’
‘Of course I enjoyed it, I’m a guy and I will always look at naked women. But my favorite part was you dancing for me, showing off your body, not hiding it when others came around. There were a lot of jealous men in that club last night, I’m proud to have you next to me. And it was hilarious when you wouldn’t dance with Sarah, she seemed a little disappointed.’
Barbra’s stroking slowed a bit, ‘I told you, been there done that don’t need to do it again.’
I rolled to my elbow propping my head and looking at her. I reached out to play with her big nipple ring, ‘And I told you that’s quite all right. I was just tickled at her expression like she just assumed you would dance with her. Now would I have balked at the two or three of the most beautiful women in the room dancing with each other, HELL NO!’
Barbra giggled and resumed her stroking.
‘But we both know Sarah was looking for a little more than just a little dancing. And while it might be every man’s fantasy to a point, I also know I love you and respect you, so if you don’t want to dance with her and just happen to want to dance and gyrate and rub against me instead, well I guess that’s just something I will have to endure.’
Barbra picked up her pace stroking my now hard cock, ‘Endure huh?’
I pulled on her nipple ring a little, ‘Emmm, yes it’s just so difficult to sit there and watch you in front of me, showing me every little nook and cranny of your delicious body, your hard nipples and wet pussy. When all I really want to do is bend you over and see how long I can make you scream in orgasm.’
Barbra grinned, ‘Yeah, that does sound like pure torture.’ She laid there still stroking me. ‘You know we could have gone upstairs and did that. Sarah said there are lots of play rooms upstairs.’
‘Mmmm, that would have been nice for a bit, but I think there were quite a few of those members that would want to do a little more than watch. Hell, from the way Fabiana looked at you and stroking and caressing your skin you’re lucky she didn’t jump your bones and rape you right there.’
Barbra giggled, ‘She’s the one that wanted to go upstairs and let her husband watch us.’
‘Down boy, he’s got a problem so he enjoys watching her with others. If I had to guess he prefers it be other women so he doesn’t feel jealous.’
‘And you know this how?’
Barbra giggled.
‘Come on, fess up.’
‘Well back when John was deployed, it was okay with him if I messed around with other girls while he was deployed, but not other guys. Seems like an ego thing.’
‘Well I could object to that on experience…’
‘SHIT, sorry Ken, I didn’t mean to…’
I leaned over and took her nipple between my lips and nibbled a bit until I heard her sigh.
‘I know you didn’t. And looking at it that way I’m sorry to say I might agree. If Gina had messed around with another guy instead of another woman I would have come unglued. And for a few brief seconds when I saw them together I was wondering if I could climb in between them. Or just watch them. It was only when learning they had been scheming to dump me did I want to kill her. Pretty bad double standard huh?’
Barbra pushed me on my back and crawled on top of me letting her weight come down on her tits pressed to my chest. ‘Na, that’s just being a guy,’ pulling my hands to her ass. She leaned in and gave me a nice kiss while I groped her ass.
‘And in all honesty here, yeah it gets me a little when you look at other woman, and I do understand you will be coming home to me. That doesn’t mean I won’t gig you a little if you go over board with the ogling,’ squeezing her cheeks against my fingers playing with her rosebud.
I kissed her back, ‘So does this mean I can throw out all your clothes and just get you some pasties and g-strings?’
‘OH GOD YOU’RE TERR….’ I smothered her argument with a kiss, and teased her rosebud with my finger.
We cuddled and kissed a little more, neither one of us wanting to get out of bed yet even with a couple of quick trips to the bathroom, when Barbra came back to bed, I pulled her down in front of me and kissed the back of her shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her and cupped her tit.
‘Have a question for you,’ squeezing her tit.
Barbra put her hand up under mine, ‘Some thing you need to coerce me for?’
I slid my hand up to her nipple and rolled it between my fingers, ‘Na, just one of the perks.’ Barbra just sighed in response. ‘What would you say to sticking around here for a while?’
‘In Kentucky?’
I kissed her neck, ‘No here, at Don’s.’
‘For what?’
‘Well he’s got a few more projects he wants to restore. As long as I spend a certain amount of time on his projects I can use his shop for my projects rent free. He even said we could use the guest house until we found a place.’ I leaned back in and nibbled on her ear lobe.
Too much, shouldn’t have nibbled on her ear, ‘Well he did say he’d give me a Hummer if I decided to stay.’
Barbra giggled, ‘You’d let Don give you a blow job?’
‘NO! That’s not what I meant, it’s a …’
And then the laughing started, she knew exactly what I meant, which in turn deserved a good tickling. We play fought a bit until I just wrapped my arms around her and held her to me. I gave her a quick peck, ‘Look, we don’t have to, just think about it and tell me what you think, okay?’
‘Okay.’ Returning the peck, ‘So what w
ere you going to do if we hadn’t met?’
‘Well you know, just go here and there, run around on the trike and fight off all the babes trying to seduce me, just the normal.’
Barbra didn’t even have the manners to giggle, she just plain laughed, then wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard. ‘Good luck with that,’ She said once she had me kissed to submission, ‘Takes a lot more than some of these bimbos have to realize a pearl amongst the peas.’
Don’t know where that saying came from, but I took it for the compliment I hoped it was. We finally crawled out of bed, I slipped my shorts on, Barbra added one of my shirts to her shorts and we headed out to see if there was anything left of breakfast.
We came out to the pool and I just stopped cold, Barbra only hesitated and then giggled. Sarah was laying on a lounger working on her tan, and Rosy was pouring Don some coffee. BUT THEY WERE NAKED!
As soon as Rosy poured the coffee she joined Sarah on the next lounger, one of THOSE loungers. You know those ones that fold up in thirds with the little ratchet mechanisms in the hinges? The ones with the nice gap in straps near the hinges? The ones that when naked women lay on their bellies they hang THROUGH them! The ones that when they lay in their bellies it lets those lovely, oiled, jigging, tits hang through them on display!
Barbra came back to me and was going to swat me. I caught her hand and grinned. ‘Hey Sarah, you know where Barbra could get some pasties?’ I asked without looking away from Barbra.
Barbra rolled her eyes and pulled her hand back, almost popped some buttons taking my shirt off and shucked her shorts to be as naked as the other girls, ‘That better?’
I stepped to her and got a good grip on her ass and put my other hand up under her tit and squeezed making her squeak a bit. ‘Much.’ I leaned to her ear, ‘Now what table should I bend you over?’
Barbra grabbed my head, gave me a good kiss, then pulled back smiling, ‘MEN!’ the girls cackled as we found our seats, picking from the last of the breakfast stuff in the middle of the table.
While we were eating Sarah rolled to her side and cupped her tit playing with her nipple. ‘So did you two read the note on the table last night?’
‘To tired after our shower, went right to bed.’ Barbra barely managed to stifle a giggle at that. ‘What did it say?’
‘Not a lot really, just a few things about the house and entertainment system, and that we girls generally go nude unless there are strangers around.’
I chuckled, ‘So I guess we’re not strangers any more?’
Sarah grinned, ‘After last night, I hardly think so.’ Sliding her finger down to her pussy before rolling back to the lounger and getting her tits settled just so in the gap. ‘Have you decided to take Don up on his offer?’
I looked at Barbra, ‘We’re thinking about it,’ she replied.
‘You wouldn’t regret it unless you’re a social butterfly. It’s so peaceful and quiet out here. No one to bother you for miles around.’
‘So you can run around in your birthday suit and flash your knockers at your man.’
Sarah chuckled at Barbra’s comments, ‘Well there is that.’
‘And Nashville is not that far away if you really want all of the hubbub,’ Don added.
‘Or you can just get away up to the lake and be all alone,’ Rosy said.
Sarah’s head came up, ‘You know you two might like that. You should run up there and check it out.’
Barbra grinned, ‘We could do that, maybe Ken will even let me drive his trike this time.’
Don chuckled, ‘You can’t get there on Kens trike. More like one of the ATV’s.’
‘Where is this place?’ I asked.
‘Well if you were standing on the top of the barn you might be able to see it in the spring before the leaves come in. It’s about a third of the way up the mountain, and it’s probably just warm enough to swim in by now since it’s spring fed.’
‘Rosy?’ Don asked.
Rosy came up to her elbows letting those oiled C cup orbs swing soooo nicely, ‘Yes Seníor Don?’
‘Do we have the makings of a nice picnic basket?’
‘Most certainly.’ She turned to Barbra, ‘Would you like to help me?’ as she came over with her pendulous tits swinging, even slapping together as she walked.
Barbra grinned looking at me looking at Rosy, play slapped at my chest and got up to follow her into the house, both sets of cheeks bobbling nicely.
The girls packed a basket, we changed into jeans and shirt for the trek, and Don decided to put us in one of the bigger ATV’s with a cab since it had been a while since anyone had been up there and the trail would probably be a bit over grown.
Barbra wanted to drive, and of course I let her. Just because the trail would probably be a bit rough, and she would need two hands on the steering wheel preventing her from keeping her tits from jiggling and bobbing and swinging and… well you get the picture. I mean wasn’t that just so considerate of me to let her have something to hang on to now?
And true to expectations, little miss hot rod took off across the meadow at full speed, grinning and hollering all the way. As we got into the forest she had to slow down, what had once been a road according to Don had now narrowed into a path, sometimes only a foot path making us slow and almost force the ATV through.
And then when it widened out a bit she was off to the races again, or at least as best as she could in the rough terrain. Bouncing and jiggling and swaying with the bumps and turns. Sometimes I thought her tits were going to come out of her shirt, others swinging enough I thought her nipple rings would tear it open. ‘Huh? Why of course I’m watching the road dear. What else would I be watching out here?’
After what seemed like a fifty miles instead of the four Don said it was we broke into a clearing that words could not do justice to. Something from a movie where there was a lush grass just waiting to be run through going down to a nice calm lake.
We had barely stopped when Barbra jumped out of the ATV, then jumped back in to set the brake and shaking a finger at me laughing. She pealed off her clothes and took a running jump into the lake, resurfacing a little ways away and back stroking out a bit and then back near shore before standing and walking from the water with it sheeting down her skin. ‘DAMN! Where’s a movie camera when you need one?’
‘Oh you’re terrible. Now go rinse off and we can eat.’
I grinned and licked my lips.
‘FOOD! Now go.’
It was a bit chilly so I was in and out pretty quickly, especially with my naked Barbie doll laying there with one knee up. We ate the cold stuff first, strawberries and whipped cream. And then because there was whipped cream left over I put some on her nipples and licked it off, which necessitated Barbra putting some on my hard cock and sucking it off.
That of course led to one of those rubbers magically appearing and an upturned lubed ass being presented. The magic of the calm quiet lake is that every little sound was magnified. The slap as I bottomed out against her ass, her grunts and hisses as I enjoyed her tight ass, the little bit of slap as my balls hit her wet pussy. That of course was followed by the loud grunts and calls for ‘more, harder, HARDER!’ as I slammed into her ass, practically spanking her as I drove deep. Her orgasmic scream rolling across the water and coming back to us over and over as Barbra screamed over and over in answer to it.
Followed by the almost quietness of hard breathing as I cupped her tits just before collapsing on her back still in her ass. Momentarily worried about my weight on her until her hands came up beside mine and Barbra’s contented sigh as I settled in on her. Her gasp and ‘nooo’ as I softened too much to stay in her and rolled to one side, our breathing the only sound.
I heard a rustle in the grass and turned to the water. I tapped Barbra on the shoulder and
put a finger to her lips before she could speak, then pulled her back to me and pointed to the waters edge. There were deer drinking from the lake, a huge buck and several does, even a few small ones that looked like they were this springs fawns having lost their spots not too long ago.
We cuddled and played, me groping and squeezing Barbra huge tits while she reached back and fondled my soft cock, watching and enjoying nature. Something spooked the deer back in the trees, and with such speed and gracefulness they were gone into the brush in two jumps.
We laid there a bit more before going back to the lake to rinse, the water being just that much colder from the heat of our passion. We walked back to the picnic, Barbra snickering at my following her and watching her ass. ‘Now I REALLY wish I wasn’t on the rag.’
We strolled up to finish the picnic, gazing and looking around, just enjoying the quiet not saying a word.
We lazed and cuddled in the sun touching and caressing, no sense of urgency, just taking in the surroundings.
‘What ya looking at?’ Barbra asked.
I pointed at the tree line, ‘Looks like an old rangers tower up there.’
Barbra got up on her knees to look, I nipped at her ass in front of me. She swatted at me, ‘Come on, let’s go check it out.’
I groaned and fell back to the blanket.
‘Come on,’ She turned back to me and cupped her tits to jiggle them at me, ‘You never know what you’ll get when we get there!’
I rolled up to my knees and took her in my arms, ‘You know how hard it is to say no to you?’
I got a nice kiss, then a giggle and a grope, ‘Not as hard as it needs to be,’ stroking me twice before hopping up and sliding her jeans on. We dressed and packed up, the only signs of our having been there a bit of trampled grass.
Of course Barbra had to drive again, and I again objected strenuously for the same reasons, DAMN she jiggles and sways soooo nicely! After a few dead ends, we came to the base of the rangers’ tower. Barbra was all giddy and started running up the stairs. I shook my head and began plodding up. I did find her at the top step panting out of breath, I wasn’t far behind her.
Once we had caught our breath we wandered around enjoying the panoramic view from above the tree tops, seeing part of the lake we had been at and much of the valley below, even the roof of Don’s house when we came around that side. The door was locked with a simple spring catch, only meant to stop critters, not people.
Stepping in reminded me of stepping on to Don and Sarah’s pool deck. The old roller chairs in green leather now dry and cracking, huge sturdy wooden tables, a couple of bunks along the back wall and a closet in the corner whose aroma told me it had once housed the porta-poty. But part of it was the size of the place. Even at the top of the tower it was at least thirty foot on a side if not more, not including the twelve foot outside wrap around balcony.
Just for grins I went outside and raised several of the big storm shutters, with a grinning Barbra following me from the inside and opening windows to let the breeze through. Coming back in you could already tell the difference in temperature. Barbra was sitting on the corner of one of the desks looking out the window. I came up behind her wrapping my arms around her, enjoying both the feel of her in my arms and the view out the window.
‘This is soooo beautiful up here, could you just imagine living up here?’
I kissed her neck, ‘Is that before or after my heart attack from climbing those steps?’
Barbra giggled, ‘Well after a few hundred times up and down you’d be a pro at it. I’d just have to make you get on top all the time in bed to keep your conditioning up!’
I dropped my head to her shoulder and nipped at it making her squeak.
‘Besides, look at the view. Can you imagine what it would be like when the leaves all drop?’
‘Hmmm, let’s see. Wind howling below us, pushing the tower back and forth like we’re in an earthquake. Freezing your ass off just to get down the stairs. Have I left anything out?’
Barbra settled back against me, ‘Like looking out on a calm day with everything covered in a pristine blanket of white, watching the birds soar, the animals below, and then there’s me naked twenty four seven.’
Loud music, drunk frat boys hitting on me and getting lost in a sea of people I mostly don't recognize. Just another friday night, and another typical dull college party. It was reaching midnight and I was all by myself after getting seperated from my friend group. I was only a little bit tipsy, which was an improvement for me after making it my personal goal to limit my alcohol consumption. So far so good. I tried my best to locate my friends but it was clear they were long gone. I was pissed....
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*Author’s Note: This is my first mc story, though I hope to write many more, I have a few interesting ones in the works. I would appreciate any comments or criticism. Oh, and all the normal warnings apply, and you may copy this story only if I gave you my express permission, and my name must go with it. Enjoy.* * Frustrated I know it’s perverse, but I enjoy watching their faces glaze over. I put those snooty and snarky and steely girls under, and when they surface, nothing but slut is left....
Let me start by saying that my wife and I have been happily married for the past ten years. We are both attractive and in our early 30’s I’m 5’9″, 160 she’s 5’4″, 100 lbs. with surgically enhanced breasts, we also work out on a regular basis. We have shared many fantasies with each other including sex with others. Until now the sex has only included us and a watered down version of our fantasies. It was our anniversary and Barbie my wife had agreed to...
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This is the final chapter of Barbie. It is dark and contains non- consensual sex between minors. If this offends you, please do not read it. All characters are products of my imagination and any resemblance to people living or dead is mere coincidence. KJ Barbie 3 I watched as Lisa walked away from me. I was alone and scared. It was already dark and I knew it wasn't safe for a young girl to be out on the streets alone. I suspected it might be even worse for me if I were caught. I...
'I can't believe I'm doing this...' but she was feeling desperate. 'This is Crazy!' she thought to herself, as she missed her turn for a second time. 'All I wanted was a quick one.' but things can get complicated. 'I just need a little.' she thought as she ground her ass into the car seat. “Ooh! Mmm...” escaped her lips. She was so horny. But let's start at the beginning. Barbie was cute, friendly and bubbly. The best combination of traits for a party girl. Especially if she...
Barbie Goes Hunting by Trans Vest March 23, 2000 This is a story that involves sexual situations and should not be viewed by anyone that is not old enough to view such material. If stories about sex or stories that involve transvestites upset you, do not read any further. **************** Barbie Goes hunting I had everything packed away in the suitcases and stashed in the back of the van. I was ready for my trip up north. It was my vacation time and I was going to spend 2...
When I was a child, I had many Barbie dolls. I would dress them in pretty clothes, and cut their hair. I was never a good hairdresser though, and they ended up practically bald. My fantasy is to be a human Barbie for you, though, please leave my hair as I like it! :o) It’s Christmas morning. I’m still wrapped and boxed, untouched. As yet unspoiled. A virgin life size Barbie. Unwrap me, and use me for your pleasure. With anticipation, you rip open the box. I cannot speak to tell you...
When I was a child, I had many Barbie dolls. I would dress them in pretty clothes, and cut their hair. I was never a good hairdresser though, and they ended up practically bald. My fantasy is to be a human Barbie for you, though, please leave my hair as I like it! :o) It’s Christmas morning. I’m still wrapped and boxed, untouched. As yet unspoiled. A virgin life size Barbie. Unwrap me, and use me for your pleasure. With...
ToysCecelia and I had been down in their big, basement playroom having fun that hot afternoon, playing computer games on a big screen mostly, when she asked, “Want to see my Barbie collection?” Nobody was home in the big house. I remember it was late summer and kind of exciting to see some girl’s bedroom. We had been friends for a long time, two or three years I guess. So I followed her up stairs and she had this whole line of Barbies on a windowsill, maybe two dozen on them, all in costume, a...
Barbie's level of frustration had reached new heights and she was ready to call an end to her long reign as the Queen of party dolls forever. Then, there was that business with her long-time companion and special friend Ken. She didn't want to be an informer but it was hard for her to contain her anger at Ken for sleeping with the twin blond bimbos who made a big splash the previous Christmas. She could understand his undeniable curiosity to see if he could tell the difference between the...
Out of the corner of my eye I see Becky in her nightgown. She looked so innocent and so cute. " daddy" she whispered. I didn't answer her. " daddy, can I sleep next to you?" she asked. I just groaned in response. I felt her climb up on the bed and crawl over on the side of me. I knew she had just started puberty, but I wasn't expecting the pungent smell coming from her hands. Was she masturbating in her room? I felt my cock begin to ache, tearing at the fabric of my bed shorts. When...
Introduction: *dont read if you are easily offended* *If you are easily offended you should not read this story. All characters are fiction as well as the plot and the girls are under 18.* enjoy! Out of the corner of my eye I see Becky in her nightgown. She looked so innocent and so cute. daddy she whispered. I didnt answer her. daddy, can I sleep next to you? she asked. I just groaned in response. I felt her climb up on the bed and crawl over on the side of me. I knew she had just started...
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Mom loved her half-sister, Doreen, very much. She hadn't seen her in ages. That didn't stop mom from calling her and keeping tabs on her. Aunt Doreen was a lot older than mom. One day, mom went to a garage sale. She saw a beautiful big baby doll that she thought Aunt Doreen would love. She bought it, and brought it back to the house. She showed it to me, and said she was going to send it to Doreen. Mom didn't know that i had a sexual fetish with dolls. That doll was calling me, to take...
(Due to the large amount of copyright notices in this story, I have listed them in Author's Note's in order to not give away any details.) Dream Doll Story by Garath Xion Editing by Cedric Hasten "Can we go now?" James asked for the third time since entering the store. "Hold your damn horses alright? Geez, we're in a sex shop for crying out loud. You should be excited at the possibilities. What are you gay or something?" Ben shot back at him. James mentally sighed. He hated...
Therapy Doll A young man finds himself in the middle of two personalities. It's in the middle of that discovery that he finds himself about to become homeless. There is a plan, albeit an odd plan but he and he alone might be able to bring those two together and in doing so find a home. All he's got to do is become a Therapy Doll. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners...
Sitting in front of his computer Henry was browsing on a website that sold realistic life-size sex dolls. He was amazed at how life-like these dolls were. As Henry continued browsing the website, the urge to place an order was growing inside him.He liked the ones that were already preconfigured, but he wanted to customize a doll to his liking. He continued to search for the option to customize a doll, but could not find it. Henry picked up his phone and called the company."Thank you for...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAnnabelle's Doll by The sheep of the China Shepherdess. The flyer read, "Mary Anne's Antique Doll show, County Fairgrounds, Early admission 25 dollars." Most of the attendees were older women, with gray hair. Many had been rather pretty when young. Some still had a semblance of figure. Others were obviously mammalian and female. Behind the counters more often than not were young men in their mid 20s. Dressed in the...
Robert Wallace was a timid man. He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women. He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn. He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women. He was an average looking guy. He had a good job and lived in a nice house. He was getting tired of his routine. One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll. He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had...
Toys= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...
A few years ago I was watching a news show on television when they did a segment with the title, “Does Your Name Shape Your Destiny?”“Damned straight!” I yelled at the television even before the announcer began his bit. The answer, by the way, was “Yes,” but I already knew that because my name is... Barbie.My full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, but growing up, my parents, Margaret and George Roberts insisted that everyone call me Barbie. Mom called me “Barbie Doll” until I was a teenager...
Fantasy & Sci-FiRealdoll! What would happen if the producers of Black Mirror made a porno? Well, I think I may have just found the site that would start it all.Real Doll made by Abyss Creations makes the most lifelike, realistic, customizable male sex toys on the market today. They have a whole roster of sexy inanimate fuck toys for you to browse and (if you’re lonely and rich enough) purchase. If you thought blowup dolls were bizarre, just wait until you see the shit that Real Doll has to offer. Holy....
Sex Doll ShopsBarbie Doll – an old man enjoying with a real life doll LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For all...
Barbie Doll – an old man enjoying with a real life doll LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. ___ Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For...
When I was a little girl, I had loved playing with dolls. I would dress them up, brush their hair and create lives for them. I had Barbies and Sindy’s that lived alongside the fake ones who didn’t look quite right that my mum had bought cheaply, but nonetheless they had all served their own purpose. They lived in my dollhouse in my bedroom and I built an entire world for them, admittedly with the Barbies at the top of the social ladder very shallowly because they were prettier with better...
SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...
I'm Your Doll By Sissy Cindy The Personal Ad It read: Dress Me Up. I'm a SWM crossdresser seeking a woman for a long term relationship. Most of my wardrobe is casual everyday dresses (I don't wear anything provocative). I'm shy, gentle, financially secure and loyal. I'm 5 feet 4 inches, have a slim build (size 10), and don't smoke. Taller woman are okay. Kevin Smith placed this ad on an Internet dating site that had thousands of ads from around the country. He was...
“Actually, there is something.” Mike carefully walked around the furniture in the room, pulling the doll from the mantle of the fireplace. He came back, handing it to her. The docile porcelain features of the doll gazed imploringly into Beth’s eyes, as if it was sad to be leaving. “I don’t care how, just get rid of it.” Beth realized that even she thought the doll was spooky. Staring into its painted eyes, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m on it. Have a good night, Mike.” She left him, a...
Matt's over protective Tim father buys him a top of the range sex doll for his birthday in a bid to "keep him out of trouble" with girls. Up to this point Matt had been concentrating on his studies at school to the exclusion of everything else including girls and sex but things were about to change, all thanks to his father’s gift . . . .Oh my God!, Dad, No!, No!, No! . . . Matt gazed down stunned at the rubber doll laying in the large wooden box on the sitting room floor.Tim knew there would...
Sexy Sex Doll! It’s hard to get tired of porno, but I know sometimes people want to ramp it up a little. That’s one of the reasons hookers are so popular, but even those lays come with some strings attached. Well, we’re living in the goddamn future, so you’ve got a growing number of options. For example, offers stunningly realistic sex dolls for your pleasure.These aren’t the inflatable bitches you can buy at the dank and dirty local porn shop. You know, like the one your...
Sex Doll ShopsWARNING!!The following story contains words/phrases that some people will find very offensive. Please note that any depiction of casual racism and prejudice found in the following story is done entirely as a means of parody, parodying the times/setting that the following story is based in (1950's suburban America).This does NOT reflect my own personal views and beliefs on race, race-relations, prejudice, socio-gender-politics, body-shaming, etc.You can call me any name under the sun that you...
Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: Karla’s first step to be a Fuck Sow Karla’s Brainwashing Room 1 – Lesbian Stitches Karla's Brainwashing Room 2 - Weird lesbian punishment ============================== Karla's Brainwashing Room 3 - Anonymous Doll I almost can’t remember my name is Karla, or is it not? I’m bombarded 24/7 in this brainwashing room with images of...
It was summer recess and I was bored. Stretching and yawning I dragged myself out of bed and padded naked to the john. After a long and rather satisfying pee I brushed my teeth before padding back to the bedroom and drawing the curtains wide open. Standing at the panoramic window I smiled at the warm summer scene. Sure I was naked but I have a gorgeous body and don't care who sees it, even Mr Badass across the road, I giggle as his curtains twitch. I pull on my tee shirt, pleated short skirt,...
A New Doll By adhi I was in a constant struggle with my mother about my 8-year-old sister. She wanted me to look after her so she could do her work. She teleworked for a start-up dotcom-company and was in fact really successful in what she was doing. But she couldn't do her work properly when she had to interrupt her work every 15 minutes to watch my little sister. So she wanted me to do this job. As you can imagine, I refused to do so. It was really boring to occupy my...
Robert Wallace was a timid man. He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women. He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn. He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women. He was an average looking guy. He had a good job and lived in a nice house. He was getting tired of his routine. One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll. He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had shown....
Bobby was now glad for ONE important thing…. That he had always thought that it was important that he always be in top physical shape.. After all, not only was he soon to go into the service in a few months…but always being conscious of how he looked had always been an important factor in the way he felt. There was also a third reason now why the 18 year old man appreciated being in top shape. For the past hour now, he had been riding his bike either along with, or behind his most recent...
He sat the petite woman up; her head rolled limply to one side. He held her chin and turned her face to his; he brushed her waist length blonde hair to one side with his fingers and saw she was even more beautiful when in a trance than he'd hoped. She had a natural beauty with gorgeous features that needed little enhancement from makeup. He recalled the awesome color of her eyes that had first captivated him was a beautiful deep blue. Her face, eyes, and body had so intrigued him he’d secretly...
Baby-Doll By Erica Wright 7/8/14, 7/11/14, 8/11/14, 9/15/14, 9/25/14 I've toyed with the idea of a scat story, but never got farther than the first few drafts. This one came to me one night as I was drifting off to sleep and I just had to flesh it out. It's taken some time to get it where I was comfortable sharing it. The sex is hardcore, but from what I've seen out there the scat is softcore. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Prologue: Though we had both enjoyed it,...
Lilith's Toy - The Real Doll By Maximillian Excaliber Chapter One "The Freak Show" About two years ago, my ex-wife Judith took me to the cleaners in a divorce settlement. I was forced to sell our house so she could take her half of what I had worked hard for in the last twenty years. While I was busy working, she occupied her time screwing every thing that had genitalia. I have to say this, slut she may have been but discriminating she was not. Man or woman, she didn't care as long as they got...
Straight SexWarning this story has themes of rape, mind control and dollification, I know this is first new story in a while and its not connected to my others muse has been silent recently, if anyone has a character concept for a hero they'd like to see turned into a doll by all means give me a description!! Force stood atop a warehouse staring at the doors to another one. He was eager to prove himself as a newly trained hero and many hookers, and homeless had been disappearing from the area. ...
Inside the Doll By Scrambler J Copyright 2000 Neil tried to open his eyes, but for some reason he couldn't. Everything was dark, and he felt cold. So very cold, like he had jumped into the icy waters of the deep ocean. He had a funny taste in his mouth and he could hear someone singing. No, not someone, Kim. It was his Kim singing to him. But why was she singing so funny, and why was he so cold? Finally Neil managed to open his eyes and the first thing he felt was raw...
The phone rings in another universe, but I don't wake up until Lucy climbs over me to answer. I feel her young, firm breasts on my chest before I hear her voice.“Jim Barlowe P.I.” she says, and the phrase doesn't sound as nifty as it did fifteen years ago. “This is his secretary.”The person on the other end of the line says something, and then Lucy says; “Alright, I'll tell him,” and hangs up.She moves herself around until she's laying on top of me under the covers, with her knees on the bed on...
BisexualI had connected with Master X on a BDSM Fetish contact site. He was the owner of a fetish store and he said that he had been on the BDSM for several years. He had carefully studied my own profile and had seen that I had an immense interest in being used like a slut, being covered head to toe in latex – to look like a human doll - and a desire to be kept in inescapable bondage.He told me he had the same interests but as a Mater/Keeper, naturally.He sent me his picture in which he was dressed...
I have such a weakness for the throat, just the sight of someone, simply lifting their chin. Oh, I can feel myself melt inside. So soft and vulnerable, picturing my teeth held there. I like to lay my whole mouth over that little place where your pulse beats, give you a million kisses from the jaw line down to the base of your throat. Mmmmm, all warm and fuzzy just thinking 'bout it!So anyways, I'm sitting in my room which is still decorated from when I was in high school. PINK!! Excessively...
Thank you to blackrandl1958 for creating this gothic horror event. When I heard about the theme, I just about cried because I love the genre very much. So much, in fact, that I had to write two stories. Thank you to Pixel the Cat for editing, Bebop3 for the excellent feedback and D for the help and support. Lola had platinum blonde hair that rested just below her breasts and crystal blue eyes that appeared to follow me when I moved through the room. There was a glint in their expression that...
‘Oh dear. This has been one of those long, exhausting days, hasn’t it? I can tell. You look like you’ve been really pushing yourself, staying focused through all the distractions and concentrating so hard on everything you’ve had to do that you just don’t want to think at all anymore. Your brain is so tired you’re probably envying those dolls on my shelf, aren’t you? ‘I know, it sounds a little silly to suggest that a living person might want to trade places with one of my dollies, but look at...
"A living Doll" I walked out of the racetrack towards my car in a cold sweat. Another afternoon betting on the horses was gone, along with 30 grand! I usually managed to break even, but even when I lost big I somehow always managed to make it back. But not today. I found my car and started driving back to my one room apartment then began thinking of how I got myself into this colossal jam! My cold sweat migrated into a knot in my stomach, "How could I have been so stupid?" I thought...